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A form element that lets users input and edit a single-line text value.

v-model is used to track the current value of the input. See the events docs for details on emitted events and their properties.

Attributes passed to input

This component will pass any HTML attributes applied to it, except for CSS class, to the <input> element within the component.



Reading direction
Note: For icon properties, the relevant icon also needs to be imported from the @wikimedia/codex-icons package. See the usage documentation for more information.


This simple example demonstrates how to bind a reactive reference to the input's value via v-model. The reactive reference will automatically update when the input value changes.

Open up the browser console to see events emitted on input, change, focus, and blur.

Input value:

In this example, the parent component sets an initial value and has a reset button that will restore that initial value on click.

Input value: Initial value

Input type

Use the inputType prop to set the native <input> type attribute. Some inputType values will result in a browser provided UI like the date inputType provided below.

Input value:


Including the clearable prop will add a clear button to the end of the icon when the input is not empty. On click, the clear button will set the input value to an empty string.

Input value:

With icons

A TextInput can have a startIcon, an endIcon, or both. Any Codex icon can be used.

Note that a clearable TextInput with an endIcon will display both the clear button and the endIcon when the input is not empty. To see this behavior, type in the input below.

With placeholder

To add placeholder text, add a placeholder attribute.


To disable the input, add the disabled attribute.

Form field

A TextInput can be wrapped in the Field component to add features like a semantic label, description and help text, validation messages, and more. See the Field page for more information.

Enter your signature using plain text or wikitext
Use "~~~~" on talk pages to include your signature and a timestamp



Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
modelValueCurrent value of the input.

Provided by v-model binding in the parent component.
inputTypetype attribute of the input.TextInputType'text', 'search', 'number', 'email', 'password', 'tel', 'url', 'week', 'month', 'date', 'datetime-local', 'time''text'
statusstatus attribute of the input.ValidationStatusType'default', 'error''default'
disabledWhether the input is disabled.boolean-false
startIconAn icon at the start of the input element. Similar to a ::before pseudo-element.Icon|undefined-undefined
endIconAn icon at the end of the input element. Similar to an ::after pseudo-element.Icon|undefined-undefined
clearableAdd a clear button at the end of the input element.

When the clear button is pressed, the input's value is set to an empty string. The clear button is displayed when input text is present.


Method nameDescriptionSignature
focusFocus the component's input element.Returns: void
blurBlur the component's input element.Returns: void


Event namePropertiesDescription
update:modelValuemodelValue string|number - The new model valueWhen the input value changes
keydownundefined KeyboardEventWhen the user presses a key.

This event is not emitted when the user presses the Home or End key (T314728), but is emitted for Ctrl/Cmd+Home and Ctrl/Cmd+End.
inputevent InputEventWhen the input value changes via direct use of the input
changeevent EventWhen an input value change is committed by the user (e.g. on blur)
focusevent FocusEventWhen the input comes into focus
blurevent FocusEventWhen the input loses focus
clearevent MouseEventWhen the input value is cleared through the use of the clear button

CSS-only version

Markup structure

The CSS-only TextInput component consists of a <div> wrapping an <input> element.

With icons

You can use CSS-only icons to add start and end icons to the input.

You'll need the following CSS classes on the root element:

  • Start icon: .cdx-text-input--has-start-icon
  • End icon: .cdx-text-input--has-end-icon

The icons will be <span> elements with the .cdx-text-input__icon class, plus:

  • Start icon: .cdx-text-input__start-icon
  • End icon: .cdx-text-input__end-icon

You will need to add your own CSS classes to set the icon styles and background image.


Add the disabled attribute to the <input> element for a disabled text input.

Error state

Add the .cdx-text-input--status-error class to the root element to show error styles.