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The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.sans.10

Reference Vector's default fallback sans instead of the deprecated value `font-family-sans` in WikimediaUI Base.

font-family-sans deprecated 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Liberation Sans', 'Arial', sans-serif

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.sans.50

Deprecated: Use `font-family-sans--fallback` instead. See T247166.

font-family-system-sans-apple-system, 'BlinkMacSystemFont', 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', 'Inter', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.sans.100


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.sans.10

font-family-serif'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', 'Source Serif Pro', serif

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.serif.100


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.serif.10

font-family-monospace'Menlo', 'Consolas', 'Liberation Mono', 'Fira Code', 'Courier New', monospace

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.monospace.100

font-family-monospace--fallbackmonospace, monospace

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-family.monospace.10

font-family-heading-main'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', 'Source Serif Pro', serif

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-components.json

Refers to font-family.serif.100

Legacy value from WikimediaUI Base. Use for first heading special treatment.



The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-weight.25


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-weight.75


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-weight.100


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-weight.150


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to font-weight.175



The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to line-height.60

`x` stands for extra. In this case extra-extra-extra small.


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to line-height.70

line-height-x-small deprecated 1.4285714

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to line-height.80

Deprecated: Legacy line-height. Use `line-height-small` instead.


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to line-height.90


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to line-height.100

line-height-base deprecated 1.6

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to line-height.100

Deprecated: Legacy `line-height` for use in non-Codex products. Use `line-height-medium` instead.

line-height-heading deprecated 1.3

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to line-height.65

Deprecated: Legacy `line-height` for headings in non-Codex products. Use `line-height-xx-small` instead.



The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to text-decoration.0


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to text-decoration.150


The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.

Defined in src/codex-base.json

Refers to text-decoration.200