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A structural component used to group information and actions related to a single topic.



Card title Description Supporting text
Reading direction

Adding the url prop will make the root element of the Card an anchor element.


A Card can have either an icon or a thumbnail. Card text will be aligned to the top of the media, unless there is only a title, which will be aligned to the center of the media.

With icon

Card title Description

With thumbnail

Card title Description

Title only

Card title

Card groups

Cards will often be displayed in groups. There are two considerations for Card groups:

  • Layout: Layout styles for groups of Cards, e.g. margins or grid layout, must be added by the application. The example below adds some simple layout styles to a group of Cards.
  • Media consistency: As shown above, adding a thumbnail prop will display the thumbnail. For groups of Cards, you may want to display a thumbnail for each Card if available, and otherwise display a placeholder. To enable this behavior, add the forceThumbnail prop, as demonstrated below. The third item has no thumbnail and display a placeholder icon instead.

Maximum example

Card titles should be fairly short, but will wrap onto a new line if the text becomes long enough Description text will commonly be longer than a single line, and will wrap onto new lines, expanding the height of the Card to accommodate the content. Supporting text should also be kept short, but if it is long, it will wrap onto a new line like the rest of the Card content.



Prop nameDescriptionTypeDefault
urlIf provided, the Card will be a link to this URL.string''
iconIcon displayed at the start of the Card.Icon''
thumbnailThumbnail image data for the Card.Thumbnail|nullnull
forceThumbnailOption to force a thumbnail layout.

When set to true, the Card will display a Thumbnail. If a thumbnail prop was also provided, the thumbnail image will display. Otherwise, a placeholder icon will display.

This is useful when displaying groups of Cards when some of the cards have thumbnail images but some do not. forceThumbnail will provide a consistent layout for that group.

Note that this prop is not needed to display a thumbnail image: if the thumbnail prop is provided, it will display. This prop is only needed to enable the display of the thumbnail placeholder icon when the thumbnail prop is not provided.
customPlaceholderIconOptional custom icon for the placeholder shown when forceThumbnail is true but no thumbnail is provided.

Defaults to the default placeholder icon set in the Thumbnail component.


titleCard title
descriptionCard description
supporting-textShort supporting text