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A tooltip is a brief message that shows up when a user hovers over a specific part of the user interface, providing additional information.


When to use tooltips

Use the Tooltip component to add a small piece of information to its associated element. Tooltips can be used to explain the meaning or purpose of interface elements like icons and buttons where the initial element might not be clear, or to show the full version of truncated text where space is not available.


The Tooltip component includes text-only content.

Specification of Tooltip component.

Component limitations

The minimum width for the Tooltip component is set at @size-125 (equivalent to 24px in the default Codex theme). The maximum width is set at @size-600 (equivalent to 256px).

Refer to the Tooltip component in Codex Figma.


By default, the Tooltip appears beneath its trigger, but automatically moves based on the position of the trigger and the edge of the viewport. The default position can be set to one of four positions:

  1. Bottom
  2. Top
  3. Right
  4. Left

Types of Tooltip based on its placement: top, bottom, right, and left.

Interaction states

The Tooltip component is purely informational, and is not inherently interactive. The Tooltip will be shown on hover or focus of its trigger. On touchable screens, the tooltip can be shown by long pressing on the trigger.

Best practices

Consider the following recommendations when working with tooltips.


A tooltip displayed from a button with short and concise text.

  • Use a tooltip to provide further clarification or give additional context and information.

A tooltip wrongly displaying an error message from a button.

  • Provide significant details or information, such as errors — tooltips can be easily overlooked.


A tooltip displayed from an icon-only button describing its meaning.

  • Use only text within a tooltip.

A tooltip wrongly displaying a blue link.

  • Include interactive elements like links or buttons within a tooltip.


Tooltips are used to describe visual elements or elaborate on textual elements in as few words as possible. Content for Tooltips should be short and concise.

A tooltip with more than one sentence using a period at the end of each sentence.

  • Use punctuation for more than one sentence, or when the truncated text includes punctuation.

A tooltip wrongly using a period at the end of only one sentence.

  • Use punctuation when the text consists of just one sentence.

Keyboard navigation

EscDismisses the tooltip.



Reading direction

Basic Example

Apply the custom tooltip directive, v-tooltip to a component or native HTML element. When you hover over the component or element, the tooltip displays additional information.

Custom position

The default placement of the tooltip is the bottom position. Specify the tooltip's placement by using arguments in your directive like v-tooltip:top. The top argument specifies to position the tooltip on top of the reference element.

The tooltip can be positioned to these values:

  • bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end
  • top, top-start, top-end
  • right, right-start, right-end
  • left, left-start, left-end

Vue Usage

The Tooltip component is implemented as a Vue.js custom directive. This means that rather than existing as a stand-alone component, it can be added to any component or markup element inside of a Vue.js template.

To use the Tooltip, register it under the directives property instead of the components property:

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { CdxButton, CdxTooltip } from '@wikimedia/codex';

export default defineComponent( {
	name: 'MyComponent',
	components: { CdxButton },
	directives: {
		tooltip: CdxTooltip
} );

In the example above, a directive registered under the name tooltip can be used in templates as v-tooltip.

If the Tooltip directive is needed across multiple components, consider registering it globally when the Vue app is mounted:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import MyApp from './App.vue';
import { CdxTooltip } from '@wikimedia/codex';

const app = createApp( App )
    .directive( 'tooltip', CdxTooltip )
	.mount( '#my-app' );

Not directly usable on all components

Vue directives work best when they are applied directly on HTML elements inside another component's template, like <button> or <input>.

A directive can also be used on another Vue component, but it will always be applied to the outermost element of that component's own template. The tooltip directive will function as expected when used with the CdxButton component (because the outermost element of that component is a <button> element), but it will not behave correctly when used with the CdxTextInput component (which has a <div> as the outermost element).

Future Codex releases may update components like CdxTextInput so that the tooltip functionality is built-in. See the Vue docs about custom directives for more information about how to work with custom directives.