Interface GearmanJobResult

    • Method Detail

      • getResults

        byte[] getResults()
        Retrieve the results generated by the GearmanJob which generated this GearmanJobResult
        the results generated by the job or an empty array if no results were generated.
      • getWarnings

        byte[] getWarnings()
        Retrieve the warnings generated by the GearmanJob which generated this GearmanJobResult
        the warnings generated by the job or an empty array if no warnings were generated.
      • getExceptions

        byte[] getExceptions()
        Retrieve the exceptions generated by the GearmanJob which generated this GearmanJobResult
        the exceptions generated by the job or an empty array if no exceptions were generated.
      • getDenominator

        long getDenominator()
        Retrieves the denominator value as generated by the GearmanJob
        denominator value.
      • getNumerator

        long getNumerator()
        Retrieves the numerator value as generated by the GearmanJob
        numerator value.
      • getJobHandle

        byte[] getJobHandle()
        Retrieves the job handle for the job which generated this GearmanJobResult.
        the job handle
      • jobSucceeded

        boolean jobSucceeded()
        Determine with the job completed with out encountering exceptions or problems.
        true if the job completed successfully, else false.