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AbstractGearmanFunction - Class in org.gearman.worker
AbstractGearmanFunction() - Constructor for class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
AbstractGearmanFunction(String) - Constructor for class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
addJobResult(GearmanJobResultImpl) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
addJobServer(String, int) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
addJobServer(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
addJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanClient
Register a new Gearman Job Server with the client.
addJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
addJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection, boolean) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
addServer(String, int) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
addServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Register a new Gearman Job Server with the worker.
addServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
ALL_YOURS - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
append(byte) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
append(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
append(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
append(InputStream) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl


ByteArrayBuffer - Class in org.gearman.util
ByteArrayBuffer() - Constructor for class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
ByteArrayBuffer(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
ByteArrayBuffer(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
ByteUtils - Class in org.gearman.util


call() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
call() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
CAN_DO - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
CAN_DO_TIMEOUT - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
canRead() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerConnection
Can a read operation be executed at this time.
canRead() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
CANT_DO - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
canWrite() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerConnection
Can a write operation be executed at this time.
canWrite() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
CHARSET_ASCII - Static variable in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
CHARSET_UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
CLIENT_ID - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
close() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerConnection
Closes a connection to the Gearman Job Server.
close() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
closeSession() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
Constants - Interface in org.gearman.common
copy() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
copy(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
null-safe byte[] copy
createBackgroundJob(String, byte[], String) - Static method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
createBackgroundJob(String, byte[], GearmanJob.JobPriority, String) - Static method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
createConnection(String, int) - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerIpConnectionFactory
Creates a new connection handle for a specific Gearman Job Server
createConnection(String, int) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnectionFactory
createJob(String, byte[], String) - Static method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
createJob(String, byte[], GearmanJob.JobPriority, String) - Static method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl


data - Variable in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
DATA - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
DAY_OF_MONTH - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
DAY_OF_WEEK - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
DefaultGearmanFunctionFactory - Class in org.gearman.worker
DefaultGearmanFunctionFactory(String) - Constructor for class org.gearman.worker.DefaultGearmanFunctionFactory
DefaultGearmanFunctionFactory(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gearman.worker.DefaultGearmanFunctionFactory
DENOMINATOR - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
digest(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.example.DigestClient
DigestClient - Class in org.gearman.example
DigestClient(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.DigestClient
DigestClient(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.DigestClient
DigestFunction - Class in org.gearman.example
The data passed to DigestFunction should contain two parameters separated by a null byte.
DigestFunction() - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.DigestFunction
driveSessionIO() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession


echo(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
echo(String) - Method in class org.gearman.example.EchoClient
echo(String, GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Send an echo request to the specified GearmanJobServerConnection, the Gearman Job Server should echo the contents of the echo request back to the Worker.
echo(String, GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
ECHO_REQ - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
ECHO_RES - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
EchoClient - Class in org.gearman.example
EchoClient(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.EchoClient
EMPTY - Static variable in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
EPOCH - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
ERROR - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
ERROR_CODE - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
ERROR_TEXT - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
EXCEPTION - org.gearman.common.GearmanTask.State
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
executeFunction() - Method in class org.gearman.example.DigestFunction
executeFunction() - Method in class org.gearman.example.ReverseFunction
executeFunction() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction


FINISHED - org.gearman.common.GearmanTask.State
fireEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
fireEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
Allows all GearmanIOEventListener registered with this function to handle the specified event.
flush(Flushable) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.IOUtil
fromAsciiBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
fromBigEndian(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketMagic
"\0REQ" == [ 00 52 45 51 ] == 5391697 "\0RES" == [ 00 52 45 53 ] == 5391699
fromBytes(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
fromHex(String) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
fromUTF8Bytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
FUNCTION_NAME - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName


GEARMAN_ARGS_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_CLIENT_LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_DEFAULT_BACKLOG - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_DEFAULT_SOCKET_RECV_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_DEFAULT_SOCKET_SEND_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_HOST - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_JOB_HANDLE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_JOB_HASH_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_JOB_LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_MAX_COMMAND_ARGS - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_MAX_ERROR_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_MAX_FREE_SERVER_CLIENT - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_MAX_FREE_SERVER_CON - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_MAX_FREE_SERVER_JOB - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_MAX_FREE_SERVER_PACKET - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_MAX_FREE_SERVER_WORKER - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_OPTION_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_SERVER_CON_ID_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_SESSION_LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_TEXT_RESPONSE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_UNIQUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_WORKER_LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GEARMAN_WORKER_WAIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.gearman.common.Constants
GearmanClient - Interface in org.gearman.client
This interface through which users of the Gearman Java Libaray will use to submit jobs for execution by the Gearman System and to track the progess of those jobs.
GearmanClientImpl - Class in org.gearman.client
GearmanClientImpl() - Constructor for class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
Create a new GearmanClient instance.
GearmanClientImpl(long) - Constructor for class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
GearmanEchoResponseHandler - Class in org.gearman.client
GearmanEchoResponseHandler() - Constructor for class org.gearman.client.GearmanEchoResponseHandler
GearmanException - Exception in org.gearman.common
GearmanException() - Constructor for exception org.gearman.common.GearmanException
GearmanException(String) - Constructor for exception org.gearman.common.GearmanException
GearmanFunction - Interface in org.gearman.worker
A Gearman Function represents the work to be accomplished by a GearmanJob.
GearmanFunctionFactory - Interface in org.gearman.worker
Factory for producing GearmanFunction objects.
GearmanIOEventListener - Interface in org.gearman.client
A GearmanIOEventListener receives notifications as events are sent from the Gearman Job Server to a particular GearmanJob.
GearmanJob - Interface in org.gearman.client
The Gearman Job is a basic undivisible unit of work to be executed by a Gearman system.
GearmanJob.JobPriority - Enum in org.gearman.client
GearmanJobImpl - Class in org.gearman.client
GearmanJobResult - Interface in org.gearman.client
GearmanJobResultImpl - Class in org.gearman.client
GearmanJobResultImpl(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
GearmanJobResultImpl(byte[], boolean, byte[], byte[], byte[], long, long) - Constructor for class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
GearmanJobServerConnection - Interface in org.gearman.common
This interface exposes the API that classes representing connections to a Gearman Job Server must implement.
GearmanJobServerIpConnection - Interface in org.gearman.common
This interface exposes the API that classes representing IP connections to a Gearman Job Server must implement.
GearmanJobServerIpConnectionFactory - Interface in org.gearman.common
Factory used to create connections to a target Gearman Job Server
GearmanJobServerSession - Class in org.gearman.common
GearmanJobServerSession(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
GearmanJobStatus - Interface in org.gearman.client
A GearmanJobStatus represents the state of a particular GearmanJob, as known by Gearman Job Server that it was submitted to, at a specific point in time.
GearmanJobStatusImpl - Class in org.gearman.client
GearmanNIOJobServerConnection - Class in org.gearman.common
GearmanNIOJobServerConnection(String) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
GearmanNIOJobServerConnection(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
GearmanNIOJobServerConnection(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
GearmanNIOJobServerConnectionFactory - Class in org.gearman.common
GearmanNIOJobServerConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnectionFactory
GearmanPacket - Interface in org.gearman.common
A GearmanPacket represents an indvidual message that can either be sent to a Gearman Job Server or received from a Gearman Job Server.
GearmanPacket.DataComponentName - Enum in org.gearman.common
GearmanPacketHeader - Class in org.gearman.common
GearmanPacketHeader(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
GearmanPacketHeader(GearmanPacketMagic, GearmanPacketType, int) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
GearmanPacketImpl - Class in org.gearman.common
Requests and responses sent between workers or clients and job servers are contained in binary packets.
GearmanPacketImpl(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
GearmanPacketImpl(GearmanPacketMagic, GearmanPacketType, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
GearmanPacketMagic - Enum in org.gearman.common
Enum for the different magic codes that can appear at the beginning of a packet header.
GearmanPacketMagic.BadMagicException - Exception in org.gearman.common
GearmanPacketType - Enum in org.gearman.common
GearmanServerResponseHandler - Interface in org.gearman.common
GearmanSessionEvent - Class in org.gearman.common
GearmanSessionEvent(GearmanPacket, GearmanJobServerSession) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanSessionEvent
GearmanSessionEventHandler - Interface in org.gearman.common
GearmanTask - Class in org.gearman.common
GearmanTask(GearmanPacket) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanTask
GearmanTask(GearmanServerResponseHandler, GearmanPacket) - Constructor for class org.gearman.common.GearmanTask
GearmanTask.State - Enum in org.gearman.common
GearmanWorker - Interface in org.gearman.worker
A Gearman Worker is responsible for executing jobs it receives from the Job Server.
GearmanWorkerImpl - Class in org.gearman.worker
GearmanWorkerImpl() - Constructor for class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
GearmanWorkerImpl(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
GearmanWorkerImpl.State - Enum in org.gearman.worker
generatePacketData(byte[]...) - Static method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
get() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
get(int) - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
Returns the PacketType for the specified ordinal.
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
GET_STATUS - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
getBytes() - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
getCause() - Method in exception org.gearman.util.IORuntimeException
getConnection() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
getData() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
Retrieve the data against which the job is executed.
getData() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
getData() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket
Retrieves the payload, if any, associated with this packet.
getData() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName) - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket
The data or payload of a packet can contain different set of components depending on the type of packet.
getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
getDataLength() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
getDataSize() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
getDenominator() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResult
Retrieves the denominator value as generated by the GearmanJob
getDenominator() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
getDenominator() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatus
Retrieves the denominator value of the GearmanJob at the time the GearmanJobStatus was generated.
getDenominator() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatusImpl
getExceptions() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResult
Retrieve the exceptions generated by the GearmanJob which generated this GearmanJobResult
getExceptions() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
getFunction() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.DefaultGearmanFunctionFactory
getFunction() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunctionFactory
Factory method for generating a GearmanFunction object.
getFunctionName() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
Retrieve the name of the GearmanFunction registered with this job.
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.DefaultGearmanFunctionFactory
getFunctionName() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunctionFactory
Returns the name of the function for which this factory creates GearmanFunction objects.
getHandle() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
Retrieves the handle used by the Gearman Job Server to which this job was submitted to as a means to identify this job.
getHandle() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
getHandler() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanTask
getHost() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerIpConnection
getHost() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
getID() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
Retrieves a unique ID used to identify this job.
getID() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
getJobHandle() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResult
Retrieves the job handle for the job which generated this GearmanJobResult.
getJobHandle() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
getJobHandle() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
getJobHandle() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
Retrieves the handle for the job that is executing this function.
getJobStatus(GearmanJob) - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanClient
Sends a WORK_STATUS request to the Gearman Job Server running the GearmanJob and then returns GearmanJobStatus representing the current status of the job.
getJobStatus(GearmanJob) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
getMagic() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket
Retrieves the magic type for this packet.
getMagic() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
getMagic() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
getName() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
getName() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
Retrieves the name of the funcion to be executed by the job.
getNumberofActiveJobs() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
getNumberOfActiveTasks() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
getNumerator() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResult
Retrieves the numerator value as generated by the GearmanJob
getNumerator() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
getNumerator() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatus
Retrieves the numerator value of the GearmanJob at the time the GearmanJobStatus was generated.
getNumerator() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatusImpl
getPacket() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanSessionEvent
getPacketType() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket
Retrieves the event type for this packet.
getPacketType() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
getPort() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerIpConnection
getPort() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
getPriority() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
Retrieve the priority associated with this job.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
getRegisteredFunctions() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Retrieve the names of all functions that have been registered with this worker.
getRegisteredFunctions() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
getRequestPacket() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanTask
getResults() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResult
Retrieve the results generated by the GearmanJob which generated this GearmanJobResult
getResults() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
getSelectionKey() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
getSelector() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
getSession() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanSessionEvent
getSetOfJobServers() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanClient
Retrieve the list of Gearman Job Servers connections that have been registered with this client.
getSetOfJobServers() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
getState() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanTask
getType() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
getType() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
getUniqueId() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
Returns the Unique ID given to this job by the client
getWarnings() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResult
Retrieve the warnings generated by the GearmanJob which generated this GearmanJobResult
getWarnings() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl
getWorkerID() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Retrieves the ID used by this worker instance.
getWorkerID() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
getWorkerID(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Retrieves the ID this worker uses to identify itself with a specific connection.
getWorkerID(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
GRAB_JOB - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
GRAB_JOB_UNIQ - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType


handleEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanEchoResponseHandler
handleEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
handleEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatusImpl
handleEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanServerResponseHandler
handleGearmanIOEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanIOEventListener
The method to be called when an event has occurred.
handleGearmanIOEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
handleGearmanIOEvent(GearmanPacket) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanTask
handleSessionEvent(GearmanSessionEvent) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
handleSessionEvent(GearmanSessionEvent) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
handleSessionEvent(GearmanSessionEvent) - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanSessionEventHandler
handleSessionEvent(GearmanSessionEvent) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
hasBufferedWriteData() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
hasConnection(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
hashCode() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
hasServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Has a connection to the specified Gearman Job Server been registered with this worker.
hasServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
HEADER_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
HIGH - org.gearman.client.GearmanJob.JobPriority
HOUR - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName


IDLE - org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl.State
indexOf(byte) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
indexOf(byte, int) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
initSession(Selector, GearmanSessionEventHandler) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
invokeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
invokeAll(Collection, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
invokeAny(Collection) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
invokeAny(Collection, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
IORuntimeException - Exception in org.gearman.util
IORuntimeException(IOException) - Constructor for exception org.gearman.util.IORuntimeException
IOUtil - Class in org.gearman.util
isBackgroundJob() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
Determines if this job is a background job.
isBackgroundJob() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
isCancelled() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
isDone() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanEchoResponseHandler
isDone() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
isDone() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatusImpl
isDone() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanServerResponseHandler
isInitialized() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
isJobSubmission(GearmanPacketType) - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
isJobUniqueIdRequired() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Does worker only ask for jobs which contain a Unique Id.
isJobUniqueIdRequired() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
isKnown() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatus
Determine if the job is currently known by the Gearman Job Server to which the GearmanJob was submitted.
isKnown() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatusImpl
isOpen() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerConnection
Is the connection open.
isOpen() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
isRunning() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatus
Determine if the job is currently running on a worker.
isRunning() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatusImpl
isRunning() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Determine if the worker is currently executing the work loop.
isRunning() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
isShutdown() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
isTerminated() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl


JOB_ASSIGN - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
JOB_ASSIGN_UNIQ - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
JOB_CREATED - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
JOB_HANDLE - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
jobHandle - Variable in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
jobSucceeded() - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResult
Determine with the job completed with out encountering exceptions or problems.
jobSucceeded() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobResultImpl


KNOWN_STATUS - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName


lastIndexOf(byte) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
lastIndexOf(byte, int) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
length() - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
listeners - Variable in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
LOW - org.gearman.client.GearmanJob.JobPriority


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.example.DigestClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.example.EchoClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.example.ReverseClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.example.WorkerRunner
MINUTE - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
MONTH - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName


name - Variable in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
NEW - org.gearman.common.GearmanTask.State
NO_JOB - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
NOOP - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
NORMAL - org.gearman.client.GearmanJob.JobPriority
NULL - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
NULL - Static variable in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
NUMERATOR - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName


open() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerConnection
Open the connection to the Gearman Job Server.
open() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
OPTION - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
OPTION_REQ - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
OPTION_RES - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
org.gearman.client - package org.gearman.client
org.gearman.common - package org.gearman.common
org.gearman.example - package org.gearman.example
org.gearman.util - package org.gearman.util
org.gearman.worker - package org.gearman.worker


PRE_SLEEP - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType


read() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerConnection
Reads a GearmanPacket from the connection with the Gearman Job Server.
read() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
read(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.IOUtil
readFully(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.IOUtil
Similar to DataInputStream.readFully() with more informative error message.
registerEventListener(GearmanIOEventListener) - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
As a GearmanJob progress through its' lifecycle, it will receives a series of events notifications from the Gearman Job Server.
registerEventListener(GearmanIOEventListener) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
registerEventListener(GearmanIOEventListener) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
registerEventListener(GearmanIOEventListener) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
As a function executes, it can generate a series of I/O Events -- in the form of a GearmanPacket -- that can be handled by a series of listeners.
registerFunction(Class<? extends GearmanFunction>) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Registers a particular GearmanFunction with the worker.
registerFunction(Class<? extends GearmanFunction>) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
registerFunction(Class<? extends GearmanFunction>, long) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Registers a particular GearmanFunction with the worker.
registerFunction(Class<? extends GearmanFunction>, long) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
registerFunction(String) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
registerFunction(String, long) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
registerFunction(Callable<GearmanJobResult>) - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
Registers a particular GearmanFunction with this job.
registerFunction(Callable<GearmanJobResult>) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
registerFunctionFactory(GearmanFunctionFactory) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Registers a GearmanFunctionFactory with the worker.
registerFunctionFactory(GearmanFunctionFactory) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
registerFunctionFactory(GearmanFunctionFactory, long) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Registers a GearmanFunctionFactory with the worker and specifies the timeout associated with any functions generated by this factory.
registerFunctionFactory(GearmanFunctionFactory, long) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
registerSelector(Selector, int) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
removeEventListener(GearmanIOEventListener) - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanJob
removes a GearmanIOEventListener from recieving event notifications.
removeEventListener(GearmanIOEventListener) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
removeJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in interface org.gearman.client.GearmanClient
Unregisters a Gearman Job Server Connection from use by this client.
removeJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
REQ - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketMagic
requiresResponse() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket
Determine if the packet represents a request message that requires a responses from the server.
requiresResponse() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
RES - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketMagic
RESET_ABILITIES - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
reverse(String) - Method in class org.gearman.example.ReverseClient
ReverseClient - Class in org.gearman.example
ReverseClient(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.ReverseClient
ReverseClient(GearmanJobServerConnection) - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.ReverseClient
ReverseFunction - Class in org.gearman.example
ReverseFunction() - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.ReverseFunction
RUNNING - org.gearman.common.GearmanTask.State
RUNNING - org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl.State
RUNNING_STATUS - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName


selectByte(int, int) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
sendData(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
sendException(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
sendStatus(int, int) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
sendWarning(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.gearman.common.GearmanException
sessionHasDataToWrite() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
SET_CLIENT_ID - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
setData(Object) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
setData(Object) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
Some functions require a dataset upon which to operate.
setDataLength(int) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
setJobHandle(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
setJobHandle(byte[]) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
Set the handle of the job for which this function is executing.
setJobServerSession(GearmanJobServerSession) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
setJobUniqueIdRequired(boolean) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Should worker only ask for jobs which contain a Unique Id.
setJobUniqueIdRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
setMagic(GearmanPacketMagic) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
setType(GearmanPacketType) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
setUniqueId(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
setUniqueId(byte[]) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanFunction
Set the Unique ID given to this job by the client
setWorkerID(String) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Set the ID for a particular worker instance.
setWorkerID(String) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
setWorkerID(String, GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Set the ID used by a particular Gearman Job Server to identify a particular Worker.
setWorkerID(String, GearmanJobServerConnection) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
shutdown() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
shutdown() - Method in class org.gearman.example.DigestClient
shutdown() - Method in class org.gearman.example.EchoClient
shutdown() - Method in class org.gearman.example.ReverseClient
shutdown() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Stops the work loop and closes all open connections.
shutdown() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
SHUTTINGDOWN - org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl.State
split(byte[]) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
split(byte[], int) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
start() - Method in class org.gearman.example.WorkerRunner
STATUS_RES - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
stop() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Stops the work loop and requests a shutdown.
stop() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
subArray(int, int) - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
The intest of this method is to be similar to String.substring(int, int) Returns a new byte[] that is a sub-array of this array.
submit(Runnable) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
SUBMIT_JOB - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
SUBMIT_JOB_BG - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
SUBMIT_JOB_EPOCH - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
SUBMIT_JOB_HIGH - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
SUBMIT_JOB_HIGH_BG - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
SUBMIT_JOB_LOW - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
SUBMIT_JOB_LOW_BG - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
SUBMIT_JOB_SCHED - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
submitTask(GearmanTask) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
SUBMITTED - org.gearman.common.GearmanTask.State


TIME_OUT - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
toAsciiBytes(String) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
toBigEndian(int) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
toBytes() - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket
Retrieves the Packet as a series of bytes.
toBytes() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
toBytes() - Method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketMagic
toBytes() - Method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
toBytes(String, String) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
toHex() - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
toHex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
toInt(int, byte) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanClientImpl
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanEchoResponseHandler
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobImpl
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.client.GearmanJobStatusImpl
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanTask
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.util.ByteArrayBuffer
toString() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
toUTF8Bytes(String) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.ByteUtils


UNIQUE_ID - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
uniqueId - Variable in class org.gearman.worker.AbstractGearmanFunction
unregisterAll() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Unregisters allGearmanFunction from the worker.
unregisterAll() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
unregisterFunction(String) - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
Unregisters a particular GearmanFunction from the worker.
unregisterFunction(String) - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
unused_5 - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
usage() - Static method in class org.gearman.example.DigestClient
usage() - Static method in class org.gearman.example.EchoClient
usage() - Static method in class org.gearman.example.ReverseClient
usage(PrintStream) - Static method in class org.gearman.example.WorkerRunner


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gearman.client.GearmanJob.JobPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketMagic
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanTask.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.gearman.client.GearmanJob.JobPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacket.DataComponentName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketMagic
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gearman.common.GearmanTask.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForTasksToComplete() - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
waitForTasksToComplete(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerSession
work() - Method in interface org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorker
This method is executed once the worker is ready to accept jobs from the Gearman Job Server.
work() - Method in class org.gearman.worker.GearmanWorkerImpl
WORK_COMPLETE - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
WORK_DATA - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
WORK_EXCEPTION - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
WORK_FAIL - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
WORK_STATUS - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
WORK_WARNING - org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketType
WorkerRunner - Class in org.gearman.example
WorkerRunner(String, int, List<Class<GearmanFunction>>) - Constructor for class org.gearman.example.WorkerRunner
write(OutputStream) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketHeader
write(OutputStream) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanPacketImpl
Writes the complete packet to the specified OutputStream.
write(OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.gearman.util.IOUtil
write(GearmanPacket) - Method in interface org.gearman.common.GearmanJobServerConnection
Writes a GearmanPacket into the connection with the Gearman Job Server.
write(GearmanPacket) - Method in class org.gearman.common.GearmanNIOJobServerConnection
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