Interface GearmanJobServerConnection

    • Method Detail

      • open

        void open()
           throws IOException
        Open the connection to the Gearman Job Server.
        IOException - if an I/O exception was encountered.
      • close

        void close()
        Closes a connection to the Gearman Job Server.
      • write

        void write​(GearmanPacket packet)
            throws IOException
        Writes a GearmanPacket into the connection with the Gearman Job Server.
        packet - The request to be written.
        IOException - if an I/O exception was encountered.
      • isOpen

        boolean isOpen()
        Is the connection open.
        true if the connection is open, else false.
      • canRead

        boolean canRead()
        Can a read operation be executed at this time.
        true if a read can be executed, else returns false.
      • canWrite

        boolean canWrite()
        Can a write operation be executed at this time.
        true if a write can be executed, else returns false.