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Page views

A page view is a request for content of a page that receives a response of 200 OK or 304 Not Modified (a redirect to cached version of the page). The MIME type of such a request is text/html for web browsers, or application/json for mobile app requests.

Additionally, the following rules apply when identifying page views:

  • API requests count as page views if they come from the mobile app.
  • Most requests to pages in the Special namespace aren't counted as page views.
  • Edits aren't considered page views.
  • Redirects, particularly redirects based on alternate spellings of a page title, aren't counted as views of the actual article. For more information, see Redirects.

For a complete definition of a page view and extra background information, see Research:Page view.

Spiders and automated traffic

Page views associated with user agents that self-identify as bots receive the spider category.

Other automated traffic, identified as such based on a set of heuristics, receives the automated category instead.

To learn more about detection of automatic page views, see BotDetection.