MediaWiki  1.23.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
35  protected $mRepo;
37  public function __construct( $query, $moduleName ) {
38  parent::__construct( $query, $moduleName, 'ai' );
39  $this->mRepo = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo();
40  }
49  protected function getDB() {
50  return $this->mRepo->getSlaveDB();
51  }
53  public function execute() {
54  $this->run();
55  }
57  public function getCacheMode( $params ) {
58  return 'public';
59  }
65  public function executeGenerator( $resultPageSet ) {
66  if ( $resultPageSet->isResolvingRedirects() ) {
67  $this->dieUsage(
68  'Use "gaifilterredir=nonredirects" option instead of "redirects" ' .
69  'when using allimages as a generator',
70  'params'
71  );
72  }
74  $this->run( $resultPageSet );
75  }
81  private function run( $resultPageSet = null ) {
82  $repo = $this->mRepo;
83  if ( !$repo instanceof LocalRepo ) {
84  $this->dieUsage(
85  'Local file repository does not support querying all images',
86  'unsupportedrepo'
87  );
88  }
90  $prefix = $this->getModulePrefix();
92  $db = $this->getDB();
94  $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
96  // Table and return fields
97  $this->addTables( 'image' );
99  $prop = array_flip( $params['prop'] );
102  $ascendingOrder = true;
103  if ( $params['dir'] == 'descending' || $params['dir'] == 'older' ) {
104  $ascendingOrder = false;
105  }
107  if ( $params['sort'] == 'name' ) {
108  // Check mutually exclusive params
109  $disallowed = array( 'start', 'end', 'user' );
110  foreach ( $disallowed as $pname ) {
111  if ( isset( $params[$pname] ) ) {
112  $this->dieUsage(
113  "Parameter '{$prefix}{$pname}' can only be used with {$prefix}sort=timestamp",
114  'badparams'
115  );
116  }
117  }
118  if ( $params['filterbots'] != 'all' ) {
119  $this->dieUsage(
120  "Parameter '{$prefix}filterbots' can only be used with {$prefix}sort=timestamp",
121  'badparams'
122  );
123  }
125  // Pagination
126  if ( !is_null( $params['continue'] ) ) {
127  $cont = explode( '|', $params['continue'] );
128  $this->dieContinueUsageIf( count( $cont ) != 1 );
129  $op = ( $ascendingOrder ? '>' : '<' );
130  $continueFrom = $db->addQuotes( $cont[0] );
131  $this->addWhere( "img_name $op= $continueFrom" );
132  }
134  // Image filters
135  $from = ( $params['from'] === null ? null : $this->titlePartToKey( $params['from'], NS_FILE ) );
136  $to = ( $params['to'] === null ? null : $this->titlePartToKey( $params['to'], NS_FILE ) );
137  $this->addWhereRange( 'img_name', ( $ascendingOrder ? 'newer' : 'older' ), $from, $to );
139  if ( isset( $params['prefix'] ) ) {
140  $this->addWhere( 'img_name' . $db->buildLike(
141  $this->titlePartToKey( $params['prefix'], NS_FILE ),
142  $db->anyString() ) );
143  }
144  } else {
145  // Check mutually exclusive params
146  $disallowed = array( 'from', 'to', 'prefix' );
147  foreach ( $disallowed as $pname ) {
148  if ( isset( $params[$pname] ) ) {
149  $this->dieUsage(
150  "Parameter '{$prefix}{$pname}' can only be used with {$prefix}sort=name",
151  'badparams'
152  );
153  }
154  }
155  if ( !is_null( $params['user'] ) && $params['filterbots'] != 'all' ) {
156  // Since filterbots checks if each user has the bot right, it
157  // doesn't make sense to use it with user
158  $this->dieUsage(
159  "Parameters '{$prefix}user' and '{$prefix}filterbots' cannot be used together",
160  'badparams'
161  );
162  }
164  // Pagination
165  $this->addTimestampWhereRange(
166  'img_timestamp',
167  $ascendingOrder ? 'newer' : 'older',
168  $params['start'],
169  $params['end']
170  );
171  // Include in ORDER BY for uniqueness
172  $this->addWhereRange( 'img_name', $ascendingOrder ? 'newer' : 'older', null, null );
174  if ( !is_null( $params['continue'] ) ) {
175  $cont = explode( '|', $params['continue'] );
176  $this->dieContinueUsageIf( count( $cont ) != 2 );
177  $op = ( $ascendingOrder ? '>' : '<' );
178  $continueTimestamp = $db->addQuotes( $db->timestamp( $cont[0] ) );
179  $continueName = $db->addQuotes( $cont[1] );
180  $this->addWhere( "img_timestamp $op $continueTimestamp OR " .
181  "(img_timestamp = $continueTimestamp AND " .
182  "img_name $op= $continueName)"
183  );
184  }
186  // Image filters
187  if ( !is_null( $params['user'] ) ) {
188  $this->addWhereFld( 'img_user_text', $params['user'] );
189  }
190  if ( $params['filterbots'] != 'all' ) {
191  $this->addTables( 'user_groups' );
192  $this->addJoinConds( array( 'user_groups' => array(
193  'LEFT JOIN',
194  array(
195  'ug_group' => User::getGroupsWithPermission( 'bot' ),
196  'ug_user = img_user'
197  )
198  ) ) );
199  $groupCond = ( $params['filterbots'] == 'nobots' ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL' );
200  $this->addWhere( "ug_group IS $groupCond" );
201  }
202  }
204  // Filters not depending on sort
205  if ( isset( $params['minsize'] ) ) {
206  $this->addWhere( 'img_size>=' . intval( $params['minsize'] ) );
207  }
209  if ( isset( $params['maxsize'] ) ) {
210  $this->addWhere( 'img_size<=' . intval( $params['maxsize'] ) );
211  }
213  $sha1 = false;
214  if ( isset( $params['sha1'] ) ) {
215  $sha1 = strtolower( $params['sha1'] );
216  if ( !$this->validateSha1Hash( $sha1 ) ) {
217  $this->dieUsage( 'The SHA1 hash provided is not valid', 'invalidsha1hash' );
218  }
219  $sha1 = wfBaseConvert( $sha1, 16, 36, 31 );
220  } elseif ( isset( $params['sha1base36'] ) ) {
221  $sha1 = strtolower( $params['sha1base36'] );
222  if ( !$this->validateSha1Base36Hash( $sha1 ) ) {
223  $this->dieUsage( 'The SHA1Base36 hash provided is not valid', 'invalidsha1base36hash' );
224  }
225  }
226  if ( $sha1 ) {
227  $this->addWhereFld( 'img_sha1', $sha1 );
228  }
230  if ( !is_null( $params['mime'] ) ) {
231  global $wgMiserMode;
232  if ( $wgMiserMode ) {
233  $this->dieUsage( 'MIME search disabled in Miser Mode', 'mimesearchdisabled' );
234  }
236  list( $major, $minor ) = File::splitMime( $params['mime'] );
238  $this->addWhereFld( 'img_major_mime', $major );
239  $this->addWhereFld( 'img_minor_mime', $minor );
240  }
242  $limit = $params['limit'];
243  $this->addOption( 'LIMIT', $limit + 1 );
244  $sortFlag = '';
245  if ( !$ascendingOrder ) {
246  $sortFlag = ' DESC';
247  }
248  if ( $params['sort'] == 'timestamp' ) {
249  $this->addOption( 'ORDER BY', 'img_timestamp' . $sortFlag );
250  if ( !is_null( $params['user'] ) ) {
251  $this->addOption( 'USE INDEX', array( 'image' => 'img_usertext_timestamp' ) );
252  } else {
253  $this->addOption( 'USE INDEX', array( 'image' => 'img_timestamp' ) );
254  }
255  } else {
256  $this->addOption( 'ORDER BY', 'img_name' . $sortFlag );
257  }
259  $res = $this->select( __METHOD__ );
261  $titles = array();
262  $count = 0;
263  $result = $this->getResult();
264  foreach ( $res as $row ) {
265  if ( ++$count > $limit ) {
266  // We've reached the one extra which shows that there are
267  // additional pages to be had. Stop here...
268  if ( $params['sort'] == 'name' ) {
269  $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'continue', $row->img_name );
270  } else {
271  $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'continue', "$row->img_timestamp|$row->img_name" );
272  }
273  break;
274  }
276  if ( is_null( $resultPageSet ) ) {
277  $file = $repo->newFileFromRow( $row );
278  $info = array_merge( array( 'name' => $row->img_name ),
280  self::addTitleInfo( $info, $file->getTitle() );
282  $fit = $result->addValue( array( 'query', $this->getModuleName() ), null, $info );
283  if ( !$fit ) {
284  if ( $params['sort'] == 'name' ) {
285  $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'continue', $row->img_name );
286  } else {
287  $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'continue', "$row->img_timestamp|$row->img_name" );
288  }
289  break;
290  }
291  } else {
292  $titles[] = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $row->img_name );
293  }
294  }
296  if ( is_null( $resultPageSet ) ) {
297  $result->setIndexedTagName_internal( array( 'query', $this->getModuleName() ), 'img' );
298  } else {
299  $resultPageSet->populateFromTitles( $titles );
300  }
301  }
303  public function getAllowedParams() {
304  return array(
305  'sort' => array(
306  ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'name',
308  'name',
309  'timestamp'
310  )
311  ),
312  'dir' => array(
313  ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'ascending',
315  // sort=name
316  'ascending',
317  'descending',
318  // sort=timestamp
319  'newer',
320  'older'
321  )
322  ),
323  'from' => null,
324  'to' => null,
325  'continue' => null,
326  'start' => array(
327  ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'timestamp'
328  ),
329  'end' => array(
330  ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'timestamp'
331  ),
332  'prop' => array(
333  ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => ApiQueryImageInfo::getPropertyNames( $this->propertyFilter ),
334  ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'timestamp|url',
335  ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true
336  ),
337  'prefix' => null,
338  'minsize' => array(
339  ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'integer',
340  ),
341  'maxsize' => array(
342  ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'integer',
343  ),
344  'sha1' => null,
345  'sha1base36' => null,
346  'user' => array(
347  ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'user'
348  ),
349  'filterbots' => array(
350  ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'all',
352  'all',
353  'bots',
354  'nobots'
355  )
356  ),
357  'mime' => null,
358  'limit' => array(
359  ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 10,
360  ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'limit',
361  ApiBase::PARAM_MIN => 1,
364  ),
365  );
366  }
368  public function getParamDescription() {
369  $p = $this->getModulePrefix();
371  return array(
372  'sort' => 'Property to sort by',
373  'dir' => 'The direction in which to list',
374  'from' => "The image title to start enumerating from. Can only be used with {$p}sort=name",
375  'to' => "The image title to stop enumerating at. Can only be used with {$p}sort=name",
376  'continue' => 'When more results are available, use this to continue',
377  'start' => "The timestamp to start enumerating from. Can only be used with {$p}sort=timestamp",
378  'end' => "The timestamp to end enumerating. Can only be used with {$p}sort=timestamp",
379  'prop' => ApiQueryImageInfo::getPropertyDescriptions( $this->propertyFilter ),
380  'prefix' => "Search for all image titles that begin with this " .
381  "value. Can only be used with {$p}sort=name",
382  'minsize' => 'Limit to images with at least this many bytes',
383  'maxsize' => 'Limit to images with at most this many bytes',
384  'sha1' => "SHA1 hash of image. Overrides {$p}sha1base36",
385  'sha1base36' => 'SHA1 hash of image in base 36 (used in MediaWiki)',
386  'user' => "Only return files uploaded by this user. Can only be used " .
387  "with {$p}sort=timestamp. Cannot be used together with {$p}filterbots",
388  'filterbots' => "How to filter files uploaded by bots. Can only be " .
389  "used with {$p}sort=timestamp. Cannot be used together with {$p}user",
390  'mime' => 'What MIME type to search for. e.g. image/jpeg. Disabled in Miser Mode',
391  'limit' => 'How many images in total to return',
392  );
393  }
395  private $propertyFilter = array( 'archivename', 'thumbmime', 'uploadwarning' );
397  public function getResultProperties() {
398  return array_merge(
399  array(
400  '' => array(
401  'name' => 'string',
402  'ns' => 'namespace',
403  'title' => 'string'
404  )
405  ),
406  ApiQueryImageInfo::getResultPropertiesFiltered( $this->propertyFilter )
407  );
408  }
410  public function getDescription() {
411  return 'Enumerate all images sequentially.';
412  }
414  public function getPossibleErrors() {
415  $p = $this->getModulePrefix();
417  return array_merge( parent::getPossibleErrors(), array(
418  array(
419  'code' => 'params',
420  'info' => 'Use "gaifilterredir=nonredirects" option instead ' .
421  'of "redirects" when using allimages as a generator'
422  ),
423  array(
424  'code' => 'badparams',
425  'info' => "Parameter'{$p}start' can only be used with {$p}sort=timestamp"
426  ),
427  array(
428  'code' => 'badparams',
429  'info' => "Parameter'{$p}end' can only be used with {$p}sort=timestamp"
430  ),
431  array(
432  'code' => 'badparams',
433  'info' => "Parameter'{$p}user' can only be used with {$p}sort=timestamp"
434  ),
435  array(
436  'code' => 'badparams',
437  'info' => "Parameter'{$p}filterbots' can only be used with {$p}sort=timestamp"
438  ),
439  array(
440  'code' => 'badparams',
441  'info' => "Parameter'{$p}from' can only be used with {$p}sort=name"
442  ),
443  array(
444  'code' => 'badparams',
445  'info' => "Parameter'{$p}to' can only be used with {$p}sort=name"
446  ),
447  array(
448  'code' => 'badparams',
449  'info' => "Parameter'{$p}prefix' can only be used with {$p}sort=name"
450  ),
451  array(
452  'code' => 'badparams',
453  'info' => "Parameters '{$p}user' and '{$p}filterbots' cannot be used together"
454  ),
455  array(
456  'code' => 'unsupportedrepo',
457  'info' => 'Local file repository does not support querying all images' ),
458  array( 'code' => 'mimesearchdisabled', 'info' => 'MIME search disabled in Miser Mode' ),
459  array( 'code' => 'invalidsha1hash', 'info' => 'The SHA1 hash provided is not valid' ),
460  array(
461  'code' => 'invalidsha1base36hash',
462  'info' => 'The SHA1Base36 hash provided is not valid'
463  ),
464  ) );
465  }
467  public function getExamples() {
468  return array(
469  'api.php?action=query&list=allimages&aifrom=B' => array(
470  'Simple Use',
471  'Show a list of files starting at the letter "B"',
472  ),
473  'api.php?action=query&list=allimages&aiprop=user|timestamp|url&' .
474  'aisort=timestamp&aidir=older' => array(
475  'Simple Use',
476  'Show a list of recently uploaded files similar to Special:NewFiles',
477  ),
478  'api.php?action=query&generator=allimages&gailimit=4&' .
479  'gaifrom=T&prop=imageinfo' => array(
480  'Using as Generator',
481  'Show info about 4 files starting at the letter "T"',
482  ),
483  );
484  }
486  public function getHelpUrls() {
487  return '';
488  }
489 }
Returns the description string for this module.
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:410
validateSha1Base36Hash( $hash)
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:596
static & makeTitle( $ns, $title, $fragment='', $interwiki='')
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:398
The index of the header message $result[1]=The index of the body text message $result[2 through n]=Parameters passed to body text message. Please note the header message cannot receive/use parameters. 'ImportHandleLogItemXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a log item. $reader:XMLReader object $logInfo:Array of information Return false to stop further processing of the tag 'ImportHandlePageXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page. $reader:XMLReader object $pageInfo:Array of information Return false to stop further processing of the tag 'ImportHandleRevisionXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page revision. $reader:XMLReader object $pageInfo:Array of page information $revisionInfo:Array of revision information Return false to stop further processing of the tag 'ImportHandleToplevelXMLTag':When parsing a top level XML tag. $reader:XMLReader object Return false to stop further processing of the tag 'ImportHandleUploadXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a file upload. $reader:XMLReader object $revisionInfo:Array of information Return false to stop further processing of the tag 'InfoAction':When building information to display on the action=info page. $context:IContextSource object & $pageInfo:Array of information 'InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect':MediaWiki check to see if title is a redirect. $title:Title object for the current page $request:WebRequest $ignoreRedirect:boolean to skip redirect check $target:Title/string of redirect target $article:Article object 'InterwikiLoadPrefix':When resolving if a given prefix is an interwiki or not. Return true without providing an interwiki to continue interwiki search. $prefix:interwiki prefix we are looking for. & $iwData:output array describing the interwiki with keys iw_url, iw_local, iw_trans and optionally iw_api and iw_wikiid. 'InternalParseBeforeSanitize':during Parser 's internalParse method just before the parser removes unwanted/dangerous HTML tags and after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. Ideal for syntax-extensions after template/parser function execution which respect nowiki and HTML-comments. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InternalParseBeforeLinks':during Parser 's internalParse method before links but after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InvalidateEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been invalidated successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being invalidated 'IRCLineURL':When constructing the URL to use in an IRC notification. Callee may modify $url and $query, URL will be constructed as $url . $query & $url:URL to index.php & $query:Query string $rc:RecentChange object that triggered url generation 'IsFileCacheable':Override the result of Article::isFileCacheable()(if true) $article:article(object) being checked 'IsTrustedProxy':Override the result of wfIsTrustedProxy() $ip:IP being check $result:Change this value to override the result of wfIsTrustedProxy() 'IsUploadAllowedFromUrl':Override the result of UploadFromUrl::isAllowedUrl() $url:URL used to upload from & $allowed:Boolean indicating if uploading is allowed for given URL 'isValidEmailAddr':Override the result of User::isValidEmailAddr(), for instance to return false if the domain name doesn 't match your organization. $addr:The e-mail address entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks 'isValidPassword':Override the result of User::isValidPassword() $password:The password entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks $user:User the password is being validated for 'Language::getMessagesFileName':$code:The language code or the language we 're looking for a messages file for & $file:The messages file path, you can override this to change the location. 'LanguageGetNamespaces':Provide custom ordering for namespaces or remove namespaces. Do not use this hook to add namespaces. Use CanonicalNamespaces for that. & $namespaces:Array of namespaces indexed by their numbers 'LanguageGetMagic':DEPRECATED, use $magicWords in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead. Use this to define synonyms of magic words depending of the language $magicExtensions:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetSpecialPageAliases':DEPRECATED, use $specialPageAliases in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead. Use to define aliases of special pages names depending of the language $specialPageAliases:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames':Provide translated language names. & $names:array of language code=> language name $code language of the preferred translations 'LanguageLinks':Manipulate a page 's language links. This is called in various places to allow extensions to define the effective language links for a page. $title:The page 's Title. & $links:Associative array mapping language codes to prefixed links of the form "language:title". & $linkFlags:Associative array mapping prefixed links to arrays of flags. Currently unused, but planned to provide support for marking individual language links in the UI, e.g. for featured articles. 'LinkBegin':Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(), before processing starts. Return false to skip default processing and return $ret. See documentation for Linker::link() for details on the expected meanings of parameters. $skin:the Skin object $target:the Title that the link is pointing to & $html:the contents that the< a > tag should have(raw HTML) $result
Definition: hooks.txt:1528
addFields( $value)
Add a set of fields to select to the internal array.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:117
static singleton()
Get a RepoGroup instance.
Definition: RepoGroup.php:53
skin txt MediaWiki includes four core it has been set as the default in MediaWiki since the replacing Monobook it had been been the default skin since before being replaced by Vector largely rewritten in while keeping its appearance Several legacy skins were removed in the as the burden of supporting them became too heavy to bear Those in etc for skin dependent CSS etc for skin dependent JavaScript These can also be customised on a per user by etc This feature has led to a wide variety of user styles becoming that gallery is a good place to ending in php
Definition: skin.txt:62
addTimestampWhereRange( $field, $dir, $start, $end, $sort=true)
Add a WHERE clause corresponding to a range, similar to addWhereRange, but converts $start and $end t...
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:240
Definition: ApiBase.php:50
Get the result object.
Definition: ApiBase.php:205
select( $method, $extraQuery=array())
Execute a SELECT query based on the values in the internal arrays.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:274
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:414
Definition: importImages.php:90
Override parent method to make sure the repo's DB is used which may not necessarily be the same as th...
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:49
const NS_FILE
Definition: Defines.php:85
Definition: styleTest.css.php:40
if( $sleep) $limit
Definition: importImages.php:99
static getPropertyNames( $filter=array())
Returns all possible parameters to iiprop.
Definition: ApiQueryImageInfo.php:652
static splitMime( $mime)
Split an internet media type into its two components; if not a two-part name, set the minor type to '...
Definition: File.php:249
addOption( $name, $value=null)
Add an option such as LIMIT or USE INDEX.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:252
static getInfo( $file, $prop, $result, $thumbParams=null, $opts=false)
Get result information for an image revision.
Definition: ApiQueryImageInfo.php:330
Returns possible properties in the result, grouped by the value of the prop parameter that shows them...
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:397
static getResultPropertiesFiltered( $filter=array())
Definition: ApiQueryImageInfo.php:744
Returns usage examples for this module.
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:467
setContinueEnumParameter( $paramName, $paramValue)
Overrides base in case of generator & smart continue to notify ApiQueryMain instead of adding them to...
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:676
Definition: ApiBase.php:56
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:486
linkcache txt The LinkCache class maintains a list of article titles and the information about whether or not the article exists in the database This is used to mark up links when displaying a page If the same link appears more than once on any page then it only has to be looked up once In most cases link lookups are done in batches with the LinkBatch class or the equivalent in so the link cache is mostly useful for short snippets of parsed and for links in the navigation areas of the skin The link cache was formerly used to track links used in a document for the purposes of updating the link tables This application is now deprecated To create a you can use the following $titles
Definition: linkcache.txt:17
executeGenerator( $resultPageSet)
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:65
const LIMIT_BIG1
Definition: ApiBase.php:78
Definition: ApiBase.php:52
addTables( $tables, $alias=null)
Add a set of tables to the internal array.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:82
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
List of Api Query prop modules.
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new masking the global
Definition: design.txt:93
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
Get parameter prefix (usually two letters or an empty string).
Definition: ApiBase.php:165
addWhereRange( $field, $dir, $start, $end, $sort=true)
Add a WHERE clause corresponding to a range, and an ORDER BY clause to sort in the right direction.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:205
extractRequestParams( $parseLimit=true)
Using getAllowedParams(), this function makes an array of the values provided by the user,...
Definition: ApiBase.php:687
Returns an array of allowed parameters (parameter name) => (default value) or (parameter name) => (ar...
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:303
dieContinueUsageIf( $condition)
Die with the $prefix.
Definition: ApiBase.php:1965
dieUsage( $description, $errorCode, $httpRespCode=0, $extradata=null)
Throw a UsageException, which will (if uncaught) call the main module's error handler and die with an...
Definition: ApiBase.php:1363
addJoinConds( $join_conds)
Add a set of JOIN conditions to the internal array.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:106
titlePartToKey( $titlePart, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
An alternative to titleToKey() that doesn't trim trailing spaces, and does not mangle the input if st...
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:491
addWhereFld( $field, $value)
Equivalent to addWhere(array($field => $value))
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:185
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:35
if(PHP_SAPI !='cli') $file
Definition: UtfNormalTest2.php:30
Definition: UtfNormalTest2.php:96
Evaluates the parameters, performs the requested query, and sets up the result.
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:53
getCacheMode( $params)
Get the cache mode for the data generated by this module.
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:57
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:626
static selectFields()
Fields in the image table.
Definition: LocalFile.php:163
const LIMIT_BIG2
Definition: ApiBase.php:79
Query module to enumerate all available pages.
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:34
wfBaseConvert( $input, $sourceBase, $destBase, $pad=1, $lowercase=true, $engine='auto')
Convert an arbitrarily-long digit string from one numeric base to another, optionally zero-padding to...
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:3368
run( $resultPageSet=null)
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:81
Definition: ApiBase.php:46
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
Get the name of the module being executed by this instance.
Definition: ApiBase.php:148
Definition: ApiBase.php:48
const PARAM_MAX2
Definition: ApiBase.php:54
addWhere( $value)
Add a set of WHERE clauses to the internal array.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:152
Returns an array of parameter descriptions.
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:368
return true to allow those checks to and false if checking is done use this to change the tables headers temp or archived zone change it to an object instance and return false override the list derivative used the name of the old file when set the default code will be skipped add a value to it if you want to add a cookie that have to vary cache options can modify $query
Definition: hooks.txt:1105
__construct( $query, $moduleName)
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:37
Definition: ApiQueryAllImages.php:395
Definition: database.txt:21
static getPropertyDescriptions( $filter=array(), $modulePrefix='')
Returns the descriptions for the properties provided by getPropertyNames()
Definition: ApiQueryImageInfo.php:699
A repository that stores files in the local filesystem and registers them in the wiki's own database.
Definition: LocalRepo.php:31
static addTitleInfo(&$arr, $title, $prefix='')
Add information (title and namespace) about a Title object to a result array.
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:339
static getGroupsWithPermission( $role)
Get all the groups who have a given permission.
Definition: User.php:4123
validateSha1Hash( $hash)
Definition: ApiQueryBase.php:588