MediaWiki  1.23.0
specialpage Directory Reference


file  ChangesListSpecialPage.php [code]
 Special page which uses a ChangesList to show query results.
file  FormSpecialPage.php [code]
 Special page which uses an HTMLForm to handle processing.
file  IncludableSpecialPage.php [code]
 Shortcut to construct an includable special page.
file  RedirectSpecialPage.php [code]
 Shortcuts to construct a special page alias.
file  SpecialPage.php [code]
 Parent class for all special pages.
file  SpecialPageFactory.php [code]
 Factory for handling the special page list and generating SpecialPage objects.
file  UnlistedSpecialPage.php [code]
 Shortcut to construct a special page which is unlisted by default.