MediaWiki  1.23.11
UserNotLoggedIn Class Reference

Shows a generic "user is not logged in" error page. More...

Inheritance diagram for UserNotLoggedIn:
Collaboration diagram for UserNotLoggedIn:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ( $reasonMsg='exception-nologin-text', $titleMsg='exception-nologin', $params=array())
- Public Member Functions inherited from ErrorPageError
 report ()
 Output a report about the exception and takes care of formatting. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MWException
 getHTML ()
 If $wgShowExceptionDetails is true, return a HTML message with a backtrace to the error, otherwise show a message to ask to set it to true to show that information. More...
 getLogId ()
 Get a the ID for this error. More...
 getLogMessage ()
 Return the requested URL and point to file and line number from which the exception occurred. More...
 getPageTitle ()
 Return the title of the page when reporting this error in a HTTP response. More...
 getText ()
 Get the text to display when reporting the error on the command line. More...
 isLoggable ()
 Whether to log this exception in the exception debug log. More...
 msg ( $key, $fallback)
 Get a message from i18n. More...
 reportHTML ()
 Output the exception report using HTML. More...
 runHooks ( $name, $args=array())
 Run hook to allow extensions to modify the text of the exception. More...
 useMessageCache ()
 Can the extension use the Message class/wfMessage to get i18n-ed messages? More...
 useOutputPage ()
 Should the exception use $wgOut to output the error? More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MWException
static isCommandLine ()
 Check whether we are in command line mode or not to report the exception in the correct format. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from ErrorPageError

Detailed Description

Shows a generic "user is not logged in" error page.

This is essentially an ErrorPageError exception which by default uses the 'exception-nologin' as a title and 'exception-nologin-text' for the message.

See also
bug 37627
if( $user->isAnon() ) {
throw new UserNotLoggedIn();

Note the parameter order differs from ErrorPageError, this allows you to simply specify a reason without overriding the default title.

if( $user->isAnon() ) {
throw new UserNotLoggedIn( 'action-require-loggedin' );

Definition at line 48 of file UserNotLoggedIn.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

UserNotLoggedIn::__construct (   $reasonMsg = 'exception-nologin-text',
  $titleMsg = 'exception-nologin',
  $params = array() 
string$reasonMsgA message key containing the reason for the error. Optional, default: 'exception-nologin-text'
string$titleMsgA message key to set the page title. Optional, default: 'exception-nologin'
array$paramsParameters to wfMessage(). Optional, default: array()

Reimplemented from ErrorPageError.

Definition at line 58 of file UserNotLoggedIn.php.

References ErrorPageError\$params.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Shows a generic "user is not logged in" error page.
Definition: UserNotLoggedIn.php:48
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a account $user
Definition: hooks.txt:237