MediaWiki  1.23.17
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1 <?php
24 // Some regex definition to "play" with IP address and IP address blocks
26 // An IPv4 address is made of 4 bytes from x00 to xFF which is d0 to d255
27 define( 'RE_IP_BYTE', '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|0?[0-9]?[0-9])' );
28 define( 'RE_IP_ADD', RE_IP_BYTE . '\.' . RE_IP_BYTE . '\.' . RE_IP_BYTE . '\.' . RE_IP_BYTE );
29 // An IPv4 block is an IP address and a prefix (d1 to d32)
30 define( 'RE_IP_PREFIX', '(3[0-2]|[12]?\d)' );
31 define( 'RE_IP_BLOCK', RE_IP_ADD . '\/' . RE_IP_PREFIX );
33 // An IPv6 address is made up of 8 words (each x0000 to xFFFF).
34 // However, the "::" abbreviation can be used on consecutive x0000 words.
35 define( 'RE_IPV6_WORD', '([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})' );
36 define( 'RE_IPV6_PREFIX', '(12[0-8]|1[01][0-9]|[1-9]?\d)' );
37 define( 'RE_IPV6_ADD',
38  '(?:' . // starts with "::" (including "::")
39  ':(?::|(?::' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '){1,7})' .
40  '|' . // ends with "::" (except "::")
41  RE_IPV6_WORD . '(?::' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '){0,6}::' .
42  '|' . // contains one "::" in the middle (the ^ makes the test fail if none found)
43  RE_IPV6_WORD . '(?::((?(-1)|:))?' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '){1,6}(?(-2)|^)' .
44  '|' . // contains no "::"
45  RE_IPV6_WORD . '(?::' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '){7}' .
46  ')'
47 );
48 // An IPv6 block is an IP address and a prefix (d1 to d128)
49 define( 'RE_IPV6_BLOCK', RE_IPV6_ADD . '\/' . RE_IPV6_PREFIX );
50 // For IPv6 canonicalization (NOT for strict validation; these are quite lax!)
51 define( 'RE_IPV6_GAP', ':(?:0+:)*(?::(?:0+:)*)?' );
52 define( 'RE_IPV6_V4_PREFIX', '0*' . RE_IPV6_GAP . '(?:ffff:)?' );
54 // This might be useful for regexps used elsewhere, matches any IPv6 or IPv6 address or network
55 define( 'IP_ADDRESS_STRING',
56  '(?:' .
57  RE_IP_ADD . '(?:\/' . RE_IP_PREFIX . ')?' . // IPv4
58  '|' .
59  RE_IPV6_ADD . '(?:\/' . RE_IPV6_PREFIX . ')?' . // IPv6
60  ')'
61 );
67 class IP {
76  public static function isIPAddress( $ip ) {
77  return (bool)preg_match( '/^' . IP_ADDRESS_STRING . '$/', $ip );
78  }
87  public static function isIPv6( $ip ) {
88  return (bool)preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_ADD . '(?:\/' . RE_IPV6_PREFIX . ')?$/', $ip );
89  }
98  public static function isIPv4( $ip ) {
99  return (bool)preg_match( '/^' . RE_IP_ADD . '(?:\/' . RE_IP_PREFIX . ')?$/', $ip );
100  }
110  public static function isValid( $ip ) {
111  return ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IP_ADD . '$/', $ip )
112  || preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_ADD . '$/', $ip ) );
113  }
123  public static function isValidBlock( $ipblock ) {
124  return ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_BLOCK . '$/', $ipblock )
125  || preg_match( '/^' . RE_IP_BLOCK . '$/', $ipblock ) );
126  }
137  public static function sanitizeIP( $ip ) {
138  $ip = trim( $ip );
139  if ( $ip === '' ) {
140  return null;
141  }
142  /* If not an IP, just return trimmed value, since sanitizeIP() is called
143  * in a number of contexts where usernames are supplied as input.
144  */
145  if ( !self::isIPAddress($ip) ) {
146  return $ip;
147  }
148  if ( self::isIPv4( $ip ) ) {
149  // Remove leading 0's from octet representation of IPv4 address
150  $ip = preg_replace( '/(?:^|(?<=\.))0+(?=[1-9]|0\.|0$)/', '', $ip );
151  return $ip;
152  }
153  // Remove any whitespaces, convert to upper case
154  $ip = strtoupper( $ip );
155  // Expand zero abbreviations
156  $abbrevPos = strpos( $ip, '::' );
157  if ( $abbrevPos !== false ) {
158  // We know this is valid IPv6. Find the last index of the
159  // address before any CIDR number (e.g. "a:b:c::/24").
160  $CIDRStart = strpos( $ip, "/" );
161  $addressEnd = ( $CIDRStart !== false )
162  ? $CIDRStart - 1
163  : strlen( $ip ) - 1;
164  // If the '::' is at the beginning...
165  if ( $abbrevPos == 0 ) {
166  $repeat = '0:';
167  $extra = ( $ip == '::' ) ? '0' : ''; // for the address '::'
168  $pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::')
169  // If the '::' is at the end...
170  } elseif ( $abbrevPos == ( $addressEnd - 1 ) ) {
171  $repeat = ':0';
172  $extra = '';
173  $pad = 9; // 7+2 (due to '::')
174  // If the '::' is in the middle...
175  } else {
176  $repeat = ':0';
177  $extra = ':';
178  $pad = 8; // 6+2 (due to '::')
179  }
180  $ip = str_replace( '::',
181  str_repeat( $repeat, $pad - substr_count( $ip, ':' ) ) . $extra,
182  $ip
183  );
184  }
185  // Remove leading zeros from each bloc as needed
186  $ip = preg_replace( '/(^|:)0+(' . RE_IPV6_WORD . ')/', '$1$2', $ip );
188  return $ip;
189  }
198  public static function prettifyIP( $ip ) {
199  $ip = self::sanitizeIP( $ip ); // normalize (removes '::')
200  if ( self::isIPv6( $ip ) ) {
201  // Split IP into an address and a CIDR
202  if ( strpos( $ip, '/' ) !== false ) {
203  list( $ip, $cidr ) = explode( '/', $ip, 2 );
204  } else {
205  list( $ip, $cidr ) = array( $ip, '' );
206  }
207  // Get the largest slice of words with multiple zeros
208  $offset = 0;
209  $longest = $longestPos = false;
210  while ( preg_match(
211  '!(?:^|:)0(?::0)+(?:$|:)!', $ip, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset
212  ) ) {
213  list( $match, $pos ) = $m[0]; // full match
214  if ( strlen( $match ) > strlen( $longest ) ) {
215  $longest = $match;
216  $longestPos = $pos;
217  }
218  $offset = ( $pos + strlen( $match ) ); // advance
219  }
220  if ( $longest !== false ) {
221  // Replace this portion of the string with the '::' abbreviation
222  $ip = substr_replace( $ip, '::', $longestPos, strlen( $longest ) );
223  }
224  // Add any CIDR back on
225  if ( $cidr !== '' ) {
226  $ip = "{$ip}/{$cidr}";
227  }
228  // Convert to lower case to make it more readable
229  $ip = strtolower( $ip );
230  }
232  return $ip;
233  }
251  public static function splitHostAndPort( $both ) {
252  if ( substr( $both, 0, 1 ) === '[' ) {
253  if ( preg_match( '/^\[(' . RE_IPV6_ADD . ')\](?::(?P<port>\d+))?$/', $both, $m ) ) {
254  if ( isset( $m['port'] ) ) {
255  return array( $m[1], intval( $m['port'] ) );
256  } else {
257  return array( $m[1], false );
258  }
259  } else {
260  // Square bracket found but no IPv6
261  return false;
262  }
263  }
264  $numColons = substr_count( $both, ':' );
265  if ( $numColons >= 2 ) {
266  // Is it a bare IPv6 address?
267  if ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_ADD . '$/', $both ) ) {
268  return array( $both, false );
269  } else {
270  // Not valid IPv6, but too many colons for anything else
271  return false;
272  }
273  }
274  if ( $numColons >= 1 ) {
275  // Host:port?
276  $bits = explode( ':', $both );
277  if ( preg_match( '/^\d+/', $bits[1] ) ) {
278  return array( $bits[0], intval( $bits[1] ) );
279  } else {
280  // Not a valid port
281  return false;
282  }
283  }
285  // Plain hostname
286  return array( $both, false );
287  }
300  public static function combineHostAndPort( $host, $port, $defaultPort = false ) {
301  if ( strpos( $host, ':' ) !== false ) {
302  $host = "[$host]";
303  }
304  if ( $defaultPort !== false && $port == $defaultPort ) {
305  return $host;
306  } else {
307  return "$host:$port";
308  }
309  }
317  public static function toOctet( $ip_int ) {
318  return self::hexToOctet( wfBaseConvert( $ip_int, 10, 16, 32, false ) );
319  }
327  public static function formatHex( $hex ) {
328  if ( substr( $hex, 0, 3 ) == 'v6-' ) { // IPv6
329  return self::hexToOctet( substr( $hex, 3 ) );
330  } else { // IPv4
331  return self::hexToQuad( $hex );
332  }
333  }
341  public static function hexToOctet( $ip_hex ) {
342  // Pad hex to 32 chars (128 bits)
343  $ip_hex = str_pad( strtoupper( $ip_hex ), 32, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
344  // Separate into 8 words
345  $ip_oct = substr( $ip_hex, 0, 4 );
346  for ( $n = 1; $n < 8; $n++ ) {
347  $ip_oct .= ':' . substr( $ip_hex, 4 * $n, 4 );
348  }
349  // NO leading zeroes
350  $ip_oct = preg_replace( '/(^|:)0+(' . RE_IPV6_WORD . ')/', '$1$2', $ip_oct );
352  return $ip_oct;
353  }
361  public static function hexToQuad( $ip_hex ) {
362  // Pad hex to 8 chars (32 bits)
363  $ip_hex = str_pad( strtoupper( $ip_hex ), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
364  // Separate into four quads
365  $s = '';
366  for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) {
367  if ( $s !== '' ) {
368  $s .= '.';
369  }
370  $s .= base_convert( substr( $ip_hex, $i * 2, 2 ), 16, 10 );
371  }
373  return $s;
374  }
383  public static function isPublic( $ip ) {
384  if ( self::isIPv6( $ip ) ) {
385  return self::isPublic6( $ip );
386  }
387  $n = self::toUnsigned( $ip );
388  if ( !$n ) {
389  return false;
390  }
392  // ip2long accepts incomplete addresses, as well as some addresses
393  // followed by garbage characters. Check that it's really valid.
394  if ( $ip != long2ip( $n ) ) {
395  return false;
396  }
398  static $privateRanges = false;
399  if ( !$privateRanges ) {
400  $privateRanges = array(
401  array( '', '' ), # RFC 1918 (private)
402  array( '', '' ), # RFC 1918 (private)
403  array( '', '' ), # RFC 1918 (private)
404  array( '', '' ), # this network
405  array( '', '' ), # loopback
406  );
407  }
409  foreach ( $privateRanges as $r ) {
410  $start = self::toUnsigned( $r[0] );
411  $end = self::toUnsigned( $r[1] );
412  if ( $n >= $start && $n <= $end ) {
413  return false;
414  }
415  }
417  return true;
418  }
427  private static function isPublic6( $ip ) {
428  static $privateRanges = false;
429  if ( !$privateRanges ) {
430  $privateRanges = array(
431  array( 'fc00::', 'fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff' ), # RFC 4193 (local)
432  array( '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1' ), # loopback
433  );
434  }
435  $n = self::toHex( $ip );
436  foreach ( $privateRanges as $r ) {
437  $start = self::toHex( $r[0] );
438  $end = self::toHex( $r[1] );
439  if ( $n >= $start && $n <= $end ) {
440  return false;
441  }
442  }
444  return true;
445  }
458  public static function toHex( $ip ) {
459  if ( self::isIPv6( $ip ) ) {
460  $n = 'v6-' . self::IPv6ToRawHex( $ip );
461  } else {
462  $n = self::toUnsigned( $ip );
463  if ( $n !== false ) {
464  $n = wfBaseConvert( $n, 10, 16, 8, false );
465  }
466  }
468  return $n;
469  }
477  private static function IPv6ToRawHex( $ip ) {
478  $ip = self::sanitizeIP( $ip );
479  if ( !$ip ) {
480  return null;
481  }
482  $r_ip = '';
483  foreach ( explode( ':', $ip ) as $v ) {
484  $r_ip .= str_pad( $v, 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT );
485  }
487  return $r_ip;
488  }
497  public static function toUnsigned( $ip ) {
498  if ( self::isIPv6( $ip ) ) {
499  $n = self::toUnsigned6( $ip );
500  } else {
501  // T62035/T97897: An IP with leading 0's fails in ip2long sometimes (e.g. *.08),
502  // also double/triple 0 needs to be changed to just a single 0 for ip2long.
503  $ip = self::sanitizeIP( $ip );
504  $n = ip2long( $ip );
505  if ( $n < 0 ) {
506  $n += pow( 2, 32 );
507  # On 32-bit platforms (and on Windows), 2^32 does not fit into an int,
508  # so $n becomes a float. We convert it to string instead.
509  if ( is_float( $n ) ) {
510  $n = (string)$n;
511  }
512  }
513  }
515  return $n;
516  }
522  private static function toUnsigned6( $ip ) {
523  return wfBaseConvert( self::IPv6ToRawHex( $ip ), 16, 10 );
524  }
533  public static function parseCIDR( $range ) {
534  if ( self::isIPv6( $range ) ) {
535  return self::parseCIDR6( $range );
536  }
537  $parts = explode( '/', $range, 2 );
538  if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) {
539  return array( false, false );
540  }
541  list( $network, $bits ) = $parts;
542  $network = ip2long( $network );
543  if ( $network !== false && is_numeric( $bits ) && $bits >= 0 && $bits <= 32 ) {
544  if ( $bits == 0 ) {
545  $network = 0;
546  } else {
547  $network &= ~( ( 1 << ( 32 - $bits ) ) - 1 );
548  }
549  # Convert to unsigned
550  if ( $network < 0 ) {
551  $network += pow( 2, 32 );
552  }
553  } else {
554  $network = false;
555  $bits = false;
556  }
558  return array( $network, $bits );
559  }
576  public static function parseRange( $range ) {
577  // CIDR notation
578  if ( strpos( $range, '/' ) !== false ) {
579  if ( self::isIPv6( $range ) ) {
580  return self::parseRange6( $range );
581  }
582  list( $network, $bits ) = self::parseCIDR( $range );
583  if ( $network === false ) {
584  $start = $end = false;
585  } else {
586  $start = sprintf( '%08X', $network );
587  $end = sprintf( '%08X', $network + pow( 2, ( 32 - $bits ) ) - 1 );
588  }
589  // Explicit range
590  } elseif ( strpos( $range, '-' ) !== false ) {
591  list( $start, $end ) = array_map( 'trim', explode( '-', $range, 2 ) );
592  if ( self::isIPv6( $start ) && self::isIPv6( $end ) ) {
593  return self::parseRange6( $range );
594  }
595  if ( self::isIPv4( $start ) && self::isIPv4( $end ) ) {
596  $start = self::toUnsigned( $start );
597  $end = self::toUnsigned( $end );
598  if ( $start > $end ) {
599  $start = $end = false;
600  } else {
601  $start = sprintf( '%08X', $start );
602  $end = sprintf( '%08X', $end );
603  }
604  } else {
605  $start = $end = false;
606  }
607  } else {
608  # Single IP
609  $start = $end = self::toHex( $range );
610  }
611  if ( $start === false || $end === false ) {
612  return array( false, false );
613  } else {
614  return array( $start, $end );
615  }
616  }
626  private static function parseCIDR6( $range ) {
627  # Explode into <expanded IP,range>
628  $parts = explode( '/', IP::sanitizeIP( $range ), 2 );
629  if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) {
630  return array( false, false );
631  }
632  list( $network, $bits ) = $parts;
633  $network = self::IPv6ToRawHex( $network );
634  if ( $network !== false && is_numeric( $bits ) && $bits >= 0 && $bits <= 128 ) {
635  if ( $bits == 0 ) {
636  $network = "0";
637  } else {
638  # Native 32 bit functions WONT work here!!!
639  # Convert to a padded binary number
640  $network = wfBaseConvert( $network, 16, 2, 128 );
641  # Truncate the last (128-$bits) bits and replace them with zeros
642  $network = str_pad( substr( $network, 0, $bits ), 128, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT );
643  # Convert back to an integer
644  $network = wfBaseConvert( $network, 2, 10 );
645  }
646  } else {
647  $network = false;
648  $bits = false;
649  }
651  return array( $network, (int)$bits );
652  }
667  private static function parseRange6( $range ) {
668  # Expand any IPv6 IP
669  $range = IP::sanitizeIP( $range );
670  // CIDR notation...
671  if ( strpos( $range, '/' ) !== false ) {
672  list( $network, $bits ) = self::parseCIDR6( $range );
673  if ( $network === false ) {
674  $start = $end = false;
675  } else {
676  $start = wfBaseConvert( $network, 10, 16, 32, false );
677  # Turn network to binary (again)
678  $end = wfBaseConvert( $network, 10, 2, 128 );
679  # Truncate the last (128-$bits) bits and replace them with ones
680  $end = str_pad( substr( $end, 0, $bits ), 128, 1, STR_PAD_RIGHT );
681  # Convert to hex
682  $end = wfBaseConvert( $end, 2, 16, 32, false );
683  # see toHex() comment
684  $start = "v6-$start";
685  $end = "v6-$end";
686  }
687  // Explicit range notation...
688  } elseif ( strpos( $range, '-' ) !== false ) {
689  list( $start, $end ) = array_map( 'trim', explode( '-', $range, 2 ) );
690  $start = self::toUnsigned6( $start );
691  $end = self::toUnsigned6( $end );
692  if ( $start > $end ) {
693  $start = $end = false;
694  } else {
695  $start = wfBaseConvert( $start, 10, 16, 32, false );
696  $end = wfBaseConvert( $end, 10, 16, 32, false );
697  }
698  # see toHex() comment
699  $start = "v6-$start";
700  $end = "v6-$end";
701  } else {
702  # Single IP
703  $start = $end = self::toHex( $range );
704  }
705  if ( $start === false || $end === false ) {
706  return array( false, false );
707  } else {
708  return array( $start, $end );
709  }
710  }
719  public static function isInRange( $addr, $range ) {
720  $hexIP = self::toHex( $addr );
721  list( $start, $end ) = self::parseRange( $range );
723  return ( strcmp( $hexIP, $start ) >= 0 &&
724  strcmp( $hexIP, $end ) <= 0 );
725  }
737  public static function canonicalize( $addr ) {
738  // remove zone info (bug 35738)
739  $addr = preg_replace( '/\%.*/', '', $addr );
741  if ( self::isValid( $addr ) ) {
742  return $addr;
743  }
744  // Turn mapped addresses from ::ce:ffff: to
745  if ( strpos( $addr, ':' ) !== false && strpos( $addr, '.' ) !== false ) {
746  $addr = substr( $addr, strrpos( $addr, ':' ) + 1 );
747  if ( self::isIPv4( $addr ) ) {
748  return $addr;
749  }
750  }
751  // IPv6 loopback address
752  $m = array();
753  if ( preg_match( '/^0*' . RE_IPV6_GAP . '1$/', $addr, $m ) ) {
754  return '';
755  }
756  // IPv4-mapped and IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses
757  if ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_V4_PREFIX . '(' . RE_IP_ADD . ')$/i', $addr, $m ) ) {
758  return $m[1];
759  }
760  if ( preg_match( '/^' . RE_IPV6_V4_PREFIX . RE_IPV6_WORD .
761  ':' . RE_IPV6_WORD . '$/i', $addr, $m )
762  ) {
763  return long2ip( ( hexdec( $m[1] ) << 16 ) + hexdec( $m[2] ) );
764  }
766  return null; // give up
767  }
775  public static function sanitizeRange( $range ) {
776  list( /*...*/, $bits ) = self::parseCIDR( $range );
777  list( $start, /*...*/ ) = self::parseRange( $range );
778  $start = self::formatHex( $start );
779  if ( $bits === false ) {
780  return $start; // wasn't actually a range
781  }
783  return "$start/$bits";
784  }
785 }
Definition: IP.php:51
Definition: IP.php:31
static toHex( $ip)
Return a zero-padded upper case hexadecimal representation of an IP address.
Definition: IP.php:456
static hexToOctet( $ip_hex)
Converts a hexadecimal number to an IPv6 address in octet notation.
Definition: IP.php:339
skin txt MediaWiki includes four core it has been set as the default in MediaWiki since the replacing Monobook it had been been the default skin since before being replaced by Vector largely rewritten in while keeping its appearance Several legacy skins were removed in the as the burden of supporting them became too heavy to bear Those in etc for skin dependent CSS etc for skin dependent JavaScript These can also be customised on a per user by etc This feature has led to a wide variety of user styles becoming that gallery is a good place to ending in php
Definition: skin.txt:62
Definition: IP.php:36
static toOctet( $ip_int)
Given an unsigned integer, returns an IPv6 address in octet notation.
Definition: IP.php:315
static combineHostAndPort( $host, $port, $defaultPort=false)
Given a host name and a port, combine them into host/port string like you might find in a URL.
Definition: IP.php:298
const RE_IPV6_ADD
Definition: IP.php:37
Definition: IP.php:54
static canonicalize( $addr)
Convert some unusual representations of IPv4 addresses to their canonical dotted quad representation.
Definition: IP.php:735
Definition: RandomTest.php:76
const RE_IPV6_GAP
Definition: IP.php:50
static parseRange6( $range)
Given a string range in a number of formats, return the start and end of the range in hexadecimal.
Definition: IP.php:665
Definition: IP.php:48
A collection of public static functions to play with IP address and IP blocks.
Definition: IP.php:65
static isIPv6( $ip)
Given a string, determine if it as valid IP in IPv6 only.
Definition: IP.php:85
Definition: mergeMessageFileList.php:156
static toUnsigned6( $ip)
Definition: IP.php:520
static parseCIDR6( $range)
Convert a network specification in IPv6 CIDR notation to an integer network and a number of bits.
Definition: IP.php:624
Definition: IP.php:30
const RE_IPV6_WORD
Definition: IP.php:35
static isPublic6( $ip)
Determine if an IPv6 address really is an IP address, and if it is public, i.e.
Definition: IP.php:425
static hexToQuad( $ip_hex)
Converts a hexadecimal number to an IPv4 address in quad-dotted notation.
Definition: IP.php:359
static IPv6ToRawHex( $ip)
Given an IPv6 address in octet notation, returns a pure hex string.
Definition: IP.php:475
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
List of Api Query prop modules.
static isInRange( $addr, $range)
Determine if a given IPv4/IPv6 address is in a given CIDR network.
Definition: IP.php:717
static isPublic( $ip)
Determine if an IP address really is an IP address, and if it is public, i.e.
Definition: IP.php:381
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition: hooks.txt:188
static prettifyIP( $ip)
Prettify an IP for display to end users.
Definition: IP.php:196
static toUnsigned( $ip)
Given an IP address in dotted-quad/octet notation, returns an unsigned integer.
Definition: IP.php:495
const RE_IP_BYTE
Definition: IP.php:27
static splitHostAndPort( $both)
Given a host/port string, like one might find in the host part of a URL per RFC 2732,...
Definition: IP.php:249
static parseRange( $range)
Given a string range in a number of formats, return the start and end of the range in hexadecimal.
Definition: IP.php:574
static isValid( $ip)
Validate an IP address.
Definition: IP.php:108
static isIPv4( $ip)
Given a string, determine if it as valid IP in IPv4 only.
Definition: IP.php:96
static parseCIDR( $range)
Convert a network specification in CIDR notation to an integer network and a number of bits.
Definition: IP.php:531
MediaWiki has optional support for a high distributed memory object caching system For general information on but for a larger site with heavy like it should help lighten the load on the database servers by caching data and objects in Ubuntu and probably other Linux distributions If you there s no package available for your you can compile it from epoll rt patch for Linux is current Memcached and libevent are under BSD style licenses The server should run on Linux and other Unix like systems you can run multiple servers on one machine or on multiple machines on a network
Definition: memcached.txt:16
static sanitizeIP( $ip)
Convert an IP into a verbose, uppercase, normalized form.
Definition: IP.php:135
wfBaseConvert( $input, $sourceBase, $destBase, $pad=1, $lowercase=true, $engine='auto')
Convert an arbitrarily-long digit string from one numeric base to another, optionally zero-padding to...
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:3432
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
const RE_IP_ADD
Definition: IP.php:28
static isValidBlock( $ipblock)
Validate an IP Block (valid address WITH a valid prefix).
Definition: IP.php:121
static sanitizeRange( $range)
Gets rid of unneeded numbers in quad-dotted/octet IP strings For example, 127.111....
Definition: IP.php:773
static isIPAddress( $ip)
Determine if a string is as valid IP address or network (CIDR prefix).
Definition: IP.php:74
static formatHex( $hex)
Convert an IPv4 or IPv6 hexadecimal representation back to readable format.
Definition: IP.php:325