Public Member Functions | |
addIdentifierQuotes ( $s) | |
addQuotes ( $s) | |
affectedRows () | |
buildConcat ( $stringList) | |
buildGroupConcatField ( $delim, $table, $field, $conds='', $join_conds=array()) | |
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query. More... | |
cascadingDeletes () | |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) cascading deletes. More... | |
cleanupTriggers () | |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) triggers (e.g. More... | |
dataSeek ( $res, $row) | |
delete ( $table, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE query wrapper. More... | |
deleteJoin ( $delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE where the condition is a join. More... | |
estimateRowCount ( $table, $vars=' *', $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
Estimate rows in dataset Returns estimated count, based on SHOWPLAN_ALL output This is not necessarily an accurate estimate, so use sparingly Returns -1 if count cannot be found Takes same arguments as Database::select() More... | |
fetchObject ( $res) | |
fetchRow ( $res) | |
fieldExists ( $table, $field, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Query whether a given column exists in the mediawiki schema. More... | |
fieldInfo ( $table, $field) | |
mysql_fetch_field() wrapper Returns false if the field doesn't exist More... | |
fieldName ( $res, $n) | |
freeResult ( $res) | |
Free a result object returned by query() or select(). More... | |
functionalIndexes () | |
Returns true if this database can use functional indexes. More... | |
getSearchEngine () | |
getServerVersion () | |
getSoftwareLink () | |
getType () | |
Get the type of the DBMS, as it appears in $wgDBtype. More... | |
implicitGroupby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY. More... | |
implicitOrderby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SELECT page_title FROM page LIMIT 1. More... | |
indexInfo ( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Returns information about an index If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure. More... | |
insert ( $table, $arrToInsert, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table. More... | |
insertId () | |
This must be called after nextSequenceVal. More... | |
insertSelect ( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $insertOptions=array(), $selectOptions=array()) | |
INSERT SELECT wrapper $varMap must be an associative array of the form array( 'dest1' => 'source1', ...) Source items may be literals rather than field names, but strings should be quoted with Database::addQuotes(). More... | |
isQuotedIdentifier ( $name) | |
lastErrno () | |
lastError () | |
limitResult ( $sql, $limit, $offset=false) | |
Construct a LIMIT query with optional offset This is used for query pages. More... | |
LimitToTopN ( $sql) | |
If there is a limit clause, parse it, strip it, and pass the remaining SQL through limitResult() with the appropriate parameters. More... | |
makeList ( $a, $mode=LIST_COMMA, $binaryColumns=array()) | |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array. More... | |
makeSelectOptions ( $options) | |
numFields ( $res) | |
numRows ( $res) | |
open ( $server, $user, $password, $dbName) | |
Usually aborts on failure. More... | |
prepareStatements ( $value=null) | |
Called in the installer and updater. More... | |
realTableName ( $name, $format='quoted') | |
call this instead of tableName() in the updater when renaming tables More... | |
realTimestamps () | |
Returns true if this database uses timestamps rather than integers. More... | |
resultObject ( $result) | |
scrollableCursor ( $value=null) | |
Called in the installer and updater. More... | |
select ( $table, $vars, $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
SELECT wrapper. More... | |
selectDB ( $db) | |
selectSQLText ( $table, $vars, $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
SELECT wrapper. More... | |
strencode ( $s) | |
strictIPs () | |
Returns true if this database is strict about what can be put into an IP field. More... | |
tableExists ( $table, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
tableName ( $name, $format='quoted') | |
textFieldSize ( $table, $field) | |
unionSupportsOrderAndLimit () | |
Returns true if current database backend supports ORDER BY or LIMIT for separate subqueries within the UNION construct. More... | |
update ( $table, $values, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
UPDATE wrapper. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from DatabaseBase | |
__construct ( $params=null) | |
Constructor. More... | |
__destruct () | |
Run a few simple sanity checks. More... | |
__sleep () | |
Called by serialize. More... | |
__toString () | |
aggregateValue ( $valuedata, $valuename='value') | |
Return aggregated value alias. More... | |
anyChar () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '_' to be used in a LIKE query. More... | |
anyString () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '' to be used in a LIKE query. More... | |
begin ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin a transaction. More... | |
bitAnd ( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bitNot ( $field) | |
bitOr ( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bufferResults ( $buffer=null) | |
Turns buffering of SQL result sets on (true) or off (false). More... | |
buildLike () | |
LIKE statement wrapper, receives a variable-length argument list with parts of pattern to match containing either string literals that will be escaped or tokens returned by anyChar() or anyString(). More... | |
clearFlag ( $flag) | |
Clear a flag for this connection. More... | |
clearViewsCache () | |
Reset the views process cache set by listViews() More... | |
close () | |
Closes a database connection. More... | |
commit ( $fname=__METHOD__, $flush='') | |
Commits a transaction previously started using begin(). More... | |
conditional ( $cond, $trueVal, $falseVal) | |
Returns an SQL expression for a simple conditional. More... | |
connectionErrorHandler ( $errno, $errstr) | |
dbSchema ( $schema=null) | |
Get/set the db schema. More... | |
deadlockLoop () | |
Perform a deadlock-prone transaction. More... | |
debug ( $debug=null) | |
Boolean, controls output of large amounts of debug information. More... | |
decodeBlob ( $b) | |
Some DBMSs return a special placeholder object representing blob fields in result objects. More... | |
decodeExpiry ( $expiry, $format=TS_MW) | |
Decode an expiry time into a DBMS independent format. More... | |
doneWrites () | |
Returns true if the connection may have been used for write queries. More... | |
dropTable ( $tableName, $fName=__METHOD__) | |
Delete a table. More... | |
duplicateTableStructure ( $oldName, $newName, $temporary=false, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Creates a new table with structure copied from existing table Note that unlike most database abstraction functions, this function does not automatically append database prefix, because it works at a lower abstraction level. More... | |
encodeBlob ( $b) | |
Some DBMSs have a special format for inserting into blob fields, they don't allow simple quoted strings to be inserted. More... | |
encodeExpiry ( $expiry) | |
Encode an expiry time into the DBMS dependent format. More... | |
endAtomic ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Ends an atomic section of SQL statements. More... | |
errorCount ( $count=null) | |
Get/set the number of errors logged. More... | |
execute ( $prepared, $args=null) | |
Execute a prepared query with the various arguments. More... | |
fieldNamesWithAlias ( $fields) | |
Gets an array of aliased field names. More... | |
fieldNameWithAlias ( $name, $alias=false) | |
Get an aliased field name e.g. More... | |
fillPrepared ( $preparedQuery, $args) | |
For faking prepared SQL statements on DBs that don't support it directly. More... | |
getDBname () | |
Get the current DB name. More... | |
getDelimiter () | |
getFlag ( $flag) | |
Returns a boolean whether the flag $flag is set for this connection. More... | |
getInfinity () | |
Find out when 'infinity' is. More... | |
getLag () | |
Get slave lag. More... | |
getLBInfo ( $name=null) | |
Get properties passed down from the server info array of the load balancer. More... | |
getMasterPos () | |
Get the position of this master. More... | |
getProperty ( $name) | |
General read-only accessor. More... | |
getSchemaPath () | |
Return a path to the DBMS-specific schema file, otherwise default to tables.sql. More... | |
getServer () | |
Get the server hostname or IP address. More... | |
getServerInfo () | |
A string describing the current software version, and possibly other details in a user-friendly way. More... | |
getServerUptime () | |
Determines how long the server has been up STUB. More... | |
getSlavePos () | |
Get the replication position of this slave. More... | |
getWikiID () | |
ignoreErrors ( $ignoreErrors=null) | |
Turns on (false) or off (true) the automatic generation and sending of a "we're sorry, but there has been a database error" page on database errors. More... | |
indexExists ( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Determines whether an index exists Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure. More... | |
indexUnique ( $table, $index) | |
Determines if a given index is unique. More... | |
isOpen () | |
Is a connection to the database open? More... | |
isView ( $name) | |
Differentiates between a TABLE and a VIEW. More... | |
isWriteQuery ( $sql) | |
Determine whether a query writes to the DB. More... | |
lastQuery () | |
Return the last query that went through DatabaseBase::query() More... | |
listTables ( $prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
List all tables on the database. More... | |
listViews ( $prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Lists all the VIEWs in the database. More... | |
lock ( $lockName, $method, $timeout=5) | |
Acquire a named lock. More... | |
lockIsFree ( $lockName, $method) | |
Check to see if a named lock is available. More... | |
lockTables ( $read, $write, $method, $lowPriority=true) | |
Lock specific tables. More... | |
lowPriorityOption () | |
A string to insert into queries to show that they're low-priority, like MySQL's LOW_PRIORITY. More... | |
makeGroupByWithHaving ( $options) | |
Returns an optional GROUP BY with an optional HAVING. More... | |
makeList ( $a, $mode=LIST_COMMA) | |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array. More... | |
makeOrderBy ( $options) | |
Returns an optional ORDER BY. More... | |
makeWhereFrom2d ( $data, $baseKey, $subKey) | |
Build a partial where clause from a 2-d array such as used for LinkBatch. More... | |
masterPosWait (DBMasterPos $pos, $timeout) | |
Wait for the slave to catch up to a given master position. More... | |
maxListLen () | |
Return the maximum number of items allowed in a list, or 0 for unlimited. More... | |
nextSequenceValue ( $seqName) | |
Returns an appropriately quoted sequence value for inserting a new row. More... | |
onTransactionIdle ( $callback) | |
Run an anonymous function as soon as there is no transaction pending. More... | |
onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle ( $callback) | |
Run an anonymous function before the current transaction commits or now if there is none. More... | |
patchPath ( $patch) | |
Get the full path of a patch file. More... | |
ping () | |
Ping the server and try to reconnect if it there is no connection. More... | |
query ( $sql, $fname=__METHOD__, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Run an SQL query and return the result. More... | |
replace ( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
REPLACE query wrapper. More... | |
reportConnectionError ( $error='Unknown error') | |
reportQueryError ( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Report a query error. More... | |
rollback ( $fname=__METHOD__, $flush='') | |
Rollback a transaction previously started using begin(). More... | |
searchableIPs () | |
Returns true if this database can do a native search on IP columns e.g. More... | |
selectField ( $table, $var, $cond='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row. More... | |
selectRow ( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
Single row SELECT wrapper. More... | |
setBigSelects ( $value=true) | |
Allow or deny "big selects" for this session only. More... | |
setFakeMaster ( $enabled=true) | |
Make this connection a fake master. More... | |
setFakeSlaveLag ( $lag) | |
Set lag time in seconds for a fake slave. More... | |
setFileHandle ( $fh) | |
Set the filehandle to copy write statements to. More... | |
setFlag ( $flag) | |
Set a flag for this connection. More... | |
setLBInfo ( $name, $value=null) | |
Set the LB info array, or a member of it. More... | |
setSchemaVars ( $vars) | |
Set variables to be used in sourceFile/sourceStream, in preference to the ones in $GLOBALS. More... | |
setSessionOptions (array $options) | |
Override database's default behavior. More... | |
sourceFile ( $filename, $lineCallback=false, $resultCallback=false, $fname=false, $inputCallback=false) | |
Read and execute SQL commands from a file. More... | |
sourceStream ( $fp, $lineCallback=false, $resultCallback=false, $fname=__METHOD__, $inputCallback=false) | |
Read and execute commands from an open file handle. More... | |
startAtomic ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin an atomic section of statements. More... | |
streamStatementEnd (&$sql, &$newLine) | |
Called by sourceStream() to check if we've reached a statement end. More... | |
strreplace ( $orig, $old, $new) | |
Returns a comand for str_replace function in SQL query. More... | |
tableNames () | |
Fetch a number of table names into an array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins. More... | |
tableNamesN () | |
Fetch a number of table names into an zero-indexed numerical array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins. More... | |
tableNamesWithAlias ( $tables) | |
Gets an array of aliased table names. More... | |
tableNameWithAlias ( $name, $alias=false) | |
Get an aliased table name e.g. More... | |
tablePrefix ( $prefix=null) | |
Get/set the table prefix. More... | |
timestamp ( $ts=0) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. More... | |
timestampOrNull ( $ts=null) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. More... | |
trxLevel () | |
Gets the current transaction level. More... | |
unionQueries ( $sqls, $all) | |
Construct a UNION query This is used for providing overload point for other DB abstractions not compatible with the MySQL syntax. More... | |
unlock ( $lockName, $method) | |
Release a lock. More... | |
unlockTables ( $method) | |
Unlock specific tables. More... | |
upsert ( $table, array $rows, array $uniqueIndexes, array $set, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wrapper, upserts an array into a table. More... | |
useIndexClause ( $index) | |
USE INDEX clause. More... | |
wasDeadlock () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock STUB. More... | |
wasErrorReissuable () | |
Determines if the last query error was something that should be dealt with by pinging the connection and reissuing the query. More... | |
wasLockTimeout () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a lock timeout STUB. More... | |
wasReadOnlyError () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to the database being read-only. More... | |
writesOrCallbacksPending () | |
Returns true if there is a transaction open with possible write queries or transaction pre-commit/idle callbacks waiting on it to finish. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
closeConnection () | |
Closes a database connection, if it is open Returns success, true if already closed. More... | |
doBegin ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin a transaction, committing any previously open transaction. More... | |
doCommit ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
End a transaction. More... | |
doQuery ( $sql) | |
doRollback ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Rollback a transaction. More... | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from DatabaseBase | |
escapeLikeInternal ( $s) | |
fillPreparedArg ( $matches) | |
preg_callback func for fillPrepared() The arguments should be in $this->preparedArgs and must not be touched while we're doing this. More... | |
freePrepared ( $prepared) | |
Free a prepared query, generated by prepare(). More... | |
getDefaultSchemaVars () | |
Get schema variables to use if none have been set via setSchemaVars(). More... | |
getSchemaVars () | |
Get schema variables. More... | |
indexName ( $index) | |
Get the name of an index in a given table. More... | |
indexNameCallback ( $matches) | |
Index name callback. More... | |
installErrorHandler () | |
makeInsertOptions ( $options) | |
Helper for DatabaseBase::insert(). More... | |
makeUpdateOptions ( $options) | |
Make UPDATE options for the DatabaseBase::update function. More... | |
makeUpdateOptionsArray ( $options) | |
Make UPDATE options array for DatabaseBase::makeUpdateOptions. More... | |
nativeReplace ( $table, $rows, $fname) | |
REPLACE query wrapper for MySQL and SQLite, which have a native REPLACE statement. More... | |
prepare ( $sql, $func='DatabaseBase::prepare') | |
Intended to be compatible with the PEAR::DB wrapper functions. More... | |
replaceSchemaVars ( $ins) | |
Database independent variable replacement. More... | |
replaceVars ( $ins) | |
Replace variables in sourced SQL. More... | |
restoreErrorHandler () | |
runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks () | |
Actually any "on transaction idle" callbacks. More... | |
runOnTransactionPreCommitCallbacks () | |
Actually any "on transaction pre-commit" callbacks. More... | |
tableNameCallback ( $matches) | |
Table name callback. More... | |
tableNamesWithUseIndexOrJOIN ( $tables, $use_index=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
Get the aliased table name clause for a FROM clause which might have a JOIN and/or USE INDEX clause. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$mAffectedRows = null | |
$mBinaryColumnCache = null | |
$mBitColumnCache = null | |
$mIgnoreDupKeyErrors = false | |
$mInsertId = null | |
$mLastResult = null | |
$mPort | |
$mPrepareStatements = true | |
$mScrollableCursor = true | |
$mSubqueryId = 0 | |
Protected Attributes inherited from DatabaseBase | |
string[] | $allViews = null |
$delimiter = ';' | |
resource | $fileHandle = null |
$htmlErrors | |
resource | $mConn = null |
Database connection *. More... | |
$mDefaultBigSelects = null | |
$mDoneWrites = false | |
$mErrorCount = 0 | |
$mFlags | |
$mForeign | |
$mLastQuery = '' | |
$mLBInfo = array() | |
$mOpened = false | |
$mPHPError = false | |
$mSchema | |
$mSchemaVars = false | |
$mServer | |
$mTablePrefix | |
callable[] | $mTrxIdleCallbacks = array() |
int | $mTrxLevel = 0 |
Either 1 if a transaction is active or 0 otherwise. More... | |
callable[] | $mTrxPreCommitCallbacks = array() |
$preparedArgs | |
Private Member Functions | |
escapeIdentifier ( $identifier) | |
Escapes a identifier for use inm SQL. More... | |
formatError ( $err) | |
getBinaryColumns ( $table) | |
Returns an associative array for fields that are of type varbinary, binary, or image $table can be either a raw table name or passed through tableName() first. More... | |
getBitColumns ( $table) | |
populateColumnCaches () | |
@void More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from DatabaseBase | |
static | factory ( $dbType, $p=array()) |
Given a DB type, construct the name of the appropriate child class of DatabaseBase. More... | |
static | generalizeSQL ( $sql) |
Removes most variables from an SQL query and replaces them with X or N for numbers. More... | |
Public Attributes inherited from DatabaseBase | |
$mDBname | |
$mPassword | |
$mUser | |
const | DEADLOCK_DELAY_MAX = 1500000 |
Maximum time to wait before retry. More... | |
const | DEADLOCK_DELAY_MIN = 500000 |
Minimum time to wait before retry, in microseconds. More... | |
const | DEADLOCK_TRIES = 4 |
Number of times to re-try an operation in case of deadlock. More... | |
Definition at line 31 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::addIdentifierQuotes | ( | $s | ) |
string | $s |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1147 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $s.
DatabaseMssql::addQuotes | ( | $s | ) |
string | $s |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1127 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
Referenced by insert(), and makeList().
DatabaseMssql::affectedRows | ( | ) |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 364 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $mAffectedRows.
DatabaseMssql::buildConcat | ( | $stringList | ) |
array | $stringList |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1219 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::buildGroupConcatField | ( | $delim, | |
$table, | |||
$field, | |||
$conds = '' , |
$join_conds = array() |
) |
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query.
MS SQL doesn't have GROUP_CONCAT so we emulate it with other stuff (and boy is it nasty)
This is useful for combining a field for several rows into a single string. NULL values will not appear in the output, duplicated values will appear, and the resulting delimiter-separated values have no defined sort order. Code using the results may need to use the PHP unique() or sort() methods.
string | $delim | Glue to bind the results together |
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | $field | Field name |
string | array | $conds | Conditions |
string | array | $join_conds | Join conditions |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1240 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $mSubqueryId, array(), and selectSQLText().
DatabaseMssql::cascadingDeletes | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) cascading deletes.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 44 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::cleanupTriggers | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) triggers (e.g.
on the page table)
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 48 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Closes a database connection, if it is open Returns success, true if already closed.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 140 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::dataSeek | ( | $res, | |
$row | |||
) |
MssqlResultWrapper | $res | |
int | $row |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 321 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res.
DatabaseMssql::delete | ( | $table, | |
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
DELETE query wrapper.
array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $conds | of conditions. See $conds in DatabaseBase::select() for the format. Use $conds == "*" to delete all rows |
string | $fname | name of the calling function |
DBUnexpectedError |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 482 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::deleteJoin | ( | $delTable, | |
$joinTable, | |||
$delVar, | |||
$joinVar, | |||
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
DELETE where the condition is a join.
MySQL overrides this to use a multi-table DELETE syntax, in other databases we use sub-selects
For safety, an empty $conds will not delete everything. If you want to delete all rows where the join condition matches, set $conds='*'.
DO NOT put the join condition in $conds.
string | $delTable | The table to delete from. |
string | $joinTable | The other table. |
string | $delVar | The variable to join on, in the first table. |
string | $joinVar | The variable to join on, in the second table. |
array | $conds | Condition array of field names mapped to variables, ANDed together in the WHERE clause |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use METHOD) for logs/profiling |
DBUnexpectedError |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 469 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Begin a transaction, committing any previously open transaction.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1067 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
End a transaction.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1075 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
string | $sql |
DBUnexpectedError |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 166 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $matches, $success, array(), as, DatabaseBase\debug(), LimitToTopN(), and wfDebug().
Referenced by insert().
protected |
Rollback a transaction.
No-op on non-transactional databases.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1084 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
private |
Escapes a identifier for use inm SQL.
Throws an exception if it is invalid. Reference:
string | $identifier |
MWException |
Definition at line 1097 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::estimateRowCount | ( | $table, | |
$vars = '*' , |
$conds = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = array() |
) |
Estimate rows in dataset Returns estimated count, based on SHOWPLAN_ALL output This is not necessarily an accurate estimate, so use sparingly Returns -1 if count cannot be found Takes same arguments as Database::select()
string | $table | |
string | $vars | |
string | $conds | |
string | $fname | |
array | $options |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 506 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $fname, $options, $res, $vars, fetchRow(), and select().
DatabaseMssql::fetchObject | ( | $res | ) |
MssqlResultWrapper | $res |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 257 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res.
DatabaseMssql::fetchRow | ( | $res | ) |
MssqlResultWrapper | $res |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 266 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res.
Referenced by estimateRowCount(), and textFieldSize().
DatabaseMssql::fieldExists | ( | $table, | |
$field, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Query whether a given column exists in the mediawiki schema.
string | $table | |
string | $field | |
string | $fname |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1025 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res, list, DatabaseBase\query(), tableName(), and wfDebug().
DatabaseMssql::fieldInfo | ( | $table, | |
$field | |||
) |
mysql_fetch_field() wrapper Returns false if the field doesn't exist
string | $table | Table name |
string | $field | Field name |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 1044 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res, list, DatabaseBase\query(), tableName(), and wfDebug().
DatabaseMssql::fieldName | ( | $res, | |
$n | |||
) |
mixed | $res | |
int | $n |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 299 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
private |
DatabaseMssql::freeResult | ( | $res | ) |
Free a result object returned by query() or select().
It's usually not necessary to call this, just use unset() or let the variable holding the result object go out of scope.
mixed | $res | A SQL result |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 245 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res.
DatabaseMssql::functionalIndexes | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database can use functional indexes.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 68 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
private |
Returns an associative array for fields that are of type varbinary, binary, or image $table can be either a raw table name or passed through tableName() first.
string | $table |
Definition at line 1268 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References array(), and populateColumnCaches().
private |
string | $table |
Definition at line 1285 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References array(), and populateColumnCaches().
Referenced by selectSQLText().
DatabaseMssql::getSearchEngine | ( | ) |
DatabaseMssql::getServerVersion | ( | ) |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 983 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $version.
DatabaseMssql::getSoftwareLink | ( | ) |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 976 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::getType | ( | ) |
Get the type of the DBMS, as it appears in $wgDBtype.
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 1211 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::implicitGroupby | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 60 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::implicitOrderby | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SELECT page_title FROM page LIMIT 1.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 64 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::indexInfo | ( | $table, | |
$index, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Returns information about an index If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure.
string | $table | |
string | $index | |
string | $fname |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 534 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $fname, $res, array(), as, false, and DatabaseBase\query().
DatabaseMssql::insert | ( | $table, | |
$arrToInsert, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = array() |
) |
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table.
$arrToInsert may be a single associative array, or an array of these with numeric keys, for multi-row insert.
Usually aborts on failure If errors are explicitly ignored, returns success
string | $table | |
array | $arrToInsert | |
string | $fname | |
array | $options |
DBQueryError |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 581 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $e, $keys, $options, $res, $ret, $value, addQuotes(), array(), as, doQuery(), getBinaryColumns(), DatabaseBase\query(), and tableName().
DatabaseMssql::insertId | ( | ) |
This must be called after nextSequenceVal.
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 312 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $mInsertId.
DatabaseMssql::insertSelect | ( | $destTable, | |
$srcTable, | |||
$varMap, | |||
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$insertOptions = array() , |
$selectOptions = array() |
) |
INSERT SELECT wrapper $varMap must be an associative array of the form array( 'dest1' => 'source1', ...) Source items may be literals rather than field names, but strings should be quoted with Database::addQuotes().
string | $destTable | |
array | string | $srcTable | May be an array of tables. |
array | $varMap | |
array | $conds | May be "*" to copy the whole table. |
string | $fname | |
array | $insertOptions | |
array | $selectOptions |
DBQueryError |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 720 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::isQuotedIdentifier | ( | $name | ) |
string | $name |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1156 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $name.
DatabaseMssql::lastErrno | ( | ) |
DatabaseMssql::lastError | ( | ) |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 328 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References as, and formatError().
Referenced by open().
DatabaseMssql::limitResult | ( | $sql, | |
$limit, | |||
$offset = false |
) |
Construct a LIMIT query with optional offset This is used for query pages.
string | $sql | SQL query we will append the limit too |
int | $limit | The SQL limit |
bool | int | $offset | The SQL offset (default false) |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 898 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $last, $limit, $mSubqueryId, and array().
Referenced by LimitToTopN().
DatabaseMssql::LimitToTopN | ( | $sql | ) |
If there is a limit clause, parse it, strip it, and pass the remaining SQL through limitResult() with the appropriate parameters.
Not the prettiest solution, but better than building a whole new parser. This exists becase there are still too many extensions that don't use dynamic sql generation.
string | $sql |
Definition at line 953 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $matches, and limitResult().
Referenced by doQuery().
DatabaseMssql::makeList | ( | $a, | |
$mode = LIST_COMMA , |
$binaryColumns = array() |
) |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array.
array | $a | containing the data |
int | $mode | Constant
array | $binaryColumns | Contains a list of column names that are binary types This is a custom parameter only present for MS SQL. |
MWException|DBUnexpectedError |
Definition at line 804 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $value, addQuotes(), as, LIST_AND, LIST_NAMES, LIST_OR, and LIST_SET.
Referenced by update().
DatabaseMssql::makeSelectOptions | ( | $options | ) |
array | $options | an associative array of options to be turned into an SQL query, valid keys are listed in the function. |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1179 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $options, array(), as, DatabaseBase\makeGroupByWithHaving(), and DatabaseBase\makeOrderBy().
DatabaseMssql::numFields | ( | $res | ) |
mixed | $res |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 286 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res.
DatabaseMssql::numRows | ( | $res | ) |
mixed | $res |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 274 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res.
DatabaseMssql::open | ( | $server, | |
$user, | |||
$password, | |||
$dbName | |||
) |
Usually aborts on failure.
string | $server | |
string | $user | |
string | $password | |
string | $dbName |
DBConnectionError |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 85 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References DatabaseBase\$mConn, $password, $user, array(), DatabaseBase\close(), global, lastError(), wfRestoreWarnings(), and wfSuppressWarnings().
private |
Definition at line 1301 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res, array(), as, and select().
Referenced by getBinaryColumns(), and getBitColumns().
DatabaseMssql::prepareStatements | ( | $value = null | ) |
Called in the installer and updater.
Probably doesn't need to be called anywhere else in the codebase.
bool | null | $value |
Definition at line 1360 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $value, and wfSetVar().
DatabaseMssql::realTableName | ( | $name, | |
$format = 'quoted' |
) |
call this instead of tableName() in the updater when renaming tables
string | $name | |
string | $format | One of quoted, raw, or split |
Definition at line 1341 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $name, and tableName().
Referenced by tableName().
DatabaseMssql::realTimestamps | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database uses timestamps rather than integers.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 56 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::resultObject | ( | $result | ) |
bool | MssqlResultWrapper | resource | $result |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 148 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::scrollableCursor | ( | $value = null | ) |
Called in the installer and updater.
Probably doesn't need to be called anywhere else in the codebase.
bool | null | $value |
Definition at line 1370 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $value, and wfSetVar().
DatabaseMssql::select | ( | $table, | |
$vars, | |||
$conds = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = array() , |
$join_conds = array() |
) |
SELECT wrapper.
mixed | $table | Array or string, table name(s) (prefix auto-added) |
mixed | $vars | Array or string, field name(s) to be retrieved |
mixed | $conds | Array or string, condition(s) for WHERE |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use METHOD) for logs/profiling |
array | $options | Associative array of options (e.g. array('GROUP BY' => 'page_title')), see Database::makeSelectOptions code for list of supported stuff |
array | $join_conds | Associative array of table join conditions (optional) (e.g. array( 'page' => array('LEFT JOIN','page_latest=rev_id') ) |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 383 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $fname, $options, $ret, $vars, DatabaseBase\query(), and selectSQLText().
Referenced by estimateRowCount(), and populateColumnCaches().
DatabaseMssql::selectDB | ( | $db | ) |
string | $db |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1164 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $e, and DatabaseBase\query().
DatabaseMssql::selectSQLText | ( | $table, | |
$vars, | |||
$conds = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = array() , |
$join_conds = array() |
) |
SELECT wrapper.
mixed | $table | Array or string, table name(s) (prefix auto-added) |
mixed | $vars | Array or string, field name(s) to be retrieved |
mixed | $conds | Array or string, condition(s) for WHERE |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use METHOD) for logs/profiling |
array | $options | Associative array of options (e.g. array('GROUP BY' => 'page_title')), see Database::makeSelectOptions code for list of supported stuff |
array | $join_conds | Associative array of table join conditions (optional) (e.g. array( 'page' => array('LEFT JOIN','page_latest=rev_id') ) |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 437 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $fname, $options, $t, $vars, array(), as, getBitColumns(), and tableName().
Referenced by buildGroupConcatField(), and select().
DatabaseMssql::strencode | ( | $s | ) |
string | $s |
Implements DatabaseType.
Definition at line 1119 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $s.
DatabaseMssql::strictIPs | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database is strict about what can be put into an IP field.
Specifically, it uses a NULL value instead of an empty string.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 52 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::tableExists | ( | $table, | |
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
string | $table | |
string | $fname |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 998 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res, list, DatabaseBase\query(), tableName(), and wfDebug().
DatabaseMssql::tableName | ( | $name, | |
$format = 'quoted' |
) |
string | $name | |
string | $format |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 1325 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $name, and realTableName().
Referenced by fieldExists(), fieldInfo(), insert(), selectSQLText(), tableExists(), textFieldSize(), and update().
DatabaseMssql::textFieldSize | ( | $table, | |
$field | |||
) |
string | $table | |
string | $field |
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 875 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $res, $size, fetchRow(), DatabaseBase\query(), and tableName().
DatabaseMssql::unionSupportsOrderAndLimit | ( | ) |
Returns true if current database backend supports ORDER BY or LIMIT for separate subqueries within the UNION construct.
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 72 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
DatabaseMssql::update | ( | $table, | |
$values, | |||
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = array() |
) |
UPDATE wrapper.
Takes a condition array and a SET array.
string | $table | name of the table to UPDATE. This will be passed through DatabaseBase::tableName(). |
array | $values | An array of values to SET. For each array element, the key gives the field name, and the value gives the data to set that field to. The data will be quoted by DatabaseBase::addQuotes(). |
array | $conds | An array of conditions (WHERE). See DatabaseBase::select() for the details of the format of condition arrays. Use '*' to update all rows. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller (from METHOD), for logging and profiling. |
array | $options | An array of UPDATE options, can be:
Reimplemented from DatabaseBase.
Definition at line 766 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
References $e, $options, $ret, array(), getBinaryColumns(), LIST_AND, LIST_SET, makeList(), DatabaseBase\makeUpdateOptions(), DatabaseBase\query(), and tableName().
protected |
Definition at line 34 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
Referenced by affectedRows().
protected |
Definition at line 38 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Definition at line 39 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Definition at line 40 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Definition at line 32 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
Referenced by insertId().
protected |
Definition at line 33 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Definition at line 42 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Definition at line 37 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Definition at line 36 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
protected |
Definition at line 35 of file DatabaseMssql.php.
Referenced by buildGroupConcatField(), and limitResult().