MediaWiki  1.23.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
61 $fallback = 'zh-hans';
63 $fallback8bitEncoding = 'windows-950';
66  NS_MEDIA => '媒體',
67  NS_SPECIAL => '特殊',
68  NS_TALK => '討論',
69  NS_USER => '用戶',
70  NS_USER_TALK => '用戶討論',
71  NS_PROJECT_TALK => '$1討論',
72  NS_FILE => '檔案',
73  NS_FILE_TALK => '檔案討論',
74  NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
75  NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki討論',
76  NS_TEMPLATE => '模板',
77  NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => '模板討論',
78  NS_HELP => '幫助',
79  NS_HELP_TALK => '幫助討論',
80  NS_CATEGORY => '分類',
81  NS_CATEGORY_TALK => '分類討論',
82 );
85  "媒體" => NS_MEDIA,
86  "特殊" => NS_SPECIAL,
87  "對話" => NS_TALK,
88  "討論" => NS_TALK,
89  "用戶" => NS_USER,
90  "用戶對話" => NS_USER_TALK,
91  "用戶討論" => NS_USER_TALK,
92  # This has never worked so it's unlikely to annoy anyone if I disable it -- TS
93  # "{{SITENAME}}_對話" => NS_PROJECT_TALK
94  "圖像" => NS_FILE,
95  "檔案" => NS_FILE,
96  "文件" => NS_FILE,
97  'Image' => NS_FILE,
98  'Image_talk' => NS_FILE_TALK,
99  "圖像對話" => NS_FILE_TALK,
100  "圖像討論" => NS_FILE_TALK,
101  "檔案對話" => NS_FILE_TALK,
102  "檔案討論" => NS_FILE_TALK,
103  "文件對話" => NS_FILE_TALK,
104  "文件討論" => NS_FILE_TALK,
105  "樣板" => NS_TEMPLATE,
106  "模板" => NS_TEMPLATE,
107  "樣板對話" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
108  "樣板討論" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
109  "模板對話" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
110  "模板討論" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
111  "幫助" => NS_HELP,
112  "幫助對話" => NS_HELP_TALK,
113  "幫助討論" => NS_HELP_TALK,
114  "分類" => NS_CATEGORY,
115  "分類對話" => NS_CATEGORY_TALK,
116  "分類討論" => NS_CATEGORY_TALK,
117 );
119 $specialPageAliases = array(
120  'Activeusers' => array( '活躍用戶' ),
121  'Allmessages' => array( '所有信息' ),
122  'AllMyUploads' => array( '所有本人上載', '所有本人文件' ),
123  'Allpages' => array( '所有頁面' ),
124  'Ancientpages' => array( '最早頁面' ),
125  'Badtitle' => array( '無效標題' ),
126  'Blankpage' => array( '空白頁面' ),
127  'Block' => array( '查封用戶' ),
128  'Booksources' => array( '網絡書源' ),
129  'BrokenRedirects' => array( '損壞的重定向頁' ),
130  'Categories' => array( '頁面分類' ),
131  'ChangeEmail' => array( '修改郵箱' ),
132  'ChangePassword' => array( '修改密碼' ),
133  'ComparePages' => array( '頁面比較' ),
134  'Confirmemail' => array( '確認電子郵件' ),
135  'Contributions' => array( '用戶貢獻' ),
136  'CreateAccount' => array( '創建賬戶' ),
137  'Deadendpages' => array( '斷鏈頁面' ),
138  'DeletedContributions' => array( '已刪除的用戶貢獻' ),
139  'DoubleRedirects' => array( '雙重重定向頁面' ),
140  'EditWatchlist' => array( '編輯監視列表' ),
141  'Emailuser' => array( '電郵用戶' ),
142  'ExpandTemplates' => array( '展開模板' ),
143  'Export' => array( '導出頁面' ),
144  'Fewestrevisions' => array( '最少修訂頁面' ),
145  'FileDuplicateSearch' => array( '搜索重複文件' ),
146  'Filepath' => array( '文件路徑' ),
147  'Import' => array( '導入頁面' ),
148  'Invalidateemail' => array( '不可識別的電郵地址' ),
149  'JavaScriptTest' => array( 'JavaScript測試' ),
150  'BlockList' => array( '封禁列表' ),
151  'LinkSearch' => array( '搜索網頁鏈接' ),
152  'Listadmins' => array( '管理員列表' ),
153  'Listbots' => array( '機器人列表' ),
154  'Listfiles' => array( '文件列表' ),
155  'Listgrouprights' => array( '群組權限' ),
156  'Listredirects' => array( '重定向頁面列表' ),
157  'Listusers' => array( '用戶列表' ),
158  'Lockdb' => array( '鎖定數據庫' ),
159  'Log' => array( '日誌' ),
160  'Lonelypages' => array( '孤立頁面' ),
161  'Longpages' => array( '長頁面' ),
162  'MergeHistory' => array( '合併歷史' ),
163  'MIMEsearch' => array( 'MIME搜索' ),
164  'Mostcategories' => array( '最多分類頁面' ),
165  'Mostimages' => array( '最多鏈接文件' ),
166  'Mostinterwikis' => array( '最多跨維基連結' ),
167  'Mostlinked' => array( '最多鏈接頁面' ),
168  'Mostlinkedcategories' => array( '最多鏈接分類' ),
169  'Mostlinkedtemplates' => array( '最多鏈接模板' ),
170  'Mostrevisions' => array( '最多修訂頁面' ),
171  'Movepage' => array( '移動頁面' ),
172  'Mycontributions' => array( '我的貢獻' ),
173  'Mypage' => array( '我的用戶頁' ),
174  'Mytalk' => array( '我的討論頁' ),
175  'Myuploads' => array( '我的上傳' ),
176  'Newimages' => array( '新建文件' ),
177  'Newpages' => array( '新頁面' ),
178  'PagesWithProp' => array( '帶屬性頁面' ),
179  'PasswordReset' => array( '重設密碼' ),
180  'PermanentLink' => array( '永久連結' ),
181  'Popularpages' => array( '熱點頁面' ),
182  'Preferences' => array( '參數設置' ),
183  'Prefixindex' => array( '前綴索引' ),
184  'Protectedpages' => array( '已保護頁面' ),
185  'Protectedtitles' => array( '已保護標題' ),
186  'Randompage' => array( '隨機頁面' ),
187  'Randomredirect' => array( '隨機重定向頁面' ),
188  'Recentchanges' => array( '最近更改' ),
189  'Recentchangeslinked' => array( '鏈出更改' ),
190  'Redirect' => array( '重定向' ),
191  'ResetTokens' => array( '覆寫令牌' ),
192  'Revisiondelete' => array( '刪除或恢復版本' ),
193  'Search' => array( '搜索' ),
194  'Shortpages' => array( '短頁面' ),
195  'Specialpages' => array( '特殊頁面' ),
196  'Statistics' => array( '統計信息' ),
197  'Tags' => array( '標籤' ),
198  'Unblock' => array( '解除封禁' ),
199  'Uncategorizedcategories' => array( '未歸類分類' ),
200  'Uncategorizedimages' => array( '未歸類文件' ),
201  'Uncategorizedpages' => array( '未歸類頁面' ),
202  'Uncategorizedtemplates' => array( '未歸類模板' ),
203  'Undelete' => array( '恢復被刪頁面' ),
204  'Unlockdb' => array( '解除數據庫鎖定' ),
205  'Unusedcategories' => array( '未使用分類' ),
206  'Unusedimages' => array( '未使用文件' ),
207  'Unusedtemplates' => array( '未使用模板' ),
208  'Unwatchedpages' => array( '未被監視的頁面' ),
209  'Upload' => array( '上傳文件' ),
210  'UploadStash' => array( '上傳藏匿' ),
211  'Userlogin' => array( '用戶登錄' ),
212  'Userlogout' => array( '用戶登出' ),
213  'Userrights' => array( '用戶權限' ),
214  'Version' => array( '版本信息' ),
215  'Wantedcategories' => array( '待撰分類' ),
216  'Wantedfiles' => array( '需要的文件' ),
217  'Wantedpages' => array( '待撰頁面' ),
218  'Wantedtemplates' => array( '需要的模板' ),
219  'Watchlist' => array( '監視列表' ),
220  'Whatlinkshere' => array( '鏈入頁面' ),
221  'Withoutinterwiki' => array( '沒有跨語言鏈接的頁面' ),
222 );
224 $magicWords = array(
225  'redirect' => array( '0', '#重定向', '#REDIRECT' ),
226  'notoc' => array( '0', '__無目錄__', '__无目录__', '__NOTOC__' ),
227  'nogallery' => array( '0', '__無圖庫__', '__无图库__', '__NOGALLERY__' ),
228  'forcetoc' => array( '0', '__強制目錄__', '__强显目录__', '__FORCETOC__' ),
229  'toc' => array( '0', '__目錄__', '__目录__', '__TOC__' ),
230  'noeditsection' => array( '0', '__無段落編輯__', '__无段落编辑__', '__NOEDITSECTION__' ),
231  'currentmonth' => array( '1', '本月', 'CURRENTMONTH', 'CURRENTMONTH2' ),
232  'currentmonthabbrev' => array( '1', '本月簡稱', '本月简称', 'CURRENTMONTHABBREV' ),
233  'currentday' => array( '1', '今天', 'CURRENTDAY' ),
234  'currenttime' => array( '1', '當前時間', '此時', '此时', '当前时间', 'CURRENTTIME' ),
235  'img_thumbnail' => array( '1', '縮圖', '缩略图', 'thumbnail', 'thumb' ),
236  'img_manualthumb' => array( '1', '縮圖=$1', '缩略图=$1', 'thumbnail=$1', 'thumb=$1' ),
237  'img_right' => array( '1', '', 'right' ),
238  'img_left' => array( '1', '', 'left' ),
239  'img_none' => array( '1', '', '', 'none' ),
240  'img_width' => array( '1', '$1像素', '$1px' ),
241  'img_center' => array( '1', '置中', '居中', 'center', 'centre' ),
242  'img_framed' => array( '1', '有框', 'framed', 'enframed', 'frame' ),
243  'img_frameless' => array( '1', '無框', '无框', 'frameless' ),
244  'img_page' => array( '1', '頁=$1', '$1頁', '页数=$1', '$1页', 'page=$1', 'page $1' ),
245  'img_link' => array( '1', '連結=$1', '链接=$1', 'link=$1' ),
246  'sitename' => array( '1', '網站名稱', '站点名称', 'SITENAME' ),
247  'ns' => array( '0', '名字空間:', '名字空间:', 'NS:' ),
248  'nse' => array( '0', '名字空間E:', '名字空间E:', 'NSE:' ),
249  'localurl' => array( '0', '本地URL:', 'LOCALURL:' ),
250  'localurle' => array( '0', '本地URLE:', 'LOCALURLE:' ),
251  'pageid' => array( '0', '頁面ID', '页面ID', 'PAGEID' ),
252  'server' => array( '0', '伺服器', '服务器', 'SERVER' ),
253  'servername' => array( '0', '伺服器名稱', '服务器名', 'SERVERNAME' ),
254  'gender' => array( '0', '性別:', '性别:', 'GENDER:' ),
255  'notitleconvert' => array( '0', '__不轉換標題__', '__不转换标题__', '__NOTITLECONVERT__', '__NOTC__' ),
256  'nocontentconvert' => array( '0', '__不轉換內容__', '__不转换内容__', '__NOCONTENTCONVERT__', '__NOCC__' ),
257  'displaytitle' => array( '1', '顯示標題', '显示标题', 'DISPLAYTITLE' ),
258  'currentversion' => array( '1', '當前版本', '当前版本', 'CURRENTVERSION' ),
259  'language' => array( '0', '#語言:', '#语言:', '#LANGUAGE:' ),
260  'hiddencat' => array( '1', '__隱藏分類__', '__隐藏分类__', '__HIDDENCAT__' ),
261  'staticredirect' => array( '1', '__靜態重定向__', '__静态重定向__', '__STATICREDIRECT__' ),
262 );
264 $bookstoreList = array(
265  '博客來書店' => '$1',
266  '三民書店' => '$1',
267  '天下書店' => '$1',
268  '新絲路書店' => '$1'
269 );
const NS_HELP
Definition: Defines.php:91
skin txt MediaWiki includes four core it has been set as the default in MediaWiki since the replacing Monobook it had been been the default skin since before being replaced by Vector largely rewritten in while keeping its appearance Several legacy skins were removed in the as the burden of supporting them became too heavy to bear Those in etc for skin dependent CSS etc for skin dependent JavaScript These can also be customised on a per user by etc This feature has led to a wide variety of user styles becoming that gallery is a good place to ending in php
Definition: skin.txt:62
Definition: MessagesZh_hant.php:65
Definition: Defines.php:90
UploadStash is intended to accomplish a few things:
Definition: UploadStash.php:44
const NS_FILE
Definition: Defines.php:85
Definition: Defines.php:89
We're now using the HTMLForm object with some customisation to generate the Preferences form.
Definition: Preferences.php:48
Definition: Defines.php:68
Maintenance script to change the password of a given user.
Definition: changePassword.php:34
I won t presume to tell you how to I m just describing the methods I chose to use for myself If you do choose to follow these it will probably be easier for you to collaborate with others on the but if you want to contribute without by all means do so(and don 't be surprised if I reformat your code). - I have the code indented with tabs to save file size and so that users can set their tab stops to any depth they like. I use 4-space tab stops
Definition: MessagesZh_hant.php:61
Definition: Defines.php:88
Definition: undelete.php:26
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
List of Api Query prop modules.
Definition: Defines.php:93
Definition: Defines.php:82
const NS_MEDIA
Definition: Defines.php:67
Definition: Defines.php:84
=Architecture==Two class hierarchies are used to provide the functionality associated with the different content models:*Content interface(and AbstractContent base class) define functionality that acts on the concrete content of a page, and *ContentHandler base class provides functionality specific to a content model, but not acting on concrete content. The most important function of ContentHandler is to act as a factory for the appropriate implementation of Content. These Content objects are to be used by MediaWiki everywhere, instead of passing page content around as text. All manipulation and analysis of page content must be done via the appropriate methods of the Content object. For each content model, a subclass of ContentHandler has to be registered with $wgContentHandlers. The ContentHandler object for a given content model can be obtained using ContentHandler::getForModelID($id). Also Title, WikiPage and Revision now have getContentHandler() methods for convenience. ContentHandler objects are singletons that provide functionality specific to the content type, but not directly acting on the content of some page. ContentHandler::makeEmptyContent() and ContentHandler::unserializeContent() can be used to create a Content object of the appropriate type. However, it is recommended to instead use WikiPage::getContent() resp. Revision::getContent() to get a page 's content as a Content object. These two methods should be the ONLY way in which page content is accessed. Another important function of ContentHandler objects is to define custom action handlers for a content model, see ContentHandler::getActionOverrides(). This is similar to what WikiPage::getActionOverrides() was already doing.==Serialization==With the ContentHandler facility, page content no longer has to be text based. Objects implementing the Content interface are used to represent and handle the content internally. For storage and data exchange, each content model supports at least one serialization format via ContentHandler::serializeContent($content). The list of supported formats for a given content model can be accessed using ContentHandler::getSupportedFormats(). Content serialization formats are identified using MIME type like strings. The following formats are built in:*text/x-wiki - wikitext *text/javascript - for js pages *text/css - for css pages *text/plain - for future use, e.g. with plain text messages. *text/html - for future use, e.g. with plain html messages. *application/vnd.php.serialized - for future use with the api and for extensions *application/json - for future use with the api, and for use by extensions *application/xml - for future use with the api, and for use by extensions In PHP, use the corresponding CONTENT_FORMAT_XXX constant. Note that when using the API to access page content, especially action=edit, action=parse and action=query &prop=revisions, the model and format of the content should always be handled explicitly. Without that information, interpretation of the provided content is not reliable. The same applies to XML dumps generated via maintenance/dumpBackup.php or Special:Export. Also note that the API will provide encapsulated, serialized content - so if the API was called with format=json, and contentformat is also json(or rather, application/json), the page content is represented as a string containing an escaped json structure. Extensions that use JSON to serialize some types of page content may provide specialized API modules that allow access to that content in a more natural form.==Compatibility==The ContentHandler facility is introduced in a way that should allow all existing code to keep functioning at least for pages that contain wikitext or other text based content. However, a number of functions and hooks have been deprecated in favor of new versions that are aware of the page 's content model, and will now generate warnings when used. Most importantly, the following functions have been deprecated:*Revisions::getText() and Revisions::getRawText() is deprecated in favor Revisions::getContent() *WikiPage::getText() is deprecated in favor WikiPage::getContent() Also, the old Article::getContent()(which returns text) is superceded by Article::getContentObject(). However, both methods should be avoided since they do not provide clean access to the page 's actual content. For instance, they may return a system message for non-existing pages. Use WikiPage::getContent() instead. Code that relies on a textual representation of the page content should eventually be rewritten. However, ContentHandler::getContentText() provides a stop-gap that can be used to get text for a page. Its behavior is controlled by $wgContentHandlerTextFallback it
Definition: contenthandler.txt:107
Definition: MessagesZh_hant.php:63
Definition: Defines.php:92
Definition: Block.php:22
const NS_USER
Definition: Defines.php:81
const NS_TALK
Definition: Defines.php:80
Definition: Defines.php:87
Definition: Defines.php:86
Definition: Defines.php:94
Definition: MessagesZh_hant.php:84
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same so they can t rely on Unix and must forbid reads to even standard directories like tmp lest users read each others files We cannot assume that the user has the ability to install or run any programs not written as web accessible PHP scripts Since anything that works on cheap shared hosting will work if you have shell or root access MediaWiki s design is based around catering to the lowest common denominator Although we support higher end setups as the way many things work by default is tailored toward shared hosting These defaults are unconventional from the point of view of and they certainly aren t ideal for someone who s installing MediaWiki as MediaWiki does not conform to normal Unix filesystem layout Hopefully we ll offer direct support for standard layouts in the but for now *any change to the location of files is unsupported *Moving things and leaving symlinks will *probably *not break but it is *strongly *advised not to try any more intrusive changes to get MediaWiki to conform more closely to your filesystem hierarchy Any such attempt will almost certainly result in unnecessary bugs The standard recommended location to install relative to the web is it should be possible to enable the appropriate rewrite rules by if you can reconfigure the web server
Definition: distributors.txt:53
This list may contain false positives That usually means there is additional text with links below the first Each row contains links to the first and second redirect
Definition: All_system_messages.txt:1267
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image and a DIV can begin in one section and end in another Make sure your code can handle that case gracefully See the EditSectionClearerLink extension for an example zero but section is usually empty its values are the globals values my talk page
Definition: hooks.txt:1956