MediaWiki  1.23.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
26 if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
27  die( -1 );
28 }
34 class SkinVector extends SkinTemplate {
36  protected static $bodyClasses = array( 'vector-animateLayout' );
38  var $skinname = 'vector', $stylename = 'vector',
39  $template = 'VectorTemplate', $useHeadElement = true;
45  public function initPage( OutputPage $out ) {
46  global $wgLocalStylePath;
48  parent::initPage( $out );
50  // Append CSS which includes IE only behavior fixes for hover support -
51  // this is better than including this in a CSS file since it doesn't
52  // wait for the CSS file to load before fetching the HTC file.
53  $min = $this->getRequest()->getFuzzyBool( 'debug' ) ? '' : '.min';
54  $out->addHeadItem( 'csshover',
55  '<!--[if lt IE 7]><style type="text/css">body{behavior:url("' .
56  htmlspecialchars( $wgLocalStylePath ) .
57  "/{$this->stylename}/csshover{$min}.htc\")}</style><![endif]-->"
58  );
60  $out->addModules( array( 'skins.vector.js', 'skins.vector.collapsibleNav' ) );
61  }
68  parent::setupSkinUserCss( $out );
70  $styles = array( 'mediawiki.skinning.interface', 'skins.vector.styles' );
71  wfRunHooks( 'SkinVectorStyleModules', array( $this, &$styles ) );
72  $out->addModuleStyles( $styles );
73  }
81  function addToBodyAttributes( $out, &$bodyAttrs ) {
82  if ( isset( $bodyAttrs['class'] ) && strlen( $bodyAttrs['class'] ) > 0 ) {
83  $bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' ' . implode( ' ', static::$bodyClasses );
84  } else {
85  $bodyAttrs['class'] = implode( ' ', static::$bodyClasses );
86  }
87  }
88 }
96  /* Functions */
101  public function execute() {
102  global $wgVectorUseIconWatch;
104  // Build additional attributes for navigation urls
105  $nav = $this->data['content_navigation'];
107  if ( $wgVectorUseIconWatch ) {
108  $mode = $this->getSkin()->getUser()->isWatched( $this->getSkin()->getRelevantTitle() ) ? 'unwatch' : 'watch';
109  if ( isset( $nav['actions'][$mode] ) ) {
110  $nav['views'][$mode] = $nav['actions'][$mode];
111  $nav['views'][$mode]['class'] = rtrim( 'icon ' . $nav['views'][$mode]['class'], ' ' );
112  $nav['views'][$mode]['primary'] = true;
113  unset( $nav['actions'][$mode] );
114  }
115  }
117  $xmlID = '';
118  foreach ( $nav as $section => $links ) {
119  foreach ( $links as $key => $link ) {
120  if ( $section == 'views' && !( isset( $link['primary'] ) && $link['primary'] ) ) {
121  $link['class'] = rtrim( 'collapsible ' . $link['class'], ' ' );
122  }
124  $xmlID = isset( $link['id'] ) ? $link['id'] : 'ca-' . $xmlID;
125  $nav[$section][$key]['attributes'] =
126  ' id="' . Sanitizer::escapeId( $xmlID ) . '"';
127  if ( $link['class'] ) {
128  $nav[$section][$key]['attributes'] .=
129  ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $link['class'] ) . '"';
130  unset( $nav[$section][$key]['class'] );
131  }
132  if ( isset( $link['tooltiponly'] ) && $link['tooltiponly'] ) {
133  $nav[$section][$key]['key'] =
134  Linker::tooltip( $xmlID );
135  } else {
136  $nav[$section][$key]['key'] =
138  }
139  }
140  }
141  $this->data['namespace_urls'] = $nav['namespaces'];
142  $this->data['view_urls'] = $nav['views'];
143  $this->data['action_urls'] = $nav['actions'];
144  $this->data['variant_urls'] = $nav['variants'];
146  // Reverse horizontally rendered navigation elements
147  if ( $this->data['rtl'] ) {
148  $this->data['view_urls'] =
149  array_reverse( $this->data['view_urls'] );
150  $this->data['namespace_urls'] =
151  array_reverse( $this->data['namespace_urls'] );
152  $this->data['personal_urls'] =
153  array_reverse( $this->data['personal_urls'] );
154  }
155  // Output HTML Page
156  $this->html( 'headelement' );
157 ?>
158  <div id="mw-page-base" class="noprint"></div>
159  <div id="mw-head-base" class="noprint"></div>
160  <div id="content" class="mw-body" role="main">
161  <a id="top"></a>
162  <div id="mw-js-message" style="display:none;"<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>></div>
163  <?php if ( $this->data['sitenotice'] ) { ?>
164  <div id="siteNotice"><?php $this->html( 'sitenotice' ) ?></div>
165  <?php } ?>
166  <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" lang="<?php
167  $this->data['pageLanguage'] = $this->getSkin()->getTitle()->getPageViewLanguage()->getHtmlCode();
168  $this->text( 'pageLanguage' );
169  ?>"><span dir="auto"><?php $this->html( 'title' ) ?></span></h1>
170  <?php $this->html( 'prebodyhtml' ) ?>
171  <div id="bodyContent">
172  <?php if ( $this->data['isarticle'] ) { ?>
173  <div id="siteSub"><?php $this->msg( 'tagline' ) ?></div>
174  <?php } ?>
175  <div id="contentSub"<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>><?php $this->html( 'subtitle' ) ?></div>
176  <?php if ( $this->data['undelete'] ) { ?>
177  <div id="contentSub2"><?php $this->html( 'undelete' ) ?></div>
178  <?php } ?>
179  <?php if ( $this->data['newtalk'] ) { ?>
180  <div class="usermessage"><?php $this->html( 'newtalk' ) ?></div>
181  <?php } ?>
182  <div id="jump-to-nav" class="mw-jump">
183  <?php $this->msg( 'jumpto' ) ?>
184  <a href="#mw-navigation"><?php $this->msg( 'jumptonavigation' ) ?></a><?php $this->msg( 'comma-separator' ) ?>
185  <a href="#p-search"><?php $this->msg( 'jumptosearch' ) ?></a>
186  </div>
187  <?php $this->html( 'bodycontent' ) ?>
188  <?php if ( $this->data['printfooter'] ) { ?>
189  <div class="printfooter">
190  <?php $this->html( 'printfooter' ); ?>
191  </div>
192  <?php } ?>
193  <?php if ( $this->data['catlinks'] ) { ?>
194  <?php $this->html( 'catlinks' ); ?>
195  <?php } ?>
196  <?php if ( $this->data['dataAfterContent'] ) { ?>
197  <?php $this->html( 'dataAfterContent' ); ?>
198  <?php } ?>
199  <div class="visualClear"></div>
200  <?php $this->html( 'debughtml' ); ?>
201  </div>
202  </div>
203  <div id="mw-navigation">
204  <h2><?php $this->msg( 'navigation-heading' ) ?></h2>
205  <div id="mw-head">
206  <?php $this->renderNavigation( 'PERSONAL' ); ?>
207  <div id="left-navigation">
208  <?php $this->renderNavigation( array( 'NAMESPACES', 'VARIANTS' ) ); ?>
209  </div>
210  <div id="right-navigation">
211  <?php $this->renderNavigation( array( 'VIEWS', 'ACTIONS', 'SEARCH' ) ); ?>
212  </div>
213  </div>
214  <div id="mw-panel">
215  <div id="p-logo" role="banner"><a style="background-image: url(<?php $this->text( 'logopath' ) ?>);" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $this->data['nav_urls']['mainpage']['href'] ) ?>" <?php echo Xml::expandAttributes( Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'p-logo' ) ) ?>></a></div>
216  <?php $this->renderPortals( $this->data['sidebar'] ); ?>
217  </div>
218  </div>
219  <div id="footer" role="contentinfo"<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
220  <?php foreach ( $this->getFooterLinks() as $category => $links ) { ?>
221  <ul id="footer-<?php echo $category ?>">
222  <?php foreach ( $links as $link ) { ?>
223  <li id="footer-<?php echo $category ?>-<?php echo $link ?>"><?php $this->html( $link ) ?></li>
224  <?php } ?>
225  </ul>
226  <?php } ?>
227  <?php $footericons = $this->getFooterIcons( "icononly" );
228  if ( count( $footericons ) > 0 ) { ?>
229  <ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint">
230 <?php foreach ( $footericons as $blockName => $footerIcons ) { ?>
231  <li id="footer-<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $blockName ); ?>ico">
232 <?php foreach ( $footerIcons as $icon ) { ?>
233  <?php echo $this->getSkin()->makeFooterIcon( $icon ); ?>
235 <?php } ?>
236  </li>
237 <?php } ?>
238  </ul>
239  <?php } ?>
240  <div style="clear:both"></div>
241  </div>
242  <?php $this->printTrail(); ?>
244  </body>
245 </html>
246 <?php
247  }
254  protected function renderPortals( $portals ) {
255  // Force the rendering of the following portals
256  if ( !isset( $portals['SEARCH'] ) ) {
257  $portals['SEARCH'] = true;
258  }
259  if ( !isset( $portals['TOOLBOX'] ) ) {
260  $portals['TOOLBOX'] = true;
261  }
262  if ( !isset( $portals['LANGUAGES'] ) ) {
263  $portals['LANGUAGES'] = true;
264  }
265  // Render portals
266  foreach ( $portals as $name => $content ) {
267  if ( $content === false ) {
268  continue;
269  }
271  switch ( $name ) {
272  case 'SEARCH':
273  break;
274  case 'TOOLBOX':
275  $this->renderPortal( 'tb', $this->getToolbox(), 'toolbox', 'SkinTemplateToolboxEnd' );
276  break;
277  case 'LANGUAGES':
278  if ( $this->data['language_urls'] !== false ) {
279  $this->renderPortal( 'lang', $this->data['language_urls'], 'otherlanguages' );
280  }
281  break;
282  default:
283  $this->renderPortal( $name, $content );
284  break;
285  }
286  }
287  }
295  protected function renderPortal( $name, $content, $msg = null, $hook = null ) {
296  if ( $msg === null ) {
297  $msg = $name;
298  }
299  $msgObj = wfMessage( $msg );
300  ?>
301 <div class="portal" role="navigation" id='<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$name" ) ?>'<?php echo Linker::tooltip( 'p-' . $name ) ?> aria-labelledby='<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$name-label" ) ?>'>
302  <h3<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?> id='<?php echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$name-label" ) ?>'><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $msgObj->exists() ? $msgObj->text() : $msg ); ?></h3>
303  <div class="body">
304 <?php
305  if ( is_array( $content ) ) { ?>
306  <ul>
307 <?php
308  foreach ( $content as $key => $val ) { ?>
309  <?php echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $val ); ?>
311 <?php
312  }
313  if ( $hook !== null ) {
314  wfRunHooks( $hook, array( &$this, true ) );
315  }
316  ?>
317  </ul>
318 <?php
319  } else { ?>
320  <?php
321  echo $content; /* Allow raw HTML block to be defined by extensions */
322  }
324  $this->renderAfterPortlet( $name );
325  ?>
326  </div>
327 </div>
328 <?php
329  }
337  protected function renderNavigation( $elements ) {
338  global $wgVectorUseSimpleSearch;
340  // If only one element was given, wrap it in an array, allowing more
341  // flexible arguments
342  if ( !is_array( $elements ) ) {
343  $elements = array( $elements );
344  // If there's a series of elements, reverse them when in RTL mode
345  } elseif ( $this->data['rtl'] ) {
346  $elements = array_reverse( $elements );
347  }
348  // Render elements
349  foreach ( $elements as $name => $element ) {
350  switch ( $element ) {
351  case 'NAMESPACES':
352 ?>
353 <div id="p-namespaces" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs<?php if ( count( $this->data['namespace_urls'] ) == 0 ) { echo ' emptyPortlet'; } ?>" aria-labelledby="p-namespaces-label">
354  <h3 id="p-namespaces-label"><?php $this->msg( 'namespaces' ) ?></h3>
355  <ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
356  <?php foreach ( $this->data['namespace_urls'] as $link ) { ?>
357  <li <?php echo $link['attributes'] ?>><span><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['href'] ) ?>" <?php echo $link['key'] ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['text'] ) ?></a></span></li>
358  <?php } ?>
359  </ul>
360 </div>
361 <?php
362  break;
363  case 'VARIANTS':
364 ?>
365 <div id="p-variants" role="navigation" class="vectorMenu<?php if ( count( $this->data['variant_urls'] ) == 0 ) { echo ' emptyPortlet'; } ?>" aria-labelledby="p-variants-label">
366  <h3 id="mw-vector-current-variant">
367  <?php foreach ( $this->data['variant_urls'] as $link ) { ?>
368  <?php if ( stripos( $link['attributes'], 'selected' ) !== false ) { ?>
369  <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['text'] ) ?>
370  <?php } ?>
371  <?php } ?>
372  </h3>
373  <h3 id="p-variants-label"><span><?php $this->msg( 'variants' ) ?></span><a href="#"></a></h3>
374  <div class="menu">
375  <ul>
376  <?php foreach ( $this->data['variant_urls'] as $link ) { ?>
377  <li<?php echo $link['attributes'] ?>><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['href'] ) ?>" lang="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['lang'] ) ?>" hreflang="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['hreflang'] ) ?>" <?php echo $link['key'] ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['text'] ) ?></a></li>
378  <?php } ?>
379  </ul>
380  </div>
381 </div>
382 <?php
383  break;
384  case 'VIEWS':
385 ?>
386 <div id="p-views" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs<?php if ( count( $this->data['view_urls'] ) == 0 ) { echo ' emptyPortlet'; } ?>" aria-labelledby="p-views-label">
387  <h3 id="p-views-label"><?php $this->msg( 'views' ) ?></h3>
388  <ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
389  <?php foreach ( $this->data['view_urls'] as $link ) { ?>
390  <li<?php echo $link['attributes'] ?>><span><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['href'] ) ?>" <?php echo $link['key'] ?>><?php
391  // $link['text'] can be undefined - bug 27764
392  if ( array_key_exists( 'text', $link ) ) {
393  echo array_key_exists( 'img', $link ) ? '<img src="' . $link['img'] . '" alt="' . $link['text'] . '" />' : htmlspecialchars( $link['text'] );
394  }
395  ?></a></span></li>
396  <?php } ?>
397  </ul>
398 </div>
399 <?php
400  break;
401  case 'ACTIONS':
402 ?>
403 <div id="p-cactions" role="navigation" class="vectorMenu<?php if ( count( $this->data['action_urls'] ) == 0 ) { echo ' emptyPortlet'; } ?>" aria-labelledby="p-cactions-label">
404  <h3 id="p-cactions-label"><span><?php $this->msg( 'actions' ) ?></span><a href="#"></a></h3>
405  <div class="menu">
406  <ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
407  <?php foreach ( $this->data['action_urls'] as $link ) { ?>
408  <li<?php echo $link['attributes'] ?>><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['href'] ) ?>" <?php echo $link['key'] ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $link['text'] ) ?></a></li>
409  <?php } ?>
410  </ul>
411  </div>
412 </div>
413 <?php
414  break;
415  case 'PERSONAL':
416 ?>
417 <div id="p-personal" role="navigation" class="<?php if ( count( $this->data['personal_urls'] ) == 0 ) { echo ' emptyPortlet'; } ?>" aria-labelledby="p-personal-label">
418  <h3 id="p-personal-label"><?php $this->msg( 'personaltools' ) ?></h3>
419  <ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
420 <?php
422  foreach ( $personalTools as $key => $item ) {
423  echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
424  }
425 ?>
426  </ul>
427 </div>
428 <?php
429  break;
430  case 'SEARCH':
431 ?>
432 <div id="p-search" role="search">
433  <h3<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>><label for="searchInput"><?php $this->msg( 'search' ) ?></label></h3>
434  <form action="<?php $this->text( 'wgScript' ) ?>" id="searchform">
435  <?php if ( $wgVectorUseSimpleSearch ) { ?>
436  <div id="simpleSearch">
437  <?php } else { ?>
438  <div>
439  <?php } ?>
440  <?php
441  echo $this->makeSearchInput( array( 'id' => 'searchInput' ) );
442  echo Html::hidden( 'title', $this->get( 'searchtitle' ) );
443  // We construct two buttons (for 'go' and 'fulltext' search modes), but only one will be
444  // visible and actionable at a time (they are overlaid on top of each other in CSS).
445  // * Browsers will use the 'fulltext' one by default (as it's the first in tree-order), which
446  // is desirable when they are unable to show search suggestions (either due to being broken
447  // or having JavaScript turned off).
448  // * The mediawiki.searchSuggest module, after doing tests for the broken browsers, removes
449  // the 'fulltext' button and handles 'fulltext' search itself; this will reveal the 'go'
450  // button and cause it to be used.
451  echo $this->makeSearchButton( 'fulltext', array( 'id' => 'mw-searchButton', 'class' => 'searchButton mw-fallbackSearchButton' ) );
452  echo $this->makeSearchButton( 'go', array( 'id' => 'searchButton', 'class' => 'searchButton' ) );
453  ?>
454  </div>
455  </form>
456 </div>
457 <?php
459  break;
460  }
461  }
462  }
463 }
Create an array of personal tools items from the data in the quicktemplate stored by SkinTemplate.
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1610
getFooterLinks( $option=null)
Returns an array of footerlinks trimmed down to only those footer links that are valid.
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:2009
makeSearchInput( $attrs=array())
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1946
msg( $str)
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1524
setupSkinUserCss(OutputPage $out)
Loads skin and user CSS files.
Definition: Vector.php:67
and how to run hooks for an and one after Each event has a preferably in CamelCase For ArticleDelete hook A clump of code and data that should be run when an event happens This can be either a function and a chunk of data
Definition: hooks.txt:6
static expandAttributes( $attribs)
Given an array of ('attributename' => 'value'), it generates the code to set the XML attributes : att...
Definition: Xml.php:65
skin txt MediaWiki includes four core it has been set as the default in MediaWiki since the replacing Monobook it had been been the default skin since before being replaced by Vector largely rewritten in while keeping its appearance Several legacy skins were removed in the as the burden of supporting them became too heavy to bear Those in etc for skin dependent CSS etc for skin dependent JavaScript These can also be customised on a per user by etc This feature has led to a wide variety of user styles becoming that gallery is a good place to ending in php
Definition: skin.txt:62
makeListItem( $key, $item, $options=array())
Generates a list item for a navigation, portlet, portal, sidebar...
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1905
Definition: Vector.php:38
addToBodyAttributes( $out, &$bodyAttrs)
Adds classes to the body element.
Definition: Vector.php:81
static hidden( $name, $value, $attribs=array())
Convenience function to produce an input element with type=hidden.
Definition: Html.php:662
Get the WebRequest object.
Definition: ContextSource.php:77
set to $title object and return false for a match for latest after cache objects are set use the ContentHandler facility to handle CSS and JavaScript for highlighting & $link
Definition: hooks.txt:2149
Get the Skin object related to this object.
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1488
addHeadItem( $name, $value)
Add or replace an header item to the output.
Definition: OutputPage.php:598
QuickTemplate class for Vector skin.
Definition: Vector.php:94
static tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( $name)
Returns the attributes for the tooltip and access key.
Definition: Linker.php:2298
$this html('userlangattributes') foreach( $this->getFooterLinks() as $category=> $links) foreach( $links as $link) $this html($link) $footericons
Definition: Vector.php:227
Definition: UtfNormalGenerate.php:167
case __pad3__ if(count( $this->data['personal_urls'])==0) $this msg('personaltools') $this html('userlangattributes') $personalTools
Definition: Vector.php:421
Definition: Vector.php:39
Outputs the entire contents of the (X)HTML page.
Definition: Vector.php:101
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses after processing after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a set this to the key of the message First element is the message additional optional elements are parameters for the key that are processed with wfMessage() -> params() ->parseAsBlock() - offset Set to overwrite offset parameter in $wgRequest set to '' to unset offset - wrap String Wrap the message in html(usually something like "&lt
Output the basic end-page trail including bottomscripts, reporttime, and debug stuff.
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:2082
wfRunHooks( $event, array $args=array(), $deprecatedVersion=null)
Call hook functions defined in $wgHooks.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:4010
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
List of Api Query prop modules.
renderPortal( $name, $content, $msg=null, $hook=null)
Definition: Vector.php:295
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new masking the global
Definition: design.txt:93
null means default in associative array form
Definition: hooks.txt:1530
This class should be covered by a general architecture document which does not exist as of January 20...
Definition: OutputPage.php:38
static escapeId( $id, $options=array())
Given a value, escape it so that it can be used in an id attribute and return it.
Definition: Sanitizer.php:1099
Definition: Vector.php:38
Definition: Utf8Test.php:88
renderAfterPortlet( $name)
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1766
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:336
Definition: parserTests.txt:378
renderNavigation( $elements)
Render one or more navigations elements by name, automatically reveresed when UI is in RTL mode.
Definition: Vector.php:337
makeSearchButton( $mode, $attrs=array())
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1957
renderPortals( $portals)
Render a series of portals.
Definition: Vector.php:254
static $bodyClasses
Definition: Vector.php:36
SkinTemplate class for Vector skin.
Definition: Vector.php:34
static tooltip( $name, $options=null)
Returns raw bits of HTML, use titleAttrib()
Definition: Linker.php:2319
Create an array of common toolbox items from the data in the quicktemplate stored by SkinTemplate.
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1543
initPage(OutputPage $out)
Initializes output page and sets up skin-specific parameters.
Definition: Vector.php:45
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
getFooterIcons( $option=null)
Returns an array of footer icons filtered down by options relevant to how the skin wishes to display ...
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:2048
shown</td >< td > a href
Definition: All_system_messages.txt:2674
New base template for a skin's template extended from QuickTemplate this class features helper method...
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:1512
Template-filler skin base class Formerly generic PHPTal (http://phptal.sourceforge....
Definition: SkinTemplate.php:70
$this html( 'userlangattributes')
Definition: Vector.php:302
Definition: Vector.php:39