MediaWiki  1.23.5
ZhConversion.php File Reference

Simplified / Traditional Chinese conversion tables. More...

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Detailed Description

Simplified / Traditional Chinese conversion tables.

Automatically generated using code and data in maintenance/language/zhtable/ Do not modify directly!

Definition in file ZhConversion.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ $zh2CN


Definition at line 18785 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().

◆ $zh2Hans


◆ $zh2Hant


◆ $zh2HK


Definition at line 16507 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().

◆ $zh2SG

Initial value:
'『' => '‘',
'』' => '’',
'「' => '“',
'」' => '”',
'住房' => '住屋',
'凉菜' => '冷菜',
'冷盤' => '冷菜',
'民乐' => '华乐',
'夜校' => '夜学',
'房价' => '屋价',
'即食麵' => '快速面',
'速食麵' => '快速面',
'泡麵' => '快速面',
'方便面' => '快速面',
'零钱' => '散钱',
'散紙' => '散钱',
'榴莲' => '榴梿',
'榴蓮' => '榴梿',
'笨豬跳' => '绑紧跳',
'蹦极跳' => '绑紧跳',
'笑星' => '谐星',

Definition at line 19063 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().

◆ $zh2TW


Definition at line 16104 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().

the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
List of Api Query prop modules.