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TestORMRow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TestORMRow:
Collaboration diagram for TestORMRow:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ORMRow
 __construct (IORMTable $table=null, $fields=null, $loadDefaults=false)
 Constructor. More...
 addToField ( $field, $amount)
 Add an amount (can be negative) to the specified field (needs to be numeric). More...
 getField ( $name, $default=null)
 Gets the value of a field. More...
 getFieldNames ()
 Return the names of the fields. More...
 getFields ()
 Return the names and values of the fields. More...
 getId ()
 Returns the objects database id. More...
 getSetFieldNames ()
 Return the names of the fields. More...
 getTable ()
 Returns the table this IORMRow is a row in. More...
 hasField ( $name)
 Gets if a certain field is set. More...
 hasIdField ()
 Gets if the id field is set. More...
 loadAndGetField ( $name)
 Gets the value of a field but first loads it if not done so already. More...
 loadDefaults ( $override=true)
 Load the default values, via getDefaults. More...
 loadFields ( $fields=null, $override=true, $skipLoaded=false)
 Load the specified fields from the database. More...
 loadSummaryFields ( $summaryFields=null)
 Computes and updates the values of the summary fields. More...
 remove ()
 Removes the object from the database. More...
 removeField ( $name)
 Remove a field. More...
 save ( $functionName=null)
 Writes the answer to the database, either updating it when it already exists, or inserting it when it doesn't. More...
 setField ( $name, $value)
 Sets the value of a field. More...
 setFields (array $fields, $override=true)
 Sets multiple fields. More...
 setId ( $id)
 Sets the objects database id. More...
 setSummaryMode ( $summaryMode)
 Sets the value for the. More...
 setUpdateSummaries ( $update)
 Sets the value for the. More...
 toArray ( $fields=null, $incNullId=false)
 Serializes the object to an associative array which can then easily be converted into JSON or similar. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ORMRow
 beforeRemove ()
 Gets called before an object is removed from the database. More...
 getBeforeRemoveFields ()
 Before removal of an object happens,. More...
 getUpdateConditions ()
 Returns the WHERE considtions needed to identify this object so it can be updated. More...
 getWriteValues ()
 Gets the fields => values to write to the table. More...
 insert ( $functionName=null, array $options=null)
 Inserts the object into the database. More...
 onRemoved ()
 Gets called after successful removal. More...
 saveExisting ( $functionName=null)
 Updates the object in the database. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ORMRow
array $fields = array( 'id' => null )
 The fields of the object. More...
bool $inSummaryMode = false
 Indicates if the object is in summary mode. More...
ORMTable null $table
bool $updateSummaries = true
 If the object should update summaries of linked items when changed. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 148 of file TestORMRowTest.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: