MediaWiki  1.27.3
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
30 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
32  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
37  public $parser;
39  const CACHE_PREFIX = 'preprocess-hash';
41  public function __construct( $parser ) {
42  $this->parser = $parser;
43  }
48  public function newFrame() {
49  return new PPFrame_Hash( $this );
50  }
56  public function newCustomFrame( $args ) {
57  return new PPCustomFrame_Hash( $this, $args );
58  }
64  public function newPartNodeArray( $values ) {
65  $list = [];
67  foreach ( $values as $k => $val ) {
68  $partNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'part' );
69  $nameNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'name' );
71  if ( is_int( $k ) ) {
72  $nameNode->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Attr( 'index', $k ) );
73  $partNode->addChild( $nameNode );
74  } else {
75  $nameNode->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Text( $k ) );
76  $partNode->addChild( $nameNode );
77  $partNode->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Text( '=' ) );
78  }
80  $valueNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'value' );
81  $valueNode->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Text( $val ) );
82  $partNode->addChild( $valueNode );
84  $list[] = $partNode;
85  }
87  $node = new PPNode_Hash_Array( $list );
88  return $node;
89  }
114  public function preprocessToObj( $text, $flags = 0 ) {
115  $tree = $this->cacheGetTree( $text, $flags );
116  if ( $tree !== false ) {
117  return unserialize( $tree );
118  }
120  $forInclusion = $flags & Parser::PTD_FOR_INCLUSION;
122  $xmlishElements = $this->parser->getStripList();
123  $xmlishAllowMissingEndTag = [ 'includeonly', 'noinclude', 'onlyinclude' ];
124  $enableOnlyinclude = false;
125  if ( $forInclusion ) {
126  $ignoredTags = [ 'includeonly', '/includeonly' ];
127  $ignoredElements = [ 'noinclude' ];
128  $xmlishElements[] = 'noinclude';
129  if ( strpos( $text, '<onlyinclude>' ) !== false
130  && strpos( $text, '</onlyinclude>' ) !== false
131  ) {
132  $enableOnlyinclude = true;
133  }
134  } else {
135  $ignoredTags = [ 'noinclude', '/noinclude', 'onlyinclude', '/onlyinclude' ];
136  $ignoredElements = [ 'includeonly' ];
137  $xmlishElements[] = 'includeonly';
138  }
139  $xmlishRegex = implode( '|', array_merge( $xmlishElements, $ignoredTags ) );
141  // Use "A" modifier (anchored) instead of "^", because ^ doesn't work with an offset
142  $elementsRegex = "~($xmlishRegex)(?:\s|\/>|>)|(!--)~iA";
144  $stack = new PPDStack_Hash;
146  $searchBase = "[{<\n";
147  // For fast reverse searches
148  $revText = strrev( $text );
149  $lengthText = strlen( $text );
151  // Input pointer, starts out pointing to a pseudo-newline before the start
152  $i = 0;
153  // Current accumulator
154  $accum =& $stack->getAccum();
155  // True to find equals signs in arguments
156  $findEquals = false;
157  // True to take notice of pipe characters
158  $findPipe = false;
159  $headingIndex = 1;
160  // True if $i is inside a possible heading
161  $inHeading = false;
162  // True if there are no more greater-than (>) signs right of $i
163  $noMoreGT = false;
164  // Map of tag name => true if there are no more closing tags of given type right of $i
165  $noMoreClosingTag = [];
166  // True to ignore all input up to the next <onlyinclude>
167  $findOnlyinclude = $enableOnlyinclude;
168  // Do a line-start run without outputting an LF character
169  $fakeLineStart = true;
171  while ( true ) {
172  // $this->memCheck();
174  if ( $findOnlyinclude ) {
175  // Ignore all input up to the next <onlyinclude>
176  $startPos = strpos( $text, '<onlyinclude>', $i );
177  if ( $startPos === false ) {
178  // Ignored section runs to the end
179  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'ignore', substr( $text, $i ) );
180  break;
181  }
182  $tagEndPos = $startPos + strlen( '<onlyinclude>' ); // past-the-end
183  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'ignore', substr( $text, $i, $tagEndPos - $i ) );
184  $i = $tagEndPos;
185  $findOnlyinclude = false;
186  }
188  if ( $fakeLineStart ) {
189  $found = 'line-start';
190  $curChar = '';
191  } else {
192  # Find next opening brace, closing brace or pipe
193  $search = $searchBase;
194  if ( $stack->top === false ) {
195  $currentClosing = '';
196  } else {
197  $currentClosing = $stack->top->close;
198  $search .= $currentClosing;
199  }
200  if ( $findPipe ) {
201  $search .= '|';
202  }
203  if ( $findEquals ) {
204  // First equals will be for the template
205  $search .= '=';
206  }
207  $rule = null;
208  # Output literal section, advance input counter
209  $literalLength = strcspn( $text, $search, $i );
210  if ( $literalLength > 0 ) {
211  $accum->addLiteral( substr( $text, $i, $literalLength ) );
212  $i += $literalLength;
213  }
214  if ( $i >= $lengthText ) {
215  if ( $currentClosing == "\n" ) {
216  // Do a past-the-end run to finish off the heading
217  $curChar = '';
218  $found = 'line-end';
219  } else {
220  # All done
221  break;
222  }
223  } else {
224  $curChar = $text[$i];
225  if ( $curChar == '|' ) {
226  $found = 'pipe';
227  } elseif ( $curChar == '=' ) {
228  $found = 'equals';
229  } elseif ( $curChar == '<' ) {
230  $found = 'angle';
231  } elseif ( $curChar == "\n" ) {
232  if ( $inHeading ) {
233  $found = 'line-end';
234  } else {
235  $found = 'line-start';
236  }
237  } elseif ( $curChar == $currentClosing ) {
238  $found = 'close';
239  } elseif ( isset( $this->rules[$curChar] ) ) {
240  $found = 'open';
241  $rule = $this->rules[$curChar];
242  } else {
243  # Some versions of PHP have a strcspn which stops on null characters
244  # Ignore and continue
245  ++$i;
246  continue;
247  }
248  }
249  }
251  if ( $found == 'angle' ) {
252  $matches = false;
253  // Handle </onlyinclude>
254  if ( $enableOnlyinclude
255  && substr( $text, $i, strlen( '</onlyinclude>' ) ) == '</onlyinclude>'
256  ) {
257  $findOnlyinclude = true;
258  continue;
259  }
261  // Determine element name
262  if ( !preg_match( $elementsRegex, $text, $matches, 0, $i + 1 ) ) {
263  // Element name missing or not listed
264  $accum->addLiteral( '<' );
265  ++$i;
266  continue;
267  }
268  // Handle comments
269  if ( isset( $matches[2] ) && $matches[2] == '!--' ) {
271  // To avoid leaving blank lines, when a sequence of
272  // space-separated comments is both preceded and followed by
273  // a newline (ignoring spaces), then
274  // trim leading and trailing spaces and the trailing newline.
276  // Find the end
277  $endPos = strpos( $text, '-->', $i + 4 );
278  if ( $endPos === false ) {
279  // Unclosed comment in input, runs to end
280  $inner = substr( $text, $i );
281  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'comment', $inner );
282  $i = $lengthText;
283  } else {
284  // Search backwards for leading whitespace
285  $wsStart = $i ? ( $i - strspn( $revText, " \t", $lengthText - $i ) ) : 0;
287  // Search forwards for trailing whitespace
288  // $wsEnd will be the position of the last space (or the '>' if there's none)
289  $wsEnd = $endPos + 2 + strspn( $text, " \t", $endPos + 3 );
291  // Keep looking forward as long as we're finding more
292  // comments.
293  $comments = [ [ $wsStart, $wsEnd ] ];
294  while ( substr( $text, $wsEnd + 1, 4 ) == '<!--' ) {
295  $c = strpos( $text, '-->', $wsEnd + 4 );
296  if ( $c === false ) {
297  break;
298  }
299  $c = $c + 2 + strspn( $text, " \t", $c + 3 );
300  $comments[] = [ $wsEnd + 1, $c ];
301  $wsEnd = $c;
302  }
304  // Eat the line if possible
305  // TODO: This could theoretically be done if $wsStart == 0, i.e. for comments at
306  // the overall start. That's not how Sanitizer::removeHTMLcomments() did it, but
307  // it's a possible beneficial b/c break.
308  if ( $wsStart > 0 && substr( $text, $wsStart - 1, 1 ) == "\n"
309  && substr( $text, $wsEnd + 1, 1 ) == "\n"
310  ) {
311  // Remove leading whitespace from the end of the accumulator
312  // Sanity check first though
313  $wsLength = $i - $wsStart;
314  if ( $wsLength > 0
315  && $accum->lastNode instanceof PPNode_Hash_Text
316  && strspn( $accum->lastNode->value, " \t", -$wsLength ) === $wsLength
317  ) {
318  $accum->lastNode->value = substr( $accum->lastNode->value, 0, -$wsLength );
319  }
321  // Dump all but the last comment to the accumulator
322  foreach ( $comments as $j => $com ) {
323  $startPos = $com[0];
324  $endPos = $com[1] + 1;
325  if ( $j == ( count( $comments ) - 1 ) ) {
326  break;
327  }
328  $inner = substr( $text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos );
329  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'comment', $inner );
330  }
332  // Do a line-start run next time to look for headings after the comment
333  $fakeLineStart = true;
334  } else {
335  // No line to eat, just take the comment itself
336  $startPos = $i;
337  $endPos += 2;
338  }
340  if ( $stack->top ) {
341  $part = $stack->top->getCurrentPart();
342  if ( !( isset( $part->commentEnd ) && $part->commentEnd == $wsStart - 1 ) ) {
343  $part->visualEnd = $wsStart;
344  }
345  // Else comments abutting, no change in visual end
346  $part->commentEnd = $endPos;
347  }
348  $i = $endPos + 1;
349  $inner = substr( $text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos + 1 );
350  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'comment', $inner );
351  }
352  continue;
353  }
354  $name = $matches[1];
355  $lowerName = strtolower( $name );
356  $attrStart = $i + strlen( $name ) + 1;
358  // Find end of tag
359  $tagEndPos = $noMoreGT ? false : strpos( $text, '>', $attrStart );
360  if ( $tagEndPos === false ) {
361  // Infinite backtrack
362  // Disable tag search to prevent worst-case O(N^2) performance
363  $noMoreGT = true;
364  $accum->addLiteral( '<' );
365  ++$i;
366  continue;
367  }
369  // Handle ignored tags
370  if ( in_array( $lowerName, $ignoredTags ) ) {
371  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'ignore', substr( $text, $i, $tagEndPos - $i + 1 ) );
372  $i = $tagEndPos + 1;
373  continue;
374  }
376  $tagStartPos = $i;
377  if ( $text[$tagEndPos - 1] == '/' ) {
378  // Short end tag
379  $attrEnd = $tagEndPos - 1;
380  $inner = null;
381  $i = $tagEndPos + 1;
382  $close = null;
383  } else {
384  $attrEnd = $tagEndPos;
385  // Find closing tag
386  if (
387  !isset( $noMoreClosingTag[$name] ) &&
388  preg_match( "/<\/" . preg_quote( $name, '/' ) . "\s*>/i",
389  $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $tagEndPos + 1 )
390  ) {
391  $inner = substr( $text, $tagEndPos + 1, $matches[0][1] - $tagEndPos - 1 );
392  $i = $matches[0][1] + strlen( $matches[0][0] );
393  $close = $matches[0][0];
394  } else {
395  // No end tag
396  if ( in_array( $name, $xmlishAllowMissingEndTag ) ) {
397  // Let it run out to the end of the text.
398  $inner = substr( $text, $tagEndPos + 1 );
399  $i = $lengthText;
400  $close = null;
401  } else {
402  // Don't match the tag, treat opening tag as literal and resume parsing.
403  $i = $tagEndPos + 1;
404  $accum->addLiteral( substr( $text, $tagStartPos, $tagEndPos + 1 - $tagStartPos ) );
405  // Cache results, otherwise we have O(N^2) performance for input like <foo><foo><foo>...
406  $noMoreClosingTag[$name] = true;
407  continue;
408  }
409  }
410  }
411  // <includeonly> and <noinclude> just become <ignore> tags
412  if ( in_array( $lowerName, $ignoredElements ) ) {
413  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'ignore', substr( $text, $tagStartPos, $i - $tagStartPos ) );
414  continue;
415  }
417  if ( $attrEnd <= $attrStart ) {
418  $attr = '';
419  } else {
420  // Note that the attr element contains the whitespace between name and attribute,
421  // this is necessary for precise reconstruction during pre-save transform.
422  $attr = substr( $text, $attrStart, $attrEnd - $attrStart );
423  }
425  $extNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'ext' );
426  $extNode->addChild( PPNode_Hash_Tree::newWithText( 'name', $name ) );
427  $extNode->addChild( PPNode_Hash_Tree::newWithText( 'attr', $attr ) );
428  if ( $inner !== null ) {
429  $extNode->addChild( PPNode_Hash_Tree::newWithText( 'inner', $inner ) );
430  }
431  if ( $close !== null ) {
432  $extNode->addChild( PPNode_Hash_Tree::newWithText( 'close', $close ) );
433  }
434  $accum->addNode( $extNode );
435  } elseif ( $found == 'line-start' ) {
436  // Is this the start of a heading?
437  // Line break belongs before the heading element in any case
438  if ( $fakeLineStart ) {
439  $fakeLineStart = false;
440  } else {
441  $accum->addLiteral( $curChar );
442  $i++;
443  }
445  $count = strspn( $text, '=', $i, 6 );
446  if ( $count == 1 && $findEquals ) {
447  // DWIM: This looks kind of like a name/value separator.
448  // Let's let the equals handler have it and break the potential
449  // heading. This is heuristic, but AFAICT the methods for
450  // completely correct disambiguation are very complex.
451  } elseif ( $count > 0 ) {
452  $piece = [
453  'open' => "\n",
454  'close' => "\n",
455  'parts' => [ new PPDPart_Hash( str_repeat( '=', $count ) ) ],
456  'startPos' => $i,
457  'count' => $count ];
458  $stack->push( $piece );
459  $accum =& $stack->getAccum();
460  extract( $stack->getFlags() );
461  $i += $count;
462  }
463  } elseif ( $found == 'line-end' ) {
464  $piece = $stack->top;
465  // A heading must be open, otherwise \n wouldn't have been in the search list
466  assert( '$piece->open == "\n"' );
467  $part = $piece->getCurrentPart();
468  // Search back through the input to see if it has a proper close.
469  // Do this using the reversed string since the other solutions
470  // (end anchor, etc.) are inefficient.
471  $wsLength = strspn( $revText, " \t", $lengthText - $i );
472  $searchStart = $i - $wsLength;
473  if ( isset( $part->commentEnd ) && $searchStart - 1 == $part->commentEnd ) {
474  // Comment found at line end
475  // Search for equals signs before the comment
476  $searchStart = $part->visualEnd;
477  $searchStart -= strspn( $revText, " \t", $lengthText - $searchStart );
478  }
479  $count = $piece->count;
480  $equalsLength = strspn( $revText, '=', $lengthText - $searchStart );
481  if ( $equalsLength > 0 ) {
482  if ( $searchStart - $equalsLength == $piece->startPos ) {
483  // This is just a single string of equals signs on its own line
484  // Replicate the doHeadings behavior /={count}(.+)={count}/
485  // First find out how many equals signs there really are (don't stop at 6)
486  $count = $equalsLength;
487  if ( $count < 3 ) {
488  $count = 0;
489  } else {
490  $count = min( 6, intval( ( $count - 1 ) / 2 ) );
491  }
492  } else {
493  $count = min( $equalsLength, $count );
494  }
495  if ( $count > 0 ) {
496  // Normal match, output <h>
497  $element = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'possible-h' );
498  $element->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Attr( 'level', $count ) );
499  $element->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Attr( 'i', $headingIndex++ ) );
500  $element->lastChild->nextSibling = $accum->firstNode;
501  $element->lastChild = $accum->lastNode;
502  } else {
503  // Single equals sign on its own line, count=0
504  $element = $accum;
505  }
506  } else {
507  // No match, no <h>, just pass down the inner text
508  $element = $accum;
509  }
510  // Unwind the stack
511  $stack->pop();
512  $accum =& $stack->getAccum();
513  extract( $stack->getFlags() );
515  // Append the result to the enclosing accumulator
516  if ( $element instanceof PPNode ) {
517  $accum->addNode( $element );
518  } else {
519  $accum->addAccum( $element );
520  }
521  // Note that we do NOT increment the input pointer.
522  // This is because the closing linebreak could be the opening linebreak of
523  // another heading. Infinite loops are avoided because the next iteration MUST
524  // hit the heading open case above, which unconditionally increments the
525  // input pointer.
526  } elseif ( $found == 'open' ) {
527  # count opening brace characters
528  $count = strspn( $text, $curChar, $i );
530  # we need to add to stack only if opening brace count is enough for one of the rules
531  if ( $count >= $rule['min'] ) {
532  # Add it to the stack
533  $piece = [
534  'open' => $curChar,
535  'close' => $rule['end'],
536  'count' => $count,
537  'lineStart' => ( $i > 0 && $text[$i - 1] == "\n" ),
538  ];
540  $stack->push( $piece );
541  $accum =& $stack->getAccum();
542  extract( $stack->getFlags() );
543  } else {
544  # Add literal brace(s)
545  $accum->addLiteral( str_repeat( $curChar, $count ) );
546  }
547  $i += $count;
548  } elseif ( $found == 'close' ) {
549  $piece = $stack->top;
550  # lets check if there are enough characters for closing brace
551  $maxCount = $piece->count;
552  $count = strspn( $text, $curChar, $i, $maxCount );
554  # check for maximum matching characters (if there are 5 closing
555  # characters, we will probably need only 3 - depending on the rules)
556  $rule = $this->rules[$piece->open];
557  if ( $count > $rule['max'] ) {
558  # The specified maximum exists in the callback array, unless the caller
559  # has made an error
560  $matchingCount = $rule['max'];
561  } else {
562  # Count is less than the maximum
563  # Skip any gaps in the callback array to find the true largest match
564  # Need to use array_key_exists not isset because the callback can be null
565  $matchingCount = $count;
566  while ( $matchingCount > 0 && !array_key_exists( $matchingCount, $rule['names'] ) ) {
567  --$matchingCount;
568  }
569  }
571  if ( $matchingCount <= 0 ) {
572  # No matching element found in callback array
573  # Output a literal closing brace and continue
574  $accum->addLiteral( str_repeat( $curChar, $count ) );
575  $i += $count;
576  continue;
577  }
578  $name = $rule['names'][$matchingCount];
579  if ( $name === null ) {
580  // No element, just literal text
581  $element = $piece->breakSyntax( $matchingCount );
582  $element->addLiteral( str_repeat( $rule['end'], $matchingCount ) );
583  } else {
584  # Create XML element
585  # Note: $parts is already XML, does not need to be encoded further
586  $parts = $piece->parts;
587  $titleAccum = $parts[0]->out;
588  unset( $parts[0] );
590  $element = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( $name );
592  # The invocation is at the start of the line if lineStart is set in
593  # the stack, and all opening brackets are used up.
594  if ( $maxCount == $matchingCount && !empty( $piece->lineStart ) ) {
595  $element->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Attr( 'lineStart', 1 ) );
596  }
597  $titleNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'title' );
598  $titleNode->firstChild = $titleAccum->firstNode;
599  $titleNode->lastChild = $titleAccum->lastNode;
600  $element->addChild( $titleNode );
601  $argIndex = 1;
602  foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
603  if ( isset( $part->eqpos ) ) {
604  // Find equals
605  $lastNode = false;
606  for ( $node = $part->out->firstNode; $node; $node = $node->nextSibling ) {
607  if ( $node === $part->eqpos ) {
608  break;
609  }
610  $lastNode = $node;
611  }
612  if ( !$node ) {
613  // if ( $cacheable ) { ... }
614  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': eqpos not found' );
615  }
616  if ( $node->name !== 'equals' ) {
617  // if ( $cacheable ) { ... }
618  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': eqpos is not equals' );
619  }
620  $equalsNode = $node;
622  // Construct name node
623  $nameNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'name' );
624  if ( $lastNode !== false ) {
625  $lastNode->nextSibling = false;
626  $nameNode->firstChild = $part->out->firstNode;
627  $nameNode->lastChild = $lastNode;
628  }
630  // Construct value node
631  $valueNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'value' );
632  if ( $equalsNode->nextSibling !== false ) {
633  $valueNode->firstChild = $equalsNode->nextSibling;
634  $valueNode->lastChild = $part->out->lastNode;
635  }
636  $partNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'part' );
637  $partNode->addChild( $nameNode );
638  $partNode->addChild( $equalsNode->firstChild );
639  $partNode->addChild( $valueNode );
640  $element->addChild( $partNode );
641  } else {
642  $partNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'part' );
643  $nameNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'name' );
644  $nameNode->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Attr( 'index', $argIndex++ ) );
645  $valueNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'value' );
646  $valueNode->firstChild = $part->out->firstNode;
647  $valueNode->lastChild = $part->out->lastNode;
648  $partNode->addChild( $nameNode );
649  $partNode->addChild( $valueNode );
650  $element->addChild( $partNode );
651  }
652  }
653  }
655  # Advance input pointer
656  $i += $matchingCount;
658  # Unwind the stack
659  $stack->pop();
660  $accum =& $stack->getAccum();
662  # Re-add the old stack element if it still has unmatched opening characters remaining
663  if ( $matchingCount < $piece->count ) {
664  $piece->parts = [ new PPDPart_Hash ];
665  $piece->count -= $matchingCount;
666  # do we still qualify for any callback with remaining count?
667  $min = $this->rules[$piece->open]['min'];
668  if ( $piece->count >= $min ) {
669  $stack->push( $piece );
670  $accum =& $stack->getAccum();
671  } else {
672  $accum->addLiteral( str_repeat( $piece->open, $piece->count ) );
673  }
674  }
676  extract( $stack->getFlags() );
678  # Add XML element to the enclosing accumulator
679  if ( $element instanceof PPNode ) {
680  $accum->addNode( $element );
681  } else {
682  $accum->addAccum( $element );
683  }
684  } elseif ( $found == 'pipe' ) {
685  $findEquals = true; // shortcut for getFlags()
686  $stack->addPart();
687  $accum =& $stack->getAccum();
688  ++$i;
689  } elseif ( $found == 'equals' ) {
690  $findEquals = false; // shortcut for getFlags()
691  $accum->addNodeWithText( 'equals', '=' );
692  $stack->getCurrentPart()->eqpos = $accum->lastNode;
693  ++$i;
694  }
695  }
697  # Output any remaining unclosed brackets
698  foreach ( $stack->stack as $piece ) {
699  $stack->rootAccum->addAccum( $piece->breakSyntax() );
700  }
702  # Enable top-level headings
703  for ( $node = $stack->rootAccum->firstNode; $node; $node = $node->nextSibling ) {
704  if ( isset( $node->name ) && $node->name === 'possible-h' ) {
705  $node->name = 'h';
706  }
707  }
709  $rootNode = new PPNode_Hash_Tree( 'root' );
710  $rootNode->firstChild = $stack->rootAccum->firstNode;
711  $rootNode->lastChild = $stack->rootAccum->lastNode;
713  // Cache
714  $this->cacheSetTree( $text, $flags, serialize( $rootNode ) );
716  return $rootNode;
717  }
718 }
724 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
725 class PPDStack_Hash extends PPDStack {
726  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
728  public function __construct() {
729  $this->elementClass = 'PPDStackElement_Hash';
730  parent::__construct();
731  $this->rootAccum = new PPDAccum_Hash;
732  }
733 }
738 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
740  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
742  public function __construct( $data = [] ) {
743  $this->partClass = 'PPDPart_Hash';
744  parent::__construct( $data );
745  }
753  public function breakSyntax( $openingCount = false ) {
754  if ( $this->open == "\n" ) {
755  $accum = $this->parts[0]->out;
756  } else {
757  if ( $openingCount === false ) {
758  $openingCount = $this->count;
759  }
760  $accum = new PPDAccum_Hash;
761  $accum->addLiteral( str_repeat( $this->open, $openingCount ) );
762  $first = true;
763  foreach ( $this->parts as $part ) {
764  if ( $first ) {
765  $first = false;
766  } else {
767  $accum->addLiteral( '|' );
768  }
769  $accum->addAccum( $part->out );
770  }
771  }
772  return $accum;
773  }
774 }
779 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
780 class PPDPart_Hash extends PPDPart {
781  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
783  public function __construct( $out = '' ) {
784  $accum = new PPDAccum_Hash;
785  if ( $out !== '' ) {
786  $accum->addLiteral( $out );
787  }
788  parent::__construct( $accum );
789  }
790 }
795 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
797  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
801  public function __construct() {
802  $this->firstNode = $this->lastNode = false;
803  }
809  public function addLiteral( $s ) {
810  if ( $this->lastNode === false ) {
811  $this->firstNode = $this->lastNode = new PPNode_Hash_Text( $s );
812  } elseif ( $this->lastNode instanceof PPNode_Hash_Text ) {
813  $this->lastNode->value .= $s;
814  } else {
815  $this->lastNode->nextSibling = new PPNode_Hash_Text( $s );
816  $this->lastNode = $this->lastNode->nextSibling;
817  }
818  }
824  public function addNode( PPNode $node ) {
825  if ( $this->lastNode === false ) {
826  $this->firstNode = $this->lastNode = $node;
827  } else {
828  $this->lastNode->nextSibling = $node;
829  $this->lastNode = $node;
830  }
831  }
838  public function addNodeWithText( $name, $value ) {
840  $this->addNode( $node );
841  }
849  public function addAccum( $accum ) {
850  if ( $accum->lastNode === false ) {
851  // nothing to add
852  } elseif ( $this->lastNode === false ) {
853  $this->firstNode = $accum->firstNode;
854  $this->lastNode = $accum->lastNode;
855  } else {
856  $this->lastNode->nextSibling = $accum->firstNode;
857  $this->lastNode = $accum->lastNode;
858  }
859  }
860 }
866 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
867 class PPFrame_Hash implements PPFrame {
868  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
873  public $parser;
883  public $title;
884  public $titleCache;
896  public $depth;
898  private $volatile = false;
899  private $ttl = null;
910  public function __construct( $preprocessor ) {
911  $this->preprocessor = $preprocessor;
912  $this->parser = $preprocessor->parser;
913  $this->title = $this->parser->mTitle;
914  $this->titleCache = [ $this->title ? $this->title->getPrefixedDBkey() : false ];
915  $this->loopCheckHash = [];
916  $this->depth = 0;
917  $this->childExpansionCache = [];
918  }
930  public function newChild( $args = false, $title = false, $indexOffset = 0 ) {
931  $namedArgs = [];
932  $numberedArgs = [];
933  if ( $title === false ) {
935  }
936  if ( $args !== false ) {
937  if ( $args instanceof PPNode_Hash_Array ) {
938  $args = $args->value;
939  } elseif ( !is_array( $args ) ) {
940  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': $args must be array or PPNode_Hash_Array' );
941  }
942  foreach ( $args as $arg ) {
943  $bits = $arg->splitArg();
944  if ( $bits['index'] !== '' ) {
945  // Numbered parameter
946  $index = $bits['index'] - $indexOffset;
947  if ( isset( $namedArgs[$index] ) || isset( $numberedArgs[$index] ) ) {
948  $this->parser->getOutput()->addWarning( wfMessage( 'duplicate-args-warning',
949  wfEscapeWikiText( $this->title ),
951  wfEscapeWikiText( $index ) )->text() );
952  $this->parser->addTrackingCategory( 'duplicate-args-category' );
953  }
954  $numberedArgs[$index] = $bits['value'];
955  unset( $namedArgs[$index] );
956  } else {
957  // Named parameter
958  $name = trim( $this->expand( $bits['name'], PPFrame::STRIP_COMMENTS ) );
959  if ( isset( $namedArgs[$name] ) || isset( $numberedArgs[$name] ) ) {
960  $this->parser->getOutput()->addWarning( wfMessage( 'duplicate-args-warning',
961  wfEscapeWikiText( $this->title ),
963  wfEscapeWikiText( $name ) )->text() );
964  $this->parser->addTrackingCategory( 'duplicate-args-category' );
965  }
966  $namedArgs[$name] = $bits['value'];
967  unset( $numberedArgs[$name] );
968  }
969  }
970  }
971  return new PPTemplateFrame_Hash( $this->preprocessor, $this, $numberedArgs, $namedArgs, $title );
972  }
981  public function cachedExpand( $key, $root, $flags = 0 ) {
982  // we don't have a parent, so we don't have a cache
983  return $this->expand( $root, $flags );
984  }
992  public function expand( $root, $flags = 0 ) {
993  static $expansionDepth = 0;
994  if ( is_string( $root ) ) {
995  return $root;
996  }
998  if ( ++$this->parser->mPPNodeCount > $this->parser->mOptions->getMaxPPNodeCount() ) {
999  $this->parser->limitationWarn( 'node-count-exceeded',
1000  $this->parser->mPPNodeCount,
1001  $this->parser->mOptions->getMaxPPNodeCount()
1002  );
1003  return '<span class="error">Node-count limit exceeded</span>';
1004  }
1005  if ( $expansionDepth > $this->parser->mOptions->getMaxPPExpandDepth() ) {
1006  $this->parser->limitationWarn( 'expansion-depth-exceeded',
1007  $expansionDepth,
1008  $this->parser->mOptions->getMaxPPExpandDepth()
1009  );
1010  return '<span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span>';
1011  }
1012  ++$expansionDepth;
1013  if ( $expansionDepth > $this->parser->mHighestExpansionDepth ) {
1014  $this->parser->mHighestExpansionDepth = $expansionDepth;
1015  }
1017  $outStack = [ '', '' ];
1018  $iteratorStack = [ false, $root ];
1019  $indexStack = [ 0, 0 ];
1021  while ( count( $iteratorStack ) > 1 ) {
1022  $level = count( $outStack ) - 1;
1023  $iteratorNode =& $iteratorStack[$level];
1024  $out =& $outStack[$level];
1025  $index =& $indexStack[$level];
1027  if ( is_array( $iteratorNode ) ) {
1028  if ( $index >= count( $iteratorNode ) ) {
1029  // All done with this iterator
1030  $iteratorStack[$level] = false;
1031  $contextNode = false;
1032  } else {
1033  $contextNode = $iteratorNode[$index];
1034  $index++;
1035  }
1036  } elseif ( $iteratorNode instanceof PPNode_Hash_Array ) {
1037  if ( $index >= $iteratorNode->getLength() ) {
1038  // All done with this iterator
1039  $iteratorStack[$level] = false;
1040  $contextNode = false;
1041  } else {
1042  $contextNode = $iteratorNode->item( $index );
1043  $index++;
1044  }
1045  } else {
1046  // Copy to $contextNode and then delete from iterator stack,
1047  // because this is not an iterator but we do have to execute it once
1048  $contextNode = $iteratorStack[$level];
1049  $iteratorStack[$level] = false;
1050  }
1052  $newIterator = false;
1054  if ( $contextNode === false ) {
1055  // nothing to do
1056  } elseif ( is_string( $contextNode ) ) {
1057  $out .= $contextNode;
1058  } elseif ( is_array( $contextNode ) || $contextNode instanceof PPNode_Hash_Array ) {
1059  $newIterator = $contextNode;
1060  } elseif ( $contextNode instanceof PPNode_Hash_Attr ) {
1061  // No output
1062  } elseif ( $contextNode instanceof PPNode_Hash_Text ) {
1063  $out .= $contextNode->value;
1064  } elseif ( $contextNode instanceof PPNode_Hash_Tree ) {
1065  if ( $contextNode->name == 'template' ) {
1066  # Double-brace expansion
1067  $bits = $contextNode->splitTemplate();
1068  if ( $flags & PPFrame::NO_TEMPLATES ) {
1069  $newIterator = $this->virtualBracketedImplode(
1070  '{{', '|', '}}',
1071  $bits['title'],
1072  $bits['parts']
1073  );
1074  } else {
1075  $ret = $this->parser->braceSubstitution( $bits, $this );
1076  if ( isset( $ret['object'] ) ) {
1077  $newIterator = $ret['object'];
1078  } else {
1079  $out .= $ret['text'];
1080  }
1081  }
1082  } elseif ( $contextNode->name == 'tplarg' ) {
1083  # Triple-brace expansion
1084  $bits = $contextNode->splitTemplate();
1085  if ( $flags & PPFrame::NO_ARGS ) {
1086  $newIterator = $this->virtualBracketedImplode(
1087  '{{{', '|', '}}}',
1088  $bits['title'],
1089  $bits['parts']
1090  );
1091  } else {
1092  $ret = $this->parser->argSubstitution( $bits, $this );
1093  if ( isset( $ret['object'] ) ) {
1094  $newIterator = $ret['object'];
1095  } else {
1096  $out .= $ret['text'];
1097  }
1098  }
1099  } elseif ( $contextNode->name == 'comment' ) {
1100  # HTML-style comment
1101  # Remove it in HTML, pre+remove and STRIP_COMMENTS modes
1102  # Not in RECOVER_COMMENTS mode (msgnw) though.
1103  if ( ( $this->parser->ot['html']
1104  || ( $this->parser->ot['pre'] && $this->parser->mOptions->getRemoveComments() )
1106  ) && !( $flags & PPFrame::RECOVER_COMMENTS )
1107  ) {
1108  $out .= '';
1109  } elseif ( $this->parser->ot['wiki'] && !( $flags & PPFrame::RECOVER_COMMENTS ) ) {
1110  # Add a strip marker in PST mode so that pstPass2() can
1111  # run some old-fashioned regexes on the result.
1112  # Not in RECOVER_COMMENTS mode (extractSections) though.
1113  $out .= $this->parser->insertStripItem( $contextNode->firstChild->value );
1114  } else {
1115  # Recover the literal comment in RECOVER_COMMENTS and pre+no-remove
1116  $out .= $contextNode->firstChild->value;
1117  }
1118  } elseif ( $contextNode->name == 'ignore' ) {
1119  # Output suppression used by <includeonly> etc.
1120  # OT_WIKI will only respect <ignore> in substed templates.
1121  # The other output types respect it unless NO_IGNORE is set.
1122  # extractSections() sets NO_IGNORE and so never respects it.
1123  if ( ( !isset( $this->parent ) && $this->parser->ot['wiki'] )
1124  || ( $flags & PPFrame::NO_IGNORE )
1125  ) {
1126  $out .= $contextNode->firstChild->value;
1127  } else {
1128  // $out .= '';
1129  }
1130  } elseif ( $contextNode->name == 'ext' ) {
1131  # Extension tag
1132  $bits = $contextNode->splitExt() + [ 'attr' => null, 'inner' => null, 'close' => null ];
1133  if ( $flags & PPFrame::NO_TAGS ) {
1134  $s = '<' . $bits['name']->firstChild->value;
1135  if ( $bits['attr'] ) {
1136  $s .= $bits['attr']->firstChild->value;
1137  }
1138  if ( $bits['inner'] ) {
1139  $s .= '>' . $bits['inner']->firstChild->value;
1140  if ( $bits['close'] ) {
1141  $s .= $bits['close']->firstChild->value;
1142  }
1143  } else {
1144  $s .= '/>';
1145  }
1146  $out .= $s;
1147  } else {
1148  $out .= $this->parser->extensionSubstitution( $bits, $this );
1149  }
1150  } elseif ( $contextNode->name == 'h' ) {
1151  # Heading
1152  if ( $this->parser->ot['html'] ) {
1153  # Expand immediately and insert heading index marker
1154  $s = '';
1155  for ( $node = $contextNode->firstChild; $node; $node = $node->nextSibling ) {
1156  $s .= $this->expand( $node, $flags );
1157  }
1159  $bits = $contextNode->splitHeading();
1160  $titleText = $this->title->getPrefixedDBkey();
1161  $this->parser->mHeadings[] = [ $titleText, $bits['i'] ];
1162  $serial = count( $this->parser->mHeadings ) - 1;
1163  $marker = Parser::MARKER_PREFIX . "-h-$serial-" . Parser::MARKER_SUFFIX;
1164  $s = substr( $s, 0, $bits['level'] ) . $marker . substr( $s, $bits['level'] );
1165  $this->parser->mStripState->addGeneral( $marker, '' );
1166  $out .= $s;
1167  } else {
1168  # Expand in virtual stack
1169  $newIterator = $contextNode->getChildren();
1170  }
1171  } else {
1172  # Generic recursive expansion
1173  $newIterator = $contextNode->getChildren();
1174  }
1175  } else {
1176  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': Invalid parameter type' );
1177  }
1179  if ( $newIterator !== false ) {
1180  $outStack[] = '';
1181  $iteratorStack[] = $newIterator;
1182  $indexStack[] = 0;
1183  } elseif ( $iteratorStack[$level] === false ) {
1184  // Return accumulated value to parent
1185  // With tail recursion
1186  while ( $iteratorStack[$level] === false && $level > 0 ) {
1187  $outStack[$level - 1] .= $out;
1188  array_pop( $outStack );
1189  array_pop( $iteratorStack );
1190  array_pop( $indexStack );
1191  $level--;
1192  }
1193  }
1194  }
1195  --$expansionDepth;
1196  return $outStack[0];
1197  }
1205  public function implodeWithFlags( $sep, $flags /*, ... */ ) {
1206  $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 );
1208  $first = true;
1209  $s = '';
1210  foreach ( $args as $root ) {
1211  if ( $root instanceof PPNode_Hash_Array ) {
1212  $root = $root->value;
1213  }
1214  if ( !is_array( $root ) ) {
1215  $root = [ $root ];
1216  }
1217  foreach ( $root as $node ) {
1218  if ( $first ) {
1219  $first = false;
1220  } else {
1221  $s .= $sep;
1222  }
1223  $s .= $this->expand( $node, $flags );
1224  }
1225  }
1226  return $s;
1227  }
1236  public function implode( $sep /*, ... */ ) {
1237  $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
1239  $first = true;
1240  $s = '';
1241  foreach ( $args as $root ) {
1242  if ( $root instanceof PPNode_Hash_Array ) {
1243  $root = $root->value;
1244  }
1245  if ( !is_array( $root ) ) {
1246  $root = [ $root ];
1247  }
1248  foreach ( $root as $node ) {
1249  if ( $first ) {
1250  $first = false;
1251  } else {
1252  $s .= $sep;
1253  }
1254  $s .= $this->expand( $node );
1255  }
1256  }
1257  return $s;
1258  }
1268  public function virtualImplode( $sep /*, ... */ ) {
1269  $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
1270  $out = [];
1271  $first = true;
1273  foreach ( $args as $root ) {
1274  if ( $root instanceof PPNode_Hash_Array ) {
1275  $root = $root->value;
1276  }
1277  if ( !is_array( $root ) ) {
1278  $root = [ $root ];
1279  }
1280  foreach ( $root as $node ) {
1281  if ( $first ) {
1282  $first = false;
1283  } else {
1284  $out[] = $sep;
1285  }
1286  $out[] = $node;
1287  }
1288  }
1289  return new PPNode_Hash_Array( $out );
1290  }
1301  public function virtualBracketedImplode( $start, $sep, $end /*, ... */ ) {
1302  $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 3 );
1303  $out = [ $start ];
1304  $first = true;
1306  foreach ( $args as $root ) {
1307  if ( $root instanceof PPNode_Hash_Array ) {
1308  $root = $root->value;
1309  }
1310  if ( !is_array( $root ) ) {
1311  $root = [ $root ];
1312  }
1313  foreach ( $root as $node ) {
1314  if ( $first ) {
1315  $first = false;
1316  } else {
1317  $out[] = $sep;
1318  }
1319  $out[] = $node;
1320  }
1321  }
1322  $out[] = $end;
1323  return new PPNode_Hash_Array( $out );
1324  }
1326  public function __toString() {
1327  return 'frame{}';
1328  }
1334  public function getPDBK( $level = false ) {
1335  if ( $level === false ) {
1336  return $this->title->getPrefixedDBkey();
1337  } else {
1338  return isset( $this->titleCache[$level] ) ? $this->titleCache[$level] : false;
1339  }
1340  }
1345  public function getArguments() {
1346  return [];
1347  }
1352  public function getNumberedArguments() {
1353  return [];
1354  }
1359  public function getNamedArguments() {
1360  return [];
1361  }
1368  public function isEmpty() {
1369  return true;
1370  }
1376  public function getArgument( $name ) {
1377  return false;
1378  }
1387  public function loopCheck( $title ) {
1388  return !isset( $this->loopCheckHash[$title->getPrefixedDBkey()] );
1389  }
1396  public function isTemplate() {
1397  return false;
1398  }
1405  public function getTitle() {
1406  return $this->title;
1407  }
1414  public function setVolatile( $flag = true ) {
1415  $this->volatile = $flag;
1416  }
1423  public function isVolatile() {
1424  return $this->volatile;
1425  }
1432  public function setTTL( $ttl ) {
1433  if ( $ttl !== null && ( $this->ttl === null || $ttl < $this->ttl ) ) {
1434  $this->ttl = $ttl;
1435  }
1436  }
1443  public function getTTL() {
1444  return $this->ttl;
1445  }
1446 }
1452 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
1454  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
1466  public function __construct( $preprocessor, $parent = false, $numberedArgs = [],
1467  $namedArgs = [], $title = false
1468  ) {
1469  parent::__construct( $preprocessor );
1471  $this->parent = $parent;
1472  $this->numberedArgs = $numberedArgs;
1473  $this->namedArgs = $namedArgs;
1474  $this->title = $title;
1475  $pdbk = $title ? $title->getPrefixedDBkey() : false;
1476  $this->titleCache = $parent->titleCache;
1477  $this->titleCache[] = $pdbk;
1478  $this->loopCheckHash = /*clone*/ $parent->loopCheckHash;
1479  if ( $pdbk !== false ) {
1480  $this->loopCheckHash[$pdbk] = true;
1481  }
1482  $this->depth = $parent->depth + 1;
1483  $this->numberedExpansionCache = $this->namedExpansionCache = [];
1484  }
1486  public function __toString() {
1487  $s = 'tplframe{';
1488  $first = true;
1489  $args = $this->numberedArgs + $this->namedArgs;
1490  foreach ( $args as $name => $value ) {
1491  if ( $first ) {
1492  $first = false;
1493  } else {
1494  $s .= ', ';
1495  }
1496  $s .= "\"$name\":\"" .
1497  str_replace( '"', '\\"', $value->__toString() ) . '"';
1498  }
1499  $s .= '}';
1500  return $s;
1501  }
1510  public function cachedExpand( $key, $root, $flags = 0 ) {
1511  if ( isset( $this->parent->childExpansionCache[$key] ) ) {
1512  return $this->parent->childExpansionCache[$key];
1513  }
1514  $retval = $this->expand( $root, $flags );
1515  if ( !$this->isVolatile() ) {
1516  $this->parent->childExpansionCache[$key] = $retval;
1517  }
1518  return $retval;
1519  }
1526  public function isEmpty() {
1527  return !count( $this->numberedArgs ) && !count( $this->namedArgs );
1528  }
1533  public function getArguments() {
1534  $arguments = [];
1535  foreach ( array_merge(
1536  array_keys( $this->numberedArgs ),
1537  array_keys( $this->namedArgs ) ) as $key ) {
1538  $arguments[$key] = $this->getArgument( $key );
1539  }
1540  return $arguments;
1541  }
1546  public function getNumberedArguments() {
1547  $arguments = [];
1548  foreach ( array_keys( $this->numberedArgs ) as $key ) {
1549  $arguments[$key] = $this->getArgument( $key );
1550  }
1551  return $arguments;
1552  }
1557  public function getNamedArguments() {
1558  $arguments = [];
1559  foreach ( array_keys( $this->namedArgs ) as $key ) {
1560  $arguments[$key] = $this->getArgument( $key );
1561  }
1562  return $arguments;
1563  }
1569  public function getNumberedArgument( $index ) {
1570  if ( !isset( $this->numberedArgs[$index] ) ) {
1571  return false;
1572  }
1573  if ( !isset( $this->numberedExpansionCache[$index] ) ) {
1574  # No trimming for unnamed arguments
1575  $this->numberedExpansionCache[$index] = $this->parent->expand(
1576  $this->numberedArgs[$index],
1578  );
1579  }
1580  return $this->numberedExpansionCache[$index];
1581  }
1587  public function getNamedArgument( $name ) {
1588  if ( !isset( $this->namedArgs[$name] ) ) {
1589  return false;
1590  }
1591  if ( !isset( $this->namedExpansionCache[$name] ) ) {
1592  # Trim named arguments post-expand, for backwards compatibility
1593  $this->namedExpansionCache[$name] = trim(
1594  $this->parent->expand( $this->namedArgs[$name], PPFrame::STRIP_COMMENTS ) );
1595  }
1596  return $this->namedExpansionCache[$name];
1597  }
1603  public function getArgument( $name ) {
1604  $text = $this->getNumberedArgument( $name );
1605  if ( $text === false ) {
1606  $text = $this->getNamedArgument( $name );
1607  }
1608  return $text;
1609  }
1616  public function isTemplate() {
1617  return true;
1618  }
1620  public function setVolatile( $flag = true ) {
1621  parent::setVolatile( $flag );
1622  $this->parent->setVolatile( $flag );
1623  }
1625  public function setTTL( $ttl ) {
1626  parent::setTTL( $ttl );
1627  $this->parent->setTTL( $ttl );
1628  }
1629 }
1635 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
1637  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
1639  public $args;
1641  public function __construct( $preprocessor, $args ) {
1642  parent::__construct( $preprocessor );
1643  $this->args = $args;
1644  }
1646  public function __toString() {
1647  $s = 'cstmframe{';
1648  $first = true;
1649  foreach ( $this->args as $name => $value ) {
1650  if ( $first ) {
1651  $first = false;
1652  } else {
1653  $s .= ', ';
1654  }
1655  $s .= "\"$name\":\"" .
1656  str_replace( '"', '\\"', $value->__toString() ) . '"';
1657  }
1658  $s .= '}';
1659  return $s;
1660  }
1665  public function isEmpty() {
1666  return !count( $this->args );
1667  }
1673  public function getArgument( $index ) {
1674  if ( !isset( $this->args[$index] ) ) {
1675  return false;
1676  }
1677  return $this->args[$index];
1678  }
1680  public function getArguments() {
1681  return $this->args;
1682  }
1683 }
1688 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
1689 class PPNode_Hash_Tree implements PPNode {
1690  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
1694  public function __construct( $name ) {
1695  $this->name = $name;
1696  $this->firstChild = $this->lastChild = $this->nextSibling = false;
1697  }
1699  public function __toString() {
1700  $inner = '';
1701  $attribs = '';
1702  for ( $node = $this->firstChild; $node; $node = $node->nextSibling ) {
1703  if ( $node instanceof PPNode_Hash_Attr ) {
1704  $attribs .= ' ' . $node->name . '="' . htmlspecialchars( $node->value ) . '"';
1705  } else {
1706  $inner .= $node->__toString();
1707  }
1708  }
1709  if ( $inner === '' ) {
1710  return "<{$this->name}$attribs/>";
1711  } else {
1712  return "<{$this->name}$attribs>$inner</{$this->name}>";
1713  }
1714  }
1721  public static function newWithText( $name, $text ) {
1722  $obj = new self( $name );
1723  $obj->addChild( new PPNode_Hash_Text( $text ) );
1724  return $obj;
1725  }
1727  public function addChild( $node ) {
1728  if ( $this->lastChild === false ) {
1729  $this->firstChild = $this->lastChild = $node;
1730  } else {
1731  $this->lastChild->nextSibling = $node;
1732  $this->lastChild = $node;
1733  }
1734  }
1739  public function getChildren() {
1740  $children = [];
1741  for ( $child = $this->firstChild; $child; $child = $child->nextSibling ) {
1742  $children[] = $child;
1743  }
1744  return new PPNode_Hash_Array( $children );
1745  }
1747  public function getFirstChild() {
1748  return $this->firstChild;
1749  }
1751  public function getNextSibling() {
1752  return $this->nextSibling;
1753  }
1755  public function getChildrenOfType( $name ) {
1756  $children = [];
1757  for ( $child = $this->firstChild; $child; $child = $child->nextSibling ) {
1758  if ( isset( $child->name ) && $child->name === $name ) {
1759  $children[] = $child;
1760  }
1761  }
1762  return new PPNode_Hash_Array( $children );
1763  }
1768  public function getLength() {
1769  return false;
1770  }
1776  public function item( $i ) {
1777  return false;
1778  }
1783  public function getName() {
1784  return $this->name;
1785  }
1796  public function splitArg() {
1797  $bits = [];
1798  for ( $child = $this->firstChild; $child; $child = $child->nextSibling ) {
1799  if ( !isset( $child->name ) ) {
1800  continue;
1801  }
1802  if ( $child->name === 'name' ) {
1803  $bits['name'] = $child;
1804  if ( $child->firstChild instanceof PPNode_Hash_Attr
1805  && $child->firstChild->name === 'index'
1806  ) {
1807  $bits['index'] = $child->firstChild->value;
1808  }
1809  } elseif ( $child->name === 'value' ) {
1810  $bits['value'] = $child;
1811  }
1812  }
1814  if ( !isset( $bits['name'] ) ) {
1815  throw new MWException( 'Invalid brace node passed to ' . __METHOD__ );
1816  }
1817  if ( !isset( $bits['index'] ) ) {
1818  $bits['index'] = '';
1819  }
1820  return $bits;
1821  }
1830  public function splitExt() {
1831  $bits = [];
1832  for ( $child = $this->firstChild; $child; $child = $child->nextSibling ) {
1833  if ( !isset( $child->name ) ) {
1834  continue;
1835  }
1836  if ( $child->name == 'name' ) {
1837  $bits['name'] = $child;
1838  } elseif ( $child->name == 'attr' ) {
1839  $bits['attr'] = $child;
1840  } elseif ( $child->name == 'inner' ) {
1841  $bits['inner'] = $child;
1842  } elseif ( $child->name == 'close' ) {
1843  $bits['close'] = $child;
1844  }
1845  }
1846  if ( !isset( $bits['name'] ) ) {
1847  throw new MWException( 'Invalid ext node passed to ' . __METHOD__ );
1848  }
1849  return $bits;
1850  }
1858  public function splitHeading() {
1859  if ( $this->name !== 'h' ) {
1860  throw new MWException( 'Invalid h node passed to ' . __METHOD__ );
1861  }
1862  $bits = [];
1863  for ( $child = $this->firstChild; $child; $child = $child->nextSibling ) {
1864  if ( !isset( $child->name ) ) {
1865  continue;
1866  }
1867  if ( $child->name == 'i' ) {
1868  $bits['i'] = $child->value;
1869  } elseif ( $child->name == 'level' ) {
1870  $bits['level'] = $child->value;
1871  }
1872  }
1873  if ( !isset( $bits['i'] ) ) {
1874  throw new MWException( 'Invalid h node passed to ' . __METHOD__ );
1875  }
1876  return $bits;
1877  }
1885  public function splitTemplate() {
1886  $parts = [];
1887  $bits = [ 'lineStart' => '' ];
1888  for ( $child = $this->firstChild; $child; $child = $child->nextSibling ) {
1889  if ( !isset( $child->name ) ) {
1890  continue;
1891  }
1892  if ( $child->name == 'title' ) {
1893  $bits['title'] = $child;
1894  }
1895  if ( $child->name == 'part' ) {
1896  $parts[] = $child;
1897  }
1898  if ( $child->name == 'lineStart' ) {
1899  $bits['lineStart'] = '1';
1900  }
1901  }
1902  if ( !isset( $bits['title'] ) ) {
1903  throw new MWException( 'Invalid node passed to ' . __METHOD__ );
1904  }
1905  $bits['parts'] = new PPNode_Hash_Array( $parts );
1906  return $bits;
1907  }
1908 }
1913 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
1914 class PPNode_Hash_Text implements PPNode {
1915  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
1919  public function __construct( $value ) {
1920  if ( is_object( $value ) ) {
1921  throw new MWException( __CLASS__ . ' given object instead of string' );
1922  }
1923  $this->value = $value;
1924  }
1926  public function __toString() {
1927  return htmlspecialchars( $this->value );
1928  }
1930  public function getNextSibling() {
1931  return $this->nextSibling;
1932  }
1934  public function getChildren() {
1935  return false;
1936  }
1938  public function getFirstChild() {
1939  return false;
1940  }
1942  public function getChildrenOfType( $name ) {
1943  return false;
1944  }
1946  public function getLength() {
1947  return false;
1948  }
1950  public function item( $i ) {
1951  return false;
1952  }
1954  public function getName() {
1955  return '#text';
1956  }
1958  public function splitArg() {
1959  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
1960  }
1962  public function splitExt() {
1963  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
1964  }
1966  public function splitHeading() {
1967  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
1968  }
1969 }
1974 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
1975 class PPNode_Hash_Array implements PPNode {
1976  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
1980  public function __construct( $value ) {
1981  $this->value = $value;
1982  }
1984  public function __toString() {
1985  return var_export( $this, true );
1986  }
1988  public function getLength() {
1989  return count( $this->value );
1990  }
1992  public function item( $i ) {
1993  return $this->value[$i];
1994  }
1996  public function getName() {
1997  return '#nodelist';
1998  }
2000  public function getNextSibling() {
2001  return $this->nextSibling;
2002  }
2004  public function getChildren() {
2005  return false;
2006  }
2008  public function getFirstChild() {
2009  return false;
2010  }
2012  public function getChildrenOfType( $name ) {
2013  return false;
2014  }
2016  public function splitArg() {
2017  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
2018  }
2020  public function splitExt() {
2021  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
2022  }
2024  public function splitHeading() {
2025  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
2026  }
2027 }
2032 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps
2033 class PPNode_Hash_Attr implements PPNode {
2034  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
2038  public function __construct( $name, $value ) {
2039  $this->name = $name;
2040  $this->value = $value;
2041  }
2043  public function __toString() {
2044  return "<@{$this->name}>" . htmlspecialchars( $this->value ) . "</@{$this->name}>";
2045  }
2047  public function getName() {
2048  return $this->name;
2049  }
2051  public function getNextSibling() {
2052  return $this->nextSibling;
2053  }
2055  public function getChildren() {
2056  return false;
2057  }
2059  public function getFirstChild() {
2060  return false;
2061  }
2063  public function getChildrenOfType( $name ) {
2064  return false;
2065  }
2067  public function getLength() {
2068  return false;
2069  }
2071  public function item( $i ) {
2072  return false;
2073  }
2075  public function splitArg() {
2076  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
2077  }
2079  public function splitExt() {
2080  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
2081  }
2083  public function splitHeading() {
2084  throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': not supported' );
2085  }
2086 }
Split a "" node into an associative array containing:
Definition: Parser.php:141
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition: hooks.txt:766
magic word the default is to use $key to get the and $key value or $key value text $key value html to format the value $key
Definition: hooks.txt:2325
Split a "