MediaWiki  1.27.4
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
31 if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
32  exit( 1 );
33 }
35 $fname = 'Setup.php';
36 $ps_setup = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname );
38 // If any extensions are still queued, force load them
39 ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->loadFromQueue();
41 // Check to see if we are at the file scope
42 if ( !isset( $wgVersion ) ) {
43  echo "Error, Setup.php must be included from the file scope, after DefaultSettings.php\n";
44  die( 1 );
45 }
47 mb_internal_encoding( 'UTF-8' );
49 // Set various default paths sensibly...
50 $ps_default = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-defaults' );
52 if ( $wgScript === false ) {
53  $wgScript = "$wgScriptPath/index.php";
54 }
55 if ( $wgLoadScript === false ) {
56  $wgLoadScript = "$wgScriptPath/load.php";
57 }
59 if ( $wgArticlePath === false ) {
60  if ( $wgUsePathInfo ) {
61  $wgArticlePath = "$wgScript/$1";
62  } else {
63  $wgArticlePath = "$wgScript?title=$1";
64  }
65 }
67 if ( !empty( $wgActionPaths ) && !isset( $wgActionPaths['view'] ) ) {
68  // 'view' is assumed the default action path everywhere in the code
69  // but is rarely filled in $wgActionPaths
71 }
73 if ( $wgResourceBasePath === null ) {
75 }
76 if ( $wgStylePath === false ) {
77  $wgStylePath = "$wgResourceBasePath/skins";
78 }
79 if ( $wgLocalStylePath === false ) {
80  // Avoid wgResourceBasePath here since that may point to a different domain (e.g. CDN)
81  $wgLocalStylePath = "$wgScriptPath/skins";
82 }
83 if ( $wgExtensionAssetsPath === false ) {
84  $wgExtensionAssetsPath = "$wgResourceBasePath/extensions";
85 }
87 if ( $wgLogo === false ) {
88  $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/wiki.png";
89 }
91 if ( $wgUploadPath === false ) {
92  $wgUploadPath = "$wgScriptPath/images";
93 }
94 if ( $wgUploadDirectory === false ) {
95  $wgUploadDirectory = "$IP/images";
96 }
97 if ( $wgReadOnlyFile === false ) {
98  $wgReadOnlyFile = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/lock_yBgMBwiR";
99 }
100 if ( $wgFileCacheDirectory === false ) {
101  $wgFileCacheDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/cache";
102 }
103 if ( $wgDeletedDirectory === false ) {
104  $wgDeletedDirectory = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/deleted";
105 }
107 if ( $wgGitInfoCacheDirectory === false && $wgCacheDirectory !== false ) {
108  $wgGitInfoCacheDirectory = "{$wgCacheDirectory}/gitinfo";
109 }
111 if ( $wgEnableParserCache === false ) {
113 }
115 // Fix path to icon images after they were moved in 1.24
116 if ( $wgRightsIcon ) {
117  $wgRightsIcon = str_replace(
118  "{$wgStylePath}/common/images/",
119  "{$wgResourceBasePath}/resources/assets/licenses/",
120  $wgRightsIcon
121  );
122 }
124 if ( isset( $wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright'] )
125  && $wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright'] === []
126 ) {
127  if ( $wgRightsIcon || $wgRightsText ) {
128  $wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright'] = [
129  'url' => $wgRightsUrl,
130  'src' => $wgRightsIcon,
131  'alt' => $wgRightsText,
132  ];
133  }
134 }
136 if ( isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby'] )
137  && isset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki'] )
138  && $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']['src'] === null
139 ) {
140  $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']['src'] =
141  "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png";
142  $wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']['srcset'] =
143  "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_132x47.png 1.5x, " .
144  "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_176x62.png 2x";
145 }
168  'name' => 'fsLockManager',
169  'class' => 'FSLockManager',
170  'lockDirectory' => "{$wgUploadDirectory}/lockdir",
171 ];
172 $wgLockManagers[] = [
173  'name' => 'nullLockManager',
174  'class' => 'NullLockManager',
175 ];
180 if ( !$wgLocalFileRepo ) {
181  $wgLocalFileRepo = [
182  'class' => 'LocalRepo',
183  'name' => 'local',
184  'directory' => $wgUploadDirectory,
185  'scriptDirUrl' => $wgScriptPath,
186  'scriptExtension' => '.php',
188  'hashLevels' => $wgHashedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
189  'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgThumbnailScriptPath,
190  'transformVia404' => !$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse,
191  'deletedDir' => $wgDeletedDirectory,
192  'deletedHashLevels' => $wgHashedUploadDirectory ? 3 : 0
193  ];
194 }
198 if ( $wgUseSharedUploads ) {
199  if ( $wgSharedUploadDBname ) {
200  $wgForeignFileRepos[] = [
201  'class' => 'ForeignDBRepo',
202  'name' => 'shared',
203  'directory' => $wgSharedUploadDirectory,
204  'url' => $wgSharedUploadPath,
205  'hashLevels' => $wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
206  'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath,
207  'transformVia404' => !$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse,
208  'dbType' => $wgDBtype,
209  'dbServer' => $wgDBserver,
210  'dbUser' => $wgDBuser,
211  'dbPassword' => $wgDBpassword,
212  'dbName' => $wgSharedUploadDBname,
213  'dbFlags' => ( $wgDebugDumpSql ? DBO_DEBUG : 0 ) | DBO_DEFAULT,
214  'tablePrefix' => $wgSharedUploadDBprefix,
215  'hasSharedCache' => $wgCacheSharedUploads,
216  'descBaseUrl' => $wgRepositoryBaseUrl,
217  'fetchDescription' => $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions,
218  ];
219  } else {
220  $wgForeignFileRepos[] = [
221  'class' => 'FileRepo',
222  'name' => 'shared',
223  'directory' => $wgSharedUploadDirectory,
224  'url' => $wgSharedUploadPath,
225  'hashLevels' => $wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
226  'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath,
227  'transformVia404' => !$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse,
228  'descBaseUrl' => $wgRepositoryBaseUrl,
229  'fetchDescription' => $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions,
230  ];
231  }
232 }
233 if ( $wgUseInstantCommons ) {
234  $wgForeignFileRepos[] = [
235  'class' => 'ForeignAPIRepo',
236  'name' => 'wikimediacommons',
237  'apibase' => '',
238  'url' => '',
239  'thumbUrl' => '',
240  'hashLevels' => 2,
241  'transformVia404' => true,
242  'fetchDescription' => true,
243  'descriptionCacheExpiry' => 43200,
244  'apiThumbCacheExpiry' => 0,
245  ];
246 }
247 /*
248  * Add on default file backend config for file repos.
249  * FileBackendGroup will handle initializing the backends.
250  */
251 if ( !isset( $wgLocalFileRepo['backend'] ) ) {
252  $wgLocalFileRepo['backend'] = $wgLocalFileRepo['name'] . '-backend';
253 }
254 foreach ( $wgForeignFileRepos as &$repo ) {
255  if ( !isset( $repo['directory'] ) && $repo['class'] === 'ForeignAPIRepo' ) {
256  $repo['directory'] = $wgUploadDirectory; // b/c
257  }
258  if ( !isset( $repo['backend'] ) ) {
259  $repo['backend'] = $repo['name'] . '-backend';
260  }
261 }
262 unset( $repo ); // no global pollution; destroy reference
264 $rcMaxAgeDays = $wgRCMaxAge / ( 3600 * 24 );
265 if ( $wgRCFilterByAge ) {
266  // Trim down $wgRCLinkDays so that it only lists links which are valid
267  // as determined by $wgRCMaxAge.
268  // Note that we allow 1 link higher than the max for things like 56 days but a 60 day link.
269  sort( $wgRCLinkDays );
271  // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.CodeAnalysis.ForLoopWithTestFunctionCall.NotAllowed
272  for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $wgRCLinkDays ); $i++ ) {
273  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
274  if ( $wgRCLinkDays[$i] >= $rcMaxAgeDays ) {
275  $wgRCLinkDays = array_slice( $wgRCLinkDays, 0, $i + 1, false );
276  break;
277  }
278  }
279 }
280 // Ensure that default user options are not invalid, since that breaks Special:Preferences
281 $wgDefaultUserOptions['rcdays'] = min(
282  $wgDefaultUserOptions['rcdays'],
283  ceil( $rcMaxAgeDays )
284 );
285 $wgDefaultUserOptions['watchlistdays'] = min(
286  $wgDefaultUserOptions['watchlistdays'],
287  ceil( $rcMaxAgeDays )
288 );
289 unset( $rcMaxAgeDays );
291 if ( $wgSkipSkin ) {
293 }
295 // Register skins
296 // Use a closure to avoid leaking into global state
297 call_user_func( function () use ( $wgValidSkinNames ) {
299  foreach ( $wgValidSkinNames as $name => $skin ) {
300  $factory->register( $name, $skin, function () use ( $name, $skin ) {
301  $class = "Skin$skin";
302  return new $class( $name );
303  } );
304  }
305  // Register a hidden "fallback" skin
306  $factory->register( 'fallback', 'Fallback', function () {
307  return new SkinFallback;
308  } );
309  // Register a hidden skin for api output
310  $factory->register( 'apioutput', 'ApiOutput', function () {
311  return new SkinApi;
312  } );
313 } );
314 $wgSkipSkins[] = 'fallback';
315 $wgSkipSkins[] = 'apioutput';
317 if ( $wgLocalInterwiki ) {
318  array_unshift( $wgLocalInterwikis, $wgLocalInterwiki );
319 }
321 // Set default shared prefix
322 if ( $wgSharedPrefix === false ) {
324 }
326 // Set default shared schema
327 if ( $wgSharedSchema === false ) {
329 }
331 if ( !$wgCookiePrefix ) {
332  if ( $wgSharedDB && $wgSharedPrefix && in_array( 'user', $wgSharedTables ) ) {
334  } elseif ( $wgSharedDB && in_array( 'user', $wgSharedTables ) ) {
336  } elseif ( $wgDBprefix ) {
338  } else {
340  }
341 }
342 $wgCookiePrefix = strtr( $wgCookiePrefix, '=,; +."\'\\[', '__________' );
344 if ( $wgEnableEmail ) {
346 } else {
347  // Disable all other email settings automatically if $wgEnableEmail
348  // is set to false. - bug 63678
349  $wgAllowHTMLEmail = false;
350  $wgEmailAuthentication = false; // do not require auth if you're not sending email anyway
360  unset( $wgGroupPermissions['user']['sendemail'] );
361  $wgUseEnotif = false;
364 }
366 if ( $wgMetaNamespace === false ) {
367  $wgMetaNamespace = str_replace( ' ', '_', $wgSitename );
368 }
370 // Default value is 2000 or the suhosin limit if it is between 1 and 2000
371 if ( $wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength === false ) {
372  $suhosinMaxValueLength = (int)ini_get( 'suhosin.get.max_value_length' );
373  if ( $suhosinMaxValueLength > 0 && $suhosinMaxValueLength < 2000 ) {
374  $wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength = $suhosinMaxValueLength;
375  } else {
377  }
378  unset( $suhosinMaxValueLength );
379 }
381 // Ensure the minimum chunk size is less than PHP upload limits or the maximum
382 // upload size.
388  ini_get( 'post_max_size' ) ?: ini_get( 'hhvm.server.max_post_size' ),
390  ) ?: PHP_INT_MAX ) - 1024 // Leave some room for other POST parameters
391 );
398  NS_MEDIA => 'Media',
399  NS_SPECIAL => 'Special',
400  NS_TALK => 'Talk',
401  NS_USER => 'User',
402  NS_USER_TALK => 'User_talk',
403  NS_PROJECT => 'Project',
404  NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Project_talk',
405  NS_FILE => 'File',
406  NS_FILE_TALK => 'File_talk',
407  NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
408  NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki_talk',
409  NS_TEMPLATE => 'Template',
410  NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Template_talk',
411  NS_HELP => 'Help',
412  NS_HELP_TALK => 'Help_talk',
413  NS_CATEGORY => 'Category',
414  NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Category_talk',
415 ];
418 if ( is_array( $wgExtraNamespaces ) ) {
420 }
422 // These are now the same, always
423 // To determine the user language, use $wgLang->getCode()
426 // Easy to forget to falsify $wgDebugToolbar for static caches.
427 // If file cache or CDN cache is on, just disable this (DWIMD).
428 if ( $wgUseFileCache || $wgUseSquid ) {
429  $wgDebugToolbar = false;
430 }
432 // We always output HTML5 since 1.22, overriding these is no longer supported
433 // we set them here for extensions that depend on its value.
434 $wgHtml5 = true;
435 $wgXhtmlDefaultNamespace = '';
436 $wgJsMimeType = 'text/javascript';
438 // Blacklisted file extensions shouldn't appear on the "allowed" list
439 $wgFileExtensions = array_values( array_diff( $wgFileExtensions, $wgFileBlacklist ) );
442  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
443  $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', filemtime( "$IP/LocalSettings.php" ) ) );
444  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
445 }
447 if ( $wgNewUserLog ) {
448  // Add a new log type
449  $wgLogTypes[] = 'newusers';
450  $wgLogNames['newusers'] = 'newuserlogpage';
451  $wgLogHeaders['newusers'] = 'newuserlogpagetext';
452  $wgLogActionsHandlers['newusers/newusers'] = 'NewUsersLogFormatter';
453  $wgLogActionsHandlers['newusers/create'] = 'NewUsersLogFormatter';
454  $wgLogActionsHandlers['newusers/create2'] = 'NewUsersLogFormatter';
455  $wgLogActionsHandlers['newusers/byemail'] = 'NewUsersLogFormatter';
456  $wgLogActionsHandlers['newusers/autocreate'] = 'NewUsersLogFormatter';
457 }
459 if ( $wgPageLanguageUseDB ) {
460  $wgLogTypes[] = 'pagelang';
461  $wgLogActionsHandlers['pagelang/pagelang'] = 'PageLangLogFormatter';
462 }
464 if ( $wgCookieSecure === 'detect' ) {
465  $wgCookieSecure = ( WebRequest::detectProtocol() === 'https' );
466 }
468 if ( $wgProfileOnly ) {
469  $wgDebugLogGroups['profileoutput'] = $wgDebugLogFile;
470  $wgDebugLogFile = '';
471 }
473 // Backwards compatibility with old password limits
474 if ( $wgMinimalPasswordLength !== false ) {
475  $wgPasswordPolicy['policies']['default']['MinimalPasswordLength'] = $wgMinimalPasswordLength;
476 }
478 if ( $wgMaximalPasswordLength !== false ) {
479  $wgPasswordPolicy['policies']['default']['MaximalPasswordLength'] = $wgMaximalPasswordLength;
480 }
482 // Backwards compatibility warning
484  wfDeprecated( '$wgSessionsInObjectCache = false', '1.27' );
485  if ( $wgSessionHandler ) {
486  wfDeprecated( '$wgSessionsHandler', '1.27' );
487  }
488  $cacheType = get_class( ObjectCache::getInstance( $wgSessionCacheType ) );
489  wfDebugLog(
490  'caches',
491  "Session data will be stored in \"$cacheType\" cache with " .
492  "expiry $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry seconds"
493  );
494 }
497 if ( $wgPHPSessionHandling !== 'enable' &&
498  $wgPHPSessionHandling !== 'warn' &&
499  $wgPHPSessionHandling !== 'disable'
500 ) {
501  $wgPHPSessionHandling = 'warn';
502 }
503 if ( defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) ) {
504  // If the entry point wants no session, force 'disable' here unless they
505  // specifically set it to the (undocumented) 'warn'.
506  $wgPHPSessionHandling = MW_NO_SESSION === 'warn' ? 'warn' : 'disable';
507 }
509 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_default );
511 // Disable MWDebug for command line mode, this prevents MWDebug from eating up
512 // all the memory from logging SQL queries on maintenance scripts
514 if ( $wgDebugToolbar && !$wgCommandLineMode ) {
515  MWDebug::init();
516 }
518 if ( !class_exists( 'AutoLoader' ) ) {
519  require_once "$IP/includes/AutoLoader.php";
520 }
522 // Install a header callback to prevent caching of responses with cookies (T127993)
523 if ( !$wgCommandLineMode ) {
524  header_register_callback( function () {
525  $headers = [];
526  foreach ( headers_list() as $header ) {
527  list( $name, $value ) = explode( ':', $header, 2 );
528  $headers[strtolower( trim( $name ) )][] = trim( $value );
529  }
531  if ( isset( $headers['set-cookie'] ) ) {
532  $cacheControl = isset( $headers['cache-control'] )
533  ? implode( ', ', $headers['cache-control'] )
534  : '';
536  if ( !preg_match( '/(?:^|,)\s*(?:private|no-cache|no-store)\s*(?:$|,)/i', $cacheControl ) ) {
537  header( 'Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT' );
538  header( 'Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, s-maxage=0' );
539  MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'cache-cookies' )->warning(
540  'Cookies set on {url} with Cache-Control "{cache-control}"', [
542  'cookies' => $headers['set-cookie'],
543  'cache-control' => $cacheControl ?: '<not set>',
544  ]
545  );
546  }
547  }
548  } );
549 }
553 require_once "$IP/includes/compat/normal/UtfNormalUtil.php";
555 $ps_validation = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-validation' );
557 // T48998: Bail out early if $wgArticlePath is non-absolute
558 foreach ( [ 'wgArticlePath', 'wgVariantArticlePath' ] as $varName ) {
559  if ( $$varName && !preg_match( '/^(https?:\/\/|\/)/', $$varName ) ) {
560  throw new FatalError(
561  "If you use a relative URL for \$$varName, it must start " .
562  'with a slash (<code>/</code>).<br><br>See ' .
563  "<a href=\"\$$varName\">" .
564  "\$$varName</a>."
565  );
566  }
567 }
569 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_validation );
571 $ps_default2 = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-defaults2' );
573 if ( $wgCanonicalServer === false ) {
575 }
577 // Set server name
579 if ( $wgServerName !== false ) {
580  wfWarn( '$wgServerName should be derived from $wgCanonicalServer, '
581  . 'not customized. Overwriting $wgServerName.' );
582 }
584 unset( $serverParts );
586 // Set defaults for configuration variables
587 // that are derived from the server name by default
588 // Note: $wgEmergencyContact and $wgPasswordSender may be false or empty string (T104142)
589 if ( !$wgEmergencyContact ) {
590  $wgEmergencyContact = 'wikiadmin@' . $wgServerName;
591 }
592 if ( !$wgPasswordSender ) {
593  $wgPasswordSender = 'apache@' . $wgServerName;
594 }
595 if ( !$wgNoReplyAddress ) {
597 }
599 if ( $wgSecureLogin && substr( $wgServer, 0, 2 ) !== '//' ) {
600  $wgSecureLogin = false;
601  wfWarn( 'Secure login was enabled on a server that only supports '
602  . 'HTTP or HTTPS. Disabling secure login.' );
603 }
607 // Now that GlobalFunctions is loaded, set defaults that depend on it.
608 if ( $wgTmpDirectory === false ) {
610 }
612 // We don't use counters anymore. Left here for extensions still
613 // expecting this to exist. Should be removed sometime 1.26 or later.
614 if ( !isset( $wgDisableCounters ) ) {
615  $wgDisableCounters = true;
616 }
618 if ( $wgMainWANCache === false ) {
619  // Setup a WAN cache from $wgMainCacheType with no relayer.
620  // Sites using multiple datacenters can configure a relayer.
621  $wgMainWANCache = 'mediawiki-main-default';
623  'class' => 'WANObjectCache',
624  'cacheId' => $wgMainCacheType,
625  'channels' => [ 'purge' => 'wancache-main-default-purge' ]
626  ];
627 }
629 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_default2 );
631 $ps_misc = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-misc1' );
633 // Raise the memory limit if it's too low
634 wfMemoryLimit();
641 if ( is_null( $wgLocaltimezone ) ) {
642  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
643  $wgLocaltimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
644  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
645 }
647 date_default_timezone_set( $wgLocaltimezone );
648 if ( is_null( $wgLocalTZoffset ) ) {
649  $wgLocalTZoffset = date( 'Z' ) / 60;
650 }
652 if ( !$wgDBerrorLogTZ ) {
654 }
656 // initialize the request object in $wgRequest
657 $wgRequest = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(); // BackCompat
659 // Useful debug output
660 if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
661  wfDebug( "\n\nStart command line script $self\n" );
662 } else {
663  $debug = "\n\nStart request {$wgRequest->getMethod()} {$wgRequest->getRequestURL()}\n";
665  if ( $wgDebugPrintHttpHeaders ) {
666  $debug .= "HTTP HEADERS:\n";
668  foreach ( $wgRequest->getAllHeaders() as $name => $value ) {
669  $debug .= "$name: $value\n";
670  }
671  }
672  wfDebug( $debug );
673 }
675 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_misc );
676 $ps_memcached = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-memcached' );
682 wfDebugLog( 'caches',
683  'cluster: ' . get_class( $wgMemc ) .
684  ', WAN: ' . $wgMainWANCache .
685  ', stash: ' . $wgMainStash .
686  ', message: ' . get_class( $messageMemc ) .
687  ', parser: ' . get_class( $parserMemc ) .
688  ', session: ' . get_class( ObjectCache::getInstance( $wgSessionCacheType ) )
689 );
691 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_memcached );
693 // Most of the config is out, some might want to run hooks here.
694 Hooks::run( 'SetupAfterCache' );
696 $ps_globals = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-globals' );
702 $wgContLang->initEncoding();
703 $wgContLang->initContLang();
705 // Now that variant lists may be available...
706 $wgRequest->interpolateTitle();
708 if ( !is_object( $wgAuth ) ) {
710  Hooks::run( 'AuthPluginSetup', [ &$wgAuth ] );
711 }
712 if ( $wgAuth && !$wgAuth instanceof MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerAuthPlugin ) {
713  MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::singleton()->forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders( [
714  new MediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider( [
715  'authoritative' => false,
716  ] ),
717  new MediaWiki\Auth\AuthPluginPrimaryAuthenticationProvider( $wgAuth ),
718  new MediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider( [
719  'authoritative' => true,
720  ] ),
721  ], '$wgAuth is ' . get_class( $wgAuth ) );
722 }
724 // Set up the session
725 $ps_session = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-session' );
731 if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) && !$wgCommandLineMode ) {
732  // If session.auto_start is there, we can't touch session name
733  if ( $wgPHPSessionHandling !== 'disable' && !wfIniGetBool( 'session.auto_start' ) ) {
734  session_name( $wgSessionName ? $wgSessionName : $wgCookiePrefix . '_session' );
735  }
737  // Create the SessionManager singleton and set up our session handler,
738  // unless we're specifically asked not to.
739  if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION_HANDLER' ) ) {
741  MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton()
742  );
743  }
745  // Initialize the session
746  try {
748  } catch ( OverflowException $ex ) {
749  if ( isset( $ex->sessionInfos ) && count( $ex->sessionInfos ) >= 2 ) {
750  // The exception is because the request had multiple possible
751  // sessions tied for top priority. Report this to the user.
752  $list = [];
753  foreach ( $ex->sessionInfos as $info ) {
754  $list[] = $info->getProvider()->describe( $wgContLang );
755  }
756  $list = $wgContLang->listToText( $list );
757  throw new HttpError( 400,
758  Message::newFromKey( 'sessionmanager-tie', $list )->inLanguage( $wgContLang )->plain()
759  );
760  }
762  // Not the one we want, rethrow
763  throw $ex;
764  }
766  if ( $session->isPersistent() ) {
767  $wgInitialSessionId = $session->getSessionId();
768  }
770  $session->renew();
771  if ( MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler::isEnabled() &&
772  ( $session->isPersistent() || $session->shouldRememberUser() )
773  ) {
774  // Start the PHP-session for backwards compatibility
775  session_id( $session->getId() );
776  MediaWiki\quietCall( 'session_start' );
777  }
779  unset( $session );
780 } else {
781  // Even if we didn't set up a global Session, still install our session
782  // handler unless specifically requested not to.
783  if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION_HANDLER' ) ) {
785  MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton()
786  );
787  }
788 }
789 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_session );
794 $wgUser = RequestContext::getMain()->getUser(); // BackCompat
804 $wgOut = RequestContext::getMain()->getOutput(); // BackCompat
809 $wgParser = new StubObject( 'wgParser', $wgParserConf['class'], [ $wgParserConf ] );
814 $wgTitle = null;
816 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_globals );
817 $ps_extensions = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-extensions' );
819 // Extension setup functions
820 // Entries should be added to this variable during the inclusion
821 // of the extension file. This allows the extension to perform
822 // any necessary initialisation in the fully initialised environment
823 foreach ( $wgExtensionFunctions as $func ) {
824  // Allow closures in PHP 5.3+
825  if ( is_object( $func ) && $func instanceof Closure ) {
826  $profName = $fname . '-extensions-closure';
827  } elseif ( is_array( $func ) ) {
828  if ( is_object( $func[0] ) ) {
829  $profName = $fname . '-extensions-' . get_class( $func[0] ) . '::' . $func[1];
830  } else {
831  $profName = $fname . '-extensions-' . implode( '::', $func );
832  }
833  } else {
834  $profName = $fname . '-extensions-' . strval( $func );
835  }
837  $ps_ext_func = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $profName );
838  call_user_func( $func );
839  Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_ext_func );
840 }
842 // If the session user has a 0 id but a valid name, that means we need to
843 // autocreate it.
844 if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) && !$wgCommandLineMode ) {
845  $sessionUser = MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession()->getUser();
846  if ( $sessionUser->getId() === 0 && User::isValidUserName( $sessionUser->getName() ) ) {
847  $ps_autocreate = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $fname . '-autocreate' );
848  $res = MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::singleton()->autoCreateUser(
849  $sessionUser,
850  MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION,
851  true
852  );
853  Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_autocreate );
854  \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'authmanager' )->info( 'Autocreation attempt', [
855  'event' => 'autocreate',
856  'status' => $res,
857  ] );
858  unset( $res );
859  }
860  unset( $sessionUser );
861 }
863 wfDebug( "Fully initialised\n" );
866 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_extensions );
867 Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut( $ps_setup );
Definition: Setup.php:730
Use Commons as a remote file repository.
Abstract list of footer icons for skins in place of old copyrightico and poweredbyico code You can ad...
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
Main object stash type.
Set the following to false especially if you have a set of files that need to be accessible by all wi...
Definitions of the NS_ constants are in Defines.php.
Definition: Setup.php:397
Definition: Setup.php:359
The URL path to index.php.
Timezone to use in the error log.
MediaWiki version number.
Name of the site.
Definition: Setup.php:362
Definition: Setup.php:631
Definition: Setup.php:363
Definition: Setup.php:799
SkinTemplate class for API output.
Definition: SkinApi.php:33
Definition: Setup.php:676
wfShorthandToInteger($string= '', $default=-1)
Converts shorthand byte notation to integer form.
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
Definition: Setup.php:352
if($wgMetaNamespace===false) if($wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength===false) $wgMinUploadChunkSize
Definition: Setup.php:383
Definition: Setup.php:809
static instance()
Definition: Profiler.php:60
Database user's password.
DB name with metadata about shared directory.
Definition: img_auth.php:46
Give a path here to use thumb.php for thumbnail generation on client request, instead of generating t...
Base URL for a repository wiki.
Database type.
static getInstance($channel)
Get a named logger instance from the currently configured logger factory.
Definition: Setup.php:439
static getInstance($id)
Get a cached instance of the specified type of cache object.
Definition: ObjectCache.php:92
File repository structures.
Mediawiki schema.
Name of the project namespace.
Database host name or IP address.
if($wgUseFileCache||$wgUseSquid) $wgHtml5
Definition: Setup.php:434
Database username.
if(!is_object($wgAuth)) if($wgAuth &&!$wgAuth instanceof MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerAuthPlugin) $ps_session
Definition: Setup.php:725
Main Wide-Area-Network cache type.
Path on the file system where shared uploads can be found.
Definition: Defines.php:30
A helper class for throttling authentication attempts.
The local filesystem path to a temporary directory.
Definition: Setup.php:351
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Definition: design.txt:93
wfExpandUrl($url, $defaultProto=PROTO_CURRENT)
Expand a potentially local URL to a fully-qualified URL.
Definition: img_auth.php:45
Advanced WAN object cache configuration.
Definition: Defines.php:80
Definition: Setup.php:678
Get the cache object used by the message cache.
Allow thumbnail rendering on page view.
Set to true to enable the e-mail basic features: Password reminders, etc.
Definition: load.php:30
wfDebug($text, $dest= 'all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
Get the cache object used by the parser cache.
static getMaxUploadSize($forType=null)
Get the MediaWiki maximum uploaded file size for given type of upload, based on $wgMaxUploadSize.
Directory for caching data in the local filesystem.
Invalidate various caches when LocalSettings.php changes.
Enable/disable CDN.
Definition: Setup.php:399
Show an error that looks like an HTTP server error.
Definition: HttpError.php:30
static isValidUserName($name)
Is the input a valid username?
Definition: User.php:846
if(is_array($wgExtraNamespaces)) $wgContLanguageCode
Definition: Setup.php:424
Site language code.
wfDebugLog($logGroup, $text, $dest= 'all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not...
global $wgCommandLineMode
Definition: Setup.php:513
if($wgScript===false) if($wgLoadScript===false) if($wgArticlePath===false) if(!empty($wgActionPaths)&&!isset($wgActionPaths['view'])) if($wgResourceBasePath===null) if($wgStylePath===false) if($wgLocalStylePath===false) if($wgExtensionAssetsPath===false) if($wgLogo===false) if($wgUploadPath===false) if($wgUploadDirectory===false) if($wgReadOnlyFile===false) if($wgFileCacheDirectory===false) if($wgDeletedDirectory===false) if($wgGitInfoCacheDirectory===false &&$wgCacheDirectory!==false) if($wgEnableParserCache===false) if($wgRightsIcon) if(isset($wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright'])&&$wgFooterIcons['copyright']['copyright']===[]) if(isset($wgFooterIcons['poweredby'])&&isset($wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki'])&&$wgFooterIcons['poweredby']['mediawiki']['src']===null) $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI]
Unconditional protection for NS_MEDIAWIKI since otherwise it's too easy for a sysadmin to set $wgName...
Definition: Setup.php:154
Definition: Setup.php:264
The URL path of the skins directory.
Definition: Defines.php:74
Backwards-compatibility wrapper for AuthManager via $wgAuth.
The cache type for storing article HTML.
Tries to get the system directory for temporary files.
static getMain()
Static methods.
This will cache static pages for non-logged-in users to reduce database traffic on public sites...
What directory to place deleted uploads in.
Definition: Setup.php:354
static install(SessionManager $manager)
Install a session handler for the current web request.
wfWarn($msg, $callerOffset=1, $level=E_USER_NOTICE)
Send a warning either to the debug log or in a PHP error depending on $wgDevelopmentWarnings.
Safety wrapper around ini_get() for boolean settings.
Definition: Defines.php:79
Definition: Setup.php:357
Array for multiple $wgLocalInterwiki values, in case there are several interwiki prefixes that point ...
Full path on the web server where shared uploads can be found.
Definition: Setup.php:50
Definition: Defines.php:75
static singleton()
Get the global AuthManager.
const NS_MEDIA
Definition: Defines.php:58
Definition: database.txt:21
Definition: Setup.php:864
Definition: Setup.php:555
Definition: Setup.php:680
Definition: Setup.php:356
Definition: Setup.php:358
Whether to support URLs like index.php/Page_title These often break when PHP is set up in CGI mode...
Definition: Defines.php:84
The default 'remoteBasePath' value for instances of ResourceLoaderFileModule.
Definition: memcached.txt:63
wfDeprecated($function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Throws a warning that $function is deprecated.
Definition: Setup.php:571
Definition: Setup.php:355
Shared database for multiple wikis.
Kept for extension compatibility; see $wgParserCacheType.
Definition: Setup.php:814
Class to implement stub globals, which are globals that delay loading the their associated module cod...
Definition: StubObject.php:44
Definition: Setup.php:679
static run($event, array $args=[], $deprecatedVersion=null)
Call hook functions defined in Hooks::register and $wgHooks.
Definition: Hooks.php:131
const NS_FILE
Definition: Defines.php:76
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned $skin
Definition: hooks.txt:1802
Definition: Defines.php:77
static detectProtocol()
Detect the protocol from $_SERVER.
Definition: WebRequest.php:236
Fake out the timezone that the server thinks it's in.
Initialise $wgLockManagers to include basic FS version.
Definition: Setup.php:167
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
Deprecated alias for $wgSessionsInObjectCache.
Definition: Defines.php:78
Definition: Defines.php:262
Definition: Setup.php:436
Sender email address for e-mail notifications.
if($wgServerName!==false) $wgServerName
Definition: Setup.php:583
Definition: Setup.php:350
Exception class which takes an HTML error message, and does not produce a backtrace.
Definition: FatalError.php:28
Optional table prefix used in database.
SkinTemplate class for the fallback skin.
static newFromKey($key)
Factory function that is just wrapper for the real constructor.
Definition: Message.php:379
The cache type for storing session data.
The URL path for the images directory.
Site admin email address.
Additional namespaces.
static getGlobalSession()
Get the "global" session.
static getGlobalRequestURL()
Return the path and query string portion of the main request URI.
Definition: WebRequest.php:764
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
if($wgCanonicalServer===false) $serverParts
Definition: Setup.php:578
Definition: Setup.php:36
if($wgLocalInterwiki) if($wgSharedPrefix===false) if($wgSharedSchema===false) if(!$wgCookiePrefix) $wgCookiePrefix
Definition: Setup.php:342
The URL path of the skins directory.
Definition: Setup.php:361
Definition: Defines.php:85
const NS_HELP
Definition: Defines.php:82
if(!defined( 'MEDIAWIKI')) $fname
This file is not a valid entry point, perform no further processing unless MEDIAWIKI is defined...
Definition: Setup.php:35
static installHandler()
Install handlers with PHP.
Definition: Setup.php:314
Definition: Defines.php:83
The canonical names of namespaces 6 and 7 are, as of v1.14, "File" and "File_talk".
Definition: Setup.php:161
The path we should point to.
The interwiki prefix of the current wiki, or false if it doesn't have one.
Cache shared metadata in memcached.
Stub object for the user language.
Definition: StubObject.php:169
Get the main cache object.
The URL path of the extensions directory.
if(!$wgEmergencyContact) if(!$wgPasswordSender) if(!$wgNoReplyAddress) if($wgSecureLogin &&substr($wgServer, 0, 2)!== '//') $wgVirtualRestConfig['global']['domain']
Definition: Setup.php:605
Definition: Setup.php:696
Table name prefix.
For parts of the system that have been updated to provide HTML email content, send both text and HTML...
Set PHP's memory limit to the larger of php.ini or $wgMemoryLimit.
Definition: Setup.php:817
Canonical URL of the server, to use in IRC feeds and notification e-mails.
Definition: Defines.php:34
Set this to false if you do not want MediaWiki to divide your images directory into many subdirectori...
if($wgInvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange) if($wgNewUserLog) if($wgPageLanguageUseDB) if($wgCookieSecure=== 'detect') if($wgProfileOnly) if($wgMinimalPasswordLength!==false) if($wgMaximalPasswordLength!==false) if(!$wgSessionsInObjectCache &&!$wgSessionsInMemcached) $wgSessionsInObjectCache
Definition: Setup.php:495
The URL path of the wiki logo.
Definition: Setup.php:435
Set an offset from UTC in minutes to use for the default timezone setting for anonymous users and new...
static getMaxPhpUploadSize()
Get the PHP maximum uploaded file size, based on ini settings.
URL of the server.
Directory where GitInfo will look for pre-computed cache files.
Fetch commons image description pages and display them on the local wiki?
const NS_TALK
Definition: Defines.php:71
Definition: Setup.php:804
Definition: Setup.php:701
Definition: Setup.php:353
If set, this URL is added to the start of $wgUploadPath to form a complete upload URL...
controlled by $wgMainCacheType controlled by $wgParserCacheType controlled by $wgMessageCacheType If you set CACHE_NONE to one of the three control default value for MediaWiki still create a but requests to it are no ops and we always fall through to the database If the cache daemon can t be it should also disable itself fairly smoothly By $wgMemc is used but when it is $parserMemc or $messageMemc this is mentioned $wgDBname
Definition: memcached.txt:96
Definition: Defines.php:103
If set to a positive number, ResourceLoader will not generate URLs whose query string is more than th...
string $wgPHPSessionHandling
Whether to use PHP session handling ($_SESSION and session_*() functions)
Definition: mcc.php:31
parse_url() work-alike, but non-broken.
static factory($code)
Get a cached or new language object for a given language code.
Definition: Language.php:179
Files with these extensions will never be allowed as uploads.
Definition: Defines.php:73
The URL path to load.php.
Reply-To address for e-mail notifications.
static getDefaultInstance()
Definition: SkinFactory.php:50
Set this to current time to invalidate all prior cached pages.
Directory where the cached page will be saved.
static init()
Enabled the debugger and load resource module.
Definition: MWDebug.php:74
If you operate multiple wikis, you can define a shared upload path here.
if(is_null($wgLocalTZoffset)) if(!$wgDBerrorLogTZ) $wgRequest
Definition: Setup.php:657
if($wgRCFilterByAge) $wgDefaultUserOptions['rcdays']
Definition: Setup.php:281
The filesystem path of the images directory.
Definition: Defines.php:81
Definition: Setup.php:794
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:314