MediaWiki  1.28.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
37  protected $http;
40  protected $authTTL;
43  protected $swiftAuthUrl;
46  protected $swiftUser;
49  protected $swiftKey;
52  protected $swiftTempUrlKey;
55  protected $rgwS3AccessKey;
58  protected $rgwS3SecretKey;
61  protected $srvCache;
67  protected $authCreds;
70  protected $authSessionTimestamp = 0;
73  protected $authErrorTimestamp = null;
76  protected $isRGW = false;
106  public function __construct( array $config ) {
107  parent::__construct( $config );
108  // Required settings
109  $this->swiftAuthUrl = $config['swiftAuthUrl'];
110  $this->swiftUser = $config['swiftUser'];
111  $this->swiftKey = $config['swiftKey'];
112  // Optional settings
113  $this->authTTL = isset( $config['swiftAuthTTL'] )
114  ? $config['swiftAuthTTL']
115  : 15 * 60; // some sane number
116  $this->swiftTempUrlKey = isset( $config['swiftTempUrlKey'] )
117  ? $config['swiftTempUrlKey']
118  : '';
119  $this->shardViaHashLevels = isset( $config['shardViaHashLevels'] )
120  ? $config['shardViaHashLevels']
121  : '';
122  $this->rgwS3AccessKey = isset( $config['rgwS3AccessKey'] )
123  ? $config['rgwS3AccessKey']
124  : '';
125  $this->rgwS3SecretKey = isset( $config['rgwS3SecretKey'] )
126  ? $config['rgwS3SecretKey']
127  : '';
128  // HTTP helper client
129  $this->http = new MultiHttpClient( [] );
130  // Cache container information to mask latency
131  if ( isset( $config['wanCache'] ) && $config['wanCache'] instanceof WANObjectCache ) {
132  $this->memCache = $config['wanCache'];
133  }
134  // Process cache for container info
135  $this->containerStatCache = new ProcessCacheLRU( 300 );
136  // Cache auth token information to avoid RTTs
137  if ( !empty( $config['cacheAuthInfo'] ) && isset( $config['srvCache'] ) ) {
138  $this->srvCache = $config['srvCache'];
139  } else {
140  $this->srvCache = new EmptyBagOStuff();
141  }
142  }
144  public function getFeatures() {
147  }
149  protected function resolveContainerPath( $container, $relStoragePath ) {
150  if ( !mb_check_encoding( $relStoragePath, 'UTF-8' ) ) {
151  return null; // not UTF-8, makes it hard to use CF and the swift HTTP API
152  } elseif ( strlen( urlencode( $relStoragePath ) ) > 1024 ) {
153  return null; // too long for Swift
154  }
156  return $relStoragePath;
157  }
159  public function isPathUsableInternal( $storagePath ) {
160  list( $container, $rel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $storagePath );
161  if ( $rel === null ) {
162  return false; // invalid
163  }
165  return is_array( $this->getContainerStat( $container ) );
166  }
175  protected function sanitizeHdrs( array $params ) {
176  return isset( $params['headers'] )
177  ? $this->getCustomHeaders( $params['headers'] )
178  : [];
180  }
186  protected function getCustomHeaders( array $rawHeaders ) {
187  $headers = [];
189  // Normalize casing, and strip out illegal headers
190  foreach ( $rawHeaders as $name => $value ) {
191  $name = strtolower( $name );
192  if ( preg_match( '/^content-(type|length)$/', $name ) ) {
193  continue; // blacklisted
194  } elseif ( preg_match( '/^(x-)?content-/', $name ) ) {
195  $headers[$name] = $value; // allowed
196  } elseif ( preg_match( '/^content-(disposition)/', $name ) ) {
197  $headers[$name] = $value; // allowed
198  }
199  }
200  // By default, Swift has annoyingly low maximum header value limits
201  if ( isset( $headers['content-disposition'] ) ) {
202  $disposition = '';
203  // @note: assume FileBackend::makeContentDisposition() already used
204  foreach ( explode( ';', $headers['content-disposition'] ) as $part ) {
205  $part = trim( $part );
206  $new = ( $disposition === '' ) ? $part : "{$disposition};{$part}";
207  if ( strlen( $new ) <= 255 ) {
208  $disposition = $new;
209  } else {
210  break; // too long; sigh
211  }
212  }
213  $headers['content-disposition'] = $disposition;
214  }
216  return $headers;
217  }
223  protected function getMetadataHeaders( array $rawHeaders ) {
224  $headers = [];
225  foreach ( $rawHeaders as $name => $value ) {
226  $name = strtolower( $name );
227  if ( strpos( $name, 'x-object-meta-' ) === 0 ) {
228  $headers[$name] = $value;
229  }
230  }
232  return $headers;
233  }
239  protected function getMetadata( array $rawHeaders ) {
240  $metadata = [];
241  foreach ( $this->getMetadataHeaders( $rawHeaders ) as $name => $value ) {
242  $metadata[substr( $name, strlen( 'x-object-meta-' ) )] = $value;
243  }
245  return $metadata;
246  }
248  protected function doCreateInternal( array $params ) {
249  $status = $this->newStatus();
251  list( $dstCont, $dstRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['dst'] );
252  if ( $dstRel === null ) {
253  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['dst'] );
255  return $status;
256  }
258  $sha1Hash = Wikimedia\base_convert( sha1( $params['content'] ), 16, 36, 31 );
259  $contentType = isset( $params['headers']['content-type'] )
260  ? $params['headers']['content-type']
261  : $this->getContentType( $params['dst'], $params['content'], null );
263  $reqs = [ [
264  'method' => 'PUT',
265  'url' => [ $dstCont, $dstRel ],
266  'headers' => [
267  'content-length' => strlen( $params['content'] ),
268  'etag' => md5( $params['content'] ),
269  'content-type' => $contentType,
270  'x-object-meta-sha1base36' => $sha1Hash
271  ] + $this->sanitizeHdrs( $params ),
272  'body' => $params['content']
273  ] ];
275  $method = __METHOD__;
276  $handler = function ( array $request, StatusValue $status ) use ( $method, $params ) {
277  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $request['response'];
278  if ( $rcode === 201 ) {
279  // good
280  } elseif ( $rcode === 412 ) {
281  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-contenttype', $params['dst'] );
282  } else {
283  $this->onError( $status, $method, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
284  }
285  };
287  $opHandle = new SwiftFileOpHandle( $this, $handler, $reqs );
288  if ( !empty( $params['async'] ) ) { // deferred
289  $status->value = $opHandle;
290  } else { // actually write the object in Swift
291  $status->merge( current( $this->doExecuteOpHandlesInternal( [ $opHandle ] ) ) );
292  }
294  return $status;
295  }
297  protected function doStoreInternal( array $params ) {
298  $status = $this->newStatus();
300  list( $dstCont, $dstRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['dst'] );
301  if ( $dstRel === null ) {
302  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['dst'] );
304  return $status;
305  }
307  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
308  $sha1Hash = sha1_file( $params['src'] );
309  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
310  if ( $sha1Hash === false ) { // source doesn't exist?
311  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-store', $params['src'], $params['dst'] );
313  return $status;
314  }
315  $sha1Hash = Wikimedia\base_convert( $sha1Hash, 16, 36, 31 );
316  $contentType = isset( $params['headers']['content-type'] )
317  ? $params['headers']['content-type']
318  : $this->getContentType( $params['dst'], null, $params['src'] );
320  $handle = fopen( $params['src'], 'rb' );
321  if ( $handle === false ) { // source doesn't exist?
322  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-store', $params['src'], $params['dst'] );
324  return $status;
325  }
327  $reqs = [ [
328  'method' => 'PUT',
329  'url' => [ $dstCont, $dstRel ],
330  'headers' => [
331  'content-length' => filesize( $params['src'] ),
332  'etag' => md5_file( $params['src'] ),
333  'content-type' => $contentType,
334  'x-object-meta-sha1base36' => $sha1Hash
335  ] + $this->sanitizeHdrs( $params ),
336  'body' => $handle // resource
337  ] ];
339  $method = __METHOD__;
340  $handler = function ( array $request, StatusValue $status ) use ( $method, $params ) {
341  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $request['response'];
342  if ( $rcode === 201 ) {
343  // good
344  } elseif ( $rcode === 412 ) {
345  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-contenttype', $params['dst'] );
346  } else {
347  $this->onError( $status, $method, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
348  }
349  };
351  $opHandle = new SwiftFileOpHandle( $this, $handler, $reqs );
352  if ( !empty( $params['async'] ) ) { // deferred
353  $status->value = $opHandle;
354  } else { // actually write the object in Swift
355  $status->merge( current( $this->doExecuteOpHandlesInternal( [ $opHandle ] ) ) );
356  }
358  return $status;
359  }
361  protected function doCopyInternal( array $params ) {
362  $status = $this->newStatus();
364  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['src'] );
365  if ( $srcRel === null ) {
366  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['src'] );
368  return $status;
369  }
371  list( $dstCont, $dstRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['dst'] );
372  if ( $dstRel === null ) {
373  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['dst'] );
375  return $status;
376  }
378  $reqs = [ [
379  'method' => 'PUT',
380  'url' => [ $dstCont, $dstRel ],
381  'headers' => [
382  'x-copy-from' => '/' . rawurlencode( $srcCont ) .
383  '/' . str_replace( "%2F", "/", rawurlencode( $srcRel ) )
384  ] + $this->sanitizeHdrs( $params ), // extra headers merged into object
385  ] ];
387  $method = __METHOD__;
388  $handler = function ( array $request, StatusValue $status ) use ( $method, $params ) {
389  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $request['response'];
390  if ( $rcode === 201 ) {
391  // good
392  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
393  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-copy', $params['src'], $params['dst'] );
394  } else {
395  $this->onError( $status, $method, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
396  }
397  };
399  $opHandle = new SwiftFileOpHandle( $this, $handler, $reqs );
400  if ( !empty( $params['async'] ) ) { // deferred
401  $status->value = $opHandle;
402  } else { // actually write the object in Swift
403  $status->merge( current( $this->doExecuteOpHandlesInternal( [ $opHandle ] ) ) );
404  }
406  return $status;
407  }
409  protected function doMoveInternal( array $params ) {
410  $status = $this->newStatus();
412  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['src'] );
413  if ( $srcRel === null ) {
414  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['src'] );
416  return $status;
417  }
419  list( $dstCont, $dstRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['dst'] );
420  if ( $dstRel === null ) {
421  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['dst'] );
423  return $status;
424  }
426  $reqs = [
427  [
428  'method' => 'PUT',
429  'url' => [ $dstCont, $dstRel ],
430  'headers' => [
431  'x-copy-from' => '/' . rawurlencode( $srcCont ) .
432  '/' . str_replace( "%2F", "/", rawurlencode( $srcRel ) )
433  ] + $this->sanitizeHdrs( $params ) // extra headers merged into object
434  ]
435  ];
436  if ( "{$srcCont}/{$srcRel}" !== "{$dstCont}/{$dstRel}" ) {
437  $reqs[] = [
438  'method' => 'DELETE',
439  'url' => [ $srcCont, $srcRel ],
440  'headers' => []
441  ];
442  }
444  $method = __METHOD__;
445  $handler = function ( array $request, StatusValue $status ) use ( $method, $params ) {
446  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $request['response'];
447  if ( $request['method'] === 'PUT' && $rcode === 201 ) {
448  // good
449  } elseif ( $request['method'] === 'DELETE' && $rcode === 204 ) {
450  // good
451  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
452  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-move', $params['src'], $params['dst'] );
453  } else {
454  $this->onError( $status, $method, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
455  }
456  };
458  $opHandle = new SwiftFileOpHandle( $this, $handler, $reqs );
459  if ( !empty( $params['async'] ) ) { // deferred
460  $status->value = $opHandle;
461  } else { // actually move the object in Swift
462  $status->merge( current( $this->doExecuteOpHandlesInternal( [ $opHandle ] ) ) );
463  }
465  return $status;
466  }
468  protected function doDeleteInternal( array $params ) {
469  $status = $this->newStatus();
471  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['src'] );
472  if ( $srcRel === null ) {
473  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['src'] );
475  return $status;
476  }
478  $reqs = [ [
479  'method' => 'DELETE',
480  'url' => [ $srcCont, $srcRel ],
481  'headers' => []
482  ] ];
484  $method = __METHOD__;
485  $handler = function ( array $request, StatusValue $status ) use ( $method, $params ) {
486  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $request['response'];
487  if ( $rcode === 204 ) {
488  // good
489  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
490  if ( empty( $params['ignoreMissingSource'] ) ) {
491  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-delete', $params['src'] );
492  }
493  } else {
494  $this->onError( $status, $method, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
495  }
496  };
498  $opHandle = new SwiftFileOpHandle( $this, $handler, $reqs );
499  if ( !empty( $params['async'] ) ) { // deferred
500  $status->value = $opHandle;
501  } else { // actually delete the object in Swift
502  $status->merge( current( $this->doExecuteOpHandlesInternal( [ $opHandle ] ) ) );
503  }
505  return $status;
506  }
508  protected function doDescribeInternal( array $params ) {
509  $status = $this->newStatus();
511  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['src'] );
512  if ( $srcRel === null ) {
513  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['src'] );
515  return $status;
516  }
518  // Fetch the old object headers/metadata...this should be in stat cache by now
519  $stat = $this->getFileStat( [ 'src' => $params['src'], 'latest' => 1 ] );
520  if ( $stat && !isset( $stat['xattr'] ) ) { // older cache entry
521  $stat = $this->doGetFileStat( [ 'src' => $params['src'], 'latest' => 1 ] );
522  }
523  if ( !$stat ) {
524  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-describe', $params['src'] );
526  return $status;
527  }
529  // POST clears prior headers, so we need to merge the changes in to the old ones
530  $metaHdrs = [];
531  foreach ( $stat['xattr']['metadata'] as $name => $value ) {
532  $metaHdrs["x-object-meta-$name"] = $value;
533  }
534  $customHdrs = $this->sanitizeHdrs( $params ) + $stat['xattr']['headers'];
536  $reqs = [ [
537  'method' => 'POST',
538  'url' => [ $srcCont, $srcRel ],
539  'headers' => $metaHdrs + $customHdrs
540  ] ];
542  $method = __METHOD__;
543  $handler = function ( array $request, StatusValue $status ) use ( $method, $params ) {
544  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $request['response'];
545  if ( $rcode === 202 ) {
546  // good
547  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
548  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-describe', $params['src'] );
549  } else {
550  $this->onError( $status, $method, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
551  }
552  };
554  $opHandle = new SwiftFileOpHandle( $this, $handler, $reqs );
555  if ( !empty( $params['async'] ) ) { // deferred
556  $status->value = $opHandle;
557  } else { // actually change the object in Swift
558  $status->merge( current( $this->doExecuteOpHandlesInternal( [ $opHandle ] ) ) );
559  }
561  return $status;
562  }
564  protected function doPrepareInternal( $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
565  $status = $this->newStatus();
567  // (a) Check if container already exists
568  $stat = $this->getContainerStat( $fullCont );
569  if ( is_array( $stat ) ) {
570  return $status; // already there
571  } elseif ( $stat === null ) {
572  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-internal', $this->name );
573  $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': cannot get container stat' );
575  return $status;
576  }
578  // (b) Create container as needed with proper ACLs
579  if ( $stat === false ) {
580  $params['op'] = 'prepare';
581  $status->merge( $this->createContainer( $fullCont, $params ) );
582  }
584  return $status;
585  }
587  protected function doSecureInternal( $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
588  $status = $this->newStatus();
589  if ( empty( $params['noAccess'] ) ) {
590  return $status; // nothing to do
591  }
593  $stat = $this->getContainerStat( $fullCont );
594  if ( is_array( $stat ) ) {
595  // Make container private to end-users...
596  $status->merge( $this->setContainerAccess(
597  $fullCont,
598  [ $this->swiftUser ], // read
599  [ $this->swiftUser ] // write
600  ) );
601  } elseif ( $stat === false ) {
602  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-usable', $params['dir'] );
603  } else {
604  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-internal', $this->name );
605  $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': cannot get container stat' );
606  }
608  return $status;
609  }
611  protected function doPublishInternal( $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
612  $status = $this->newStatus();
614  $stat = $this->getContainerStat( $fullCont );
615  if ( is_array( $stat ) ) {
616  // Make container public to end-users...
617  $status->merge( $this->setContainerAccess(
618  $fullCont,
619  [ $this->swiftUser, '.r:*' ], // read
620  [ $this->swiftUser ] // write
621  ) );
622  } elseif ( $stat === false ) {
623  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-usable', $params['dir'] );
624  } else {
625  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-internal', $this->name );
626  $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': cannot get container stat' );
627  }
629  return $status;
630  }
632  protected function doCleanInternal( $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
633  $status = $this->newStatus();
635  // Only containers themselves can be removed, all else is virtual
636  if ( $dir != '' ) {
637  return $status; // nothing to do
638  }
640  // (a) Check the container
641  $stat = $this->getContainerStat( $fullCont, true );
642  if ( $stat === false ) {
643  return $status; // ok, nothing to do
644  } elseif ( !is_array( $stat ) ) {
645  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-internal', $this->name );
646  $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': cannot get container stat' );
648  return $status;
649  }
651  // (b) Delete the container if empty
652  if ( $stat['count'] == 0 ) {
653  $params['op'] = 'clean';
654  $status->merge( $this->deleteContainer( $fullCont, $params ) );
655  }
657  return $status;
658  }
660  protected function doGetFileStat( array $params ) {
661  $params = [ 'srcs' => [ $params['src'] ], 'concurrency' => 1 ] + $params;
662  unset( $params['src'] );
663  $stats = $this->doGetFileStatMulti( $params );
665  return reset( $stats );
666  }
678  protected function convertSwiftDate( $ts, $format = TS_MW ) {
679  try {
680  $timestamp = new MWTimestamp( $ts );
682  return $timestamp->getTimestamp( $format );
683  } catch ( Exception $e ) {
684  throw new FileBackendError( $e->getMessage() );
685  }
686  }
695  protected function addMissingMetadata( array $objHdrs, $path ) {
696  if ( isset( $objHdrs['x-object-meta-sha1base36'] ) ) {
697  return $objHdrs; // nothing to do
698  }
701  $ps = $this->scopedProfileSection( __METHOD__ . "-{$this->name}" );
702  $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ": $path was not stored with SHA-1 metadata." );
704  $objHdrs['x-object-meta-sha1base36'] = false;
706  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
707  if ( !$auth ) {
708  return $objHdrs; // failed
709  }
711  // Find prior custom HTTP headers
712  $postHeaders = $this->getCustomHeaders( $objHdrs );
713  // Find prior metadata headers
714  $postHeaders += $this->getMetadataHeaders( $objHdrs );
716  $status = $this->newStatus();
718  $scopeLockS = $this->getScopedFileLocks( [ $path ], LockManager::LOCK_UW, $status );
719  if ( $status->isOK() ) {
720  $tmpFile = $this->getLocalCopy( [ 'src' => $path, 'latest' => 1 ] );
721  if ( $tmpFile ) {
722  $hash = $tmpFile->getSha1Base36();
723  if ( $hash !== false ) {
724  $objHdrs['x-object-meta-sha1base36'] = $hash;
725  // Merge new SHA1 header into the old ones
726  $postHeaders['x-object-meta-sha1base36'] = $hash;
727  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $path );
728  list( $rcode ) = $this->http->run( [
729  'method' => 'POST',
730  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $srcCont, $srcRel ),
731  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth ) + $postHeaders
732  ] );
733  if ( $rcode >= 200 && $rcode <= 299 ) {
734  $this->deleteFileCache( $path );
736  return $objHdrs; // success
737  }
738  }
739  }
740  }
742  $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ": unable to set SHA-1 metadata for $path" );
744  return $objHdrs; // failed
745  }
747  protected function doGetFileContentsMulti( array $params ) {
748  $contents = [];
750  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
752  $ep = array_diff_key( $params, [ 'srcs' => 1 ] ); // for error logging
753  // Blindly create tmp files and stream to them, catching any exception if the file does
754  // not exist. Doing stats here is useless and will loop infinitely in addMissingMetadata().
755  $reqs = []; // (path => op)
757  foreach ( $params['srcs'] as $path ) { // each path in this concurrent batch
758  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $path );
759  if ( $srcRel === null || !$auth ) {
760  $contents[$path] = false;
761  continue;
762  }
763  // Create a new temporary memory file...
764  $handle = fopen( 'php://temp', 'wb' );
765  if ( $handle ) {
766  $reqs[$path] = [
767  'method' => 'GET',
768  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $srcCont, $srcRel ),
769  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth )
770  + $this->headersFromParams( $params ),
771  'stream' => $handle,
772  ];
773  }
774  $contents[$path] = false;
775  }
777  $opts = [ 'maxConnsPerHost' => $params['concurrency'] ];
778  $reqs = $this->http->runMulti( $reqs, $opts );
779  foreach ( $reqs as $path => $op ) {
780  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $op['response'];
781  if ( $rcode >= 200 && $rcode <= 299 ) {
782  rewind( $op['stream'] ); // start from the beginning
783  $contents[$path] = stream_get_contents( $op['stream'] );
784  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
785  $contents[$path] = false;
786  } else {
787  $this->onError( null, __METHOD__,
788  [ 'src' => $path ] + $ep, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
789  }
790  fclose( $op['stream'] ); // close open handle
791  }
793  return $contents;
794  }
796  protected function doDirectoryExists( $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
797  $prefix = ( $dir == '' ) ? null : "{$dir}/";
798  $status = $this->objectListing( $fullCont, 'names', 1, null, $prefix );
799  if ( $status->isOK() ) {
800  return ( count( $status->value ) ) > 0;
801  }
803  return null; // error
804  }
813  public function getDirectoryListInternal( $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
814  return new SwiftFileBackendDirList( $this, $fullCont, $dir, $params );
815  }
824  public function getFileListInternal( $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
825  return new SwiftFileBackendFileList( $this, $fullCont, $dir, $params );
826  }
839  public function getDirListPageInternal( $fullCont, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params ) {
840  $dirs = [];
841  if ( $after === INF ) {
842  return $dirs; // nothing more
843  }
845  $ps = $this->scopedProfileSection( __METHOD__ . "-{$this->name}" );
847  $prefix = ( $dir == '' ) ? null : "{$dir}/";
848  // Non-recursive: only list dirs right under $dir
849  if ( !empty( $params['topOnly'] ) ) {
850  $status = $this->objectListing( $fullCont, 'names', $limit, $after, $prefix, '/' );
851  if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
852  throw new FileBackendError( "Iterator page I/O error." );
853  }
854  $objects = $status->value;
855  foreach ( $objects as $object ) { // files and directories
856  if ( substr( $object, -1 ) === '/' ) {
857  $dirs[] = $object; // directories end in '/'
858  }
859  }
860  } else {
861  // Recursive: list all dirs under $dir and its subdirs
862  $getParentDir = function ( $path ) {
863  return ( strpos( $path, '/' ) !== false ) ? dirname( $path ) : false;
864  };
866  // Get directory from last item of prior page
867  $lastDir = $getParentDir( $after ); // must be first page
868  $status = $this->objectListing( $fullCont, 'names', $limit, $after, $prefix );
870  if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
871  throw new FileBackendError( "Iterator page I/O error." );
872  }
874  $objects = $status->value;
876  foreach ( $objects as $object ) { // files
877  $objectDir = $getParentDir( $object ); // directory of object
879  if ( $objectDir !== false && $objectDir !== $dir ) {
880  // Swift stores paths in UTF-8, using binary sorting.
881  // See function "create_container_table" in common/
882  // If a directory is not "greater" than the last one,
883  // then it was already listed by the calling iterator.
884  if ( strcmp( $objectDir, $lastDir ) > 0 ) {
885  $pDir = $objectDir;
886  do { // add dir and all its parent dirs
887  $dirs[] = "{$pDir}/";
888  $pDir = $getParentDir( $pDir );
889  } while ( $pDir !== false // sanity
890  && strcmp( $pDir, $lastDir ) > 0 // not done already
891  && strlen( $pDir ) > strlen( $dir ) // within $dir
892  );
893  }
894  $lastDir = $objectDir;
895  }
896  }
897  }
898  // Page on the unfiltered directory listing (what is returned may be filtered)
899  if ( count( $objects ) < $limit ) {
900  $after = INF; // avoid a second RTT
901  } else {
902  $after = end( $objects ); // update last item
903  }
905  return $dirs;
906  }
919  public function getFileListPageInternal( $fullCont, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params ) {
920  $files = []; // list of (path, stat array or null) entries
921  if ( $after === INF ) {
922  return $files; // nothing more
923  }
925  $ps = $this->scopedProfileSection( __METHOD__ . "-{$this->name}" );
927  $prefix = ( $dir == '' ) ? null : "{$dir}/";
928  // $objects will contain a list of unfiltered names or CF_Object items
929  // Non-recursive: only list files right under $dir
930  if ( !empty( $params['topOnly'] ) ) {
931  if ( !empty( $params['adviseStat'] ) ) {
932  $status = $this->objectListing( $fullCont, 'info', $limit, $after, $prefix, '/' );
933  } else {
934  $status = $this->objectListing( $fullCont, 'names', $limit, $after, $prefix, '/' );
935  }
936  } else {
937  // Recursive: list all files under $dir and its subdirs
938  if ( !empty( $params['adviseStat'] ) ) {
939  $status = $this->objectListing( $fullCont, 'info', $limit, $after, $prefix );
940  } else {
941  $status = $this->objectListing( $fullCont, 'names', $limit, $after, $prefix );
942  }
943  }
945  // Reformat this list into a list of (name, stat array or null) entries
946  if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
947  throw new FileBackendError( "Iterator page I/O error." );
948  }
950  $objects = $status->value;
951  $files = $this->buildFileObjectListing( $params, $dir, $objects );
953  // Page on the unfiltered object listing (what is returned may be filtered)
954  if ( count( $objects ) < $limit ) {
955  $after = INF; // avoid a second RTT
956  } else {
957  $after = end( $objects ); // update last item
958  $after = is_object( $after ) ? $after->name : $after;
959  }
961  return $files;
962  }
973  private function buildFileObjectListing( array $params, $dir, array $objects ) {
974  $names = [];
975  foreach ( $objects as $object ) {
976  if ( is_object( $object ) ) {
977  if ( isset( $object->subdir ) || !isset( $object->name ) ) {
978  continue; // virtual directory entry; ignore
979  }
980  $stat = [
981  // Convert various random Swift dates to TS_MW
982  'mtime' => $this->convertSwiftDate( $object->last_modified, TS_MW ),
983  'size' => (int)$object->bytes,
984  'sha1' => null,
985  // Note: manifiest ETags are not an MD5 of the file
986  'md5' => ctype_xdigit( $object->hash ) ? $object->hash : null,
987  'latest' => false // eventually consistent
988  ];
989  $names[] = [ $object->name, $stat ];
990  } elseif ( substr( $object, -1 ) !== '/' ) {
991  // Omit directories, which end in '/' in listings
992  $names[] = [ $object, null ];
993  }
994  }
996  return $names;
997  }
1005  public function loadListingStatInternal( $path, array $val ) {
1006  $this->cheapCache->set( $path, 'stat', $val );
1007  }
1009  protected function doGetFileXAttributes( array $params ) {
1010  $stat = $this->getFileStat( $params );
1011  if ( $stat ) {
1012  if ( !isset( $stat['xattr'] ) ) {
1013  // Stat entries filled by file listings don't include metadata/headers
1014  $this->clearCache( [ $params['src'] ] );
1015  $stat = $this->getFileStat( $params );
1016  }
1018  return $stat['xattr'];
1019  } else {
1020  return false;
1021  }
1022  }
1024  protected function doGetFileSha1base36( array $params ) {
1025  $stat = $this->getFileStat( $params );
1026  if ( $stat ) {
1027  if ( !isset( $stat['sha1'] ) ) {
1028  // Stat entries filled by file listings don't include SHA1
1029  $this->clearCache( [ $params['src'] ] );
1030  $stat = $this->getFileStat( $params );
1031  }
1033  return $stat['sha1'];
1034  } else {
1035  return false;
1036  }
1037  }
1039  protected function doStreamFile( array $params ) {
1040  $status = $this->newStatus();
1042  $flags = !empty( $params['headless'] ) ? StreamFile::STREAM_HEADLESS : 0;
1044  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['src'] );
1045  if ( $srcRel === null ) {
1046  StreamFile::send404Message( $params['src'], $flags );
1047  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['src'] );
1049  return $status;
1050  }
1052  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1053  if ( !$auth || !is_array( $this->getContainerStat( $srcCont ) ) ) {
1054  StreamFile::send404Message( $params['src'], $flags );
1055  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-stream', $params['src'] );
1057  return $status;
1058  }
1060  // If "headers" is set, we only want to send them if the file is there.
1061  // Do not bother checking if the file exists if headers are not set though.
1062  if ( $params['headers'] && !$this->fileExists( $params ) ) {
1063  StreamFile::send404Message( $params['src'], $flags );
1064  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-stream', $params['src'] );
1066  return $status;
1067  }
1069  // Send the requested additional headers
1070  foreach ( $params['headers'] as $header ) {
1071  header( $header ); // aways send
1072  }
1074  if ( empty( $params['allowOB'] ) ) {
1075  // Cancel output buffering and gzipping if set
1076  call_user_func( $this->obResetFunc );
1077  }
1079  $handle = fopen( 'php://output', 'wb' );
1080  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [
1081  'method' => 'GET',
1082  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $srcCont, $srcRel ),
1083  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth )
1084  + $this->headersFromParams( $params ) + $params['options'],
1085  'stream' => $handle,
1086  'flags' => [ 'relayResponseHeaders' => empty( $params['headless'] ) ]
1087  ] );
1089  if ( $rcode >= 200 && $rcode <= 299 ) {
1090  // good
1091  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
1092  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-stream', $params['src'] );
1093  // Per bug 41113, nasty things can happen if bad cache entries get
1094  // stuck in cache. It's also possible that this error can come up
1095  // with simple race conditions. Clear out the stat cache to be safe.
1096  $this->clearCache( [ $params['src'] ] );
1097  $this->deleteFileCache( $params['src'] );
1098  } else {
1099  $this->onError( $status, __METHOD__, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1100  }
1102  return $status;
1103  }
1105  protected function doGetLocalCopyMulti( array $params ) {
1107  $tmpFiles = [];
1109  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1111  $ep = array_diff_key( $params, [ 'srcs' => 1 ] ); // for error logging
1112  // Blindly create tmp files and stream to them, catching any exception if the file does
1113  // not exist. Doing a stat here is useless causes infinite loops in addMissingMetadata().
1114  $reqs = []; // (path => op)
1116  foreach ( $params['srcs'] as $path ) { // each path in this concurrent batch
1117  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $path );
1118  if ( $srcRel === null || !$auth ) {
1119  $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
1120  continue;
1121  }
1122  // Get source file extension
1124  // Create a new temporary file...
1125  $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory( 'localcopy_', $ext, $this->tmpDirectory );
1126  if ( $tmpFile ) {
1127  $handle = fopen( $tmpFile->getPath(), 'wb' );
1128  if ( $handle ) {
1129  $reqs[$path] = [
1130  'method' => 'GET',
1131  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $srcCont, $srcRel ),
1132  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth )
1133  + $this->headersFromParams( $params ),
1134  'stream' => $handle,
1135  ];
1136  } else {
1137  $tmpFile = null;
1138  }
1139  }
1140  $tmpFiles[$path] = $tmpFile;
1141  }
1143  $isLatest = ( $this->isRGW || !empty( $params['latest'] ) );
1144  $opts = [ 'maxConnsPerHost' => $params['concurrency'] ];
1145  $reqs = $this->http->runMulti( $reqs, $opts );
1146  foreach ( $reqs as $path => $op ) {
1147  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $op['response'];
1148  fclose( $op['stream'] ); // close open handle
1149  if ( $rcode >= 200 && $rcode <= 299 ) {
1150  $size = $tmpFiles[$path] ? $tmpFiles[$path]->getSize() : 0;
1151  // Double check that the disk is not full/broken
1152  if ( $size != $rhdrs['content-length'] ) {
1153  $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
1154  $rerr = "Got {$size}/{$rhdrs['content-length']} bytes";
1155  $this->onError( null, __METHOD__,
1156  [ 'src' => $path ] + $ep, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1157  }
1158  // Set the file stat process cache in passing
1159  $stat = $this->getStatFromHeaders( $rhdrs );
1160  $stat['latest'] = $isLatest;
1161  $this->cheapCache->set( $path, 'stat', $stat );
1162  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
1163  $tmpFiles[$path] = false;
1164  } else {
1165  $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
1166  $this->onError( null, __METHOD__,
1167  [ 'src' => $path ] + $ep, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1168  }
1169  }
1171  return $tmpFiles;
1172  }
1174  public function getFileHttpUrl( array $params ) {
1175  if ( $this->swiftTempUrlKey != '' ||
1176  ( $this->rgwS3AccessKey != '' && $this->rgwS3SecretKey != '' )
1177  ) {
1178  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $params['src'] );
1179  if ( $srcRel === null ) {
1180  return null; // invalid path
1181  }
1183  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1184  if ( !$auth ) {
1185  return null;
1186  }
1188  $ttl = isset( $params['ttl'] ) ? $params['ttl'] : 86400;
1189  $expires = time() + $ttl;
1191  if ( $this->swiftTempUrlKey != '' ) {
1192  $url = $this->storageUrl( $auth, $srcCont, $srcRel );
1193  // Swift wants the signature based on the unencoded object name
1194  $contPath = parse_url( $this->storageUrl( $auth, $srcCont ), PHP_URL_PATH );
1195  $signature = hash_hmac( 'sha1',
1196  "GET\n{$expires}\n{$contPath}/{$srcRel}",
1197  $this->swiftTempUrlKey
1198  );
1200  return "{$url}?temp_url_sig={$signature}&temp_url_expires={$expires}";
1201  } else { // give S3 API URL for rgw
1202  // Path for signature starts with the bucket
1203  $spath = '/' . rawurlencode( $srcCont ) . '/' .
1204  str_replace( '%2F', '/', rawurlencode( $srcRel ) );
1205  // Calculate the hash
1206  $signature = base64_encode( hash_hmac(
1207  'sha1',
1208  "GET\n\n\n{$expires}\n{$spath}",
1209  $this->rgwS3SecretKey,
1210  true // raw
1211  ) );
1212  // See
1213  // Note: adding a newline for empty CanonicalizedAmzHeaders does not work.
1214  // Note: S3 API is the rgw default; remove the /swift/ URL bit.
1215  return str_replace( '/swift/v1', '', $this->storageUrl( $auth ) . $spath ) .
1216  '?' .
1217  http_build_query( [
1218  'Signature' => $signature,
1219  'Expires' => $expires,
1220  'AWSAccessKeyId' => $this->rgwS3AccessKey
1221  ] );
1222  }
1223  }
1225  return null;
1226  }
1228  protected function directoriesAreVirtual() {
1229  return true;
1230  }
1240  protected function headersFromParams( array $params ) {
1241  $hdrs = [];
1242  if ( !empty( $params['latest'] ) ) {
1243  $hdrs['x-newest'] = 'true';
1244  }
1246  return $hdrs;
1247  }
1254  protected function doExecuteOpHandlesInternal( array $fileOpHandles ) {
1256  $statuses = [];
1258  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1259  if ( !$auth ) {
1260  foreach ( $fileOpHandles as $index => $fileOpHandle ) {
1261  $statuses[$index] = $this->newStatus( 'backend-fail-connect', $this->name );
1262  }
1264  return $statuses;
1265  }
1267  // Split the HTTP requests into stages that can be done concurrently
1268  $httpReqsByStage = []; // map of (stage => index => HTTP request)
1269  foreach ( $fileOpHandles as $index => $fileOpHandle ) {
1271  $reqs = $fileOpHandle->httpOp;
1272  // Convert the 'url' parameter to an actual URL using $auth
1273  foreach ( $reqs as $stage => &$req ) {
1274  list( $container, $relPath ) = $req['url'];
1275  $req['url'] = $this->storageUrl( $auth, $container, $relPath );
1276  $req['headers'] = isset( $req['headers'] ) ? $req['headers'] : [];
1277  $req['headers'] = $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth ) + $req['headers'];
1278  $httpReqsByStage[$stage][$index] = $req;
1279  }
1280  $statuses[$index] = $this->newStatus();
1281  }
1283  // Run all requests for the first stage, then the next, and so on
1284  $reqCount = count( $httpReqsByStage );
1285  for ( $stage = 0; $stage < $reqCount; ++$stage ) {
1286  $httpReqs = $this->http->runMulti( $httpReqsByStage[$stage] );
1287  foreach ( $httpReqs as $index => $httpReq ) {
1288  // Run the callback for each request of this operation
1289  $callback = $fileOpHandles[$index]->callback;
1290  call_user_func_array( $callback, [ $httpReq, $statuses[$index] ] );
1291  // On failure, abort all remaining requests for this operation
1292  // (e.g. abort the DELETE request if the COPY request fails for a move)
1293  if ( !$statuses[$index]->isOK() ) {
1294  $stages = count( $fileOpHandles[$index]->httpOp );
1295  for ( $s = ( $stage + 1 ); $s < $stages; ++$s ) {
1296  unset( $httpReqsByStage[$s][$index] );
1297  }
1298  }
1299  }
1300  }
1302  return $statuses;
1303  }
1327  protected function setContainerAccess( $container, array $readGrps, array $writeGrps ) {
1328  $status = $this->newStatus();
1329  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1331  if ( !$auth ) {
1332  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-connect', $this->name );
1334  return $status;
1335  }
1337  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [
1338  'method' => 'POST',
1339  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $container ),
1340  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth ) + [
1341  'x-container-read' => implode( ',', $readGrps ),
1342  'x-container-write' => implode( ',', $writeGrps )
1343  ]
1344  ] );
1346  if ( $rcode != 204 && $rcode !== 202 ) {
1347  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-internal', $this->name );
1348  $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': unexpected rcode value (' . $rcode . ')' );
1349  }
1351  return $status;
1352  }
1362  protected function getContainerStat( $container, $bypassCache = false ) {
1363  $ps = $this->scopedProfileSection( __METHOD__ . "-{$this->name}" );
1365  if ( $bypassCache ) { // purge cache
1366  $this->containerStatCache->clear( $container );
1367  } elseif ( !$this->containerStatCache->has( $container, 'stat' ) ) {
1368  $this->primeContainerCache( [ $container ] ); // check persistent cache
1369  }
1370  if ( !$this->containerStatCache->has( $container, 'stat' ) ) {
1371  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1372  if ( !$auth ) {
1373  return null;
1374  }
1376  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [
1377  'method' => 'HEAD',
1378  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $container ),
1379  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth )
1380  ] );
1382  if ( $rcode === 204 ) {
1383  $stat = [
1384  'count' => $rhdrs['x-container-object-count'],
1385  'bytes' => $rhdrs['x-container-bytes-used']
1386  ];
1387  if ( $bypassCache ) {
1388  return $stat;
1389  } else {
1390  $this->containerStatCache->set( $container, 'stat', $stat ); // cache it
1391  $this->setContainerCache( $container, $stat ); // update persistent cache
1392  }
1393  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
1394  return false;
1395  } else {
1396  $this->onError( null, __METHOD__,
1397  [ 'cont' => $container ], $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1399  return null;
1400  }
1401  }
1403  return $this->containerStatCache->get( $container, 'stat' );
1404  }
1413  protected function createContainer( $container, array $params ) {
1414  $status = $this->newStatus();
1416  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1417  if ( !$auth ) {
1418  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-connect', $this->name );
1420  return $status;
1421  }
1423  // @see SwiftFileBackend::setContainerAccess()
1424  if ( empty( $params['noAccess'] ) ) {
1425  $readGrps = [ '.r:*', $this->swiftUser ]; // public
1426  } else {
1427  $readGrps = [ $this->swiftUser ]; // private
1428  }
1429  $writeGrps = [ $this->swiftUser ]; // sanity
1431  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [
1432  'method' => 'PUT',
1433  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $container ),
1434  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth ) + [
1435  'x-container-read' => implode( ',', $readGrps ),
1436  'x-container-write' => implode( ',', $writeGrps )
1437  ]
1438  ] );
1440  if ( $rcode === 201 ) { // new
1441  // good
1442  } elseif ( $rcode === 202 ) { // already there
1443  // this shouldn't really happen, but is OK
1444  } else {
1445  $this->onError( $status, __METHOD__, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1446  }
1448  return $status;
1449  }
1458  protected function deleteContainer( $container, array $params ) {
1459  $status = $this->newStatus();
1461  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1462  if ( !$auth ) {
1463  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-connect', $this->name );
1465  return $status;
1466  }
1468  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [
1469  'method' => 'DELETE',
1470  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $container ),
1471  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth )
1472  ] );
1474  if ( $rcode >= 200 && $rcode <= 299 ) { // deleted
1475  $this->containerStatCache->clear( $container ); // purge
1476  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) { // not there
1477  // this shouldn't really happen, but is OK
1478  } elseif ( $rcode === 409 ) { // not empty
1479  $this->onError( $status, __METHOD__, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc ); // race?
1480  } else {
1481  $this->onError( $status, __METHOD__, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1482  }
1484  return $status;
1485  }
1499  private function objectListing(
1500  $fullCont, $type, $limit, $after = null, $prefix = null, $delim = null
1501  ) {
1502  $status = $this->newStatus();
1504  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1505  if ( !$auth ) {
1506  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-connect', $this->name );
1508  return $status;
1509  }
1511  $query = [ 'limit' => $limit ];
1512  if ( $type === 'info' ) {
1513  $query['format'] = 'json';
1514  }
1515  if ( $after !== null ) {
1516  $query['marker'] = $after;
1517  }
1518  if ( $prefix !== null ) {
1519  $query['prefix'] = $prefix;
1520  }
1521  if ( $delim !== null ) {
1522  $query['delimiter'] = $delim;
1523  }
1525  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [
1526  'method' => 'GET',
1527  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $fullCont ),
1528  'query' => $query,
1529  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth )
1530  ] );
1532  $params = [ 'cont' => $fullCont, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'delim' => $delim ];
1533  if ( $rcode === 200 ) { // good
1534  if ( $type === 'info' ) {
1535  $status->value = FormatJson::decode( trim( $rbody ) );
1536  } else {
1537  $status->value = explode( "\n", trim( $rbody ) );
1538  }
1539  } elseif ( $rcode === 204 ) {
1540  $status->value = []; // empty container
1541  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
1542  $status->value = []; // no container
1543  } else {
1544  $this->onError( $status, __METHOD__, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1545  }
1547  return $status;
1548  }
1550  protected function doPrimeContainerCache( array $containerInfo ) {
1551  foreach ( $containerInfo as $container => $info ) {
1552  $this->containerStatCache->set( $container, 'stat', $info );
1553  }
1554  }
1556  protected function doGetFileStatMulti( array $params ) {
1557  $stats = [];
1559  $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
1561  $reqs = [];
1562  foreach ( $params['srcs'] as $path ) {
1563  list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal( $path );
1564  if ( $srcRel === null ) {
1565  $stats[$path] = false;
1566  continue; // invalid storage path
1567  } elseif ( !$auth ) {
1568  $stats[$path] = null;
1569  continue;
1570  }
1572  // (a) Check the container
1573  $cstat = $this->getContainerStat( $srcCont );
1574  if ( $cstat === false ) {
1575  $stats[$path] = false;
1576  continue; // ok, nothing to do
1577  } elseif ( !is_array( $cstat ) ) {
1578  $stats[$path] = null;
1579  continue;
1580  }
1582  $reqs[$path] = [
1583  'method' => 'HEAD',
1584  'url' => $this->storageUrl( $auth, $srcCont, $srcRel ),
1585  'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders( $auth ) + $this->headersFromParams( $params )
1586  ];
1587  }
1589  $opts = [ 'maxConnsPerHost' => $params['concurrency'] ];
1590  $reqs = $this->http->runMulti( $reqs, $opts );
1592  foreach ( $params['srcs'] as $path ) {
1593  if ( array_key_exists( $path, $stats ) ) {
1594  continue; // some sort of failure above
1595  }
1596  // (b) Check the file
1597  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $reqs[$path]['response'];
1598  if ( $rcode === 200 || $rcode === 204 ) {
1599  // Update the object if it is missing some headers
1600  $rhdrs = $this->addMissingMetadata( $rhdrs, $path );
1601  // Load the stat array from the headers
1602  $stat = $this->getStatFromHeaders( $rhdrs );
1603  if ( $this->isRGW ) {
1604  $stat['latest'] = true; // strong consistency
1605  }
1606  } elseif ( $rcode === 404 ) {
1607  $stat = false;
1608  } else {
1609  $stat = null;
1610  $this->onError( null, __METHOD__, $params, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc );
1611  }
1612  $stats[$path] = $stat;
1613  }
1615  return $stats;
1616  }
1622  protected function getStatFromHeaders( array $rhdrs ) {
1623  // Fetch all of the custom metadata headers
1624  $metadata = $this->getMetadata( $rhdrs );
1625  // Fetch all of the custom raw HTTP headers
1626  $headers = $this->sanitizeHdrs( [ 'headers' => $rhdrs ] );
1628  return [
1629  // Convert various random Swift dates to TS_MW
1630  'mtime' => $this->convertSwiftDate( $rhdrs['last-modified'], TS_MW ),
1631  // Empty objects actually return no content-length header in Ceph
1632  'size' => isset( $rhdrs['content-length'] ) ? (int)$rhdrs['content-length'] : 0,
1633  'sha1' => isset( $metadata['sha1base36'] ) ? $metadata['sha1base36'] : null,
1634  // Note: manifiest ETags are not an MD5 of the file
1635  'md5' => ctype_xdigit( $rhdrs['etag'] ) ? $rhdrs['etag'] : null,
1636  'xattr' => [ 'metadata' => $metadata, 'headers' => $headers ]
1637  ];
1638  }
1643  protected function getAuthentication() {
1644  if ( $this->authErrorTimestamp !== null ) {
1645  if ( ( time() - $this->authErrorTimestamp ) < 60 ) {
1646  return null; // failed last attempt; don't bother
1647  } else { // actually retry this time
1648  $this->authErrorTimestamp = null;
1649  }
1650  }
1651  // Session keys expire after a while, so we renew them periodically
1652  $reAuth = ( ( time() - $this->authSessionTimestamp ) > $this->authTTL );
1653  // Authenticate with proxy and get a session key...
1654  if ( !$this->authCreds || $reAuth ) {
1655  $this->authSessionTimestamp = 0;
1656  $cacheKey = $this->getCredsCacheKey( $this->swiftUser );
1657  $creds = $this->srvCache->get( $cacheKey ); // credentials
1658  // Try to use the credential cache
1659  if ( isset( $creds['auth_token'] ) && isset( $creds['storage_url'] ) ) {
1660  $this->authCreds = $creds;
1661  // Skew the timestamp for worst case to avoid using stale credentials
1662  $this->authSessionTimestamp = time() - ceil( $this->authTTL / 2 );
1663  } else { // cache miss
1664  list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [
1665  'method' => 'GET',
1666  'url' => "{$this->swiftAuthUrl}/v1.0",
1667  'headers' => [
1668  'x-auth-user' => $this->swiftUser,
1669  'x-auth-key' => $this->swiftKey
1670  ]
1671  ] );
1673  if ( $rcode >= 200 && $rcode <= 299 ) { // OK
1674  $this->authCreds = [
1675  'auth_token' => $rhdrs['x-auth-token'],
1676  'storage_url' => $rhdrs['x-storage-url']
1677  ];
1678  $this->srvCache->set( $cacheKey, $this->authCreds, ceil( $this->authTTL / 2 ) );
1679  $this->authSessionTimestamp = time();
1680  } elseif ( $rcode === 401 ) {
1681  $this->onError( null, __METHOD__, [], "Authentication failed.", $rcode );
1682  $this->authErrorTimestamp = time();
1684  return null;
1685  } else {
1686  $this->onError( null, __METHOD__, [], "HTTP return code: $rcode", $rcode );
1687  $this->authErrorTimestamp = time();
1689  return null;
1690  }
1691  }
1692  // Ceph RGW does not use <account> in URLs (OpenStack Swift uses "/v1/<account>")
1693  if ( substr( $this->authCreds['storage_url'], -3 ) === '/v1' ) {
1694  $this->isRGW = true; // take advantage of strong consistency in Ceph
1695  }
1696  }
1698  return $this->authCreds;
1699  }
1707  protected function storageUrl( array $creds, $container = null, $object = null ) {
1708  $parts = [ $creds['storage_url'] ];
1709  if ( strlen( $container ) ) {
1710  $parts[] = rawurlencode( $container );
1711  }
1712  if ( strlen( $object ) ) {
1713  $parts[] = str_replace( "%2F", "/", rawurlencode( $object ) );
1714  }
1716  return implode( '/', $parts );
1717  }
1723  protected function authTokenHeaders( array $creds ) {
1724  return [ 'x-auth-token' => $creds['auth_token'] ];
1725  }
1733  private function getCredsCacheKey( $username ) {
1734  return 'swiftcredentials:' . md5( $username . ':' . $this->swiftAuthUrl );
1735  }
1748  public function onError( $status, $func, array $params, $err = '', $code = 0, $desc = '' ) {
1749  if ( $status instanceof StatusValue ) {
1750  $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-internal', $this->name );
1751  }
1752  if ( $code == 401 ) { // possibly a stale token
1753  $this->srvCache->delete( $this->getCredsCacheKey( $this->swiftUser ) );
1754  }
1755  $this->logger->error(
1756  "HTTP $code ($desc) in '{$func}' (given '" . FormatJson::encode( $params ) . "')" .
1757  ( $err ? ": $err" : "" )
1758  );
1759  }
1760 }
1767  public $httpOp;
1769  public $callback;
1777  $this->backend = $backend;
1778  $this->callback = $callback;
1779  $this->httpOp = $httpOp;
1780  }
1781 }
1790 abstract class SwiftFileBackendList implements Iterator {
1792  protected $bufferIter = [];
1795  protected $bufferAfter = null;
1798  protected $pos = 0;
1801  protected $params = [];
1804  protected $backend;
1807  protected $container;
1810  protected $dir;
1813  protected $suffixStart;
1815  const PAGE_SIZE = 9000; // file listing buffer size
1823  public function __construct( SwiftFileBackend $backend, $fullCont, $dir, array $params ) {
1824  $this->backend = $backend;
1825  $this->container = $fullCont;
1826  $this->dir = $dir;
1827  if ( substr( $this->dir, -1 ) === '/' ) {
1828  $this->dir = substr( $this->dir, 0, -1 ); // remove trailing slash
1829  }
1830  if ( $this->dir == '' ) { // whole container
1831  $this->suffixStart = 0;
1832  } else { // dir within container
1833  $this->suffixStart = strlen( $this->dir ) + 1; // size of "path/to/dir/"
1834  }
1835  $this->params = $params;
1836  }
1842  public function key() {
1843  return $this->pos;
1844  }
1849  public function next() {
1850  // Advance to the next file in the page
1851  next( $this->bufferIter );
1852  ++$this->pos;
1853  // Check if there are no files left in this page and
1854  // advance to the next page if this page was not empty.
1855  if ( !$this->valid() && count( $this->bufferIter ) ) {
1856  $this->bufferIter = $this->pageFromList(
1857  $this->container, $this->dir, $this->bufferAfter, self::PAGE_SIZE, $this->params
1858  ); // updates $this->bufferAfter
1859  }
1860  }
1865  public function rewind() {
1866  $this->pos = 0;
1867  $this->bufferAfter = null;
1868  $this->bufferIter = $this->pageFromList(
1869  $this->container, $this->dir, $this->bufferAfter, self::PAGE_SIZE, $this->params
1870  ); // updates $this->bufferAfter
1871  }
1877  public function valid() {
1878  if ( $this->bufferIter === null ) {
1879  return false; // some failure?
1880  } else {
1881  return ( current( $this->bufferIter ) !== false ); // no paths can have this value
1882  }
1883  }
1895  abstract protected function pageFromList( $container, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params );
1896 }
1906  public function current() {
1907  return substr( current( $this->bufferIter ), $this->suffixStart, -1 );
1908  }
1910  protected function pageFromList( $container, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params ) {
1911  return $this->backend->getDirListPageInternal( $container, $dir, $after, $limit, $params );
1912  }
1913 }
1923  public function current() {
1924  list( $path, $stat ) = current( $this->bufferIter );
1925  $relPath = substr( $path, $this->suffixStart );
1926  if ( is_array( $stat ) ) {
1927  $storageDir = rtrim( $this->params['dir'], '/' );
1928  $this->backend->loadListingStatInternal( "$storageDir/$relPath", $stat );
1929  }
1931  return $relPath;
1932  }
1934  protected function pageFromList( $container, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params ) {
1935  return $this->backend->getFileListPageInternal( $container, $dir, $after, $limit, $params );
1936  }
1937 }
doStoreInternal(array $params)
doPrepareInternal($fullCont, $dir, array $params)
doGetFileStatMulti(array $params)
Yields the result of the status wrapper callback on either:
getFileListPageInternal($fullCont, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params)
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList.
primeContainerCache(array $items)
Do a batch lookup from cache for container stats for all containers used in a list of container names...
buildFileObjectListing(array $params, $dir, array $objects)
Build a list of file objects, filtering out any directories and extracting any stat info if provided ...
doCleanInternal($fullCont, $dir, array $params)
getFileListInternal($fullCont, $dir, array $params)
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
resolveContainerPath($container, $relStoragePath)
null for the local wiki Added should default to null in handler for backwards compatibility add a value to it if you want to add a cookie that have to vary cache options can modify $query
Definition: hooks.txt:1555
getCustomHeaders(array $rawHeaders)
if(count($args)==0) $dir
Iterator for listing directories.
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition: hooks.txt:189
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
div flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException'returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition: hooks.txt:2102
string $swiftUser
Swift user (account:user) to authenticate as.
int $authErrorTimestamp
UNIX timestamp.
deleteContainer($container, array $params)
Delete a Swift container.
getFileStat(array $params)
Bitfield flags for supported features.
doDirectoryExists($fullCont, $dir, array $params)
doPublishInternal($fullCont, $dir, array $params)
string $bufferAfter
List items after this path.
getScopedFileLocks(array $paths, $type, StatusValue $status, $timeout=0)
Lock the files at the given storage paths in the backend.
it s the revision text itself In either if gzip is the revision text is gzipped $flags
Definition: hooks.txt:2703
SwiftFileBackend helper class to page through listings.
doDeleteInternal(array $params)
static send404Message($fname, $flags=0)
Send out a standard 404 message for a file.
Definition: StreamFile.php:70
doMoveInternal(array $params)
getStatFromHeaders(array $rhdrs)
static extensionFromPath($path, $case= 'lowercase')
Get the final extension from a storage or FS path.
setContainerAccess($container, array $readGrps, array $writeGrps)
Set read/write permissions for a Swift container.
doGetFileXAttributes(array $params)
static factory($prefix, $extension= '', $tmpDirectory=null)
Make a new temporary file on the file system.
Definition: TempFSFile.php:55
loadListingStatInternal($path, array $val)
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList.
Apache License January http
doGetFileContentsMulti(array $params)
addMissingMetadata(array $objHdrs, $path)
Fill in any missing object metadata and save it to Swift.
doGetLocalCopyMulti(array $params)
doGetFileSha1base36(array $params)
getContainerStat($container, $bypassCache=false)
Get a Swift container stat array, possibly from process cache.
doDescribeInternal(array $params)
getMetadata(array $rawHeaders)
getFileHttpUrl(array $params)
const LOCK_UW
Definition: LockManager.php:69
File backend exception for checked exceptions (e.g.
fileExists(array $params)
if($limit) $timestamp
authTokenHeaders(array $creds)
headersFromParams(array $params)
Get headers to send to Swift when reading a file based on a FileBackend params array, e.g.
array $bufferIter
List of path or (path,stat array) entries.
storageUrl(array $creds, $container=null, $object=null)
__construct(SwiftFileBackend $backend, $fullCont, $dir, array $params)
static encode($value, $pretty=false, $escaping=0)
Returns the JSON representation of a value.
Definition: FormatJson.php:127
Definition: StreamFile.php:28
string $swiftAuthUrl
Authentication base URL (without version)
string $dir
Storage directory.
const TS_MW
MediaWiki concatenated string timestamp (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
Definition: defines.php:11
Get the cache key for a container.
clearCache(array $paths=null)
A BagOStuff object with no objects in it.
Like resolveStoragePath() except null values are returned if the container is sharded and the shard c...
objectListing($fullCont, $type, $limit, $after=null, $prefix=null, $delim=null)
Get a list of objects under a container.
string $container
Container name.
int $authTTL
TTL in seconds.
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable & $code
Definition: hooks.txt:802
getContentType($storagePath, $content, $fsPath)
Get the content type to use in HEAD/GET requests for a file.
onError($status, $func, array $params, $err= '', $code=0, $desc= '')
Log an unexpected exception for this backend.
string $name
Unique backend name.
Definition: FileBackend.php:95
Base class for all backends using particular storage medium.
getLocalCopy(array $params)
Get a local copy on disk of the file at a storage path in the backend.
doStreamFile(array $params)
pageFromList($container, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params)
pageFromList($container, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params)
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
this hook is for auditing only $req
Definition: hooks.txt:1007
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far $username
Definition: hooks.txt:802
Iterator for listing regular files.
setContainerCache($container, array $val)
Set the cached info for a container.
getDirectoryListInternal($fullCont, $dir, array $params)
__construct(array $config)
error also a ContextSource you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on $request
Definition: hooks.txt:2573
SwiftFileBackend $backend
sanitizeHdrs(array $params)
Sanitize and filter the custom headers from a $params array.
doCopyInternal(array $params)
convertSwiftDate($ts, $format=TS_MW)
Convert dates like "Tue, 03 Jan 2012 22:01:04 GMT"/"2013-05-11T07:37:27.678360Z". ...
string $rgwS3AccessKey
S3 access key (RADOS Gateway)
doCreateInternal(array $params)
array $httpOp
List of Requests for MultiHttpClient.
doPrimeContainerCache(array $containerInfo)
Class for an OpenStack Swift (or Ceph RGW) based file backend.
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at name
Definition: design.txt:12
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content as context as context the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook not on global state indicating whether full HTML should be generated If generation of HTML may be but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object to manipulate or replace but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers if desired whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok inclusive $limit
Definition: hooks.txt:1046
pageFromList($container, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params)
Get the given list portion (page)
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set $status
Definition: hooks.txt:1046
getMetadataHeaders(array $rawHeaders)
int $authSessionTimestamp
UNIX timestamp.
MultiHttpClient $http
Delete the cached stat info for a file path.
ProcessCacheLRU $containerStatCache
Container stat cache.
getDirListPageInternal($fullCont, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params)
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList.
doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(array $fileOpHandles)
doSecureInternal($fullCont, $dir, array $params)
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable modifiable after all normalizations have been except for the $wgMaxImageArea check set to true or false to override the $wgMaxImageArea check result gives extension the possibility to transform it themselves $handler
Definition: hooks.txt:802
Class to handle concurrent HTTP requests.
static decode($value, $assoc=false)
Decodes a JSON string.
Definition: FormatJson.php:187
doGetFileStat(array $params)
createContainer($container, array $params)
Create a Swift container.
FileBackendStore helper class for performing asynchronous file operations.
string $rgwS3SecretKey
S3 authentication key (RADOS Gateway)
Handles per process caching of items.
Library for creating and parsing MW-style timestamps.
Definition: MWTimestamp.php:31
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image and a DIV can begin in one section and end in another Make sure your code can handle that case gracefully See the EditSectionClearerLink extension for an example zero but section is usually empty its values are the globals values before the output is cached one of or reset my talk my contributions etc etc otherwise the built in rate limiting checks are if enabled allows for interception of redirect as a string mapping parameter names to values & $type
Definition: hooks.txt:2491
__construct(SwiftFileBackend $backend, Closure $callback, array $httpOp)
string $swiftKey
Secret key for user.
bool $isRGW
Whether the server is an Ceph RGW.
string $swiftTempUrlKey
Shared secret value for making temp URLs.