MediaWiki  1.28.3
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
26 class Xml {
39  public static function element( $element, $attribs = null, $contents = '',
40  $allowShortTag = true
41  ) {
42  $out = '<' . $element;
43  if ( !is_null( $attribs ) ) {
44  $out .= self::expandAttributes( $attribs );
45  }
46  if ( is_null( $contents ) ) {
47  $out .= '>';
48  } else {
49  if ( $allowShortTag && $contents === '' ) {
50  $out .= ' />';
51  } else {
52  $out .= '>' . htmlspecialchars( $contents ) . "</$element>";
53  }
54  }
55  return $out;
56  }
67  public static function expandAttributes( $attribs ) {
68  $out = '';
69  if ( is_null( $attribs ) ) {
70  return null;
71  } elseif ( is_array( $attribs ) ) {
72  foreach ( $attribs as $name => $val ) {
73  $out .= " {$name}=\"" . Sanitizer::encodeAttribute( $val ) . '"';
74  }
75  return $out;
76  } else {
77  throw new MWException( 'Expected attribute array, got something else in ' . __METHOD__ );
78  }
79  }
91  public static function elementClean( $element, $attribs = [], $contents = '' ) {
93  if ( $attribs ) {
94  $attribs = array_map( [ 'UtfNormal\Validator', 'cleanUp' ], $attribs );
95  }
96  if ( $contents ) {
97  $contents = $wgContLang->normalize( $contents );
98  }
99  return self::element( $element, $attribs, $contents );
100  }
109  public static function openElement( $element, $attribs = null ) {
110  return '<' . $element . self::expandAttributes( $attribs ) . '>';
111  }
118  public static function closeElement( $element ) {
119  return "</$element>";
120  }
131  public static function tags( $element, $attribs = null, $contents ) {
132  return self::openElement( $element, $attribs ) . $contents . "</$element>";
133  }
144  public static function monthSelector( $selected = '', $allmonths = null, $id = 'month' ) {
145  global $wgLang;
146  $options = [];
147  $data = new XmlSelect( 'month', $id, $selected );
148  if ( is_null( $selected ) ) {
149  $selected = '';
150  }
151  if ( !is_null( $allmonths ) ) {
152  $options[wfMessage( 'monthsall' )->text()] = $allmonths;
153  }
154  for ( $i = 1; $i < 13; $i++ ) {
155  $options[$wgLang->getMonthName( $i )] = $i;
156  }
157  $data->addOptions( $options );
158  $data->setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-month-selector' );
159  return $data->getHTML();
160  }
167  public static function dateMenu( $year, $month ) {
168  # Offset overrides year/month selection
169  if ( $month && $month !== -1 ) {
170  $encMonth = intval( $month );
171  } else {
172  $encMonth = '';
173  }
174  if ( $year ) {
175  $encYear = intval( $year );
176  } elseif ( $encMonth ) {
178  $thisMonth = intval( $timestamp->format( 'n' ) );
179  $thisYear = intval( $timestamp->format( 'Y' ) );
180  if ( intval( $encMonth ) > $thisMonth ) {
181  $thisYear--;
182  }
183  $encYear = $thisYear;
184  } else {
185  $encYear = '';
186  }
187  $inputAttribs = [ 'id' => 'year', 'maxlength' => 4, 'size' => 7 ];
188  return self::label( wfMessage( 'year' )->text(), 'year' ) . ' ' .
189  Html::input( 'year', $encYear, 'number', $inputAttribs ) . ' ' .
190  self::label( wfMessage( 'month' )->text(), 'month' ) . ' ' .
191  self::monthSelector( $encMonth, -1 );
192  }
204  public static function languageSelector( $selected, $customisedOnly = true,
205  $inLanguage = null, $overrideAttrs = [], Message $msg = null
206  ) {
209  $include = $customisedOnly ? 'mwfile' : 'mw';
210  $languages = Language::fetchLanguageNames( $inLanguage, $include );
212  // Make sure the site language is in the list;
213  // a custom language code might not have a defined name...
214  if ( !array_key_exists( $wgLanguageCode, $languages ) ) {
216  }
218  ksort( $languages );
225  $selected = isset( $languages[$selected] ) ? $selected : $wgLanguageCode;
226  $options = "\n";
227  foreach ( $languages as $code => $name ) {
228  $options .= Xml::option( "$code - $name", $code, $code == $selected ) . "\n";
229  }
231  $attrs = [ 'id' => 'wpUserLanguage', 'name' => 'wpUserLanguage' ];
232  $attrs = array_merge( $attrs, $overrideAttrs );
234  if ( $msg === null ) {
235  $msg = wfMessage( 'yourlanguage' );
236  }
237  return [
238  Xml::label( $msg->text(), $attrs['id'] ),
239  Xml::tags( 'select', $attrs, $options )
240  ];
242  }
251  public static function span( $text, $class, $attribs = [] ) {
252  return self::element( 'span', [ 'class' => $class ] + $attribs, $text );
253  }
263  public static function wrapClass( $text, $class, $tag = 'span', $attribs = [] ) {
264  return self::tags( $tag, [ 'class' => $class ] + $attribs, $text );
265  }
275  public static function input( $name, $size = false, $value = false, $attribs = [] ) {
276  $attributes = [ 'name' => $name ];
278  if ( $size ) {
279  $attributes['size'] = $size;
280  }
282  if ( $value !== false ) { // maybe 0
283  $attributes['value'] = $value;
284  }
286  return self::element( 'input',
287  Html::getTextInputAttributes( $attributes + $attribs ) );
288  }
298  public static function password( $name, $size = false, $value = false,
299  $attribs = []
300  ) {
301  return self::input( $name, $size, $value,
302  array_merge( $attribs, [ 'type' => 'password' ] ) );
303  }
313  public static function attrib( $name, $present = true ) {
314  return $present ? [ $name => $name ] : [];
315  }
324  public static function check( $name, $checked = false, $attribs = [] ) {
325  return self::element( 'input', array_merge(
326  [
327  'name' => $name,
328  'type' => 'checkbox',
329  'value' => 1 ],
330  self::attrib( 'checked', $checked ),
331  $attribs ) );
332  }
342  public static function radio( $name, $value, $checked = false, $attribs = [] ) {
343  return self::element( 'input', [
344  'name' => $name,
345  'type' => 'radio',
346  'value' => $value ] + self::attrib( 'checked', $checked ) + $attribs );
347  }
359  public static function label( $label, $id, $attribs = [] ) {
360  $a = [ 'for' => $id ];
362  foreach ( [ 'class', 'title' ] as $attr ) {
363  if ( isset( $attribs[$attr] ) ) {
364  $a[$attr] = $attribs[$attr];
365  }
366  }
368  return self::element( 'label', $a, $label );
369  }
381  public static function inputLabel( $label, $name, $id, $size = false,
382  $value = false, $attribs = []
383  ) {
384  list( $label, $input ) = self::inputLabelSep( $label, $name, $id, $size, $value, $attribs );
385  return $label . '&#160;' . $input;
386  }
400  public static function inputLabelSep( $label, $name, $id, $size = false,
401  $value = false, $attribs = []
402  ) {
403  return [
404  Xml::label( $label, $id, $attribs ),
405  self::input( $name, $size, $value, [ 'id' => $id ] + $attribs )
406  ];
407  }
420  public static function checkLabel( $label, $name, $id, $checked = false, $attribs = [] ) {
422  $chkLabel = self::check( $name, $checked, [ 'id' => $id ] + $attribs ) .
423  '&#160;' .
424  self::label( $label, $id, $attribs );
426  if ( $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere ) {
427  $chkLabel = self::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-ui-checkbox' ] ) .
428  $chkLabel . self::closeElement( 'div' );
429  }
430  return $chkLabel;
431  }
445  public static function radioLabel( $label, $name, $value, $id,
446  $checked = false, $attribs = []
447  ) {
448  return self::radio( $name, $value, $checked, [ 'id' => $id ] + $attribs ) .
449  '&#160;' .
450  self::label( $label, $id, $attribs );
451  }
460  public static function submitButton( $value, $attribs = [] ) {
462  $baseAttrs = [
463  'type' => 'submit',
464  'value' => $value,
465  ];
466  // Done conditionally for time being as it is possible
467  // some submit forms
468  // might need to be mw-ui-destructive (e.g. delete a page)
469  if ( $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere ) {
470  $baseAttrs['class'] = 'mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive';
471  }
472  // Any custom attributes will take precendence of anything in baseAttrs e.g. override the class
473  $attribs = $attribs + $baseAttrs;
474  return Html::element( 'input', $attribs );
475  }
485  public static function option( $text, $value = null, $selected = false,
486  $attribs = [] ) {
487  if ( !is_null( $value ) ) {
488  $attribs['value'] = $value;
489  }
490  if ( $selected ) {
491  $attribs['selected'] = 'selected';
492  }
493  return Html::element( 'option', $attribs, $text );
494  }
508  public static function listDropDown( $name = '', $list = '', $other = '',
509  $selected = '', $class = '', $tabindex = null
510  ) {
511  $optgroup = false;
513  $options = self::option( $other, 'other', $selected === 'other' );
515  foreach ( explode( "\n", $list ) as $option ) {
516  $value = trim( $option );
517  if ( $value == '' ) {
518  continue;
519  } elseif ( substr( $value, 0, 1 ) == '*' && substr( $value, 1, 1 ) != '*' ) {
520  // A new group is starting ...
521  $value = trim( substr( $value, 1 ) );
522  if ( $optgroup ) {
523  $options .= self::closeElement( 'optgroup' );
524  }
525  $options .= self::openElement( 'optgroup', [ 'label' => $value ] );
526  $optgroup = true;
527  } elseif ( substr( $value, 0, 2 ) == '**' ) {
528  // groupmember
529  $value = trim( substr( $value, 2 ) );
530  $options .= self::option( $value, $value, $selected === $value );
531  } else {
532  // groupless reason list
533  if ( $optgroup ) {
534  $options .= self::closeElement( 'optgroup' );
535  }
536  $options .= self::option( $value, $value, $selected === $value );
537  $optgroup = false;
538  }
539  }
541  if ( $optgroup ) {
542  $options .= self::closeElement( 'optgroup' );
543  }
545  $attribs = [];
547  if ( $name ) {
548  $attribs['id'] = $name;
549  $attribs['name'] = $name;
550  }
552  if ( $class ) {
553  $attribs['class'] = $class;
554  }
556  if ( $tabindex ) {
557  $attribs['tabindex'] = $tabindex;
558  }
560  return Xml::openElement( 'select', $attribs )
561  . "\n"
562  . $options
563  . "\n"
564  . Xml::closeElement( 'select' );
565  }
578  public static function fieldset( $legend = false, $content = false, $attribs = [] ) {
579  $s = Xml::openElement( 'fieldset', $attribs ) . "\n";
581  if ( $legend ) {
582  $s .= Xml::element( 'legend', null, $legend ) . "\n";
583  }
585  if ( $content !== false ) {
586  $s .= $content . "\n";
587  $s .= Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' ) . "\n";
588  }
590  return $s;
591  }
604  public static function textarea( $name, $content, $cols = 40, $rows = 5, $attribs = [] ) {
605  return self::element( 'textarea',
607  [
608  'name' => $name,
609  'id' => $name,
610  'cols' => $cols,
611  'rows' => $rows
612  ] + $attribs
613  ),
614  $content, false );
615  }
626  public static function escapeJsString( $string ) {
627  // See ECMA 262 section 7.8.4 for string literal format
628  $pairs = [
629  "\\" => "\\\\",
630  "\"" => "\\\"",
631  '\'' => '\\\'',
632  "\n" => "\\n",
633  "\r" => "\\r",
635  # To avoid closing the element or CDATA section
636  "<" => "\\x3c",
637  ">" => "\\x3e",
639  # To avoid any complaints about bad entity refs
640  "&" => "\\x26",
642  # Work around
643  # Encode certain Unicode formatting chars so affected
644  # versions of Gecko don't misinterpret our strings;
645  # this is a common problem with Farsi text.
646  "\xe2\x80\x8c" => "\\u200c", // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER
647  "\xe2\x80\x8d" => "\\u200d", // ZERO WIDTH JOINER
648  ];
650  return strtr( $string, $pairs );
651  }
664  public static function encodeJsVar( $value, $pretty = false ) {
665  if ( $value instanceof XmlJsCode ) {
666  return $value->value;
667  }
668  return FormatJson::encode( $value, $pretty, FormatJson::UTF8_OK );
669  }
682  public static function encodeJsCall( $name, $args, $pretty = false ) {
683  foreach ( $args as &$arg ) {
684  $arg = Xml::encodeJsVar( $arg, $pretty );
685  if ( $arg === false ) {
686  return false;
687  }
688  }
690  return "$name(" . ( $pretty
691  ? ( ' ' . implode( ', ', $args ) . ' ' )
692  : implode( ',', $args )
693  ) . ");";
694  }
707  private static function isWellFormed( $text ) {
708  $parser = xml_parser_create( "UTF-8" );
710  # case folding violates XML standard, turn it off
711  xml_parser_set_option( $parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false );
713  if ( !xml_parse( $parser, $text, true ) ) {
714  // $err = xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $parser ) );
715  // $position = xml_get_current_byte_index( $parser );
716  // $fragment = $this->extractFragment( $html, $position );
717  // $this->mXmlError = "$err at byte $position:\n$fragment";
718  xml_parser_free( $parser );
719  return false;
720  }
722  xml_parser_free( $parser );
724  return true;
725  }
735  public static function isWellFormedXmlFragment( $text ) {
736  $html =
738  '<html>' .
739  $text .
740  '</html>';
742  return Xml::isWellFormed( $html );
743  }
752  public static function escapeTagsOnly( $in ) {
753  return str_replace(
754  [ '"', '>', '<' ],
755  [ '&quot;', '&gt;', '&lt;' ],
756  $in );
757  }
770  public static function buildForm( $fields, $submitLabel = null, $submitAttribs = [] ) {
771  $form = '';
772  $form .= "<table><tbody>";
774  foreach ( $fields as $labelmsg => $input ) {
775  $id = "mw-$labelmsg";
776  $form .= Xml::openElement( 'tr', [ 'id' => $id ] );
778  // TODO use a <label> here for accessibility purposes - will need
779  // to either not use a table to build the form, or find the ID of
780  // the input somehow.
782  $form .= Xml::tags( 'td', [ 'class' => 'mw-label' ], wfMessage( $labelmsg )->parse() );
783  $form .= Xml::openElement( 'td', [ 'class' => 'mw-input' ] )
784  . $input . Xml::closeElement( 'td' );
785  $form .= Xml::closeElement( 'tr' );
786  }
788  if ( $submitLabel ) {
789  $form .= Xml::openElement( 'tr' );
790  $form .= Xml::tags( 'td', [], '' );
791  $form .= Xml::openElement( 'td', [ 'class' => 'mw-submit' ] )
792  . Xml::submitButton( wfMessage( $submitLabel )->text(), $submitAttribs )
793  . Xml::closeElement( 'td' );
794  $form .= Xml::closeElement( 'tr' );
795  }
797  $form .= "</tbody></table>";
799  return $form;
800  }
809  public static function buildTable( $rows, $attribs = [], $headers = null ) {
810  $s = Xml::openElement( 'table', $attribs );
812  if ( is_array( $headers ) ) {
813  $s .= Xml::openElement( 'thead', $attribs );
815  foreach ( $headers as $id => $header ) {
816  $attribs = [];
818  if ( is_string( $id ) ) {
819  $attribs['id'] = $id;
820  }
822  $s .= Xml::element( 'th', $attribs, $header );
823  }
824  $s .= Xml::closeElement( 'thead' );
825  }
827  foreach ( $rows as $id => $row ) {
828  $attribs = [];
830  if ( is_string( $id ) ) {
831  $attribs['id'] = $id;
832  }
834  $s .= Xml::buildTableRow( $attribs, $row );
835  }
837  $s .= Xml::closeElement( 'table' );
839  return $s;
840  }
848  public static function buildTableRow( $attribs, $cells ) {
849  $s = Xml::openElement( 'tr', $attribs );
851  foreach ( $cells as $id => $cell ) {
852  $attribs = [];
854  if ( is_string( $id ) ) {
855  $attribs['id'] = $id;
856  }
858  $s .= Xml::element( 'td', $attribs, $cell );
859  }
861  $s .= Xml::closeElement( 'tr' );
863  return $s;
864  }
865 }
884 class XmlJsCode {
885  public $value;
887  function __construct( $value ) {
888  $this->value = $value;
889  }
890 }
Definition: Xml.php:885
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses & $html
Definition: hooks.txt:1940
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition: hooks.txt:806
static element($element, $attribs=null, $contents= '', $allowShortTag=true)
Format an XML element with given attributes and, optionally, text content.
Definition: Xml.php:39
static radioLabel($label, $name, $value, $id, $checked=false, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML radio button with a label.
Definition: Xml.php:445
static isWellFormedXmlFragment($text)
Check if a string is a well-formed XML fragment.
Definition: Xml.php:735
static expandAttributes($attribs)
Given an array of ('attributename' => 'value'), it generates the code to set the XML attributes : att...
Definition: Xml.php:67
Class for generating HTML " element.
Definition: Html.php:675
static encodeJsVar($value, $pretty=false)
Encode a variable of arbitrary type to JavaScript.
Definition: Xml.php:664
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content $content
Definition: hooks.txt:1050
Definition: Xml.php:887
static textarea($name, $content, $cols=40, $rows=5, $attribs=[])
Shortcut for creating textareas.
Definition: Xml.php:604
this class mediates it Skin Encapsulates a look and feel for the wiki All of the functions that render HTML and make choices about how to render it are here and are called from various other places when and is meant to be subclassed with other skins that may override some of its functions The User object contains a reference to a and so rather than having a global skin object we just rely on the global User and get the skin with $wgUser and also has some character encoding functions and other locale stuff The current user interface language is instantiated as and the local content language as $wgContLang
Definition: design.txt:56
static buildTableRow($attribs, $cells)
Build a row for a table.
Definition: Xml.php:848
static checkLabel($label, $name, $id, $checked=false, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML checkbox with a label.
Definition: Xml.php:420
static attrib($name, $present=true)
Internal function for use in checkboxes and radio buttons and such.
Definition: Xml.php:313
static buildTable($rows, $attribs=[], $headers=null)
Build a table of data.
Definition: Xml.php:809
static encodeJsCall($name, $args, $pretty=false)
Create a call to a JavaScript function.
Definition: Xml.php:682
Module of static functions for generating XML.
Definition: Xml.php:26
static isWellFormed($text)
Check if a string is well-formed XML.
Definition: Xml.php:707
static listDropDown($name= '', $list= '', $other= '', $selected= '', $class= '', $tabindex=null)
Build a drop-down box from a textual list.
Definition: Xml.php:508
static escapeTagsOnly($in)
Replace " > and < with their respective HTML entities ( ", >, <)
Definition: Xml.php:752
static element($element, $attribs=[], $contents= '')
Identical to rawElement(), but HTML-escapes $contents (like Xml::element()).
Definition: Html.php:229
static buildForm($fields, $submitLabel=null, $submitAttribs=[])
Generate a form (without the opening form element).
Definition: Xml.php:770
static password($name, $size=false, $value=false, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML password input field.
Definition: Xml.php:298
static encodeAttribute($text)
Encode an attribute value for HTML output.
Definition: Sanitizer.php:1091
in this case you re responsible for computing and outputting the entire conflict i the difference between revisions and your text headers and sections and Diff overridable Default is either copyrightwarning or copyrightwarning2 overridable Default is editpage tos summary such as anonymity and the real check
Definition: hooks.txt:1380
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:304