MediaWiki  1.29.0
DefaultSettings.php File Reference

Default values for MediaWiki configuration settings. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


bool $wgAssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts = true
 When the wiki is running behind a proxy and this is set to true, assumes that the proxy exposes the wiki on the standard ports (443 for https and 80 for http). More...
 $wgCanonicalServer = false
 Canonical URL of the server, to use in IRC feeds and notification e-mails. More...
 $wgConf = new SiteConfiguration
 wgConf hold the site configuration. More...
 Registry of factory functions to create config objects: The 'main' key must be set, and the value should be a valid callable. More...
 $wgServer = WebRequest::detectServer()
 URL of the server. More...
 $wgServerName = false
 Server name. More...
 $wgSitename = 'MediaWiki'
 Name of the site. More...
 $wgVersion = '1.29.0'
 MediaWiki version number. More...
Script path settings
 $wgScriptExtension = '.php'
 The extension to append to script names by default. More...
 $wgScriptPath = '/wiki'
 The path we should point to. More...
 Whether to support URLs like index.php/Page_title These often break when PHP is set up in CGI mode. More...
URLs and file paths

These various web and file path variables are set to their defaults in Setup.php if they are not explicitly set from LocalSettings.php.

These will relatively rarely need to be set manually, unless you are splitting style sheets or images outside the main document root.

In this section, a "path" is usually a host-relative URL, i.e. a URL without the host part, that starts with a slash. In most cases a full URL is also acceptable. A "directory" is a local file path.

In both paths and directories, trailing slashes should not be included.

 $wgActionPaths = []
 To set 'pretty' URL paths for actions other than plain page views, add to this array. More...
 $wgAppleTouchIcon = false
 The URL path of the icon for iPhone and iPod Touch web app bookmarks. More...
 $wgArticlePath = false
 The URL path for primary article page views. More...
 $wgExtensionAssetsPath = false
 The URL path of the extensions directory. More...
 $wgExtensionDirectory = "{$IP}/extensions"
 Filesystem extensions directory. More...
 $wgFavicon = '/favicon.ico'
 The URL path of the shortcut icon. More...
 $wgFileCacheDirectory = false
 Directory where the cached page will be saved. More...
 $wgLoadScript = false
 The URL path to load.php. More...
 $wgLocalStylePath = false
 The URL path of the skins directory. More...
 $wgLogo = false
 The URL path of the wiki logo. More...
 $wgLogoHD = false
 Array with URL paths to HD versions of the wiki logo. More...
 $wgReferrerPolicy = false
 Value for the referrer policy meta tag. More...
 $wgScript = false
 The URL path to index.php. More...
 $wgStyleDirectory = "{$IP}/skins"
 Filesystem stylesheets directory. More...
 $wgStylePath = false
 The URL path of the skins directory. More...
 $wgStyleSheetPath = &$wgStylePath
 The URL path to index.php. More...
 $wgTmpDirectory = false
 The local filesystem path to a temporary directory. More...
 $wgUploadBaseUrl = ''
 If set, this URL is added to the start of $wgUploadPath to form a complete upload URL. More...
 $wgUploadDirectory = false
 The filesystem path of the images directory. More...
 $wgUploadPath = false
 The URL path for the images directory. More...
 $wgUploadStashScalerBaseUrl = false
 To enable remote on-demand scaling, set this to the thumbnail base URL. More...
Files and file uploads
 $wgAllowCopyUploads = false
 Allow for upload to be copied from an URL. More...
 $wgAllowImageMoving = true
 Allows to move images and other media files. More...
 $wgAllowJavaUploads = false
 Allow Java archive uploads. More...
 $wgAllowTitlesInSVG = false
 Disallow <title> element in SVG files. More...
 $wgAntivirus = null
 Internal name of virus scanner. More...
 $wgAntivirusRequired = true
 Determines if a failed virus scan (AV_SCAN_FAILED) will cause the file to be rejected. More...
 Configuration for different virus scanners. More...
 $wgAttemptFailureEpoch = 1
 Certain operations are avoided if there were too many recent failures, for example, thumbnail generation. More...
 $wgCacheSharedUploads = true
 Cache shared metadata in memcached. More...
 $wgCheckFileExtensions = true
 This is a flag to determine whether or not to check file extensions on upload. More...
 Plugins for page content model handling. More...
 $wgCopyUploadProxy = false
 Proxy to use for copy upload requests. More...
 $wgCopyUploadsDomains = []
 A list of domains copy uploads can come from. More...
 $wgCopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload = false
 Enable copy uploads from Special:Upload. More...
 $wgCopyUploadTimeout = false
 Different timeout for upload by url This could be useful since when fetching large files, you may want a timeout longer than the default $wgHTTPTimeout. More...
 $wgCustomConvertCommand = false
 Use another resizing converter, e.g. More...
 $wgDeletedDirectory = false
 What directory to place deleted uploads in. More...
 $wgDirectoryMode = 0777
 Default value for chmoding of new directories. More...
 $wgDisableUploadScriptChecks = false
 Setting this to true will disable the upload system's checks for HTML/JavaScript. More...
 $wgEnableAsyncUploads = false
 Enable deferred upload tasks that use the job queue. More...
 $wgEnableAutoRotation = null
 If set to true, images that contain certain the exif orientation tag will be rotated accordingly. More...
 $wgEnableUploads = false
 Uploads have to be specially set up to be secure. More...
 $wgExiftool = '/usr/bin/exiftool'
 Path to exiftool binary. More...
 $wgExiv2Command = '/usr/bin/exiv2'
 Some tests and extensions use exiv2 to manipulate the Exif metadata in some image formats. More...
 $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions = false
 Fetch commons image description pages and display them on the local wiki? More...
 $wgFileBackends = []
 File backend structure configuration. More...
 Files with these extensions will never be allowed as uploads. More...
 $wgFileExtensions = [ 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp' ]
 This is the list of preferred extensions for uploading files. More...
 $wgForeignFileRepos = []
 $wgForeignUploadTargets = [ 'local' ]
 Array of foreign file repo names (set in $wgForeignFileRepos above) that are allowable upload targets. More...
 Default parameters for the "<gallery>" tag. More...
 $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse = true
 Allow thumbnail rendering on page view. More...
 $wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory = true
 Set the following to false especially if you have a set of files that need to be accessible by all wikis, and you do not want to use the hash (path/a/aa/) directory layout. More...
 $wgHashedUploadDirectory = true
 Set this to false if you do not want MediaWiki to divide your images directory into many subdirectories, for improved performance. More...
 $wgIgnoreImageErrors = false
 If set, inline scaled images will still produce "<img>" tags ready for output instead of showing an error message. More...
 $wgIllegalFileChars = ":\\/\\\\"
 Additional characters that are not allowed in filenames. More...
 Limit images on image description pages to a user-selectable limit. More...
 $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = '/usr/bin/convert'
 The convert command shipped with ImageMagick. More...
 $wgImageMagickTempDir = false
 Temporary directory used for ImageMagick. More...
 $wgImgAuthDetails = false
 Set this to true if you use img_auth and want the user to see details on why access failed. More...
 $wgImgAuthUrlPathMap = []
 Map of relative URL directories to match to internal mwstore:// base storage paths. More...
 $wgJpegPixelFormat = 'yuv420'
 At default setting of 'yuv420', JPEG thumbnails will use 4:2:0 chroma subsampling to reduce file size, at the cost of possible color fringing at sharp edges. More...
 $wgJpegTran = '/usr/bin/jpegtran'
 used for lossless jpeg rotation More...
 $wgLocalFileRepo = false
 File repository structures. More...
 $wgLockManagers = []
 Array of configuration arrays for each lock manager. More...
 $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea = 1.25e7
 Force thumbnailing of animated GIFs above this size to a single frame instead of an animated thumbnail. More...
 $wgMaxImageArea = 1.25e7
 The maximum number of pixels a source image can have if it is to be scaled down by a scaler that requires the full source image to be decompressed and stored in decompressed form, before the thumbnail is generated. More...
 $wgMaxInterlacingAreas = []
 Array of max pixel areas for interlacing per MIME type. More...
 $wgMaxUploadSize = 1024 * 1024 * 100
 Max size for uploads, in bytes. More...
 $wgMediaHandlers = []
 Plugins for media file type handling. More...
 $wgMimeDetectorCommand = null
 Sets an external MIME detector program. More...
 $wgMimeInfoFile = 'includes/'
 Sets the MIME type info file to use by MimeMagic.php. More...
 Files with these MIME types will never be allowed as uploads if $wgVerifyMimeType is enabled. More...
 $wgMimeTypeFile = 'includes/mime.types'
 Sets the MIME type definition file to use by MimeMagic.php. More...
 $wgMinUploadChunkSize = 1024
 Minimum upload chunk size, in bytes. More...
 $wgRepositoryBaseUrl = ""
 Base URL for a repository wiki. More...
 $wgResponsiveImages = true
 Generate and use thumbnails suitable for screens with 1.5 and 2.0 pixel densities. More...
 $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath = false
 $wgSharedUploadDBname = false
 DB name with metadata about shared directory. More...
 $wgSharedUploadDBprefix = ''
 Optional table prefix used in database. More...
 $wgSharedUploadDirectory = null
 Path on the file system where shared uploads can be found. More...
 $wgSharedUploadPath = null
 Full path on the web server where shared uploads can be found. More...
 $wgSharpenParameter = '0x0.4'
 Sharpening parameter to ImageMagick. More...
 $wgSharpenReductionThreshold = 0.85
 Reduction in linear dimensions below which sharpening will be enabled. More...
 $wgShowArchiveThumbnails = true
 Show thumbnails for old images on the image description page. More...
 $wgShowEXIF = function_exists( 'exif_read_data' )
 Show Exif data, on by default if available. More...
 $wgStrictFileExtensions = true
 If this is turned off, users may override the warning for files not covered by $wgFileExtensions. More...
 $wgSVGConverter = 'ImageMagick'
 Pick a converter defined in $wgSVGConverters. More...
 $wgSVGConverterPath = ''
 If not in the executable PATH, specify the SVG converter path. More...
 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) may be uploaded as images. More...
 $wgSVGMaxSize = 5120
 Don't scale a SVG larger than this. More...
 $wgSVGMetadataCutoff = 262144
 Don't read SVG metadata beyond this point. More...
 Adjust thumbnails on image pages according to a user setting. More...
 $wgThumbnailBuckets = null
 When defined, is an array of image widths used as buckets for thumbnail generation. More...
 $wgThumbnailEpoch = '20030516000000'
 If rendered thumbnail files are older than this timestamp, they will be rerendered on demand as if the file didn't already exist. More...
 $wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance = 50
 When using thumbnail buckets as defined above, this sets the minimum distance to the bucket above the requested size. More...
 $wgThumbnailScriptPath = false
 Give a path here to use thumb.php for thumbnail generation on client request, instead of generating them on render and outputting a static URL. More...
 $wgThumbUpright = 0.75
 Adjust width of upright images when parameter 'upright' is used This allows a nicer look for upright images without the need to fix the width by hardcoded px in wiki sourcecode. More...
 $wgTiffThumbnailType = false
 Browsers don't support TIFF inline generally... More...
 $wgTrivialMimeDetection = false
 Switch for trivial MIME detection. More...
 list of trusted media-types and MIME types. More...
 $wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata = false
 If to automatically update the img_metadata field if the metadata field is outdated but compatible with the current version. More...
 Configuration for file uploads using the embeddable upload dialog ( More...
 $wgUploadMissingFileUrl = false
 Point the upload link for missing files to an external URL, as with $wgUploadNavigationUrl. More...
 $wgUploadNavigationUrl = false
 Point the upload navigation link to an external URL Useful if you want to use a shared repository by default without disabling local uploads (use $wgEnableUploads = false for that). More...
 $wgUploadSizeWarning = false
 Warn if uploaded files are larger than this (in bytes), or false to disable. More...
 $wgUploadStashMaxAge = 6 * 3600
 The maximum age of temporary (incomplete) uploaded files. More...
 $wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomDomain = false
 When using the "http" wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod, lets one specify a custom domain to send the HTTP request to. More...
 $wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomHost = false
 When using the "http" wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod, lets one specify a custom Host HTTP header. More...
 $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap = []
 When defined, is an array of thumbnail widths to be rendered at upload time. More...
 $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod = 'jobqueue'
 The method through which the thumbnails will be prerendered for the entries in $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap. More...
 $wgUseImageMagick = false
 Resizing can be done using PHP's internal image libraries or using ImageMagick or another third-party converter, e.g. More...
 $wgUseImageResize = true
 Whether to enable server-side image thumbnailing. More...
 $wgUseInstantCommons = false
 Use Commons as a remote file repository. More...
 $wgUseSharedUploads = false
 If you operate multiple wikis, you can define a shared upload path here. More...
 $wgUseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails = false
 When this variable is true and JPGs use the sRGB ICC profile, swaps it for the more lightweight (and free) TinyRGB profile when generating thumbnails. More...
 $wgVerifyMimeType = true
 Determines if the MIME type of uploaded files should be checked. More...
 Additional XML types we can allow via MIME-detection. More...
DJVU settings
 $wgDjvuDump = null
 Path of the djvudump executable Enable this and $wgDjvuRenderer to enable djvu rendering example: $wgDjvuDump = 'djvudump';. More...
 $wgDjvuOutputExtension = 'jpg'
 File extension for the DJVU post processor output. More...
 $wgDjvuPostProcessor = 'pnmtojpeg'
 Shell command for the DJVU post processor Default: pnmtojpeg, since ddjvu generates ppm output Set this to false to output the ppm file directly. More...
 $wgDjvuRenderer = null
 Path of the ddjvu DJVU renderer Enable this and $wgDjvuDump to enable djvu rendering example: $wgDjvuRenderer = 'ddjvu';. More...
 $wgDjvuToXML = null
 Path of the djvutoxml executable This works like djvudump except much, much slower as of version 3.5. More...
 $wgDjvuTxt = null
 Path of the djvutxt DJVU text extraction utility Enable this and $wgDjvuDump to enable text layer extraction from djvu files example: $wgDjvuTxt = 'djvutxt';. More...
Email settings
 $wgAdditionalMailParams = null
 Additional email parameters, will be passed as the last argument to mail() call. More...
 $wgAllowHTMLEmail = false
 For parts of the system that have been updated to provide HTML email content, send both text and HTML parts as the body of the email. More...
 $wgEmailAuthentication = true
 Require email authentication before sending mail to an email address. More...
 $wgEmergencyContact = false
 Site admin email address. More...
 $wgEnableEmail = true
 Set to true to enable the e-mail basic features: Password reminders, etc. More...
 $wgEnableUserEmail = true
 Set to true to enable user-to-user e-mail. More...
 $wgEnotifFromEditor = false
 True: from page editor if s/he opted-in. More...
 $wgEnotifImpersonal = false
 Send a generic mail instead of a personalised mail for each user. More...
 $wgEnotifMaxRecips = 500
 Maximum number of users to mail at once when using impersonal mail. More...
 $wgEnotifMinorEdits = true
 Potentially send notification mails on minor edits to pages. More...
 $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress = false
 Set the Reply-to address in notifications to the editor's address, if user allowed this in the preferences. More...
 $wgEnotifUseRealName = false
 Use real name instead of username in e-mail "from" field. More...
 $wgEnotifUserTalk = false
 Allow users to enable email notification ("enotif") when someone edits their user talk page. More...
 $wgEnotifWatchlist = false
 Allow users to enable email notification ("enotif") on watchlist changes. More...
 $wgNewPasswordExpiry = 3600 * 24 * 7
 The time, in seconds, when an emailed temporary password expires. More...
 $wgNoReplyAddress = false
 Reply-To address for e-mail notifications. More...
 $wgPasswordExpirationDays = false
 The number of days that a user's password is good for. More...
 $wgPasswordExpireGrace = 3600 * 24 * 7
 If a user's password is expired, the number of seconds when they can still login, and cancel their password change, but are sent to the password change form on each login. More...
 $wgPasswordReminderResendTime = 24
 Minimum time, in hours, which must elapse between password reminder emails for a given account. More...
 $wgPasswordSender = false
 Sender email address for e-mail notifications. More...
 $wgPasswordSenderName = 'MediaWiki Mail'
 Sender name for e-mail notifications. More...
 $wgSMTP = false
 SMTP Mode. More...
 $wgUserEmailConfirmationTokenExpiry = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
 The time, in seconds, when an email confirmation email expires. More...
 $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo = true
 If true put the sending user's email in a Reply-To header instead of From (false). More...
 $wgUsersNotifiedOnAllChanges = []
 Array of usernames who will be sent a notification email for every change which occurs on a wiki. More...
Database settings
 $wgDataCenterUpdateStickTTL = 10
 After a state-changing request is done by a client, this determines how many seconds that client should keep using the master datacenter. More...
 $wgDBadminpassword = null
 Separate password for maintenance tasks. More...
 $wgDBadminuser = null
 Separate username for maintenance tasks. More...
 $wgDBcompress = false
 Whether to use compression in DB connection. More...
 $wgDBerrorLog = false
 File to log database errors to. More...
 $wgDBerrorLogTZ = false
 Timezone to use in the error log. More...
 $wgDBmwschema = null
 Mediawiki schema. More...
 $wgDBmysql5 = false
 Set to true to engage MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset-related features; for now will just cause sending of 'SET NAMES=utf8' on connect. More...
 $wgDBname = 'my_wiki'
 Name of the database. More...
 $wgDBOracleDRCP = false
 Set true to enable Oracle DCRP (supported from 11gR1 onward) More...
 $wgDBpassword = ''
 Database user's password. More...
 $wgDBport = 5432
 Database port number (for PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server). More...
 $wgDBprefix = ''
 Table name prefix. More...
 $wgDBserver = 'localhost'
 Database host name or IP address. More...
 $wgDBservers = false
 Database load balancer This is a two-dimensional array, an array of server info structures Fields are: More...
 $wgDBssl = false
 Whether to use SSL in DB connection. More...
 $wgDBTableOptions = 'ENGINE=InnoDB'
 MySQL table options to use during installation or update. More...
 $wgDBtype = 'mysql'
 Database type. More...
 $wgDBuser = 'wikiuser'
 Database username. More...
 $wgDBWindowsAuthentication = false
 Use Windows Authentication instead of $wgDBuser / $wgDBpassword for MS SQL Server. More...
 $wgLBFactoryConf = [ 'class' => 'LBFactorySimple' ]
 Load balancer factory configuration To set up a multi-master wiki farm, set the class here to something that can return a LoadBalancer with an appropriate master on a call to getMainLB(). More...
 $wgLocalDatabases = []
 Other wikis on this site, can be administered from a single developer account. More...
 $wgSearchType = null
 Search type. More...
 $wgSearchTypeAlternatives = null
 Alternative search types Sometimes you want to support multiple search engines for testing. More...
 $wgSharedDB = null
 Shared database for multiple wikis. More...
 $wgSharedPrefix = false
 $wgSharedSchema = false
 $wgSharedTables = [ 'user', 'user_properties' ]
 $wgSlaveLagCritical = 30
 $wgSlaveLagWarning = 10
 If lag is higher than $wgSlaveLagWarning, show a warning in some special pages (like watchlist). More...
 $wgSQLiteDataDir = ''
 To override default SQLite data directory ($docroot/../data) More...
 $wgSQLMode = ''
 SQL Mode - default is turning off all modes, including strict, if set. More...
Text storage
 $wgCompressRevisions = false
 We can also compress text stored in the 'text' table. More...
array $wgDefaultExternalStore = false
 The place to put new revisions, false to put them in the local text table. More...
 $wgExternalServers = []
 An array of external MySQL servers. More...
 $wgExternalStores = []
 External stores allow including content from non database sources following URL links. More...
 $wgRevisionCacheExpiry = 86400 * 7
 Revision text may be cached in $wgMemc to reduce load on external storage servers and object extraction overhead for frequently-loaded revisions. More...
Performance hacks and limits
 $wgAllowSchemaUpdates = true
 Allow schema updates. More...
 $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions = false
 Enable slow parser functions. More...
 $wgDisableQueryPages = false
 Disable all query pages if miser mode is on, not just some. More...
 $wgMaxArticleSize = 2048
 Maximum article size in kilobytes. More...
 $wgMemoryLimit = "50M"
 The minimum amount of memory that MediaWiki "needs"; MediaWiki will try to raise PHP's memory limit if it's below this amount. More...
 $wgMiserMode = false
 Disable database-intensive features. More...
 $wgQueryCacheLimit = 1000
 Number of rows to cache in 'querycache' table when miser mode is on. More...
 $wgTransactionalTimeLimit = 120
 The minimum amount of time that MediaWiki needs for "slow" write request, particularly ones with multiple non-atomic writes that should be as transactional as possible; MediaWiki will call set_time_limit() if needed. More...
 $wgWantedPagesThreshold = 1
 Number of links to a page required before it is deemed "wanted". More...
Cache settings
 $wgAdaptiveMessageCache = false
 Instead of caching everything, only cache those messages which have been customised in the site content language. More...
 $wgCacheDirectory = false
 Directory for caching data in the local filesystem. More...
 $wgCacheEpoch = '20030516000000'
 Set this to current time to invalidate all prior cached pages. More...
 $wgCachePages = true
 Allow client-side caching of pages. More...
 $wgClockSkewFudge = 5
 Clock skew or the one-second resolution of time() can occasionally cause cache problems when the user requests two pages within a short period of time. More...
 $wgEnableParserCache = true
 Kept for extension compatibility; see $wgParserCacheType. More...
 $wgEnableSidebarCache = false
 If on, the sidebar navigation links are cached for users with the current language set. More...
bool $wgEnableWANCacheReaper = false
 Verify and enforce WAN cache purges using reliable DB sources as streams. More...
int bool $wgExtensionInfoMTime = false
 When loading extensions through the extension registration system, this can be used to invalidate the cache. More...
 $wgFileCacheDepth = 2
 Depth of the subdirectory hierarchy to be created under $wgFileCacheDirectory. More...
 $wgGitInfoCacheDirectory = false
 Directory where GitInfo will look for pre-computed cache files. More...
 $wgInvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange = true
 Invalidate various caches when LocalSettings.php changes. More...
 $wgLanguageConverterCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING
 The cache type for storing language conversion tables, which are used when parsing certain text and interface messages. More...
 Localisation cache configuration. More...
 $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE
 Main cache type. More...
 $wgMainStash = 'db-replicated'
 Main object stash type. More...
 $wgMainWANCache = false
 Main Wide-Area-Network cache type. More...
 $wgMemCachedDebug = false
 If enabled, will send MemCached debugging information to $wgDebugLogFile. More...
 $wgMemCachedPersistent = false
 Use persistent connections to MemCached, which are shared across multiple requests. More...
 $wgMemCachedServers = [ '' ]
 The list of MemCached servers and port numbers. More...
 $wgMemCachedTimeout = 500000
 Read/write timeout for MemCached server communication, in microseconds. More...
 $wgMessageCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING
 The cache type for storing the contents of the MediaWiki namespace. More...
 Advanced object cache configuration. More...
 $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry = 3600
 The expiry time to use for session storage, in seconds. More...
 $wgParserCacheExpireTime = 86400
 The expiry time for the parser cache, in seconds. More...
 $wgParserCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING
 The cache type for storing article HTML. More...
string $wgPHPSessionHandling = 'enable'
 Whether to use PHP session handling ($_SESSION and session_*() functions) More...
 $wgRenderHashAppend = ''
 Append a configured value to the parser cache and the sitenotice key so that they can be kept separate for some class of activity. More...
 $wgSessionCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING
 The cache type for storing session data. More...
 $wgSessionHandler = null
 $wgSessionPbkdf2Iterations = 10001
 Number of internal PBKDF2 iterations to use when deriving session secrets. More...
 $wgSessionsInObjectCache = true
 $wgSidebarCacheExpiry = 86400
 Expiry time for the sidebar cache, in seconds. More...
 $wgStyleVersion = '303'
 Bump this number when changing the global style sheets and JavaScript. More...
 $wgUseFileCache = false
 This will cache static pages for non-logged-in users to reduce database traffic on public sites. More...
 $wgUseGzip = false
 When using the file cache, we can store the cached HTML gzipped to save disk space. More...
 $wgUseLocalMessageCache = false
 Set this to true to maintain a copy of the message cache on the local server. More...
 Advanced WAN object cache configuration. More...
HTTP proxy (CDN) settings

Many of these settings apply to any HTTP proxy used in front of MediaWiki, although they are referred to as Squid settings for historical reasons.

Achieving a high hit ratio with an HTTP proxy requires special configuration. See for more details.

 $wgCdnMaxageLagged = 30
 Cache timeout for the CDN when DB replica DB lag is high. More...
 $wgCdnMaxageSubstitute = 60
 Cache timeout for the CDN when a response is known to be wrong or incomplete (due to load) More...
 $wgCdnReboundPurgeDelay = 0
 If set, any SquidPurge call on a URL or URLs will send a second purge no less than this many seconds later via the job queue. More...
 $wgForcedRawSMaxage = 300
 Default maximum age for raw CSS/JS accesses. More...
 $wgHTCPMulticastTTL = 1
 HTCP multicast TTL. More...
 $wgHTCPRouting = []
 Routing configuration for HTCP multicast purging. More...
 $wgInternalServer = false
 Internal server name as known to CDN, if different. More...
 $wgSquidMaxage = 18000
 Cache TTL for the CDN sent as s-maxage (without ESI) or Surrogate-Control (with ESI). More...
 $wgSquidPurgeUseHostHeader = true
 Whether to use a Host header in purge requests sent to the proxy servers configured in $wgSquidServers. More...
 $wgSquidServers = []
 List of proxy servers to purge on changes; default port is 80. More...
 $wgSquidServersNoPurge = []
 As above, except these servers aren't purged on page changes; use to set a list of trusted proxies, etc. More...
 $wgUseESI = false
 If you run Squid3 with ESI support, enable this (default:false): More...
 $wgUseKeyHeader = false
 Send the Key HTTP header for better caching. More...
 $wgUsePrivateIPs = false
 Should forwarded Private IPs be accepted? More...
 $wgUseSquid = false
 Enable/disable CDN. More...
 $wgVaryOnXFP = false
 Add X-Forwarded-Proto to the Vary and Key headers for API requests and RSS/Atom feeds. More...
Language, regional and character encoding settings
 $wgAllUnicodeFixes = false
 Set this to always convert certain Unicode sequences to modern ones regardless of the content language. More...
 $wgDummyLanguageCodes = []
 Functionally the same as $wgExtraLanguageCodes, but deprecated. More...
 $wgExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes = []
 List of additional interwiki prefixes that should be treated as interlanguage links (i.e. More...
 List of mappings from one language code to another. More...
 $wgExtraLanguageNames = []
 List of language names or overrides for default names in Names.php. More...
 $wgFixArabicUnicode = true
 Set this to true to replace Arabic presentation forms with their standard forms in the U+0600-U+06FF block. More...
 $wgFixMalayalamUnicode = true
 Set this to true to replace ZWJ-based chillu sequences in Malayalam text with their Unicode 5.1 equivalents. More...
 $wgGrammarForms = []
 Some languages need different word forms, usually for different cases. More...
 $wgHideInterlanguageLinks = false
 Hide interlanguage links from the sidebar. More...
 $wgInterwikiMagic = true
 Treat language links as magic connectors, not inline links. More...
 $wgLangObjCacheSize = 10
 Language cache size, or really how many languages can we handle simultaneously without degrading to crawl speed. More...
 $wgLanguageCode = 'en'
 Site language code. More...
 $wgLegacyEncoding = false
 Set this to eg 'ISO-8859-1' to perform character set conversion when loading old revisions not marked with "utf-8" flag. More...

Detailed Description

Default values for MediaWiki configuration settings.


To customize your installation, edit "LocalSettings.php". If you make changes here, they will be lost on next upgrade of MediaWiki!

In this file, variables whose default values depend on other variables are set to false. The actual default value of these variables will only be set in Setup.php, taking into account any custom settings performed in LocalSettings.php.

Documentation is in the source and on:

Note: this (and other things) will break if the autoloader is not enabled. Please include includes/AutoLoader.php before including this file.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Definition in file DefaultSettings.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ $wgActionPaths

$wgActionPaths = []

To set 'pretty' URL paths for actions other than plain page views, add to this array.

Set pretty URL for the edit action:
'edit' => "$wgScriptPath/edit/$1"

There must be an appropriate script or rewrite rule in place to handle these URLs.


Definition at line 366 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgAdaptiveMessageCache

$wgAdaptiveMessageCache = false

Instead of caching everything, only cache those messages which have been customised in the site content language.

This means that MediaWiki:Foo/ja is ignored if MediaWiki:Foo doesn't exist. This option is probably only useful for

Definition at line 2465 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MessageCache\loadFromDB().

◆ $wgAdditionalMailParams

$wgAdditionalMailParams = null

Additional email parameters, will be passed as the last argument to mail() call.

Definition at line 1652 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UserMailer\sendInternal().

◆ $wgAllowCopyUploads

$wgAllowCopyUploads = false

Allow for upload to be copied from an URL.

The timeout for copy uploads is set by $wgCopyUploadTimeout. You have to assign the user right 'upload_by_url' to a user group, to use this.

Definition at line 730 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UploadFromUrl\isEnabled().

◆ $wgAllowHTMLEmail

$wgAllowHTMLEmail = false

For parts of the system that have been updated to provide HTML email content, send both text and HTML parts as the body of the email.

Definition at line 1658 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UserMailer\send().

◆ $wgAllowImageMoving

$wgAllowImageMoving = true

Allows to move images and other media files.

Definition at line 388 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MWNamespace\isMovable().

◆ $wgAllowJavaUploads

$wgAllowJavaUploads = false

Allow Java archive uploads.

This is not recommended for public wikis since a maliciously-constructed applet running on the same domain as the wiki can steal the user's cookies.

Definition at line 904 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgAllowSchemaUpdates

$wgAllowSchemaUpdates = true

Allow schema updates.

Definition at line 2169 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UpdateMediaWiki\execute().

◆ $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions

$wgAllowSlowParserFunctions = false

Enable slow parser functions.

Definition at line 2164 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by CoreParserFunctions\register().

◆ $wgAllowTitlesInSVG

$wgAllowTitlesInSVG = false

Disallow <title> element in SVG files.

MediaWiki will reject HTMLesque tags in uploaded files due to idiotic browsers which can not perform basic stuff like MIME detection and which are vulnerable to further idiots uploading crap files as images.

When this directive is on, "<title>" will be allowed in files with an "image/svg+xml" MIME type. You should leave this disabled if your web server is misconfigured and doesn't send appropriate MIME types for SVG images.

Definition at line 1134 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgAllUnicodeFixes

$wgAllUnicodeFixes = false

Set this to always convert certain Unicode sequences to modern ones regardless of the content language.

This has a small performance impact.

See $wgFixArabicUnicode and $wgFixMalayalamUnicode for conversion details.


Definition at line 2946 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Language\normalize().

◆ $wgAntivirus

$wgAntivirus = null

Internal name of virus scanner.

This serves as a key to the $wgAntivirusSetup array. Set this to NULL to disable virus scanning. If not null, every file uploaded will be scanned for viruses.

Definition at line 1229 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgAntivirusRequired

$wgAntivirusRequired = true

Determines if a failed virus scan (AV_SCAN_FAILED) will cause the file to be rejected.

Definition at line 1283 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgAntivirusSetup

Initial value:
= [
# setup for clamav
'clamav' => [
'command' => 'clamscan --no-summary ',
'codemap' => [
"0" => AV_NO_VIRUS, # no virus
"1" => AV_VIRUS_FOUND, # virus found
"52" => AV_SCAN_ABORTED, # unsupported file format (probably immune)
"*" => AV_SCAN_FAILED, # else scan failed
'messagepattern' => '/.*?:(.*)/sim',

Configuration for different virus scanners.

This an associative array of associative arrays. It contains one setup array per known scanner type. The entry is selected by $wgAntivirus, i.e. valid values for $wgAntivirus are the keys defined in this array.

The configuration array for each scanner contains the following keys: "command", "codemap", "messagepattern":

"command" is the full command to call the virus scanner - f will be replaced with the name of the file to scan. If not present, the filename will be appended to the command. Note that this must be overwritten if the scanner is not in the system path; in that case, please set $wgAntivirusSetup[$wgAntivirus]['command'] to the desired command with full path.

"codemap" is a mapping of exit code to return codes of the detectVirus function in SpecialUpload.

  • An exit code mapped to AV_SCAN_FAILED causes the function to consider the scan to be failed. This will pass the file if $wgAntivirusRequired is not set.
  • An exit code mapped to AV_SCAN_ABORTED causes the function to consider the file to have an unsupported format, which is probably immune to viruses. This causes the file to pass.
  • An exit code mapped to AV_NO_VIRUS will cause the file to pass, meaning no virus was found.
  • All other codes (like AV_VIRUS_FOUND) will cause the function to report a virus.
  • You may use "*" as a key in the array to catch all exit codes not mapped otherwise.

"messagepattern" is a perl regular expression to extract the meaningful part of the scanners output. The relevant part should be matched as group one (\1). If not defined or the pattern does not match, the full message is shown to the user.

Definition at line 1265 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgAppleTouchIcon

$wgAppleTouchIcon = false

The URL path of the icon for iPhone and iPod Touch web app bookmarks.

Defaults to no icon.


Definition at line 308 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgArticlePath

$wgArticlePath = false

The URL path for primary article page views.

This path should contain $1, which is replaced by the article title.

Defaults to "{$wgScript}/$1" or "{$wgScript}?title=$1", depending on $wgUsePathInfo.

Definition at line 255 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgAssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts

bool $wgAssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts = true

When the wiki is running behind a proxy and this is set to true, assumes that the proxy exposes the wiki on the standard ports (443 for https and 80 for http).


Definition at line 91 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by WebRequest\detectServer().

◆ $wgAttemptFailureEpoch

$wgAttemptFailureEpoch = 1

Certain operations are avoided if there were too many recent failures, for example, thumbnail generation.

Bump this value to invalidate all memory of failed operations and thus allow further attempts to resume. This is useful when a cause for the failures has been found and fixed.

Definition at line 1188 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by wfGenerateThumbnail().

◆ $wgCacheDirectory

$wgCacheDirectory = false

Directory for caching data in the local filesystem.

Should not be accessible from the web.

Note: if multiple wikis share the same localisation cache directory, they must all have the same set of extensions. You can set a directory just for the localisation cache using $wgLocalisationCacheConf['storeDirectory'].

Definition at line 2205 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by LCStoreStaticArray\__construct(), LCStoreCDB\__construct(), LocalisationCache\__construct(), and LocalisationUpdate\getDirectory().

◆ $wgCacheEpoch

$wgCacheEpoch = '20030516000000'

Set this to current time to invalidate all prior cached pages.

Affects both client-side and server-side caching. You can get the current date on your server by using the command:

*   date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S

Definition at line 2510 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by AjaxResponse\checkLastModified(), CacheTime\expired(), ParserCache\get(), ParserCache\getKey(), and FileCacheBase\isCacheGood().

◆ $wgCachePages

$wgCachePages = true

Allow client-side caching of pages.

Definition at line 2500 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by AjaxResponse\checkLastModified().

◆ $wgCacheSharedUploads

$wgCacheSharedUploads = true

Cache shared metadata in memcached.

Don't do this if the commons wiki is in a different memcached domain

Definition at line 723 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgCanonicalServer

$wgCanonicalServer = false

Canonical URL of the server, to use in IRC feeds and notification e-mails.

Must be fully qualified, even if $wgServer is protocol-relative.

Defaults to $wgServer, expanded to a fully qualified http:// URL if needed.


Definition at line 118 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by IRCColourfulRCFeedFormatter\getLine(), MachineReadableRCFeedFormatter\getLine(), and MWExceptionRenderer\googleSearchForm().

◆ $wgCdnMaxageLagged

$wgCdnMaxageLagged = 30

Cache timeout for the CDN when DB replica DB lag is high.

See also

Definition at line 2681 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgCdnMaxageSubstitute

$wgCdnMaxageSubstitute = 60

Cache timeout for the CDN when a response is known to be wrong or incomplete (due to load)

See also

Definition at line 2704 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgCdnReboundPurgeDelay

$wgCdnReboundPurgeDelay = 0

If set, any SquidPurge call on a URL or URLs will send a second purge no less than this many seconds later via the job queue.

This requires delayed job support. This should be safely higher than the 'max lag' value in $wgLBFactoryConf, so that replica DB lag does not cause page to be stuck in stales states in CDN.

This also fixes race conditions in two-tiered CDN setups (e.g. cdn2 => cdn1 => MediaWiki). If a purge for a URL reaches cdn2 before cdn1 and a request reaches cdn2 for that URL, it will populate the response from the stale cdn1 value. When cdn1 gets the purge, cdn2 will still be stale. If the rebound purge delay is safely higher than the time to relay a purge to all nodes, then the rebound puge will clear cdn2 after cdn1 was cleared.


Definition at line 2697 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by CdnCacheUpdate\doUpdate().

◆ $wgCheckFileExtensions

$wgCheckFileExtensions = true

This is a flag to determine whether or not to check file extensions on upload.

Setting this to false is insecure for public wikis.

Definition at line 911 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by StreamFile\contentTypeFromPath().

◆ $wgClockSkewFudge

$wgClockSkewFudge = 5

Clock skew or the one-second resolution of time() can occasionally cause cache problems when the user requests two pages within a short period of time.

This variable adds a given number of seconds to vulnerable timestamps, thereby giving a grace period.

Definition at line 2584 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by User\newTouchedTimestamp().

◆ $wgCompressRevisions

$wgCompressRevisions = false

We can also compress text stored in the 'text' table.

If this is set on, new revisions will be compressed on page save if zlib support is available. Any compressed revisions will be decompressed on load regardless of this setting, but will not be readable at all* if zlib support is not available.

Definition at line 2079 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Revision\compressRevisionText().

◆ $wgConf

$wgConf = new SiteConfiguration

wgConf hold the site configuration.

Not used for much in a default install.


Definition at line 62 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by JobQueueGroup\getCachedConfigVar(), and WikiMap\getWikiReferenceFromWgConf().

◆ $wgConfigRegistry

Initial value:
= [
'main' => 'GlobalVarConfig::newInstance'

Registry of factory functions to create config objects: The 'main' key must be set, and the value should be a valid callable.


Definition at line 70 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgContentHandlers

Initial value:
= [
CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT => 'WikitextContentHandler',
CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT => 'JavaScriptContentHandler',
CONTENT_MODEL_JSON => 'JsonContentHandler',
CONTENT_MODEL_CSS => 'CssContentHandler',
CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT => 'TextContentHandler',

Plugins for page content model handling.

Each entry in the array maps a model id to a class name or callback that creates an instance of the appropriate ContentHandler subclass.


Definition at line 969 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ContentHandler\getAllContentFormats(), ContentHandler\getContentModels(), ContentHandler\getForModelID(), EditPageTest\setUp(), ApiEditPageTest\setUp(), TestPageProps\setUp(), RevisionStorageTest\setUp(), RevisionStorageTest\tearDown(), and TestPageProps\tearDown().

◆ $wgCopyUploadProxy

$wgCopyUploadProxy = false

Proxy to use for copy upload requests.


Definition at line 750 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UploadFromUrl\reallyFetchFile().

◆ $wgCopyUploadsDomains

$wgCopyUploadsDomains = []

A list of domains copy uploads can come from.


Definition at line 737 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UploadFromUrl\isAllowedHost().

◆ $wgCopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload

$wgCopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload = false

Enable copy uploads from Special:Upload.

$wgAllowCopyUploads must also be true. If $wgAllowCopyUploads is true, but this is false, you will only be able to perform copy uploads from the API or extensions (e.g. UploadWizard).

Definition at line 744 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgCopyUploadTimeout

$wgCopyUploadTimeout = false

Different timeout for upload by url This could be useful since when fetching large files, you may want a timeout longer than the default $wgHTTPTimeout.

False means fallback to default.


Definition at line 760 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UploadFromUrl\reallyFetchFile().

◆ $wgCustomConvertCommand

$wgCustomConvertCommand = false

Use another resizing converter, e.g.

GraphicMagick s will be replaced with the source path, d with the destination w and h will be replaced with the width and height.

Example for GraphicMagick:
$wgCustomConvertCommand = "gm convert %s -resize %wx%h %d"

Leave as false to skip this.

Definition at line 1038 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\getScalerType(), and BitmapHandler\transformCustom().

◆ $wgDataCenterUpdateStickTTL

$wgDataCenterUpdateStickTTL = 10

After a state-changing request is done by a client, this determines how many seconds that client should keep using the master datacenter.

This avoids unexpected stale or 404 responses due to replication lag.


Definition at line 1969 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDBadminpassword

$wgDBadminpassword = null

Separate password for maintenance tasks.

Leave as null to use the default.

Definition at line 1805 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Maintenance\finalSetup().

◆ $wgDBadminuser

$wgDBadminuser = null

Separate username for maintenance tasks.

Leave as null to use the default.

Definition at line 1800 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Maintenance\finalSetup().

◆ $wgDBcompress

$wgDBcompress = false

Whether to use compression in DB connection.

This setting is only used $wgLBFactoryConf['class'] is set to 'LBFactorySimple' and $wgDBservers is an empty array; otherwise the DBO_COMPRESS flag must be set in the 'flags' option of the database connection to achieve the same functionality.

Definition at line 1795 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDBerrorLog

$wgDBerrorLog = false

File to log database errors to.

Definition at line 1974 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLogger\destination(), and MediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLogger\shouldEmit().

◆ $wgDBerrorLogTZ

$wgDBerrorLogTZ = false

Timezone to use in the error log.

Defaults to the wiki timezone ($wgLocaltimezone).

A list of usable timezones can found at:

$wgDBerrorLogTZ = 'PST8PDT';
$wgDBerrorLogTZ = 'Europe/Sweden';

Definition at line 1994 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLogger\formatAsWfLogDBError().

◆ $wgDBmwschema

$wgDBmwschema = null

Mediawiki schema.

Definition at line 1845 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDBmysql5

$wgDBmysql5 = false

Set to true to engage MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset-related features; for now will just cause sending of 'SET NAMES=utf8' on connect.


May break if you're not using the table defs from mysql5/tables.sql. May break if you're upgrading an existing wiki if set differently. Broken symptoms likely to include incorrect behavior with page titles, usernames, comments etc containing non-ASCII characters. Might also cause failures on the object cache and other things.

Even correct usage may cause failures with Unicode supplementary characters (those not in the Basic Multilingual Plane) unless MySQL has enhanced their Unicode support.

Definition at line 2012 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDBname

$wgDBname = 'my_wiki'

Name of the database.

Definition at line 1760 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDBOracleDRCP

$wgDBOracleDRCP = false

Set true to enable Oracle DCRP (supported from 11gR1 onward)

To use this feature set to true and use a datasource defined as POOLED (i.e. in tnsnames definition set server=pooled in connect_data block).

Starting from 11gR1 you can use DCRP (Database Resident Connection Pool) that maintains established sessions and reuses them on new connections.

Not completely tested, but it should fall back on normal connection in case the pool is full or the datasource is not configured as pooled. And the other way around; using oci_pconnect on a non pooled datasource should produce a normal connection.

When it comes to frequent shortlived DB connections like with MW Oracle tends to s***. The problem is the driver connects to the database reasonably fast, but establishing a session takes time and resources. MW does not rely on session state (as it does not use features such as package variables) so establishing a valid session is in this case an unwanted overhead that just slows things down.


Definition at line 2040 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DatabaseOracle\open().

◆ $wgDBpassword

◆ $wgDBport

$wgDBport = 5432

Database port number (for PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server).

Definition at line 1755 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDBprefix

◆ $wgDBserver

◆ $wgDBservers

$wgDBservers = false

Database load balancer This is a two-dimensional array, an array of server info structures Fields are:

  • host: Host name
  • dbname: Default database name
  • user: DB user
  • password: DB password
  • type: DB type
  • load: Ratio of DB_REPLICA load, must be >=0, the sum of all loads must be >0. If this is zero for any given server, no normal query traffic will be sent to it. It will be excluded from lag checks in maintenance scripts. The only way it can receive traffic is if groupLoads is used.
  • groupLoads: array of load ratios, the key is the query group name. A query may belong to several groups, the most specific group defined here is used.
  • flags: bit field
    • DBO_DEFAULT – turns on DBO_TRX only if "cliMode" is off (recommended)
    • DBO_DEBUG – equivalent of $wgDebugDumpSql
    • DBO_TRX – wrap entire request in a transaction
    • DBO_NOBUFFER – turn off buffering (not useful in LocalSettings.php)
    • DBO_PERSISTENT – enables persistent database connections
    • DBO_SSL – uses SSL/TLS encryption in database connections, if available
    • DBO_COMPRESS – uses internal compression in database connections, if available
  • max lag: (optional) Maximum replication lag before a replica DB goes out of rotation
  • is static: (optional) Set to true if the dataset is static and no replication is used.
  • cliMode: (optional) Connection handles will not assume that requests are short-lived nor that INSERT..SELECT can be rewritten into a buffered SELECT and INSERT. [Default: uses value of $wgCommandLineMode]

These and any other user-defined properties will be assigned to the mLBInfo member variable of the Database object.

Leave at false to use the single-server variables above. If you set this variable, the single-server variables will generally be ignored (except perhaps in some command-line scripts).

The first server listed in this array (with key 0) will be the master. The rest of the servers will be replica DBs. To prevent writes to your replica DBs due to accidental misconfiguration or MediaWiki bugs, set read_only=1 on all your replica DBs in my.cnf. You can set read_only mode at runtime using:

SET @@read_only=1;

Since the effect of writing to a replica DB is so damaging and difficult to clean up, we at Wikimedia set read_only=1 in my.cnf on all our DB servers, even our masters, and then set read_only=0 on masters at runtime.

Definition at line 1949 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Maintenance\finalSetup().

◆ $wgDBssl

$wgDBssl = false

Whether to use SSL in DB connection.

This setting is only used $wgLBFactoryConf['class'] is set to 'LBFactorySimple' and $wgDBservers is an empty array; otherwise the DBO_SSL flag must be set in the 'flags' option of the database connection to achieve the same functionality.

Definition at line 1785 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDBTableOptions

$wgDBTableOptions = 'ENGINE=InnoDB'

MySQL table options to use during installation or update.

Definition at line 1832 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UpdateLogging\execute(), and MysqlUpdater\getSchemaVars().

◆ $wgDBtype

◆ $wgDBuser

◆ $wgDBWindowsAuthentication

$wgDBWindowsAuthentication = false

Use Windows Authentication instead of $wgDBuser / $wgDBpassword for MS SQL Server.

Definition at line 2064 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MssqlInstaller\openConnection().

◆ $wgDefaultExternalStore

array $wgDefaultExternalStore = false

The place to put new revisions, false to put them in the local text table.

Part of a URL, e.g. DB://cluster1

Can be an array instead of a single string, to enable data distribution. Keys must be consecutive integers, starting at zero.

$wgDefaultExternalStore = [ 'DB://cluster1', 'DB://cluster2' ];

Definition at line 2124 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MediaWikiTestCase\getExternalStoreDatabaseConnections(), ExternalStoreDB\getSlave(), Revision\insertOn(), ExternalStore\insertToDefault(), and MediaWikiTestCase\isUsingExternalStoreDB().

◆ $wgDeletedDirectory

$wgDeletedDirectory = false

What directory to place deleted uploads in.

Defaults to "{$wgUploadDirectory}/deleted".

Definition at line 413 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDirectoryMode

$wgDirectoryMode = 0777

Default value for chmoding of new directories.

Definition at line 1471 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by FileBackendGroup\initFromGlobals().

◆ $wgDisableQueryPages

$wgDisableQueryPages = false

Disable all query pages if miser mode is on, not just some.

Definition at line 2149 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDisableUploadScriptChecks

$wgDisableUploadScriptChecks = false

Setting this to true will disable the upload system's checks for HTML/JavaScript.

THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS on a publicly editable site, so USE $wgGroupPermissions TO RESTRICT UPLOADING to only those that you trust

Definition at line 927 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgDjvuDump

$wgDjvuDump = null

Path of the djvudump executable Enable this and $wgDjvuRenderer to enable djvu rendering example: $wgDjvuDump = 'djvudump';.

Definition at line 1495 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DjVuSupport\__construct(), DjVuHandler\isEnabled(), and DjVuSupport\isEnabled().

◆ $wgDjvuOutputExtension

$wgDjvuOutputExtension = 'jpg'

File extension for the DJVU post processor output.

Definition at line 1537 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DjVuHandler\getThumbType().

◆ $wgDjvuPostProcessor

$wgDjvuPostProcessor = 'pnmtojpeg'

Shell command for the DJVU post processor Default: pnmtojpeg, since ddjvu generates ppm output Set this to false to output the ppm file directly.

Definition at line 1532 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DjVuHandler\doTransform().

◆ $wgDjvuRenderer

$wgDjvuRenderer = null

Path of the ddjvu DJVU renderer Enable this and $wgDjvuDump to enable djvu rendering example: $wgDjvuRenderer = 'ddjvu';.

Definition at line 1502 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DjVuSupport\__construct(), DjVuHandler\doTransform(), DjVuHandler\isEnabled(), and DjVuSupport\isEnabled().

◆ $wgDjvuToXML

$wgDjvuToXML = null

Path of the djvutoxml executable This works like djvudump except much, much slower as of version 3.5.

For now we recommend you use djvudump instead. The djvuxml output is probably more stable, so we'll switch back to it as soon as they fix the efficiency problem.

$wgDjvuToXML = 'djvutoxml';

Definition at line 1525 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DjVuSupport\__construct(), DjVuHandler\isEnabled(), and DjVuSupport\isEnabled().

◆ $wgDjvuTxt

$wgDjvuTxt = null

Path of the djvutxt DJVU text extraction utility Enable this and $wgDjvuDump to enable text layer extraction from djvu files example: $wgDjvuTxt = 'djvutxt';.

Definition at line 1509 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DjVuSupport\__construct(), and DjVuSupport\isEnabled().

◆ $wgDummyLanguageCodes

$wgDummyLanguageCodes = []

Functionally the same as $wgExtraLanguageCodes, but deprecated.

Instead of appending values to this array, append them to $wgExtraLanguageCodes.

since 1.29

Definition at line 2913 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Language\factory(), WebInstallerLanguage\getLanguageSelector(), and WikiStatsOutput\heading().

◆ $wgEmailAuthentication

$wgEmailAuthentication = true

Require email authentication before sending mail to an email address.

This is highly recommended. It prevents MediaWiki from being used as an open spam relay.

Definition at line 1677 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Autopromote\checkCondition(), SpecialPageFactory\getPageList(), User\isEmailConfirmationPending(), User\isEmailConfirmed(), User\setEmailWithConfirmation(), and TitlePermissionTest\testUserBlock().

◆ $wgEmergencyContact

$wgEmergencyContact = false

Site admin email address.

Defaults to "wikiadmin@$wgServerName".

Definition at line 1553 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgEnableAsyncUploads

$wgEnableAsyncUploads = false

Enable deferred upload tasks that use the job queue.

Only enable this if job runners are set up for both the 'AssembleUploadChunks' and 'PublishStashedFile' job types.

If you use suhosin, this setting is incompatible with suhosin.session.encrypt.

Definition at line 398 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgEnableAutoRotation

$wgEnableAutoRotation = null

If set to true, images that contain certain the exif orientation tag will be rotated accordingly.

If set to null, try to auto-detect whether a scaler is available that can rotate.

Definition at line 1222 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\autoRotateEnabled().

◆ $wgEnableEmail

$wgEnableEmail = true

Set to true to enable the e-mail basic features: Password reminders, etc.

If sending e-mail on your server doesn't work, you might want to disable this.

Definition at line 1583 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by User\canSendEmail(), LoginSignupSpecialPage\getFakeTemplate(), SpecialPageFactory\getPageList(), and User\setEmailWithConfirmation().

◆ $wgEnableParserCache

$wgEnableParserCache = true

Kept for extension compatibility; see $wgParserCacheType.

since 1.26

Definition at line 2546 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgEnableSidebarCache

$wgEnableSidebarCache = false

If on, the sidebar navigation links are cached for users with the current language set.

This can save a touch of load on a busy site by shaving off extra message lookups.

However it is also fragile: changing the site configuration, or having a variable $wgArticlePath, can produce broken links that don't update as expected.

Definition at line 2563 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Skin\buildSidebar(), and RebuildMessages\execute().

◆ $wgEnableUploads

$wgEnableUploads = false

Uploads have to be specially set up to be secure.

Definition at line 378 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EditPage\getEditToolbar(), Linker\makeBrokenImageLinkObj(), ImagePage\openShowImage(), and ImagePage\uploadLinksBox().

◆ $wgEnableUserEmail

$wgEnableUserEmail = true

Set to true to enable user-to-user e-mail.

This can potentially be abused, as it's hard to track.

Definition at line 1589 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SpecialBlock\canBlockEmail(), User\canSendEmail(), and LoginSignupSpecialPage\getFakeTemplate().

◆ $wgEnableWANCacheReaper

bool $wgEnableWANCacheReaper = false

Verify and enforce WAN cache purges using reliable DB sources as streams.

These secondary cache purges are de-duplicated via simple cache mutexes. This improves consistency when cache purges are lost, which becomes more likely as more cache servers are added or if there are multiple datacenters. Only keys related to important mutable content will be checked.


Definition at line 2361 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgEnotifFromEditor

$wgEnotifFromEditor = false

True: from page editor if s/he opted-in.

False: Enotif mails appear to come from $wgEmergencyContact

Definition at line 1664 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\composeCommonMailtext().

◆ $wgEnotifImpersonal

$wgEnotifImpersonal = false

Send a generic mail instead of a personalised mail for each user.

This always uses UTC as the time zone, and doesn't include the username.

For pages with many users watching, this can significantly reduce mail load. Has no effect when using sendmail rather than SMTP.

Definition at line 1721 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\compose(), EmailNotification\composeCommonMailtext(), and EmailNotification\sendMails().

◆ $wgEnotifMaxRecips

$wgEnotifMaxRecips = 500

Maximum number of users to mail at once when using impersonal mail.

Should match the limit on your mail server.

Definition at line 1727 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UserMailer\sendInternal().

◆ $wgEnotifMinorEdits

$wgEnotifMinorEdits = true

Potentially send notification mails on minor edits to pages.

This is enabled by default. If this is false, users will never be notified on minor edits.

If it is true, editors with the 'nominornewtalk' right (typically bots) will still not trigger notifications for minor edits they make (to any page, not just user talk).

Finally, if the watcher/recipient has the 'enotifminoredits' user preference set to false, they will not receive notifications for minor edits.

User talk notifications are also affected by $wgEnotifMinorEdits, the above settings, $wgEnotifUserTalk, and the preference described there.

Definition at line 1712 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\actuallyNotifyOnPageChange(), and EmailNotification\notifyOnPageChange().

◆ $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress

$wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress = false

Set the Reply-to address in notifications to the editor's address, if user allowed this in the preferences.

Definition at line 1697 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\composeCommonMailtext().

◆ $wgEnotifUseRealName

$wgEnotifUseRealName = false

Use real name instead of username in e-mail "from" field.

Definition at line 1732 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\composeCommonMailtext(), EmailNotification\sendPersonalised(), and MailAddress\toString().

◆ $wgEnotifUserTalk

$wgEnotifUserTalk = false

Allow users to enable email notification ("enotif") when someone edits their user talk page.

The owner of the user talk page must also have the 'enotifusertalkpages' user preference set to true.

Definition at line 1691 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\actuallyNotifyOnPageChange(), EmailNotification\canSendUserTalkEmail(), and EmailNotification\notifyOnPageChange().

◆ $wgEnotifWatchlist

$wgEnotifWatchlist = false

Allow users to enable email notification ("enotif") on watchlist changes.

Definition at line 1682 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\actuallyNotifyOnPageChange().

◆ $wgExiftool

$wgExiftool = '/usr/bin/exiftool'

Path to exiftool binary.

Used for lossless ICC profile swapping.


Definition at line 1079 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ExifBitmapHandler\swapICCProfile(), and ExifBitmapTest\testSwappingICCProfile().

◆ $wgExiv2Command

$wgExiv2Command = '/usr/bin/exiv2'

Some tests and extensions use exiv2 to manipulate the Exif metadata in some image formats.

Definition at line 1072 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by RandomImageGenerator\getImageWriteMethod(), and RandomImageGenerator\writeImageWithApi().

◆ $wgExtensionAssetsPath

$wgExtensionAssetsPath = false

The URL path of the extensions directory.

Defaults to "{$wgResourceBasePath}/extensions".


Definition at line 232 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ResourceLoaderFileModule\extractBasePaths().

◆ $wgExtensionDirectory

$wgExtensionDirectory = "{$IP}/extensions"

Filesystem extensions directory.

Defaults to "{$IP}/extensions".


Definition at line 239 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Installer\getExistingLocalSettings().

◆ $wgExtensionInfoMTime

int bool $wgExtensionInfoMTime = false

When loading extensions through the extension registration system, this can be used to invalidate the cache.

A good idea would be to set this to one file, you can just touch that one to invalidate the cache

$wgExtensionInfoMtime = filemtime( "$IP/LocalSettings.php" );

If set to false, the mtime for each individual JSON file will be checked, which can be slow if a large number of extensions are being loaded.

Definition at line 2612 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ExtensionRegistry\queue().

◆ $wgExternalServers

$wgExternalServers = []

An array of external MySQL servers.

Create a cluster named 'cluster1' containing three servers:
'cluster1' => <array in the same format as $wgDBservers>

Used by LBFactorySimple, may be ignored if $wgLBFactoryConf is set to another class.

Definition at line 2108 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgExternalStores

$wgExternalStores = []

External stores allow including content from non database sources following URL links.

Short names of ExternalStore classes may be specified in an array here:

$wgExternalStores = [ "http","file","custom" ]...

CAUTION: Access to database might lead to code execution

Definition at line 2092 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ExternalStore\getStoreObject().

◆ $wgExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes

$wgExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes = []

List of additional interwiki prefixes that should be treated as interlanguage links (i.e.

placed in the sidebar). Notes:

  • This will not do anything unless the prefixes are defined in the interwiki map.
  • The display text for these custom interlanguage links will be fetched from the system message "interlanguage-link-xyz" where xyz is the prefix in this array.
  • A friendly name for each site, used for tooltip text, may optionally be placed in the system message "interlanguage-link-sitename-xyz" where xyz is the prefix in this array.

Definition at line 2881 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgExtraLanguageCodes

Initial value:
= [
'bh' => 'bho',
'no' => 'nb',
'simple' => 'en',

List of mappings from one language code to another.

This array makes the codes not appear as a selectable language on the installer, and excludes them when running the transstat.php script.

In Setup.php, the variable $wgDummyLanguageCodes is created by combining these codes with a list of "deprecated" codes, which are mostly leftovers from renames or other legacy things, and the internal codes 'qqq' and 'qqx'. If a mapping in $wgExtraLanguageCodes collide with a built-in mapping, the value in $wgExtraLanguageCodes will be used.


Definition at line 2901 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgExtraLanguageNames

$wgExtraLanguageNames = []

List of language names or overrides for default names in Names.php.

Definition at line 2886 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgFavicon

$wgFavicon = '/favicon.ico'

The URL path of the shortcut icon.


Definition at line 301 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by LocalRepo\getInfo().

◆ $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions

$wgFetchCommonsDescriptions = false

Fetch commons image description pages and display them on the local wiki?

Definition at line 701 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgFileBackends

$wgFileBackends = []

File backend structure configuration.

This is an array of file backend configuration arrays. Each backend configuration has the following parameters:

  • 'name' : A unique name for the backend
  • 'class' : The file backend class to use
  • 'wikiId' : A unique string that identifies the wiki (container prefix)
  • 'lockManager' : The name of a lock manager (see $wgLockManagers)

See FileBackend::__construct() for more details. Additional parameters are specific to the file backend class used. These settings should be global to all wikis when possible.

FileBackendMultiWrite::__construct() is augmented with a 'template' option that can be used in any of the values of the 'backends' array. Its value is the name of another backend in $wgFileBackends. When set, it pre-fills the array with all of the configuration of the named backend. Explicitly set values in the array take precedence.

There are two particularly important aspects about each backend:

  • a) Whether it is fully qualified or wiki-relative. By default, the paths of files are relative to the current wiki, which works via prefixing them with the current wiki ID when accessed. Setting 'wikiId' forces the backend to be fully qualified by prefixing all paths with the specified value instead. This can be useful if multiple wikis need to share the same data. Note that 'name' is not part of any prefix and thus should not be relied upon for namespacing.
  • b) Whether it is only defined for some wikis or is defined on all wikis in the wiki farm. Defining a backend globally is useful if multiple wikis need to share the same data. One should be aware of these aspects when configuring a backend for use with any basic feature or plugin. For example, suppose an extension stores data for different wikis in different directories and sometimes needs to access data from a foreign wiki's directory in order to render a page on given wiki. The extension would need a fully qualified backend that is defined on all wikis in the wiki farm.

Definition at line 640 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by FileBackendGroup\initFromGlobals(), StoreBatchTest\setUp(), and FileBackendTest\setUp().

◆ $wgFileBlacklist

Initial value:
= [
# HTML may contain cookie-stealing JavaScript and web bugs
'html', 'htm', 'js', 'jsb', 'mhtml', 'mht', 'xhtml', 'xht',
# PHP scripts may execute arbitrary code on the server
'php', 'phtml', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'phps',
# Other types that may be interpreted by some servers
'shtml', 'jhtml', 'pl', 'py', 'cgi',
# May contain harmful executables for Windows victims
'exe', 'scr', 'dll', 'msi', 'vbs', 'bat', 'com', 'pif', 'cmd', 'vxd', 'cpl' ]

Files with these extensions will never be allowed as uploads.

An array of file extensions to blacklist. You should append to this array if you want to blacklist additional files.

Definition at line 872 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by StreamFile\contentTypeFromPath(), and UploadStash\getExtensionForPath().

◆ $wgFileCacheDepth

$wgFileCacheDepth = 2

Depth of the subdirectory hierarchy to be created under $wgFileCacheDirectory.

The subdirectories will be named based on the MD5 hash of the title. A value of 0 means all cache files will be put directly into the main file cache directory.

Definition at line 2540 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by FileCacheBase\hashSubdirectory().

◆ $wgFileCacheDirectory

$wgFileCacheDirectory = false

Directory where the cached page will be saved.

Defaults to "{$wgUploadDirectory}/cache".

Definition at line 272 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by FileCacheBase\baseCacheDirectory(), and PruneFileCache\execute().

◆ $wgFileExtensions

$wgFileExtensions = [ 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp' ]

This is the list of preferred extensions for uploading files.

Uploading files with extensions not in this list will trigger a warning.

If you add any OpenOffice or Microsoft Office file formats here, such as odt or doc, and untrusted users are allowed to upload files, then your wiki will be vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Definition at line 865 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DjVuSupport\__construct(), StreamFile\contentTypeFromPath(), and ImportImages\execute().

◆ $wgFixArabicUnicode

$wgFixArabicUnicode = true

Set this to true to replace Arabic presentation forms with their standard forms in the U+0600-U+06FF block.

This only works if $wgLanguageCode is set to "ar".

Note that pages with titles containing presentation forms will become inaccessible, run maintenance/cleanupTitles.php to fix this.

Definition at line 2923 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by LanguageAr\normalize().

◆ $wgFixMalayalamUnicode

$wgFixMalayalamUnicode = true

Set this to true to replace ZWJ-based chillu sequences in Malayalam text with their Unicode 5.1 equivalents.

This only works if $wgLanguageCode is set to "ml". Note that some clients (even new clients as of 2010) do not support these characters.

If you enable this on an existing wiki, run maintenance/cleanupTitles.php to fix any ZWJ sequences in existing page titles.

Definition at line 2934 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by LanguageMl\normalize().

◆ $wgForcedRawSMaxage

$wgForcedRawSMaxage = 300

Default maximum age for raw CSS/JS accesses.

300 seconds = 5 minutes.

Definition at line 2711 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgForeignFileRepos

$wgForeignFileRepos = []

◆ $wgForeignUploadTargets

$wgForeignUploadTargets = [ 'local' ]

Array of foreign file repo names (set in $wgForeignFileRepos above) that are allowable upload targets.

These wikis must have some method of authentication (i.e. CentralAuth), and be CORS-enabled for this wiki. The string 'local' signifies the default local file repository.

Example: $wgForeignUploadTargets = [ 'shared' ];

Definition at line 540 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgGalleryOptions

Initial value:
= [
'imagesPerRow' => 0,
'imageWidth' => 120,
'imageHeight' => 120,
'captionLength' => true,
'showBytes' => true,
'mode' => 'traditional',

Default parameters for the "<gallery>" tag.

Definition at line 1444 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse

$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse = true

Allow thumbnail rendering on page view.

If this is false, a valid thumbnail URL is still output, but no file will be created at the target location. This may save some time if you have a thumb.php or 404 handler set up which is faster than the regular webserver(s).

Definition at line 1210 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgGitInfoCacheDirectory

$wgGitInfoCacheDirectory = false

Directory where GitInfo will look for pre-computed cache files.

If false, $wgCacheDirectory/gitinfo will be used.

Definition at line 2516 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by GitInfo\getCacheFilePath().

◆ $wgGrammarForms

◆ $wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory

$wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory = true

Set the following to false especially if you have a set of files that need to be accessible by all wikis, and you do not want to use the hash (path/a/aa/) directory layout.

Definition at line 845 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgHashedUploadDirectory

$wgHashedUploadDirectory = true

Set this to false if you do not want MediaWiki to divide your images directory into many subdirectories, for improved performance.

It's almost always good to leave this enabled. In previous versions of MediaWiki, some users set this to false to allow images to be added to the wiki by simply copying them into $wgUploadDirectory and then running maintenance/rebuildImages.php to register them in the database. This is no longer recommended, use maintenance/importImages.php instead.

That this variable may be ignored if $wgLocalFileRepo is set.
Deprecate the setting and ultimately remove it from Core.

Definition at line 838 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgHideInterlanguageLinks

$wgHideInterlanguageLinks = false

Hide interlanguage links from the sidebar.

Definition at line 2866 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SkinTemplate\getLanguages().

◆ $wgHTCPMulticastTTL

$wgHTCPMulticastTTL = 1

HTCP multicast TTL.

See also

Definition at line 2809 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by CdnCacheUpdate\HTCPPurge().

◆ $wgHTCPRouting

$wgHTCPRouting = []

Routing configuration for HTCP multicast purging.

Add elements here to enable HTCP and determine which purges are sent where. If set to an empty array, HTCP is disabled.

Each key in this array is a regular expression to match against the purged URL, or an empty string to match all URLs. The purged URL is matched against the regexes in the order specified, and the first rule whose regex matches is used, all remaining rules will thus be ignored.

Example configuration to send purges for to one
multicast group and all other purges to another:
'|^https?://upload\\.wikimedia\\.org|' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 4827,
'' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 4827,

You can also pass an array of hosts to send purges too. This is useful when you have several multicast groups or unicast address that should receive a given purge. Multiple hosts support was introduced in MediaWiki 1.22.

Example of sending purges to multiple hosts:
'' => [
// Purges to text caches using multicast
[ 'host' => '', 'port' => '4827' ],
// Purges to a hardcoded list of caches
[ 'host' => '', 'port' => '4827' ],
[ 'host' => '', 'port' => '4827' ],
[ 'host' => '', 'port' => '4827' ],

$wgHTCPRouting replaces $wgHTCPMulticastRouting that was introduced in 1.20. For back compatibility purposes, whenever its array is empty $wgHTCPMutlicastRouting will be used as a fallback if it not null.

See also

Definition at line 2803 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by PurgeChangedPages\execute(), PurgeChangedFiles\execute(), CdnCacheUpdate\HTCPPurge(), and CdnCacheUpdate\purge().

◆ $wgIgnoreImageErrors

$wgIgnoreImageErrors = false

If set, inline scaled images will still produce "<img>" tags ready for output instead of showing an error message.

This may be useful if errors are transitory, especially if the site is configured to automatically render thumbnails on request.

On the other hand, it may obscure error conditions from debugging. Enable the debug log or the 'thumbnail' log group to make sure errors are logged to a file for review.

Definition at line 1201 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by File\generateAndSaveThumb(), and File\transformErrorOutput().

◆ $wgIllegalFileChars

$wgIllegalFileChars = ":\\/\\\\"

Additional characters that are not allowed in filenames.

They are replaced with '-' when uploading. Like $wgLegalTitleChars, this is a regexp character class.

Slashes and backslashes are disallowed regardless of this setting, but included here for completeness.

Definition at line 407 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgImageLimits

Initial value:
= [
[ 320, 240 ],
[ 640, 480 ],
[ 800, 600 ],
[ 1024, 768 ],
[ 1280, 1024 ]

Limit images on image description pages to a user-selectable limit.

In order to reduce disk usage, limits can only be selected from a list. The user preference is saved as an array offset in the database, by default the offset is set with $wgDefaultUserOptions['imagesize']. Make sure you change it if you alter the array (see T10858). This is the list of settings the user can choose from:

Definition at line 1343 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ImagePage\getImageLimitsFromOption(), and ImagePage\getThumbSizes().

◆ $wgImageMagickConvertCommand

$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = '/usr/bin/convert'

◆ $wgImageMagickTempDir

$wgImageMagickTempDir = false

Temporary directory used for ImageMagick.

The directory must exist. Leave this set to false to let ImageMagick decide for itself.

Definition at line 1024 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\transformImageMagick().

◆ $wgImgAuthDetails

$wgImgAuthDetails = false

Set this to true if you use img_auth and want the user to see details on why access failed.

Definition at line 418 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgImgAuthUrlPathMap

$wgImgAuthUrlPathMap = []

Map of relative URL directories to match to internal mwstore:// base storage paths.

For img_auth.php requests, everything after "img_auth.php/" is checked to see if starts with any of the prefixes defined here. The prefixes should not overlap. The prefix that matches has a corresponding storage path, which the rest of the URL is assumed to be relative to. The file at that path (or a 404) is send to the client.

Example: $wgImgAuthUrlPathMap['/timeline/'] = 'mwstore://local-fs/timeline-render/'; The above maps ".../img_auth.php/timeline/X" to "mwstore://local-fs/timeline-render/". The name "local-fs" should correspond by name to an entry in $wgFileBackends.

See also

Definition at line 434 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgInternalServer

$wgInternalServer = false

Internal server name as known to CDN, if different.

$wgInternalServer = 'http://yourinternal.tld:8000';

Definition at line 2665 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Title\getInternalURL().

◆ $wgInterwikiMagic

$wgInterwikiMagic = true

Treat language links as magic connectors, not inline links.

Definition at line 2861 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ParserOptions\initialiseFromUser().

◆ $wgInvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange

$wgInvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange = true

Invalidate various caches when LocalSettings.php changes.

This is equivalent to setting $wgCacheEpoch to the modification time of LocalSettings.php, as was previously done in the default LocalSettings.php file.

On high-traffic wikis, this should be set to false, to avoid the need to check the file modification time, and to avoid the performance impact of unnecessary cache invalidations.

Definition at line 2595 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgJpegPixelFormat

$wgJpegPixelFormat = 'yuv420'

At default setting of 'yuv420', JPEG thumbnails will use 4:2:0 chroma subsampling to reduce file size, at the cost of possible color fringing at sharp edges.


Supported values: false - use scaling system's default (same as pre-1.27 behavior) 'yuv444' - luma and chroma at same resolution 'yuv422' - chroma at 1/2 resolution horizontally, full vertically 'yuv420' - chroma at 1/2 resolution in both dimensions

This setting is currently supported only for the ImageMagick backend; others may default to 4:2:0 or 4:4:4 or maintaining the source file's sampling in the thumbnail.


Definition at line 1066 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\transformImageMagick(), and BitmapHandler\transformImageMagickExt().

◆ $wgJpegTran

$wgJpegTran = '/usr/bin/jpegtran'

used for lossless jpeg rotation


Definition at line 1045 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by JpegHandler\rotate().

◆ $wgLangObjCacheSize

$wgLangObjCacheSize = 10

Language cache size, or really how many languages can we handle simultaneously without degrading to crawl speed.

Definition at line 2845 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Language\factory().

◆ $wgLanguageCode

$wgLanguageCode = 'en'

Site language code.

See languages/data/Names.php for languages supported by MediaWiki out of the box. Not all languages listed there have translations, see languages/messages/ for the list of languages with some localisation.

Warning: Don't use any of MediaWiki's deprecated language codes listed in LanguageCode::getDeprecatedCodeMapping or $wgDummyLanguageCodes, like "no" for Norwegian (use "nb" instead). If you do, things will break unexpectedly.

This defines the default interface language for all users, but users can change it in their preferences.

This also defines the language of pages in the wiki. The content is wrapped in a html element with lang=XX attribute. This behavior can be overridden via hooks, see Title::getPageLanguage.

Definition at line 2839 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by CheckLanguageCLI\__construct(), ContentHandlerTest\dataGetPageLanguage(), ForeignAPIRepo\fetchImageQuery(), MessageCache\figureMessage(), RebuildLocalisationCache\finalSetup(), WebInstaller\getAcceptLanguage(), Language\getFallbacksIncludingSiteLanguage(), ChangesFeed\getFeedObject(), FeedItem\getLanguage(), MessageCache\getMessagePageName(), Title\getPageLanguage(), Xml\languageSelector(), MessageCache\loadFromDB(), MessageCache\replace(), RequestContext\sanitizeLangCode(), MediaWikiLangTestCase\setUp(), WebInstaller\setupLanguage(), and ResourceFileCache\useFileCache().

◆ $wgLanguageConverterCacheType

$wgLanguageConverterCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING

The cache type for storing language conversion tables, which are used when parsing certain text and interface messages.

For available types see $wgMainCacheType.


Definition at line 2257 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig().

◆ $wgLBFactoryConf

$wgLBFactoryConf = [ 'class' => 'LBFactorySimple' ]

Load balancer factory configuration To set up a multi-master wiki farm, set the class here to something that can return a LoadBalancer with an appropriate master on a call to getMainLB().

The class identified here is responsible for reading $wgDBservers, $wgDBserver, etc., so overriding it may cause those globals to be ignored.

The LBFactoryMulti class is provided for this purpose, please see includes/db/LBFactoryMulti.php for configuration information.

Definition at line 1961 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Maintenance\finalSetup().

◆ $wgLegacyEncoding

$wgLegacyEncoding = false

Set this to eg 'ISO-8859-1' to perform character set conversion when loading old revisions not marked with "utf-8" flag.

Use this when converting a wiki from MediaWiki 1.4 or earlier to UTF-8 without the burdensome mass conversion of old text data.

This DOES NOT touch any fields other than old_text. Titles, comments, user names, etc still must be converted en masse in the database before continuing as a UTF-8 wiki.

Definition at line 2958 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Revision\decompressRevisionText().

◆ $wgLoadScript

$wgLoadScript = false

The URL path to load.php.

Defaults to "{$wgScriptPath}/load.php".


Definition at line 210 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgLocalDatabases

$wgLocalDatabases = []

Other wikis on this site, can be administered from a single developer account.

Array numeric key => database name

Definition at line 2047 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by RebuildMessages\execute(), ClearInterwikiCache\execute(), CleanupSpam\execute(), JobQueueAggregator\findPendingWikiQueues(), LocalIdLookup\isAttached(), and UserRightsProxy\validDatabase().

◆ $wgLocalFileRepo

$wgLocalFileRepo = false

File repository structures.

$wgLocalFileRepo is a single repository structure, and $wgForeignFileRepos is an array of such structures. Each repository structure is an associative array of properties configuring the repository.

Properties required for all repos:

  • class The class name for the repository. May come from the core or an extension. The core repository classes are FileRepo, LocalRepo, ForeignDBRepo.
  • name A unique name for the repository (but $wgLocalFileRepo should be 'local'). The name should consist of alpha-numeric characters.
  • backend A file backend name (see $wgFileBackends).

For most core repos:

  • zones Associative array of zone names that each map to an array with: container : backend container name the zone is in directory : root path within container for the zone url : base URL to the root of the zone urlsByExt : map of file extension types to base URLs (useful for using a different cache for videos) Zones default to using "<repo name>-<zone name>" as the container name and default to using the container root as the zone's root directory. Nesting of zone locations within other zones should be avoided.
  • url Public zone URL. The 'zones' settings take precedence.
  • hashLevels The number of directory levels for hash-based division of files
  • thumbScriptUrl The URL for thumb.php (optional, not recommended)
  • transformVia404 Whether to skip media file transformation on parse and rely on a 404 handler instead.
  • initialCapital Equivalent to $wgCapitalLinks (or $wgCapitalLinkOverrides[NS_FILE], determines whether filenames implicitly start with a capital letter. The current implementation may give incorrect description page links when the local $wgCapitalLinks and initialCapital are mismatched.
  • pathDisclosureProtection May be 'paranoid' to remove all parameters from error messages, 'none' to leave the paths in unchanged, or 'simple' to replace paths with placeholders. Default for LocalRepo is 'simple'.
  • fileMode This allows wikis to set the file mode when uploading/moving files. Default is 0644.
  • directory The local filesystem directory where public files are stored. Not used for some remote repos.
  • thumbDir The base thumbnail directory. Defaults to "<directory>/thumb".
  • thumbUrl The base thumbnail URL. Defaults to "<url>/thumb".
  • isPrivate Set this if measures should always be taken to keep the files private. One should not trust this to assure that the files are not web readable; the server configuration should be done manually depending on the backend.

These settings describe a foreign MediaWiki installation. They are optional, and will be ignored for local repositories:

  • descBaseUrl URL of image description pages, e.g.
  • scriptDirUrl URL of the MediaWiki installation, equivalent to $wgScriptPath, e.g.
  • scriptExtension Script extension of the MediaWiki installation, equivalent to $wgScriptExtension, e.g. ".php5". Defaults to ".php".
  • articleUrl Equivalent to $wgArticlePath, e.g.$1
  • fetchDescription Fetch the text of the remote file description page. Equivalent to $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions.
  • abbrvThreshold File names over this size will use the short form of thumbnail names. Short thumbnail names only have the width, parameters, and the extension.


  • dbType, dbServer, dbUser, dbPassword, dbName, dbFlags equivalent to the corresponding member of $wgDBservers
  • tablePrefix Table prefix, the foreign wiki's $wgDBprefix
  • hasSharedCache True if the wiki's shared cache is accessible via the local $wgMemc


  • apibase Use for the foreign API's URL
  • apiThumbCacheExpiry How long to locally cache thumbs for

If you leave $wgLocalFileRepo set to false, Setup will fill in appropriate values. Otherwise, set $wgLocalFileRepo to a repository structure as described above. If you set $wgUseInstantCommons to true, it will add an entry for Commons. If you set $wgForeignFileRepos to an array of repository structures, those will be searched after the local file repo. Otherwise, you will only have access to local media files.

See also
Setup.php for an example usage and default initialization.

Definition at line 517 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ForeignAPIRepo\__construct(), FileBackendGroup\initFromGlobals(), and RepoGroup\singleton().

◆ $wgLocalisationCacheConf

Initial value:
= [
'class' => 'LocalisationCache',
'store' => 'detect',
'storeClass' => false,
'storeDirectory' => false,
'manualRecache' => false,

Localisation cache configuration.

Associative array with keys: class: The class to use. May be overridden by extensions.

store: The location to store cache data. May be 'files', 'array', 'db' or 'detect'. If set to "files", data will be in CDB files. If set to "db", data will be stored to the database. If set to "detect", files will be used if $wgCacheDirectory is set, otherwise the database will be used. "array" is an experimental option that uses PHP files that store static arrays.

storeClass: The class name for the underlying storage. If set to a class name, it overrides the "store" setting.

storeDirectory: If the store class puts its data in files, this is the directory it will use. If this is false, $wgCacheDirectory will be used.

manualRecache: Set this to true to disable cache updates on web requests. Use maintenance/rebuildLocalisationCache.php instead.

Definition at line 2489 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UpdateMediaWiki\afterFinalSetup(), TestSetup\applyInitialConfig(), RebuildLocalisationCache\execute(), DumpIterator\finalSetup(), Language\getLocalisationCache(), and DatabaseUpdater\purgeCache().

◆ $wgLocalStylePath

$wgLocalStylePath = false

The URL path of the skins directory.

Should not point to an external domain. Defaults to "{$wgScriptPath}/skins".


Definition at line 225 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgLockManagers

$wgLockManagers = []

Array of configuration arrays for each lock manager.

Each backend configuration has the following parameters:

  • 'name' : A unique name for the lock manager
  • 'class' : The lock manger class to use

See LockManager::__construct() for more details. Additional parameters are specific to the lock manager class used. These settings should be global to all wikis.

When using DBLockManager, the 'dbsByBucket' map can reference 'localDBMaster' as a peer database in each bucket. This will result in an extra connection to the domain that the LockManager services, which must also be a valid wiki ID.

Definition at line 656 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by LockManagerGroup\initFromGlobals().

◆ $wgLogo

$wgLogo = false

The URL path of the wiki logo.

The logo size should be 135x135 pixels. Defaults to "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/wiki.png".

Definition at line 278 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Skin\getLogo(), and SkinTemplate\prepareQuickTemplate().

◆ $wgLogoHD

$wgLogoHD = false

Array with URL paths to HD versions of the wiki logo.

The scaled logo size should be under 135x155 pixels. Only 1.5x and 2x versions are supported.

"1.5x" => "path/to/1.5x_version.png",
"2x" => "path/to/2x_version.png"

Definition at line 295 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMainCacheType

$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE

Main cache type.

This should be a cache with fast access, but it may have limited space. By default, it is disabled, since the stock database cache is not fast enough to make it worthwhile.

The options are:

  • CACHE_ANYTHING: Use anything, as long as it works
  • CACHE_NONE: Do not cache
  • CACHE_DB: Store cache objects in the DB
  • CACHE_MEMCACHED: MemCached, must specify servers in $wgMemCachedServers
  • CACHE_ACCEL: APC, APCU, XCache or WinCache
  • (other): A string may be used which identifies a cache configuration in $wgObjectCaches.
See also
$wgMessageCacheType, $wgParserCacheType

Definition at line 2224 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMainStash

$wgMainStash = 'db-replicated'

Main object stash type.

This should be a fast storage system for storing lightweight data like hit counters and user activity. Sites with multiple data-centers should have this use a store that replicates all writes. The store should have enough consistency for CAS operations to be usable. Reads outside of those needed for merge() may be eventually consistent.

The options are:

  • db: Store cache objects in the DB
  • (other): A string may be used which identifies a cache configuration in $wgObjectCaches

Definition at line 2377 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig().

◆ $wgMainWANCache

$wgMainWANCache = false

Main Wide-Area-Network cache type.

This should be a cache with fast access, but it may have limited space. By default, it is disabled, since the basic stock cache is not fast enough to make it worthwhile. For single data-center setups, this can simply be pointed to a cache in $wgWANObjectCaches that uses a local $wgObjectCaches cache with a relayer of type EventRelayerNull.

The options are:

  • false: Configure the cache using $wgMainCacheType, without using a relayer (only matters if there are multiple data-centers)
  • CACHE_NONE: Do not cache
  • (other): A string may be used which identifies a cache configuration in $wgWANObjectCaches

Definition at line 2318 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig().

◆ $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea

$wgMaxAnimatedGifArea = 1.25e7

Force thumbnailing of animated GIFs above this size to a single frame instead of an animated thumbnail.

As of MW 1.17 this limit is checked against the total size of all frames in the animation. It probably makes sense to keep this equal to $wgMaxImageArea.

Definition at line 1157 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by GIFHandler\canAnimateThumbnail(), BitmapHandler\transformImageMagick(), and BitmapHandler\transformImageMagickExt().

◆ $wgMaxArticleSize

$wgMaxArticleSize = 2048

◆ $wgMaxImageArea

$wgMaxImageArea = 1.25e7

The maximum number of pixels a source image can have if it is to be scaled down by a scaler that requires the full source image to be decompressed and stored in decompressed form, before the thumbnail is generated.

This provides a limit on memory usage for the decompression side of the image scaler. The limit is used when scaling PNGs with any of the built-in image scalers, such as ImageMagick or GD. It is ignored for JPEGs with ImageMagick, and when using the VipsScaler extension.

The default is 50 MB if decompressed to RGBA form, which corresponds to 12.5 million pixels or 3500x3500.

Definition at line 1149 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TransformationalImageHandler\doTransform(), and TransformationalImageHandler\isImageAreaOkForThumbnaling().

◆ $wgMaxInterlacingAreas

$wgMaxInterlacingAreas = []

Array of max pixel areas for interlacing per MIME type.


Definition at line 1008 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\normaliseParams().

◆ $wgMaxUploadSize

$wgMaxUploadSize = 1024 * 1024 * 100

Max size for uploads, in bytes.

If not set to an array, applies to all uploads. If set to an array, per upload type maximums can be set, using the file and url keys. If the * key is set this value will be used as maximum for non-specified types.

'*' => 250 * 1024,
'url' => 500 * 1024,
Sets the maximum for all uploads to 250 kB except for upload-by-url, which will have a maximum of 500 kB.

Definition at line 778 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMediaHandlers

$wgMediaHandlers = []

Plugins for media file type handling.

Each entry in the array maps a MIME type to a class name

Core media handlers are listed in MediaHandlerFactory, and extensions should use extension.json.

Definition at line 960 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMemCachedDebug

$wgMemCachedDebug = false

If enabled, will send MemCached debugging information to $wgDebugLogFile.

Definition at line 2428 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMemCachedPersistent

$wgMemCachedPersistent = false

Use persistent connections to MemCached, which are shared across multiple requests.

Definition at line 2439 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMemCachedServers

$wgMemCachedServers = [ '' ]

The list of MemCached servers and port numbers.

Definition at line 2433 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMemCachedTimeout

$wgMemCachedTimeout = 500000

Read/write timeout for MemCached server communication, in microseconds.

Definition at line 2444 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by McTest\execute().

◆ $wgMemoryLimit

$wgMemoryLimit = "50M"

The minimum amount of memory that MediaWiki "needs"; MediaWiki will try to raise PHP's memory limit if it's below this amount.

Definition at line 2180 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMessageCacheType

$wgMessageCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING

The cache type for storing the contents of the MediaWiki namespace.

This cache is used for a small amount of data which is expensive to regenerate.

For available types see $wgMainCacheType.

Definition at line 2232 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig(), and ObjectCache\newAnything().

◆ $wgMimeDetectorCommand

$wgMimeDetectorCommand = null

Sets an external MIME detector program.

The command must print only the MIME type to standard output. The name of the file to process will be appended to the command given here. If not set or NULL, PHP's fileinfo extension will be used if available.

#$wgMimeDetectorCommand = "file -bi"; # use external MIME detector (Linux)

Definition at line 1314 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMimeInfoFile

$wgMimeInfoFile = 'includes/'

Sets the MIME type info file to use by MimeMagic.php.

Set to null, to use built-in defaults only.

Definition at line 1301 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMimeTypeBlacklist

Initial value:
= [
# HTML may contain cookie-stealing JavaScript and web bugs
'text/html', 'text/javascript', 'text/x-javascript', 'application/x-shellscript',
# PHP scripts may execute arbitrary code on the server
'application/x-php', 'text/x-php',
# Other types that may be interpreted by some servers
'text/x-python', 'text/x-perl', 'text/x-bash', 'text/x-sh', 'text/x-csh',
# Client-side hazards on Internet Explorer
'text/scriptlet', 'application/x-msdownload',
# Windows metafile, client-side vulnerability on some systems

Files with these MIME types will never be allowed as uploads if $wgVerifyMimeType is enabled.

Definition at line 886 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by StreamFile\contentTypeFromPath().

◆ $wgMimeTypeFile

$wgMimeTypeFile = 'includes/mime.types'

Sets the MIME type definition file to use by MimeMagic.php.

Set to null, to use built-in defaults only. example: $wgMimeTypeFile = '/etc/mime.types';

Definition at line 1295 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMinUploadChunkSize

$wgMinUploadChunkSize = 1024

Minimum upload chunk size, in bytes.

When using chunked upload, non-final chunks smaller than this will be rejected. May be reduced based on the 'upload_max_filesize' or 'post_max_size' PHP settings.


Definition at line 786 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgMiserMode

◆ $wgNewPasswordExpiry

$wgNewPasswordExpiry = 3600 * 24 * 7

The time, in seconds, when an emailed temporary password expires.

Definition at line 1611 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgNoReplyAddress

$wgNoReplyAddress = false

Reply-To address for e-mail notifications.

Defaults to $wgPasswordSender.

Definition at line 1576 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\composeCommonMailtext().

◆ $wgObjectCaches

Initial value:
= [
CACHE_NONE => [ 'class' => 'EmptyBagOStuff', 'reportDupes' => false ],
CACHE_DB => [ 'class' => 'SqlBagOStuff', 'loggroup' => 'SQLBagOStuff' ],
CACHE_ANYTHING => [ 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::newAnything' ],
CACHE_ACCEL => [ 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::getLocalServerInstance' ],
CACHE_MEMCACHED => [ 'class' => 'MemcachedPhpBagOStuff', 'loggroup' => 'memcached' ],
'db-replicated' => [
'class' => 'ReplicatedBagOStuff',
'readFactory' => [
'class' => 'SqlBagOStuff',
'args' => [ [ 'slaveOnly' => true ] ]
'writeFactory' => [
'class' => 'SqlBagOStuff',
'args' => [ [ 'slaveOnly' => false ] ]
'loggroup' => 'SQLBagOStuff',
'reportDupes' => false
'apc' => [ 'class' => 'APCBagOStuff', 'reportDupes' => false ],
'apcu' => [ 'class' => 'APCUBagOStuff', 'reportDupes' => false ],
'xcache' => [ 'class' => 'XCacheBagOStuff', 'reportDupes' => false ],
'wincache' => [ 'class' => 'WinCacheBagOStuff', 'reportDupes' => false ],
'memcached-php' => [ 'class' => 'MemcachedPhpBagOStuff', 'loggroup' => 'memcached' ],
'memcached-pecl' => [ 'class' => 'MemcachedPeclBagOStuff', 'loggroup' => 'memcached' ],
'hash' => [ 'class' => 'HashBagOStuff', 'reportDupes' => false ],

Advanced object cache configuration.

Use this to define the class names and constructor parameters which are used for the various cache types. Custom cache types may be defined here and referenced from $wgMainCacheType, $wgMessageCacheType, $wgParserCacheType, or $wgLanguageConverterCacheType.

The format is an associative array where the key is a cache identifier, and the value is an associative array of parameters. The "class" parameter is the class name which will be used. Alternatively, a "factory" parameter may be given, giving a callable function which will generate a suitable cache object.

Definition at line 2272 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Installer\__construct(), McTest\execute(), ObjectCache\newFromId(), and ObjectCache\newWANCacheFromId().

◆ $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry

$wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry = 3600

The expiry time to use for session storage, in seconds.

Definition at line 2393 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgParserCacheExpireTime

$wgParserCacheExpireTime = 86400

The expiry time for the parser cache, in seconds.

The default is 86400 (one day).

Definition at line 2383 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by PurgeParserCache\execute(), CacheTime\getCacheExpiry(), and ParserOutput\hasDynamicContent().

◆ $wgParserCacheType

$wgParserCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING

The cache type for storing article HTML.

This is used to store data which is expensive to regenerate, and benefits from having plenty of storage space.

For available types see $wgMainCacheType.

Definition at line 2240 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig(), ObjectCache\newAnything(), and UploadFromUrlTestSuite\setUp().

◆ $wgPasswordExpirationDays

$wgPasswordExpirationDays = false

The number of days that a user's password is good for.

After this number of days, the user will be asked to reset their password. Set to false to disable password expiration.

Definition at line 1622 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgPasswordExpireGrace

$wgPasswordExpireGrace = 3600 * 24 * 7

If a user's password is expired, the number of seconds when they can still login, and cancel their password change, but are sent to the password change form on each login.

Definition at line 1628 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgPasswordReminderResendTime

$wgPasswordReminderResendTime = 24

Minimum time, in hours, which must elapse between password reminder emails for a given account.

This is to prevent abuse by mail flooding.

Definition at line 1606 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgPasswordSender

$wgPasswordSender = false

Sender email address for e-mail notifications.

The address we use as sender when a user requests a password reminder.

Defaults to "apache@$wgServerName".

Definition at line 1562 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\composeCommonMailtext(), and User\sendMail().

◆ $wgPasswordSenderName

$wgPasswordSenderName = 'MediaWiki Mail'

Sender name for e-mail notifications.

since 1.23; use the system message 'emailsender' instead.

Definition at line 1569 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgPHPSessionHandling

string $wgPHPSessionHandling = 'enable'

Whether to use PHP session handling ($_SESSION and session_*() functions)

If the constant MW_NO_SESSION is defined, this is forced to 'disable'.

If the constant MW_NO_SESSION_HANDLER is defined, this is ignored and PHP session handling will function independently of SessionHandler. SessionHandler and PHP's session handling may attempt to override each others' cookies.

  • 'enable': Integrate with PHP's session handling as much as possible.
  • 'warn': Integrate but log warnings if anything changes $_SESSION.
  • 'disable': Throw exceptions if PHP session handling is used.

Definition at line 2416 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgQueryCacheLimit

$wgQueryCacheLimit = 1000

Number of rows to cache in 'querycache' table when miser mode is on.

Definition at line 2154 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UpdateSpecialPages\execute().

◆ $wgReferrerPolicy

$wgReferrerPolicy = false

Value for the referrer policy meta tag.

One of 'never', 'default', 'origin', 'always'. Setting it to false just prevents the meta tag from being output. See for details.


Definition at line 318 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgRenderHashAppend

$wgRenderHashAppend = ''

Append a configured value to the parser cache and the sitenotice key so that they can be kept separate for some class of activity.

Definition at line 2552 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ChangesFeed\execute(), Skin\getCachedNotice(), and ParserOptions\optionsHash().

◆ $wgRepositoryBaseUrl

$wgRepositoryBaseUrl = ""

Base URL for a repository wiki.

Leave this blank if uploads are just stored in a shared directory and not meant to be accessible through a separate wiki. Otherwise the image description pages on the local wiki will link to the image description page on this wiki.

Please specify the namespace, as in the example below.

Definition at line 855 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgResponsiveImages

$wgResponsiveImages = true

Generate and use thumbnails suitable for screens with 1.5 and 2.0 pixel densities.

This means a 320x240 use of an image on the wiki will also generate 480x360 and 640x480 thumbnails, output via the srcset attribute.

On older browsers, a JavaScript polyfill switches the appropriate images in after loading the original low-resolution versions depending on the reported window.devicePixelRatio. The polyfill can be found in the jquery.hidpi module.

Definition at line 1483 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Linker\processResponsiveImages().

◆ $wgRevisionCacheExpiry

$wgRevisionCacheExpiry = 86400 * 7

Revision text may be cached in $wgMemc to reduce load on external storage servers and object extraction overhead for frequently-loaded revisions.

Set to 0 to disable, or number of seconds before cache expiry.

Definition at line 2132 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Revision\getCacheTTL().

◆ $wgScript

◆ $wgScriptExtension

$wgScriptExtension = '.php'

The extension to append to script names by default.

Some hosting providers used PHP 4 for *.php files, and PHP 5 for *.php5. This variable was provided to support those providers.

since 1.25; support for '.php5' has been phased out of MediaWiki proper. Backward-compatibility can be maintained by configuring your web server to rewrite URLs. See RELEASE-NOTES for details.

Definition at line 175 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgScriptPath

$wgScriptPath = '/wiki'

The path we should point to.

It might be a virtual path in case with use apache mod_rewrite for example.

This needs to be set correctly.

Other paths will be set to defaults based on it unless they are directly set in LocalSettings.php

Definition at line 141 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SpecialVersion\getEntryPointInfo(), MachineReadableRCFeedFormatter\getLine(), SkinTemplate\prepareQuickTemplate(), and ApiLoginTest\testApiLoginGotCookie().

◆ $wgSearchType

$wgSearchType = null

Search type.

Leave as null to select the default search engine for the selected database type (eg SearchMySQL), or set to a class name to override to a custom search engine.

Definition at line 1813 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig().

◆ $wgSearchTypeAlternatives

$wgSearchTypeAlternatives = null

Alternative search types Sometimes you want to support multiple search engines for testing.

This allows users to select their search engine of choice via url parameters to Special:Search and the action=search API. If using this, there's no need to add $wgSearchType to it, that is handled automatically.

Definition at line 1822 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgServer

$wgServer = WebRequest::detectServer()

URL of the server.

$wgServer = '';

This is usually detected correctly by MediaWiki. If MediaWiki detects the wrong server, it will redirect incorrectly after you save a page. In that case, set this variable to fix it.

If you want to use protocol-relative URLs on your wiki, set this to a protocol-relative URL like '//' and set $wgCanonicalServer to a fully qualified URL.

Definition at line 109 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ParserOutput\addExternalLink(), DeleteSelfExternals\execute(), Maintenance\finalSetup(), Title\getInternalURL(), Title\getLocalURL(), UserMailer\makeMsgId(), SkinTemplate\prepareQuickTemplate(), BenchmarkPurge\randomUrl(), ApiTestCase\setUp(), ApiLoginTest\testApiLoginBadPass(), ApiLoginTest\testApiLoginGoodPass(), ApiLoginTest\testApiLoginGotCookie(), and ApiLoginTest\testBotPassword().

◆ $wgServerName

$wgServerName = false

Server name.

This is automatically computed by parsing the bare hostname out of $wgCanonicalServer. It should not be customized.


Definition at line 125 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ConfirmEditHooks\efReCaptcha(), and MachineReadableRCFeedFormatter\getLine().

◆ $wgSessionCacheType

$wgSessionCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING

The cache type for storing session data.

For available types see $wgMainCacheType.

Definition at line 2247 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig().

◆ $wgSessionHandler

$wgSessionHandler = null
since 1.27, MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager doesn't use PHP session storage.

Definition at line 2398 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSessionPbkdf2Iterations

$wgSessionPbkdf2Iterations = 10001

Number of internal PBKDF2 iterations to use when deriving session secrets.


Definition at line 2423 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TestSetup\applyInitialConfig(), and MediaWiki\Session\Session\getSecretKeys().

◆ $wgSessionsInObjectCache

$wgSessionsInObjectCache = true
since 1.27, session data is always stored in object cache.

Definition at line 2388 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSharedDB

$wgSharedDB = null

Shared database for multiple wikis.

Commonly used for storing a user table for single sign-on. The server for this database must be the same as for the main database.

For backwards compatibility the shared prefix is set to the same as the local prefix, and the user table is listed in the default list of shared tables. The user_properties table is also added so that users will continue to have their preferences shared (preferences were stored in the user table prior to 1.16)

$wgSharedTables may be customized with a list of tables to share in the shared database. However it is advised to limit what tables you do share as many of MediaWiki's tables may have side effects if you try to share them.

$wgSharedPrefix is the table prefix for the shared database. It defaults to $wgDBprefix.

$wgSharedSchema is the table schema for the shared database. It defaults to $wgDBmwschema.

since 1.21 In new code, use the $wiki parameter to wfGetLB() to access remote databases. Using wfGetLB() allows the shared database to reside on separate servers to the wiki's own database, with suitable configuration of $wgLBFactoryConf.

Definition at line 1877 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by CloneDatabase\cloneTableStructure(), DatabaseUpdater\doTable(), AlterSharedConstraints\execute(), DatabaseTest\getSharedTableName(), LocalIdLookup\isAttached(), and UserRightsProxy\newFromLookup().

◆ $wgSharedPrefix

$wgSharedPrefix = false

◆ $wgSharedSchema

$wgSharedSchema = false
See also

Definition at line 1893 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by DatabaseTest\getSharedTableName().

◆ $wgSharedTables

◆ $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath

$wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath = false
See also

Definition at line 823 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSharedUploadDBname

$wgSharedUploadDBname = false

DB name with metadata about shared directory.

Set this to false if the uploads do not come from a wiki.

Definition at line 712 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSharedUploadDBprefix

$wgSharedUploadDBprefix = ''

Optional table prefix used in database.

Definition at line 717 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSharedUploadDirectory

$wgSharedUploadDirectory = null

Path on the file system where shared uploads can be found.

Definition at line 706 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSharedUploadPath

$wgSharedUploadPath = null

Full path on the web server where shared uploads can be found.

Definition at line 696 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSharpenParameter

$wgSharpenParameter = '0x0.4'

Sharpening parameter to ImageMagick.

Definition at line 1013 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\transformImageMagick(), and BitmapHandler\transformImageMagickExt().

◆ $wgSharpenReductionThreshold

$wgSharpenReductionThreshold = 0.85

Reduction in linear dimensions below which sharpening will be enabled.

Definition at line 1018 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\transformImageMagick(), and BitmapHandler\transformImageMagickExt().

◆ $wgShowArchiveThumbnails

$wgShowArchiveThumbnails = true

Show thumbnails for old images on the image description page.

Definition at line 1215 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ImageHistoryList\__construct().

◆ $wgShowEXIF

$wgShowEXIF = function_exists( 'exif_read_data' )

Show Exif data, on by default if available.

Requires PHP's Exif extension:

FOR WINDOWS USERS: To enable Exif functions, add the following line to the "Windows extensions" section of php.ini:

Definition at line 669 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapMetadataHandler\getExif(), TiffHandler\getMetadata(), ExifBitmapHandler\isMetadataValid(), and ImagePage\view().

◆ $wgSidebarCacheExpiry

$wgSidebarCacheExpiry = 86400

Expiry time for the sidebar cache, in seconds.

Definition at line 2568 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Skin\buildSidebar().

◆ $wgSitename

◆ $wgSlaveLagCritical

$wgSlaveLagCritical = 30
See also

Definition at line 2059 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSlaveLagWarning

$wgSlaveLagWarning = 10

If lag is higher than $wgSlaveLagWarning, show a warning in some special pages (like watchlist).

If the lag is higher than $wgSlaveLagCritical, show a more obvious warning.

Definition at line 2054 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgSMTP

$wgSMTP = false

SMTP Mode.

For using a direct (authenticated) SMTP server connection. Default to false or fill an array :

'host' => 'SMTP domain',
'IDHost' => 'domain for MessageID',
'port' => '25',
'auth' => [true|false],
'username' => [SMTP username],
'password' => [SMTP password],

Definition at line 1647 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UserMailer\makeMsgId(), and UserMailer\sendInternal().

◆ $wgSQLiteDataDir

$wgSQLiteDataDir = ''

To override default SQLite data directory ($docroot/../data)

Definition at line 1850 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by LBFactoryTest\newLBFactoryMulti(), LBFactoryTest\testLBFactoryMulti(), LBFactoryTest\testLBFactorySimpleServer(), and LBFactoryTest\testLBFactorySimpleServers().

◆ $wgSQLMode

$wgSQLMode = ''

SQL Mode - default is turning off all modes, including strict, if set.

null can be used to skip the setting for performance reasons and assume DBA has done his best job. String override can be used for some additional fun :-)


Definition at line 1840 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MediaWikiTestCase\tearDown().

◆ $wgSquidMaxage

$wgSquidMaxage = 18000

Cache TTL for the CDN sent as s-maxage (without ESI) or Surrogate-Control (with ESI).

Without ESI, you should strip out s-maxage in the CDN config.

18000 seconds = 5 hours, more cache hits with 2678400 = 31 days.

Definition at line 2674 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Skin\getDynamicStylesheetQuery().

◆ $wgSquidPurgeUseHostHeader

$wgSquidPurgeUseHostHeader = true

Whether to use a Host header in purge requests sent to the proxy servers configured in $wgSquidServers.

Set this to false to support Squid configured in forward-proxy mode.

If this is set to true, a Host header will be sent, and only the path component of the URL will appear on the request line, as if the request were a non-proxy HTTP 1.1 request. Varnish only supports this style of request. Squid supports this style of request only if reverse-proxy mode (http_port ... accel) is enabled.

If this is set to false, no Host header will be sent, and the absolute URL will be sent in the request line, as is the standard for an HTTP proxy request in both HTTP 1.0 and 1.1. This style of request is not supported by Varnish, but is supported by Squid in either configuration (forward or reverse).


Definition at line 2750 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SquidPurgeClient\queuePurge().

◆ $wgSquidServers

$wgSquidServers = []

List of proxy servers to purge on changes; default port is 80.

Use IP addresses.

When MediaWiki is running behind a proxy, it will trust X-Forwarded-For headers sent/modified from these proxies when obtaining the remote IP address

For a list of trusted servers which aren't purged, see $wgSquidServersNoPurge.

Definition at line 2721 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BenchmarkPurge\execute(), and CdnCacheUpdate\purge().

◆ $wgSquidServersNoPurge

$wgSquidServersNoPurge = []

As above, except these servers aren't purged on page changes; use to set a list of trusted proxies, etc.

Supports both individual IP addresses and CIDR blocks.

1.23 Supports CIDR ranges

Definition at line 2729 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgStrictFileExtensions

$wgStrictFileExtensions = true

If this is turned off, users may override the warning for files not covered by $wgFileExtensions.

Setting this to false is insecure for public wikis.

Definition at line 919 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by StreamFile\contentTypeFromPath().

◆ $wgStyleDirectory

$wgStyleDirectory = "{$IP}/skins"

Filesystem stylesheets directory.

Defaults to "{$IP}/skins".


Definition at line 246 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by WebInstallerOutput\getCSS(), Installer\getExistingLocalSettings(), and UploadFromUrlTestSuite\setUp().

◆ $wgStylePath

$wgStylePath = false

The URL path of the skins directory.

Defaults to "{$wgResourceBasePath}/skins".


Definition at line 217 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ResourceLoaderFileModule\extractBasePaths(), Skin\getSkinStylePath(), and SkinTemplate\prepareQuickTemplate().

◆ $wgStyleSheetPath

$wgStyleSheetPath = &$wgStylePath

The URL path to index.php.

Defaults to "{$wgScriptPath}/index.php".

Definition at line 218 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgStyleVersion

$wgStyleVersion = '303'

Bump this number when changing the global style sheets and JavaScript.

It should be appended in the query string of static CSS and JS includes, to ensure that client-side caches do not keep obsolete copies of global styles.

Definition at line 2525 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Skin\getSkinStylePath().

◆ $wgSVGConverter

$wgSVGConverter = 'ImageMagick'

Pick a converter defined in $wgSVGConverters.

Definition at line 1105 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SvgHandler\isEnabled(), SvgHandler\rasterize(), and ResourceLoaderImage\rasterize().

◆ $wgSVGConverterPath

$wgSVGConverterPath = ''

If not in the executable PATH, specify the SVG converter path.

Definition at line 1110 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SvgHandler\rasterize(), and ResourceLoaderImage\rasterize().

◆ $wgSVGConverters

Initial value:
= [
'ImageMagick' =>
'$path/convert -background "#ffffff00" -thumbnail $widthx$height\! $input PNG:$output',
'sodipodi' => '$path/sodipodi -z -w $width -f $input -e $output',
'inkscape' => '$path/inkscape -z -w $width -f $input -e $output',
'batik' => 'java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar $path/batik-rasterizer.jar -w $width -d '
. '$output $input',
'rsvg' => '$path/rsvg-convert -w $width -h $height -o $output $input',
'imgserv' => '$path/imgserv-wrapper -i svg -o png -w$width $input $output',
'ImagickExt' => [ 'SvgHandler::rasterizeImagickExt' ],

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) may be uploaded as images.

Since SVG support is not yet standard in browsers, it is necessary to rasterize SVGs to PNG as a fallback format.

An external program is required to perform this conversion. If set to an array, the first item is a PHP callable and any further items are passed as parameters after $srcPath, $dstPath, $width, $height

Definition at line 1090 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SvgHandler\isEnabled(), and SvgHandler\rasterize().

◆ $wgSVGMaxSize

$wgSVGMaxSize = 5120

Don't scale a SVG larger than this.

Definition at line 1115 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Linker\makeImageLink(), SvgHandler\normaliseParams(), and ImagePage\openShowImage().

◆ $wgSVGMetadataCutoff

$wgSVGMetadataCutoff = 262144

Don't read SVG metadata beyond this point.

Default is 1024*256 bytes

Definition at line 1121 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SVGReader\__construct().

◆ $wgThumbLimits

Initial value:
= [

Adjust thumbnails on image pages according to a user setting.

In order to reduce disk usage, the values can only be selected from a list. This is the list of settings the user can choose from:

Definition at line 1356 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Linker\makeImageLink().

◆ $wgThumbnailBuckets

$wgThumbnailBuckets = null

When defined, is an array of image widths used as buckets for thumbnail generation.

The goal is to save resources by generating thumbnails based on reference buckets instead of always using the original. This will incur a speed gain but cause a quality loss.

The buckets generation is chained, with each bucket generated based on the above bucket when possible. File handlers have to opt into using that feature. For now only BitmapHandler supports it.

Definition at line 1374 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by File\getThumbnailBucket().

◆ $wgThumbnailEpoch

$wgThumbnailEpoch = '20030516000000'

If rendered thumbnail files are older than this timestamp, they will be rerendered on demand as if the file didn't already exist.

Update if there is some need to force thumbs and SVG rasterizations to rerender, such as fixes to rendering bugs.

Definition at line 1180 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by File\transform().

◆ $wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance

$wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance = 50

When using thumbnail buckets as defined above, this sets the minimum distance to the bucket above the requested size.

The distance represents how many extra pixels of width the bucket needs in order to be used as the reference for a given thumbnail. For example, with the following buckets:

$wgThumbnailBuckets = [ 128, 256, 512 ];

and a distance of 50:

$wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance = 50;

If we want to render a thumbnail of width 220px, the 512px bucket will be used, because 220 + 50 = 270 and the closest bucket bigger than 270px is 512.

Definition at line 1391 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by File\getThumbnailBucket().

◆ $wgThumbnailScriptPath

$wgThumbnailScriptPath = false

Give a path here to use thumb.php for thumbnail generation on client request, instead of generating them on render and outputting a static URL.

This is necessary if some of your apache servers don't have read/write access to the thumbnail path.

$wgThumbnailScriptPath = "{$wgScriptPath}/thumb.php";

Definition at line 818 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgThumbUpright

$wgThumbUpright = 0.75

Adjust width of upright images when parameter 'upright' is used This allows a nicer look for upright images without the need to fix the width by hardcoded px in wiki sourcecode.

Definition at line 1466 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Linker\makeImageLink().

◆ $wgTiffThumbnailType

$wgTiffThumbnailType = false

Browsers don't support TIFF inline generally...

For inline display, we need to convert to PNG or JPEG. Note scaling should work with ImageMagick, but may not with GD scaling.

// PNG is lossless, but inefficient for photos
$wgTiffThumbnailType = [ 'png', 'image/png' ];
// JPEG is good for photos, but has no transparency support. Bad for diagrams.
$wgTiffThumbnailType = [ 'jpg', 'image/jpeg' ];

Definition at line 1172 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by TiffHandler\canRender(), and TiffHandler\getThumbType().

◆ $wgTmpDirectory

$wgTmpDirectory = false

The local filesystem path to a temporary directory.

This is not required to be web accessible.

When this setting is set to false, its value will be set through a call to wfTempDir(). See that methods implementation for the actual detection logic.

Developers should use the global function wfTempDir() instead of this variable.

See also
Default changed to false in MediaWiki 1.20.

Definition at line 334 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgTransactionalTimeLimit

$wgTransactionalTimeLimit = 120

The minimum amount of time that MediaWiki needs for "slow" write request, particularly ones with multiple non-atomic writes that should be as transactional as possible; MediaWiki will call set_time_limit() if needed.


Definition at line 2188 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgTrivialMimeDetection

$wgTrivialMimeDetection = false

Switch for trivial MIME detection.

Used by thumb.php to disable all fancy things, because only a few types of images are needed and file extensions can be trusted.

Definition at line 1321 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by StreamFile\contentTypeFromPath().

◆ $wgTrustedMediaFormats

Initial value:
= [
# "application/x-shockwave-flash",

list of trusted media-types and MIME types.

Use the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants to represent media types. This list is used by File::isSafeFile

Types not listed here will have a warning about unsafe content displayed on the images description page. It would also be possible to use this for further restrictions, like disabling direct [[media:...]] links for non-trusted formats.

Definition at line 944 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by File\getIsSafeFileUncached().

◆ $wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata

$wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata = false

If to automatically update the img_metadata field if the metadata field is outdated but compatible with the current version.

Defaults to false.

Definition at line 676 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ImageBuilder\__construct(), LocalFile\maybeUpgradeRow(), and RefreshImageMetadata\setupParameters().

◆ $wgUploadBaseUrl

$wgUploadBaseUrl = ''

If set, this URL is added to the start of $wgUploadPath to form a complete upload URL.


Definition at line 341 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUploadDialog


Configuration for file uploads using the embeddable upload dialog (

This applies also to foreign uploads to this wiki (the configuration is loaded by remote wikis using the action=query&meta=siteinfo API).

See below for documentation of each property. None of the properties may be omitted.

Definition at line 551 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUploadDirectory

$wgUploadDirectory = false

The filesystem path of the images directory.

Defaults to "{$IP}/images".

Definition at line 266 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ConfirmEditHooks\onFancyCaptchaSetup(), and RepoGroupTest\setUpForeignRepo().

◆ $wgUploadMissingFileUrl

$wgUploadMissingFileUrl = false

Point the upload link for missing files to an external URL, as with $wgUploadNavigationUrl.

The URL will get "(?|&)wpDestFile=<filename>" appended to it as appropriate.

Definition at line 805 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by Linker\getUploadUrl(), and Linker\makeBrokenImageLinkObj().

◆ $wgUploadNavigationUrl

$wgUploadNavigationUrl = false

Point the upload navigation link to an external URL Useful if you want to use a shared repository by default without disabling local uploads (use $wgEnableUploads = false for that).

$wgUploadNavigationUrl = '';

Definition at line 798 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by SkinTemplate\buildNavUrls(), Linker\getUploadUrl(), and Linker\makeBrokenImageLinkObj().

◆ $wgUploadPath

$wgUploadPath = false

The URL path for the images directory.

Defaults to "{$wgScriptPath}/images".

Definition at line 261 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUploadSizeWarning

$wgUploadSizeWarning = false

Warn if uploaded files are larger than this (in bytes), or false to disable.

Definition at line 932 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUploadStashMaxAge

$wgUploadStashMaxAge = 6 * 3600

The maximum age of temporary (incomplete) uploaded files.

Definition at line 383 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by UploadStashCleanup\execute().

◆ $wgUploadStashScalerBaseUrl

$wgUploadStashScalerBaseUrl = false

To enable remote on-demand scaling, set this to the thumbnail base URL.

Full thumbnail URL will be like $wgUploadStashScalerBaseUrl/e/e6/Foo.jpg/123px-Foo.jpg where 'e6' are the first two characters of the MD5 hash of the file name. If $wgUploadStashScalerBaseUrl is set to false, thumbs are rendered locally as needed.


Definition at line 350 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomDomain

$wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomDomain = false

When using the "http" wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod, lets one specify a custom domain to send the HTTP request to.


Definition at line 1431 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ThumbnailRenderJob\hitThumbUrl().

◆ $wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomHost

$wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomHost = false

When using the "http" wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod, lets one specify a custom Host HTTP header.


Definition at line 1423 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ThumbnailRenderJob\hitThumbUrl().

◆ $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap

$wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap = []

When defined, is an array of thumbnail widths to be rendered at upload time.

The idea is to prerender common thumbnail sizes, in order to avoid the necessity to render them on demand, which has a performance impact for the first client to view a certain size.

This obviously means that more disk space is needed per upload upfront.


Definition at line 1403 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by LocalFile\prerenderThumbnails().

◆ $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod

$wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod = 'jobqueue'

The method through which the thumbnails will be prerendered for the entries in $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap.

The method can be either "http" or "jobqueue". The former uses an http request to hit the thumbnail's URL. This method only works if thumbnails are configured to be rendered by a 404 handler. The latter option uses the job queue to render the thumbnail.


Definition at line 1416 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ThumbnailRenderJob\run().

◆ $wgUseESI

$wgUseESI = false

If you run Squid3 with ESI support, enable this (default:false):

Definition at line 2638 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUseFileCache

$wgUseFileCache = false

This will cache static pages for non-logged-in users to reduce database traffic on public sites.

ResourceLoader requests to default language and skins are cached as well as single module requests.

Definition at line 2532 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by PoolWorkArticleView\doWork(), PruneFileCache\execute(), RebuildFileCache\finalSetup(), HTMLCacheUpdateJob\invalidateTitles(), ResourceFileCache\useFileCache(), and Article\view().

◆ $wgUseGzip

$wgUseGzip = false

When using the file cache, we can store the cached HTML gzipped to save disk space.

Pages will then also be served compressed to clients that support it.

Requires zlib support enabled in PHP.

Definition at line 2576 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by FileCacheBase\__construct().

◆ $wgUseImageMagick

$wgUseImageMagick = false

Resizing can be done using PHP's internal image libraries or using ImageMagick or another third-party converter, e.g.

GraphicMagick. These support more file formats than PHP, which only supports PNG, GIF, JPG, XBM and WBMP.

Use Image Magick instead of PHP builtin functions.

Definition at line 997 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by RandomImageGenerator\getImageWriteMethod(), BitmapHandler\getScalerType(), and JpegPixelFormatTest\testPixelFormatRendering().

◆ $wgUseImageResize

$wgUseImageResize = true

Whether to enable server-side image thumbnailing.

If false, images will always be sent to the client in full resolution, with appropriate width= and height= attributes on the tag for the client to do its own scaling.

Definition at line 987 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BitmapHandler\getScalerType(), and JpegPixelFormatTest\testPixelFormatRendering().

◆ $wgUseInstantCommons

$wgUseInstantCommons = false

Use Commons as a remote file repository.

Essentially a wrapper, when this is enabled $wgForeignFileRepos will point at Commons with a set of default settings

Definition at line 529 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUseKeyHeader

$wgUseKeyHeader = false

Send the Key HTTP header for better caching.

See for details.


Definition at line 2645 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by wfGzipHandler().

◆ $wgUseLocalMessageCache

$wgUseLocalMessageCache = false

Set this to true to maintain a copy of the message cache on the local server.

This layer of message cache is in addition to the one configured by $wgMessageCacheType.

The local copy is put in APC. If APC is not installed, this setting does nothing.

Note that this is about the message cache, which stores interface messages maintained as wiki pages. This is separate from the localisation cache for interface messages provided by the software, which is configured by $wgLocalisationCacheConf.

Definition at line 2457 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by MessageCache\singleton().

◆ $wgUsePathInfo

Initial value:
= ( strpos( PHP_SAPI, 'cgi' ) === false ) &&
( strpos( PHP_SAPI, 'apache2filter' ) === false ) &&
( strpos( PHP_SAPI, 'isapi' ) === false )

Whether to support URLs like index.php/Page_title These often break when PHP is set up in CGI mode.

PATH_INFO may be correct if cgi.fix_pathinfo is set, but then again it may not; lighttpd converts incoming path data to lowercase on systems with case-insensitive filesystems, and there have been reports of problems on Apache as well.

To be safe we'll continue to keep it off by default.

Override this to false if $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] contains unexpectedly incorrect garbage, or to true if it is really correct.

The default $wgArticlePath will be set based on this value at runtime, but if you have customized it, having this incorrectly set to true can cause redirect loops when "pretty URLs" are used.


Definition at line 160 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by WebRequest\getPathInfo().

◆ $wgUsePrivateIPs

$wgUsePrivateIPs = false

Should forwarded Private IPs be accepted?

Definition at line 2814 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUserEmailConfirmationTokenExpiry

$wgUserEmailConfirmationTokenExpiry = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

The time, in seconds, when an email confirmation email expires.

Definition at line 1616 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by User\confirmationToken().

◆ $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo

$wgUserEmailUseReplyTo = true

If true put the sending user's email in a Reply-To header instead of From (false).

($wgPasswordSender will be used as From.)

Some mailers (eg SMTP) set the SMTP envelope sender to the From value, which can cause problems with SPF validation and leak recipient addresses when bounces are sent to the sender. In addition, DMARC restrictions can cause emails to fail to be received when false.

Definition at line 1600 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUsersNotifiedOnAllChanges

$wgUsersNotifiedOnAllChanges = []

Array of usernames who will be sent a notification email for every change which occurs on a wiki.

Users will not be notified of their own changes.

Definition at line 1738 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by EmailNotification\actuallyNotifyOnPageChange(), and EmailNotification\notifyOnPageChange().

◆ $wgUseSharedUploads

$wgUseSharedUploads = false

If you operate multiple wikis, you can define a shared upload path here.

Uploads to this wiki will NOT be put there - they will be put into $wgUploadDirectory. If $wgUseSharedUploads is set, the wiki will look in the shared repository if no file of the given name is found in the local repository (for [[File:..]], [[Media:..]] links). Thumbnails will also be looked for and generated in this directory.

Note that these configuration settings can now be defined on a per- repository basis for an arbitrary number of file repositories, using the $wgForeignFileRepos variable.

Definition at line 691 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgUseSquid

$wgUseSquid = false

Enable/disable CDN.


Definition at line 2633 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by BenchmarkPurge\execute().

◆ $wgUseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails

$wgUseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails = false

When this variable is true and JPGs use the sRGB ICC profile, swaps it for the more lightweight (and free) TinyRGB profile when generating thumbnails.


Definition at line 1439 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ExifBitmapHandler\transformImageMagick().

◆ $wgVaryOnXFP

$wgVaryOnXFP = false

Add X-Forwarded-Proto to the Vary and Key headers for API requests and RSS/Atom feeds.

Use this if you have an SSL termination setup and need to split the cache between HTTP and HTTPS for API requests, feed requests and HTTP redirect responses in order to prevent cache pollution. This does not affect 'normal' requests to index.php other than HTTP redirects.

Definition at line 2655 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by wfStreamThumb().

◆ $wgVerifyMimeType

$wgVerifyMimeType = true

Determines if the MIME type of uploaded files should be checked.

Definition at line 1288 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by StreamFile\contentTypeFromPath().

◆ $wgVersion

◆ $wgWANObjectCaches

Initial value:
= [
'class' => 'WANObjectCache',
'cacheId' => CACHE_NONE,
'channels' => []

Advanced WAN object cache configuration.

Each WAN cache wraps a registered object cache (for the local cluster) and it must also be configured to point to a PubSub instance. Subscribers must be configured to relay purges to the actual cache servers.

The format is an associative array where the key is a cache identifier, and the value is an associative array of parameters. The "cacheId" parameter is a cache identifier from $wgObjectCaches. The "channels" parameter is a map of actions ('purge') to PubSub channels defined in $wgEventRelayerConfig. The "loggroup" parameter controls where log events are sent.


Definition at line 2335 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Referenced by ObjectCache\newWANCacheFromId().

◆ $wgWantedPagesThreshold

$wgWantedPagesThreshold = 1

Number of links to a page required before it is deemed "wanted".

Definition at line 2159 of file DefaultSettings.php.

◆ $wgXMLMimeTypes

Initial value:
= [
'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
'html' => 'text/html',

Additional XML types we can allow via MIME-detection.

array = [ 'rootElement' => 'associatedMimeType' ]

Definition at line 1327 of file DefaultSettings.php.

Definition: Defines.php:109
Definition: Defines.php:237
We ve cleaned up the code here by removing clumps of infrequently used code and moving them off somewhere else It s much easier for someone working with this code to see what s _really_ going and make changes or fix bugs In we can take all the code that deals with the little used title reversing we can concentrate it all in an extension file
Definition: hooks.txt:93
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition: hooks.txt:189
Definition: defines.php:32
External stores allow including content from non database sources following URL links.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:2092
Definition: Defines.php:112
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at etc Handles the details of getting and saving to the user table of the and dealing with sessions and cookies OutputPage Encapsulates the entire HTML page that will be sent in response to any server request It is used by calling its functions to add text
Definition: design.txt:12
Definition: Defines.php:100
Definition: Defines.php:235
Definition: Defines.php:102
Max size for uploads, in bytes.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:778
An array of external MySQL servers.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:2108
Definition: Defines.php:103
Definition: Defines.php:233
Apache License January http
Definition: APACHE-LICENSE-2.0.txt:3
array $wgDefaultExternalStore
The place to put new revisions, false to put them in the local text table.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:2124
Definition: Defines.php:111
Database load balancer This is a two-dimensional array, an array of server info structures Fields are...
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:1949
null for the wiki Added in
Definition: hooks.txt:1572
Path of the djvutoxml executable This works like djvudump except much, much slower as of version 3....
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:1525
Routing configuration for HTCP multicast purging.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:2803
Definition: Defines.php:110
Definition: defines.php:28
Array with URL paths to HD versions of the wiki logo.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:295
URL of the server.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:109
Definition: Defines.php:99
Browsers don't support TIFF inline generally...
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:1172
SMTP Mode.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:1647
Use another resizing converter, e.g.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:1038
if the prop value should be in the metadata multi language array format
Definition: hooks.txt:1630
Point the upload navigation link to an external URL Useful if you want to use a shared repository by ...
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:798
Definition: defines.php:35
Give a path here to use thumb.php for thumbnail generation on client request, instead of generating t...
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:818
Some languages need different word forms, usually for different cases.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:2856
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return true
Definition: hooks.txt:1956
Definition: Defines.php:234
Timezone to use in the error log.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:1994
Definition: Defines.php:236
const CACHE_DB
Definition: Defines.php:101
Internal server name as known to CDN, if different.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:2665
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.