MediaWiki  1.30.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
29 class UserrightsPage extends SpecialPage {
36  protected $mTarget;
37  /*
38  * @var null|User $mFetchedUser The user object of the target username or null.
39  */
40  protected $mFetchedUser = null;
41  protected $isself = false;
43  public function __construct() {
44  parent::__construct( 'Userrights' );
45  }
47  public function doesWrites() {
48  return true;
49  }
60  public function userCanChangeRights( $targetUser, $checkIfSelf = true ) {
61  $isself = $this->getUser()->equals( $targetUser );
63  $available = $this->changeableGroups();
64  if ( $targetUser->getId() == 0 ) {
65  return false;
66  }
68  return !empty( $available['add'] )
69  || !empty( $available['remove'] )
70  || ( ( $isself || !$checkIfSelf ) &&
71  ( !empty( $available['add-self'] )
72  || !empty( $available['remove-self'] ) ) );
73  }
82  public function execute( $par ) {
83  $user = $this->getUser();
84  $request = $this->getRequest();
85  $session = $request->getSession();
86  $out = $this->getOutput();
88  $out->addModules( [ 'mediawiki.special.userrights' ] );
90  if ( $par !== null ) {
91  $this->mTarget = $par;
92  } else {
93  $this->mTarget = $request->getVal( 'user' );
94  }
96  if ( is_string( $this->mTarget ) ) {
97  $this->mTarget = trim( $this->mTarget );
98  }
100  if ( $this->mTarget !== null && User::getCanonicalName( $this->mTarget ) === $user->getName() ) {
101  $this->isself = true;
102  }
104  $fetchedStatus = $this->fetchUser( $this->mTarget, true );
105  if ( $fetchedStatus->isOK() ) {
106  $this->mFetchedUser = $fetchedStatus->value;
107  if ( $this->mFetchedUser instanceof User ) {
108  // Set the 'relevant user' in the skin, so it displays links like Contributions,
109  // User logs, UserRights, etc.
110  $this->getSkin()->setRelevantUser( $this->mFetchedUser );
111  }
112  }
114  // show a successbox, if the user rights was saved successfully
115  if (
116  $session->get( 'specialUserrightsSaveSuccess' ) &&
117  $this->mFetchedUser !== null
118  ) {
119  // Remove session data for the success message
120  $session->remove( 'specialUserrightsSaveSuccess' );
122  $out->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.notification.convertmessagebox.styles' );
123  $out->addHTML(
125  'div',
126  [
127  'class' => 'mw-notify-success successbox',
128  'id' => 'mw-preferences-success',
129  'data-mw-autohide' => 'false',
130  ],
132  'p',
133  [],
134  $this->msg( 'savedrights', $this->mFetchedUser->getName() )->text()
135  )
136  )
137  );
138  }
140  $this->setHeaders();
141  $this->outputHeader();
143  $out->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.special' );
144  $this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Assigning permissions' );
146  $this->switchForm();
148  if (
149  $request->wasPosted() &&
150  $request->getCheck( 'saveusergroups' ) &&
151  $this->mTarget !== null &&
152  $user->matchEditToken( $request->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ), $this->mTarget )
153  ) {
154  /*
155  * If the user is blocked and they only have "partial" access
156  * (e.g. they don't have the userrights permission), then don't
157  * allow them to change any user rights.
158  */
159  if ( $user->isBlocked() && !$user->isAllowed( 'userrights' ) ) {
160  throw new UserBlockedError( $user->getBlock() );
161  }
163  $this->checkReadOnly();
165  // save settings
166  if ( !$fetchedStatus->isOK() ) {
167  $this->getOutput()->addWikiText( $fetchedStatus->getWikiText() );
169  return;
170  }
172  $targetUser = $this->mFetchedUser;
173  if ( $targetUser instanceof User ) { // UserRightsProxy doesn't have this method (T63252)
174  $targetUser->clearInstanceCache(); // T40989
175  }
177  if ( $request->getVal( 'conflictcheck-originalgroups' )
178  !== implode( ',', $targetUser->getGroups() )
179  ) {
180  $out->addWikiMsg( 'userrights-conflict' );
181  } else {
182  $status = $this->saveUserGroups(
183  $this->mTarget,
184  $request->getVal( 'user-reason' ),
185  $targetUser
186  );
188  if ( $status->isOK() ) {
189  // Set session data for the success message
190  $session->set( 'specialUserrightsSaveSuccess', 1 );
192  $out->redirect( $this->getSuccessURL() );
193  return;
194  } else {
195  // Print an error message and redisplay the form
196  $out->addWikiText( '<div class="error">' . $status->getWikiText() . '</div>' );
197  }
198  }
199  }
201  // show some more forms
202  if ( $this->mTarget !== null ) {
203  $this->editUserGroupsForm( $this->mTarget );
204  }
205  }
207  function getSuccessURL() {
208  return $this->getPageTitle( $this->mTarget )->getFullURL();
209  }
217  public function canProcessExpiries() {
218  return true;
219  }
230  public static function expiryToTimestamp( $expiry ) {
231  if ( wfIsInfinity( $expiry ) ) {
232  return null;
233  }
235  $unix = strtotime( $expiry );
237  if ( !$unix || $unix === -1 ) {
238  return false;
239  }
241  // @todo FIXME: Non-qualified absolute times are not in users specified timezone
242  // and there isn't notice about it in the ui (see ProtectionForm::getExpiry)
243  return wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $unix );
244  }
255  protected function saveUserGroups( $username, $reason, $user ) {
256  $allgroups = $this->getAllGroups();
257  $addgroup = [];
258  $groupExpiries = []; // associative array of (group name => expiry)
259  $removegroup = [];
260  $existingUGMs = $user->getGroupMemberships();
262  // This could possibly create a highly unlikely race condition if permissions are changed between
263  // when the form is loaded and when the form is saved. Ignoring it for the moment.
264  foreach ( $allgroups as $group ) {
265  // We'll tell it to remove all unchecked groups, and add all checked groups.
266  // Later on, this gets filtered for what can actually be removed
267  if ( $this->getRequest()->getCheck( "wpGroup-$group" ) ) {
268  $addgroup[] = $group;
270  if ( $this->canProcessExpiries() ) {
271  // read the expiry information from the request
272  $expiryDropdown = $this->getRequest()->getVal( "wpExpiry-$group" );
273  if ( $expiryDropdown === 'existing' ) {
274  continue;
275  }
277  if ( $expiryDropdown === 'other' ) {
278  $expiryValue = $this->getRequest()->getVal( "wpExpiry-$group-other" );
279  } else {
280  $expiryValue = $expiryDropdown;
281  }
283  // validate the expiry
284  $groupExpiries[$group] = self::expiryToTimestamp( $expiryValue );
286  if ( $groupExpiries[$group] === false ) {
287  return Status::newFatal( 'userrights-invalid-expiry', $group );
288  }
290  // not allowed to have things expiring in the past
291  if ( $groupExpiries[$group] && $groupExpiries[$group] < wfTimestampNow() ) {
292  return Status::newFatal( 'userrights-expiry-in-past', $group );
293  }
295  // if the user can only add this group (not remove it), the expiry time
296  // cannot be brought forward (T156784)
297  if ( !$this->canRemove( $group ) &&
298  isset( $existingUGMs[$group] ) &&
299  ( $existingUGMs[$group]->getExpiry() ?: 'infinity' ) >
300  ( $groupExpiries[$group] ?: 'infinity' )
301  ) {
302  return Status::newFatal( 'userrights-cannot-shorten-expiry', $group );
303  }
304  }
305  } else {
306  $removegroup[] = $group;
307  }
308  }
310  $this->doSaveUserGroups( $user, $addgroup, $removegroup, $reason, [], $groupExpiries );
312  return Status::newGood();
313  }
328  function doSaveUserGroups( $user, $add, $remove, $reason = '', $tags = [],
329  $groupExpiries = []
330  ) {
331  // Validate input set...
332  $isself = $user->getName() == $this->getUser()->getName();
333  $groups = $user->getGroups();
334  $ugms = $user->getGroupMemberships();
335  $changeable = $this->changeableGroups();
336  $addable = array_merge( $changeable['add'], $isself ? $changeable['add-self'] : [] );
337  $removable = array_merge( $changeable['remove'], $isself ? $changeable['remove-self'] : [] );
339  $remove = array_unique(
340  array_intersect( (array)$remove, $removable, $groups ) );
341  $add = array_intersect( (array)$add, $addable );
343  // add only groups that are not already present or that need their expiry updated,
344  // UNLESS the user can only add this group (not remove it) and the expiry time
345  // is being brought forward (T156784)
346  $add = array_filter( $add,
347  function ( $group ) use ( $groups, $groupExpiries, $removable, $ugms ) {
348  if ( isset( $groupExpiries[$group] ) &&
349  !in_array( $group, $removable ) &&
350  isset( $ugms[$group] ) &&
351  ( $ugms[$group]->getExpiry() ?: 'infinity' ) >
352  ( $groupExpiries[$group] ?: 'infinity' )
353  ) {
354  return false;
355  }
356  return !in_array( $group, $groups ) || array_key_exists( $group, $groupExpiries );
357  } );
359  Hooks::run( 'ChangeUserGroups', [ $this->getUser(), $user, &$add, &$remove ] );
361  $oldGroups = $groups;
362  $oldUGMs = $user->getGroupMemberships();
363  $newGroups = $oldGroups;
365  // Remove groups, then add new ones/update expiries of existing ones
366  if ( $remove ) {
367  foreach ( $remove as $index => $group ) {
368  if ( !$user->removeGroup( $group ) ) {
369  unset( $remove[$index] );
370  }
371  }
372  $newGroups = array_diff( $newGroups, $remove );
373  }
374  if ( $add ) {
375  foreach ( $add as $index => $group ) {
376  $expiry = isset( $groupExpiries[$group] ) ? $groupExpiries[$group] : null;
377  if ( !$user->addGroup( $group, $expiry ) ) {
378  unset( $add[$index] );
379  }
380  }
381  $newGroups = array_merge( $newGroups, $add );
382  }
383  $newGroups = array_unique( $newGroups );
384  $newUGMs = $user->getGroupMemberships();
386  // Ensure that caches are cleared
387  $user->invalidateCache();
389  // update groups in external authentication database
390  Hooks::run( 'UserGroupsChanged', [ $user, $add, $remove, $this->getUser(),
391  $reason, $oldUGMs, $newUGMs ] );
393  'updateExternalDBGroups', [ $user, $add, $remove ]
394  );
396  wfDebug( 'oldGroups: ' . print_r( $oldGroups, true ) . "\n" );
397  wfDebug( 'newGroups: ' . print_r( $newGroups, true ) . "\n" );
398  wfDebug( 'oldUGMs: ' . print_r( $oldUGMs, true ) . "\n" );
399  wfDebug( 'newUGMs: ' . print_r( $newUGMs, true ) . "\n" );
400  // Deprecated in favor of UserGroupsChanged hook
401  Hooks::run( 'UserRights', [ &$user, $add, $remove ], '1.26' );
403  // Only add a log entry if something actually changed
404  if ( $newGroups != $oldGroups || $newUGMs != $oldUGMs ) {
405  $this->addLogEntry( $user, $oldGroups, $newGroups, $reason, $tags, $oldUGMs, $newUGMs );
406  }
408  return [ $add, $remove ];
409  }
418  protected static function serialiseUgmForLog( $ugm ) {
419  if ( !$ugm instanceof UserGroupMembership ) {
420  return null;
421  }
422  return [ 'expiry' => $ugm->getExpiry() ];
423  }
435  protected function addLogEntry( $user, $oldGroups, $newGroups, $reason, $tags,
436  $oldUGMs, $newUGMs
437  ) {
438  // make sure $oldUGMs and $newUGMs are in the same order, and serialise
439  // each UGM object to a simplified array
440  $oldUGMs = array_map( function ( $group ) use ( $oldUGMs ) {
441  return isset( $oldUGMs[$group] ) ?
442  self::serialiseUgmForLog( $oldUGMs[$group] ) :
443  null;
444  }, $oldGroups );
445  $newUGMs = array_map( function ( $group ) use ( $newUGMs ) {
446  return isset( $newUGMs[$group] ) ?
447  self::serialiseUgmForLog( $newUGMs[$group] ) :
448  null;
449  }, $newGroups );
451  $logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( 'rights', 'rights' );
452  $logEntry->setPerformer( $this->getUser() );
453  $logEntry->setTarget( $user->getUserPage() );
454  $logEntry->setComment( $reason );
455  $logEntry->setParameters( [
456  '4::oldgroups' => $oldGroups,
457  '5::newgroups' => $newGroups,
458  'oldmetadata' => $oldUGMs,
459  'newmetadata' => $newUGMs,
460  ] );
461  $logid = $logEntry->insert();
462  if ( count( $tags ) ) {
463  $logEntry->setTags( $tags );
464  }
465  $logEntry->publish( $logid );
466  }
473  $status = $this->fetchUser( $username, true );
474  if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
475  $this->getOutput()->addWikiText( $status->getWikiText() );
477  return;
478  } else {
479  $user = $status->value;
480  }
482  $groups = $user->getGroups();
483  $groupMemberships = $user->getGroupMemberships();
484  $this->showEditUserGroupsForm( $user, $groups, $groupMemberships );
486  // This isn't really ideal logging behavior, but let's not hide the
487  // interwiki logs if we're using them as is.
488  $this->showLogFragment( $user, $this->getOutput() );
489  }
500  public function fetchUser( $username, $writing = true ) {
501  $parts = explode( $this->getConfig()->get( 'UserrightsInterwikiDelimiter' ), $username );
502  if ( count( $parts ) < 2 ) {
503  $name = trim( $username );
504  $database = '';
505  } else {
506  list( $name, $database ) = array_map( 'trim', $parts );
508  if ( $database == wfWikiID() ) {
509  $database = '';
510  } else {
511  if ( $writing && !$this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'userrights-interwiki' ) ) {
512  return Status::newFatal( 'userrights-no-interwiki' );
513  }
514  if ( !UserRightsProxy::validDatabase( $database ) ) {
515  return Status::newFatal( 'userrights-nodatabase', $database );
516  }
517  }
518  }
520  if ( $name === '' ) {
521  return Status::newFatal( 'nouserspecified' );
522  }
524  if ( $name[0] == '#' ) {
525  // Numeric ID can be specified...
526  // We'll do a lookup for the name internally.
527  $id = intval( substr( $name, 1 ) );
529  if ( $database == '' ) {
530  $name = User::whoIs( $id );
531  } else {
532  $name = UserRightsProxy::whoIs( $database, $id );
533  }
535  if ( !$name ) {
536  return Status::newFatal( 'noname' );
537  }
538  } else {
540  if ( $name === false ) {
541  // invalid name
542  return Status::newFatal( 'nosuchusershort', $username );
543  }
544  }
546  if ( $database == '' ) {
548  } else {
549  $user = UserRightsProxy::newFromName( $database, $name );
550  }
552  if ( !$user || $user->isAnon() ) {
553  return Status::newFatal( 'nosuchusershort', $username );
554  }
556  return Status::newGood( $user );
557  }
566  public function makeGroupNameList( $ids ) {
567  if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
568  return $this->msg( 'rightsnone' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
569  } else {
570  return implode( ', ', $ids );
571  }
572  }
577  function switchForm() {
578  $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'mediawiki.userSuggest' );
580  $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
582  'form',
583  [
584  'method' => 'get',
585  'action' => wfScript(),
586  'name' => 'uluser',
587  'id' => 'mw-userrights-form1'
588  ]
589  ) .
590  Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getPageTitle()->getPrefixedText() ) .
591  Xml::fieldset( $this->msg( 'userrights-lookup-user' )->text() ) .
593  $this->msg( 'userrights-user-editname' )->text(),
594  'user',
595  'username',
596  30,
597  str_replace( '_', ' ', $this->mTarget ),
598  [
599  'class' => 'mw-autocomplete-user', // used by mediawiki.userSuggest
600  ] + (
601  // Set autofocus on blank input and error input
602  $this->mFetchedUser === null ? [ 'autofocus' => '' ] : []
603  )
604  ) . ' ' .
606  $this->msg( 'editusergroup' )->text()
607  ) .
608  Html::closeElement( 'fieldset' ) .
609  Html::closeElement( 'form' ) . "\n"
610  );
611  }
622  protected function showEditUserGroupsForm( $user, $groups, $groupMemberships ) {
623  $list = $membersList = $tempList = $tempMembersList = [];
624  foreach ( $groupMemberships as $ugm ) {
625  $linkG = UserGroupMembership::getLink( $ugm, $this->getContext(), 'html' );
626  $linkM = UserGroupMembership::getLink( $ugm, $this->getContext(), 'html',
627  $user->getName() );
628  if ( $ugm->getExpiry() ) {
629  $tempList[] = $linkG;
630  $tempMembersList[] = $linkM;
631  } else {
632  $list[] = $linkG;
633  $membersList[] = $linkM;
635  }
636  }
638  $autoList = [];
639  $autoMembersList = [];
640  if ( $user instanceof User ) {
641  foreach ( Autopromote::getAutopromoteGroups( $user ) as $group ) {
642  $autoList[] = UserGroupMembership::getLink( $group, $this->getContext(), 'html' );
643  $autoMembersList[] = UserGroupMembership::getLink( $group, $this->getContext(),
644  'html', $user->getName() );
645  }
646  }
648  $language = $this->getLanguage();
649  $displayedList = $this->msg( 'userrights-groupsmember-type' )
650  ->rawParams(
651  $language->commaList( array_merge( $tempList, $list ) ),
652  $language->commaList( array_merge( $tempMembersList, $membersList ) )
653  )->escaped();
654  $displayedAutolist = $this->msg( 'userrights-groupsmember-type' )
655  ->rawParams(
656  $language->commaList( $autoList ),
657  $language->commaList( $autoMembersList )
658  )->escaped();
660  $grouplist = '';
661  $count = count( $list );
662  if ( $count > 0 ) {
663  $grouplist = $this->msg( 'userrights-groupsmember' )
664  ->numParams( $count )
665  ->params( $user->getName() )
666  ->parse();
667  $grouplist = '<p>' . $grouplist . ' ' . $displayedList . "</p>\n";
668  }
670  $count = count( $autoList );
671  if ( $count > 0 ) {
672  $autogrouplistintro = $this->msg( 'userrights-groupsmember-auto' )
673  ->numParams( $count )
674  ->params( $user->getName() )
675  ->parse();
676  $grouplist .= '<p>' . $autogrouplistintro . ' ' . $displayedAutolist . "</p>\n";
677  }
679  $userToolLinks = Linker::userToolLinks(
680  $user->getId(),
681  $user->getName(),
682  false, /* default for redContribsWhenNoEdits */
683  Linker::TOOL_LINKS_EMAIL /* Add "send e-mail" link */
684  );
686  list( $groupCheckboxes, $canChangeAny ) =
687  $this->groupCheckboxes( $groupMemberships, $user );
688  $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
690  'form',
691  [
692  'method' => 'post',
693  'action' => $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalURL(),
694  'name' => 'editGroup',
695  'id' => 'mw-userrights-form2'
696  ]
697  ) .
698  Html::hidden( 'user', $this->mTarget ) .
699  Html::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $this->getUser()->getEditToken( $this->mTarget ) ) .
700  Html::hidden(
701  'conflictcheck-originalgroups',
702  implode( ',', $user->getGroups() )
703  ) . // Conflict detection
704  Xml::openElement( 'fieldset' ) .
705  Xml::element(
706  'legend',
707  [],
708  $this->msg(
709  $canChangeAny ? 'userrights-editusergroup' : 'userrights-viewusergroup',
710  $user->getName()
711  )->text()
712  ) .
713  $this->msg(
714  $canChangeAny ? 'editinguser' : 'viewinguserrights'
715  )->params( wfEscapeWikiText( $user->getName() ) )
716  ->rawParams( $userToolLinks )->parse()
717  );
718  if ( $canChangeAny ) {
719  $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
720  $this->msg( 'userrights-groups-help', $user->getName() )->parse() .
721  $grouplist .
722  $groupCheckboxes .
723  Xml::openElement( 'table', [ 'id' => 'mw-userrights-table-outer' ] ) .
724  "<tr>
725  <td class='mw-label'>" .
726  Xml::label( $this->msg( 'userrights-reason' )->text(), 'wpReason' ) .
727  "</td>
728  <td class='mw-input'>" .
729  Xml::input( 'user-reason', 60, $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'user-reason', false ),
730  [ 'id' => 'wpReason', 'maxlength' => 255 ] ) .
731  "</td>
732  </tr>
733  <tr>
734  <td></td>
735  <td class='mw-submit'>" .
736  Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'saveusergroups', $user->getName() )->text(),
737  [ 'name' => 'saveusergroups' ] +
738  Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'userrights-set' )
739  ) .
740  "</td>
741  </tr>" .
742  Xml::closeElement( 'table' ) . "\n"
743  );
744  } else {
745  $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $grouplist );
746  }
747  $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
748  Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' ) .
749  Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) . "\n"
750  );
751  }
757  protected static function getAllGroups() {
758  return User::getAllGroups();
759  }
770  private function groupCheckboxes( $usergroups, $user ) {
771  $allgroups = $this->getAllGroups();
772  $ret = '';
774  // Get the list of preset expiry times from the system message
775  $expiryOptionsMsg = $this->msg( 'userrights-expiry-options' )->inContentLanguage();
776  $expiryOptions = $expiryOptionsMsg->isDisabled() ?
777  [] :
778  explode( ',', $expiryOptionsMsg->text() );
780  // Put all column info into an associative array so that extensions can
781  // more easily manage it.
782  $columns = [ 'unchangeable' => [], 'changeable' => [] ];
784  foreach ( $allgroups as $group ) {
785  $set = isset( $usergroups[$group] );
786  // Users who can add the group, but not remove it, can only lengthen
787  // expiries, not shorten them. So they should only see the expiry
788  // dropdown if the group currently has a finite expiry
789  $canOnlyLengthenExpiry = ( $set && $this->canAdd( $group ) &&
790  !$this->canRemove( $group ) && $usergroups[$group]->getExpiry() );
791  // Should the checkbox be disabled?
792  $disabledCheckbox = !(
793  ( $set && $this->canRemove( $group ) ) ||
794  ( !$set && $this->canAdd( $group ) ) );
795  // Should the expiry elements be disabled?
796  $disabledExpiry = $disabledCheckbox && !$canOnlyLengthenExpiry;
797  // Do we need to point out that this action is irreversible?
798  $irreversible = !$disabledCheckbox && (
799  ( $set && !$this->canAdd( $group ) ) ||
800  ( !$set && !$this->canRemove( $group ) ) );
802  $checkbox = [
803  'set' => $set,
804  'disabled' => $disabledCheckbox,
805  'disabled-expiry' => $disabledExpiry,
806  'irreversible' => $irreversible
807  ];
809  if ( $disabledCheckbox && $disabledExpiry ) {
810  $columns['unchangeable'][$group] = $checkbox;
811  } else {
812  $columns['changeable'][$group] = $checkbox;
813  }
814  }
816  // Build the HTML table
817  $ret .= Xml::openElement( 'table', [ 'class' => 'mw-userrights-groups' ] ) .
818  "<tr>\n";
819  foreach ( $columns as $name => $column ) {
820  if ( $column === [] ) {
821  continue;
822  }
823  // Messages: userrights-changeable-col, userrights-unchangeable-col
824  $ret .= Xml::element(
825  'th',
826  null,
827  $this->msg( 'userrights-' . $name . '-col', count( $column ) )->text()
828  );
829  }
831  $ret .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
832  foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
833  if ( $column === [] ) {
834  continue;
835  }
836  $ret .= "\t<td style='vertical-align:top;'>\n";
837  foreach ( $column as $group => $checkbox ) {
838  $attr = $checkbox['disabled'] ? [ 'disabled' => 'disabled' ] : [];
840  $member = UserGroupMembership::getGroupMemberName( $group, $user->getName() );
841  if ( $checkbox['irreversible'] ) {
842  $text = $this->msg( 'userrights-irreversible-marker', $member )->text();
843  } elseif ( $checkbox['disabled'] && !$checkbox['disabled-expiry'] ) {
844  $text = $this->msg( 'userrights-no-shorten-expiry-marker', $member )->text();
845  } else {
846  $text = $member;
847  }
848  $checkboxHtml = Xml::checkLabel( $text, "wpGroup-" . $group,
849  "wpGroup-" . $group, $checkbox['set'], $attr );
850  $ret .= "\t\t" . ( ( $checkbox['disabled'] && $checkbox['disabled-expiry'] )
851  ? Xml::tags( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-userrights-disabled' ], $checkboxHtml )
852  : Xml::tags( 'div', [], $checkboxHtml )
853  ) . "\n";
855  if ( $this->canProcessExpiries() ) {
856  $uiUser = $this->getUser();
857  $uiLanguage = $this->getLanguage();
859  $currentExpiry = isset( $usergroups[$group] ) ?
860  $usergroups[$group]->getExpiry() :
861  null;
863  // If the user can't modify the expiry, print the current expiry below
864  // it in plain text. Otherwise provide UI to set/change the expiry
865  if ( $checkbox['set'] &&
866  ( $checkbox['irreversible'] || $checkbox['disabled-expiry'] )
867  ) {
868  if ( $currentExpiry ) {
869  $expiryFormatted = $uiLanguage->userTimeAndDate( $currentExpiry, $uiUser );
870  $expiryFormattedD = $uiLanguage->userDate( $currentExpiry, $uiUser );
871  $expiryFormattedT = $uiLanguage->userTime( $currentExpiry, $uiUser );
872  $expiryHtml = $this->msg( 'userrights-expiry-current' )->params(
873  $expiryFormatted, $expiryFormattedD, $expiryFormattedT )->text();
874  } else {
875  $expiryHtml = $this->msg( 'userrights-expiry-none' )->text();
876  }
877  $expiryHtml .= "<br />\n";
878  } else {
879  $expiryHtml = Xml::element( 'span', null,
880  $this->msg( 'userrights-expiry' )->text() );
881  $expiryHtml .= Xml::openElement( 'span' );
883  // add a form element to set the expiry date
884  $expiryFormOptions = new XmlSelect(
885  "wpExpiry-$group",
886  "mw-input-wpExpiry-$group", // forward compatibility with HTMLForm
887  $currentExpiry ? 'existing' : 'infinite'
888  );
889  if ( $checkbox['disabled-expiry'] ) {
890  $expiryFormOptions->setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
891  }
893  if ( $currentExpiry ) {
894  $timestamp = $uiLanguage->userTimeAndDate( $currentExpiry, $uiUser );
895  $d = $uiLanguage->userDate( $currentExpiry, $uiUser );
896  $t = $uiLanguage->userTime( $currentExpiry, $uiUser );
897  $existingExpiryMessage = $this->msg( 'userrights-expiry-existing',
898  $timestamp, $d, $t );
899  $expiryFormOptions->addOption( $existingExpiryMessage->text(), 'existing' );
900  }
902  $expiryFormOptions->addOption(
903  $this->msg( 'userrights-expiry-none' )->text(),
904  'infinite'
905  );
906  $expiryFormOptions->addOption(
907  $this->msg( 'userrights-expiry-othertime' )->text(),
908  'other'
909  );
910  foreach ( $expiryOptions as $option ) {
911  if ( strpos( $option, ":" ) === false ) {
912  $displayText = $value = $option;
913  } else {
914  list( $displayText, $value ) = explode( ":", $option );
915  }
916  $expiryFormOptions->addOption( $displayText, htmlspecialchars( $value ) );
917  }
919  // Add expiry dropdown
920  $expiryHtml .= $expiryFormOptions->getHTML() . '<br />';
922  // Add custom expiry field
923  $attribs = [ 'id' => "mw-input-wpExpiry-$group-other" ];
924  if ( $checkbox['disabled-expiry'] ) {
925  $attribs['disabled'] = 'disabled';
926  }
927  $expiryHtml .= Xml::input( "wpExpiry-$group-other", 30, '', $attribs );
929  // If the user group is set but the checkbox is disabled, mimic a
930  // checked checkbox in the form submission
931  if ( $checkbox['set'] && $checkbox['disabled'] ) {
932  $expiryHtml .= Html::hidden( "wpGroup-$group", 1 );
933  }
935  $expiryHtml .= Xml::closeElement( 'span' );
936  }
938  $divAttribs = [
939  'id' => "mw-userrights-nested-wpGroup-$group",
940  'class' => 'mw-userrights-nested',
941  ];
942  $ret .= "\t\t\t" . Xml::tags( 'div', $divAttribs, $expiryHtml ) . "\n";
943  }
944  }
945  $ret .= "\t</td>\n";
946  }
947  $ret .= Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'table' );
949  return [ $ret, (bool)$columns['changeable'] ];
950  }
956  private function canRemove( $group ) {
957  $groups = $this->changeableGroups();
959  return in_array(
960  $group,
961  $groups['remove'] ) || ( $this->isself && in_array( $group, $groups['remove-self'] )
962  );
963  }
969  private function canAdd( $group ) {
970  $groups = $this->changeableGroups();
972  return in_array(
973  $group,
974  $groups['add'] ) || ( $this->isself && in_array( $group, $groups['add-self'] )
975  );
976  }
988  function changeableGroups() {
989  return $this->getUser()->changeableGroups();
990  }
998  protected function showLogFragment( $user, $output ) {
999  $rightsLogPage = new LogPage( 'rights' );
1000  $output->addHTML( Xml::element( 'h2', null, $rightsLogPage->getName()->text() ) );
1001  LogEventsList::showLogExtract( $output, 'rights', $user->getUserPage() );
1002  }
1012  public function prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset ) {
1013  $user = User::newFromName( $search );
1014  if ( !$user ) {
1015  // No prefix suggestion for invalid user
1016  return [];
1017  }
1018  // Autocomplete subpage as user list - public to allow caching
1019  return UserNamePrefixSearch::search( 'public', $search, $limit, $offset );
1020  }
1022  protected function getGroupName() {
1023  return 'users';
1024  }
1025 }
getPageTitle( $subpage=false)
Get a self-referential title object.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:628
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a account $user
Definition: hooks.txt:244
canRemove( $group)
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:956
msg( $key)
Wrapper around wfMessage that sets the current context.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:746
Show an error when the user tries to do something whilst blocked.
Definition: UserBlockedError.php:27
static tags( $element, $attribs=null, $contents)
Same as Xml::element(), but does not escape contents.
Definition: Xml.php:131
Get the OutputPage being used for this instance.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:675
editUserGroupsForm( $username)
Edit user groups membership.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:472
static label( $label, $id, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML form label.
Definition: Xml.php:358
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at etc Handles the details of getting and saving to the user table of the and dealing with sessions and cookies OutputPage Encapsulates the entire HTML page that will be sent in response to any server request It is used by calling its functions to add text
Definition: design.txt:12
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:2040
Status::newGood()` to allow deletion, and then `return false` from the hook function. Ensure you consume the 'ChangeTagAfterDelete' hook to carry out custom deletion actions. $tag:name of the tag $user:user initiating the action & $status:Status object. See above. 'ChangeTagsListActive':Allows you to nominate which of the tags your extension uses are in active use. & $tags:list of all active tags. Append to this array. 'ChangeTagsAfterUpdateTags':Called after tags have been updated with the ChangeTags::updateTags function. Params:$addedTags:tags effectively added in the update $removedTags:tags effectively removed in the update $prevTags:tags that were present prior to the update $rc_id:recentchanges table id $rev_id:revision table id $log_id:logging table id $params:tag params $rc:RecentChange being tagged when the tagging accompanies the action or null $user:User who performed the tagging when the tagging is subsequent to the action or null 'ChangeTagsAllowedAdd':Called when checking if a user can add tags to a change. & $allowedTags:List of all the tags the user is allowed to add. Any tags the user wants to add( $addTags) that are not in this array will cause it to fail. You may add or remove tags to this array as required. $addTags:List of tags user intends to add. $user:User who is adding the tags. 'ChangeUserGroups':Called before user groups are changed. $performer:The User who will perform the change $user:The User whose groups will be changed & $add:The groups that will be added & $remove:The groups that will be removed 'Collation::factory':Called if $wgCategoryCollation is an unknown collation. $collationName:Name of the collation in question & $collationObject:Null. Replace with a subclass of the Collation class that implements the collation given in $collationName. 'ConfirmEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been confirmed successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being confirmed 'ContentAlterParserOutput':Modify parser output for a given content object. Called by Content::getParserOutput after parsing has finished. Can be used for changes that depend on the result of the parsing but have to be done before LinksUpdate is called(such as adding tracking categories based on the rendered HTML). $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $parserOutput:ParserOutput to manipulate 'ContentGetParserOutput':Customize parser output for a given content object, called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput. May be used to override the normal model-specific rendering of page content. $content:The Content to render $title:Title of the page, as context $revId:The revision ID, as context $options:ParserOptions for rendering. To avoid confusing the parser cache, the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook function, not on global state. $generateHtml:boolean, indicating whether full HTML should be generated. If false, generation of HTML may be skipped, but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object. & $output:ParserOutput, to manipulate or replace 'ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor':Called when the default content model is determined for a given title. May be used to assign a different model for that title. $title:the Title in question & $model:the model name. Use with CONTENT_MODEL_XXX constants. 'ContentHandlerForModelID':Called when a ContentHandler is requested for a given content model name, but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers. Note:if your extension implements additional models via this hook, please use GetContentModels hook to make them known to core. $modeName:the requested content model name & $handler:set this to a ContentHandler object, if desired. 'ContentModelCanBeUsedOn':Called to determine whether that content model can be used on a given page. This is especially useful to prevent some content models to be used in some special location. $contentModel:ID of the content model in question $title:the Title in question. & $ok:Output parameter, whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title. Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok. 'ContribsPager::getQueryInfo':Before the contributions query is about to run & $pager:Pager object for contributions & $queryInfo:The query for the contribs Pager 'ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for My Contributions & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The ContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'ContributionsLineEnding':Called before a contributions HTML line is finished $page:SpecialPage object for contributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'ContributionsToolLinks':Change tool links above Special:Contributions $id:User identifier $title:User page title & $tools:Array of tool links $specialPage:SpecialPage instance for context and services. Can be either SpecialContributions or DeletedContributionsPage. Extensions should type hint against a generic SpecialPage though. 'ConvertContent':Called by AbstractContent::convert when a conversion to another content model is requested. Handler functions that modify $result should generally return false to disable further attempts at conversion. $content:The Content object to be converted. $toModel:The ID of the content model to convert to. $lossy:boolean indicating whether lossy conversion is allowed. & $result:Output parameter, in case the handler function wants to provide a converted Content object. Note that $result->getContentModel() must return $toModel. 'CustomEditor':When invoking the page editor Return true to allow the normal editor to be used, or false if implementing a custom editor, e.g. for a special namespace, etc. $article:Article being edited $user:User performing the edit 'DatabaseOraclePostInit':Called after initialising an Oracle database $db:the DatabaseOracle object 'DeletedContribsPager::reallyDoQuery':Called before really executing the query for Special:DeletedContributions Similar to ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery & $data:an array of results of all contribs queries $pager:The DeletedContribsPager object hooked into $offset:Index offset, inclusive $limit:Exact query limit $descending:Query direction, false for ascending, true for descending 'DeletedContributionsLineEnding':Called before a DeletedContributions HTML line is finished. Similar to ContributionsLineEnding $page:SpecialPage object for DeletedContributions & $ret:the HTML line $row:the DB row for this line & $classes:the classes to add to the surrounding< li > & $attribs:associative array of other HTML attributes for the< li > element. Currently only data attributes reserved to MediaWiki are allowed(see Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute). 'DifferenceEngineAfterLoadNewText':called in DifferenceEngine::loadNewText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before returning true from this function. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineLoadTextAfterNewContentIsLoaded':called in DifferenceEngine::loadText() after the new revision 's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before checking if the variable 's value is null. This hook can be used to inject content into said class member variable. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledLink':Allows extensions to change the "mark as patrolled" link which is shown both on the diff header as well as on the bottom of a page, usually wrapped in a span element which has class="patrollink". $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $markAsPatrolledLink:The "mark as patrolled" link HTML(string) $rcid:Recent change ID(rc_id) for this change(int) 'DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledRCID':Allows extensions to possibly change the rcid parameter. For example the rcid might be set to zero due to the user being the same as the performer of the change but an extension might still want to show it under certain conditions. & $rcid:rc_id(int) of the change or 0 $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object $change:RecentChange object $user:User object representing the current user 'DifferenceEngineNewHeader':Allows extensions to change the $newHeader variable, which contains information about the new revision, such as the revision 's author, whether the revision was marked as a minor edit or not, etc. $differenceEngine:DifferenceEngine object & $newHeader:The string containing the various #mw-diff-otitle[1-5] divs, which include things like revision author info, revision comment, RevisionDelete link and more $formattedRevisionTools:Array containing revision tools, some of which may have been injected with the DiffRevisionTools hook $nextlink:String containing the link to the next revision(if any) $status
Definition: hooks.txt:1245
static search( $audience, $search, $limit, $offset=0)
Do a prefix search of user names and return a list of matching user names.
Definition: UserNamePrefixSearch.php:39
as see the revision history and available at free of to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal in the Software without including without limitation the rights to use
Definition: MIT-LICENSE.txt:10
static getAutopromoteGroups(User $user)
Get the groups for the given user based on $wgAutopromote.
Definition: Autopromote.php:35
static newFatal( $message)
Factory function for fatal errors.
Definition: StatusValue.php:68
static newFromName( $name, $validate='valid')
Static factory method for creation from username.
Definition: User.php:550
Output a form to allow searching for a user.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:577
Shortcut to get the skin being used for this instance.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:695
execute( $par)
Manage forms to be shown according to posted data.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:82
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:302
Shortcut to get user's language.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:705
userCanChangeRights( $targetUser, $checkIfSelf=true)
Check whether the current user (from context) can change the target user's rights.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:60
static openElement( $element, $attribs=null)
This opens an XML element.
Definition: Xml.php:109
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead can be used to get the real title after the basic globals have been set but before ordinary actions take place $output
Definition: hooks.txt:2198
showLogFragment( $user, $output)
Show a rights log fragment for the specified user.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:998
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:40
Class for generating HTML <select> or <datalist> elements.
Definition: XmlSelect.php:26
Under which header this special page is listed in Special:SpecialPages See messages 'specialpages-gro...
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:1022
static fieldset( $legend=false, $content=false, $attribs=[])
Shortcut for creating fieldsets.
Definition: Xml.php:609
static closeElement( $element)
Returns "</$element>".
Definition: Html.php:309
static expiryToTimestamp( $expiry)
Converts a user group membership expiry string into a timestamp.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:230
prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset)
Return an array of subpages beginning with $search that this special page will accept.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:1012
static getAllGroups()
Returns an array of all groups that may be edited.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:757
Special page to allow managing user group membership.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:29
addHelpLink( $to, $overrideBaseUrl=false)
Adds help link with an icon via page indicators.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:785
showEditUserGroupsForm( $user, $groups, $groupMemberships)
Show the form to edit group memberships.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:622
Shortcut to get main config object.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:714
static serialiseUgmForLog( $ugm)
Serialise a UserGroupMembership object for storage in the log_params section of the logging table.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:418
wfScript( $script='index')
Get the path to a specified script file, respecting file extensions; this is a wrapper around $wgScri...
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:2934
static getLink( $ugm, IContextSource $context, $format, $userName=null)
Gets a link for a user group, possibly including the expiry date if relevant.
Definition: UserGroupMembership.php:346
fetchUser( $username, $writing=true)
Normalize the input username, which may be local or remote, and return a user (or proxy) object for m...
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:500
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses after processing & $attribs
Definition: hooks.txt:1965
Class to simplify the use of log pages.
Definition: LogPage.php:31
static element( $element, $attribs=null, $contents='', $allowShortTag=true)
Format an XML element with given attributes and, optionally, text content.
Definition: Xml.php:39
Returns true if this user rights form can set and change user group expiries.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:217
Sets headers - this should be called from the execute() method of all derived classes!
Definition: SpecialPage.php:484
Shortcut to get the User executing this instance.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:685
static showLogExtract(&$out, $types=[], $page='', $user='', $param=[])
Show log extract.
Definition: LogEventsList.php:594
Convenience function; returns MediaWiki timestamp for the present time.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:2069
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:207
canAdd( $group)
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:969
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:1047
static callLegacyAuthPlugin( $method, array $params, $return=null)
Call a legacy AuthPlugin method, if necessary.
Definition: AuthManager.php:238
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:43
Gets the context this SpecialPage is executed in.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:648
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on $request
Definition: hooks.txt:2581
static hidden( $name, $value, array $attribs=[])
Convenience function to produce an input element with type=hidden.
Definition: Html.php:725
Get an ASCII string identifying this wiki This is used as a prefix in memcached keys.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:2807
static whoIs( $id)
Get the username corresponding to a given user ID.
Definition: User.php:745
Definition: styleTest.css.php:45
static userToolLinks( $userId, $userText, $redContribsWhenNoEdits=false, $flags=0, $edits=null)
Generate standard user tool links (talk, contributions, block link, etc.)
Definition: Linker.php:926
Definition: Linker.php:39
static tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( $name, array $msgParams=[])
Returns the attributes for the tooltip and access key.
Definition: Linker.php:2111
static newGood( $value=null)
Factory function for good results.
Definition: StatusValue.php:81
Parent class for all special pages.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:36
static validDatabase( $database)
Confirm the selected database name is a valid local interwiki database name.
Definition: UserRightsProxy.php:62
groupCheckboxes( $usergroups, $user)
Adds a table with checkboxes where you can select what groups to add/remove.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:770
wfIsInfinity( $str)
Determine input string is represents as infinity.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:3377
Get the WebRequest being used for this instance.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:665
wfEscapeWikiText( $text)
Escapes the given text so that it may be output using addWikiText() without any linking,...
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:1703
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses & $ret
Definition: hooks.txt:1965
Indicates whether this special page may perform database writes.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:47
static getAllGroups()
Return the set of defined explicit groups.
Definition: User.php:4885
saveUserGroups( $username, $reason, $user)
Save user groups changes in the database.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:255
static newFromName( $database, $name, $ignoreInvalidDB=false)
Factory function; get a remote user entry by name.
Definition: UserRightsProxy.php:104
doSaveUserGroups( $user, $add, $remove, $reason='', $tags=[], $groupExpiries=[])
Save user groups changes in the database.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:328
static closeElement( $element)
Shortcut to close an XML element.
Definition: Xml.php:118
makeGroupNameList( $ids)
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:566
static getCanonicalName( $name, $validate='valid')
Given unvalidated user input, return a canonical username, or false if the username is invalid.
Definition: User.php:1092
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
static openElement( $element, $attribs=[])
Identical to rawElement(), but has no third parameter and omits the end tag (and the self-closing '/'...
Definition: Html.php:251
static rawElement( $element, $attribs=[], $contents='')
Returns an HTML element in a string.
Definition: Html.php:209
Class for creating log entries manually, to inject them into the database.
Definition: LogEntry.php:400
The target of the local right-adjuster's interest.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:36
static input( $name, $size=false, $value=false, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML text input field.
Definition: Xml.php:274
If the wiki is currently in readonly mode, throws a ReadOnlyError.
Definition: SpecialPage.php:319
Definition: testCompression.php:67
Returns $this->getUser()->changeableGroups()
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:988
static element( $element, $attribs=[], $contents='')
Identical to rawElement(), but HTML-escapes $contents (like Xml::element()).
Definition: Html.php:231
static whoIs( $database, $id, $ignoreInvalidDB=false)
Same as User::whoIs()
Definition: UserRightsProxy.php:75
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights,...
Definition: User.php:51
addLogEntry( $user, $oldGroups, $newGroups, $reason, $tags, $oldUGMs, $newUGMs)
Add a rights log entry for an action.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:435
static run( $event, array $args=[], $deprecatedVersion=null)
Call hook functions defined in Hooks::register and $wgHooks.
Definition: Hooks.php:203
static inputLabel( $label, $name, $id, $size=false, $value=false, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML text input field with a label.
Definition: Xml.php:380
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far $username
Definition: hooks.txt:781
static getGroupMemberName( $group, $username)
Gets the localized name for a member of a group, if it exists.
Definition: UserGroupMembership.php:418
outputHeader( $summaryMessageKey='')
Outputs a summary message on top of special pages Per default the message key is the canonical name o...
Definition: SpecialPage.php:583
Represents a "user group membership" – a specific instance of a user belonging to a group.
Definition: UserGroupMembership.php:36
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
Definition: SpecialUserrights.php:41
static submitButton( $value, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML submit button When $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere is true it will ...
Definition: Xml.php:459
static checkLabel( $label, $name, $id, $checked=false, $attribs=[])
Convenience function to build an HTML checkbox with a label.
Definition: Xml.php:419
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition: hooks.txt:781