MediaWiki  1.32.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
26  protected static $infoLink =
27  '';
30  protected static $discussionLink =
31  '';
34  protected static $helpLink =
35  '';
37  public static function onUserGetDefaultOptions( &$defaultOptions ) {
41  $defaultOptions['multimediaviewer-enable'] = 1;
42  }
44  return true;
45  }
52  protected static function shouldHandleClicks( $user ) {
56  if ( $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta && class_exists( 'BetaFeatures' ) ) {
57  return BetaFeatures::isFeatureEnabled( $user, 'multimedia-viewer' );
58  }
61  $enableByDefaultForAnons = $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault;
62  } else {
63  $enableByDefaultForAnons = $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous;
64  }
66  if ( !$user->isLoggedIn() ) {
67  return (bool)$enableByDefaultForAnons;
68  } else {
69  return (bool)$user->getOption( 'multimediaviewer-enable' );
70  }
71  }
79  protected static function getModules( &$out ) {
80  $out->addModules( [ 'mmv.head', 'mmv.bootstrap.autostart' ] );
82  return true;
83  }
93  public static function getModulesForArticle( &$out, &$skin ) {
94  $pageHasThumbnails = count( $out->getFileSearchOptions() ) > 0;
95  $pageIsFilePage = $out->getTitle()->inNamespace( NS_FILE );
96  $fileRelatedSpecialPages = [ 'NewFiles', 'ListFiles', 'MostLinkedFiles',
97  'MostGloballyLinkedFiles', 'UncategorizedFiles', 'UnusedFiles', 'Search' ];
98  $pageIsFileRelatedSpecialPage = $out->getTitle()->inNamespace( NS_SPECIAL )
99  && in_array( $out->getTitle()->getText(), $fileRelatedSpecialPages );
101  if ( $pageHasThumbnails || $pageIsFilePage || $pageIsFileRelatedSpecialPage ) {
102  return self::getModules( $out );
103  }
105  return true;
106  }
114  public static function getModulesForCategory( &$catPage ) {
115  $title = $catPage->getTitle();
116  $cat = Category::newFromTitle( $title );
117  if ( $cat->getFileCount() > 0 ) {
118  $out = $catPage->getContext()->getOutput();
119  return self::getModules( $out );
120  }
122  return true;
123  }
131  public static function getBetaPreferences( $user, &$prefs ) {
134  if ( !$wgMediaViewerIsInBeta ) {
135  return true;
136  }
138  $prefs['multimedia-viewer'] = [
139  'label-message' => 'multimediaviewer-pref',
140  'desc-message' => 'multimediaviewer-pref-desc',
141  'info-link' => self::$infoLink,
142  'discussion-link' => self::$discussionLink,
143  'help-link' => self::$helpLink,
144  'screenshot' => [
145  'ltr' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/MultimediaViewer/viewer-ltr.svg",
146  'rtl' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/MultimediaViewer/viewer-rtl.svg",
147  ],
148  ];
150  return true;
151  }
159  public static function getPreferences( $user, &$prefs ) {
160  global $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta;
162  if ( !$wgMediaViewerIsInBeta ) {
163  $prefs['multimediaviewer-enable'] = [
164  'type' => 'toggle',
165  'label-message' => 'multimediaviewer-optin-pref',
166  'section' => 'rendering/files',
167  ];
168  }
170  return true;
171  }
178  public static function resourceLoaderGetConfigVars( &$vars ) {
188  $vars['wgMultimediaViewer'] = [
189  'infoLink' => self::$infoLink,
190  'discussionLink' => self::$discussionLink,
191  'helpLink' => self::$helpLink,
192  'useThumbnailGuessing' => (bool)$wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing,
193  'durationSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor,
194  'durationSamplingFactorLoggedin' => $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor,
195  'networkPerformanceSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor,
196  'actionLoggingSamplingFactorMap' => $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap,
197  'attributionSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor,
198  'dimensionSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor,
199  'imageQueryParameter' => $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter,
200  'recordVirtualViewBeaconURI' => $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI,
201  'tooltipDelay' => 1000,
202  'extensions' => $wgMediaViewerExtensions,
203  ];
204  $vars['wgMediaViewer'] = true;
205  $vars['wgMediaViewerIsInBeta'] = $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta;
207  return true;
208  }
215  public static function makeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, OutputPage $out ) {
216  $defaultUserOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
218  $user = $out->getUser();
219  $vars['wgMediaViewerOnClick'] = self::shouldHandleClicks( $user );
220  // needed because of bug 69942; could be different for anon and logged-in
221  $vars['wgMediaViewerEnabledByDefault'] =
222  !empty( $defaultUserOptions['multimediaviewer-enable'] );
223  }
231  public static function getTestModules( array &$testModules, ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) {
232  $testModules['qunit']['mmv.tests'] = [
233  'scripts' => [
234  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.bootstrap.test.js',
235  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.test.js',
236  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.lightboxinterface.test.js',
237  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.lightboximage.test.js',
238  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator.test.js',
239  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.EmbedFileFormatter.test.js',
240  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.Config.test.js',
241  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.HtmlUtils.test.js',
242  'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.DurationLogger.test.js',
243  'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger.test.js',
244  'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.ActionLogger.test.js',
245  'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.AttributionLogger.test.js',
246  'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.DimensionLogger.test.js',
247  'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.ViewLogger.test.js',
248  'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.test.js',
249  'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.IwTitle.test.js',
250  'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.TaskQueue.test.js',
251  'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.License.test.js',
252  'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.Image.test.js',
253  'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.Repo.test.js',
254  'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.EmbedFileInfo.test.js',
255  'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.Api.test.js',
256  'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.ImageInfo.test.js',
257  'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.FileRepoInfo.test.js',
258  'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.ThumbnailInfo.test.js',
259  'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.GuessedThumbnailInfo.test.js',
260  'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.Image.test.js',
261  'tests/qunit/mmv/routing/mmv.routing.MainFileRoute.test.js',
262  'tests/qunit/mmv/routing/mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute.test.js',
263  'tests/qunit/mmv/routing/mmv.routing.Router.test.js',
264  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.test.js',
265  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.canvas.test.js',
266  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.canvasButtons.test.js',
267  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.description.test.js',
268  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/',
269  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.metadataPanel.test.js',
270  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.metadataPanelScroller.test.js',
271  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.progressBar.test.js',
272  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.permission.test.js',
273  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.stripeButtons.test.js',
274  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.dialog.test.js',
275  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.embed.test.js',
276  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.share.test.js',
277  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/',
278  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.utils.test.js',
279  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.tipsyDialog.test.js',
280  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.truncatableTextField.test.js',
281  'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.viewingOptions.test.js',
282  'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.testhelpers.js',
283  ],
284  'dependencies' => [
285  'mmv.head',
286  'mmv.bootstrap',
287  'mmv',
288  'mmv.ui.ondemandshareddependencies',
289  'mmv.ui.reuse.shareembed',
290  '',
291  'mmv.ui.tipsyDialog',
292  'moment',
293  ],
294  'localBasePath' => dirname( __DIR__ ),
295  'remoteExtPath' => 'MultimediaViewer',
296  ];
298  return true;
299  }
308  public static function thumbnailBeforeProduceHTML( ThumbnailImage $thumbnail, array &$attribs,
309  &$linkAttribs
310  ) {
311  $file = $thumbnail->getFile();
313  if ( $file ) {
314  // At the moment all classes that extend File have getWidth() and getHeight()
315  // but since the File class doesn't have these methods defined, this check
316  // is more future-proof
318  if ( method_exists( $file, 'getWidth' ) ) {
319  $attribs['data-file-width'] = $file->getWidth();
320  }
322  if ( method_exists( $file, 'getHeight' ) ) {
323  $attribs['data-file-height'] = $file->getHeight();
324  }
325  }
327  return true;
328  }
329 }
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a account $user
Definition: hooks.txt:244
Media transform output for images.
Definition: MediaTransformOutput.php:277
Definition: MediaTransformOutput.php:76
bool $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta
If set, Media Viewer will try to use BetaFeatures.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:93
static getModulesForCategory(&$catPage)
Handler for CategoryPageView hook Add JavaScript to the page if there are images in the category.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:114
bool $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing
When this is enabled, MediaViewer will try to guess image URLs instead of making an imageinfo API to ...
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:106
static $infoLink
Link to more information about this module.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:26
static getBetaPreferences( $user, &$prefs)
Add a beta preference to gate the feature.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:131
int bool $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor
If set, records whether image attribution data was available.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:71
int bool $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor
If set, records loading times via EventLogging with factor specific to loggedin users.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:63
int bool $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor
If set, records whether image dimension data was available.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:79
string bool $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter
If set, adds a query parameter to image requests made by Media Viewer.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:126
const NS_FILE
Definition: Defines.php:70
The URL path of the extensions directory.
Definition: DefaultSettings.php:215
int bool $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor
If set, records image load network performance via EventLogging once per this many requests.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:47
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext such as when responding to a resource loader request or generating HTML output & $resourceLoader
Definition: hooks.txt:2675
int bool $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor
If set, records loading times via EventLogging.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:55
static $helpLink
Link to help about this module.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:34
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
static getPreferences( $user, &$prefs)
Adds a default-enabled preference to gate the feature on non-beta sites.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:159
static getDefaultOptions()
Combine the language default options with any site-specific options and add the default language vari...
Definition: User.php:1773
static thumbnailBeforeProduceHTML(ThumbnailImage $thumbnail, array &$attribs, &$linkAttribs)
Modify thumbnail DOM.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:308
Definition: Defines.php:53
namespace and then decline to actually register it file or subcat img or subcat $title
Definition: hooks.txt:964
static shouldHandleClicks( $user)
Checks the context for whether to load the viewer.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:52
static makeGlobalVariablesScript(&$vars, OutputPage $out)
Export variables which depend on the current user.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:215
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses after processing & $attribs
Definition: hooks.txt:2036
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead & $vars
Definition: hooks.txt:2270
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
static newFromTitle( $title)
Factory function.
Definition: Category.php:146
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:24
bool null $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous
Overrides $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault for anonymous users.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:120
static getModulesForArticle(&$out, &$skin)
Handler for BeforePageDisplay hook Add JavaScript to the page when an image is on it and the user has...
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:93
array bool $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap
If set, records user actions via EventLogging and applies a sampling factor according to the map.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:87
static resourceLoaderGetConfigVars(&$vars)
Export variables used in both PHP and JS to keep DRY.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:178
static getTestModules(array &$testModules, ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader)
Get modules for testing our JavaScript.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:231
bool $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault
If trueish, and $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta is unset, Media Viewer will be turned on by default.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:113
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned $skin
Definition: hooks.txt:2036
static onUserGetDefaultOptions(&$defaultOptions)
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:37
static $discussionLink
Link to a page where this module can be discussed.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:30
string bool $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI
If set, records a virtual view via the provided beacon URI.
Definition: MultimediaViewer.php:132
static getModules(&$out)
Handler for all places where we add the modules Could be on article pages or on Category pages.
Definition: MultimediaViewerHooks.php:79
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition: hooks.txt:813