MediaWiki  1.32.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
35  private static $pngSig;
38  private static $crcSize;
41  private static $textChunks;
43  const VERSION = 1;
44  const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 3145728; // 3 megabytes
46  static function getMetadata( $filename ) {
47  self::$pngSig = pack( "C8", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10 );
48  self::$crcSize = 4;
49  /* based on list at
50  * and
51  */
52  self::$textChunks = [
53  'xml:com.adobe.xmp' => 'xmp',
54  # Artist is unofficial. Author is the recommended
55  # keyword in the PNG spec. However some people output
56  # Artist so support both.
57  'artist' => 'Artist',
58  'model' => 'Model',
59  'make' => 'Make',
60  'author' => 'Artist',
61  'comment' => 'PNGFileComment',
62  'description' => 'ImageDescription',
63  'title' => 'ObjectName',
64  'copyright' => 'Copyright',
65  # Source as in original device used to make image
66  # not as in who gave you the image
67  'source' => 'Model',
68  'software' => 'Software',
69  'disclaimer' => 'Disclaimer',
70  'warning' => 'ContentWarning',
71  'url' => 'Identifier', # Not sure if this is best mapping. Maybe WebStatement.
72  'label' => 'Label',
73  'creation time' => 'DateTimeDigitized',
74  /* Other potentially useful things - Document */
75  ];
77  $frameCount = 0;
78  $loopCount = 1;
79  $text = [];
80  $duration = 0.0;
81  $bitDepth = 0;
82  $colorType = 'unknown';
84  if ( !$filename ) {
85  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": No file name specified" );
86  } elseif ( !file_exists( $filename ) || is_dir( $filename ) ) {
87  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": File $filename does not exist" );
88  }
90  $fh = fopen( $filename, 'rb' );
92  if ( !$fh ) {
93  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Unable to open file $filename" );
94  }
96  // Check for the PNG header
97  $buf = fread( $fh, 8 );
98  if ( $buf != self::$pngSig ) {
99  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Not a valid PNG file; header: $buf" );
100  }
102  // Read chunks
103  while ( !feof( $fh ) ) {
104  $buf = fread( $fh, 4 );
105  if ( !$buf || strlen( $buf ) < 4 ) {
106  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
107  }
108  $chunk_size = unpack( "N", $buf )[1];
110  if ( $chunk_size < 0 ) {
111  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Chunk size too big for unpack" );
112  }
114  $chunk_type = fread( $fh, 4 );
115  if ( !$chunk_type || strlen( $chunk_type ) < 4 ) {
116  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
117  }
119  if ( $chunk_type == "IHDR" ) {
120  $buf = self::read( $fh, $chunk_size );
121  if ( !$buf || strlen( $buf ) < $chunk_size ) {
122  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
123  }
124  $width = unpack( 'N', substr( $buf, 0, 4 ) )[1];
125  $height = unpack( 'N', substr( $buf, 4, 4 ) )[1];
126  $bitDepth = ord( substr( $buf, 8, 1 ) );
127  // Detect the color type in British English as per the spec
128  //
129  switch ( ord( substr( $buf, 9, 1 ) ) ) {
130  case 0:
131  $colorType = 'greyscale';
132  break;
133  case 2:
134  $colorType = 'truecolour';
135  break;
136  case 3:
137  $colorType = 'index-coloured';
138  break;
139  case 4:
140  $colorType = 'greyscale-alpha';
141  break;
142  case 6:
143  $colorType = 'truecolour-alpha';
144  break;
145  default:
146  $colorType = 'unknown';
147  break;
148  }
149  } elseif ( $chunk_type == "acTL" ) {
150  $buf = fread( $fh, $chunk_size );
151  if ( !$buf || strlen( $buf ) < $chunk_size || $chunk_size < 4 ) {
152  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
153  }
155  $actl = unpack( "Nframes/Nplays", $buf );
156  $frameCount = $actl['frames'];
157  $loopCount = $actl['plays'];
158  } elseif ( $chunk_type == "fcTL" ) {
159  $buf = self::read( $fh, $chunk_size );
160  if ( !$buf || strlen( $buf ) < $chunk_size ) {
161  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
162  }
163  $buf = substr( $buf, 20 );
164  if ( strlen( $buf ) < 4 ) {
165  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
166  }
168  $fctldur = unpack( "ndelay_num/ndelay_den", $buf );
169  if ( $fctldur['delay_den'] == 0 ) {
170  $fctldur['delay_den'] = 100;
171  }
172  if ( $fctldur['delay_num'] ) {
173  $duration += $fctldur['delay_num'] / $fctldur['delay_den'];
174  }
175  } elseif ( $chunk_type == "iTXt" ) {
176  // Extracts iTXt chunks, uncompressing if necessary.
177  $buf = self::read( $fh, $chunk_size );
178  $items = [];
179  if ( preg_match(
180  '/^([^\x00]{1,79})\x00(\x00|\x01)\x00([^\x00]*)(.)[^\x00]*\x00(.*)$/Ds',
181  $buf, $items )
182  ) {
183  /* $items[1] = text chunk name, $items[2] = compressed flag,
184  * $items[3] = lang code (or ""), $items[4]= compression type.
185  * $items[5] = content
186  */
188  // Theoretically should be case-sensitive, but in practise...
189  $items[1] = strtolower( $items[1] );
190  if ( !isset( self::$textChunks[$items[1]] ) ) {
191  // Only extract textual chunks on our list.
192  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
193  continue;
194  }
196  $items[3] = strtolower( $items[3] );
197  if ( $items[3] == '' ) {
198  // if no lang specified use x-default like in xmp.
199  $items[3] = 'x-default';
200  }
202  // if compressed
203  if ( $items[2] == "\x01" ) {
204  if ( function_exists( 'gzuncompress' ) && $items[4] === "\x00" ) {
205  Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
206  $items[5] = gzuncompress( $items[5] );
207  Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
209  if ( $items[5] === false ) {
210  // decompression failed
211  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' Error decompressing iTxt chunk - ' . $items[1] . "\n" );
212  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
213  continue;
214  }
215  } else {
216  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' Skipping compressed png iTXt chunk due to lack of zlib,'
217  . " or potentially invalid compression method\n" );
218  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
219  continue;
220  }
221  }
222  $finalKeyword = self::$textChunks[$items[1]];
223  $text[$finalKeyword][$items[3]] = $items[5];
224  $text[$finalKeyword]['_type'] = 'lang';
225  } else {
226  // Error reading iTXt chunk
227  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error on iTXt chunk" );
228  }
229  } elseif ( $chunk_type == 'tEXt' ) {
230  $buf = self::read( $fh, $chunk_size );
232  // In case there is no \x00 which will make explode fail.
233  if ( strpos( $buf, "\x00" ) === false ) {
234  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error on tEXt chunk" );
235  }
237  list( $keyword, $content ) = explode( "\x00", $buf, 2 );
238  if ( $keyword === '' || $content === '' ) {
239  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error on tEXt chunk" );
240  }
242  // Theoretically should be case-sensitive, but in practise...
243  $keyword = strtolower( $keyword );
244  if ( !isset( self::$textChunks[$keyword] ) ) {
245  // Don't recognize chunk, so skip.
246  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
247  continue;
248  }
249  Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
250  $content = iconv( 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $content );
251  Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
253  if ( $content === false ) {
254  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error (error with iconv)" );
255  }
257  $finalKeyword = self::$textChunks[$keyword];
258  $text[$finalKeyword]['x-default'] = $content;
259  $text[$finalKeyword]['_type'] = 'lang';
260  } elseif ( $chunk_type == 'zTXt' ) {
261  if ( function_exists( 'gzuncompress' ) ) {
262  $buf = self::read( $fh, $chunk_size );
264  // In case there is no \x00 which will make explode fail.
265  if ( strpos( $buf, "\x00" ) === false ) {
266  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error on zTXt chunk" );
267  }
269  list( $keyword, $postKeyword ) = explode( "\x00", $buf, 2 );
270  if ( $keyword === '' || $postKeyword === '' ) {
271  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error on zTXt chunk" );
272  }
273  // Theoretically should be case-sensitive, but in practise...
274  $keyword = strtolower( $keyword );
276  if ( !isset( self::$textChunks[$keyword] ) ) {
277  // Don't recognize chunk, so skip.
278  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
279  continue;
280  }
281  $compression = substr( $postKeyword, 0, 1 );
282  $content = substr( $postKeyword, 1 );
283  if ( $compression !== "\x00" ) {
284  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " Unrecognized compression method in zTXt ($keyword). Skipping.\n" );
285  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
286  continue;
287  }
289  Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
290  $content = gzuncompress( $content );
291  Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
293  if ( $content === false ) {
294  // decompression failed
295  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' Error decompressing zTXt chunk - ' . $keyword . "\n" );
296  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
297  continue;
298  }
300  Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
301  $content = iconv( 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $content );
302  Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
304  if ( $content === false ) {
305  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error (error with iconv)" );
306  }
308  $finalKeyword = self::$textChunks[$keyword];
309  $text[$finalKeyword]['x-default'] = $content;
310  $text[$finalKeyword]['_type'] = 'lang';
311  } else {
312  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " Cannot decompress zTXt chunk due to lack of zlib. Skipping.\n" );
313  fseek( $fh, $chunk_size, SEEK_CUR );
314  }
315  } elseif ( $chunk_type == 'tIME' ) {
316  // last mod timestamp.
317  if ( $chunk_size !== 7 ) {
318  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": tIME wrong size" );
319  }
320  $buf = self::read( $fh, $chunk_size );
321  if ( !$buf || strlen( $buf ) < $chunk_size ) {
322  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
323  }
325  // Note: spec says this should be UTC.
326  $t = unpack( "ny/Cm/Cd/Ch/Cmin/Cs", $buf );
327  $strTime = sprintf( "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
328  $t['y'], $t['m'], $t['d'], $t['h'],
329  $t['min'], $t['s'] );
331  $exifTime = wfTimestamp( TS_EXIF, $strTime );
333  if ( $exifTime ) {
334  $text['DateTime'] = $exifTime;
335  }
336  } elseif ( $chunk_type == 'pHYs' ) {
337  // how big pixels are (dots per meter).
338  if ( $chunk_size !== 9 ) {
339  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": pHYs wrong size" );
340  }
342  $buf = self::read( $fh, $chunk_size );
343  if ( !$buf || strlen( $buf ) < $chunk_size ) {
344  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ": Read error" );
345  }
347  $dim = unpack( "Nwidth/Nheight/Cunit", $buf );
348  if ( $dim['unit'] == 1 ) {
349  // Need to check for negative because php
350  // doesn't deal with super-large unsigned 32-bit ints well
351  if ( $dim['width'] > 0 && $dim['height'] > 0 ) {
352  // unit is meters
353  // (as opposed to 0 = undefined )
354  $text['XResolution'] = $dim['width']
355  . '/100';
356  $text['YResolution'] = $dim['height']
357  . '/100';
358  $text['ResolutionUnit'] = 3;
359  // 3 = dots per cm (from Exif).
360  }
361  }
362  } elseif ( $chunk_type == "IEND" ) {
363  break;
364  } else {
365  fseek( $fh, $chunk_size, SEEK_CUR );
366  }
367  fseek( $fh, self::$crcSize, SEEK_CUR );
368  }
369  fclose( $fh );
371  if ( $loopCount > 1 ) {
372  $duration *= $loopCount;
373  }
375  if ( isset( $text['DateTimeDigitized'] ) ) {
376  // Convert date format from rfc2822 to exif.
377  foreach ( $text['DateTimeDigitized'] as $name => &$value ) {
378  if ( $name === '_type' ) {
379  continue;
380  }
382  // @todo FIXME: Currently timezones are ignored.
383  // possibly should be wfTimestamp's
384  // responsibility. (at least for numeric TZ)
385  $formatted = wfTimestamp( TS_EXIF, $value );
386  if ( $formatted ) {
387  // Only change if we could convert the
388  // date.
389  // The png standard says it should be
390  // in rfc2822 format, but not required.
391  // In general for the exif stuff we
392  // prettify the date if we can, but we
393  // display as-is if we cannot or if
394  // it is invalid.
395  // So do the same here.
397  $value = $formatted;
398  }
399  }
400  }
402  return [
403  'frameCount' => $frameCount,
404  'loopCount' => $loopCount,
405  'duration' => $duration,
406  'text' => $text,
407  'bitDepth' => $bitDepth,
408  'colorType' => $colorType,
409  ];
410  }
420  private static function read( $fh, $size ) {
421  if ( $size > self::MAX_CHUNK_SIZE ) {
422  throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ': Chunk size of ' . $size .
423  ' too big. Max size is: ' . self::MAX_CHUNK_SIZE );
424  }
426  return fread( $fh, $size );
427  }
428 }
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:43
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:1954
PNG frame counter.
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:33
This document provides an overview of the usage of PageUpdater and that is
Definition: pageupdater.txt:3
static int $crcSize
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:38
static string $pngSig
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:35
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
static array $textChunks
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:41
static getMetadata( $filename)
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:46
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
Definition: GlobalFunctions.php:988
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:302
static read( $fh, $size)
Read a chunk, checking to make sure its not too big.
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:420
Definition: styleTest.css.php:49
Definition: PNGMetadataExtractor.php:44
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
Definition: pageupdater.txt:72
Definition: testCompression.php:69