MediaWiki  1.32.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
13  protected $basicRouter;
15  protected function setUp() {
16  parent::setUp();
17  $router = new PathRouter;
18  $router->add( "/wiki/$1" );
19  $this->basicRouter = $router;
20  }
22  public static function provideParse() {
23  $tests = [
24  // Basic path parsing
25  'Basic path parsing' => [
26  "/wiki/$1",
27  "/wiki/Foo",
28  [ 'title' => "Foo" ]
29  ],
30  //
31  'Loose path auto-$1: /$1' => [
32  "/",
33  "/Foo",
34  [ 'title' => "Foo" ]
35  ],
36  'Loose path auto-$1: /wiki' => [
37  "/wiki",
38  "/wiki/Foo",
39  [ 'title' => "Foo" ]
40  ],
41  'Loose path auto-$1: /wiki/' => [
42  "/wiki/",
43  "/wiki/Foo",
44  [ 'title' => "Foo" ]
45  ],
46  // Ensure that path is based on specificity, not order
47  'Order, /$1 added first' => [
48  [ "/$1", "/a/$1", "/b/$1" ],
49  "/a/Foo",
50  [ 'title' => "Foo" ]
51  ],
52  'Order, /$1 added last' => [
53  [ "/b/$1", "/a/$1", "/$1" ],
54  "/a/Foo",
55  [ 'title' => "Foo" ]
56  ],
57  // Handling of key based arrays with a url parameter
58  'Key based array' => [
59  [ [
60  'path' => [ 'edit' => "/edit/$1" ],
61  'params' => [ 'action' => '$key' ],
62  ] ],
63  "/edit/Foo",
64  [ 'title' => "Foo", 'action' => 'edit' ]
65  ],
66  // Additional parameter
67  'Basic $2' => [
68  [ [
69  'path' => '/$2/$1',
70  'params' => [ 'test' => '$2' ]
71  ] ],
72  "/asdf/Foo",
73  [ 'title' => "Foo", 'test' => 'asdf' ]
74  ],
75  ];
76  // Shared patterns for restricted value parameter tests
77  $restrictedPatterns = [
78  [
79  'path' => '/$2/$1',
80  'params' => [ 'test' => '$2' ],
81  'options' => [ '$2' => [ 'a', 'b' ] ]
82  ],
83  [
84  'path' => '/$2/$1',
85  'params' => [ 'test2' => '$2' ],
86  'options' => [ '$2' => 'c' ]
87  ],
88  '/$1'
89  ];
90  $tests += [
91  // Restricted value parameter tests
92  'Restricted 1' => [
93  $restrictedPatterns,
94  "/asdf/Foo",
95  [ 'title' => "asdf/Foo" ]
96  ],
97  'Restricted 2' => [
98  $restrictedPatterns,
99  "/a/Foo",
100  [ 'title' => "Foo", 'test' => 'a' ]
101  ],
102  'Restricted 3' => [
103  $restrictedPatterns,
104  "/c/Foo",
105  [ 'title' => "Foo", 'test2' => 'c' ]
106  ],
108  // Callback test
109  'Callback' => [
110  [ [
111  'path' => "/$1",
112  'params' => [ 'a' => 'b', 'data:foo' => 'bar' ],
113  'options' => [ 'callback' => [ __CLASS__, 'callbackForTest' ] ]
114  ] ],
115  '/Foo',
116  [
117  'title' => "Foo",
118  'x' => 'Foo',
119  'a' => 'b',
120  'foo' => 'bar'
121  ]
122  ],
124  // Test to ensure that matches are not made if a parameter expects nonexistent input
125  'Fail' => [
126  [ [
127  'path' => "/wiki/$1",
128  'params' => [ 'title' => "$1$2" ],
129  ] ],
130  "/wiki/A",
131  []
132  ],
134  // Make sure the router handles titles like Special:Recentchanges correctly
135  'Special title' => [
136  "/wiki/$1",
137  "/wiki/Special:Recentchanges",
138  [ 'title' => "Special:Recentchanges" ]
139  ],
141  // Make sure the router decodes urlencoding properly
142  'URL encoding' => [
143  "/wiki/$1",
144  "/wiki/Title_With%20Space",
145  [ 'title' => "Title_With Space" ]
146  ],
148  // Double slash and dot expansion
149  'Double slash in prefix' => [
150  '/wiki/$1',
151  '//wiki/Foo',
152  [ 'title' => 'Foo' ]
153  ],
154  'Double slash at start of $1' => [
155  '/wiki/$1',
156  '/wiki//Foo',
157  [ 'title' => '/Foo' ]
158  ],
159  'Double slash in middle of $1' => [
160  '/wiki/$1',
161  '/wiki/.hack//SIGN',
162  [ 'title' => '.hack//SIGN' ]
163  ],
164  'Dots removed 1' => [
165  '/wiki/$1',
166  '/x/../wiki/Foo',
167  [ 'title' => 'Foo' ]
168  ],
169  'Dots removed 2' => [
170  '/wiki/$1',
171  '/./wiki/Foo',
172  [ 'title' => 'Foo' ]
173  ],
174  'Dots retained 1' => [
175  '/wiki/$1',
176  '/wiki/../wiki/Foo',
177  [ 'title' => '../wiki/Foo' ]
178  ],
179  'Dots retained 2' => [
180  '/wiki/$1',
181  '/wiki/./Foo',
182  [ 'title' => './Foo' ]
183  ],
184  'Triple slash' => [
185  '/wiki/$1',
186  '
187  [ 'title' => 'Foo' ]
188  ],
189  // '..' only traverses one slash, see e.g. RFC 3986
190  'Dots traversing double slash 1' => [
191  '/wiki/$1',
192  '/a//b/../../wiki/Foo',
193  []
194  ],
195  'Dots traversing double slash 2' => [
196  '/wiki/$1',
197  '/a//b/../../../wiki/Foo',
198  [ 'title' => 'Foo' ]
199  ],
200  ];
202  // Make sure the router doesn't break on special characters like $ used in regexp replacements
203  foreach ( [ "$", "$1", "\\", "\\$1" ] as $char ) {
204  $tests["Regexp character $char"] = [
205  "/wiki/$1",
206  "/wiki/$char",
207  [ 'title' => "$char" ]
208  ];
209  }
211  $tests += [
212  // Make sure the router handles characters like +&() properly
213  "Special characters" => [
214  "/wiki/$1",
215  "/wiki/Plus+And&Dollar\\Stuff();[]{}*",
216  [ 'title' => "Plus+And&Dollar\\Stuff();[]{}*" ],
217  ],
219  // Make sure the router handles unicode characters correctly
220  "Unicode 1" => [
221  "/wiki/$1",
222  "/wiki/Spécial:Modifications_récentes" ,
223  [ 'title' => "Spécial:Modifications_récentes" ],
224  ],
226  "Unicode 2" => [
227  "/wiki/$1",
228  "/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Modifications_r%C3%A9centes",
229  [ 'title' => "Spécial:Modifications_récentes" ],
230  ]
231  ];
233  // Ensure the router doesn't choke on long paths.
234  $lorem = "Lorem_ipsum_dolor_sit_amet,_consectetur_adipisicing_elit,_sed_do_eiusmod_" .
235  "tempor_incididunt_ut_labore_et_dolore_magna_aliqua._Ut_enim_ad_minim_veniam,_quis_" .
236  "nostrud_exercitation_ullamco_laboris_nisi_ut_aliquip_ex_ea_commodo_consequat._" .
237  "Duis_aute_irure_dolor_in_reprehenderit_in_voluptate_velit_esse_cillum_dolore_" .
238  "eu_fugiat_nulla_pariatur._Excepteur_sint_occaecat_cupidatat_non_proident,_sunt_" .
239  "in_culpa_qui_officia_deserunt_mollit_anim_id_est_laborum.";
241  $tests += [
242  "Long path" => [
243  "/wiki/$1",
244  "/wiki/$lorem",
245  [ 'title' => $lorem ]
246  ],
248  // Ensure that the php passed site of parameter values are not urldecoded
249  "Pattern urlencoding" => [
250  [ [ 'path' => "/wiki/$1", 'params' => [ 'title' => '%20:$1' ] ] ],
251  "/wiki/Foo",
252  [ 'title' => '%20:Foo' ]
253  ],
255  // Ensure that raw parameter values do not have any variable replacements or urldecoding
256  "Raw param value" => [
257  [ [ 'path' => "/wiki/$1", 'params' => [ 'title' => [ 'value' => 'bar%20$1' ] ] ] ],
258  "/wiki/Foo",
259  [ 'title' => 'bar%20$1' ]
260  ]
261  ];
263  return $tests;
264  }
270  public function testParse( $patterns, $path, $expected ) {
271  $patterns = (array)$patterns;
273  $router = new PathRouter;
274  foreach ( $patterns as $pattern ) {
275  if ( is_array( $pattern ) ) {
276  $router->add( $pattern['path'], $pattern['params'] ?? [],
277  $pattern['options'] ?? [] );
278  } else {
279  $router->add( $pattern );
280  }
281  }
282  $matches = $router->parse( $path );
283  $this->assertEquals( $matches, $expected );
284  }
286  public static function callbackForTest( &$matches, $data ) {
287  $matches['x'] = $data['$1'];
288  $matches['foo'] = $data['foo'];
289  }
291  public static function provideWeight() {
292  return [
293  [ '/Foo', [ 'title' => 'Foo' ] ],
294  [ '/Bar', [ 'ping' => 'pong' ] ],
295  [ '/Baz', [ 'marco' => 'polo' ] ],
296  [ '/asdf-foo', [ 'title' => 'qwerty-foo' ] ],
297  [ '/qwerty-bar', [ 'title' => 'asdf-bar' ] ],
298  [ '/a/Foo', [ 'title' => 'Foo' ] ],
299  [ '/asdf/Foo', [ 'title' => 'Foo' ] ],
300  [ '/qwerty/Foo', [ 'title' => 'Foo', 'qwerty' => 'qwerty' ] ],
301  [ '/baz/Foo', [ 'title' => 'Foo', 'unrestricted' => 'baz' ] ],
302  [ '/y/Foo', [ 'title' => 'Foo', 'restricted-to-y' => 'y' ] ],
303  ];
304  }
310  public function testWeight( $path, $expected ) {
311  $router = new PathRouter;
312  $router->addStrict( "/Bar", [ 'ping' => 'pong' ] );
313  $router->add( "/asdf-$1", [ 'title' => 'qwerty-$1' ] );
314  $router->add( "/$1" );
315  $router->add( "/qwerty-$1", [ 'title' => 'asdf-$1' ] );
316  $router->addStrict( "/Baz", [ 'marco' => 'polo' ] );
317  $router->add( "/a/$1" );
318  $router->add( "/asdf/$1" );
319  $router->add( "/$2/$1", [ 'unrestricted' => '$2' ] );
320  $router->add( [ 'qwerty' => "/qwerty/$1" ], [ 'qwerty' => '$key' ] );
321  $router->add( "/$2/$1", [ 'restricted-to-y' => '$2' ], [ '$2' => 'y' ] );
323  $this->assertEquals( $router->parse( $path ), $expected );
324  }
325 }
add( $path, $params=[], $options=[])
Add a new path pattern to the path router.
Definition: PathRouter.php:160
static provideParse()
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:22
addStrict( $path, $params=[], $options=[])
Add a new path pattern to the path router with the strict option on.
Definition: PathRouter.php:177
Prior to maintenance scripts were a hodgepodge of code that had no cohesion or formal method of action Beginning maintenance scripts have been cleaned up to use a unified class Directory structure How to run a script How to write your own DIRECTORY STRUCTURE The maintenance directory of a MediaWiki installation contains several all of which have unique purposes HOW TO RUN A SCRIPT Ridiculously just call php someScript php that s in the top level maintenance directory if not default wiki
Definition: maintenance.txt:1
static callbackForTest(&$matches, $data)
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:286
</source > ! result< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre >< span ></span >< span class="kd"> var</span >< span class="nx"> a</span >< span class="p"></span ></pre ></div > ! end ! test Multiline< source/> in lists !input *< source > a b</source > *foo< source > a b</source > ! html< ul >< li >< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul >< ul >< li > foo< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul > ! html tidy< ul >< li >< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul >< ul >< li > foo< div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr">< pre > a b</pre ></div ></li ></ul > ! end ! test Custom attributes !input< source lang="javascript" id="foo" class="bar" dir="rtl" style="font-size: larger;"> var a
Definition: parserTests.txt:89
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
Tests for the PathRouter parsing.
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:8
testParse( $patterns, $path, $expected)
Test path parsing provideParse.
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:270
Definition: NoLocalSettings.php:24
Definition: MediaWikiTestCase.php:16
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:15
PathRouter $basicRouter
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:13
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
testWeight( $path, $expected)
Test to ensure weight of paths is handled correctly provideWeight.
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:310
Definition: parserTests.txt:239
Definition: NoLocalSettings.php:25
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
PathRouter class.
Definition: PathRouter.php:73
static provideWeight()
Definition: PathRouterTest.php:291