Files | |
file | BotPassword.php [code] |
file | CentralIdLookup.php [code] |
A central user id lookup service. | |
file | ExternalUserNames.php [code] |
Class to parse and build external user names. | |
file | LocalIdLookup.php [code] |
A central user id lookup service implementation. | |
file | LoggedOutEditToken.php [code] |
MediaWiki edit token. | |
file | PasswordReset.php [code] |
User password reset helper for MediaWiki. | |
file | User.php [code] |
Implements the User class for the MediaWiki software. | |
file | UserArray.php [code] |
Class to walk into a list of User objects. | |
file | UserArrayFromResult.php [code] |
Class to walk into a list of User objects. | |
file | UserGroupMembership.php [code] |
Represents the membership of a user to a user group. | |
file | UserIdentity.php [code] |
Interface for objects representing user identity. | |
file | UserIdentityValue.php [code] |
Value object representing a user's identity. | |
file | UserNamePrefixSearch.php [code] |
Prefix search of user names. | |
file | UserRightsProxy.php [code] |
Representation of an user on a other locally-hosted wiki. | |