MediaWiki  1.32.5
includes Directory Reference


directory  actions
directory  api
directory  auth
directory  cache
directory  changes
directory  changetags
directory  collation
directory  composer
directory  config
directory  content
directory  context
directory  db
directory  debug
directory  deferred
directory  diff
directory  editpage
directory  exception
directory  externalstore
directory  filebackend
directory  filerepo
directory  GlobalFunctions
directory  htmlform
directory  http
directory  import
directory  installer
directory  interwiki
directory  jobqueue
directory  json
directory  libs
directory  linkeddata
directory  linker
directory  logging
directory  mail
directory  media
directory  objectcache
directory  page
directory  pager
directory  parser
directory  password
directory  poolcounter
directory  preferences
directory  rcfeed
directory  registration
directory  resourceloader
directory  Revision
directory  search
directory  services
directory  session
directory  shell
directory  site
directory  skins
directory  sparql
directory  specialpage
directory  specials
directory  Storage
directory  tidy
directory  title
directory  upload
directory  user
directory  utils
directory  watcheditem


file  ActorMigrationTest.php [code]
file  AutoLoaderTest.php [code]
file  AutopromoteTest.php [code]
file  BlockTest.php [code]
file  CommentStoreTest.php [code]
file  ContentSecurityPolicyTest.php [code]
file  DeprecatedGlobalTest.php [code]
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  DiffHistoryBlobTest.php [code]
file  EditPageTest.php [code]
file  ExportTest.php [code]
file  ExtraParserTest.php [code]
file  FauxRequestTest.php [code]
file  FauxResponseTest.php [code]
 Tests for the FauxResponse class.
file  FormOptionsInitializationTest.php [code]
file  FormOptionsTest.php [code]
file  GitInfoTest.php [code]
file  HooksTest.php [code]
file  HtmlTest.php [code]
file  LicensesTest.php [code]
file  LinkerTest.php [code]
file  LinkFilterTest.php [code]
file  ListToggleTest.php [code]
file  MediaWikiServicesTest.php [code]
file  MediaWikiTest.php [code]
file  MediaWikiVersionFetcherTest.php [code]
file  MergeHistoryTest.php [code]
file  MessageTest.php [code]
file  MovePageTest.php [code]
file  MultiHttpClientTest.php [code]
file  MWNamespaceTest.php [code]
file  MWTimestampTest.php [code]
file  OutputPageTest.php [code]
file  PagePropsTest.php [code]
file  PathRouterTest.php [code]
file  PreferencesTest.php [code]
file  PrefixSearchTest.php [code]
file  ReadOnlyModeTest.php [code]
file  RevisionDbTestBase.php [code]
file  RevisionMcrDbTest.php [code]
file  RevisionMcrReadNewDbTest.php [code]
file  RevisionMcrWriteBothDbTest.php [code]
file  RevisionNoContentModelDbTest.php [code]
file  RevisionPreMcrDbTest.php [code]
file  RevisionTest.php [code]
file  RevisionTestModifyableContent.php [code]
file  RevisionTestModifyableContentHandler.php [code]
file  SampleTest.php [code]
file  SanitizerValidateEmailTest.php [code]
file  ServiceWiringTest.php [code]
file  SiteConfigurationTest.php [code]
file  SiteStatsTest.php [code]
file  StatusTest.php [code]
file  TemplateCategoriesTest.php [code]
file  TemplateParserTest.php [code]
file  TestLogger.php [code]
 Testing logger.
file  TestUser.php [code]
file  TestUserRegistry.php [code]
file  TimeAdjustTest.php [code]
file  TitleArrayFromResultTest.php [code]
file  TitleMethodsTest.php [code]
file  TitlePermissionTest.php [code]
file  TitleTest.php [code]
file  WebRequestTest.php [code]
file  WikiMapTest.php [code]
file  WikiReferenceTest.php [code]
file  XmlJsTest.php [code]
file  XmlSelectTest.php [code]
file  XmlTest.php [code]