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MemcachedClient Class Reference

memcached client class implemented using (p)fsockopen() More...

Collaboration diagram for MemcachedClient:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ( $args)
 Memcache initializer. More...
 _close_sock ( $sock)
 Close the specified socket. More...
 _connect_sock (&$sock, $host)
 Connects $sock to $host, timing out after $timeout. More...
 _dead_host ( $host)
 _dead_sock ( $sock)
 Marks a host as dead until 30-40 seconds in the future. More...
 _debugprint ( $text)
 _error_log ( $text)
 _fgets ( $sock)
 Read a line from a stream. More...
 _flush_read_buffer ( $f)
 Flush the read buffer of a stream. More...
 _fread ( $sock, $len)
 Read the specified number of bytes from a stream. More...
 _fwrite ( $sock, $buf)
 Write to a stream. More...
 _handle_error ( $sock, $msg)
 Handle an I/O error. More...
 _hashfunc ( $key)
 Creates a hash integer based on the $key. More...
 _incrdecr ( $cmd, $key, $amt=1)
 Perform increment/decriment on $key. More...
 _load_items ( $sock, &$ret, &$casToken=null)
 Load items into $ret from $sock. More...
 _set ( $cmd, $key, $val, $exp, $casToken=null)
 Performs the requested storage operation to the memcache server. More...
 add ( $key, $val, $exp=0)
 Adds a key/value to the memcache server if one isn't already set with that key. More...
 cas ( $casToken, $key, $value, $exp=0)
 Sets a key to a given value in the memcache if the current value still corresponds to a known, given value. More...
 decr ( $key, $amt=1)
 Decrease a value stored on the memcache server. More...
 delete ( $key, $time=0)
 Deletes a key from the server, optionally after $time. More...
 disconnect_all ()
 Disconnects all connected sockets. More...
 enable_compress ( $enable)
 Enable / Disable compression. More...
 forget_dead_hosts ()
 Forget about all of the dead hosts. More...
 get ( $key, &$casToken=null)
 Retrieves the value associated with the key from the memcache server. More...
 get_multi ( $keys)
 Get multiple keys from the server(s) More...
 get_sock ( $key)
 get_sock More...
 incr ( $key, $amt=1)
 Increments $key (optionally) by $amt. More...
 lock ( $key, $timeout=0)
 replace ( $key, $value, $exp=0)
 Overwrites an existing value for key; only works if key is already set. More...
 run_command ( $sock, $cmd)
 Passes through $cmd to the memcache server connected by $sock; returns output as an array (null array if no output) More...
 set ( $key, $value, $exp=0)
 Unconditionally sets a key to a given value in the memcache. More...
 set_compress_threshold ( $thresh)
 Set the compression threshold. More...
 set_debug ( $dbg)
 Set the debug flag. More...
 set_servers ( $list)
 Set the server list to distribute key gets and puts between. More...
 set_timeout ( $seconds, $microseconds)
 Sets the timeout for new connections. More...
 sock_to_host ( $host)
 Returns the socket for the host. More...
 touch ( $key, $time=0)
 Changes the TTL on a key from the server to $time. More...
 unlock ( $key)

Public Attributes

int $_active
int $_bucketcount
 Total # of bit buckets we have. More...
array $_buckets
 Our bit buckets. More...
array $_cache_sock
 Cached Sockets that are connected. More...
bool $_compress_enable
 Do we want to use compression? More...
int $_compress_threshold
 At how many bytes should we compress? More...
 Number of connection attempts for each server. More...
 Connect timeout in seconds. More...
bool $_debug
 Current debug status; 0 - none to 9 - profiling. More...
bool $_have_zlib
 Is compression available? More...
array $_host_dead
 Dead hosts, assoc array, 'host'=>'unixtime when ok to check again'. More...
bool $_persistent
 Are we using persistent links? More...
array $_servers
 Array containing ip:port or array(ip:port, weight) More...
string $_single_sock
 If only using one server; contains ip:port to connect to. More...
int $_timeout_microseconds
 Stream timeout in microseconds. More...
int $_timeout_seconds
 Stream timeout in seconds. More...
array $stats
 Command statistics. More...
const COMPRESSED = 2
 Flag: indicates data is compressed. More...
 Minimum savings to store data compressed. More...
const INTVAL = 4
 Flag: indicates data is an integer. More...
const SERIALIZED = 1
 Flag: indicates data is serialized. More...

Private Attributes

LoggerInterface $_logger

Detailed Description

memcached client class implemented using (p)fsockopen()

Ryan T. Dean

Definition at line 79 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

MemcachedClient::__construct (   $args)

Memcache initializer.

array$argsAssociative array of settings

Definition at line 259 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $args, array(), and set_servers().

Member Function Documentation

◆ _close_sock()

MemcachedClient::_close_sock (   $sock)

Close the specified socket.

string$sockSocket to close
Access:\n private

Definition at line 765 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ _connect_sock()

MemcachedClient::_connect_sock ( $sock,

Connects $sock to $host, timing out after $timeout.

int$sockSocket to connect
string$hostHost:IP to connect to
Access:\n private

Definition at line 783 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $_connect_attempts, $_connect_timeout, _dead_host(), _error_log(), _flush_read_buffer(), and list.

Referenced by sock_to_host().

◆ _dead_host()

MemcachedClient::_dead_host (   $host)

Definition at line 832 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _connect_sock(), and _dead_sock().

◆ _dead_sock()

MemcachedClient::_dead_sock (   $sock)

Marks a host as dead until 30-40 seconds in the future.

string$sockSocket to mark as dead
Access:\n private

Definition at line 824 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References _dead_host().

Referenced by _handle_error().

◆ _debugprint()

MemcachedClient::_debugprint (   $text)

Definition at line 1164 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _set(), delete(), get(), get_multi(), and touch().

◆ _error_log()

MemcachedClient::_error_log (   $text)

Definition at line 1171 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _connect_sock(), and _handle_error().

◆ _fgets()

MemcachedClient::_fgets (   $sock)

Read a line from a stream.

If there is an error, mark the socket dead. The \r\n line ending is stripped from the response.

Resource$sockThe socket
string|bool The string on success, false on failure

Definition at line 1261 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $data, and _handle_error().

Referenced by _incrdecr(), _load_items(), _set(), delete(), run_command(), and touch().

◆ _flush_read_buffer()

MemcachedClient::_flush_read_buffer (   $f)

Flush the read buffer of a stream.


Definition at line 1290 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $e, $f, and array().

Referenced by _connect_sock().

◆ _fread()

MemcachedClient::_fread (   $sock,

Read the specified number of bytes from a stream.

If there is an error, mark the socket dead.

Resource$sockThe socket
int$lenThe number of bytes to read
string|bool The string on success, false on failure.

Definition at line 1230 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $data, and _handle_error().

Referenced by _load_items().

◆ _fwrite()

MemcachedClient::_fwrite (   $sock,

Write to a stream.

If there is an error, mark the socket dead.

Resource$sockThe socket
string$bufThe string to write
bool True on success, false on failure

Definition at line 1182 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $data, and _handle_error().

Referenced by _incrdecr(), _set(), delete(), get(), get_multi(), run_command(), and touch().

◆ _handle_error()

MemcachedClient::_handle_error (   $sock,

Handle an I/O error.

Mark the socket dead and log an error.


Definition at line 1209 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References _dead_sock(), and _error_log().

Referenced by _fgets(), _fread(), _fwrite(), and _load_items().

◆ _hashfunc()

MemcachedClient::_hashfunc (   $key)

Creates a hash integer based on the $key.

string$keyKey to hash
int Hash value
Access:\n private

Definition at line 899 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by get_sock().

◆ _incrdecr()

MemcachedClient::_incrdecr (   $cmd,
  $amt = 1 

Perform increment/decriment on $key.

string$cmdCommand to perform
string | array$keyKey to perform it on
int$amtAmount to adjust
int New value of $key
Access:\n private

Definition at line 919 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $line, _fgets(), _fwrite(), array(), and get_sock().

Referenced by decr(), and incr().

◆ _load_items()

MemcachedClient::_load_items (   $sock,
$casToken = null 

Load items into $ret from $sock.

Resource$sockSocket to read from
array$retreturned values
bool True for success, false for failure
Access:\n private

Definition at line 960 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $data, $ret, $vars, _fgets(), _fread(), _handle_error(), array(), as, captcha-old\count, list, and unserialize().

Referenced by get(), and get_multi().

◆ _set()

MemcachedClient::_set (   $cmd,
  $casToken = null 

Performs the requested storage operation to the memcache server.

string$cmdCommand to perform
string$keyKey to act on
mixed$valWhat we need to store
int$exp(optional) Expiration time. This can be a number of seconds to cache for (up to 30 days inclusive). Any timespans of 30 days + 1 second or longer must be the timestamp of the time at which the mapping should expire. It is safe to use timestamps in all cases, regardless of exipration eg: strtotime("+3 hour")
Access:\n private

Definition at line 1054 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $command, $line, _debugprint(), _fgets(), _fwrite(), COMPRESSED, get_sock(), INTVAL, serialize(), and SERIALIZED.

Referenced by add(), cas(), replace(), and set().

◆ add()

MemcachedClient::add (   $key,
  $exp = 0 

Adds a key/value to the memcache server if one isn't already set with that key.

string$keyKey to set with data
mixed$valValue to store
int$exp(optional) Expiration time. This can be a number of seconds to cache for (up to 30 days inclusive). Any timespans of 30 days + 1 second or longer must be the timestamp of the time at which the mapping should expire. It is safe to use timestamps in all cases, regardless of expiration eg: strtotime("+3 hour")

Definition at line 297 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References _set().

◆ cas()

MemcachedClient::cas (   $casToken,
  $exp = 0 

Sets a key to a given value in the memcache if the current value still corresponds to a known, given value.

Returns true if set successfully.

float$casTokenCurrent known value
string$keyKey to set value as
mixed$valueValue to set
int$exp(optional) Expiration time. This can be a number of seconds to cache for (up to 30 days inclusive). Any timespans of 30 days + 1 second or longer must be the timestamp of the time at which the mapping should expire. It is safe to use timestamps in all cases, regardless of exipration eg: strtotime("+3 hour")
bool True on success

Definition at line 692 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $value, and _set().

◆ decr()

MemcachedClient::decr (   $key,
  $amt = 1 

Decrease a value stored on the memcache server.

string$keyKey to decrease
int$amt(optional) amount to decrease
mixed False on failure, value on success

Definition at line 312 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References _incrdecr().

◆ delete()

MemcachedClient::delete (   $key,
  $time = 0 

Deletes a key from the server, optionally after $time.

string$keyKey to delete
int$time(optional) how long to wait before deleting
bool True on success, false on failure

Definition at line 327 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $res, _debugprint(), _fgets(), _fwrite(), and get_sock().

◆ disconnect_all()

MemcachedClient::disconnect_all ( )

Disconnects all connected sockets.

Definition at line 428 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References array(), and as.

◆ enable_compress()

MemcachedClient::enable_compress (   $enable)

Enable / Disable compression.

bool$enableTrue to enable, false to disable

Definition at line 444 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ forget_dead_hosts()

MemcachedClient::forget_dead_hosts ( )

Forget about all of the dead hosts.

Definition at line 454 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References array().

◆ get()

MemcachedClient::get (   $key,
$casToken = null 

Retrieves the value associated with the key from the memcache server.

array | string$keykey to retrieve

Definition at line 469 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $value, _debugprint(), _fwrite(), _load_items(), array(), as, get_sock(), and serialize().

◆ get_multi()

MemcachedClient::get_multi (   $keys)

Get multiple keys from the server(s)

array$keysKeys to retrieve

Definition at line 527 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $keys, _debugprint(), _fwrite(), _load_items(), array(), as, and get_sock().

◆ get_sock()

MemcachedClient::get_sock (   $key)


string$keyKey to retrieve value for;
Resource|bool Resource on success, false on failure
Access:\n private

Definition at line 850 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $_bucketcount, _hashfunc(), array(), as, captcha-old\count, and sock_to_host().

Referenced by _incrdecr(), _set(), delete(), get(), get_multi(), and touch().

◆ incr()

MemcachedClient::incr (   $key,
  $amt = 1 

Increments $key (optionally) by $amt.

string$keyKey to increment
int$amt(optional) amount to increment
int|null Null if the key does not exist yet (this does NOT create new mappings if the key does not exist). If the key does exist, this returns the new value for that key.

Definition at line 594 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References _incrdecr().

◆ lock()

MemcachedClient::lock (   $key,
  $timeout = 0 

Definition at line 408 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ replace()

MemcachedClient::replace (   $key,
  $exp = 0 

Overwrites an existing value for key; only works if key is already set.

string$keyKey to set value as
mixed$valueValue to store
int$exp(optional) Expiration time. This can be a number of seconds to cache for (up to 30 days inclusive). Any timespans of 30 days + 1 second or longer must be the timestamp of the time at which the mapping should expire. It is safe to use timestamps in all cases, regardless of exipration eg: strtotime("+3 hour")

Definition at line 614 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $value, and _set().

◆ run_command()

MemcachedClient::run_command (   $sock,

Passes through $cmd to the memcache server connected by $sock; returns output as an array (null array if no output)

Resource$sockSocket to send command on
string$cmdCommand to run
array Output array

Definition at line 630 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $res, $ret, _fgets(), _fwrite(), and array().

◆ set()

MemcachedClient::set (   $key,
  $exp = 0 

Unconditionally sets a key to a given value in the memcache.

Returns true if set successfully.

string$keyKey to set value as
mixed$valueValue to set
int$exp(optional) Expiration time. This can be a number of seconds to cache for (up to 30 days inclusive). Any timespans of 30 days + 1 second or longer must be the timestamp of the time at which the mapping should expire. It is safe to use timestamps in all cases, regardless of exipration eg: strtotime("+3 hour")
bool True on success

Definition at line 670 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $value, and _set().

◆ set_compress_threshold()

MemcachedClient::set_compress_threshold (   $thresh)

Set the compression threshold.

int$threshThreshold to compress if larger than

Definition at line 704 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ set_debug()

MemcachedClient::set_debug (   $dbg)

Set the debug flag.

See also
bool$dbgTrue for debugging, false otherwise

Definition at line 717 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ set_servers()

MemcachedClient::set_servers (   $list)

Set the server list to distribute key gets and puts between.

See also
array$listArray of servers to connect to

Definition at line 730 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References captcha-old\count.

Referenced by __construct().

◆ set_timeout()

MemcachedClient::set_timeout (   $seconds,

Sets the timeout for new connections.

int$secondsNumber of seconds
int$microsecondsNumber of microseconds

Definition at line 748 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ sock_to_host()

MemcachedClient::sock_to_host (   $host)

Returns the socket for the host.

string$hostHost:IP to get socket for
Resource|bool IO Stream or false
Access:\n private

Definition at line 1135 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References _connect_sock(), and list.

Referenced by get_sock().

◆ touch()

MemcachedClient::touch (   $key,
  $time = 0 

Changes the TTL on a key from the server to $time.

int$timeTTL in seconds
bool True on success, false on failure

Definition at line 369 of file MemcachedClient.php.

References $res, _debugprint(), _fgets(), _fwrite(), and get_sock().

◆ unlock()

MemcachedClient::unlock (   $key)

Definition at line 417 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $_active

int MemcachedClient::$_active

of total servers we have

Access:\n private

Definition at line 215 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_bucketcount

int MemcachedClient::$_bucketcount

Total # of bit buckets we have.

Access:\n private

Definition at line 207 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by get_sock().

◆ $_buckets

array MemcachedClient::$_buckets

Our bit buckets.

Access:\n private

Definition at line 199 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_cache_sock

array MemcachedClient::$_cache_sock

Cached Sockets that are connected.

Access:\n private

Definition at line 127 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_compress_enable

bool MemcachedClient::$_compress_enable

Do we want to use compression?

Access:\n private

Definition at line 159 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_compress_threshold

int MemcachedClient::$_compress_threshold

At how many bytes should we compress?

Access:\n private

Definition at line 167 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_connect_attempts


Number of connection attempts for each server.

Definition at line 241 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _connect_sock().

◆ $_connect_timeout


Connect timeout in seconds.

Definition at line 236 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _connect_sock().

◆ $_debug

bool MemcachedClient::$_debug

Current debug status; 0 - none to 9 - profiling.

Access:\n private

Definition at line 135 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_have_zlib

bool MemcachedClient::$_have_zlib

Is compression available?

Access:\n private

Definition at line 151 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_host_dead

array MemcachedClient::$_host_dead

Dead hosts, assoc array, 'host'=>'unixtime when ok to check again'.

Access:\n private

Definition at line 143 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_logger

LoggerInterface MemcachedClient::$_logger

Definition at line 246 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_persistent

bool MemcachedClient::$_persistent

Are we using persistent links?

Access:\n private

Definition at line 175 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_servers

array MemcachedClient::$_servers

Array containing ip:port or array(ip:port, weight)

Access:\n private

Definition at line 191 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_single_sock

string MemcachedClient::$_single_sock

If only using one server; contains ip:port to connect to.

Access:\n private

Definition at line 183 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_timeout_microseconds

int MemcachedClient::$_timeout_microseconds

Stream timeout in microseconds.

Access:\n private

Definition at line 231 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $_timeout_seconds

int MemcachedClient::$_timeout_seconds

Stream timeout in seconds.

Applies for example to fread()

Access:\n private

Definition at line 223 of file MemcachedClient.php.

◆ $stats

array MemcachedClient::$stats

Command statistics.

Access:\n public

Definition at line 116 of file MemcachedClient.php.


const MemcachedClient::COMPRESSED = 2

Flag: indicates data is compressed.

Definition at line 94 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _set().


const MemcachedClient::COMPRESSION_SAVINGS = 0.20

Minimum savings to store data compressed.

Definition at line 106 of file MemcachedClient.php.


const MemcachedClient::INTVAL = 4

Flag: indicates data is an integer.

Definition at line 99 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _set().


const MemcachedClient::SERIALIZED = 1

Flag: indicates data is serialized.

Definition at line 89 of file MemcachedClient.php.

Referenced by _set().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: