doAfterParserFetchFileAndTitle(Parser $parser, ImageGalleryBase $gallery)
processFile(Parser $parser, $file, $handlerParams)
processThisTitle(Title $title)
Returns true if data for this title should be saved.
static onAfterParserFetchFileAndTitle(Parser $parser, ImageGalleryBase $gallery)
AfterParserFetchFileAndTitle hook handler, saves information about gallery images.
static onParserMakeImageParams(Title $title, $file, array &$params, Parser $parser)
ParserMakeImageParams hook handler, saves extended information about images used on page.
calcWidth(array &$params, File $file)
Estimates image size as displayed if not explicitly provided.
doParserMakeImageParams(Title $title, $file, array &$params, Parser $parser)
Handler for the "ParserMakeImageParams" and "AfterParserFetchFileAndTitle" hooks.