MediaWiki  1.34.4
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
24  private static $aceLexers = [
25  'ABAP' => [ 'abap' ],
26  'ABC' => [],
27  'ActionScript' => [ 'actionscript', 'actionscript3' ],
28  'ADA' => [ 'ada', 'ada2005', 'ada95' ],
29  'Apache_Conf' => [ 'apache', 'apacheconf', 'aconf' ],
30  'AsciiDoc' => [],
31  'Assembly_x86' => [ 'nasm' ],
32  'AutoHotKey' => [ 'autohotkey', 'ah' ],
33  'BatchFile' => [ 'bat', 'batch', 'dosbatch', 'winbatch' ],
34  'C_Cpp' => [ 'cpp', 'c++' ],
35  'C9Search' => [],
36  'Cirru' => [ 'cirru' ],
37  'Clojure' => [ 'clojure', 'clj' ],
38  'Cobol' => [ 'cobol' ],
39  'coffee' => [ 'coffee', 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script' ],
40  'ColdFusion' => [ 'cfm' ],
41  'CSharp' => [ 'csharp', '#' ],
42  'CSS' => [ 'css' ],
43  'Curly' => [],
44  'D' => [ 'd' ],
45  'Dart' => [ 'dart' ],
46  'Diff' => [ 'diff', 'udiff' ],
47  'Django' => [ 'django', 'html+django', 'html+jinja', 'htmldjango' ],
48  'Dockerfile' => [ 'Dockerfile', 'docker' ],
49  'Dot' => [],
50  'Dummy' => [],
51  'DummySyntax' => [],
52  'Eiffel' => [ 'eiffel' ],
53  'EJS' => [],
54  'Elixir' => [ 'elixer', 'ex', 'exs' ],
55  'Elm' => [ 'elm' ],
56  'Erlang' => [ 'erlang' ],
57  'Forth' => [],
58  'Fortran' => [ 'fortran' ],
59  'FTL' => [],
60  'Gcode' => [],
61  'Gherkin' => [ 'cucumber', 'gherkin' ],
62  'Gitignore' => [],
63  'Glsl' => [ 'glsl' ],
64  'Gobstones' => [],
65  'golang' => [ 'go' ],
66  'Groovy' => [ 'groovy' ],
67  'HAML' => [ 'haml' ],
68  'Handlebars' => [ 'html+handlebars' ],
69  'Haskell' => [ 'haskell', 'hs' ],
70  'haXe' => [ 'hx', 'haxe', 'hxsl' ],
71  'HTML' => [ 'html' ],
72  'HTML_Elixir' => [],
73  'HTML_Ruby' => [ 'rhtml', 'html+erb', 'html+ruby' ],
74  'INI' => [ 'ini', 'cfg', 'dosini' ],
75  'Io' => [ 'io' ],
76  'Jack' => [ '' ],
77  'Jade' => [ 'jade' ],
78  'Java' => [ 'java' ],
79  'JavaScript' => [ 'Javascript', 'js' ],
80  'JSON' => [ 'json' ],
81  'JSONiq' => [],
82  'JSP' => [ 'jsp' ],
83  'JSX' => [],
84  'Julia' => [ 'julia', 'jl' ],
85  'LaTeX' => [ 'latex' ],
86  'Lean' => [ 'lean' ],
87  'LESS' => [ 'less' ],
88  'Liquid' => [ 'liquid' ],
89  'Lisp' => [ 'lisp', 'common-lisp', 'cl' ],
90  'LiveScript' => [ 'Livescript', 'live-script' ],
91  'LogiQL' => [],
92  'LSL' => [ 'lsl' ],
93  'Lua' => [ 'lua' ],
94  'LuaPage' => [],
95  'Lucene' => [],
96  'Makefile' => [ 'make', 'makefile', 'mf', 'bsdmake' ],
97  'Markdown' => [],
98  'Mask' => [ 'mask' ],
99  'MATLAB' => [ 'matlab' ],
100  'Maze' => [],
101  'MEL' => [],
102  'MUSHCode' => [],
103  'MySQL' => [ 'mysql' ],
104  'Nix' => [ 'nix', 'nixos' ],
105  'NSIS' => [ 'nsis', 'nsi', 'nsh' ],
106  'ObjectiveC' => [ 'objectivec', 'objective-c', 'obj-c', 'objc',
107  'objective-c++', 'objectivec++', 'obj-c++', 'objc++' ],
108  'OCaml' => [ 'ocaml' ],
109  'Pascal' => [ 'pascal', 'delphi', 'pas', 'objectpascal' ],
110  'Perl' => [ 'perl', 'pl', 'perl6', 'pl6' ],
111  'pgSQL' => [ 'postgresql', 'postgres' ],
112  'PHP' => [ 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'html+php' ],
113  'Powershell' => [ 'powershell', 'posh', 'ps1', 'psm1' ],
114  'Praat' => [ 'praat' ],
115  'Prolog' => [ 'prolog' ],
116  'Properties' => [ 'properties', 'jproperties' ],
117  'Protobuf' => [ 'protobuf', 'proto' ],
118  'Python' => [ 'python', 'py', 'sage', 'pyton3', 'py3' ],
119  'R' => [],
120  'Razor' => [],
121  'RDoc' => [],
122  'RHTML' => [], // HTML with Rcode, not ruby
123  'RST' => [ 'rst', 'rest', 'restructuredtext' ],
124  'Ruby' => [ 'ruby', 'rb', 'duby' ],
125  'Rust' => [ 'rust' ],
126  'SASS' => [ 'sass' ],
127  'SCAD' => [],
128  'Scala' => [ 'scala' ],
129  'Scheme' => [ 'scheme', 'scm' ],
130  'SCSS' => [ 'scss' ],
131  'SH' => [ 'sh', 'bash', 'ksh', 'shell' ],
132  'SJS' => [],
133  'Smarty' => [ 'smarty', 'html+smarty' ],
134  'snippets' => [],
135  'Soy_Template' => [],
136  'Space' => [],
137  'SQL' => [ 'sql' ],
138  'SQLServer' => [],
139  'Stylus' => [],
140  'SVG' => [],
141  'Swift' => [ 'swift' ],
142  'Tcl' => [ 'tcl' ],
143  'Tex' => [ 'tex' ],
144  'Text' => [ 'text' ],
145  'Textile' => [],
146  'Toml' => [],
147  'Twig' => [ 'html+twig', 'twig' ],
148  'Typescript' => [ 'typescript', 'ts' ],
149  'Vala' => [ 'vala', 'vapi' ],
150  'VBScript' => [],
151  'Velocity' => [ 'velocity', 'html+velocity' ],
152  'Verilog' => [ 'verilog', 'v', 'systemverilog', 'sv' ],
153  'VHDL' => [ 'vhdl' ],
154  'Wollok' => [],
155  'XML' => [ 'xml' ],
156  'XQuery' => [ 'xquery', 'xqy', 'xq', 'xql', 'xqm' ],
157  'YAML' => [ 'yaml' ],
158  ];
160  public static function getPygmentsToAceMap() {
161  $result = [];
162  foreach ( self::$aceLexers as $aceName => $pygmentsLexers ) {
163  foreach ( $pygmentsLexers as $lexer ) {
164  if ( strcasecmp( $lexer, $aceName ) === 0 ) {
165  continue;
166  }
167  if ( !array_key_exists( $lexer, $result ) ) {
168  $result[ $lexer ] = $aceName;
169  }
170  }
171  }
172  return $result;
173  }
174 }
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Ge...
Definition: SyntaxHighlightAce.php:22
static getPygmentsToAceMap()
Definition: SyntaxHighlightAce.php:160
static array $aceLexers
This map is inverted, because it is easier to maintain this way.
Definition: SyntaxHighlightAce.php:24