MediaWiki  1.34.4
Revision\SlotRecord Class Reference

Value object representing a content slot associated with a page revision. More...

Collaboration diagram for Revision\SlotRecord:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ( $row, $content)
 The following fields are supported by the $row parameter: More...
 __sleep ()
 Implemented to defy serialization. More...
 getAddress ()
 Returns the address of this slot's content. More...
 getContent ()
 Returns the Content of the given slot. More...
 getContentId ()
 Returns the ID of the content meta data row associated with the slot. More...
 getFormat ()
 Returns the blob serialization format as a MIME type. More...
 getModel ()
 Returns the content model. More...
 getOrigin ()
 Returns the revision ID of the revision that originated the slot's content. More...
 getRevision ()
 Returns the ID of the revision this slot is associated with. More...
 getRole ()
 Returns the role of the slot. More...
 getSha1 ()
 Returns the content size. More...
 getSize ()
 Returns the content size. More...
 hasAddress ()
 Whether this slot has an address. More...
 hasContentId ()
 Whether this slot has a content ID. More...
 hasOrigin ()
 Whether this slot has an origin (revision ID that originated the slot's content. More...
 hasRevision ()
 Whether this slot has revision ID associated. More...
 hasSameContent (SlotRecord $other)
 Returns true if $other has the same content as this slot. More...
 isInherited ()
 Whether this slot was inherited from an older revision. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static base36Sha1 ( $blob)
 Get the base 36 SHA-1 value for a string of text. More...
static newInherited (SlotRecord $slot)
 Constructs a new SlotRecord for a new revision, inheriting the content of the given SlotRecord of a previous revision. More...
static newSaved ( $revisionId, $contentId, $contentAddress, SlotRecord $protoSlot)
 Constructs a complete SlotRecord for a newly saved revision, based on the incomplete proto-slot. More...
static newUnsaved ( $role, Content $content)
 Constructs a new Slot from a Content object for a new revision. More...
static newWithSuppressedContent (SlotRecord $slot)
 Returns a new SlotRecord just like the given $slot, except that calling getContent() will fail with an exception. More...

Public Attributes

const MAIN = 'main'

Private Member Functions

 getField ( $name)
 Returns the string value of a data field from the database row supplied to the constructor. More...
 getIntField ( $name)
 Returns the int value of a data field from the database row supplied to the constructor. More...
 getStringField ( $name)
 Returns the string value of a data field from the database row supplied to the constructor. More...
 hasField ( $name)
 setField ( $name, $value)

Static Private Member Functions

static newDerived (SlotRecord $slot, array $overrides=[])
 Constructs a new SlotRecord from an existing SlotRecord, overriding some fields. More...

Private Attributes

Content callable $content
object $row
 database result row, as a raw object. More...

Detailed Description

Value object representing a content slot associated with a page revision.

SlotRecord provides direct access to a Content object. That access may be implemented through a callback.

1.32 Renamed from MediaWiki\Storage\SlotRecord

Definition at line 39 of file SlotRecord.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Revision\SlotRecord::__construct (   $row,

The following fields are supported by the $row parameter:

$row->blob_data $row->blob_address

object$rowA database row composed of fields of the slot and content tables, as a raw object. Any field value can be a callback that produces the field value given this SlotRecord as a parameter. However, plain strings cannot be used as callbacks here, for security reasons.
Content | callable$contentThe content object associated with the slot, or a callback that will return that Content object, given this SlotRecord as a parameter.

Definition at line 234 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\$content, and Revision\SlotRecord\$row.

Member Function Documentation

◆ __sleep()

Revision\SlotRecord::__sleep ( )

Implemented to defy serialization.


Definition at line 283 of file SlotRecord.php.

◆ base36Sha1()

static Revision\SlotRecord::base36Sha1 (   $blob)

Get the base 36 SHA-1 value for a string of text.

MCR migration note: this replaces Revision::base36Sha1


Definition at line 612 of file SlotRecord.php.

References $blob.

Referenced by Revision\RevisionSlots\computeSha1(), and Revision\SlotRecord\getSha1().

◆ getAddress()

Revision\SlotRecord::getAddress ( )

Returns the address of this slot's content.

This address can be used with BlobStore to load the Content object.


Definition at line 499 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getStringField().

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\hasSameContent(), Revision\RevisionStore\insertSlotOn(), Revision\RevisionStore\loadSlotContent(), Revision\SlotRecord\newInherited(), Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved(), and XmlDumpWriter\writeSlot().

◆ getContent()

Revision\SlotRecord::getContent ( )

Returns the Content of the given slot.

This is free to load Content from whatever subsystem is necessary, performing potentially expensive operations and triggering I/O-related failure modes.
This method does not apply audience filtering.
SuppressedDataExceptionif access to the content is not allowed according to the audience check performed by RevisionRecord::getSlot().
Content The slot's content. This is a direct reference to the internal instance, copy before exposing to application logic!

Definition at line 302 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\$content.

Referenced by ApiQueryRevisionsBase\extractSlotInfo(), WikiPage\getDeletionUpdates(), Revision\SlotRecord\getModel(), Revision\SlotRecord\getSha1(), Revision\SlotRecord\getSize(), and Revision\RevisionStore\storeContentBlob().

◆ getContentId()

Revision\SlotRecord::getContentId ( )

Returns the ID of the content meta data row associated with the slot.

This information should be irrelevant to application logic, it is here to allow the construction of a full row for the revision table.

Note that this method may return an emulated value during schema migration in SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD mode. See RevisionStore::emulateContentId for more information.


Definition at line 513 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getIntField().

Referenced by Revision\RevisionStore\insertSlotOn(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved().

◆ getField()

Revision\SlotRecord::getField (   $name)

Returns the string value of a data field from the database row supplied to the constructor.

If the field was set to a callback, that callback is invoked and the result returned.

mixed Returns the field's value, never null.

Definition at line 329 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\setField().

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\getIntField(), Revision\SlotRecord\getStringField(), and Revision\SlotRecord\hasField().

◆ getFormat()

Revision\SlotRecord::getFormat ( )

Returns the blob serialization format as a MIME type.

When this method returns null, the caller is expected to auto-detect the serialization format, or to rely on the default format associated with the content model.

Definition at line 586 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getStringField(), and Revision\SlotRecord\hasField().

◆ getIntField()

Revision\SlotRecord::getIntField (   $name)

Returns the int value of a data field from the database row supplied to the constructor.

int Returns the int value

Definition at line 372 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getField().

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\getContentId(), Revision\SlotRecord\getOrigin(), Revision\SlotRecord\getRevision(), and Revision\SlotRecord\getSize().

◆ getModel()

Revision\SlotRecord::getModel ( )

Returns the content model.

This is the model name that decides which ContentHandler is appropriate for interpreting the data of the blob referenced by the address returned by getAddress().

string the content model of the content

Definition at line 566 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getContent(), Revision\SlotRecord\getStringField(), and Revision\SlotRecord\setField().

Referenced by ApiQueryRevisionsBase\extractSlotInfo(), Revision\SlotRecord\hasSameContent(), Revision\RevisionStore\insertContentRowOn(), Revision\RevisionStore\loadSlotContent(), and XmlDumpWriter\writeSlot().

◆ getOrigin()

Revision\SlotRecord::getOrigin ( )

Returns the revision ID of the revision that originated the slot's content.


Definition at line 405 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getIntField().

Referenced by Revision\RevisionStore\insertSlotRowOn(), Revision\SlotRecord\isInherited(), Revision\SlotRecord\newInherited(), Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved(), and XmlDumpWriter\writeSlot().

◆ getRevision()

Revision\SlotRecord::getRevision ( )

Returns the ID of the revision this slot is associated with.


Definition at line 396 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getIntField().

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\isInherited(), Revision\SlotRecord\newInherited(), Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved(), Revision\MutableRevisionRecord\setSlot(), and XmlDumpWriter\writeSlot().

◆ getRole()

◆ getSha1()

◆ getSize()

Revision\SlotRecord::getSize ( )

◆ getStringField()

Revision\SlotRecord::getStringField (   $name)

Returns the string value of a data field from the database row supplied to the constructor.

string Returns the string value

Definition at line 359 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getField().

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\getAddress(), Revision\SlotRecord\getFormat(), Revision\SlotRecord\getModel(), Revision\SlotRecord\getRole(), and Revision\SlotRecord\getSha1().

◆ hasAddress()

Revision\SlotRecord::hasAddress ( )

Whether this slot has an address.

Slots will have an address if their content has been stored. While building a new revision, SlotRecords will not have an address associated.


Definition at line 435 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\hasField().

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\hasSameContent(), Revision\RevisionStore\insertSlotOn(), Revision\SlotRecord\isInherited(), Revision\RevisionStore\loadSlotContent(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved().

◆ hasContentId()

Revision\SlotRecord::hasContentId ( )

Whether this slot has a content ID.

Slots will have a content ID if their content has been stored in the content table. While building a new revision, SlotRecords will not have an ID associated.

Also, during schema migration, hasContentId() may return false when encountering an un-migrated database entry in SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_BOTH mode. It will however always return true for saved revisions on SCHEMA_COMPAT_READ_NEW mode, or without SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_NEW mode. In the latter case, an emulated content ID is used, derived from the revision's text ID.

Note that hasContentId() returning false while hasRevision() returns true always indicates an unmigrated row in SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_BOTH mode, as described above. For an unsaved slot, both these methods would return false.


Definition at line 469 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\hasField().

Referenced by Revision\RevisionStore\insertSlotOn(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved().

◆ hasField()

Revision\SlotRecord::hasField (   $name)

◆ hasOrigin()

Revision\SlotRecord::hasOrigin ( )

Whether this slot has an origin (revision ID that originated the slot's content.


Definition at line 446 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\hasField().

Referenced by Revision\RevisionStore\insertSlotRowOn().

◆ hasRevision()

Revision\SlotRecord::hasRevision ( )

Whether this slot has revision ID associated.

Slots will have a revision ID associated only if they were loaded as part of an existing revision. While building a new revision, Slotrecords will not have a revision ID associated.


Definition at line 480 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\hasField().

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\isInherited(), Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved(), and Revision\MutableRevisionRecord\setSlot().

◆ hasSameContent()

Revision\SlotRecord::hasSameContent ( SlotRecord  $other)

Returns true if $other has the same content as this slot.

The check is performed based on the model, address size, and hash. Two slots can have the same content if they use different content addresses, but if they have the same address and the same model, they have the same content. Two slots can have the same content if they belong to different revisions or pages.

Note that hasSameContent() may return false even if Content::equals returns true for the content of two slots. This may happen if the two slots have different serializations representing equivalent Content. Such false negatives are considered acceptable. Code that has to be absolutely sure the Content is really not the same if hasSameContent() returns false should call getContent() and compare the Content objects directly.


Definition at line 635 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getAddress(), Revision\SlotRecord\getModel(), Revision\SlotRecord\getSha1(), Revision\SlotRecord\getSize(), and Revision\SlotRecord\hasAddress().

◆ isInherited()

Revision\SlotRecord::isInherited ( )

Whether this slot was inherited from an older revision.

If this SlotRecord is already attached to a revision, this returns true if the slot's revision of origin is the same as the revision it belongs to.

If this SlotRecord is not yet attached to a revision, this returns true if the slot already has an address.


Definition at line 420 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getOrigin(), Revision\SlotRecord\getRevision(), Revision\SlotRecord\hasAddress(), and Revision\SlotRecord\hasRevision().

Referenced by Revision\RevisionSlots\getInheritedSlots(), Revision\RevisionSlots\getOriginalSlots(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved().

◆ newDerived()

static Revision\SlotRecord::newDerived ( SlotRecord  $slot,
array  $overrides = [] 

Constructs a new SlotRecord from an existing SlotRecord, overriding some fields.

The slot's content cannot be overwritten.


Definition at line 80 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\$row.

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\newInherited(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newSaved().

◆ newInherited()

static Revision\SlotRecord::newInherited ( SlotRecord  $slot)

Constructs a new SlotRecord for a new revision, inheriting the content of the given SlotRecord of a previous revision.

Note that a SlotRecord constructed this way are intended as prototypes, to be used wit newSaved(). They are incomplete, so some getters such as getRevision() will fail.


Definition at line 103 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getAddress(), Revision\SlotRecord\getOrigin(), Revision\SlotRecord\getRevision(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newDerived().

Referenced by Revision\MutableRevisionSlots\inheritSlot(), MediaWiki\Storage\PageUpdater\inheritSlot(), and Revision\MutableRevisionSlots\newFromParentRevisionSlots().

◆ newSaved()

static Revision\SlotRecord::newSaved (   $revisionId,
SlotRecord  $protoSlot 

Constructs a complete SlotRecord for a newly saved revision, based on the incomplete proto-slot.

This adds information that has only become available during saving, particularly the revision ID, content ID and content address.

int$revisionIdthe revision the slot is to be associated with (field slot_revision_id). If $protoSlot already has a revision, it must be the same.
int | null$contentIdthe ID of the row in the content table describing the content referenced by $contentAddress (field slot_content_id). If $protoSlot already has a content ID, it must be the same.
string$contentAddressthe slot's content address (field content_address). If $protoSlot already has an address, it must be the same.
SlotRecord$protoSlotThe proto-slot that was provided as input for creating a new revision. $protoSlot must have a content address if inherited.
SlotRecord If the state of $protoSlot is inappropriate for saving a new revision.

Definition at line 164 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\getAddress(), Revision\SlotRecord\getContentId(), Revision\SlotRecord\getOrigin(), Revision\SlotRecord\getRevision(), Revision\SlotRecord\hasAddress(), Revision\SlotRecord\hasContentId(), Revision\SlotRecord\hasField(), Revision\SlotRecord\hasRevision(), Revision\SlotRecord\isInherited(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newDerived().

Referenced by Revision\RevisionStore\insertSlotOn().

◆ newUnsaved()

static Revision\SlotRecord::newUnsaved (   $role,
Content  $content 

Constructs a new Slot from a Content object for a new revision.

This is the preferred way to construct a slot for storing Content that resulted from a user edit. The slot is assumed to be not inherited.

Note that a SlotRecord constructed this way are intended as prototypes, to be used wit newSaved(). They are incomplete, so some getters such as getAddress() will fail.

SlotRecord An incomplete proto-slot object, to be used with newSaved() later.

Definition at line 129 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\$content, Revision\SlotRecord\$row, and Content\getModel().

Referenced by MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlotsUpdate\modifyContent(), MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlotsUpdate\newFromContent(), MediaWiki\Storage\DerivedPageDataUpdater\prepareContent(), and Revision\MutableRevisionSlots\setContent().

◆ newWithSuppressedContent()

static Revision\SlotRecord::newWithSuppressedContent ( SlotRecord  $slot)

Returns a new SlotRecord just like the given $slot, except that calling getContent() will fail with an exception.


Definition at line 63 of file SlotRecord.php.

References Revision\SlotRecord\$row.

Referenced by Revision\RevisionRecord\getSlot().

◆ setField()

Revision\SlotRecord::setField (   $name,
string | int | null$value

Definition at line 600 of file SlotRecord.php.

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\getField(), Revision\SlotRecord\getModel(), Revision\SlotRecord\getSha1(), and Revision\SlotRecord\getSize().

Member Data Documentation

◆ $content

Content callable Revision\SlotRecord::$content

◆ $row

object Revision\SlotRecord::$row

database result row, as a raw object.

Callbacks are supported for field values, to enable on-demand emulation of these values. This is primarily intended for use during schema migration.

Definition at line 48 of file SlotRecord.php.

Referenced by Revision\SlotRecord\__construct(), Revision\SlotRecord\newDerived(), Revision\SlotRecord\newUnsaved(), and Revision\SlotRecord\newWithSuppressedContent().


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