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MessagesHsn.php File Reference

Xiang Chinese (湘语) More...

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 $defaultDateFormat = 'zh'
 $fallback = 'zh-cn, zh-hans, zh, zh-hant'
 $linkTrail = '/^()(.*)$/sD'

Detailed Description

Xiang Chinese (湘语)

To improve a translation please visit

Amir E. Aharoni
Winston Sung

Definition in file MessagesHsn.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ $bookstoreList

Initial value:
= [
'AddALL' => '$1&type=ISBN',
'Barnes & Noble' => '$1',
'亚马逊' => '$1',
'卓越亚马逊' => '$1',
'当当网' => '$1',
'博客来书店' => '$1',
'三民书店' => '$1',
'天下书店' => '$1',
'新丝路书店' => '$1'

Definition at line 30 of file MessagesHsn.php.

◆ $dateFormats

Initial value:
= [
'zh time' => 'H:i',
'zh date' => 'Y年n月j日 (l)',
'zh both' => 'Y年n月j日 (D) H:i',

Definition at line 23 of file MessagesHsn.php.

◆ $datePreferences

Initial value:
= [
'ISO 8601',

Definition at line 18 of file MessagesHsn.php.

◆ $defaultDateFormat

$defaultDateFormat = 'zh'

Definition at line 22 of file MessagesHsn.php.

◆ $fallback

$fallback = 'zh-cn, zh-hans, zh, zh-hant'

Definition at line 13 of file MessagesHsn.php.

◆ $linkTrail

$linkTrail = '/^()(.*)$/sD'

Definition at line 15 of file MessagesHsn.php.