MediaWiki 1.39.10
MediaWiki\Logger Namespace Reference


namespace  Monolog


class  ConsoleLogger
 A logger which writes to the terminal. More...
class  ConsoleSpi
class  LegacyLogger
 PSR-3 logger that mimics the historic implementation of MediaWiki's former wfErrorLog logging implementation. More...
class  LegacySpi
 LoggerFactory service provider that creates LegacyLogger instances. More...
class  LogCapturingSpi
 Wraps another spi to capture all logs generated. More...
class  LoggerFactory
 PSR-3 logger instance factory. More...
class  MonologSpi
 LoggerFactory service provider that creates loggers implemented by Monolog. More...
class  NullSpi
 LoggerFactory service provider that creates \Psr\Log\NullLogger instances. More...
interface  Spi
 Service provider interface for \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation libraries. More...