MediaWiki 1.40.4
Go to the documentation of this file.
10// phpcs:disable Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName.ClassConstantNotUpperCase
11// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong
12namespace MediaWiki;
22use CdnPurgeJob;
27use DateTime;
28use DateTimeZone;
33use EmaillingJob;
38use Generator;
42use InvalidArgumentException;
44use JobQueueDB;
49use LocalRepo;
50use LogFormatter;
51use MediaWiki\Settings\Source\JsonSchemaTrait;
60use NullJob;
67use ReflectionClass;
75use SqlBagOStuff;
85use WebRequest;
121 use JsonSchemaTrait;
144 public static function listDefaultValues( string $prefix = '' ): Generator {
145 $class = new ReflectionClass( self::class );
146 foreach ( $class->getReflectionConstants() as $const ) {
147 if ( !$const->isPublic() ) {
148 continue;
149 }
151 $value = $const->getValue();
153 if ( !is_array( $value ) ) {
154 // Just in case we end up having some other kind of constant on this class.
155 continue;
156 }
158 if ( isset( $value['obsolete'] ) ) {
159 continue;
160 }
162 $name = $const->getName();
163 yield "$prefix$name" => self::getDefaultFromJsonSchema( $value );
164 }
165 }
179 public static function getDefaultValue( string $name ) {
180 $class = new ReflectionClass( self::class );
181 if ( !$class->hasConstant( $name ) ) {
182 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown setting: $name" );
183 }
184 $value = $class->getConstant( $name );
186 if ( !is_array( $value ) ) {
187 // Might happen if we end up having other kinds of constants on this class.
188 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown setting: $name" );
189 }
191 return self::getDefaultFromJsonSchema( $value );
192 }
194 /***************************************************************************/
202 public const ConfigRegistry = [
203 'default' => [
204 'main' => 'GlobalVarConfig::newInstance',
205 ],
206 'type' => 'map',
207 ];
212 public const Sitename = [
213 'default' => 'MediaWiki',
214 ];
216 /***************************************************************************/
217 // region Server URLs and file paths
242 public const Server = [
243 'default' => false,
244 ];
255 public const CanonicalServer = [
256 'default' => false,
257 ];
265 public const ServerName = [
266 'default' => false,
267 ];
275 public const AssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts = [
276 'default' => true,
277 'type' => 'boolean',
278 ];
290 public const HttpsPort = [
291 'default' => 443,
292 ];
311 public const ForceHTTPS = [
312 'default' => false,
313 'type' => 'boolean',
314 ];
326 public const ScriptPath = [
327 'default' => '/wiki',
328 ];
344 public const UsePathInfo = [
345 'dynamicDefault' => true,
346 ];
351 public static function getDefaultUsePathInfo(): bool {
352 // These often break when PHP is set up in CGI mode.
353 // PATH_INFO *may* be correct if cgi.fix_pathinfo is set, but then again it may not;
354 // lighttpd converts incoming path data to lowercase on systems
355 // with case-insensitive filesystems, and there have been reports of
356 // problems on Apache as well.
357 return !str_contains( PHP_SAPI, 'cgi' ) && !str_contains( PHP_SAPI, 'apache2filter' ) &&
358 !str_contains( PHP_SAPI, 'isapi' );
359 }
366 public const Script = [
367 'default' => false,
368 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ScriptPath' ] ]
369 ];
375 public static function getDefaultScript( $scriptPath ): string {
376 return "$scriptPath/index.php";
377 }
386 public const LoadScript = [
387 'default' => false,
388 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ScriptPath' ] ]
389 ];
395 public static function getDefaultLoadScript( $scriptPath ): string {
396 return "$scriptPath/load.php";
397 }
405 public const RestPath = [
406 'default' => false,
407 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ScriptPath' ] ]
408 ];
414 public static function getDefaultRestPath( $scriptPath ): string {
415 return "$scriptPath/rest.php";
416 }
425 public const StylePath = [
426 'default' => false,
427 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ResourceBasePath' ] ]
428 ];
434 public static function getDefaultStylePath( $resourceBasePath ): string {
435 return "$resourceBasePath/skins";
436 }
445 public const LocalStylePath = [
446 'default' => false,
447 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ScriptPath' ] ]
448 ];
454 public static function getDefaultLocalStylePath( $scriptPath ): string {
455 // Avoid ResourceBasePath here since that may point to a different domain (e.g. CDN)
456 return "$scriptPath/skins";
457 }
466 public const ExtensionAssetsPath = [
467 'default' => false,
468 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ResourceBasePath' ] ]
469 ];
475 public static function getDefaultExtensionAssetsPath( $resourceBasePath ): string {
476 return "$resourceBasePath/extensions";
477 }
486 public const ExtensionDirectory = [
487 'default' => null,
488 'type' => '?string',
489 ];
498 public const StyleDirectory = [
499 'default' => null,
500 'type' => '?string',
501 ];
512 public const BaseDirectory = [
513 'default' => null,
514 ];
523 public const ArticlePath = [
524 'default' => false,
525 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'Script', 'UsePathInfo' ] ]
526 ];
533 public static function getDefaultArticlePath( string $script, $usePathInfo ): string {
534 if ( $usePathInfo ) {
535 return "$script/$1";
536 }
537 return "$script?title=$1";
538 }
545 public const UploadPath = [
546 'default' => false,
547 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ScriptPath' ] ]
548 ];
554 public static function getDefaultUploadPath( $scriptPath ): string {
555 return "$scriptPath/images";
556 }
570 public const ImgAuthPath = [
571 'default' => false,
572 ];
580 public const ThumbPath = [
581 'default' => false,
582 ];
587 public const UploadDirectory = [
588 'default' => false,
589 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'BaseDirectory' ] ]
590 ];
596 public static function getDefaultUploadDirectory( $baseDirectory ): string {
597 return "$baseDirectory/images";
598 }
605 public const FileCacheDirectory = [
606 'default' => false,
607 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'UploadDirectory' ] ]
608 ];
614 public static function getDefaultFileCacheDirectory( $uploadDirectory ): string {
615 return "$uploadDirectory/cache";
616 }
626 public const Logo = [
627 'default' => false,
628 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ResourceBasePath' ] ]
629 ];
635 public static function getDefaultLogo( $resourceBasePath ): string {
636 return "$resourceBasePath/resources/assets/change-your-logo.svg";
637 }
688 public const Logos = [
689 'default' => false,
690 'type' => 'map|false',
691 ];
722 public const LogoHD = [
723 'default' => false,
724 'type' => 'map|false',
725 'deprecated' => 'since 1.35. Developers should retrieve this logo (and other variants) ' .
726 'using the static function MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\SkinModule::getAvailableLogos. $wgLogos ' .
727 'should be used instead.',
728 ];
735 public const Favicon = [
736 'default' => '/favicon.ico',
737 ];
746 public const AppleTouchIcon = [
747 'default' => false,
748 ];
768 public const ReferrerPolicy = [
769 'default' => false,
770 'type' => 'list|string|false',
771 ];
794 public const TmpDirectory = [
795 'default' => false,
796 ];
804 public const UploadBaseUrl = [
805 'default' => '',
806 ];
820 public const UploadStashScalerBaseUrl = [
821 'default' => false,
822 'deprecated' => 'since 1.36 Use thumbProxyUrl in $wgLocalFileRepo',
823 ];
839 public const ActionPaths = [
840 'default' => [],
841 'type' => 'map',
842 ];
850 public const MainPageIsDomainRoot = [
851 'default' => false,
852 'type' => 'boolean',
853 ];
855 // endregion -- end of server URLs and file paths
857 /***************************************************************************/
858 // region Files and file uploads
870 public const EnableUploads = [
871 'default' => false,
872 ];
877 public const UploadStashMaxAge = [
878 'default' => 6 * 3600, // 6 hours
879 ];
887 public const EnableAsyncUploads = [
888 'default' => false,
889 ];
894 public const UploadMaintenance = [
895 'default' => false,
896 ];
905 public const IllegalFileChars = [
906 'default' => ':\\/\\\\',
907 ];
914 public const DeletedDirectory = [
915 'default' => false,
916 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'UploadDirectory' ] ]
917 ];
923 public static function getDefaultDeletedDirectory( $uploadDirectory ): string {
924 return "$uploadDirectory/deleted";
925 }
930 public const ImgAuthDetails = [
931 'default' => false,
932 ];
949 public const ImgAuthUrlPathMap = [
950 'default' => [],
951 'type' => 'map',
952 ];
1088 public const LocalFileRepo = [
1089 'default' => false,
1090 'type' => 'map|false',
1091 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'UploadDirectory', 'ScriptPath', 'Favicon', 'UploadBaseUrl',
1092 'UploadPath', 'HashedUploadDirectory', 'ThumbnailScriptPath',
1093 'GenerateThumbnailOnParse', 'DeletedDirectory', 'UpdateCompatibleMetadata' ] ],
1094 ];
1096 public static function getDefaultLocalFileRepo(
1097 $uploadDirectory, $scriptPath, $favicon, $uploadBaseUrl, $uploadPath,
1098 $hashedUploadDirectory, $thumbnailScriptPath, $generateThumbnailOnParse, $deletedDirectory,
1099 $updateCompatibleMetadata
1100 ) {
1101 return [
1102 'class' => LocalRepo::class,
1103 'name' => 'local',
1104 'directory' => $uploadDirectory,
1105 'scriptDirUrl' => $scriptPath,
1106 'favicon' => $favicon,
1107 'url' => $uploadBaseUrl ? $uploadBaseUrl . $uploadPath : $uploadPath,
1108 'hashLevels' => $hashedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
1109 'thumbScriptUrl' => $thumbnailScriptPath,
1110 'transformVia404' => !$generateThumbnailOnParse,
1111 'deletedDir' => $deletedDirectory,
1112 'deletedHashLevels' => $hashedUploadDirectory ? 3 : 0,
1113 'updateCompatibleMetadata' => $updateCompatibleMetadata,
1114 'reserializeMetadata' => $updateCompatibleMetadata,
1115 ];
1116 }
1131 public const ForeignFileRepos = [
1132 'default' => [],
1133 'type' => 'list',
1134 ];
1145 public const UseInstantCommons = [
1146 'default' => false,
1147 ];
1176 public const UseSharedUploads = [
1177 'default' => false,
1178 'type' => 'boolean',
1179 ];
1188 public const SharedUploadDirectory = [
1189 'default' => null,
1190 'type' => '?string',
1191 ];
1200 public const SharedUploadPath = [
1201 'default' => null,
1202 'type' => '?string',
1203 ];
1212 public const HashedSharedUploadDirectory = [
1213 'default' => true,
1214 'type' => 'boolean',
1215 ];
1224 public const RepositoryBaseUrl = [
1225 'default' => '',
1226 ];
1235 public const FetchCommonsDescriptions = [
1236 'default' => false,
1237 'type' => 'boolean',
1238 ];
1248 public const SharedUploadDBname = [
1249 'default' => false,
1250 'type' => 'false|string',
1251 ];
1260 public const SharedUploadDBprefix = [
1261 'default' => '',
1262 'type' => 'string',
1263 ];
1272 public const CacheSharedUploads = [
1273 'default' => true,
1274 'type' => 'boolean',
1275 ];
1287 public const ForeignUploadTargets = [
1288 'default' => [ 'local', ],
1289 'type' => 'list',
1290 ];
1301 public const UploadDialog = [
1302 'default' =>
1303 [
1304 'fields' =>
1305 [
1306 'description' => true,
1307 'date' => false,
1308 'categories' => false,
1309 ],
1310 'licensemessages' =>
1311 [
1312 'local' => 'generic-local',
1313 'foreign' => 'generic-foreign',
1314 ],
1315 'comment' =>
1316 [
1317 'local' => '',
1318 'foreign' => '',
1319 ],
1320 'format' =>
1321 [
1322 'filepage' => '$DESCRIPTION',
1323 'description' => '$TEXT',
1324 'ownwork' => '',
1325 'license' => '',
1326 'uncategorized' => '',
1327 ],
1328 ],
1329 'type' => 'map',
1330 ];
1368 public const FileBackends = [
1369 'default' => [],
1370 'type' => 'map',
1371 ];
1384 public const LockManagers = [
1385 'default' => [],
1386 'type' => 'list',
1387 ];
1404 public const ShowEXIF = [
1405 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'callback' => [ self::class, 'getDefaultShowEXIF' ] ],
1406 ];
1411 public static function getDefaultShowEXIF(): bool {
1412 return function_exists( 'exif_read_data' );
1413 }
1418 public const UpdateCompatibleMetadata = [
1419 'default' => false,
1420 ];
1428 public const AllowCopyUploads = [
1429 'default' => false,
1430 ];
1437 public const CopyUploadsDomains = [
1438 'default' => [],
1439 'type' => 'list',
1440 ];
1447 public const CopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload = [
1448 'default' => false,
1449 ];
1456 public const CopyUploadProxy = [
1457 'default' => false,
1458 ];
1468 public const CopyUploadTimeout = [
1469 'default' => false,
1470 'type' => 'false|integer',
1471 ];
1479 public const CopyUploadAllowOnWikiDomainConfig = [
1480 'default' => false,
1481 ];
1503 public const MaxUploadSize = [
1504 'default' => 1024 * 1024 * 100,
1505 ];
1521 public const MinUploadChunkSize = [
1522 'default' => 1024,
1523 ];
1536 public const UploadNavigationUrl = [
1537 'default' => false,
1538 ];
1545 public const UploadMissingFileUrl = [
1546 'default' => false,
1547 ];
1562 public const ThumbnailScriptPath = [
1563 'default' => false,
1564 ];
1573 public const SharedThumbnailScriptPath = [
1574 'default' => false,
1575 'type' => 'string|false',
1576 ];
1583 public const HashedUploadDirectory = [
1584 'default' => true,
1585 'type' => 'boolean',
1586 ];
1596 public const FileExtensions = [
1597 'default' => [ 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', ],
1598 'type' => 'list',
1599 ];
1609 public const ProhibitedFileExtensions = [
1610 'default' => [
1611 # HTML may contain cookie-stealing JavaScript and web bugs
1612 'html', 'htm', 'js', 'jsb', 'mhtml', 'mht', 'xhtml', 'xht',
1613 # PHP scripts may execute arbitrary code on the server
1614 'php', 'phtml', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'phps', 'phar',
1615 # Other types that may be interpreted by some servers
1616 'shtml', 'jhtml', 'pl', 'py', 'cgi',
1617 # May contain harmful executables for Windows victims
1618 'exe', 'scr', 'dll', 'msi', 'vbs', 'bat', 'com', 'pif', 'cmd', 'vxd', 'cpl',
1619 # T341565
1620 'xml',
1621 ],
1622 'type' => 'list',
1623 ];
1631 public const MimeTypeExclusions = [
1632 'default' => [
1633 # HTML may contain cookie-stealing JavaScript and web bugs
1634 'text/html',
1635 # Similarly with JavaScript itself
1636 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'text/x-javascript', 'application/x-shellscript',
1637 # PHP scripts may execute arbitrary code on the server
1638 'application/x-php', 'text/x-php',
1639 # Other types that may be interpreted by some servers
1640 'text/x-python', 'text/x-perl', 'text/x-bash', 'text/x-sh', 'text/x-csh',
1641 # Client-side hazards on Internet Explorer
1642 'text/scriptlet', 'application/x-msdownload',
1643 # Windows metafile, client-side vulnerability on some systems
1644 'application/x-msmetafile',
1645 # Files that look like java files
1646 'application/java',
1647 # XML files generally - T341565
1648 'application/xml', 'text/xml',
1649 ],
1650 'type' => 'list',
1651 ];
1658 public const CheckFileExtensions = [
1659 'default' => true,
1660 ];
1668 public const StrictFileExtensions = [
1669 'default' => true,
1670 ];
1678 public const DisableUploadScriptChecks = [
1679 'default' => false,
1680 ];
1685 public const UploadSizeWarning = [
1686 'default' => false,
1687 ];
1700 public const TrustedMediaFormats = [
1701 'default' => [
1702 MEDIATYPE_BITMAP, // all bitmap formats
1703 MEDIATYPE_AUDIO, // all audio formats
1704 MEDIATYPE_VIDEO, // all plain video formats
1705 "image/svg+xml", // svg (only needed if inline rendering of svg is not supported)
1706 "application/pdf", // PDF files
1707 # "application/x-shockwave-flash", //flash/shockwave movie
1708 ],
1709 'type' => 'list',
1710 ];
1720 public const MediaHandlers = [
1721 'default' => [],
1722 'type' => 'map',
1723 ];
1731 public const NativeImageLazyLoading = [
1732 'default' => false,
1733 'type' => 'boolean',
1734 ];
1740 public const ParserTestMediaHandlers = [
1741 'default' => [
1742 'image/jpeg' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1743 'image/png' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1744 'image/gif' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1745 'image/tiff' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1746 'image/webp' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1747 'image/x-ms-bmp' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1748 'image/x-bmp' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1749 'image/x-xcf' => 'MockBitmapHandler',
1750 'image/svg+xml' => 'MockSvgHandler',
1751 'image/vnd.djvu' => 'MockDjVuHandler',
1752 ],
1753 'type' => 'map',
1754 ];
1761 public const UseImageResize = [
1762 'default' => true,
1763 ];
1774 public const UseImageMagick = [
1775 'default' => false,
1776 ];
1781 public const ImageMagickConvertCommand = [
1782 'default' => '/usr/bin/convert',
1783 ];
1790 public const MaxInterlacingAreas = [
1791 'default' => [],
1792 'type' => 'map',
1793 ];
1798 public const SharpenParameter = [
1799 'default' => '0x0.4',
1800 ];
1805 public const SharpenReductionThreshold = [
1806 'default' => 0.85,
1807 ];
1813 public const ImageMagickTempDir = [
1814 'default' => false,
1815 ];
1829 public const CustomConvertCommand = [
1830 'default' => false,
1831 ];
1838 public const JpegTran = [
1839 'default' => '/usr/bin/jpegtran',
1840 ];
1861 public const JpegPixelFormat = [
1862 'default' => 'yuv420',
1863 ];
1872 public const JpegQuality = [
1873 'default' => 80,
1874 ];
1880 public const Exiv2Command = [
1881 'default' => '/usr/bin/exiv2',
1882 ];
1889 public const Exiftool = [
1890 'default' => '/usr/bin/exiftool',
1891 ];
1903 public const SVGConverters = [
1904 'default' => [
1905 'ImageMagick' => '$path/convert -background "#ffffff00" -thumbnail $widthx$height\\! $input PNG:$output',
1906 'sodipodi' => '$path/sodipodi -z -w $width -f $input -e $output',
1907 'inkscape' => '$path/inkscape -z -w $width -f $input -e $output',
1908 'batik' => 'java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar $path/batik-rasterizer.jar -w $width -d $output $input',
1909 'rsvg' => '$path/rsvg-convert -w $width -h $height -o $output $input',
1910 'imgserv' => '$path/imgserv-wrapper -i svg -o png -w$width $input $output',
1911 'ImagickExt' => [ 'SvgHandler::rasterizeImagickExt', ],
1912 ],
1913 'type' => 'map',
1914 ];
1919 public const SVGConverter = [
1920 'default' => 'ImageMagick',
1921 ];
1926 public const SVGConverterPath = [
1927 'default' => '',
1928 ];
1933 public const SVGMaxSize = [
1934 'default' => 5120,
1935 ];
1942 public const SVGMetadataCutoff = [
1943 'default' => 262144,
1944 ];
1955 public const MediaInTargetLanguage = [
1956 'default' => true,
1957 ];
1976 public const MaxImageArea = [
1977 'default' => 12500000,
1978 'type' => 'string|integer|false',
1979 ];
1989 public const MaxAnimatedGifArea = [
1990 'default' => 12500000,
1991 ];
2008 public const TiffThumbnailType = [
2009 'default' => [],
2010 'type' => 'list',
2011 'mergeStrategy' => 'replace',
2012 ];
2021 public const ThumbnailEpoch = [
2022 'default' => '20030516000000',
2023 ];
2032 public const AttemptFailureEpoch = [
2033 'default' => 1,
2034 ];
2047 public const IgnoreImageErrors = [
2048 'default' => false,
2049 ];
2071 public const GenerateThumbnailOnParse = [
2072 'default' => true,
2073 'type' => 'boolean',
2074 ];
2079 public const ShowArchiveThumbnails = [
2080 'default' => true,
2081 ];
2088 public const EnableAutoRotation = [
2089 'default' => null,
2090 'type' => '?boolean',
2091 ];
2098 public const Antivirus = [
2099 'default' => null,
2100 'type' => '?string',
2101 ];
2138 public const AntivirusSetup = [
2139 'default' => [
2140 # setup for clamav
2141 'clamav' => [
2142 'command' => 'clamscan --no-summary ',
2143 'codemap' => [
2144 "0" => AV_NO_VIRUS, # no virus
2145 "1" => AV_VIRUS_FOUND, # virus found
2146 "52" => AV_SCAN_ABORTED, # unsupported file format (probably immune)
2147 "*" => AV_SCAN_FAILED, # else scan failed
2148 ],
2149 'messagepattern' => '/.*?:(.*)/sim',
2150 ],
2151 ],
2152 'type' => 'map',
2153 ];
2158 public const AntivirusRequired = [
2159 'default' => true,
2160 ];
2165 public const VerifyMimeType = [
2166 'default' => true,
2167 ];
2179 public const MimeTypeFile = [
2180 'default' => 'internal',
2181 ];
2188 public const MimeInfoFile = [
2189 'default' => 'internal',
2190 ];
2205 public const MimeDetectorCommand = [
2206 'default' => null,
2207 'type' => '?string',
2208 ];
2215 public const TrivialMimeDetection = [
2216 'default' => false,
2217 ];
2224 public const XMLMimeTypes = [
2225 'default' => [
2226 '' => 'image/svg+xml',
2227 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
2228 '' => 'application/x-dia-diagram',
2229 '' => 'text/html',
2230 'html' => 'text/html',
2231 ],
2232 'type' => 'map',
2233 ];
2245 public const ImageLimits = [
2246 'default' => [
2247 [ 320, 240 ],
2248 [ 640, 480 ],
2249 [ 800, 600 ],
2250 [ 1024, 768 ],
2251 [ 1280, 1024 ],
2252 [ 2560, 2048 ],
2253 ],
2254 'type' => 'list',
2255 ];
2262 public const ThumbLimits = [
2263 'default' => [
2264 120,
2265 150,
2266 180,
2267 200,
2268 250,
2269 300
2270 ],
2271 'type' => 'list',
2272 ];
2279 public const ThumbnailNamespaces = [
2280 'default' => [ NS_FILE ],
2281 'type' => 'list',
2282 'items' => [ 'type' => 'integer', ],
2283 ];
2295 public const ThumbnailBuckets = [
2296 'default' => null,
2297 'type' => '?list',
2298 ];
2315 public const ThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance = [
2316 'default' => 50,
2317 ];
2328 public const UploadThumbnailRenderMap = [
2329 'default' => [],
2330 'type' => 'map',
2331 ];
2344 public const UploadThumbnailRenderMethod = [
2345 'default' => 'jobqueue',
2346 ];
2354 public const UploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomHost = [
2355 'default' => false,
2356 ];
2364 public const UploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomDomain = [
2365 'default' => false,
2366 ];
2375 public const UseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails = [
2376 'default' => false,
2377 ];
2394 public const GalleryOptions = [
2395 'default' => [],
2396 'type' => 'map',
2397 ];
2404 public const ThumbUpright = [
2405 'default' => 0.75,
2406 ];
2411 public const DirectoryMode = [
2412 'default' => 0777, // octal!
2413 ];
2421 public const ResponsiveImages = [
2422 'default' => true,
2423 ];
2441 public const ImagePreconnect = [
2442 'default' => false,
2443 ];
2445 /***************************************************************************/
2446 // region DJVU settings
2454 public const DjvuDump = [
2455 'default' => null,
2456 'type' => '?string',
2457 ];
2464 public const DjvuRenderer = [
2465 'default' => null,
2466 'type' => '?string',
2467 ];
2474 public const DjvuTxt = [
2475 'default' => null,
2476 'type' => '?string',
2477 ];
2484 public const DjvuPostProcessor = [
2485 'default' => 'pnmtojpeg',
2486 'type' => '?string',
2487 ];
2492 public const DjvuOutputExtension = [
2493 'default' => 'jpg',
2494 ];
2496 // endregion -- end of DJvu
2498 // endregion -- end of file uploads
2500 /***************************************************************************/
2501 // region Email settings
2509 public const EmergencyContact = [
2510 'default' => false,
2511 ];
2521 public const PasswordSender = [
2522 'default' => false,
2523 ];
2530 public const NoReplyAddress = [
2531 'default' => false,
2532 ];
2539 public const EnableEmail = [
2540 'default' => true,
2541 ];
2548 public const EnableUserEmail = [
2549 'default' => true,
2550 ];
2559 public const EnableSpecialMute = [
2560 'default' => false,
2561 ];
2568 public const EnableUserEmailMuteList = [
2569 'default' => false,
2570 ];
2581 public const UserEmailUseReplyTo = [
2582 'default' => true,
2583 ];
2589 public const PasswordReminderResendTime = [
2590 'default' => 24,
2591 ];
2596 public const NewPasswordExpiry = [
2597 'default' => 3600 * 24 * 7,
2598 ];
2603 public const UserEmailConfirmationTokenExpiry = [
2604 'default' => 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
2605 ];
2611 public const PasswordExpirationDays = [
2612 'default' => false,
2613 ];
2619 public const PasswordExpireGrace = [
2620 'default' => 3600 * 24 * 7,
2621 ];
2640 public const SMTP = [
2641 'default' => false,
2642 'type' => 'false|map',
2643 ];
2648 public const AdditionalMailParams = [
2649 'default' => null,
2650 ];
2656 public const AllowHTMLEmail = [
2657 'default' => false,
2658 ];
2669 public const EnotifFromEditor = [
2670 'default' => false,
2671 'type' => 'boolean',
2672 ];
2680 public const EmailAuthentication = [
2681 'default' => true,
2682 ];
2687 public const EnotifWatchlist = [
2688 'default' => false,
2689 ];
2698 public const EnotifUserTalk = [
2699 'default' => false,
2700 ];
2714 public const EnotifRevealEditorAddress = [
2715 'default' => false,
2716 'type' => 'boolean',
2717 ];
2732 public const EnotifMinorEdits = [
2733 'default' => true,
2734 ];
2743 public const EnotifImpersonal = [
2744 'default' => false,
2745 ];
2751 public const EnotifMaxRecips = [
2752 'default' => 500,
2753 ];
2758 public const EnotifUseRealName = [
2759 'default' => false,
2760 ];
2766 public const UsersNotifiedOnAllChanges = [
2767 'default' => [],
2768 'type' => 'map',
2769 ];
2771 // endregion -- end of email settings
2773 /***************************************************************************/
2774 // region Database settings
2785 public const DBname = [
2786 'default' => 'my_wiki',
2787 ];
2797 public const DBmwschema = [
2798 'default' => null,
2799 'type' => '?string',
2800 ];
2810 public const DBprefix = [
2811 'default' => '',
2812 ];
2817 public const DBserver = [
2818 'default' => 'localhost',
2819 ];
2824 public const DBport = [
2825 'default' => 5432,
2826 ];
2831 public const DBuser = [
2832 'default' => 'wikiuser',
2833 ];
2838 public const DBpassword = [
2839 'default' => '',
2840 ];
2845 public const DBtype = [
2846 'default' => 'mysql',
2847 ];
2856 public const DBssl = [
2857 'default' => false,
2858 ];
2868 public const DBcompress = [
2869 'default' => false,
2870 ];
2875 public const DBadminuser = [
2876 'default' => null,
2877 ];
2882 public const DBadminpassword = [
2883 'default' => null,
2884 ];
2897 public const SearchType = [
2898 'default' => null,
2899 ];
2913 public const SearchTypeAlternatives = [
2914 'default' => null,
2915 ];
2920 public const DBTableOptions = [
2921 'default' => 'ENGINE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=binary',
2922 ];
2931 public const SQLMode = [
2932 'default' => '',
2933 ];
2942 public const DBDefaultGroup = [
2943 'default' => null,
2944 ];
2949 public const SQLiteDataDir = [
2950 'default' => '',
2951 ];
2973 public const SharedDB = [
2974 'default' => null,
2975 ];
2980 public const SharedPrefix = [
2981 'default' => false,
2982 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'DBprefix' ] ]
2983 ];
2989 public static function getDefaultSharedPrefix( $dbPrefix ) {
2990 return $dbPrefix;
2991 }
2997 public const SharedTables = [
2998 'default' => [
2999 'user',
3000 'user_properties',
3001 'user_autocreate_serial',
3002 ],
3003 'type' => 'list',
3004 ];
3010 public const SharedSchema = [
3011 'default' => false,
3012 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'DBmwschema' ] ]
3013 ];
3019 public static function getDefaultSharedSchema( $dbMwschema ) {
3020 return $dbMwschema;
3021 }
3077 public const DBservers = [
3078 'default' => false,
3079 'type' => 'false|list',
3080 ];
3092 public const LBFactoryConf = [
3093 'default' => [
3094 'class' => 'Wikimedia\\Rdbms\\LBFactorySimple',
3095 ],
3096 'type' => 'map',
3097 'mergeStrategy' => 'replace',
3098 ];
3111 public const DataCenterUpdateStickTTL = [
3112 'default' => 10,
3113 ];
3118 public const DBerrorLog = [
3119 'default' => false,
3120 ];
3142 public const DBerrorLogTZ = [
3143 'default' => false,
3144 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'Localtimezone' ] ]
3145 ];
3147 public static function getDefaultDBerrorLogTZ( $localtimezone ) {
3148 // NOTE: Extra fallback, in case $localtimezone is ''.
3149 // Many extsing LocalSettings files have $wgLocaltimezone = ''
3150 // in them, erroneously generated by the installer.
3151 return $localtimezone ?: self::getDefaultLocaltimezone();
3152 }
3167 public const LocalDatabases = [
3168 'default' => [],
3169 'type' => 'list',
3170 'items' => [ 'type' => 'string', ],
3171 ];
3180 public const DatabaseReplicaLagWarning = [
3181 'default' => 10,
3182 ];
3188 public const DatabaseReplicaLagCritical = [
3189 'default' => 30,
3190 ];
3198 public const MaxExecutionTimeForExpensiveQueries = [
3199 'default' => 0,
3200 ];
3216 public const TemplateLinksSchemaMigrationStage = [
3218 'type' => 'integer',
3219 ];
3232 public const ExternalLinksSchemaMigrationStage = [
3233 'default' => SCHEMA_COMPAT_OLD,
3234 'type' => 'integer',
3235 ];
3245 public const CommentTempTableSchemaMigrationStage = [
3246 'default' => [],
3247 'type' => 'map',
3248 ];
3250 // endregion -- End of DB settings
3252 /***************************************************************************/
3253 // region Content handlers and storage
3264 public const ContentHandlers = [
3265 'default' =>
3266 [
3267 // the usual case
3269 'class' => WikitextContentHandler::class,
3270 'services' => [
3271 'TitleFactory',
3272 'ParserFactory',
3273 'GlobalIdGenerator',
3274 'LanguageNameUtils',
3275 'MagicWordFactory',
3276 ],
3277 ],
3278 // dumb version, no syntax highlighting
3279 CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT => JavaScriptContentHandler::class,
3280 // simple implementation, for use by extensions, etc.
3281 CONTENT_MODEL_JSON => JsonContentHandler::class,
3282 // dumb version, no syntax highlighting
3283 CONTENT_MODEL_CSS => CssContentHandler::class,
3284 // plain text, for use by extensions, etc.
3285 CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT => TextContentHandler::class,
3286 // fallback for unknown models, from imports or extensions that were removed
3287 CONTENT_MODEL_UNKNOWN => FallbackContentHandler::class,
3288 ],
3289 'type' => 'map',
3290 ];
3303 public const NamespaceContentModels = [
3304 'default' => [],
3305 'type' => 'map',
3306 ];
3319 public const ContentHandlerTextFallback = [
3320 'default' => 'ignore',
3321 'deprecated' => 'since 1.37',
3322 ];
3339 public const TextModelsToParse = [
3340 'default' => [
3341 CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, // Just for completeness, wikitext will always be parsed.
3342 CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, // Make categories etc work, people put them into comments.
3343 CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, // Make categories etc work, people put them into comments.
3344 ],
3345 'type' => 'list',
3346 ];
3354 public const CompressRevisions = [
3355 'default' => false,
3356 ];
3367 public const ExternalStores = [
3368 'default' => [],
3369 'type' => 'list',
3370 ];
3391 public const ExternalServers = [
3392 'default' => [],
3393 'type' => 'map',
3394 ];
3408 public const DefaultExternalStore = [
3409 'default' => false,
3410 'type' => 'list|false',
3411 ];
3419 public const RevisionCacheExpiry = [
3420 'default' => 86400 * 7,
3421 'type' => 'integer',
3422 ];
3430 public const PageLanguageUseDB = [
3431 'default' => false,
3432 'type' => 'boolean',
3433 ];
3447 public const DiffEngine = [
3448 'default' => null,
3449 'type' => '?string',
3450 ];
3455 public const ExternalDiffEngine = [
3456 'default' => false,
3457 'type' => 'string|false',
3458 ];
3460 // endregion -- end of Content handlers and storage
3462 /***************************************************************************/
3463 // region Performance hacks and limits
3475 public const RequestTimeLimit = [
3476 'default' => null,
3477 'type' => '?integer',
3478 ];
3489 public const TransactionalTimeLimit = [
3490 'default' => 120,
3491 ];
3507 public const CriticalSectionTimeLimit = [
3508 'default' => 180.0,
3509 'type' => 'float',
3510 ];
3515 public const MiserMode = [
3516 'default' => false,
3517 ];
3522 public const DisableQueryPages = [
3523 'default' => false,
3524 ];
3529 public const QueryCacheLimit = [
3530 'default' => 1000,
3531 ];
3536 public const WantedPagesThreshold = [
3537 'default' => 1,
3538 ];
3543 public const AllowSlowParserFunctions = [
3544 'default' => false,
3545 ];
3550 public const AllowSchemaUpdates = [
3551 'default' => true,
3552 ];
3557 public const MaxArticleSize = [
3558 'default' => 2048,
3559 ];
3565 public const MemoryLimit = [
3566 'default' => '50M',
3567 ];
3612 public const PoolCounterConf = [
3613 'default' => null,
3614 'type' => '?map',
3615 ];
3629 public const PoolCountClientConf = [
3630 'default' => [
3631 'servers' => [
3632 ''
3633 ],
3634 'timeout' => 0.1,
3635 ],
3636 'type' => 'map',
3637 ];
3646 public const MaxUserDBWriteDuration = [
3647 'default' => false,
3648 'type' => 'integer|false',
3649 ];
3658 public const MaxJobDBWriteDuration = [
3659 'default' => false,
3660 'type' => 'integer|false',
3661 ];
3667 public const LinkHolderBatchSize = [
3668 'default' => 1000,
3669 ];
3674 public const MaximumMovedPages = [
3675 'default' => 100,
3676 ];
3690 public const ForceDeferredUpdatesPreSend = [
3691 'default' => false,
3692 ];
3703 public const MultiShardSiteStats = [
3704 'default' => false,
3705 'type' => 'boolean',
3706 ];
3708 // endregion -- end performance hacks
3710 /***************************************************************************/
3711 // region Cache settings
3722 public const CacheDirectory = [
3723 'default' => false,
3724 ];
3749 public const MainCacheType = [
3750 'default' => CACHE_NONE,
3751 ];
3759 public const MessageCacheType = [
3760 'default' => CACHE_ANYTHING,
3761 ];
3788 public const ParserCacheType = [
3789 'default' => CACHE_ANYTHING,
3790 ];
3799 public const SessionCacheType = [
3800 'default' => CACHE_ANYTHING,
3801 ];
3811 public const LanguageConverterCacheType = [
3812 'default' => CACHE_ANYTHING,
3813 ];
3819 public const StatsCacheType = [
3820 'default' => CACHE_ANYTHING,
3821 ];
3887 public const ObjectCaches = [
3888 'default' => [
3889 CACHE_NONE => [ 'class' => EmptyBagOStuff::class, 'reportDupes' => false ],
3890 CACHE_DB => [ 'class' => SqlBagOStuff::class, 'loggroup' => 'SQLBagOStuff' ],
3892 CACHE_ANYTHING => [ 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::newAnything' ],
3893 CACHE_ACCEL => [ 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::getLocalServerInstance' ],
3895 'db-replicated' => [
3896 'class' => ReplicatedBagOStuff::class,
3897 'readFactory' => [
3898 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::newFromParams',
3899 'args' => [ [ 'class' => SqlBagOStuff::class, 'replicaOnly' => true ] ]
3900 ],
3901 'writeFactory' => [
3902 'factory' => 'ObjectCache::newFromParams',
3903 'args' => [ [ 'class' => SqlBagOStuff::class, 'replicaOnly' => false ] ]
3904 ],
3905 'loggroup' => 'SQLBagOStuff',
3906 'reportDupes' => false
3907 ],
3908 'memcached-php' => [ 'class' => MemcachedPhpBagOStuff::class, 'loggroup' => 'memcached' ],
3909 'memcached-pecl' => [ 'class' => MemcachedPeclBagOStuff::class, 'loggroup' => 'memcached' ],
3910 'hash' => [ 'class' => HashBagOStuff::class, 'reportDupes' => false ],
3912 // Deprecated since 1.35.
3913 // - To configure a wg*CacheType variable to use the local server cache,
3914 // use CACHE_ACCEL instead, which will select these automatically.
3915 // - To access the object for the local server cache at run-time,
3916 // use MediaWikiServices::getLocalServerObjectCache()
3917 // instead of e.g. ObjectCache::getInstance( 'apcu' ).
3918 // - To instantiate a new one of these explicitly, do so directly
3919 // by using `new APCUBagOStuff( [ … ] )`
3920 // - To instantiate a new one of these including auto-detection and fallback,
3921 // use ObjectCache::makeLocalServerCache().
3922 'apc' => [ 'class' => APCUBagOStuff::class, 'reportDupes' => false ],
3923 'apcu' => [ 'class' => APCUBagOStuff::class, 'reportDupes' => false ],
3924 'wincache' => [ 'class' => WinCacheBagOStuff::class, 'reportDupes' => false ],
3925 ],
3926 'type' => 'map',
3927 ];
3936 public const WANObjectCache = [
3937 'default' => [],
3938 'type' => 'map',
3939 ];
3969 public const MainStash = [
3970 'default' => 'db-replicated',
3971 ];
4001 public const ParsoidCacheConfig = [
4002 'type' => 'object',
4003 'properties' => [
4004 'StashType' => [ 'type' => 'int|string|null', 'default' => null ],
4005 'StashDuration' => [ 'type' => 'int', 'default' => 24 * 60 * 60 ],
4006 'CacheThresholdTime' => [ 'type' => 'float', 'default' => 0.0 ],
4007 'WarmParsoidParserCache' => [ 'type' => 'bool', 'default' => false ],
4008 ]
4009 ];
4026 public const ChronologyProtectorStash = [
4027 'default' => null,
4028 'type' => '?string',
4029 ];
4036 public const ParserCacheExpireTime = [
4037 'default' => 60 * 60 * 24,
4038 ];
4045 public const OldRevisionParserCacheExpireTime = [
4046 'default' => 60 * 60,
4047 ];
4052 public const ObjectCacheSessionExpiry = [
4053 'default' => 60 * 60,
4054 ];
4068 public const PHPSessionHandling = [
4069 'default' => 'enable',
4070 'type' => 'string',
4071 ];
4080 public const SuspiciousIpExpiry = [
4081 'default' => false,
4082 'type' => 'integer|false',
4083 ];
4090 public const SessionPbkdf2Iterations = [
4091 'default' => 10001,
4092 ];
4097 public const MemCachedServers = [
4098 'default' => [ '', ],
4099 'type' => 'list',
4100 ];
4106 public const MemCachedPersistent = [
4107 'default' => false,
4108 ];
4113 public const MemCachedTimeout = [
4114 'default' => 500000,
4115 ];
4128 public const UseLocalMessageCache = [
4129 'default' => false,
4130 ];
4139 public const AdaptiveMessageCache = [
4140 'default' => false,
4141 ];
4174 public const LocalisationCacheConf = [
4175 'properties' => [
4176 'class' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'default' => LocalisationCache::class ],
4177 'store' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'default' => 'detect' ],
4178 'storeClass' => [ 'type' => 'false|string', 'default' => false ],
4179 'storeDirectory' => [ 'type' => 'false|string', 'default' => false ],
4180 'storeServer' => [ 'type' => 'object', 'default' => [] ],
4181 'forceRecache' => [ 'type' => 'bool', 'default' => false ],
4182 'manualRecache' => [ 'type' => 'bool', 'default' => false ],
4183 ],
4184 'type' => 'object',
4185 ];
4190 public const CachePages = [
4191 'default' => true,
4192 ];
4203 public const CacheEpoch = [
4204 'default' => '20030516000000',
4205 ];
4211 public const GitInfoCacheDirectory = [
4212 'default' => false,
4213 ];
4220 public const UseFileCache = [
4221 'default' => false,
4222 ];
4230 public const FileCacheDepth = [
4231 'default' => 2,
4232 ];
4238 public const RenderHashAppend = [
4239 'default' => '',
4240 ];
4251 public const EnableSidebarCache = [
4252 'default' => false,
4253 ];
4258 public const SidebarCacheExpiry = [
4259 'default' => 86400,
4260 ];
4268 public const UseGzip = [
4269 'default' => false,
4270 ];
4281 public const InvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange = [
4282 'default' => true,
4283 ];
4299 public const ExtensionInfoMTime = [
4300 'default' => false,
4301 'type' => 'integer|false',
4302 ];
4310 public const EnableRemoteBagOStuffTests = [
4311 'default' => false,
4312 ];
4314 // endregion -- end of cache settings
4316 /***************************************************************************/
4317 // region HTTP proxy (CDN) settings
4336 public const UseCdn = [
4337 'default' => false,
4338 ];
4348 public const VaryOnXFP = [
4349 'default' => false,
4350 ];
4361 public const InternalServer = [
4362 'default' => false,
4363 ];
4374 public const CdnMaxAge = [
4375 'default' => 18000,
4376 ];
4384 public const CdnMaxageLagged = [
4385 'default' => 30,
4386 ];
4394 public const CdnMaxageStale = [
4395 'default' => 10,
4396 ];
4413 public const CdnReboundPurgeDelay = [
4414 'default' => 0,
4415 ];
4423 public const CdnMaxageSubstitute = [
4424 'default' => 60,
4425 ];
4432 public const ForcedRawSMaxage = [
4433 'default' => 300,
4434 ];
4446 public const CdnServers = [
4447 'default' => [],
4448 'type' => 'map',
4449 ];
4459 public const CdnServersNoPurge = [
4460 'default' => [],
4461 'type' => 'map',
4462 ];
4484 public const SquidPurgeUseHostHeader = [
4485 'default' => true,
4486 'deprecated' => 'since 1.33',
4487 ];
4537 public const HTCPRouting = [
4538 'default' => [],
4539 'type' => 'map',
4540 ];
4547 public const HTCPMulticastTTL = [
4548 'default' => 1,
4549 ];
4554 public const UsePrivateIPs = [
4555 'default' => false,
4556 ];
4569 public const CdnMatchParameterOrder = [
4570 'default' => true,
4571 ];
4573 // endregion -- end of HTTP proxy settings
4575 /***************************************************************************/
4576 // region Language, regional and character encoding settings
4596 public const LanguageCode = [
4597 'default' => 'en',
4598 ];
4611 public const GrammarForms = [
4612 'default' => [],
4613 'type' => 'map',
4614 ];
4619 public const InterwikiMagic = [
4620 'default' => true,
4621 ];
4626 public const HideInterlanguageLinks = [
4627 'default' => false,
4628 ];
4650 public const ExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes = [
4651 'default' => [],
4652 'type' => 'list',
4653 ];
4662 public const InterlanguageLinkCodeMap = [
4663 'default' => [],
4664 'type' => 'map',
4665 ];
4670 public const ExtraLanguageNames = [
4671 'default' => [],
4672 'type' => 'map',
4673 ];
4689 public const ExtraLanguageCodes = [
4690 'default' => [
4691 'bh' => 'bho',
4692 'no' => 'nb',
4693 'simple' => 'en',
4694 ],
4695 'type' => 'map',
4696 ];
4706 public const DummyLanguageCodes = [
4707 'default' => [],
4708 'type' => 'map',
4709 ];
4718 public const AllUnicodeFixes = [
4719 'default' => false,
4720 ];
4732 public const LegacyEncoding = [
4733 'default' => false,
4734 ];
4740 public const AmericanDates = [
4741 'default' => false,
4742 ];
4748 public const TranslateNumerals = [
4749 'default' => true,
4750 ];
4757 public const UseDatabaseMessages = [
4758 'default' => true,
4759 ];
4764 public const MaxMsgCacheEntrySize = [
4765 'default' => 10000,
4766 ];
4771 public const DisableLangConversion = [
4772 'default' => false,
4773 ];
4778 public const DisableTitleConversion = [
4779 'default' => false,
4780 ];
4786 public const DefaultLanguageVariant = [
4787 'default' => false,
4788 ];
4794 public const UsePigLatinVariant = [
4795 'default' => false,
4796 ];
4808 public const DisabledVariants = [
4809 'default' => [],
4810 'type' => 'map',
4811 ];
4831 public const VariantArticlePath = [
4832 'default' => false,
4833 ];
4840 public const LoginLanguageSelector = [
4841 'default' => false,
4842 ];
4864 public const ForceUIMsgAsContentMsg = [
4865 'default' => [],
4866 'type' => 'map',
4867 ];
4881 public const RawHtmlMessages = [
4882 'default' => [
4883 'copyright',
4884 'history_copyright',
4885 'googlesearch',
4886 'youhavenewmessagesmanyusers',
4887 'youhavenewmessages',
4888 ],
4889 'type' => 'list',
4890 'items' => [ 'type' => 'string', ],
4891 ];
4917 public const Localtimezone = [
4918 'dynamicDefault' => true,
4919 ];
4921 public static function getDefaultLocaltimezone(): string {
4922 // This defaults to the `date.timezone` value of the PHP INI option. If this option is not set,
4923 // it falls back to UTC.
4924 $localtimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
4925 if ( !$localtimezone ) {
4926 // Make doubly sure we have a valid time zone, even if date_default_timezone_get()
4927 // returned garbage.
4928 $localtimezone = 'UTC';
4929 }
4931 return $localtimezone;
4932 }
4943 public const LocalTZoffset = [
4944 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'Localtimezone' ] ]
4945 ];
4947 public static function getDefaultLocalTZoffset( $localtimezone ): int {
4948 // NOTE: Extra fallback, in case $localtimezone is ''.
4949 // Many extsing LocalSettings files have $wgLocaltimezone = ''
4950 // in them, erroneously generated by the installer.
4951 $localtimezone = $localtimezone ?: self::getDefaultLocaltimezone();
4953 $offset = ( new DateTimeZone( $localtimezone ) )->getOffset( new DateTime() );
4954 return (int)( $offset / 60 );
4955 }
4965 public const OverrideUcfirstCharacters = [
4966 'default' => [],
4967 'type' => 'map',
4968 ];
4970 // endregion -- End of language/charset settings
4972 /***************************************************************************/
4973 // region Output format and skin settings
4979 public const MimeType = [
4980 'default' => 'text/html',
4981 ];
4992 public const Html5Version = [
4993 'default' => null,
4994 ];
5005 public const HTMLFormAllowTableFormat = [
5006 'default' => true,
5007 ];
5017 public const UseMediaWikiUIEverywhere = [
5018 'default' => false,
5019 ];
5028 public const EditSubmitButtonLabelPublish = [
5029 'default' => false,
5030 ];
5048 public const XhtmlNamespaces = [
5049 'default' => [],
5050 'type' => 'map',
5051 ];
5060 public const SiteNotice = [
5061 'default' => '',
5062 ];
5076 public const BrowserFormatDetection = [
5077 'default' => 'telephone=no',
5078 'type' => 'string',
5079 ];
5089 public const SkinMetaTags = [
5090 'default' => [],
5091 'type' => 'map',
5092 ];
5098 public const DefaultSkin = [
5099 'default' => 'vector',
5100 ];
5107 public const FallbackSkin = [
5108 'default' => 'fallback',
5109 ];
5121 public const SkipSkins = [
5122 'default' => [],
5123 'type' => 'map',
5124 ];
5137 public const ResourceLoaderClientPreferences = [
5138 'default' => false,
5139 ];
5144 public const DisableOutputCompression = [
5145 'default' => false,
5146 ];
5177 public const FragmentMode = [
5178 'default' => [ 'html5', 'legacy', ],
5179 'type' => 'list',
5180 ];
5190 public const ExternalInterwikiFragmentMode = [
5191 'default' => 'legacy',
5192 ];
5225 public const FooterIcons = [
5226 'default' => [
5227 "copyright" => [
5228 "copyright" => [], // placeholder for the built in copyright icon
5229 ],
5230 "poweredby" => [
5231 "mediawiki" => [
5232 // Defaults to point at
5233 // "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png"
5234 // plus srcset for 1.5x, 2x resolution variants.
5235 "src" => null,
5236 "url" => "",
5237 "alt" => "Powered by MediaWiki",
5238 ]
5239 ],
5240 ],
5241 'type' => 'map',
5242 ];
5251 public const UseCombinedLoginLink = [
5252 'default' => false,
5253 ];
5258 public const Edititis = [
5259 'default' => false,
5260 ];
5273 public const Send404Code = [
5274 'default' => true,
5275 ];
5287 public const ShowRollbackEditCount = [
5288 'default' => 10,
5289 ];
5297 public const EnableCanonicalServerLink = [
5298 'default' => false,
5299 ];
5301 // endregion -- End of output format settings
5303 /***************************************************************************/
5304 // region ResourceLoader settings
5314 public const MangleFlashPolicy = [
5315 'default' => true,
5316 'obsolete' => 'Since 1.39; no longer has any effect.',
5317 'description' => 'Has been emitting warnings since 1.39 (LTS). ' .
5318 'Can be removed completely in 1.44, assuming 1.43 is an LTS release.'
5319 ];
5641 public const ResourceModules = [
5642 'default' => [],
5643 'type' => 'map',
5644 ];
5740 public const ResourceModuleSkinStyles = [
5741 'default' => [],
5742 'type' => 'map',
5743 ];
5756 public const ResourceLoaderSources = [
5757 'default' => [],
5758 'type' => 'map',
5759 ];
5766 public const ResourceBasePath = [
5767 'default' => null,
5768 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ScriptPath' ] ]
5769 ];
5775 public static function getDefaultResourceBasePath( $scriptPath ): string {
5776 return $scriptPath;
5777 }
5791 public const ResourceLoaderMaxage = [
5792 'default' => [],
5793 'type' => 'map',
5794 ];
5802 public const ResourceLoaderUseObjectCacheForDeps = [
5803 'default' => false,
5804 ];
5811 public const ResourceLoaderDebug = [
5812 'default' => false,
5813 ];
5827 public const ResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength = [
5828 'default' => false,
5829 'type' => 'integer|false',
5830 ];
5839 public const ResourceLoaderValidateJS = [
5840 'default' => true,
5841 ];
5851 public const ResourceLoaderEnableJSProfiler = [
5852 'default' => false,
5853 ];
5859 public const ResourceLoaderStorageEnabled = [
5860 'default' => true,
5861 ];
5869 public const ResourceLoaderStorageVersion = [
5870 'default' => 1,
5871 ];
5884 public const AllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages = [
5885 'default' => false,
5886 ];
5898 public const VueDevelopmentMode = [
5899 'default' => false,
5900 ];
5902 // endregion -- End of ResourceLoader settings
5904 /***************************************************************************/
5905 // region Page titles and redirects
5912 public const MetaNamespace = [
5913 'default' => false,
5914 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'Sitename' ] ]
5915 ];
5921 public static function getDefaultMetaNamespace( $sitename ): string {
5922 return str_replace( ' ', '_', $sitename );
5923 }
5932 public const MetaNamespaceTalk = [
5933 'default' => false,
5934 ];
5942 public const CanonicalNamespaceNames = [
5943 'default' => NamespaceInfo::CANONICAL_NAMES,
5944 'type' => 'map',
5945 ];
5973 public const ExtraNamespaces = [
5974 'default' => [],
5975 'type' => 'map',
5976 ];
5986 public const ExtraGenderNamespaces = [
5987 'default' => [],
5988 'type' => 'map',
5989 ];
6013 public const NamespaceAliases = [
6014 'default' => [],
6015 'type' => 'map',
6016 ];
6042 public const LegalTitleChars = [
6043 'default' => ' %!"$&\'()*,\\-.\\/0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\\^_`a-z~\\x80-\\xFF+',
6044 ];
6053 public const CapitalLinks = [
6054 'default' => true,
6055 ];
6071 public const CapitalLinkOverrides = [
6072 'default' => [],
6073 'type' => 'map',
6074 ];
6080 public const NamespacesWithSubpages = [
6081 'default' => [
6082 NS_TALK => true,
6083 NS_USER => true,
6084 NS_USER_TALK => true,
6085 NS_PROJECT => true,
6086 NS_PROJECT_TALK => true,
6087 NS_FILE_TALK => true,
6088 NS_MEDIAWIKI => true,
6089 NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => true,
6090 NS_TEMPLATE => true,
6091 NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => true,
6092 NS_HELP => true,
6093 NS_HELP_TALK => true,
6095 ],
6096 'type' => 'map',
6097 ];
6105 public const ContentNamespaces = [
6106 'default' => [ NS_MAIN ],
6107 'type' => 'list',
6108 ];
6118 public const ShortPagesNamespaceExclusions = [
6119 'default' => [],
6120 'type' => 'list',
6121 ];
6131 public const ExtraSignatureNamespaces = [
6132 'default' => [],
6133 'type' => 'list',
6134 ];
6147 public const InvalidRedirectTargets = [
6148 'default' => [ 'Filepath', 'Mypage', 'Mytalk', 'Redirect', 'Mylog' ],
6149 'type' => 'list',
6150 ];
6160 public const DisableHardRedirects = [
6161 'default' => false,
6162 ];
6169 public const FixDoubleRedirects = [
6170 'default' => false,
6171 ];
6173 // endregion -- End of title and interwiki settings
6175 /***************************************************************************/
6176 // region Interwiki links and sites
6185 public const LocalInterwikis = [
6186 'default' => [],
6187 'type' => 'list',
6188 ];
6193 public const InterwikiExpiry = [
6194 'default' => 10800,
6195 ];
6217 public const InterwikiCache = [
6218 'default' => false,
6219 'type' => 'false|map',
6220 'mergeStrategy' => 'replace',
6221 ];
6230 public const InterwikiScopes = [
6231 'default' => 3,
6232 ];
6237 public const InterwikiFallbackSite = [
6238 'default' => 'wiki',
6239 ];
6257 public const RedirectSources = [
6258 'default' => false,
6259 ];
6266 public const SiteTypes = [
6267 'default' => [ 'mediawiki' => MediaWikiSite::class, ],
6268 'type' => 'map',
6269 ];
6271 // endregion -- Interwiki links and sites
6273 /***************************************************************************/
6274 // region Parser settings
6282 public const MaxTocLevel = [
6283 'default' => 999,
6284 ];
6290 public const MaxPPNodeCount = [
6291 'default' => 1000000,
6292 ];
6301 public const MaxTemplateDepth = [
6302 'default' => 100,
6303 ];
6308 public const MaxPPExpandDepth = [
6309 'default' => 100,
6310 ];
6322 public const UrlProtocols = [
6323 'default' => [
6324 'bitcoin:', 'ftp://', 'ftps://', 'geo:', 'git://', 'gopher://', 'http://',
6325 'https://', 'irc://', 'ircs://', 'magnet:', 'mailto:', 'matrix:', 'mms://',
6326 'news:', 'nntp://', 'redis://', 'sftp://', 'sip:', 'sips:', 'sms:',
6327 'ssh://', 'svn://', 'tel:', 'telnet://', 'urn:', 'worldwind://', 'xmpp:',
6328 '//',
6329 ],
6330 'type' => 'list',
6331 ];
6336 public const CleanSignatures = [
6337 'default' => true,
6338 ];
6343 public const AllowExternalImages = [
6344 'default' => false,
6345 ];
6361 public const AllowExternalImagesFrom = [
6362 'default' => '',
6363 ];
6376 public const EnableImageWhitelist = [
6377 'default' => false,
6378 ];
6391 public const AllowImageTag = [
6392 'default' => false,
6393 'deprecated' => 'since 1.35; register an extension tag named <img> instead.',
6394 ];
6414 public const TidyConfig = [
6415 'default' => [],
6416 'type' => 'map',
6417 ];
6427 public const ParsoidSettings = [
6428 'default' => [
6429 'useSelser' => true,
6430 ],
6431 'type' => 'map',
6432 ];
6441 public const ParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM = [
6442 'default' => false,
6443 ];
6453 public const UseContentMediaStyles = [
6454 'default' => false,
6455 ];
6463 public const RawHtml = [
6464 'default' => false,
6465 ];
6476 public const ExternalLinkTarget = [
6477 'default' => false,
6478 ];
6486 public const NoFollowLinks = [
6487 'default' => true,
6488 ];
6495 public const NoFollowNsExceptions = [
6496 'default' => [],
6497 'type' => 'list',
6498 ];
6513 public const NoFollowDomainExceptions = [
6514 'default' => [ '', ],
6515 'type' => 'list',
6516 ];
6522 public const RegisterInternalExternals = [
6523 'default' => false,
6524 ];
6529 public const AllowDisplayTitle = [
6530 'default' => true,
6531 ];
6538 public const RestrictDisplayTitle = [
6539 'default' => true,
6540 ];
6546 public const ExpensiveParserFunctionLimit = [
6547 'default' => 100,
6548 ];
6554 public const PreprocessorCacheThreshold = [
6555 'default' => 1000,
6556 ];
6561 public const EnableScaryTranscluding = [
6562 'default' => false,
6563 ];
6570 public const TranscludeCacheExpiry = [
6571 'default' => 3600,
6572 ];
6580 public const EnableMagicLinks = [
6581 'default' => [
6582 'ISBN' => false,
6583 'PMID' => false,
6584 'RFC' => false,
6585 ],
6586 'type' => 'map',
6587 ];
6589 // endregion -- end of parser settings
6591 /***************************************************************************/
6592 // region Statistics and content analysis
6611 public const ArticleCountMethod = [
6612 'default' => 'link',
6613 ];
6623 public const ActiveUserDays = [
6624 'default' => 30,
6625 ];
6639 public const LearnerEdits = [
6640 'default' => 10,
6641 ];
6648 public const LearnerMemberSince = [
6649 'default' => 4,
6650 ];
6657 public const ExperiencedUserEdits = [
6658 'default' => 500,
6659 ];
6666 public const ExperiencedUserMemberSince = [
6667 'default' => 30,
6668 ];
6688 public const ManualRevertSearchRadius = [
6689 'default' => 15,
6690 'type' => 'integer',
6691 ];
6705 public const RevertedTagMaxDepth = [
6706 'default' => 15,
6707 'type' => 'integer',
6708 ];
6710 // endregion -- End of statistics and content analysis
6712 /***************************************************************************/
6713 // region User accounts, authentication
6722 public const CentralIdLookupProviders = [
6723 'default' => [
6724 'local' => [
6725 'class' => LocalIdLookup::class,
6726 'services' => [
6727 'MainConfig',
6728 'DBLoadBalancer',
6729 ]
6730 ]
6731 ],
6732 'type' => 'map',
6733 ];
6738 public const CentralIdLookupProvider = [
6739 'default' => 'local',
6740 'type' => 'string',
6741 ];
6808 public const PasswordPolicy = [
6809 'default' => [
6810 'policies' => [
6811 'bureaucrat' => [
6812 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 10,
6813 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 1,
6814 ],
6815 'sysop' => [
6816 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 10,
6817 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 1,
6818 ],
6819 'interface-admin' => [
6820 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 10,
6821 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 1,
6822 ],
6823 'bot' => [
6824 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 10,
6825 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 1,
6826 ],
6827 'default' => [
6828 'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 8, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ],
6829 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' => [
6830 'value' => true,
6831 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true
6832 ],
6833 'PasswordCannotMatchDefaults' => [ 'value' => true, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ],
6834 'MaximalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 4096, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ],
6835 'PasswordNotInCommonList' => [ 'value' => true, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ],
6836 ],
6837 ],
6838 'checks' => [
6839 'MinimalPasswordLength' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkMinimalPasswordLength',
6840 'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkMinimumPasswordLengthToLogin',
6841 'PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername' =>
6842 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkPasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername',
6843 'PasswordCannotMatchDefaults' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkPasswordCannotMatchDefaults',
6844 'MaximalPasswordLength' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkMaximalPasswordLength',
6845 'PasswordNotInCommonList' => 'PasswordPolicyChecks::checkPasswordNotInCommonList',
6846 ],
6847 ],
6848 'type' => 'map',
6849 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_replace_recursive',
6850 ];
6871 public const AuthManagerConfig = [
6872 'default' => null,
6873 'type' => '?map',
6874 ];
6880 public const AuthManagerAutoConfig = [
6881 'default' => [
6882 'preauth' => [
6883 \MediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProvider::class => [
6884 'class' => \MediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProvider::class,
6885 'sort' => 0,
6886 ],
6887 ],
6888 'primaryauth' => [
6889 // TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider should come before
6890 // any other PasswordAuthenticationRequest-based
6891 // PrimaryAuthenticationProvider (or at least any that might return
6892 // FAIL rather than ABSTAIN for a wrong password), or password reset
6893 // won't work right. Do not remove this (or change the key) or
6894 // auto-configuration of other such providers in extensions will
6895 // probably auto-insert themselves in the wrong place.
6896 \MediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class => [
6897 'class' => \MediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class,
6898 'services' => [
6899 'DBLoadBalancer',
6900 'UserOptionsLookup',
6901 ],
6902 'args' => [ [
6903 // Fall through to LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider
6904 'authoritative' => false,
6905 ] ],
6906 'sort' => 0,
6907 ],
6908 \MediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class => [
6909 'class' => \MediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class,
6910 'services' => [
6911 'DBLoadBalancer',
6912 ],
6913 'args' => [ [
6914 // Last one should be authoritative, or else the user will get
6915 // a less-than-helpful error message (something like "supplied
6916 // authentication info not supported" rather than "wrong
6917 // password") if it too fails.
6918 'authoritative' => true,
6919 ] ],
6920 'sort' => 100,
6921 ],
6922 ],
6923 'secondaryauth' => [
6924 \MediaWiki\Auth\CheckBlocksSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class => [
6925 'class' => \MediaWiki\Auth\CheckBlocksSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class,
6926 'sort' => 0,
6927 ],
6928 \MediaWiki\Auth\ResetPasswordSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class => [
6929 'class' => \MediaWiki\Auth\ResetPasswordSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class,
6930 'sort' => 100,
6931 ],
6932 // Linking during login is experimental, enable at your own risk - T134952
6933 // MediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class => [
6934 // 'class' => MediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class,
6935 // 'sort' => 100,
6936 // ],
6937 \MediaWiki\Auth\EmailNotificationSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class => [
6938 'class' => \MediaWiki\Auth\EmailNotificationSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class,
6939 'services' => [
6940 'DBLoadBalancer',
6941 ],
6942 'sort' => 200,
6943 ],
6944 ],
6945 ],
6946 'type' => 'map',
6947 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_plus_2d',
6948 ];
6960 public const RememberMe = [
6961 'default' => 'choose',
6962 'type' => 'string',
6963 ];
7002 public const ReauthenticateTime = [
7003 'default' => [ 'default' => 300, ],
7004 'type' => 'map',
7005 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'integer', ],
7006 ];
7022 public const AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate = [
7023 'default' => [ 'default' => true, ],
7024 'type' => 'map',
7025 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ],
7026 ];
7038 public const ChangeCredentialsBlacklist = [
7039 'default' => [
7040 \MediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequest::class,
7041 ],
7042 'type' => 'list',
7043 'items' => [ 'type' => 'string', ],
7044 ];
7056 public const RemoveCredentialsBlacklist = [
7057 'default' => [
7058 \MediaWiki\Auth\PasswordAuthenticationRequest::class,
7059 ],
7060 'type' => 'list',
7061 'items' => [ 'type' => 'string', ],
7062 ];
7070 public const MinimalPasswordLength = [
7071 'default' => false,
7072 'deprecated' => 'since 1.26, use $wgPasswordPolicy\'s MinimalPasswordLength.',
7073 ];
7086 public const MaximalPasswordLength = [
7087 'default' => false,
7088 'deprecated' => 'since 1.26, use $wgPasswordPolicy\'s MaximalPasswordLength.',
7089 ];
7097 public const InvalidPasswordReset = [
7098 'default' => true,
7099 ];
7109 public const PasswordDefault = [
7110 'default' => 'pbkdf2',
7111 ];
7140 public const PasswordConfig = [
7141 'default' => [
7142 'A' => [
7143 'class' => MWOldPassword::class,
7144 ],
7145 'B' => [
7146 'class' => MWSaltedPassword::class,
7147 ],
7148 'pbkdf2-legacyA' => [
7149 'class' => LayeredParameterizedPassword::class,
7150 'types' => [
7151 'A',
7152 'pbkdf2',
7153 ],
7154 ],
7155 'pbkdf2-legacyB' => [
7156 'class' => LayeredParameterizedPassword::class,
7157 'types' => [
7158 'B',
7159 'pbkdf2',
7160 ],
7161 ],
7162 'bcrypt' => [
7163 'class' => BcryptPassword::class,
7164 'cost' => 9,
7165 ],
7166 'pbkdf2' => [
7167 'factory' => [ AbstractPbkdf2Password::class, 'newInstance' ],
7168 'algo' => 'sha512',
7169 'cost' => '30000',
7170 'length' => '64',
7171 ],
7172 'argon2' => [
7173 'class' => Argon2Password::class,
7175 // Algorithm used:
7176 // * 'argon2i' is optimized against side-channel attacks
7177 // * 'argon2id' is optimized against both side-channel and GPU cracking
7178 // * 'auto' to use best available algorithm. If you're using more than one server, be
7179 // careful when you're mixing PHP versions because newer PHP might generate hashes that
7180 // older versions might would not understand.
7181 'algo' => 'auto',
7183 // The parameters below are the same as options accepted by password_hash().
7184 // Set them to override that function's defaults.
7185 //
7186 // 'memory_cost' => PASSWORD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_MEMORY_COST,
7187 // 'time_cost' => PASSWORD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_TIME_COST,
7189 ],
7190 ],
7191 'type' => 'map',
7192 ];
7200 public const PasswordResetRoutes = [
7201 'default' => [
7202 'username' => true,
7203 'email' => true,
7204 ],
7205 'type' => 'map',
7206 ];
7211 public const MaxSigChars = [
7212 'default' => 255,
7213 ];
7227 public const SignatureValidation = [
7228 'default' => 'warning',
7229 ];
7237 public const SignatureAllowedLintErrors = [
7238 'default' => [ 'obsolete-tag', ],
7239 'type' => 'list',
7240 ];
7246 public const MaxNameChars = [
7247 'default' => 255,
7248 ];
7256 public const ReservedUsernames = [
7257 'default' => [
7258 'MediaWiki default', // Default 'Main Page' and MediaWiki: message pages
7259 'Conversion script', // Used for the old Wikipedia software upgrade
7260 'Maintenance script', // Maintenance scripts which perform editing, image import script
7261 'Template namespace initialisation script', // Used in 1.2->1.3 upgrade
7262 'ScriptImporter', // Default user name used by maintenance/importSiteScripts.php
7263 'Delete page script', // Default user name used by maintenance/deleteBatch.php
7264 'Move page script', // Default user name used by maintenance/deleteBatch.php
7265 'Command line script', // Default user name used by maintenance/undelete.php
7266 'Unknown user', // Used in WikiImporter & RevisionStore for revisions with no author and in User for invalid user id
7267 'msg:double-redirect-fixer', // Automatic double redirect fix
7268 'msg:usermessage-editor', // Default user for leaving user messages
7269 'msg:proxyblocker', // For $wgProxyList and Special:Blockme (removed in 1.22)
7270 'msg:sorbs', // For $wgEnableDnsBlacklist etc.
7271 'msg:spambot_username', // Used by cleanupSpam.php
7272 'msg:autochange-username', // Used by anon category RC entries (parser functions, Lua & purges)
7273 ],
7274 'type' => 'list',
7275 ];
7284 public const DefaultUserOptions = [
7285 'default' =>
7286 [
7287 'ccmeonemails' => 0,
7288 'date' => 'default',
7289 'diffonly' => 0,
7290 'disablemail' => 0,
7291 'editfont' => 'monospace',
7292 'editondblclick' => 0,
7293 'editsectiononrightclick' => 0,
7294 'email-allow-new-users' => 1,
7295 'enotifminoredits' => 0,
7296 'enotifrevealaddr' => 0,
7297 'enotifusertalkpages' => 1,
7298 'enotifwatchlistpages' => 1,
7299 'extendwatchlist' => 1,
7300 'fancysig' => 0,
7301 'forceeditsummary' => 0,
7302 'gender' => 'unknown',
7303 'hideminor' => 0,
7304 'hidepatrolled' => 0,
7305 'hidecategorization' => 1,
7306 'imagesize' => 2,
7307 'minordefault' => 0,
7308 'newpageshidepatrolled' => 0,
7309 'nickname' => '',
7310 'pst-cssjs' => 1,
7311 'norollbackdiff' => 0,
7312 'previewonfirst' => 0,
7313 'previewontop' => 1,
7314 'rcdays' => 7,
7315 'rcenhancedfilters-disable' => 0,
7316 'rclimit' => 50,
7317 'search-match-redirect' => true,
7318 'search-special-page' => 'Search',
7319 'searchlimit' => 20,
7320 'search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces' => true,
7321 'showhiddencats' => 0,
7322 'shownumberswatching' => 1,
7323 'showrollbackconfirmation' => 0,
7324 'skin' => false,
7325 'thumbsize' => 5,
7326 'underline' => 2,
7327 'uselivepreview' => 0,
7328 'usenewrc' => 1,
7329 'watchcreations' => 1,
7330 'watchdefault' => 1,
7331 'watchdeletion' => 0,
7332 'watchuploads' => 1,
7333 'watchlistdays' => 7,
7334 'watchlisthideanons' => 0,
7335 'watchlisthidebots' => 0,
7336 'watchlisthideliu' => 0,
7337 'watchlisthideminor' => 0,
7338 'watchlisthideown' => 0,
7339 'watchlisthidepatrolled' => 0,
7340 'watchlisthidecategorization' => 1,
7341 'watchlistreloadautomatically' => 0,
7342 'watchlistunwatchlinks' => 0,
7343 'watchmoves' => 0,
7344 'watchrollback' => 0,
7345 'wlenhancedfilters-disable' => 0,
7346 'wllimit' => 250,
7347 'useeditwarning' => 1,
7348 'prefershttps' => 1,
7349 'requireemail' => 0,
7350 'skin-responsive' => 1,
7351 ],
7352 'type' => 'map',
7353 ];
7358 public const HiddenPrefs = [
7359 'default' => [],
7360 'type' => 'list',
7361 ];
7369 public const InvalidUsernameCharacters = [
7370 'default' => '@:>=',
7371 ];
7382 public const UserrightsInterwikiDelimiter = [
7383 'default' => '@',
7384 ];
7394 public const SecureLogin = [
7395 'default' => false,
7396 ];
7407 public const AuthenticationTokenVersion = [
7408 'default' => null,
7409 'type' => '?string',
7410 ];
7421 public const SessionProviders = [
7422 'type' => 'map',
7423 'default' => [
7424 \MediaWiki\Session\CookieSessionProvider::class => [
7425 'class' => \MediaWiki\Session\CookieSessionProvider::class,
7426 'args' => [ [
7427 'priority' => 30,
7428 ] ],
7429 ],
7430 \MediaWiki\Session\BotPasswordSessionProvider::class => [
7431 'class' => \MediaWiki\Session\BotPasswordSessionProvider::class,
7432 'args' => [ [
7433 'priority' => 75,
7434 ] ],
7435 'services' => [
7436 'GrantsInfo'
7437 ],
7438 ],
7439 ],
7440 ];
7449 public const AllowRequiringEmailForResets = [
7450 'default' => false,
7451 ];
7500 public const AutoCreateTempUser = [
7501 'properties' => [
7502 'enabled' => [ 'type' => 'bool', 'default' => false ],
7503 'actions' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'default' => [ 'edit' ] ],
7504 'genPattern' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'default' => '*Unregistered $1' ],
7505 'matchPattern' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'default' => '*$1' ],
7506 'serialProvider' => [ 'type' => 'object', 'default' => [ 'type' => 'local' ] ],
7507 'serialMapping' => [ 'type' => 'object', 'default' => [ 'type' => 'plain-numeric' ] ]
7508 ],
7509 'type' => 'object',
7510 ];
7512 // endregion -- end user accounts
7514 /***************************************************************************/
7515 // region User rights, access control and monitoring
7521 public const AutoblockExpiry = [
7522 'default' => 86400,
7523 ];
7532 public const BlockAllowsUTEdit = [
7533 'default' => true,
7534 ];
7550 public const BlockCIDRLimit = [
7551 'default' => [
7552 'IPv4' => 16,
7553 'IPv6' => 19,
7554 ],
7555 'type' => 'map',
7556 ];
7563 public const BlockDisablesLogin = [
7564 'default' => false,
7565 ];
7572 public const EnablePartialActionBlocks = [
7573 'default' => false,
7574 'type' => 'boolean',
7575 ];
7596 public const WhitelistRead = [
7597 'default' => false,
7598 ];
7627 public const WhitelistReadRegexp = [
7628 'default' => false,
7629 ];
7635 public const EmailConfirmToEdit = [
7636 'default' => false,
7637 ];
7643 public const HideIdentifiableRedirects = [
7644 'default' => true,
7645 ];
7671 public const GroupPermissions = [
7672 'type' => 'map',
7673 'additionalProperties' => [
7674 'type' => 'map',
7675 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ],
7676 ],
7677 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_plus_2d',
7678 'default' => [
7679 '*' => [
7680 'createaccount' => true,
7681 'read' => true,
7682 'edit' => true,
7683 'createpage' => true,
7684 'createtalk' => true,
7685 'writeapi' => true,
7686 'viewmywatchlist' => true,
7687 'editmywatchlist' => true,
7688 'viewmyprivateinfo' => true,
7689 'editmyprivateinfo' => true,
7690 'editmyoptions' => true,
7691 ],
7692 'user' => [
7693 'move' => true,
7694 'move-subpages' => true,
7695 'move-rootuserpages' => true,
7696 'move-categorypages' => true,
7697 'movefile' => true,
7698 'read' => true,
7699 'edit' => true,
7700 'createpage' => true,
7701 'createtalk' => true,
7702 'writeapi' => true,
7703 'upload' => true,
7704 'reupload' => true,
7705 'reupload-shared' => true,
7706 'minoredit' => true,
7707 'editmyusercss' => true,
7708 'editmyuserjson' => true,
7709 'editmyuserjs' => true,
7710 'editmyuserjsredirect' => true,
7711 'purge' => true,
7712 'sendemail' => true,
7713 'applychangetags' => true,
7714 'changetags' => true,
7715 'editcontentmodel' => true,
7716 ],
7717 'autoconfirmed' => [
7718 'autoconfirmed' => true,
7719 'editsemiprotected' => true,
7720 ],
7721 'bot' => [
7722 'bot' => true,
7723 'autoconfirmed' => true,
7724 'editsemiprotected' => true,
7725 'nominornewtalk' => true,
7726 'autopatrol' => true,
7727 'suppressredirect' => true,
7728 'apihighlimits' => true,
7729 'writeapi' => true,
7730 ],
7731 'sysop' => [
7732 'block' => true,
7733 'createaccount' => true,
7734 'delete' => true,
7735 'bigdelete' => true,
7736 'deletedhistory' => true,
7737 'deletedtext' => true,
7738 'undelete' => true,
7739 'editinterface' => true,
7740 'editsitejson' => true,
7741 'edituserjson' => true,
7742 'import' => true,
7743 'importupload' => true,
7744 'move' => true,
7745 'move-subpages' => true,
7746 'move-rootuserpages' => true,
7747 'move-categorypages' => true,
7748 'patrol' => true,
7749 'autopatrol' => true,
7750 'protect' => true,
7751 'editprotected' => true,
7752 'rollback' => true,
7753 'upload' => true,
7754 'reupload' => true,
7755 'reupload-shared' => true,
7756 'unwatchedpages' => true,
7757 'autoconfirmed' => true,
7758 'editsemiprotected' => true,
7759 'ipblock-exempt' => true,
7760 'blockemail' => true,
7761 'markbotedits' => true,
7762 'apihighlimits' => true,
7763 'browsearchive' => true,
7764 'noratelimit' => true,
7765 'movefile' => true,
7766 'unblockself' => true,
7767 'suppressredirect' => true,
7768 'mergehistory' => true,
7769 'managechangetags' => true,
7770 'deletechangetags' => true,
7771 ],
7772 'interface-admin' => [
7773 'editinterface' => true,
7774 'editsitecss' => true,
7775 'editsitejson' => true,
7776 'editsitejs' => true,
7777 'editusercss' => true,
7778 'edituserjson' => true,
7779 'edituserjs' => true,
7780 ],
7781 'bureaucrat' => [
7782 'userrights' => true,
7783 'noratelimit' => true,
7784 'renameuser' => true,
7785 ],
7786 'suppress' => [
7787 'hideuser' => true,
7788 'suppressrevision' => true,
7789 'viewsuppressed' => true,
7790 'suppressionlog' => true,
7791 'deleterevision' => true,
7792 'deletelogentry' => true,
7793 ],
7794 ],
7795 ];
7804 public const PrivilegedGroups = [
7805 'default' => [
7806 'bureaucrat',
7807 'interface-admin',
7808 'suppress',
7809 'sysop',
7810 ],
7811 'type' => 'list',
7812 ];
7823 public const RevokePermissions = [
7824 'default' => [],
7825 'type' => 'map',
7826 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_plus_2d',
7827 ];
7848 public const GroupInheritsPermissions = [
7849 'default' => [],
7850 'type' => 'map',
7851 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'string', ],
7852 ];
7857 public const ImplicitGroups = [
7858 'default' => [ '*', 'user', 'autoconfirmed' ],
7859 'type' => 'list',
7860 ];
7886 public const GroupsAddToSelf = [
7887 'default' => [],
7888 'type' => 'map',
7889 ];
7894 public const GroupsRemoveFromSelf = [
7895 'default' => [],
7896 'type' => 'map',
7897 ];
7907 public const RestrictionTypes = [
7908 'default' => [ 'create', 'edit', 'move', 'upload' ],
7909 'type' => 'list',
7910 ];
7923 public const RestrictionLevels = [
7924 'default' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'sysop' ],
7925 'type' => 'list',
7926 ];
7937 public const CascadingRestrictionLevels = [
7938 'default' => [ 'sysop', ],
7939 'type' => 'list',
7940 ];
7954 public const SemiprotectedRestrictionLevels = [
7955 'default' => [ 'autoconfirmed', ],
7956 'type' => 'list',
7957 ];
7966 public const NamespaceProtection = [
7967 'default' => [],
7968 'type' => 'map',
7969 ];
7980 public const NonincludableNamespaces = [
7981 'default' => [],
7982 'type' => 'map',
7983 ];
8008 public const AutoConfirmAge = [
8009 'default' => 0,
8010 ];
8023 public const AutoConfirmCount = [
8024 'default' => 0,
8025 ];
8084 public const Autopromote = [
8085 'default' => [
8086 'autoconfirmed' => [ '&',
8087 [ APCOND_EDITCOUNT, null ], // NOTE: null means $wgAutoConfirmCount
8088 [ APCOND_AGE, null ], // NOTE: null means AutoConfirmAge
8089 ],
8090 ],
8091 'type' => 'map',
8092 ];
8114 public const AutopromoteOnce = [
8115 'default' => [ 'onEdit' => [], ],
8116 'type' => 'map',
8117 ];
8124 public const AutopromoteOnceLogInRC = [
8125 'default' => true,
8126 ];
8157 public const AddGroups = [
8158 'default' => [],
8159 'type' => 'map',
8160 ];
8165 public const RemoveGroups = [
8166 'default' => [],
8167 'type' => 'map',
8168 ];
8175 public const AvailableRights = [
8176 'default' => [],
8177 'type' => 'list',
8178 ];
8184 public const DeleteRevisionsLimit = [
8185 'default' => 0,
8186 ];
8193 public const DeleteRevisionsBatchSize = [
8194 'default' => 1000,
8195 ];
8206 public const HideUserContribLimit = [
8207 'default' => 1000,
8208 ];
8235 public const AccountCreationThrottle = [
8236 'default' => [ [
8237 'count' => 0,
8238 'seconds' => 86400,
8239 ] ],
8240 'type' => 'int|list',
8241 ];
8253 public const SpamRegex = [
8254 'default' => [],
8255 'type' => 'list',
8256 ];
8261 public const SummarySpamRegex = [
8262 'default' => [],
8263 'type' => 'list',
8264 ];
8272 public const EnableDnsBlacklist = [
8273 'default' => false,
8274 ];
8300 public const DnsBlacklistUrls = [
8301 'default' => [ '', ],
8302 'type' => 'list',
8303 ];
8313 public const ProxyList = [
8314 'default' => [],
8315 'type' => 'string|list',
8316 ];
8322 public const ProxyWhitelist = [
8323 'default' => [],
8324 'type' => 'list',
8325 ];
8334 public const SoftBlockRanges = [
8335 'default' => [],
8336 'type' => 'list',
8337 'items' => [ 'type' => 'string', ],
8338 ];
8345 public const ApplyIpBlocksToXff = [
8346 'default' => false,
8347 ];
8390 public const RateLimits = [
8391 'default' => [
8392 // Page edits
8393 'edit' => [
8394 'ip' => [ 8, 60 ],
8395 'newbie' => [ 8, 60 ],
8396 'user' => [ 90, 60 ],
8397 ],
8398 // Page moves
8399 'move' => [
8400 'newbie' => [ 2, 120 ],
8401 'user' => [ 8, 60 ],
8402 ],
8403 // File uploads
8404 'upload' => [
8405 'ip' => [ 8, 60 ],
8406 'newbie' => [ 8, 60 ],
8407 ],
8408 // Page rollbacks
8409 'rollback' => [
8410 'user' => [ 10, 60 ],
8411 'newbie' => [ 5, 120 ]
8412 ],
8413 // Triggering password resets emails
8414 'mailpassword' => [
8415 'ip' => [ 5, 3600 ],
8416 ],
8417 // Emailing other users using MediaWiki
8418 'sendemail' => [
8419 'ip' => [ 5, 86400 ],
8420 'newbie' => [ 5, 86400 ],
8421 'user' => [ 20, 86400 ],
8422 ],
8423 'changeemail' => [
8424 'ip-all' => [ 10, 3600 ],
8425 'user' => [ 4, 86400 ]
8426 ],
8427 // since 1.33 - rate limit email confirmations
8428 'confirmemail' => [
8429 'ip-all' => [ 10, 3600 ],
8430 'user' => [ 4, 86400 ]
8431 ],
8432 // Purging pages
8433 'purge' => [
8434 'ip' => [ 30, 60 ],
8435 'user' => [ 30, 60 ],
8436 ],
8437 // Purges of link tables
8438 'linkpurge' => [
8439 'ip' => [ 30, 60 ],
8440 'user' => [ 30, 60 ],
8441 ],
8442 // Files rendered via thumb.php or thumb_handler.php
8443 'renderfile' => [
8444 'ip' => [ 700, 30 ],
8445 'user' => [ 700, 30 ],
8446 ],
8447 // Same as above but for non-standard thumbnails
8448 'renderfile-nonstandard' => [
8449 'ip' => [ 70, 30 ],
8450 'user' => [ 70, 30 ],
8451 ],
8452 // Stashing edits into cache before save
8453 'stashedit' => [
8454 'ip' => [ 30, 60 ],
8455 'newbie' => [ 30, 60 ],
8456 ],
8457 // Stash base HTML for VE edits
8458 'stashbasehtml' => [
8459 'ip' => [ 5, 60 ],
8460 'newbie' => [ 5, 60 ],
8461 ],
8462 // Adding or removing change tags
8463 'changetags' => [
8464 'ip' => [ 8, 60 ],
8465 'newbie' => [ 8, 60 ],
8466 ],
8467 // Changing the content model of a page
8468 'editcontentmodel' => [
8469 'newbie' => [ 2, 120 ],
8470 'user' => [ 8, 60 ],
8471 ],
8472 ],
8473 'type' => 'map',
8474 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_plus_2d',
8475 ];
8482 public const RateLimitsExcludedIPs = [
8483 'default' => [],
8484 'type' => 'list',
8485 ];
8492 public const PutIPinRC = [
8493 'default' => true,
8494 ];
8500 public const QueryPageDefaultLimit = [
8501 'default' => 50,
8502 ];
8516 public const PasswordAttemptThrottle = [
8517 'default' => [
8518 // Short term limit
8519 [ 'count' => 5, 'seconds' => 300 ],
8520 // Long term limit. We need to balance the risk
8521 // of somebody using this as a DoS attack to lock someone
8522 // out of their account, and someone doing a brute force attack.
8523 [ 'count' => 150, 'seconds' => 60 * 60 * 48 ],
8524 ],
8525 'type' => 'list',
8526 ];
8538 public const GrantPermissions = [
8539 'default' => [
8540 'basic' => [
8541 'autocreateaccount' => true,
8542 'autoconfirmed' => true,
8543 'autopatrol' => true,
8544 'editsemiprotected' => true,
8545 'ipblock-exempt' => true,
8546 'nominornewtalk' => true,
8547 'patrolmarks' => true,
8548 'purge' => true,
8549 'read' => true,
8550 'writeapi' => true,
8551 'unwatchedpages' => true,
8552 ],
8553 'highvolume' => [
8554 'bot' => true,
8555 'apihighlimits' => true,
8556 'noratelimit' => true,
8557 'markbotedits' => true,
8558 ],
8559 'import' => [
8560 'import' => true,
8561 'importupload' => true,
8562 ],
8563 'editpage' => [
8564 'edit' => true,
8565 'minoredit' => true,
8566 'applychangetags' => true,
8567 'changetags' => true,
8568 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8569 ],
8570 'editprotected' => [
8571 'edit' => true,
8572 'minoredit' => true,
8573 'applychangetags' => true,
8574 'changetags' => true,
8575 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8576 'editprotected' => true,
8577 ],
8578 'editmycssjs' => [
8579 'edit' => true,
8580 'minoredit' => true,
8581 'applychangetags' => true,
8582 'changetags' => true,
8583 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8584 'editmyusercss' => true,
8585 'editmyuserjson' => true,
8586 'editmyuserjs' => true,
8587 ],
8588 'editmyoptions' => [
8589 'editmyoptions' => true,
8590 'editmyuserjson' => true,
8591 ],
8592 'editinterface' => [
8593 'edit' => true,
8594 'minoredit' => true,
8595 'applychangetags' => true,
8596 'changetags' => true,
8597 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8598 'editinterface' => true,
8599 'edituserjson' => true,
8600 'editsitejson' => true,
8601 ],
8602 'editsiteconfig' => [
8603 'edit' => true,
8604 'minoredit' => true,
8605 'applychangetags' => true,
8606 'changetags' => true,
8607 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8608 'editinterface' => true,
8609 'edituserjson' => true,
8610 'editsitejson' => true,
8611 'editusercss' => true,
8612 'edituserjs' => true,
8613 'editsitecss' => true,
8614 'editsitejs' => true,
8615 ],
8616 'createeditmovepage' => [
8617 'edit' => true,
8618 'minoredit' => true,
8619 'applychangetags' => true,
8620 'changetags' => true,
8621 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8622 'createpage' => true,
8623 'createtalk' => true,
8624 'delete-redirect' => true,
8625 'move' => true,
8626 'move-rootuserpages' => true,
8627 'move-subpages' => true,
8628 'move-categorypages' => true,
8629 'suppressredirect' => true,
8630 ],
8631 'uploadfile' => [
8632 'upload' => true,
8633 'reupload-own' => true,
8634 ],
8635 'uploadeditmovefile' => [
8636 'upload' => true,
8637 'reupload-own' => true,
8638 'reupload' => true,
8639 'reupload-shared' => true,
8640 'upload_by_url' => true,
8641 'movefile' => true,
8642 'suppressredirect' => true,
8643 ],
8644 'patrol' => [
8645 'patrol' => true,
8646 ],
8647 'rollback' => [
8648 'rollback' => true,
8649 ],
8650 'blockusers' => [
8651 'block' => true,
8652 'blockemail' => true,
8653 ],
8654 'viewdeleted' => [
8655 'browsearchive' => true,
8656 'deletedhistory' => true,
8657 'deletedtext' => true,
8658 ],
8659 'viewrestrictedlogs' => [
8660 'suppressionlog' => true,
8661 ],
8662 'delete' => [
8663 'edit' => true,
8664 'minoredit' => true,
8665 'applychangetags' => true,
8666 'changetags' => true,
8667 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8668 'browsearchive' => true,
8669 'deletedhistory' => true,
8670 'deletedtext' => true,
8671 'delete' => true,
8672 'bigdelete' => true,
8673 'deletelogentry' => true,
8674 'deleterevision' => true,
8675 'undelete' => true,
8676 ],
8677 'oversight' => [
8678 'suppressrevision' => true,
8679 'viewsuppressed' => true,
8680 ],
8681 'protect' => [
8682 'edit' => true,
8683 'minoredit' => true,
8684 'applychangetags' => true,
8685 'changetags' => true,
8686 'editcontentmodel' => true,
8687 'editprotected' => true,
8688 'protect' => true,
8689 ],
8690 'viewmywatchlist' => [
8691 'viewmywatchlist' => true,
8692 ],
8693 'editmywatchlist' => [
8694 'editmywatchlist' => true,
8695 ],
8696 'sendemail' => [
8697 'sendemail' => true,
8698 ],
8699 'createaccount' => [
8700 'createaccount' => true,
8701 ],
8702 'privateinfo' => [
8703 'viewmyprivateinfo' => true,
8704 ],
8705 'mergehistory' => [
8706 'mergehistory' => true,
8707 ],
8708 ],
8709 'type' => 'map',
8710 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_plus_2d',
8711 'additionalProperties' => [
8712 'type' => 'map',
8713 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ],
8714 ],
8715 ];
8720 public const GrantPermissionGroups = [
8721 'default' =>
8722 [
8723 // Hidden grants are implicitly present
8724 'basic' => 'hidden',
8726 'editpage' => 'page-interaction',
8727 'createeditmovepage' => 'page-interaction',
8728 'editprotected' => 'page-interaction',
8729 'patrol' => 'page-interaction',
8731 'uploadfile' => 'file-interaction',
8732 'uploadeditmovefile' => 'file-interaction',
8734 'sendemail' => 'email',
8736 'viewmywatchlist' => 'watchlist-interaction',
8737 'editviewmywatchlist' => 'watchlist-interaction',
8739 'editmycssjs' => 'customization',
8740 'editmyoptions' => 'customization',
8742 'editinterface' => 'administration',
8743 'editsiteconfig' => 'administration',
8744 'rollback' => 'administration',
8745 'blockusers' => 'administration',
8746 'delete' => 'administration',
8747 'viewdeleted' => 'administration',
8748 'viewrestrictedlogs' => 'administration',
8749 'protect' => 'administration',
8750 'oversight' => 'administration',
8751 'createaccount' => 'administration',
8752 'mergehistory' => 'administration',
8753 'import' => 'administration',
8755 'highvolume' => 'high-volume',
8757 'privateinfo' => 'private-information',
8758 ],
8759 'type' => 'map',
8760 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'string', ],
8761 ];
8766 public const EnableBotPasswords = [
8767 'default' => true,
8768 'type' => 'boolean',
8769 ];
8776 public const BotPasswordsCluster = [
8777 'default' => false,
8778 'type' => 'string|false',
8779 ];
8789 public const BotPasswordsDatabase = [
8790 'default' => false,
8791 'type' => 'string|false',
8792 ];
8794 // endregion -- end of user rights settings
8796 /***************************************************************************/
8797 // region Security
8803 public const SecretKey = [
8804 'default' => false,
8805 ];
8812 public const AllowUserJs = [
8813 'default' => false,
8814 ];
8821 public const AllowUserCss = [
8822 'default' => false,
8823 ];
8831 public const AllowUserCssPrefs = [
8832 'default' => true,
8833 ];
8838 public const UseSiteJs = [
8839 'default' => true,
8840 ];
8845 public const UseSiteCss = [
8846 'default' => true,
8847 ];
8853 public const BreakFrames = [
8854 'default' => false,
8855 ];
8876 public const EditPageFrameOptions = [
8877 'default' => 'DENY',
8878 ];
8891 public const ApiFrameOptions = [
8892 'default' => 'DENY',
8893 ];
8902 public const CSPHeader = [
8903 'default' => false,
8904 'type' => 'false|object',
8905 ];
8912 public const CSPReportOnlyHeader = [
8913 'default' => false,
8914 'type' => 'false|object',
8915 ];
8926 public const CSPFalsePositiveUrls = [
8927 'default' => [
8928 '' => true,
8929 '' => true,
8930 '' => true,
8931 '' => true,
8932 '' => true,
8933 '' => true,
8934 '' => true,
8935 '' => true,
8936 '' => true,
8937 '' => true,
8938 '' => true,
8939 '' => true,
8940 '' => true,
8941 '' => true,
8942 'chrome-extension' => true,
8943 ],
8944 'type' => 'map',
8945 ];
8954 public const AllowCrossOrigin = [
8955 'default' => false,
8956 'type' => 'boolean',
8957 ];
8972 public const RestAllowCrossOriginCookieAuth = [
8973 'default' => false,
8974 'type' => 'boolean',
8975 ];
8985 public const SessionSecret = [
8986 'default' => false,
8987 ];
8997 public const SessionInsecureSecrets = [
8998 'default' => false,
8999 ];
9011 public const HKDFSecret = [
9012 'default' => false,
9013 ];
9023 public const HKDFAlgorithm = [
9024 'default' => 'sha256',
9025 ];
9027 // endregion -- end of security
9029 /***************************************************************************/
9030 // region Cookie settings
9036 public const CookieExpiration = [
9037 'default' => 30 * 86400,
9038 ];
9046 public const ExtendedLoginCookieExpiration = [
9047 'default' => 180 * 86400,
9048 ];
9054 public const CookieDomain = [
9055 'default' => '',
9056 ];
9062 public const CookiePath = [
9063 'default' => '/',
9064 ];
9076 public const CookieSecure = [
9077 'default' => 'detect',
9078 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'ForceHTTPS' ] ]
9079 ];
9081 public static function getDefaultCookieSecure( $forceHTTPS ): bool {
9082 return $forceHTTPS || ( WebRequest::detectProtocol() === 'https' );
9083 }
9091 public const DisableCookieCheck = [
9092 'default' => false,
9093 ];
9100 public const CookiePrefix = [
9101 'default' => false,
9102 'dynamicDefault' => [
9103 'use' => [ 'SharedDB', 'SharedPrefix', 'SharedTables', 'DBname', 'DBprefix' ]
9104 ],
9105 ];
9107 public static function getDefaultCookiePrefix(
9108 $sharedDB, $sharedPrefix, $sharedTables, $dbName, $dbPrefix
9109 ): string {
9110 if ( $sharedDB && in_array( 'user', $sharedTables ) ) {
9111 return $sharedDB . ( $sharedPrefix ? "_$sharedPrefix" : '' );
9112 }
9113 return $dbName . ( $dbPrefix ? "_$dbPrefix" : '' );
9114 }
9121 public const CookieHttpOnly = [
9122 'default' => true,
9123 ];
9134 public const CookieSameSite = [
9135 'default' => null,
9136 'type' => '?string',
9137 ];
9146 public const UseSameSiteLegacyCookies = [
9147 'default' => false,
9148 'type' => 'boolean',
9149 ];
9154 public const CacheVaryCookies = [
9155 'default' => [],
9156 'type' => 'list',
9157 ];
9162 public const SessionName = [
9163 'default' => false,
9164 ];
9173 public const CookieSetOnAutoblock = [
9174 'default' => true,
9175 ];
9184 public const CookieSetOnIpBlock = [
9185 'default' => true,
9186 ];
9188 // endregion -- end of cookie settings
9190 /***************************************************************************/
9191 // region Profiling, testing and debugging
9193 // See $wgProfiler for how to enable profiling.
9206 public const DebugLogFile = [
9207 'default' => '',
9208 ];
9213 public const DebugLogPrefix = [
9214 'default' => '',
9215 ];
9222 public const DebugRedirects = [
9223 'default' => false,
9224 ];
9240 public const DebugRawPage = [
9241 'default' => false,
9242 ];
9252 public const DebugComments = [
9253 'default' => false,
9254 ];
9263 public const DebugDumpSql = [
9264 'default' => false,
9265 ];
9272 public const TrxProfilerLimits = [
9273 'default' => [
9274 // HTTP GET/HEAD requests.
9275 // Primary queries should not happen on GET requests
9276 'GET' => [
9277 'masterConns' => 0,
9278 'writes' => 0,
9279 'readQueryTime' => 5,
9280 'readQueryRows' => 10000
9281 ],
9282 // HTTP POST requests.
9283 // Primary reads and writes will happen for a subset of these.
9284 'POST' => [
9285 'readQueryTime' => 5,
9286 'writeQueryTime' => 1,
9287 'readQueryRows' => 100000,
9288 'maxAffected' => 1000
9289 ],
9290 'POST-nonwrite' => [
9291 'writes' => 0,
9292 'readQueryTime' => 5,
9293 'readQueryRows' => 10000
9294 ],
9295 // Deferred updates that run after HTTP response is sent for GET requests
9296 'PostSend-GET' => [
9297 'readQueryTime' => 5,
9298 'writeQueryTime' => 1,
9299 'readQueryRows' => 10000,
9300 'maxAffected' => 1000,
9301 // Log primary queries under the post-send entry point as they are discouraged
9302 'masterConns' => 0,
9303 'writes' => 0,
9304 ],
9305 // Deferred updates that run after HTTP response is sent for POST requests
9306 'PostSend-POST' => [
9307 'readQueryTime' => 5,
9308 'writeQueryTime' => 1,
9309 'readQueryRows' => 100000,
9310 'maxAffected' => 1000
9311 ],
9312 // Background job runner
9313 'JobRunner' => [
9314 'readQueryTime' => 30,
9315 'writeQueryTime' => 5,
9316 'readQueryRows' => 100000,
9317 'maxAffected' => 500 // ballpark of $wgUpdateRowsPerQuery
9318 ],
9319 // Command-line scripts
9320 'Maintenance' => [
9321 'writeQueryTime' => 5,
9322 'maxAffected' => 1000
9323 ]
9324 ],
9325 'type' => 'map',
9326 ];
9360 public const DebugLogGroups = [
9361 'default' => [],
9362 'type' => 'map',
9363 ];
9386 public const MWLoggerDefaultSpi = [
9387 'default' => [ 'class' => 'MediaWiki\\Logger\\LegacySpi', ],
9388 'mergeStrategy' => 'replace',
9389 'type' => 'map',
9390 ];
9397 public const ShowDebug = [
9398 'default' => false,
9399 ];
9404 public const SpecialVersionShowHooks = [
9405 'default' => false,
9406 ];
9415 public const ShowExceptionDetails = [
9416 'default' => false,
9417 ];
9422 public const LogExceptionBacktrace = [
9423 'default' => true,
9424 ];
9430 public const PropagateErrors = [
9431 'default' => true,
9432 ];
9437 public const ShowHostnames = [
9438 'default' => false,
9439 ];
9448 public const OverrideHostname = [
9449 'default' => false,
9450 ];
9456 public const DevelopmentWarnings = [
9457 'default' => false,
9458 ];
9465 public const DeprecationReleaseLimit = [
9466 'default' => false,
9467 ];
9535 public const Profiler = [
9536 'default' => [],
9537 'type' => 'map',
9538 'mergeStrategy' => 'replace',
9539 ];
9551 public const StatsdServer = [
9552 'default' => false,
9553 ];
9562 public const StatsdMetricPrefix = [
9563 'default' => 'MediaWiki',
9564 ];
9574 public const StatsdSamplingRates = [
9575 'default' => [],
9576 'type' => 'map',
9577 ];
9587 public const StatsTarget = [
9588 'default' => null,
9589 'type' => '?string',
9590 ];
9601 public const StatsFormat = [
9602 'default' => null,
9603 'type' => '?string',
9604 ];
9615 public const StatsPrefix = [
9616 'default' => 'mediawiki',
9617 'type' => 'string',
9618 ];
9626 public const PageInfoTransclusionLimit = [
9627 'default' => 50,
9628 ];
9633 public const EnableJavaScriptTest = [
9634 'default' => false,
9635 ];
9642 public const CachePrefix = [
9643 'default' => false,
9644 ];
9654 public const DebugToolbar = [
9655 'default' => false,
9656 ];
9658 // endregion -- end of profiling, testing and debugging
9660 /***************************************************************************/
9661 // region Search
9667 public const DisableTextSearch = [
9668 'default' => false,
9669 ];
9675 public const AdvancedSearchHighlighting = [
9676 'default' => false,
9677 ];
9683 public const SearchHighlightBoundaries = [
9684 'default' => '[\\p{Z}\\p{P}\\p{C}]',
9685 ];
9697 public const OpenSearchTemplate = [
9698 'default' => false,
9699 'deprecated' => 'since 1.25 ' .
9700 'Use $wgOpenSearchTemplates[\'application/x-suggestions+json\'] instead',
9701 ];
9711 public const OpenSearchTemplates = [
9712 'default' => [
9713 'application/x-suggestions+json' => false,
9714 'application/x-suggestions+xml' => false,
9715 ],
9716 'type' => 'map',
9717 ];
9725 public const EnableOpenSearchSuggest = [
9726 'default' => true,
9727 'obsolete' => 'Since 1.35, no longer used',
9728 'description' => 'Has been emitting warnings since 1.39 (LTS). ' .
9729 'Can be removed completely in 1.44, assuming 1.43 is an LTS release.'
9730 ];
9736 public const OpenSearchDefaultLimit = [
9737 'default' => 10,
9738 ];
9744 public const OpenSearchDescriptionLength = [
9745 'default' => 100,
9746 ];
9751 public const SearchSuggestCacheExpiry = [
9752 'default' => 1200,
9753 ];
9759 public const DisableSearchUpdate = [
9760 'default' => false,
9761 ];
9773 public const NamespacesToBeSearchedDefault = [
9774 'default' => [ NS_MAIN => true, ],
9775 'type' => 'map',
9776 ];
9782 public const DisableInternalSearch = [
9783 'default' => false,
9784 ];
9803 public const SearchForwardUrl = [
9804 'default' => null,
9805 ];
9812 public const SitemapNamespaces = [
9813 'default' => false,
9814 'type' => 'false|list',
9815 ];
9833 public const SitemapNamespacesPriorities = [
9834 'default' => false,
9835 'type' => 'false|map',
9836 ];
9843 public const EnableSearchContributorsByIP = [
9844 'default' => true,
9845 ];
9857 public const SpecialSearchFormOptions = [
9858 'default' => [],
9859 'type' => 'map',
9860 ];
9870 public const SearchMatchRedirectPreference = [
9871 'default' => false,
9872 'type' => 'boolean',
9873 ];
9881 public const SearchRunSuggestedQuery = [
9882 'default' => true,
9883 'type' => 'boolean',
9884 ];
9886 // endregion -- end of search settings
9888 /***************************************************************************/
9889 // region Edit user interface
9896 public const Diff3 = [
9897 'default' => '/usr/bin/diff3',
9898 ];
9903 public const Diff = [
9904 'default' => '/usr/bin/diff',
9905 ];
9912 public const PreviewOnOpenNamespaces = [
9913 'default' => [
9914 NS_CATEGORY => true
9915 ],
9916 'type' => 'map',
9917 ];
9924 public const UniversalEditButton = [
9925 'default' => true,
9926 ];
9933 public const UseAutomaticEditSummaries = [
9934 'default' => true,
9935 ];
9937 // endregion -- end edit UI
9939 /***************************************************************************/
9940 // region Maintenance
9942 // See also $wgSiteNotice
9947 public const CommandLineDarkBg = [
9948 'default' => false,
9949 ];
9959 public const ReadOnly = [
9960 'default' => null,
9961 ];
9968 public const ReadOnlyWatchedItemStore = [
9969 'default' => false,
9970 'type' => 'boolean',
9971 ];
9981 public const ReadOnlyFile = [
9982 'default' => false,
9983 'dynamicDefault' => [ 'use' => [ 'UploadDirectory' ] ]
9984 ];
9990 public static function getDefaultReadOnlyFile( $uploadDirectory ): string {
9991 return "$uploadDirectory/lock_yBgMBwiR";
9992 }
10003 public const UpgradeKey = [
10004 'default' => false,
10005 ];
10010 public const GitBin = [
10011 'default' => '/usr/bin/git',
10012 ];
10027 public const GitRepositoryViewers = [
10028 'default' => [
10029 'https://(?:[a-z0-9_]+@)?*)' => '',
10030 'ssh://(?:[a-z0-9_]+@)?*)' => '',
10031 ],
10032 'type' => 'map',
10033 ];
10035 // endregion -- End of maintenance
10037 /***************************************************************************/
10038 // region Recent changes, new pages, watchlist and history
10047 public const RCMaxAge = [
10048 'default' => 90 * 24 * 3600,
10049 ];
10058 public const WatchersMaxAge = [
10059 'default' => 180 * 24 * 3600,
10060 ];
10070 public const UnwatchedPageSecret = [
10071 'default' => 1,
10072 ];
10081 public const RCFilterByAge = [
10082 'default' => false,
10083 ];
10089 public const RCLinkLimits = [
10090 'default' => [ 50, 100, 250, 500 ],
10091 'type' => 'list',
10092 ];
10100 public const RCLinkDays = [
10101 'default' => [ 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 ],
10102 'type' => 'list',
10103 ];
10168 public const RCFeeds = [
10169 'default' => [],
10170 'type' => 'map',
10171 ];
10180 public const RCEngines = [
10181 'default' => [
10182 'redis' => RedisPubSubFeedEngine::class,
10183 'udp' => UDPRCFeedEngine::class,
10184 ],
10185 'type' => 'map',
10186 ];
10200 public const RCWatchCategoryMembership = [
10201 'default' => false,
10202 ];
10212 public const UseRCPatrol = [
10213 'default' => true,
10214 ];
10222 public const StructuredChangeFiltersLiveUpdatePollingRate = [
10223 'default' => 3,
10224 ];
10233 public const UseNPPatrol = [
10234 'default' => true,
10235 ];
10245 public const UseFilePatrol = [
10246 'default' => true,
10247 ];
10252 public const Feed = [
10253 'default' => true,
10254 ];
10260 public const FeedLimit = [
10261 'default' => 50,
10262 ];
10273 public const FeedCacheTimeout = [
10274 'default' => 60,
10275 ];
10281 public const FeedDiffCutoff = [
10282 'default' => 32768,
10283 ];
10300 public const OverrideSiteFeed = [
10301 'default' => [],
10302 'type' => 'map',
10303 ];
10311 public const FeedClasses = [
10312 'default' => [
10313 'rss' => \MediaWiki\Feed\RSSFeed::class,
10314 'atom' => \MediaWiki\Feed\AtomFeed::class,
10315 ],
10316 'type' => 'map',
10317 ];
10323 public const AdvertisedFeedTypes = [
10324 'default' => [ 'atom', ],
10325 'type' => 'list',
10326 ];
10331 public const RCShowWatchingUsers = [
10332 'default' => false,
10333 ];
10338 public const RCShowChangedSize = [
10339 'default' => true,
10340 ];
10347 public const RCChangedSizeThreshold = [
10348 'default' => 500,
10349 ];
10355 public const ShowUpdatedMarker = [
10356 'default' => true,
10357 ];
10363 public const DisableAnonTalk = [
10364 'default' => false,
10365 ];
10371 public const UseTagFilter = [
10372 'default' => true,
10373 ];
10392 public const SoftwareTags = [
10393 'default' => [
10394 'mw-contentmodelchange' => true,
10395 'mw-new-redirect' => true,
10396 'mw-removed-redirect' => true,
10397 'mw-changed-redirect-target' => true,
10398 'mw-blank' => true,
10399 'mw-replace' => true,
10400 'mw-rollback' => true,
10401 'mw-undo' => true,
10402 'mw-manual-revert' => true,
10403 'mw-reverted' => true,
10404 'mw-server-side-upload' => true,
10405 ],
10406 'type' => 'map',
10407 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ],
10408 ];
10417 public const UnwatchedPageThreshold = [
10418 'default' => false,
10419 ];
10446 public const RecentChangesFlags = [
10447 'default' => [
10448 'newpage' => [
10449 'letter' => 'newpageletter',
10450 'title' => 'recentchanges-label-newpage',
10451 'legend' => 'recentchanges-legend-newpage',
10452 'grouping' => 'any',
10453 ],
10454 'minor' => [
10455 'letter' => 'minoreditletter',
10456 'title' => 'recentchanges-label-minor',
10457 'legend' => 'recentchanges-legend-minor',
10458 'class' => 'minoredit',
10459 'grouping' => 'all',
10460 ],
10461 'bot' => [
10462 'letter' => 'boteditletter',
10463 'title' => 'recentchanges-label-bot',
10464 'legend' => 'recentchanges-legend-bot',
10465 'class' => 'botedit',
10466 'grouping' => 'all',
10467 ],
10468 'unpatrolled' => [
10469 'letter' => 'unpatrolledletter',
10470 'title' => 'recentchanges-label-unpatrolled',
10471 'legend' => 'recentchanges-legend-unpatrolled',
10472 'grouping' => 'any',
10473 ],
10474 ],
10475 'type' => 'map',
10476 ];
10483 public const WatchlistExpiry = [
10484 'default' => false,
10485 'type' => 'boolean',
10486 ];
10498 public const WatchlistPurgeRate = [
10499 'default' => 0.1,
10500 'type' => 'float',
10501 ];
10517 public const WatchlistExpiryMaxDuration = [
10518 'default' => '1 year',
10519 'type' => '?string',
10520 ];
10522 // endregion -- end RC/watchlist
10524 /***************************************************************************/
10525 // region Copyright and credits settings
10535 public const RightsPage = [
10536 'default' => null,
10537 ];
10545 public const RightsUrl = [
10546 'default' => null,
10547 ];
10557 public const RightsText = [
10558 'default' => null,
10559 ];
10564 public const RightsIcon = [
10565 'default' => null,
10566 ];
10571 public const UseCopyrightUpload = [
10572 'default' => false,
10573 ];
10582 public const MaxCredits = [
10583 'default' => 0,
10584 ];
10591 public const ShowCreditsIfMax = [
10592 'default' => true,
10593 ];
10595 // endregion -- end of copyright and credits settings
10597 /***************************************************************************/
10598 // region Import / Export
10624 public const ImportSources = [
10625 'default' => [],
10626 'type' => 'map',
10627 ];
10637 public const ImportTargetNamespace = [
10638 'default' => null,
10639 ];
10647 public const ExportAllowHistory = [
10648 'default' => true,
10649 ];
10656 public const ExportMaxHistory = [
10657 'default' => 0,
10658 ];
10663 public const ExportAllowListContributors = [
10664 'default' => false,
10665 ];
10678 public const ExportMaxLinkDepth = [
10679 'default' => 0,
10680 ];
10685 public const ExportFromNamespaces = [
10686 'default' => false,
10687 ];
10692 public const ExportAllowAll = [
10693 'default' => false,
10694 ];
10702 public const ExportPagelistLimit = [
10703 'default' => 5000,
10704 ];
10710 public const XmlDumpSchemaVersion = [
10711 'default' => XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_11,
10712 ];
10714 // endregion -- end of import/export
10716 /***************************************************************************/
10717 // region Wiki Farm
10729 public const WikiFarmSettingsDirectory = [
10730 'default' => null
10731 ];
10741 public const WikiFarmSettingsExtension = [
10742 'default' => 'yaml'
10743 ];
10745 // endregion -- End Wiki Farm
10747 /***************************************************************************/
10748 // region Extensions
10755 public const ExtensionFunctions = [
10756 'default' => [],
10757 'type' => 'list',
10758 ];
10787 public const ExtensionMessagesFiles = [
10788 'default' => [],
10789 'type' => 'map',
10790 ];
10820 public const MessagesDirs = [
10821 'default' => [],
10822 'type' => 'map',
10823 ];
10831 public const ExtensionEntryPointListFiles = [
10832 'default' => [],
10833 'type' => 'map',
10834 ];
10852 public const ParserOutputHooks = [
10853 'default' => [],
10854 'type' => 'map',
10855 ];
10860 public const EnableParserLimitReporting = [
10861 'default' => true,
10862 ];
10889 public const ValidSkinNames = [
10890 'default' => [],
10891 'type' => 'map',
10892 ];
10899 public const SpecialPages = [
10900 'default' => [],
10901 'type' => 'map',
10902 ];
10914 public const AutoloadAttemptLowercase = [
10915 'default' => false,
10916 'obsolete' => 'Since 1.40; no longer has any effect.',
10917 'description' => 'Has been emitting warnings since 1.39 (LTS). ' .
10918 'Can be removed completely in 1.44, assuming 1.43 is an LTS release.'
10919 ];
10979 public const ExtensionCredits = [
10980 'default' => [],
10981 'type' => 'map',
10982 ];
11013 public const Hooks = [
11014 'default' => [],
11015 'type' => 'map',
11016 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_merge_recursive',
11017 ];
11031 public const ServiceWiringFiles = [
11032 'default' => [],
11033 'type' => 'list',
11034 ];
11054 public const JobClasses = [
11055 'default' => [
11056 'deletePage' => DeletePageJob::class,
11057 'refreshLinks' => RefreshLinksJob::class,
11058 'deleteLinks' => DeleteLinksJob::class,
11059 'htmlCacheUpdate' => HTMLCacheUpdateJob::class,
11060 'sendMail' => EmaillingJob::class,
11061 'enotifNotify' => EnotifNotifyJob::class,
11062 'fixDoubleRedirect' => DoubleRedirectJob::class,
11063 'AssembleUploadChunks' => AssembleUploadChunksJob::class,
11064 'PublishStashedFile' => PublishStashedFileJob::class,
11065 'ThumbnailRender' => ThumbnailRenderJob::class,
11066 'recentChangesUpdate' => RecentChangesUpdateJob::class,
11067 'refreshLinksPrioritized' => RefreshLinksJob::class,
11068 'refreshLinksDynamic' => RefreshLinksJob::class,
11069 'activityUpdateJob' => ActivityUpdateJob::class,
11070 'categoryMembershipChange' => CategoryMembershipChangeJob::class,
11071 'clearUserWatchlist' => ClearUserWatchlistJob::class,
11072 'watchlistExpiry' => WatchlistExpiryJob::class,
11073 'cdnPurge' => CdnPurgeJob::class,
11074 'userGroupExpiry' => UserGroupExpiryJob::class,
11075 'clearWatchlistNotifications' => ClearWatchlistNotificationsJob::class,
11076 'userOptionsUpdate' => UserOptionsUpdateJob::class,
11077 'revertedTagUpdate' => RevertedTagUpdateJob::class,
11078 'null' => NullJob::class,
11079 'userEditCountInit' => UserEditCountInitJob::class,
11080 'parsoidCachePrewarm' => [
11081 'class' => ParsoidCachePrewarmJob::class,
11082 'services' => [
11083 'ParsoidOutputAccess',
11084 'PageStore',
11085 'RevisionLookup'
11086 ],
11087 // tell the JobFactory not to include the $page parameter in the constructor call
11088 'needsPage' => false
11089 ],
11090 'renameUser' => [
11091 'class' => RenameUserJob::class,
11092 'services' => [
11093 'MainConfig',
11094 'DBLoadBalancerFactory'
11095 ]
11096 ],
11097 ],
11098 'type' => 'map',
11099 ];
11112 public const JobTypesExcludedFromDefaultQueue = [
11113 'default' => [ 'AssembleUploadChunks', 'PublishStashedFile' ],
11114 'type' => 'list',
11115 ];
11126 public const JobBackoffThrottling = [
11127 'default' => [],
11128 'type' => 'map',
11129 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'float', ],
11130 ];
11145 public const JobSerialCommitThreshold = [
11146 'default' => false,
11147 'type' => 'float|false',
11148 ];
11157 public const JobTypeConf = [
11158 'default' => [
11159 'default' => [
11160 'class' => JobQueueDB::class,
11161 'order' => 'random',
11162 'claimTTL' => 3600
11163 ],
11164 ],
11165 'additionalProperties' => [
11166 'type' => 'object',
11167 'properties' => [
11168 'class' => [ 'type' => 'string' ],
11169 'order' => [ 'type' => 'string' ],
11170 'claimTTL' => [ 'type' => 'int' ]
11171 ],
11172 ],
11173 'type' => 'map',
11174 ];
11188 public const JobQueueIncludeInMaxLagFactor = [
11189 'default' => false,
11190 ];
11197 public const SpecialPageCacheUpdates = [
11198 'default' => [
11199 'Statistics' => [ SiteStatsUpdate::class, 'cacheUpdate' ]
11200 ],
11201 'type' => 'map',
11202 ];
11212 public const PagePropLinkInvalidations = [
11213 'default' => [ 'hiddencat' => 'categorylinks', ],
11214 'type' => 'map',
11215 ];
11217 // endregion -- End extensions
11219 /***************************************************************************/
11220 // region Categories
11227 public const CategoryMagicGallery = [
11228 'default' => true,
11229 ];
11234 public const CategoryPagingLimit = [
11235 'default' => 200,
11236 ];
11264 public const CategoryCollation = [
11265 'default' => 'uppercase',
11266 ];
11279 public const TempCategoryCollations = [
11280 'default' => [],
11281 'type' => 'list',
11282 ];
11298 public const TrackingCategories = [
11299 'default' => [],
11300 'type' => 'list',
11301 'deprecated' => 'since 1.25 Extensions should now register tracking categories using ' .
11302 'the new extension registration system.',
11303 ];
11305 // endregion -- End categories
11307 /***************************************************************************/
11308 // region Logging
11320 public const LogTypes = [
11321 'default' => [
11322 '',
11323 'block',
11324 'protect',
11325 'rights',
11326 'delete',
11327 'upload',
11328 'move',
11329 'import',
11330 'patrol',
11331 'merge',
11332 'suppress',
11333 'tag',
11334 'managetags',
11335 'contentmodel',
11336 'renameuser',
11337 ],
11338 'type' => 'list',
11339 ];
11348 public const LogRestrictions = [
11349 'default' => [ 'suppress' => 'suppressionlog', ],
11350 'type' => 'map',
11351 ];
11371 public const FilterLogTypes = [
11372 'default' => [
11373 'patrol' => true,
11374 'tag' => true,
11375 'newusers' => false,
11376 ],
11377 'type' => 'map',
11378 ];
11389 public const LogNames = [
11390 'default' => [
11391 '' => 'all-logs-page',
11392 'block' => 'blocklogpage',
11393 'protect' => 'protectlogpage',
11394 'rights' => 'rightslog',
11395 'delete' => 'dellogpage',
11396 'upload' => 'uploadlogpage',
11397 'move' => 'movelogpage',
11398 'import' => 'importlogpage',
11399 'patrol' => 'patrol-log-page',
11400 'merge' => 'mergelog',
11401 'suppress' => 'suppressionlog',
11402 ],
11403 'type' => 'map',
11404 ];
11415 public const LogHeaders = [
11416 'default' => [
11417 '' => 'alllogstext',
11418 'block' => 'blocklogtext',
11419 'delete' => 'dellogpagetext',
11420 'import' => 'importlogpagetext',
11421 'merge' => 'mergelogpagetext',
11422 'move' => 'movelogpagetext',
11423 'patrol' => 'patrol-log-header',
11424 'protect' => 'protectlogtext',
11425 'rights' => 'rightslogtext',
11426 'suppress' => 'suppressionlogtext',
11427 'upload' => 'uploadlogpagetext',
11428 ],
11429 'type' => 'map',
11430 ];
11439 public const LogActions = [
11440 'default' => [],
11441 'type' => 'map',
11442 ];
11451 public const LogActionsHandlers = [
11452 'default' => [
11453 'block/block' => BlockLogFormatter::class,
11454 'block/reblock' => BlockLogFormatter::class,
11455 'block/unblock' => BlockLogFormatter::class,
11456 'contentmodel/change' => ContentModelLogFormatter::class,
11457 'contentmodel/new' => ContentModelLogFormatter::class,
11458 'delete/delete' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11459 'delete/delete_redir' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11460 'delete/delete_redir2' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11461 'delete/event' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11462 'delete/restore' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11463 'delete/revision' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11464 'import/interwiki' => ImportLogFormatter::class,
11465 'import/upload' => ImportLogFormatter::class,
11466 'managetags/activate' => LogFormatter::class,
11467 'managetags/create' => LogFormatter::class,
11468 'managetags/deactivate' => LogFormatter::class,
11469 'managetags/delete' => LogFormatter::class,
11470 'merge/merge' => MergeLogFormatter::class,
11471 'move/move' => MoveLogFormatter::class,
11472 'move/move_redir' => MoveLogFormatter::class,
11473 'patrol/patrol' => PatrolLogFormatter::class,
11474 'patrol/autopatrol' => PatrolLogFormatter::class,
11475 'protect/modify' => ProtectLogFormatter::class,
11476 'protect/move_prot' => ProtectLogFormatter::class,
11477 'protect/protect' => ProtectLogFormatter::class,
11478 'protect/unprotect' => ProtectLogFormatter::class,
11479 'renameuser/renameuser' => RenameuserLogFormatter::class,
11480 'rights/autopromote' => RightsLogFormatter::class,
11481 'rights/rights' => RightsLogFormatter::class,
11482 'suppress/block' => BlockLogFormatter::class,
11483 'suppress/delete' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11484 'suppress/event' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11485 'suppress/reblock' => BlockLogFormatter::class,
11486 'suppress/revision' => DeleteLogFormatter::class,
11487 'tag/update' => TagLogFormatter::class,
11488 'upload/overwrite' => UploadLogFormatter::class,
11489 'upload/revert' => UploadLogFormatter::class,
11490 'upload/upload' => UploadLogFormatter::class,
11491 ],
11492 'type' => 'map',
11493 ];
11504 public const ActionFilteredLogs = [
11505 'default' => [
11506 'block' => [
11507 'block' => [ 'block' ],
11508 'reblock' => [ 'reblock' ],
11509 'unblock' => [ 'unblock' ],
11510 ],
11511 'contentmodel' => [
11512 'change' => [ 'change' ],
11513 'new' => [ 'new' ],
11514 ],
11515 'delete' => [
11516 'delete' => [ 'delete' ],
11517 'delete_redir' => [ 'delete_redir', 'delete_redir2' ],
11518 'restore' => [ 'restore' ],
11519 'event' => [ 'event' ],
11520 'revision' => [ 'revision' ],
11521 ],
11522 'import' => [
11523 'interwiki' => [ 'interwiki' ],
11524 'upload' => [ 'upload' ],
11525 ],
11526 'managetags' => [
11527 'create' => [ 'create' ],
11528 'delete' => [ 'delete' ],
11529 'activate' => [ 'activate' ],
11530 'deactivate' => [ 'deactivate' ],
11531 ],
11532 'move' => [
11533 'move' => [ 'move' ],
11534 'move_redir' => [ 'move_redir' ],
11535 ],
11536 'newusers' => [
11537 'create' => [ 'create', 'newusers' ],
11538 'create2' => [ 'create2' ],
11539 'autocreate' => [ 'autocreate' ],
11540 'byemail' => [ 'byemail' ],
11541 ],
11542 'protect' => [
11543 'protect' => [ 'protect' ],
11544 'modify' => [ 'modify' ],
11545 'unprotect' => [ 'unprotect' ],
11546 'move_prot' => [ 'move_prot' ],
11547 ],
11548 'rights' => [
11549 'rights' => [ 'rights' ],
11550 'autopromote' => [ 'autopromote' ],
11551 ],
11552 'suppress' => [
11553 'event' => [ 'event' ],
11554 'revision' => [ 'revision' ],
11555 'delete' => [ 'delete' ],
11556 'block' => [ 'block' ],
11557 'reblock' => [ 'reblock' ],
11558 ],
11559 'upload' => [
11560 'upload' => [ 'upload' ],
11561 'overwrite' => [ 'overwrite' ],
11562 'revert' => [ 'revert' ],
11563 ],
11564 ],
11565 'type' => 'map',
11566 ];
11571 public const NewUserLog = [
11572 'default' => true,
11573 ];
11580 public const PageCreationLog = [
11581 'default' => true,
11582 ];
11584 // endregion -- end logging
11586 /***************************************************************************/
11587 // region Special pages (general and miscellaneous)
11593 public const AllowSpecialInclusion = [
11594 'default' => true,
11595 ];
11603 public const DisableQueryPageUpdate = [
11604 'default' => false,
11605 ];
11611 public const CountCategorizedImagesAsUsed = [
11612 'default' => false,
11613 ];
11619 public const MaxRedirectLinksRetrieved = [
11620 'default' => 500,
11621 ];
11629 public const RangeContributionsCIDRLimit = [
11630 'default' => [
11631 'IPv4' => 16,
11632 'IPv6' => 32,
11633 ],
11634 'type' => 'map',
11635 'additionalProperties' => [ 'type' => 'integer', ],
11636 ];
11638 // endregion -- end special pages
11640 /***************************************************************************/
11641 // region Actions
11650 public const Actions = [
11651 'default' => [],
11652 'type' => 'map',
11653 ];
11655 // endregion -- end actions
11657 /***************************************************************************/
11658 // region Robot (search engine crawler) policy
11660 // See also $wgNoFollowLinks.
11667 public const DefaultRobotPolicy = [
11668 'default' => 'index,follow',
11669 ];
11686 public const NamespaceRobotPolicies = [
11687 'default' => [],
11688 'type' => 'map',
11689 ];
11720 public const ArticleRobotPolicies = [
11721 'default' => [],
11722 'type' => 'map',
11723 ];
11736 public const ExemptFromUserRobotsControl = [
11737 'default' => null,
11738 'type' => '?list',
11739 ];
11741 // endregion End robot policy
11743 /***************************************************************************/
11744 // region Action API and REST API
11761 public const DebugAPI = [
11762 'default' => false,
11763 ];
11800 public const APIModules = [
11801 'default' => [],
11802 'type' => 'map',
11803 ];
11813 public const APIFormatModules = [
11814 'default' => [],
11815 'type' => 'map',
11816 ];
11826 public const APIMetaModules = [
11827 'default' => [],
11828 'type' => 'map',
11829 ];
11839 public const APIPropModules = [
11840 'default' => [],
11841 'type' => 'map',
11842 ];
11852 public const APIListModules = [
11853 'default' => [],
11854 'type' => 'map',
11855 ];
11861 public const APIMaxDBRows = [
11862 'default' => 5000,
11863 ];
11870 public const APIMaxResultSize = [
11871 'default' => 8388608,
11872 ];
11878 public const APIMaxUncachedDiffs = [
11879 'default' => 1,
11880 ];
11888 public const APIMaxLagThreshold = [
11889 'default' => 7,
11890 ];
11896 public const APIRequestLog = [
11897 'default' => false,
11898 ];
11903 public const APICacheHelpTimeout = [
11904 'default' => 60 * 60,
11905 ];
11911 public const APIUselessQueryPages = [
11912 'default' => [
11913 'MIMEsearch',
11914 'LinkSearch',
11915 ],
11916 'type' => 'list',
11917 ];
11922 public const AjaxUploadDestCheck = [
11923 'default' => true,
11924 ];
11929 public const AjaxLicensePreview = [
11930 'default' => true,
11931 ];
11955 public const CrossSiteAJAXdomains = [
11956 'default' => [],
11957 'type' => 'map',
11958 ];
11965 public const CrossSiteAJAXdomainExceptions = [
11966 'default' => [],
11967 'type' => 'map',
11968 ];
11973 public const AllowedCorsHeaders = [
11974 'default' => [
11975 /* simple headers (see spec) */
11976 'Accept',
11977 'Accept-Language',
11978 'Content-Language',
11979 'Content-Type',
11980 /* non-authorable headers in XHR, which are however requested by some UAs */
11981 'Accept-Encoding',
11982 'DNT',
11983 'Origin',
11984 /* MediaWiki whitelist */
11985 'User-Agent',
11986 'Api-User-Agent',
11987 /* Allowing caching preflight requests, see T269636 */
11988 'Access-Control-Max-Age',
11989 /* OAuth 2.0, see T322944 */
11990 'Authorization',
11991 ],
11992 'type' => 'list',
11993 ];
12000 public const RestAPIAdditionalRouteFiles = [
12001 'default' => [],
12002 'type' => 'list',
12003 ];
12005 // endregion -- End AJAX and API
12007 /***************************************************************************/
12008 // region Shell and process control
12014 public const MaxShellMemory = [
12015 'default' => 307200,
12016 ];
12022 public const MaxShellFileSize = [
12023 'default' => 102400,
12024 ];
12029 public const MaxShellTime = [
12030 'default' => 180,
12031 ];
12037 public const MaxShellWallClockTime = [
12038 'default' => 180,
12039 ];
12064 public const ShellCgroup = [
12065 'default' => false,
12066 ];
12071 public const PhpCli = [
12072 'default' => '/usr/bin/php',
12073 ];
12087 public const ShellRestrictionMethod = [
12088 'default' => 'autodetect',
12089 'type' => 'string|false',
12090 ];
12105 public const ShellboxUrls = [
12106 'default' => [ 'default' => null, ],
12107 'type' => 'map',
12108 'additionalProperties' => [
12109 'type' => 'string|false|null',
12110 ],
12111 ];
12119 public const ShellboxSecretKey = [
12120 'default' => null,
12121 'type' => '?string',
12122 ];
12124 // endregion -- end Shell and process control
12126 /***************************************************************************/
12127 // region HTTP client
12135 public const HTTPTimeout = [
12136 'default' => 25,
12137 'type' => 'float',
12138 ];
12147 public const HTTPConnectTimeout = [
12148 'default' => 5.0,
12149 'type' => 'float',
12150 ];
12159 public const HTTPMaxTimeout = [
12160 'default' => 0,
12161 'type' => 'float',
12162 ];
12171 public const HTTPMaxConnectTimeout = [
12172 'default' => 0,
12173 'type' => 'float',
12174 ];
12181 public const HTTPImportTimeout = [
12182 'default' => 25,
12183 ];
12188 public const AsyncHTTPTimeout = [
12189 'default' => 25,
12190 ];
12195 public const HTTPProxy = [
12196 'default' => '',
12197 ];
12214 public const LocalVirtualHosts = [
12215 'default' => [],
12216 'type' => 'map',
12217 ];
12230 public const LocalHTTPProxy = [
12231 'default' => false,
12232 'type' => 'string|false',
12233 ];
12240 public const AllowExternalReqID = [
12241 'default' => false,
12242 ];
12244 // endregion -- End HTTP client
12246 /***************************************************************************/
12247 // region Job queue
12267 public const JobRunRate = [
12268 'default' => 1,
12269 ];
12278 public const RunJobsAsync = [
12279 'default' => false,
12280 ];
12285 public const UpdateRowsPerJob = [
12286 'default' => 300,
12287 ];
12292 public const UpdateRowsPerQuery = [
12293 'default' => 100,
12294 ];
12296 // endregion -- End job queue
12298 /***************************************************************************/
12299 // region Miscellaneous
12307 public const RedirectOnLogin = [
12308 'default' => null,
12309 ];
12347 public const VirtualRestConfig = [
12348 'default' => [
12349 'paths' => [],
12350 'modules' => [],
12351 'global' => [
12352 # Timeout in seconds
12353 'timeout' => 360,
12354 # 'domain' is set to $wgCanonicalServer in Setup.php
12355 'forwardCookies' => false,
12356 'HTTPProxy' => null
12357 ]
12358 ],
12359 'mergeStrategy' => 'array_plus_2d',
12360 'type' => 'map',
12361 ];
12385 public const EventRelayerConfig = [
12386 'default' => [
12387 'default' => [ 'class' => EventRelayerNull::class, ],
12388 ],
12389 'type' => 'map',
12390 ];
12409 public const Pingback = [
12410 'default' => false,
12411 'type' => 'boolean',
12412 ];
12419 public const OriginTrials = [
12420 'default' => [],
12421 'type' => 'list',
12422 ];
12430 public const ReportToExpiry = [
12431 'default' => 86400,
12432 'type' => 'integer',
12433 ];
12441 public const ReportToEndpoints = [
12442 'default' => [],
12443 'type' => 'list',
12444 ];
12454 public const FeaturePolicyReportOnly = [
12455 'default' => [],
12456 'type' => 'list',
12457 ];
12464 public const SkinsPreferred = [
12465 'default' => [ 'vector-2022', 'vector' ],
12466 'type' => 'list',
12467 ];
12474 public const SpecialContributeSkinsEnabled = [
12475 'default' => [],
12476 'type' => 'list',
12477 ];
12479 // endregion -- End Miscellaneous
Definition Defines.php:277
Definition Defines.php:99
Definition Defines.php:270
Definition Defines.php:97
Definition Defines.php:179
const NS_HELP
Definition Defines.php:76
const NS_USER
Definition Defines.php:66
Definition Defines.php:213
const NS_FILE
Definition Defines.php:70
Definition Defines.php:86
Definition Defines.php:85
Definition Defines.php:73
const NS_MAIN
Definition Defines.php:64
Definition Defines.php:69
Definition Defines.php:72
Definition Defines.php:74
Definition Defines.php:89
Definition Defines.php:71
Definition Defines.php:317
Definition Defines.php:211
Definition Defines.php:215
Definition Defines.php:77
Definition Defines.php:79
Definition Defines.php:214
Definition Defines.php:269
const CACHE_DB
Definition Defines.php:87
Definition Defines.php:98
Definition Defines.php:178
const NS_TALK
Definition Defines.php:65
Definition Defines.php:96
Definition Defines.php:67
Definition Defines.php:216
Definition Defines.php:68
Definition Defines.php:78
Definition Defines.php:212
Definition Defines.php:75
The persistent session ID (if any) loaded at startup.
Definition WebStart.php:88
This is a wrapper for APCu's shared memory functions.
A PBKDF2-hashed password.
Job for updating user activity like "last viewed" timestamps.
Implements Argon2, a modern key derivation algorithm designed to resist GPU cracking and side-channel...
Assemble the segments of a chunked upload.
A Bcrypt-hashed password.
This class formats block log entries.
Job to add recent change entries mentioning category membership changes.
Job to purge a set of URLs from CDN.
Job to clear a users watchlist in batches.
Job for clearing all of the "last viewed" timestamps for a user's watchlist, or setting them all to t...
Content handler for CSS pages.
Job to prune link tables for pages that were deleted.
This class formats delete log entries.
This diff implementation is mainly lifted from the LCS algorithm of the Eclipse project which in turn...
Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings.
Definition Diff.php:32
Fix any double redirects after moving a page.
Send an arbitrary single email.
A BagOStuff object with no objects in it.
Send an email notification.
No-op class for publishing messages into a PubSub system.
Content handler implementation for unknown content.
Maintenance script that fixes double redirects.
Job to purge the HTML/file cache for all pages that link to or use another page or file.
Simple store for keeping values in an associative array for the current process.
Hooks class.
Definition Hooks.php:38
This class formats import log entries.
Content handler for JavaScript pages.
Class to handle job queues stored in the DB.
Content handler for JSON text.
Methods for dealing with language codes.
This password hash type layers one or more parameterized password types on top of each other.
A CentralIdLookup provider that just uses local IDs.
Local repository that stores files in the local filesystem and registers them in the wiki's own datab...
Definition LocalRepo.php:41
Caching for the contents of localisation files.
Implements the default log formatting.
The old style of MediaWiki password hashing.
The old style of MediaWiki password hashing, with a salt.
Class representing a MediaWiki site.
This class performs some operations related to tracking categories, such as creating a list of all su...
This class contains schema declarations for all configuration variables known to MediaWiki core.
static getDefaultLocalTZoffset( $localtimezone)
Site language code.
static getDefaultLogo( $resourceBasePath)
static getDefaultLoadScript( $scriptPath)
static getDefaultCookieSecure( $forceHTTPS)
Default cookie lifetime, in seconds.
static getDefaultUploadDirectory( $baseDirectory)
static getDefaultLocalFileRepo( $uploadDirectory, $scriptPath, $favicon, $uploadBaseUrl, $uploadPath, $hashedUploadDirectory, $thumbnailScriptPath, $generateThumbnailOnParse, $deletedDirectory, $updateCompatibleMetadata)
Allow users to upload files.
static getDefaultValue(string $name)
Returns the default value of the given config setting.
static getDefaultReadOnlyFile( $uploadDirectory)
static getDefaultUploadPath( $scriptPath)
static getDefaultMetaNamespace( $sitename)
static getDefaultExtensionAssetsPath( $resourceBasePath)
static getDefaultDeletedDirectory( $uploadDirectory)
static listDefaultValues(string $prefix='')
Returns a generator for iterating over all config settings and their default values.
static getDefaultScript( $scriptPath)
static getDefaultResourceBasePath( $scriptPath)
static getDefaultDBerrorLogTZ( $localtimezone)
Current wiki database name.
static getDefaultSharedPrefix( $dbPrefix)
static getDefaultSharedSchema( $dbMwschema)
static getDefaultLocalStylePath( $scriptPath)
static getDefaultStylePath( $resourceBasePath)
static getDefaultCookiePrefix( $sharedDB, $sharedPrefix, $sharedTables, $dbName, $dbPrefix)
Default cookie lifetime, in seconds.
static getDefaultFileCacheDirectory( $uploadDirectory)
static getDefaultArticlePath(string $script, $usePathInfo)
static getDefaultLocaltimezone()
Site language code.
static getDefaultRestPath( $scriptPath)
A wrapper class for the PECL memcached client.
A wrapper class for the pure-PHP memcached client, exposing a BagOStuff interface.
This class formats merge log entries.
This class formats move log entries.
This is a utility class for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "magic" behaviors of them ba...
No-op job that does nothing.
Definition NullJob.php:50
This class formats patrol log entries.
Send information about this MediaWiki instance to
Definition Pingback.php:45
Profiler base class that defines the interface and some shared functionality.
Definition Profiler.php:37
This class formats protect log entries.
Upload a file from the upload stash into the local file repo.
Puurge expired rows from the recentchanges table.
Send recent change to a Redis Pub/Sub channel.
Job to update link tables for rerendered wiki pages.
Custom job to perform updates on tables in busier environments.
LogFormatter for renameuser/renameuser logs.
A cache class that directs writes to one set of servers and reads to another.
Job for deferring the execution of RevertedTagUpdate.
This class formats rights log entries.
Class for handling updates to the site_stats table.
RDBMS-based caching module.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Ge...
Base content handler implementation for flat text contents.
Job for asynchronous rendering of thumbnails, e.g.
Send recent change notifications to a destination address over UDP.
This class formats upload log entries.
Job that initializes an user's edit count.
Job that purges expired user group memberships.
Job that updates a user's preferences.
Multi-datacenter aware caching interface.
The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping il...
Content handler for wiki text pages.
Wrapper for WinCache object caching functions; identical interface to the APC wrapper.
return[0=> 'ـ', 1=> ' ', 2=> '`', 3=> '´', 4=> '˜', 5=> '^', 6=> '¯', 7=> '‾', 8=> '˘', 9=> '˙', 10=> '¨', 11=> '˚', 12=> '˝', 13=> '᾽', 14=> '῝', 15=> '¸', 16=> '˛', 17=> '_', 18=> '‗', 19=> '῀', 20=> '﮲', 21=> '﮳', 22=> '﮴', 23=> '﮵', 24=> '﮶', 25=> '﮷', 26=> '﮸', 27=> '﮹', 28=> '﮺', 29=> '﮻', 30=> '﮼', 31=> '﮽', 32=> '﮾', 33=> '﮿', 34=> '﯀', 35=> '﯁', 36=> '゛', 37=> '゜', 38=> '-', 39=> '֊', 40=> '᐀', 41=> '᭠', 42=> '᠆', 43=> '᠇', 44=> '‐', 45=> '‒', 46=> '–', 47=> '—', 48=> '―', 49=> '⁓', 50=> '⸗', 51=> '゠', 52=> '・', 53=> ',', 54=> '՝', 55=> '،', 56=> '؍', 57=> '٫', 58=> '٬', 59=> '߸', 60=> '᠂', 61=> '᠈', 62=> '꓾', 63=> '꘍', 64=> '꛵', 65=> '︑', 66=> ';', 67=> '؛', 68=> '⁏', 69=> '꛶', 70=> ':', 71=> '։', 72=> '؞', 73=> '܃', 74=> '܄', 75=> '܅', 76=> '܆', 77=> '܇', 78=> '܈', 79=> '࠰', 80=> '࠱', 81=> '࠲', 82=> '࠳', 83=> '࠴', 84=> '࠵', 85=> '࠶', 86=> '࠷', 87=> '࠸', 88=> '࠹', 89=> '࠺', 90=> '࠻', 91=> '࠼', 92=> '࠽', 93=> '࠾', 94=> '፡', 95=> '፣', 96=> '፤', 97=> '፥', 98=> '፦', 99=> '᠄', 100=> '᠅', 101=> '༔', 102=> '៖', 103=> '᭝', 104=> '꧇', 105=> '᛫', 106=> '᛬', 107=> '᛭', 108=> '꛴', 109=> '!', 110=> '¡', 111=> '՜', 112=> '߹', 113=> '᥄', 114=> '?', 115=> '¿', 116=> '⸮', 117=> '՞', 118=> '؟', 119=> '܉', 120=> '፧', 121=> '᥅', 122=> '⳺', 123=> '⳻', 124=> '꘏', 125=> '꛷', 126=> '‽', 127=> '⸘', 128=> '.', 129=> '᠁', 130=> '۔', 131=> '܁', 132=> '܂', 133=> '።', 134=> '᠃', 135=> '᠉', 136=> '᙮', 137=> '᭜', 138=> '⳹', 139=> '⳾', 140=> '⸰', 141=> '꓿', 142=> '꘎', 143=> '꛳', 144=> '︒', 145=> '·', 146=> '⸱', 147=> '।', 148=> '॥', 149=> '꣎', 150=> '꣏', 151=> '᰻', 152=> '᰼', 153=> '꡶', 154=> '꡷', 155=> '᜵', 156=> '᜶', 157=> '꤯', 158=> '၊', 159=> '။', 160=> '។', 161=> '៕', 162=> '᪨', 163=> '᪩', 164=> '᪪', 165=> '᪫', 166=> '᭞', 167=> '᭟', 168=> '꧈', 169=> '꧉', 170=> '꩝', 171=> '꩞', 172=> '꩟', 173=> '꯫', 174=> '𐩖', 175=> '𐩗', 176=> '𑁇', 177=> '𑁈', 178=> '𑃀', 179=> '𑃁', 180=> '᱾', 181=> '᱿', 182=> '܀', 183=> '߷', 184=> '჻', 185=> '፠', 186=> '፨', 187=> '᨞', 188=> '᨟', 189=> '᭚', 190=> '᭛', 191=> '꧁', 192=> '꧂', 193=> '꧃', 194=> '꧄', 195=> '꧅', 196=> '꧆', 197=> '꧊', 198=> '꧋', 199=> '꧌', 200=> '꧍', 201=> '꛲', 202=> '꥟', 203=> '𐡗', 204=> '𐬺', 205=> '𐬻', 206=> '𐬼', 207=> '𐬽', 208=> '𐬾', 209=> '𐬿', 210=> '𑂾', 211=> '𑂿', 212=> '⁕', 213=> '⁖', 214=> '⁘', 215=> '⁙', 216=> '⁚', 217=> '⁛', 218=> '⁜', 219=> '⁝', 220=> '⁞', 221=> '⸪', 222=> '⸫', 223=> '⸬', 224=> '⸭', 225=> '⳼', 226=> '⳿', 227=> '⸙', 228=> '𐤿', 229=> '𐄀', 230=> '𐄁', 231=> '𐄂', 232=> '𐎟', 233=> '𐏐', 234=> '𐤟', 235=> '𒑰', 236=> '𒑱', 237=> '𒑲', 238=> '𒑳', 239=> '\'', 240=> '‘', 241=> '’', 242=> '‚', 243=> '‛', 244=> '‹', 245=> '›', 246=> '"', 247 => '“', 248 => '”', 249 => '„', 250 => '‟', 251 => '«', 252 => '»', 253 => '(', 254 => ')', 255 => '[', 256 => ']', 257 => '{', 258 => '}', 259 => '༺', 260 => '༻', 261 => '༼', 262 => '༽', 263 => '᚛', 264 => '᚜', 265 => '⁅', 266 => '⁆', 267 => '⧼', 268 => '⧽', 269 => '⦃', 270 => '⦄', 271 => '⦅', 272 => '⦆', 273 => '⦇', 274 => '⦈', 275 => '⦉', 276 => '⦊', 277 => '⦋', 278 => '⦌', 279 => '⦍', 280 => '⦎', 281 => '⦏', 282 => '⦐', 283 => '⦑', 284 => '⦒', 285 => '⦓', 286 => '⦔', 287 => '⦕', 288 => '⦖', 289 => '⦗', 290 => '⦘', 291 => '⟬', 292 => '⟭', 293 => '⟮', 294 => '⟯', 295 => '⸂', 296 => '⸃', 297 => '⸄', 298 => '⸅', 299 => '⸉', 300 => '⸊', 301 => '⸌', 302 => '⸍', 303 => '⸜', 304 => '⸝', 305 => '⸠', 306 => '⸡', 307 => '⸢', 308 => '⸣', 309 => '⸤', 310 => '⸥', 311 => '⸦', 312 => '⸧', 313 => '⸨', 314 => '⸩', 315 => '〈', 316 => '〉', 317 => '「', 318 => '」', 319 => '﹝', 320 => '﹞', 321 => '︗', 322 => '︘', 323 => '﴾', 324 => '﴿', 325 => '§', 326 => '¶', 327 => '⁋', 328 => '©', 329 => '®', 330 => '@', 331 => '*', 332 => '⁎', 333 => '⁑', 334 => '٭', 335 => '꙳', 336 => '/', 337 => '⁄', 338 => '\\', 339 => '&', 340 => '⅋', 341 => '⁊', 342 => '#', 343 => '%', 344 => '٪', 345 => '‰', 346 => '؉', 347 => '‱', 348 => '؊', 349 => '⁒', 350 => '†', 351 => '‡', 352 => '•', 353 => '‣', 354 => '‧', 355 => '⁃', 356 => '⁌', 357 => '⁍', 358 => '′', 359 => '‵', 360 => '‸', 361 => '※', 362 => '‿', 363 => '⁔', 364 => '⁀', 365 => '⁐', 366 => '⁁', 367 => '⁂', 368 => '⸀', 369 => '⸁', 370 => '⸆', 371 => '⸇', 372 => '⸈', 373 => '⸋', 374 => '⸎', 375 => '⸏', 376 => '⸐', 377 => '⸑', 378 => '⸒', 379 => '⸓', 380 => '⸔', 381 => '⸕', 382 => '⸖', 383 => '⸚', 384 => '⸛', 385 => '⸞', 386 => '⸟', 387 => '꙾', 388 => '՚', 389 => '՛', 390 => '՟', 391 => '־', 392 => '׀', 393 => '׃', 394 => '׆', 395 => '׳', 396 => '״', 397 => '܊', 398 => '܋', 399 => '܌', 400 => '܍', 401 => '࡞', 402 => '᠀', 403 => '॰', 404 => '꣸', 405 => '꣹', 406 => '꣺', 407 => '෴', 408 => '๚', 409 => '๛', 410 => '꫞', 411 => '꫟', 412 => '༄', 413 => '༅', 414 => '༆', 415 => '༇', 416 => '༈', 417 => '༉', 418 => '༊', 419 => '࿐', 420 => '࿑', 421 => '་', 422 => '།', 423 => '༎', 424 => '༏', 425 => '༐', 426 => '༑', 427 => '༒', 428 => '྅', 429 => '࿒', 430 => '࿓', 431 => '࿔', 432 => '࿙', 433 => '࿚', 434 => '᰽', 435 => '᰾', 436 => '᰿', 437 => '᥀', 438 => '၌', 439 => '၍', 440 => '၎', 441 => '၏', 442 => '႞', 443 => '႟', 444 => '꩷', 445 => '꩸', 446 => '꩹', 447 => 'ៗ', 448 => '៘', 449 => '៙', 450 => '៚', 451 => '᪠', 452 => '᪡', 453 => '᪢', 454 => '᪣', 455 => '᪤', 456 => '᪥', 457 => '᪦', 458 => '᪬', 459 => '᪭', 460 => '᙭', 461 => '⵰', 462 => '꡴', 463 => '꡵', 464 => '᯼', 465 => '᯽', 466 => '᯾', 467 => '᯿', 468 => '꤮', 469 => '꧞', 470 => '꧟', 471 => '꩜', 472 => '𑁉', 473 => '𑁊', 474 => '𑁋', 475 => '𑁌', 476 => '𑁍', 477 => '𐩐', 478 => '𐩑', 479 => '𐩒', 480 => '𐩓', 481 => '𐩔', 482 => '𐩕', 483 => '𐩘', 484 => '𐬹', 485 => '𑂻', 486 => '𑂼', 487 => 'ʹ', 488 => '͵', 489 => 'ʺ', 490 => '˂', 491 => '˃', 492 => '˄', 493 => '˅', 494 => 'ˆ', 495 => 'ˇ', 496 => 'ˈ', 497 => 'ˉ', 498 => 'ˊ', 499 => 'ˋ', 500 => 'ˌ', 501 => 'ˍ', 502 => 'ˎ', 503 => 'ˏ', 504 => '˒', 505 => '˓', 506 => '˔', 507 => '˕', 508 => '˖', 509 => '˗', 510 => '˞', 511 => '˟', 512 => '˥', 513 => '˦', 514 => '˧', 515 => '˨', 516 => '˩', 517 => '˪', 518 => '˫', 519 => 'ˬ', 520 => '˭', 521 => '˯', 522 => '˰', 523 => '˱', 524 => '˲', 525 => '˳', 526 => '˴', 527 => '˵', 528 => '˶', 529 => '˷', 530 => '˸', 531 => '˹', 532 => '˺', 533 => '˻', 534 => '˼', 535 => '˽', 536 => '˾', 537 => '˿', 538 => '᎐', 539 => '᎑', 540 => '᎒', 541 => '᎓', 542 => '᎔', 543 => '᎕', 544 => '᎖', 545 => '᎗', 546 => '᎘', 547 => '᎙', 548 => '꜀', 549 => '꜁', 550 => '꜂', 551 => '꜃', 552 => '꜄', 553 => '꜅', 554 => '꜆', 555 => '꜇', 556 => '꜈', 557 => '꜉', 558 => '꜊', 559 => '꜋', 560 => '꜌', 561 => '꜍', 562 => '꜎', 563 => '꜏', 564 => '꜐', 565 => '꜑', 566 => '꜒', 567 => '꜓', 568 => '꜔', 569 => '꜕', 570 => '꜖', 571 => 'ꜗ', 572 => 'ꜘ', 573 => 'ꜙ', 574 => 'ꜚ', 575 => 'ꜛ', 576 => 'ꜜ', 577 => 'ꜝ', 578 => 'ꜞ', 579 => 'ꜟ', 580 => '꜠', 581 => '꜡', 582 => 'ꞈ', 583 => '꞉', 584 => '꞊', 585 => '°', 586 => '҂', 587 => '؈', 588 => '؎', 589 => '؏', 590 => '۞', 591 => '۩', 592 => '﷽', 593 => '߶', 594 => '৺', 595 => '୰', 596 => '௳', 597 => '௴', 598 => '௵', 599 => '௶', 600 => '௷', 601 => '௸', 602 => '௺', 603 => '౿', 604 => '൹', 605 => '꠨', 606 => '꠩', 607 => '꠪', 608 => '꠫', 609 => '꠶', 610 => '꠷', 611 => '꠹', 612 => '๏', 613 => '༁', 614 => '༂', 615 => '༃', 616 => '༓', 617 => '༕', 618 => '༖', 619 => '༗', 620 => '༚', 621 => '༛', 622 => '༜', 623 => '༝', 624 => '༞', 625 => '༟', 626 => '༴', 627 => '༶', 628 => '༸', 629 => '྾', 630 => '྿', 631 => '࿀', 632 => '࿁', 633 => '࿂', 634 => '࿃', 635 => '࿄', 636 => '࿅', 637 => '࿇', 638 => '࿈', 639 => '࿉', 640 => '࿊', 641 => '࿋', 642 => '࿌', 643 => '࿎', 644 => '࿏', 645 => '࿕', 646 => '࿖', 647 => '࿗', 648 => '࿘', 649 => '᧠', 650 => '᧡', 651 => '᧢', 652 => '᧣', 653 => '᧤', 654 => '᧥', 655 => '᧦', 656 => '᧧', 657 => '᧨', 658 => '᧩', 659 => '᧪', 660 => '᧫', 661 => '᧬', 662 => '᧭', 663 => '᧮', 664 => '᧯', 665 => '᧰', 666 => '᧱', 667 => '᧲', 668 => '᧳', 669 => '᧴', 670 => '᧵', 671 => '᧶', 672 => '᧷', 673 => '᧸', 674 => '᧹', 675 => '᧺', 676 => '᧻', 677 => '᧼', 678 => '᧽', 679 => '᧾', 680 => '᧿', 681 => '᭡', 682 => '᭢', 683 => '᭣', 684 => '᭤', 685 => '᭥', 686 => '᭦', 687 => '᭧', 688 => '᭨', 689 => '᭩', 690 => '᭪', 691 => '᭴', 692 => '᭵', 693 => '᭶', 694 => '᭷', 695 => '᭸', 696 => '᭹', 697 => '᭺', 698 => '᭻', 699 => '᭼', 700 => '℄', 701 => '℈', 702 => '℔', 703 => '℗', 704 => '℘', 705 => '℞', 706 => '℟', 707 => '℣', 708 => '℥', 709 => '℧', 710 => '℩', 711 => '℮', 712 => '℺', 713 => '⅁', 714 => '⅂', 715 => '⅃', 716 => '⅄', 717 => '⅊', 718 => '⅌', 719 => '⅍', 720 => '⅏', 721 => '←', 722 => '→', 723 => '↑', 724 => '↓', 725 => '↔', 726 => '↕', 727 => '↖', 728 => '↗', 729 => '↘', 730 => '↙', 731 => '↜', 732 => '↝', 733 => '↞', 734 => '↟', 735 => '↠', 736 => '↡', 737 => '↢', 738 => '↣', 739 => '↤', 740 => '↥', 741 => '↦', 742 => '↧', 743 => '↨', 744 => '↩', 745 => '↪', 746 => '↫', 747 => '↬', 748 => '↭', 749 => '↯', 750 => '↰', 751 => '↱', 752 => '↲', 753 => '↳', 754 => '↴', 755 => '↵', 756 => '↶', 757 => '↷', 758 => '↸', 759 => '↹', 760 => '↺', 761 => '↻', 762 => '↼', 763 => '↽', 764 => '↾', 765 => '↿', 766 => '⇀', 767 => '⇁', 768 => '⇂', 769 => '⇃', 770 => '⇄', 771 => '⇅', 772 => '⇆', 773 => '⇇', 774 => '⇈', 775 => '⇉', 776 => '⇊', 777 => '⇋', 778 => '⇌', 779 => '⇐', 780 => '⇑', 781 => '⇒', 782 => '⇓', 783 => '⇔', 784 => '⇕', 785 => '⇖', 786 => '⇗', 787 => '⇘', 788 => '⇙', 789 => '⇚', 790 => '⇛', 791 => '⇜', 792 => '⇝', 793 => '⇞', 794 => '⇟', 795 => '⇠', 796 => '⇡', 797 => '⇢', 798 => '⇣', 799 => '⇤', 800 => '⇥', 801 => '⇦', 802 => '⇧', 803 => '⇨', 804 => '⇩', 805 => '⇪', 806 => '⇫', 807 => '⇬', 808 => '⇭', 809 => '⇮', 810 => '⇯', 811 => '⇰', 812 => '⇱', 813 => '⇲', 814 => '⇳', 815 => '⇴', 816 => '⇵', 817 => '⇶', 818 => '⇷', 819 => '⇸', 820 => '⇹', 821 => '⇺', 822 => '⇻', 823 => '⇼', 824 => '⇽', 825 => '⇾', 826 => '⇿', 827 => '∀', 828 => '∁', 829 => '∂', 830 => '∃', 831 => '∅', 832 => '∆', 833 => '∇', 834 => '∈', 835 => '∊', 836 => '∋', 837 => '∍', 838 => '϶', 839 => '∎', 840 => '∏', 841 => '∐', 842 => '∑', 843 => '+', 844 => '±', 845 => '÷', 846 => '×', 847 => '<', 848 => '=', 849 => '>', 850 => '¬', 851 => '|', 852 => '¦', 853 => '‖', 854 => '~', 855 => '−', 856 => '∓', 857 => '∔', 858 => '∕', 859 => '∖', 860 => '∗', 861 => '∘', 862 => '∙', 863 => '√', 864 => '∛', 865 => '؆', 866 => '∜', 867 => '؇', 868 => '∝', 869 => '∞', 870 => '∟', 871 => '∠', 872 => '∡', 873 => '∢', 874 => '∣', 875 => '∥', 876 => '∧', 877 => '∨', 878 => '∩', 879 => '∪', 880 => '∫', 881 => '∮', 882 => '∱', 883 => '∲', 884 => '∳', 885 => '∴', 886 => '∵', 887 => '∶', 888 => '∷', 889 => '∸', 890 => '∹', 891 => '∺', 892 => '∻', 893 => '∼', 894 => '∽', 895 => '∾', 896 => '∿', 897 => '≀', 898 => '≂', 899 => '≃', 900 => '≅', 901 => '≆', 902 => '≈', 903 => '≊', 904 => '≋', 905 => '≌', 906 => '≍', 907 => '≎', 908 => '≏', 909 => '≐', 910 => '≑', 911 => '≒', 912 => '≓', 913 => '≔', 914 => '≕', 915 => '≖', 916 => '≗', 917 => '≘', 918 => '≙', 919 => '≚', 920 => '≛', 921 => '≜', 922 => '≝', 923 => '≞', 924 => '≟', 925 => '≡', 926 => '≣', 927 => '≤', 928 => '≥', 929 => '≦', 930 => '≧', 931 => '≨', 932 => '≩', 933 => '≪', 934 => '≫', 935 => '≬', 936 => '≲', 937 => '≳', 938 => '≶', 939 => '≷', 940 => '≺', 941 => '≻', 942 => '≼', 943 => '≽', 944 => '≾', 945 => '≿', 946 => '⊂', 947 => '⊃', 948 => '⊆', 949 => '⊇', 950 => '⊊', 951 => '⊋', 952 => '⊌', 953 => '⊍', 954 => '⊎', 955 => '⊏', 956 => '⊐', 957 => '⊑', 958 => '⊒', 959 => '⊓', 960 => '⊔', 961 => '⊕', 962 => '⊖', 963 => '⊗', 964 => '⊘', 965 => '⊙', 966 => '⊚', 967 => '⊛', 968 => '⊜', 969 => '⊝', 970 => '⊞', 971 => '⊟', 972 => '⊠', 973 => '⊡', 974 => '⊢', 975 => '⊣', 976 => '⊤', 977 => '⊥', 978 => '⊦', 979 => '⊧', 980 => '⊨', 981 => '⊩', 982 => '⊪', 983 => '⊫', 984 => '⊰', 985 => '⊱', 986 => '⊲', 987 => '⊳', 988 => '⊴', 989 => '⊵', 990 => '⊶', 991 => '⊷', 992 => '⊸', 993 => '⊹', 994 => '⊺', 995 => '⊻', 996 => '⊼', 997 => '⊽', 998 => '⊾', 999 => '⊿', 1000 => '⋀', 1001 => '⋁', 1002 => '⋂', 1003 => '⋃', 1004 => '⋄', 1005 => '⋅', 1006 => '⋆', 1007 => '⋇', 1008 => '⋈', 1009 => '⋉', 1010 => '⋊', 1011 => '⋋', 1012 => '⋌', 1013 => '⋍', 1014 => '⋎', 1015 => '⋏', 1016 => '⋐', 1017 => '⋑', 1018 => '⋒', 1019 => '⋓', 1020 => '⋔', 1021 => '⋕', 1022 => '⋖', 1023 => '⋗', 1024 => '⋘', 1025 => '⋙', 1026 => '⋚', 1027 => '⋛', 1028 => '⋜', 1029 => '⋝', 1030 => '⋞', 1031 => '⋟', 1032 => '⋤', 1033 => '⋥', 1034 => '⋦', 1035 => '⋧', 1036 => '⋨', 1037 => '⋩', 1038 => '⋮', 1039 => '⋯', 1040 => '⋰', 1041 => '⋱', 1042 => '⋲', 1043 => '⋳', 1044 => '⋴', 1045 => '⋵', 1046 => '⋶', 1047 => '⋷', 1048 => '⋸', 1049 => '⋹', 1050 => '⋺', 1051 => '⋻', 1052 => '⋼', 1053 => '⋽', 1054 => '⋾', 1055 => '⋿', 1056 => '⌀', 1057 => '⌁', 1058 => '⌂', 1059 => '⌃', 1060 => '⌄', 1061 => '⌅', 1062 => '⌆', 1063 => '⌇', 1064 => '⌈', 1065 => '⌉', 1066 => '⌊', 1067 => '⌋', 1068 => '⌌', 1069 => '⌍', 1070 => '⌎', 1071 => '⌏', 1072 => '⌐', 1073 => '⌑', 1074 => '⌒', 1075 => '⌓', 1076 => '⌔', 1077 => '⌕', 1078 => '⌖', 1079 => '⌗', 1080 => '⌘', 1081 => '⌙', 1082 => '⌚', 1083 => '⌛', 1084 => '⌜', 1085 => '⌝', 1086 => '⌞', 1087 => '⌟', 1088 => '⌠', 1089 => '⌡', 1090 => '⌢', 1091 => '⌣', 1092 => '⌤', 1093 => '⌥', 1094 => '⌦', 1095 => '⌧', 1096 => '⌨', 1097 => '⌫', 1098 => '⌬', 1099 => '⌭', 1100 => '⌮', 1101 => '⌯', 1102 => '⌰', 1103 => '⌱', 1104 => '⌲', 1105 => '⌳', 1106 => '⌴', 1107 => '⌵', 1108 => '⌶', 1109 => '⌷', 1110 => '⌸', 1111 => '⌹', 1112 => '⌺', 1113 => '⌻', 1114 => '⌼', 1115 => '⌽', 1116 => '⌾', 1117 => '⌿', 1118 => '⍀', 1119 => '⍁', 1120 => '⍂', 1121 => '⍃', 1122 => '⍄', 1123 => '⍅', 1124 => '⍆', 1125 => '⍇', 1126 => '⍈', 1127 => '⍉', 1128 => '⍊', 1129 => '⍋', 1130 => '⍌', 1131 => '⍍', 1132 => '⍎', 1133 => '⍏', 1134 => '⍐', 1135 => '⍑', 1136 => '⍒', 1137 => '⍓', 1138 => '⍔', 1139 => '⍕', 1140 => '⍖', 1141 => '⍗', 1142 => '⍘', 1143 => '⍙', 1144 => '⍚', 1145 => '⍛', 1146 => '⍜', 1147 => '⍝', 1148 => '⍞', 1149 => '⍟', 1150 => '⍠', 1151 => '⍡', 1152 => '⍢', 1153 => '⍣', 1154 => '⍤', 1155 => '⍥', 1156 => '⍦', 1157 => '⍧', 1158 => '⍨', 1159 => '⍩', 1160 => '⍪', 1161 => '⍫', 1162 => '⍬', 1163 => '⍭', 1164 => '⍮', 1165 => '⍯', 1166 => '⍰', 1167 => '⍱', 1168 => '⍲', 1169 => '⍳', 1170 => '⍴', 1171 => '⍵', 1172 => '⍶', 1173 => '⍷', 1174 => '⍸', 1175 => '⍹', 1176 => '⍺', 1177 => '⍻', 1178 => '⍼', 1179 => '⍽', 1180 => '⍾', 1181 => '⍿', 1182 => '⎀', 1183 => '⎁', 1184 => '⎂', 1185 => '⎃', 1186 => '⎄', 1187 => '⎅', 1188 => '⎆', 1189 => '⎇', 1190 => '⎈', 1191 => '⎉', 1192 => '⎊', 1193 => '⎋', 1194 => '⎌', 1195 => '⎍', 1196 => '⎎', 1197 => '⎏', 1198 => '⎐', 1199 => '⎑', 1200 => '⎒', 1201 => '⎓', 1202 => '⎔', 1203 => '⎕', 1204 => '⎖', 1205 => '⎗', 1206 => '⎘', 1207 => '⎙', 1208 => '⎚', 1209 => '⎛', 1210 => '⎜', 1211 => '⎝', 1212 => '⎞', 1213 => '⎟', 1214 => '⎠', 1215 => '⎡', 1216 => '⎢', 1217 => '⎣', 1218 => '⎤', 1219 => '⎥', 1220 => '⎦', 1221 => '⎧', 1222 => '⎨', 1223 => '⎩', 1224 => '⎪', 1225 => '⎫', 1226 => '⎬', 1227 => '⎭', 1228 => '⎮', 1229 => '⎯', 1230 => '⎰', 1231 => '⎱', 1232 => '⎲', 1233 => '⎳', 1234 => '⎴', 1235 => '⎵', 1236 => '⎶', 1237 => '⎷', 1238 => '⎸', 1239 => '⎹', 1240 => '⎺', 1241 => '⎻', 1242 => '⎼', 1243 => '⎽', 1244 => '⎾', 1245 => '⎿', 1246 => '⏀', 1247 => '⏁', 1248 => '⏂', 1249 => '⏃', 1250 => '⏄', 1251 => '⏅', 1252 => '⏆', 1253 => '⏇', 1254 => '⏈', 1255 => '⏉', 1256 => '⏊', 1257 => '⏋', 1258 => '⏌', 1259 => '⏍', 1260 => '⏎', 1261 => '⏏', 1262 => '⏐', 1263 => '⏑', 1264 => '⏒', 1265 => '⏓', 1266 => '⏔', 1267 => '⏕', 1268 => '⏖', 1269 => '⏗', 1270 => '⏘', 1271 => '⏙', 1272 => '⏚', 1273 => '⏛', 1274 => '⏜', 1275 => '⏝', 1276 => '⏞', 1277 => '⏟', 1278 => '⏠', 1279 => '⏡', 1280 => '⏢', 1281 => '⏣', 1282 => '⏤', 1283 => '⏥', 1284 => '⏦', 1285 => '⏧', 1286 => '⏨', 1287 => '⏩', 1288 => '⏪', 1289 => '⏫', 1290 => '⏬', 1291 => '⏭', 1292 => '⏮', 1293 => '⏯', 1294 => '⏰', 1295 => '⏱', 1296 => '⏲', 1297 => '⏳', 1298 => '␀', 1299 => '␁', 1300 => '␂', 1301 => '␃', 1302 => '␄', 1303 => '␅', 1304 => '␆', 1305 => '␇', 1306 => '␈', 1307 => '␉', 1308 => '␊', 1309 => '␋', 1310 => '␌', 1311 => '␍', 1312 => '␎', 1313 => '␏', 1314 => '␐', 1315 => '␑', 1316 => '␒', 1317 => '␓', 1318 => '␔', 1319 => '␕', 1320 => '␖', 1321 => '␗', 1322 => '␘', 1323 => '␙', 1324 => '␚', 1325 => '␛', 1326 => '␜', 1327 => '␝', 1328 => '␞', 1329 => '␟', 1330 => '␠', 1331 => '␡', 1332 => '␢', 1333 => '␣', 1334 => '␤', 1335 => '␥', 1336 => '␦', 1337 => '⑀', 1338 => '⑁', 1339 => '⑂', 1340 => '⑃', 1341 => '⑄', 1342 => '⑅', 1343 => '⑆', 1344 => '⑇', 1345 => '⑈', 1346 => '⑉', 1347 => '⑊', 1348 => '─', 1349 => '━', 1350 => '│', 1351 => '┃', 1352 => '┄', 1353 => '┅', 1354 => '┆', 1355 => '┇', 1356 => '┈', 1357 => '┉', 1358 => '┊', 1359 => '┋', 1360 => '┌', 1361 => '┍', 1362 => '┎', 1363 => '┏', 1364 => '┐', 1365 => '┑', 1366 => '┒', 1367 => '┓', 1368 => '└', 1369 => '┕', 1370 => '┖', 1371 => '┗', 1372 => '┘', 1373 => '┙', 1374 => '┚', 1375 => '┛', 1376 => '├', 1377 => '┝', 1378 => '┞', 1379 => '┟', 1380 => '┠', 1381 => '┡', 1382 => '┢', 1383 => '┣', 1384 => '┤', 1385 => '┥', 1386 => '┦', 1387 => '┧', 1388 => '┨', 1389 => '┩', 1390 => '┪', 1391 => '┫', 1392 => '┬', 1393 => '┭', 1394 => '┮', 1395 => '┯', 1396 => '┰', 1397 => '┱', 1398 => '┲', 1399 => '┳', 1400 => '┴', 1401 => '┵', 1402 => '┶', 1403 => '┷', 1404 => '┸', 1405 => '┹', 1406 => '┺', 1407 => '┻', 1408 => '┼', 1409 => '┽', 1410 => '┾', 1411 => 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'⛑', 1797 => '⛒', 1798 => '⛓', 1799 => '⛔', 1800 => '⛕', 1801 => '⛖', 1802 => '⛗', 1803 => '⛘', 1804 => '⛙', 1805 => '⛚', 1806 => '⛛', 1807 => '⛜', 1808 => '⛝', 1809 => '⛞', 1810 => '⛟', 1811 => '⛠', 1812 => '⛡', 1813 => '⛢', 1814 => '⛣', 1815 => '⛤', 1816 => '⛥', 1817 => '⛦', 1818 => '⛧', 1819 => '⛨', 1820 => '⛩', 1821 => '⛪', 1822 => '⛫', 1823 => '⛬', 1824 => '⛭', 1825 => '⛮', 1826 => '⛯', 1827 => '⛰', 1828 => '⛱', 1829 => '⛲', 1830 => '⛳', 1831 => '⛴', 1832 => '⛵', 1833 => '⛶', 1834 => '⛷', 1835 => '⛸', 1836 => '⛹', 1837 => '⛺', 1838 => '⛻', 1839 => '⛼', 1840 => '⛽', 1841 => '⛾', 1842 => '⛿', 1843 => '✁', 1844 => '✂', 1845 => '✃', 1846 => '✄', 1847 => '✅', 1848 => '✆', 1849 => '✇', 1850 => '✈', 1851 => '✉', 1852 => '✊', 1853 => '✋', 1854 => '✌', 1855 => '✍', 1856 => '✎', 1857 => '✏', 1858 => '✐', 1859 => '✑', 1860 => '✒', 1861 => '✓', 1862 => '✔', 1863 => '✕', 1864 => '✖', 1865 => '✗', 1866 => '✘', 1867 => '✙', 1868 => '✚', 1869 => '✛', 1870 => '✜', 1871 => '✝', 1872 => '✞', 1873 => '✟', 1874 => '✠', 1875 => '✡', 1876 => '✢', 1877 => '✣', 1878 => '✤', 1879 => '✥', 1880 => '✦', 1881 => '✧', 1882 => '✨', 1883 => '✩', 1884 => '✪', 1885 => '✫', 1886 => '✬', 1887 => '✭', 1888 => '✮', 1889 => '✯', 1890 => '✰', 1891 => '✱', 1892 => '✲', 1893 => '✳', 1894 => '✴', 1895 => '✵', 1896 => '✶', 1897 => '✷', 1898 => '✸', 1899 => '✹', 1900 => '✺', 1901 => '✻', 1902 => '✼', 1903 => '✽', 1904 => '✾', 1905 => '✿', 1906 => '❀', 1907 => '❁', 1908 => '❂', 1909 => '❃', 1910 => '❄', 1911 => '❅', 1912 => '❆', 1913 => '❇', 1914 => '❈', 1915 => '❉', 1916 => '❊', 1917 => '❋', 1918 => '❌', 1919 => '❍', 1920 => '❎', 1921 => '❏', 1922 => '❐', 1923 => '❑', 1924 => '❒', 1925 => '❓', 1926 => '❔', 1927 => '❕', 1928 => '❖', 1929 => '❗', 1930 => '❘', 1931 => '❙', 1932 => '❚', 1933 => '❛', 1934 => '❜', 1935 => '❝', 1936 => '❞', 1937 => '❟', 1938 => '❠', 1939 => '❡', 1940 => '❢', 1941 => '❣', 1942 => '❤', 1943 => '❥', 1944 => '❦', 1945 => '❧', 1946 => '❨', 1947 => '❩', 1948 => '❪', 1949 => '❫', 1950 => '❬', 1951 => '❭', 1952 => '❮', 1953 => '❯', 1954 => '❰', 1955 => '❱', 1956 => '❲', 1957 => '❳', 1958 => '❴', 1959 => '❵', 1960 => '➔', 1961 => '➕', 1962 => '➖', 1963 => '➗', 1964 => '➘', 1965 => '➙', 1966 => '➚', 1967 => '➛', 1968 => '➜', 1969 => '➝', 1970 => '➞', 1971 => '➟', 1972 => '➠', 1973 => '➡', 1974 => '➢', 1975 => '➣', 1976 => '➤', 1977 => '➥', 1978 => '➦', 1979 => '➧', 1980 => '➨', 1981 => '➩', 1982 => '➪', 1983 => '➫', 1984 => '➬', 1985 => '➭', 1986 => '➮', 1987 => '➯', 1988 => '➰', 1989 => '➱', 1990 => '➲', 1991 => '➳', 1992 => '➴', 1993 => '➵', 1994 => '➶', 1995 => '➷', 1996 => '➸', 1997 => '➹', 1998 => '➺', 1999 => '➻', 2000 => '➼', 2001 => '➽', 2002 => '➾', 2003 => '➿', 2004 => '⟀', 2005 => '⟁', 2006 => '⟂', 2007 => '⟃', 2008 => '⟄', 2009 => '⟅', 2010 => '⟆', 2011 => '⟇', 2012 => '⟈', 2013 => '⟉', 2014 => '⟊', 2015 => '⟌', 2016 => '⟎', 2017 => '⟏', 2018 => '⟐', 2019 => '⟑', 2020 => '⟒', 2021 => '⟓', 2022 => '⟔', 2023 => '⟕', 2024 => '⟖', 2025 => '⟗', 2026 => '⟘', 2027 => '⟙', 2028 => '⟚', 2029 => '⟛', 2030 => '⟜', 2031 => '⟝', 2032 => '⟞', 2033 => '⟟', 2034 => '⟠', 2035 => '⟡', 2036 => '⟢', 2037 => '⟣', 2038 => '⟤', 2039 => '⟥', 2040 => '⟦', 2041 => '⟧', 2042 => '⟨', 2043 => '⟩', 2044 => '⟪', 2045 => '⟫', 2046 => '⟰', 2047 => '⟱', 2048 => '⟲', 2049 => '⟳', 2050 => '⟴', 2051 => '⟵', 2052 => '⟶', 2053 => '⟷', 2054 => '⟸', 2055 => '⟹', 2056 => '⟺', 2057 => '⟻', 2058 => '⟼', 2059 => '⟽', 2060 => '⟾', 2061 => '⟿', 2062 => '⤀', 2063 => '⤁', 2064 => '⤂', 2065 => '⤃', 2066 => '⤄', 2067 => '⤅', 2068 => '⤆', 2069 => '⤇', 2070 => '⤈', 2071 => '⤉', 2072 => '⤊', 2073 => '⤋', 2074 => '⤌', 2075 => '⤍', 2076 => '⤎', 2077 => '⤏', 2078 => '⤐', 2079 => '⤑', 2080 => '⤒', 2081 => '⤓', 2082 => '⤔', 2083 => '⤕', 2084 => '⤖', 2085 => '⤗', 2086 => '⤘', 2087 => '⤙', 2088 => '⤚', 2089 => '⤛', 2090 => '⤜', 2091 => '⤝', 2092 => '⤞', 2093 => '⤟', 2094 => '⤠', 2095 => '⤡', 2096 => '⤢', 2097 => '⤣', 2098 => '⤤', 2099 => '⤥', 2100 => '⤦', 2101 => '⤧', 2102 => '⤨', 2103 => '⤩', 2104 => '⤪', 2105 => '⤫', 2106 => '⤬', 2107 => '⤭', 2108 => '⤮', 2109 => '⤯', 2110 => '⤰', 2111 => '⤱', 2112 => '⤲', 2113 => '⤳', 2114 => '⤴', 2115 => '⤵', 2116 => '⤶', 2117 => '⤷', 2118 => '⤸', 2119 => '⤹', 2120 => '⤺', 2121 => '⤻', 2122 => '⤼', 2123 => '⤽', 2124 => '⤾', 2125 => '⤿', 2126 => '⥀', 2127 => '⥁', 2128 => '⥂', 2129 => '⥃', 2130 => '⥄', 2131 => '⥅', 2132 => '⥆', 2133 => '⥇', 2134 => '⥈', 2135 => '⥉', 2136 => '⥊', 2137 => '⥋', 2138 => '⥌', 2139 => '⥍', 2140 => '⥎', 2141 => '⥏', 2142 => '⥐', 2143 => '⥑', 2144 => '⥒', 2145 => '⥓', 2146 => '⥔', 2147 => '⥕', 2148 => '⥖', 2149 => '⥗', 2150 => '⥘', 2151 => '⥙', 2152 => '⥚', 2153 => '⥛', 2154 => '⥜', 2155 => '⥝', 2156 => '⥞', 2157 => '⥟', 2158 => '⥠', 2159 => '⥡', 2160 => '⥢', 2161 => '⥣', 2162 => '⥤', 2163 => '⥥', 2164 => '⥦', 2165 => '⥧', 2166 => '⥨', 2167 => '⥩', 2168 => '⥪', 2169 => '⥫', 2170 => '⥬', 2171 => '⥭', 2172 => '⥮', 2173 => '⥯', 2174 => '⥰', 2175 => '⥱', 2176 => '⥲', 2177 => '⥳', 2178 => '⥴', 2179 => '⥵', 2180 => '⥶', 2181 => '⥷', 2182 => '⥸', 2183 => '⥹', 2184 => '⥺', 2185 => '⥻', 2186 => '⥼', 2187 => '⥽', 2188 => '⥾', 2189 => '⥿', 2190 => '⦀', 2191 => '⦁', 2192 => '⦂', 2193 => '⦙', 2194 => '⦚', 2195 => '⦛', 2196 => '⦜', 2197 => '⦝', 2198 => '⦞', 2199 => '⦟', 2200 => '⦠', 2201 => '⦡', 2202 => '⦢', 2203 => '⦣', 2204 => '⦤', 2205 => '⦥', 2206 => '⦦', 2207 => '⦧', 2208 => '⦨', 2209 => '⦩', 2210 => '⦪', 2211 => '⦫', 2212 => '⦬', 2213 => '⦭', 2214 => '⦮', 2215 => '⦯', 2216 => '⦰', 2217 => '⦱', 2218 => '⦲', 2219 => '⦳', 2220 => '⦴', 2221 => '⦵', 2222 => '⦶', 2223 => '⦷', 2224 => '⦸', 2225 => '⦹', 2226 => '⦺', 2227 => '⦻', 2228 => '⦼', 2229 => '⦽', 2230 => '⦾', 2231 => '⦿', 2232 => '⧀', 2233 => '⧁', 2234 => '⧂', 2235 => '⧃', 2236 => '⧄', 2237 => '⧅', 2238 => '⧆', 2239 => '⧇', 2240 => '⧈', 2241 => '⧉', 2242 => '⧊', 2243 => '⧋', 2244 => '⧌', 2245 => '⧍', 2246 => '⧎', 2247 => '⧏', 2248 => '⧐', 2249 => '⧑', 2250 => '⧒', 2251 => '⧓', 2252 => '⧔', 2253 => '⧕', 2254 => '⧖', 2255 => '⧗', 2256 => '⧘', 2257 => '⧙', 2258 => '⧚', 2259 => '⧛', 2260 => '⧜', 2261 => '⧝', 2262 => '⧞', 2263 => '⧟', 2264 => '⧠', 2265 => '⧡', 2266 => '⧢', 2267 => '⧣', 2268 => '⧤', 2269 => '⧥', 2270 => '⧦', 2271 => '⧧', 2272 => '⧨', 2273 => '⧩', 2274 => '⧪', 2275 => '⧫', 2276 => '⧬', 2277 => '⧭', 2278 => '⧮', 2279 => '⧯', 2280 => '⧰', 2281 => '⧱', 2282 => '⧲', 2283 => '⧳', 2284 => '⧴', 2285 => '⧵', 2286 => '⧶', 2287 => '⧷', 2288 => '⧸', 2289 => '⧹', 2290 => '⧺', 2291 => '⧻', 2292 => '⧾', 2293 => '⧿', 2294 => '⨀', 2295 => '⨁', 2296 => '⨂', 2297 => '⨃', 2298 => '⨄', 2299 => '⨅', 2300 => '⨆', 2301 => '⨇', 2302 => '⨈', 2303 => '⨉', 2304 => '⨊', 2305 => '⨋', 2306 => '⨍', 2307 => '⨎', 2308 => '⨏', 2309 => '⨐', 2310 => '⨑', 2311 => '⨒', 2312 => '⨓', 2313 => '⨔', 2314 => '⨕', 2315 => '⨖', 2316 => '⨗', 2317 => '⨘', 2318 => '⨙', 2319 => '⨚', 2320 => '⨛', 2321 => '⨜', 2322 => '⨝', 2323 => '⨞', 2324 => '⨟', 2325 => '⨠', 2326 => '⨡', 2327 => '⨢', 2328 => '⨣', 2329 => '⨤', 2330 => '⨥', 2331 => '⨦', 2332 => '⨧', 2333 => '⨨', 2334 => '⨩', 2335 => '⨪', 2336 => '⨫', 2337 => '⨬', 2338 => '⨭', 2339 => '⨮', 2340 => '⨯', 2341 => '⨰', 2342 => '⨱', 2343 => '⨲', 2344 => '⨳', 2345 => '⨴', 2346 => '⨵', 2347 => '⨶', 2348 => '⨷', 2349 => '⨸', 2350 => '⨹', 2351 => '⨺', 2352 => '⨻', 2353 => '⨼', 2354 => '⨽', 2355 => '⨾', 2356 => '⨿', 2357 => '⩀', 2358 => '⩁', 2359 => '⩂', 2360 => '⩃', 2361 => '⩄', 2362 => '⩅', 2363 => '⩆', 2364 => '⩇', 2365 => '⩈', 2366 => '⩉', 2367 => '⩊', 2368 => '⩋', 2369 => '⩌', 2370 => '⩍', 2371 => '⩎', 2372 => '⩏', 2373 => '⩐', 2374 => '⩑', 2375 => '⩒', 2376 => '⩓', 2377 => '⩔', 2378 => '⩕', 2379 => '⩖', 2380 => '⩗', 2381 => '⩘', 2382 => '⩙', 2383 => '⩚', 2384 => '⩛', 2385 => '⩜', 2386 => '⩝', 2387 => '⩞', 2388 => '⩟', 2389 => '⩠', 2390 => '⩡', 2391 => '⩢', 2392 => '⩣', 2393 => '⩤', 2394 => '⩥', 2395 => '⩦', 2396 => '⩧', 2397 => '⩨', 2398 => '⩩', 2399 => '⩪', 2400 => '⩫', 2401 => '⩬', 2402 => '⩭', 2403 => '⩮', 2404 => '⩯', 2405 => '⩰', 2406 => '⩱', 2407 => '⩲', 2408 => '⩳', 2409 => '⩷', 2410 => '⩸', 2411 => '⩹', 2412 => '⩺', 2413 => '⩻', 2414 => '⩼', 2415 => '⩽', 2416 => '⩾', 2417 => '⩿', 2418 => '⪀', 2419 => '⪁', 2420 => '⪂', 2421 => '⪃', 2422 => '⪄', 2423 => '⪅', 2424 => '⪆', 2425 => '⪇', 2426 => '⪈', 2427 => '⪉', 2428 => '⪊', 2429 => '⪋', 2430 => '⪌', 2431 => '⪍', 2432 => '⪎', 2433 => '⪏', 2434 => '⪐', 2435 => '⪑', 2436 => '⪒', 2437 => '⪓', 2438 => '⪔', 2439 => '⪕', 2440 => '⪖', 2441 => '⪗', 2442 => '⪘', 2443 => '⪙', 2444 => '⪚', 2445 => '⪛', 2446 => '⪜', 2447 => '⪝', 2448 => '⪞', 2449 => '⪟', 2450 => '⪠', 2451 => '⪡', 2452 => '⪢', 2453 => '⪣', 2454 => '⪤', 2455 => '⪥', 2456 => '⪦', 2457 => '⪧', 2458 => '⪨', 2459 => '⪩', 2460 => '⪪', 2461 => '⪫', 2462 => '⪬', 2463 => '⪭', 2464 => '⪮', 2465 => '⪯', 2466 => '⪰', 2467 => '⪱', 2468 => '⪲', 2469 => '⪳', 2470 => '⪴', 2471 => '⪵', 2472 => '⪶', 2473 => '⪷', 2474 => '⪸', 2475 => '⪹', 2476 => '⪺', 2477 => '⪻', 2478 => '⪼', 2479 => '⪽', 2480 => '⪾', 2481 => '⪿', 2482 => '⫀', 2483 => '⫁', 2484 => '⫂', 2485 => '⫃', 2486 => '⫄', 2487 => '⫅', 2488 => '⫆', 2489 => '⫇', 2490 => '⫈', 2491 => '⫉', 2492 => '⫊', 2493 => '⫋', 2494 => '⫌', 2495 => '⫍', 2496 => '⫎', 2497 => '⫏', 2498 => '⫐', 2499 => '⫑', 2500 => '⫒', 2501 => '⫓', 2502 => '⫔', 2503 => '⫕', 2504 => '⫖', 2505 => '⫗', 2506 => '⫘', 2507 => '⫙', 2508 => '⫚', 2509 => '⫛', 2510 => '⫝', 2511 => '⫞', 2512 => '⫟', 2513 => '⫠', 2514 => '⫡', 2515 => '⫢', 2516 => '⫣', 2517 => '⫤', 2518 => '⫥', 2519 => '⫦', 2520 => '⫧', 2521 => '⫨', 2522 => '⫩', 2523 => '⫪', 2524 => '⫫', 2525 => '⫬', 2526 => '⫭', 2527 => '⫮', 2528 => '⫯', 2529 => '⫰', 2530 => '⫱', 2531 => '⫲', 2532 => '⫳', 2533 => '⫴', 2534 => '⫵', 2535 => '⫶', 2536 => '⫷', 2537 => '⫸', 2538 => '⫹', 2539 => '⫺', 2540 => '⫻', 2541 => '⫼', 2542 => '⫽', 2543 => '⫾', 2544 => '⫿', 2545 => '⬀', 2546 => '⬁', 2547 => '⬂', 2548 => '⬃', 2549 => '⬄', 2550 => '⬅', 2551 => '⬆', 2552 => '⬇', 2553 => '⬈', 2554 => '⬉', 2555 => '⬊', 2556 => '⬋', 2557 => '⬌', 2558 => '⬍', 2559 => '⬎', 2560 => '⬏', 2561 => '⬐', 2562 => '⬑', 2563 => '⬒', 2564 => '⬓', 2565 => '⬔', 2566 => '⬕', 2567 => '⬖', 2568 => '⬗', 2569 => '⬘', 2570 => '⬙', 2571 => '⬚', 2572 => '⬛', 2573 => '⬜', 2574 => '⬝', 2575 => '⬞', 2576 => '⬟', 2577 => '⬠', 2578 => '⬡', 2579 => '⬢', 2580 => '⬣', 2581 => '⬤', 2582 => '⬥', 2583 => '⬦', 2584 => '⬧', 2585 => '⬨', 2586 => '⬩', 2587 => '⬪', 2588 => '⬫', 2589 => '⬬', 2590 => '⬭', 2591 => '⬮', 2592 => '⬯', 2593 => '⬰', 2594 => '⬱', 2595 => '⬲', 2596 => '⬳', 2597 => '⬴', 2598 => '⬵', 2599 => '⬶', 2600 => '⬷', 2601 => '⬸', 2602 => '⬹', 2603 => '⬺', 2604 => '⬻', 2605 => '⬼', 2606 => '⬽', 2607 => '⬾', 2608 => '⬿', 2609 => '⭀', 2610 => '⭁', 2611 => '⭂', 2612 => '⭃', 2613 => '⭄', 2614 => '⭅', 2615 => '⭆', 2616 => '⭇', 2617 => '⭈', 2618 => '⭉', 2619 => '⭊', 2620 => '⭋', 2621 => '⭌', 2622 => '⭐', 2623 => '⭑', 2624 => '⭒', 2625 => '⭓', 2626 => '⭔', 2627 => '⭕', 2628 => '⭖', 2629 => '⭗', 2630 => '⭘', 2631 => '⭙', 2632 => '⳥', 2633 => '⳦', 2634 => '⳧', 2635 => '⳨', 2636 => '⳩', 2637 => '⳪', 2638 => '⠀', 2639 => '⠁', 2640 => '⠂', 2641 => '⠃', 2642 => '⠄', 2643 => '⠅', 2644 => '⠆', 2645 => '⠇', 2646 => '⠈', 2647 => '⠉', 2648 => '⠊', 2649 => '⠋', 2650 => '⠌', 2651 => '⠍', 2652 => '⠎', 2653 => '⠏', 2654 => '⠐', 2655 => '⠑', 2656 => '⠒', 2657 => '⠓', 2658 => '⠔', 2659 => '⠕', 2660 => '⠖', 2661 => '⠗', 2662 => '⠘', 2663 => '⠙', 2664 => '⠚', 2665 => '⠛', 2666 => '⠜', 2667 => '⠝', 2668 => '⠞', 2669 => '⠟', 2670 => '⠠', 2671 => '⠡', 2672 => '⠢', 2673 => '⠣', 2674 => '⠤', 2675 => '⠥', 2676 => '⠦', 2677 => '⠧', 2678 => '⠨', 2679 => '⠩', 2680 => '⠪', 2681 => '⠫', 2682 => '⠬', 2683 => '⠭', 2684 => '⠮', 2685 => '⠯', 2686 => '⠰', 2687 => '⠱', 2688 => '⠲', 2689 => '⠳', 2690 => '⠴', 2691 => '⠵', 2692 => '⠶', 2693 => '⠷', 2694 => '⠸', 2695 => '⠹', 2696 => '⠺', 2697 => '⠻', 2698 => '⠼', 2699 => '⠽', 2700 => '⠾', 2701 => '⠿', 2702 => '⡀', 2703 => '⡁', 2704 => '⡂', 2705 => '⡃', 2706 => '⡄', 2707 => '⡅', 2708 => '⡆', 2709 => '⡇', 2710 => '⡈', 2711 => '⡉', 2712 => '⡊', 2713 => '⡋', 2714 => '⡌', 2715 => '⡍', 2716 => '⡎', 2717 => '⡏', 2718 => '⡐', 2719 => '⡑', 2720 => '⡒', 2721 => '⡓', 2722 => '⡔', 2723 => '⡕', 2724 => '⡖', 2725 => '⡗', 2726 => '⡘', 2727 => '⡙', 2728 => '⡚', 2729 => '⡛', 2730 => '⡜', 2731 => '⡝', 2732 => '⡞', 2733 => '⡟', 2734 => '⡠', 2735 => '⡡', 2736 => '⡢', 2737 => '⡣', 2738 => '⡤', 2739 => '⡥', 2740 => '⡦', 2741 => '⡧', 2742 => '⡨', 2743 => '⡩', 2744 => '⡪', 2745 => '⡫', 2746 => '⡬', 2747 => '⡭', 2748 => '⡮', 2749 => '⡯', 2750 => '⡰', 2751 => '⡱', 2752 => '⡲', 2753 => '⡳', 2754 => '⡴', 2755 => '⡵', 2756 => '⡶', 2757 => '⡷', 2758 => '⡸', 2759 => '⡹', 2760 => '⡺', 2761 => '⡻', 2762 => '⡼', 2763 => '⡽', 2764 => '⡾', 2765 => '⡿', 2766 => '⢀', 2767 => '⢁', 2768 => '⢂', 2769 => '⢃', 2770 => '⢄', 2771 => '⢅', 2772 => '⢆', 2773 => '⢇', 2774 => '⢈', 2775 => '⢉', 2776 => '⢊', 2777 => '⢋', 2778 => '⢌', 2779 => '⢍', 2780 => '⢎', 2781 => '⢏', 2782 => '⢐', 2783 => '⢑', 2784 => '⢒', 2785 => '⢓', 2786 => '⢔', 2787 => '⢕', 2788 => '⢖', 2789 => '⢗', 2790 => '⢘', 2791 => '⢙', 2792 => '⢚', 2793 => '⢛', 2794 => '⢜', 2795 => '⢝', 2796 => '⢞', 2797 => '⢟', 2798 => '⢠', 2799 => '⢡', 2800 => '⢢', 2801 => '⢣', 2802 => '⢤', 2803 => '⢥', 2804 => '⢦', 2805 => '⢧', 2806 => '⢨', 2807 => '⢩', 2808 => '⢪', 2809 => '⢫', 2810 => '⢬', 2811 => '⢭', 2812 => '⢮', 2813 => '⢯', 2814 => '⢰', 2815 => '⢱', 2816 => '⢲', 2817 => '⢳', 2818 => '⢴', 2819 => '⢵', 2820 => '⢶', 2821 => '⢷', 2822 => '⢸', 2823 => '⢹', 2824 => '⢺', 2825 => '⢻', 2826 => '⢼', 2827 => '⢽', 2828 => '⢾', 2829 => '⢿', 2830 => '⣀', 2831 => '⣁', 2832 => '⣂', 2833 => '⣃', 2834 => '⣄', 2835 => '⣅', 2836 => '⣆', 2837 => '⣇', 2838 => '⣈', 2839 => '⣉', 2840 => '⣊', 2841 => '⣋', 2842 => '⣌', 2843 => '⣍', 2844 => '⣎', 2845 => '⣏', 2846 => '⣐', 2847 => '⣑', 2848 => '⣒', 2849 => '⣓', 2850 => '⣔', 2851 => '⣕', 2852 => '⣖', 2853 => '⣗', 2854 => '⣘', 2855 => '⣙', 2856 => '⣚', 2857 => '⣛', 2858 => '⣜', 2859 => '⣝', 2860 => '⣞', 2861 => '⣟', 2862 => '⣠', 2863 => '⣡', 2864 => '⣢', 2865 => '⣣', 2866 => '⣤', 2867 => '⣥', 2868 => '⣦', 2869 => '⣧', 2870 => '⣨', 2871 => '⣩', 2872 => '⣪', 2873 => '⣫', 2874 => '⣬', 2875 => '⣭', 2876 => '⣮', 2877 => '⣯', 2878 => '⣰', 2879 => '⣱', 2880 => '⣲', 2881 => '⣳', 2882 => '⣴', 2883 => '⣵', 2884 => '⣶', 2885 => '⣷', 2886 => '⣸', 2887 => '⣹', 2888 => '⣺', 2889 => '⣻', 2890 => '⣼', 2891 => '⣽', 2892 => '⣾', 2893 => '⣿', 2894 => '⚊', 2895 => '⚋', 2896 => '⚌', 2897 => '⚍', 2898 => '⚎', 2899 => '⚏', 2900 => '☰', 2901 => '☱', 2902 => '☲', 2903 => '☳', 2904 => '☴', 2905 => '☵', 2906 => '☶', 2907 => '☷', 2908 => '䷀', 2909 => '䷁', 2910 => '䷂', 2911 => '䷃', 2912 => '䷄', 2913 => '䷅', 2914 => '䷆', 2915 => '䷇', 2916 => '䷈', 2917 => '䷉', 2918 => '䷊', 2919 => '䷋', 2920 => '䷌', 2921 => '䷍', 2922 => '䷎', 2923 => '䷏', 2924 => '䷐', 2925 => '䷑', 2926 => '䷒', 2927 => '䷓', 2928 => '䷔', 2929 => '䷕', 2930 => '䷖', 2931 => '䷗', 2932 => '䷘', 2933 => '䷙', 2934 => '䷚', 2935 => '䷛', 2936 => '䷜', 2937 => '䷝', 2938 => '䷞', 2939 => '䷟', 2940 => '䷠', 2941 => '䷡', 2942 => '䷢', 2943 => '䷣', 2944 => '䷤', 2945 => '䷥', 2946 => '䷦', 2947 => '䷧', 2948 => '䷨', 2949 => '䷩', 2950 => '䷪', 2951 => '䷫', 2952 => '䷬', 2953 => '䷭', 2954 => '䷮', 2955 => '䷯', 2956 => '䷰', 2957 => '䷱', 2958 => '䷲', 2959 => '䷳', 2960 => '䷴', 2961 => '䷵', 2962 => '䷶', 2963 => '䷷', 2964 => '䷸', 2965 => '䷹', 2966 => '䷺', 2967 => '䷻', 2968 => '䷼', 2969 => '䷽', 2970 => '䷾', 2971 => '䷿', 2972 => '𝌀', 2973 => '𝌁', 2974 => '𝌂', 2975 => '𝌃', 2976 => '𝌄', 2977 => '𝌅', 2978 => '𝌆', 2979 => '𝌇', 2980 => '𝌈', 2981 => '𝌉', 2982 => '𝌊', 2983 => '𝌋', 2984 => '𝌌', 2985 => '𝌍', 2986 => '𝌎', 2987 => '𝌏', 2988 => '𝌐', 2989 => '𝌑', 2990 => '𝌒', 2991 => '𝌓', 2992 => '𝌔', 2993 => '𝌕', 2994 => '𝌖', 2995 => '𝌗', 2996 => '𝌘', 2997 => '𝌙', 2998 => '𝌚', 2999 => '𝌛', 3000 => '𝌜', 3001 => '𝌝', 3002 => '𝌞', 3003 => '𝌟', 3004 => '𝌠', 3005 => '𝌡', 3006 => '𝌢', 3007 => '𝌣', 3008 => '𝌤', 3009 => '𝌥', 3010 => '𝌦', 3011 => '𝌧', 3012 => '𝌨', 3013 => '𝌩', 3014 => '𝌪', 3015 => '𝌫', 3016 => '𝌬', 3017 => '𝌭', 3018 => '𝌮', 3019 => '𝌯', 3020 => '𝌰', 3021 => '𝌱', 3022 => '𝌲', 3023 => '𝌳', 3024 => '𝌴', 3025 => '𝌵', 3026 => '𝌶', 3027 => '𝌷', 3028 => '𝌸', 3029 => '𝌹', 3030 => '𝌺', 3031 => '𝌻', 3032 => '𝌼', 3033 => '𝌽', 3034 => '𝌾', 3035 => '𝌿', 3036 => '𝍀', 3037 => '𝍁', 3038 => '𝍂', 3039 => '𝍃', 3040 => '𝍄', 3041 => '𝍅', 3042 => '𝍆', 3043 => '𝍇', 3044 => '𝍈', 3045 => '𝍉', 3046 => '𝍊', 3047 => '𝍋', 3048 => '𝍌', 3049 => '𝍍', 3050 => '𝍎', 3051 => '𝍏', 3052 => '𝍐', 3053 => '𝍑', 3054 => '𝍒', 3055 => '𝍓', 3056 => '𝍔', 3057 => '𝍕', 3058 => '𝍖', 3059 => '꒐', 3060 => '꒑', 3061 => '꒒', 3062 => '꒓', 3063 => '꒔', 3064 => '꒕', 3065 => '꒖', 3066 => '꒗', 3067 => '꒘', 3068 => '꒙', 3069 => '꒚', 3070 => '꒛', 3071 => '꒜', 3072 => '꒝', 3073 => '꒞', 3074 => '꒟', 3075 => '꒠', 3076 => '꒡', 3077 => '꒢', 3078 => '꒣', 3079 => '꒤', 3080 => '꒥', 3081 => '꒦', 3082 => '꒧', 3083 => '꒨', 3084 => '꒩', 3085 => '꒪', 3086 => '꒫', 3087 => '꒬', 3088 => '꒭', 3089 => '꒮', 3090 => '꒯', 3091 => '꒰', 3092 => '꒱', 3093 => '꒲', 3094 => '꒳', 3095 => '꒴', 3096 => '꒵', 3097 => '꒶', 3098 => '꒷', 3099 => '꒸', 3100 => '꒹', 3101 => '꒺', 3102 => '꒻', 3103 => '꒼', 3104 => '꒽', 3105 => '꒾', 3106 => '꒿', 3107 => '꓀', 3108 => '꓁', 3109 => '꓂', 3110 => '꓃', 3111 => '꓄', 3112 => '꓅', 3113 => '꓆', 3114 => '𐄷', 3115 => '𐄸', 3116 => '𐄹', 3117 => '𐄺', 3118 => '𐄻', 3119 => '𐄼', 3120 => '𐄽', 3121 => '𐄾', 3122 => '𐄿', 3123 => '𐅹', 3124 => '𐅺', 3125 => '𐅻', 3126 => '𐅼', 3127 => '𐅽', 3128 => '𐅾', 3129 => '𐅿', 3130 => '𐆀', 3131 => '𐆁', 3132 => '𐆂', 3133 => '𐆃', 3134 => '𐆄', 3135 => '𐆅', 3136 => '𐆆', 3137 => '𐆇', 3138 => '𐆈', 3139 => '𐆉', 3140 => '𐆐', 3141 => '𐆑', 3142 => '𐆒', 3143 => '𐆓', 3144 => '𐆔', 3145 => '𐆕', 3146 => '𐆖', 3147 => '𐆗', 3148 => '𐆘', 3149 => '𐆙', 3150 => '𐆚', 3151 => '𐆛', 3152 => '𐇐', 3153 => '𐇑', 3154 => '𐇒', 3155 => '𐇓', 3156 => '𐇔', 3157 => '𐇕', 3158 => '𐇖', 3159 => '𐇗', 3160 => '𐇘', 3161 => '𐇙', 3162 => '𐇚', 3163 => '𐇛', 3164 => '𐇜', 3165 => '𐇝', 3166 => '𐇞', 3167 => '𐇟', 3168 => '𐇠', 3169 => '𐇡', 3170 => '𐇢', 3171 => '𐇣', 3172 => '𐇤', 3173 => '𐇥', 3174 => '𐇦', 3175 => '𐇧', 3176 => '𐇨', 3177 => '𐇩', 3178 => '𐇪', 3179 => '𐇫', 3180 => '𐇬', 3181 => '𐇭', 3182 => '𐇮', 3183 => '𐇯', 3184 => '𐇰', 3185 => '𐇱', 3186 => '𐇲', 3187 => '𐇳', 3188 => '𐇴', 3189 => '𐇵', 3190 => '𐇶', 3191 => '𐇷', 3192 => '𐇸', 3193 => '𐇹', 3194 => '𐇺', 3195 => '𐇻', 3196 => '𐇼', 3197 => '𝀀', 3198 => '𝀁', 3199 => '𝀂', 3200 => '𝀃', 3201 => '𝀄', 3202 => '𝀅', 3203 => '𝀆', 3204 => '𝀇', 3205 => '𝀈', 3206 => '𝀉', 3207 => '𝀊', 3208 => '𝀋', 3209 => '𝀌', 3210 => '𝀍', 3211 => '𝀎', 3212 => '𝀏', 3213 => '𝀐', 3214 => '𝀑', 3215 => '𝀒', 3216 => '𝀓', 3217 => '𝀔', 3218 => '𝀕', 3219 => '𝀖', 3220 => '𝀗', 3221 => '𝀘', 3222 => '𝀙', 3223 => '𝀚', 3224 => '𝀛', 3225 => '𝀜', 3226 => '𝀝', 3227 => '𝀞', 3228 => '𝀟', 3229 => '𝀠', 3230 => '𝀡', 3231 => '𝀢', 3232 => '𝀣', 3233 => '𝀤', 3234 => '𝀥', 3235 => '𝀦', 3236 => '𝀧', 3237 => '𝀨', 3238 => '𝀩', 3239 => '𝀪', 3240 => '𝀫', 3241 => '𝀬', 3242 => '𝀭', 3243 => '𝀮', 3244 => '𝀯', 3245 => '𝀰', 3246 => '𝀱', 3247 => '𝀲', 3248 => '𝀳', 3249 => '𝀴', 3250 => '𝀵', 3251 => '𝀶', 3252 => '𝀷', 3253 => '𝀸', 3254 => '𝀹', 3255 => '𝀺', 3256 => '𝀻', 3257 => '𝀼', 3258 => '𝀽', 3259 => '𝀾', 3260 => '𝀿', 3261 => '𝁀', 3262 => '𝁁', 3263 => '𝁂', 3264 => '𝁃', 3265 => '𝁄', 3266 => '𝁅', 3267 => '𝁆', 3268 => '𝁇', 3269 => '𝁈', 3270 => '𝁉', 3271 => '𝁊', 3272 => '𝁋', 3273 => '𝁌', 3274 => '𝁍', 3275 => '𝁎', 3276 => '𝁏', 3277 => '𝁐', 3278 => '𝁑', 3279 => '𝁒', 3280 => '𝁓', 3281 => '𝁔', 3282 => '𝁕', 3283 => '𝁖', 3284 => '𝁗', 3285 => '𝁘', 3286 => '𝁙', 3287 => '𝁚', 3288 => '𝁛', 3289 => '𝁜', 3290 => '𝁝', 3291 => '𝁞', 3292 => '𝁟', 3293 => '𝁠', 3294 => '𝁡', 3295 => '𝁢', 3296 => '𝁣', 3297 => '𝁤', 3298 => '𝁥', 3299 => '𝁦', 3300 => '𝁧', 3301 => '𝁨', 3302 => '𝁩', 3303 => '𝁪', 3304 => '𝁫', 3305 => '𝁬', 3306 => '𝁭', 3307 => '𝁮', 3308 => '𝁯', 3309 => '𝁰', 3310 => '𝁱', 3311 => '𝁲', 3312 => '𝁳', 3313 => '𝁴', 3314 => '𝁵', 3315 => '𝁶', 3316 => '𝁷', 3317 => '𝁸', 3318 => '𝁹', 3319 => '𝁺', 3320 => '𝁻', 3321 => '𝁼', 3322 => '𝁽', 3323 => '𝁾', 3324 => '𝁿', 3325 => '𝂀', 3326 => '𝂁', 3327 => '𝂂', 3328 => '𝂃', 3329 => '𝂄', 3330 => '𝂅', 3331 => '𝂆', 3332 => '𝂇', 3333 => '𝂈', 3334 => '𝂉', 3335 => '𝂊', 3336 => '𝂋', 3337 => '𝂌', 3338 => '𝂍', 3339 => '𝂎', 3340 => '𝂏', 3341 => '𝂐', 3342 => '𝂑', 3343 => '𝂒', 3344 => '𝂓', 3345 => '𝂔', 3346 => '𝂕', 3347 => '𝂖', 3348 => '𝂗', 3349 => '𝂘', 3350 => '𝂙', 3351 => '𝂚', 3352 => '𝂛', 3353 => '𝂜', 3354 => '𝂝', 3355 => '𝂞', 3356 => '𝂟', 3357 => '𝂠', 3358 => '𝂡', 3359 => '𝂢', 3360 => '𝂣', 3361 => '𝂤', 3362 => '𝂥', 3363 => '𝂦', 3364 => '𝂧', 3365 => '𝂨', 3366 => '𝂩', 3367 => '𝂪', 3368 => '𝂫', 3369 => '𝂬', 3370 => '𝂭', 3371 => '𝂮', 3372 => '𝂯', 3373 => '𝂰', 3374 => '𝂱', 3375 => '𝂲', 3376 => '𝂳', 3377 => '𝂴', 3378 => '𝂵', 3379 => '𝂶', 3380 => '𝂷', 3381 => '𝂸', 3382 => '𝂹', 3383 => '𝂺', 3384 => '𝂻', 3385 => '𝂼', 3386 => '𝂽', 3387 => '𝂾', 3388 => '𝂿', 3389 => '𝃀', 3390 => '𝃁', 3391 => '𝃂', 3392 => '𝃃', 3393 => '𝃄', 3394 => '𝃅', 3395 => '𝃆', 3396 => '𝃇', 3397 => '𝃈', 3398 => '𝃉', 3399 => '𝃊', 3400 => '𝃋', 3401 => '𝃌', 3402 => '𝃍', 3403 => '𝃎', 3404 => '𝃏', 3405 => '𝃐', 3406 => '𝃑', 3407 => '𝃒', 3408 => '𝃓', 3409 => '𝃔', 3410 => '𝃕', 3411 => '𝃖', 3412 => '𝃗', 3413 => '𝃘', 3414 => '𝃙', 3415 => '𝃚', 3416 => '𝃛', 3417 => '𝃜', 3418 => '𝃝', 3419 => '𝃞', 3420 => '𝃟', 3421 => '𝃠', 3422 => '𝃡', 3423 => '𝃢', 3424 => '𝃣', 3425 => '𝃤', 3426 => '𝃥', 3427 => '𝃦', 3428 => '𝃧', 3429 => '𝃨', 3430 => '𝃩', 3431 => '𝃪', 3432 => '𝃫', 3433 => '𝃬', 3434 => '𝃭', 3435 => '𝃮', 3436 => '𝃯', 3437 => '𝃰', 3438 => '𝃱', 3439 => '𝃲', 3440 => '𝃳', 3441 => '𝃴', 3442 => '𝃵', 3443 => '𝄀', 3444 => '𝄁', 3445 => '𝄂', 3446 => '𝄃', 3447 => '𝄄', 3448 => '𝄅', 3449 => '𝄆', 3450 => '𝄇', 3451 => '𝄈', 3452 => '𝄉', 3453 => '𝄊', 3454 => '𝄋', 3455 => '𝄌', 3456 => '𝄍', 3457 => '𝄎', 3458 => '𝄏', 3459 => '𝄐', 3460 => '𝄑', 3461 => '𝄒', 3462 => '𝄓', 3463 => '𝄔', 3464 => '𝄕', 3465 => '𝄖', 3466 => '𝄗', 3467 => '𝄘', 3468 => '𝄙', 3469 => '𝄚', 3470 => '𝄛', 3471 => '𝄜', 3472 => '𝄝', 3473 => '𝄞', 3474 => '𝄟', 3475 => '𝄠', 3476 => '𝄡', 3477 => '𝄢', 3478 => '𝄣', 3479 => '𝄤', 3480 => '𝄥', 3481 => '𝄦', 3482 => '♭', 3483 => '♮', 3484 => '♯', 3485 => '𝄪', 3486 => '𝄫', 3487 => '𝄬', 3488 => '𝄭', 3489 => '𝄮', 3490 => '𝄯', 3491 => '𝄰', 3492 => '𝄱', 3493 => '𝄲', 3494 => '𝄳', 3495 => '𝄴', 3496 => '𝄵', 3497 => '𝄶', 3498 => '𝄷', 3499 => '𝄸', 3500 => '𝄹', 3501 => '𝄩', 3502 => '𝄺', 3503 => '𝄻', 3504 => '𝄼', 3505 => '𝄽', 3506 => '𝄾', 3507 => '𝄿', 3508 => '𝅀', 3509 => '𝅁', 3510 => '𝅂', 3511 => '𝅃', 3512 => '𝅄', 3513 => '𝅅', 3514 => '𝅆', 3515 => '𝅇', 3516 => '𝅈', 3517 => '𝅉', 3518 => '𝅊', 3519 => '𝅋', 3520 => '𝅌', 3521 => '𝅍', 3522 => '𝅎', 3523 => '𝅏', 3524 => '𝅐', 3525 => '𝅑', 3526 => '𝅒', 3527 => '𝅓', 3528 => '𝅔', 3529 => '𝅕', 3530 => '𝅖', 3531 => '𝅗', 3532 => '𝅘', 3533 => '𝅙', 3534 => '𝅚', 3535 => '𝅛', 3536 => '𝅜', 3537 => '𝅝', 3538 => '𝅪', 3539 => '𝅫', 3540 => '𝅬', 3541 => '𝆃', 3542 => '𝆄', 3543 => '𝆌', 3544 => '𝆍', 3545 => '𝆎', 3546 => '𝆏', 3547 => '𝆐', 3548 => '𝆑', 3549 => '𝆒', 3550 => '𝆓', 3551 => '𝆔', 3552 => '𝆕', 3553 => '𝆖', 3554 => '𝆗', 3555 => '𝆘', 3556 => '𝆙', 3557 => '𝆚', 3558 => '𝆛', 3559 => '𝆜', 3560 => '𝆝', 3561 => '𝆞', 3562 => '𝆟', 3563 => '𝆠', 3564 => '𝆡', 3565 => '𝆢', 3566 => '𝆣', 3567 => '𝆤', 3568 => '𝆥', 3569 => '𝆦', 3570 => '𝆧', 3571 => '𝆨', 3572 => '𝆩', 3573 => '𝆮', 3574 => '𝆯', 3575 => '𝆰', 3576 => '𝆱', 3577 => '𝆲', 3578 => '𝆳', 3579 => '𝆴', 3580 => '𝆵', 3581 => '𝆶', 3582 => '𝆷', 3583 => '𝆸', 3584 => '𝆹', 3585 => '𝆺', 3586 => '𝇁', 3587 => '𝇂', 3588 => '𝇃', 3589 => '𝇄', 3590 => '𝇅', 3591 => '𝇆', 3592 => '𝇇', 3593 => '𝇈', 3594 => '𝇉', 3595 => '𝇊', 3596 => '𝇋', 3597 => '𝇌', 3598 => '𝇍', 3599 => '𝇎', 3600 => '𝇏', 3601 => '𝇐', 3602 => '𝇑', 3603 => '𝇒', 3604 => '𝇓', 3605 => '𝇔', 3606 => '𝇕', 3607 => '𝇖', 3608 => '𝇗', 3609 => '𝇘', 3610 => '𝇙', 3611 => '𝇚', 3612 => '𝇛', 3613 => '𝇜', 3614 => '𝇝', 3615 => '𝈀', 3616 => '𝈁', 3617 => '𝈂', 3618 => '𝈃', 3619 => '𝈄', 3620 => '𝈅', 3621 => '𝈆', 3622 => '𝈇', 3623 => '𝈈', 3624 => '𝈉', 3625 => '𝈊', 3626 => '𝈋', 3627 => '𝈌', 3628 => '𝈍', 3629 => '𝈎', 3630 => '𝈏', 3631 => '𝈐', 3632 => '𝈑', 3633 => '𝈒', 3634 => '𝈓', 3635 => '𝈔', 3636 => '𝈕', 3637 => '𝈖', 3638 => '𝈗', 3639 => '𝈘', 3640 => '𝈙', 3641 => '𝈚', 3642 => '𝈛', 3643 => '𝈜', 3644 => '𝈝', 3645 => '𝈞', 3646 => '𝈟', 3647 => '𝈠', 3648 => '𝈡', 3649 => '𝈢', 3650 => '𝈣', 3651 => '𝈤', 3652 => '𝈥', 3653 => '𝈦', 3654 => '𝈧', 3655 => '𝈨', 3656 => '𝈩', 3657 => '𝈪', 3658 => '𝈫', 3659 => '𝈬', 3660 => '𝈭', 3661 => '𝈮', 3662 => '𝈯', 3663 => '𝈰', 3664 => '𝈱', 3665 => '𝈲', 3666 => '𝈳', 3667 => '𝈴', 3668 => '𝈵', 3669 => '𝈶', 3670 => '𝈷', 3671 => '𝈸', 3672 => '𝈹', 3673 => '𝈺', 3674 => '𝈻', 3675 => '𝈼', 3676 => '𝈽', 3677 => '𝈾', 3678 => '𝈿', 3679 => '𝉀', 3680 => '𝉁', 3681 => '𝉅', 3682 => '🀀', 3683 => '🀁', 3684 => '🀂', 3685 => '🀃', 3686 => '🀄', 3687 => '🀅', 3688 => '🀆', 3689 => '🀇', 3690 => '🀈', 3691 => '🀉', 3692 => '🀊', 3693 => '🀋', 3694 => '🀌', 3695 => '🀍', 3696 => '🀎', 3697 => '🀏', 3698 => '🀐', 3699 => '🀑', 3700 => '🀒', 3701 => '🀓', 3702 => '🀔', 3703 => '🀕', 3704 => '🀖', 3705 => '🀗', 3706 => '🀘', 3707 => '🀙', 3708 => '🀚', 3709 => '🀛', 3710 => '🀜', 3711 => '🀝', 3712 => '🀞', 3713 => '🀟', 3714 => '🀠', 3715 => '🀡', 3716 => '🀢', 3717 => '🀣', 3718 => '🀤', 3719 => '🀥', 3720 => '🀦', 3721 => '🀧', 3722 => '🀨', 3723 => '🀩', 3724 => '🀪', 3725 => '🀫', 3726 => '🀰', 3727 => '🀱', 3728 => '🀲', 3729 => '🀳', 3730 => '🀴', 3731 => '🀵', 3732 => '🀶', 3733 => '🀷', 3734 => '🀸', 3735 => '🀹', 3736 => '🀺', 3737 => '🀻', 3738 => '🀼', 3739 => '🀽', 3740 => '🀾', 3741 => '🀿', 3742 => '🁀', 3743 => '🁁', 3744 => '🁂', 3745 => '🁃', 3746 => '🁄', 3747 => '🁅', 3748 => '🁆', 3749 => '🁇', 3750 => '🁈', 3751 => '🁉', 3752 => '🁊', 3753 => '🁋', 3754 => '🁌', 3755 => '🁍', 3756 => '🁎', 3757 => '🁏', 3758 => '🁐', 3759 => '🁑', 3760 => '🁒', 3761 => '🁓', 3762 => '🁔', 3763 => '🁕', 3764 => '🁖', 3765 => '🁗', 3766 => '🁘', 3767 => '🁙', 3768 => '🁚', 3769 => '🁛', 3770 => '🁜', 3771 => '🁝', 3772 => '🁞', 3773 => '🁟', 3774 => '🁠', 3775 => '🁡', 3776 => '🁢', 3777 => '🁣', 3778 => '🁤', 3779 => '🁥', 3780 => '🁦', 3781 => '🁧', 3782 => '🁨', 3783 => '🁩', 3784 => '🁪', 3785 => '🁫', 3786 => '🁬', 3787 => '🁭', 3788 => '🁮', 3789 => '🁯', 3790 => '🁰', 3791 => '🁱', 3792 => '🁲', 3793 => '🁳', 3794 => '🁴', 3795 => '🁵', 3796 => '🁶', 3797 => '🁷', 3798 => '🁸', 3799 => '🁹', 3800 => '🁺', 3801 => '🁻', 3802 => '🁼', 3803 => '🁽', 3804 => '🁾', 3805 => '🁿', 3806 => '🂀', 3807 => '🂁', 3808 => '🂂', 3809 => '🂃', 3810 => '🂄', 3811 => '🂅', 3812 => '🂆', 3813 => '🂇', 3814 => '🂈', 3815 => '🂉', 3816 => '🂊', 3817 => '🂋', 3818 => '🂌', 3819 => '🂍', 3820 => '🂎', 3821 => '🂏', 3822 => '🂐', 3823 => '🂑', 3824 => '🂒', 3825 => '🂓', 3826 => '🂠', 3827 => '🂡', 3828 => '🂢', 3829 => '🂣', 3830 => '🂤', 3831 => '🂥', 3832 => '🂦', 3833 => '🂧', 3834 => '🂨', 3835 => '🂩', 3836 => '🂪', 3837 => '🂫', 3838 => '🂬', 3839 => '🂭', 3840 => '🂮', 3841 => '🂱', 3842 => '🂲', 3843 => '🂳', 3844 => '🂴', 3845 => '🂵', 3846 => '🂶', 3847 => '🂷', 3848 => '🂸', 3849 => '🂹', 3850 => '🂺', 3851 => '🂻', 3852 => '🂼', 3853 => '🂽', 3854 => '🂾', 3855 => '🃁', 3856 => '🃂', 3857 => '🃃', 3858 => '🃄', 3859 => '🃅', 3860 => '🃆', 3861 => '🃇', 3862 => '🃈', 3863 => '🃉', 3864 => '🃊', 3865 => '🃋', 3866 => '🃌', 3867 => '🃍', 3868 => '🃎', 3869 => '🃏', 3870 => '🃑', 3871 => '🃒', 3872 => '🃓', 3873 => '🃔', 3874 => '🃕', 3875 => '🃖', 3876 => '🃗', 3877 => '🃘', 3878 => '🃙', 3879 => '🃚', 3880 => '🃛', 3881 => '🃜', 3882 => '🃝', 3883 => '🃞', 3884 => '🃟', 3885 => '🌀', 3886 => '🌁', 3887 => '🌂', 3888 => '🌃', 3889 => '🌄', 3890 => '🌅', 3891 => '🌆', 3892 => '🌇', 3893 => '🌈', 3894 => '🌉', 3895 => '🌊', 3896 => '🌋', 3897 => '🌌', 3898 => '🌍', 3899 => '🌎', 3900 => '🌏', 3901 => '🌐', 3902 => '🌑', 3903 => '🌒', 3904 => '🌓', 3905 => '🌔', 3906 => '🌕', 3907 => '🌖', 3908 => '🌗', 3909 => '🌘', 3910 => '🌙', 3911 => '🌚', 3912 => '🌛', 3913 => '🌜', 3914 => '🌝', 3915 => '🌞', 3916 => '🌟', 3917 => '🌠', 3918 => '🌰', 3919 => '🌱', 3920 => '🌲', 3921 => '🌳', 3922 => '🌴', 3923 => '🌵', 3924 => '🌷', 3925 => '🌸', 3926 => '🌹', 3927 => '🌺', 3928 => '🌻', 3929 => '🌼', 3930 => '🌽', 3931 => '🌾', 3932 => '🌿', 3933 => '🍀', 3934 => '🍁', 3935 => '🍂', 3936 => '🍃', 3937 => '🍄', 3938 => '🍅', 3939 => '🍆', 3940 => '🍇', 3941 => '🍈', 3942 => '🍉', 3943 => '🍊', 3944 => '🍋', 3945 => '🍌', 3946 => '🍍', 3947 => '🍎', 3948 => '🍏', 3949 => '🍐', 3950 => '🍑', 3951 => '🍒', 3952 => '🍓', 3953 => '🍔', 3954 => '🍕', 3955 => '🍖', 3956 => '🍗', 3957 => '🍘', 3958 => '🍙', 3959 => '🍚', 3960 => '🍛', 3961 => '🍜', 3962 => '🍝', 3963 => '🍞', 3964 => '🍟', 3965 => '🍠', 3966 => '🍡', 3967 => '🍢', 3968 => '🍣', 3969 => '🍤', 3970 => '🍥', 3971 => '🍦', 3972 => '🍧', 3973 => '🍨', 3974 => '🍩', 3975 => '🍪', 3976 => '🍫', 3977 => '🍬', 3978 => '🍭', 3979 => '🍮', 3980 => '🍯', 3981 => '🍰', 3982 => '🍱', 3983 => '🍲', 3984 => '🍳', 3985 => '🍴', 3986 => '🍵', 3987 => '🍶', 3988 => '🍷', 3989 => '🍸', 3990 => '🍹', 3991 => '🍺', 3992 => '🍻', 3993 => '🍼', 3994 => '🎀', 3995 => '🎁', 3996 => '🎂', 3997 => '🎃', 3998 => '🎄', 3999 => '🎅', 4000 => '🎆', 4001 => '🎇', 4002 => '🎈', 4003 => '🎉', 4004 => '🎊', 4005 => '🎋', 4006 => '🎌', 4007 => '🎍', 4008 => '🎎', 4009 => '🎏', 4010 => '🎐', 4011 => '🎑', 4012 => '🎒', 4013 => '🎓', 4014 => '🎠', 4015 => '🎡', 4016 => '🎢', 4017 => '🎣', 4018 => '🎤', 4019 => '🎥', 4020 => '🎦', 4021 => '🎧', 4022 => '🎨', 4023 => '🎩', 4024 => '🎪', 4025 => '🎫', 4026 => '🎬', 4027 => '🎭', 4028 => '🎮', 4029 => '🎯', 4030 => '🎰', 4031 => '🎱', 4032 => '🎲', 4033 => '🎳', 4034 => '🎴', 4035 => '🎵', 4036 => '🎶', 4037 => '🎷', 4038 => '🎸', 4039 => '🎹', 4040 => '🎺', 4041 => '🎻', 4042 => '🎼', 4043 => '🎽', 4044 => '🎾', 4045 => '🎿', 4046 => '🏀', 4047 => '🏁', 4048 => '🏂', 4049 => '🏃', 4050 => '🏄', 4051 => '🏆', 4052 => '🏇', 4053 => '🏈', 4054 => '🏉', 4055 => '🏊', 4056 => '🏠', 4057 => '🏡', 4058 => '🏢', 4059 => '🏣', 4060 => '🏤', 4061 => '🏥', 4062 => '🏦', 4063 => '🏧', 4064 => '🏨', 4065 => '🏩', 4066 => '🏪', 4067 => '🏫', 4068 => '🏬', 4069 => '🏭', 4070 => '🏮', 4071 => '🏯', 4072 => '🏰', 4073 => '🐀', 4074 => '🐁', 4075 => '🐂', 4076 => '🐃', 4077 => '🐄', 4078 => '🐅', 4079 => '🐆', 4080 => '🐇', 4081 => '🐈', 4082 => '🐉', 4083 => '🐊', 4084 => '🐋', 4085 => '🐌', 4086 => '🐍', 4087 => '🐎', 4088 => '🐏', 4089 => '🐐', 4090 => '🐑', 4091 => '🐒', 4092 => '🐓', 4093 => '🐔', 4094 => '🐕', 4095 => '🐖', 4096 => '🐗', 4097 => '🐘', 4098 => '🐙', 4099 => '🐚', 4100 => '🐛', 4101 => '🐜', 4102 => '🐝', 4103 => '🐞', 4104 => '🐟', 4105 => '🐠', 4106 => '🐡', 4107 => '🐢', 4108 => '🐣', 4109 => '🐤', 4110 => '🐥', 4111 => '🐦', 4112 => '🐧', 4113 => '🐨', 4114 => '🐩', 4115 => '🐪', 4116 => '🐫', 4117 => '🐬', 4118 => '🐭', 4119 => '🐮', 4120 => '🐯', 4121 => '🐰', 4122 => '🐱', 4123 => '🐲', 4124 => '🐳', 4125 => '🐴', 4126 => '🐵', 4127 => '🐶', 4128 => '🐷', 4129 => '🐸', 4130 => '🐹', 4131 => '🐺', 4132 => '🐻', 4133 => '🐼', 4134 => '🐽', 4135 => '🐾', 4136 => '👀', 4137 => '👂', 4138 => '👃', 4139 => '👄', 4140 => '👅', 4141 => '👆', 4142 => '👇', 4143 => '👈', 4144 => '👉', 4145 => '👊', 4146 => '👋', 4147 => '👌', 4148 => '👍', 4149 => '👎', 4150 => '👏', 4151 => '👐', 4152 => '👑', 4153 => '👒', 4154 => '👓', 4155 => '👔', 4156 => '👕', 4157 => '👖', 4158 => '👗', 4159 => '👘', 4160 => '👙', 4161 => '👚', 4162 => '👛', 4163 => '👜', 4164 => '👝', 4165 => '👞', 4166 => '👟', 4167 => '👠', 4168 => '👡', 4169 => '👢', 4170 => '👣', 4171 => '👤', 4172 => '👥', 4173 => '👦', 4174 => '👧', 4175 => '👨', 4176 => '👩', 4177 => '👪', 4178 => '👫', 4179 => '👬', 4180 => '👭', 4181 => '👮', 4182 => '👯', 4183 => '👰', 4184 => '👱', 4185 => '👲', 4186 => '👳', 4187 => '👴', 4188 => '👵', 4189 => '👶', 4190 => '👷', 4191 => '👸', 4192 => '👹', 4193 => '👺', 4194 => '👻', 4195 => '👼', 4196 => '👽', 4197 => '👾', 4198 => '👿', 4199 => '💀', 4200 => '💁', 4201 => '💂', 4202 => '💃', 4203 => '💄', 4204 => '💅', 4205 => '💆', 4206 => '💇', 4207 => '💈', 4208 => '💉', 4209 => '💊', 4210 => '💋', 4211 => '💌', 4212 => '💍', 4213 => '💎', 4214 => '💏', 4215 => '💐', 4216 => '💑', 4217 => '💒', 4218 => '💓', 4219 => '💔', 4220 => '💕', 4221 => '💖', 4222 => '💗', 4223 => '💘', 4224 => '💙', 4225 => '💚', 4226 => '💛', 4227 => '💜', 4228 => '💝', 4229 => '💞', 4230 => '💟', 4231 => '💠', 4232 => '💡', 4233 => '💢', 4234 => '💣', 4235 => '💤', 4236 => '💥', 4237 => '💦', 4238 => '💧', 4239 => '💨', 4240 => '💩', 4241 => '💪', 4242 => '💫', 4243 => '💬', 4244 => '💭', 4245 => '💮', 4246 => '💯', 4247 => '💰', 4248 => '💱', 4249 => '💲', 4250 => '💳', 4251 => '💴', 4252 => '💵', 4253 => '💶', 4254 => '💷', 4255 => '💸', 4256 => '💹', 4257 => '💺', 4258 => '💻', 4259 => '💼', 4260 => '💽', 4261 => '💾', 4262 => '💿', 4263 => '📀', 4264 => '📁', 4265 => '📂', 4266 => '📃', 4267 => '📄', 4268 => '📅', 4269 => '📆', 4270 => '📇', 4271 => '📈', 4272 => '📉', 4273 => '📊', 4274 => '📋', 4275 => '📌', 4276 => '📍', 4277 => '📎', 4278 => '📏', 4279 => '📐', 4280 => '📑', 4281 => '📒', 4282 => '📓', 4283 => '📔', 4284 => '📕', 4285 => '📖', 4286 => '📗', 4287 => '📘', 4288 => '📙', 4289 => '📚', 4290 => '📛', 4291 => '📜', 4292 => '📝', 4293 => '📞', 4294 => '📟', 4295 => '📠', 4296 => '📡', 4297 => '📢', 4298 => '📣', 4299 => '📤', 4300 => '📥', 4301 => '📦', 4302 => '📧', 4303 => '📨', 4304 => '📩', 4305 => '📪', 4306 => '📫', 4307 => '📬', 4308 => '📭', 4309 => '📮', 4310 => '📯', 4311 => '📰', 4312 => '📱', 4313 => '📲', 4314 => '📳', 4315 => '📴', 4316 => '📵', 4317 => '📶', 4318 => '📷', 4319 => '📹', 4320 => '📺', 4321 => '📻', 4322 => '📼', 4323 => '🔀', 4324 => '🔁', 4325 => '🔂', 4326 => '🔃', 4327 => '🔄', 4328 => '🔅', 4329 => '🔆', 4330 => '🔇', 4331 => '🔈', 4332 => '🔉', 4333 => '🔊', 4334 => '🔋', 4335 => '🔌', 4336 => '🔍', 4337 => '🔎', 4338 => '🔏', 4339 => '🔐', 4340 => '🔑', 4341 => '🔒', 4342 => '🔓', 4343 => '🔔', 4344 => '🔕', 4345 => '🔖', 4346 => '🔗', 4347 => '🔘', 4348 => '🔙', 4349 => '🔚', 4350 => '🔛', 4351 => '🔜', 4352 => '🔝', 4353 => '🔞', 4354 => '🔟', 4355 => '🔠', 4356 => '🔡', 4357 => '🔢', 4358 => '🔣', 4359 => '🔤', 4360 => '🔥', 4361 => '🔦', 4362 => '🔧', 4363 => '🔨', 4364 => '🔩', 4365 => '🔪', 4366 => '🔫', 4367 => '🔬', 4368 => '🔭', 4369 => '🔮', 4370 => '🔯', 4371 => '🔰', 4372 => '🔱', 4373 => '🔲', 4374 => '🔳', 4375 => '🔴', 4376 => '🔵', 4377 => '🔶', 4378 => '🔷', 4379 => '🔸', 4380 => '🔹', 4381 => '🔺', 4382 => '🔻', 4383 => '🔼', 4384 => '🔽', 4385 => '🕐', 4386 => '🕑', 4387 => '🕒', 4388 => '🕓', 4389 => '🕔', 4390 => '🕕', 4391 => '🕖', 4392 => '🕗', 4393 => '🕘', 4394 => '🕙', 4395 => '🕚', 4396 => '🕛', 4397 => '🕜', 4398 => '🕝', 4399 => '🕞', 4400 => '🕟', 4401 => '🕠', 4402 => '🕡', 4403 => '🕢', 4404 => '🕣', 4405 => '🕤', 4406 => '🕥', 4407 => '🕦', 4408 => '🕧', 4409 => '🗻', 4410 => '🗼', 4411 => '🗽', 4412 => '🗾', 4413 => '🗿', 4414 => '😁', 4415 => '😂', 4416 => '😃', 4417 => '😄', 4418 => '😅', 4419 => '😆', 4420 => '😇', 4421 => '😈', 4422 => '😉', 4423 => '😊', 4424 => '😋', 4425 => '😌', 4426 => '😍', 4427 => '😎', 4428 => '😏', 4429 => '😐', 4430 => '😒', 4431 => '😓', 4432 => '😔', 4433 => '😖', 4434 => '😘', 4435 => '😚', 4436 => '😜', 4437 => '😝', 4438 => '😞', 4439 => '😠', 4440 => '😡', 4441 => '😢', 4442 => '😣', 4443 => '😤', 4444 => '😥', 4445 => '😨', 4446 => '😩', 4447 => '😪', 4448 => '😫', 4449 => '😭', 4450 => '😰', 4451 => '😱', 4452 => '😲', 4453 => '😳', 4454 => '😵', 4455 => '😶', 4456 => '😷', 4457 => '😸', 4458 => '😹', 4459 => '😺', 4460 => '😻', 4461 => '😼', 4462 => '😽', 4463 => '😾', 4464 => '😿', 4465 => '🙀', 4466 => '🙅', 4467 => '🙆', 4468 => '🙇', 4469 => '🙈', 4470 => '🙉', 4471 => '🙊', 4472 => '🙋', 4473 => '🙌', 4474 => '🙍', 4475 => '🙎', 4476 => '🙏', 4477 => '🚀', 4478 => '🚁', 4479 => '🚂', 4480 => '🚃', 4481 => '🚄', 4482 => '🚅', 4483 => '🚆', 4484 => '🚇', 4485 => '🚈', 4486 => '🚉', 4487 => '🚊', 4488 => '🚋', 4489 => '🚌', 4490 => '🚍', 4491 => '🚎', 4492 => '🚏', 4493 => '🚐', 4494 => '🚑', 4495 => '🚒', 4496 => '🚓', 4497 => '🚔', 4498 => '🚕', 4499 => '🚖', 4500 => '🚗', 4501 => '🚘', 4502 => '🚙', 4503 => '🚚', 4504 => '🚛', 4505 => '🚜', 4506 => '🚝', 4507 => '🚞', 4508 => '🚟', 4509 => '🚠', 4510 => '🚡', 4511 => '🚢', 4512 => '🚣', 4513 => '🚤', 4514 => '🚥', 4515 => '🚦', 4516 => '🚧', 4517 => '🚨', 4518 => '🚩', 4519 => '🚪', 4520 => '🚫', 4521 => '🚬', 4522 => '🚭', 4523 => '🚮', 4524 => '🚯', 4525 => '🚰', 4526 => '🚱', 4527 => '🚲', 4528 => '🚳', 4529 => '🚴', 4530 => '🚵', 4531 => '🚶', 4532 => '🚷', 4533 => '🚸', 4534 => '🚹', 4535 => '🚺', 4536 => '🚻', 4537 => '🚼', 4538 => '🚽', 4539 => '🚾', 4540 => '🚿', 4541 => '🛀', 4542 => '🛁', 4543 => '🛂', 4544 => '🛃', 4545 => '🛄', 4546 => '🛅', 4547 => '🜀', 4548 => '🜁', 4549 => '🜂', 4550 => '🜃', 4551 => '🜄', 4552 => '🜅', 4553 => '🜆', 4554 => '🜇', 4555 => '🜈', 4556 => '🜉', 4557 => '🜊', 4558 => '🜋', 4559 => '🜌', 4560 => '🜍', 4561 => '🜎', 4562 => '🜏', 4563 => '🜐', 4564 => '🜑', 4565 => '🜒', 4566 => '🜓', 4567 => '🜔', 4568 => '🜕', 4569 => '🜖', 4570 => '🜗', 4571 => '🜘', 4572 => '🜙', 4573 => '🜚', 4574 => '🜛', 4575 => '🜜', 4576 => '🜝', 4577 => '🜞', 4578 => '🜟', 4579 => '🜠', 4580 => '🜡', 4581 => '🜢', 4582 => '🜣', 4583 => '🜤', 4584 => '🜥', 4585 => '🜦', 4586 => '🜧', 4587 => '🜨', 4588 => '🜩', 4589 => '🜪', 4590 => '🜫', 4591 => '🜬', 4592 => '🜭', 4593 => '🜮', 4594 => '🜯', 4595 => '🜰', 4596 => '🜱', 4597 => '🜲', 4598 => '🜳', 4599 => '🜴', 4600 => '🜵', 4601 => '🜶', 4602 => '🜷', 4603 => '🜸', 4604 => '🜹', 4605 => '🜺', 4606 => '🜻', 4607 => '🜼', 4608 => '🜽', 4609 => '🜾', 4610 => '🜿', 4611 => '🝀', 4612 => '🝁', 4613 => '🝂', 4614 => '🝃', 4615 => '🝄', 4616 => '🝅', 4617 => '🝆', 4618 => '🝇', 4619 => '🝈', 4620 => '🝉', 4621 => '🝊', 4622 => '🝋', 4623 => '🝌', 4624 => '🝍', 4625 => '🝎', 4626 => '🝏', 4627 => '🝐', 4628 => '🝑', 4629 => '🝒', 4630 => '🝓', 4631 => '🝔', 4632 => '🝕', 4633 => '🝖', 4634 => '🝗', 4635 => '🝘', 4636 => '🝙', 4637 => '🝚', 4638 => '🝛', 4639 => '🝜', 4640 => '🝝', 4641 => '🝞', 4642 => '🝟', 4643 => '🝠', 4644 => '🝡', 4645 => '🝢', 4646 => '🝣', 4647 => '🝤', 4648 => '🝥', 4649 => '🝦', 4650 => '🝧', 4651 => '🝨', 4652 => '🝩', 4653 => '🝪', 4654 => '🝫', 4655 => '🝬', 4656 => '🝭', 4657 => '🝮', 4658 => '🝯', 4659 => '🝰', 4660 => '🝱', 4661 => '🝲', 4662 => '🝳', 4663 => '㆐', 4664 => '㆑', 4665 => '', 4666 => '�', 4667 => '৴', 4668 => '৵', 4669 => '৶', 4670 => '৷', 4671 => '৸', 4672 => '৹', 4673 => '୲', 4674 => '୳', 4675 => '୴', 4676 => '୵', 4677 => '୶', 4678 => '୷', 4679 => '꠰', 4680 => '꠱', 4681 => '꠲', 4682 => '꠳', 4683 => '꠴', 4684 => '꠵', 4685 => '௰', 4686 => '௱', 4687 => '௲', 4688 => '൰', 4689 => '൱', 4690 => '൲', 4691 => '൳', 4692 => '൴', 4693 => '൵', 4694 => '፲', 4695 => '፳', 4696 => '፴', 4697 => '፵', 4698 => '፶', 4699 => '፷', 4700 => '፸', 4701 => '፹', 4702 => '፺', 4703 => '፻', 4704 => '፼', 4705 => 'ↀ', 4706 => 'ↁ', 4707 => 'ↂ', 4708 => 'ↆ', 4709 => 'ↇ', 4710 => 'ↈ', 4711 => '𐹩', 4712 => '𐹪', 4713 => '𐹫', 4714 => '𐹬', 4715 => '𐹭', 4716 => '𐹮', 4717 => '𐹯', 4718 => '𐹰', 4719 => '𐹱', 4720 => '𐹲', 4721 => '𐹳', 4722 => '𐹴', 4723 => '𐹵', 4724 => '𐹶', 4725 => '𐹷', 4726 => '𐹸', 4727 => '𐹹', 4728 => '𐹺', 4729 => '𐹻', 4730 => '𐹼', 4731 => '𐹽', 4732 => '𐹾', 4733 => '⳽', 4734 => '𐌢', 4735 => '𐌣', 4736 => '𐄐', 4737 => '𐄑', 4738 => '𐄒', 4739 => '𐄓', 4740 => '𐄔', 4741 => '𐄕', 4742 => '𐄖', 4743 => '𐄗', 4744 => '𐄘', 4745 => '𐄙', 4746 => '𐄚', 4747 => '𐄛', 4748 => '𐄜', 4749 => '𐄝', 4750 => '𐄞', 4751 => '𐄟', 4752 => '𐄠', 4753 => '𐄡', 4754 => '𐄢', 4755 => '𐄣', 4756 => '𐄤', 4757 => '𐄥', 4758 => '𐄦', 4759 => '𐄧', 4760 => '𐄨', 4761 => '𐄩', 4762 => '𐄪', 4763 => '𐄫', 4764 => '𐄬', 4765 => '𐄭', 4766 => '𐄮', 4767 => '𐄯', 4768 => '𐄰', 4769 => '𐄱', 4770 => '𐄲', 4771 => '𐄳', 4772 => '𐅀', 4773 => '𐅁', 4774 => '𐅄', 4775 => '𐅅', 4776 => '𐅆', 4777 => '𐅇', 4778 => '𐅉', 4779 => '𐅊', 4780 => '𐅋', 4781 => '𐅌', 4782 => '𐅍', 4783 => '𐅎', 4784 => '𐅐', 4785 => '𐅑', 4786 => '𐅒', 4787 => '𐅓', 4788 => '𐅔', 4789 => '𐅕', 4790 => '𐅖', 4791 => '𐅗', 4792 => '𐅠', 4793 => '𐅡', 4794 => '𐅢', 4795 => '𐅣', 4796 => '𐅤', 4797 => '𐅥', 4798 => '𐅦', 4799 => '𐅧', 4800 => '𐅨', 4801 => '𐅩', 4802 => '𐅪', 4803 => '𐅫', 4804 => '𐅬', 4805 => '𐅭', 4806 => '𐅮', 4807 => '𐅯', 4808 => '𐅰', 4809 => '𐅱', 4810 => '𐅲', 4811 => '𐅴', 4812 => '𐅵', 4813 => '𐅶', 4814 => '𐅷', 4815 => '𐅸', 4816 => '𐏓', 4817 => '𐏔', 4818 => '𐏕', 4819 => '𐩾', 4820 => '𐩿', 4821 => '𐤗', 4822 => '𐤘', 4823 => '𐤙', 4824 => '𐡛', 4825 => '𐡜', 4826 => '𐡝', 4827 => '𐡞', 4828 => '𐡟', 4829 => '𐭜', 4830 => '𐭝', 4831 => '𐭞', 4832 => '𐭟', 4833 => '𐭼', 4834 => '𐭽', 4835 => '𐭾', 4836 => '𐭿', 4837 => '𑁛', 4838 => '𑁜', 4839 => '𑁝', 4840 => '𑁞', 4841 => '𑁟', 4842 => '𑁠', 4843 => '𑁡', 4844 => '𑁢', 4845 => '𑁣', 4846 => '𑁤', 4847 => '𑁥', 4848 => '𐩄', 4849 => '𐩅', 4850 => '𐩆', 4851 => '𐩇', 4852 => '𒐲', 4853 => '𒐳', 4854 => '𒑖', 4855 => '𒑗', 4856 => '𒑚', 4857 => '𒑛', 4858 => '𒑜', 4859 => '𒑝', 4860 => '𒑞', 4861 => '𒑟', 4862 => '𒑠', 4863 => '𒑡', 4864 => '𒑢', 4865 => '𝍩', 4866 => '𝍪', 4867 => '𝍫', 4868 => '𝍬', 4869 => '𝍭', 4870 => '𝍮', 4871 => '𝍯', 4872 => '𝍰', 4873 => '𝍱', 4874 => 'ː', 4875 => 'ˑ', 4876 => 'ॱ', 4877 => 'ๆ', 4878 => 'ໆ', 4879 => 'ᪧ', 4880 => 'ꧏ', 4881 => 'ꩰ', 4882 => 'ꫝ', 4883 => 'ゝ', 4884 => 'ー', 4885 => 'ヽ', 4886 => '¤', 4887 => '¢', 4888 => '$', 4889 => '£', 4890 => '¥', 4891 => '؋', 4892 => '৲', 4893 => '৳', 4894 => '৻', 4895 => '૱', 4896 => '꠸', 4897 => '௹', 4898 => '฿', 4899 => '៛', 4900 => '₠', 4901 => '₡', 4902 => '₢', 4903 => '₣', 4904 => '₤', 4905 => '₥', 4906 => '₦', 4907 => '₧', 4908 => '₩', 4909 => '₪', 4910 => '₫', 4911 => '€', 4912 => '₭', 4913 => '₮', 4914 => '₯', 4915 => '₰', 4916 => '₱', 4917 => '₲', 4918 => '₳', 4919 => '₴', 4920 => '₵', 4921 => '₶', 4922 => '₷', 4923 => '₸', 4924 => '₹', 4925 => '0', 4926 => '1', 4927 => '2', 4928 => '3', 4929 => '4', 4930 => '5', 4931 => '6', 4932 => '7', 4933 => '8', 4934 => '9', 4935 => 'A', 4936 => 'ᴀ', 4937 => 'Ⱥ', 4938 => 'ᶏ', 4939 => 'ᴁ', 4940 => 'ᴂ', 4941 => 'Ɐ', 4942 => 'Ɑ', 4943 => 'ᶐ', 4944 => 'Ɒ', 4945 => 'B', 4946 => 'ʙ', 4947 => 'Ƀ', 4948 => 'ᴯ', 4949 => 'ᴃ', 4950 => 'ᵬ', 4951 => 'ᶀ', 4952 => 'Ɓ', 4953 => 'Ƃ', 4954 => 'C', 4955 => 'ᴄ', 4956 => 'Ȼ', 4957 => 'Ƈ', 4958 => 'ɕ', 4959 => 'Ↄ', 4960 => 'Ꜿ', 4961 => 'D', 4962 => 'ᴅ', 4963 => 'ᴆ', 4964 => 'ᵭ', 4965 => 'ᶁ', 4966 => 'Ɖ', 4967 => 'Ɗ', 4968 => 'ᶑ', 4969 => 'Ƌ', 4970 => 'ȡ', 4971 => 'ꝱ', 4972 => 'ẟ', 4973 => 'E', 4974 => 'ᴇ', 4975 => 'Ɇ', 4976 => 'ᶒ', 4977 => 'ⱸ', 4978 => 'Ǝ', 4979 => 'ⱻ', 4980 => 'Ə', 4981 => 'ᶕ', 4982 => 'Ɛ', 4983 => 'ᶓ', 4984 => 'ɘ', 4985 => 'ɚ', 4986 => 'ɜ', 4987 => 'ᶔ', 4988 => 'ᴈ', 4989 => 'ɝ', 4990 => 'ɞ', 4991 => 'ʚ', 4992 => 'ɤ', 4993 => 'F', 4994 => 'ꜰ', 4995 => 'ᵮ', 4996 => 'ᶂ', 4997 => 'Ƒ', 4998 => 'Ⅎ', 4999 => 'ꟻ', 5000 => 'G', 5001 => 'ɡ', 5002 => 'ɢ', 5003 => 'Ǥ', 5004 => 'ᶃ', 5005 => 'Ɠ', 5006 => 'ʛ', 5007 => 'ᵷ', 5008 => 'Ꝿ', 5009 => 'Ɣ', 5010 => 'Ƣ', 5011 => 'H', 5012 => 'ʜ', 5013 => 'Ƕ', 5014 => 'ɦ', 5015 => 'Ⱨ', 5016 => 'Ⱶ', 5017 => 'Ꜧ', 5018 => 'ɧ', 5019 => 'ʻ', 5020 => 'ʽ', 5021 => 'I', 5022 => 'ı', 5023 => 'ɪ', 5024 => 'ꟾ', 5025 => 'ᴉ', 5026 => 'Ɨ', 5027 => 'ᵻ', 5028 => 'ᶖ', 5029 => 'Ɩ', 5030 => 'ᵼ', 5031 => 'J', 5032 => 'ȷ', 5033 => 'ᴊ', 5034 => 'Ɉ', 5035 => 'ʝ', 5036 => 'ɟ', 5037 => 'ʄ', 5038 => 'K', 5039 => 'ᴋ', 5040 => 'ᶄ', 5041 => 'Ƙ', 5042 => 'Ⱪ', 5043 => 'Ꝁ', 5044 => 'Ꝃ', 5045 => 'Ꝅ', 5046 => 'ʞ', 5047 => 'L', 5048 => 'ʟ', 5049 => 'Ꝇ', 5050 => 'ᴌ', 5051 => 'Ꝉ', 5052 => 'Ƚ', 5053 => 'Ⱡ', 5054 => 'Ɫ', 5055 => 'ɬ', 5056 => 'ᶅ', 5057 => 'ɭ', 5058 => 'ꞎ', 5059 => 'ȴ', 5060 => 'ꝲ', 5061 => 'ɮ', 5062 => 'Ꞁ', 5063 => 'ƛ', 5064 => 'ʎ', 5065 => 'M', 5066 => 'ᴍ', 5067 => 'ᵯ', 5068 => 'ᶆ', 5069 => 'Ɱ', 5070 => 'ꟽ', 5071 => 'ꟿ', 5072 => 'ꝳ', 5073 => 'N', 5074 => 'ɴ', 5075 => 'ᴻ', 5076 => 'ᴎ', 5077 => 'ᵰ', 5078 => 'Ɲ', 5079 => 'Ƞ', 5080 => 'Ꞑ', 5081 => 'ᶇ', 5082 => 'ɳ', 5083 => 'ȵ', 5084 => 'ꝴ', 5085 => 'Ŋ', 5086 => 'O', 5087 => 'ᴏ', 5088 => 'ᴑ', 5089 => 'ɶ', 5090 => 'ᴔ', 5091 => 'ᴓ', 5092 => 'Ɔ', 5093 => 'ᴐ', 5094 => 'ᴒ', 5095 => 'ᶗ', 5096 => 'Ꝍ', 5097 => 'ᴖ', 5098 => 'ᴗ', 5099 => 'ⱺ', 5100 => 'Ɵ', 5101 => 'Ꝋ', 5102 => 'ɷ', 5103 => 'Ȣ', 5104 => 'ᴕ', 5105 => 'P', 5106 => 'ᴘ', 5107 => 'Ᵽ', 5108 => 'Ꝑ', 5109 => 'ᵱ', 5110 => 'ᶈ', 5111 => 'Ƥ', 5112 => 'Ꝓ', 5113 => 'Ꝕ', 5114 => 'ꟼ', 5115 => 'ɸ', 5116 => 'ⱷ', 5117 => 'Q', 5118 => 'Ꝗ', 5119 => 'Ꝙ', 5120 => 'ʠ', 5121 => 'Ɋ', 5122 => 'ĸ', 5123 => 'R', 5124 => 'Ʀ', 5125 => 'Ꝛ', 5126 => 'ᴙ', 5127 => 'Ɍ', 5128 => 'ᵲ', 5129 => 'ɹ', 5130 => 'ᴚ', 5131 => 'ɺ', 5132 => 'ᶉ', 5133 => 'ɻ', 5134 => 'ⱹ', 5135 => 'ɼ', 5136 => 'Ɽ', 5137 => 'ɾ', 5138 => 'ᵳ', 5139 => 'ɿ', 5140 => 'ʁ', 5141 => 'ꝵ', 5142 => 'ꝶ', 5143 => 'Ꝝ', 5144 => 'S', 5145 => 'ꜱ', 5146 => 'ᵴ', 5147 => 'ᶊ', 5148 => 'ʂ', 5149 => 'Ȿ', 5150 => 'ẜ', 5151 => 'ẝ', 5152 => 'Ʃ', 5153 => 'ᶋ', 5154 => 'ƪ', 5155 => 'ʅ', 5156 => 'ᶘ', 5157 => 'ʆ', 5158 => 'T', 5159 => 'ᴛ', 5160 => 'Ŧ', 5161 => 'Ⱦ', 5162 => 'ᵵ', 5163 => 'ƫ', 5164 => 'Ƭ', 5165 => 'Ʈ', 5166 => 'ȶ', 5167 => 'ꝷ', 5168 => 'ʇ', 5169 => 'U', 5170 => 'ᴜ', 5171 => 'ᴝ', 5172 => 'ᴞ', 5173 => 'ᵫ', 5174 => 'Ʉ', 5175 => 'ᵾ', 5176 => 'ᶙ', 5177 => 'Ɥ', 5178 => 'ʮ', 5179 => 'ʯ', 5180 => 'Ɯ', 5181 => 'ꟺ', 5182 => 'ᴟ', 5183 => 'ɰ', 5184 => 'Ʊ', 5185 => 'ᵿ', 5186 => 'V', 5187 => 'ᴠ', 5188 => 'Ꝟ', 5189 => 'ᶌ', 5190 => 'Ʋ', 5191 => 'ⱱ', 5192 => 'ⱴ', 5193 => 'Ỽ', 5194 => 'Ʌ', 5195 => 'W', 5196 => 'ᴡ', 5197 => 'Ⱳ', 5198 => 'ʍ', 5199 => 'X', 5200 => 'ᶍ', 5201 => 'Y', 5202 => 'ʏ', 5203 => 'Ɏ', 5204 => 'Ƴ', 5205 => 'Ỿ', 5206 => 'Z', 5207 => 'ᴢ', 5208 => 'Ƶ', 5209 => 'ᵶ', 5210 => 'ᶎ', 5211 => 'Ȥ', 5212 => 'ʐ', 5213 => 'ʑ', 5214 => 'Ɀ', 5215 => 'Ⱬ', 5216 => 'Ꝣ', 5217 => 'Ʒ', 5218 => 'ᴣ', 5219 => 'Ƹ', 5220 => 'ᶚ', 5221 => 'ƺ', 5222 => 'ʓ', 5223 => 'Ȝ', 5224 => 'Þ', 5225 => 'Ꝥ', 5226 => 'Ꝧ', 5227 => 'Ƿ', 5228 => 'Ꝩ', 5229 => 'Ꝫ', 5230 => 'Ꝭ', 5231 => 'Ꝯ', 5232 => 'ꝸ', 5233 => 'ƻ', 5234 => 'Ꜫ', 5235 => 'Ꜭ', 5236 => 'Ꜯ', 5237 => 'Ƨ', 5238 => 'Ƽ', 5239 => 'Ƅ', 5240 => 'ʔ', 5241 => 'Ɂ', 5242 => 'ˀ', 5243 => 'ʼ', 5244 => 'ˮ', 5245 => 'ʾ', 5246 => 'Ꜣ', 5247 => 'Ꞌ', 5248 => 'ʕ', 5249 => 'ʿ', 5250 => 'ˁ', 5251 => 'ᴤ', 5252 => 'ᴥ', 5253 => 'Ꜥ', 5254 => 'ʡ', 5255 => 'ʢ', 5256 => 'ʖ', 5257 => 'ǀ', 5258 => 'ǁ', 5259 => 'ǂ', 5260 => 'ǃ', 5261 => 'ʗ', 5262 => 'ʘ', 5263 => 'ʬ', 5264 => 'ʭ', 5265 => 'Α', 5266 => 'Β', 5267 => 'Γ', 5268 => 'ᴦ', 5269 => 'Δ', 5270 => 'Ε', 5271 => 'Ϝ', 5272 => 'Ͷ', 5273 => 'Ϛ', 5274 => 'Ζ', 5275 => 'Ͱ', 5276 => 'Η', 5277 => 'Θ', 5278 => 'Ι', 5279 => 'ϳ', 5280 => 'Κ', 5281 => 'Λ', 5282 => 'ᴧ', 5283 => 'Μ', 5284 => 'Ν', 5285 => 'Ξ', 5286 => 'Ο', 5287 => 'Π', 5288 => 'ᴨ', 5289 => 'Ϻ', 5290 => 'Ϟ', 5291 => 'Ϙ', 5292 => 'Ρ', 5293 => 'ᴩ', 5294 => 'ϼ', 5295 => 'Σ', 5296 => 'Ͼ', 5297 => 'Ͻ', 5298 => 'Ͽ', 5299 => 'Τ', 5300 => 'Υ', 5301 => 'Φ', 5302 => 'Χ', 5303 => 'Ψ', 5304 => 'ᴪ', 5305 => 'Ω', 5306 => 'Ϡ', 5307 => 'Ͳ', 5308 => 'Ϸ', 5309 => 'Ⲁ', 5310 => 'Ⲃ', 5311 => 'Ⲅ', 5312 => 'Ⲇ', 5313 => 'Ⲉ', 5314 => 'Ⲷ', 5315 => 'Ⲋ', 5316 => 'Ⲍ', 5317 => 'Ⲏ', 5318 => 'Ⲑ', 5319 => 'Ⲓ', 5320 => 'Ⲕ', 5321 => 'Ⲹ', 5322 => 'Ⲗ', 5323 => 'Ⲙ', 5324 => 'Ⲛ', 5325 => 'Ⲻ', 5326 => 'Ⲽ', 5327 => 'Ⲝ', 5328 => 'Ⲟ', 5329 => 'Ⲡ', 5330 => 'Ⲣ', 5331 => 'Ⲥ', 5332 => 'Ⲧ', 5333 => 'Ⲩ', 5334 => 'Ⲫ', 5335 => 'Ⲭ', 5336 => 'Ⲯ', 5337 => 'Ⲱ', 5338 => 'Ⲿ', 5339 => 'Ⳁ', 5340 => 'Ϣ', 5341 => 'Ⳬ', 5342 => 'Ⳃ', 5343 => 'Ⳅ', 5344 => 'Ⳇ', 5345 => 'Ϥ', 5346 => 'Ϧ', 5347 => 'Ⳉ', 5348 => 'Ϩ', 5349 => 'Ⳋ', 5350 => 'Ⳍ', 5351 => 'Ⳏ', 5352 => 'Ⳑ', 5353 => 'Ⳓ', 5354 => 'Ⳕ', 5355 => 'Ϫ', 5356 => 'Ⳮ', 5357 => 'Ⳗ', 5358 => 'Ϭ', 5359 => 'Ⳙ', 5360 => 'Ⳛ', 5361 => 'Ⳝ', 5362 => 'Ϯ', 5363 => 'Ⲳ', 5364 => 'Ⲵ', 5365 => 'Ⳟ', 5366 => 'Ⳡ', 5367 => 'Ⳣ', 5368 => 'А', 5369 => 'Ӑ', 5370 => 'Ӓ', 5371 => 'Ә', 5372 => 'Ӛ', 5373 => 'Ӕ', 5374 => 'Б', 5375 => 'В', 5376 => 'Г', 5377 => 'Ғ', 5378 => 'Ӻ', 5379 => 'Ҕ', 5380 => 'Ӷ', 5381 => 'Д', 5382 => 'Ԁ', 5383 => 'Ꚁ', 5384 => 'Ђ', 5385 => 'Ꙣ', 5386 => 'Ԃ', 5387 => 'Ѓ', 5388 => 'Ҙ', 5389 => 'Е', 5390 => 'Ӗ', 5391 => 'Є', 5392 => 'Ж', 5393 => 'Ꚅ', 5394 => 'Ӝ', 5395 => 'Җ', 5396 => 'З', 5397 => 'Ꙁ', 5398 => 'Ԅ', 5399 => 'Ԑ', 5400 => 'Ӟ', 5401 => 'Ꙃ', 5402 => 'Ѕ', 5403 => 'Ꙅ', 5404 => 'Ӡ', 5405 => 'Ꚉ', 5406 => 'Ԇ', 5407 => 'Ꚃ', 5408 => 'И', 5409 => 'Ҋ', 5410 => 'Ӥ', 5411 => 'І', 5412 => 'Ꙇ', 5413 => 'Ї', 5414 => 'Й', 5415 => 'Ј', 5416 => 'Ꙉ', 5417 => 'К', 5418 => 'Қ', 5419 => 'Ӄ', 5420 => 'Ҡ', 5421 => 'Ҟ', 5422 => 'Ҝ', 5423 => 'Ԟ', 5424 => 'Ԛ', 5425 => 'Л', 5426 => 'ᴫ', 5427 => 'Ӆ', 5428 => 'Ԓ', 5429 => 'Ԡ', 5430 => 'Љ', 5431 => 'Ꙥ', 5432 => 'Ԉ', 5433 => 'Ԕ', 5434 => 'М', 5435 => 'Ӎ', 5436 => 'Ꙧ', 5437 => 'Н', 5438 => 'Ӊ', 5439 => 'Ң', 5440 => 'Ӈ', 5441 => 'Ԣ', 5442 => 'Ҥ', 5443 => 'Њ', 5444 => 'Ԋ', 5445 => 'О', 5446 => 'Ӧ', 5447 => 'Ө', 5448 => 'Ӫ', 5449 => 'П', 5450 => 'Ԥ', 5451 => 'Ҧ', 5452 => 'Ҁ', 5453 => 'Р', 5454 => 'Ҏ', 5455 => 'Ԗ', 5456 => 'С', 5457 => 'Ԍ', 5458 => 'Ҫ', 5459 => 'Т', 5460 => 'Ꚍ', 5461 => 'Ԏ', 5462 => 'Ҭ', 5463 => 'Ꚋ', 5464 => 'Ћ', 5465 => 'Ќ', 5466 => 'У', 5467 => 'Ў', 5468 => 'Ӱ', 5469 => 'Ӳ', 5470 => 'Ү', 5471 => 'Ұ', 5472 => 'Ꙋ', 5473 => 'Ѹ', 5474 => 'Ф', 5475 => 'Х', 5476 => 'Ӽ', 5477 => 'Ӿ', 5478 => 'Ҳ', 5479 => 'Һ', 5480 => 'Ԧ', 5481 => 'Ꚕ', 5482 => 'Ѡ', 5483 => 'Ѿ', 5484 => 'Ꙍ', 5485 => 'Ѽ', 5486 => 'Ѻ', 5487 => 'Ц', 5488 => 'Ꙡ', 5489 => 'Ꚏ', 5490 => 'Ҵ', 5491 => 'Ꚑ', 5492 => 'Ч', 5493 => 'Ꚓ', 5494 => 'Ӵ', 5495 => 'Ҷ', 5496 => 'Ӌ', 5497 => 'Ҹ', 5498 => 'Ꚇ', 5499 => 'Ҽ', 5500 => 'Ҿ', 5501 => 'Џ', 5502 => 'Ш', 5503 => 'Ꚗ', 5504 => 'Щ', 5505 => 'Ꙏ', 5506 => 'ⸯ', 5507 => 'ꙿ', 5508 => 'Ъ', 5509 => 'Ꙑ', 5510 => 'Ы', 5511 => 'Ӹ', 5512 => 'Ь', 5513 => 'Ҍ', 5514 => 'Ѣ', 5515 => 'Ꙓ', 5516 => 'Э', 5517 => 'Ӭ', 5518 => 'Ю', 5519 => 'Ꙕ', 5520 => 'Ꙗ', 5521 => 'Я', 5522 => 'Ԙ', 5523 => 'Ѥ', 5524 => 'Ѧ', 5525 => 'Ꙙ', 5526 => 'Ѫ', 5527 => 'Ꙛ', 5528 => 'Ѩ', 5529 => 'Ꙝ', 5530 => 'Ѭ', 5531 => 'Ѯ', 5532 => 'Ѱ', 5533 => 'Ѳ', 5534 => 'Ѵ', 5535 => 'Ѷ', 5536 => 'Ꙟ', 5537 => 'Ҩ', 5538 => 'Ԝ', 5539 => 'Ӏ', 5540 => 'Ⰰ', 5541 => 'Ⰱ', 5542 => 'Ⰲ', 5543 => 'Ⰳ', 5544 => 'Ⰴ', 5545 => 'Ⰵ', 5546 => 'Ⰶ', 5547 => 'Ⰷ', 5548 => 'Ⰸ', 5549 => 'Ⰹ', 5550 => 'Ⰺ', 5551 => 'Ⰻ', 5552 => 'Ⰼ', 5553 => 'Ⰽ', 5554 => 'Ⰾ', 5555 => 'Ⰿ', 5556 => 'Ⱀ', 5557 => 'Ⱁ', 5558 => 'Ⱂ', 5559 => 'Ⱃ', 5560 => 'Ⱄ', 5561 => 'Ⱅ', 5562 => 'Ⱆ', 5563 => 'Ⱇ', 5564 => 'Ⱈ', 5565 => 'Ⱉ', 5566 => 'Ⱊ', 5567 => 'Ⱋ', 5568 => 'Ⱌ', 5569 => 'Ⱍ', 5570 => 'Ⱎ', 5571 => 'Ⱏ', 5572 => 'Ⱐ', 5573 => 'Ⱑ', 5574 => 'Ⱒ', 5575 => 'Ⱓ', 5576 => 'Ⱔ', 5577 => 'Ⱕ', 5578 => 'Ⱖ', 5579 => 'Ⱗ', 5580 => 'Ⱘ', 5581 => 'Ⱙ', 5582 => 'Ⱚ', 5583 => 'Ⱛ', 5584 => 'Ⱜ', 5585 => 'Ⱝ', 5586 => 'Ⱞ', 5587 => 'ა', 5588 => 'Ⴀ', 5589 => 'ბ', 5590 => 'Ⴁ', 5591 => 'გ', 5592 => 'Ⴂ', 5593 => 'დ', 5594 => 'Ⴃ', 5595 => 'ე', 5596 => 'Ⴄ', 5597 => 'ვ', 5598 => 'Ⴅ', 5599 => 'ზ', 5600 => 'Ⴆ', 5601 => 'ჱ', 5602 => 'Ⴡ', 5603 => 'თ', 5604 => 'Ⴇ', 5605 => 'ი', 5606 => 'Ⴈ', 5607 => 'კ', 5608 => 'Ⴉ', 5609 => 'ლ', 5610 => 'Ⴊ', 5611 => 'მ', 5612 => 'Ⴋ', 5613 => 'ნ', 5614 => 'Ⴌ', 5615 => 'ჲ', 5616 => 'Ⴢ', 5617 => 'ო', 5618 => 'Ⴍ', 5619 => 'პ', 5620 => 'Ⴎ', 5621 => 'ჟ', 5622 => 'Ⴏ', 5623 => 'რ', 5624 => 'Ⴐ', 5625 => 'ს', 5626 => 'Ⴑ', 5627 => 'ტ', 5628 => 'Ⴒ', 5629 => 'ჳ', 5630 => 'Ⴣ', 5631 => 'უ', 5632 => 'Ⴓ', 5633 => 'ფ', 5634 => 'Ⴔ', 5635 => 'ქ', 5636 => 'Ⴕ', 5637 => 'ღ', 5638 => 'Ⴖ', 5639 => 'ყ', 5640 => 'Ⴗ', 5641 => 'შ', 5642 => 'Ⴘ', 5643 => 'ჩ', 5644 => 'Ⴙ', 5645 => 'ც', 5646 => 'Ⴚ', 5647 => 'ძ', 5648 => 'Ⴛ', 5649 => 'წ', 5650 => 'Ⴜ', 5651 => 'ჭ', 5652 => 'Ⴝ', 5653 => 'ხ', 5654 => 'Ⴞ', 5655 => 'ჴ', 5656 => 'Ⴤ', 5657 => 'ჯ', 5658 => 'Ⴟ', 5659 => 'ჰ', 5660 => 'Ⴠ', 5661 => 'ჵ', 5662 => 'Ⴥ', 5663 => 'ჶ', 5664 => 'ჷ', 5665 => 'ჸ', 5666 => 'ჹ', 5667 => 'ჺ', 5668 => 'Ա', 5669 => 'Բ', 5670 => 'Գ', 5671 => 'Դ', 5672 => 'Ե', 5673 => 'Զ', 5674 => 'Է', 5675 => 'Ը', 5676 => 'Թ', 5677 => 'Ժ', 5678 => 'Ի', 5679 => 'Լ', 5680 => 'Խ', 5681 => 'Ծ', 5682 => 'Կ', 5683 => 'Հ', 5684 => 'Ձ', 5685 => 'Ղ', 5686 => 'Ճ', 5687 => 'Մ', 5688 => 'Յ', 5689 => 'Ն', 5690 => 'Շ', 5691 => 'Ո', 5692 => 'Չ', 5693 => 'Պ', 5694 => 'Ջ', 5695 => 'Ռ', 5696 => 'Ս', 5697 => 'Վ', 5698 => 'Տ', 5699 => 'Ր', 5700 => 'Ց', 5701 => 'Ւ', 5702 => 'Փ', 5703 => 'Ք', 5704 => 'Օ', 5705 => 'Ֆ', 5706 => 'ՙ', 5707 => 'א', 5708 => 'ב', 5709 => 'ג', 5710 => 'ד', 5711 => 'ה', 5712 => 'ו', 5713 => 'ז', 5714 => 'ח', 5715 => 'ט', 5716 => 'י', 5717 => 'ך', 5718 => 'ל', 5719 => 'ם', 5720 => 'ן', 5721 => 'ס', 5722 => 'ע', 5723 => 'ף', 5724 => 'ץ', 5725 => 'ק', 5726 => 'ר', 5727 => 'ש', 5728 => 'ת', 5729 => '𐤀', 5730 => '𐤁', 5731 => '𐤂', 5732 => '𐤃', 5733 => '𐤄', 5734 => '𐤅', 5735 => '𐤆', 5736 => '𐤇', 5737 => '𐤈', 5738 => '𐤉', 5739 => '𐤊', 5740 => '𐤋', 5741 => '𐤌', 5742 => '𐤍', 5743 => '𐤎', 5744 => '𐤏', 5745 => '𐤐', 5746 => '𐤑', 5747 => '𐤒', 5748 => '𐤓', 5749 => '𐤔', 5750 => '𐤕', 5751 => 'ࠀ', 5752 => 'ࠁ', 5753 => 'ࠂ', 5754 => 'ࠃ', 5755 => 'ࠄ', 5756 => 'ࠅ', 5757 => 'ࠆ', 5758 => 'ࠇ', 5759 => 'ࠈ', 5760 => 'ࠉ', 5761 => 'ࠊ', 5762 => 'ࠋ', 5763 => 'ࠌ', 5764 => 'ࠍ', 5765 => 'ࠎ', 5766 => 'ࠏ', 5767 => 'ࠐ', 5768 => 'ࠑ', 5769 => 'ࠒ', 5770 => 'ࠓ', 5771 => 'ࠔ', 5772 => 'ࠕ', 5773 => 'ࠚ', 5774 => 'ء', 5775 => 'آ', 5776 => 'أ', 5777 => 'ٲ', 5778 => 'ٱ', 5779 => 'ؤ', 5780 => 'إ', 5781 => 'ٳ', 5782 => 'ݳ', 5783 => 'ݴ', 5784 => 'ئ', 5785 => 'ا', 5786 => 'ٮ', 5787 => 'ب', 5788 => 'ٻ', 5789 => 'پ', 5790 => 'ڀ', 5791 => 'ݐ', 5792 => 'ݑ', 5793 => 'ݒ', 5794 => 'ݓ', 5795 => 'ݔ', 5796 => 'ݕ', 5797 => 'ݖ', 5798 => 'ة', 5799 => 'ت', 5800 => 'ث', 5801 => 'ٹ', 5802 => 'ٺ', 5803 => 'ټ', 5804 => 'ٽ', 5805 => 'ٿ', 5806 => 'ج', 5807 => 'ڃ', 5808 => 'ڄ', 5809 => 'چ', 5810 => 'ڿ', 5811 => 'ڇ', 5812 => 'ح', 5813 => 'خ', 5814 => 'ځ', 5815 => 'ڂ', 5816 => 'څ', 5817 => 'ݗ', 5818 => 'ݘ', 5819 => 'ݮ', 5820 => 'ݯ', 5821 => 'ݲ', 5822 => 'ݼ', 5823 => 'د', 5824 => 'ذ', 5825 => 'ڈ', 5826 => 'ډ', 5827 => 'ڊ', 5828 => 'ڋ', 5829 => 'ڌ', 5830 => 'ڍ', 5831 => 'ڎ', 5832 => 'ڏ', 5833 => 'ڐ', 5834 => 'ۮ', 5835 => 'ݙ', 5836 => 'ݚ', 5837 => 'ر', 5838 => 'ز', 5839 => 'ڑ', 5840 => 'ڒ', 5841 => 'ړ', 5842 => 'ڔ', 5843 => 'ڕ', 5844 => 'ږ', 5845 => 'ڗ', 5846 => 'ژ', 5847 => 'ڙ', 5848 => 'ۯ', 5849 => 'ݛ', 5850 => 'ݫ', 5851 => 'ݬ', 5852 => 'ݱ', 5853 => 'س', 5854 => 'ش', 5855 => 'ښ', 5856 => 'ڛ', 5857 => 'ڜ', 5858 => 'ۺ', 5859 => 'ݜ', 5860 => 'ݭ', 5861 => 'ݰ', 5862 => 'ݽ', 5863 => 'ݾ', 5864 => 'ص', 5865 => 'ض', 5866 => 'ڝ', 5867 => 'ڞ', 5868 => 'ۻ', 5869 => 'ط', 5870 => 'ظ', 5871 => 'ڟ', 5872 => 'ع', 5873 => 'غ', 5874 => 'ڠ', 5875 => 'ۼ', 5876 => 'ݝ', 5877 => 'ݞ', 5878 => 'ݟ', 5879 => 'ف', 5880 => 'ڡ', 5881 => 'ڢ', 5882 => 'ڣ', 5883 => 'ڤ', 5884 => 'ڥ', 5885 => 'ڦ', 5886 => 'ݠ', 5887 => 'ݡ', 5888 => 'ٯ', 5889 => 'ق', 5890 => 'ڧ', 5891 => 'ڨ', 5892 => 'ك', 5893 => 'ک', 5894 => 'ڪ', 5895 => 'ګ', 5896 => 'ڬ', 5897 => 'ݿ', 5898 => 'ڭ', 5899 => 'ڮ', 5900 => 'گ', 5901 => 'ڰ', 5902 => 'ڱ', 5903 => 'ڲ', 5904 => 'ڳ', 5905 => 'ڴ', 5906 => 'ݢ', 5907 => 'ػ', 5908 => 'ؼ', 5909 => 'ݣ', 5910 => 'ݤ', 5911 => 'ل', 5912 => 'ڵ', 5913 => 'ڶ', 5914 => 'ڷ', 5915 => 'ڸ', 5916 => 'ݪ', 5917 => 'م', 5918 => 'ݥ', 5919 => 'ݦ', 5920 => 'ن', 5921 => 'ں', 5922 => 'ڻ', 5923 => 'ڼ', 5924 => 'ڽ', 5925 => 'ڹ', 5926 => 'ݧ', 5927 => 'ݨ', 5928 => 'ݩ', 5929 => 'ه', 5930 => 'ھ', 5931 => 'ہ', 5932 => 'ۃ', 5933 => 'ۿ', 5934 => 'ە', 5935 => 'و', 5936 => 'ۄ', 5937 => 'ۅ', 5938 => 'ۆ', 5939 => 'ۇ', 5940 => 'ۈ', 5941 => 'ۉ', 5942 => 'ۊ', 5943 => 'ۋ', 5944 => 'ۏ', 5945 => 'ݸ', 5946 => 'ݹ', 5947 => 'ى', 5948 => 'ي', 5949 => 'ی', 5950 => 'ۍ', 5951 => 'ێ', 5952 => 'ې', 5953 => 'ۑ', 5954 => 'ؽ', 5955 => 'ؾ', 5956 => 'ؿ', 5957 => 'ؠ', 5958 => 'ݵ', 5959 => 'ݶ', 5960 => 'ݷ', 5961 => 'ے', 5962 => 'ݺ', 5963 => 'ݻ', 5964 => 'ܐ', 5965 => 'ܒ', 5966 => 'ܓ', 5967 => 'ܖ', 5968 => 'ܕ', 5969 => 'ܗ', 5970 => 'ܘ', 5971 => 'ܙ', 5972 => 'ݍ', 5973 => 'ܚ', 5974 => 'ܛ', 5975 => 'ܝ', 5976 => 'ܞ', 5977 => 'ܟ', 5978 => 'ݎ', 5979 => 'ܠ', 5980 => 'ܡ', 5981 => 'ܢ', 5982 => 'ܣ', 5983 => 'ܥ', 5984 => 'ܦ', 5985 => 'ݏ', 5986 => 'ܨ', 5987 => 'ܩ', 5988 => 'ܪ', 5989 => 'ܫ', 5990 => 'ܬ', 5991 => 'ࡀ', 5992 => 'ࡁ', 5993 => 'ࡂ', 5994 => 'ࡃ', 5995 => 'ࡄ', 5996 => 'ࡅ', 5997 => 'ࡆ', 5998 => 'ࡇ', 5999 => 'ࡈ', 6000 => 'ࡉ', 6001 => 'ࡊ', 6002 => 'ࡋ', 6003 => 'ࡌ', 6004 => 'ࡍ', 6005 => 'ࡎ', 6006 => 'ࡏ', 6007 => 'ࡐ', 6008 => 'ࡑ', 6009 => 'ࡒ', 6010 => 'ࡓ', 6011 => 'ࡔ', 6012 => 'ࡕ', 6013 => 'ࡖ', 6014 => 'ࡗ', 6015 => 'ࡘ', 6016 => 'ހ', 6017 => 'ޙ', 6018 => 'ޚ', 6019 => 'ށ', 6020 => 'ނ', 6021 => 'ރ', 6022 => 'ޜ', 6023 => 'ބ', 6024 => 'ޅ', 6025 => 'ކ', 6026 => 'އ', 6027 => 'ޢ', 6028 => 'ޣ', 6029 => 'ވ', 6030 => 'ޥ', 6031 => 'މ', 6032 => 'ފ', 6033 => 'ދ', 6034 => 'ޛ', 6035 => 'ތ', 6036 => 'ޘ', 6037 => 'ޠ', 6038 => 'ޡ', 6039 => 'ލ', 6040 => 'ގ', 6041 => 'ޤ', 6042 => 'ޏ', 6043 => 'ސ', 6044 => 'ޝ', 6045 => 'ޞ', 6046 => 'ޟ', 6047 => 'ޑ', 6048 => 'ޒ', 6049 => 'ޓ', 6050 => 'ޔ', 6051 => 'ޕ', 6052 => 'ޖ', 6053 => 'ޗ', 6054 => 'ޱ', 6055 => 'ߊ', 6056 => 'ߋ', 6057 => 'ߌ', 6058 => 'ߍ', 6059 => 'ߎ', 6060 => 'ߏ', 6061 => 'ߐ', 6062 => 'ߑ', 6063 => 'ߒ', 6064 => 'ߓ', 6065 => 'ߔ', 6066 => 'ߕ', 6067 => 'ߖ', 6068 => 'ߗ', 6069 => 'ߘ', 6070 => 'ߙ', 6071 => 'ߚ', 6072 => 'ߛ', 6073 => 'ߜ', 6074 => 'ߝ', 6075 => 'ߞ', 6076 => 'ߟ', 6077 => 'ߠ', 6078 => 'ߡ', 6079 => 'ߢ', 6080 => 'ߣ', 6081 => 'ߤ', 6082 => 'ߥ', 6083 => 'ߦ', 6084 => 'ߧ', 6085 => 'ߴ', 6086 => 'ߵ', 6087 => 'ⴰ', 6088 => 'ⴱ', 6089 => 'ⴲ', 6090 => 'ⴳ', 6091 => 'ⴴ', 6092 => 'ⴵ', 6093 => 'ⴶ', 6094 => 'ⴷ', 6095 => 'ⴸ', 6096 => 'ⴹ', 6097 => 'ⴺ', 6098 => 'ⴻ', 6099 => 'ⴼ', 6100 => 'ⴽ', 6101 => 'ⴾ', 6102 => 'ⴿ', 6103 => 'ⵀ', 6104 => 'ⵁ', 6105 => 'ⵂ', 6106 => 'ⵃ', 6107 => 'ⵄ', 6108 => 'ⵅ', 6109 => 'ⵆ', 6110 => 'ⵇ', 6111 => 'ⵈ', 6112 => 'ⵉ', 6113 => 'ⵊ', 6114 => 'ⵋ', 6115 => 'ⵌ', 6116 => 'ⵍ', 6117 => 'ⵎ', 6118 => 'ⵏ', 6119 => 'ⵐ', 6120 => 'ⵑ', 6121 => 'ⵒ', 6122 => 'ⵓ', 6123 => 'ⵔ', 6124 => 'ⵕ', 6125 => 'ⵖ', 6126 => 'ⵗ', 6127 => 'ⵘ', 6128 => 'ⵙ', 6129 => 'ⵚ', 6130 => 'ⵛ', 6131 => 'ⵜ', 6132 => 'ⵝ', 6133 => 'ⵞ', 6134 => 'ⵟ', 6135 => 'ⵠ', 6136 => 'ⵡ', 6137 => 'ⵢ', 6138 => 'ⵣ', 6139 => 'ⵤ', 6140 => 'ⵥ', 6141 => 'ⵯ', 6142 => 'ሀ', 6143 => 'ሁ', 6144 => 'ሂ', 6145 => 'ሃ', 6146 => 'ሄ', 6147 => 'ህ', 6148 => 'ሆ', 6149 => 'ሇ', 6150 => 'ለ', 6151 => 'ሉ', 6152 => 'ሊ', 6153 => 'ላ', 6154 => 'ሌ', 6155 => 'ል', 6156 => 'ሎ', 6157 => 'ሏ', 6158 => 'ⶀ', 6159 => 'ሐ', 6160 => 'ሑ', 6161 => 'ሒ', 6162 => 'ሓ', 6163 => 'ሔ', 6164 => 'ሕ', 6165 => 'ሖ', 6166 => 'ሗ', 6167 => 'መ', 6168 => 'ሙ', 6169 => 'ሚ', 6170 => 'ማ', 6171 => 'ሜ', 6172 => 'ም', 6173 => 'ሞ', 6174 => 'ሟ', 6175 => 'ᎀ', 6176 => 'ᎁ', 6177 => 'ᎂ', 6178 => 'ᎃ', 6179 => 'ⶁ', 6180 => 'ሠ', 6181 => 'ሡ', 6182 => 'ሢ', 6183 => 'ሣ', 6184 => 'ሤ', 6185 => 'ሥ', 6186 => 'ሦ', 6187 => 'ሧ', 6188 => 'ረ', 6189 => 'ሩ', 6190 => 'ሪ', 6191 => 'ራ', 6192 => 'ሬ', 6193 => 'ር', 6194 => 'ሮ', 6195 => 'ሯ', 6196 => 'ⶂ', 6197 => 'ሰ', 6198 => 'ሱ', 6199 => 'ሲ', 6200 => 'ሳ', 6201 => 'ሴ', 6202 => 'ስ', 6203 => 'ሶ', 6204 => 'ሷ', 6205 => 'ⶃ', 6206 => 'ꬁ', 6207 => 'ꬂ', 6208 => 'ꬃ', 6209 => 'ꬄ', 6210 => 'ꬅ', 6211 => 'ꬆ', 6212 => 'ሸ', 6213 => 'ሹ', 6214 => 'ሺ', 6215 => 'ሻ', 6216 => 'ሼ', 6217 => 'ሽ', 6218 => 'ሾ', 6219 => 'ሿ', 6220 => 'ⶄ', 6221 => 'ቀ', 6222 => 'ቁ', 6223 => 'ቂ', 6224 => 'ቃ', 6225 => 'ቄ', 6226 => 'ቅ', 6227 => 'ቆ', 6228 => 'ቇ', 6229 => 'ቈ', 6230 => 'ቊ', 6231 => 'ቋ', 6232 => 'ቌ', 6233 => 'ቍ', 6234 => 'ቐ', 6235 => 'ቑ', 6236 => 'ቒ', 6237 => 'ቓ', 6238 => 'ቔ', 6239 => 'ቕ', 6240 => 'ቖ', 6241 => 'ቘ', 6242 => 'ቚ', 6243 => 'ቛ', 6244 => 'ቜ', 6245 => 'ቝ', 6246 => 'በ', 6247 => 'ቡ', 6248 => 'ቢ', 6249 => 'ባ', 6250 => 'ቤ', 6251 => 'ብ', 6252 => 'ቦ', 6253 => 'ቧ', 6254 => 'ᎄ', 6255 => 'ᎅ', 6256 => 'ᎆ', 6257 => 'ᎇ', 6258 => 'ⶅ', 6259 => 'ቨ', 6260 => 'ቩ', 6261 => 'ቪ', 6262 => 'ቫ', 6263 => 'ቬ', 6264 => 'ቭ', 6265 => 'ቮ', 6266 => 'ቯ', 6267 => 'ተ', 6268 => 'ቱ', 6269 => 'ቲ', 6270 => 'ታ', 6271 => 'ቴ', 6272 => 'ት', 6273 => 'ቶ', 6274 => 'ቷ', 6275 => 'ⶆ', 6276 => 'ቸ', 6277 => 'ቹ', 6278 => 'ቺ', 6279 => 'ቻ', 6280 => 'ቼ', 6281 => 'ች', 6282 => 'ቾ', 6283 => 'ቿ', 6284 => 'ⶇ', 6285 => 'ኀ', 6286 => 'ኁ', 6287 => 'ኂ', 6288 => 'ኃ', 6289 => 'ኄ', 6290 => 'ኅ', 6291 => 'ኆ', 6292 => 'ኇ', 6293 => 'ኈ', 6294 => 'ኊ', 6295 => 'ኋ', 6296 => 'ኌ', 6297 => 'ኍ', 6298 => 'ነ', 6299 => 'ኑ', 6300 => 'ኒ', 6301 => 'ና', 6302 => 'ኔ', 6303 => 'ን', 6304 => 'ኖ', 6305 => 'ኗ', 6306 => 'ⶈ', 6307 => 'ኘ', 6308 => 'ኙ', 6309 => 'ኚ', 6310 => 'ኛ', 6311 => 'ኜ', 6312 => 'ኝ', 6313 => 'ኞ', 6314 => 'ኟ', 6315 => 'ⶉ', 6316 => 'አ', 6317 => 'ኡ', 6318 => 'ኢ', 6319 => 'ኣ', 6320 => 'ኤ', 6321 => 'እ', 6322 => 'ኦ', 6323 => 'ኧ', 6324 => 'ⶊ', 6325 => 'ከ', 6326 => 'ኩ', 6327 => 'ኪ', 6328 => 'ካ', 6329 => 'ኬ', 6330 => 'ክ', 6331 => 'ኮ', 6332 => 'ኯ', 6333 => 'ኰ', 6334 => 'ኲ', 6335 => 'ኳ', 6336 => 'ኴ', 6337 => 'ኵ', 6338 => 'ኸ', 6339 => 'ኹ', 6340 => 'ኺ', 6341 => 'ኻ', 6342 => 'ኼ', 6343 => 'ኽ', 6344 => 'ኾ', 6345 => 'ዀ', 6346 => 'ዂ', 6347 => 'ዃ', 6348 => 'ዄ', 6349 => 'ዅ', 6350 => 'ወ', 6351 => 'ዉ', 6352 => 'ዊ', 6353 => 'ዋ', 6354 => 'ዌ', 6355 => 'ው', 6356 => 'ዎ', 6357 => 'ዏ', 6358 => 'ዐ', 6359 => 'ዑ', 6360 => 'ዒ', 6361 => 'ዓ', 6362 => 'ዔ', 6363 => 'ዕ', 6364 => 'ዖ', 6365 => 'ዘ', 6366 => 'ዙ', 6367 => 'ዚ', 6368 => 'ዛ', 6369 => 'ዜ', 6370 => 'ዝ', 6371 => 'ዞ', 6372 => 'ዟ', 6373 => 'ⶋ', 6374 => 'ꬑ', 6375 => 'ꬒ', 6376 => 'ꬓ', 6377 => 'ꬔ', 6378 => 'ꬕ', 6379 => 'ꬖ', 6380 => 'ዠ', 6381 => 'ዡ', 6382 => 'ዢ', 6383 => 'ዣ', 6384 => 'ዤ', 6385 => 'ዥ', 6386 => 'ዦ', 6387 => 'ዧ', 6388 => 'የ', 6389 => 'ዩ', 6390 => 'ዪ', 6391 => 'ያ', 6392 => 'ዬ', 6393 => 'ይ', 6394 => 'ዮ', 6395 => 'ዯ', 6396 => 'ደ', 6397 => 'ዱ', 6398 => 'ዲ', 6399 => 'ዳ', 6400 => 'ዴ', 6401 => 'ድ', 6402 => 'ዶ', 6403 => 'ዷ', 6404 => 'ⶌ', 6405 => 'ꬉ', 6406 => 'ꬊ', 6407 => 'ꬋ', 6408 => 'ꬌ', 6409 => 'ꬍ', 6410 => 'ꬎ', 6411 => 'ዸ', 6412 => 'ዹ', 6413 => 'ዺ', 6414 => 'ዻ', 6415 => 'ዼ', 6416 => 'ዽ', 6417 => 'ዾ', 6418 => 'ዿ', 6419 => 'ⶍ', 6420 => 'ጀ', 6421 => 'ጁ', 6422 => 'ጂ', 6423 => 'ጃ', 6424 => 'ጄ', 6425 => 'ጅ', 6426 => 'ጆ', 6427 => 'ጇ', 6428 => 'ⶎ', 6429 => 'ገ', 6430 => 'ጉ', 6431 => 'ጊ', 6432 => 'ጋ', 6433 => 'ጌ', 6434 => 'ግ', 6435 => 'ጎ', 6436 => 'ጏ', 6437 => 'ጐ', 6438 => 'ጒ', 6439 => 'ጓ', 6440 => 'ጔ', 6441 => 'ጕ', 6442 => 'ጘ', 6443 => 'ጙ', 6444 => 'ጚ', 6445 => 'ጛ', 6446 => 'ጜ', 6447 => 'ጝ', 6448 => 'ጞ', 6449 => 'ጟ', 6450 => 'ⶓ', 6451 => 'ⶔ', 6452 => 'ⶕ', 6453 => 'ⶖ', 6454 => 'ጠ', 6455 => 'ጡ', 6456 => 'ጢ', 6457 => 'ጣ', 6458 => 'ጤ', 6459 => 'ጥ', 6460 => 'ጦ', 6461 => 'ጧ', 6462 => 'ⶏ', 6463 => 'ጨ', 6464 => 'ጩ', 6465 => 'ጪ', 6466 => 'ጫ', 6467 => 'ጬ', 6468 => 'ጭ', 6469 => 'ጮ', 6470 => 'ጯ', 6471 => 'ⶐ', 6472 => 'ꬠ', 6473 => 'ꬡ', 6474 => 'ꬢ', 6475 => 'ꬣ', 6476 => 'ꬤ', 6477 => 'ꬥ', 6478 => 'ꬦ', 6479 => 'ጰ', 6480 => 'ጱ', 6481 => 'ጲ', 6482 => 'ጳ', 6483 => 'ጴ', 6484 => 'ጵ', 6485 => 'ጶ', 6486 => 'ጷ', 6487 => 'ⶑ', 6488 => 'ጸ', 6489 => 'ጹ', 6490 => 'ጺ', 6491 => 'ጻ', 6492 => 'ጼ', 6493 => 'ጽ', 6494 => 'ጾ', 6495 => 'ጿ', 6496 => 'ꬨ', 6497 => 'ꬩ', 6498 => 'ꬪ', 6499 => 'ꬫ', 6500 => 'ꬬ', 6501 => 'ꬭ', 6502 => 'ꬮ', 6503 => 'ፀ', 6504 => 'ፁ', 6505 => 'ፂ', 6506 => 'ፃ', 6507 => 'ፄ', 6508 => 'ፅ', 6509 => 'ፆ', 6510 => 'ፇ', 6511 => 'ፈ', 6512 => 'ፉ', 6513 => 'ፊ', 6514 => 'ፋ', 6515 => 'ፌ', 6516 => 'ፍ', 6517 => 'ፎ', 6518 => 'ፏ', 6519 => 'ᎈ', 6520 => 'ᎉ', 6521 => 'ᎊ', 6522 => 'ᎋ', 6523 => 'ፐ', 6524 => 'ፑ', 6525 => 'ፒ', 6526 => 'ፓ', 6527 => 'ፔ', 6528 => 'ፕ', 6529 => 'ፖ', 6530 => 'ፗ', 6531 => 'ᎌ', 6532 => 'ᎍ', 6533 => 'ᎎ', 6534 => 'ᎏ', 6535 => 'ⶒ', 6536 => 'ፘ', 6537 => 'ፙ', 6538 => 'ፚ', 6539 => 'ⶠ', 6540 => 'ⶡ', 6541 => 'ⶢ', 6542 => 'ⶣ', 6543 => 'ⶤ', 6544 => 'ⶥ', 6545 => 'ⶦ', 6546 => 'ⶨ', 6547 => 'ⶩ', 6548 => 'ⶪ', 6549 => 'ⶫ', 6550 => 'ⶬ', 6551 => 'ⶭ', 6552 => 'ⶮ', 6553 => 'ⶰ', 6554 => 'ⶱ', 6555 => 'ⶲ', 6556 => 'ⶳ', 6557 => 'ⶴ', 6558 => 'ⶵ', 6559 => 'ⶶ', 6560 => 'ⶸ', 6561 => 'ⶹ', 6562 => 'ⶺ', 6563 => 'ⶻ', 6564 => 'ⶼ', 6565 => 'ⶽ', 6566 => 'ⶾ', 6567 => 'ⷀ', 6568 => 'ⷁ', 6569 => 'ⷂ', 6570 => 'ⷃ', 6571 => 'ⷄ', 6572 => 'ⷅ', 6573 => 'ⷆ', 6574 => 'ⷈ', 6575 => 'ⷉ', 6576 => 'ⷊ', 6577 => 'ⷋ', 6578 => 'ⷌ', 6579 => 'ⷍ', 6580 => 'ⷎ', 6581 => 'ⷐ', 6582 => 'ⷑ', 6583 => 'ⷒ', 6584 => 'ⷓ', 6585 => 'ⷔ', 6586 => 'ⷕ', 6587 => 'ⷖ', 6588 => 'ⷘ', 6589 => 'ⷙ', 6590 => 'ⷚ', 6591 => 'ⷛ', 6592 => 'ⷜ', 6593 => 'ⷝ', 6594 => 'ⷞ', 6595 => 'ॐ', 6596 => 'ॲ', 6597 => 'ऄ', 6598 => 'अ', 6599 => 'आ', 6600 => 'ॳ', 6601 => 'ॴ', 6602 => 'ॵ', 6603 => 'ॶ', 6604 => 'ॷ', 6605 => 'इ', 6606 => 'ई', 6607 => 'उ', 6608 => 'ऊ', 6609 => 'ऋ', 6610 => 'ॠ', 6611 => 'ऌ', 6612 => 'ॡ', 6613 => 'ऍ', 6614 => 'ऎ', 6615 => 'ए', 6616 => 'ऐ', 6617 => 'ऑ', 6618 => 'ऒ', 6619 => 'ओ', 6620 => 'औ', 6621 => 'क', 6622 => 'ख', 6623 => 'ग', 6624 => 'ॻ', 6625 => 'घ', 6626 => 'ङ', 6627 => 'च', 6628 => 'छ', 6629 => 'ज', 6630 => 'ॹ', 6631 => 'ॼ', 6632 => 'झ', 6633 => 'ञ', 6634 => 'ट', 6635 => 'ठ', 6636 => 'ड', 6637 => 'ॾ', 6638 => 'ढ', 6639 => 'ण', 6640 => 'त', 6641 => 'थ', 6642 => 'द', 6643 => 'ध', 6644 => 'न', 6645 => 'प', 6646 => 'फ', 6647 => 'ब', 6648 => 'ॿ', 6649 => 'भ', 6650 => 'म', 6651 => 'य', 6652 => 'ॺ', 6653 => 'र', 6654 => 'ल', 6655 => 'ळ', 6656 => 'व', 6657 => 'श', 6658 => 'ष', 6659 => 'स', 6660 => 'ह', 6661 => 'ऽ', 6662 => 'ॽ', 6663 => 'ᳩ', 6664 => 'ꣲ', 6665 => 'ꣻ', 6666 => 'অ', 6667 => 'আ', 6668 => 'ই', 6669 => 'ঈ', 6670 => 'উ', 6671 => 'ঊ', 6672 => 'ঋ', 6673 => 'ৠ', 6674 => 'ঌ', 6675 => 'ৡ', 6676 => 'এ', 6677 => 'ঐ', 6678 => 'ও', 6679 => 'ঔ', 6680 => 'ক', 6681 => 'খ', 6682 => 'গ', 6683 => 'ঘ', 6684 => 'ঙ', 6685 => 'চ', 6686 => 'ছ', 6687 => 'জ', 6688 => 'ঝ', 6689 => 'ঞ', 6690 => 'ট', 6691 => 'ঠ', 6692 => 'ড', 6693 => 'ঢ', 6694 => 'ণ', 6695 => 'ত', 6696 => 'থ', 6697 => 'দ', 6698 => 'ধ', 6699 => 'ন', 6700 => 'প', 6701 => 'ফ', 6702 => 'ব', 6703 => 'ভ', 6704 => 'ম', 6705 => 'য', 6706 => 'র', 6707 => 'ৰ', 6708 => 'ল', 6709 => 'ৱ', 6710 => 'শ', 6711 => 'ষ', 6712 => 'স', 6713 => 'হ', 6714 => 'ঽ', 6715 => 'ੴ', 6716 => 'ੳ', 6717 => 'ਉ', 6718 => 'ਊ', 6719 => 'ਓ', 6720 => 'ਅ', 6721 => 'ਆ', 6722 => 'ਐ', 6723 => 'ਔ', 6724 => 'ੲ', 6725 => 'ਇ', 6726 => 'ਈ', 6727 => 'ਏ', 6728 => 'ਸ', 6729 => 'ਹ', 6730 => 'ਕ', 6731 => 'ਖ', 6732 => 'ਗ', 6733 => 'ਘ', 6734 => 'ਙ', 6735 => 'ਚ', 6736 => 'ਛ', 6737 => 'ਜ', 6738 => 'ਝ', 6739 => 'ਞ', 6740 => 'ਟ', 6741 => 'ਠ', 6742 => 'ਡ', 6743 => 'ਢ', 6744 => 'ਣ', 6745 => 'ਤ', 6746 => 'ਥ', 6747 => 'ਦ', 6748 => 'ਧ', 6749 => 'ਨ', 6750 => 'ਪ', 6751 => 'ਫ', 6752 => 'ਬ', 6753 => 'ਭ', 6754 => 'ਮ', 6755 => 'ਯ', 6756 => 'ਰ', 6757 => 'ਲ', 6758 => 'ਵ', 6759 => 'ੜ', 6760 => 'ૐ', 6761 => 'અ', 6762 => 'આ', 6763 => 'ઇ', 6764 => 'ઈ', 6765 => 'ઉ', 6766 => 'ઊ', 6767 => 'ઋ', 6768 => 'ૠ', 6769 => 'ઌ', 6770 => 'ૡ', 6771 => 'ઍ', 6772 => 'એ', 6773 => 'ઐ', 6774 => 'ઑ', 6775 => 'ઓ', 6776 => 'ઔ', 6777 => 'ક', 6778 => 'ખ', 6779 => 'ગ', 6780 => 'ઘ', 6781 => 'ઙ', 6782 => 'ચ', 6783 => 'છ', 6784 => 'જ', 6785 => 'ઝ', 6786 => 'ઞ', 6787 => 'ટ', 6788 => 'ઠ', 6789 => 'ડ', 6790 => 'ઢ', 6791 => 'ણ', 6792 => 'ત', 6793 => 'થ', 6794 => 'દ', 6795 => 'ધ', 6796 => 'ન', 6797 => 'પ', 6798 => 'ફ', 6799 => 'બ', 6800 => 'ભ', 6801 => 'મ', 6802 => 'ય', 6803 => 'ર', 6804 => 'લ', 6805 => 'વ', 6806 => 'શ', 6807 => 'ષ', 6808 => 'સ', 6809 => 'હ', 6810 => 'ળ', 6811 => 'ઽ', 6812 => 'ଅ', 6813 => 'ଆ', 6814 => 'ଇ', 6815 => 'ଈ', 6816 => 'ଉ', 6817 => 'ଊ', 6818 => 'ଋ', 6819 => 'ୠ', 6820 => 'ଌ', 6821 => 'ୡ', 6822 => 'ଏ', 6823 => 'ଐ', 6824 => 'ଓ', 6825 => 'ଔ', 6826 => 'କ', 6827 => 'ଖ', 6828 => 'ଗ', 6829 => 'ଘ', 6830 => 'ଙ', 6831 => 'ଚ', 6832 => 'ଛ', 6833 => 'ଜ', 6834 => 'ଝ', 6835 => 'ଞ', 6836 => 'ଟ', 6837 => 'ଠ', 6838 => 'ଡ', 6839 => 'ଢ', 6840 => 'ଣ', 6841 => 'ତ', 6842 => 'ଥ', 6843 => 'ଦ', 6844 => 'ଧ', 6845 => 'ନ', 6846 => 'ପ', 6847 => 'ଫ', 6848 => 'ବ', 6849 => 'ଭ', 6850 => 'ମ', 6851 => 'ଯ', 6852 => 'ୟ', 6853 => 'ର', 6854 => 'ଲ', 6855 => 'ଳ', 6856 => 'ଵ', 6857 => 'ୱ', 6858 => 'ଶ', 6859 => 'ଷ', 6860 => 'ସ', 6861 => 'ହ', 6862 => 'ଽ', 6863 => 'ௐ', 6864 => 'அ', 6865 => 'ஆ', 6866 => 'இ', 6867 => 'ஈ', 6868 => 'உ', 6869 => 'ஊ', 6870 => 'எ', 6871 => 'ஏ', 6872 => 'ஐ', 6873 => 'ஒ', 6874 => 'ஓ', 6875 => 'ஔ', 6876 => 'ஃ', 6877 => 'க', 6878 => 'ங', 6879 => 'ச', 6880 => 'ஞ', 6881 => 'ட', 6882 => 'ண', 6883 => 'த', 6884 => 'ந', 6885 => 'ப', 6886 => 'ம', 6887 => 'ய', 6888 => 'ர', 6889 => 'ல', 6890 => 'வ', 6891 => 'ழ', 6892 => 'ள', 6893 => 'ற', 6894 => 'ன', 6895 => 'ஜ', 6896 => 'ஶ', 6897 => 'ஷ', 6898 => 'ஸ', 6899 => 'ஹ', 6900 => 'అ', 6901 => 'ఆ', 6902 => 'ఇ', 6903 => 'ఈ', 6904 => 'ఉ', 6905 => 'ఊ', 6906 => 'ఋ', 6907 => 'ౠ', 6908 => 'ఌ', 6909 => 'ౡ', 6910 => 'ఎ', 6911 => 'ఏ', 6912 => 'ఐ', 6913 => 'ఒ', 6914 => 'ఓ', 6915 => 'ఔ', 6916 => 'క', 6917 => 'ఖ', 6918 => 'గ', 6919 => 'ఘ', 6920 => 'ఙ', 6921 => 'చ', 6922 => 'ౘ', 6923 => 'ఛ', 6924 => 'జ', 6925 => 'ౙ', 6926 => 'ఝ', 6927 => 'ఞ', 6928 => 'ట', 6929 => 'ఠ', 6930 => 'డ', 6931 => 'ఢ', 6932 => 'ణ', 6933 => 'త', 6934 => 'థ', 6935 => 'ద', 6936 => 'ధ', 6937 => 'న', 6938 => 'ప', 6939 => 'ఫ', 6940 => 'బ', 6941 => 'భ', 6942 => 'మ', 6943 => 'య', 6944 => 'ర', 6945 => 'ఱ', 6946 => 'ల', 6947 => 'వ', 6948 => 'శ', 6949 => 'ష', 6950 => 'స', 6951 => 'హ', 6952 => 'ళ', 6953 => 'ఽ', 6954 => 'ಅ', 6955 => 'ಆ', 6956 => 'ಇ', 6957 => 'ಈ', 6958 => 'ಉ', 6959 => 'ಊ', 6960 => 'ಋ', 6961 => 'ೠ', 6962 => 'ಌ', 6963 => 'ೡ', 6964 => 'ಎ', 6965 => 'ಏ', 6966 => 'ಐ', 6967 => 'ಒ', 6968 => 'ಓ', 6969 => 'ಔ', 6970 => 'ಕ', 6971 => 'ಖ', 6972 => 'ಗ', 6973 => 'ಘ', 6974 => 'ಙ', 6975 => 'ಚ', 6976 => 'ಛ', 6977 => 'ಜ', 6978 => 'ಝ', 6979 => 'ಞ', 6980 => 'ಟ', 6981 => 'ಠ', 6982 => 'ಡ', 6983 => 'ಢ', 6984 => 'ಣ', 6985 => 'ತ', 6986 => 'ಥ', 6987 => 'ದ', 6988 => 'ಧ', 6989 => 'ನ', 6990 => 'ಪ', 6991 => 'ಫ', 6992 => 'ಬ', 6993 => 'ಭ', 6994 => 'ಮ', 6995 => 'ಯ', 6996 => 'ರ', 6997 => 'ಱ', 6998 => 'ಲ', 6999 => 'ವ', 7000 => 'ಶ', 7001 => 'ಷ', 7002 => 'ಸ', 7003 => 'ಹ', 7004 => 'ಳ', 7005 => 'ೞ', 7006 => 'ಽ', 7007 => 'ೱ', 7008 => 'ೲ', 7009 => 'അ', 7010 => 'ആ', 7011 => 'ഇ', 7012 => 'ഈ', 7013 => 'ഉ', 7014 => 'ഊ', 7015 => 'ഋ', 7016 => 'ൠ', 7017 => 'ഌ', 7018 => 'ൡ', 7019 => 'എ', 7020 => 'ഏ', 7021 => 'ഐ', 7022 => 'ഒ', 7023 => 'ഓ', 7024 => 'ഔ', 7025 => 'ക', 7026 => 'ഖ', 7027 => 'ഗ', 7028 => 'ഘ', 7029 => 'ങ', 7030 => 'ച', 7031 => 'ഛ', 7032 => 'ജ', 7033 => 'ഝ', 7034 => 'ഞ', 7035 => 'ട', 7036 => 'ഠ', 7037 => 'ഡ', 7038 => 'ഢ', 7039 => 'ണ', 7040 => 'ത', 7041 => 'ഥ', 7042 => 'ദ', 7043 => 'ധ', 7044 => 'ന', 7045 => 'ഩ', 7046 => 'പ', 7047 => 'ഫ', 7048 => 'ബ', 7049 => 'ഭ', 7050 => 'മ', 7051 => 'യ', 7052 => 'ര', 7053 => 'ല', 7054 => 'വ', 7055 => 'ശ', 7056 => 'ഷ', 7057 => 'സ', 7058 => 'ഹ', 7059 => 'ള', 7060 => 'ഴ', 7061 => 'റ', 7062 => 'ഺ', 7063 => 'ഽ', 7064 => 'අ', 7065 => 'ආ', 7066 => 'ඇ', 7067 => 'ඈ', 7068 => 'ඉ', 7069 => 'ඊ', 7070 => 'උ', 7071 => 'ඌ', 7072 => 'ඍ', 7073 => 'ඎ', 7074 => 'ඏ', 7075 => 'ඐ', 7076 => 'එ', 7077 => 'ඒ', 7078 => 'ඓ', 7079 => 'ඔ', 7080 => 'ඕ', 7081 => 'ඖ', 7082 => 'ක', 7083 => 'ඛ', 7084 => 'ග', 7085 => 'ඝ', 7086 => 'ඞ', 7087 => 'ඟ', 7088 => 'ච', 7089 => 'ඡ', 7090 => 'ජ', 7091 => 'ඣ', 7092 => 'ඤ', 7093 => 'ඥ', 7094 => 'ඦ', 7095 => 'ට', 7096 => 'ඨ', 7097 => 'ඩ', 7098 => 'ඪ', 7099 => 'ණ', 7100 => 'ඬ', 7101 => 'ත', 7102 => 'ථ', 7103 => 'ද', 7104 => 'ධ', 7105 => 'න', 7106 => 'ඳ', 7107 => 'ප', 7108 => 'ඵ', 7109 => 'බ', 7110 => 'භ', 7111 => 'ම', 7112 => 'ඹ', 7113 => 'ය', 7114 => 'ර', 7115 => 'ල', 7116 => 'ව', 7117 => 'ශ', 7118 => 'ෂ', 7119 => 'ස', 7120 => 'හ', 7121 => 'ළ', 7122 => 'ෆ', 7123 => 'ꯀ', 7124 => 'ꯁ', 7125 => 'ꯂ', 7126 => 'ꯃ', 7127 => 'ꯄ', 7128 => 'ꯅ', 7129 => 'ꯆ', 7130 => 'ꯇ', 7131 => 'ꯈ', 7132 => 'ꯉ', 7133 => 'ꯊ', 7134 => 'ꯋ', 7135 => 'ꯌ', 7136 => 'ꯍ', 7137 => 'ꯎ', 7138 => 'ꯏ', 7139 => 'ꯐ', 7140 => 'ꯑ', 7141 => 'ꯒ', 7142 => 'ꯓ', 7143 => 'ꯔ', 7144 => 'ꯕ', 7145 => 'ꯖ', 7146 => 'ꯗ', 7147 => 'ꯘ', 7148 => 'ꯙ', 7149 => 'ꯚ', 7150 => 'ꯛ', 7151 => 'ꯜ', 7152 => 'ꯝ', 7153 => 'ꯞ', 7154 => 'ꯟ', 7155 => 'ꯠ', 7156 => 'ꯡ', 7157 => 'ꯢ', 7158 => 'ꠀ', 7159 => 'ꠁ', 7160 => 'ꠃ', 7161 => 'ꠄ', 7162 => 'ꠅ', 7163 => 'ꠇ', 7164 => 'ꠈ', 7165 => 'ꠉ', 7166 => 'ꠊ', 7167 => 'ꠌ', 7168 => 'ꠍ', 7169 => 'ꠎ', 7170 => 'ꠏ', 7171 => 'ꠐ', 7172 => 'ꠑ', 7173 => 'ꠒ', 7174 => 'ꠓ', 7175 => 'ꠔ', 7176 => 'ꠕ', 7177 => 'ꠖ', 7178 => 'ꠗ', 7179 => 'ꠘ', 7180 => 'ꠙ', 7181 => 'ꠚ', 7182 => 'ꠛ', 7183 => 'ꠜ', 7184 => 'ꠝ', 7185 => 'ꠞ', 7186 => 'ꠟ', 7187 => 'ꠠ', 7188 => 'ꠡ', 7189 => 'ꠢ', 7190 => 'ꢂ', 7191 => 'ꢃ', 7192 => 'ꢄ', 7193 => 'ꢅ', 7194 => 'ꢆ', 7195 => 'ꢇ', 7196 => 'ꢈ', 7197 => 'ꢉ', 7198 => 'ꢊ', 7199 => 'ꢋ', 7200 => 'ꢌ', 7201 => 'ꢍ', 7202 => 'ꢎ', 7203 => 'ꢏ', 7204 => 'ꢐ', 7205 => 'ꢑ', 7206 => 'ꢒ', 7207 => 'ꢓ', 7208 => 'ꢔ', 7209 => 'ꢕ', 7210 => 'ꢖ', 7211 => 'ꢗ', 7212 => 'ꢘ', 7213 => 'ꢙ', 7214 => 'ꢚ', 7215 => 'ꢛ', 7216 => 'ꢜ', 7217 => 'ꢝ', 7218 => 'ꢞ', 7219 => 'ꢟ', 7220 => 'ꢠ', 7221 => 'ꢡ', 7222 => 'ꢢ', 7223 => 'ꢣ', 7224 => 'ꢤ', 7225 => 'ꢥ', 7226 => 'ꢦ', 7227 => 'ꢧ', 7228 => 'ꢨ', 7229 => 'ꢩ', 7230 => 'ꢪ', 7231 => 'ꢫ', 7232 => 'ꢬ', 7233 => 'ꢭ', 7234 => 'ꢮ', 7235 => 'ꢯ', 7236 => 'ꢰ', 7237 => 'ꢱ', 7238 => 'ꢲ', 7239 => 'ꢳ', 7240 => '𑂃', 7241 => '𑂄', 7242 => '𑂅', 7243 => '𑂆', 7244 => '𑂇', 7245 => '𑂈', 7246 => '𑂉', 7247 => '𑂊', 7248 => '𑂋', 7249 => '𑂌', 7250 => '𑂍', 7251 => '𑂎', 7252 => '𑂏', 7253 => '𑂐', 7254 => '𑂑', 7255 => '𑂒', 7256 => '𑂓', 7257 => '𑂔', 7258 => '𑂕', 7259 => '𑂖', 7260 => '𑂗', 7261 => '𑂘', 7262 => '𑂙', 7263 => '𑂛', 7264 => '𑂝', 7265 => '𑂞', 7266 => '𑂟', 7267 => '𑂠', 7268 => '𑂡', 7269 => '𑂢', 7270 => '𑂣', 7271 => '𑂤', 7272 => '𑂥', 7273 => '𑂦', 7274 => '𑂧', 7275 => '𑂨', 7276 => '𑂩', 7277 => '𑂪', 7278 => '𑂬', 7279 => '𑂭', 7280 => '𑂮', 7281 => '𑂯', 7282 => 'ᮃ', 7283 => 'ᮄ', 7284 => 'ᮅ', 7285 => 'ᮆ', 7286 => 'ᮇ', 7287 => 'ᮈ', 7288 => 'ᮉ', 7289 => 'ᮊ', 7290 => 'ᮮ', 7291 => 'ᮋ', 7292 => 'ᮌ', 7293 => 'ᮍ', 7294 => 'ᮎ', 7295 => 'ᮏ', 7296 => 'ᮐ', 7297 => 'ᮑ', 7298 => 'ᮒ', 7299 => 'ᮓ', 7300 => 'ᮔ', 7301 => 'ᮕ', 7302 => 'ᮖ', 7303 => 'ᮗ', 7304 => 'ᮘ', 7305 => 'ᮙ', 7306 => 'ᮚ', 7307 => 'ᮛ', 7308 => 'ᮜ', 7309 => 'ᮝ', 7310 => 'ᮞ', 7311 => 'ᮟ', 7312 => 'ᮯ', 7313 => 'ᮠ', 7314 => '𑀅', 7315 => '𑀆', 7316 => '𑀇', 7317 => '𑀈', 7318 => '𑀉', 7319 => '𑀊', 7320 => '𑀋', 7321 => '𑀌', 7322 => '𑀍', 7323 => '𑀎', 7324 => '𑀏', 7325 => '𑀐', 7326 => '𑀑', 7327 => '𑀒', 7328 => '𑀓', 7329 => '𑀔', 7330 => '𑀕', 7331 => '𑀖', 7332 => '𑀗', 7333 => '𑀘', 7334 => '𑀙', 7335 => '𑀚', 7336 => '𑀛', 7337 => '𑀜', 7338 => '𑀝', 7339 => '𑀞', 7340 => '𑀟', 7341 => '𑀠', 7342 => '𑀡', 7343 => '𑀢', 7344 => '𑀣', 7345 => '𑀤', 7346 => '𑀥', 7347 => '𑀦', 7348 => '𑀧', 7349 => '𑀨', 7350 => '𑀩', 7351 => '𑀪', 7352 => '𑀫', 7353 => '𑀬', 7354 => '𑀭', 7355 => '𑀮', 7356 => '𑀯', 7357 => '𑀰', 7358 => '𑀱', 7359 => '𑀲', 7360 => '𑀳', 7361 => '𑀃', 7362 => '𑀄', 7363 => '𑀴', 7364 => '𑀵', 7365 => '𑀶', 7366 => '𑀷', 7367 => '𐨀', 7368 => '𐨐', 7369 => '𐨑', 7370 => '𐨒', 7371 => '𐨓', 7372 => '𐨕', 7373 => '𐨖', 7374 => '𐨗', 7375 => '𐨙', 7376 => '𐨚', 7377 => '𐨛', 7378 => '𐨜', 7379 => '𐨝', 7380 => '𐨞', 7381 => '𐨟', 7382 => '𐨠', 7383 => '𐨡', 7384 => '𐨢', 7385 => '𐨣', 7386 => '𐨤', 7387 => '𐨥', 7388 => '𐨦', 7389 => '𐨧', 7390 => '𐨨', 7391 => '𐨩', 7392 => '𐨪', 7393 => '𐨫', 7394 => '𐨬', 7395 => '𐨭', 7396 => '𐨮', 7397 => '𐨯', 7398 => '𐨰', 7399 => '𐨱', 7400 => '𐨲', 7401 => '𐨳', 7402 => 'ก', 7403 => 'ข', 7404 => 'ฃ', 7405 => 'ค', 7406 => 'ฅ', 7407 => 'ฆ', 7408 => 'ง', 7409 => 'จ', 7410 => 'ฉ', 7411 => 'ช', 7412 => 'ซ', 7413 => 'ฌ', 7414 => 'ญ', 7415 => 'ฎ', 7416 => 'ฏ', 7417 => 'ฐ', 7418 => 'ฑ', 7419 => 'ฒ', 7420 => 'ณ', 7421 => 'ด', 7422 => 'ต', 7423 => 'ถ', 7424 => 'ท', 7425 => 'ธ', 7426 => 'น', 7427 => 'บ', 7428 => 'ป', 7429 => 'ผ', 7430 => 'ฝ', 7431 => 'พ', 7432 => 'ฟ', 7433 => 'ภ', 7434 => 'ม', 7435 => 'ย', 7436 => 'ร', 7437 => 'ฤ', 7438 => 'ล', 7439 => 'ฦ', 7440 => 'ว', 7441 => 'ศ', 7442 => 'ษ', 7443 => 'ส', 7444 => 'ห', 7445 => 'ฬ', 7446 => 'อ', 7447 => 'ฮ', 7448 => 'ฯ', 7449 => 'ะ', 7450 => 'า', 7451 => 'ำ', 7452 => 'เ', 7453 => 'แ', 7454 => 'โ', 7455 => 'ใ', 7456 => 'ไ', 7457 => 'ๅ', 7458 => 'ກ', 7459 => 'ຂ', 7460 => 'ຄ', 7461 => 'ງ', 7462 => 'ຈ', 7463 => 'ສ', 7464 => 'ຊ', 7465 => 'ຍ', 7466 => 'ດ', 7467 => 'ຕ', 7468 => 'ຖ', 7469 => 'ທ', 7470 => 'ນ', 7471 => 'ບ', 7472 => 'ປ', 7473 => 'ຜ', 7474 => 'ຝ', 7475 => 'ພ', 7476 => 'ຟ', 7477 => 'ມ', 7478 => 'ຢ', 7479 => 'ຣ', 7480 => 'ລ', 7481 => 'ວ', 7482 => 'ຫ', 7483 => 'ອ', 7484 => 'ຮ', 7485 => 'ຯ', 7486 => 'ະ', 7487 => 'າ', 7488 => 'ຳ', 7489 => 'ຽ', 7490 => 'ເ', 7491 => 'ແ', 7492 => 'ໂ', 7493 => 'ໃ', 7494 => 'ໄ', 7495 => 'ꪀ', 7496 => 'ꪁ', 7497 => 'ꪂ', 7498 => 'ꪃ', 7499 => 'ꪄ', 7500 => 'ꪅ', 7501 => 'ꪆ', 7502 => 'ꪇ', 7503 => 'ꪈ', 7504 => 'ꪉ', 7505 => 'ꪊ', 7506 => 'ꪋ', 7507 => 'ꪌ', 7508 => 'ꪍ', 7509 => 'ꪎ', 7510 => 'ꪏ', 7511 => 'ꪐ', 7512 => 'ꪑ', 7513 => 'ꪒ', 7514 => 'ꪓ', 7515 => 'ꪔ', 7516 => 'ꪕ', 7517 => 'ꪖ', 7518 => 'ꪗ', 7519 => 'ꪘ', 7520 => 'ꪙ', 7521 => 'ꪚ', 7522 => 'ꪛ', 7523 => 'ꪜ', 7524 => 'ꪝ', 7525 => 'ꪞ', 7526 => 'ꪟ', 7527 => 'ꪠ', 7528 => 'ꪡ', 7529 => 'ꪢ', 7530 => 'ꪣ', 7531 => 'ꪤ', 7532 => 'ꪥ', 7533 => 'ꪦ', 7534 => 'ꪧ', 7535 => 'ꪨ', 7536 => 'ꪩ', 7537 => 'ꪪ', 7538 => 'ꪫ', 7539 => 'ꪬ', 7540 => 'ꪭ', 7541 => 'ꪮ', 7542 => 'ꪯ', 7543 => 'ꪱ', 7544 => 'ꪵ', 7545 => 'ꪶ', 7546 => 'ꪹ', 7547 => 'ꪺ', 7548 => 'ꪻ', 7549 => 'ꪼ', 7550 => 'ꪽ', 7551 => 'ꫀ', 7552 => 'ꫂ', 7553 => 'ꫛ', 7554 => 'ꫜ', 7555 => 'ཀ', 7556 => 'ཫ', 7557 => 'ཁ', 7558 => 'ག', 7559 => 'ང', 7560 => 'ཅ', 7561 => 'ཆ', 7562 => 'ཇ', 7563 => 'ཉ', 7564 => 'ཊ', 7565 => 'ཋ', 7566 => 'ཌ', 7567 => 'ཎ', 7568 => 'ཏ', 7569 => 'ཐ', 7570 => 'ད', 7571 => 'ན', 7572 => 'པ', 7573 => 'ཕ', 7574 => 'བ', 7575 => 'མ', 7576 => 'ཙ', 7577 => 'ཚ', 7578 => 'ཛ', 7579 => 'ཝ', 7580 => 'ཞ', 7581 => 'ཟ', 7582 => 'འ', 7583 => 'ཡ', 7584 => 'ར', 7585 => 'ཬ', 7586 => 'ལ', 7587 => 'ཤ', 7588 => 'ཥ', 7589 => 'ས', 7590 => 'ཧ', 7591 => 'ཨ', 7592 => 'ྈ', 7593 => 'ྉ', 7594 => 'ྌ', 7595 => 'ྊ', 7596 => 'ྋ', 7597 => 'ᰀ', 7598 => 'ᰁ', 7599 => 'ᰂ', 7600 => 'ᰃ', 7601 => 'ᰄ', 7602 => 'ᰅ', 7603 => 'ᰆ', 7604 => 'ᰇ', 7605 => 'ᰈ', 7606 => 'ᰉ', 7607 => 'ᱍ', 7608 => 'ᱎ', 7609 => 'ᱏ', 7610 => 'ᰊ', 7611 => 'ᰋ', 7612 => 'ᰌ', 7613 => 'ᰍ', 7614 => 'ᰎ', 7615 => 'ᰏ', 7616 => 'ᰐ', 7617 => 'ᰑ', 7618 => 'ᰒ', 7619 => 'ᰓ', 7620 => 'ᰔ', 7621 => 'ᰕ', 7622 => 'ᰖ', 7623 => 'ᰗ', 7624 => 'ᰘ', 7625 => 'ᰙ', 7626 => 'ᰚ', 7627 => 'ᰛ', 7628 => 'ᰜ', 7629 => 'ᰝ', 7630 => 'ᰞ', 7631 => 'ᰟ', 7632 => 'ᰠ', 7633 => 'ᰡ', 7634 => 'ᰢ', 7635 => 'ᰣ', 7636 => 'ꡀ', 7637 => 'ꡁ', 7638 => 'ꡂ', 7639 => 'ꡃ', 7640 => 'ꡄ', 7641 => 'ꡅ', 7642 => 'ꡆ', 7643 => 'ꡇ', 7644 => 'ꡩ', 7645 => 'ꡪ', 7646 => 'ꡫ', 7647 => 'ꡬ', 7648 => 'ꡈ', 7649 => 'ꡉ', 7650 => 'ꡊ', 7651 => 'ꡋ', 7652 => 'ꡌ', 7653 => 'ꡍ', 7654 => 'ꡎ', 7655 => 'ꡏ', 7656 => 'ꡐ', 7657 => 'ꡑ', 7658 => 'ꡒ', 7659 => 'ꡓ', 7660 => 'ꡧ', 7661 => 'ꡔ', 7662 => 'ꡕ', 7663 => 'ꡖ', 7664 => 'ꡗ', 7665 => 'ꡨ', 7666 => 'ꡭ', 7667 => 'ꡘ', 7668 => 'ꡱ', 7669 => 'ꡲ', 7670 => 'ꡙ', 7671 => 'ꡚ', 7672 => 'ꡮ', 7673 => 'ꡛ', 7674 => 'ꡜ', 7675 => 'ꡯ', 7676 => 'ꡰ', 7677 => 'ꡝ', 7678 => 'ꡢ', 7679 => 'ꡣ', 7680 => 'ꡤ', 7681 => 'ꡥ', 7682 => 'ꡞ', 7683 => 'ꡟ', 7684 => 'ꡠ', 7685 => 'ꡡ', 7686 => 'ꡦ', 7687 => 'ꡳ', 7688 => 'ᤀ', 7689 => 'ᤁ', 7690 => 'ᤂ', 7691 => 'ᤃ', 7692 => 'ᤄ', 7693 => 'ᤅ', 7694 => 'ᤆ', 7695 => 'ᤇ', 7696 => 'ᤈ', 7697 => 'ᤉ', 7698 => 'ᤊ', 7699 => 'ᤋ', 7700 => 'ᤌ', 7701 => 'ᤍ', 7702 => 'ᤎ', 7703 => 'ᤏ', 7704 => 'ᤐ', 7705 => 'ᤑ', 7706 => 'ᤒ', 7707 => 'ᤓ', 7708 => 'ᤔ', 7709 => 'ᤕ', 7710 => 'ᤖ', 7711 => 'ᤗ', 7712 => 'ᤘ', 7713 => 'ᤙ', 7714 => 'ᤚ', 7715 => 'ᤛ', 7716 => 'ᤜ', 7717 => 'ᜀ', 7718 => 'ᜁ', 7719 => 'ᜂ', 7720 => 'ᜃ', 7721 => 'ᜄ', 7722 => 'ᜅ', 7723 => 'ᜆ', 7724 => 'ᜇ', 7725 => 'ᜈ', 7726 => 'ᜉ', 7727 => 'ᜊ', 7728 => 'ᜋ', 7729 => 'ᜌ', 7730 => 'ᜎ', 7731 => 'ᜏ', 7732 => 'ᜐ', 7733 => 'ᜑ', 7734 => 'ᜠ', 7735 => 'ᜡ', 7736 => 'ᜢ', 7737 => 'ᜣ', 7738 => 'ᜤ', 7739 => 'ᜥ', 7740 => 'ᜦ', 7741 => 'ᜧ', 7742 => 'ᜨ', 7743 => 'ᜩ', 7744 => 'ᜪ', 7745 => 'ᜫ', 7746 => 'ᜬ', 7747 => 'ᜭ', 7748 => 'ᜮ', 7749 => 'ᜯ', 7750 => 'ᜰ', 7751 => 'ᜱ', 7752 => 'ᝀ', 7753 => 'ᝁ', 7754 => 'ᝂ', 7755 => 'ᝃ', 7756 => 'ᝄ', 7757 => 'ᝅ', 7758 => 'ᝆ', 7759 => 'ᝇ', 7760 => 'ᝈ', 7761 => 'ᝉ', 7762 => 'ᝊ', 7763 => 'ᝋ', 7764 => 'ᝌ', 7765 => 'ᝍ', 7766 => 'ᝎ', 7767 => 'ᝏ', 7768 => 'ᝐ', 7769 => 'ᝑ', 7770 => 'ᝠ', 7771 => 'ᝡ', 7772 => 'ᝢ', 7773 => 'ᝣ', 7774 => 'ᝤ', 7775 => 'ᝥ', 7776 => 'ᝦ', 7777 => 'ᝧ', 7778 => 'ᝨ', 7779 => 'ᝩ', 7780 => 'ᝪ', 7781 => 'ᝫ', 7782 => 'ᝬ', 7783 => 'ᝮ', 7784 => 'ᝯ', 7785 => 'ᝰ', 7786 => 'ᨀ', 7787 => 'ᨁ', 7788 => 'ᨂ', 7789 => 'ᨃ', 7790 => 'ᨄ', 7791 => 'ᨅ', 7792 => 'ᨆ', 7793 => 'ᨇ', 7794 => 'ᨈ', 7795 => 'ᨉ', 7796 => 'ᨊ', 7797 => 'ᨋ', 7798 => 'ᨌ', 7799 => 'ᨍ', 7800 => 'ᨎ', 7801 => 'ᨏ', 7802 => 'ᨐ', 7803 => 'ᨑ', 7804 => 'ᨒ', 7805 => 'ᨓ', 7806 => 'ᨔ', 7807 => 'ᨕ', 7808 => 'ᨖ', 7809 => 'ᯀ', 7810 => 'ᯂ', 7811 => 'ᯅ', 7812 => 'ᯇ', 7813 => 'ᯉ', 7814 => 'ᯋ', 7815 => 'ᯎ', 7816 => 'ᯐ', 7817 => 'ᯑ', 7818 => 'ᯒ', 7819 => 'ᯔ', 7820 => 'ᯖ', 7821 => 'ᯘ', 7822 => 'ᯛ', 7823 => 'ᯝ', 7824 => 'ᯞ', 7825 => 'ᯠ', 7826 => 'ᯡ', 7827 => 'ᯢ', 7828 => 'ᯣ', 7829 => 'ᯤ', 7830 => 'ᯥ', 7831 => 'ꤰ', 7832 => 'ꤱ', 7833 => 'ꤲ', 7834 => 'ꤳ', 7835 => 'ꤴ', 7836 => 'ꤵ', 7837 => 'ꤶ', 7838 => 'ꤷ', 7839 => 'ꤸ', 7840 => 'ꤹ', 7841 => 'ꤺ', 7842 => 'ꤻ', 7843 => 'ꤼ', 7844 => 'ꤽ', 7845 => 'ꤾ', 7846 => 'ꤿ', 7847 => 'ꥀ', 7848 => 'ꥁ', 7849 => 'ꥂ', 7850 => 'ꥃ', 7851 => 'ꥄ', 7852 => 'ꥅ', 7853 => 'ꥆ', 7854 => 'ꤊ', 7855 => 'ꤋ', 7856 => 'ꤌ', 7857 => 'ꤍ', 7858 => 'ꤎ', 7859 => 'ꤏ', 7860 => 'ꤐ', 7861 => 'ꤑ', 7862 => 'ꤒ', 7863 => 'ꤓ', 7864 => 'ꤔ', 7865 => 'ꤕ', 7866 => 'ꤖ', 7867 => 'ꤗ', 7868 => 'ꤘ', 7869 => 'ꤙ', 7870 => 'ꤚ', 7871 => 'ꤛ', 7872 => 'ꤜ', 7873 => 'ꤝ', 7874 => 'ꤞ', 7875 => 'ꤟ', 7876 => 'ꤠ', 7877 => 'ꤡ', 7878 => 'ꤢ', 7879 => 'ꤣ', 7880 => 'ꤤ', 7881 => 'ꤥ', 7882 => 'က', 7883 => 'ၵ', 7884 => 'ခ', 7885 => 'ၶ', 7886 => 'ဂ', 7887 => 'ၷ', 7888 => 'ꩠ', 7889 => 'ဃ', 7890 => 'င', 7891 => 'ၚ', 7892 => 'စ', 7893 => 'ၸ', 7894 => 'ꩡ', 7895 => 'ဆ', 7896 => 'ꩢ', 7897 => 'ဇ', 7898 => 'ꩣ', 7899 => 'ၹ', 7900 => 'ꩲ', 7901 => 'ဈ', 7902 => 'ၛ', 7903 => 'ꩤ', 7904 => 'ၡ', 7905 => 'ဉ', 7906 => 'ၺ', 7907 => 'ꩥ', 7908 => 'ည', 7909 => 'ဋ', 7910 => 'ꩦ', 7911 => 'ဌ', 7912 => 'ꩧ', 7913 => 'ဍ', 7914 => 'ꩨ', 7915 => 'ဎ', 7916 => 'ꩩ', 7917 => 'ဏ', 7918 => 'ၮ', 7919 => 'တ', 7920 => 'ထ', 7921 => 'ဒ', 7922 => 'ၻ', 7923 => 'ဓ', 7924 => 'ꩪ', 7925 => 'န', 7926 => 'ၼ', 7927 => 'ꩫ', 7928 => 'ပ', 7929 => 'ဖ', 7930 => 'ၽ', 7931 => 'ၾ', 7932 => 'ꩯ', 7933 => 'ႎ', 7934 => 'ဗ', 7935 => 'ၿ', 7936 => 'ဘ', 7937 => 'မ', 7938 => 'ယ', 7939 => 'ရ', 7940 => 'ꩳ', 7941 => 'ꩺ', 7942 => 'လ', 7943 => 'ဝ', 7944 => 'ႀ', 7945 => 'ၐ', 7946 => 'ၑ', 7947 => 'ၥ', 7948 => 'သ', 7949 => 'ꩬ', 7950 => 'ဟ', 7951 => 'ႁ', 7952 => 'ꩭ', 7953 => 'ꩮ', 7954 => 'ꩱ', 7955 => 'ဠ', 7956 => 'ၜ', 7957 => 'ၝ', 7958 => 'ၯ', 7959 => 'ၰ', 7960 => 'ၦ', 7961 => 'အ', 7962 => 'ဢ', 7963 => 'ဣ', 7964 => 'ဤ', 7965 => 'ဥ', 7966 => 'ဦ', 7967 => 'ၒ', 7968 => 'ၓ', 7969 => 'ၔ', 7970 => 'ၕ', 7971 => 'ဧ', 7972 => 'ဨ', 7973 => 'ဩ', 7974 => 'ဪ', 7975 => 'ꩴ', 7976 => 'ꩵ', 7977 => 'ꩶ', 7978 => 'ក', 7979 => 'ខ', 7980 => 'គ', 7981 => 'ឃ', 7982 => 'ង', 7983 => 'ច', 7984 => 'ឆ', 7985 => 'ជ', 7986 => 'ឈ', 7987 => 'ញ', 7988 => 'ដ', 7989 => 'ឋ', 7990 => 'ឌ', 7991 => 'ឍ', 7992 => 'ណ', 7993 => 'ត', 7994 => 'ថ', 7995 => 'ទ', 7996 => 'ធ', 7997 => 'ន', 7998 => 'ប', 7999 => 'ផ', 8000 => 'ព', 8001 => 'ភ', 8002 => 'ម', 8003 => 'យ', 8004 => 'រ', 8005 => 'ល', 8006 => 'វ', 8007 => 'ឝ', 8008 => 'ឞ', 8009 => 'ស', 8010 => 'ហ', 8011 => 'ឡ', 8012 => 'អ', 8013 => 'ៜ', 8014 => 'ឣ', 8015 => 'ឤ', 8016 => 'ឥ', 8017 => 'ឦ', 8018 => 'ឧ', 8019 => 'ឨ', 8020 => 'ឩ', 8021 => 'ឪ', 8022 => 'ឫ', 8023 => 'ឬ', 8024 => 'ឭ', 8025 => 'ឮ', 8026 => 'ឯ', 8027 => 'ឰ', 8028 => 'ឱ', 8029 => 'ឲ', 8030 => 'ឳ', 8031 => 'ᥐ', 8032 => 'ᥑ', 8033 => 'ᥒ', 8034 => 'ᥓ', 8035 => 'ᥔ', 8036 => 'ᥕ', 8037 => 'ᥖ', 8038 => 'ᥗ', 8039 => 'ᥘ', 8040 => 'ᥙ', 8041 => 'ᥚ', 8042 => 'ᥛ', 8043 => 'ᥜ', 8044 => 'ᥝ', 8045 => 'ᥞ', 8046 => 'ᥟ', 8047 => 'ᥠ', 8048 => 'ᥡ', 8049 => 'ᥢ', 8050 => 'ᥣ', 8051 => 'ᥤ', 8052 => 'ᥥ', 8053 => 'ᥦ', 8054 => 'ᥧ', 8055 => 'ᥨ', 8056 => 'ᥩ', 8057 => 'ᥪ', 8058 => 'ᥫ', 8059 => 'ᥬ', 8060 => 'ᥭ', 8061 => 'ᥰ', 8062 => 'ᥱ', 8063 => 'ᥲ', 8064 => 'ᥳ', 8065 => 'ᥴ', 8066 => 'ᦀ', 8067 => 'ᦁ', 8068 => 'ᦂ', 8069 => 'ᦃ', 8070 => 'ᦄ', 8071 => 'ᦅ', 8072 => 'ᦆ', 8073 => 'ᦇ', 8074 => 'ᦈ', 8075 => 'ᦉ', 8076 => 'ᦊ', 8077 => 'ᦋ', 8078 => 'ᦌ', 8079 => 'ᦍ', 8080 => 'ᦎ', 8081 => 'ᦏ', 8082 => 'ᦐ', 8083 => 'ᦑ', 8084 => 'ᦒ', 8085 => 'ᦓ', 8086 => 'ᦔ', 8087 => 'ᦕ', 8088 => 'ᦖ', 8089 => 'ᦗ', 8090 => 'ᦘ', 8091 => 'ᦙ', 8092 => 'ᦚ', 8093 => 'ᦛ', 8094 => 'ᦜ', 8095 => 'ᦝ', 8096 => 'ᦞ', 8097 => 'ᦟ', 8098 => 'ᦠ', 8099 => 'ᦡ', 8100 => 'ᦢ', 8101 => 'ᦣ', 8102 => 'ᦤ', 8103 => 'ᦥ', 8104 => 'ᦦ', 8105 => 'ᦧ', 8106 => 'ᦨ', 8107 => 'ᦩ', 8108 => 'ᦪ', 8109 => 'ᦫ', 8110 => 'ᧁ', 8111 => 'ᧂ', 8112 => 'ᧃ', 8113 => 'ᧄ', 8114 => 'ᧅ', 8115 => 'ᧆ', 8116 => 'ᧇ', 8117 => 'ᨠ', 8118 => 'ᨡ', 8119 => 'ᨢ', 8120 => 'ᨣ', 8121 => 'ᨤ', 8122 => 'ᨥ', 8123 => 'ᨦ', 8124 => 'ᨧ', 8125 => 'ᨨ', 8126 => 'ᨩ', 8127 => 'ᨪ', 8128 => 'ᨫ', 8129 => 'ᨬ', 8130 => 'ᨭ', 8131 => 'ᨮ', 8132 => 'ᨯ', 8133 => 'ᨰ', 8134 => 'ᨱ', 8135 => 'ᨲ', 8136 => 'ᨳ', 8137 => 'ᨴ', 8138 => 'ᨵ', 8139 => 'ᨶ', 8140 => 'ᨷ', 8141 => 'ᨸ', 8142 => 'ᨹ', 8143 => 'ᨺ', 8144 => 'ᨻ', 8145 => 'ᨼ', 8146 => 'ᨽ', 8147 => 'ᨾ', 8148 => 'ᨿ', 8149 => 'ᩀ', 8150 => 'ᩁ', 8151 => 'ᩂ', 8152 => 'ᩃ', 8153 => 'ᩄ', 8154 => 'ᩅ', 8155 => 'ᩆ', 8156 => 'ᩇ', 8157 => 'ᩈ', 8158 => 'ᩉ', 8159 => 'ᩊ', 8160 => 'ᩋ', 8161 => 'ᩌ', 8162 => 'ᩓ', 8163 => 'ᩍ', 8164 => 'ᩎ', 8165 => 'ᩏ', 8166 => 'ᩐ', 8167 => 'ᩑ', 8168 => 'ᩒ', 8169 => 'ꨀ', 8170 => 'ꨁ', 8171 => 'ꨂ', 8172 => 'ꨃ', 8173 => 'ꨄ', 8174 => 'ꨅ', 8175 => 'ꨆ', 8176 => 'ꨇ', 8177 => 'ꨈ', 8178 => 'ꨉ', 8179 => 'ꨊ', 8180 => 'ꨋ', 8181 => 'ꨌ', 8182 => 'ꨍ', 8183 => 'ꨎ', 8184 => 'ꨏ', 8185 => 'ꨐ', 8186 => 'ꨑ', 8187 => 'ꨒ', 8188 => 'ꨓ', 8189 => 'ꨔ', 8190 => 'ꨕ', 8191 => 'ꨖ', 8192 => 'ꨗ', 8193 => 'ꨘ', 8194 => 'ꨙ', 8195 => 'ꨚ', 8196 => 'ꨛ', 8197 => 'ꨜ', 8198 => 'ꨝ', 8199 => 'ꨞ', 8200 => 'ꨟ', 8201 => 'ꨠ', 8202 => 'ꨡ', 8203 => 'ꨢ', 8204 => 'ꨣ', 8205 => 'ꨤ', 8206 => 'ꨥ', 8207 => 'ꨦ', 8208 => 'ꨧ', 8209 => 'ꨨ', 8210 => 'ꩀ', 8211 => 'ꩁ', 8212 => 'ꩂ', 8213 => 'ꩄ', 8214 => 'ꩅ', 8215 => 'ꩆ', 8216 => 'ꩇ', 8217 => 'ꩈ', 8218 => 'ꩉ', 8219 => 'ꩊ', 8220 => 'ꩋ', 8221 => 'ᬅ', 8222 => 'ᬆ', 8223 => 'ᬇ', 8224 => 'ᬈ', 8225 => 'ᬉ', 8226 => 'ᬊ', 8227 => 'ᬋ', 8228 => 'ᬌ', 8229 => 'ᬍ', 8230 => 'ᬎ', 8231 => 'ᬏ', 8232 => 'ᬐ', 8233 => 'ᬑ', 8234 => 'ᬒ', 8235 => 'ᬓ', 8236 => 'ᭅ', 8237 => 'ᭆ', 8238 => 'ᬔ', 8239 => 'ᬕ', 8240 => 'ᬖ', 8241 => 'ᬗ', 8242 => 'ᬘ', 8243 => 'ᬙ', 8244 => 'ᬚ', 8245 => 'ᬛ', 8246 => 'ᬜ', 8247 => 'ᬝ', 8248 => 'ᬞ', 8249 => 'ᬟ', 8250 => 'ᬠ', 8251 => 'ᬡ', 8252 => 'ᬢ', 8253 => 'ᭇ', 8254 => 'ᬣ', 8255 => 'ᬤ', 8256 => 'ᬥ', 8257 => 'ᬦ', 8258 => 'ᬧ', 8259 => 'ᭈ', 8260 => 'ᬨ', 8261 => 'ᬩ', 8262 => 'ᬪ', 8263 => 'ᬫ', 8264 => 'ᬬ', 8265 => 'ᬭ', 8266 => 'ᬮ', 8267 => 'ᬯ', 8268 => 'ᭉ', 8269 => 'ᬰ', 8270 => 'ᬱ', 8271 => 'ᬲ', 8272 => 'ᭊ', 8273 => 'ᭋ', 8274 => 'ᬳ', 8275 => 'ꦄ', 8276 => 'ꦅ', 8277 => 'ꦆ', 8278 => 'ꦇ', 8279 => 'ꦈ', 8280 => 'ꦉ', 8281 => 'ꦊ', 8282 => 'ꦋ', 8283 => 'ꦌ', 8284 => 'ꦍ', 8285 => 'ꦎ', 8286 => 'ꦏ', 8287 => 'ꦐ', 8288 => 'ꦑ', 8289 => 'ꦒ', 8290 => 'ꦓ', 8291 => 'ꦔ', 8292 => 'ꦕ', 8293 => 'ꦖ', 8294 => 'ꦗ', 8295 => 'ꦘ', 8296 => 'ꦙ', 8297 => 'ꦚ', 8298 => 'ꦛ', 8299 => 'ꦜ', 8300 => 'ꦝ', 8301 => 'ꦞ', 8302 => 'ꦟ', 8303 => 'ꦠ', 8304 => 'ꦡ', 8305 => 'ꦢ', 8306 => 'ꦣ', 8307 => 'ꦤ', 8308 => 'ꦥ', 8309 => 'ꦦ', 8310 => 'ꦧ', 8311 => 'ꦨ', 8312 => 'ꦩ', 8313 => 'ꦪ', 8314 => 'ꦫ', 8315 => 'ꦭ', 8316 => 'ꦮ', 8317 => 'ꦯ', 8318 => 'ꦰ', 8319 => 'ꦱ', 8320 => 'ꦲ', 8321 => 'ᢀ', 8322 => 'ᢁ', 8323 => 'ᢂ', 8324 => 'ᢃ', 8325 => 'ᢄ', 8326 => 'ᢅ', 8327 => 'ᢆ', 8328 => 'ᡃ', 8329 => 'ᠠ', 8330 => 'ᢇ', 8331 => 'ᠡ', 8332 => 'ᡄ', 8333 => 'ᡝ', 8334 => 'ᠢ', 8335 => 'ᡅ', 8336 => 'ᡞ', 8337 => 'ᡳ', 8338 => 'ᢈ', 8339 => 'ᡟ', 8340 => 'ᠣ', 8341 => 'ᡆ', 8342 => 'ᠤ', 8343 => 'ᡇ', 8344 => 'ᡡ', 8345 => 'ᠥ', 8346 => 'ᡈ', 8347 => 'ᠦ', 8348 => 'ᡉ', 8349 => 'ᡠ', 8350 => 'ᠧ', 8351 => 'ᠨ', 8352 => 'ᠩ', 8353 => 'ᡊ', 8354 => 'ᡢ', 8355 => 'ᢊ', 8356 => 'ᢛ', 8357 => 'ᠪ', 8358 => 'ᡋ', 8359 => 'ᠫ', 8360 => 'ᡌ', 8361 => 'ᡦ', 8362 => 'ᠬ', 8363 => 'ᡍ', 8364 => 'ᠭ', 8365 => 'ᡎ', 8366 => 'ᡤ', 8367 => 'ᢚ', 8368 => 'ᡥ', 8369 => 'ᠮ', 8370 => 'ᡏ', 8371 => 'ᠯ', 8372 => 'ᠰ', 8373 => 'ᠱ', 8374 => 'ᡧ', 8375 => 'ᢜ', 8376 => 'ᢝ', 8377 => 'ᢢ', 8378 => 'ᢤ', 8379 => 'ᢥ', 8380 => 'ᠲ', 8381 => 'ᡐ', 8382 => 'ᡨ', 8383 => 'ᠳ', 8384 => 'ᡑ', 8385 => 'ᡩ', 8386 => 'ᠴ', 8387 => 'ᡒ', 8388 => 'ᡱ', 8389 => 'ᡜ', 8390 => 'ᢋ', 8391 => 'ᠵ', 8392 => 'ᡓ', 8393 => 'ᡪ', 8394 => 'ᡷ', 8395 => 'ᠶ', 8396 => 'ᡕ', 8397 => 'ᡲ', 8398 => 'ᠷ', 8399 => 'ᡵ', 8400 => 'ᠸ', 8401 => 'ᡖ', 8402 => 'ᠹ', 8403 => 'ᡫ', 8404 => 'ᡶ', 8405 => 'ᠺ', 8406 => 'ᡗ', 8407 => 'ᡣ', 8408 => 'ᡴ', 8409 => 'ᢉ', 8410 => 'ᠻ', 8411 => 'ᠼ', 8412 => 'ᡔ', 8413 => 'ᡮ', 8414 => 'ᠽ', 8415 => 'ᡯ', 8416 => 'ᡘ', 8417 => 'ᡬ', 8418 => 'ᠾ', 8419 => 'ᡙ', 8420 => 'ᡭ', 8421 => 'ᠿ', 8422 => 'ᡀ', 8423 => 'ᡁ', 8424 => 'ᡂ', 8425 => 'ᡚ', 8426 => 'ᡛ', 8427 => 'ᡰ', 8428 => 'ᢌ', 8429 => 'ᢞ', 8430 => 'ᢍ', 8431 => 'ᢎ', 8432 => 'ᢟ', 8433 => 'ᢏ', 8434 => 'ᢐ', 8435 => 'ᢘ', 8436 => 'ᢠ', 8437 => 'ᢑ', 8438 => 'ᢡ', 8439 => 'ᢒ', 8440 => 'ᢓ', 8441 => 'ᢨ', 8442 => 'ᢔ', 8443 => 'ᢣ', 8444 => 'ᢕ', 8445 => 'ᢙ', 8446 => 'ᢖ', 8447 => 'ᢗ', 8448 => 'ᢦ', 8449 => 'ᢧ', 8450 => 'ᢪ', 8451 => 'ᱚ', 8452 => 'ᱛ', 8453 => 'ᱜ', 8454 => 'ᱝ', 8455 => 'ᱞ', 8456 => 'ᱟ', 8457 => 'ᱠ', 8458 => 'ᱡ', 8459 => 'ᱢ', 8460 => 'ᱣ', 8461 => 'ᱤ', 8462 => 'ᱥ', 8463 => 'ᱦ', 8464 => 'ᱧ', 8465 => 'ᱨ', 8466 => 'ᱩ', 8467 => 'ᱪ', 8468 => 'ᱫ', 8469 => 'ᱬ', 8470 => 'ᱭ', 8471 => 'ᱮ', 8472 => 'ᱯ', 8473 => 'ᱰ', 8474 => 'ᱱ', 8475 => 'ᱲ', 8476 => 'ᱳ', 8477 => 'ᱴ', 8478 => 'ᱵ', 8479 => 'ᱶ', 8480 => 'ᱷ', 8481 => 'ᱸ', 8482 => 'ᱹ', 8483 => 'ᱺ', 8484 => 'ᱻ', 8485 => 'ᱼ', 8486 => 'ᱽ', 8487 => 'Ꭰ', 8488 => 'Ꭱ', 8489 => 'Ꭲ', 8490 => 'Ꭳ', 8491 => 'Ꭴ', 8492 => 'Ꭵ', 8493 => 'Ꭶ', 8494 => 'Ꭷ', 8495 => 'Ꭸ', 8496 => 'Ꭹ', 8497 => 'Ꭺ', 8498 => 'Ꭻ', 8499 => 'Ꭼ', 8500 => 'Ꭽ', 8501 => 'Ꭾ', 8502 => 'Ꭿ', 8503 => 'Ꮀ', 8504 => 'Ꮁ', 8505 => 'Ꮂ', 8506 => 'Ꮃ', 8507 => 'Ꮄ', 8508 => 'Ꮅ', 8509 => 'Ꮆ', 8510 => 'Ꮇ', 8511 => 'Ꮈ', 8512 => 'Ꮉ', 8513 => 'Ꮊ', 8514 => 'Ꮋ', 8515 => 'Ꮌ', 8516 => 'Ꮍ', 8517 => 'Ꮎ', 8518 => 'Ꮏ', 8519 => 'Ꮐ', 8520 => 'Ꮑ', 8521 => 'Ꮒ', 8522 => 'Ꮓ', 8523 => 'Ꮔ', 8524 => 'Ꮕ', 8525 => 'Ꮖ', 8526 => 'Ꮗ', 8527 => 'Ꮘ', 8528 => 'Ꮙ', 8529 => 'Ꮚ', 8530 => 'Ꮛ', 8531 => 'Ꮜ', 8532 => 'Ꮝ', 8533 => 'Ꮞ', 8534 => 'Ꮟ', 8535 => 'Ꮠ', 8536 => 'Ꮡ', 8537 => 'Ꮢ', 8538 => 'Ꮣ', 8539 => 'Ꮤ', 8540 => 'Ꮥ', 8541 => 'Ꮦ', 8542 => 'Ꮧ', 8543 => 'Ꮨ', 8544 => 'Ꮩ', 8545 => 'Ꮪ', 8546 => 'Ꮫ', 8547 => 'Ꮬ', 8548 => 'Ꮭ', 8549 => 'Ꮮ', 8550 => 'Ꮯ', 8551 => 'Ꮰ', 8552 => 'Ꮱ', 8553 => 'Ꮲ', 8554 => 'Ꮳ', 8555 => 'Ꮴ', 8556 => 'Ꮵ', 8557 => 'Ꮶ', 8558 => 'Ꮷ', 8559 => 'Ꮸ', 8560 => 'Ꮹ', 8561 => 'Ꮺ', 8562 => 'Ꮻ', 8563 => 'Ꮼ', 8564 => 'Ꮽ', 8565 => 'Ꮾ', 8566 => 'Ꮿ', 8567 => 'Ᏸ', 8568 => 'Ᏹ', 8569 => 'Ᏺ', 8570 => 'Ᏻ', 8571 => 'Ᏼ', 8572 => 'ᐁ', 8573 => 'ᐂ', 8574 => 'ᐃ', 8575 => 'ᐄ', 8576 => 'ᐅ', 8577 => 'ᐆ', 8578 => 'ᐇ', 8579 => 'ᐈ', 8580 => 'ᐉ', 8581 => 'ᐊ', 8582 => 'ᐋ', 8583 => 'ᐌ', 8584 => 'ᐍ', 8585 => 'ᐎ', 8586 => 'ᐏ', 8587 => 'ᐐ', 8588 => 'ᐑ', 8589 => 'ᐒ', 8590 => 'ᐓ', 8591 => 'ᐔ', 8592 => 'ᐕ', 8593 => 'ᐖ', 8594 => 'ᐗ', 8595 => 'ᐘ', 8596 => 'ᐙ', 8597 => 'ᐚ', 8598 => 'ᐛ', 8599 => 'ᐜ', 8600 => 'ᐝ', 8601 => 'ᐞ', 8602 => 'ᐟ', 8603 => 'ᐠ', 8604 => 'ᐡ', 8605 => 'ᐢ', 8606 => 'ᐣ', 8607 => 'ᐤ', 8608 => 'ᐥ', 8609 => 'ᐦ', 8610 => 'ᐧ', 8611 => 'ᐨ', 8612 => 'ᐩ', 8613 => 'ᐪ', 8614 => 'ᐫ', 8615 => 'ᐬ', 8616 => 'ᐭ', 8617 => 'ᐮ', 8618 => 'ᐯ', 8619 => 'ᐰ', 8620 => 'ᐱ', 8621 => 'ᐲ', 8622 => 'ᐳ', 8623 => 'ᐴ', 8624 => 'ᐵ', 8625 => 'ᐶ', 8626 => 'ᐷ', 8627 => 'ᐸ', 8628 => 'ᐹ', 8629 => 'ᐺ', 8630 => 'ᐻ', 8631 => 'ᐼ', 8632 => 'ᐽ', 8633 => 'ᐾ', 8634 => 'ᐿ', 8635 => 'ᑀ', 8636 => 'ᑁ', 8637 => 'ᑂ', 8638 => 'ᑃ', 8639 => 'ᑄ', 8640 => 'ᑅ', 8641 => 'ᑆ', 8642 => 'ᑇ', 8643 => 'ᑈ', 8644 => 'ᑉ', 8645 => 'ᑊ', 8646 => 'ᑋ', 8647 => 'ᑌ', 8648 => 'ᑍ', 8649 => 'ᑎ', 8650 => 'ᑏ', 8651 => 'ᑐ', 8652 => 'ᑑ', 8653 => 'ᑒ', 8654 => 'ᑓ', 8655 => 'ᑔ', 8656 => 'ᑕ', 8657 => 'ᑖ', 8658 => 'ᑗ', 8659 => 'ᑘ', 8660 => 'ᑙ', 8661 => 'ᑚ', 8662 => 'ᑛ', 8663 => 'ᑜ', 8664 => 'ᑝ', 8665 => 'ᑞ', 8666 => 'ᑟ', 8667 => 'ᑠ', 8668 => 'ᑡ', 8669 => 'ᑢ', 8670 => 'ᑣ', 8671 => 'ᑤ', 8672 => 'ᑥ', 8673 => 'ᑦ', 8674 => 'ᑧ', 8675 => 'ᑨ', 8676 => 'ᑩ', 8677 => 'ᑪ', 8678 => 'ᑫ', 8679 => 'ᑬ', 8680 => 'ᑭ', 8681 => 'ᑮ', 8682 => 'ᑯ', 8683 => 'ᑰ', 8684 => 'ᑱ', 8685 => 'ᑲ', 8686 => 'ᑳ', 8687 => 'ᑴ', 8688 => 'ᑵ', 8689 => 'ᑶ', 8690 => 'ᑷ', 8691 => 'ᑸ', 8692 => 'ᑹ', 8693 => 'ᑺ', 8694 => 'ᑻ', 8695 => 'ᑼ', 8696 => 'ᑽ', 8697 => 'ᑾ', 8698 => 'ᑿ', 8699 => 'ᒀ', 8700 => 'ᒁ', 8701 => 'ᒂ', 8702 => 'ᒃ', 8703 => 'ᒄ', 8704 => 'ᒅ', 8705 => 'ᒆ', 8706 => 'ᒇ', 8707 => 'ᒈ', 8708 => 'ᒉ', 8709 => 'ᒊ', 8710 => 'ᒋ', 8711 => 'ᒌ', 8712 => 'ᒍ', 8713 => 'ᒎ', 8714 => 'ᒏ', 8715 => 'ᒐ', 8716 => 'ᒑ', 8717 => 'ᒒ', 8718 => 'ᒓ', 8719 => 'ᒔ', 8720 => 'ᒕ', 8721 => 'ᒖ', 8722 => 'ᒗ', 8723 => 'ᒘ', 8724 => 'ᒙ', 8725 => 'ᒚ', 8726 => 'ᒛ', 8727 => 'ᒜ', 8728 => 'ᒝ', 8729 => 'ᒞ', 8730 => 'ᒟ', 8731 => 'ᒠ', 8732 => 'ᒡ', 8733 => 'ᒢ', 8734 => 'ᒣ', 8735 => 'ᒤ', 8736 => 'ᒥ', 8737 => 'ᒦ', 8738 => 'ᒧ', 8739 => 'ᒨ', 8740 => 'ᒩ', 8741 => 'ᒪ', 8742 => 'ᒫ', 8743 => 'ᒬ', 8744 => 'ᒭ', 8745 => 'ᒮ', 8746 => 'ᒯ', 8747 => 'ᒰ', 8748 => 'ᒱ', 8749 => 'ᒲ', 8750 => 'ᒳ', 8751 => 'ᒴ', 8752 => 'ᒵ', 8753 => 'ᒶ', 8754 => 'ᒷ', 8755 => 'ᒸ', 8756 => 'ᒹ', 8757 => 'ᒺ', 8758 => 'ᒻ', 8759 => 'ᒼ', 8760 => 'ᒽ', 8761 => 'ᒾ', 8762 => 'ᒿ', 8763 => 'ᓀ', 8764 => 'ᓁ', 8765 => 'ᓂ', 8766 => 'ᓃ', 8767 => 'ᓄ', 8768 => 'ᓅ', 8769 => 'ᓆ', 8770 => 'ᓇ', 8771 => 'ᓈ', 8772 => 'ᓉ', 8773 => 'ᓊ', 8774 => 'ᓋ', 8775 => 'ᓌ', 8776 => 'ᓍ', 8777 => 'ᓎ', 8778 => 'ᓏ', 8779 => 'ᓐ', 8780 => 'ᓑ', 8781 => 'ᓒ', 8782 => 'ᓓ', 8783 => 'ᓔ', 8784 => 'ᓕ', 8785 => 'ᓖ', 8786 => 'ᓗ', 8787 => 'ᓘ', 8788 => 'ᓙ', 8789 => 'ᓚ', 8790 => 'ᓛ', 8791 => 'ᓜ', 8792 => 'ᓝ', 8793 => 'ᓞ', 8794 => 'ᓟ', 8795 => 'ᓠ', 8796 => 'ᓡ', 8797 => 'ᓢ', 8798 => 'ᓣ', 8799 => 'ᓤ', 8800 => 'ᓥ', 8801 => 'ᓦ', 8802 => 'ᓧ', 8803 => 'ᓨ', 8804 => 'ᓩ', 8805 => 'ᓪ', 8806 => 'ᓫ', 8807 => 'ᓬ', 8808 => 'ᓭ', 8809 => 'ᓮ', 8810 => 'ᓯ', 8811 => 'ᓰ', 8812 => 'ᓱ', 8813 => 'ᓲ', 8814 => 'ᓳ', 8815 => 'ᓴ', 8816 => 'ᓵ', 8817 => 'ᓶ', 8818 => 'ᓷ', 8819 => 'ᓸ', 8820 => 'ᓹ', 8821 => 'ᓺ', 8822 => 'ᓻ', 8823 => 'ᓼ', 8824 => 'ᓽ', 8825 => 'ᓾ', 8826 => 'ᓿ', 8827 => 'ᔀ', 8828 => 'ᔁ', 8829 => 'ᔂ', 8830 => 'ᔃ', 8831 => 'ᔄ', 8832 => 'ᔅ', 8833 => 'ᔆ', 8834 => 'ᔇ', 8835 => 'ᔈ', 8836 => 'ᔉ', 8837 => 'ᔊ', 8838 => 'ᔋ', 8839 => 'ᔌ', 8840 => 'ᔍ', 8841 => 'ᔎ', 8842 => 'ᔏ', 8843 => 'ᔐ', 8844 => 'ᔑ', 8845 => 'ᔒ', 8846 => 'ᔓ', 8847 => 'ᔔ', 8848 => 'ᔕ', 8849 => 'ᔖ', 8850 => 'ᔗ', 8851 => 'ᔘ', 8852 => 'ᔙ', 8853 => 'ᔚ', 8854 => 'ᔛ', 8855 => 'ᔜ', 8856 => 'ᔝ', 8857 => 'ᔞ', 8858 => 'ᔟ', 8859 => 'ᔠ', 8860 => 'ᔡ', 8861 => 'ᔢ', 8862 => 'ᔣ', 8863 => 'ᔤ', 8864 => 'ᔥ', 8865 => 'ᔦ', 8866 => 'ᔧ', 8867 => 'ᔨ', 8868 => 'ᔩ', 8869 => 'ᔪ', 8870 => 'ᔫ', 8871 => 'ᔬ', 8872 => 'ᔭ', 8873 => 'ᔮ', 8874 => 'ᔯ', 8875 => 'ᔰ', 8876 => 'ᔱ', 8877 => 'ᔲ', 8878 => 'ᔳ', 8879 => 'ᔴ', 8880 => 'ᔵ', 8881 => 'ᔶ', 8882 => 'ᔷ', 8883 => 'ᔸ', 8884 => 'ᔹ', 8885 => 'ᔺ', 8886 => 'ᔻ', 8887 => 'ᔼ', 8888 => 'ᔽ', 8889 => 'ᔾ', 8890 => 'ᔿ', 8891 => 'ᕀ', 8892 => 'ᕁ', 8893 => 'ᕂ', 8894 => 'ᕃ', 8895 => 'ᕄ', 8896 => 'ᕅ', 8897 => 'ᕆ', 8898 => 'ᕇ', 8899 => 'ᕈ', 8900 => 'ᕉ', 8901 => 'ᕊ', 8902 => 'ᕋ', 8903 => 'ᕌ', 8904 => 'ᕍ', 8905 => 'ᕎ', 8906 => 'ᕏ', 8907 => 'ᕐ', 8908 => 'ᕑ', 8909 => 'ᕒ', 8910 => 'ᕓ', 8911 => 'ᕔ', 8912 => 'ᕕ', 8913 => 'ᕖ', 8914 => 'ᕗ', 8915 => 'ᕘ', 8916 => 'ᕙ', 8917 => 'ᕚ', 8918 => 'ᕛ', 8919 => 'ᕜ', 8920 => 'ᕝ', 8921 => 'ᕞ', 8922 => 'ᕟ', 8923 => 'ᕠ', 8924 => 'ᕡ', 8925 => 'ᕢ', 8926 => 'ᕣ', 8927 => 'ᕤ', 8928 => 'ᕥ', 8929 => 'ᕦ', 8930 => 'ᕧ', 8931 => 'ᕨ', 8932 => 'ᕩ', 8933 => 'ᕪ', 8934 => 'ᕫ', 8935 => 'ᕬ', 8936 => 'ᕭ', 8937 => 'ᕮ', 8938 => 'ᕯ', 8939 => 'ᕰ', 8940 => 'ᕱ', 8941 => 'ᕲ', 8942 => 'ᕳ', 8943 => 'ᕴ', 8944 => 'ᕵ', 8945 => 'ᕶ', 8946 => 'ᕷ', 8947 => 'ᕸ', 8948 => 'ᕹ', 8949 => 'ᕺ', 8950 => 'ᕻ', 8951 => 'ᕽ', 8952 => 'ᙯ', 8953 => 'ᕾ', 8954 => 'ᕿ', 8955 => 'ᖀ', 8956 => 'ᖁ', 8957 => 'ᖂ', 8958 => 'ᖃ', 8959 => 'ᖄ', 8960 => 'ᖅ', 8961 => 'ᖆ', 8962 => 'ᖇ', 8963 => 'ᖈ', 8964 => 'ᖉ', 8965 => 'ᖊ', 8966 => 'ᖋ', 8967 => 'ᖌ', 8968 => 'ᖍ', 8969 => 'ᙰ', 8970 => 'ᖎ', 8971 => 'ᖏ', 8972 => 'ᖐ', 8973 => 'ᖑ', 8974 => 'ᖒ', 8975 => 'ᖓ', 8976 => 'ᖔ', 8977 => 'ᖕ', 8978 => 'ᙱ', 8979 => 'ᙲ', 8980 => 'ᙳ', 8981 => 'ᙴ', 8982 => 'ᙵ', 8983 => 'ᙶ', 8984 => 'ᖖ', 8985 => 'ᖗ', 8986 => 'ᖘ', 8987 => 'ᖙ', 8988 => 'ᖚ', 8989 => 'ᖛ', 8990 => 'ᖜ', 8991 => 'ᖝ', 8992 => 'ᖞ', 8993 => 'ᖟ', 8994 => 'ᖠ', 8995 => 'ᖡ', 8996 => 'ᖢ', 8997 => 'ᖣ', 8998 => 'ᖤ', 8999 => 'ᖥ', 9000 => 'ᖦ', 9001 => 'ᕼ', 9002 => 'ᖧ', 9003 => 'ᖨ', 9004 => 'ᖩ', 9005 => 'ᖪ', 9006 => 'ᖫ', 9007 => 'ᖬ', 9008 => 'ᖭ', 9009 => 'ᖮ', 9010 => 'ᖯ', 9011 => 'ᖰ', 9012 => 'ᖱ', 9013 => 'ᖲ', 9014 => 'ᖳ', 9015 => 'ᖴ', 9016 => 'ᖵ', 9017 => 'ᖶ', 9018 => 'ᖷ', 9019 => 'ᖸ', 9020 => 'ᖹ', 9021 => 'ᖺ', 9022 => 'ᖻ', 9023 => 'ᖼ', 9024 => 'ᖽ', 9025 => 'ᖾ', 9026 => 'ᖿ', 9027 => 'ᗀ', 9028 => 'ᗁ', 9029 => 'ᗂ', 9030 => 'ᗃ', 9031 => 'ᗄ', 9032 => 'ᗅ', 9033 => 'ᗆ', 9034 => 'ᗇ', 9035 => 'ᗈ', 9036 => 'ᗉ', 9037 => 'ᗊ', 9038 => 'ᗋ', 9039 => 'ᗌ', 9040 => 'ᗍ', 9041 => 'ᗎ', 9042 => 'ᗏ', 9043 => 'ᗐ', 9044 => 'ᗑ', 9045 => 'ᗒ', 9046 => 'ᗓ', 9047 => 'ᗔ', 9048 => 'ᗕ', 9049 => 'ᗖ', 9050 => 'ᗗ', 9051 => 'ᗘ', 9052 => 'ᗙ', 9053 => 'ᗚ', 9054 => 'ᗛ', 9055 => 'ᗜ', 9056 => 'ᗝ', 9057 => 'ᗞ', 9058 => 'ᗟ', 9059 => 'ᗠ', 9060 => 'ᗡ', 9061 => 'ᗢ', 9062 => 'ᗣ', 9063 => 'ᗤ', 9064 => 'ᗥ', 9065 => 'ᗦ', 9066 => 'ᗧ', 9067 => 'ᗨ', 9068 => 'ᗩ', 9069 => 'ᗪ', 9070 => 'ᗫ', 9071 => 'ᗬ', 9072 => 'ᗭ', 9073 => 'ᗮ', 9074 => 'ᗯ', 9075 => 'ᗰ', 9076 => 'ᗱ', 9077 => 'ᗲ', 9078 => 'ᗳ', 9079 => 'ᗴ', 9080 => 'ᗵ', 9081 => 'ᗶ', 9082 => 'ᗷ', 9083 => 'ᗸ', 9084 => 'ᗹ', 9085 => 'ᗺ', 9086 => 'ᗻ', 9087 => 'ᗼ', 9088 => 'ᗽ', 9089 => 'ᗾ', 9090 => 'ᗿ', 9091 => 'ᘀ', 9092 => 'ᘁ', 9093 => 'ᘂ', 9094 => 'ᘃ', 9095 => 'ᘄ', 9096 => 'ᘅ', 9097 => 'ᘆ', 9098 => 'ᘇ', 9099 => 'ᘈ', 9100 => 'ᘉ', 9101 => 'ᘊ', 9102 => 'ᘋ', 9103 => 'ᘌ', 9104 => 'ᘍ', 9105 => 'ᘎ', 9106 => 'ᘏ', 9107 => 'ᘐ', 9108 => 'ᘑ', 9109 => 'ᘒ', 9110 => 'ᘓ', 9111 => 'ᘔ', 9112 => 'ᘕ', 9113 => 'ᘖ', 9114 => 'ᘗ', 9115 => 'ᘘ', 9116 => 'ᘙ', 9117 => 'ᘚ', 9118 => 'ᘛ', 9119 => 'ᘜ', 9120 => 'ᘝ', 9121 => 'ᘞ', 9122 => 'ᘟ', 9123 => 'ᘠ', 9124 => 'ᘡ', 9125 => 'ᘢ', 9126 => 'ᘣ', 9127 => 'ᘤ', 9128 => 'ᘥ', 9129 => 'ᘦ', 9130 => 'ᘧ', 9131 => 'ᘨ', 9132 => 'ᘩ', 9133 => 'ᘪ', 9134 => 'ᘫ', 9135 => 'ᘬ', 9136 => 'ᘭ', 9137 => 'ᘮ', 9138 => 'ᘯ', 9139 => 'ᘰ', 9140 => 'ᘱ', 9141 => 'ᘲ', 9142 => 'ᘳ', 9143 => 'ᘴ', 9144 => 'ᘵ', 9145 => 'ᘶ', 9146 => 'ᘷ', 9147 => 'ᘸ', 9148 => 'ᘹ', 9149 => 'ᘺ', 9150 => 'ᘻ', 9151 => 'ᘼ', 9152 => 'ᘽ', 9153 => 'ᘾ', 9154 => 'ᘿ', 9155 => 'ᙀ', 9156 => 'ᙁ', 9157 => 'ᙂ', 9158 => 'ᙃ', 9159 => 'ᙄ', 9160 => 'ᙅ', 9161 => 'ᙆ', 9162 => 'ᙇ', 9163 => 'ᙈ', 9164 => 'ᙉ', 9165 => 'ᙊ', 9166 => 'ᙋ', 9167 => 'ᙌ', 9168 => 'ᙍ', 9169 => 'ᙎ', 9170 => 'ᙏ', 9171 => 'ᙐ', 9172 => 'ᙑ', 9173 => 'ᙒ', 9174 => 'ᙓ', 9175 => 'ᙔ', 9176 => 'ᙕ', 9177 => 'ᙖ', 9178 => 'ᙗ', 9179 => 'ᙘ', 9180 => 'ᙙ', 9181 => 'ᙚ', 9182 => 'ᙛ', 9183 => 'ᙜ', 9184 => 'ᙝ', 9185 => 'ᙞ', 9186 => 'ᙟ', 9187 => 'ᙠ', 9188 => 'ᙡ', 9189 => 'ᙢ', 9190 => 'ᙣ', 9191 => 'ᙤ', 9192 => 'ᙥ', 9193 => 'ᙦ', 9194 => 'ᙧ', 9195 => 'ᙨ', 9196 => 'ᙩ', 9197 => 'ᙪ', 9198 => 'ᙫ', 9199 => 'ᙬ', 9200 => 'ᙷ', 9201 => 'ᙸ', 9202 => 'ᙹ', 9203 => 'ᙺ', 9204 => 'ᙻ', 9205 => 'ᙼ', 9206 => 'ᙽ', 9207 => 'ᙾ', 9208 => 'ᙿ', 9209 => 'ᢰ', 9210 => 'ᢱ', 9211 => 'ᢲ', 9212 => 'ᢳ', 9213 => 'ᢴ', 9214 => 'ᢵ', 9215 => 'ᢶ', 9216 => 'ᢷ', 9217 => 'ᢸ', 9218 => 'ᢹ', 9219 => 'ᢺ', 9220 => 'ᢻ', 9221 => 'ᢼ', 9222 => 'ᢽ', 9223 => 'ᢾ', 9224 => 'ᢿ', 9225 => 'ᣀ', 9226 => 'ᣁ', 9227 => 'ᣂ', 9228 => 'ᣃ', 9229 => 'ᣄ', 9230 => 'ᣅ', 9231 => 'ᣆ', 9232 => 'ᣇ', 9233 => 'ᣈ', 9234 => 'ᣉ', 9235 => 'ᣊ', 9236 => 'ᣋ', 9237 => 'ᣌ', 9238 => 'ᣍ', 9239 => 'ᣎ', 9240 => 'ᣏ', 9241 => 'ᣐ', 9242 => 'ᣑ', 9243 => 'ᣒ', 9244 => 'ᣓ', 9245 => 'ᣔ', 9246 => 'ᣕ', 9247 => 'ᣖ', 9248 => 'ᣗ', 9249 => 'ᣘ', 9250 => 'ᣙ', 9251 => 'ᣚ', 9252 => 'ᣛ', 9253 => 'ᣜ', 9254 => 'ᣝ', 9255 => 'ᣞ', 9256 => 'ᣟ', 9257 => 'ᣠ', 9258 => 'ᣡ', 9259 => 'ᣢ', 9260 => 'ᣣ', 9261 => 'ᣤ', 9262 => 'ᣥ', 9263 => 'ᣦ', 9264 => 'ᣧ', 9265 => 'ᣨ', 9266 => 'ᣩ', 9267 => 'ᣪ', 9268 => 'ᣫ', 9269 => 'ᣬ', 9270 => 'ᣭ', 9271 => 'ᣮ', 9272 => 'ᣯ', 9273 => 'ᣰ', 9274 => 'ᣱ', 9275 => 'ᣲ', 9276 => 'ᣳ', 9277 => 'ᣴ', 9278 => 'ᣵ', 9279 => 'ᚁ', 9280 => 'ᚂ', 9281 => 'ᚃ', 9282 => 'ᚄ', 9283 => 'ᚅ', 9284 => 'ᚆ', 9285 => 'ᚇ', 9286 => 'ᚈ', 9287 => 'ᚉ', 9288 => 'ᚊ', 9289 => 'ᚋ', 9290 => 'ᚌ', 9291 => 'ᚍ', 9292 => 'ᚎ', 9293 => 'ᚏ', 9294 => 'ᚐ', 9295 => 'ᚑ', 9296 => 'ᚒ', 9297 => 'ᚓ', 9298 => 'ᚔ', 9299 => 'ᚕ', 9300 => 'ᚖ', 9301 => 'ᚗ', 9302 => 'ᚘ', 9303 => 'ᚙ', 9304 => 'ᚚ', 9305 => 'ᚠ', 9306 => 'ᚢ', 9307 => 'ᚦ', 9308 => 'ᚨ', 9309 => 'ᚯ', 9310 => 'ᚰ', 9311 => 'ᚱ', 9312 => 'ᚲ', 9313 => 'ᚷ', 9314 => 'ᚹ', 9315 => 'ᚺ', 9316 => 'ᚾ', 9317 => 'ᛁ', 9318 => 'ᛃ', 9319 => 'ᛅ', 9320 => 'ᛇ', 9321 => 'ᛈ', 9322 => 'ᛉ', 9323 => 'ᛊ', 9324 => 'ᛏ', 9325 => 'ᛒ', 9326 => 'ᛖ', 9327 => 'ᛗ', 9328 => 'ᛚ', 9329 => 'ᛜ', 9330 => 'ᛞ', 9331 => 'ᛟ', 9332 => 'ᚪ', 9333 => 'ᚫ', 9334 => 'ᚣ', 9335 => 'ᛠ', 9336 => 'ᛣ', 9337 => 'ᚸ', 9338 => 'ᛤ', 9339 => 'ᛡ', 9340 => 'ᛢ', 9341 => 'ᛥ', 9342 => 'ᛦ', 9343 => '𐰀', 9344 => '𐰂', 9345 => '𐰃', 9346 => '𐰅', 9347 => '𐰆', 9348 => '𐰇', 9349 => '𐰉', 9350 => '𐰋', 9351 => '𐰍', 9352 => '𐰏', 9353 => '𐰑', 9354 => '𐰓', 9355 => '𐰔', 9356 => '𐰖', 9357 => '𐰘', 9358 => '𐰚', 9359 => '𐰜', 9360 => '𐰞', 9361 => '𐰠', 9362 => '𐰡', 9363 => '𐰢', 9364 => '𐰣', 9365 => '𐰤', 9366 => '𐰦', 9367 => '𐰨', 9368 => '𐰪', 9369 => '𐰬', 9370 => '𐰭', 9371 => '𐰯', 9372 => '𐰰', 9373 => '𐰱', 9374 => '𐰲', 9375 => '𐰴', 9376 => '𐰶', 9377 => '𐰸', 9378 => '𐰺', 9379 => '𐰼', 9380 => '𐰽', 9381 => '𐰾', 9382 => '𐰿', 9383 => '𐱁', 9384 => '𐱃', 9385 => '𐱅', 9386 => '𐱇', 9387 => '𐱈', 9388 => 'ꔀ', 9389 => 'ꔁ', 9390 => 'ꔂ', 9391 => 'ꔃ', 9392 => 'ꔄ', 9393 => 'ꔅ', 9394 => 'ꔆ', 9395 => 'ꔇ', 9396 => 'ꔈ', 9397 => 'ꔉ', 9398 => 'ꔊ', 9399 => 'ꔋ', 9400 => 'ꔌ', 9401 => 'ꔍ', 9402 => 'ꔎ', 9403 => 'ꔏ', 9404 => 'ꔐ', 9405 => 'ꔑ', 9406 => 'ꔒ', 9407 => 'ꔓ', 9408 => 'ꔔ', 9409 => 'ꔕ', 9410 => 'ꔖ', 9411 => 'ꔗ', 9412 => 'ꔘ', 9413 => 'ꔙ', 9414 => 'ꔚ', 9415 => 'ꔛ', 9416 => 'ꔜ', 9417 => 'ꔝ', 9418 => 'ꔞ', 9419 => 'ꔟ', 9420 => 'ꔠ', 9421 => 'ꔡ', 9422 => 'ꔢ', 9423 => 'ꔣ', 9424 => 'ꔤ', 9425 => 'ꔥ', 9426 => 'ꔦ', 9427 => 'ꔧ', 9428 => 'ꔨ', 9429 => 'ꔩ', 9430 => 'ꔪ', 9431 => 'ꔫ', 9432 => 'ꔬ', 9433 => 'ꔭ', 9434 => 'ꔮ', 9435 => 'ꔯ', 9436 => 'ꔰ', 9437 => 'ꔱ', 9438 => 'ꔲ', 9439 => 'ꔳ', 9440 => 'ꔴ', 9441 => 'ꔵ', 9442 => 'ꔶ', 9443 => 'ꔷ', 9444 => 'ꔸ', 9445 => 'ꔹ', 9446 => 'ꔺ', 9447 => 'ꔻ', 9448 => 'ꔼ', 9449 => 'ꔽ', 9450 => 'ꔾ', 9451 => 'ꔿ', 9452 => 'ꕀ', 9453 => 'ꕁ', 9454 => 'ꕂ', 9455 => 'ꕃ', 9456 => 'ꕄ', 9457 => 'ꕅ', 9458 => 'ꕆ', 9459 => 'ꕇ', 9460 => 'ꕈ', 9461 => 'ꕉ', 9462 => 'ꕊ', 9463 => 'ꕋ', 9464 => 'ꕌ', 9465 => 'ꕍ', 9466 => 'ꕎ', 9467 => 'ꕏ', 9468 => 'ꕐ', 9469 => 'ꕑ', 9470 => 'ꕒ', 9471 => 'ꕓ', 9472 => 'ꕔ', 9473 => 'ꕕ', 9474 => 'ꕖ', 9475 => 'ꕗ', 9476 => 'ꕘ', 9477 => 'ꕙ', 9478 => 'ꕚ', 9479 => 'ꕛ', 9480 => 'ꕜ', 9481 => 'ꕝ', 9482 => 'ꕞ', 9483 => 'ꕟ', 9484 => 'ꕠ', 9485 => 'ꕡ', 9486 => 'ꕢ', 9487 => 'ꕣ', 9488 => 'ꕤ', 9489 => 'ꕥ', 9490 => 'ꕦ', 9491 => 'ꕧ', 9492 => 'ꕨ', 9493 => 'ꕩ', 9494 => 'ꕪ', 9495 => 'ꕫ', 9496 => 'ꕬ', 9497 => 'ꕭ', 9498 => 'ꕮ', 9499 => 'ꕯ', 9500 => 'ꕰ', 9501 => 'ꕱ', 9502 => 'ꕲ', 9503 => 'ꕳ', 9504 => 'ꕴ', 9505 => 'ꕵ', 9506 => 'ꕶ', 9507 => 'ꕷ', 9508 => 'ꕸ', 9509 => 'ꕹ', 9510 => 'ꕺ', 9511 => 'ꕻ', 9512 => 'ꕼ', 9513 => 'ꕽ', 9514 => 'ꕾ', 9515 => 'ꕿ', 9516 => 'ꖀ', 9517 => 'ꖁ', 9518 => 'ꖂ', 9519 => 'ꖃ', 9520 => 'ꖄ', 9521 => 'ꖅ', 9522 => 'ꖆ', 9523 => 'ꖇ', 9524 => 'ꖈ', 9525 => 'ꖉ', 9526 => 'ꖊ', 9527 => 'ꖋ', 9528 => 'ꖌ', 9529 => 'ꖍ', 9530 => 'ꖎ', 9531 => 'ꖏ', 9532 => 'ꖐ', 9533 => 'ꖑ', 9534 => 'ꖒ', 9535 => 'ꖓ', 9536 => 'ꖔ', 9537 => 'ꖕ', 9538 => 'ꖖ', 9539 => 'ꖗ', 9540 => 'ꖘ', 9541 => 'ꖙ', 9542 => 'ꖚ', 9543 => 'ꖛ', 9544 => 'ꖜ', 9545 => 'ꖝ', 9546 => 'ꖞ', 9547 => 'ꖟ', 9548 => 'ꖠ', 9549 => 'ꖡ', 9550 => 'ꖢ', 9551 => 'ꖣ', 9552 => 'ꖤ', 9553 => 'ꖥ', 9554 => 'ꖦ', 9555 => 'ꖧ', 9556 => 'ꖨ', 9557 => 'ꖩ', 9558 => 'ꖪ', 9559 => 'ꖫ', 9560 => 'ꖬ', 9561 => 'ꖭ', 9562 => 'ꖮ', 9563 => 'ꖯ', 9564 => 'ꖰ', 9565 => 'ꖱ', 9566 => 'ꖲ', 9567 => 'ꖳ', 9568 => 'ꖴ', 9569 => 'ꖵ', 9570 => 'ꖶ', 9571 => 'ꖷ', 9572 => 'ꖸ', 9573 => 'ꖹ', 9574 => 'ꖺ', 9575 => 'ꖻ', 9576 => 'ꖼ', 9577 => 'ꖽ', 9578 => 'ꖾ', 9579 => 'ꖿ', 9580 => 'ꗀ', 9581 => 'ꗁ', 9582 => 'ꗂ', 9583 => 'ꗃ', 9584 => 'ꗄ', 9585 => 'ꗅ', 9586 => 'ꗆ', 9587 => 'ꗇ', 9588 => 'ꗈ', 9589 => 'ꗉ', 9590 => 'ꗊ', 9591 => 'ꗋ', 9592 => 'ꗌ', 9593 => 'ꗍ', 9594 => 'ꗎ', 9595 => 'ꗏ', 9596 => 'ꗐ', 9597 => 'ꗑ', 9598 => 'ꗒ', 9599 => 'ꗓ', 9600 => 'ꗔ', 9601 => 'ꗕ', 9602 => 'ꗖ', 9603 => 'ꗗ', 9604 => 'ꗘ', 9605 => 'ꗙ', 9606 => 'ꗚ', 9607 => 'ꗛ', 9608 => 'ꗜ', 9609 => 'ꗝ', 9610 => 'ꗞ', 9611 => 'ꗟ', 9612 => 'ꗠ', 9613 => 'ꗡ', 9614 => 'ꗢ', 9615 => 'ꗣ', 9616 => 'ꗤ', 9617 => 'ꗥ', 9618 => 'ꗦ', 9619 => 'ꗧ', 9620 => 'ꗨ', 9621 => 'ꗩ', 9622 => 'ꗪ', 9623 => 'ꗫ', 9624 => 'ꗬ', 9625 => 'ꗭ', 9626 => 'ꗮ', 9627 => 'ꗯ', 9628 => 'ꗰ', 9629 => 'ꗱ', 9630 => 'ꗲ', 9631 => 'ꗳ', 9632 => 'ꗴ', 9633 => 'ꗵ', 9634 => 'ꗶ', 9635 => 'ꗷ', 9636 => 'ꗸ', 9637 => 'ꗹ', 9638 => 'ꗺ', 9639 => 'ꗻ', 9640 => 'ꗼ', 9641 => 'ꗽ', 9642 => 'ꗾ', 9643 => 'ꗿ', 9644 => 'ꘀ', 9645 => 'ꘁ', 9646 => 'ꘂ', 9647 => 'ꘃ', 9648 => 'ꘄ', 9649 => 'ꘅ', 9650 => 'ꘆ', 9651 => 'ꘇ', 9652 => 'ꘈ', 9653 => 'ꘉ', 9654 => 'ꘊ', 9655 => 'ꘋ', 9656 => 'ꘌ', 9657 => 'ꚠ', 9658 => 'ꚡ', 9659 => 'ꚢ', 9660 => 'ꚣ', 9661 => 'ꚤ', 9662 => 'ꚥ', 9663 => 'ꚦ', 9664 => 'ꚧ', 9665 => 'ꚨ', 9666 => 'ꚩ', 9667 => 'ꚪ', 9668 => 'ꚫ', 9669 => 'ꚬ', 9670 => 'ꚭ', 9671 => 'ꚮ', 9672 => 'ꚯ', 9673 => 'ꚰ', 9674 => 'ꚱ', 9675 => 'ꚲ', 9676 => 'ꚳ', 9677 => 'ꚴ', 9678 => 'ꚵ', 9679 => 'ꚶ', 9680 => 'ꚷ', 9681 => 'ꚸ', 9682 => 'ꚹ', 9683 => 'ꚺ', 9684 => 'ꚻ', 9685 => 'ꚼ', 9686 => 'ꚽ', 9687 => 'ꚾ', 9688 => 'ꚿ', 9689 => 'ꛀ', 9690 => 'ꛁ', 9691 => 'ꛂ', 9692 => 'ꛃ', 9693 => 'ꛄ', 9694 => 'ꛅ', 9695 => 'ꛆ', 9696 => 'ꛇ', 9697 => 'ꛈ', 9698 => 'ꛉ', 9699 => 'ꛊ', 9700 => 'ꛋ', 9701 => 'ꛌ', 9702 => 'ꛍ', 9703 => 'ꛎ', 9704 => 'ꛏ', 9705 => 'ꛐ', 9706 => 'ꛑ', 9707 => 'ꛒ', 9708 => 'ꛓ', 9709 => 'ꛔ', 9710 => 'ꛕ', 9711 => 'ꛖ', 9712 => 'ꛗ', 9713 => 'ꛘ', 9714 => 'ꛙ', 9715 => 'ꛚ', 9716 => 'ꛛ', 9717 => 'ꛜ', 9718 => 'ꛝ', 9719 => 'ꛞ', 9720 => 'ꛟ', 9721 => 'ꛠ', 9722 => 'ꛡ', 9723 => 'ꛢ', 9724 => 'ꛣ', 9725 => 'ꛤ', 9726 => 'ꛥ', 9727 => 'ꛦ', 9728 => 'ꛧ', 9729 => 'ꛨ', 9730 => 'ꛩ', 9731 => 'ꛪ', 9732 => 'ꛫ', 9733 => 'ꛬ', 9734 => 'ꛭ', 9735 => 'ꛮ', 9736 => 'ꛯ', 9737 => '𖠀', 9738 => '𖠁', 9739 => '𖠂', 9740 => '𖠃', 9741 => '𖠄', 9742 => '𖠅', 9743 => '𖠆', 9744 => '𖠇', 9745 => '𖠈', 9746 => '𖠉', 9747 => '𖠊', 9748 => '𖠋', 9749 => '𖠌', 9750 => '𖠍', 9751 => '𖠎', 9752 => '𖠏', 9753 => '𖠐', 9754 => '𖠑', 9755 => '𖠒', 9756 => '𖠓', 9757 => '𖠔', 9758 => '𖠕', 9759 => '𖠖', 9760 => '𖠗', 9761 => '𖠘', 9762 => '𖠙', 9763 => '𖠚', 9764 => '𖠛', 9765 => '𖠜', 9766 => '𖠝', 9767 => '𖠞', 9768 => '𖠟', 9769 => '𖠠', 9770 => '𖠡', 9771 => '𖠢', 9772 => '𖠣', 9773 => '𖠤', 9774 => '𖠥', 9775 => '𖠦', 9776 => '𖠧', 9777 => '𖠨', 9778 => '𖠩', 9779 => '𖠪', 9780 => '𖠫', 9781 => '𖠬', 9782 => '𖠭', 9783 => '𖠮', 9784 => '𖠯', 9785 => '𖠰', 9786 => '𖠱', 9787 => '𖠲', 9788 => '𖠳', 9789 => '𖠴', 9790 => '𖠵', 9791 => '𖠶', 9792 => '𖠷', 9793 => '𖠸', 9794 => '𖠹', 9795 => '𖠺', 9796 => '𖠻', 9797 => '𖠼', 9798 => '𖠽', 9799 => '𖠾', 9800 => '𖠿', 9801 => '𖡀', 9802 => '𖡁', 9803 => '𖡂', 9804 => '𖡃', 9805 => '𖡄', 9806 => '𖡅', 9807 => '𖡆', 9808 => '𖡇', 9809 => '𖡈', 9810 => '𖡉', 9811 => '𖡊', 9812 => '𖡋', 9813 => '𖡌', 9814 => '𖡍', 9815 => '𖡎', 9816 => '𖡏', 9817 => '𖡐', 9818 => '𖡑', 9819 => '𖡒', 9820 => '𖡓', 9821 => '𖡔', 9822 => '𖡕', 9823 => '𖡖', 9824 => '𖡗', 9825 => '𖡘', 9826 => '𖡙', 9827 => '𖡚', 9828 => '𖡛', 9829 => '𖡜', 9830 => '𖡝', 9831 => '𖡞', 9832 => '𖡟', 9833 => '𖡠', 9834 => '𖡡', 9835 => '𖡢', 9836 => '𖡣', 9837 => '𖡤', 9838 => '𖡥', 9839 => '𖡦', 9840 => '𖡧', 9841 => '𖡨', 9842 => '𖡩', 9843 => '𖡪', 9844 => '𖡫', 9845 => '𖡬', 9846 => '𖡭', 9847 => '𖡮', 9848 => '𖡯', 9849 => '𖡰', 9850 => '𖡱', 9851 => '𖡲', 9852 => '𖡳', 9853 => '𖡴', 9854 => '𖡵', 9855 => '𖡶', 9856 => '𖡷', 9857 => '𖡸', 9858 => '𖡹', 9859 => '𖡺', 9860 => '𖡻', 9861 => '𖡼', 9862 => '𖡽', 9863 => '𖡾', 9864 => '𖡿', 9865 => '𖢀', 9866 => '𖢁', 9867 => '𖢂', 9868 => '𖢃', 9869 => '𖢄', 9870 => '𖢅', 9871 => '𖢆', 9872 => '𖢇', 9873 => '𖢈', 9874 => '𖢉', 9875 => '𖢊', 9876 => '𖢋', 9877 => '𖢌', 9878 => '𖢍', 9879 => '𖢎', 9880 => '𖢏', 9881 => '𖢐', 9882 => '𖢑', 9883 => '𖢒', 9884 => '𖢓', 9885 => '𖢔', 9886 => '𖢕', 9887 => '𖢖', 9888 => '𖢗', 9889 => '𖢘', 9890 => '𖢙', 9891 => '𖢚', 9892 => '𖢛', 9893 => '𖢜', 9894 => '𖢝', 9895 => '𖢞', 9896 => '𖢟', 9897 => '𖢠', 9898 => '𖢡', 9899 => '𖢢', 9900 => '𖢣', 9901 => '𖢤', 9902 => '𖢥', 9903 => '𖢦', 9904 => '𖢧', 9905 => '𖢨', 9906 => '𖢩', 9907 => '𖢪', 9908 => '𖢫', 9909 => '𖢬', 9910 => '𖢭', 9911 => '𖢮', 9912 => '𖢯', 9913 => '𖢰', 9914 => '𖢱', 9915 => '𖢲', 9916 => '𖢳', 9917 => '𖢴', 9918 => '𖢵', 9919 => '𖢶', 9920 => '𖢷', 9921 => '𖢸', 9922 => '𖢹', 9923 => '𖢺', 9924 => '𖢻', 9925 => '𖢼', 9926 => '𖢽', 9927 => '𖢾', 9928 => '𖢿', 9929 => '𖣀', 9930 => '𖣁', 9931 => '𖣂', 9932 => '𖣃', 9933 => '𖣄', 9934 => '𖣅', 9935 => '𖣆', 9936 => '𖣇', 9937 => '𖣈', 9938 => '𖣉', 9939 => '𖣊', 9940 => '𖣋', 9941 => '𖣌', 9942 => '𖣍', 9943 => '𖣎', 9944 => '𖣏', 9945 => '𖣐', 9946 => '𖣑', 9947 => '𖣒', 9948 => '𖣓', 9949 => '𖣔', 9950 => '𖣕', 9951 => '𖣖', 9952 => '𖣗', 9953 => '𖣘', 9954 => '𖣙', 9955 => '𖣚', 9956 => '𖣛', 9957 => '𖣜', 9958 => '𖣝', 9959 => '𖣞', 9960 => '𖣟', 9961 => '𖣠', 9962 => '𖣡', 9963 => '𖣢', 9964 => '𖣣', 9965 => '𖣤', 9966 => '𖣥', 9967 => '𖣦', 9968 => '𖣧', 9969 => '𖣨', 9970 => '𖣩', 9971 => '𖣪', 9972 => '𖣫', 9973 => '𖣬', 9974 => '𖣭', 9975 => '𖣮', 9976 => '𖣯', 9977 => '𖣰', 9978 => '𖣱', 9979 => '𖣲', 9980 => '𖣳', 9981 => '𖣴', 9982 => '𖣵', 9983 => '𖣶', 9984 => '𖣷', 9985 => '𖣸', 9986 => '𖣹', 9987 => '𖣺', 9988 => '𖣻', 9989 => '𖣼', 9990 => '𖣽', 9991 => '𖣾', 9992 => '𖣿', 9993 => '𖤀', 9994 => '𖤁', 9995 => '𖤂', 9996 => '𖤃', 9997 => '𖤄', 9998 => '𖤅', 9999 => '𖤆', 10000 => '𖤇', 10001 => '𖤈', 10002 => '𖤉', 10003 => '𖤊', 10004 => '𖤋', 10005 => '𖤌', 10006 => '𖤍', 10007 => '𖤎', 10008 => '𖤏', 10009 => '𖤐', 10010 => '𖤑', 10011 => '𖤒', 10012 => '𖤓', 10013 => '𖤔', 10014 => '𖤕', 10015 => '𖤖', 10016 => '𖤗', 10017 => '𖤘', 10018 => '𖤙', 10019 => '𖤚', 10020 => '𖤛', 10021 => '𖤜', 10022 => '𖤝', 10023 => '𖤞', 10024 => '𖤟', 10025 => '𖤠', 10026 => '𖤡', 10027 => '𖤢', 10028 => '𖤣', 10029 => '𖤤', 10030 => '𖤥', 10031 => '𖤦', 10032 => '𖤧', 10033 => '𖤨', 10034 => '𖤩', 10035 => '𖤪', 10036 => '𖤫', 10037 => '𖤬', 10038 => '𖤭', 10039 => '𖤮', 10040 => '𖤯', 10041 => '𖤰', 10042 => '𖤱', 10043 => '𖤲', 10044 => '𖤳', 10045 => '𖤴', 10046 => '𖤵', 10047 => '𖤶', 10048 => '𖤷', 10049 => '𖤸', 10050 => '𖤹', 10051 => '𖤺', 10052 => '𖤻', 10053 => '𖤼', 10054 => '𖤽', 10055 => '𖤾', 10056 => '𖤿', 10057 => '𖥀', 10058 => '𖥁', 10059 => '𖥂', 10060 => '𖥃', 10061 => '𖥄', 10062 => '𖥅', 10063 => '𖥆', 10064 => '𖥇', 10065 => '𖥈', 10066 => '𖥉', 10067 => '𖥊', 10068 => '𖥋', 10069 => '𖥌', 10070 => '𖥍', 10071 => '𖥎', 10072 => '𖥏', 10073 => '𖥐', 10074 => '𖥑', 10075 => '𖥒', 10076 => '𖥓', 10077 => '𖥔', 10078 => '𖥕', 10079 => '𖥖', 10080 => '𖥗', 10081 => '𖥘', 10082 => '𖥙', 10083 => '𖥚', 10084 => '𖥛', 10085 => '𖥜', 10086 => '𖥝', 10087 => '𖥞', 10088 => '𖥟', 10089 => '𖥠', 10090 => '𖥡', 10091 => '𖥢', 10092 => '𖥣', 10093 => '𖥤', 10094 => '𖥥', 10095 => '𖥦', 10096 => '𖥧', 10097 => '𖥨', 10098 => '𖥩', 10099 => '𖥪', 10100 => '𖥫', 10101 => '𖥬', 10102 => '𖥭', 10103 => '𖥮', 10104 => '𖥯', 10105 => '𖥰', 10106 => '𖥱', 10107 => '𖥲', 10108 => '𖥳', 10109 => '𖥴', 10110 => '𖥵', 10111 => '𖥶', 10112 => '𖥷', 10113 => '𖥸', 10114 => '𖥹', 10115 => '𖥺', 10116 => '𖥻', 10117 => '𖥼', 10118 => '𖥽', 10119 => '𖥾', 10120 => '𖥿', 10121 => '𖦀', 10122 => '𖦁', 10123 => '𖦂', 10124 => '𖦃', 10125 => '𖦄', 10126 => '𖦅', 10127 => '𖦆', 10128 => '𖦇', 10129 => '𖦈', 10130 => '𖦉', 10131 => '𖦊', 10132 => '𖦋', 10133 => '𖦌', 10134 => '𖦍', 10135 => '𖦎', 10136 => '𖦏', 10137 => '𖦐', 10138 => '𖦑', 10139 => '𖦒', 10140 => '𖦓', 10141 => '𖦔', 10142 => '𖦕', 10143 => '𖦖', 10144 => '𖦗', 10145 => '𖦘', 10146 => '𖦙', 10147 => '𖦚', 10148 => '𖦛', 10149 => '𖦜', 10150 => '𖦝', 10151 => '𖦞', 10152 => '𖦟', 10153 => '𖦠', 10154 => '𖦡', 10155 => '𖦢', 10156 => '𖦣', 10157 => '𖦤', 10158 => '𖦥', 10159 => '𖦦', 10160 => '𖦧', 10161 => '𖦨', 10162 => '𖦩', 10163 => '𖦪', 10164 => '𖦫', 10165 => '𖦬', 10166 => '𖦭', 10167 => '𖦮', 10168 => '𖦯', 10169 => '𖦰', 10170 => '𖦱', 10171 => '𖦲', 10172 => '𖦳', 10173 => '𖦴', 10174 => '𖦵', 10175 => '𖦶', 10176 => '𖦷', 10177 => '𖦸', 10178 => '𖦹', 10179 => '𖦺', 10180 => '𖦻', 10181 => '𖦼', 10182 => '𖦽', 10183 => '𖦾', 10184 => '𖦿', 10185 => '𖧀', 10186 => '𖧁', 10187 => '𖧂', 10188 => '𖧃', 10189 => '𖧄', 10190 => '𖧅', 10191 => '𖧆', 10192 => '𖧇', 10193 => '𖧈', 10194 => '𖧉', 10195 => '𖧊', 10196 => '𖧋', 10197 => '𖧌', 10198 => '𖧍', 10199 => '𖧎', 10200 => '𖧏', 10201 => '𖧐', 10202 => '𖧑', 10203 => '𖧒', 10204 => '𖧓', 10205 => '𖧔', 10206 => '𖧕', 10207 => '𖧖', 10208 => '𖧗', 10209 => '𖧘', 10210 => '𖧙', 10211 => '𖧚', 10212 => '𖧛', 10213 => '𖧜', 10214 => '𖧝', 10215 => '𖧞', 10216 => '𖧟', 10217 => '𖧠', 10218 => '𖧡', 10219 => '𖧢', 10220 => '𖧣', 10221 => '𖧤', 10222 => '𖧥', 10223 => '𖧦', 10224 => '𖧧', 10225 => '𖧨', 10226 => '𖧩', 10227 => '𖧪', 10228 => '𖧫', 10229 => '𖧬', 10230 => '𖧭', 10231 => '𖧮', 10232 => '𖧯', 10233 => '𖧰', 10234 => '𖧱', 10235 => '𖧲', 10236 => '𖧳', 10237 => '𖧴', 10238 => '𖧵', 10239 => '𖧶', 10240 => '𖧷', 10241 => '𖧸', 10242 => '𖧹', 10243 => '𖧺', 10244 => '𖧻', 10245 => '𖧼', 10246 => '𖧽', 10247 => '𖧾', 10248 => '𖧿', 10249 => '𖨀', 10250 => '𖨁', 10251 => '𖨂', 10252 => '𖨃', 10253 => '𖨄', 10254 => '𖨅', 10255 => '𖨆', 10256 => '𖨇', 10257 => '𖨈', 10258 => '𖨉', 10259 => '𖨊', 10260 => '𖨋', 10261 => '𖨌', 10262 => '𖨍', 10263 => '𖨎', 10264 => '𖨏', 10265 => '𖨐', 10266 => '𖨑', 10267 => '𖨒', 10268 => '𖨓', 10269 => '𖨔', 10270 => '𖨕', 10271 => '𖨖', 10272 => '𖨗', 10273 => '𖨘', 10274 => '𖨙', 10275 => '𖨚', 10276 => '𖨛', 10277 => '𖨜', 10278 => '𖨝', 10279 => '𖨞', 10280 => '𖨟', 10281 => '𖨠', 10282 => '𖨡', 10283 => '𖨢', 10284 => '𖨣', 10285 => '𖨤', 10286 => '𖨥', 10287 => '𖨦', 10288 => '𖨧', 10289 => '𖨨', 10290 => '𖨩', 10291 => '𖨪', 10292 => '𖨫', 10293 => '𖨬', 10294 => '𖨭', 10295 => '𖨮', 10296 => '𖨯', 10297 => '𖨰', 10298 => '𖨱', 10299 => '𖨲', 10300 => '𖨳', 10301 => '𖨴', 10302 => '𖨵', 10303 => '𖨶', 10304 => '𖨷', 10305 => '𖨸', 10306 => 'ᄀ', 10307 => 'ᄁ', 10308 => 'ᄂ', 10309 => 'ᄃ', 10310 => 'ᄄ', 10311 => 'ᄅ', 10312 => 'ᄆ', 10313 => 'ᄇ', 10314 => 'ᄈ', 10315 => 'ᄉ', 10316 => 'ᄊ', 10317 => 'ᄋ', 10318 => 'ᄌ', 10319 => 'ᄍ', 10320 => 'ᄎ', 10321 => 'ᄏ', 10322 => 'ᄐ', 10323 => 'ᄑ', 10324 => 'ᄒ', 10325 => 'ᄓ', 10326 => 'ᄔ', 10327 => 'ᄕ', 10328 => 'ᄖ', 10329 => 'ᄗ', 10330 => 'ᄘ', 10331 => 'ᄙ', 10332 => 'ᄚ', 10333 => 'ᄛ', 10334 => 'ᄜ', 10335 => 'ᄝ', 10336 => 'ᄞ', 10337 => 'ᄟ', 10338 => 'ᄠ', 10339 => 'ᄡ', 10340 => 'ᄢ', 10341 => 'ᄣ', 10342 => 'ᄤ', 10343 => 'ᄥ', 10344 => 'ᄦ', 10345 => 'ᄧ', 10346 => 'ᄨ', 10347 => 'ᄩ', 10348 => 'ᄪ', 10349 => 'ᄫ', 10350 => 'ᄬ', 10351 => 'ᄭ', 10352 => 'ᄮ', 10353 => 'ᄯ', 10354 => 'ᄰ', 10355 => 'ᄱ', 10356 => 'ᄲ', 10357 => 'ᄳ', 10358 => 'ᄴ', 10359 => 'ᄵ', 10360 => 'ᄶ', 10361 => 'ᄷ', 10362 => 'ᄸ', 10363 => 'ᄹ', 10364 => 'ᄺ', 10365 => 'ᄻ', 10366 => 'ᄼ', 10367 => 'ᄽ', 10368 => 'ᄾ', 10369 => 'ᄿ', 10370 => 'ᅀ', 10371 => 'ᅁ', 10372 => 'ᅂ', 10373 => 'ᅃ', 10374 => 'ᅄ', 10375 => 'ᅅ', 10376 => 'ᅆ', 10377 => 'ᅇ', 10378 => 'ᅈ', 10379 => 'ᅉ', 10380 => 'ᅊ', 10381 => 'ᅋ', 10382 => 'ᅌ', 10383 => 'ᅍ', 10384 => 'ᅎ', 10385 => 'ᅏ', 10386 => 'ᅐ', 10387 => 'ᅑ', 10388 => 'ᅒ', 10389 => 'ᅓ', 10390 => 'ᅔ', 10391 => 'ᅕ', 10392 => 'ᅖ', 10393 => 'ᅗ', 10394 => 'ᅘ', 10395 => 'ᅙ', 10396 => 'ᅚ', 10397 => 'ᅛ', 10398 => 'ᅜ', 10399 => 'ᅝ', 10400 => 'ᅞ', 10401 => 'ꥠ', 10402 => 'ꥡ', 10403 => 'ꥢ', 10404 => 'ꥣ', 10405 => 'ꥤ', 10406 => 'ꥥ', 10407 => 'ꥦ', 10408 => 'ꥧ', 10409 => 'ꥨ', 10410 => 'ꥩ', 10411 => 'ꥪ', 10412 => 'ꥫ', 10413 => 'ꥬ', 10414 => 'ꥭ', 10415 => 'ꥮ', 10416 => 'ꥯ', 10417 => 'ꥰ', 10418 => 'ꥱ', 10419 => 'ꥲ', 10420 => 'ꥳ', 10421 => 'ꥴ', 10422 => 'ꥵ', 10423 => 'ꥶ', 10424 => 'ꥷ', 10425 => 'ꥸ', 10426 => 'ꥹ', 10427 => 'ꥺ', 10428 => 'ꥻ', 10429 => 'ꥼ', 10430 => 'ᅟ', 10431 => 'ᅠ', 10432 => 'ᅡ', 10433 => 'ᅢ', 10434 => 'ᅣ', 10435 => 'ᅤ', 10436 => 'ᅥ', 10437 => 'ᅦ', 10438 => 'ᅧ', 10439 => 'ᅨ', 10440 => 'ᅩ', 10441 => 'ᅪ', 10442 => 'ᅫ', 10443 => 'ᅬ', 10444 => 'ᅭ', 10445 => 'ᅮ', 10446 => 'ᅯ', 10447 => 'ᅰ', 10448 => 'ᅱ', 10449 => 'ᅲ', 10450 => 'ᅳ', 10451 => 'ᅴ', 10452 => 'ᅵ', 10453 => 'ᅶ', 10454 => 'ᅷ', 10455 => 'ᅸ', 10456 => 'ᅹ', 10457 => 'ᅺ', 10458 => 'ᅻ', 10459 => 'ᅼ', 10460 => 'ᅽ', 10461 => 'ᅾ', 10462 => 'ᅿ', 10463 => 'ᆀ', 10464 => 'ᆁ', 10465 => 'ᆂ', 10466 => 'ᆃ', 10467 => 'ᆄ', 10468 => 'ᆅ', 10469 => 'ᆆ', 10470 => 'ᆇ', 10471 => 'ᆈ', 10472 => 'ᆉ', 10473 => 'ᆊ', 10474 => 'ᆋ', 10475 => 'ᆌ', 10476 => 'ᆍ', 10477 => 'ᆎ', 10478 => 'ᆏ', 10479 => 'ᆐ', 10480 => 'ᆑ', 10481 => 'ᆒ', 10482 => 'ᆓ', 10483 => 'ᆔ', 10484 => 'ᆕ', 10485 => 'ᆖ', 10486 => 'ᆗ', 10487 => 'ᆘ', 10488 => 'ᆙ', 10489 => 'ᆚ', 10490 => 'ᆛ', 10491 => 'ᆜ', 10492 => 'ᆝ', 10493 => 'ᆞ', 10494 => 'ᆟ', 10495 => 'ᆠ', 10496 => 'ᆡ', 10497 => 'ᆢ', 10498 => 'ᆣ', 10499 => 'ᆤ', 10500 => 'ᆥ', 10501 => 'ᆦ', 10502 => 'ᆧ', 10503 => 'ힰ', 10504 => 'ힱ', 10505 => 'ힲ', 10506 => 'ힳ', 10507 => 'ힴ', 10508 => 'ힵ', 10509 => 'ힶ', 10510 => 'ힷ', 10511 => 'ힸ', 10512 => 'ힹ', 10513 => 'ힺ', 10514 => 'ힻ', 10515 => 'ힼ', 10516 => 'ힽ', 10517 => 'ힾ', 10518 => 'ힿ', 10519 => 'ퟀ', 10520 => 'ퟁ', 10521 => 'ퟂ', 10522 => 'ퟃ', 10523 => 'ퟄ', 10524 => 'ퟅ', 10525 => 'ퟆ', 10526 => 'ᆨ', 10527 => 'ᆩ', 10528 => 'ᆪ', 10529 => 'ᆫ', 10530 => 'ᆬ', 10531 => 'ᆭ', 10532 => 'ᆮ', 10533 => 'ᆯ', 10534 => 'ᆰ', 10535 => 'ᆱ', 10536 => 'ᆲ', 10537 => 'ᆳ', 10538 => 'ᆴ', 10539 => 'ᆵ', 10540 => 'ᆶ', 10541 => 'ᆷ', 10542 => 'ᆸ', 10543 => 'ᆹ', 10544 => 'ᆺ', 10545 => 'ᆻ', 10546 => 'ᆼ', 10547 => 'ᆽ', 10548 => 'ᆾ', 10549 => 'ᆿ', 10550 => 'ᇀ', 10551 => 'ᇁ', 10552 => 'ᇂ', 10553 => 'ᇃ', 10554 => 'ᇄ', 10555 => 'ᇅ', 10556 => 'ᇆ', 10557 => 'ᇇ', 10558 => 'ᇈ', 10559 => 'ᇉ', 10560 => 'ᇊ', 10561 => 'ᇋ', 10562 => 'ᇌ', 10563 => 'ᇍ', 10564 => 'ᇎ', 10565 => 'ᇏ', 10566 => 'ᇐ', 10567 => 'ᇑ', 10568 => 'ᇒ', 10569 => 'ᇓ', 10570 => 'ᇔ', 10571 => 'ᇕ', 10572 => 'ᇖ', 10573 => 'ᇗ', 10574 => 'ᇘ', 10575 => 'ᇙ', 10576 => 'ᇚ', 10577 => 'ᇛ', 10578 => 'ᇜ', 10579 => 'ᇝ', 10580 => 'ᇞ', 10581 => 'ᇟ', 10582 => 'ᇠ', 10583 => 'ᇡ', 10584 => 'ᇢ', 10585 => 'ᇣ', 10586 => 'ᇤ', 10587 => 'ᇥ', 10588 => 'ᇦ', 10589 => 'ᇧ', 10590 => 'ᇨ', 10591 => 'ᇩ', 10592 => 'ᇪ', 10593 => 'ᇫ', 10594 => 'ᇬ', 10595 => 'ᇭ', 10596 => 'ᇮ', 10597 => 'ᇯ', 10598 => 'ᇰ', 10599 => 'ᇱ', 10600 => 'ᇲ', 10601 => 'ᇳ', 10602 => 'ᇴ', 10603 => 'ᇵ', 10604 => 'ᇶ', 10605 => 'ᇷ', 10606 => 'ᇸ', 10607 => 'ᇹ', 10608 => 'ᇺ', 10609 => 'ᇻ', 10610 => 'ᇼ', 10611 => 'ᇽ', 10612 => 'ᇾ', 10613 => 'ᇿ', 10614 => 'ퟋ', 10615 => 'ퟌ', 10616 => 'ퟍ', 10617 => 'ퟎ', 10618 => 'ퟏ', 10619 => 'ퟐ', 10620 => 'ퟑ', 10621 => 'ퟒ', 10622 => 'ퟓ', 10623 => 'ퟔ', 10624 => 'ퟕ', 10625 => 'ퟖ', 10626 => 'ퟗ', 10627 => 'ퟘ', 10628 => 'ퟙ', 10629 => 'ퟚ', 10630 => 'ퟛ', 10631 => 'ퟜ', 10632 => 'ퟝ', 10633 => 'ퟞ', 10634 => 'ퟟ', 10635 => 'ퟠ', 10636 => 'ퟡ', 10637 => 'ퟢ', 10638 => 'ퟣ', 10639 => 'ퟤ', 10640 => 'ퟥ', 10641 => 'ퟦ', 10642 => 'ퟧ', 10643 => 'ퟨ', 10644 => 'ퟩ', 10645 => 'ퟪ', 10646 => 'ퟫ', 10647 => 'ퟬ', 10648 => 'ퟭ', 10649 => 'ퟮ', 10650 => 'ퟯ', 10651 => 'ퟰ', 10652 => 'ퟱ', 10653 => 'ퟲ', 10654 => 'ퟳ', 10655 => 'ퟴ', 10656 => 'ퟵ', 10657 => 'ퟶ', 10658 => 'ퟷ', 10659 => 'ퟸ', 10660 => 'ퟹ', 10661 => 'ퟺ', 10662 => 'ퟻ', 10663 => 'あ', 10664 => 'い', 10665 => 'う', 10666 => '𛀀', 10667 => 'え', 10668 => 'お', 10669 => 'か', 10670 => 'き', 10671 => 'く', 10672 => 'け', 10673 => 'こ', 10674 => 'さ', 10675 => 'し', 10676 => 'す', 10677 => 'せ', 10678 => 'そ', 10679 => 'た', 10680 => 'ち', 10681 => 'つ', 10682 => 'て', 10683 => 'と', 10684 => 'な', 10685 => 'に', 10686 => 'ぬ', 10687 => 'ね', 10688 => 'の', 10689 => 'は', 10690 => 'ひ', 10691 => 'ふ', 10692 => 'へ', 10693 => 'ほ', 10694 => 'ま', 10695 => 'み', 10696 => 'む', 10697 => 'め', 10698 => 'も', 10699 => 'や', 10700 => 'ゆ', 10701 => '𛀁', 10702 => 'よ', 10703 => 'ら', 10704 => 'り', 10705 => 'る', 10706 => 'れ', 10707 => 'ろ', 10708 => 'わ', 10709 => 'ゐ', 10710 => 'ゑ', 10711 => 'を', 10712 => 'ん', 10713 => 'ㄅ', 10714 => 'ㄆ', 10715 => 'ㄇ', 10716 => 'ㄈ', 10717 => 'ㄪ', 10718 => 'ㄉ', 10719 => 'ㄊ', 10720 => 'ㄋ', 10721 => 'ㄌ', 10722 => 'ㄍ', 10723 => 'ㄎ', 10724 => 'ㄫ', 10725 => 'ㆭ', 10726 => 'ㄏ', 10727 => 'ㄐ', 10728 => 'ㄑ', 10729 => 'ㄒ', 10730 => 'ㄬ', 10731 => 'ㄓ', 10732 => 'ㄔ', 10733 => 'ㄕ', 10734 => 'ㄖ', 10735 => 'ㄗ', 10736 => 'ㄘ', 10737 => 'ㄙ', 10738 => 'ㆸ', 10739 => 'ㆹ', 10740 => 'ㆺ', 10741 => 'ㄚ', 10742 => 'ㄛ', 10743 => 'ㆦ', 10744 => 'ㄜ', 10745 => 'ㄝ', 10746 => 'ㆤ', 10747 => 'ㄞ', 10748 => 'ㄟ', 10749 => 'ㄠ', 10750 => 'ㄡ', 10751 => 'ㄢ', 10752 => 'ㄣ', 10753 => 'ㄤ', 10754 => 'ㆲ', 10755 => 'ㄥ', 10756 => 'ㆰ', 10757 => 'ㆱ', 10758 => 'ㆬ', 10759 => 'ㄦ', 10760 => 'ㄧ', 10761 => 'ㄨ', 10762 => 'ㄩ', 10763 => 'ㄭ', 10764 => 'ꀀ', 10765 => 'ꀁ', 10766 => 'ꀂ', 10767 => 'ꀃ', 10768 => 'ꀄ', 10769 => 'ꀅ', 10770 => 'ꀆ', 10771 => 'ꀇ', 10772 => 'ꀈ', 10773 => 'ꀉ', 10774 => 'ꀊ', 10775 => 'ꀋ', 10776 => 'ꀌ', 10777 => 'ꀍ', 10778 => 'ꀎ', 10779 => 'ꀏ', 10780 => 'ꀐ', 10781 => 'ꀑ', 10782 => 'ꀒ', 10783 => 'ꀓ', 10784 => 'ꀔ', 10785 => 'ꀕ', 10786 => 'ꀖ', 10787 => 'ꀗ', 10788 => 'ꀘ', 10789 => 'ꀙ', 10790 => 'ꀚ', 10791 => 'ꀛ', 10792 => 'ꀜ', 10793 => 'ꀝ', 10794 => 'ꀞ', 10795 => 'ꀟ', 10796 => 'ꀠ', 10797 => 'ꀡ', 10798 => 'ꀢ', 10799 => 'ꀣ', 10800 => 'ꀤ', 10801 => 'ꀥ', 10802 => 'ꀦ', 10803 => 'ꀧ', 10804 => 'ꀨ', 10805 => 'ꀩ', 10806 => 'ꀪ', 10807 => 'ꀫ', 10808 => 'ꀬ', 10809 => 'ꀭ', 10810 => 'ꀮ', 10811 => 'ꀯ', 10812 => 'ꀰ', 10813 => 'ꀱ', 10814 => 'ꀲ', 10815 => 'ꀳ', 10816 => 'ꀴ', 10817 => 'ꀵ', 10818 => 'ꀶ', 10819 => 'ꀷ', 10820 => 'ꀸ', 10821 => 'ꀹ', 10822 => 'ꀺ', 10823 => 'ꀻ', 10824 => 'ꀼ', 10825 => 'ꀽ', 10826 => 'ꀾ', 10827 => 'ꀿ', 10828 => 'ꁀ', 10829 => 'ꁁ', 10830 => 'ꁂ', 10831 => 'ꁃ', 10832 => 'ꁄ', 10833 => 'ꁅ', 10834 => 'ꁆ', 10835 => 'ꁇ', 10836 => 'ꁈ', 10837 => 'ꁉ', 10838 => 'ꁊ', 10839 => 'ꁋ', 10840 => 'ꁌ', 10841 => 'ꁍ', 10842 => 'ꁎ', 10843 => 'ꁏ', 10844 => 'ꁐ', 10845 => 'ꁑ', 10846 => 'ꁒ', 10847 => 'ꁓ', 10848 => 'ꁔ', 10849 => 'ꁕ', 10850 => 'ꁖ', 10851 => 'ꁗ', 10852 => 'ꁘ', 10853 => 'ꁙ', 10854 => 'ꁚ', 10855 => 'ꁛ', 10856 => 'ꁜ', 10857 => 'ꁝ', 10858 => 'ꁞ', 10859 => 'ꁟ', 10860 => 'ꁠ', 10861 => 'ꁡ', 10862 => 'ꁢ', 10863 => 'ꁣ', 10864 => 'ꁤ', 10865 => 'ꁥ', 10866 => 'ꁦ', 10867 => 'ꁧ', 10868 => 'ꁨ', 10869 => 'ꁩ', 10870 => 'ꁪ', 10871 => 'ꁫ', 10872 => 'ꁬ', 10873 => 'ꁭ', 10874 => 'ꁮ', 10875 => 'ꁯ', 10876 => 'ꁰ', 10877 => 'ꁱ', 10878 => 'ꁲ', 10879 => 'ꁳ', 10880 => 'ꁴ', 10881 => 'ꁵ', 10882 => 'ꁶ', 10883 => 'ꁷ', 10884 => 'ꁸ', 10885 => 'ꁹ', 10886 => 'ꁺ', 10887 => 'ꁻ', 10888 => 'ꁼ', 10889 => 'ꁽ', 10890 => 'ꁾ', 10891 => 'ꁿ', 10892 => 'ꂀ', 10893 => 'ꂁ', 10894 => 'ꂂ', 10895 => 'ꂃ', 10896 => 'ꂄ', 10897 => 'ꂅ', 10898 => 'ꂆ', 10899 => 'ꂇ', 10900 => 'ꂈ', 10901 => 'ꂉ', 10902 => 'ꂊ', 10903 => 'ꂋ', 10904 => 'ꂌ', 10905 => 'ꂍ', 10906 => 'ꂎ', 10907 => 'ꂏ', 10908 => 'ꂐ', 10909 => 'ꂑ', 10910 => 'ꂒ', 10911 => 'ꂓ', 10912 => 'ꂔ', 10913 => 'ꂕ', 10914 => 'ꂖ', 10915 => 'ꂗ', 10916 => 'ꂘ', 10917 => 'ꂙ', 10918 => 'ꂚ', 10919 => 'ꂛ', 10920 => 'ꂜ', 10921 => 'ꂝ', 10922 => 'ꂞ', 10923 => 'ꂟ', 10924 => 'ꂠ', 10925 => 'ꂡ', 10926 => 'ꂢ', 10927 => 'ꂣ', 10928 => 'ꂤ', 10929 => 'ꂥ', 10930 => 'ꂦ', 10931 => 'ꂧ', 10932 => 'ꂨ', 10933 => 'ꂩ', 10934 => 'ꂪ', 10935 => 'ꂫ', 10936 => 'ꂬ', 10937 => 'ꂭ', 10938 => 'ꂮ', 10939 => 'ꂯ', 10940 => 'ꂰ', 10941 => 'ꂱ', 10942 => 'ꂲ', 10943 => 'ꂳ', 10944 => 'ꂴ', 10945 => 'ꂵ', 10946 => 'ꂶ', 10947 => 'ꂷ', 10948 => 'ꂸ', 10949 => 'ꂹ', 10950 => 'ꂺ', 10951 => 'ꂻ', 10952 => 'ꂼ', 10953 => 'ꂽ', 10954 => 'ꂾ', 10955 => 'ꂿ', 10956 => 'ꃀ', 10957 => 'ꃁ', 10958 => 'ꃂ', 10959 => 'ꃃ', 10960 => 'ꃄ', 10961 => 'ꃅ', 10962 => 'ꃆ', 10963 => 'ꃇ', 10964 => 'ꃈ', 10965 => 'ꃉ', 10966 => 'ꃊ', 10967 => 'ꃋ', 10968 => 'ꃌ', 10969 => 'ꃍ', 10970 => 'ꃎ', 10971 => 'ꃏ', 10972 => 'ꃐ', 10973 => 'ꃑ', 10974 => 'ꃒ', 10975 => 'ꃓ', 10976 => 'ꃔ', 10977 => 'ꃕ', 10978 => 'ꃖ', 10979 => 'ꃗ', 10980 => 'ꃘ', 10981 => 'ꃙ', 10982 => 'ꃚ', 10983 => 'ꃛ', 10984 => 'ꃜ', 10985 => 'ꃝ', 10986 => 'ꃞ', 10987 => 'ꃟ', 10988 => 'ꃠ', 10989 => 'ꃡ', 10990 => 'ꃢ', 10991 => 'ꃣ', 10992 => 'ꃤ', 10993 => 'ꃥ', 10994 => 'ꃦ', 10995 => 'ꃧ', 10996 => 'ꃨ', 10997 => 'ꃩ', 10998 => 'ꃪ', 10999 => 'ꃫ', 11000 => 'ꃬ', 11001 => 'ꃭ', 11002 => 'ꃮ', 11003 => 'ꃯ', 11004 => 'ꃰ', 11005 => 'ꃱ', 11006 => 'ꃲ', 11007 => 'ꃳ', 11008 => 'ꃴ', 11009 => 'ꃵ', 11010 => 'ꃶ', 11011 => 'ꃷ', 11012 => 'ꃸ', 11013 => 'ꃹ', 11014 => 'ꃺ', 11015 => 'ꃻ', 11016 => 'ꃼ', 11017 => 'ꃽ', 11018 => 'ꃾ', 11019 => 'ꃿ', 11020 => 'ꄀ', 11021 => 'ꄁ', 11022 => 'ꄂ', 11023 => 'ꄃ', 11024 => 'ꄄ', 11025 => 'ꄅ', 11026 => 'ꄆ', 11027 => 'ꄇ', 11028 => 'ꄈ', 11029 => 'ꄉ', 11030 => 'ꄊ', 11031 => 'ꄋ', 11032 => 'ꄌ', 11033 => 'ꄍ', 11034 => 'ꄎ', 11035 => 'ꄏ', 11036 => 'ꄐ', 11037 => 'ꄑ', 11038 => 'ꄒ', 11039 => 'ꄓ', 11040 => 'ꄔ', 11041 => 'ꄕ', 11042 => 'ꄖ', 11043 => 'ꄗ', 11044 => 'ꄘ', 11045 => 'ꄙ', 11046 => 'ꄚ', 11047 => 'ꄛ', 11048 => 'ꄜ', 11049 => 'ꄝ', 11050 => 'ꄞ', 11051 => 'ꄟ', 11052 => 'ꄠ', 11053 => 'ꄡ', 11054 => 'ꄢ', 11055 => 'ꄣ', 11056 => 'ꄤ', 11057 => 'ꄥ', 11058 => 'ꄦ', 11059 => 'ꄧ', 11060 => 'ꄨ', 11061 => 'ꄩ', 11062 => 'ꄪ', 11063 => 'ꄫ', 11064 => 'ꄬ', 11065 => 'ꄭ', 11066 => 'ꄮ', 11067 => 'ꄯ', 11068 => 'ꄰ', 11069 => 'ꄱ', 11070 => 'ꄲ', 11071 => 'ꄳ', 11072 => 'ꄴ', 11073 => 'ꄵ', 11074 => 'ꄶ', 11075 => 'ꄷ', 11076 => 'ꄸ', 11077 => 'ꄹ', 11078 => 'ꄺ', 11079 => 'ꄻ', 11080 => 'ꄼ', 11081 => 'ꄽ', 11082 => 'ꄾ', 11083 => 'ꄿ', 11084 => 'ꅀ', 11085 => 'ꅁ', 11086 => 'ꅂ', 11087 => 'ꅃ', 11088 => 'ꅄ', 11089 => 'ꅅ', 11090 => 'ꅆ', 11091 => 'ꅇ', 11092 => 'ꅈ', 11093 => 'ꅉ', 11094 => 'ꅊ', 11095 => 'ꅋ', 11096 => 'ꅌ', 11097 => 'ꅍ', 11098 => 'ꅎ', 11099 => 'ꅏ', 11100 => 'ꅐ', 11101 => 'ꅑ', 11102 => 'ꅒ', 11103 => 'ꅓ', 11104 => 'ꅔ', 11105 => 'ꅕ', 11106 => 'ꅖ', 11107 => 'ꅗ', 11108 => 'ꅘ', 11109 => 'ꅙ', 11110 => 'ꅚ', 11111 => 'ꅛ', 11112 => 'ꅜ', 11113 => 'ꅝ', 11114 => 'ꅞ', 11115 => 'ꅟ', 11116 => 'ꅠ', 11117 => 'ꅡ', 11118 => 'ꅢ', 11119 => 'ꅣ', 11120 => 'ꅤ', 11121 => 'ꅥ', 11122 => 'ꅦ', 11123 => 'ꅧ', 11124 => 'ꅨ', 11125 => 'ꅩ', 11126 => 'ꅪ', 11127 => 'ꅫ', 11128 => 'ꅬ', 11129 => 'ꅭ', 11130 => 'ꅮ', 11131 => 'ꅯ', 11132 => 'ꅰ', 11133 => 'ꅱ', 11134 => 'ꅲ', 11135 => 'ꅳ', 11136 => 'ꅴ', 11137 => 'ꅵ', 11138 => 'ꅶ', 11139 => 'ꅷ', 11140 => 'ꅸ', 11141 => 'ꅹ', 11142 => 'ꅺ', 11143 => 'ꅻ', 11144 => 'ꅼ', 11145 => 'ꅽ', 11146 => 'ꅾ', 11147 => 'ꅿ', 11148 => 'ꆀ', 11149 => 'ꆁ', 11150 => 'ꆂ', 11151 => 'ꆃ', 11152 => 'ꆄ', 11153 => 'ꆅ', 11154 => 'ꆆ', 11155 => 'ꆇ', 11156 => 'ꆈ', 11157 => 'ꆉ', 11158 => 'ꆊ', 11159 => 'ꆋ', 11160 => 'ꆌ', 11161 => 'ꆍ', 11162 => 'ꆎ', 11163 => 'ꆏ', 11164 => 'ꆐ', 11165 => 'ꆑ', 11166 => 'ꆒ', 11167 => 'ꆓ', 11168 => 'ꆔ', 11169 => 'ꆕ', 11170 => 'ꆖ', 11171 => 'ꆗ', 11172 => 'ꆘ', 11173 => 'ꆙ', 11174 => 'ꆚ', 11175 => 'ꆛ', 11176 => 'ꆜ', 11177 => 'ꆝ', 11178 => 'ꆞ', 11179 => 'ꆟ', 11180 => 'ꆠ', 11181 => 'ꆡ', 11182 => 'ꆢ', 11183 => 'ꆣ', 11184 => 'ꆤ', 11185 => 'ꆥ', 11186 => 'ꆦ', 11187 => 'ꆧ', 11188 => 'ꆨ', 11189 => 'ꆩ', 11190 => 'ꆪ', 11191 => 'ꆫ', 11192 => 'ꆬ', 11193 => 'ꆭ', 11194 => 'ꆮ', 11195 => 'ꆯ', 11196 => 'ꆰ', 11197 => 'ꆱ', 11198 => 'ꆲ', 11199 => 'ꆳ', 11200 => 'ꆴ', 11201 => 'ꆵ', 11202 => 'ꆶ', 11203 => 'ꆷ', 11204 => 'ꆸ', 11205 => 'ꆹ', 11206 => 'ꆺ', 11207 => 'ꆻ', 11208 => 'ꆼ', 11209 => 'ꆽ', 11210 => 'ꆾ', 11211 => 'ꆿ', 11212 => 'ꇀ', 11213 => 'ꇁ', 11214 => 'ꇂ', 11215 => 'ꇃ', 11216 => 'ꇄ', 11217 => 'ꇅ', 11218 => 'ꇆ', 11219 => 'ꇇ', 11220 => 'ꇈ', 11221 => 'ꇉ', 11222 => 'ꇊ', 11223 => 'ꇋ', 11224 => 'ꇌ', 11225 => 'ꇍ', 11226 => 'ꇎ', 11227 => 'ꇏ', 11228 => 'ꇐ', 11229 => 'ꇑ', 11230 => 'ꇒ', 11231 => 'ꇓ', 11232 => 'ꇔ', 11233 => 'ꇕ', 11234 => 'ꇖ', 11235 => 'ꇗ', 11236 => 'ꇘ', 11237 => 'ꇙ', 11238 => 'ꇚ', 11239 => 'ꇛ', 11240 => 'ꇜ', 11241 => 'ꇝ', 11242 => 'ꇞ', 11243 => 'ꇟ', 11244 => 'ꇠ', 11245 => 'ꇡ', 11246 => 'ꇢ', 11247 => 'ꇣ', 11248 => 'ꇤ', 11249 => 'ꇥ', 11250 => 'ꇦ', 11251 => 'ꇧ', 11252 => 'ꇨ', 11253 => 'ꇩ', 11254 => 'ꇪ', 11255 => 'ꇫ', 11256 => 'ꇬ', 11257 => 'ꇭ', 11258 => 'ꇮ', 11259 => 'ꇯ', 11260 => 'ꇰ', 11261 => 'ꇱ', 11262 => 'ꇲ', 11263 => 'ꇳ', 11264 => 'ꇴ', 11265 => 'ꇵ', 11266 => 'ꇶ', 11267 => 'ꇷ', 11268 => 'ꇸ', 11269 => 'ꇹ', 11270 => 'ꇺ', 11271 => 'ꇻ', 11272 => 'ꇼ', 11273 => 'ꇽ', 11274 => 'ꇾ', 11275 => 'ꇿ', 11276 => 'ꈀ', 11277 => 'ꈁ', 11278 => 'ꈂ', 11279 => 'ꈃ', 11280 => 'ꈄ', 11281 => 'ꈅ', 11282 => 'ꈆ', 11283 => 'ꈇ', 11284 => 'ꈈ', 11285 => 'ꈉ', 11286 => 'ꈊ', 11287 => 'ꈋ', 11288 => 'ꈌ', 11289 => 'ꈍ', 11290 => 'ꈎ', 11291 => 'ꈏ', 11292 => 'ꈐ', 11293 => 'ꈑ', 11294 => 'ꈒ', 11295 => 'ꈓ', 11296 => 'ꈔ', 11297 => 'ꈕ', 11298 => 'ꈖ', 11299 => 'ꈗ', 11300 => 'ꈘ', 11301 => 'ꈙ', 11302 => 'ꈚ', 11303 => 'ꈛ', 11304 => 'ꈜ', 11305 => 'ꈝ', 11306 => 'ꈞ', 11307 => 'ꈟ', 11308 => 'ꈠ', 11309 => 'ꈡ', 11310 => 'ꈢ', 11311 => 'ꈣ', 11312 => 'ꈤ', 11313 => 'ꈥ', 11314 => 'ꈦ', 11315 => 'ꈧ', 11316 => 'ꈨ', 11317 => 'ꈩ', 11318 => 'ꈪ', 11319 => 'ꈫ', 11320 => 'ꈬ', 11321 => 'ꈭ', 11322 => 'ꈮ', 11323 => 'ꈯ', 11324 => 'ꈰ', 11325 => 'ꈱ', 11326 => 'ꈲ', 11327 => 'ꈳ', 11328 => 'ꈴ', 11329 => 'ꈵ', 11330 => 'ꈶ', 11331 => 'ꈷ', 11332 => 'ꈸ', 11333 => 'ꈹ', 11334 => 'ꈺ', 11335 => 'ꈻ', 11336 => 'ꈼ', 11337 => 'ꈽ', 11338 => 'ꈾ', 11339 => 'ꈿ', 11340 => 'ꉀ', 11341 => 'ꉁ', 11342 => 'ꉂ', 11343 => 'ꉃ', 11344 => 'ꉄ', 11345 => 'ꉅ', 11346 => 'ꉆ', 11347 => 'ꉇ', 11348 => 'ꉈ', 11349 => 'ꉉ', 11350 => 'ꉊ', 11351 => 'ꉋ', 11352 => 'ꉌ', 11353 => 'ꉍ', 11354 => 'ꉎ', 11355 => 'ꉏ', 11356 => 'ꉐ', 11357 => 'ꉑ', 11358 => 'ꉒ', 11359 => 'ꉓ', 11360 => 'ꉔ', 11361 => 'ꉕ', 11362 => 'ꉖ', 11363 => 'ꉗ', 11364 => 'ꉘ', 11365 => 'ꉙ', 11366 => 'ꉚ', 11367 => 'ꉛ', 11368 => 'ꉜ', 11369 => 'ꉝ', 11370 => 'ꉞ', 11371 => 'ꉟ', 11372 => 'ꉠ', 11373 => 'ꉡ', 11374 => 'ꉢ', 11375 => 'ꉣ', 11376 => 'ꉤ', 11377 => 'ꉥ', 11378 => 'ꉦ', 11379 => 'ꉧ', 11380 => 'ꉨ', 11381 => 'ꉩ', 11382 => 'ꉪ', 11383 => 'ꉫ', 11384 => 'ꉬ', 11385 => 'ꉭ', 11386 => 'ꉮ', 11387 => 'ꉯ', 11388 => 'ꉰ', 11389 => 'ꉱ', 11390 => 'ꉲ', 11391 => 'ꉳ', 11392 => 'ꉴ', 11393 => 'ꉵ', 11394 => 'ꉶ', 11395 => 'ꉷ', 11396 => 'ꉸ', 11397 => 'ꉹ', 11398 => 'ꉺ', 11399 => 'ꉻ', 11400 => 'ꉼ', 11401 => 'ꉽ', 11402 => 'ꉾ', 11403 => 'ꉿ', 11404 => 'ꊀ', 11405 => 'ꊁ', 11406 => 'ꊂ', 11407 => 'ꊃ', 11408 => 'ꊄ', 11409 => 'ꊅ', 11410 => 'ꊆ', 11411 => 'ꊇ', 11412 => 'ꊈ', 11413 => 'ꊉ', 11414 => 'ꊊ', 11415 => 'ꊋ', 11416 => 'ꊌ', 11417 => 'ꊍ', 11418 => 'ꊎ', 11419 => 'ꊏ', 11420 => 'ꊐ', 11421 => 'ꊑ', 11422 => 'ꊒ', 11423 => 'ꊓ', 11424 => 'ꊔ', 11425 => 'ꊕ', 11426 => 'ꊖ', 11427 => 'ꊗ', 11428 => 'ꊘ', 11429 => 'ꊙ', 11430 => 'ꊚ', 11431 => 'ꊛ', 11432 => 'ꊜ', 11433 => 'ꊝ', 11434 => 'ꊞ', 11435 => 'ꊟ', 11436 => 'ꊠ', 11437 => 'ꊡ', 11438 => 'ꊢ', 11439 => 'ꊣ', 11440 => 'ꊤ', 11441 => 'ꊥ', 11442 => 'ꊦ', 11443 => 'ꊧ', 11444 => 'ꊨ', 11445 => 'ꊩ', 11446 => 'ꊪ', 11447 => 'ꊫ', 11448 => 'ꊬ', 11449 => 'ꊭ', 11450 => 'ꊮ', 11451 => 'ꊯ', 11452 => 'ꊰ', 11453 => 'ꊱ', 11454 => 'ꊲ', 11455 => 'ꊳ', 11456 => 'ꊴ', 11457 => 'ꊵ', 11458 => 'ꊶ', 11459 => 'ꊷ', 11460 => 'ꊸ', 11461 => 'ꊹ', 11462 => 'ꊺ', 11463 => 'ꊻ', 11464 => 'ꊼ', 11465 => 'ꊽ', 11466 => 'ꊾ', 11467 => 'ꊿ', 11468 => 'ꋀ', 11469 => 'ꋁ', 11470 => 'ꋂ', 11471 => 'ꋃ', 11472 => 'ꋄ', 11473 => 'ꋅ', 11474 => 'ꋆ', 11475 => 'ꋇ', 11476 => 'ꋈ', 11477 => 'ꋉ', 11478 => 'ꋊ', 11479 => 'ꋋ', 11480 => 'ꋌ', 11481 => 'ꋍ', 11482 => 'ꋎ', 11483 => 'ꋏ', 11484 => 'ꋐ', 11485 => 'ꋑ', 11486 => 'ꋒ', 11487 => 'ꋓ', 11488 => 'ꋔ', 11489 => 'ꋕ', 11490 => 'ꋖ', 11491 => 'ꋗ', 11492 => 'ꋘ', 11493 => 'ꋙ', 11494 => 'ꋚ', 11495 => 'ꋛ', 11496 => 'ꋜ', 11497 => 'ꋝ', 11498 => 'ꋞ', 11499 => 'ꋟ', 11500 => 'ꋠ', 11501 => 'ꋡ', 11502 => 'ꋢ', 11503 => 'ꋣ', 11504 => 'ꋤ', 11505 => 'ꋥ', 11506 => 'ꋦ', 11507 => 'ꋧ', 11508 => 'ꋨ', 11509 => 'ꋩ', 11510 => 'ꋪ', 11511 => 'ꋫ', 11512 => 'ꋬ', 11513 => 'ꋭ', 11514 => 'ꋮ', 11515 => 'ꋯ', 11516 => 'ꋰ', 11517 => 'ꋱ', 11518 => 'ꋲ', 11519 => 'ꋳ', 11520 => 'ꋴ', 11521 => 'ꋵ', 11522 => 'ꋶ', 11523 => 'ꋷ', 11524 => 'ꋸ', 11525 => 'ꋹ', 11526 => 'ꋺ', 11527 => 'ꋻ', 11528 => 'ꋼ', 11529 => 'ꋽ', 11530 => 'ꋾ', 11531 => 'ꋿ', 11532 => 'ꌀ', 11533 => 'ꌁ', 11534 => 'ꌂ', 11535 => 'ꌃ', 11536 => 'ꌄ', 11537 => 'ꌅ', 11538 => 'ꌆ', 11539 => 'ꌇ', 11540 => 'ꌈ', 11541 => 'ꌉ', 11542 => 'ꌊ', 11543 => 'ꌋ', 11544 => 'ꌌ', 11545 => 'ꌍ', 11546 => 'ꌎ', 11547 => 'ꌏ', 11548 => 'ꌐ', 11549 => 'ꌑ', 11550 => 'ꌒ', 11551 => 'ꌓ', 11552 => 'ꌔ', 11553 => 'ꌕ', 11554 => 'ꌖ', 11555 => 'ꌗ', 11556 => 'ꌘ', 11557 => 'ꌙ', 11558 => 'ꌚ', 11559 => 'ꌛ', 11560 => 'ꌜ', 11561 => 'ꌝ', 11562 => 'ꌞ', 11563 => 'ꌟ', 11564 => 'ꌠ', 11565 => 'ꌡ', 11566 => 'ꌢ', 11567 => 'ꌣ', 11568 => 'ꌤ', 11569 => 'ꌥ', 11570 => 'ꌦ', 11571 => 'ꌧ', 11572 => 'ꌨ', 11573 => 'ꌩ', 11574 => 'ꌪ', 11575 => 'ꌫ', 11576 => 'ꌬ', 11577 => 'ꌭ', 11578 => 'ꌮ', 11579 => 'ꌯ', 11580 => 'ꌰ', 11581 => 'ꌱ', 11582 => 'ꌲ', 11583 => 'ꌳ', 11584 => 'ꌴ', 11585 => 'ꌵ', 11586 => 'ꌶ', 11587 => 'ꌷ', 11588 => 'ꌸ', 11589 => 'ꌹ', 11590 => 'ꌺ', 11591 => 'ꌻ', 11592 => 'ꌼ', 11593 => 'ꌽ', 11594 => 'ꌾ', 11595 => 'ꌿ', 11596 => 'ꍀ', 11597 => 'ꍁ', 11598 => 'ꍂ', 11599 => 'ꍃ', 11600 => 'ꍄ', 11601 => 'ꍅ', 11602 => 'ꍆ', 11603 => 'ꍇ', 11604 => 'ꍈ', 11605 => 'ꍉ', 11606 => 'ꍊ', 11607 => 'ꍋ', 11608 => 'ꍌ', 11609 => 'ꍍ', 11610 => 'ꍎ', 11611 => 'ꍏ', 11612 => 'ꍐ', 11613 => 'ꍑ', 11614 => 'ꍒ', 11615 => 'ꍓ', 11616 => 'ꍔ', 11617 => 'ꍕ', 11618 => 'ꍖ', 11619 => 'ꍗ', 11620 => 'ꍘ', 11621 => 'ꍙ', 11622 => 'ꍚ', 11623 => 'ꍛ', 11624 => 'ꍜ', 11625 => 'ꍝ', 11626 => 'ꍞ', 11627 => 'ꍟ', 11628 => 'ꍠ', 11629 => 'ꍡ', 11630 => 'ꍢ', 11631 => 'ꍣ', 11632 => 'ꍤ', 11633 => 'ꍥ', 11634 => 'ꍦ', 11635 => 'ꍧ', 11636 => 'ꍨ', 11637 => 'ꍩ', 11638 => 'ꍪ', 11639 => 'ꍫ', 11640 => 'ꍬ', 11641 => 'ꍭ', 11642 => 'ꍮ', 11643 => 'ꍯ', 11644 => 'ꍰ', 11645 => 'ꍱ', 11646 => 'ꍲ', 11647 => 'ꍳ', 11648 => 'ꍴ', 11649 => 'ꍵ', 11650 => 'ꍶ', 11651 => 'ꍷ', 11652 => 'ꍸ', 11653 => 'ꍹ', 11654 => 'ꍺ', 11655 => 'ꍻ', 11656 => 'ꍼ', 11657 => 'ꍽ', 11658 => 'ꍾ', 11659 => 'ꍿ', 11660 => 'ꎀ', 11661 => 'ꎁ', 11662 => 'ꎂ', 11663 => 'ꎃ', 11664 => 'ꎄ', 11665 => 'ꎅ', 11666 => 'ꎆ', 11667 => 'ꎇ', 11668 => 'ꎈ', 11669 => 'ꎉ', 11670 => 'ꎊ', 11671 => 'ꎋ', 11672 => 'ꎌ', 11673 => 'ꎍ', 11674 => 'ꎎ', 11675 => 'ꎏ', 11676 => 'ꎐ', 11677 => 'ꎑ', 11678 => 'ꎒ', 11679 => 'ꎓ', 11680 => 'ꎔ', 11681 => 'ꎕ', 11682 => 'ꎖ', 11683 => 'ꎗ', 11684 => 'ꎘ', 11685 => 'ꎙ', 11686 => 'ꎚ', 11687 => 'ꎛ', 11688 => 'ꎜ', 11689 => 'ꎝ', 11690 => 'ꎞ', 11691 => 'ꎟ', 11692 => 'ꎠ', 11693 => 'ꎡ', 11694 => 'ꎢ', 11695 => 'ꎣ', 11696 => 'ꎤ', 11697 => 'ꎥ', 11698 => 'ꎦ', 11699 => 'ꎧ', 11700 => 'ꎨ', 11701 => 'ꎩ', 11702 => 'ꎪ', 11703 => 'ꎫ', 11704 => 'ꎬ', 11705 => 'ꎭ', 11706 => 'ꎮ', 11707 => 'ꎯ', 11708 => 'ꎰ', 11709 => 'ꎱ', 11710 => 'ꎲ', 11711 => 'ꎳ', 11712 => 'ꎴ', 11713 => 'ꎵ', 11714 => 'ꎶ', 11715 => 'ꎷ', 11716 => 'ꎸ', 11717 => 'ꎹ', 11718 => 'ꎺ', 11719 => 'ꎻ', 11720 => 'ꎼ', 11721 => 'ꎽ', 11722 => 'ꎾ', 11723 => 'ꎿ', 11724 => 'ꏀ', 11725 => 'ꏁ', 11726 => 'ꏂ', 11727 => 'ꏃ', 11728 => 'ꏄ', 11729 => 'ꏅ', 11730 => 'ꏆ', 11731 => 'ꏇ', 11732 => 'ꏈ', 11733 => 'ꏉ', 11734 => 'ꏊ', 11735 => 'ꏋ', 11736 => 'ꏌ', 11737 => 'ꏍ', 11738 => 'ꏎ', 11739 => 'ꏏ', 11740 => 'ꏐ', 11741 => 'ꏑ', 11742 => 'ꏒ', 11743 => 'ꏓ', 11744 => 'ꏔ', 11745 => 'ꏕ', 11746 => 'ꏖ', 11747 => 'ꏗ', 11748 => 'ꏘ', 11749 => 'ꏙ', 11750 => 'ꏚ', 11751 => 'ꏛ', 11752 => 'ꏜ', 11753 => 'ꏝ', 11754 => 'ꏞ', 11755 => 'ꏟ', 11756 => 'ꏠ', 11757 => 'ꏡ', 11758 => 'ꏢ', 11759 => 'ꏣ', 11760 => 'ꏤ', 11761 => 'ꏥ', 11762 => 'ꏦ', 11763 => 'ꏧ', 11764 => 'ꏨ', 11765 => 'ꏩ', 11766 => 'ꏪ', 11767 => 'ꏫ', 11768 => 'ꏬ', 11769 => 'ꏭ', 11770 => 'ꏮ', 11771 => 'ꏯ', 11772 => 'ꏰ', 11773 => 'ꏱ', 11774 => 'ꏲ', 11775 => 'ꏳ', 11776 => 'ꏴ', 11777 => 'ꏵ', 11778 => 'ꏶ', 11779 => 'ꏷ', 11780 => 'ꏸ', 11781 => 'ꏹ', 11782 => 'ꏺ', 11783 => 'ꏻ', 11784 => 'ꏼ', 11785 => 'ꏽ', 11786 => 'ꏾ', 11787 => 'ꏿ', 11788 => 'ꐀ', 11789 => 'ꐁ', 11790 => 'ꐂ', 11791 => 'ꐃ', 11792 => 'ꐄ', 11793 => 'ꐅ', 11794 => 'ꐆ', 11795 => 'ꐇ', 11796 => 'ꐈ', 11797 => 'ꐉ', 11798 => 'ꐊ', 11799 => 'ꐋ', 11800 => 'ꐌ', 11801 => 'ꐍ', 11802 => 'ꐎ', 11803 => 'ꐏ', 11804 => 'ꐐ', 11805 => 'ꐑ', 11806 => 'ꐒ', 11807 => 'ꐓ', 11808 => 'ꐔ', 11809 => 'ꐕ', 11810 => 'ꐖ', 11811 => 'ꐗ', 11812 => 'ꐘ', 11813 => 'ꐙ', 11814 => 'ꐚ', 11815 => 'ꐛ', 11816 => 'ꐜ', 11817 => 'ꐝ', 11818 => 'ꐞ', 11819 => 'ꐟ', 11820 => 'ꐠ', 11821 => 'ꐡ', 11822 => 'ꐢ', 11823 => 'ꐣ', 11824 => 'ꐤ', 11825 => 'ꐥ', 11826 => 'ꐦ', 11827 => 'ꐧ', 11828 => 'ꐨ', 11829 => 'ꐩ', 11830 => 'ꐪ', 11831 => 'ꐫ', 11832 => 'ꐬ', 11833 => 'ꐭ', 11834 => 'ꐮ', 11835 => 'ꐯ', 11836 => 'ꐰ', 11837 => 'ꐱ', 11838 => 'ꐲ', 11839 => 'ꐳ', 11840 => 'ꐴ', 11841 => 'ꐵ', 11842 => 'ꐶ', 11843 => 'ꐷ', 11844 => 'ꐸ', 11845 => 'ꐹ', 11846 => 'ꐺ', 11847 => 'ꐻ', 11848 => 'ꐼ', 11849 => 'ꐽ', 11850 => 'ꐾ', 11851 => 'ꐿ', 11852 => 'ꑀ', 11853 => 'ꑁ', 11854 => 'ꑂ', 11855 => 'ꑃ', 11856 => 'ꑄ', 11857 => 'ꑅ', 11858 => 'ꑆ', 11859 => 'ꑇ', 11860 => 'ꑈ', 11861 => 'ꑉ', 11862 => 'ꑊ', 11863 => 'ꑋ', 11864 => 'ꑌ', 11865 => 'ꑍ', 11866 => 'ꑎ', 11867 => 'ꑏ', 11868 => 'ꑐ', 11869 => 'ꑑ', 11870 => 'ꑒ', 11871 => 'ꑓ', 11872 => 'ꑔ', 11873 => 'ꑕ', 11874 => 'ꑖ', 11875 => 'ꑗ', 11876 => 'ꑘ', 11877 => 'ꑙ', 11878 => 'ꑚ', 11879 => 'ꑛ', 11880 => 'ꑜ', 11881 => 'ꑝ', 11882 => 'ꑞ', 11883 => 'ꑟ', 11884 => 'ꑠ', 11885 => 'ꑡ', 11886 => 'ꑢ', 11887 => 'ꑣ', 11888 => 'ꑤ', 11889 => 'ꑥ', 11890 => 'ꑦ', 11891 => 'ꑧ', 11892 => 'ꑨ', 11893 => 'ꑩ', 11894 => 'ꑪ', 11895 => 'ꑫ', 11896 => 'ꑬ', 11897 => 'ꑭ', 11898 => 'ꑮ', 11899 => 'ꑯ', 11900 => 'ꑰ', 11901 => 'ꑱ', 11902 => 'ꑲ', 11903 => 'ꑳ', 11904 => 'ꑴ', 11905 => 'ꑵ', 11906 => 'ꑶ', 11907 => 'ꑷ', 11908 => 'ꑸ', 11909 => 'ꑹ', 11910 => 'ꑺ', 11911 => 'ꑻ', 11912 => 'ꑼ', 11913 => 'ꑽ', 11914 => 'ꑾ', 11915 => 'ꑿ', 11916 => 'ꒀ', 11917 => 'ꒁ', 11918 => 'ꒂ', 11919 => 'ꒃ', 11920 => 'ꒄ', 11921 => 'ꒅ', 11922 => 'ꒆ', 11923 => 'ꒇ', 11924 => 'ꒈ', 11925 => 'ꒉ', 11926 => 'ꒊ', 11927 => 'ꒋ', 11928 => 'ꒌ', 11929 => 'ꓸ', 11930 => 'ꓹ', 11931 => 'ꓺ', 11932 => 'ꓻ', 11933 => 'ꓽ', 11934 => 'ꓼ', 11935 => 'ꓐ', 11936 => 'ꓑ', 11937 => 'ꓒ', 11938 => 'ꓓ', 11939 => 'ꓔ', 11940 => 'ꓕ', 11941 => 'ꓖ', 11942 => 'ꓗ', 11943 => 'ꓘ', 11944 => 'ꓙ', 11945 => 'ꓚ', 11946 => 'ꓛ', 11947 => 'ꓜ', 11948 => 'ꓝ', 11949 => 'ꓞ', 11950 => 'ꓟ', 11951 => 'ꓠ', 11952 => 'ꓡ', 11953 => 'ꓢ', 11954 => 'ꓣ', 11955 => 'ꓤ', 11956 => 'ꓥ', 11957 => 'ꓦ', 11958 => 'ꓧ', 11959 => 'ꓨ', 11960 => 'ꓩ', 11961 => 'ꓫ', 11962 => 'ꓭ', 11963 => 'ꓪ', 11964 => 'ꓬ', 11965 => 'ꓮ', 11966 => 'ꓯ', 11967 => 'ꓰ', 11968 => 'ꓱ', 11969 => 'ꓲ', 11970 => 'ꓳ', 11971 => 'ꓴ', 11972 => 'ꓵ', 11973 => 'ꓶ', 11974 => 'ꓷ', 11975 => '𐊀', 11976 => '𐊁', 11977 => '𐊂', 11978 => '𐊃', 11979 => '𐊄', 11980 => '𐊅', 11981 => '𐊆', 11982 => '𐊇', 11983 => '𐊈', 11984 => '𐊉', 11985 => '𐊊', 11986 => '𐊋', 11987 => '𐊌', 11988 => '𐊍', 11989 => '𐊎', 11990 => '𐊏', 11991 => '𐊐', 11992 => '𐊑', 11993 => '𐊒', 11994 => '𐊓', 11995 => '𐊔', 11996 => '𐊕', 11997 => '𐊖', 11998 => '𐊗', 11999 => '𐊘', 12000 => '𐊙', 12001 => '𐊚', 12002 => '𐊛', 12003 => '𐊜', 12004 => '𐊠', 12005 => '𐊡', 12006 => '𐊢', 12007 => '𐊣', 12008 => '𐊤', 12009 => '𐊥', 12010 => '𐊦', 12011 => '𐊧', 12012 => '𐊨', 12013 => '𐊩', 12014 => '𐊪', 12015 => '𐊫', 12016 => '𐊬', 12017 => '𐊭', 12018 => '𐊮', 12019 => '𐊯', 12020 => '𐊰', 12021 => '𐊱', 12022 => '𐊲', 12023 => '𐊳', 12024 => '𐊴', 12025 => '𐊵', 12026 => '𐊶', 12027 => '𐊷', 12028 => '𐊸', 12029 => '𐊹', 12030 => '𐊺', 12031 => '𐊻', 12032 => '𐊼', 12033 => '𐊽', 12034 => '𐊾', 12035 => '𐊿', 12036 => '𐋀', 12037 => '𐋁', 12038 => '𐋂', 12039 => '𐋃', 12040 => '𐋄', 12041 => '𐋅', 12042 => '𐋆', 12043 => '𐋇', 12044 => '𐋈', 12045 => '𐋉', 12046 => '𐋊', 12047 => '𐋋', 12048 => '𐋌', 12049 => '𐋍', 12050 => '𐋎', 12051 => '𐋏', 12052 => '𐋐', 12053 => '𐤠', 12054 => '𐤡', 12055 => '𐤢', 12056 => '𐤣', 12057 => '𐤤', 12058 => '𐤥', 12059 => '𐤦', 12060 => '𐤧', 12061 => '𐤨', 12062 => '𐤩', 12063 => '𐤪', 12064 => '𐤫', 12065 => '𐤬', 12066 => '𐤭', 12067 => '𐤮', 12068 => '𐤯', 12069 => '𐤰', 12070 => '𐤱', 12071 => '𐤲', 12072 => '𐤳', 12073 => '𐤴', 12074 => '𐤵', 12075 => '𐤶', 12076 => '𐤷', 12077 => '𐤸', 12078 => '𐤹', 12079 => '𐌀', 12080 => '𐌁', 12081 => '𐌂', 12082 => '𐌃', 12083 => '𐌄', 12084 => '𐌅', 12085 => '𐌆', 12086 => '𐌇', 12087 => '𐌈', 12088 => '𐌉', 12089 => '𐌊', 12090 => '𐌋', 12091 => '𐌌', 12092 => '𐌍', 12093 => '𐌎', 12094 => '𐌏', 12095 => '𐌐', 12096 => '𐌑', 12097 => '𐌒', 12098 => '𐌓', 12099 => '𐌔', 12100 => '𐌕', 12101 => '𐌖', 12102 => '𐌗', 12103 => '𐌘', 12104 => '𐌙', 12105 => '𐌚', 12106 => '𐌛', 12107 => '𐌜', 12108 => '𐌝', 12109 => '𐌞', 12110 => '𐌰', 12111 => '𐌱', 12112 => '𐌲', 12113 => '𐌳', 12114 => '𐌴', 12115 => '𐌵', 12116 => '𐌶', 12117 => '𐌷', 12118 => '𐌸', 12119 => '𐌹', 12120 => '𐌺', 12121 => '𐌻', 12122 => '𐌼', 12123 => '𐌽', 12124 => '𐌾', 12125 => '𐌿', 12126 => '𐍀', 12127 => '𐍁', 12128 => '𐍂', 12129 => '𐍃', 12130 => '𐍄', 12131 => '𐍅', 12132 => '𐍆', 12133 => '𐍇', 12134 => '𐍈', 12135 => '𐍉', 12136 => '𐍊', 12137 => '𐐀', 12138 => '𐐁', 12139 => '𐐂', 12140 => '𐐃', 12141 => '𐐄', 12142 => '𐐅', 12143 => '𐐆', 12144 => '𐐇', 12145 => '𐐈', 12146 => '𐐉', 12147 => '𐐊', 12148 => '𐐋', 12149 => '𐐌', 12150 => '𐐍', 12151 => '𐐎', 12152 => '𐐏', 12153 => '𐐐', 12154 => '𐐑', 12155 => '𐐒', 12156 => '𐐓', 12157 => '𐐔', 12158 => '𐐕', 12159 => '𐐖', 12160 => '𐐗', 12161 => '𐐘', 12162 => '𐐙', 12163 => '𐐚', 12164 => '𐐛', 12165 => '𐐜', 12166 => '𐐝', 12167 => '𐐞', 12168 => '𐐟', 12169 => '𐐠', 12170 => '𐐡', 12171 => '𐐢', 12172 => '𐐣', 12173 => '𐐤', 12174 => '𐐥', 12175 => '𐐦', 12176 => '𐐧', 12177 => '𐑐', 12178 => '𐑑', 12179 => '𐑒', 12180 => '𐑓', 12181 => '𐑔', 12182 => '𐑕', 12183 => '𐑖', 12184 => '𐑗', 12185 => '𐑘', 12186 => '𐑙', 12187 => '𐑚', 12188 => '𐑛', 12189 => '𐑜', 12190 => '𐑝', 12191 => '𐑞', 12192 => '𐑟', 12193 => '𐑠', 12194 => '𐑡', 12195 => '𐑢', 12196 => '𐑣', 12197 => '𐑤', 12198 => '𐑥', 12199 => '𐑦', 12200 => '𐑧', 12201 => '𐑨', 12202 => '𐑩', 12203 => '𐑪', 12204 => '𐑫', 12205 => '𐑬', 12206 => '𐑭', 12207 => '𐑮', 12208 => '𐑯', 12209 => '𐑰', 12210 => '𐑱', 12211 => '𐑲', 12212 => '𐑳', 12213 => '𐑴', 12214 => '𐑵', 12215 => '𐑶', 12216 => '𐑷', 12217 => '𐑸', 12218 => '𐑹', 12219 => '𐑺', 12220 => '𐑻', 12221 => '𐑼', 12222 => '𐑽', 12223 => '𐑾', 12224 => '𐑿', 12225 => '𐒀', 12226 => '𐒁', 12227 => '𐒂', 12228 => '𐒃', 12229 => '𐒄', 12230 => '𐒅', 12231 => '𐒆', 12232 => '𐒇', 12233 => '𐒈', 12234 => '𐒉', 12235 => '𐒊', 12236 => '𐒋', 12237 => '𐒌', 12238 => '𐒍', 12239 => '𐒎', 12240 => '𐒏', 12241 => '𐒐', 12242 => '𐒑', 12243 => '𐒒', 12244 => '𐒓', 12245 => '𐒔', 12246 => '𐒕', 12247 => '𐒖', 12248 => '𐒗', 12249 => '𐒘', 12250 => '𐒙', 12251 => '𐒚', 12252 => '𐒛', 12253 => '𐒜', 12254 => '𐒝', 12255 => '𐀀', 12256 => '𐀁', 12257 => '𐀂', 12258 => '𐀃', 12259 => '𐀄', 12260 => '𐀅', 12261 => '𐀆', 12262 => '𐀇', 12263 => '𐀈', 12264 => '𐀉', 12265 => '𐀊', 12266 => '𐀋', 12267 => '𐀍', 12268 => '𐀎', 12269 => '𐀏', 12270 => '𐀐', 12271 => '𐀑', 12272 => '𐀒', 12273 => '𐀓', 12274 => '𐀔', 12275 => '𐀕', 12276 => '𐀖', 12277 => '𐀗', 12278 => '𐀘', 12279 => '𐀙', 12280 => '𐀚', 12281 => '𐀛', 12282 => '𐀜', 12283 => '𐀝', 12284 => '𐀞', 12285 => '𐀟', 12286 => '𐀠', 12287 => '𐀡', 12288 => '𐀢', 12289 => '𐀣', 12290 => '𐀤', 12291 => '𐀥', 12292 => '𐀦', 12293 => '𐀨', 12294 => '𐀩', 12295 => '𐀪', 12296 => '𐀫', 12297 => '𐀬', 12298 => '𐀭', 12299 => '𐀮', 12300 => '𐀯', 12301 => '𐀰', 12302 => '𐀱', 12303 => '𐀲', 12304 => '𐀳', 12305 => '𐀴', 12306 => '𐀵', 12307 => '𐀶', 12308 => '𐀷', 12309 => '𐀸', 12310 => '𐀹', 12311 => '𐀺', 12312 => '𐀼', 12313 => '𐀽', 12314 => '𐀿', 12315 => '𐁀', 12316 => '𐁁', 12317 => '𐁂', 12318 => '𐁃', 12319 => '𐁄', 12320 => '𐁅', 12321 => '𐁆', 12322 => '𐁇', 12323 => '𐁈', 12324 => '𐁉', 12325 => '𐁊', 12326 => '𐁋', 12327 => '𐁌', 12328 => '𐁍', 12329 => '𐁐', 12330 => '𐁑', 12331 => '𐁒', 12332 => '𐁓', 12333 => '𐁔', 12334 => '𐁕', 12335 => '𐁖', 12336 => '𐁗', 12337 => '𐁘', 12338 => '𐁙', 12339 => '𐁚', 12340 => '𐁛', 12341 => '𐁜', 12342 => '𐁝', 12343 => '𐂀', 12344 => '𐂁', 12345 => '𐂂', 12346 => '𐂃', 12347 => '𐂄', 12348 => '𐂅', 12349 => '𐂆', 12350 => '𐂇', 12351 => '𐂈', 12352 => '𐂉', 12353 => '𐂊', 12354 => '𐂋', 12355 => '𐂌', 12356 => '𐂍', 12357 => '𐂎', 12358 => '𐂏', 12359 => '𐂐', 12360 => '𐂑', 12361 => '𐂒', 12362 => '𐂓', 12363 => '𐂔', 12364 => '𐂕', 12365 => '𐂖', 12366 => '𐂗', 12367 => '𐂘', 12368 => '𐂙', 12369 => '𐂚', 12370 => '𐂛', 12371 => '𐂜', 12372 => '𐂝', 12373 => '𐂞', 12374 => '𐂟', 12375 => '𐂠', 12376 => '𐂡', 12377 => '𐂢', 12378 => '𐂣', 12379 => '𐂤', 12380 => '𐂥', 12381 => '𐂦', 12382 => '𐂧', 12383 => '𐂨', 12384 => '𐂩', 12385 => '𐂪', 12386 => '𐂫', 12387 => '𐂬', 12388 => '𐂭', 12389 => '𐂮', 12390 => '𐂯', 12391 => '𐂰', 12392 => '𐂱', 12393 => '𐂲', 12394 => '𐂳', 12395 => '𐂴', 12396 => '𐂵', 12397 => '𐂶', 12398 => '𐂷', 12399 => '𐂸', 12400 => '𐂹', 12401 => '𐂺', 12402 => '𐂻', 12403 => '𐂼', 12404 => '𐂽', 12405 => '𐂾', 12406 => '𐂿', 12407 => '𐃀', 12408 => '𐃁', 12409 => '𐃂', 12410 => '𐃃', 12411 => '𐃄', 12412 => '𐃅', 12413 => '𐃆', 12414 => '𐃇', 12415 => '𐃈', 12416 => '𐃉', 12417 => '𐃊', 12418 => '𐃋', 12419 => '𐃌', 12420 => '𐃍', 12421 => '𐃎', 12422 => '𐃏', 12423 => '𐃐', 12424 => '𐃑', 12425 => '𐃒', 12426 => '𐃓', 12427 => '𐃔', 12428 => '𐃕', 12429 => '𐃖', 12430 => '𐃗', 12431 => '𐃘', 12432 => '𐃙', 12433 => '𐃚', 12434 => '𐃛', 12435 => '𐃜', 12436 => '𐃝', 12437 => '𐃞', 12438 => '𐃟', 12439 => '𐃠', 12440 => '𐃡', 12441 => '𐃢', 12442 => '𐃣', 12443 => '𐃤', 12444 => '𐃥', 12445 => '𐃦', 12446 => '𐃧', 12447 => '𐃨', 12448 => '𐃩', 12449 => '𐃪', 12450 => '𐃫', 12451 => '𐃬', 12452 => '𐃭', 12453 => '𐃮', 12454 => '𐃯', 12455 => '𐃰', 12456 => '𐃱', 12457 => '𐃲', 12458 => '𐃳', 12459 => '𐃴', 12460 => '𐃵', 12461 => '𐃶', 12462 => '𐃷', 12463 => '𐃸', 12464 => '𐃹', 12465 => '𐃺', 12466 => '𐠀', 12467 => '𐠁', 12468 => '𐠂', 12469 => '𐠃', 12470 => '𐠄', 12471 => '𐠅', 12472 => '𐠈', 12473 => '𐠊', 12474 => '𐠋', 12475 => '𐠌', 12476 => '𐠍', 12477 => '𐠎', 12478 => '𐠏', 12479 => '𐠐', 12480 => '𐠑', 12481 => '𐠒', 12482 => '𐠓', 12483 => '𐠔', 12484 => '𐠕', 12485 => '𐠖', 12486 => '𐠗', 12487 => '𐠘', 12488 => '𐠙', 12489 => '𐠚', 12490 => '𐠛', 12491 => '𐠜', 12492 => '𐠝', 12493 => '𐠞', 12494 => '𐠟', 12495 => '𐠠', 12496 => '𐠡', 12497 => '𐠢', 12498 => '𐠣', 12499 => '𐠤', 12500 => '𐠥', 12501 => '𐠦', 12502 => '𐠧', 12503 => '𐠨', 12504 => '𐠩', 12505 => '𐠪', 12506 => '𐠫', 12507 => '𐠬', 12508 => '𐠭', 12509 => '𐠮', 12510 => '𐠯', 12511 => '𐠰', 12512 => '𐠱', 12513 => '𐠲', 12514 => '𐠳', 12515 => '𐠴', 12516 => '𐠵', 12517 => '𐠷', 12518 => '𐠸', 12519 => '𐠼', 12520 => '𐠿', 12521 => '𐩠', 12522 => '𐩡', 12523 => '𐩢', 12524 => '𐩣', 12525 => '𐩤', 12526 => '𐩥', 12527 => '𐩦', 12528 => '𐩧', 12529 => '𐩨', 12530 => '𐩩', 12531 => '𐩪', 12532 => '𐩫', 12533 => '𐩬', 12534 => '𐩭', 12535 => '𐩮', 12536 => '𐩯', 12537 => '𐩰', 12538 => '𐩱', 12539 => '𐩲', 12540 => '𐩳', 12541 => '𐩴', 12542 => '𐩵', 12543 => '𐩶', 12544 => '𐩷', 12545 => '𐩸', 12546 => '𐩹', 12547 => '𐩺', 12548 => '𐩻', 12549 => '𐩼', 12550 => '𐬀', 12551 => '𐬁', 12552 => '𐬂', 12553 => '𐬃', 12554 => '𐬄', 12555 => '𐬅', 12556 => '𐬆', 12557 => '𐬇', 12558 => '𐬈', 12559 => '𐬉', 12560 => '𐬊', 12561 => '𐬋', 12562 => '𐬌', 12563 => '𐬍', 12564 => '𐬎', 12565 => '𐬏', 12566 => '𐬐', 12567 => '𐬑', 12568 => '𐬒', 12569 => '𐬓', 12570 => '𐬔', 12571 => '𐬕', 12572 => '𐬖', 12573 => '𐬗', 12574 => '𐬘', 12575 => '𐬙', 12576 => '𐬚', 12577 => '𐬛', 12578 => '𐬜', 12579 => '𐬝', 12580 => '𐬞', 12581 => '𐬟', 12582 => '𐬠', 12583 => '𐬡', 12584 => '𐬢', 12585 => '𐬣', 12586 => '𐬤', 12587 => '𐬥', 12588 => '𐬦', 12589 => '𐬧', 12590 => '𐬨', 12591 => '𐬩', 12592 => '𐬪', 12593 => '𐬫', 12594 => '𐬬', 12595 => '𐬭', 12596 => '𐬯', 12597 => '𐬰', 12598 => '𐬱', 12599 => '𐬲', 12600 => '𐬳', 12601 => '𐬴', 12602 => '𐬵', 12603 => '𐡀', 12604 => '𐡁', 12605 => '𐡂', 12606 => '𐡃', 12607 => '𐡄', 12608 => '𐡅', 12609 => '𐡆', 12610 => '𐡇', 12611 => '𐡈', 12612 => '𐡉', 12613 => '𐡊', 12614 => '𐡋', 12615 => '𐡌', 12616 => '𐡍', 12617 => '𐡎', 12618 => '𐡏', 12619 => '𐡐', 12620 => '𐡑', 12621 => '𐡒', 12622 => '𐡓', 12623 => '𐡔', 12624 => '𐡕', 12625 => '𐭀', 12626 => '𐭁', 12627 => '𐭂', 12628 => '𐭃', 12629 => '𐭄', 12630 => '𐭅', 12631 => '𐭆', 12632 => '𐭇', 12633 => '𐭈', 12634 => '𐭉', 12635 => '𐭊', 12636 => '𐭋', 12637 => '𐭌', 12638 => '𐭍', 12639 => '𐭎', 12640 => '𐭏', 12641 => '𐭐', 12642 => '𐭑', 12643 => '𐭒', 12644 => '𐭓', 12645 => '𐭔', 12646 => '𐭕', 12647 => '𐭠', 12648 => '𐭡', 12649 => '𐭢', 12650 => '𐭣', 12651 => '𐭤', 12652 => '𐭥', 12653 => '𐭦', 12654 => '𐭧', 12655 => '𐭨', 12656 => '𐭩', 12657 => '𐭪', 12658 => '𐭫', 12659 => '𐭬', 12660 => '𐭭', 12661 => '𐭮', 12662 => '𐭯', 12663 => '𐭰', 12664 => '𐭱', 12665 => '𐭲', 12666 => '𐎀', 12667 => '𐎁', 12668 => '𐎂', 12669 => '𐎃', 12670 => '𐎄', 12671 => '𐎅', 12672 => '𐎆', 12673 => '𐎇', 12674 => '𐎈', 12675 => '𐎉', 12676 => '𐎊', 12677 => '𐎋', 12678 => '𐎌', 12679 => '𐎍', 12680 => '𐎎', 12681 => '𐎏', 12682 => '𐎐', 12683 => '𐎑', 12684 => '𐎒', 12685 => '𐎓', 12686 => '𐎔', 12687 => '𐎕', 12688 => '𐎖', 12689 => '𐎗', 12690 => '𐎘', 12691 => '𐎙', 12692 => '𐎚', 12693 => '𐎛', 12694 => '𐎜', 12695 => '𐎝', 12696 => '𐎠', 12697 => '𐎡', 12698 => '𐎢', 12699 => '𐎣', 12700 => '𐎤', 12701 => '𐎥', 12702 => '𐎦', 12703 => '𐎧', 12704 => '𐎨', 12705 => '𐎩', 12706 => '𐎪', 12707 => '𐎫', 12708 => '𐎬', 12709 => '𐎭', 12710 => '𐎮', 12711 => '𐎯', 12712 => '𐎰', 12713 => '𐎱', 12714 => '𐎲', 12715 => '𐎳', 12716 => '𐎴', 12717 => '𐎵', 12718 => '𐎶', 12719 => '𐎷', 12720 => '𐎸', 12721 => '𐎹', 12722 => '𐎺', 12723 => '𐎻', 12724 => '𐎼', 12725 => '𐎽', 12726 => '𐎾', 12727 => '𐎿', 12728 => '𐏀', 12729 => '𐏁', 12730 => '𐏂', 12731 => '𐏃', 12732 => '𐏈', 12733 => '𐏉', 12734 => '𐏊', 12735 => '𐏋', 12736 => '𐏌', 12737 => '𐏍', 12738 => '𐏎', 12739 => '𐏏', 12740 => '𒀀', 12741 => '𒀁', 12742 => '𒀂', 12743 => '𒀃', 12744 => '𒀄', 12745 => '𒀅', 12746 => '𒀆', 12747 => '𒀇', 12748 => '𒀈', 12749 => '𒀉', 12750 => '𒀊', 12751 => '𒀋', 12752 => '𒀌', 12753 => '𒀍', 12754 => '𒀎', 12755 => '𒀏', 12756 => '𒀐', 12757 => '𒀑', 12758 => '𒀒', 12759 => '𒀓', 12760 => '𒀔', 12761 => '𒀕', 12762 => '𒀖', 12763 => '𒀗', 12764 => '𒀘', 12765 => '𒀙', 12766 => '𒀚', 12767 => '𒀛', 12768 => '𒀜', 12769 => '𒀝', 12770 => '𒀞', 12771 => '𒀟', 12772 => '𒀠', 12773 => '𒀡', 12774 => '𒀢', 12775 => '𒀣', 12776 => '𒀤', 12777 => '𒀥', 12778 => '𒀦', 12779 => '𒀧', 12780 => '𒀨', 12781 => '𒀩', 12782 => '𒀪', 12783 => '𒀫', 12784 => '𒀬', 12785 => '𒀭', 12786 => '𒀮', 12787 => '𒀯', 12788 => '𒀰', 12789 => '𒀱', 12790 => '𒀲', 12791 => '𒀳', 12792 => '𒀴', 12793 => '𒀵', 12794 => '𒀶', 12795 => '𒀷', 12796 => '𒀸', 12797 => '𒀹', 12798 => '𒀺', 12799 => '𒀻', 12800 => '𒀼', 12801 => '𒀽', 12802 => '𒀾', 12803 => '𒀿', 12804 => '𒁀', 12805 => '𒁁', 12806 => '𒁂', 12807 => '𒁃', 12808 => '𒁄', 12809 => '𒁅', 12810 => '𒁆', 12811 => '𒁇', 12812 => '𒁈', 12813 => '𒁉', 12814 => '𒁊', 12815 => '𒁋', 12816 => '𒁌', 12817 => '𒁍', 12818 => '𒁎', 12819 => '𒁏', 12820 => '𒁐', 12821 => '𒁑', 12822 => '𒁒', 12823 => '𒁓', 12824 => '𒁔', 12825 => '𒁕', 12826 => '𒁖', 12827 => '𒁗', 12828 => '𒁘', 12829 => '𒁙', 12830 => '𒁚', 12831 => '𒁛', 12832 => '𒁜', 12833 => '𒁝', 12834 => '𒁞', 12835 => '𒁟', 12836 => '𒁠', 12837 => '𒁡', 12838 => '𒁢', 12839 => '𒁣', 12840 => '𒁤', 12841 => '𒁥', 12842 => '𒁦', 12843 => '𒁧', 12844 => '𒁨', 12845 => '𒁩', 12846 => '𒁪', 12847 => '𒁫', 12848 => '𒁬', 12849 => '𒁭', 12850 => '𒁮', 12851 => '𒁯', 12852 => '𒁰', 12853 => '𒁱', 12854 => '𒁲', 12855 => '𒁳', 12856 => '𒁴', 12857 => '𒁵', 12858 => '𒁶', 12859 => '𒁷', 12860 => '𒁸', 12861 => '𒁹', 12862 => '𒁺', 12863 => '𒁻', 12864 => '𒁼', 12865 => '𒁽', 12866 => '𒁾', 12867 => '𒁿', 12868 => '𒂀', 12869 => '𒂁', 12870 => '𒂂', 12871 => '𒂃', 12872 => '𒂄', 12873 => '𒂅', 12874 => '𒂆', 12875 => '𒂇', 12876 => '𒂈', 12877 => '𒂉', 12878 => '𒂊', 12879 => '𒂋', 12880 => '𒂌', 12881 => '𒂍', 12882 => '𒂎', 12883 => '𒂏', 12884 => '𒂐', 12885 => '𒂑', 12886 => '𒂒', 12887 => '𒂓', 12888 => '𒂔', 12889 => '𒂕', 12890 => '𒂖', 12891 => '𒂗', 12892 => '𒂘', 12893 => '𒂙', 12894 => '𒂚', 12895 => '𒂛', 12896 => '𒂜', 12897 => '𒂝', 12898 => '𒂞', 12899 => '𒂟', 12900 => '𒂠', 12901 => '𒂡', 12902 => '𒂢', 12903 => '𒂣', 12904 => '𒂤', 12905 => '𒂥', 12906 => '𒂦', 12907 => '𒂧', 12908 => '𒂨', 12909 => '𒂩', 12910 => '𒂪', 12911 => '𒂫', 12912 => '𒂬', 12913 => '𒂭', 12914 => '𒂮', 12915 => '𒂯', 12916 => '𒂰', 12917 => '𒂱', 12918 => '𒂲', 12919 => '𒂳', 12920 => '𒂴', 12921 => '𒂵', 12922 => '𒂶', 12923 => '𒂷', 12924 => '𒂸', 12925 => '𒂹', 12926 => '𒂺', 12927 => '𒂻', 12928 => '𒂼', 12929 => '𒂽', 12930 => '𒂾', 12931 => '𒂿', 12932 => '𒃀', 12933 => '𒃁', 12934 => '𒃂', 12935 => '𒃃', 12936 => '𒃄', 12937 => '𒃅', 12938 => '𒃆', 12939 => '𒃇', 12940 => '𒃈', 12941 => '𒃉', 12942 => '𒃊', 12943 => '𒃋', 12944 => '𒃌', 12945 => '𒃍', 12946 => '𒃎', 12947 => '𒃏', 12948 => '𒃐', 12949 => '𒃑', 12950 => '𒃒', 12951 => '𒃓', 12952 => '𒃔', 12953 => '𒃕', 12954 => '𒃖', 12955 => '𒃗', 12956 => '𒃘', 12957 => '𒃙', 12958 => '𒃚', 12959 => '𒃛', 12960 => '𒃜', 12961 => '𒃝', 12962 => '𒃞', 12963 => '𒃟', 12964 => '𒃠', 12965 => '𒃡', 12966 => '𒃢', 12967 => '𒃣', 12968 => '𒃤', 12969 => '𒃥', 12970 => '𒃦', 12971 => '𒃧', 12972 => '𒃨', 12973 => '𒃩', 12974 => '𒃪', 12975 => '𒃫', 12976 => '𒃬', 12977 => '𒃭', 12978 => '𒃮', 12979 => '𒃯', 12980 => '𒃰', 12981 => '𒃱', 12982 => '𒃲', 12983 => '𒃳', 12984 => '𒃴', 12985 => '𒃵', 12986 => '𒃶', 12987 => '𒃷', 12988 => '𒃸', 12989 => '𒃹', 12990 => '𒃺', 12991 => '𒃻', 12992 => '𒃼', 12993 => '𒃽', 12994 => '𒃾', 12995 => '𒃿', 12996 => '𒄀', 12997 => '𒄁', 12998 => '𒄂', 12999 => '𒄃', 13000 => '𒄄', 13001 => '𒄅', 13002 => '𒄆', 13003 => '𒄇', 13004 => '𒄈', 13005 => '𒄉', 13006 => '𒄊', 13007 => '𒄋', 13008 => '𒄌', 13009 => '𒄍', 13010 => '𒄎', 13011 => '𒄏', 13012 => '𒄐', 13013 => '𒄑', 13014 => '𒄒', 13015 => '𒄓', 13016 => '𒄔', 13017 => '𒄕', 13018 => '𒄖', 13019 => '𒄗', 13020 => '𒄘', 13021 => '𒄙', 13022 => '𒄚', 13023 => '𒄛', 13024 => '𒄜', 13025 => '𒄝', 13026 => '𒄞', 13027 => '𒄟', 13028 => '𒄠', 13029 => '𒄡', 13030 => '𒄢', 13031 => '𒄣', 13032 => '𒄤', 13033 => '𒄥', 13034 => '𒄦', 13035 => '𒄧', 13036 => '𒄨', 13037 => '𒄩', 13038 => '𒄪', 13039 => '𒄫', 13040 => '𒄬', 13041 => '𒄭', 13042 => '𒄮', 13043 => '𒄯', 13044 => '𒄰', 13045 => '𒄱', 13046 => '𒄲', 13047 => '𒄳', 13048 => '𒄴', 13049 => '𒄵', 13050 => '𒄶', 13051 => '𒄷', 13052 => '𒄸', 13053 => '𒄹', 13054 => '𒄺', 13055 => '𒄻', 13056 => '𒄼', 13057 => '𒄽', 13058 => '𒄾', 13059 => '𒄿', 13060 => '𒅀', 13061 => '𒅁', 13062 => '𒅂', 13063 => '𒅃', 13064 => '𒅄', 13065 => '𒅅', 13066 => '𒅆', 13067 => '𒅇', 13068 => '𒅈', 13069 => '𒅉', 13070 => '𒅊', 13071 => '𒅋', 13072 => '𒅌', 13073 => '𒅍', 13074 => '𒅎', 13075 => '𒅏', 13076 => '𒅐', 13077 => '𒅑', 13078 => '𒅒', 13079 => '𒅓', 13080 => '𒅔', 13081 => '𒅕', 13082 => '𒅖', 13083 => '𒅗', 13084 => '𒅘', 13085 => '𒅙', 13086 => '𒅚', 13087 => '𒅛', 13088 => '𒅜', 13089 => '𒅝', 13090 => '𒅞', 13091 => '𒅟', 13092 => '𒅠', 13093 => '𒅡', 13094 => '𒅢', 13095 => '𒅣', 13096 => '𒅤', 13097 => '𒅥', 13098 => '𒅦', 13099 => '𒅧', 13100 => '𒅨', 13101 => '𒅩', 13102 => '𒅪', 13103 => '𒅫', 13104 => '𒅬', 13105 => '𒅭', 13106 => '𒅮', 13107 => '𒅯', 13108 => '𒅰', 13109 => '𒅱', 13110 => '𒅲', 13111 => '𒅳', 13112 => '𒅴', 13113 => '𒅵', 13114 => '𒅶', 13115 => '𒅷', 13116 => '𒅸', 13117 => '𒅹', 13118 => '𒅺', 13119 => '𒅻', 13120 => '𒅼', 13121 => '𒅽', 13122 => '𒅾', 13123 => '𒅿', 13124 => '𒆀', 13125 => '𒆁', 13126 => '𒆂', 13127 => '𒆃', 13128 => '𒆄', 13129 => '𒆅', 13130 => '𒆆', 13131 => '𒆇', 13132 => '𒆈', 13133 => '𒆉', 13134 => '𒆊', 13135 => '𒆋', 13136 => '𒆌', 13137 => '𒆍', 13138 => '𒆎', 13139 => '𒆏', 13140 => '𒆐', 13141 => '𒆑', 13142 => '𒆒', 13143 => '𒆓', 13144 => '𒆔', 13145 => '𒆕', 13146 => '𒆖', 13147 => '𒆗', 13148 => '𒆘', 13149 => '𒆙', 13150 => '𒆚', 13151 => '𒆛', 13152 => '𒆜', 13153 => '𒆝', 13154 => '𒆞', 13155 => '𒆟', 13156 => '𒆠', 13157 => '𒆡', 13158 => '𒆢', 13159 => '𒆣', 13160 => '𒆤', 13161 => '𒆥', 13162 => '𒆦', 13163 => '𒆧', 13164 => '𒆨', 13165 => '𒆩', 13166 => '𒆪', 13167 => '𒆫', 13168 => '𒆬', 13169 => '𒆭', 13170 => '𒆮', 13171 => '𒆯', 13172 => '𒆰', 13173 => '𒆱', 13174 => '𒆲', 13175 => '𒆳', 13176 => '𒆴', 13177 => '𒆵', 13178 => '𒆶', 13179 => '𒆷', 13180 => '𒆸', 13181 => '𒆹', 13182 => '𒆺', 13183 => '𒆻', 13184 => '𒆼', 13185 => '𒆽', 13186 => '𒆾', 13187 => '𒆿', 13188 => '𒇀', 13189 => '𒇁', 13190 => '𒇂', 13191 => '𒇃', 13192 => '𒇄', 13193 => '𒇅', 13194 => '𒇆', 13195 => '𒇇', 13196 => '𒇈', 13197 => '𒇉', 13198 => '𒇊', 13199 => '𒇋', 13200 => '𒇌', 13201 => '𒇍', 13202 => '𒇎', 13203 => '𒇏', 13204 => '𒇐', 13205 => '𒇑', 13206 => '𒇒', 13207 => '𒇓', 13208 => '𒇔', 13209 => '𒇕', 13210 => '𒇖', 13211 => '𒇗', 13212 => '𒇘', 13213 => '𒇙', 13214 => '𒇚', 13215 => '𒇛', 13216 => '𒇜', 13217 => '𒇝', 13218 => '𒇞', 13219 => '𒇟', 13220 => '𒇠', 13221 => '𒇡', 13222 => '𒇢', 13223 => '𒇣', 13224 => '𒇤', 13225 => '𒇥', 13226 => '𒇦', 13227 => '𒇧', 13228 => '𒇨', 13229 => '𒇩', 13230 => '𒇪', 13231 => '𒇫', 13232 => '𒇬', 13233 => '𒇭', 13234 => '𒇮', 13235 => '𒇯', 13236 => '𒇰', 13237 => '𒇱', 13238 => '𒇲', 13239 => '𒇳', 13240 => '𒇴', 13241 => '𒇵', 13242 => '𒇶', 13243 => '𒇷', 13244 => '𒇸', 13245 => '𒇹', 13246 => '𒇺', 13247 => '𒇻', 13248 => '𒇼', 13249 => '𒇽', 13250 => '𒇾', 13251 => '𒇿', 13252 => '𒈀', 13253 => '𒈁', 13254 => '𒈂', 13255 => '𒈃', 13256 => '𒈄', 13257 => '𒈅', 13258 => '𒈆', 13259 => '𒈇', 13260 => '𒈈', 13261 => '𒈉', 13262 => '𒈊', 13263 => '𒈋', 13264 => '𒈌', 13265 => '𒈍', 13266 => '𒈎', 13267 => '𒈏', 13268 => '𒈐', 13269 => '𒈑', 13270 => '𒈒', 13271 => '𒈓', 13272 => '𒈔', 13273 => '𒈕', 13274 => '𒈖', 13275 => '𒈗', 13276 => '𒈘', 13277 => '𒈙', 13278 => '𒈚', 13279 => '𒈛', 13280 => '𒈜', 13281 => '𒈝', 13282 => '𒈞', 13283 => '𒈟', 13284 => '𒈠', 13285 => '𒈡', 13286 => '𒈢', 13287 => '𒈣', 13288 => '𒈤', 13289 => '𒈥', 13290 => '𒈦', 13291 => '𒈧', 13292 => '𒈨', 13293 => '𒈩', 13294 => '𒈪', 13295 => '𒈫', 13296 => '𒈬', 13297 => '𒈭', 13298 => '𒈮', 13299 => '𒈯', 13300 => '𒈰', 13301 => '𒈱', 13302 => '𒈲', 13303 => '𒈳', 13304 => '𒈴', 13305 => '𒈵', 13306 => '𒈶', 13307 => '𒈷', 13308 => '𒈸', 13309 => '𒈹', 13310 => '𒈺', 13311 => '𒈻', 13312 => '𒈼', 13313 => '𒈽', 13314 => '𒈾', 13315 => '𒈿', 13316 => '𒉀', 13317 => '𒉁', 13318 => '𒉂', 13319 => '𒉃', 13320 => '𒉄', 13321 => '𒉅', 13322 => '𒉆', 13323 => '𒉇', 13324 => '𒉈', 13325 => '𒉉', 13326 => '𒉊', 13327 => '𒉋', 13328 => '𒉌', 13329 => '𒉍', 13330 => '𒉎', 13331 => '𒉏', 13332 => '𒉐', 13333 => '𒉑', 13334 => '𒉒', 13335 => '𒉓', 13336 => '𒉔', 13337 => '𒉕', 13338 => '𒉖', 13339 => '𒉗', 13340 => '𒉘', 13341 => '𒉙', 13342 => '𒉚', 13343 => '𒉛', 13344 => '𒉜', 13345 => '𒉝', 13346 => '𒉞', 13347 => '𒉟', 13348 => '𒉠', 13349 => '𒉡', 13350 => '𒉢', 13351 => '𒉣', 13352 => '𒉤', 13353 => '𒉥', 13354 => '𒉦', 13355 => '𒉧', 13356 => '𒉨', 13357 => '𒉩', 13358 => '𒉪', 13359 => '𒉫', 13360 => '𒉬', 13361 => '𒉭', 13362 => '𒉮', 13363 => '𒉯', 13364 => '𒉰', 13365 => '𒉱', 13366 => '𒉲', 13367 => '𒉳', 13368 => '𒉴', 13369 => '𒉵', 13370 => '𒉶', 13371 => '𒉷', 13372 => '𒉸', 13373 => '𒉹', 13374 => '𒉺', 13375 => '𒉻', 13376 => '𒉼', 13377 => '𒉽', 13378 => '𒉾', 13379 => '𒉿', 13380 => '𒊀', 13381 => '𒊁', 13382 => '𒊂', 13383 => '𒊃', 13384 => '𒊄', 13385 => '𒊅', 13386 => '𒊆', 13387 => '𒊇', 13388 => '𒊈', 13389 => '𒊉', 13390 => '𒊊', 13391 => '𒊋', 13392 => '𒊌', 13393 => '𒊍', 13394 => '𒊎', 13395 => '𒊏', 13396 => '𒊐', 13397 => '𒊑', 13398 => '𒊒', 13399 => '𒊓', 13400 => '𒊔', 13401 => '𒊕', 13402 => '𒊖', 13403 => '𒊗', 13404 => '𒊘', 13405 => '𒊙', 13406 => '𒊚', 13407 => '𒊛', 13408 => '𒊜', 13409 => '𒊝', 13410 => '𒊞', 13411 => '𒊟', 13412 => '𒊠', 13413 => '𒊡', 13414 => '𒊢', 13415 => '𒊣', 13416 => '𒊤', 13417 => '𒊥', 13418 => '𒊦', 13419 => '𒊧', 13420 => '𒊨', 13421 => '𒊩', 13422 => '𒊪', 13423 => '𒊫', 13424 => '𒊬', 13425 => '𒊭', 13426 => '𒊮', 13427 => '𒊯', 13428 => '𒊰', 13429 => '𒊱', 13430 => '𒊲', 13431 => '𒊳', 13432 => '𒊴', 13433 => '𒊵', 13434 => '𒊶', 13435 => '𒊷', 13436 => '𒊸', 13437 => '𒊹', 13438 => '𒊺', 13439 => '𒊻', 13440 => '𒊼', 13441 => '𒊽', 13442 => '𒊾', 13443 => '𒊿', 13444 => '𒋀', 13445 => '𒋁', 13446 => '𒋂', 13447 => '𒋃', 13448 => '𒋄', 13449 => '𒋅', 13450 => '𒋆', 13451 => '𒋇', 13452 => '𒋈', 13453 => '𒋉', 13454 => '𒋊', 13455 => '𒋋', 13456 => '𒋌', 13457 => '𒋍', 13458 => '𒋎', 13459 => '𒋏', 13460 => '𒋐', 13461 => '𒋑', 13462 => '𒋒', 13463 => '𒋓', 13464 => '𒋔', 13465 => '𒋕', 13466 => '𒋖', 13467 => '𒋗', 13468 => '𒋘', 13469 => '𒋙', 13470 => '𒋚', 13471 => '𒋛', 13472 => '𒋜', 13473 => '𒋝', 13474 => '𒋞', 13475 => '𒋟', 13476 => '𒋠', 13477 => '𒋡', 13478 => '𒋢', 13479 => '𒋣', 13480 => '𒋤', 13481 => '𒋥', 13482 => '𒋦', 13483 => '𒋧', 13484 => '𒋨', 13485 => '𒋩', 13486 => '𒋪', 13487 => '𒋫', 13488 => '𒋬', 13489 => '𒋭', 13490 => '𒋮', 13491 => '𒋯', 13492 => '𒋰', 13493 => '𒋱', 13494 => '𒋲', 13495 => '𒋳', 13496 => '𒋴', 13497 => '𒋵', 13498 => '𒋶', 13499 => '𒋷', 13500 => '𒋸', 13501 => '𒋹', 13502 => '𒋺', 13503 => '𒋻', 13504 => '𒋼', 13505 => '𒋽', 13506 => '𒋾', 13507 => '𒋿', 13508 => '𒌀', 13509 => '𒌁', 13510 => '𒌂', 13511 => '𒌃', 13512 => '𒌄', 13513 => '𒌅', 13514 => '𒌆', 13515 => '𒌇', 13516 => '𒌈', 13517 => '𒌉', 13518 => '𒌊', 13519 => '𒌋', 13520 => '𒌌', 13521 => '𒌍', 13522 => '𒌎', 13523 => '𒌏', 13524 => '𒌐', 13525 => '𒌑', 13526 => '𒌒', 13527 => '𒌓', 13528 => '𒌔', 13529 => '𒌕', 13530 => '𒌖', 13531 => '𒌗', 13532 => '𒌘', 13533 => '𒌙', 13534 => '𒌚', 13535 => '𒌛', 13536 => '𒌜', 13537 => '𒌝', 13538 => '𒌞', 13539 => '𒌟', 13540 => '𒌠', 13541 => '𒌡', 13542 => '𒌢', 13543 => '𒌣', 13544 => '𒌤', 13545 => '𒌥', 13546 => '𒌦', 13547 => '𒌧', 13548 => '𒌨', 13549 => '𒌩', 13550 => '𒌪', 13551 => '𒌫', 13552 => '𒌬', 13553 => '𒌭', 13554 => '𒌮', 13555 => '𒌯', 13556 => '𒌰', 13557 => '𒌱', 13558 => '𒌲', 13559 => '𒌳', 13560 => '𒌴', 13561 => '𒌵', 13562 => '𒌶', 13563 => '𒌷', 13564 => '𒌸', 13565 => '𒌹', 13566 => '𒌺', 13567 => '𒌻', 13568 => '𒌼', 13569 => '𒌽', 13570 => '𒌾', 13571 => '𒌿', 13572 => '𒍀', 13573 => '𒍁', 13574 => '𒍂', 13575 => '𒍃', 13576 => '𒍄', 13577 => '𒍅', 13578 => '𒍆', 13579 => '𒍇', 13580 => '𒍈', 13581 => '𒍉', 13582 => '𒍊', 13583 => '𒍋', 13584 => '𒍌', 13585 => '𒍍', 13586 => '𒍎', 13587 => '𒍏', 13588 => '𒍐', 13589 => '𒍑', 13590 => '𒍒', 13591 => '𒍓', 13592 => '𒍔', 13593 => '𒍕', 13594 => '𒍖', 13595 => '𒍗', 13596 => '𒍘', 13597 => '𒍙', 13598 => '𒍚', 13599 => '𒍛', 13600 => '𒍜', 13601 => '𒍝', 13602 => '𒍞', 13603 => '𒍟', 13604 => '𒍠', 13605 => '𒍡', 13606 => '𒍢', 13607 => '𒍣', 13608 => '𒍤', 13609 => '𒍥', 13610 => '𒍦', 13611 => '𒍧', 13612 => '𒍨', 13613 => '𒍩', 13614 => '𒍪', 13615 => '𒍫', 13616 => '𒍬', 13617 => '𒍭', 13618 => '𒍮', 13619 => '𓀀', 13620 => '𓀁', 13621 => '𓀂', 13622 => '𓀃', 13623 => '𓀄', 13624 => '𓀅', 13625 => '𓀆', 13626 => '𓀇', 13627 => '𓀈', 13628 => '𓀉', 13629 => '𓀊', 13630 => '𓀋', 13631 => '𓀌', 13632 => '𓀍', 13633 => '𓀎', 13634 => '𓀏', 13635 => '𓀐', 13636 => '𓀑', 13637 => '𓀒', 13638 => '𓀓', 13639 => '𓀔', 13640 => '𓀕', 13641 => '𓀖', 13642 => '𓀗', 13643 => '𓀘', 13644 => '𓀙', 13645 => '𓀚', 13646 => '𓀛', 13647 => '𓀜', 13648 => '𓀝', 13649 => '𓀞', 13650 => '𓀟', 13651 => '𓀠', 13652 => '𓀡', 13653 => '𓀢', 13654 => '𓀣', 13655 => '𓀤', 13656 => '𓀥', 13657 => '𓀦', 13658 => '𓀧', 13659 => '𓀨', 13660 => '𓀩', 13661 => '𓀪', 13662 => '𓀫', 13663 => '𓀬', 13664 => '𓀭', 13665 => '𓀮', 13666 => '𓀯', 13667 => '𓀰', 13668 => '𓀱', 13669 => '𓀲', 13670 => '𓀳', 13671 => '𓀴', 13672 => '𓀵', 13673 => '𓀶', 13674 => '𓀷', 13675 => '𓀸', 13676 => '𓀹', 13677 => '𓀺', 13678 => '𓀻', 13679 => '𓀼', 13680 => '𓀽', 13681 => '𓀾', 13682 => '𓀿', 13683 => '𓁀', 13684 => '𓁁', 13685 => '𓁂', 13686 => '𓁃', 13687 => '𓁄', 13688 => '𓁅', 13689 => '𓁆', 13690 => '𓁇', 13691 => '𓁈', 13692 => '𓁉', 13693 => '𓁊', 13694 => '𓁋', 13695 => '𓁌', 13696 => '𓁍', 13697 => '𓁎', 13698 => '𓁏', 13699 => '𓁐', 13700 => '𓁑', 13701 => '𓁒', 13702 => '𓁓', 13703 => '𓁔', 13704 => '𓁕', 13705 => '𓁖', 13706 => '𓁗', 13707 => '𓁘', 13708 => '𓁙', 13709 => '𓁚', 13710 => '𓁛', 13711 => '𓁜', 13712 => '𓁝', 13713 => '𓁞', 13714 => '𓁟', 13715 => '𓁠', 13716 => '𓁡', 13717 => '𓁢', 13718 => '𓁣', 13719 => '𓁤', 13720 => '𓁥', 13721 => '𓁦', 13722 => '𓁧', 13723 => '𓁨', 13724 => '𓁩', 13725 => '𓁪', 13726 => '𓁫', 13727 => '𓁬', 13728 => '𓁭', 13729 => '𓁮', 13730 => '𓁯', 13731 => '𓁰', 13732 => '𓁱', 13733 => '𓁲', 13734 => '𓁳', 13735 => '𓁴', 13736 => '𓁵', 13737 => '𓁶', 13738 => '𓁷', 13739 => '𓁸', 13740 => '𓁹', 13741 => '𓁺', 13742 => '𓁻', 13743 => '𓁼', 13744 => '𓁽', 13745 => '𓁾', 13746 => '𓁿', 13747 => '𓂀', 13748 => '𓂁', 13749 => '𓂂', 13750 => '𓂃', 13751 => '𓂄', 13752 => '𓂅', 13753 => '𓂆', 13754 => '𓂇', 13755 => '𓂈', 13756 => '𓂉', 13757 => '𓂊', 13758 => '𓂋', 13759 => '𓂌', 13760 => '𓂍', 13761 => '𓂎', 13762 => '𓂏', 13763 => '𓂐', 13764 => '𓂑', 13765 => '𓂒', 13766 => '𓂓', 13767 => '𓂔', 13768 => '𓂕', 13769 => '𓂖', 13770 => '𓂗', 13771 => '𓂘', 13772 => '𓂙', 13773 => '𓂚', 13774 => '𓂛', 13775 => '𓂜', 13776 => '𓂝', 13777 => '𓂞', 13778 => '𓂟', 13779 => '𓂠', 13780 => '𓂡', 13781 => '𓂢', 13782 => '𓂣', 13783 => '𓂤', 13784 => '𓂥', 13785 => '𓂦', 13786 => '𓂧', 13787 => '𓂨', 13788 => '𓂩', 13789 => '𓂪', 13790 => '𓂫', 13791 => '𓂬', 13792 => '𓂭', 13793 => '𓂮', 13794 => '𓂯', 13795 => '𓂰', 13796 => '𓂱', 13797 => '𓂲', 13798 => '𓂳', 13799 => '𓂴', 13800 => '𓂵', 13801 => '𓂶', 13802 => '𓂷', 13803 => '𓂸', 13804 => '𓂹', 13805 => '𓂺', 13806 => '𓂻', 13807 => '𓂼', 13808 => '𓂽', 13809 => '𓂾', 13810 => '𓂿', 13811 => '𓃀', 13812 => '𓃁', 13813 => '𓃂', 13814 => '𓃃', 13815 => '𓃄', 13816 => '𓃅', 13817 => '𓃆', 13818 => '𓃇', 13819 => '𓃈', 13820 => '𓃉', 13821 => '𓃊', 13822 => '𓃋', 13823 => '𓃌', 13824 => '𓃍', 13825 => '𓃎', 13826 => '𓃏', 13827 => '𓃐', 13828 => '𓃑', 13829 => '𓃒', 13830 => '𓃓', 13831 => '𓃔', 13832 => '𓃕', 13833 => '𓃖', 13834 => '𓃗', 13835 => '𓃘', 13836 => '𓃙', 13837 => '𓃚', 13838 => '𓃛', 13839 => '𓃜', 13840 => '𓃝', 13841 => '𓃞', 13842 => '𓃟', 13843 => '𓃠', 13844 => '𓃡', 13845 => '𓃢', 13846 => '𓃣', 13847 => '𓃤', 13848 => '𓃥', 13849 => '𓃦', 13850 => '𓃧', 13851 => '𓃨', 13852 => '𓃩', 13853 => '𓃪', 13854 => '𓃫', 13855 => '𓃬', 13856 => '𓃭', 13857 => '𓃮', 13858 => '𓃯', 13859 => '𓃰', 13860 => '𓃱', 13861 => '𓃲', 13862 => '𓃳', 13863 => '𓃴', 13864 => '𓃵', 13865 => '𓃶', 13866 => '𓃷', 13867 => '𓃸', 13868 => '𓃹', 13869 => '𓃺', 13870 => '𓃻', 13871 => '𓃼', 13872 => '𓃽', 13873 => '𓃾', 13874 => '𓃿', 13875 => '𓄀', 13876 => '𓄁', 13877 => '𓄂', 13878 => '𓄃', 13879 => '𓄄', 13880 => '𓄅', 13881 => '𓄆', 13882 => '𓄇', 13883 => '𓄈', 13884 => '𓄉', 13885 => '𓄊', 13886 => '𓄋', 13887 => '𓄌', 13888 => '𓄍', 13889 => '𓄎', 13890 => '𓄏', 13891 => '𓄐', 13892 => '𓄑', 13893 => '𓄒', 13894 => '𓄓', 13895 => '𓄔', 13896 => '𓄕', 13897 => '𓄖', 13898 => '𓄗', 13899 => '𓄘', 13900 => '𓄙', 13901 => '𓄚', 13902 => '𓄛', 13903 => '𓄜', 13904 => '𓄝', 13905 => '𓄞', 13906 => '𓄟', 13907 => '𓄠', 13908 => '𓄡', 13909 => '𓄢', 13910 => '𓄣', 13911 => '𓄤', 13912 => '𓄥', 13913 => '𓄦', 13914 => '𓄧', 13915 => '𓄨', 13916 => '𓄩', 13917 => '𓄪', 13918 => '𓄫', 13919 => '𓄬', 13920 => '𓄭', 13921 => '𓄮', 13922 => '𓄯', 13923 => '𓄰', 13924 => '𓄱', 13925 => '𓄲', 13926 => '𓄳', 13927 => '𓄴', 13928 => '𓄵', 13929 => '𓄶', 13930 => '𓄷', 13931 => '𓄸', 13932 => '𓄹', 13933 => '𓄺', 13934 => '𓄻', 13935 => '𓄼', 13936 => '𓄽', 13937 => '𓄾', 13938 => '𓄿', 13939 => '𓅀', 13940 => '𓅁', 13941 => '𓅂', 13942 => '𓅃', 13943 => '𓅄', 13944 => '𓅅', 13945 => '𓅆', 13946 => '𓅇', 13947 => '𓅈', 13948 => '𓅉', 13949 => '𓅊', 13950 => '𓅋', 13951 => '𓅌', 13952 => '𓅍', 13953 => '𓅎', 13954 => '𓅏', 13955 => '𓅐', 13956 => '𓅑', 13957 => '𓅒', 13958 => '𓅓', 13959 => '𓅔', 13960 => '𓅕', 13961 => '𓅖', 13962 => '𓅗', 13963 => '𓅘', 13964 => '𓅙', 13965 => '𓅚', 13966 => '𓅛', 13967 => '𓅜', 13968 => '𓅝', 13969 => '𓅞', 13970 => '𓅟', 13971 => '𓅠', 13972 => '𓅡', 13973 => '𓅢', 13974 => '𓅣', 13975 => '𓅤', 13976 => '𓅥', 13977 => '𓅦', 13978 => '𓅧', 13979 => '𓅨', 13980 => '𓅩', 13981 => '𓅪', 13982 => '𓅫', 13983 => '𓅬', 13984 => '𓅭', 13985 => '𓅮', 13986 => '𓅯', 13987 => '𓅰', 13988 => '𓅱', 13989 => '𓅲', 13990 => '𓅳', 13991 => '𓅴', 13992 => '𓅵', 13993 => '𓅶', 13994 => '𓅷', 13995 => '𓅸', 13996 => '𓅹', 13997 => '𓅺', 13998 => '𓅻', 13999 => '𓅼', 14000 => '𓅽', 14001 => '𓅾', 14002 => '𓅿', 14003 => '𓆀', 14004 => '𓆁', 14005 => '𓆂', 14006 => '𓆃', 14007 => '𓆄', 14008 => '𓆅', 14009 => '𓆆', 14010 => '𓆇', 14011 => '𓆈', 14012 => '𓆉', 14013 => '𓆊', 14014 => '𓆋', 14015 => '𓆌', 14016 => '𓆍', 14017 => '𓆎', 14018 => '𓆏', 14019 => '𓆐', 14020 => '𓆑', 14021 => '𓆒', 14022 => '𓆓', 14023 => '𓆔', 14024 => '𓆕', 14025 => '𓆖', 14026 => '𓆗', 14027 => '𓆘', 14028 => '𓆙', 14029 => '𓆚', 14030 => '𓆛', 14031 => '𓆜', 14032 => '𓆝', 14033 => '𓆞', 14034 => '𓆟', 14035 => '𓆠', 14036 => '𓆡', 14037 => '𓆢', 14038 => '𓆣', 14039 => '𓆤', 14040 => '𓆥', 14041 => '𓆦', 14042 => '𓆧', 14043 => '𓆨', 14044 => '𓆩', 14045 => '𓆪', 14046 => '𓆫', 14047 => '𓆬', 14048 => '𓆭', 14049 => '𓆮', 14050 => '𓆯', 14051 => '𓆰', 14052 => '𓆱', 14053 => '𓆲', 14054 => '𓆳', 14055 => '𓆴', 14056 => '𓆵', 14057 => '𓆶', 14058 => '𓆷', 14059 => '𓆸', 14060 => '𓆹', 14061 => '𓆺', 14062 => '𓆻', 14063 => '𓆼', 14064 => '𓆽', 14065 => '𓆾', 14066 => '𓆿', 14067 => '𓇀', 14068 => '𓇁', 14069 => '𓇂', 14070 => '𓇃', 14071 => '𓇄', 14072 => '𓇅', 14073 => '𓇆', 14074 => '𓇇', 14075 => '𓇈', 14076 => '𓇉', 14077 => '𓇊', 14078 => '𓇋', 14079 => '𓇌', 14080 => '𓇍', 14081 => '𓇎', 14082 => '𓇏', 14083 => '𓇐', 14084 => '𓇑', 14085 => '𓇒', 14086 => '𓇓', 14087 => '𓇔', 14088 => '𓇕', 14089 => '𓇖', 14090 => '𓇗', 14091 => '𓇘', 14092 => '𓇙', 14093 => '𓇚', 14094 => '𓇛', 14095 => '𓇜', 14096 => '𓇝', 14097 => '𓇞', 14098 => '𓇟', 14099 => '𓇠', 14100 => '𓇡', 14101 => '𓇢', 14102 => '𓇣', 14103 => '𓇤', 14104 => '𓇥', 14105 => '𓇦', 14106 => '𓇧', 14107 => '𓇨', 14108 => '𓇩', 14109 => '𓇪', 14110 => '𓇫', 14111 => '𓇬', 14112 => '𓇭', 14113 => '𓇮', 14114 => '𓇯', 14115 => '𓇰', 14116 => '𓇱', 14117 => '𓇲', 14118 => '𓇳', 14119 => '𓇴', 14120 => '𓇵', 14121 => '𓇶', 14122 => '𓇷', 14123 => '𓇸', 14124 => '𓇹', 14125 => '𓇺', 14126 => '𓇻', 14127 => '𓇼', 14128 => '𓇽', 14129 => '𓇾', 14130 => '𓇿', 14131 => '𓈀', 14132 => '𓈁', 14133 => '𓈂', 14134 => '𓈃', 14135 => '𓈄', 14136 => '𓈅', 14137 => '𓈆', 14138 => '𓈇', 14139 => '𓈈', 14140 => '𓈉', 14141 => '𓈊', 14142 => '𓈋', 14143 => '𓈌', 14144 => '𓈍', 14145 => '𓈎', 14146 => '𓈏', 14147 => '𓈐', 14148 => '𓈑', 14149 => '𓈒', 14150 => '𓈓', 14151 => '𓈔', 14152 => '𓈕', 14153 => '𓈖', 14154 => '𓈗', 14155 => '𓈘', 14156 => '𓈙', 14157 => '𓈚', 14158 => '𓈛', 14159 => '𓈜', 14160 => '𓈝', 14161 => '𓈞', 14162 => '𓈟', 14163 => '𓈠', 14164 => '𓈡', 14165 => '𓈢', 14166 => '𓈣', 14167 => '𓈤', 14168 => '𓈥', 14169 => '𓈦', 14170 => '𓈧', 14171 => '𓈨', 14172 => '𓈩', 14173 => '𓈪', 14174 => '𓈫', 14175 => '𓈬', 14176 => '𓈭', 14177 => '𓈮', 14178 => '𓈯', 14179 => '𓈰', 14180 => '𓈱', 14181 => '𓈲', 14182 => '𓈳', 14183 => '𓈴', 14184 => '𓈵', 14185 => '𓈶', 14186 => '𓈷', 14187 => '𓈸', 14188 => '𓈹', 14189 => '𓈺', 14190 => '𓈻', 14191 => '𓈼', 14192 => '𓈽', 14193 => '𓈾', 14194 => '𓈿', 14195 => '𓉀', 14196 => '𓉁', 14197 => '𓉂', 14198 => '𓉃', 14199 => '𓉄', 14200 => '𓉅', 14201 => '𓉆', 14202 => '𓉇', 14203 => '𓉈', 14204 => '𓉉', 14205 => '𓉊', 14206 => '𓉋', 14207 => '𓉌', 14208 => '𓉍', 14209 => '𓉎', 14210 => '𓉏', 14211 => '𓉐', 14212 => '𓉑', 14213 => '𓉒', 14214 => '𓉓', 14215 => '𓉔', 14216 => '𓉕', 14217 => '𓉖', 14218 => '𓉗', 14219 => '𓉘', 14220 => '𓉙', 14221 => '𓉚', 14222 => '𓉛', 14223 => '𓉜', 14224 => '𓉝', 14225 => '𓉞', 14226 => '𓉟', 14227 => '𓉠', 14228 => '𓉡', 14229 => '𓉢', 14230 => '𓉣', 14231 => '𓉤', 14232 => '𓉥', 14233 => '𓉦', 14234 => '𓉧', 14235 => '𓉨', 14236 => '𓉩', 14237 => '𓉪', 14238 => '𓉫', 14239 => '𓉬', 14240 => '𓉭', 14241 => '𓉮', 14242 => '𓉯', 14243 => '𓉰', 14244 => '𓉱', 14245 => '𓉲', 14246 => '𓉳', 14247 => '𓉴', 14248 => '𓉵', 14249 => '𓉶', 14250 => '𓉷', 14251 => '𓉸', 14252 => '𓉹', 14253 => '𓉺', 14254 => '𓉻', 14255 => '𓉼', 14256 => '𓉽', 14257 => '𓉾', 14258 => '𓉿', 14259 => '𓊀', 14260 => '𓊁', 14261 => '𓊂', 14262 => '𓊃', 14263 => '𓊄', 14264 => '𓊅', 14265 => '𓊆', 14266 => '𓊇', 14267 => '𓊈', 14268 => '𓊉', 14269 => '𓊊', 14270 => '𓊋', 14271 => '𓊌', 14272 => '𓊍', 14273 => '𓊎', 14274 => '𓊏', 14275 => '𓊐', 14276 => '𓊑', 14277 => '𓊒', 14278 => '𓊓', 14279 => '𓊔', 14280 => '𓊕', 14281 => '𓊖', 14282 => '𓊗', 14283 => '𓊘', 14284 => '𓊙', 14285 => '𓊚', 14286 => '𓊛', 14287 => '𓊜', 14288 => '𓊝', 14289 => '𓊞', 14290 => '𓊟', 14291 => '𓊠', 14292 => '𓊡', 14293 => '𓊢', 14294 => '𓊣', 14295 => '𓊤', 14296 => '𓊥', 14297 => '𓊦', 14298 => '𓊧', 14299 => '𓊨', 14300 => '𓊩', 14301 => '𓊪', 14302 => '𓊫', 14303 => '𓊬', 14304 => '𓊭', 14305 => '𓊮', 14306 => '𓊯', 14307 => '𓊰', 14308 => '𓊱', 14309 => '𓊲', 14310 => '𓊳', 14311 => '𓊴', 14312 => '𓊵', 14313 => '𓊶', 14314 => '𓊷', 14315 => '𓊸', 14316 => '𓊹', 14317 => '𓊺', 14318 => '𓊻', 14319 => '𓊼', 14320 => '𓊽', 14321 => '𓊾', 14322 => '𓊿', 14323 => '𓋀', 14324 => '𓋁', 14325 => '𓋂', 14326 => '𓋃', 14327 => '𓋄', 14328 => '𓋅', 14329 => '𓋆', 14330 => '𓋇', 14331 => '𓋈', 14332 => '𓋉', 14333 => '𓋊', 14334 => '𓋋', 14335 => '𓋌', 14336 => '𓋍', 14337 => '𓋎', 14338 => '𓋏', 14339 => '𓋐', 14340 => '𓋑', 14341 => '𓋒', 14342 => '𓋓', 14343 => '𓋔', 14344 => '𓋕', 14345 => '𓋖', 14346 => '𓋗', 14347 => '𓋘', 14348 => '𓋙', 14349 => '𓋚', 14350 => '𓋛', 14351 => '𓋜', 14352 => '𓋝', 14353 => '𓋞', 14354 => '𓋟', 14355 => '𓋠', 14356 => '𓋡', 14357 => '𓋢', 14358 => '𓋣', 14359 => '𓋤', 14360 => '𓋥', 14361 => '𓋦', 14362 => '𓋧', 14363 => '𓋨', 14364 => '𓋩', 14365 => '𓋪', 14366 => '𓋫', 14367 => '𓋬', 14368 => '𓋭', 14369 => '𓋮', 14370 => '𓋯', 14371 => '𓋰', 14372 => '𓋱', 14373 => '𓋲', 14374 => '𓋳', 14375 => '𓋴', 14376 => '𓋵', 14377 => '𓋶', 14378 => '𓋷', 14379 => '𓋸', 14380 => '𓋹', 14381 => '𓋺', 14382 => '𓋻', 14383 => '𓋼', 14384 => '𓋽', 14385 => '𓋾', 14386 => '𓋿', 14387 => '𓌀', 14388 => '𓌁', 14389 => '𓌂', 14390 => '𓌃', 14391 => '𓌄', 14392 => '𓌅', 14393 => '𓌆', 14394 => '𓌇', 14395 => '𓌈', 14396 => '𓌉', 14397 => '𓌊', 14398 => '𓌋', 14399 => '𓌌', 14400 => '𓌍', 14401 => '𓌎', 14402 => '𓌏', 14403 => '𓌐', 14404 => '𓌑', 14405 => '𓌒', 14406 => '𓌓', 14407 => '𓌔', 14408 => '𓌕', 14409 => '𓌖', 14410 => '𓌗', 14411 => '𓌘', 14412 => '𓌙', 14413 => '𓌚', 14414 => '𓌛', 14415 => '𓌜', 14416 => '𓌝', 14417 => '𓌞', 14418 => '𓌟', 14419 => '𓌠', 14420 => '𓌡', 14421 => '𓌢', 14422 => '𓌣', 14423 => '𓌤', 14424 => '𓌥', 14425 => '𓌦', 14426 => '𓌧', 14427 => '𓌨', 14428 => '𓌩', 14429 => '𓌪', 14430 => '𓌫', 14431 => '𓌬', 14432 => '𓌭', 14433 => '𓌮', 14434 => '𓌯', 14435 => '𓌰', 14436 => '𓌱', 14437 => '𓌲', 14438 => '𓌳', 14439 => '𓌴', 14440 => '𓌵', 14441 => '𓌶', 14442 => '𓌷', 14443 => '𓌸', 14444 => '𓌹', 14445 => '𓌺', 14446 => '𓌻', 14447 => '𓌼', 14448 => '𓌽', 14449 => '𓌾', 14450 => '𓌿', 14451 => '𓍀', 14452 => '𓍁', 14453 => '𓍂', 14454 => '𓍃', 14455 => '𓍄', 14456 => '𓍅', 14457 => '𓍆', 14458 => '𓍇', 14459 => '𓍈', 14460 => '𓍉', 14461 => '𓍊', 14462 => '𓍋', 14463 => '𓍌', 14464 => '𓍍', 14465 => '𓍎', 14466 => '𓍏', 14467 => '𓍐', 14468 => '𓍑', 14469 => '𓍒', 14470 => '𓍓', 14471 => '𓍔', 14472 => '𓍕', 14473 => '𓍖', 14474 => '𓍗', 14475 => '𓍘', 14476 => '𓍙', 14477 => '𓍚', 14478 => '𓍛', 14479 => '𓍜', 14480 => '𓍝', 14481 => '𓍞', 14482 => '𓍟', 14483 => '𓍠', 14484 => '𓍡', 14485 => '𓍢', 14486 => '𓍣', 14487 => '𓍤', 14488 => '𓍥', 14489 => '𓍦', 14490 => '𓍧', 14491 => '𓍨', 14492 => '𓍩', 14493 => '𓍪', 14494 => '𓍫', 14495 => '𓍬', 14496 => '𓍭', 14497 => '𓍮', 14498 => '𓍯', 14499 => '𓍰', 14500 => '𓍱', 14501 => '𓍲', 14502 => '𓍳', 14503 => '𓍴', 14504 => '𓍵', 14505 => '𓍶', 14506 => '𓍷', 14507 => '𓍸', 14508 => '𓍹', 14509 => '𓍺', 14510 => '𓍻', 14511 => '𓍼', 14512 => '𓍽', 14513 => '𓍾', 14514 => '𓍿', 14515 => '𓎀', 14516 => '𓎁', 14517 => '𓎂', 14518 => '𓎃', 14519 => '𓎄', 14520 => '𓎅', 14521 => '𓎆', 14522 => '𓎇', 14523 => '𓎈', 14524 => '𓎉', 14525 => '𓎊', 14526 => '𓎋', 14527 => '𓎌', 14528 => '𓎍', 14529 => '𓎎', 14530 => '𓎏', 14531 => '𓎐', 14532 => '𓎑', 14533 => '𓎒', 14534 => '𓎓', 14535 => '𓎔', 14536 => '𓎕', 14537 => '𓎖', 14538 => '𓎗', 14539 => '𓎘', 14540 => '𓎙', 14541 => '𓎚', 14542 => '𓎛', 14543 => '𓎜', 14544 => '𓎝', 14545 => '𓎞', 14546 => '𓎟', 14547 => '𓎠', 14548 => '𓎡', 14549 => '𓎢', 14550 => '𓎣', 14551 => '𓎤', 14552 => '𓎥', 14553 => '𓎦', 14554 => '𓎧', 14555 => '𓎨', 14556 => '𓎩', 14557 => '𓎪', 14558 => '𓎫', 14559 => '𓎬', 14560 => '𓎭', 14561 => '𓎮', 14562 => '𓎯', 14563 => '𓎰', 14564 => '𓎱', 14565 => '𓎲', 14566 => '𓎳', 14567 => '𓎴', 14568 => '𓎵', 14569 => '𓎶', 14570 => '𓎷', 14571 => '𓎸', 14572 => '𓎹', 14573 => '𓎺', 14574 => '𓎻', 14575 => '𓎼', 14576 => '𓎽', 14577 => '𓎾', 14578 => '𓎿', 14579 => '𓏀', 14580 => '𓏁', 14581 => '𓏂', 14582 => '𓏃', 14583 => '𓏄', 14584 => '𓏅', 14585 => '𓏆', 14586 => '𓏇', 14587 => '𓏈', 14588 => '𓏉', 14589 => '𓏊', 14590 => '𓏋', 14591 => '𓏌', 14592 => '𓏍', 14593 => '𓏎', 14594 => '𓏏', 14595 => '𓏐', 14596 => '𓏑', 14597 => '𓏒', 14598 => '𓏓', 14599 => '𓏔', 14600 => '𓏕', 14601 => '𓏖', 14602 => '𓏗', 14603 => '𓏘', 14604 => '𓏙', 14605 => '𓏚', 14606 => '𓏛', 14607 => '𓏜', 14608 => '𓏝', 14609 => '𓏞', 14610 => '𓏟', 14611 => '𓏠', 14612 => '𓏡', 14613 => '𓏢', 14614 => '𓏣', 14615 => '𓏤', 14616 => '𓏥', 14617 => '𓏦', 14618 => '𓏧', 14619 => '𓏨', 14620 => '𓏩', 14621 => '𓏪', 14622 => '𓏫', 14623 => '𓏬', 14624 => '𓏭', 14625 => '𓏮', 14626 => '𓏯', 14627 => '𓏰', 14628 => '𓏱', 14629 => '𓏲', 14630 => '𓏳', 14631 => '𓏴', 14632 => '𓏵', 14633 => '𓏶', 14634 => '𓏷', 14635 => '𓏸', 14636 => '𓏹', 14637 => '𓏺', 14638 => '𓏻', 14639 => '𓏼', 14640 => '𓏽', 14641 => '𓏾', 14642 => '𓏿', 14643 => '𓐀', 14644 => '𓐁', 14645 => '𓐂', 14646 => '𓐃', 14647 => '𓐄', 14648 => '𓐅', 14649 => '𓐆', 14650 => '𓐇', 14651 => '𓐈', 14652 => '𓐉', 14653 => '𓐊', 14654 => '𓐋', 14655 => '𓐌', 14656 => '𓐍', 14657 => '𓐎', 14658 => '𓐏', 14659 => '𓐐', 14660 => '𓐑', 14661 => '𓐒', 14662 => '𓐓', 14663 => '𓐔', 14664 => '𓐕', 14665 => '𓐖', 14666 => '𓐗', 14667 => '𓐘', 14668 => '𓐙', 14669 => '𓐚', 14670 => '𓐛', 14671 => '𓐜', 14672 => '𓐝', 14673 => '𓐞', 14674 => '𓐟', 14675 => '𓐠', 14676 => '𓐡', 14677 => '𓐢', 14678 => '𓐣', 14679 => '𓐤', 14680 => '𓐥', 14681 => '𓐦', 14682 => '𓐧', 14683 => '𓐨', 14684 => '𓐩', 14685 => '𓐪', 14686 => '𓐫', 14687 => '𓐬', 14688 => '𓐭', 14689 => '𓐮', 14690 => '㆒', 14691 => '㆜', 14692 => '㆔', 14693 => '㆖', 14694 => '㆘', 14695 => '㆛', 14696 => '㆗', 14697 => '㆚', 14698 => '㆓', 14699 => '🈘', 14700 => '㆟', 14701 => '🈞', 14702 => '🈠', 14703 => '🈜', 14704 => '🈹', 14705 => '🈒', 14706 => '🉑', 14707 => '🈮', 14708 => '🈴', 14709 => '🈥', 14710 => '🈺', 14711 => '㆕', 14712 => '㆞', 14713 => '🈤', 14714 => '🈕', 14715 => '㆝', 14716 => '🈑', 14717 => '🈬', 14718 => '🈝', 14719 => '🉐', 14720 => '🈐', 14721 => '🈱', 14722 => '🈧', 14723 => '🈯', 14724 => '🈨', 14725 => '🈛', 14726 => '🈟', 14727 => '🈙', 14728 => '🈷', 14729 => '🈶', 14730 => '🈵', 14731 => '🈦', 14732 => '🈚', 14733 => '🈢', 14734 => '㆙', 14735 => '🈸', 14736 => '🈲', 14737 => '🈳', 14738 => '🈡', 14739 => '🈖', 14740 => '🈣', 14741 => '🈰', 14742 => '🈫',]
Definition defines.php:35
Definition defines.php:32
Definition defines.php:28
A helper class for throttling authentication attempts.
return true
Definition router.php:92