MediaWiki REL1_27
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Member Functions inherited from DatabaseBase | |
__construct (array $params) | |
Constructor. | |
__destruct () | |
Run a few simple sanity checks. | |
__sleep () | |
Called by serialize. | |
__toString () | |
addIdentifierQuotes ( $s) | |
Quotes an identifier using backticks or "double quotes" depending on the database type. | |
addQuotes ( $s) | |
Adds quotes and backslashes. | |
aggregateValue ( $valuedata, $valuename='value') | |
Return aggregated value alias. | |
anyChar () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '_' to be used in a LIKE query. | |
anyString () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '' to be used in a LIKE query. | |
begin ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin a transaction. | |
bitAnd ( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bitNot ( $field) | |
bitOr ( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bufferResults ( $buffer=null) | |
Turns buffering of SQL result sets on (true) or off (false). | |
buildConcat ( $stringList) | |
Build a concatenation list to feed into a SQL query. | |
buildGroupConcatField ( $delim, $table, $field, $conds='', $join_conds=[]) | |
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query. | |
buildLike () | |
LIKE statement wrapper, receives a variable-length argument list with parts of pattern to match containing either string literals that will be escaped or tokens returned by anyChar() or anyString(). | |
cascadingDeletes () | |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) cascading deletes. | |
cleanupTriggers () | |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) triggers (e.g. | |
clearFlag ( $flag) | |
Clear a flag for this connection. | |
clearViewsCache () | |
Reset the views process cache set by listViews() | |
close () | |
Closes a database connection. | |
commit ( $fname=__METHOD__, $flush='') | |
Commits a transaction previously started using begin(). | |
conditional ( $cond, $trueVal, $falseVal) | |
Returns an SQL expression for a simple conditional. | |
connectionErrorHandler ( $errno, $errstr) | |
dbSchema ( $schema=null) | |
Get/set the db schema. | |
deadlockLoop () | |
Perform a deadlock-prone transaction. | |
debug ( $debug=null) | |
Boolean, controls output of large amounts of debug information. | |
decodeBlob ( $b) | |
Some DBMSs return a special placeholder object representing blob fields in result objects. | |
decodeExpiry ( $expiry, $format=TS_MW) | |
Decode an expiry time into a DBMS independent format. | |
delete ( $table, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE query wrapper. | |
deleteJoin ( $delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE where the condition is a join. | |
doAtomicSection ( $fname, $callback) | |
Run a callback to do an atomic set of updates for this database. | |
doneWrites () | |
Returns true if the connection may have been used for write queries. | |
dropTable ( $tableName, $fName=__METHOD__) | |
Delete a table. | |
duplicateTableStructure ( $oldName, $newName, $temporary=false, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Creates a new table with structure copied from existing table Note that unlike most database abstraction functions, this function does not automatically append database prefix, because it works at a lower abstraction level. | |
encodeBlob ( $b) | |
Some DBMSs have a special format for inserting into blob fields, they don't allow simple quoted strings to be inserted. | |
encodeExpiry ( $expiry) | |
Encode an expiry time into the DBMS dependent format. | |
endAtomic ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Ends an atomic section of SQL statements. | |
estimateRowCount ( $table, $vars=' *', $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
Estimate the number of rows in dataset. | |
execute ( $prepared, $args=null) | |
Execute a prepared query with the various arguments. | |
fieldExists ( $table, $field, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Determines whether a field exists in a table. | |
fieldNamesWithAlias ( $fields) | |
Gets an array of aliased field names. | |
fieldNameWithAlias ( $name, $alias=false) | |
Get an aliased field name e.g. | |
fillPrepared ( $preparedQuery, $args) | |
For faking prepared SQL statements on DBs that don't support it directly. | |
freeResult ( $res) | |
Free a result object returned by query() or select(). | |
functionalIndexes () | |
Returns true if this database can use functional indexes. | |
getApproximateLagStatus () | |
Get a slave lag estimate for this server. | |
getDBname () | |
Get the current DB name. | |
getDelimiter () | |
getFlag ( $flag) | |
Returns a boolean whether the flag $flag is set for this connection. | |
getInfinity () | |
Find out when 'infinity' is. | |
getLag () | |
Get slave lag. | |
getLazyMasterHandle () | |
getLBInfo ( $name=null) | |
Get properties passed down from the server info array of the load balancer. | |
getMasterPos () | |
Get the position of this master. | |
getProperty ( $name) | |
General read-only accessor. | |
getSchemaPath () | |
Return a path to the DBMS-specific schema file, otherwise default to tables.sql. | |
getScopedLockAndFlush ( $lockKey, $fname, $timeout) | |
Acquire a named lock, flush any transaction, and return an RAII style unlocker object. | |
getSearchEngine () | |
Get search engine class. | |
getServer () | |
Get the server hostname or IP address. | |
getServerInfo () | |
A string describing the current software version, and possibly other details in a user-friendly way. | |
getServerUptime () | |
Determines how long the server has been up STUB. | |
getSessionLagStatus () | |
Get the slave lag when the current transaction started or a general lag estimate if not transaction is active. | |
getSlavePos () | |
Get the replication position of this slave. | |
getTransactionLagStatus () | |
Get the slave lag when the current transaction started. | |
getUpdateKeysPath () | |
Return a path to the DBMS-specific update key file, otherwise default to update-keys.sql. | |
getWikiID () | |
implicitGroupby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY. | |
implicitOrderby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SELECT page_title FROM page LIMIT 1. | |
indexExists ( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Determines whether an index exists Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure. | |
indexInfo ( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Get information about an index into an object. | |
indexUnique ( $table, $index) | |
Determines if a given index is unique. | |
insert ( $table, $a, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table. | |
insertSelect ( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $insertOptions=[], $selectOptions=[]) | |
INSERT SELECT wrapper. | |
isOpen () | |
Is a connection to the database open? | |
isQuotedIdentifier ( $name) | |
Returns if the given identifier looks quoted or not according to the database convention for quoting identifiers . | |
isReadOnly () | |
isView ( $name) | |
Differentiates between a TABLE and a VIEW. | |
lastDoneWrites () | |
Returns the last time the connection may have been used for write queries. | |
lastQuery () | |
Return the last query that went through IDatabase::query() | |
limitResult ( $sql, $limit, $offset=false) | |
Construct a LIMIT query with optional offset. | |
listTables ( $prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
List all tables on the database. | |
listViews ( $prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Lists all the VIEWs in the database. | |
lock ( $lockName, $method, $timeout=5) | |
Acquire a named lock. | |
lockIsFree ( $lockName, $method) | |
Check to see if a named lock is available (non-blocking) | |
lockTables ( $read, $write, $method, $lowPriority=true) | |
Lock specific tables. | |
lowPriorityOption () | |
A string to insert into queries to show that they're low-priority, like MySQL's LOW_PRIORITY. | |
makeGroupByWithHaving ( $options) | |
Returns an optional GROUP BY with an optional HAVING. | |
makeList ( $a, $mode=LIST_COMMA) | |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array. | |
makeOrderBy ( $options) | |
Returns an optional ORDER BY. | |
makeSelectOptions ( $options) | |
Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a string to go at the end of the query. | |
makeWhereFrom2d ( $data, $baseKey, $subKey) | |
Build a partial where clause from a 2-d array such as used for LinkBatch. | |
masterPosWait (DBMasterPos $pos, $timeout) | |
Wait for the slave to catch up to a given master position. | |
maxListLen () | |
Return the maximum number of items allowed in a list, or 0 for unlimited. | |
namedLocksEnqueue () | |
Check to see if a named lock used by lock() use blocking queues. | |
nextSequenceValue ( $seqName) | |
Returns an appropriately quoted sequence value for inserting a new row. | |
onTransactionIdle ( $callback) | |
Run an anonymous function as soon as there is no transaction pending. | |
onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle ( $callback) | |
Run an anonymous function before the current transaction commits or now if there is none. | |
patchPath ( $patch) | |
Get the full path of a patch file. | |
pendingWriteCallers () | |
Get the list of method names that did write queries for this transaction. | |
pendingWriteQueryDuration () | |
Get the time spend running write queries for this transaction. | |
ping () | |
Ping the server and try to reconnect if it there is no connection. | |
query ( $sql, $fname=__METHOD__, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Run an SQL query and return the result. | |
realTimestamps () | |
Returns true if this database uses timestamps rather than integers. | |
replace ( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
REPLACE query wrapper. | |
reportConnectionError ( $error='Unknown error') | |
reportQueryError ( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Report a query error. | |
rollback ( $fname=__METHOD__, $flush='') | |
Rollback a transaction previously started using begin(). | |
searchableIPs () | |
Returns true if this database can do a native search on IP columns e.g. | |
select ( $table, $vars, $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided. | |
selectDB ( $db) | |
Change the current database. | |
selectField ( $table, $var, $cond='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row. | |
selectFieldValues ( $table, $var, $cond='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
selectRow ( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
Single row SELECT wrapper. | |
selectRowCount ( $tables, $vars=' *', $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
Get the number of rows in dataset. | |
selectSQLText ( $table, $vars, $conds='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
The equivalent of IDatabase::select() except that the constructed SQL is returned, instead of being immediately executed. | |
setBigSelects ( $value=true) | |
Allow or deny "big selects" for this session only. | |
setFileHandle ( $fh) | |
Set the filehandle to copy write statements to. | |
setFlag ( $flag) | |
Set a flag for this connection. | |
setLazyMasterHandle (IDatabase $conn) | |
Set a lazy-connecting DB handle to the master DB (for replication status purposes) | |
setLBInfo ( $name, $value=null) | |
Set the LB info array, or a member of it. | |
setSchemaVars ( $vars) | |
Set variables to be used in sourceFile/sourceStream, in preference to the ones in $GLOBALS. | |
setSessionOptions (array $options) | |
Override database's default behavior. | |
setTransactionProfiler (TransactionProfiler $profiler) | |
sourceFile ( $filename, $lineCallback=false, $resultCallback=false, $fname=false, $inputCallback=false) | |
Read and execute SQL commands from a file. | |
sourceStream ( $fp, $lineCallback=false, $resultCallback=false, $fname=__METHOD__, $inputCallback=false) | |
Read and execute commands from an open file handle. | |
startAtomic ( $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin an atomic section of statements. | |
streamStatementEnd (&$sql, &$newLine) | |
Called by sourceStream() to check if we've reached a statement end. | |
strencode ( $s) | |
Wrapper for addslashes() | |
strictIPs () | |
Returns true if this database is strict about what can be put into an IP field. | |
strreplace ( $orig, $old, $new) | |
Returns a comand for str_replace function in SQL query. | |
tableExists ( $table, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Query whether a given table exists. | |
tableName ( $name, $format='quoted') | |
Format a table name ready for use in constructing an SQL query. | |
tableNames () | |
Fetch a number of table names into an array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins. | |
tableNamesN () | |
Fetch a number of table names into an zero-indexed numerical array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins. | |
tableNamesWithAlias ( $tables) | |
Gets an array of aliased table names. | |
tableNameWithAlias ( $name, $alias=false) | |
Get an aliased table name e.g. | |
tablePrefix ( $prefix=null) | |
Get/set the table prefix. | |
textFieldSize ( $table, $field) | |
Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited". | |
timestamp ( $ts=0) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. | |
timestampOrNull ( $ts=null) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. | |
trxLevel () | |
Gets the current transaction level. | |
trxTimestamp () | |
Get the UNIX timestamp of the time that the transaction was established. | |
unionQueries ( $sqls, $all) | |
Construct a UNION query This is used for providing overload point for other DB abstractions not compatible with the MySQL syntax. | |
unionSupportsOrderAndLimit () | |
Returns true if current database backend supports ORDER BY or LIMIT for separate subqueries within the UNION construct. | |
unlock ( $lockName, $method) | |
Release a lock. | |
unlockTables ( $method) | |
Unlock specific tables. | |
update ( $table, $values, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
UPDATE wrapper. | |
upsert ( $table, array $rows, array $uniqueIndexes, array $set, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wrapper, upserts an array into a table. | |
useIndexClause ( $index) | |
USE INDEX clause. | |
wasConnectionError ( $errno) | |
Determines if the given query error was a connection drop STUB. | |
wasDeadlock () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock STUB. | |
wasErrorReissuable () | |
Determines if the last query error was something that should be dealt with by pinging the connection and reissuing the query. | |
wasLockTimeout () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a lock timeout STUB. | |
wasReadOnlyError () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to the database being read-only. | |
writesOrCallbacksPending () | |
Returns true if there is a transaction open with possible write queries or transaction pre-commit/idle callbacks waiting on it to finish. | |
writesPending () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from IDatabase | |
affectedRows () | |
Get the number of rows affected by the last write query. | |
dataSeek ( $res, $row) | |
Change the position of the cursor in a result object. | |
fetchObject ( $res) | |
Fetch the next row from the given result object, in object form. | |
fetchRow ( $res) | |
Fetch the next row from the given result object, in associative array form. | |
fieldInfo ( $table, $field) | |
mysql_fetch_field() wrapper Returns false if the field doesn't exist | |
fieldName ( $res, $n) | |
Get a field name in a result object. | |
getServerVersion () | |
A string describing the current software version, like from mysql_get_server_info(). | |
getSoftwareLink () | |
Returns a wikitext link to the DB's website, e.g., return "[ MySQL]"; Should at least contain plain text, if for some reason your database has no website. | |
getType () | |
Get the type of the DBMS, as it appears in $wgDBtype. | |
insertId () | |
Get the inserted value of an auto-increment row. | |
lastErrno () | |
Get the last error number. | |
lastError () | |
Get a description of the last error. | |
numFields ( $res) | |
Get the number of fields in a result object. | |
numRows ( $res) | |
Get the number of rows in a result object. | |
open ( $server, $user, $password, $dbName) | |
Open a connection to the database. | |
selectFieldValues ( $table, $var, $cond='', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a list of single field values from result rows. | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from DatabaseBase | |
static | factory ( $dbType, $p=[]) |
Given a DB type, construct the name of the appropriate child class of DatabaseBase. | |
static | getCacheSetOptions (IDatabase $db1) |
Merge the result of getSessionLagStatus() for several DBs using the most pessimistic values to estimate the lag of any data derived from them in combination. | |
Public Attributes inherited from DatabaseBase | |
const | DEADLOCK_DELAY_MAX = 1500000 |
Maximum time to wait before retry. | |
const | DEADLOCK_DELAY_MIN = 500000 |
Minimum time to wait before retry, in microseconds. | |
const | DEADLOCK_TRIES = 4 |
Number of times to re-try an operation in case of deadlock. | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from DatabaseBase | |
assertOpen () | |
Make sure isOpen() returns true as a sanity check. | |
closeConnection () | |
Closes underlying database connection. | |
doBegin ( $fname) | |
Issues the BEGIN command to the database server. | |
doCommit ( $fname) | |
Issues the COMMIT command to the database server. | |
doQuery ( $sql) | |
The DBMS-dependent part of query() | |
doRollback ( $fname) | |
Issues the ROLLBACK command to the database server. | |
escapeLikeInternal ( $s) | |
fillPreparedArg ( $matches) | |
preg_callback func for fillPrepared() The arguments should be in $this->preparedArgs and must not be touched while we're doing this. | |
freePrepared ( $prepared) | |
Free a prepared query, generated by prepare(). | |
getDefaultSchemaVars () | |
Get schema variables to use if none have been set via setSchemaVars(). | |
getLogContext (array $extras=[]) | |
Create a log context to pass to wfLogDBError or other logging functions. | |
getReadOnlyReason () | |
getSchemaVars () | |
Get schema variables. | |
getTransactionProfiler () | |
ignoreErrors ( $ignoreErrors=null) | |
Turns on (false) or off (true) the automatic generation and sending of a "we're sorry, but there has been a database error" page on database errors. | |
indexName ( $index) | |
Get the name of an index in a given table. | |
installErrorHandler () | |
isTransactableQuery ( $sql) | |
Determine whether a SQL statement is sensitive to isolation level. | |
isWriteQuery ( $sql) | |
Determine whether a query writes to the DB. | |
makeInsertOptions ( $options) | |
Helper for DatabaseBase::insert(). | |
makeUpdateOptions ( $options) | |
Make UPDATE options for the DatabaseBase::update function. | |
makeUpdateOptionsArray ( $options) | |
Make UPDATE options array for DatabaseBase::makeUpdateOptions. | |
nativeReplace ( $table, $rows, $fname) | |
REPLACE query wrapper for MySQL and SQLite, which have a native REPLACE statement. | |
prepare ( $sql, $func='DatabaseBase::prepare') | |
Intended to be compatible with the PEAR::DB wrapper functions. | |
replaceVars ( $ins) | |
Database independent variable replacement. | |
restoreErrorHandler () | |
resultObject ( $result) | |
Take the result from a query, and wrap it in a ResultWrapper if necessary. | |
runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks () | |
Actually any "on transaction idle" callbacks. | |
runOnTransactionPreCommitCallbacks () | |
Actually any "on transaction pre-commit" callbacks. | |
tableNamesWithUseIndexOrJOIN ( $tables, $use_index=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
Get the aliased table name clause for a FROM clause which might have a JOIN and/or USE INDEX clause. | |
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DatabaseBase | |
static | generalizeSQL ( $sql) |
Removes most variables from an SQL query and replaces them with X or N for numbers. | |
Protected Attributes inherited from DatabaseBase | |
string[] | $allViews = null |
$delimiter = ';' | |
resource | $fileHandle = null |
$htmlErrors | |
resource | $mConn = null |
Database connection. | |
$mDBname | |
$mDefaultBigSelects = null | |
$mDoneWrites = false | |
$mFlags | |
$mForeign | |
$mLastQuery = '' | |
$mLBInfo = [] | |
$mOpened = false | |
$mPassword | |
$mPHPError = false | |
$mSchema | |
$mSchemaVars = false | |
$mServer | |
array | $mSessionVars = [] |
$mTablePrefix | |
callable[] | $mTrxIdleCallbacks = [] |
int | $mTrxLevel = 0 |
Either 1 if a transaction is active or 0 otherwise. | |
callable[] | $mTrxPreCommitCallbacks = [] |
string | $mTrxShortId = '' |
Either a short hexidecimal string if a transaction is active or "". | |
$mUser | |
$preparedArgs | |
BagOStuff | $srvCache |
APC cache. | |
TransactionProfiler | $trxProfiler |
Definition at line 3322 of file Database.php.