MediaWiki REL1_27
MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest Class Reference

This represents additional user data requested on the account creation form. More...

Inheritance diagram for MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest:
Collaboration diagram for MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest:

Public Member Functions

 getFieldInfo ()
 Fetch input field info.
 populateUser ( $user)
 Add data to the User object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequest
 describeCredentials ()
 Describe the credentials represented by this request.
 getMetadata ()
 Returns metadata about this request.
 getUniqueId ()
 Supply a unique key for deduplication.
 loadFromSubmission (array $data)
 Initialize form submitted form data.

Public Attributes

string null $email
 Email address.
string null $realname
 Real name.
- Public Attributes inherited from MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequest
string null $action = null
 The AuthManager::ACTION_* constant this request was created to be used for.
int $required = self::REQUIRED
 For login, continue, and link actions, one of self::OPTIONAL, self::REQUIRED, or self::PRIMARY_REQUIRED.
string null $returnToUrl = null
 Return-to URL, in case of redirect.
string null $username = null
const OPTIONAL = 0
 Indicates that the request is not required for authentication to proceed.
 Indicates that the request is required by a primary authentication provdier.
const REQUIRED = 1
 Indicates that the request is required for authentication to proceed.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequest
static __set_state ( $data)
 Implementing this mainly for use from the unit tests.
static getRequestByClass (array $reqs, $class, $allowSubclasses=false)
 Select a request by class name.
static getUsernameFromRequests (array $reqs)
 Get the username from the set of requests.
static loadRequestsFromSubmission (array $reqs, array $data)
 Update a set of requests with form submit data, discarding ones that fail.
static mergeFieldInfo (array $reqs)
 Merge the output of multiple AuthenticationRequest::getFieldInfo() calls.

Detailed Description

This represents additional user data requested on the account creation form.


Definition at line 33 of file UserDataAuthenticationRequest.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getFieldInfo()

MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest::getFieldInfo ( )

Fetch input field info.

The field info is an associative array mapping field names to info arrays. The info arrays have the following keys:

  • type: (string) Type of input. Types and equivalent HTML widgets are:
    • string: <input type="text">
    • password: <input type="password">
    • select: <select>
    • checkbox: <input type="checkbox">
    • multiselect: More a grid of checkboxes than <select multi>
    • button: <input type="submit"> (uses 'label' as button text)
    • hidden: Not visible to the user, but needs to be preserved for the next request
    • null: No widget, just display the 'label' message.
  • options: (array) Maps option values to Messages for the 'select' and 'multiselect' types.
  • value: (string) Value (for 'null' and 'hidden') or default value (for other types).
  • label: (Message) Text suitable for a label in an HTML form
  • help: (Message) Text suitable as a description of what the field is
  • optional: (bool) If set and truthy, the field may be left empty
  • skippable: (bool) If set and truthy, the client is free to hide this field from the user to streamline the workflow. If all fields are skippable (except possibly a single button), no user interaction is required at all.
array As above

Reimplemented from MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequest.

Definition at line 40 of file UserDataAuthenticationRequest.php.

References $ret, and wfMessage().

◆ populateUser()

MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest::populateUser (   $user)

Add data to the User object.

User$userUser being created (not added to the database yet). This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored into such.

Definition at line 75 of file UserDataAuthenticationRequest.php.

References $user, and Sanitizer\validateEmail().

Member Data Documentation

◆ $email

string null MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest::$email

Email address.

Definition at line 35 of file UserDataAuthenticationRequest.php.

◆ $realname

string null MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest::$realname

Real name.

Definition at line 38 of file UserDataAuthenticationRequest.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: