MediaWiki REL1_27
RevDelFileItem Class Reference

Item class for an oldimage table row. More...

Inheritance diagram for RevDelFileItem:
Collaboration diagram for RevDelFileItem:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ( $list, $row)
 canView ()
 Returns true if the current user can view the item.
 canViewContent ()
 Returns true if the current user can view the item text/file.
 getApiData (ApiResult $result)
 Get the return information about the revision for the API.
 getAuthorIdField ()
 Get the DB field name storing user ids.
 getAuthorNameField ()
 Get the DB field name storing user names.
 getBits ()
 Get the current deletion bitfield value.
 getHTML ()
 Get the HTML of the list item.
 getId ()
 Get the ID, as it would appear in the ids URL parameter.
 getIdField ()
 Get the DB field name associated with the ID list.
 getTimestampField ()
 Get the DB field name storing timestamps.
 isDeleted ()
 setBits ( $bits)
 Set the visibility of the item.
- Public Member Functions inherited from RevDelItem
 isHideCurrentOp ( $newBits)
 Returns true if the item is "current", and the operation to set the given bits can't be executed for that reason STUB.
- Public Member Functions inherited from RevisionItemBase
 formatDate ()
 Get the date, formatted in user's language.
 formatTime ()
 Get the time, formatted in user's language.
 getAuthorId ()
 Get the author user ID.
 getAuthorName ()
 Get the author user name.
 getTimestamp ()
 Get the timestamp in MW 14-char form.

Public Attributes

File $file

Protected Member Functions

 getComment ()
 Wrap and format the file's comment block, if the current user is allowed to view it.
 getLink ()
 Get the link to the file.
 getUserTools ()
 Generate a user tool link cluster if the current user is allowed to view it.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from RevisionItemBase
RevisionListBase $list
 The parent.
 The database result row.

Detailed Description

Item class for an oldimage table row.

Definition at line 25 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

RevDelFileItem::__construct (   $list,
object$rowDB result row

Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 29 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References RevisionItemBase\$list, RevisionItemBase\$row, file, and RepoGroup\singleton().

Member Function Documentation

◆ canView()

RevDelFileItem::canView ( )

Returns true if the current user can view the item.

Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Definition at line 56 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References File\DELETED_RESTRICTED, file, and list.

◆ canViewContent()

RevDelFileItem::canViewContent ( )

Returns true if the current user can view the item text/file.

Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Definition at line 60 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References File\DELETED_FILE, file, and list.

Referenced by RevDelArchivedFileItem\getApiData(), getApiData(), RevDelArchivedFileItem\getLink(), and getLink().

◆ getApiData()

RevDelFileItem::getApiData ( ApiResult  $result)

Get the return information about the revision for the API.

ApiResult$resultAPI result object
array Data for the API result

Reimplemented from RevDelItem.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 193 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References $file, $ret, $user, canViewContent(), Revision\DELETED_COMMENT, Revision\DELETED_USER, File\getHeight(), File\getSize(), File\getTimestamp(), SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), File\getUrl(), File\getWidth(), File\isDeleted(), isDeleted(), list, PROTO_RELATIVE, TS_ISO_8601, File\userCan(), and wfTimestamp().

◆ getAuthorIdField()

RevDelFileItem::getAuthorIdField ( )

Get the DB field name storing user ids.

Override this function.


Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 42 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

◆ getAuthorNameField()

RevDelFileItem::getAuthorNameField ( )

Get the DB field name storing user names.

Override this function.


Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 46 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

◆ getBits()

RevDelFileItem::getBits ( )

Get the current deletion bitfield value.


Reimplemented from RevDelItem.

Definition at line 64 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References file.

◆ getComment()

RevDelFileItem::getComment ( )

Wrap and format the file's comment block, if the current user is allowed to view it.

string HTML

Definition at line 170 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References Linker\commentBlock(), File\DELETED_COMMENT, file, and list.

Referenced by getHTML().

◆ getHTML()

RevDelFileItem::getHTML ( )

Get the HTML of the list item.

Should be include "<li></li>" tags. This is used to show the list in HTML form, by the special page.

Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Definition at line 183 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References file, getComment(), getLink(), getUserTools(), and list.

◆ getId()

RevDelFileItem::getId ( )

Get the ID, as it would appear in the ids URL parameter.


Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 50 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References row().

◆ getIdField()

RevDelFileItem::getIdField ( )

Get the DB field name associated with the ID list.

Override this function.


Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 34 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

◆ getLink()

RevDelFileItem::getLink ( )

Get the link to the file.

Overridden by RevDelArchivedFileItem.


Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 116 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References $link, canViewContent(), file, SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), isDeleted(), Linker\link(), list, and Html\rawElement().

Referenced by getHTML().

◆ getTimestampField()

RevDelFileItem::getTimestampField ( )

Get the DB field name storing timestamps.

Override this function.


Reimplemented from RevisionItemBase.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 38 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

◆ getUserTools()

RevDelFileItem::getUserTools ( )

Generate a user tool link cluster if the current user is allowed to view it.

string HTML

Definition at line 149 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References $link, $name, Revision\DELETED_USER, file, list, Linker\userLink(), and Linker\userToolLinks().

Referenced by getHTML().

◆ isDeleted()

RevDelFileItem::isDeleted ( )

◆ setBits()

RevDelFileItem::setBits (   $newBits)

Set the visibility of the item.

This should do any necessary DB queries.

The DB update query should have a condition which forces it to only update if the value in the DB matches the value fetched earlier with the SELECT. If the update fails because it did not match, the function should return false. This prevents concurrency problems.

bool Success

Reimplemented from RevDelItem.

Reimplemented in RevDelArchivedFileItem.

Definition at line 68 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

References DB_MASTER, File\DELETED_FILE, file, isDeleted(), list, row(), and wfGetDB().

Member Data Documentation

◆ $file

File RevDelFileItem::$file

Definition at line 27 of file RevDelFileItem.php.

Referenced by RevDelArchivedFileItem\getApiData(), and getApiData().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: