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Xhprof Class Reference

Convenience class for working with XHProf More...

Public Member Functions

 __construct (array $config=[])
 Configuration data can contain:
 getCallees ( $function)
 Get a list of all callees from a given function.
 getCallers ( $function)
 Get a list of all callers of a given function.
 getCompleteMetrics ()
 Get the inclusive and exclusive metrics for each function call.
 getCriticalPath ( $metric='wt')
 Find the critical path for the given metric.
 getInclusiveMetrics ()
 Get the inclusive metrics for each function call.
 getRawData ()
 Get raw data collected by xhprof.
 loadRawData (array $data)
 Load raw data from a prior run for analysis.
 stop ()
 Stop collecting profiling data.

Static Public Member Functions

static makeSortFunction ( $key, $sub)
 Make a closure to use as a sort function.
static splitKey ( $key)
 Convert an xhprof data key into an array of ['parent', 'child'] function names.

Protected Member Functions

 pruneData ( $data)
 Remove data for functions that are not included in the 'include' configuration array.

Protected Attributes

 Per-function inclusive and exclusive data.
 Hierarchical profiling data returned by xhprof.
 Per-function inclusive data.

Detailed Description

Convenience class for working with XHProf

XHProf can be installed as a PECL package for use with PHP5 (Zend PHP) and is built-in to HHVM 3.3.0.

Bryan Davis bd808.nosp@m.@wik.nosp@m.imedi.nosp@m.a.or.nosp@m.g
© 2014 Bryan Davis and Wikimedia Foundation.

Definition at line 32 of file Xhprof.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Xhprof::__construct ( array  $config = [])

Configuration data can contain:

  • flags: Optional flags to add additional information to the profiling data collected. (XHPROF_FLAGS_NO_BUILTINS, XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU, XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY)
  • exclude: Array of function names to exclude from profiling.
  • include: Array of function names to include in profiling.
  • sort: Key to sort per-function reports on.

Note: When running under HHVM, xhprof will always behave as though the XHPROF_FLAGS_NO_BUILTINS flag has been used unless the Eval.JitEnableRenameFunction option is enabled for the HHVM process.


Definition at line 73 of file Xhprof.php.

References $config.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCallees()

Xhprof::getCallees (   $function)

Get a list of all callees from a given function.

string$functionFunction name
See also

Definition at line 381 of file Xhprof.php.

References getCompleteMetrics().

Referenced by getCriticalPath().

◆ getCallers()

Xhprof::getCallers (   $function)

Get a list of all callers of a given function.

string$functionFunction name
See also

Definition at line 365 of file Xhprof.php.

References getCompleteMetrics().

◆ getCompleteMetrics()

Xhprof::getCompleteMetrics ( )

Get the inclusive and exclusive metrics for each function call.

If data collection has not been stopped yet this method will halt collection to gather the profiling data.

In addition to the normal data contained in the inclusive metrics, the metrics have an additional 'exclusive' measurement which is the total minus the totals of all child function calls.

See also

Definition at line 308 of file Xhprof.php.

References $complete, $value, as, complete, getInclusiveMetrics(), list, and splitKey().

Referenced by getCallees(), and getCallers().

◆ getCriticalPath()

Xhprof::getCriticalPath (   $metric = 'wt')

Find the critical path for the given metric.

string$metricMetric to find critical path for

Definition at line 396 of file Xhprof.php.

References $path, as, getCallees(), and stop().

◆ getInclusiveMetrics()

Xhprof::getInclusiveMetrics ( )

Get the inclusive metrics for each function call.

Inclusive metrics for given function include the metrics for all functions that were called from that function during the measurement period.

If data collection has not been stopped yet this method will halt collection to gather the profiling data.

See getRawData() for a description of the metric that are returned for each funcition call. The values for the wt, cpu, mu and pmu metrics are arrays with these values:

  • total: Cumulative value
  • min: Minimum value
  • mean: Mean (average) value
  • max: Maximum value
  • variance: Variance (spread) of the values
See also

Definition at line 216 of file Xhprof.php.

References $i, $inclusive, $name, $value, as, list, splitKey(), and stop().

Referenced by getCompleteMetrics().

◆ getRawData()

Xhprof::getRawData ( )

Get raw data collected by xhprof.

If data collection has not been stopped yet this method will halt collection to gather the profiling data.

Each key in the returned array is an edge label for the call graph in the form "caller==>callee". There is once special case edge labled simply "main()" which represents the global scope entry point of the application.

XHProf will collect different data depending on the flags that are used:

  • ct: Number of matching events seen.
  • wt: Inclusive elapsed wall time for this event in microseconds.
  • cpu: Inclusive elapsed cpu time for this event in microseconds. (XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU)
  • mu: Delta of memory usage from start to end of callee in bytes. (XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY)
  • pmu: Delta of peak memory usage from start to end of callee in bytes. (XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY)
  • alloc: Delta of amount memory requested from malloc() by the callee, in bytes. (XHPROF_FLAGS_MALLOC)
  • free: Delta of amount of memory passed to free() by the callee, in bytes. (XHPROF_FLAGS_MALLOC)
See also

Definition at line 153 of file Xhprof.php.

References stop().

◆ loadRawData()

Xhprof::loadRawData ( array  $data)

Load raw data from a prior run for analysis.

Stops any existing data collection and clears internal caches.

Any 'include' filters configured for this Xhprof instance will be enforced on the data as it is loaded. 'exclude' filters will however not be enforced as they are an XHProf intrinsic behavior.

See also

Definition at line 116 of file Xhprof.php.

References complete, pruneData(), and stop().

◆ makeSortFunction()

static Xhprof::makeSortFunction (   $key,

Make a closure to use as a sort function.

The resulting function will sort by descending numeric values (largest value first).

string$keyData key to sort on
string$subSub key to sort array values on

Definition at line 432 of file Xhprof.php.

References use.

◆ pruneData()

Xhprof::pruneData (   $data)

Remove data for functions that are not included in the 'include' configuration array.

array$dataRaw xhprof data

Definition at line 177 of file Xhprof.php.

References as, list, and splitKey().

Referenced by loadRawData(), and stop().

◆ splitKey()

static Xhprof::splitKey (   $key)

Convert an xhprof data key into an array of ['parent', 'child'] function names.

The resulting array is left padded with nulls, so a key with no parent (eg 'main()') will return [null, 'function'].


Definition at line 166 of file Xhprof.php.

Referenced by getCompleteMetrics(), getInclusiveMetrics(), pruneData(), XhprofTest\testCriticalPath(), and XhprofTest\testSplitKey().

◆ stop()

Xhprof::stop ( )

Stop collecting profiling data.

Only the first invocation of this method will effect the internal object state. Subsequent calls will return the data collected by the initial call.

array Collected profiling data (possibly cached)

Definition at line 98 of file Xhprof.php.

References $hieraData, and pruneData().

Referenced by getCriticalPath(), getInclusiveMetrics(), getRawData(), and loadRawData().

Member Data Documentation

◆ $complete

array Xhprof::$complete

Per-function inclusive and exclusive data.

Definition at line 55 of file Xhprof.php.

Referenced by getCompleteMetrics().

◆ $config

array Xhprof::$config

Definition at line 37 of file Xhprof.php.

Referenced by __construct().

◆ $hieraData

array Xhprof::$hieraData

Hierarchical profiling data returned by xhprof.

Definition at line 43 of file Xhprof.php.

Referenced by stop().

◆ $inclusive

array Xhprof::$inclusive

Per-function inclusive data.

Definition at line 49 of file Xhprof.php.

Referenced by getInclusiveMetrics().

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