| doTransform ( $image, $dstPath, $dstUrl, $params, $flags=0) |
| isEnabled () |
Public Member Functions inherited from DjVuHandler |
| getDjVuImage ( $image, $path) |
| Cache an instance of DjVuImage in an Image object, return that instance.
| getImageSize ( $image, $path) |
| Get an image size array like that returned by getimagesize(), or false if it can't be determined.
| getMetadata ( $image, $path) |
| Get handler-specific metadata which will be saved in the img_metadata field.
| getMetadataType ( $image) |
| Get a string describing the type of metadata, for display purposes.
| getMetaTree ( $image, $gettext=false) |
| Cache a document tree for the DjVu XML metadata.
| getPageDimensions (File $image, $page) |
| Get an associative array of page dimensions Currently "width" and "height" are understood, but this might be expanded in the future.
| getPageText (File $image, $page) |
| getParamMap () |
| getScriptParams ( $params) |
| getThumbType ( $ext, $mime, $params=null) |
| Get the thumbnail extension and MIME type for a given source MIME type.
| isExpensiveToThumbnail ( $file) |
| True if creating thumbnails from the file is large or otherwise resource-intensive.
| isMetadataValid ( $image, $metadata) |
| Check if the metadata string is valid for this handler.
| isMultiPage ( $file) |
| makeParamString ( $params) |
| mustRender ( $file) |
| pageCount (File $image) |
| Page count for a multi-page document, false if unsupported or unknown.
| parseParamString ( $str) |
| validateParam ( $name, $value) |
Public Member Functions inherited from ImageHandler |
| canRender ( $file) |
| getDimensionsString ( $file) |
| getImageArea ( $image) |
| Function that returns the number of pixels to be thumbnailed.
| getLongDesc ( $file) |
| getScriptedTransform ( $image, $script, $params) |
| getShortDesc ( $file) |
| normaliseParams ( $image, &$params) |
| sanitizeParamsForBucketing ( $params) |
| Returns a normalised params array for which parameters have been cleaned up for bucketing purposes.
| validateThumbParams (&$width, &$height, $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $mimeType) |
| Validate thumbnail parameters and fill in the correct height.
Public Member Functions inherited from MediaHandler |
| canAnimateThumbnail ( $file) |
| If the material is animated, we can animate the thumbnail.
| canRotate () |
| True if the handler can rotate the media.
| convertMetadataVersion ( $metadata, $version=1) |
| Convert metadata version.
| filterThumbnailPurgeList (&$files, $options) |
| Remove files from the purge list.
| formatMetadata ( $image, $context=false) |
| Get an array structure that looks like this:
| formatMetadataHelper ( $metadataArray, $context=false) |
| sorts the visible/invisible field.
| getAvailableLanguages (File $file) |
| Get list of languages file can be viewed in.
| getCommonMetaArray (File $file) |
| Get an array of standard (FormatMetadata type) metadata values.
| getDefaultRenderLanguage (File $file) |
| On file types that support renderings in multiple languages, which language is used by default if unspecified.
| getEntireText (File $file) |
| Get the text of the entire document.
| getLength ( $file) |
| If its an audio file, return the length of the file.
| getRotation ( $file) |
| On supporting image formats, try to read out the low-level orientation of the file and return the angle that the file needs to be rotated to be viewed.
| getStreamHeaders ( $metadata) |
| Get useful response headers for GET/HEAD requests for a file with the given metadata.
| getTransform ( $image, $dstPath, $dstUrl, $params) |
| Get a MediaTransformOutput object representing the transformed output.
| getWarningConfig ( $file) |
| Gets configuration for the file warning message.
| isAnimatedImage ( $file) |
| The material is an image, and is animated.
| isVectorized ( $file) |
| The material is vectorized and thus scaling is lossless.
| parserTransformHook ( $parser, $file) |
| Modify the parser object post-transform.
| removeBadFile ( $dstPath, $retval=0) |
| Check for zero-sized thumbnails.
| supportsBucketing () |
| Returns whether or not this handler supports the chained generation of thumbnails according to buckets.
| verifyUpload ( $fileName) |
| File validation hook called on upload.
Definition at line 24 of file MockDjVuHandler.php.