MediaWiki REL1_28
Go to the documentation of this file.
44require_once __DIR__ . '/../Maintenance.php';
51class CompressOld extends Maintenance {
56 const LS_INDIVIDUAL = 0;
62 const LS_CHUNKED = 1;
64 public function __construct() {
65 parent::__construct();
66 $this->addDescription( 'Compress the text of a wiki' );
67 $this->addOption( 'type', 'Set compression type to either: gzip|concat', false, true, 't' );
68 $this->addOption(
69 'chunksize',
70 'Maximum number of revisions in a concat chunk',
71 false,
72 true,
73 'c'
74 );
75 $this->addOption(
76 'begin-date',
77 'Earliest date to check for uncompressed revisions',
78 false,
79 true,
80 'b'
81 );
82 $this->addOption( 'end-date', 'Latest revision date to compress', false, true, 'e' );
83 $this->addOption(
84 'startid',
85 'The id to start from (gzip -> text table, concat -> page table)',
86 false,
87 true,
88 's'
89 );
90 $this->addOption(
91 'extdb',
92 'Store specified revisions in an external cluster (untested)',
93 false,
94 true
95 );
96 $this->addOption(
97 'endid',
98 'The page_id to stop at (only when using concat compression type)',
99 false,
100 true,
101 'n'
102 );
103 }
105 public function execute() {
107 if ( !function_exists( "gzdeflate" ) ) {
108 $this->error( "You must enable zlib support in PHP to compress old revisions!\n" .
109 "Please see\n", true );
110 }
112 $type = $this->getOption( 'type', 'concat' );
113 $chunkSize = $this->getOption( 'chunksize', 20 );
114 $startId = $this->getOption( 'startid', 0 );
115 $beginDate = $this->getOption( 'begin-date', '' );
116 $endDate = $this->getOption( 'end-date', '' );
117 $extDB = $this->getOption( 'extdb', '' );
118 $endId = $this->getOption( 'endid', false );
120 if ( $type != 'concat' && $type != 'gzip' ) {
121 $this->error( "Type \"{$type}\" not supported" );
122 }
124 if ( $extDB != '' ) {
125 $this->output( "Compressing database {$wgDBname} to external cluster {$extDB}\n"
126 . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n" );
127 } else {
128 $this->output( "Compressing database {$wgDBname}\n"
129 . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n" );
130 }
132 $success = true;
133 if ( $type == 'concat' ) {
134 $success = $this->compressWithConcat( $startId, $chunkSize, $beginDate,
135 $endDate, $extDB, $endId );
136 } else {
137 $this->compressOldPages( $startId, $extDB );
138 }
140 if ( $success ) {
141 $this->output( "Done.\n" );
142 }
143 }
151 private function compressOldPages( $start = 0, $extdb = '' ) {
152 $chunksize = 50;
153 $this->output( "Starting from old_id $start...\n" );
154 $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER );
155 do {
156 $res = $dbw->select(
157 'text',
158 [ 'old_id', 'old_flags', 'old_text' ],
159 "old_id>=$start",
160 __METHOD__,
161 [ 'ORDER BY' => 'old_id', 'LIMIT' => $chunksize, 'FOR UPDATE' ]
162 );
164 if ( $res->numRows() == 0 ) {
165 break;
166 }
168 $last = $start;
170 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
171 # print " {$row->old_id} - {$row->old_namespace}:{$row->old_title}\n";
172 $this->compressPage( $row, $extdb );
173 $last = $row->old_id;
174 }
176 $start = $last + 1; # Deletion may leave long empty stretches
177 $this->output( "$start...\n" );
178 } while ( true );
179 }
188 private function compressPage( $row, $extdb ) {
189 if ( false !== strpos( $row->old_flags, 'gzip' )
190 || false !== strpos( $row->old_flags, 'object' )
191 ) {
192 # print "Already compressed row {$row->old_id}\n";
193 return false;
194 }
195 $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER );
196 $flags = $row->old_flags ? "{$row->old_flags},gzip" : "gzip";
197 $compress = gzdeflate( $row->old_text );
199 # Store in external storage if required
200 if ( $extdb !== '' ) {
201 $storeObj = new ExternalStoreDB;
202 $compress = $storeObj->store( $extdb, $compress );
203 if ( $compress === false ) {
204 $this->error( "Unable to store object" );
206 return false;
207 }
208 }
210 # Update text row
211 $dbw->update( 'text',
212 [ /* SET */
213 'old_flags' => $flags,
214 'old_text' => $compress
215 ], [ /* WHERE */
216 'old_id' => $row->old_id
217 ], __METHOD__,
218 [ 'LIMIT' => 1 ]
219 );
221 return true;
222 }
235 private function compressWithConcat( $startId, $maxChunkSize, $beginDate,
236 $endDate, $extdb = "", $maxPageId = false
237 ) {
238 $loadStyle = self::LS_CHUNKED;
240 $dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA );
241 $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER );
243 # Set up external storage
244 if ( $extdb != '' ) {
245 $storeObj = new ExternalStoreDB;
246 }
248 # Get all articles by page_id
249 if ( !$maxPageId ) {
250 $maxPageId = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'max(page_id)', '', __METHOD__ );
251 }
252 $this->output( "Starting from $startId of $maxPageId\n" );
253 $pageConds = [];
255 /*
256 if ( $exclude_ns0 ) {
257 print "Excluding main namespace\n";
258 $pageConds[] = 'page_namespace<>0';
259 }
260 if ( $queryExtra ) {
261 $pageConds[] = $queryExtra;
262 }
263 */
265 # For each article, get a list of revisions which fit the criteria
267 # No recompression, use a condition on old_flags
268 # Don't compress object type entities, because that might produce data loss when
269 # overwriting bulk storage concat rows. Don't compress external references, because
270 # the script doesn't yet delete rows from external storage.
271 $conds = [
272 'old_flags NOT ' . $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), 'object', $dbr->anyString() )
273 . ' AND old_flags NOT '
274 . $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), 'external', $dbr->anyString() )
275 ];
277 if ( $beginDate ) {
278 if ( !preg_match( '/^\d{14}$/', $beginDate ) ) {
279 $this->error( "Invalid begin date \"$beginDate\"\n" );
281 return false;
282 }
283 $conds[] = "rev_timestamp>'" . $beginDate . "'";
284 }
285 if ( $endDate ) {
286 if ( !preg_match( '/^\d{14}$/', $endDate ) ) {
287 $this->error( "Invalid end date \"$endDate\"\n" );
289 return false;
290 }
291 $conds[] = "rev_timestamp<'" . $endDate . "'";
292 }
293 if ( $loadStyle == self::LS_CHUNKED ) {
294 $tables = [ 'revision', 'text' ];
295 $fields = [ 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id', 'old_flags', 'old_text' ];
296 $conds[] = 'rev_text_id=old_id';
297 $revLoadOptions = 'FOR UPDATE';
298 } else {
299 $tables = [ 'revision' ];
300 $fields = [ 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id' ];
301 $revLoadOptions = [];
302 }
304 # Don't work with current revisions
305 # Don't lock the page table for update either -- TS 2006-04-04
306 # $tables[] = 'page';
307 # $conds[] = 'page_id=rev_page AND rev_id != page_latest';
309 for ( $pageId = $startId; $pageId <= $maxPageId; $pageId++ ) {
312 # Wake up
313 $dbr->ping();
315 # Get the page row
316 $pageRes = $dbr->select( 'page',
317 [ 'page_id', 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_latest' ],
318 $pageConds + [ 'page_id' => $pageId ], __METHOD__ );
319 if ( $pageRes->numRows() == 0 ) {
320 continue;
321 }
322 $pageRow = $dbr->fetchObject( $pageRes );
324 # Display progress
325 $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( $pageRow->page_namespace, $pageRow->page_title );
326 $this->output( "$pageId\t" . $titleObj->getPrefixedDBkey() . " " );
328 # Load revisions
329 $revRes = $dbw->select( $tables, $fields,
330 array_merge( [
331 'rev_page' => $pageRow->page_id,
332 # Don't operate on the current revision
333 # Use < instead of <> in case the current revision has changed
334 # since the page select, which wasn't locking
335 'rev_id < ' . $pageRow->page_latest
336 ], $conds ),
337 __METHOD__,
338 $revLoadOptions
339 );
340 $revs = [];
341 foreach ( $revRes as $revRow ) {
342 $revs[] = $revRow;
343 }
345 if ( count( $revs ) < 2 ) {
346 # No revisions matching, no further processing
347 $this->output( "\n" );
348 continue;
349 }
351 # For each chunk
352 $i = 0;
353 while ( $i < count( $revs ) ) {
354 if ( $i < count( $revs ) - $maxChunkSize ) {
355 $thisChunkSize = $maxChunkSize;
356 } else {
357 $thisChunkSize = count( $revs ) - $i;
358 }
360 $chunk = new ConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlob();
361 $stubs = [];
362 $this->beginTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ );
363 $usedChunk = false;
364 $primaryOldid = $revs[$i]->rev_text_id;
366 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Ignore avoid function calls in a FOR loop test part warning
367 # Get the text of each revision and add it to the object
368 for ( $j = 0; $j < $thisChunkSize && $chunk->isHappy(); $j++ ) {
369 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
370 $oldid = $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id;
372 # Get text
373 if ( $loadStyle == self::LS_INDIVIDUAL ) {
374 $textRow = $dbw->selectRow( 'text',
375 [ 'old_flags', 'old_text' ],
376 [ 'old_id' => $oldid ],
377 __METHOD__,
379 );
380 $text = Revision::getRevisionText( $textRow );
381 } else {
382 $text = Revision::getRevisionText( $revs[$i + $j] );
383 }
385 if ( $text === false ) {
386 $this->error( "\nError, unable to get text in old_id $oldid" );
387 # $dbw->delete( 'old', [ 'old_id' => $oldid ] );
388 }
390 if ( $extdb == "" && $j == 0 ) {
391 $chunk->setText( $text );
392 $this->output( '.' );
393 } else {
394 # Don't make a stub if it's going to be longer than the article
395 # Stubs are typically about 100 bytes
396 if ( strlen( $text ) < 120 ) {
397 $stub = false;
398 $this->output( 'x' );
399 } else {
400 $stub = new HistoryBlobStub( $chunk->addItem( $text ) );
401 $stub->setLocation( $primaryOldid );
402 $stub->setReferrer( $oldid );
403 $this->output( '.' );
404 $usedChunk = true;
405 }
406 $stubs[$j] = $stub;
407 }
408 }
409 $thisChunkSize = $j;
411 # If we couldn't actually use any stubs because the pages were too small, do nothing
412 if ( $usedChunk ) {
413 if ( $extdb != "" ) {
414 # Move blob objects to External Storage
415 $stored = $storeObj->store( $extdb, serialize( $chunk ) );
416 if ( $stored === false ) {
417 $this->error( "Unable to store object" );
419 return false;
420 }
421 # Store External Storage URLs instead of Stub placeholders
422 foreach ( $stubs as $stub ) {
423 if ( $stub === false ) {
424 continue;
425 }
426 # $stored should provide base path to a BLOB
427 $url = $stored . "/" . $stub->getHash();
428 $dbw->update( 'text',
429 [ /* SET */
430 'old_text' => $url,
431 'old_flags' => 'external,utf-8',
432 ], [ /* WHERE */
433 'old_id' => $stub->getReferrer(),
434 ]
435 );
436 }
437 } else {
438 # Store the main object locally
439 $dbw->update( 'text',
440 [ /* SET */
441 'old_text' => serialize( $chunk ),
442 'old_flags' => 'object,utf-8',
443 ], [ /* WHERE */
444 'old_id' => $primaryOldid
445 ]
446 );
448 # Store the stub objects
449 for ( $j = 1; $j < $thisChunkSize; $j++ ) {
450 # Skip if not compressing and don't overwrite the first revision
451 if ( $stubs[$j] !== false && $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id != $primaryOldid ) {
452 $dbw->update( 'text',
453 [ /* SET */
454 'old_text' => serialize( $stubs[$j] ),
455 'old_flags' => 'object,utf-8',
456 ], [ /* WHERE */
457 'old_id' => $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id
458 ]
459 );
460 }
461 }
462 }
463 }
464 # Done, next
465 $this->output( "/" );
466 $this->commitTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ );
467 $i += $thisChunkSize;
469 }
470 $this->output( "\n" );
471 }
473 return true;
474 }
477$maintClass = 'CompressOld';
478require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;
wfWaitForSlaves( $ifWritesSince=null, $wiki=false, $cluster=false, $timeout=null)
Waits for the replica DBs to catch up to the master position.
Maintenance script that compress the text of a wiki.
Do the actual work.
compressPage( $row, $extdb)
Compress the text in gzip format.
Default constructor.
Option to load revisions in chunks.
compressWithConcat( $startId, $maxChunkSize, $beginDate, $endDate, $extdb="", $maxPageId=false)
Compress the text in chunks after concatenating the revisions.
compressOldPages( $start=0, $extdb='')
Fetch the text row-by-row to 'compressPage' function for compression.
Option to load each revision individually.
Concatenated gzip (CGZ) storage Improves compression ratio by concatenating like objects before gzipp...
DB accessable external objects.
store( $location, $data)
Insert a data item into a given location.
Pointer object for an item within a CGZ blob stored in the text table.
Abstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effo...
error( $err, $die=0)
Throw an error to the user.
beginTransaction(IDatabase $dbw, $fname)
Begin a transcation on a DB.
commitTransaction(IDatabase $dbw, $fname)
Commit the transcation on a DB handle and wait for replica DBs to catch up.
getDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Returns a database to be used by current maintenance script.
addDescription( $text)
Set the description text.
addOption( $name, $description, $required=false, $withArg=false, $shortName=false, $multiOccurrence=false)
Add a parameter to the script.
getOption( $name, $default=null)
Get an option, or return the default.
static getRevisionText( $row, $prefix='old_', $wiki=false)
Get revision text associated with an old or archive row $row is usually an object from wfFetchRow(),...
Definition database.txt:21
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at etc Handles the details of getting and saving to the user table of the and dealing with sessions and cookies OutputPage Encapsulates the entire HTML page that will be sent in response to any server request It is used by calling its functions to add in any and then calling output() to send it all. It could be easily changed to send incrementally if that becomes useful
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Definition design.txt:95
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
namespace are movable Hooks may change this value to override the return value of MWNamespace::isMovable(). 'NewDifferenceEngine' do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image and a DIV can begin in one section and end in another Make sure your code can handle that case gracefully See the EditSectionClearerLink extension for an example zero but section is usually empty its values are the globals values before the output is cached one of or reset my talk my contributions etc etc otherwise the built in rate limiting checks are if enabled allows for interception of redirect as a string mapping parameter names to values & $type
Definition hooks.txt:2568
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist & $tables
Definition hooks.txt:1028
it s the revision text itself In either if gzip is the revision text is gzipped $flags
Definition hooks.txt:2710
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
controlled by $wgMainCacheType controlled by $wgParserCacheType controlled by $wgMessageCacheType If you set CACHE_NONE to one of the three control default value for MediaWiki still create a but requests to it are no ops and we always fall through to the database If the cache daemon can t be it should also disable itself fairly smoothly By $wgMemc is used but when it is $parserMemc or $messageMemc this is mentioned $wgDBname
Definition defines.php:22
Definition defines.php:23