MediaWiki REL1_29
Go to the documentation of this file.
23use DateTimeZone;
24use Exception;
27use Psr\Log\AbstractLogger;
28use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
49class LegacyLogger extends AbstractLogger {
54 protected $channel;
62 protected static $levelMapping = [
63 LogLevel::DEBUG => 100,
64 LogLevel::INFO => 200,
65 LogLevel::NOTICE => 250,
66 LogLevel::WARNING => 300,
67 LogLevel::ERROR => 400,
68 LogLevel::CRITICAL => 500,
69 LogLevel::ALERT => 550,
70 LogLevel::EMERGENCY => 600,
71 ];
76 protected static $dbChannels = [
77 'DBQuery' => true,
78 'DBConnection' => true
79 ];
84 public function __construct( $channel ) {
85 $this->channel = $channel;
86 }
96 public function log( $level, $message, array $context = [] ) {
97 if ( is_string( $level ) ) {
98 $level = self::$levelMapping[$level];
99 }
100 if ( $this->channel === 'DBQuery' && isset( $context['method'] )
101 && isset( $context['master'] ) && isset( $context['runtime'] )
102 ) {
103 MWDebug::query( $message, $context['method'], $context['master'], $context['runtime'] );
104 return; // only send profiling data to MWDebug profiling
105 }
107 if ( isset( self::$dbChannels[$this->channel] )
108 && $level >= self::$levelMapping[LogLevel::ERROR]
109 ) {
110 // Format and write DB errors to the legacy locations
111 $effectiveChannel = 'wfLogDBError';
112 } else {
113 $effectiveChannel = $this->channel;
114 }
116 if ( self::shouldEmit( $effectiveChannel, $message, $level, $context ) ) {
117 $text = self::format( $effectiveChannel, $message, $context );
118 $destination = self::destination( $effectiveChannel, $message, $context );
119 self::emit( $text, $destination );
120 }
121 if ( !isset( $context['private'] ) || !$context['private'] ) {
122 // Add to debug toolbar if not marked as "private"
123 MWDebug::debugMsg( $message, [ 'channel' => $this->channel ] + $context );
124 }
125 }
137 public static function shouldEmit( $channel, $message, $level, $context ) {
140 if ( is_string( $level ) ) {
141 $level = self::$levelMapping[$level];
142 }
144 if ( $channel === 'wfLogDBError' ) {
145 // wfLogDBError messages are emitted if a database log location is
146 // specfied.
147 $shouldEmit = (bool)$wgDBerrorLog;
149 } elseif ( $channel === 'wfErrorLog' ) {
150 // All messages on the wfErrorLog channel should be emitted.
151 $shouldEmit = true;
153 } elseif ( $channel === 'wfDebug' ) {
154 // wfDebug messages are emitted if a catch all logging file has
155 // been specified. Checked explicitly so that 'private' flagged
156 // messages are not discarded by unset $wgDebugLogGroups channel
157 // handling below.
158 $shouldEmit = $wgDebugLogFile != '';
160 } elseif ( isset( $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel] ) ) {
161 $logConfig = $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel];
163 if ( is_array( $logConfig ) ) {
164 $shouldEmit = true;
165 if ( isset( $logConfig['sample'] ) ) {
166 // Emit randomly with a 1 in 'sample' chance for each message.
167 $shouldEmit = mt_rand( 1, $logConfig['sample'] ) === 1;
168 }
170 if ( isset( $logConfig['level'] ) ) {
171 $shouldEmit = $level >= self::$levelMapping[$logConfig['level']];
172 }
173 } else {
174 // Emit unless the config value is explictly false.
175 $shouldEmit = $logConfig !== false;
176 }
178 } elseif ( isset( $context['private'] ) && $context['private'] ) {
179 // Don't emit if the message didn't match previous checks based on
180 // the channel and the event is marked as private. This check
181 // discards messages sent via wfDebugLog() with dest == 'private'
182 // and no explicit wgDebugLogGroups configuration.
183 $shouldEmit = false;
184 } else {
185 // Default return value is the same as the historic wfDebug
186 // method: emit if $wgDebugLogFile has been set.
187 $shouldEmit = $wgDebugLogFile != '';
188 }
190 return $shouldEmit;
191 }
206 public static function format( $channel, $message, $context ) {
209 if ( $channel === 'wfDebug' ) {
210 $text = self::formatAsWfDebug( $channel, $message, $context );
212 } elseif ( $channel === 'wfLogDBError' ) {
213 $text = self::formatAsWfLogDBError( $channel, $message, $context );
215 } elseif ( $channel === 'wfErrorLog' ) {
216 $text = "{$message}\n";
218 } elseif ( $channel === 'profileoutput' ) {
219 // Legacy wfLogProfilingData formatitng
220 $forward = '';
221 if ( isset( $context['forwarded_for'] ) ) {
222 $forward = " forwarded for {$context['forwarded_for']}";
223 }
224 if ( isset( $context['client_ip'] ) ) {
225 $forward .= " client IP {$context['client_ip']}";
226 }
227 if ( isset( $context['from'] ) ) {
228 $forward .= " from {$context['from']}";
229 }
230 if ( $forward ) {
231 $forward = "\t(proxied via {$context['proxy']}{$forward})";
232 }
233 if ( $context['anon'] ) {
234 $forward .= ' anon';
235 }
236 if ( !isset( $context['url'] ) ) {
237 $context['url'] = 'n/a';
238 }
240 $log = sprintf( "%s\t%04.3f\t%s%s\n",
241 gmdate( 'YmdHis' ), $context['elapsed'], $context['url'], $forward );
244 $channel, $log . $context['output'], $context );
246 } elseif ( !isset( $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel] ) ) {
247 $text = self::formatAsWfDebug(
248 $channel, "[{$channel}] {$message}", $context );
250 } else {
251 // Default formatting is wfDebugLog's historic style
252 $text = self::formatAsWfDebugLog( $channel, $message, $context );
253 }
255 // Append stacktrace of exception if available
256 if ( $wgLogExceptionBacktrace && isset( $context['exception'] ) ) {
257 $e = $context['exception'];
258 $backtrace = false;
260 if ( $e instanceof Exception ) {
263 } elseif ( is_array( $e ) && isset( $e['trace'] ) ) {
264 // Exception has already been unpacked as structured data
265 $backtrace = $e['trace'];
266 }
268 if ( $backtrace ) {
269 $text .= MWExceptionHandler::prettyPrintTrace( $backtrace ) .
270 "\n";
271 }
272 }
274 return self::interpolate( $text, $context );
275 }
285 protected static function formatAsWfDebug( $channel, $message, $context ) {
286 $text = preg_replace( '![\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]!', ' ', $message );
287 if ( isset( $context['seconds_elapsed'] ) ) {
288 // Prepend elapsed request time and real memory usage with two
289 // trailing spaces.
290 $text = "{$context['seconds_elapsed']} {$context['memory_used']} {$text}";
291 }
292 if ( isset( $context['prefix'] ) ) {
293 $text = "{$context['prefix']}{$text}";
294 }
295 return "{$text}\n";
296 }
306 protected static function formatAsWfLogDBError( $channel, $message, $context ) {
308 static $cachedTimezone = null;
310 if ( !$cachedTimezone ) {
311 $cachedTimezone = new DateTimeZone( $wgDBerrorLogTZ );
312 }
314 $d = date_create( 'now', $cachedTimezone );
315 $date = $d->format( 'D M j G:i:s T Y' );
317 $host = wfHostname();
318 $wiki = wfWikiID();
320 $text = "{$date}\t{$host}\t{$wiki}\t{$message}\n";
321 return $text;
322 }
332 protected static function formatAsWfDebugLog( $channel, $message, $context ) {
333 $time = wfTimestamp( TS_DB );
334 $wiki = wfWikiID();
335 $host = wfHostname();
336 $text = "{$time} {$host} {$wiki}: {$message}\n";
337 return $text;
338 }
347 public static function interpolate( $message, array $context ) {
348 if ( strpos( $message, '{' ) !== false ) {
349 $replace = [];
350 foreach ( $context as $key => $val ) {
351 $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = self::flatten( $val );
352 }
353 $message = strtr( $message, $replace );
354 }
355 return $message;
356 }
365 protected static function flatten( $item ) {
366 if ( null === $item ) {
367 return '[Null]';
368 }
370 if ( is_bool( $item ) ) {
371 return $item ? 'true' : 'false';
372 }
374 if ( is_float( $item ) ) {
375 if ( is_infinite( $item ) ) {
376 return ( $item > 0 ? '' : '-' ) . 'INF';
377 }
378 if ( is_nan( $item ) ) {
379 return 'NaN';
380 }
381 return (string)$item;
382 }
384 if ( is_scalar( $item ) ) {
385 return (string)$item;
386 }
388 if ( is_array( $item ) ) {
389 return '[Array(' . count( $item ) . ')]';
390 }
392 if ( $item instanceof \DateTime ) {
393 return $item->format( 'c' );
394 }
396 if ( $item instanceof Exception ) {
397 return '[Exception ' . get_class( $item ) . '( ' .
398 $item->getFile() . ':' . $item->getLine() . ') ' .
399 $item->getMessage() . ']';
400 }
402 if ( is_object( $item ) ) {
403 if ( method_exists( $item, '__toString' ) ) {
404 return (string)$item;
405 }
407 return '[Object ' . get_class( $item ) . ']';
408 }
410 if ( is_resource( $item ) ) {
411 return '[Resource ' . get_resource_type( $item ) . ']';
412 }
414 return '[Unknown ' . gettype( $item ) . ']';
415 }
427 protected static function destination( $channel, $message, $context ) {
430 // Default destination is the debug log file as historically used by
431 // the wfDebug function.
432 $destination = $wgDebugLogFile;
434 if ( isset( $context['destination'] ) ) {
435 // Use destination explicitly provided in context
436 $destination = $context['destination'];
438 } elseif ( $channel === 'wfDebug' ) {
439 $destination = $wgDebugLogFile;
441 } elseif ( $channel === 'wfLogDBError' ) {
442 $destination = $wgDBerrorLog;
444 } elseif ( isset( $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel] ) ) {
445 $logConfig = $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel];
447 if ( is_array( $logConfig ) ) {
448 $destination = $logConfig['destination'];
449 } else {
450 $destination = strval( $logConfig );
451 }
452 }
454 return $destination;
455 }
466 public static function emit( $text, $file ) {
467 if ( substr( $file, 0, 4 ) == 'udp:' ) {
468 $transport = UDPTransport::newFromString( $file );
469 $transport->emit( $text );
470 } else {
471 \MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
472 $exists = file_exists( $file );
473 $size = $exists ? filesize( $file ) : false;
474 if ( !$exists ||
475 ( $size !== false && $size + strlen( $text ) < 0x7fffffff )
476 ) {
477 file_put_contents( $file, $text, FILE_APPEND );
478 }
479 \MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
480 }
481 }
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
If true, send the exception backtrace to the error log.
Timezone to use in the error log.
File to log database errors to.
Map of string log group names to log destinations.
Filename for debug logging.
Fetch server name for use in error reporting etc.
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
Get an ASCII string identifying this wiki This is used as a prefix in memcached keys.
New debugger system that outputs a toolbar on page view.
Definition MWDebug.php:33
static query( $sql, $function, $isMaster, $runTime)
Begins profiling on a database query.
Definition MWDebug.php:355
static debugMsg( $str, $context=[])
This is a method to pass messages from wfDebug to the pretty debugger.
Definition MWDebug.php:323
Handler class for MWExceptions.
static prettyPrintTrace(array $trace, $pad='')
Generate a string representation of a stacktrace.
static getRedactedTrace( $e)
Return a copy of an exception's backtrace as an array.
PSR-3 logger that mimics the historic implementation of MediaWiki's wfErrorLog logging implementation...
static flatten( $item)
Convert a logging context element to a string suitable for interpolation.
static formatAsWfDebugLog( $channel, $message, $context)
Format a message as `wfDebugLog() would have formatted it.
static shouldEmit( $channel, $message, $level, $context)
Determine if the given message should be emitted or not.
log( $level, $message, array $context=[])
Logs with an arbitrary level.
static formatAsWfLogDBError( $channel, $message, $context)
Format a message as wfLogDBError() would have formatted it.
static interpolate( $message, array $context)
Interpolate placeholders in logging message.
static destination( $channel, $message, $context)
Select the appropriate log output destination for the given log event.
static emit( $text, $file)
Log to a file without getting "file size exceeded" signals.
static format( $channel, $message, $context)
Format a message.
static formatAsWfDebug( $channel, $message, $context)
Format a message as wfDebug() would have formatted it.
static $levelMapping
Convert \Psr\Log\LogLevel constants into int for sane comparisons These are the same values that Monl...
A generic class to send a message over UDP.
static newFromString( $info)
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Definition design.txt:95
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
error also a ContextSource you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on and they can depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext $context
Definition hooks.txt:2728
see documentation in includes Linker php for Linker::makeImageLink & $time
Definition hooks.txt:1769
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return true
Definition hooks.txt:1967
returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition hooks.txt:2127
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37