MediaWiki REL1_30
Go to the documentation of this file.
28use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
29use Wikimedia\Assert\ParameterAssertionException;
30use \ExplodeIterator;
31use \IteratorAggregate;
32use \ReverseArrayIterator;
33use \Sanitizer;
35// A note for future librarization[1] -- this file is a good candidate
36// for splitting into an independent library, except that it is currently
37// highly optimized for MediaWiki use. It only implements the portions
38// of the HTML5 tree builder used by tags supported by MediaWiki, and
39// does not contain a true tokenizer pass, instead relying on
40// comment stripping, attribute normalization, and escaping done by
41// the MediaWiki Sanitizer. It also deliberately avoids building
42// a true DOM in memory, instead serializing elements to an output string
43// as soon as possible (usually as soon as the tag is closed) to reduce
44// its memory footprint.
46// We've been gradually lifting some of these restrictions to handle
47// non-sanitized output generated by extensions, but we shortcut the tokenizer
48// for speed (primarily by splitting on `<`) and so rely on syntactic
49// well-formedness.
51// On the other hand, I've been pretty careful to note with comments in the
52// code the places where this implementation omits features of the spec or
53// depends on the MediaWiki Sanitizer. Perhaps in the future we'll want to
54// implement the missing pieces and make this a standalone PHP HTML5 parser.
55// In order to do so, some sort of MediaWiki-specific API will need
56// to be added to (a) allow the Balancer to bypass the tokenizer,
57// and (b) support on-the-fly flattening instead of DOM node creation.
59// [1]:
70 const HTML_NAMESPACE = '';
71 const MATHML_NAMESPACE = '';
72 const SVG_NAMESPACE = '';
74 public static $unsupportedSet = [
75 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
76 'html' => true, 'head' => true, 'body' => true, 'frameset' => true,
77 'frame' => true,
78 'plaintext' => true,
79 'xmp' => true, 'iframe' => true, 'noembed' => true,
80 'noscript' => true, 'script' => true,
81 'title' => true
82 ]
83 ];
85 public static $emptyElementSet = [
86 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
87 'area' => true, 'base' => true, 'basefont' => true,
88 'bgsound' => true, 'br' => true, 'col' => true, 'command' => true,
89 'embed' => true, 'frame' => true, 'hr' => true, 'img' => true,
90 'input' => true, 'keygen' => true, 'link' => true, 'meta' => true,
91 'param' => true, 'source' => true, 'track' => true, 'wbr' => true
92 ]
93 ];
95 public static $extraLinefeedSet = [
96 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
97 'pre' => true, 'textarea' => true, 'listing' => true,
98 ]
99 ];
101 public static $headingSet = [
102 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
103 'h1' => true, 'h2' => true, 'h3' => true,
104 'h4' => true, 'h5' => true, 'h6' => true
105 ]
106 ];
108 public static $specialSet = [
109 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
110 'address' => true, 'applet' => true, 'area' => true,
111 'article' => true, 'aside' => true, 'base' => true,
112 'basefont' => true, 'bgsound' => true, 'blockquote' => true,
113 'body' => true, 'br' => true, 'button' => true, 'caption' => true,
114 'center' => true, 'col' => true, 'colgroup' => true, 'dd' => true,
115 'details' => true, 'dir' => true, 'div' => true, 'dl' => true,
116 'dt' => true, 'embed' => true, 'fieldset' => true,
117 'figcaption' => true, 'figure' => true, 'footer' => true,
118 'form' => true, 'frame' => true, 'frameset' => true, 'h1' => true,
119 'h2' => true, 'h3' => true, 'h4' => true, 'h5' => true,
120 'h6' => true, 'head' => true, 'header' => true, 'hgroup' => true,
121 'hr' => true, 'html' => true, 'iframe' => true, 'img' => true,
122 'input' => true, 'li' => true, 'link' => true,
123 'listing' => true, 'main' => true, 'marquee' => true,
124 'menu' => true, 'meta' => true, 'nav' => true,
125 'noembed' => true, 'noframes' => true, 'noscript' => true,
126 'object' => true, 'ol' => true, 'p' => true, 'param' => true,
127 'plaintext' => true, 'pre' => true, 'script' => true,
128 'section' => true, 'select' => true, 'source' => true,
129 'style' => true, 'summary' => true, 'table' => true,
130 'tbody' => true, 'td' => true, 'template' => true,
131 'textarea' => true, 'tfoot' => true, 'th' => true, 'thead' => true,
132 'title' => true, 'tr' => true, 'track' => true, 'ul' => true,
133 'wbr' => true, 'xmp' => true
134 ],
135 self::SVG_NAMESPACE => [
136 'foreignobject' => true, 'desc' => true, 'title' => true
137 ],
138 self::MATHML_NAMESPACE => [
139 'mi' => true, 'mo' => true, 'mn' => true, 'ms' => true,
140 'mtext' => true, 'annotation-xml' => true
141 ]
142 ];
144 public static $addressDivPSet = [
145 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
146 'address' => true, 'div' => true, 'p' => true
147 ]
148 ];
150 public static $tableSectionRowSet = [
151 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
152 'table' => true, 'thead' => true, 'tbody' => true,
153 'tfoot' => true, 'tr' => true
154 ]
155 ];
157 public static $impliedEndTagsSet = [
158 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
159 'dd' => true, 'dt' => true, 'li' => true,
160 'menuitem' => true, 'optgroup' => true,
161 'option' => true, 'p' => true, 'rb' => true, 'rp' => true,
162 'rt' => true, 'rtc' => true
163 ]
164 ];
167 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
168 'caption' => true, 'colgroup' => true, 'dd' => true, 'dt' => true,
169 'li' => true, 'optgroup' => true, 'option' => true, 'p' => true,
170 'rb' => true, 'rp' => true, 'rt' => true, 'rtc' => true,
171 'tbody' => true, 'td' => true, 'tfoot' => true, 'th' => true,
172 'thead' => true, 'tr' => true
173 ]
174 ];
176 public static $tableCellSet = [
177 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
178 'td' => true, 'th' => true
179 ]
180 ];
181 public static $tableContextSet = [
182 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
183 'table' => true, 'template' => true, 'html' => true
184 ]
185 ];
187 public static $tableBodyContextSet = [
188 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
189 'tbody' => true, 'tfoot' => true, 'thead' => true,
190 'template' => true, 'html' => true
191 ]
192 ];
194 public static $tableRowContextSet = [
195 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
196 'tr' => true, 'template' => true, 'html' => true
197 ]
198 ];
200 // See
201 public static $formAssociatedSet = [
202 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
203 'button' => true, 'fieldset' => true, 'input' => true,
204 'keygen' => true, 'object' => true, 'output' => true,
205 'select' => true, 'textarea' => true, 'img' => true
206 ]
207 ];
209 public static $inScopeSet = [
210 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
211 'applet' => true, 'caption' => true, 'html' => true,
212 'marquee' => true, 'object' => true,
213 'table' => true, 'td' => true, 'template' => true,
214 'th' => true
215 ],
216 self::SVG_NAMESPACE => [
217 'foreignobject' => true, 'desc' => true, 'title' => true
218 ],
219 self::MATHML_NAMESPACE => [
220 'mi' => true, 'mo' => true, 'mn' => true, 'ms' => true,
221 'mtext' => true, 'annotation-xml' => true
222 ]
223 ];
225 private static $inListItemScopeSet = null;
226 public static function inListItemScopeSet() {
227 if ( self::$inListItemScopeSet === null ) {
228 self::$inListItemScopeSet = self::$inScopeSet;
229 self::$inListItemScopeSet[self::HTML_NAMESPACE]['ol'] = true;
230 self::$inListItemScopeSet[self::HTML_NAMESPACE]['ul'] = true;
231 }
233 }
235 private static $inButtonScopeSet = null;
236 public static function inButtonScopeSet() {
237 if ( self::$inButtonScopeSet === null ) {
238 self::$inButtonScopeSet = self::$inScopeSet;
239 self::$inButtonScopeSet[self::HTML_NAMESPACE]['button'] = true;
240 }
242 }
244 public static $inTableScopeSet = [
245 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
246 'html' => true, 'table' => true, 'template' => true
247 ]
248 ];
251 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
252 'option' => true, 'optgroup' => true
253 ]
254 ];
257 self::MATHML_NAMESPACE => [
258 'mi' => true, 'mo' => true, 'mn' => true, 'ms' => true,
259 'mtext' => true
260 ]
261 ];
263 public static $htmlIntegrationPointSet = [
264 self::SVG_NAMESPACE => [
265 'foreignobject' => true,
266 'desc' => true,
267 'title' => true
268 ]
269 ];
271 // For tidy compatibility.
272 public static $tidyPWrapSet = [
273 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
274 'body' => true, 'blockquote' => true,
275 // We parse with <body> as the fragment context, but the top-level
276 // element on the stack is actually <html>. We could use the
277 // "adjusted current node" everywhere to work around this, but it's
278 // easier just to add <html> to the p-wrap set.
279 'html' => true,
280 ],
281 ];
282 public static $tidyInlineSet = [
283 self::HTML_NAMESPACE => [
284 'a' => true, 'abbr' => true, 'acronym' => true, 'applet' => true,
285 'b' => true, 'basefont' => true, 'bdo' => true, 'big' => true,
286 'br' => true, 'button' => true, 'cite' => true, 'code' => true,
287 'dfn' => true, 'em' => true, 'font' => true, 'i' => true,
288 'iframe' => true, 'img' => true, 'input' => true, 'kbd' => true,
289 'label' => true, 'legend' => true, 'map' => true, 'object' => true,
290 'param' => true, 'q' => true, 'rb' => true, 'rbc' => true,
291 'rp' => true, 'rt' => true, 'rtc' => true, 'ruby' => true,
292 's' => true, 'samp' => true, 'select' => true, 'small' => true,
293 'span' => true, 'strike' => true, 'strong' => true, 'sub' => true,
294 'sup' => true, 'textarea' => true, 'tt' => true, 'u' => true,
295 'var' => true,
296 ],
297 ];
327 public $attribs;
334 public $parent;
343 public $children;
348 private $noahKey;
354 public $nextAFE;
360 public $prevAFE;
365 public $nextNoah;
376 $this->localName = $localName;
377 $this->namespaceURI = $namespaceURI;
378 $this->attribs = $attribs;
379 $this->contents = '';
380 $this->parent = null;
381 $this->children = [];
382 }
388 private function removeChild( BalanceElement $elt ) {
389 Assert::precondition(
390 $this->parent !== 'flat', "Can't removeChild after flattening $this"
391 );
392 Assert::parameter(
393 $elt->parent === $this, 'elt', 'must have $this as a parent'
394 );
395 $idx = array_search( $elt, $this->children, true );
396 Assert::parameter( $idx !== false, '$elt', 'must be a child of $this' );
397 $elt->parent = null;
398 array_splice( $this->children, $idx, 1 );
399 }
406 public function insertBefore( BalanceElement $a, $b ) {
407 Assert::precondition(
408 $this->parent !== 'flat', "Can't insertBefore after flattening."
409 );
410 $idx = array_search( $a, $this->children, true );
411 Assert::parameter( $idx !== false, '$a', 'must be a child of $this' );
412 if ( is_string( $b ) ) {
413 array_splice( $this->children, $idx, 0, [ $b ] );
414 } else {
415 Assert::parameter( $b->parent !== 'flat', '$b', "Can't be flat" );
416 if ( $b->parent !== null ) {
417 $b->parent->removeChild( $b );
418 }
419 array_splice( $this->children, $idx, 0, [ $b ] );
420 $b->parent = $this;
421 }
422 }
428 public function appendChild( $elt ) {
429 Assert::precondition(
430 $this->parent !== 'flat', "Can't appendChild after flattening."
431 );
432 if ( is_string( $elt ) ) {
433 array_push( $this->children, $elt );
434 return;
435 }
436 // Remove $elt from parent, if it had one.
437 if ( $elt->parent !== null ) {
438 $elt->parent->removeChild( $elt );
439 }
440 array_push( $this->children, $elt );
441 $elt->parent = $this;
442 }
448 public function adoptChildren( BalanceElement $elt ) {
449 Assert::precondition(
450 $elt->parent !== 'flat', "Can't adoptChildren after flattening."
451 );
452 foreach ( $elt->children as $child ) {
453 if ( !is_string( $child ) ) {
454 // This is an optimization which avoids an O(n^2) set of
455 // array_splice operations.
456 $child->parent = null;
457 }
458 $this->appendChild( $child );
459 }
460 $elt->children = [];
461 }
473 public function flatten( array $config ) {
474 Assert::parameter( $this->parent !== null, '$this', 'must be a child' );
475 Assert::parameter( $this->parent !== 'flat', '$this', 'already flat' );
476 $idx = array_search( $this, $this->parent->children, true );
477 Assert::parameter(
478 $idx !== false, '$this', 'must be a child of its parent'
479 );
480 $tidyCompat = $config['tidyCompat'];
481 if ( $tidyCompat ) {
482 $blank = true;
483 foreach ( $this->children as $elt ) {
484 if ( !is_string( $elt ) ) {
485 $elt = $elt->flatten( $config );
486 }
487 if ( $blank && preg_match( '/[^\t\n\f\r ]/', $elt ) ) {
488 $blank = false;
489 }
490 }
491 if ( $this->isHtmlNamed( 'mw:p-wrap' ) ) {
492 $this->localName = 'p';
493 } elseif ( $blank ) {
494 // Add 'mw-empty-elt' class so elements can be hidden via CSS
495 // for compatibility with legacy tidy.
496 if ( !count( $this->attribs ) &&
497 ( $this->localName === 'tr' || $this->localName === 'li' )
498 ) {
499 $this->attribs = [ 'class' => "mw-empty-elt" ];
500 }
501 $blank = false;
502 } elseif (
504 count( $this->children ) > 0 &&
505 substr( $this->children[0], 0, 1 ) == "\n"
506 ) {
507 // Double the linefeed after pre/listing/textarea
508 // according to the (old) HTML5 fragment serialization
509 // algorithm (see
510 // to ensure this will round-trip.
511 array_unshift( $this->children, "\n" );
512 }
513 $flat = $blank ? '' : "{$this}";
514 } else {
515 $flat = "{$this}";
516 }
517 $this->parent->children[$idx] = $flat;
518 $this->parent = 'flat'; // for assertion checking
519 return $flat;
520 }
529 public function __toString() {
530 $encAttribs = '';
531 foreach ( $this->attribs as $name => $value ) {
532 $encValue = Sanitizer::encodeAttribute( $value );
533 $encAttribs .= " $name=\"$encValue\"";
534 }
535 if ( !$this->isA( BalanceSets::$emptyElementSet ) ) {
536 $out = "<{$this->localName}{$encAttribs}>";
537 $len = strlen( $out );
538 // flatten children
539 foreach ( $this->children as $elt ) {
540 $out .= "{$elt}";
541 }
542 $out .= "</{$this->localName}>";
543 } else {
544 $out = "<{$this->localName}{$encAttribs} />";
545 Assert::invariant(
546 count( $this->children ) === 0,
547 "Empty elements shouldn't have children."
548 );
549 }
550 return $out;
551 }
553 // Utility functions on BalanceElements.
563 public function isA( $set ) {
564 if ( $set instanceof BalanceElement ) {
565 return $this === $set;
566 } elseif ( is_array( $set ) ) {
567 return isset( $set[$this->namespaceURI] ) &&
568 isset( $set[$this->namespaceURI][$this->localName] );
569 } else {
570 // assume this is an HTML element name.
571 return $this->isHtml() && $this->localName === $set;
572 }
573 }
580 public function isHtmlNamed( $tagName ) {
581 return $this->namespaceURI === BalanceSets::HTML_NAMESPACE
582 && $this->localName === $tagName;
583 }
590 public function isHtml() {
591 return $this->namespaceURI === BalanceSets::HTML_NAMESPACE;
592 }
603 }
612 public function isHtmlIntegrationPoint() {
614 return true;
615 }
616 if (
617 $this->namespaceURI === BalanceSets::MATHML_NAMESPACE &&
618 $this->localName === 'annotation-xml' &&
619 isset( $this->attribs['encoding'] ) &&
620 ( strcasecmp( $this->attribs['encoding'], 'text/html' ) == 0 ||
621 strcasecmp( $this->attribs['encoding'], 'application/xhtml+xml' ) == 0 )
622 ) {
623 return true;
624 }
625 return false;
626 }
632 public function getNoahKey() {
633 if ( $this->noahKey === null ) {
635 ksort( $attribs );
636 $this->noahKey = serialize( [ $this->namespaceURI, $this->localName, $attribs ] );
637 }
638 return $this->noahKey;
639 }
657class BalanceStack implements IteratorAggregate {
662 private $elements = [];
669 public $fosterParentMode = false;
675 private $config;
686 public function __construct( array $config ) {
687 // always a root <html> element on the stack
688 array_push(
689 $this->elements,
691 );
692 $this->currentNode = $this->elements[0];
693 $this->config = $config;
694 }
701 public function getOutput() {
702 // Don't include the outer '<html>....</html>'
703 $out = '';
704 foreach ( $this->elements[0]->children as $elt ) {
705 $out .= is_string( $elt ) ? $elt :
706 $elt->flatten( $this->config );
707 }
708 return $out;
709 }
717 public function insertComment( $value ) {
718 // Just another type of text node, except for tidy p-wrapping.
719 return $this->insertText( '<!--' . $value . '-->', true );
720 }
729 public function insertText( $value, $isComment = false ) {
730 if (
731 $this->fosterParentMode &&
732 $this->currentNode->isA( BalanceSets::$tableSectionRowSet )
733 ) {
734 $this->fosterParent( $value );
735 } elseif (
736 $this->config['tidyCompat'] && !$isComment &&
737 $this->currentNode->isA( BalanceSets::$tidyPWrapSet )
738 ) {
739 $this->insertHTMLElement( 'mw:p-wrap', [] );
740 return $this->insertText( $value );
741 } else {
742 $this->currentNode->appendChild( $value );
743 }
744 }
755 public function insertForeignElement( $namespaceURI, $tag, $attribs ) {
756 return $this->insertElement(
757 new BalanceElement( $namespaceURI, $tag, $attribs )
758 );
759 }
769 public function insertHTMLElement( $tag, $attribs ) {
770 return $this->insertForeignElement(
772 );
773 }
782 public function insertElement( BalanceElement $elt ) {
783 if (
784 $this->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'mw:p-wrap' ) &&
786 ) {
787 // Tidy compatibility.
788 $this->pop();
789 }
790 if (
791 $this->fosterParentMode &&
792 $this->currentNode->isA( BalanceSets::$tableSectionRowSet )
793 ) {
794 $elt = $this->fosterParent( $elt );
795 } else {
796 $this->currentNode->appendChild( $elt );
797 }
798 Assert::invariant( $elt->parent !== null, "$elt must be in tree" );
799 Assert::invariant( $elt->parent !== 'flat', "$elt must not have been previous flattened" );
800 array_push( $this->elements, $elt );
801 $this->currentNode = $elt;
802 return $elt;
803 }
811 public function inScope( $tag ) {
812 return $this->inSpecificScope( $tag, BalanceSets::$inScopeSet );
813 }
821 public function inButtonScope( $tag ) {
822 return $this->inSpecificScope( $tag, BalanceSets::inButtonScopeSet() );
823 }
831 public function inListItemScope( $tag ) {
832 return $this->inSpecificScope( $tag, BalanceSets::inListItemScopeSet() );
833 }
841 public function inTableScope( $tag ) {
842 return $this->inSpecificScope( $tag, BalanceSets::$inTableScopeSet );
843 }
851 public function inSelectScope( $tag ) {
852 // Can't use inSpecificScope to implement this, since it involves
853 // *inverting* a set of tags. Implement manually.
854 foreach ( $this as $elt ) {
855 if ( $elt->isA( $tag ) ) {
856 return true;
857 }
858 if ( !$elt->isA( BalanceSets::$inInvertedSelectScopeSet ) ) {
859 return false;
860 }
861 }
862 return false;
863 }
872 public function inSpecificScope( $tag, $set ) {
873 foreach ( $this as $elt ) {
874 if ( $elt->isA( $tag ) ) {
875 return true;
876 }
877 if ( $elt->isA( $set ) ) {
878 return false;
879 }
880 }
881 return false;
882 }
890 public function generateImpliedEndTags( $butnot = null, $thorough = false ) {
891 $endTagSet = $thorough ?
894 while ( $this->currentNode ) {
895 if ( $butnot !== null && $this->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( $butnot ) ) {
896 break;
897 }
898 if ( !$this->currentNode->isA( $endTagSet ) ) {
899 break;
900 }
901 $this->pop();
902 }
903 }
910 public function adjustedCurrentNode( $fragmentContext ) {
911 return ( $fragmentContext && count( $this->elements ) === 1 ) ?
912 $fragmentContext : $this->currentNode;
913 }
920 public function getIterator() {
921 return new ReverseArrayIterator( $this->elements );
922 }
930 public function node( $idx ) {
931 return $this->elements[ $idx ];
932 }
939 public function replaceAt( $idx, BalanceElement $elt ) {
940 Assert::precondition(
941 $this->elements[$idx]->parent !== 'flat',
942 'Replaced element should not have already been flattened.'
943 );
944 Assert::precondition(
945 $elt->parent !== 'flat',
946 'New element should not have already been flattened.'
947 );
948 $this->elements[$idx] = $elt;
949 if ( $idx === count( $this->elements ) - 1 ) {
950 $this->currentNode = $elt;
951 }
952 }
960 public function indexOf( $tag ) {
961 for ( $i = count( $this->elements ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
962 if ( $this->elements[$i]->isA( $tag ) ) {
963 return $i;
964 }
965 }
966 return -1;
967 }
973 public function length() {
974 return count( $this->elements );
975 }
981 public function pop() {
982 $elt = array_pop( $this->elements );
983 if ( count( $this->elements ) ) {
984 $this->currentNode = $this->elements[ count( $this->elements ) - 1 ];
985 } else {
986 $this->currentNode = null;
987 }
988 if ( !$elt->isHtmlNamed( 'mw:p-wrap' ) ) {
989 $elt->flatten( $this->config );
990 }
991 }
998 public function popTo( $idx ) {
999 for ( $length = count( $this->elements ); $length > $idx; $length-- ) {
1000 $this->pop();
1001 }
1002 }
1010 public function popTag( $tag ) {
1011 while ( $this->currentNode ) {
1012 if ( $this->currentNode->isA( $tag ) ) {
1013 $this->pop();
1014 break;
1015 }
1016 $this->pop();
1017 }
1018 }
1025 public function clearToContext( $set ) {
1026 // Note that we don't loop to 0. Never pop the <html> elt off.
1027 for ( $length = count( $this->elements ); $length > 1; $length-- ) {
1028 if ( $this->currentNode->isA( $set ) ) {
1029 break;
1030 }
1031 $this->pop();
1032 }
1033 }
1041 public function removeElement( BalanceElement $elt, $flatten = true ) {
1042 Assert::parameter(
1043 $elt->parent !== 'flat',
1044 '$elt',
1045 '$elt should not already have been flattened.'
1046 );
1047 Assert::parameter(
1048 $elt->parent->parent !== 'flat',
1049 '$elt',
1050 'The parent of $elt should not already have been flattened.'
1051 );
1052 $idx = array_search( $elt, $this->elements, true );
1053 Assert::parameter( $idx !== false, '$elt', 'must be in stack' );
1054 array_splice( $this->elements, $idx, 1 );
1055 if ( $idx === count( $this->elements ) ) {
1056 $this->currentNode = $this->elements[$idx - 1];
1057 }
1058 if ( $flatten ) {
1059 // serialize $elt into its parent
1060 // otherwise, it will eventually serialize when the parent
1061 // is serialized, we just hold onto the memory for its
1062 // tree of objects a little longer.
1063 $elt->flatten( $this->config );
1064 }
1065 Assert::postcondition(
1066 array_search( $elt, $this->elements, true ) === false,
1067 '$elt should no longer be in open elements stack'
1068 );
1069 }
1076 public function insertAfter( BalanceElement $a, BalanceElement $b ) {
1077 $idx = $this->indexOf( $a );
1078 Assert::parameter( $idx !== false, '$a', 'must be in stack' );
1079 if ( $idx === count( $this->elements ) - 1 ) {
1080 array_push( $this->elements, $b );
1081 $this->currentNode = $b;
1082 } else {
1083 array_splice( $this->elements, $idx + 1, 0, [ $b ] );
1084 }
1085 }
1087 // Fostering and adoption.
1096 private function fosterParent( $elt ) {
1097 $lastTable = $this->indexOf( 'table' );
1098 $lastTemplate = $this->indexOf( 'template' );
1099 $parent = null;
1100 $before = null;
1102 if ( $lastTemplate >= 0 && ( $lastTable < 0 || $lastTemplate > $lastTable ) ) {
1103 $parent = $this->elements[$lastTemplate];
1104 } elseif ( $lastTable >= 0 ) {
1105 $parent = $this->elements[$lastTable]->parent;
1106 // Assume all tables have parents, since we're not running scripts!
1107 Assert::invariant(
1108 $parent !== null, "All tables should have parents"
1109 );
1110 $before = $this->elements[$lastTable];
1111 } else {
1112 $parent = $this->elements[0]; // the `html` element.
1113 }
1115 if ( $this->config['tidyCompat'] ) {
1116 if ( is_string( $elt ) ) {
1117 // We're fostering text: do we need a p-wrapper?
1118 if ( $parent->isA( BalanceSets::$tidyPWrapSet ) ) {
1119 $this->insertHTMLElement( 'mw:p-wrap', [] );
1120 $this->insertText( $elt );
1121 return $elt;
1122 }
1123 } else {
1124 // We're fostering an element; do we need to merge p-wrappers?
1125 if ( $elt->isHtmlNamed( 'mw:p-wrap' ) ) {
1126 $idx = $before ?
1127 array_search( $before, $parent->children, true ) :
1128 count( $parent->children );
1129 $after = $idx > 0 ? $parent->children[$idx - 1] : '';
1130 if (
1131 $after instanceof BalanceElement &&
1132 $after->isHtmlNamed( 'mw:p-wrap' )
1133 ) {
1134 return $after; // Re-use existing p-wrapper.
1135 }
1136 }
1137 }
1138 }
1140 if ( $before ) {
1141 $parent->insertBefore( $before, $elt );
1142 } else {
1143 $parent->appendChild( $elt );
1144 }
1145 return $elt;
1146 }
1158 public function adoptionAgency( $tag, $afe ) {
1159 // If the current node is an HTML element whose tag name is subject,
1160 // and the current node is not in the list of active formatting
1161 // elements, then pop the current node off the stack of open
1162 // elements and abort these steps.
1163 if (
1164 $this->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( $tag ) &&
1165 !$afe->isInList( $this->currentNode )
1166 ) {
1167 $this->pop();
1168 return true; // no more handling required
1169 }
1171 // Outer loop: If outer loop counter is greater than or
1172 // equal to eight, then abort these steps.
1173 for ( $outer = 0; $outer < 8; $outer++ ) {
1174 // Let the formatting element be the last element in the list
1175 // of active formatting elements that: is between the end of
1176 // the list and the last scope marker in the list, if any, or
1177 // the start of the list otherwise, and has the same tag name
1178 // as the token.
1179 $fmtElt = $afe->findElementByTag( $tag );
1181 // If there is no such node, then abort these steps and instead
1182 // act as described in the "any other end tag" entry below.
1183 if ( !$fmtElt ) {
1184 return false; // false means handle by the default case
1185 }
1187 // Otherwise, if there is such a node, but that node is not in
1188 // the stack of open elements, then this is a parse error;
1189 // remove the element from the list, and abort these steps.
1190 $index = $this->indexOf( $fmtElt );
1191 if ( $index < 0 ) {
1192 $afe->remove( $fmtElt );
1193 return true; // true means no more handling required
1194 }
1196 // Otherwise, if there is such a node, and that node is also in
1197 // the stack of open elements, but the element is not in scope,
1198 // then this is a parse error; ignore the token, and abort
1199 // these steps.
1200 if ( !$this->inScope( $fmtElt ) ) {
1201 return true;
1202 }
1204 // Let the furthest block be the topmost node in the stack of
1205 // open elements that is lower in the stack than the formatting
1206 // element, and is an element in the special category. There
1207 // might not be one.
1208 $furthestBlock = null;
1209 $furthestBlockIndex = -1;
1210 $stackLength = $this->length();
1211 for ( $i = $index + 1; $i < $stackLength; $i++ ) {
1212 if ( $this->node( $i )->isA( BalanceSets::$specialSet ) ) {
1213 $furthestBlock = $this->node( $i );
1214 $furthestBlockIndex = $i;
1215 break;
1216 }
1217 }
1219 // If there is no furthest block, then the UA must skip the
1220 // subsequent steps and instead just pop all the nodes from the
1221 // bottom of the stack of open elements, from the current node
1222 // up to and including the formatting element, and remove the
1223 // formatting element from the list of active formatting
1224 // elements.
1225 if ( !$furthestBlock ) {
1226 $this->popTag( $fmtElt );
1227 $afe->remove( $fmtElt );
1228 return true;
1229 }
1231 // Let the common ancestor be the element immediately above
1232 // the formatting element in the stack of open elements.
1233 $ancestor = $this->node( $index - 1 );
1235 // Let a bookmark note the position of the formatting
1236 // element in the list of active formatting elements
1237 // relative to the elements on either side of it in the
1238 // list.
1239 $BOOKMARK = new BalanceElement( '[bookmark]', '[bookmark]', [] );
1240 $afe->insertAfter( $fmtElt, $BOOKMARK );
1242 // Let node and last node be the furthest block.
1243 $node = $furthestBlock;
1244 $lastNode = $furthestBlock;
1245 $nodeIndex = $furthestBlockIndex;
1246 $isAFE = false;
1248 // Inner loop
1249 for ( $inner = 1; true; $inner++ ) {
1250 // Let node be the element immediately above node in
1251 // the stack of open elements, or if node is no longer
1252 // in the stack of open elements (e.g. because it got
1253 // removed by this algorithm), the element that was
1254 // immediately above node in the stack of open elements
1255 // before node was removed.
1256 $node = $this->node( --$nodeIndex );
1258 // If node is the formatting element, then go
1259 // to the next step in the overall algorithm.
1260 if ( $node === $fmtElt ) break;
1262 // If the inner loop counter is greater than three and node
1263 // is in the list of active formatting elements, then remove
1264 // node from the list of active formatting elements.
1265 $isAFE = $afe->isInList( $node );
1266 if ( $inner > 3 && $isAFE ) {
1267 $afe->remove( $node );
1268 $isAFE = false;
1269 }
1271 // If node is not in the list of active formatting
1272 // elements, then remove node from the stack of open
1273 // elements and then go back to the step labeled inner
1274 // loop.
1275 if ( !$isAFE ) {
1276 // Don't flatten here, since we're about to relocate
1277 // parts of this $node.
1278 $this->removeElement( $node, false );
1279 continue;
1280 }
1282 // Create an element for the token for which the
1283 // element node was created with common ancestor as
1284 // the intended parent, replace the entry for node
1285 // in the list of active formatting elements with an
1286 // entry for the new element, replace the entry for
1287 // node in the stack of open elements with an entry for
1288 // the new element, and let node be the new element.
1289 $newElt = new BalanceElement(
1290 $node->namespaceURI, $node->localName, $node->attribs );
1291 $afe->replace( $node, $newElt );
1292 $this->replaceAt( $nodeIndex, $newElt );
1293 $node = $newElt;
1295 // If last node is the furthest block, then move the
1296 // aforementioned bookmark to be immediately after the
1297 // new node in the list of active formatting elements.
1298 if ( $lastNode === $furthestBlock ) {
1299 $afe->remove( $BOOKMARK );
1300 $afe->insertAfter( $newElt, $BOOKMARK );
1301 }
1303 // Insert last node into node, first removing it from
1304 // its previous parent node if any.
1305 $node->appendChild( $lastNode );
1307 // Let last node be node.
1308 $lastNode = $node;
1309 }
1311 // If the common ancestor node is a table, tbody, tfoot,
1312 // thead, or tr element, then, foster parent whatever last
1313 // node ended up being in the previous step, first removing
1314 // it from its previous parent node if any.
1315 if (
1316 $this->fosterParentMode &&
1317 $ancestor->isA( BalanceSets::$tableSectionRowSet )
1318 ) {
1319 $this->fosterParent( $lastNode );
1320 } else {
1321 // Otherwise, append whatever last node ended up being in
1322 // the previous step to the common ancestor node, first
1323 // removing it from its previous parent node if any.
1324 $ancestor->appendChild( $lastNode );
1325 }
1327 // Create an element for the token for which the
1328 // formatting element was created, with furthest block
1329 // as the intended parent.
1330 $newElt2 = new BalanceElement(
1331 $fmtElt->namespaceURI, $fmtElt->localName, $fmtElt->attribs );
1333 // Take all of the child nodes of the furthest block and
1334 // append them to the element created in the last step.
1335 $newElt2->adoptChildren( $furthestBlock );
1337 // Append that new element to the furthest block.
1338 $furthestBlock->appendChild( $newElt2 );
1340 // Remove the formatting element from the list of active
1341 // formatting elements, and insert the new element into the
1342 // list of active formatting elements at the position of
1343 // the aforementioned bookmark.
1344 $afe->remove( $fmtElt );
1345 $afe->replace( $BOOKMARK, $newElt2 );
1347 // Remove the formatting element from the stack of open
1348 // elements, and insert the new element into the stack of
1349 // open elements immediately below the position of the
1350 // furthest block in that stack.
1351 $this->removeElement( $fmtElt );
1352 $this->insertAfter( $furthestBlock, $newElt2 );
1353 }
1355 return true;
1356 }
1363 public function __toString() {
1364 $r = [];
1365 foreach ( $this->elements as $elt ) {
1366 array_push( $r, $elt->localName );
1367 }
1368 return implode( $r, ' ' );
1369 }
1379 public $nextAFE;
1380 public $prevAFE;
1394 private $tail;
1397 private $head;
1417 private $noahTableStack = [ [] ];
1419 public function __destruct() {
1420 $next = null;
1421 for ( $node = $this->head; $node; $node = $next ) {
1422 $next = $node->nextAFE;
1423 $node->prevAFE = $node->nextAFE = $node->nextNoah = null;
1424 }
1425 $this->head = $this->tail = $this->noahTableStack = null;
1426 }
1428 public function insertMarker() {
1429 $elt = new BalanceMarker;
1430 if ( $this->tail ) {
1431 $this->tail->nextAFE = $elt;
1432 $elt->prevAFE = $this->tail;
1433 } else {
1434 $this->head = $elt;
1435 }
1436 $this->tail = $elt;
1437 $this->noahTableStack[] = [];
1438 }
1445 public function push( BalanceElement $elt ) {
1446 // Must not be in the list already
1447 if ( $elt->prevAFE !== null || $this->head === $elt ) {
1448 throw new ParameterAssertionException( '$elt',
1449 'Cannot insert a node into the AFE list twice' );
1450 }
1452 // "Noah's Ark clause" -- if there are already three copies of
1453 // this element before we encounter a marker, then drop the last
1454 // one.
1455 $noahKey = $elt->getNoahKey();
1456 $table =& $this->noahTableStack[ count( $this->noahTableStack ) - 1 ];
1457 if ( !isset( $table[$noahKey] ) ) {
1458 $table[$noahKey] = $elt;
1459 } else {
1460 $count = 1;
1461 $head = $tail = $table[$noahKey];
1462 while ( $tail->nextNoah ) {
1463 $tail = $tail->nextNoah;
1464 $count++;
1465 }
1466 if ( $count >= 3 ) {
1467 $this->remove( $head );
1468 }
1469 $tail->nextNoah = $elt;
1470 }
1471 // Add to the main AFE list
1472 if ( $this->tail ) {
1473 $this->tail->nextAFE = $elt;
1474 $elt->prevAFE = $this->tail;
1475 } else {
1476 $this->head = $elt;
1477 }
1478 $this->tail = $elt;
1479 }
1485 public function clearToMarker() {
1486 // Iterate back through the list starting from the tail
1488 while ( $tail && !( $tail instanceof BalanceMarker ) ) {
1489 // Unlink the element
1490 $prev = $tail->prevAFE;
1491 $tail->prevAFE = null;
1492 if ( $prev ) {
1493 $prev->nextAFE = null;
1494 }
1495 $tail->nextNoah = null;
1496 $tail = $prev;
1497 }
1498 // If we finished on a marker, unlink it and pop it off the Noah table stack
1499 if ( $tail ) {
1500 $prev = $tail->prevAFE;
1501 if ( $prev ) {
1502 $prev->nextAFE = null;
1503 }
1504 $tail = $prev;
1505 array_pop( $this->noahTableStack );
1506 } else {
1507 // No marker: wipe the top-level Noah table (which is the only one)
1508 $this->noahTableStack[0] = [];
1509 }
1510 // If we removed all the elements, clear the head pointer
1511 if ( !$tail ) {
1512 $this->head = null;
1513 }
1514 $this->tail = $tail;
1515 }
1524 public function findElementByTag( $tag ) {
1525 $elt = $this->tail;
1526 while ( $elt && !( $elt instanceof BalanceMarker ) ) {
1527 if ( $elt->localName === $tag ) {
1528 return $elt;
1529 }
1530 $elt = $elt->prevAFE;
1531 }
1532 return null;
1533 }
1540 public function isInList( BalanceElement $elt ) {
1541 return $this->head === $elt || $elt->prevAFE;
1542 }
1550 public function remove( BalanceElement $elt ) {
1551 if ( $this->head !== $elt && !$elt->prevAFE ) {
1552 throw new ParameterAssertionException( '$elt',
1553 "Attempted to remove an element which is not in the AFE list" );
1554 }
1555 // Update head and tail pointers
1556 if ( $this->head === $elt ) {
1557 $this->head = $elt->nextAFE;
1558 }
1559 if ( $this->tail === $elt ) {
1560 $this->tail = $elt->prevAFE;
1561 }
1562 // Update previous element
1563 if ( $elt->prevAFE ) {
1564 $elt->prevAFE->nextAFE = $elt->nextAFE;
1565 }
1566 // Update next element
1567 if ( $elt->nextAFE ) {
1568 $elt->nextAFE->prevAFE = $elt->prevAFE;
1569 }
1570 // Clear pointers so that isInList() etc. will work
1571 $elt->prevAFE = $elt->nextAFE = null;
1572 // Update Noah list
1573 $this->removeFromNoahList( $elt );
1574 }
1576 private function addToNoahList( BalanceElement $elt ) {
1577 $noahKey = $elt->getNoahKey();
1578 $table =& $this->noahTableStack[ count( $this->noahTableStack ) - 1 ];
1579 if ( !isset( $table[$noahKey] ) ) {
1580 $table[$noahKey] = $elt;
1581 } else {
1582 $tail = $table[$noahKey];
1583 while ( $tail->nextNoah ) {
1584 $tail = $tail->nextNoah;
1585 }
1586 $tail->nextNoah = $elt;
1587 }
1588 }
1590 private function removeFromNoahList( BalanceElement $elt ) {
1591 $table =& $this->noahTableStack[ count( $this->noahTableStack ) - 1 ];
1592 $key = $elt->getNoahKey();
1593 $noahElt = $table[$key];
1594 if ( $noahElt === $elt ) {
1595 if ( $noahElt->nextNoah ) {
1596 $table[$key] = $noahElt->nextNoah;
1597 $noahElt->nextNoah = null;
1598 } else {
1599 unset( $table[$key] );
1600 }
1601 } else {
1602 do {
1603 $prevNoahElt = $noahElt;
1604 $noahElt = $prevNoahElt->nextNoah;
1605 if ( $noahElt === $elt ) {
1606 // Found it, unlink
1607 $prevNoahElt->nextNoah = $elt->nextNoah;
1608 $elt->nextNoah = null;
1609 break;
1610 }
1611 } while ( $noahElt );
1612 }
1613 }
1621 public function replace( BalanceElement $a, BalanceElement $b ) {
1622 if ( $this->head !== $a && !$a->prevAFE ) {
1623 throw new ParameterAssertionException( '$a',
1624 "Attempted to replace an element which is not in the AFE list" );
1625 }
1626 // Update head and tail pointers
1627 if ( $this->head === $a ) {
1628 $this->head = $b;
1629 }
1630 if ( $this->tail === $a ) {
1631 $this->tail = $b;
1632 }
1633 // Update previous element
1634 if ( $a->prevAFE ) {
1635 $a->prevAFE->nextAFE = $b;
1636 }
1637 // Update next element
1638 if ( $a->nextAFE ) {
1639 $a->nextAFE->prevAFE = $b;
1640 }
1641 $b->prevAFE = $a->prevAFE;
1642 $b->nextAFE = $a->nextAFE;
1643 $a->nextAFE = $a->prevAFE = null;
1644 // Update Noah list
1645 $this->removeFromNoahList( $a );
1646 $this->addToNoahList( $b );
1647 }
1655 public function insertAfter( BalanceElement $a, BalanceElement $b ) {
1656 if ( $this->head !== $a && !$a->prevAFE ) {
1657 throw new ParameterAssertionException( '$a',
1658 "Attempted to insert after an element which is not in the AFE list" );
1659 }
1660 if ( $this->tail === $a ) {
1661 $this->tail = $b;
1662 }
1663 if ( $a->nextAFE ) {
1664 $a->nextAFE->prevAFE = $b;
1665 }
1666 $b->nextAFE = $a->nextAFE;
1667 $b->prevAFE = $a;
1668 $a->nextAFE = $b;
1669 $this->addToNoahList( $b );
1670 }
1672 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong
1678 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
1679 public function reconstruct( $stack ) {
1680 $entry = $this->tail;
1681 // If there are no entries in the list of active formatting elements,
1682 // then there is nothing to reconstruct
1683 if ( !$entry ) {
1684 return;
1685 }
1686 // If the last is a marker, do nothing.
1687 if ( $entry instanceof BalanceMarker ) {
1688 return;
1689 }
1690 // Or if it is an open element, do nothing.
1691 if ( $stack->indexOf( $entry ) >= 0 ) {
1692 return;
1693 }
1695 // Loop backward through the list until we find a marker or an
1696 // open element
1697 $foundIt = false;
1698 while ( $entry->prevAFE ) {
1699 $entry = $entry->prevAFE;
1700 if ( $entry instanceof BalanceMarker || $stack->indexOf( $entry ) >= 0 ) {
1701 $foundIt = true;
1702 break;
1703 }
1704 }
1706 // Now loop forward, starting from the element after the current one (or
1707 // the first element if we didn't find a marker or open element),
1708 // recreating formatting elements and pushing them back onto the list
1709 // of open elements.
1710 if ( $foundIt ) {
1711 $entry = $entry->nextAFE;
1712 }
1713 do {
1714 $newElement = $stack->insertHTMLElement(
1715 $entry->localName,
1716 $entry->attribs );
1717 $this->replace( $entry, $newElement );
1718 $entry = $newElement->nextAFE;
1719 } while ( $entry );
1720 }
1725 public function __toString() {
1726 $prev = null;
1727 $s = '';
1728 for ( $node = $this->head; $node; $prev = $node, $node = $node->nextAFE ) {
1729 if ( $node instanceof BalanceMarker ) {
1730 $s .= "MARKER\n";
1731 continue;
1732 }
1733 $s .= $node->localName . '#' . substr( md5( spl_object_hash( $node ) ), 0, 8 );
1734 if ( $node->nextNoah ) {
1735 $s .= " (noah sibling: {$node->nextNoah->localName}#" .
1736 substr( md5( spl_object_hash( $node->nextNoah ) ), 0, 8 ) .
1737 ')';
1738 }
1739 if ( $node->nextAFE && $node->nextAFE->prevAFE !== $node ) {
1740 $s .= " (reverse link is wrong!)";
1741 }
1742 $s .= "\n";
1743 }
1744 if ( $prev !== $this->tail ) {
1745 $s .= "(tail pointer is wrong!)\n";
1746 }
1747 return $s;
1748 }
1803 private $parseMode;
1808 private $afe;
1810 private $stack;
1811 private $strict;
1813 private $config;
1821 private $inRCDATA;
1822 private $inRAWTEXT;
1833 const VALID_COMMENT_REGEX = "~ !--
1834 ( # 1. Comment match detector
1835 > | -> | # Invalid short close
1836 ( # 2. Comment contents
1837 (?:
1838 (?! --> )
1839 (?! --!> )
1840 (?! --! \z )
1841 (?! -- \z )
1842 (?! - \z )
1843 .
1844 )*+
1845 )
1846 ( # 3. Comment close
1847 --> | # Normal close
1848 --!> | # Comment end bang
1849 ( # 4. Indicate matches requiring EOF
1850 --! | # EOF in comment end bang state
1851 -- | # EOF in comment end state
1852 - | # EOF in comment end dash state
1853 (?#nothing) # EOF in comment state
1854 )
1855 )
1856 )
1857 ([^<]*) \z # 5. Non-tag text after the comment
1858 ~xs";
1886 public function __construct( array $config = [] ) {
1887 $this->config = $config = $config + [
1888 'strict' => false,
1889 'allowedHtmlElements' => null,
1890 'tidyCompat' => false,
1891 'allowComments' => true,
1892 ];
1893 $this->allowedHtmlElements = $config['allowedHtmlElements'];
1894 $this->strict = $config['strict'];
1895 $this->allowComments = $config['allowComments'];
1896 if ( $this->allowedHtmlElements !== null ) {
1897 // Sanity check!
1898 $bad = array_uintersect_assoc(
1899 $this->allowedHtmlElements,
1901 function ( $a, $b ) {
1902 // Ignore the values (just intersect the keys) by saying
1903 // all values are equal to each other.
1904 return 0;
1905 }
1906 );
1907 if ( count( $bad ) > 0 ) {
1908 $badstr = implode( array_keys( $bad ), ',' );
1909 throw new ParameterAssertionException(
1910 '$config',
1911 'Balance attempted with sanitization including ' .
1912 "unsupported elements: {$badstr}"
1913 );
1914 }
1915 }
1916 }
1930 public function balance( $text, $processingCallback = null, $processingArgs = [] ) {
1931 $this->parseMode = 'inBodyMode';
1932 $this->bitsIterator = new ExplodeIterator( '<', $text );
1933 $this->afe = new BalanceActiveFormattingElements();
1934 $this->stack = new BalanceStack( $this->config );
1935 $this->processingCallback = $processingCallback;
1936 $this->processingArgs = $processingArgs;
1938 $this->textIntegrationMode =
1939 $this->ignoreLinefeed =
1940 $this->inRCDATA =
1941 $this->inRAWTEXT = false;
1943 // The stack is constructed with an <html> element already on it.
1944 // Set this up as a fragment parsed with <body> as the context.
1945 $this->fragmentContext =
1947 $this->resetInsertionMode();
1948 $this->formElementPointer = null;
1949 for ( $e = $this->fragmentContext; $e != null; $e = $e->parent ) {
1950 if ( $e->isHtmlNamed( 'form' ) ) {
1951 $this->formElementPointer = $e;
1952 break;
1953 }
1954 }
1956 // First element is text not tag
1957 $x = $this->bitsIterator->current();
1958 $this->bitsIterator->next();
1959 $this->insertToken( 'text', str_replace( '>', '&gt;', $x ) );
1960 // Now process each tag.
1961 while ( $this->bitsIterator->valid() ) {
1962 $this->advance();
1963 }
1964 $this->insertToken( 'eof', null );
1965 $result = $this->stack->getOutput();
1966 // Free memory before returning.
1967 $this->bitsIterator = null;
1968 $this->afe = null;
1969 $this->stack = null;
1970 $this->fragmentContext = null;
1971 $this->formElementPointer = null;
1972 return $result;
1973 }
1979 private function insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
1980 // validate tags against $unsupportedSet
1981 if ( $token === 'tag' || $token === 'endtag' ) {
1983 // As described in "simplifications" above, these tags are
1984 // not supported in the balancer.
1985 Assert::invariant(
1986 !$this->strict,
1987 "Unsupported $token <$value> found."
1988 );
1989 return false;
1990 }
1991 } elseif ( $token === 'text' && $value === '' ) {
1992 // Don't actually inject the empty string as a text token.
1993 return true;
1994 }
1995 // Support pre/listing/textarea by suppressing initial linefeed
1996 if ( $this->ignoreLinefeed ) {
1997 $this->ignoreLinefeed = false;
1998 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
1999 if ( $value[0] === "\n" ) {
2000 if ( $value === "\n" ) {
2001 // Nothing would be left, don't inject the empty string.
2002 return true;
2003 }
2004 $value = substr( $value, 1 );
2005 }
2006 }
2007 }
2008 // Some hoops we have to jump through
2009 $adjusted = $this->stack->adjustedCurrentNode( $this->fragmentContext );
2011 // The spec calls this the "tree construction dispatcher".
2012 $isForeign = true;
2013 if (
2014 $this->stack->length() === 0 ||
2015 $adjusted->isHtml() ||
2016 $token === 'eof'
2017 ) {
2018 $isForeign = false;
2019 } elseif ( $adjusted->isMathmlTextIntegrationPoint() ) {
2020 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
2021 $isForeign = false;
2022 } elseif (
2023 $token === 'tag' &&
2024 $value !== 'mglyph' && $value !== 'malignmark'
2025 ) {
2026 $isForeign = false;
2027 }
2028 } elseif (
2029 $adjusted->namespaceURI === BalanceSets::MATHML_NAMESPACE &&
2030 $adjusted->localName === 'annotation-xml' &&
2031 $token === 'tag' && $value === 'svg'
2032 ) {
2033 $isForeign = false;
2034 } elseif (
2035 $adjusted->isHtmlIntegrationPoint() &&
2036 ( $token === 'tag' || $token === 'text' )
2037 ) {
2038 $isForeign = false;
2039 }
2040 if ( $isForeign ) {
2041 return $this->insertForeignToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2042 } else {
2043 $func = $this->parseMode;
2044 return $this->$func( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2045 }
2046 }
2048 private function insertForeignToken( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
2049 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
2050 $this->stack->insertText( $value );
2051 return true;
2052 } elseif ( $token === 'comment' ) {
2053 $this->stack->insertComment( $value );
2054 return true;
2055 } elseif ( $token === 'tag' ) {
2056 switch ( $value ) {
2057 case 'font':
2058 if ( isset( $attribs['color'] )
2059 || isset( $attribs['face'] )
2060 || isset( $attribs['size'] )
2061 ) {
2062 break;
2063 }
2064 // otherwise, fall through
2065 case 'b':
2066 case 'big':
2067 case 'blockquote':
2068 case 'body':
2069 case 'br':
2070 case 'center':
2071 case 'code':
2072 case 'dd':
2073 case 'div':
2074 case 'dl':
2075 case 'dt':
2076 case 'em':
2077 case 'embed':
2078 case 'h1':
2079 case 'h2':
2080 case 'h3':
2081 case 'h4':
2082 case 'h5':
2083 case 'h6':
2084 case 'head':
2085 case 'hr':
2086 case 'i':
2087 case 'img':
2088 case 'li':
2089 case 'listing':
2090 case 'menu':
2091 case 'meta':
2092 case 'nobr':
2093 case 'ol':
2094 case 'p':
2095 case 'pre':
2096 case 'ruby':
2097 case 's':
2098 case 'small':
2099 case 'span':
2100 case 'strong':
2101 case 'strike':
2102 case 'sub':
2103 case 'sup':
2104 case 'table':
2105 case 'tt':
2106 case 'u':
2107 case 'ul':
2108 case 'var':
2109 if ( $this->fragmentContext ) {
2110 break;
2111 }
2112 while ( true ) {
2113 $this->stack->pop();
2114 $node = $this->stack->currentNode;
2115 if (
2116 $node->isMathmlTextIntegrationPoint() ||
2117 $node->isHtmlIntegrationPoint() ||
2118 $node->isHtml()
2119 ) {
2120 break;
2121 }
2122 }
2123 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2124 }
2125 // "Any other start tag"
2126 $adjusted = ( $this->fragmentContext && $this->stack->length() === 1 ) ?
2127 $this->fragmentContext : $this->stack->currentNode;
2128 $this->stack->insertForeignElement(
2129 $adjusted->namespaceURI, $value, $attribs
2130 );
2131 if ( $selfClose ) {
2132 $this->stack->pop();
2133 }
2134 return true;
2135 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
2136 $first = true;
2137 foreach ( $this->stack as $i => $node ) {
2138 if ( $node->isHtml() && !$first ) {
2139 // process the end tag as HTML
2140 $func = $this->parseMode;
2141 return $this->$func( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2142 } elseif ( $i === 0 ) {
2143 return true;
2144 } elseif ( $node->localName === $value ) {
2145 $this->stack->popTag( $node );
2146 return true;
2147 }
2148 $first = false;
2149 }
2150 }
2151 }
2157 private function advance() {
2158 $x = $this->bitsIterator->current();
2159 $this->bitsIterator->next();
2160 $regs = [];
2161 // Handle comments. These won't be generated by mediawiki (they
2162 // are stripped in the Sanitizer) but may be generated by extensions.
2163 if (
2164 $this->allowComments &&
2165 !( $this->inRCDATA || $this->inRAWTEXT ) &&
2166 preg_match( self::VALID_COMMENT_REGEX, $x, $regs, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) &&
2167 // verify EOF condition where necessary
2168 ( $regs[4][1] < 0 || !$this->bitsIterator->valid() )
2169 ) {
2170 $contents = $regs[2][0];
2171 $rest = $regs[5][0];
2172 $this->insertToken( 'comment', $contents );
2173 $this->insertToken( 'text', str_replace( '>', '&gt;', $rest ) );
2174 return;
2175 }
2176 // $slash: Does the current element start with a '/'?
2177 // $t: Current element name
2178 // $attribStr: String between element name and >
2179 // $brace: Ending '>' or '/>'
2180 // $rest: Everything until the next element from the $bitsIterator
2181 if ( preg_match( Sanitizer::ELEMENT_BITS_REGEX, $x, $regs ) ) {
2182 list( /* $qbar */, $slash, $t, $attribStr, $brace, $rest ) = $regs;
2183 $t = strtolower( $t );
2184 if ( $this->strict ) {
2185 // Verify that attributes are all properly double-quoted
2186 Assert::invariant(
2187 preg_match(
2188 '/^( [:_A-Z0-9][-.:_A-Z0-9]*="[^"]*")*[ ]*$/i', $attribStr
2189 ),
2190 "Bad attribute string found"
2191 );
2192 }
2193 } else {
2194 Assert::invariant(
2195 !$this->strict, "< found which does not start a valid tag"
2196 );
2197 $slash = $t = $attribStr = $brace = $rest = null;
2198 }
2199 $goodTag = $t;
2200 if ( $this->inRCDATA ) {
2201 if ( $slash && $t === $this->inRCDATA ) {
2202 $this->inRCDATA = false;
2203 } else {
2204 // No tags allowed; this emulates the "rcdata" tokenizer mode.
2205 $goodTag = false;
2206 }
2207 }
2208 if ( $this->inRAWTEXT ) {
2209 if ( $slash && $t === $this->inRAWTEXT ) {
2210 $this->inRAWTEXT = false;
2211 } else {
2212 // No tags allowed, no entity-escaping done.
2213 $goodTag = false;
2214 }
2215 }
2216 $sanitize = $this->allowedHtmlElements !== null;
2217 if ( $sanitize ) {
2218 $goodTag = $t && isset( $this->allowedHtmlElements[$t] );
2219 }
2220 if ( $goodTag ) {
2221 if ( is_callable( $this->processingCallback ) ) {
2222 call_user_func_array( $this->processingCallback, [ &$attribStr, $this->processingArgs ] );
2223 }
2224 if ( $sanitize ) {
2225 $goodTag = Sanitizer::validateTag( $attribStr, $t );
2226 }
2227 }
2228 if ( $goodTag ) {
2229 if ( $sanitize ) {
2230 $attribs = Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes( $attribStr );
2231 $attribs = Sanitizer::validateTagAttributes( $attribs, $t );
2232 } else {
2233 $attribs = Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes( $attribStr );
2234 }
2235 $goodTag = $this->insertToken(
2236 $slash ? 'endtag' : 'tag', $t, $attribs, $brace === '/>'
2237 );
2238 }
2239 if ( $goodTag ) {
2240 $rest = str_replace( '>', '&gt;', $rest );
2241 $this->insertToken( 'text', str_replace( '>', '&gt;', $rest ) );
2242 } elseif ( $this->inRAWTEXT ) {
2243 $this->insertToken( 'text', "<$x" );
2244 } else {
2245 // bad tag; serialize entire thing as text.
2246 $this->insertToken( 'text', '&lt;' . str_replace( '>', '&gt;', $x ) );
2247 }
2248 }
2250 private function switchMode( $mode ) {
2251 Assert::parameter(
2252 substr( $mode, -4 ) === 'Mode', '$mode', 'should end in Mode'
2253 );
2254 $oldMode = $this->parseMode;
2255 $this->parseMode = $mode;
2256 return $oldMode;
2257 }
2259 private function switchModeAndReprocess( $mode, $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose ) {
2260 $this->switchMode( $mode );
2261 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2262 }
2264 private function resetInsertionMode() {
2265 $last = false;
2266 foreach ( $this->stack as $i => $node ) {
2267 if ( $i === 0 ) {
2268 $last = true;
2269 if ( $this->fragmentContext ) {
2270 $node = $this->fragmentContext;
2271 }
2272 }
2273 if ( $node->isHtml() ) {
2274 switch ( $node->localName ) {
2275 case 'select':
2276 $stackLength = $this->stack->length();
2277 for ( $j = $i + 1; $j < $stackLength - 1; $j++ ) {
2278 $ancestor = $this->stack->node( $stackLength - $j - 1 );
2279 if ( $ancestor->isHtmlNamed( 'template' ) ) {
2280 break;
2281 }
2282 if ( $ancestor->isHtmlNamed( 'table' ) ) {
2283 $this->switchMode( 'inSelectInTableMode' );
2284 return;
2285 }
2286 }
2287 $this->switchMode( 'inSelectMode' );
2288 return;
2289 case 'tr':
2290 $this->switchMode( 'inRowMode' );
2291 return;
2292 case 'tbody':
2293 case 'tfoot':
2294 case 'thead':
2295 $this->switchMode( 'inTableBodyMode' );
2296 return;
2297 case 'caption':
2298 $this->switchMode( 'inCaptionMode' );
2299 return;
2300 case 'colgroup':
2301 $this->switchMode( 'inColumnGroupMode' );
2302 return;
2303 case 'table':
2304 $this->switchMode( 'inTableMode' );
2305 return;
2306 case 'template':
2307 $this->switchMode(
2308 array_slice( $this->templateInsertionModes, -1 )[0]
2309 );
2310 return;
2311 case 'body':
2312 $this->switchMode( 'inBodyMode' );
2313 return;
2314 // OMITTED: <frameset>
2315 // OMITTED: <html>
2316 // OMITTED: <head>
2317 default:
2318 if ( !$last ) {
2319 // OMITTED: <head>
2320 if ( $node->isA( BalanceSets::$tableCellSet ) ) {
2321 $this->switchMode( 'inCellMode' );
2322 return;
2323 }
2324 }
2325 }
2326 }
2327 if ( $last ) {
2328 $this->switchMode( 'inBodyMode' );
2329 return;
2330 }
2331 }
2332 }
2334 private function stopParsing() {
2335 // Most of the spec methods are inapplicable, other than step 2:
2336 // "pop all the nodes off the stack of open elements".
2337 // We're going to keep the top-most <html> element on the stack, though.
2339 // Clear the AFE list first, otherwise the element objects will stay live
2340 // during serialization, potentially using O(N^2) memory. Note that
2341 // popping the stack will never result in reconstructing the active
2342 // formatting elements.
2343 $this->afe = null;
2344 $this->stack->popTo( 1 );
2345 }
2347 private function parseRawText( $value, $attribs = null ) {
2348 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2349 $this->inRAWTEXT = $value;
2350 $this->originalInsertionMode = $this->switchMode( 'inTextMode' );
2351 return true;
2352 }
2354 private function inTextMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
2355 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
2356 $this->stack->insertText( $value );
2357 return true;
2358 } elseif ( $token === 'eof' ) {
2359 $this->stack->pop();
2360 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess(
2361 $this->originalInsertionMode, $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose
2362 );
2363 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
2364 $this->stack->pop();
2365 $this->switchMode( $this->originalInsertionMode );
2366 return true;
2367 }
2368 return true;
2369 }
2371 private function inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
2372 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
2373 if ( preg_match( '/^[\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]+/', $value, $matches ) ) {
2374 $this->stack->insertText( $matches[0] );
2375 $value = substr( $value, strlen( $matches[0] ) );
2376 }
2377 if ( strlen( $value ) === 0 ) {
2378 return true; // All text handled.
2379 }
2380 // Fall through to handle non-whitespace below.
2381 } elseif ( $token === 'tag' ) {
2382 switch ( $value ) {
2383 case 'meta':
2384 // OMITTED: in a full HTML parser, this might change the encoding.
2385 // falls through
2386 // OMITTED: <html>
2387 case 'base':
2388 case 'basefont':
2389 case 'bgsound':
2390 case 'link':
2391 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2392 $this->stack->pop();
2393 return true;
2394 // OMITTED: <title>
2395 // OMITTED: <noscript>
2396 case 'noframes':
2397 case 'style':
2398 return $this->parseRawText( $value, $attribs );
2399 // OMITTED: <script>
2400 case 'template':
2401 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2402 $this->afe->insertMarker();
2403 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2404 $this->switchMode( 'inTemplateMode' );
2405 $this->templateInsertionModes[] = $this->parseMode;
2406 return true;
2407 // OMITTED: <head>
2408 }
2409 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
2410 switch ( $value ) {
2411 // OMITTED: <head>
2412 // OMITTED: <body>
2413 // OMITTED: <html>
2414 case 'br':
2415 break; // handle at the bottom of the function
2416 case 'template':
2417 if ( $this->stack->indexOf( $value ) < 0 ) {
2418 return true; // Ignore the token.
2419 }
2420 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags( null, true /* thorough */ );
2421 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
2422 $this->afe->clearToMarker();
2423 array_pop( $this->templateInsertionModes );
2424 $this->resetInsertionMode();
2425 return true;
2426 default:
2427 // ignore any other end tag
2428 return true;
2429 }
2430 } elseif ( $token === 'comment' ) {
2431 $this->stack->insertComment( $value );
2432 return true;
2433 }
2435 // If not handled above
2436 $this->inHeadMode( 'endtag', 'head' ); // synthetic </head>
2437 // Then redo this one
2438 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2439 }
2441 private function inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
2442 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
2443 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2444 $this->stack->insertText( $value );
2445 return true;
2446 } elseif ( $token === 'eof' ) {
2447 if ( !empty( $this->templateInsertionModes ) ) {
2448 return $this->inTemplateMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2449 }
2450 $this->stopParsing();
2451 return true;
2452 } elseif ( $token === 'tag' ) {
2453 switch ( $value ) {
2454 // OMITTED: <html>
2455 case 'base':
2456 case 'basefont':
2457 case 'bgsound':
2458 case 'link':
2459 case 'meta':
2460 case 'noframes':
2461 // OMITTED: <script>
2462 case 'style':
2463 case 'template':
2464 // OMITTED: <title>
2465 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2466 // OMITTED: <body>
2467 // OMITTED: <frameset>
2469 case 'address':
2470 case 'article':
2471 case 'aside':
2472 case 'blockquote':
2473 case 'center':
2474 case 'details':
2475 case 'dialog':
2476 case 'dir':
2477 case 'div':
2478 case 'dl':
2479 case 'fieldset':
2480 case 'figcaption':
2481 case 'figure':
2482 case 'footer':
2483 case 'header':
2484 case 'hgroup':
2485 case 'main':
2486 case 'nav':
2487 case 'ol':
2488 case 'p':
2489 case 'section':
2490 case 'summary':
2491 case 'ul':
2492 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2493 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2494 }
2495 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2496 return true;
2498 case 'menu':
2499 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( "p" ) ) {
2500 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2501 }
2502 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'menuitem' ) ) {
2503 $this->stack->pop();
2504 }
2505 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2506 return true;
2508 case 'h1':
2509 case 'h2':
2510 case 'h3':
2511 case 'h4':
2512 case 'h5':
2513 case 'h6':
2514 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2515 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2516 }
2517 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isA( BalanceSets::$headingSet ) ) {
2518 $this->stack->pop();
2519 }
2520 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2521 return true;
2523 case 'pre':
2524 case 'listing':
2525 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2526 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2527 }
2528 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2529 $this->ignoreLinefeed = true;
2530 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2531 return true;
2533 case 'form':
2534 if (
2535 $this->formElementPointer &&
2536 $this->stack->indexOf( 'template' ) < 0
2537 ) {
2538 return true; // in a form, not in a template.
2539 }
2540 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( "p" ) ) {
2541 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2542 }
2543 $elt = $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2544 if ( $this->stack->indexOf( 'template' ) < 0 ) {
2545 $this->formElementPointer = $elt;
2546 }
2547 return true;
2549 case 'li':
2550 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2551 foreach ( $this->stack as $node ) {
2552 if ( $node->isHtmlNamed( 'li' ) ) {
2553 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'li' );
2554 break;
2555 }
2556 if (
2557 $node->isA( BalanceSets::$specialSet ) &&
2558 !$node->isA( BalanceSets::$addressDivPSet )
2559 ) {
2560 break;
2561 }
2562 }
2563 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2564 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2565 }
2566 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2567 return true;
2569 case 'dd':
2570 case 'dt':
2571 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2572 foreach ( $this->stack as $node ) {
2573 if ( $node->isHtmlNamed( 'dd' ) ) {
2574 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'dd' );
2575 break;
2576 }
2577 if ( $node->isHtmlNamed( 'dt' ) ) {
2578 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'dt' );
2579 break;
2580 }
2581 if (
2582 $node->isA( BalanceSets::$specialSet ) &&
2583 !$node->isA( BalanceSets::$addressDivPSet )
2584 ) {
2585 break;
2586 }
2587 }
2588 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2589 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2590 }
2591 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2592 return true;
2594 // OMITTED: <plaintext>
2596 case 'button':
2597 if ( $this->stack->inScope( 'button' ) ) {
2598 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'button' );
2599 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2600 }
2601 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2602 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2603 return true;
2605 case 'a':
2606 $activeElement = $this->afe->findElementByTag( 'a' );
2607 if ( $activeElement ) {
2608 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'a' );
2609 if ( $this->afe->isInList( $activeElement ) ) {
2610 $this->afe->remove( $activeElement );
2611 // Don't flatten here, since when we fall
2612 // through below we might foster parent
2613 // the new <a> tag inside this one.
2614 $this->stack->removeElement( $activeElement, false );
2615 }
2616 }
2617 // Falls through
2618 case 'b':
2619 case 'big':
2620 case 'code':
2621 case 'em':
2622 case 'font':
2623 case 'i':
2624 case 's':
2625 case 'small':
2626 case 'strike':
2627 case 'strong':
2628 case 'tt':
2629 case 'u':
2630 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2631 $this->afe->push( $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs ) );
2632 return true;
2634 case 'nobr':
2635 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2636 if ( $this->stack->inScope( 'nobr' ) ) {
2637 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'nobr' );
2638 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2639 }
2640 $this->afe->push( $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs ) );
2641 return true;
2643 case 'applet':
2644 case 'marquee':
2645 case 'object':
2646 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2647 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2648 $this->afe->insertMarker();
2649 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2650 return true;
2652 case 'table':
2653 // The document is never in "quirks mode"; see simplifications
2654 // above.
2655 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2656 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2657 }
2658 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2659 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2660 $this->switchMode( 'inTableMode' );
2661 return true;
2663 case 'area':
2664 case 'br':
2665 case 'embed':
2666 case 'img':
2667 case 'keygen':
2668 case 'wbr':
2669 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2670 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2671 $this->stack->pop();
2672 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2673 return true;
2675 case 'input':
2676 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2677 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2678 $this->stack->pop();
2679 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2680 // (hence we don't need to examine the tag's "type" attribute)
2681 return true;
2683 case 'param':
2684 case 'source':
2685 case 'track':
2686 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2687 $this->stack->pop();
2688 return true;
2690 case 'hr':
2691 if ( $this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2692 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'p' );
2693 }
2694 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'menuitem' ) ) {
2695 $this->stack->pop();
2696 }
2697 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2698 $this->stack->pop();
2699 return true;
2701 case 'image':
2702 // warts!
2703 return $this->inBodyMode( $token, 'img', $attribs, $selfClose );
2705 case 'textarea':
2706 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2707 $this->ignoreLinefeed = true;
2708 $this->inRCDATA = $value; // emulate rcdata tokenizer mode
2709 // OMITTED: frameset_ok
2710 return true;
2712 // OMITTED: <xmp>
2713 // OMITTED: <iframe>
2714 // OMITTED: <noembed>
2715 // OMITTED: <noscript>
2717 case 'select':
2718 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2719 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2720 switch ( $this->parseMode ) {
2721 case 'inTableMode':
2722 case 'inCaptionMode':
2723 case 'inTableBodyMode':
2724 case 'inRowMode':
2725 case 'inCellMode':
2726 $this->switchMode( 'inSelectInTableMode' );
2727 return true;
2728 default:
2729 $this->switchMode( 'inSelectMode' );
2730 return true;
2731 }
2733 case 'optgroup':
2734 case 'option':
2735 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'option' ) ) {
2736 $this->inBodyMode( 'endtag', 'option' );
2737 }
2738 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2739 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2740 return true;
2742 case 'menuitem':
2743 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'menuitem' ) ) {
2744 $this->stack->pop();
2745 }
2746 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2747 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2748 return true;
2750 case 'rb':
2751 case 'rtc':
2752 if ( $this->stack->inScope( 'ruby' ) ) {
2753 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
2754 }
2755 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2756 return true;
2758 case 'rp':
2759 case 'rt':
2760 if ( $this->stack->inScope( 'ruby' ) ) {
2761 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags( 'rtc' );
2762 }
2763 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2764 return true;
2766 case 'math':
2767 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2768 // We skip the spec's "adjust MathML attributes" and
2769 // "adjust foreign attributes" steps, since the browser will
2770 // do this later when it parses the output and it doesn't affect
2771 // balancing.
2772 $this->stack->insertForeignElement(
2774 );
2775 if ( $selfClose ) {
2776 // emit explicit </math> tag.
2777 $this->stack->pop();
2778 }
2779 return true;
2781 case 'svg':
2782 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2783 // We skip the spec's "adjust SVG attributes" and
2784 // "adjust foreign attributes" steps, since the browser will
2785 // do this later when it parses the output and it doesn't affect
2786 // balancing.
2787 $this->stack->insertForeignElement(
2789 );
2790 if ( $selfClose ) {
2791 // emit explicit </svg> tag.
2792 $this->stack->pop();
2793 }
2794 return true;
2796 case 'caption':
2797 case 'col':
2798 case 'colgroup':
2799 // OMITTED: <frame>
2800 case 'head':
2801 case 'tbody':
2802 case 'td':
2803 case 'tfoot':
2804 case 'th':
2805 case 'thead':
2806 case 'tr':
2807 // Ignore table tags if we're not inTableMode
2808 return true;
2809 }
2811 // Handle any other start tag here
2812 $this->afe->reconstruct( $this->stack );
2813 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2814 return true;
2815 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
2816 switch ( $value ) {
2817 // </body>,</html> are unsupported.
2819 case 'template':
2820 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2822 case 'address':
2823 case 'article':
2824 case 'aside':
2825 case 'blockquote':
2826 case 'button':
2827 case 'center':
2828 case 'details':
2829 case 'dialog':
2830 case 'dir':
2831 case 'div':
2832 case 'dl':
2833 case 'fieldset':
2834 case 'figcaption':
2835 case 'figure':
2836 case 'footer':
2837 case 'header':
2838 case 'hgroup':
2839 case 'listing':
2840 case 'main':
2841 case 'menu':
2842 case 'nav':
2843 case 'ol':
2844 case 'pre':
2845 case 'section':
2846 case 'summary':
2847 case 'ul':
2848 // Ignore if there is not a matching open tag
2849 if ( !$this->stack->inScope( $value ) ) {
2850 return true;
2851 }
2852 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
2853 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
2854 return true;
2856 case 'form':
2857 if ( $this->stack->indexOf( 'template' ) < 0 ) {
2858 $openform = $this->formElementPointer;
2859 $this->formElementPointer = null;
2860 if ( !$openform || !$this->stack->inScope( $openform ) ) {
2861 return true;
2862 }
2863 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
2864 // Don't flatten yet if we're removing a <form> element
2865 // out-of-order. (eg. `<form><div></form>`)
2866 $flatten = ( $this->stack->currentNode === $openform );
2867 $this->stack->removeElement( $openform, $flatten );
2868 } else {
2869 if ( !$this->stack->inScope( 'form' ) ) {
2870 return true;
2871 }
2872 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
2873 $this->stack->popTag( 'form' );
2874 }
2875 return true;
2877 case 'p':
2878 if ( !$this->stack->inButtonScope( 'p' ) ) {
2879 $this->inBodyMode( 'tag', 'p', [] );
2880 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2881 }
2882 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags( $value );
2883 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
2884 return true;
2886 case 'li':
2887 if ( !$this->stack->inListItemScope( $value ) ) {
2888 return true; // ignore
2889 }
2890 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags( $value );
2891 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
2892 return true;
2894 case 'dd':
2895 case 'dt':
2896 if ( !$this->stack->inScope( $value ) ) {
2897 return true; // ignore
2898 }
2899 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags( $value );
2900 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
2901 return true;
2903 case 'h1':
2904 case 'h2':
2905 case 'h3':
2906 case 'h4':
2907 case 'h5':
2908 case 'h6':
2909 if ( !$this->stack->inScope( BalanceSets::$headingSet ) ) {
2910 return true; // ignore
2911 }
2912 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
2913 $this->stack->popTag( BalanceSets::$headingSet );
2914 return true;
2916 case 'sarcasm':
2917 // Take a deep breath, then:
2918 break;
2920 case 'a':
2921 case 'b':
2922 case 'big':
2923 case 'code':
2924 case 'em':
2925 case 'font':
2926 case 'i':
2927 case 'nobr':
2928 case 's':
2929 case 'small':
2930 case 'strike':
2931 case 'strong':
2932 case 'tt':
2933 case 'u':
2934 if ( $this->stack->adoptionAgency( $value, $this->afe ) ) {
2935 return true; // If we did something, we're done.
2936 }
2937 break; // Go to the "any other end tag" case.
2939 case 'applet':
2940 case 'marquee':
2941 case 'object':
2942 if ( !$this->stack->inScope( $value ) ) {
2943 return true; // ignore
2944 }
2945 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
2946 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
2947 $this->afe->clearToMarker();
2948 return true;
2950 case 'br':
2951 // Turn </br> into <br>
2952 return $this->inBodyMode( 'tag', $value, [] );
2953 }
2955 // Any other end tag goes here
2956 foreach ( $this->stack as $i => $node ) {
2957 if ( $node->isHtmlNamed( $value ) ) {
2958 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags( $value );
2959 $this->stack->popTo( $i ); // including $i
2960 break;
2961 } elseif ( $node->isA( BalanceSets::$specialSet ) ) {
2962 return true; // ignore this close token.
2963 }
2964 }
2965 return true;
2966 } elseif ( $token === 'comment' ) {
2967 $this->stack->insertComment( $value );
2968 return true;
2969 } else {
2970 Assert::invariant( false, "Bad token type: $token" );
2971 }
2972 }
2974 private function inTableMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
2975 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
2976 if ( $this->textIntegrationMode ) {
2977 return $this->inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2978 } elseif ( $this->stack->currentNode->isA( BalanceSets::$tableSectionRowSet ) ) {
2979 $this->pendingTableText = '';
2980 $this->originalInsertionMode = $this->parseMode;
2981 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess( 'inTableTextMode',
2982 $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
2983 }
2984 // fall through to default case.
2985 } elseif ( $token === 'eof' ) {
2986 $this->stopParsing();
2987 return true;
2988 } elseif ( $token === 'tag' ) {
2989 switch ( $value ) {
2990 case 'caption':
2991 $this->afe->insertMarker();
2992 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2993 $this->switchMode( 'inCaptionMode' );
2994 return true;
2995 case 'colgroup':
2996 $this->stack->clearToContext( BalanceSets::$tableContextSet );
2997 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
2998 $this->switchMode( 'inColumnGroupMode' );
2999 return true;
3000 case 'col':
3001 $this->inTableMode( 'tag', 'colgroup', [] );
3002 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3003 case 'tbody':
3004 case 'tfoot':
3005 case 'thead':
3006 $this->stack->clearToContext( BalanceSets::$tableContextSet );
3007 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3008 $this->switchMode( 'inTableBodyMode' );
3009 return true;
3010 case 'td':
3011 case 'th':
3012 case 'tr':
3013 $this->inTableMode( 'tag', 'tbody', [] );
3014 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3015 case 'table':
3016 if ( !$this->stack->inTableScope( $value ) ) {
3017 return true; // Ignore this tag.
3018 }
3019 $this->inTableMode( 'endtag', $value );
3020 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3022 case 'style':
3023 // OMITTED: <script>
3024 case 'template':
3025 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3027 case 'input':
3028 if ( !isset( $attribs['type'] ) || strcasecmp( $attribs['type'], 'hidden' ) !== 0 ) {
3029 break; // Handle this as "everything else"
3030 }
3031 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3032 $this->stack->pop();
3033 return true;
3035 case 'form':
3036 if (
3037 $this->formElementPointer ||
3038 $this->stack->indexOf( 'template' ) >= 0
3039 ) {
3040 return true; // ignore this token
3041 }
3042 $this->formElementPointer =
3043 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3044 $this->stack->popTag( $this->formElementPointer );
3045 return true;
3046 }
3047 // Fall through for "anything else" clause.
3048 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3049 switch ( $value ) {
3050 case 'table':
3051 if ( !$this->stack->inTableScope( $value ) ) {
3052 return true; // Ignore.
3053 }
3054 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
3055 $this->resetInsertionMode();
3056 return true;
3057 // OMITTED: <body>
3058 case 'caption':
3059 case 'col':
3060 case 'colgroup':
3061 // OMITTED: <html>
3062 case 'tbody':
3063 case 'td':
3064 case 'tfoot':
3065 case 'th':
3066 case 'thead':
3067 case 'tr':
3068 return true; // Ignore the token.
3069 case 'template':
3070 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3071 }
3072 // Fall through for "anything else" clause.
3073 } elseif ( $token === 'comment' ) {
3074 $this->stack->insertComment( $value );
3075 return true;
3076 }
3077 // This is the "anything else" case:
3078 $this->stack->fosterParentMode = true;
3079 $this->inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3080 $this->stack->fosterParentMode = false;
3081 return true;
3082 }
3084 private function inTableTextMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3085 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
3086 $this->pendingTableText .= $value;
3087 return true;
3088 }
3089 // Non-text token:
3091 $this->pendingTableText = '';
3092 if ( preg_match( '/[^\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]/', $text ) ) {
3093 // This should match the "anything else" case inTableMode
3094 $this->stack->fosterParentMode = true;
3095 $this->inBodyMode( 'text', $text );
3096 $this->stack->fosterParentMode = false;
3097 } else {
3098 // Pending text is just whitespace.
3099 $this->stack->insertText( $text );
3100 }
3101 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess(
3102 $this->originalInsertionMode, $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose
3103 );
3104 }
3106 // helper for inCaptionMode
3107 private function endCaption() {
3108 if ( !$this->stack->inTableScope( 'caption' ) ) {
3109 return false;
3110 }
3111 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
3112 $this->stack->popTag( 'caption' );
3113 $this->afe->clearToMarker();
3114 $this->switchMode( 'inTableMode' );
3115 return true;
3116 }
3118 private function inCaptionMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3119 if ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3120 switch ( $value ) {
3121 case 'caption':
3122 case 'col':
3123 case 'colgroup':
3124 case 'tbody':
3125 case 'td':
3126 case 'tfoot':
3127 case 'th':
3128 case 'thead':
3129 case 'tr':
3130 if ( $this->endCaption() ) {
3131 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3132 }
3133 return true;
3134 }
3135 // Fall through to "anything else" case.
3136 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3137 switch ( $value ) {
3138 case 'caption':
3139 $this->endCaption();
3140 return true;
3141 case 'table':
3142 if ( $this->endCaption() ) {
3143 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3144 }
3145 return true;
3146 case 'body':
3147 case 'col':
3148 case 'colgroup':
3149 // OMITTED: <html>
3150 case 'tbody':
3151 case 'td':
3152 case 'tfoot':
3153 case 'th':
3154 case 'thead':
3155 case 'tr':
3156 // Ignore the token
3157 return true;
3158 }
3159 // Fall through to "anything else" case.
3160 }
3161 // The Anything Else case
3162 return $this->inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3163 }
3165 private function inColumnGroupMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3166 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
3167 if ( preg_match( '/^[\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]+/', $value, $matches ) ) {
3168 $this->stack->insertText( $matches[0] );
3169 $value = substr( $value, strlen( $matches[0] ) );
3170 }
3171 if ( strlen( $value ) === 0 ) {
3172 return true; // All text handled.
3173 }
3174 // Fall through to handle non-whitespace below.
3175 } elseif ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3176 switch ( $value ) {
3177 // OMITTED: <html>
3178 case 'col':
3179 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3180 $this->stack->pop();
3181 return true;
3182 case 'template':
3183 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3184 }
3185 // Fall through for "anything else".
3186 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3187 switch ( $value ) {
3188 case 'colgroup':
3189 if ( !$this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'colgroup' ) ) {
3190 return true; // Ignore the token.
3191 }
3192 $this->stack->pop();
3193 $this->switchMode( 'inTableMode' );
3194 return true;
3195 case 'col':
3196 return true; // Ignore the token.
3197 case 'template':
3198 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3199 }
3200 // Fall through for "anything else".
3201 } elseif ( $token === 'eof' ) {
3202 return $this->inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3203 } elseif ( $token === 'comment' ) {
3204 $this->stack->insertComment( $value );
3205 return true;
3206 }
3208 // Anything else
3209 if ( !$this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'colgroup' ) ) {
3210 return true; // Ignore the token.
3211 }
3212 $this->inColumnGroupMode( 'endtag', 'colgroup' );
3213 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3214 }
3216 // Helper function for inTableBodyMode
3217 private function endSection() {
3218 if ( !(
3219 $this->stack->inTableScope( 'tbody' ) ||
3220 $this->stack->inTableScope( 'thead' ) ||
3221 $this->stack->inTableScope( 'tfoot' )
3222 ) ) {
3223 return false;
3224 }
3225 $this->stack->clearToContext( BalanceSets::$tableBodyContextSet );
3226 $this->stack->pop();
3227 $this->switchMode( 'inTableMode' );
3228 return true;
3229 }
3230 private function inTableBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3231 if ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3232 switch ( $value ) {
3233 case 'tr':
3234 $this->stack->clearToContext( BalanceSets::$tableBodyContextSet );
3235 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3236 $this->switchMode( 'inRowMode' );
3237 return true;
3238 case 'th':
3239 case 'td':
3240 $this->inTableBodyMode( 'tag', 'tr', [] );
3241 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3242 return true;
3243 case 'caption':
3244 case 'col':
3245 case 'colgroup':
3246 case 'tbody':
3247 case 'tfoot':
3248 case 'thead':
3249 if ( $this->endSection() ) {
3250 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3251 }
3252 return true;
3253 }
3254 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3255 switch ( $value ) {
3256 case 'table':
3257 if ( $this->endSection() ) {
3258 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3259 }
3260 return true;
3261 case 'tbody':
3262 case 'tfoot':
3263 case 'thead':
3264 if ( $this->stack->inTableScope( $value ) ) {
3265 $this->endSection();
3266 }
3267 return true;
3268 // OMITTED: <body>
3269 case 'caption':
3270 case 'col':
3271 case 'colgroup':
3272 // OMITTED: <html>
3273 case 'td':
3274 case 'th':
3275 case 'tr':
3276 return true; // Ignore the token.
3277 }
3278 }
3279 // Anything else:
3280 return $this->inTableMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3281 }
3283 // Helper function for inRowMode
3284 private function endRow() {
3285 if ( !$this->stack->inTableScope( 'tr' ) ) {
3286 return false;
3287 }
3288 $this->stack->clearToContext( BalanceSets::$tableRowContextSet );
3289 $this->stack->pop();
3290 $this->switchMode( 'inTableBodyMode' );
3291 return true;
3292 }
3293 private function inRowMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3294 if ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3295 switch ( $value ) {
3296 case 'th':
3297 case 'td':
3298 $this->stack->clearToContext( BalanceSets::$tableRowContextSet );
3299 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3300 $this->switchMode( 'inCellMode' );
3301 $this->afe->insertMarker();
3302 return true;
3303 case 'caption':
3304 case 'col':
3305 case 'colgroup':
3306 case 'tbody':
3307 case 'tfoot':
3308 case 'thead':
3309 case 'tr':
3310 if ( $this->endRow() ) {
3311 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3312 }
3313 return true;
3314 }
3315 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3316 switch ( $value ) {
3317 case 'tr':
3318 $this->endRow();
3319 return true;
3320 case 'table':
3321 if ( $this->endRow() ) {
3322 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3323 }
3324 return true;
3325 case 'tbody':
3326 case 'tfoot':
3327 case 'thead':
3328 if (
3329 $this->stack->inTableScope( $value ) &&
3330 $this->endRow()
3331 ) {
3332 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3333 }
3334 return true;
3335 // OMITTED: <body>
3336 case 'caption':
3337 case 'col':
3338 case 'colgroup':
3339 // OMITTED: <html>
3340 case 'td':
3341 case 'th':
3342 return true; // Ignore the token.
3343 }
3344 }
3345 // Anything else:
3346 return $this->inTableMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3347 }
3349 // Helper for inCellMode
3350 private function endCell() {
3351 if ( $this->stack->inTableScope( 'td' ) ) {
3352 $this->inCellMode( 'endtag', 'td' );
3353 return true;
3354 } elseif ( $this->stack->inTableScope( 'th' ) ) {
3355 $this->inCellMode( 'endtag', 'th' );
3356 return true;
3357 } else {
3358 return false;
3359 }
3360 }
3361 private function inCellMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3362 if ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3363 switch ( $value ) {
3364 case 'caption':
3365 case 'col':
3366 case 'colgroup':
3367 case 'tbody':
3368 case 'td':
3369 case 'tfoot':
3370 case 'th':
3371 case 'thead':
3372 case 'tr':
3373 if ( $this->endCell() ) {
3374 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3375 }
3376 return true;
3377 }
3378 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3379 switch ( $value ) {
3380 case 'td':
3381 case 'th':
3382 if ( $this->stack->inTableScope( $value ) ) {
3383 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
3384 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
3385 $this->afe->clearToMarker();
3386 $this->switchMode( 'inRowMode' );
3387 }
3388 return true;
3389 // OMITTED: <body>
3390 case 'caption':
3391 case 'col':
3392 case 'colgroup':
3393 // OMITTED: <html>
3394 return true;
3396 case 'table':
3397 case 'tbody':
3398 case 'tfoot':
3399 case 'thead':
3400 case 'tr':
3401 if ( $this->stack->inTableScope( $value ) ) {
3402 $this->stack->generateImpliedEndTags();
3403 $this->stack->popTag( BalanceSets::$tableCellSet );
3404 $this->afe->clearToMarker();
3405 $this->switchMode( 'inRowMode' );
3406 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3407 }
3408 return true;
3409 }
3410 }
3411 // Anything else:
3412 return $this->inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3413 }
3415 private function inSelectMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3416 if ( $token === 'text' ) {
3417 $this->stack->insertText( $value );
3418 return true;
3419 } elseif ( $token === 'eof' ) {
3420 return $this->inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3421 } elseif ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3422 switch ( $value ) {
3423 // OMITTED: <html>
3424 case 'option':
3425 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'option' ) ) {
3426 $this->stack->pop();
3427 }
3428 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3429 return true;
3430 case 'optgroup':
3431 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'option' ) ) {
3432 $this->stack->pop();
3433 }
3434 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'optgroup' ) ) {
3435 $this->stack->pop();
3436 }
3437 $this->stack->insertHTMLElement( $value, $attribs );
3438 return true;
3439 case 'select':
3440 $this->inSelectMode( 'endtag', $value ); // treat it like endtag
3441 return true;
3442 case 'input':
3443 case 'keygen':
3444 case 'textarea':
3445 if ( !$this->stack->inSelectScope( 'select' ) ) {
3446 return true; // ignore token (fragment case)
3447 }
3448 $this->inSelectMode( 'endtag', 'select' );
3449 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3450 case 'script':
3451 case 'template':
3452 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3453 }
3454 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3455 switch ( $value ) {
3456 case 'optgroup':
3457 if (
3458 $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'option' ) &&
3459 $this->stack->length() >= 2 &&
3460 $this->stack->node( $this->stack->length() - 2 )->isHtmlNamed( 'optgroup' )
3461 ) {
3462 $this->stack->pop();
3463 }
3464 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'optgroup' ) ) {
3465 $this->stack->pop();
3466 }
3467 return true;
3468 case 'option':
3469 if ( $this->stack->currentNode->isHtmlNamed( 'option' ) ) {
3470 $this->stack->pop();
3471 }
3472 return true;
3473 case 'select':
3474 if ( !$this->stack->inSelectScope( $value ) ) {
3475 return true; // fragment case
3476 }
3477 $this->stack->popTag( $value );
3478 $this->resetInsertionMode();
3479 return true;
3480 case 'template':
3481 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3482 }
3483 } elseif ( $token === 'comment' ) {
3484 $this->stack->insertComment( $value );
3485 return true;
3486 }
3487 // anything else: just ignore the token
3488 return true;
3489 }
3491 private function inSelectInTableMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3492 switch ( $value ) {
3493 case 'caption':
3494 case 'table':
3495 case 'tbody':
3496 case 'tfoot':
3497 case 'thead':
3498 case 'tr':
3499 case 'td':
3500 case 'th':
3501 if ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3502 $this->inSelectInTableMode( 'endtag', 'select' );
3503 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3504 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3505 if ( $this->stack->inTableScope( $value ) ) {
3506 $this->inSelectInTableMode( 'endtag', 'select' );
3507 return $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3508 }
3509 return true;
3510 }
3511 }
3512 // anything else
3513 return $this->inSelectMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3514 }
3516 private function inTemplateMode( $token, $value, $attribs = null, $selfClose = false ) {
3517 if ( $token === 'text' || $token === 'comment' ) {
3518 return $this->inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3519 } elseif ( $token === 'eof' ) {
3520 if ( $this->stack->indexOf( 'template' ) < 0 ) {
3521 $this->stopParsing();
3522 } else {
3523 $this->stack->popTag( 'template' );
3524 $this->afe->clearToMarker();
3525 array_pop( $this->templateInsertionModes );
3526 $this->resetInsertionMode();
3527 $this->insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3528 }
3529 return true;
3530 } elseif ( $token === 'tag' ) {
3531 switch ( $value ) {
3532 case 'base':
3533 case 'basefont':
3534 case 'bgsound':
3535 case 'link':
3536 case 'meta':
3537 case 'noframes':
3538 // OMITTED: <script>
3539 case 'style':
3540 case 'template':
3541 // OMITTED: <title>
3542 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3544 case 'caption':
3545 case 'colgroup':
3546 case 'tbody':
3547 case 'tfoot':
3548 case 'thead':
3549 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess(
3550 'inTableMode', $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose
3551 );
3553 case 'col':
3554 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess(
3555 'inColumnGroupMode', $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose
3556 );
3558 case 'tr':
3559 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess(
3560 'inTableBodyMode', $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose
3561 );
3563 case 'td':
3564 case 'th':
3565 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess(
3566 'inRowMode', $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose
3567 );
3568 }
3569 return $this->switchModeAndReprocess(
3570 'inBodyMode', $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose
3571 );
3572 } elseif ( $token === 'endtag' ) {
3573 switch ( $value ) {
3574 case 'template':
3575 return $this->inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose );
3576 }
3577 return true;
3578 } else {
3579 Assert::invariant( false, "Bad token type: $token" );
3580 }
3581 }
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
An iterator which works exactly like:
The list of active formatting elements, which is used to handle mis-nested formatting element tags in...
insertAfter(BalanceElement $a, BalanceElement $b)
Find $a in the list and insert $b after it.
replace(BalanceElement $a, BalanceElement $b)
Find element $a in the list and replace it with element $b.
Follow the steps required when the spec asks us to "clear the list of active formatting elements up t...
reconstruct( $stack)
Reconstruct the active formatting elements.
The first (least recent) element in the list.
isInList(BalanceElement $elt)
Determine whether an element is in the list of formatting elements.
findElementByTag( $tag)
Find and return the last element with the specified tag between the end of the list and the last mark...
Get a string representation of the AFE list, for debugging.
push(BalanceElement $elt)
Follow the steps required when the spec requires us to "push onto the list of active formatting eleme...
An array of arrays representing the population of elements in each bucket according to the Noah's Ark...
The last (most recent) element in the list.
A BalanceElement is a simplified version of a DOM Node.
Definition Balancer.php:312
The previous active formatting element in the list, or null if this is the start of the list or if th...
Definition Balancer.php:360
The namespace of the element.
Definition Balancer.php:317
isHtmlNamed( $tagName)
Determine if this element is an HTML element with the specified name.
Definition Balancer.php:580
isA( $set)
Determine if $this represents a specific HTML tag, is a member of a tag set, or is equal to another B...
Definition Balancer.php:563
__construct( $namespaceURI, $localName, array $attribs)
Make a new BalanceElement corresponding to the HTML DOM Element with the given localname,...
Definition Balancer.php:375
Serialize this node and all of its children to a string, as specified by the HTML serialization speci...
Definition Balancer.php:529
A unique string identifier for Noah's Ark purposes, lazy initialized.
Definition Balancer.php:348
Determine if $this represents a MathML text integration point, as defined in the HTML5 specification.
Definition Balancer.php:601
flatten(array $config)
Flatten this node and all of its children into a string, as specified by the HTML serialization speci...
Definition Balancer.php:473
insertBefore(BalanceElement $a, $b)
Find $a in the list of children and insert $b before it.
Definition Balancer.php:406
Determine if $this represents an HTML integration point, as defined in the HTML5 specification.
Definition Balancer.php:612
The lower-cased name of the element.
Definition Balancer.php:322
appendChild( $elt)
Append $elt to the end of the list of children.
Definition Balancer.php:428
Parent of this element, or the string "flat" if this element has already been flattened into its pare...
Definition Balancer.php:334
An array of children of this element.
Definition Balancer.php:343
Get a string key for the Noah's Ark algorithm.
Definition Balancer.php:632
Determine if $this represents an element in the HTML namespace.
Definition Balancer.php:590
The next active formatting element in the list, or null if this is the end of the AFE list or if the ...
Definition Balancer.php:354
The next element in the Noah's Ark species bucket.
Definition Balancer.php:365
removeChild(BalanceElement $elt)
Remove the given child from this element.
Definition Balancer.php:388
Attributes for the element, in array form.
Definition Balancer.php:327
adoptChildren(BalanceElement $elt)
Transfer all of the children of $elt to $this.
Definition Balancer.php:448
A pseudo-element used as a marker in the list of active formatting elements.
Utility constants and sets for the HTML5 tree building algorithm.
Definition Balancer.php:69
The "stack of open elements" as defined in the HTML5 tree builder spec.
Definition Balancer.php:657
inScope( $tag)
Determine if the stack has $tag in scope.
Definition Balancer.php:811
inButtonScope( $tag)
Determine if the stack has $tag in button scope.
Definition Balancer.php:821
inTableScope( $tag)
Determine if the stack has $tag in table scope.
Definition Balancer.php:841
Reference to the current element.
Definition Balancer.php:679
popTag( $tag)
Pop elements off the stack up to and including the first element with the specified HTML tagname (or ...
insertHTMLElement( $tag, $attribs)
Insert an HTML element at the appropriate place, pushing it on to the open elements stack.
Definition Balancer.php:769
Remove the current node from the BalanceStack, flattening it in the process.
Definition Balancer.php:981
insertComment( $value)
Insert a comment at the appropriate place for inserting a node.
Definition Balancer.php:717
insertText( $value, $isComment=false)
Insert text at the appropriate place for inserting a node.
Definition Balancer.php:729
insertElement(BalanceElement $elt)
Insert an element at the appropriate place and push it on to the open elements stack.
Definition Balancer.php:782
generateImpliedEndTags( $butnot=null, $thorough=false)
Generate implied end tags.
Definition Balancer.php:890
Return the number of elements currently in the BalanceStack.
Definition Balancer.php:973
Return the contents of the open elements stack as a string for debugging.
indexOf( $tag)
Return the position of the given BalanceElement, set, or HTML tag name string in the BalanceStack.
Definition Balancer.php:960
inListItemScope( $tag)
Determine if the stack has $tag in list item scope.
Definition Balancer.php:831
fosterParent( $elt)
Foster parent the given $elt in the stack of open elements.
Foster parent mode determines how nodes are inserted into the stack.
Definition Balancer.php:669
clearToContext( $set)
Pop elements off the stack not including the first element in the specified set.
insertAfter(BalanceElement $a, BalanceElement $b)
Find $a in the BalanceStack and insert $b after it.
node( $idx)
Return the BalanceElement at the given position $idx, where position 0 represents the root element.
Definition Balancer.php:930
Configuration options governing flattening.
Definition Balancer.php:675
popTo( $idx)
Remove all nodes up to and including position $idx from the BalanceStack, flattening them in the proc...
Definition Balancer.php:998
Backing storage for the stack.
Definition Balancer.php:662
__construct(array $config)
Create a new BalanceStack with a single BalanceElement on it, representing the root <html> node.
Definition Balancer.php:686
insertForeignElement( $namespaceURI, $tag, $attribs)
Insert a BalanceElement at the appropriate place, pushing it on to the open elements stack.
Definition Balancer.php:755
removeElement(BalanceElement $elt, $flatten=true)
Remove the given $elt from the BalanceStack, optionally flattening it in the process.
Return a string representing the output of the tree builder: all the children of the root <html> node...
Definition Balancer.php:701
replaceAt( $idx, BalanceElement $elt)
Replace the element at position $idx in the BalanceStack with $elt.
Definition Balancer.php:939
inSpecificScope( $tag, $set)
Determine if the stack has $tag in a specific scope, $set.
Definition Balancer.php:872
inSelectScope( $tag)
Determine if the stack has $tag in select scope.
Definition Balancer.php:851
adjustedCurrentNode( $fragmentContext)
Return the adjusted current node.
Definition Balancer.php:910
adoptionAgency( $tag, $afe)
Run the "adoption agency algoritm" (AAA) for the given subject tag name.
Return an iterator over this stack which visits the current node first, and the root node last.
Definition Balancer.php:920
An implementation of the tree building portion of the HTML5 parsing spec.
inTextMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
switchModeAndReprocess( $mode, $token, $value, $attribs, $selfClose)
inHeadMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
inColumnGroupMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
inTableBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
inTableTextMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
insertForeignToken( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
inTableMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
__construct(array $config=[])
Create a new Balancer.
inRowMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
callable null $processingCallback
balance( $text, $processingCallback=null, $processingArgs=[])
Return a balanced HTML string for the HTML fragment given by $text, subject to the caveats listed in ...
inCellMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
parseRawText( $value, $attribs=null)
inTemplateMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
insertToken( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
Pass a token to the tree builder.
inBodyMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
Valid HTML5 comments.
inSelectMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
inSelectInTableMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
inCaptionMode( $token, $value, $attribs=null, $selfClose=false)
Grab the next "token" from $bitsIterator.
BalanceActiveFormattingElements $afe
Convenience class for iterating over an array in reverse order.
Some information about database access in MediaWiki By Tim January Database layout For information about the MediaWiki database such as a description of the tables and their contents
Definition database.txt:9
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
The index of the header message $result[1]=The index of the body text message $result[2 through n]=Parameters passed to body text message. Please note the header message cannot receive/use parameters. 'ImportHandleLogItemXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a log item. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $logInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandlePageXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object & $pageInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandleRevisionXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page revision. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $pageInfo:Array of page information $revisionInfo:Array of revision information 'ImportHandleToplevelXMLTag':When parsing a top level XML tag. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object 'ImportHandleUploadXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a file upload. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $revisionInfo:Array of information 'ImportLogInterwikiLink':Hook to change the interwiki link used in log entries and edit summaries for transwiki imports. & $fullInterwikiPrefix:Interwiki prefix, may contain colons. & $pageTitle:String that contains page title. 'ImportSources':Called when reading from the $wgImportSources configuration variable. Can be used to lazy-load the import sources list. & $importSources:The value of $wgImportSources. Modify as necessary. See the comment in DefaultSettings.php for the detail of how to structure this array. 'InfoAction':When building information to display on the action=info page. $context:IContextSource object & $pageInfo:Array of information 'InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect':MediaWiki check to see if title is a redirect. & $title:Title object for the current page & $request:WebRequest & $ignoreRedirect:boolean to skip redirect check & $target:Title/string of redirect target & $article:Article object 'InternalParseBeforeLinks':during Parser 's internalParse method before links but after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InternalParseBeforeSanitize':during Parser 's internalParse method just before the parser removes unwanted/dangerous HTML tags and after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. Ideal for syntax-extensions after template/parser function execution which respect nowiki and HTML-comments. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InterwikiLoadPrefix':When resolving if a given prefix is an interwiki or not. Return true without providing an interwiki to continue interwiki search. $prefix:interwiki prefix we are looking for. & $iwData:output array describing the interwiki with keys iw_url, iw_local, iw_trans and optionally iw_api and iw_wikiid. 'InvalidateEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been invalidated successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being invalidated 'IRCLineURL':When constructing the URL to use in an IRC notification. Callee may modify $url and $query, URL will be constructed as $url . $query & $url:URL to index.php & $query:Query string $rc:RecentChange object that triggered url generation 'IsFileCacheable':Override the result of Article::isFileCacheable()(if true) & $article:article(object) being checked 'IsTrustedProxy':Override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() & $ip:IP being check & $result:Change this value to override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() 'IsUploadAllowedFromUrl':Override the result of UploadFromUrl::isAllowedUrl() $url:URL used to upload from & $allowed:Boolean indicating if uploading is allowed for given URL 'isValidEmailAddr':Override the result of Sanitizer::validateEmail(), for instance to return false if the domain name doesn 't match your organization. $addr:The e-mail address entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks 'isValidPassword':Override the result of User::isValidPassword() $password:The password entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks $user:User the password is being validated for 'Language::getMessagesFileName':$code:The language code or the language we 're looking for a messages file for & $file:The messages file path, you can override this to change the location. 'LanguageGetMagic':DEPRECATED! Use $magicWords in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead. Use this to define synonyms of magic words depending of the language & $magicExtensions:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetNamespaces':Provide custom ordering for namespaces or remove namespaces. Do not use this hook to add namespaces. Use CanonicalNamespaces for that. & $namespaces:Array of namespaces indexed by their numbers 'LanguageGetSpecialPageAliases':DEPRECATED! Use $specialPageAliases in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead. Use to define aliases of special pages names depending of the language & $specialPageAliases:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames':Provide translated language names. & $names:array of language code=> language name $code:language of the preferred translations 'LanguageLinks':Manipulate a page 's language links. This is called in various places to allow extensions to define the effective language links for a page. $title:The page 's Title. & $links:Array with elements of the form "language:title" in the order that they will be output. & $linkFlags:Associative array mapping prefixed links to arrays of flags. Currently unused, but planned to provide support for marking individual language links in the UI, e.g. for featured articles. 'LanguageSelector':Hook to change the language selector available on a page. $out:The output page. $cssClassName:CSS class name of the language selector. 'LinkBegin':DEPRECATED! Use HtmlPageLinkRendererBegin instead. Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(), before processing starts. Return false to skip default processing and return $ret. See documentation for Linker::link() for details on the expected meanings of parameters. $skin:the Skin object $target:the Title that the link is pointing to & $html:the contents that the< a > tag should have(raw HTML) $result
Definition hooks.txt:1963
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return true
Definition hooks.txt:1976
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition hooks.txt:862
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition hooks.txt:302
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses after processing & $attribs
Definition hooks.txt:1984
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead can be used to get the real title after the basic globals have been set but before ordinary actions take place replace
Definition hooks.txt:2225
returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition hooks.txt:2146
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37