MediaWiki REL1_30
Go to the documentation of this file.
30class ImagePage extends Article {
32 private $displayImg;
35 private $repo;
38 private $fileLoaded;
41 protected $mExtraDescription = false;
46 protected $mPage;
52 protected function newPage( Title $title ) {
53 // Overload mPage with a file-specific page
54 return new WikiFilePage( $title );
55 }
61 public function setFile( $file ) {
62 $this->mPage->setFile( $file );
63 $this->displayImg = $file;
64 $this->fileLoaded = true;
65 }
67 protected function loadFile() {
68 if ( $this->fileLoaded ) {
69 return;
70 }
71 $this->fileLoaded = true;
73 $this->displayImg = $img = false;
75 Hooks::run( 'ImagePageFindFile', [ $this, &$img, &$this->displayImg ] );
76 if ( !$img ) { // not set by hook?
77 $img = wfFindFile( $this->getTitle() );
78 if ( !$img ) {
79 $img = wfLocalFile( $this->getTitle() );
80 }
81 }
82 $this->mPage->setFile( $img );
83 if ( !$this->displayImg ) { // not set by hook?
84 $this->displayImg = $img;
85 }
86 $this->repo = $img->getRepo();
87 }
93 public function render() {
94 $this->getContext()->getOutput()->setArticleBodyOnly( true );
95 parent::view();
96 }
98 public function view() {
99 global $wgShowEXIF;
101 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
102 $request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
103 $diff = $request->getVal( 'diff' );
104 $diffOnly = $request->getBool(
105 'diffonly',
106 $this->getContext()->getUser()->getOption( 'diffonly' )
107 );
109 if ( $this->getTitle()->getNamespace() != NS_FILE || ( $diff !== null && $diffOnly ) ) {
110 parent::view();
111 return;
112 }
114 $this->loadFile();
116 if ( $this->getTitle()->getNamespace() == NS_FILE && $this->mPage->getFile()->getRedirected() ) {
117 if ( $this->getTitle()->getDBkey() == $this->mPage->getFile()->getName() || $diff !== null ) {
118 $request->setVal( 'diffonly', 'true' );
119 }
121 parent::view();
122 return;
123 }
125 if ( $wgShowEXIF && $this->displayImg->exists() ) {
126 // @todo FIXME: Bad interface, see note on MediaHandler::formatMetadata().
127 $formattedMetadata = $this->displayImg->formatMetadata( $this->getContext() );
128 $showmeta = $formattedMetadata !== false;
129 } else {
130 $showmeta = false;
131 }
133 if ( !$diff && $this->displayImg->exists() ) {
134 $out->addHTML( $this->showTOC( $showmeta ) );
135 }
137 if ( !$diff ) {
138 $this->openShowImage();
139 }
141 # No need to display noarticletext, we use our own message, output in openShowImage()
142 if ( $this->mPage->getId() ) {
143 # NS_FILE is in the user language, but this section (the actual wikitext)
144 # should be in page content language
145 $pageLang = $this->getTitle()->getPageViewLanguage();
146 $out->addHTML( Xml::openElement( 'div', [ 'id' => 'mw-imagepage-content',
147 'lang' => $pageLang->getHtmlCode(), 'dir' => $pageLang->getDir(),
148 'class' => 'mw-content-' . $pageLang->getDir() ] ) );
150 parent::view();
152 $out->addHTML( Xml::closeElement( 'div' ) );
153 } else {
154 # Just need to set the right headers
155 $out->setArticleFlag( true );
156 $out->setPageTitle( $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() );
157 $this->mPage->doViewUpdates( $this->getContext()->getUser(), $this->getOldID() );
158 }
160 # Show shared description, if needed
161 if ( $this->mExtraDescription ) {
162 $fol = $this->getContext()->msg( 'shareddescriptionfollows' );
163 if ( !$fol->isDisabled() ) {
164 $out->addWikiText( $fol->plain() );
165 }
166 $out->addHTML( '<div id="shared-image-desc">' . $this->mExtraDescription . "</div>\n" );
167 }
169 $this->closeShowImage();
170 $this->imageHistory();
171 // TODO: Cleanup the following
173 $out->addHTML( Xml::element( 'h2',
174 [ 'id' => 'filelinks' ],
175 $this->getContext()->msg( 'imagelinks' )->text() ) . "\n" );
176 $this->imageDupes();
177 # @todo FIXME: For some freaky reason, we can't redirect to foreign images.
178 # Yet we return metadata about the target. Definitely an issue in the FileRepo
179 $this->imageLinks();
181 # Allow extensions to add something after the image links
182 $html = '';
183 Hooks::run( 'ImagePageAfterImageLinks', [ $this, &$html ] );
184 if ( $html ) {
185 $out->addHTML( $html );
186 }
188 if ( $showmeta ) {
189 $out->addHTML( Xml::element(
190 'h2',
191 [ 'id' => 'metadata' ],
192 $this->getContext()->msg( 'metadata' )->text() ) . "\n" );
193 $out->addWikiText( $this->makeMetadataTable( $formattedMetadata ) );
194 $out->addModules( [ 'mediawiki.action.view.metadata' ] );
195 }
197 // Add remote Filepage.css
198 if ( !$this->repo->isLocal() ) {
199 $css = $this->repo->getDescriptionStylesheetUrl();
200 if ( $css ) {
201 $out->addStyle( $css );
202 }
203 }
205 $out->addModuleStyles( [
206 'filepage', // always show the local local Filepage.css, T31277
207 'mediawiki.action.view.filepage', // Add MediaWiki styles for a file page
208 ] );
209 }
214 public function getDisplayedFile() {
215 $this->loadFile();
216 return $this->displayImg;
217 }
225 protected function showTOC( $metadata ) {
226 $r = [
227 '<li><a href="#file">' . $this->getContext()->msg( 'file-anchor-link' )->escaped() . '</a></li>',
228 '<li><a href="#filehistory">' . $this->getContext()->msg( 'filehist' )->escaped() . '</a></li>',
229 '<li><a href="#filelinks">' . $this->getContext()->msg( 'imagelinks' )->escaped() . '</a></li>',
230 ];
232 Hooks::run( 'ImagePageShowTOC', [ $this, &$r ] );
234 if ( $metadata ) {
235 $r[] = '<li><a href="#metadata">' .
236 $this->getContext()->msg( 'metadata' )->escaped() .
237 '</a></li>';
238 }
240 return '<ul id="filetoc">' . implode( "\n", $r ) . '</ul>';
241 }
251 protected function makeMetadataTable( $metadata ) {
252 $r = "<div class=\"mw-imagepage-section-metadata\">";
253 $r .= $this->getContext()->msg( 'metadata-help' )->plain();
254 $r .= "<table id=\"mw_metadata\" class=\"mw_metadata\">\n";
255 foreach ( $metadata as $type => $stuff ) {
256 foreach ( $stuff as $v ) {
257 $class = str_replace( ' ', '_', $v['id'] );
258 if ( $type == 'collapsed' ) {
259 // Handled by mediawiki.action.view.metadata module.
260 $class .= ' collapsable';
261 }
262 $r .= Html::rawElement( 'tr',
263 [ 'class' => $class ],
264 Html::rawElement( 'th', [], $v['name'] )
265 . Html::rawElement( 'td', [], $v['value'] )
266 );
267 }
268 }
269 $r .= "</table>\n</div>\n";
270 return $r;
271 }
280 public function getContentObject() {
281 $this->loadFile();
282 if ( $this->mPage->getFile() && !$this->mPage->getFile()->isLocal() && 0 == $this->getId() ) {
283 return null;
284 }
285 return parent::getContentObject();
286 }
288 protected function openShowImage() {
291 $this->loadFile();
292 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
293 $user = $this->getContext()->getUser();
294 $lang = $this->getContext()->getLanguage();
295 $dirmark = $lang->getDirMarkEntity();
296 $request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
298 $max = $this->getImageLimitsFromOption( $user, 'imagesize' );
299 $maxWidth = $max[0];
300 $maxHeight = $max[1];
302 if ( $this->displayImg->exists() ) {
303 # image
304 $page = $request->getIntOrNull( 'page' );
305 if ( is_null( $page ) ) {
306 $params = [];
307 $page = 1;
308 } else {
309 $params = [ 'page' => $page ];
310 }
312 $renderLang = $request->getVal( 'lang' );
313 if ( !is_null( $renderLang ) ) {
314 $handler = $this->displayImg->getHandler();
315 if ( $handler && $handler->validateParam( 'lang', $renderLang ) ) {
316 $params['lang'] = $renderLang;
317 } else {
318 $renderLang = null;
319 }
320 }
322 $width_orig = $this->displayImg->getWidth( $page );
323 $width = $width_orig;
324 $height_orig = $this->displayImg->getHeight( $page );
325 $height = $height_orig;
327 $filename = wfEscapeWikiText( $this->displayImg->getName() );
328 $linktext = $filename;
330 // Avoid PHP 7.1 warning from passing $this by reference
331 $imagePage = $this;
333 Hooks::run( 'ImageOpenShowImageInlineBefore', [ &$imagePage, &$out ] );
335 if ( $this->displayImg->allowInlineDisplay() ) {
336 # image
337 # "Download high res version" link below the image
338 # $msgsize = $this->getContext()->msg( 'file-info-size', $width_orig, $height_orig,
339 # Linker::formatSize( $this->displayImg->getSize() ), $mime )->escaped();
340 # We'll show a thumbnail of this image
341 if ( $width > $maxWidth || $height > $maxHeight || $this->displayImg->isVectorized() ) {
342 list( $width, $height ) = $this->getDisplayWidthHeight(
343 $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $width, $height
344 );
345 $linktext = $this->getContext()->msg( 'show-big-image' )->escaped();
347 $thumbSizes = $this->getThumbSizes( $width_orig, $height_orig );
348 # Generate thumbnails or thumbnail links as needed...
349 $otherSizes = [];
350 foreach ( $thumbSizes as $size ) {
351 // We include a thumbnail size in the list, if it is
352 // less than or equal to the original size of the image
353 // asset ($width_orig/$height_orig). We also exclude
354 // the current thumbnail's size ($width/$height)
355 // since that is added to the message separately, so
356 // it can be denoted as the current size being shown.
357 // Vectorized images are limited by $wgSVGMaxSize big,
358 // so all thumbs less than or equal that are shown.
359 if ( ( ( $size[0] <= $width_orig && $size[1] <= $height_orig )
360 || ( $this->displayImg->isVectorized()
361 && max( $size[0], $size[1] ) <= $wgSVGMaxSize )
362 )
363 && $size[0] != $width && $size[1] != $height
364 ) {
365 $sizeLink = $this->makeSizeLink( $params, $size[0], $size[1] );
366 if ( $sizeLink ) {
367 $otherSizes[] = $sizeLink;
368 }
369 }
370 }
371 $otherSizes = array_unique( $otherSizes );
373 $sizeLinkBigImagePreview = $this->makeSizeLink( $params, $width, $height );
374 $msgsmall = $this->getThumbPrevText( $params, $sizeLinkBigImagePreview );
375 if ( count( $otherSizes ) ) {
376 $msgsmall .= ' ' .
377 Html::rawElement(
378 'span',
379 [ 'class' => 'mw-filepage-other-resolutions' ],
380 $this->getContext()->msg( 'show-big-image-other' )
381 ->rawParams( $lang->pipeList( $otherSizes ) )
382 ->params( count( $otherSizes ) )
383 ->parse()
384 );
385 }
386 } elseif ( $width == 0 && $height == 0 ) {
387 # Some sort of audio file that doesn't have dimensions
388 # Don't output a no hi res message for such a file
389 $msgsmall = '';
390 } else {
391 # Image is small enough to show full size on image page
392 $msgsmall = $this->getContext()->msg( 'file-nohires' )->parse();
393 }
395 $params['width'] = $width;
396 $params['height'] = $height;
397 $thumbnail = $this->displayImg->transform( $params );
398 Linker::processResponsiveImages( $this->displayImg, $thumbnail, $params );
400 $anchorclose = Html::rawElement(
401 'div',
402 [ 'class' => 'mw-filepage-resolutioninfo' ],
403 $msgsmall
404 );
406 $isMulti = $this->displayImg->isMultipage() && $this->displayImg->pageCount() > 1;
407 if ( $isMulti ) {
408 $out->addModules( '' );
409 $out->addHTML( '<table class="multipageimage"><tr><td>' );
410 }
412 if ( $thumbnail ) {
413 $options = [
414 'alt' => $this->displayImg->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(),
415 'file-link' => true,
416 ];
417 $out->addHTML( '<div class="fullImageLink" id="file">' .
418 $thumbnail->toHtml( $options ) .
419 $anchorclose . "</div>\n" );
420 }
422 if ( $isMulti ) {
423 $count = $this->displayImg->pageCount();
425 if ( $page > 1 ) {
426 $label = $this->getContext()->msg( 'imgmultipageprev' )->text();
427 // on the client side, this link is generated in ajaxifyPageNavigation()
428 // in the module
430 $this->getTitle(),
431 $label,
432 [],
433 [ 'page' => $page - 1 ]
434 );
435 $thumb1 = Linker::makeThumbLinkObj(
436 $this->getTitle(),
437 $this->displayImg,
438 $link,
439 $label,
440 'none',
441 [ 'page' => $page - 1 ]
442 );
443 } else {
444 $thumb1 = '';
445 }
447 if ( $page < $count ) {
448 $label = $this->getContext()->msg( 'imgmultipagenext' )->text();
450 $this->getTitle(),
451 $label,
452 [],
453 [ 'page' => $page + 1 ]
454 );
455 $thumb2 = Linker::makeThumbLinkObj(
456 $this->getTitle(),
457 $this->displayImg,
458 $link,
459 $label,
460 'none',
461 [ 'page' => $page + 1 ]
462 );
463 } else {
464 $thumb2 = '';
465 }
467 global $wgScript;
469 $formParams = [
470 'name' => 'pageselector',
471 'action' => $wgScript,
472 ];
473 $options = [];
474 for ( $i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++ ) {
475 $options[] = Xml::option( $lang->formatNum( $i ), $i, $i == $page );
476 }
477 $select = Xml::tags( 'select',
478 [ 'id' => 'pageselector', 'name' => 'page' ],
479 implode( "\n", $options ) );
481 $out->addHTML(
482 '</td><td><div class="multipageimagenavbox">' .
483 Xml::openElement( 'form', $formParams ) .
484 Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey() ) .
485 $this->getContext()->msg( 'imgmultigoto' )->rawParams( $select )->parse() .
486 $this->getContext()->msg( 'word-separator' )->escaped() .
487 Xml::submitButton( $this->getContext()->msg( 'imgmultigo' )->text() ) .
488 Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) .
489 "<hr />$thumb1\n$thumb2<br style=\"clear: both\" /></div></td></tr></table>"
490 );
491 }
492 } elseif ( $this->displayImg->isSafeFile() ) {
493 # if direct link is allowed but it's not a renderable image, show an icon.
494 $icon = $this->displayImg->iconThumb();
496 $out->addHTML( '<div class="fullImageLink" id="file">' .
497 $icon->toHtml( [ 'file-link' => true ] ) .
498 "</div>\n" );
499 }
501 $longDesc = $this->getContext()->msg( 'parentheses', $this->displayImg->getLongDesc() )->text();
503 $handler = $this->displayImg->getHandler();
505 // If this is a filetype with potential issues, warn the user.
506 if ( $handler ) {
507 $warningConfig = $handler->getWarningConfig( $this->displayImg );
509 if ( $warningConfig !== null ) {
510 // The warning will be displayed via CSS and JavaScript.
511 // We just need to tell the client side what message to use.
512 $output = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
513 $output->addJsConfigVars( 'wgFileWarning', $warningConfig );
514 $output->addModules( $warningConfig['module'] );
515 $output->addModules( 'mediawiki.filewarning' );
516 }
517 }
519 $medialink = "[[Media:$filename|$linktext]]";
521 if ( !$this->displayImg->isSafeFile() ) {
522 $warning = $this->getContext()->msg( 'mediawarning' )->plain();
523 // dirmark is needed here to separate the file name, which
524 // most likely ends in Latin characters, from the description,
525 // which may begin with the file type. In RTL environment
526 // this will get messy.
527 // The dirmark, however, must not be immediately adjacent
528 // to the filename, because it can get copied with it.
529 // See T27277.
530 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Ignore long line
531 $out->addWikiText( <<<EOT
532<div class="fullMedia"><span class="dangerousLink">{$medialink}</span> $dirmark<span class="fileInfo">$longDesc</span></div>
533<div class="mediaWarning">$warning</div>
535 );
536 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
537 } else {
538 $out->addWikiText( <<<EOT
539<div class="fullMedia">{$medialink} {$dirmark}<span class="fileInfo">$longDesc</span>
542 );
543 }
545 $renderLangOptions = $this->displayImg->getAvailableLanguages();
546 if ( count( $renderLangOptions ) >= 1 ) {
547 $currentLanguage = $renderLang;
548 $defaultLang = $this->displayImg->getDefaultRenderLanguage();
549 if ( is_null( $currentLanguage ) ) {
550 $currentLanguage = $defaultLang;
551 }
552 $out->addHTML( $this->doRenderLangOpt( $renderLangOptions, $currentLanguage, $defaultLang ) );
553 }
555 // Add cannot animate thumbnail warning
556 if ( !$this->displayImg->canAnimateThumbIfAppropriate() ) {
557 // Include the extension so wiki admins can
558 // customize it on a per file-type basis
559 // (aka say things like use format X instead).
560 // additionally have a specific message for
561 // file-no-thumb-animation-gif
562 $ext = $this->displayImg->getExtension();
563 $noAnimMesg = wfMessageFallback(
564 'file-no-thumb-animation-' . $ext,
565 'file-no-thumb-animation'
566 )->plain();
568 $out->addWikiText( <<<EOT
569<div class="mw-noanimatethumb">{$noAnimMesg}</div>
571 );
572 }
574 if ( !$this->displayImg->isLocal() ) {
575 $this->printSharedImageText();
576 }
577 } else {
578 # Image does not exist
579 if ( !$this->getId() ) {
582 # No article exists either
583 # Show deletion log to be consistent with normal articles
585 $out,
586 [ 'delete', 'move' ],
587 $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(),
588 '',
589 [ 'lim' => 10,
590 'conds' => [ 'log_action != ' . $dbr->addQuotes( 'revision' ) ],
591 'showIfEmpty' => false,
592 'msgKey' => [ 'moveddeleted-notice' ]
593 ]
594 );
595 }
597 if ( $wgEnableUploads && $user->isAllowed( 'upload' ) ) {
598 // Only show an upload link if the user can upload
599 $uploadTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Upload' );
600 $nofile = [
601 'filepage-nofile-link',
602 $uploadTitle->getFullURL( [ 'wpDestFile' => $this->mPage->getFile()->getName() ] )
603 ];
604 } else {
605 $nofile = 'filepage-nofile';
606 }
607 // Note, if there is an image description page, but
608 // no image, then this setRobotPolicy is overridden
609 // by Article::View().
610 $out->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
611 $out->wrapWikiMsg( "<div id='mw-imagepage-nofile' class='plainlinks'>\n$1\n</div>", $nofile );
612 if ( !$this->getId() && $wgSend404Code ) {
613 // If there is no image, no shared image, and no description page,
614 // output a 404, to be consistent with Article::showMissingArticle.
615 $request->response()->statusHeader( 404 );
616 }
617 }
618 $out->setFileVersion( $this->displayImg );
619 }
628 private function getThumbPrevText( $params, $sizeLinkBigImagePreview ) {
629 if ( $sizeLinkBigImagePreview ) {
630 // Show a different message of preview is different format from original.
631 $previewTypeDiffers = false;
632 $origExt = $thumbExt = $this->displayImg->getExtension();
633 if ( $this->displayImg->getHandler() ) {
634 $origMime = $this->displayImg->getMimeType();
635 $typeParams = $params;
636 $this->displayImg->getHandler()->normaliseParams( $this->displayImg, $typeParams );
637 list( $thumbExt, $thumbMime ) = $this->displayImg->getHandler()->getThumbType(
638 $origExt, $origMime, $typeParams );
639 if ( $thumbMime !== $origMime ) {
640 $previewTypeDiffers = true;
641 }
642 }
643 if ( $previewTypeDiffers ) {
644 return $this->getContext()->msg( 'show-big-image-preview-differ' )->
645 rawParams( $sizeLinkBigImagePreview )->
646 params( strtoupper( $origExt ) )->
647 params( strtoupper( $thumbExt ) )->
648 parse();
649 } else {
650 return $this->getContext()->msg( 'show-big-image-preview' )->
651 rawParams( $sizeLinkBigImagePreview )->
652 parse();
653 }
654 } else {
655 return '';
656 }
657 }
666 private function makeSizeLink( $params, $width, $height ) {
667 $params['width'] = $width;
668 $params['height'] = $height;
669 $thumbnail = $this->displayImg->transform( $params );
670 if ( $thumbnail && !$thumbnail->isError() ) {
671 return Html::rawElement( 'a', [
672 'href' => $thumbnail->getUrl(),
673 'class' => 'mw-thumbnail-link'
674 ], $this->getContext()->msg( 'show-big-image-size' )->numParams(
675 $thumbnail->getWidth(), $thumbnail->getHeight()
676 )->parse() );
677 } else {
678 return '';
679 }
680 }
685 protected function printSharedImageText() {
686 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
687 $this->loadFile();
689 $descUrl = $this->mPage->getFile()->getDescriptionUrl();
690 $descText = $this->mPage->getFile()->getDescriptionText( $this->getContext()->getLanguage() );
692 /* Add canonical to head if there is no local page for this shared file */
693 if ( $descUrl && $this->mPage->getId() == 0 ) {
694 $out->setCanonicalUrl( $descUrl );
695 }
697 $wrap = "<div class=\"sharedUploadNotice\">\n$1\n</div>\n";
698 $repo = $this->mPage->getFile()->getRepo()->getDisplayName();
700 if ( $descUrl &&
701 $descText &&
702 $this->getContext()->msg( 'sharedupload-desc-here' )->plain() !== '-'
703 ) {
704 $out->wrapWikiMsg( $wrap, [ 'sharedupload-desc-here', $repo, $descUrl ] );
705 } elseif ( $descUrl &&
706 $this->getContext()->msg( 'sharedupload-desc-there' )->plain() !== '-'
707 ) {
708 $out->wrapWikiMsg( $wrap, [ 'sharedupload-desc-there', $repo, $descUrl ] );
709 } else {
710 $out->wrapWikiMsg( $wrap, [ 'sharedupload', $repo ], ''/*BACKCOMPAT*/ );
711 }
713 if ( $descText ) {
714 $this->mExtraDescription = $descText;
715 }
716 }
718 public function getUploadUrl() {
719 $this->loadFile();
720 $uploadTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Upload' );
721 return $uploadTitle->getFullURL( [
722 'wpDestFile' => $this->mPage->getFile()->getName(),
723 'wpForReUpload' => 1
724 ] );
725 }
731 protected function uploadLinksBox() {
732 global $wgEnableUploads;
734 if ( !$wgEnableUploads ) {
735 return;
736 }
738 $this->loadFile();
739 if ( !$this->mPage->getFile()->isLocal() ) {
740 return;
741 }
743 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
744 $out->addHTML( "<ul>\n" );
746 # "Upload a new version of this file" link
747 $canUpload = $this->getTitle()->quickUserCan( 'upload', $this->getContext()->getUser() );
748 if ( $canUpload && UploadBase::userCanReUpload(
749 $this->getContext()->getUser(),
750 $this->mPage->getFile() )
751 ) {
753 $this->getUploadUrl(),
754 $this->getContext()->msg( 'uploadnewversion-linktext' )->text()
755 );
756 $out->addHTML( "<li id=\"mw-imagepage-reupload-link\">"
757 . "<div class=\"plainlinks\">{$ulink}</div></li>\n" );
758 } else {
759 $out->addHTML( "<li id=\"mw-imagepage-upload-disallowed\">"
760 . $this->getContext()->msg( 'upload-disallowed-here' )->escaped() . "</li>\n" );
761 }
763 $out->addHTML( "</ul>\n" );
764 }
769 protected function closeShowImage() {
770 }
776 protected function imageHistory() {
777 $this->loadFile();
778 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
779 $pager = new ImageHistoryPseudoPager( $this );
780 $out->addHTML( $pager->getBody() );
781 $out->preventClickjacking( $pager->getPreventClickjacking() );
783 $this->mPage->getFile()->resetHistory(); // free db resources
785 # Exist check because we don't want to show this on pages where an image
786 # doesn't exist along with the noimage message, that would suck. -ævar
787 if ( $this->mPage->getFile()->exists() ) {
788 $this->uploadLinksBox();
789 }
790 }
797 protected function queryImageLinks( $target, $limit ) {
800 return $dbr->select(
801 [ 'imagelinks', 'page' ],
802 [ 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'il_to' ],
803 [ 'il_to' => $target, 'il_from = page_id' ],
804 __METHOD__,
805 [ 'LIMIT' => $limit + 1, 'ORDER BY' => 'il_from', ]
806 );
807 }
809 protected function imageLinks() {
810 $limit = 100;
812 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
814 $rows = [];
815 $redirects = [];
816 foreach ( $this->getTitle()->getRedirectsHere( NS_FILE ) as $redir ) {
817 $redirects[$redir->getDBkey()] = [];
818 $rows[] = (object)[
819 'page_namespace' => NS_FILE,
820 'page_title' => $redir->getDBkey(),
821 ];
822 }
824 $res = $this->queryImageLinks( $this->getTitle()->getDBkey(), $limit + 1 );
825 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
826 $rows[] = $row;
827 }
828 $count = count( $rows );
830 $hasMore = $count > $limit;
831 if ( !$hasMore && count( $redirects ) ) {
832 $res = $this->queryImageLinks( array_keys( $redirects ),
833 $limit - count( $rows ) + 1 );
834 foreach ( $res as $row ) {
835 $redirects[$row->il_to][] = $row;
836 $count++;
837 }
838 $hasMore = ( $res->numRows() + count( $rows ) ) > $limit;
839 }
841 if ( $count == 0 ) {
842 $out->wrapWikiMsg(
843 Html::rawElement( 'div',
844 [ 'id' => 'mw-imagepage-nolinkstoimage' ], "\n$1\n" ),
845 'nolinkstoimage'
846 );
847 return;
848 }
850 $out->addHTML( "<div id='mw-imagepage-section-linkstoimage'>\n" );
851 if ( !$hasMore ) {
852 $out->addWikiMsg( 'linkstoimage', $count );
853 } else {
854 // More links than the limit. Add a link to [[Special:Whatlinkshere]]
855 $out->addWikiMsg( 'linkstoimage-more',
856 $this->getContext()->getLanguage()->formatNum( $limit ),
857 $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey()
858 );
859 }
861 $out->addHTML(
862 Html::openElement( 'ul',
863 [ 'class' => 'mw-imagepage-linkstoimage' ] ) . "\n"
864 );
865 $count = 0;
867 // Sort the list by namespace:title
868 usort( $rows, [ $this, 'compare' ] );
870 // Create links for every element
871 $currentCount = 0;
872 foreach ( $rows as $element ) {
873 $currentCount++;
874 if ( $currentCount > $limit ) {
875 break;
876 }
878 $query = [];
879 # Add a redirect=no to make redirect pages reachable
880 if ( isset( $redirects[$element->page_title] ) ) {
881 $query['redirect'] = 'no';
882 }
884 Title::makeTitle( $element->page_namespace, $element->page_title ),
885 null, [], $query
886 );
887 if ( !isset( $redirects[$element->page_title] ) ) {
888 # No redirects
889 $liContents = $link;
890 } elseif ( count( $redirects[$element->page_title] ) === 0 ) {
891 # Redirect without usages
892 $liContents = $this->getContext()->msg( 'linkstoimage-redirect' )
893 ->rawParams( $link, '' )
894 ->parse();
895 } else {
896 # Redirect with usages
897 $li = '';
898 foreach ( $redirects[$element->page_title] as $row ) {
899 $currentCount++;
900 if ( $currentCount > $limit ) {
901 break;
902 }
904 $link2 = Linker::linkKnown( Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ) );
905 $li .= Html::rawElement(
906 'li',
907 [ 'class' => 'mw-imagepage-linkstoimage-ns' . $element->page_namespace ],
908 $link2
909 ) . "\n";
910 }
912 $ul = Html::rawElement(
913 'ul',
914 [ 'class' => 'mw-imagepage-redirectstofile' ],
915 $li
916 ) . "\n";
917 $liContents = $this->getContext()->msg( 'linkstoimage-redirect' )->rawParams(
918 $link, $ul )->parse();
919 }
920 $out->addHTML( Html::rawElement(
921 'li',
922 [ 'class' => 'mw-imagepage-linkstoimage-ns' . $element->page_namespace ],
923 $liContents
924 ) . "\n"
925 );
927 };
928 $out->addHTML( Html::closeElement( 'ul' ) . "\n" );
929 $res->free();
931 // Add a links to [[Special:Whatlinkshere]]
932 if ( $count > $limit ) {
933 $out->addWikiMsg( 'morelinkstoimage', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey() );
934 }
935 $out->addHTML( Html::closeElement( 'div' ) . "\n" );
936 }
938 protected function imageDupes() {
939 $this->loadFile();
940 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
942 $dupes = $this->mPage->getDuplicates();
943 if ( count( $dupes ) == 0 ) {
944 return;
945 }
947 $out->addHTML( "<div id='mw-imagepage-section-duplicates'>\n" );
948 $out->addWikiMsg( 'duplicatesoffile',
949 $this->getContext()->getLanguage()->formatNum( count( $dupes ) ), $this->getTitle()->getDBkey()
950 );
951 $out->addHTML( "<ul class='mw-imagepage-duplicates'>\n" );
956 foreach ( $dupes as $file ) {
957 $fromSrc = '';
958 if ( $file->isLocal() ) {
959 $link = Linker::linkKnown( $file->getTitle() );
960 } else {
961 $link = Linker::makeExternalLink( $file->getDescriptionUrl(),
962 $file->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() );
963 $fromSrc = $this->getContext()->msg(
964 'shared-repo-from',
965 $file->getRepo()->getDisplayName()
966 )->text();
967 }
968 $out->addHTML( "<li>{$link} {$fromSrc}</li>\n" );
969 }
970 $out->addHTML( "</ul></div>\n" );
971 }
976 public function delete() {
977 $file = $this->mPage->getFile();
978 if ( !$file->exists() || !$file->isLocal() || $file->getRedirected() ) {
979 // Standard article deletion
980 parent::delete();
981 return;
982 }
984 $deleter = new FileDeleteForm( $file );
985 $deleter->execute();
986 }
993 function showError( $description ) {
994 $out = $this->getContext()->getOutput();
995 $out->setPageTitle( $this->getContext()->msg( 'internalerror' ) );
996 $out->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
997 $out->setArticleRelated( false );
998 $out->enableClientCache( false );
999 $out->addWikiText( $description );
1000 }
1010 protected function compare( $a, $b ) {
1011 if ( $a->page_namespace == $b->page_namespace ) {
1012 return strcmp( $a->page_title, $b->page_title );
1013 } else {
1014 return $a->page_namespace - $b->page_namespace;
1015 }
1016 }
1026 public function getImageLimitsFromOption( $user, $optionName ) {
1027 global $wgImageLimits;
1029 $option = $user->getIntOption( $optionName );
1030 if ( !isset( $wgImageLimits[$option] ) ) {
1031 $option = User::getDefaultOption( $optionName );
1032 }
1034 // The user offset might still be incorrect, specially if
1035 // $wgImageLimits got changed (see bug #8858).
1036 if ( !isset( $wgImageLimits[$option] ) ) {
1037 // Default to the first offset in $wgImageLimits
1038 $option = 0;
1039 }
1041 return isset( $wgImageLimits[$option] )
1042 ? $wgImageLimits[$option]
1043 : [ 800, 600 ]; // if nothing is set, fallback to a hardcoded default
1044 }
1054 protected function doRenderLangOpt( array $langChoices, $curLang, $defaultLang ) {
1055 global $wgScript;
1056 sort( $langChoices );
1057 $curLang = wfBCP47( $curLang );
1058 $defaultLang = wfBCP47( $defaultLang );
1059 $opts = '';
1060 $haveCurrentLang = false;
1061 $haveDefaultLang = false;
1063 // We make a list of all the language choices in the file.
1064 // Additionally if the default language to render this file
1065 // is not included as being in this file (for example, in svgs
1066 // usually the fallback content is the english content) also
1067 // include a choice for that. Last of all, if we're viewing
1068 // the file in a language not on the list, add it as a choice.
1069 foreach ( $langChoices as $lang ) {
1070 $code = wfBCP47( $lang );
1071 $name = Language::fetchLanguageName( $code, $this->getContext()->getLanguage()->getCode() );
1072 if ( $name !== '' ) {
1073 $display = $this->getContext()->msg( 'img-lang-opt', $code, $name )->text();
1074 } else {
1075 $display = $code;
1076 }
1077 $opts .= "\n" . Xml::option( $display, $code, $curLang === $code );
1078 if ( $curLang === $code ) {
1079 $haveCurrentLang = true;
1080 }
1081 if ( $defaultLang === $code ) {
1082 $haveDefaultLang = true;
1083 }
1084 }
1085 if ( !$haveDefaultLang ) {
1086 // Its hard to know if the content is really in the default language, or
1087 // if its just unmarked content that could be in any language.
1088 $opts = Xml::option(
1089 $this->getContext()->msg( 'img-lang-default' )->text(),
1090 $defaultLang,
1091 $defaultLang === $curLang
1092 ) . $opts;
1093 }
1094 if ( !$haveCurrentLang && $defaultLang !== $curLang ) {
1095 $name = Language::fetchLanguageName( $curLang, $this->getContext()->getLanguage()->getCode() );
1096 if ( $name !== '' ) {
1097 $display = $this->getContext()->msg( 'img-lang-opt', $curLang, $name )->text();
1098 } else {
1099 $display = $curLang;
1100 }
1101 $opts = Xml::option( $display, $curLang, true ) . $opts;
1102 }
1104 $select = Html::rawElement(
1105 'select',
1106 [ 'id' => 'mw-imglangselector', 'name' => 'lang' ],
1107 $opts
1108 );
1109 $submit = Xml::submitButton( $this->getContext()->msg( 'img-lang-go' )->text() );
1111 $formContents = $this->getContext()->msg( 'img-lang-info' )
1112 ->rawParams( $select, $submit )
1113 ->parse();
1114 $formContents .= Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey() );
1116 $langSelectLine = Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'id' => 'mw-imglangselector-line' ],
1117 Html::rawElement( 'form', [ 'action' => $wgScript ], $formContents )
1118 );
1119 return $langSelectLine;
1120 }
1136 protected function getDisplayWidthHeight( $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $width, $height ) {
1137 if ( !$maxWidth || !$maxHeight ) {
1138 // should never happen
1139 throw new MWException( 'Using a choice from $wgImageLimits that is 0x0' );
1140 }
1142 if ( !$width || !$height ) {
1143 return [ 0, 0 ];
1144 }
1146 # Calculate the thumbnail size.
1147 if ( $width <= $maxWidth && $height <= $maxHeight ) {
1148 // Vectorized image, do nothing.
1149 } elseif ( $width / $height >= $maxWidth / $maxHeight ) {
1150 # The limiting factor is the width, not the height.
1151 $height = round( $height * $maxWidth / $width );
1152 $width = $maxWidth;
1153 # Note that $height <= $maxHeight now.
1154 } else {
1155 $newwidth = floor( $width * $maxHeight / $height );
1156 $height = round( $height * $newwidth / $width );
1157 $width = $newwidth;
1158 # Note that $height <= $maxHeight now, but might not be identical
1159 # because of rounding.
1160 }
1161 return [ $width, $height ];
1162 }
1172 protected function getThumbSizes( $origWidth, $origHeight ) {
1173 global $wgImageLimits;
1174 if ( $this->displayImg->getRepo()->canTransformVia404() ) {
1175 $thumbSizes = $wgImageLimits;
1176 // Also include the full sized resolution in the list, so
1177 // that users know they can get it. This will link to the
1178 // original file asset if mustRender() === false. In the case
1179 // that we mustRender, some users have indicated that they would
1180 // find it useful to have the full size image in the rendered
1181 // image format.
1182 $thumbSizes[] = [ $origWidth, $origHeight ];
1183 } else {
1184 # Creating thumb links triggers thumbnail generation.
1185 # Just generate the thumb for the current users prefs.
1186 $thumbSizes = [
1187 $this->getImageLimitsFromOption( $this->getContext()->getUser(), 'thumbsize' )
1188 ];
1189 if ( !$this->displayImg->mustRender() ) {
1190 // We can safely include a link to the "full-size" preview,
1191 // without actually rendering.
1192 $thumbSizes[] = [ $origWidth, $origHeight ];
1193 }
1194 }
1195 return $thumbSizes;
1196 }
1202 public function getFile() {
1203 return $this->mPage->getFile();
1204 }
1210 public function isLocal() {
1211 return $this->mPage->isLocal();
1212 }
1218 public function getDuplicates() {
1219 return $this->mPage->getDuplicates();
1220 }
1226 public function getForeignCategories() {
1227 $this->mPage->getForeignCategories();
1228 }
The URL path to index.php.
Some web hosts attempt to rewrite all responses with a 404 (not found) status code,...
Limit images on image description pages to a user-selectable limit.
Don't scale a SVG larger than this.
Uploads have to be specially set up to be secure.
Show Exif data, on by default if available.
wfBCP47( $code)
Get the normalised IETF language tag See unit test for examples.
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
wfLocalFile( $title)
Get an object referring to a locally registered file.
wfFindFile( $title, $options=[])
Find a file.
This function accepts multiple message keys and returns a message instance for the first message whic...
wfEscapeWikiText( $text)
Escapes the given text so that it may be output using addWikiText() without any linking,...
Class for viewing MediaWiki article and history.
Definition Article.php:35
Gets the context this Article is executed in.
Definition Article.php:2006
Definition Article.php:242
Get the title object of the article.
Definition Article.php:174
Call to WikiPage function for backwards compatibility.
Definition Article.php:2245
getUser( $audience=Revision::FOR_PUBLIC, User $user=null)
Call to WikiPage function for backwards compatibility.
Definition Article.php:2333
File deletion user interface.
Base class for file repositories.
Definition FileRepo.php:37
Get the human-readable name of the repo.
Implements some public methods and some protected utility functions which are required by multiple ch...
Definition File.php:51
Class for viewing MediaWiki file description pages.
Definition ImagePage.php:30
showError( $description)
Display an error with a wikitext description.
If the page we've just displayed is in the "Image" namespace, we follow it with an upload history of ...
compare( $a, $b)
Callback for usort() to do link sorts by (namespace, title) Function copied from Title::compare()
getThumbSizes( $origWidth, $origHeight)
Get alternative thumbnail sizes.
getImageLimitsFromOption( $user, $optionName)
Returns the corresponding $wgImageLimits entry for the selected user option.
newPage(Title $title)
Definition ImagePage.php:52
getDisplayWidthHeight( $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $width, $height)
Get the width and height to display image at.
makeSizeLink( $params, $width, $height)
Creates an thumbnail of specified size and returns an HTML link to it.
setFile( $file)
Definition ImagePage.php:61
File $displayImg
Definition ImagePage.php:32
Overloading Article's getContentObject method.
WikiFilePage $mPage
Definition ImagePage.php:46
FileRepo $repo
Definition ImagePage.php:35
makeMetadataTable( $metadata)
Make a table with metadata to be shown in the output page.
Handler for action=render Include body text only; none of the image extras.
Definition ImagePage.php:93
bool $mExtraDescription
Definition ImagePage.php:41
queryImageLinks( $target, $limit)
bool $fileLoaded
Definition ImagePage.php:38
Print out the various links at the bottom of the image page, e.g.
Show a notice that the file is from a shared repository.
For overloading.
showTOC( $metadata)
Create the TOC.
This is the default action of the index.php entry point: just view the page of the given title.
Definition ImagePage.php:98
doRenderLangOpt(array $langChoices, $curLang, $defaultLang)
Output a drop-down box for language options for the file.
getThumbPrevText( $params, $sizeLinkBigImagePreview)
Make the text under the image to say what size preview.
static linkKnown( $target, $html=null, $customAttribs=[], $query=[], $options=[ 'known'])
Identical to link(), except $options defaults to 'known'.
Definition Linker.php:164
static processResponsiveImages( $file, $thumb, $hp)
Process responsive images: add 1.5x and 2x subimages to the thumbnail, where applicable.
Definition Linker.php:655
static makeThumbLinkObj(Title $title, $file, $label='', $alt, $align='right', $params=[], $framed=false, $manualthumb="")
Make HTML for a thumbnail including image, border and caption.
Definition Linker.php:507
static makeExternalLink( $url, $text, $escape=true, $linktype='', $attribs=[], $title=null)
Make an external link.
Definition Linker.php:843
static showLogExtract(&$out, $types=[], $page='', $user='', $param=[])
Show log extract.
MediaWiki exception.
static getTitleFor( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='')
Get a localised Title object for a specified special page name If you don't need a full Title object,...
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:39
static userCanReUpload(User $user, File $img)
Check if a user is the last uploader.
Special handling for file pages.
Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object.
if(! $regexes) $dbr
Definition cleanup.php:94
Definition database.txt:21
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at etc Handles the details of getting and saving to the user table of the and dealing with sessions and cookies OutputPage Encapsulates the entire HTML page that will be sent in response to any server request It is used by calling its functions to add text
Definition design.txt:18
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction $rows
Definition hooks.txt:2746
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image all existing parser cache entries will be invalid To avoid you ll need to handle that somehow(e.g. with the RejectParserCacheValue hook) because MediaWiki won 't do it for you. & $defaults also a ContextSource after deleting those rows but within the same transaction you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on $request
Definition hooks.txt:2775
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead can be used to get the real title after the basic globals have been set but before ordinary actions take place $output
Definition hooks.txt:2225
either a plain
Definition hooks.txt:2026
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped & $options
Definition hooks.txt:1971
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable & $code
Definition hooks.txt:863
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output $out
Definition hooks.txt:862
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses just before the function returns a value If you return an< a > element with HTML attributes $attribs and contents $html will be returned If you return $ret will be returned and may include noclasses & $html
Definition hooks.txt:1983
usually copyright or history_copyright This message must be in HTML not wikitext & $link
Definition hooks.txt:2989
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable modifiable after all normalizations have been except for the $wgMaxImageArea check set to true or false to override the $wgMaxImageArea check result gives extension the possibility to transform it themselves $handler
Definition hooks.txt:901
null for the local wiki Added should default to null in handler for backwards compatibility add a value to it if you want to add a cookie that have to vary cache options can modify $query
Definition hooks.txt:1610
globals will be eliminated from MediaWiki replaced by an application object which would be passed to constructors Whether that would be an convenient solution remains to be but certainly PHP makes such object oriented programming models easier than they were in previous versions For the time being MediaWiki programmers will have to work in an environment with some global context At the time of globals were initialised on startup by MediaWiki of these were configuration which are documented in DefaultSettings php There is no comprehensive documentation for the remaining however some of the most important ones are listed below They are typically initialised either in index php or in Setup php For a description of the see design txt $wgTitle Title object created from the request URL $wgOut OutputPage object for HTTP response $wgUser User object for the user associated with the current request $wgLang Language object selected by user preferences $wgContLang Language object associated with the wiki being viewed $wgParser Parser object Parser extensions register their hooks here $wgRequest WebRequest object
Definition globals.txt:64
const NS_FILE
Definition Defines.php:71
Definition defines.php:25
if(!isset( $args[0])) $lang