MediaWiki REL1_30
EditWatchlistCheckboxSeriesField Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for EditWatchlistCheckboxSeriesField:
Collaboration diagram for EditWatchlistCheckboxSeriesField:

Public Member Functions

 validate ( $value, $alldata)
 HTMLMultiSelectField throws validation errors if we get input data that doesn't match the data set in the form setup.
- Public Member Functions inherited from HTMLMultiSelectField
 __construct ( $params)
 filterDataForSubmit ( $data)
 Support for seperating multi-option preferences into multiple preferences Due to lack of array support.
 formatOptions ( $options, $value)
 getDefault ()
 getInputHTML ( $value)
 This function must be implemented to return the HTML to generate the input object itself.
 getInputOOUI ( $value)
 Get the OOUI version of this field.
 getOptionsOOUI ()
 Get options and make them into arrays suitable for OOUI.
 loadDataFromRequest ( $request)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HTMLFormField
 cancelSubmit ( $value, $alldata)
 Override this function if the control can somehow trigger a form submission that shouldn't actually submit the HTMLForm.
 canDisplayErrors ()
 True if this field type is able to display errors; false if validation errors need to be displayed in the main HTMLForm error area.
 filter ( $value, $alldata)
 getAttributes (array $list)
 Returns the given attributes from the parameters.
 getDiv ( $value)
 Get the complete div for the input, including help text, labels, and whatever.
 getErrorsAndErrorClass ( $value)
 Determine form errors to display and their classes.
 getErrorsRaw ( $value)
 Determine form errors to display, returning them in an array.
 getHelpText ()
 Determine the help text to display.
 getHelpTextHtmlDiv ( $helptext)
 Generate help text HTML in div format.
 getHelpTextHtmlRaw ( $helptext)
 Generate help text HTML formatted for raw output.
 getHelpTextHtmlTable ( $helptext)
 Generate help text HTML in table format.
 getInline ( $value)
 Get the complete field as an inline element.
 getLabel ()
 getLabelHtml ( $cellAttributes=[])
 getNotices ()
 Determine notices to display for the field.
 getOOUI ( $value)
 Get the OOUI version of the div.
 getOptions ()
 Fetch the array of options from the field's parameters.
 getRaw ( $value)
 Get the complete raw fields for the input, including help text, labels, and whatever.
 getTableRow ( $value)
 Get the complete table row for the input, including help text, labels, and whatever.
 getTooltipAndAccessKey ()
 Returns the attributes required for the tooltip and accesskey, for Html::element() etc.
 getTooltipAndAccessKeyOOUI ()
 Returns the attributes required for the tooltip and accesskey, for OOUI widgets' config.
 getVForm ( $value)
 Get the complete field for the input, including help text, labels, and whatever.
 hasVisibleOutput ()
 If this field has a user-visible output or not.
 isHidden ( $alldata)
 Test whether this field is supposed to be hidden, based on the values of the other form fields.
 msg ()
 Get a translated interface message.
 needsJSForHtml5FormValidation ()
 Whether this field requires the user agent to have JavaScript enabled for the client-side HTML5 form validation to work correctly.
 setShowEmptyLabel ( $show)
 Tell the field whether to generate a separate label element if its label is blank.
 skipLoadData ( $request)
 Skip this field when collecting data.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from HTMLFormField
static flattenOptions ( $options)
 flatten an array of options to a single array, for instance, a set of "<options>" inside "<optgroups>".
static forceToStringRecursive ( $array)
 Recursively forces values in an array to strings, because issues arise with integer 0 as a value.
- Public Attributes inherited from HTMLFormField
HTMLForm null $mParent
- Protected Member Functions inherited from HTMLMultiSelectField
 getOneCheckbox ( $checked, $attribs, $label)
 needsLabel ()
 Should this field have a label, or is there no input element with the appropriate id for the label to point to?
- Protected Member Functions inherited from HTMLFormField
 getFieldLayoutOOUI ( $inputField, $config)
 Get a FieldLayout (or subclass thereof) to wrap this field in when using OOUI output.
 getLabelAlignOOUI ()
 Get label alignment when generating field for OOUI.
 getMessage ( $value)
 Turns a *-message parameter (which could be a MessageSpecifier, or a message name, or a name + parameters array) into a Message.
 getNearestFieldByName ( $alldata, $name)
 Fetch a field value from $alldata for the closest field matching a given name.
 getOOUIModules ()
 Get the list of extra ResourceLoader modules which must be loaded client-side before it's possible to infuse this field's OOjs UI widget.
 isHiddenRecurse (array $alldata, array $params)
 Helper function for isHidden to handle recursive data structures.
 isSubmitAttempt (WebRequest $request)
 Can we assume that the request is an attempt to submit a HTMLForm, as opposed to an attempt to just view it? This can't normally be distinguished for e.g.
 shouldInfuseOOUI ()
 Whether the field should be automatically infused.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from HTMLFormField
static formatErrors ( $errors)
 Formats one or more errors as accepted by field validation-callback.
- Protected Attributes inherited from HTMLFormField
 $mClass = ''
 $mHelpClass = false
 $mHideIf = null
 $mOptions = false
 $mOptionsLabelsNotFromMessage = false
bool $mShowEmptyLabels = true
 If true will generate an empty div element with no label.
 $mVFormClass = ''

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file EditWatchlistCheckboxSeriesField.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ validate()

EditWatchlistCheckboxSeriesField::validate (   $value,

HTMLMultiSelectField throws validation errors if we get input data that doesn't match the data set in the form setup.

This causes problems if something gets removed from the watchlist while the form is open (T34126), but we know that invalid items will be harmless so we can override it here.

string$valueThe value the field was submitted with
array$alldataThe data collected from the form
bool|string Bool true on success, or String error to display.

Reimplemented from HTMLMultiSelectField.

Definition at line 33 of file EditWatchlistCheckboxSeriesField.php.

References $value, and HTMLFormField\validate().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: