►CPsr\Log\AbstractLogger | |
CTestLogger | A logger that may be configured to either buffer logs or to print them to the output where PHPUnit will complain about them |
►COOUI\ActionFieldLayout | |
CHTMLFormActionFieldLayout | |
CAjaxDispatcher | Object-Oriented Ajax functions |
CAjaxResponse | Handle responses for Ajax requests (send headers, print content, that sort of thing) |
CAnsiTermColorer | Terminal that supports ANSI escape sequences |
CApiAuthManagerHelper | Helper class for AuthManager-using API modules |
CApiContinuationManager | This manages continuation state |
►CApiErrorFormatter | Formats errors and warnings for the API, and add them to the associated ApiResult |
CApiErrorFormatter_BackCompat | Format errors and warnings in the old style, for backwards compatibility |
CApiResultTestSerializableObject | |
CApiResultTestStringifiableObject | |
►CApiSerializable | This interface allows for overriding the default conversion applied by ApiResult::validateValue() |
CApiResult | This class represents the result of the API operations |
CArchivedFile | Class representing a row of the 'filearchive' table |
►CArrayAccess | |
►CFormOptions | Helper class to keep track of options when mixing links and form elements |
CFormOptionsExposed | This file host two test case classes for the MediaWiki FormOptions class: |
CMediaWiki\Session\Session | Manages data for an an authenticated session |
►CArrayObject | |
►CGenericArrayObject | |
CSiteList | |
CArrayUtils | A collection of static methods to play with arrays |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequest | This is a value object for authentication requests |
►CCaptchaAuthenticationRequest | Generic captcha authentication request class |
CReCaptchaAuthenticationRequest | Authentication request for ReCaptcha v1 |
CReCaptchaNoCaptchaAuthenticationRequest | Authentication request for ReCaptcha v2 |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ButtonAuthenticationRequest | This is an authentication request that just implements a simple button |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkAuthenticationRequest | |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest | This transfers state between the login and account creation flows |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest | Returned from account creation to allow for logging into the created account |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest | Authentication request for the reason given for account creation |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\PasswordAuthenticationRequest | This is a value object for authentication requests with a username and password |
CMediaWiki\Auth\PasswordDomainAuthenticationRequest | This is a value object for authentication requests with a username, password, and domain |
CMediaWiki\Auth\RememberMeAuthenticationRequest | This is an authentication request added by AuthManager to show a "remember
me" checkbox |
CMediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequest | This represents the intention to set a temporary password for the user |
CMediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest | This represents additional user data requested on the account creation form |
CMediaWiki\Auth\UsernameAuthenticationRequest | AuthenticationRequest to ensure something with a username is present |
CTitleBlacklistAuthenticationRequest | An authentication request that allows users with sufficiently high privileges to skip the title blacklist check |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationResponse | This is a value object to hold authentication response data |
►CAuthPlugin | Authentication plugin interface |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerAuthPlugin | Backwards-compatibility wrapper for AuthManager via $wgAuth |
►CAuthPluginUser | |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerAuthPluginUser | |
CAutoLoader | Locations of core classes Extension classes are specified with $wgAutoloadClasses This array is a global instead of a static member of AutoLoader to work around a bug in APC |
CAutoloadGenerator | Accepts a list of files and directories to search for php files and generates $wgAutoloadLocalClasses or $wgAutoloadClasses lines for all detected classes |
CAutopromote | This class checks if user can get extra rights because of conditions specified in $wgAutopromote |
CAvroValidator | Generate error strings for data that doesn't match the specified Avro schema |
CBacklinkCache | Class for fetching backlink lists, approximate backlink counts and partitions |
CBacklinkJobUtils | Class with Backlink related Job helper methods |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceActiveFormattingElements | The list of active formatting elements, which is used to handle mis-nested formatting element tags in the HTML5 tree builder specification |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceElement | A BalanceElement is a simplified version of a DOM Node |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceMarker | A pseudo-element used as a marker in the list of active formatting elements |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\Balancer | An implementation of the tree building portion of the HTML5 parsing spec |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceSets | Utility constants and sets for the HTML5 tree building algorithm |
►CBaseBlacklist | Base class for different kinds of blacklists |
CEmailBlacklist | Email Blacklisting |
CSpamBlacklist | |
►CBaseBufferHandler | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\BufferHandler | Updates \Monolog\Handler\BufferHandler to use DeferredUpdates rather than register_shutdown_function |
CBaseDump | Readahead helper for making large MediaWiki data dumps; reads in a previous XML dump to sequentially prefetch text records already normalized and decompressed |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\BasicSearchResultSetWidget | Renders the search result area |
CBatchRowUpdate | |
CBatchRowWriter | |
CBitmapMetadataHandler | Class to deal with reconciling and extracting metadata from bitmap images |
CBlock | |
CBlockLevelPass | |
►CCacheDependency | |
CConstantDependency | |
CFileDependency | |
CGlobalDependency | |
CMainConfigDependency | |
►CCacheTime | Parser cache specific expiry check |
CParserOutput | |
►CCaptchaStore | |
CCaptchaCacheStore | |
CCaptchaHashStore | |
CCaptchaSessionStore | |
CCaptchaValue | Simple value object for storing a captcha question + answer |
CCategoriesRdf | Helper class to produce RDF representation of categories |
CCategory | Category objects are immutable, strictly speaking |
CCategoryFinder | The "CategoryFinder" class takes a list of articles, creates an internal representation of all their parent categories (as well as parents of parents etc.) |
CCategoryMembershipChange | |
CCgzCopyTransaction | Class to represent a recompression operation for a single CGZ blob |
CChangesFeed | Feed to Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLiked |
►CChangesListFilter | Represents a filter (used on ChangesListSpecialPage and descendants) |
CChangesListBooleanFilter | An individual filter in a boolean group |
CChangesListStringOptionsFilter | An individual filter in a ChangesListStringOptionsFilterGroup |
CMockChangesListFilter | |
►CChangesListFilterGroup | Represents a filter group (used on ChangesListSpecialPage and descendants) |
CChangesListBooleanFilterGroup | If the group is active, any unchecked filters will translate to hide parameters in the URL |
CChangesListStringOptionsFilterGroup | Represents a filter group with multiple string options |
CMockChangesListFilterGroup | |
CChangeTags | |
►CCheckLanguageCLI | |
CCheckExtensionsCLI | |
CCheckStorage | Maintenance script to do various checks on external storage |
CCite | A parser extension that adds two tags, <ref> and <references> for adding citations to pages |
CCiteHooks | |
CCiteThisPageHooks | |
CClassCollector | Reads PHP code and returns the FQCN of every class defined within it |
CCloneDatabase | |
►CPsy\CodeCleaner\CodeCleanerPass | |
CCodeCleanerGlobalsPass | Prefix the real command with a bunch of 'global $VAR;' commands, one for each global |
►CCollation | |
►CIcuCollation | |
CCollationCkb | Workaround for the lack of support of Sorani Kurdish / Central Kurdish language ('ckb') in ICU |
CCollationEt | Workaround for incorrect collation of Estonian language ('et') in ICU (T56168) |
CCollationFa | Temporary workaround for incorrect collation of Persian language ('fa') in ICU 52 (bug T139110) |
CIdentityCollation | Collation class that's essentially a no-op |
►CUppercaseCollation | |
►CNumericUppercaseCollation | Collation that orders text with numbers "naturally", so that 'Foo 1' < 'Foo 2' < 'Foo 12' |
►CCustomUppercaseCollation | Resort normal UTF-8 order by putting a bunch of stuff in PUA |
CBashkirUppercaseCollation | |
CMediaWiki\Shell\Command | Class used for executing shell commands |
CMediaWiki\Shell\CommandFactory | Factory facilitating dependency injection for Command |
CCommentStore | CommentStore handles storage of comments (edit summaries, log reasons, etc) in the database |
CCommentStoreComment | CommentStoreComment represents a comment stored by CommentStore |
CComposerHookHandler | @licence GNU GPL v2+ |
CComposerInstalled | Reads an installed.json file and provides accessors to get what is installed |
CComposerJson | Reads a composer.json file and provides accessors to get its hash and the required dependencies |
CComposerLock | Reads a composer.lock file and provides accessors to get its hash and what is installed |
CComposerPackageModifier | @licence GNU GPL v2+ |
CComposerVendorHtaccessCreator | Copyright (C) 2017 Kunal Mehta legok.nosp@m.tm@m.nosp@m.ember.nosp@m..fsf.nosp@m..org |
CComposerVersionNormalizer | @licence GNU GPL v2+ |
►CConfig | Interface for configuration instances |
CGlobalVarConfig | Accesses configuration settings from $GLOBALS |
CHashConfig | A Config instance which stores all settings as a member variable |
CMultiConfig | Provides a fallback sequence for Config objects |
CConfiguredReadOnlyMode | A read-only mode service which does not depend on LoadBalancer |
CConfirmEditHooks | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\ConnectionManager | Database connection manager |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\SessionConsistentConnectionManager | Database connection manager |
►CContent | Base interface for content objects |
►CAbstractContent | Base implementation for content objects |
CDummyContentForTesting | |
CDummyNonTextContent | |
CMessageContent | Wrapper allowing us to handle a system message as a Content object |
►CTextContent | Content object implementation for representing flat text |
CCssContent | Content object for CSS pages |
CJavaScriptContent | Content for JavaScript pages |
►CJsonContent | Represents the content of a JSON content |
CGadgetDefinitionContent | |
CRevisionTestModifyableContent | |
CWikitextContent | Content object for wiki text pages |
►CContentHandler | A content handler knows how do deal with a specific type of content on a wiki page |
►CDummyContentHandlerForTesting | |
CDummyNonTextContentHandler | |
►CTextContentHandler | Base content handler implementation for flat text contents |
CBackupTextPassTestModelHandler | |
►CCodeContentHandler | Content handler for code content such as CSS, JavaScript, JSON, etc |
CCssContentHandler | Content handler for CSS pages |
CJavaScriptContentHandler | Content handler for JavaScript pages |
►CJsonContentHandler | Content handler for JSON |
CGadgetDefinitionContentHandler | |
CRevisionTestModifyableContentHandler | |
►CWikitextContentHandler | Content handler for wiki text pages |
CFileContentHandler | Content handler for File: files TODO: this handler s not used directly now, but instead manually called by WikitextHandler |
CConverterRule | Parser for rules of language conversion , parse rules in -{ }- tag |
CCookie | |
CCookieJar | Cookie jar to use with MWHttpRequest |
CCoreParserFunctions | Various core parser functions, registered in Parser::firstCallInit() |
CCoreTagHooks | Various tag hooks, registered in Parser::firstCallInit() |
►CCountable | |
CMediaWiki\Session\Session | Manages data for an an authenticated session |
CReverseArrayIterator | Convenience class for iterating over an array in reverse order |
CTitleArrayFromResult | |
CUserArrayFromResult | |
CCryptHKDF | |
CCryptRand | |
►CCSSMin | Transforms CSS data |
CCSSMinTestable | |
►CDatabase | |
CDatabaseTestHelper | Helper for testing the methods from the Database class |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseDomain | Class to handle database/prefix specification for IDatabase domains |
►CDatabaseInstaller | Base class for DBMS-specific installation helper classes |
CMssqlInstaller | Class for setting up the MediaWiki database using Microsoft SQL Server |
CMysqlInstaller | Class for setting up the MediaWiki database using MySQL |
COracleInstaller | Class for setting up the MediaWiki database using Oracle |
CPostgresInstaller | Class for setting up the MediaWiki database using Postgres |
CSqliteInstaller | Class for setting up the MediaWiki database using SQLLite |
►CDatabaseUpdater | Class for handling database updates |
CMssqlUpdater | Class for setting up the MediaWiki database using Microsoft SQL Server |
CMysqlUpdater | Mysql update list and mysql-specific update functions |
COracleUpdater | Class for handling updates to Oracle databases |
CPostgresUpdater | Class for handling updates to Postgres databases |
CSqliteUpdater | Class for handling updates to Sqlite databases |
CDateFormatter | Date formatter, recognises dates in plain text and formats them according to user preferences |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBMasterPos | An object representing a master or replica DB position in a replicated setup |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\MySQLMasterPos | DBMasterPos class for MySQL/MariaDB |
►CDeferrableCallback | Callback wrapper that has an originating method |
CAtomicSectionUpdate | Deferrable Update for closure/callback updates via IDatabase::doAtomicSection() |
CAutoCommitUpdate | Deferrable Update for closure/callback updates that should use auto-commit mode |
CMWCallableUpdate | Deferrable Update for closure/callback |
►CDeferrableUpdate | Interface that deferrable updates should implement |
CAtomicSectionUpdate | Deferrable Update for closure/callback updates via IDatabase::doAtomicSection() |
CAutoCommitUpdate | Deferrable Update for closure/callback updates that should use auto-commit mode |
►CCdnCacheUpdate | Handles purging appropriate CDN URLs given a title (or titles) |
CSquidUpdate | |
►CDataUpdate | Abstract base class for update jobs that do something with some secondary data extracted from article |
CGadgetDefinitionDeletionUpdate | DataUpdate to run whenever a page in the Gadget definition is deleted |
CGadgetDefinitionSecondaryDataUpdate | |
CLinksDeletionUpdate | Update object handling the cleanup of links tables after a page was deleted |
CLinksUpdate | Class the manages updates of *_link tables as well as similar extension-managed tables |
CSqlDataUpdate | |
CHTMLCacheUpdate | Class to invalidate the HTML cache of all the pages linking to a given title |
CMWCallableUpdate | Deferrable Update for closure/callback |
CSearchUpdate | Database independant search index updater |
CSiteStatsUpdate | Class for handling updates to the site_stats table |
CWANCacheReapUpdate | Class for fixing stale WANObjectCache keys using a purge event source |
CDeferredStringifier | |
CDeferredUpdates | Class for managing the deferred updates |
CDependencyWrapper | This class stores an arbitrary value along with its dependencies |
►CMediaWiki\Services\DestructibleService | DestructibleService defines a standard interface for shutting down a service instance |
►CMediaWiki\Services\ServiceContainer | ServiceContainer provides a generic service to manage named services using lazy instantiation based on instantiator callback functions |
CMediaWiki\MediaWikiServices | MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\DidYouMeanWidget | Renders a suggested search for the user, or tells the user a suggested search was run instead of the one provided |
►CDiff | Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings |
CWordLevelDiff | Performs a word-level diff on several lines |
CDiffEngine | This diff implementation is mainly lifted from the LCS algorithm of the Eclipse project which in turn is based on Myers' "An O(ND) difference algorithm and its variations" (http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/myers86ond.html) with range compression (see Wu et al |
►CDiffFormatter | Base class for diff formatters |
CArrayDiffFormatter | A pseudo-formatter that just passes along the Diff::$edits array |
CTableDiffFormatter | MediaWiki default table style diff formatter |
CUnifiedDiffFormatter | A formatter that outputs unified diffs |
►CDiffOp | The base class for all other DiffOp classes |
CDiffOpAdd | Extends DiffOp |
CDiffOpChange | Extends DiffOp |
CDiffOpCopy | Extends DiffOp |
CDiffOpDelete | Extends DiffOp |
CFakeDiffOp | Class FakeDiffOp used to test abstract class DiffOp |
CDjVuImage | Support for detecting/validating DjVu image files and getting some basic file metadata (resolution etc) |
CDjVuSupport | Initialize and detect the DjVu files support |
CDnsSrvDiscoverer | |
►COOUI\DropdownInputWidget | |
CMediaWiki\Widget\NamespaceInputWidget | Namespace input widget |
CDummyLinker | |
CMediaWiki\Session\DummySessionBackend | Dummy session backend |
CDummyTermColorer | A colour-less terminal |
►CDumpFilter | |
CDumpLatestFilter | |
CDumpNamespaceFilter | |
CDumpNotalkFilter | |
CExportProgressFilter | |
CDumpMultiWriter | |
►CDumpOutput | |
►CDumpFileOutput | |
►CDumpPipeOutput | |
CDump7ZipOutput | |
CDumpBZip2Output | |
CDumpDBZip2Output | |
CDumpGZipOutput | |
CDumpStringOutput | |
CEditPage | The edit page/HTML interface (split from Article) The actual database and text munging is still in Article, but it should get easier to call those from alternate interfaces |
CEmailNotification | This module processes the email notifications when the current page is changed |
►CEnqueueableDataUpdate | Interface that marks a DataUpdate as enqueuable via the JobQueue |
CLinksDeletionUpdate | Update object handling the cleanup of links tables after a page was deleted |
CLinksUpdate | Class the manages updates of *_link tables as well as similar extension-managed tables |
CEventRelayerGroup | Factory class for spawning EventRelayer objects using configuration |
CExif | Class to extract and validate Exif data from jpeg (and possibly tiff) files |
CExprParser | |
CExtensionJsonValidator | |
CExtensionRegistry | ExtensionRegistry class |
CExternalStore | Constructor class for key/value blob data kept in external repositories |
CExternalStoreFOO | |
►CExternalStoreMedium | Accessable external objects in a particular storage medium |
CExternalStoreDB | DB accessable external objects |
CExternalStoreHttp | Example class for HTTP accessable external objects |
CExternalStoreMwstore | File backend accessable external objects |
CExtParserFunctions | |
CFakeConverter | A fake language variant converter |
►CFeedItem | A base class for basic support for outputting syndication feeds in RSS and other formats |
►CChannelFeed | Class to support the outputting of syndication feeds in Atom and RSS format |
CAtomFeed | Generate an Atom feed |
CRSSFeed | Generate a RSS feed |
CFeedUtils | Helper functions for feeds |
►CLocalisationUpdate\Fetcher | Interface for classes which fetch files over different protocols and ways |
CLocalisationUpdate\FileSystemFetcher | Accesses file system directly |
►CLocalisationUpdate\HttpFetcher | Fetches files over HTTP(s) |
CLocalisationUpdate\GitHubFetcher | This class uses GitHub api to obtain a list of files present in a directory to avoid fetching files that don't exist |
CLocalisationUpdate\FetcherFactory | Constructs fetchers based on the repository urls |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\Field | Base for all database-specific classes representing information about database fields |
CORAField | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\MssqlField | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\MySQLField | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\PostgresField | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\SQLiteField | |
►COOUI\FieldLayout | |
CHTMLFormFieldLayout | |
CFileBackendGroup | Class to handle file backend registration |
►CFileBackendStoreOpHandle | FileBackendStore helper class for performing asynchronous file operations |
CFSFileOpHandle | |
CSwiftFileOpHandle | |
►CFileCacheBase | Base class for data storage in the file system |
CHTMLFileCache | Page view caching in the file system |
CResourceFileCache | ResourceLoader request result caching in the file system |
CFileContentsHasher | |
CFileDeleteForm | File deletion user interface |
►CFileJournal | Class for handling file operation journaling |
CDBFileJournal | Version of FileJournal that logs to a DB table |
CNullFileJournal | Simple version of FileJournal that does nothing |
►CFileOp | FileBackend helper class for representing operations |
CCopyFileOp | Copy a file from one storage path to another in the backend |
CCreateFileOp | Create a file in the backend with the given content |
CDeleteFileOp | Delete a file at the given storage path from the backend |
CDescribeFileOp | Change metadata for a file at the given storage path in the backend |
CMoveFileOp | Move a file from one storage path to another in the backend |
CNullFileOp | Placeholder operation that has no params and does nothing |
CStoreFileOp | Store a file into the backend from a file on the file system |
CFileOpBatch | Helper class for representing batch file operations |
►CFileRepo | Base class for file repositories |
CForeignAPIRepo | A foreign repository with a remote MediaWiki with an API thingy |
►CLocalRepo | A repository that stores files in the local filesystem and registers them in the wiki's own database |
CForeignDBRepo | A foreign repository with an accessible MediaWiki database |
CForeignDBViaLBRepo | A foreign repository with a MediaWiki database accessible via the configured LBFactory |
CMockLocalRepo | Class simulating a local file repo |
CNullRepo | File repository with no files, for performance testing |
CTempFileRepo | FileRepo for temporary files created via FileRepo::getTempRepo() |
►CFilterIterator | |
►CFileBackendStoreShardListIterator | FileBackendStore helper function to handle listings that span container shards |
CFileBackendStoreShardDirIterator | Iterator for listing directories |
CFileBackendStoreShardFileIterator | Iterator for listing regular files |
CMappedIterator | Convenience class for generating iterators from iterators |
CLocalisationUpdate\Finder | Interface for classes which provide list of components, which should be included for l10n updates |
CForeignTitle | A simple, immutable structure to hold the title of a page on a foreign MediaWiki installation |
►CForeignTitleFactory | A parser that translates page titles into ForeignTitle objects |
CNaiveForeignTitleFactory | A parser that translates page titles on a foreign wiki into ForeignTitle objects, with no knowledge of the namespace setup on the foreign site |
CNamespaceAwareForeignTitleFactory | A parser that translates page titles on a foreign wiki into ForeignTitle objects, using information about the namespace setup on the foreign site |
►CForkController | Class for managing forking command line scripts |
COrderedStreamingForkController | Reads lines of work from an input stream and farms them out to multiple child streams |
CFormatJson | JSON formatter wrapper class |
►CFSFile | Class representing a non-directory file on the file system |
CMockFSFile | Class representing an in-memory fake file |
CTempFSFile | This class is used to hold the location and do limited manipulation of files stored temporarily (this will be whatever wfTempDir() returns) |
CGadget | Wrapper for one gadget |
CGadgetDefinitionValidator | Class responsible for validating Gadget definition contents |
CGadgetHooks | |
►CGadgetRepo | |
CGadgetDefinitionNamespaceRepo | GadgetRepo implementation where each gadget has a page in the Gadget definition namespace, and scripts and styles are located in the Gadget namespace |
CMediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo | Gadgets repo powered by MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition |
CGenderCache | Caches user genders when needed to use correct namespace aliases |
CGeSHi | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CGIFMetadataExtractor | GIF frame counter |
CGitInfo | |
CHashRing | Convenience class for weighted consistent hash rings |
CMediaWiki\HeaderCallback | |
►CHistoryBlob | Base class for general text storage via the "object" flag in old_flags, or two-part external storage URLs |
CConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlob | Concatenated gzip (CGZ) storage Improves compression ratio by concatenating like objects before gzipping |
CDiffHistoryBlob | Diff-based history compression Requires xdiff 1.5+ and zlib |
CHistoryBlobCurStub | To speed up conversion from 1.4 to 1.5 schema, text rows can refer to the leftover cur table as the backend |
CHistoryBlobStub | Pointer object for an item within a CGZ blob stored in the text table |
CHooks | Hooks class |
CHtml | This class is a collection of static functions that serve two purposes: |
CHtmlArmor | Marks HTML that shouldn't be escaped |
►CHtmlFormatter\HtmlFormatter | |
CHtmlFormatter | |
►CHTMLFormField | The parent class to generate form fields |
CHTMLApiField | |
►CHTMLButtonField | Adds a generic button inline to the form |
CHTMLSubmitField | Add a submit button inline in the form (as opposed to HTMLForm::addButton(), which will add it at the end) |
CHTMLCheckField | A checkbox field |
CHTMLCheckMatrix | A checkbox matrix Operates similarly to HTMLMultiSelectField, but instead of using an array of options, uses an array of rows and an array of columns to dynamically construct a matrix of options |
CHTMLEditTools | |
CHTMLFancyCaptchaField | Captcha input field for FancyCaptcha that displays a question and returns the answer |
CHTMLFormFieldCloner | A container for HTMLFormFields that allows for multiple copies of the set of fields to be displayed to and entered by the user |
CHTMLFormFieldWithButton | Enables HTMLFormField elements to be build with a button |
CHTMLHiddenField | |
CHTMLInfoField | An information field (text blob), not a proper input |
►CHTMLMultiSelectField | Multi-select field |
CEditWatchlistCheckboxSeriesField | |
CHTMLRadioField | Radio checkbox fields |
CHTMLReCaptchaField | Creates a ReCaptcha widget |
CHTMLReCaptchaNoCaptchaField | Creates a ReCaptcha v2 widget |
►CHTMLSelectField | A select dropdown field |
CHTMLSelectAndOtherField | Double field with a dropdown list constructed from a system message in the format |
CHTMLSelectLimitField | A limit dropdown, which accepts any valid number |
►CHTMLSelectNamespace | Wrapper for Html::namespaceSelector to use in HTMLForm |
CHTMLSelectNamespaceWithButton | Creates a Html::namespaceSelector input field with a button assigned to the input field |
CHTMLSubmittedValueField | Do not generate any input element, just accept a value |
CHTMLTagFilter | Wrapper for ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector to use in HTMLForm |
►CHTMLTextAreaField | |
CHTMLRestrictionsField | Class for updating an MWRestrictions value (which is, currently, basically just an IP address list) |
►CHTMLTextField | <input> field |
CHTMLAutoCompleteSelectField | Text field for selecting a value from a large list of possible values, with auto-completion and optionally with a select dropdown for selecting common options |
CHTMLComboboxField | A combo box field |
CHTMLDateTimeField | A field that will contain a date and/or time |
►CHTMLFloatField | A field that will contain a numeric value |
►CHTMLIntField | A field that must contain a number |
CHTMLSizeFilterField | A size filter field for use on query-type special pages |
CHTMLSelectOrOtherField | Select dropdown field, with an additional "other" textbox |
CHTMLTextFieldWithButton | Creates a text input field with a button assigned to the input field |
CHTMLTitleTextField | Implements a text input field for page titles |
►CHTMLUserTextField | Implements a text input field for user names |
CHTMLUsersMultiselectField | Implements a capsule multiselect input field for user names |
CUploadSourceField | A form field that contains a radio box in the label |
CLicenses | A License class for use on Special:Upload |
►CHTMLNestedFilterable | |
CHTMLCheckMatrix | A checkbox matrix Operates similarly to HTMLMultiSelectField, but instead of using an array of options, uses an array of rows and an array of columns to dynamically construct a matrix of options |
CHTMLMultiSelectField | Multi-select field |
CHtmlTestValue | |
►CHttp | Various HTTP related functions |
CMediaWikiPageNameNormalizerTestMockHttp | |
CWikimedia\Http\HttpAcceptNegotiator | |
CWikimedia\Http\HttpAcceptParser | |
CHTTPFileStreamer | Functions related to the output of file content |
CHttpStatus | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\IBlob | Wrapper allowing us to distinguish a blob from a normal string and an array of strings |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\Blob | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\MssqlBlob | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\PostgresBlob | |
►CICacheHelper | Interface for all classes implementing CacheHelper functionality |
CCacheHelper | Helper class for caching various elements in a single cache entry |
CCachedAction | Abstract action class with scaffolding for caching HTML and other values in a single blob |
CSpecialCachedPage | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase | Basic database interface for live and lazy-loaded relation database handles |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef | Helper class to handle automatically marking connections as reusable (via RAII pattern) as well handling deferring the actual network connection until the handle is used |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\MaintainableDBConnRef | Helper class to handle automatically marking connections as reusable (via RAII pattern) as well handling deferring the actual network connection until the handle is used |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\Database | Relational database abstraction object |
CDatabaseOracle | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMssql | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqlBase | Database abstraction object for MySQL |
CFakeDatabaseMysqlBase | Fake class around abstract class so we can call concrete methods |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysql | Database abstraction object for PHP extension mysql |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqli | Database abstraction object for PHP extension mysqli |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabasePostgres | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseSqlite | |
CDatabaseSqliteMock | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\IMaintainableDatabase | Advanced database interface for IDatabase handles that include maintenance methods |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\Database | Relational database abstraction object |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\MaintainableDBConnRef | Helper class to handle automatically marking connections as reusable (via RAII pattern) as well handling deferring the actual network connection until the handle is used |
►CIDBAccessObject | Interface for database access objects |
CBotPassword | Utility class for bot passwords |
►CCentralIdLookup | The CentralIdLookup service allows for connecting local users with cluster-wide IDs |
CLocalIdLookup | A CentralIdLookup provider that just uses local IDs |
CDBAccessBase | |
CDBAccessObjectUtils | Helper class for DAO classes |
►CFile | Implements some public methods and some protected utility functions which are required by multiple child classes |
CFakeDimensionFile | Media |
CForeignAPIFile | Foreign file accessible through api.php requests |
►CLocalFile | Class to represent a local file in the wiki's own database |
CForeignDBFile | Foreign file with an accessible MediaWiki database |
COldLocalFile | Class to represent a file in the oldimage table |
►CUnregisteredLocalFile | A file object referring to either a standalone local file, or a file in a local repository with no database, for example an FileRepo repository |
CUploadStashFile | |
CRevision | |
►CUser | The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights, email address, options, last login time) |
CPPFuzzUser | |
►CWikiPage | Class representing a MediaWiki article and history |
CWikiCategoryPage | Special handling for category pages |
CWikiFilePage | Special handling for file pages |
CIEContentAnalyzer | This class simulates Microsoft Internet Explorer's terribly broken and insecure MIME type detection algorithm |
CIEUrlExtension | Internet Explorer derives a cache filename from a URL, and then in certain circumstances, uses the extension of the resulting file to determine the content type of the data, ignoring the Content-Type header |
►CIExpiringStore | Generic base class for storage interfaces |
►CBagOStuff | Interface is intended to be more or less compatible with the PHP memcached client |
►CAPCBagOStuff | This is a wrapper for APC's shared memory functions |
CAPCUBagOStuff | This is a wrapper for APCU's shared memory functions |
CEmptyBagOStuff | A BagOStuff object with no objects in it |
►CHashBagOStuff | Simple store for keeping values in an associative array for the current process |
►CCachedBagOStuff | Wrapper around a BagOStuff that caches data in memory |
CMediaWiki\Session\TestBagOStuff | BagOStuff with utility functions for MediaWiki\\Session\\* testing |
►CMemcachedBagOStuff | Base class for memcached clients |
CMemcachedPeclBagOStuff | A wrapper class for the PECL memcached client |
CMemcachedPhpBagOStuff | A wrapper class for the pure-PHP memcached client, exposing a BagOStuff interface |
CMultiWriteBagOStuff | A cache class that replicates all writes to multiple child caches |
CRESTBagOStuff | Interface to key-value storage behind an HTTP server |
CRedisBagOStuff | Redis-based caching module for redis server >= 2.6.12 |
CReplicatedBagOStuff | A cache class that directs writes to one set of servers and reads to another |
CSqlBagOStuff | Class to store objects in the database |
CWinCacheBagOStuff | Wrapper for WinCache object caching functions; identical interface to the APC wrapper |
CXCacheBagOStuff | Wrapper for XCache object caching functions; identical interface to the APC wrapper |
CWANObjectCache | Multi-datacenter aware caching interface |
►CIJobSpecification | Job queue task description interface |
►CJob | Class to both describe a background job and handle jobs |
CActivityUpdateJob | Job for updating user activity like "last viewed" timestamps |
CAssembleUploadChunksJob | Assemble the segments of a chunked upload |
CCategoryMembershipChangeJob | Job to add recent change entries mentioning category membership changes |
CCdnPurgeJob | Job to purge a set of URLs from CDN |
CCreatePdfThumbnailsJob | |
CDeleteLinksJob | Job to prune link tables for pages that were deleted |
CDoubleRedirectJob | Job to fix double redirects after moving a page |
CDuplicateJob | No-op job that does nothing |
CEmaillingJob | Old job used for sending single notification emails; kept for backwards-compatibility |
CEnotifNotifyJob | Job for email notification mails |
CEnqueueJob | Router job that takes jobs and enqueues them to their proper queues |
CHTMLCacheUpdateJob | Job to purge the cache for all pages that link to or use another page or file |
CNullJob | Degenerate job that does nothing, but can optionally replace itself in the queue and/or sleep for a brief time period |
CPublishStashedFileJob | Upload a file from the upload stash into the local file repo |
CRecentChangesUpdateJob | Job for pruning recent changes |
CRefreshLinksJob | Job to update link tables for pages |
CRenameUserJob | Custom job to perform updates on tables in busier environments |
CThumbnailRenderJob | Job for asynchronous rendering of thumbnails |
CJobSpecification | Job queue task description base code |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\ILBFactory | An interface for generating database load balancers |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory | An interface for generating database load balancers |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactoryMulti | A multi-database, multi-master factory for Wikimedia and similar installations |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple | A simple single-master LBFactory that gets its configuration from the b/c globals |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySingle | An LBFactory class that always returns a single database object |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\ILoadBalancer | Database cluster connection, tracking, load balancing, and transaction manager interface |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer | Database connection, tracking, load balancing, and transaction manager for a cluster |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancerSingle | Trivial LoadBalancer that always returns an injected connection handle |
►CILocalizedException | Interface for MediaWiki-localized exceptions |
CApiUsageException | Exception used to abort API execution with an error |
►CErrorPageError | An error page which can definitely be safely rendered using the OutputPage |
►CBadRequestError | An error page that emits an HTTP 400 Bad Request status code |
CBadTitleError | Show an error page on a badtitle |
CLocalFileLockError | |
CPermissionsError | Show an error when a user tries to do something they do not have the necessary permissions for |
CReadOnlyError | Show an error when the wiki is locked/read-only and the user tries to do something that requires write access |
CThrottledError | Show an error when the user hits a rate limit |
CUserBlockedError | Show an error when the user tries to do something whilst blocked |
CUserNotLoggedIn | Redirect a user to the login page |
CLocalizedException | Basic localized exception |
CMalformedTitleException | MalformedTitleException is thrown when a TitleParser is unable to parse a title string |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBExpectedError | Base class for the more common types of database errors |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnectionError | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBReadOnlyError | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBReplicationWaitError | Exception class for replica DB wait timeouts |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBTransactionError | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBTransactionSizeError | |
CImageMap | |
►CImportSource | Source interface for XML import |
CImportStreamSource | Imports a XML dump from a file (either from file upload, files on disk, or HTTP) |
CImportStringSource | Used for importing XML dumps where the content of the dump is in a string |
►CImportTitleFactory | Represents an object that can convert page titles on a foreign wiki (ForeignTitle objects) into page titles on the local wiki (Title objects) |
CNaiveImportTitleFactory | A class to convert page titles on a foreign wiki (ForeignTitle objects) into page titles on the local wiki (Title objects), using a default namespace mapping |
CNamespaceImportTitleFactory | A class to convert page titles on a foreign wiki (ForeignTitle objects) into page titles on the local wiki (Title objects), placing all pages in a fixed local namespace |
CSubpageImportTitleFactory | A class to convert page titles on a foreign wiki (ForeignTitle objects) into page titles on the local wiki (Title objects), placing all pages as subpages of a given root page |
CInputBox | |
CInputBoxHooks | |
►COOUI\InputWidget | |
CMediaWiki\Widget\DateTimeInputWidget | Date-time input widget |
CInstallDocFormatter | |
►CInstaller | Base installer class |
CCliInstaller | Class for the core installer command line interface |
CWebInstaller | Class for the core installer web interface |
CInstallerOverrides | |
CInterwiki | Value object for representing interwiki records |
CInterwikiHooks | |
►CMediaWiki\Interwiki\InterwikiLookup | Service interface for looking up Interwiki records |
CMediaWiki\Interwiki\ClassicInterwikiLookup | InterwikiLookup implementing the "classic" interwiki storage (hardcoded up to MW 1.26) |
CMediaWiki\Interwiki\InterwikiLookupAdapter | |
CIP | A collection of public static functions to play with IP address and IP ranges |
CIPTC | Class for some IPTC functions |
CJavaScriptMinifier | This class is meant to safely minify javascript code, while leaving syntactically correct programs intact |
►CJobQueue | Class to handle enqueueing and running of background jobs |
CJobQueueDB | Class to handle job queues stored in the DB |
CJobQueueFederated | Class to handle enqueueing and running of background jobs for federated queues |
CJobQueueMemory | Class to handle job queues stored in PHP memory for testing |
CJobQueueRedis | Class to handle job queues stored in Redis |
CJobQueueSecondTestQueue | A wrapper for the JobQueue that delegates all the method calls to a single, main queue, and also pushes all the jobs to a second job queue that's being debugged |
►CJobQueueAggregator | Class to handle tracking information about all queues |
CJobQueueAggregatorNull | |
CJobQueueAggregatorRedis | Class to handle tracking information about all queues using PhpRedis |
CJobQueueGroup | Class to handle enqueueing of background jobs |
CJpegMetadataExtractor | Class for reading jpegs and extracting metadata |
CJSCompilerContext | |
CJSMinPlus | |
CJSNode | |
CJSParser | |
CJSToken | |
CJSTokenizer | |
►CLanguage | Internationalisation code |
CLanguageAr | Arabic (العربية) |
CLanguageAz | Azerbaijani (Azərbaycan) |
CLanguageBe_tarask | Belarusian in Taraškievica orthography (Беларуская тарашкевіца) |
CLanguageBg | Bulgarian (Български) |
CLanguageBs | Bosnian (bosanski) |
CLanguageCu | Old Church Slavonic (Ѩзыкъ словѣньскъ) |
CLanguageDsb | Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski) |
CLanguageEn | English |
CLanguageEs | Spanish (español) |
CLanguageEt | Estonian (eesti) |
CLanguageFi | Finnish (Suomi) |
CLanguageGa | Irish (Gaeilge) |
CLanguageHsb | Upper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce) |
CLanguageHu | Hungarian localisation for MediaWiki |
CLanguageHy | Armenian (Հայերեն) |
CLanguageIu | Inuktitut |
CLanguageJa | Japanese (日本語) |
CLanguageKaa | Karakalpak (Qaraqalpaqsha) |
►CLanguageKk_cyrl | Kazakh (Қазақша) |
CLanguageKk | Class that handles Cyrillic, Latin and Arabic scripts for Kazakh right now it only distinguish kk_cyrl, kk_latn, kk_arab and kk_kz, kk_tr, kk_cn |
CLanguageKm | Khmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ) |
CLanguageKsh | Ripuarian (Ripoarėsh) |
►CLanguageKu_ku | Kurdish |
CLanguageKu | Kurdish (Kurdî / كوردی) |
CLanguageLa | Latin (lingua Latina) |
CLanguageMl | Malayalam (മലയാളം) |
CLanguageMy | Burmese (Myanmasa) |
CLanguageOs | Ossetian (Ирон) |
CLanguagePl | Polish (polski) |
CLanguageQqx | For all translated messages, this returns the name of the message bracketed |
CLanguageRu | Russian (русский язык) |
CLanguageShi | Tachelhit |
CLanguageSl | Slovenian (Slovenščina) |
CLanguageSr | Serbian (Српски / Srpski) |
CLanguageTg | Tajik (Тоҷикӣ) |
CLanguageToTest | |
CLanguageTr | Turkish (Türkçe) |
CLanguageTyv | Tyvan localization (Тыва дыл) |
CLanguageUk | Ukrainian (українська мова) |
CLanguageUz | Uzbek |
CLanguageWa | Walloon (Walon) |
CLanguageYue | Cantonese (粵語) |
►CLanguageZh_hans | Simplified Chinese |
►CLanguageZh | Class that handles both Traditional and Simplified Chinese right now it only distinguish zh_hans, zh_hant, zh_cn, zh_tw, zh_sg and zh_hk |
CLanguageGan | Class that handles both Traditional and Simplified Chinese right now it only distinguish gan_hans, gan_hant |
CLanguageCode | Methods for dealing with language codes |
►CLanguageConverter | Base class for language conversion |
CEnConverter | |
CGanConverter | |
CIuConverter | Conversion script between Latin and Syllabics for Inuktitut |
CKkConverter | Kazakh (Қазақша) converter routines |
CKuConverter | Kurdish converter routines |
CShiConverter | Conversion script between Latin and Tifinagh for Tachelhit |
CSrConverter | There are two levels of conversion for Serbian: the script level (Cyrillics <-> Latin), and the variant level (ekavian <->iyekavian) |
CTestConverter | Test converter (from Tajiki to latin orthography) |
CTgConverter | Converts Tajiki to latin orthography |
CUzConverter | |
CZhConverter | |
►CLanguages | |
CExtensionLanguages | |
►CLCStore | Interface for the persistence layer of LocalisationCache |
CLCStoreCDB | LCStore implementation which stores data as a collection of CDB files in the directory given by $wgCacheDirectory |
CLCStoreDB | LCStore implementation which uses the standard DB functions to store data |
CLCStoreNull | Null store backend, used to avoid DB errors during install |
CLCStoreStaticArray | |
CLicense | A License class for use on Special:Upload (represents a single type of license) |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\LikeMatch | Used by Database::buildLike() to represent characters that have special meaning in SQL LIKE clauses and thus need no escaping |
CLinkBatch | Class representing a list of titles The execute() method checks them all for existence and adds them to a LinkCache object |
CLinkCache | Cache for article titles (prefixed DB keys) and ids linked from one source |
CLinker | Some internal bits split of from Skin.php |
CLinkFilter | Some functions to help implement an external link filter for spam control |
CLinkHolderArray | |
CMediaWiki\Linker\LinkRenderer | Class that generates HTML links for pages |
CMediaWiki\Linker\LinkRendererFactory | Factory to create LinkRender objects |
►CMediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget | |
CTitle | Represents a title within MediaWiki |
CTitleValue | Represents a page (or page fragment) title within MediaWiki |
CListToggle | Class for generating clickable toggle links for a list of checkboxes |
CLocalFileDeleteBatch | Helper class for file deletion |
CLocalFileMoveBatch | Helper class for file movement |
CLocalFileRestoreBatch | Helper class for file undeletion |
►CLocalisationCache | Class for caching the contents of localisation files, Messages*.php and *.i18n.php |
CLocalisationCacheBulkLoad | A localisation cache optimised for loading large amounts of data for many languages |
CLocalisationUpdate | Class for localization update hooks and static methods |
►CLockManager | Class for handling resource locking |
CFSLockManager | Simple version of LockManager based on using FS lock files |
CNullLockManager | Simple version of LockManager that does nothing |
►CQuorumLockManager | Version of LockManager that uses a quorum from peer servers for locks |
►CDBLockManager | Version of LockManager based on using named/row DB locks |
CMySqlLockManager | MySQL version of DBLockManager that supports shared locks |
CPostgreSqlLockManager | PostgreSQL version of DBLockManager that supports shared locks |
CMemcLockManager | Manage locks using memcached servers |
CRedisLockManager | Manage locks using redis servers |
CLockManagerGroup | Class to handle file lock manager registration |
►CLogEntry | Interface for log entries |
►CLogEntryBase | Extends the LogEntryInterface with some basic functionality |
►CDatabaseLogEntry | This class wraps around database result row |
CRCDatabaseLogEntry | |
CManualLogEntry | Class for creating log entries manually, to inject them into the database |
►CLogFormatter | Implements the default log formatting |
CBlockLogFormatter | This class formats block log entries |
CContentModelLogFormatter | |
CDeleteLogFormatter | This class formats delete log entries |
CImportLogFormatter | This class formats import log entries |
CInterwikiLogFormatter | Needed to pass the URL as a raw parameter, because it contains $1 |
CLegacyLogFormatter | This class formats all log entries for log types which have not been converted to the new system |
CMergeLogFormatter | This class formats merge log entries |
CMoveLogFormatter | This class formats move log entries |
CNewUsersLogFormatter | This class formats new user log entries |
CPageLangLogFormatter | This class formats language change log entries |
CPatrolLogFormatter | This class formats patrol log entries |
CProtectLogFormatter | This class formats protect log entries |
CRenameuserLogFormatter | LogFormatter for renameuser/renameuser logs |
CRightsLogFormatter | This class formats rights log entries |
CSpamBlacklistLogFormatter | |
CTagLogFormatter | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CUploadLogFormatter | This class formats upload log entries |
CMediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory | PSR-3 logger instance factory |
CLogPage | Class to simplify the use of log pages |
►CMonolog\Formatter\LogstashFormatter | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LogstashFormatter | LogstashFormatter squashes the base message array and the context and extras subarrays into one |
CMagicWord | This class encapsulates "magic words" such as "#redirect", NOTOC, etc |
CMagicWordArray | Class for handling an array of magic words |
►CMail | |
CMail_smtp | |
CMail_mime | |
CMailAddress | Stores a single person's name and email address |
►CMaintenance | Abstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effort |
CAddSite | Maintenance script for adding a site definition into the sites table |
CAllTrans | Maintenance script that gets all messages as defined by the English language file |
CAlterSharedConstraints | When using shared tables that are referenced by foreign keys on local tables you have to change the constraints on local tables |
CAttachLatest | Maintenance script to correct wrong values in the page_latest field in the database |
►CBackupDumper | |
CDumpBackup | |
►CTextPassDumper | |
CTextPassDumperAccessor | Accessor for internal state of TextPassDumper |
CBackupReader | Maintenance script that imports XML dump files into the current wiki |
CBatchedQueryRunner | Maintenance script to run a database query in batches and wait for replica DBs |
CBenchmarkParse | Maintenance script to benchmark how long it takes to parse a given title at an optionally specified timestamp |
CBenchmarkTidy | |
►CBenchmarker | Base class for benchmark scripts |
CBenchHttpHttps | Maintenance script that benchmarks HTTP request vs HTTPS request |
CBenchIfSwitch | Maintenance script that benchmark if elseif... versus switch case |
CBenchStrtrStrReplace | Maintenance script that benchmarks for strtr() vs str_replace() |
CBenchUtf8TitleCheck | This little benchmark executes the regexp formerly used in Language->checkTitleEncoding() and compares its execution time against that of mb_check_encoding |
CBenchWfIsWindows | Maintenance script that benchmarks wfIsWindows() |
CBenchWikimediaBaseConvert | Maintenance script that benchmarks Wikimedia\base_convert() |
CBenchmarkCSSMin | Maintenance script that benchmarks CSSMin |
CBenchmarkDeleteTruncate | Maintenance script that benchmarks SQL DELETE vs SQL TRUNCATE |
CBenchmarkHooks | Maintenance script that benchmarks MediaWiki hooks |
CBenchmarkJSMinPlus | Maintenance script that benchmarks JSMinPlus |
CBenchmarkLruHash | Maintenance script that benchmarks HashBagOStuff and MapCacheLRU |
CBenchmarkPurge | Maintenance script that benchmarks Squid purge |
CCLIParser | Maintenance script to parse some wikitext |
CChangePassword | Maintenance script to change the password of a given user |
CCheckBadRedirects | Maintenance script to check that pages marked as being redirects really are |
CCheckComposerLockUpToDate | Checks whether your composer-installed dependencies are up to date |
CCheckImages | Maintenance script to check images to see if they exist, are readable, etc |
CCheckLess | |
CCheckSyntax | Maintenance script to check syntax of all PHP files in MediaWiki |
CCheckUsernames | Maintenance script to check that database usernames are actually valid |
CCleanupAncientTables | Maintenance script to cleans up old database tables, dropping old indexes and fields |
CCleanupArchiveUserText | |
CCleanupBlocks | Maintenance script to clean up user blocks with user names not matching the 'user' table |
CCleanupInvalidDbKeys | Maintenance script that cleans up invalid titles in various tables |
CCleanupPreferences | Maintenance script that removes hidden preferences from the database |
CCleanupRemovedModules | Maintenance script to remove cache entries for removed ResourceLoader modules from the database |
CCleanupSpam | Maintenance script to cleanup all spam from a given hostname |
CClearInterwikiCache | Maintenance script to clear the cache of interwiki prefixes for all local wikis |
CCommandLineInc | |
CCommandLineInstaller | Maintenance script to install and configure MediaWiki |
CCompareParserCache | |
CCompressOld | Maintenance script that compress the text of a wiki |
CConvertExtensionToRegistration | |
CConvertLinks | Maintenance script to convert from the old links schema (string->ID) to the new schema (ID->ID) |
CConvertUserOptions | Maintenance script to convert user options to the new user_properties table |
CCopyFileBackend | Copy all files in one container of one backend to another |
CCopyJobQueue | Copy all jobs from one job queue system to another |
CCountFancyCaptchas | Maintenance script that counts the number of captchas remaining |
CCreateAndPromote | Maintenance script to create an account and grant it rights |
CDatabaseLag | Maintenance script to show database lag |
CDateFormats | Maintenance script that tests various language time and date functions |
CDeleteArchivedFiles | Maintenance script to delete archived (non-current) files from the database |
CDeleteArchivedRevisions | Maintenance script to delete archived (deleted from public) revisions from the database |
CDeleteBatch | Maintenance script to delete a batch of pages |
CDeleteDefaultMessages | Maintenance script that deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace which were last edited by "MediaWiki default" |
CDeleteEqualMessages | Maintenance script that deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace of which the content is equal to the system default |
CDeleteOldFancyCaptchas | Maintenance script that deletes old fancy captchas from storage |
CDeleteOldRevisions | Maintenance script that deletes old (non-current) revisions from the database |
CDeleteOrphanedRevisions | Maintenance script that deletes revisions which refer to a nonexisting page |
CDeleteSelfExternals | Maintenance script that deletes self-references to $wgServer from the externallinks table |
CDigit2Html | Maintenance script that check digit transformation |
CDumpCategoriesAsRdf | Maintenance script to provide RDF representation of the category tree |
►CDumpIterator | Base class for interating over a dump |
CCompareParsers | Maintenance script to take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files |
CPreprocessDump | Maintenance script that takes page text out of an XML dump file and preprocesses it to obj |
CSearchDump | Maintenance script that runs a regex in the revisions from a dump |
CDumpLinks | Maintenance script that generates a plaintext link dump |
CDumpMessages | Maintenance script that dumps an entire language, using the keys from English |
CDumpRenderer | Maintenance script that takes page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files |
CDumpRev | Maintenance script that gets the text of a revision, resolving external storage if needed |
CEditCLI | Maintenance script to make a page edit |
CEraseArchivedFile | Maintenance script to delete archived (non-current) files from storage |
CExportSites | Maintenance script for exporting site definitions from XML into the sites table |
CFakeMaintenance | Fake maintenance wrapper, mostly used for the web installer/updater |
►CFetchText | Maintenance script used to fetch page text in a subprocess |
CSemiMockedFetchText | Mock for the input/output of FetchText |
CFindDeprecated | Maintenance task that recursively scans MediaWiki PHP files for deprecated functions and interfaces and produces a report |
CFindHooks | Maintenance script that compares documented and actually present mismatches |
CFindMissingFiles | |
CFindOrphanedFiles | |
CFixDoubleRedirects | Maintenance script that fixes double redirects |
CFixT22757 | Maintenance script to fix T22757 |
CFixTimestamps | Maintenance script that fixes timestamp corruption caused by one or more webservers temporarily being set to the wrong time |
CFixUserRegistration | Maintenance script that fixes the user_registration field |
CGenerateCollationData | Generate first letter data files for Collation.php |
CGenerateCommonPassword | Maintenance script to create common password cdb database |
CGenerateFancyCaptchas | Maintenance script to generate fancy captchas using a python script and copy them into storage |
CGenerateJqueryMsgData | This PHP script defines the spec that the mediawiki.jqueryMsg module should conform to |
CGenerateJsonI18n | Maintenance script to generate JSON i18n files from a PHP i18n file |
CGenerateNormalizerDataAr | Generates the normalizer data file for Arabic |
CGenerateNormalizerDataMl | Generates the normalizer data file for Malayalam |
CGenerateRandomImages | |
CGenerateSitemap | Maintenance script that generates a sitemap for the site |
CGetConfiguration | Print serialized output of MediaWiki config vars |
CGetLagTimes | Maintenance script that displays replication lag times |
CGetSlaveServer | Maintenance script that reports the hostname of a replica DB server |
CGetTextMaint | Maintenance script that outputs page text to stdout |
CHHVMMakeRepo | |
CImageBuilder | Maintenance script to update image metadata records |
CImportImages | |
CImportSiteScripts | Maintenance script to import all scripts in the MediaWiki namespace from a local site |
CImportSites | Maintenance script for importing site definitions from XML into the sites table |
CImportTextFiles | Maintenance script which reads in text files and imports their content to a page of the wiki |
CInitEditCount | |
CInitSiteStats | Maintenance script to re-initialise or update the site statistics table |
CInitUserPreference | Initialize a user preference based on the value of another preference |
CInvalidateUserSesssions | Invalidate the sessions of certain users on the wiki |
CJSParseHelper | Maintenance script to test JavaScript validity using JsMinPlus' parser |
CLU | |
CLangMemUsage | This is a command line script |
CListVariants | |
►CLoggedUpdateMaintenance | Class for scripts that perform database maintenance and want to log the update in updatelog so we can later skip it |
CAddRFCAndPMIDInterwiki | Run automatically with update.php |
CCleanupEmptyCategories | Maintenance script to clean up empty categories in the category table |
CFixDefaultJsonContentPages | Usage: fixDefaultJsonContentPages.php |
CFixExtLinksProtocolRelative | Maintenance script that fixes any entriy for protocol-relative URLs in the externallinks table |
CMigrateComments | Maintenance script that migrates comments from pre-1.30 columns to the 'comment' table |
CPopulateBacklinkNamespace | Maintenance script to populate *_from_namespace fields |
CPopulateFilearchiveSha1 | Maintenance script to populate the fa_sha1 field |
CPopulateImageSha1 | Maintenance script to populate the img_sha1 field |
CPopulateIpChanges | Maintenance script that will find all rows in the revision table where rev_user = 0 (user is an IP), and copy relevant fields to ip_changes so that historical data will be available when querying for IP ranges |
CPopulateLogSearch | Maintenance script that makes the required database updates for populating the log_search table retroactively |
CPopulateLogUsertext | Maintenance script that makes the required database updates for Special:ProtectedPages to show all protected pages |
CPopulatePPSortKey | Usage: populatePPSortKey.php |
CPopulateParentId | Maintenance script that makes the required database updates for rev_parent_id to be of any use |
CPopulateRecentChangesSource | Maintenance script to populate the rc_source field |
CPopulateRevisionLength | Maintenance script that populates the rev_len and ar_len fields when they are NULL |
CPopulateRevisionSha1 | Maintenance script that fills the rev_sha1 and ar_sha1 columns of revision and archive tables for revisions created before MW 1.19 |
CMWDocGen | Maintenance script that builds doxygen documentation |
CMaintenanceFixup | Makes parts of the API of Maintenance that is hidden by protected visibily visible for testing, and makes up for a stream closing hack in Maintenance.php |
CMaintenanceFormatInstallDoc | Maintenance script that formats RELEASE-NOTE file to wiki text or HTML markup |
CMakeTestEdits | Make test edits for a user to populate a test wiki |
CManageJobs | Maintenance script that handles managing job queue admin tasks (re-push, delete, ...) |
CMcTest | Maintenance script that makes several 'set', 'incr' and 'get' requests on every memcached server and shows a report |
CMediaWikiShell | Interactive shell with completion and global scope |
CMergeMessageFileList | Maintenance script that merges $wgExtensionMessagesFiles from various extensions to produce a single array containing all message files |
CMigrateFileRepoLayout | Copy all files in FileRepo to an originals container using SHA1 paths |
CMigrateUserGroup | Maintenance script that re-assigns users from an old group to a new one |
CMinifyScript | Maintenance script that minifies a file or set of files |
CMoveBatch | Maintenance script to move a batch of pages |
CMwSql | Maintenance script that sends SQL queries from the specified file to the database |
CNamespaceConflictChecker | Maintenance script that checks for articles to fix after adding/deleting namespaces |
CNukeNS | Maintenance script that removes pages with only one revision from the MediaWiki namespace |
CNukePage | Maintenance script that erases a page record from the database |
COrphanStats | Maintenance script that shows some statistics on the blob_orphans table, created with trackBlobs.php |
COrphans | Maintenance script that looks for 'orphan' revisions hooked to pages which don't exist and 'childless' pages with no revisions |
CPHPUnitMaintClass | |
CPageExists | |
CParserEditTests | Interactive parser test runner and test file editor |
CParserFuzzTest | |
CParserTestsMaintenance | |
CPatchSql | Maintenance script that manually runs an SQL patch outside of the general updaters |
CPopulateCategory | Maintenance script to populate the category table |
CPopulateContentModel | Usage: populateContentModel.php –ns=1 –table=page |
CPopulateInterwiki | |
CProtect | Maintenance script that protects or unprotects a page |
CPruneFileCache | Maintenance script that prunes file cache for pages, objects, resources, etc |
CPurgeChangedFiles | Maintenance script that scans the deletion log and purges affected files within a timeframe |
CPurgeChangedPages | Maintenance script that sends purge requests for pages edited in a date range to squid/varnish |
CPurgeList | Maintenance script that sends purge requests for listed pages to squid |
CPurgeModuleDeps | Maintenance script to purge the module_deps database cache table |
CPurgeOldText | Maintenance script that purges old text records from the database |
CPurgePage | Maintenance script that purges a list of pages passed through stdin |
CPurgeParserCache | Maintenance script to remove old objects from the parser cache |
CReassignEdits | Maintenance script that reassigns edits from a user or IP address to another user |
CRebuildAll | Maintenance script that rebuilds link tracking tables from scratch |
CRebuildFileCache | Maintenance script that builds file cache for content pages |
CRebuildLocalisationCache | Maintenance script to rebuild the localisation cache |
CRebuildMessages | Maintenance script that purges all languages from the message cache |
CRebuildRecentchanges | Maintenance script that rebuilds recent changes from scratch |
CRebuildSitesCache | Maintenance script to dump a SiteStore as a static json file |
CRebuildTextIndex | Maintenance script that rebuilds search index table from scratch |
CRecountCategories | Maintenance script that refreshes category membership counts in the category table |
CRefreshFileHeaders | Maintenance script to refresh file headers from metadata |
CRefreshImageMetadata | Maintenance script to refresh image metadata fields |
CRefreshLinks | Maintenance script to refresh link tables |
CRemoveInvalidEmails | A script to remove emails that are invalid from the user_email column of the user table |
CRemoveUnusedAccounts | Maintenance script that removes unused user accounts from the database |
CRenameDbPrefix | Maintenance script that changes the prefix of database tables |
CRenameUserCleanup | |
CResetUserEmail | Maintenance script that resets user email |
CResetUserTokens | Maintenance script to reset the user_token for all users on the wiki |
CRollbackEdits | Maintenance script to rollback all edits by a given user or IP provided they're the most recent edit |
CRunJobs | Maintenance script that runs pending jobs |
CShowJobs | Maintenance script that reports the number of jobs currently waiting in master database |
CShowSiteStats | Maintenance script to show the cached statistics |
CSqliteMaintenance | Maintenance script that performs some operations specific to SQLite database backend |
CStorageTypeStats | |
CSyncFileBackend | Maintenance script that syncs one file backend to another based on the journal of later |
►CTableCleanup | Generic class to cleanup a database table |
CCapsCleanup | Maintenance script to clean up broken page links when somebody turns on or off $wgCapitalLinks |
CImageCleanup | Maintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable upload filenames |
CTitleCleanup | Maintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable titles |
CWatchlistCleanup | Maintenance script to remove broken, unparseable titles in the watchlist table |
CTestFileOpPerformance | Maintenance script to test fileop performance |
CTidyUpBug37714 | Fixes all rows affected by https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37714 |
CUndelete | |
CUpdateArticleCount | Maintenance script to provide a better count of the number of articles and update the site statistics table, if desired |
CUpdateCSS | |
CUpdateCollation | Maintenance script that will find all rows in the categorylinks table whose collation is out-of-date |
CUpdateDoubleWidthSearch | Maintenance script to normalize double-byte latin UTF-8 characters |
CUpdateExtensionJsonSchema | |
CUpdateMediaWiki | Maintenance script to run database schema updates |
CUpdateRestrictions | Maintenance script that updates page_restrictions table from old page_restriction column |
CUpdateSearchIndex | Maintenance script for periodic off-peak updating of the search index |
CUpdateSpecialPages | Maintenance script to update cached special pages |
CUploadDumper | Maintenance script to dump a the list of files uploaded, for feeding to tar or similar |
CUploadStashCleanup | Maintenance script to remove old or broken uploads from temporary uploaded file storage and clean up associated database records |
CValidateRegistrationFile | |
CViewCLI | Maintenance script to show page contents |
CWrapOldPasswords | Maintenance script to wrap all passwords of a certain type in a specified layered type that wraps around the old type |
CMapCacheLRU | Handles a simple LRU key/value map with a maximum number of entries |
►CMediaHandler | Base media handler class |
►CImageHandler | Media handler abstract base class for images |
►CDjVuHandler | Handler for DjVu images |
CMockDjVuHandler | |
CPdfHandler | Copyright © 2007 Martin Seidel (Xarax) jodel.nosp@m.di@g.nosp@m.mx.de |
►CSvgHandler | Handler for SVG images |
CMockSvgHandler | |
►CTransformationalImageHandler | Handler for images that need to be transformed |
►CBitmapHandler | Generic handler for bitmap images |
CBitmapHandler_ClientOnly | Handler for bitmap images that will be resized by clients |
CBmpHandler | Handler for Microsoft's bitmap format; getimagesize() doesn't support these files |
►CExifBitmapHandler | Stuff specific to JPEG and (built-in) TIFF handler |
CJpegHandler | JPEG specific handler |
CTiffHandler | Handler for Tiff images |
CGIFHandler | Handler for GIF images |
CMockBitmapHandler | |
CPNGHandler | Handler for PNG images |
CWebPHandler | Handler for Google's WebP format https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/ |
CXCFHandler | Handler for the Gimp's native file format; getimagesize() doesn't support these files |
CMediaHandlerFactory | Class to construct MediaHandler objects |
►CMediaTransformOutput | Base class for the output of MediaHandler::doTransform() and File::transform() |
►CMediaTransformError | Basic media transform error class |
CTransformParameterError | Shortcut class for parameter validation errors |
CTransformTooBigImageAreaError | Shortcut class for parameter file size errors |
CThumbnailImage | Media transform output for images |
CMediaWiki | Helper class for the index.php entry point |
CMediaWikiI18N | Wrapper object for MediaWiki's localization functions, to be passed to the template engine |
CMediaWiki\Site\MediaWikiPageNameNormalizer | Service for normalizing a page name using a MediaWiki api |
CMediaWikiPHPUnitBootstrap | |
CMediaWikiVersionFetcher | Provides access to MediaWiki's version without requiring MediaWiki (or anything else) being loaded first |
CMemcached | The phpstorm stubs package includes the Memcached class with two parameters and docs saying that they are optional |
CMemcachedClient | Memcached client class implemented using (p)fsockopen() |
►CMemoizedCallable | APC-backed and APCu-backed function memoization |
CArrayBackedMemoizedCallable | A MemoizedCallable subclass that stores function return values in an instance property rather than APC or APCu |
►CMergeableUpdate | Interface that deferrable updates can implement |
CCdnCacheUpdate | Handles purging appropriate CDN URLs given a title (or titles) |
CSiteStatsUpdate | Class for handling updates to the site_stats table |
CMergeHistory | Handles the backend logic of merging the histories of two pages |
CMessageCache | Message cache Performs various MediaWiki namespace-related functions |
►CMessageLocalizer | Interface for localizing messages in MediaWiki |
►CAction | Actions are things which can be done to pages (edit, delete, rollback, etc) |
►CDummyAction | |
CCalledDummyAction | |
CInstantiatedDummyAction | |
CNamedDummyAction | |
►CFormAction | An action which shows a form and does something based on the input from the form |
CMarkpatrolledAction | Mark a revision as patrolled on a page |
CPurgeAction | User-requested page cache purging |
CRevertAction | File reversion user interface |
►CWatchAction | Page addition to a user's watchlist |
CUnwatchAction | Page removal from a user's watchlist |
►CFormlessAction | An action which just does something, without showing a form first |
CCachedAction | Abstract action class with scaffolding for caching HTML and other values in a single blob |
CCreditsAction | |
CDeleteAction | Handle page deletion |
►CEditAction | Page edition handler |
CSubmitAction | This is the same as EditAction; except that it sets the session cookie |
CHistoryAction | This class handles printing the history page for an article |
CInfoAction | Displays information about a page |
►CProtectAction | Handle page protection |
CUnprotectAction | Handle page unprotection |
CRawAction | A simple method to retrieve the plain source of an article, using "action=raw" in the GET request string |
CRenderAction | Handle action=render |
CRollbackAction | User interface for the rollback action |
CSpecialPageAction | An action that just passes the request to the relevant special page |
CViewAction | An action that views article content |
►CIContextSource | Interface for objects which can provide a MediaWiki context on request |
►CContextSource | The simplest way of implementing IContextSource is to hold a RequestContext as a member variable and provide accessors to it |
►CApiBase | This abstract class implements many basic API functions, and is the base of all API classes |
CApiAMCreateAccount | Create an account with AuthManager |
CApiBlock | API module that facilitates the blocking of users |
CApiCSPReport | Api module to receive and log CSP violation reports |
CApiChangeAuthenticationData | Change authentication data with AuthManager |
CApiCheckToken | |
CApiClearHasMsg | API module that clears the hasmsg flag for current user |
CApiClientLogin | Log in to the wiki with AuthManager |
CApiComparePages | |
CApiDelete | API module that facilitates deleting pages |
CApiDisabled | API module that dies with an error immediately |
CApiEditPage | A module that allows for editing and creating pages |
CApiEmailUser | API Module to facilitate sending of emails to users |
CApiExpandTemplates | API module that functions as a shortcut to the wikitext preprocessor |
CApiFancyCaptchaReload | Api module to reload FancyCaptcha |
CApiFeedContributions | |
CApiFeedRecentChanges | Recent changes feed |
CApiFeedWatchlist | This action allows users to get their watchlist items in RSS/Atom formats |
CApiFileRevert | |
►CApiFormatBase | This is the abstract base class for API formatters |
CApiFormatFeedWrapper | This printer is used to wrap an instance of the Feed class |
►CApiFormatJson | API JSON output formatter |
CApiOpenSearchFormatJson | |
CApiFormatNone | API Serialized PHP output formatter |
CApiFormatPhp | API Serialized PHP output formatter |
CApiFormatRaw | Formatter that spits out anything you like with any desired MIME type |
►CApiFormatXml | API XML output formatter |
CApiFormatXmlRsd | |
CApiHelp | Class to output help for an API module |
CApiImageRotate | |
CApiImport | API module that imports an XML file like Special:Import does |
CApiLinkAccount | Link an account with AuthManager |
CApiLogin | Unit to authenticate log-in attempts to the current wiki |
CApiLogout | API module to allow users to log out of the wiki |
CApiMain | This is the main API class, used for both external and internal processing |
CApiManageTags | |
CApiMergeHistory | API Module to merge page histories |
CApiMove | API Module to move pages |
CApiOpenSearch | |
CApiOptions | API module that facilitates the changing of user's preferences |
CApiPageSet | This class contains a list of pages that the client has requested |
CApiParamInfo | |
CApiParse | |
CApiPatrol | Allows user to patrol pages |
CApiProtect | |
CApiPurge | API interface for page purging |
CApiQuery | This is the main query class |
►CApiQueryBase | This is a base class for all Query modules |
CApiQueryAllMessages | A query action to return messages from site message cache |
CApiQueryAllUsers | Query module to enumerate all registered users |
CApiQueryAuthManagerInfo | A query action to return meta information about AuthManager state |
CApiQueryBlocks | Query module to enumerate all user blocks |
CApiQueryCategoryInfo | This query adds the "<categories>" subelement to all pages with the list of categories the page is in |
CApiQueryContributions | This query action adds a list of a specified user's contributions to the output |
CApiQueryContributors | A query module to show contributors to a page |
CApiQueryDeletedrevs | Query module to enumerate all deleted revisions |
CApiQueryDisabled | API module that does nothing |
CApiQueryExternalLinks | A query module to list all external URLs found on a given set of pages |
CApiQueryFileRepoInfo | A query action to return meta information about the foreign file repos configured on the wiki |
CApiQueryFilearchive | Query module to enumerate all deleted files |
CApiQueryGadgetCategories | Created on 16 April 2011 API for Gadgets extension |
CApiQueryGadgets | Created on 15 April 2011 API for Gadgets extension |
►CApiQueryGeneratorBase | |
CApiQueryAllCategories | Query module to enumerate all categories, even the ones that don't have category pages |
CApiQueryAllImages | Query module to enumerate all available pages |
CApiQueryAllLinks | Query module to enumerate links from all pages together |
CApiQueryAllPages | Query module to enumerate all available pages |
CApiQueryBacklinks | This is a three-in-one module to query: |
CApiQueryBacklinksprop | This implements prop=redirects, prop=linkshere, prop=catmembers, prop=transcludedin, and prop=fileusage |
CApiQueryCategories | A query module to enumerate categories the set of pages belong to |
CApiQueryCategoryMembers | A query module to enumerate pages that belong to a category |
CApiQueryDuplicateFiles | A query module to list duplicates of the given file(s) |
CApiQueryExtLinksUsage | |
CApiQueryIWBacklinks | This gives links pointing to the given interwiki |
CApiQueryImages | This query adds an "<images>" subelement to all pages with the list of images embedded into those pages |
CApiQueryLangBacklinks | This gives links pointing to the given interwiki |
CApiQueryLinks | A query module to list all wiki links on a given set of pages |
CApiQueryPagesWithProp | A query module to enumerate pages that use a particular prop |
CApiQueryPrefixSearch | |
CApiQueryProtectedTitles | Query module to enumerate all create-protected pages |
CApiQueryQueryPage | Query module to get the results of a QueryPage-based special page |
CApiQueryRandom | Query module to get list of random pages |
CApiQueryRecentChanges | A query action to enumerate the recent changes that were done to the wiki |
►CApiQueryRevisionsBase | A base class for functions common to producing a list of revisions |
CApiQueryAllDeletedRevisions | Query module to enumerate all deleted revisions |
CApiQueryAllRevisions | Query module to enumerate all revisions |
CApiQueryDeletedRevisions | Query module to enumerate deleted revisions for pages |
CApiQueryRevisions | A query action to enumerate revisions of a given page, or show top revisions of multiple pages |
CApiQuerySearch | Query module to perform full text search within wiki titles and content |
CApiQueryWatchlist | This query action allows clients to retrieve a list of recently modified pages that are part of the logged-in user's watchlist |
CApiQueryWatchlistRaw | This query action allows clients to retrieve a list of pages on the logged-in user's watchlist |
CApiQueryIWLinks | A query module to list all interwiki links on a page |
►CApiQueryImageInfo | A query action to get image information and upload history |
CApiQueryStashImageInfo | A query action to get image information from temporarily stashed files |
CApiQueryInfo | A query module to show basic page information |
CApiQueryLangLinks | A query module to list all langlinks (links to corresponding foreign language pages) |
CApiQueryLogEvents | Query action to List the log events, with optional filtering by various parameters |
CApiQueryMyStashedFiles | Action=query&list=mystashedfiles module, gets all stashed files for the current user |
CApiQueryPagePropNames | A query module to list used page props |
CApiQueryPageProps | A query module to show basic page information |
CApiQueryReferences | |
CApiQuerySiteinfo | A query action to return meta information about the wiki site |
CApiQueryTags | Query module to enumerate change tags |
CApiQueryTokens | Module to fetch tokens via action=query&meta=tokens |
CApiQueryUserInfo | Query module to get information about the currently logged-in user |
CApiQueryUsers | Query module to get information about a list of users |
CMockApiQueryBase | |
CApiQueryTitleBlacklist | TitleBlacklist extension API |
CApiRemoveAuthenticationData | Remove authentication data from AuthManager |
CApiResetPassword | Reset password, with AuthManager |
CApiRevisionDelete | API interface to RevDel |
CApiRollback | |
CApiRsd | API module for sending out RSD information |
CApiSetNotificationTimestamp | API interface for setting the wl_notificationtimestamp field |
CApiSetPageLanguage | API module that facilitates changing the language of a page |
CApiSpamBlacklist | SpamBlacklist extension API |
CApiStashEdit | Prepare an edit in shared cache so that it can be reused on edit |
CApiTag | |
CApiTokens | |
CApiUnblock | API module that facilitates the unblocking of users |
CApiUndelete | |
CApiUpload | |
CApiUserrights | |
CApiValidatePassword | |
CApiWatch | API module to allow users to watch a page |
CMockApi | |
CApiModuleManager | This class holds a list of modules and handles instantiation |
CCategoryViewer | |
►CChangesList | |
CEnhancedChangesList | |
COldChangesList | |
CDerivativeContext | An IContextSource implementation which will inherit context from another source but allow individual pieces of context to be changed locally eg: A ContextSource that can inherit from the main RequestContext but have a different Title instance set on it |
CDifferenceEngine | |
CFormatMetadata | Format Image metadata values into a human readable form |
►CHTMLForm | Object handling generic submission, CSRF protection, layout and other logic for UI forms |
CEditWatchlistNormalHTMLForm | Extend HTMLForm purely so we can have a more sane way of getting the section headers |
COOUIHTMLForm | Compact stacked vertical format for forms, implemented using OOUI widgets |
CPreferencesForm | Form to edit user preferences |
CUploadForm | Sub class of HTMLForm that provides the form section of SpecialUpload |
CVFormHTMLForm | Compact stacked vertical format for forms |
►CImageGalleryBase | Image gallery |
►CTraditionalImageGallery | |
CNolinesImageGallery | |
►CPackedImageGallery | |
►CPackedOverlayImageGallery | |
CPackedHoverImageGallery | Same as Packed except different CSS is applied to make the caption only show up on hover |
CSlideshowImageGallery | |
CImageHistoryList | Builds the image revision log shown on image pages |
►CImportReporter | Reporting callback |
CApiImportReporter | Import reporter for the API |
►CIndexPager | IndexPager is an efficient pager which uses a (roughly unique) index in the data set to implement paging, rather than a "LIMIT offset,limit" clause |
►CAlphabeticPager | IndexPager with an alphabetic list and a formatted navigation bar |
CCategoryPager | |
CProtectedTitlesPager | |
►CUsersPager | This class is used to get a list of user |
CActiveUsersPager | This class is used to get a list of active users |
CDeletedContribsPager | |
►CReverseChronologicalPager | Efficient paging for SQL queries |
CHistoryPager | |
CImageHistoryPseudoPager | |
CLogPager | |
CMergeHistoryPager | |
CNewPagesPager | |
►CRangeChronologicalPager | Pager for filtering by a range of dates |
CContribsPager | |
CNewFilesPager | |
►CTablePager | Table-based display with a user-selectable sort order |
CAllMessagesTablePager | |
CBlockListPager | |
CImageListPager | |
CProtectedPagesPager | |
CLogEventsList | |
CLoginHelper | Helper functions for the login form that need to be shared with other special pages (such as CentralAuth's SpecialCentralLogin) |
COutputPage | This class should be covered by a general architecture document which does not exist as of January 2011 |
►CRevisionListBase | List for revision table items for a single page |
►CChangeTagsList | Generic list for change tagging |
CChangeTagsLogList | Stores a list of taggable log entries |
CChangeTagsRevisionList | Stores a list of taggable revisions |
►CRevDelList | Abstract base class for a list of deletable items |
►CRevDelFileList | List for oldimage table items |
CRevDelArchivedFileList | List for filearchive table items |
CRevDelLogList | List for logging table items |
►CRevDelRevisionList | List for revision table items |
CRevDelArchiveList | List for archive table items, i.e |
CRevisionList | |
►CSkin | The main skin class which provides methods and properties for all other skins |
►CSkinTemplate | Base class for template-based skins |
CSkinApi | SkinTemplate class for API output |
CSkinCologneBlue | |
CSkinFallback | SkinTemplate class for the fallback skin |
CSkinModern | Inherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter |
CSkinMonoBook | Inherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter |
CSkinVector | SkinTemplate class for Vector skin |
►CRequestContext | Group all the pieces relevant to the context of a request into one instance |
CApiTestContext | |
►CResourceLoaderContext | Object passed around to modules which contains information about the state of a specific loader request |
CDerivativeResourceLoaderContext | Allows changing specific properties of a context object, without changing the main one |
►CSpecialPage | Parent class for all special pages |
►CAuthManagerSpecialPage | A special page subclass for authentication-related special pages |
►CLoginSignupSpecialPage | Holds shared logic for login and account creation pages |
CSpecialCreateAccount | Implements Special:CreateAccount |
CSpecialUserLogin | Implements Special:UserLogin |
►CSpecialChangeCredentials | Special change to change credentials (such as the password) |
CSpecialRemoveCredentials | Special change to remove credentials (such as a two-factor token) |
CSpecialLinkAccounts | Links/unlinks external accounts to the current user |
CSpecialUnlinkAccounts | |
►CChangesListSpecialPage | Special page which uses a ChangesList to show query results |
►CSpecialRecentChanges | A special page that lists last changes made to the wiki |
CSpecialRecentChangesLinked | This is to display changes made to all articles linked in an article |
CSpecialWatchlist | A special page that lists last changes made to the wiki, limited to user-defined list of titles |
CDeletedContributionsPage | Implements Special:DeletedContributions to display archived revisions |
►CFormSpecialPage | Special page which uses an HTMLForm to handle processing |
CSpecialBlock | A special page that allows users with 'block' right to block users from editing pages and other actions |
CSpecialBotPasswords | Let users manage bot passwords |
CSpecialChangeContentModel | |
CSpecialChangeEmail | Let users change their email address |
CSpecialCiteThisPage | |
CSpecialLockdb | A form to make the database readonly (eg for maintenance purposes) |
CSpecialPageLanguage | Special page for changing the content language of a page |
CSpecialPasswordReset | Special page for requesting a password reset email |
CSpecialRandomInCategory | Special page to direct the user to a random page |
CSpecialRedirect | A special page that redirects to: the user for a numeric user id, the file for a given filename, or the page for a given revision id |
CSpecialResetTokens | Let users reset tokens like the watchlist token |
CSpecialUnlockdb | Implements Special:Unlockdb |
►CIncludableSpecialPage | Shortcut to construct an includable special page |
►CSpecialAllPages | Implements Special:Allpages |
CSpecialPrefixindex | Implements Special:Prefixindex |
CSpecialContributions | Special:Contributions, show user contributions in a paged list |
CSpecialListFiles | |
CSpecialListUsers | |
CSpecialNewFiles | |
CSpecialNewpages | A special page that list newly created pages |
CSpecialWhatLinksHere | Implements Special:Whatlinkshere |
CLoginForm | LoginForm as a special page has been replaced by SpecialUserLogin and SpecialCreateAccount, but some extensions called its public methods directly, so the class is retained as a B/C wrapper |
►CQueryPage | This is a class for doing query pages; since they're almost all the same, we factor out some of the functionality into a superclass, and let subclasses derive from it |
CAncientPagesPage | Implements Special:Ancientpages |
CBrokenRedirectsPage | A special page listing redirects to non existent page |
CDoubleRedirectsPage | A special page listing redirects to redirecting page |
►CFewestrevisionsPage | Special page for listing the articles with the fewest revisions |
CMostrevisionsPage | |
CFileDuplicateSearchPage | Searches the database for files of the requested hash, comparing this with the 'img_sha1' field in the image table |
►CImageQueryPage | Variant of QueryPage which uses a gallery to output results, thus suited for reports generating images |
CMostimagesPage | A special page that lists most used images |
CUncategorizedImagesPage | Special page lists images which haven't been categorised |
CUnusedimagesPage | A special page that lists unused images |
CLinkSearchPage | Special:LinkSearch to search the external-links table |
CListDuplicatedFilesPage | Special:ListDuplicatedFiles Lists all files where the current version is a duplicate of the current version of some other file |
CListredirectsPage | Special:Listredirects - Lists all the redirects on the wiki |
CMIMEsearchPage | Searches the database for files of the requested MIME type, comparing this with the 'img_major_mime' and 'img_minor_mime' fields in the image table |
CMediaStatisticsPage | |
CMostcategoriesPage | A special page that list pages that have highest category count |
CMostinterwikisPage | A special page that listed pages that have highest interwiki count |
CMostlinkedCategoriesPage | A querypage to show categories ordered in descending order by the pages in them |
CMostlinkedPage | A special page to show pages ordered by the number of pages linking to them |
CMostlinkedTemplatesPage | Special page lists templates with a large number of transclusion links, i.e |
►CPageQueryPage | Variant of QueryPage which formats the result as a simple link to the page |
CDeadendPagesPage | A special page that list pages that contain no link to other pages |
CLonelyPagesPage | A special page looking for articles with no article linking to them, thus being lonely |
►CUncategorizedPagesPage | A special page looking for page without any category |
CUncategorizedCategoriesPage | A special page that lists uncategorized categories |
CUncategorizedTemplatesPage | Special page lists all uncategorised pages in the template namespace |
CWithoutInterwikiPage | Special page lists pages without language links |
►CShortPagesPage | SpecialShortpages extends QueryPage |
CLongPagesPage | |
CSpecialGadgetUsage | Special:GadgetUsage - Lists all the gadgets on the wiki along with number of users |
CSpecialPagesWithProp | Special:PagesWithProp to search the page_props table |
CUnusedCategoriesPage | |
CUnusedtemplatesPage | A special page that lists unused templates |
CUnwatchedpagesPage | A special page that displays a list of pages that are not on anyones watchlist |
►CWantedQueryPage | Class definition for a wanted query page like WantedPages, WantedTemplates, etc |
CWantedCategoriesPage | A querypage to list the most wanted categories - implements Special:Wantedcategories |
CWantedFilesPage | Querypage that lists the most wanted files |
CWantedPagesPage | A special page that lists most linked pages that does not exist |
CWantedTemplatesPage | A querypage to list the most wanted templates |
►CRandomPage | Special page to direct the user to a random page |
CSpecialRandomredirect | Special page to direct the user to a random redirect page (minus the second redirect) |
CSpecialRandomrootpage | |
CSpecialActiveUsers | Implements Special:Activeusers |
CSpecialAllMessages | |
CSpecialApiSandbox | |
CSpecialAutoblockList | A special page that lists autoblocks |
CSpecialBlockList | A special page that lists existing blocks |
CSpecialBookSources | Special page outputs information on sourcing a book with a particular ISBN The parser creates links to this page when dealing with ISBNs in wikitext |
CSpecialCachedPage | |
CSpecialCategories | |
CSpecialComparePages | Implements Special:ComparePages |
CSpecialExpandTemplates | A special page that expands submitted templates, parser functions, and variables, allowing easier debugging of these |
CSpecialExport | A special page that allows users to export pages in a XML file |
CSpecialGadgets | |
CSpecialImport | MediaWiki page data importer |
CSpecialInterwiki | Implements Special:Interwiki |
CSpecialJavaScriptTest | |
CSpecialListGrants | This special page lists all defined rights grants and the associated rights |
CSpecialListGroupRights | This special page lists all defined user groups and the associated rights |
CSpecialLog | A special page that lists log entries |
CSpecialMergeHistory | Special page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to merge article histories, with some restrictions |
CSpecialNuke | |
CSpecialPageData | Special page to act as an endpoint for accessing raw page data |
CSpecialPreferences | A special page that allows users to change their preferences |
CSpecialProtectedpages | A special page that lists protected pages |
CSpecialProtectedtitles | A special page that list protected titles from creation |
CSpecialRenameuser | Special page that allows authorised users to rename user accounts |
CSpecialSearch | Implements Special:Search - Run text & title search and display the output |
CSpecialStatistics | Special page lists various statistics, including the contents of site_stats , plus page view details if enabled |
CSpecialTags | A special page that lists tags for edits |
CSpecialTrackingCategories | A special page that displays list of tracking categories Tracking categories allow pages with certain characteristics to be tracked |
CSpecialUnblock | A special page for unblocking users |
CSpecialUndelete | Special page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to view and restore deleted content |
CSpecialUpload | Form for handling uploads and special page |
CSpecialVersion | Give information about the version of MediaWiki, PHP, the DB and extensions |
►CUnlistedSpecialPage | Shortcut to construct a special page which is unlisted by default |
CCaptchaSpecialPage | |
CEmailConfirmation | Special page allows users to request email confirmation message, and handles processing of the confirmation code when the link in the email is followed |
CEmailInvalidation | Special page allows users to cancel an email confirmation using the e-mail confirmation code |
CMovePageForm | A special page that allows users to change page titles |
►CRedirectSpecialPage | Shortcut to construct a special page alias |
►CRedirectSpecialArticle | Superclass for any RedirectSpecialPage which redirects the user to a particular article (as opposed to user contributions, logs, etc.) |
CSpecialMyLanguage | Unlisted special page just to redirect the user to the translated version of a page, if it exists |
CSpecialMypage | Special page pointing to current user's user page |
CSpecialMytalk | Special page pointing to current user's talk page |
CSpecialAllMyUploads | Special page pointing to current user's uploaded files (including old versions) |
CSpecialDiff | Redirect from Special:Diff/### to index.php?diff=### and from Special:Diff/###/### to index.php?oldid=###&diff=### |
CSpecialFilepath | A special page that redirects to the URL of a given file |
CSpecialMycontributions | Special page pointing to current user's contributions |
CSpecialMyuploads | Special page pointing to current user's uploaded files |
CSpecialPermanentLink | Redirect from Special:PermanentLink/### to index.php?oldid=### |
►CSpecialRedirectToSpecial | |
CSpecialChangePassword | Let users recover their password |
CSpecialListAdmins | Redirect page: Special:ListAdmins --> Special:ListUsers/sysop |
CSpecialListBots | Redirect page: Special:ListBots --> Special:ListUsers/bot |
CSpecialApiHelp | Special page to redirect to API help pages, for situations where linking to the api.php endpoint is not wanted |
CSpecialBlankpage | Special page designed for basic benchmarking of MediaWiki since it doesn't really do much |
CSpecialEditTags | Special page for adding and removing change tags to individual revisions |
CSpecialEditWatchlist | Provides the UI through which users can perform editing operations on their watchlist |
CSpecialEmailUser | A special page that allows users to send e-mails to other users |
CSpecialGoToInterwiki | Landing page for non-local interwiki links |
CSpecialRevisionDelete | Special page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to view and hide revisions |
CSpecialRunJobs | Special page designed for running background tasks (internal use only) |
CSpecialSpecialpages | A special page that lists special pages |
CSpecialUploadStash | Web access for files temporarily stored by UploadStash |
CSpecialUserLogout | Implements Special:Userlogout |
CUserrightsPage | Special page to allow managing user group membership |
►CMessageSpecifier | |
►CIApiMessage | Interface for messages with machine-readable data for use by the API |
CApiMessage | Extension of Message implementing IApiMessage |
CApiRawMessage | Extension of RawMessage implementing IApiMessage |
►CMessage | Methods which fulfil two basic services: |
CApiHelpParamValueMessage | Message subclass that prepends wikitext for API help |
CApiMessage | Extension of Message implementing IApiMessage |
►CRawMessage | Variant of the Message class |
CApiRawMessage | Extension of RawMessage implementing IApiMessage |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBExpectedError | Base class for the more common types of database errors |
CMockImageHandler | Mock handler for images |
►CMonologLineFormatter | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LineFormatter | Formats incoming records into a one-line string |
CMovePage | Handles the backend logic of moving a page from one title to another |
►CMutableConfig | Interface for mutable configuration instances |
CHashConfig | A Config instance which stores all settings as a member variable |
►CMutableContext | |
CDerivativeContext | An IContextSource implementation which will inherit context from another source but allow individual pieces of context to be changed locally eg: A ContextSource that can inherit from the main RequestContext but have a different Title instance set on it |
CRequestContext | Group all the pieces relevant to the context of a request into one instance |
CMWCryptHash | |
CMWCryptHKDF | |
CMWCryptRand | |
CMWDebug | New debugger system that outputs a toolbar on page view |
CMWExceptionHandler | Handler class for MWExceptions |
CMWExceptionRenderer | Class to expose exceptions to the client (API bots, users, admins using CLI scripts) |
CMWFileProps | MimeMagic helper wrapper |
CMWGrants | A collection of public static functions to deal with grants |
CMWLBFactory | MediaWiki-specific class for generating database load balancers |
CMWMessagePack | |
CMWNamespace | This is a utility class with only static functions for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "magic" behaviors of them based on index |
CMWRestrictions | A class to check request restrictions expressed as a JSON object |
CMWTidy | Class to interact with HTML tidy |
CMediaWiki\Languages\Data\Names | Language names in their own languages (language autonyms) |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\NextSequenceValue | Used by Database::nextSequenceValue() so Database::insert() can detect values coming from the deprecated function |
►CPhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract | |
►CFileAwareNodeVisitor | A PHPParser node visitor that associates each node with its file name |
CDeprecatedInterfaceFinder | A PHPParser node visitor that finds deprecated functions and methods |
CNothingClass | |
CNukeHooks | |
CObjectCache | Functions to get cache objects |
CObjectFactory | Construct objects from configuration instructions |
CObjectFactoryTestFixture | |
CORAResult | The oci8 extension is fairly weak and doesn't support oci_num_rows, among other things |
►CPage | Interface for type hinting (accepts WikiPage, Article, ImagePage, CategoryPage) |
►CArticle | Class for viewing MediaWiki article and history |
CCategoryPage | Special handling for category description pages, showing pages, subcategories and file that belong to the category |
CImagePage | Class for viewing MediaWiki file description pages |
CWikiPage | Class representing a MediaWiki article and history |
CPageArchive | Used to show archived pages and eventually restore them |
CPageDataRequestHandler | Request handler implementing a data interface for mediawiki pages |
CPageProps | Gives access to properties of a page |
►CPager | Basic pager interface |
CIndexPager | IndexPager is an efficient pager which uses a (roughly unique) index in the data set to implement paging, rather than a "LIMIT offset,limit" clause |
CParser | PHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into (X)HTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display) |
CParserCache | |
CParserDiffTest | |
CParserFunctionsHooks | |
CParserOptions | Set options of the Parser |
CMediaWiki\Search\ParserOutputSearchDataExtractor | Extracts data from ParserOutput for indexing in the search engine |
CParserTestMockParser | A parser used during article insertion which does nothing, to avoid unnecessary log noise and other interference with debugging |
CParserTestParserHook | |
CParserTestResult | Represent the result of a parser test |
CParserTestResultNormalizer | |
CParserTestRunner | |
►CPassword | Represents a password hash for use in authentication |
CInvalidPassword | Represents an invalid password hash |
►CParameterizedPassword | Helper class for password hash types that have a delimited set of parameters inside of the hash |
CBcryptPassword | A Bcrypt-hashed password |
CEncryptedPassword | Helper class for passwords that use another password hash underneath it and encrypts that hash with a configured secret |
CLayeredParameterizedPassword | This password hash type layers one or more parameterized password types on top of each other |
CMWOldPassword | The old style of MediaWiki password hashing |
CMWSaltedPassword | The old style of MediaWiki password hashing, with a salt |
CPbkdf2Password | A PBKDF2-hashed password |
CPasswordFactory | Factory class for creating and checking Password objects |
CPasswordPolicyChecks | Functions to check passwords against a policy requirement |
CPathRouter | PathRouter class |
CPathRouterPatternReplacer | |
CPatrolLog | Class containing static functions for working with logs of patrol events |
CPdfImage | Inspired by djvuimage from Brion Vibber modified and written by xarax |
CPEAR | Minimal set of classes necessary for UserMailer to be happy |
CPEAR_Error | |
►CPHPUnit_Framework_TestCase | |
CArrayUtilsTest | Test class for ArrayUtils class |
CAvailableRightsTest | Try to make sure that extensions register all rights in $wgAvailableRights or via the 'UserGetAllRights' hook |
CAvroValidatorTest | Tests for IP validity functions |
CCachedBagOStuffTest | BagOStuff |
CCommandFactoryTest | Shell |
CCommandTest | Shell |
CComposerVersionNormalizerTest | ComposerVersionNormalizer |
CDatabaseDomainTest | Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseDomain |
CDatabaseMysqlBaseTest | |
CDatabaseSQLTest | Test the parts of the Database abstract class that deal with creating SQL text |
CDatabaseTest | |
CDeferredStringifierTest | |
CDerivativeResourceLoaderContextTest | ResourceLoader DerivativeResourceLoaderContext |
CDnsSrvDiscovererTest | |
CEtcConfigTest | |
CExtensionJsonValidationTest | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CFauxRequestTest | |
CFileBasedSiteLookupTest | |
CFileContentsHasherTest | FileContentsHasherTest |
CGenericArrayObjectTest | |
CHTMLFancyCaptchaFieldTest | |
CHTMLReCaptchaFieldTest | |
CHTMLReCaptchaNoCaptchaFieldTest | |
CHTMLRestrictionsFieldTest | |
CHTMLSubmittedValueFieldTest | |
CHashBagOStuffTest | BagOStuff |
CHashRingTest | HashRing |
CHtmlArmorTest | HtmlArmor |
CHttpAcceptNegotiatorTest | Wikimedia\Http\HttpAcceptNegotiator |
CHttpAcceptParserTest | Wikimedia\Http\HttpAcceptParser |
CIEUrlExtensionTest | Tests for IEUrlExtension::findIE6Extension |
CIPTest | Tests for IP validity functions |
CJavaScriptMinifierTest | |
CJobQueueMemoryTest | JobQueueMemory |
CLanguageCodeTest | LanguageCode |
CLocalisationUpdate\FinderTest | |
CLocalisationUpdate\JSONReaderTest | |
CLocalisationUpdate\ReaderFactoryTest | |
CLocalisationUpdate\UpdaterTest | |
CMWCryptHashTest | Hash |
►CMWHttpRequestTestCase | |
CCurlHttpRequestTest | |
CPhpHttpRequestTest | |
CMWMessagePackTest | PHP Unit tests for MWMessagePack MWMessagePack |
CMWRestrictionsTest | |
CMediaWiki\Auth\EmailNotificationSecondaryAuthenticationProviderTest | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LogstashFormatterTest | |
CMediaWikiPageNameNormalizerTest | MediaWiki\Site\MediaWikiPageNameNormalizer |
►CMediaWikiTestCase | |
►CAbstractChangesListSpecialPageTestCase | Abstract base class for shared logic when testing ChangesListSpecialPage and subclasses |
CChangesListSpecialPageTest | Test class for ChangesListSpecialPage class |
CSpecialRecentchangesTest | Test class for SpecialRecentchanges class |
CActionTest | Action |
CApiContinuationManagerTest | ApiContinuationManager API |
►CApiFormatTestBase | |
CApiFormatJsonTest | API ApiFormatJson |
CApiFormatNoneTest | API ApiFormatNone |
CApiFormatPhpTest | API ApiFormatPhp |
CApiFormatXmlTest | API Database ApiFormatXml |
CApiMessageTest | API |
CApiModuleManagerTest | ApiModuleManager |
CApiOpenSearchTest | |
CApiResultTest | ApiResult API |
CApiStructureTest | Checks that all API modules, core and extensions, conform to the conventions: |
CArrayDiffFormatterTest | |
CArticleTest | |
CAutoLoaderTest | |
CAutopromoteTest | |
CBadTitleErrorTest | BadTitleError |
CBagOStuffTest | |
CBalancerTest | |
CBaseBlacklistTest | BaseBlacklist |
CBaseDumpTest | Tests for BaseDump |
CBatchRowUpdateTest | Tests for BatchRowUpdate and its components |
CBitmapMetadataHandlerTest | Media |
CBitmapScalingTest | Media |
CBotPasswordTest | BotPassword Database |
CCSSMinTest | This file test the CSSMin library shipped with Mediawiki |
CCachingSiteStoreTest | |
CCaptchaPreAuthenticationProviderTest | Database |
CCategoryMembershipChangeJobTest | CategoryMembershipChangeJob |
CCdnCacheUpdateTest | |
CCentralIdLookupTest | CentralIdLookup Database |
CChangeTagsTest | ChangeTags |
CChangesListBooleanFilterGroupTest | ChangesListBooleanFilterGroup |
CChangesListBooleanFilterTest | ChangesListBooleanFilter |
CChangesListFilterGroupTest | ChangesListFilterGroup |
CChangesListFilterTest | ChangesListFilter |
CChangesListStringOptionsFilterGroupTest | ChangesListStringOptionsFilterGroup |
CClassicInterwikiLookupTest | MediaWiki\Interwiki\ClassicInterwikiLookup |
CCollationFaTest | |
CComposerJsonTest | |
CComposerLockTest | |
CConfigFactoryTest | |
CContentHandlerSanityTest | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CContentHandlerTest | ContentHandler Database |
CContribsPagerTest | Database |
CCustomUppercaseCollationTest | |
CDBSiteStoreTest | |
CDatabaseIntegrationTest | Database |
CDatabaseSqliteTest | Sqlite Database medium |
CDeferredUpdatesTest | |
CDeprecatedGlobalTest | DeprecatedGlobal |
CDiffHistoryBlobTest | |
CDiffOpTest | |
CDiffTest | |
CDifferenceEngineTest | DifferenceEngine |
CDummyExtensionsTest | Needed to avoid warnings like 'No tests found in class "ExtensionsTestSuite" |
CErrorPageErrorTest | ErrorPageError |
CExifTest | Media Exif |
CExpressionTest | |
CExtensionProcessorTest | |
CExtensionRegistryTest | |
CExternalStoreTest | External Store tests |
CExtraParserTest | Parser-related tests that don't suit for parserTests.txt |
CFauxResponseTest | |
CFetchTextTest | TestCase for FetchText |
CFileBackendDBRepoWrapperTest | |
CFileBackendTest | FileRepo FileBackend medium |
CFileRepoTest | |
CForeignTitleTest | ForeignTitle |
CFormOptionsInitializationTest | Test class for FormOptions initialization Ensure the FormOptions::add() does what we want it to do |
CFormOptionsTest | This file host two test case classes for the MediaWiki FormOptions class: |
CFormatJsonTest | FormatJson |
CGIFMetadataExtractorTest | Media |
CGadgetsTest | Gadgets |
CGitInfoTest | GitInfo |
CGlobalTest | Database GlobalFunctions |
CGlobalVarConfigTest | |
CGlobalWithDBTest | GlobalFunctions Database |
CHTMLFormTest | |
CHashConfigTest | |
CHashSiteStoreTest | |
CHooksTest | |
CHtmlAutoCompleteSelectFieldTest | Unit tests for HTMLAutoCompleteSelectField |
CHtmlCheckMatrixTest | Unit tests for the HTMLCheckMatrix HTMLCheckMatrix |
CHtmlTest | Tests for includes/Html.php |
CHttpErrorTest | |
CHttpTest | Http |
CIPTCTest | Media |
CImageListPagerTest | Test class for ImageListPagerTest class |
CImportLinkCacheIntegrationTest | Integration test that checks import success and LinkCache integration |
CInstallDocFormatterTest | |
CInterwikiLookupAdapterTest | |
CInterwikiTest | Interwiki |
CJobQueueTest | JobQueue medium Database |
CJobTest | |
CJpegMetadataExtractorTest | |
CJsonContentHandlerTest | |
CLBFactoryTest | |
►CLanguageClassesTestCase | Helping class to run tests using a clean language instance |
CLanguageAmTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageAm.php |
CLanguageArTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageAr.php |
CLanguageArqTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageArq.php |
CLanguageBeTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageBe.php |
CLanguageBe_taraskTest | |
CLanguageBhoTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageBho.php |
CLanguageBsTest | Tests for Croatian (hrvatski) |
CLanguageCsTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/Languagecs.php |
CLanguageCuTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageCu.php |
CLanguageCyTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageCy.php |
CLanguageDsbTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageDsb.php |
CLanguageFrTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageFr.php |
CLanguageGaTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageGa.php |
CLanguageGanTest | |
CLanguageGdTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageGd.php |
CLanguageGvTest | |
CLanguageHeTest | Tests for MediaWiki Hebrew grammar transformation handling |
CLanguageHiTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageHi.php |
CLanguageHrTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageHr.php |
CLanguageHsbTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageHsb.php |
CLanguageHuTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageHu.php |
CLanguageHyTest | Tests for Armenian (Հայերեն) |
CLanguageIuTest | |
CLanguageKkTest | |
CLanguageKshTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageKsh.php |
CLanguageKuTest | |
CLanguageLnTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageLn.php |
CLanguageLtTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageLt.php |
CLanguageLvTest | Tests for Latvian |
CLanguageMgTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageMg.php |
CLanguageMkTest | Tests for македонски/Macedonian |
CLanguageMlTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageMl.php |
CLanguageMoTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageMo.php |
CLanguageMtTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageMt.php |
CLanguageNlTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageNl.php |
CLanguageNsoTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageNso.php |
CLanguagePlTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguagePl.php |
CLanguageRoTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageRo.php |
CLanguageRuTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageRu.php |
CLanguageSeTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSe.php |
CLanguageSgsTest | Tests for Samogitian |
CLanguageShTest | Tests for srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски / Serbocroatian |
CLanguageShiTest | |
CLanguageSkTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSk.php |
CLanguageSlTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSl.php |
CLanguageSmaTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSma.php |
CLanguageSrTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageSr.php |
CLanguageTest | |
CLanguageTgTest | |
CLanguageTiTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageTi.php |
CLanguageTlTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageTl.php |
CLanguageTrTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageTr.php |
CLanguageUkTest | Tests for Ukrainian |
CLanguageUzTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageUz.php |
CLanguageWaTest | Tests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageWa.php |
CLanguageZhTest | |
CLicensesTest | Licenses |
CLoadBalancerTest | |
CLocalFileTest | These tests should work regardless of $wgCapitalLinks |
CLocalIdLookupTest | LocalIdLookup Database |
CLocalisationCacheTest | Database Cache LocalisationCache |
CMWDebugTest | |
CMWExceptionHandlerTest | |
CMWExceptionTest | |
CMWGrantsTest | |
CMWNamespaceTest | Test class for MWNamespace |
CMagicVariableTest | |
CMailAddressTest | |
CMaintenanceTest | Maintenance |
CMediaHandlerTest | Media |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractSecondaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AbstractSecondaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerTest | AuthManager Database MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthPluginPrimaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AuthPluginPrimaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequest |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequestTestCase | AuthManager |
CCaptchaAuthenticationRequestTest | |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ButtonAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\ButtonAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CreationReasonAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\PasswordAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\PasswordAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\PasswordDomainAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\PasswordDomainAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\RememberMeAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\RememberMeAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\UserDataAuthenticationRequest |
CMediaWiki\Auth\UsernameAuthenticationRequestTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\UsernameAuthenticationRequest |
CReCaptchaAuthenticationRequestTest | |
CReCaptchaNoCaptchaAuthenticationRequestTest | |
CTitleBlacklistAuthenticationRequestTest | |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationResponseTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationResponse |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CheckBlocksSecondaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager Database MediaWiki\Auth\CheckBlocksSecondaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkSecondaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkSecondaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\LegacyHookPreAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager Database MediaWiki\Auth\LegacyHookPreAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager Database MediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ResetPasswordSecondaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\ResetPasswordSecondaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager Database MediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProviderTest | AuthManager Database MediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlerTest | AuthManager MediaWiki\Auth\Throttler |
CMediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLoggerTest | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\AvroFormatterTest | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\KafkaHandlerTest | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LineFormatterTest | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\MonologSpiTest | |
CMediaWiki\Session\BotPasswordSessionProviderTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\BotPasswordSessionProvider |
CMediaWiki\Session\CookieSessionProviderTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\CookieSessionProvider |
CMediaWiki\Session\ImmutableSessionProviderWithCookieTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\ImmutableSessionProviderWithCookie |
CMediaWiki\Session\MetadataMergeExceptionTest | Session MediaWiki\Session\MetadataMergeException |
CMediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandlerTest | Session MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionBackendTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\SessionBackend |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionIdTest | Session MediaWiki\Session\SessionId |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionInfoTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\SessionInfo |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionManagerTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionProviderTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\SessionProvider |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionTest | Session MediaWiki\Session\Session |
CMediaWiki\Session\TokenTest | Session MediaWiki\Session\Token |
CMediaWiki\Session\UserInfoTest | Session Database MediaWiki\Session\UserInfo |
►CMediaWikiLangTestCase | Base class that store and restore the Language objects |
CApiErrorFormatterTest | API |
CApiOptionsTest | API Database medium |
►CApiTestCase | |
CApiBaseTest | API Database medium |
CApiBlockTest | API Database medium |
CApiComparePagesTest | API Database medium ApiComparePages |
CApiEditPageTest | Tests for MediaWiki api.php?action=edit |
CApiLoginTest | API Database medium |
CApiLogoutTest | API Database medium |
CApiMainTest | API Database medium |
CApiPageSetTest | API medium Database |
CApiParseTest | API Database medium |
CApiPurgeTest | API Database medium |
CApiQueryAllPagesTest | API Database medium |
CApiQueryRevisionsTest | API Database medium ApiQueryRevisions |
CApiQueryTest | API Database medium ApiQuery |
►CApiQueryTestBase | This class has some common functionality for testing query module |
CApiQueryBasicTest | These tests validate basic functionality of the api query module |
►CApiQueryContinueTestBase | |
CApiQueryContinue2Test | Copyright © 2013 Yuri Astrakhan "<Firstname><Lastname>@gmail.com" |
CApiQueryContinueTest | Copyright © 2013 Yuri Astrakhan "<Firstname><Lastname>@gmail.com" |
CApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest | Medium |
CApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTest | API Database medium |
CApiQueryWatchlistRawIntegrationTest | API Database medium |
CApiRevisionDeleteTest | Tests for action=revisiondelete APIRevisionDelete API medium Database |
CApiSetNotificationTimestampIntegrationTest | |
CApiStashEditTest | ApiStashEdit API medium Database |
►CApiTestCaseUpload | Abstract class to support upload tests |
CApiUploadTest | N.b |
CApiTokensTest | API Database medium |
CApiUnblockTest | API Database medium |
CApiWatchTest | API Database medium |
CUploadFromUrlTest | Broken Upload Database |
CArticleTablesTest | Database |
CBlockTest | Database Blocking |
CCategoriesRdfTest | |
CCategoryMembershipChangeTest | CategoryMembershipChange |
CCollationTest | Class CollationTest Collation IcuCollation IdentityCollation UppercaseCollation |
CCommentStoreTest | Database CommentStore CommentStoreComment |
CCssContentHandlerTest | |
►CDumpTestCase | Base TestCase for dumps |
CBackupDumperLoggerTest | Tests for log dumps of BackupDumper |
CBackupDumperPageTest | Tests for page dumps of BackupDumper |
CExportDemoTest | Test making sure the demo export xml is valid |
CTextPassDumperDatabaseTest | Tests for TextPassDumper that rely on the database |
CEditPageTest | Editing |
CEnhancedChangesListTest | EnhancedChangesList |
CExportTest | Test class for Export methods |
CFileContentHandlerTest | ContentHandler |
CGenderCacheTest | Database Cache |
CImportTest | Test class for Import methods |
CJavaScriptContentHandlerTest | |
CJsonContentTest | |
CLanguageConverterTest | |
CLinkFilterTest | Database |
CLinkRendererFactoryTest | MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRendererFactory |
CLinkRendererTest | MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRenderer |
CLinkerTest | Database |
CLinksUpdateTest | LinksUpdate Database ^— make sure temporary tables are used |
CLogFormatterTest | Database |
►CLogFormatterTestCase | |
CBlockLogFormatterTest | |
CDeleteLogFormatterTest | |
CImportLogFormatterTest | |
CMergeLogFormatterTest | |
CMoveLogFormatterTest | |
CNewUsersLogFormatterTest | Database |
CPageLangLogFormatterTest | |
CPatrolLogFormatterTest | |
CProtectLogFormatterTest | |
CRightsLogFormatterTest | |
CUploadLogFormatterTest | |
CMWTimestampTest | Tests timestamp parsing and output |
CMessageCacheTest | Database Cache MessageCache |
CMessageTest | |
COldChangesListTest | OldChangesList |
CParserMethodsTest | Database Parser |
CParserOutputSearchDataExtractorTest | Search MediaWiki\Search\ParserOutputSearchDataExtractor |
CPrefixSearchTest | Search Database PrefixSearch |
CRCCacheEntryFactoryTest | RCCacheEntryFactory |
CRangeChronologicalPagerTest | Test class for RangeChronologicalPagerTest logic |
CReverseChronologicalPagerTest | Test class for ReverseChronologicalPagerTest methods |
CSearchEnginePrefixTest | Search Database |
CSearchEngineTest | Search Database |
CSideBarTest | Skin |
CStatusTest | |
CTemplateCategoriesTest | Database |
CTestPageProps | Database ^— tell jenkins this test needs the database |
CTestSample | |
CTextContentHandlerTest | ContentHandler |
►CTextContentTest | ContentHandler Database ^— needed, because we do need the database to test link updates |
►CJavaScriptContentTest | ContentHandler Database ^— needed, because we do need the database to test link updates |
CCssContentTest | ContentHandler Database ^— needed, because we do need the database to test link updates |
CWikitextContentTest | ContentHandler |
CTextPassDumperDatabaselessTest | Tests for TextPassDumper that do not rely on the database |
CTimeAdjustTest | |
CTitleMethodsTest | ContentHandler Database |
CTitlePermissionTest | Database |
CUserMailerTest | |
CWikiCategoryPageTest | |
CWikiMapTest | WikiMap |
►CWikiPageTest | ContentHandler Database ^— important, causes temporary tables to be used instead of the real database medium |
CWikiPageTestContentHandlerUseDB | ContentHandler Database ^— important, causes temporary tables to be used instead of the real database |
CWikitextContentHandlerTest | ContentHandler |
CWikitextStructureTest | |
►CMediaWikiMediaTestCase | Specificly for testing Media handlers |
CDjVuTest | Media DjVuHandler |
CExifBitmapTest | Media |
CExifRotationTest | Tests related to auto rotation |
CFileTest | |
CFormatMetadataTest | Media |
CGIFHandlerTest | Media |
CImagePage404Test | For doing Image Page tests that rely on 404 thumb handling |
CImagePageTest | |
CJpegPixelFormatTest | Tests related to JPEG chroma subsampling via $wgJpegPixelFormat setting |
CJpegTest | Media JpegHandler |
CPNGHandlerTest | Media |
CSvgTest | Media |
CXCFHandlerTest | Media |
CMediaWikiServicesTest | MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices |
CMediaWikiTest | |
CMediaWikiTestCaseTest | MediaWikiTestCase |
CMediaWikiTitleCodecTest | MediaWikiTitleCodec |
CMemcachedBagOStuffTest | BagOStuff |
CMergeHistoryTest | Database |
CMigrateFileRepoLayoutTest | |
CMovePageTest | Database |
CMultiConfigTest | |
CMultiWriteBagOStuffTest | Database |
CNaiveForeignTitleFactoryTest | NaiveForeignTitleFactory |
CNaiveImportTitleFactoryTest | NaiveImportTitleFactory |
CNamespaceAwareForeignTitleFactoryTest | NamespaceAwareForeignTitleFactory |
CNamespaceImportTitleFactoryTest | NamespaceImportTitleFactory |
CObjectCacheTest | |
COracleInstallerTest | Tests for OracleInstaller |
COutputPageTest | |
CPNGMetadataExtractorTest | Media PNGMetadataExtractor |
CPageArchiveTest | Test class for page archiving |
CPageDataRequestHandlerTest | PageDataRequestHandler |
CParserOptionsTest | |
CParserOutputTest | Database ^— trigger DB shadowing because we are using Title magic |
CParserPreloadTest | Basic tests for Parser::getPreloadText |
CPasswordFactoryTest | PasswordFactory |
CPasswordPolicyChecksTest | |
CPasswordTest | InvalidPassword |
►CPasswordTestCase | |
CBcryptPasswordTest | Large BcryptPassword ParameterizedPassword Password PasswordFactory |
CEncryptedPasswordTest | EncryptedPassword ParameterizedPassword Password Generic.Files.LineLength |
CLayeredParameterizedPasswordTest | LayeredParameterizedPassword Password |
CMWOldPasswordTest | MWOldPassword ParameterizedPassword Password |
CMWSaltedPasswordTest | MWSaltedPassword ParameterizedPassword Password |
CPbkdf2PasswordFallbackTest | Large Pbkdf2Password |
CPbkdf2PasswordTest | Large Pbkdf2Password Password ParameterizedPassword @requires function hash_pbkdf2 |
CPathRouterTest | Tests for the PathRouter parsing |
CPoolCounterTest | |
CPreferencesTest | Database |
CPrefixUniquenessTest | Checks that all API query modules, core and extensions, have unique prefixes |
CPreprocessorTest | Preprocessor |
CQueryAllSpecialPagesTest | Test class to run the query of most of all our special pages |
CQuestyCaptchaTest | |
CRCFeedIntegrationTest | Database |
CRESTBagOStuffTest | BagOStuff |
CReadOnlyErrorTest | ReadOnlyError |
CReadOnlyModeTest | Database |
CRecentChangeTest | Database |
CRefreshLinksPartitionTest | JobQueue medium Database |
CRemexDriverTest | |
CReplicatedBagOStuffTest | |
CRepoGroupTest | |
CRequestContextTest | Database RequestContext |
►CResourceLoaderTestCase | |
CLessFileCompilationTest | Modelled on Sebastian Bergmann's PHPUnit_Extensions_PhptTestCase class |
CResourceLoaderFileModuleTest | Database ResourceLoader |
CResourceLoaderImageModuleTest | ResourceLoader |
CResourceLoaderImageTest | ResourceLoader |
CResourceLoaderModuleTest | |
CResourceLoaderOOUIImageModuleTest | ResourceLoader |
CResourceLoaderStartUpModuleTest | |
CResourceLoaderTest | |
CResourceLoaderWikiModuleTest | |
CResourcesTest | |
►CRevisionStorageTest | Test class for Revision storage |
CRevisionTestContentHandlerUseDB | ContentHandler Database ^— important, causes temporary tables to be used instead of the real database |
CRevisionTest | ContentHandler |
CSVGMetadataExtractorTest | Media SVGMetadataExtractor |
CSanitizerTest | |
CSearchIndexFieldTest | Search SearchIndexFieldDefinition |
CSearchUpdateTest | Search |
CSiteConfigurationTest | |
CSiteListTest | |
CSiteStatsTest | |
►CSiteTest | |
CMediaWikiSiteTest | |
CSkinFactoryTest | |
CSkinTemplateTest | SkinTemplate |
CSpamBlacklistTest | SpamBlacklist |
CSpecialMIMESearchTest | Database |
CSpecialMyLanguageTest | Database SpecialMyLanguage |
CSpecialPageAliasTest | Verifies that special page aliases are valid, with no slashes |
CSpecialPageFactoryTest | Factory for handling the special page list and generating SpecialPage objects |
CSpecialPageTest | SpecialPage |
►CSpecialPageTestBase | Base class for testing special pages |
CSpecialBlankPageTest | @licence GNU GPL v2+ |
CSpecialBooksourcesTest | |
CSpecialEditWatchlistTest | |
CSpecialPageDataTest | SpecialPageData |
CSpecialWatchlistTest | |
CSpecialPreferencesTest | Test class for SpecialPreferences class |
CSpecialSearchTest | Test class for SpecialSearch class Copyright © 2012, Antoine Musso |
CSpecialShortpagesTest | Test class for SpecialShortpages class |
CStoreBatchTest | FileRepo medium |
CStructureTest | The tests here verify the structure of the code |
CSubpageImportTitleFactoryTest | SubpageImportTitleFactory |
CSwiftFileBackendTest | FileRepo FileBackend medium |
CTagHookTest | Database Parser |
CTemplateParserTest | Templates |
CThrottledErrorTest | ThrottledError |
CTidyTest | Parser |
CTiffTest | Media |
CTitleBlacklistPreAuthenticationProviderTest | Database |
CTitleTest | Database Title |
CTitleValueTest | TitleValue |
CUncategorizedCategoriesPageTest | Tests for Special:Uncategorizedcategories |
CUploadBaseTest | Upload |
CUploadStashTest | Database |
CUserArrayFromResultTest | |
CUserGroupMembershipTest | Database |
CUserNotLoggedInTest | UserNotLoggedIn |
CUserPasswordPolicyTest | Database UserPasswordPolicy |
CUserTest | Database |
CWatchedItemIntegrationTest | |
CWatchedItemStoreIntegrationTest | |
CWatchedItemStoreUnitTest | |
CWatchedItemUnitTest | |
CWebPHandlerTest | |
CWebRequestTest | WebRequest |
CWfAppendQueryTest | GlobalFunctions wfAppendQuery |
CWfArrayPlus2dTest | GlobalFunctions wfArrayPlus2d |
CWfAssembleUrlTest | GlobalFunctions wfAssembleUrl |
CWfBCP47Test | GlobalFunctions wfBCP47 |
CWfBaseNameTest | GlobalFunctions wfBaseName |
CWfEscapeShellArgTest | GlobalFunctions wfEscapeShellArg |
CWfExpandUrlTest | GlobalFunctions wfExpandUrl |
CWfGetCallerTest | GlobalFunctions wfGetCaller |
CWfParseUrlTest | GlobalFunctions wfParseUrl |
CWfRemoveDotSegmentsTest | GlobalFunctions wfRemoveDotSegments |
CWfShellExecTest | GlobalFunctions wfShellExec |
CWfShorthandToIntegerTest | GlobalFunctions wfShorthandToInteger |
CWfThumbIsStandardTest | GlobalFunctions wfThumbIsStandard |
CWfTimestampTest | GlobalFunctions wfTimestamp |
CWfUrlencodeTest | The function only need a string parameter and might react to IIS7.0 |
CXmlSelectTest | Xml |
CXmlTest | Xml |
CMediaWikiVersionFetcherTest | Note: this is not a unit test, as it touches the file system and reads an actual file |
CMemoizedCallableTest | PHP Unit tests for MemoizedCallable class |
CMessageBlobStoreTest | Cache MessageBlobStore |
CMimeMagicTest | |
CObjectFactoryTest | |
CParserIntegrationTest | This is the TestCase subclass for running a single parser test via the ParserTestRunner integration test system |
CPasswordResetTest | Database |
CProcessCacheLRUTest | Test for ProcessCacheLRU class |
CRedisBagOStuffTest | BagOStuff |
CResourceLoaderClientHtmlTest | ResourceLoader |
CResourceLoaderContextTest | See also: |
CResourceLoaderSkinModuleTest | Database ResourceLoader |
CSamplingStatsdClientTest | |
CSanitizerValidateEmailTest | Sanitizer::validateEmail |
CSearchSuggestionSetTest | Test for filter utilities |
CServiceContainerTest | MediaWiki\Services\ServiceContainer |
CShellTest | Shell |
CSiteExporterTest | |
CSiteImporterTest | |
CSitesCacheFileBuilderTest | |
CStringUtilsTest | |
CTimingTest | |
CTitleArrayFromResultTest | |
CTransactionProfilerTest | |
CUIDGeneratorTest | |
CVersionCheckerTest | VersionChecker |
CWANObjectCacheTest | |
CWatchedItemQueryServiceUnitTest | WatchedItemQueryService |
CWfArrayFilterTest | |
CWikiReferenceTest | WikiReference |
CWikimedia\Tests\Rdbms\ConnectionManagerTest | Wikimedia\Rdbms\ConnectionManager |
CWikimedia\Tests\Rdbms\SessionConsistentConnectionManagerTest | Wikimedia\Rdbms\SessionConsistentConnectionManager |
CXMPTest | Media XMPReader |
CXMPValidateTest | Media |
CXhprofDataTest | @uses XhprofData @uses AutoLoader |
CXhprofTest | |
CXmlJs | Xml |
CXmlTypeCheckTest | PHPUnit tests for XMLTypeCheck |
CZipDirectoryReaderTest | ZipDirectoryReader NOTE: this test is more like an integration test than a unit test |
►CPHPUnit_Framework_TestListener | |
CMediaWikiPHPUnitTestListener | |
►CPHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite | |
CCoreParserTestSuite | |
CExtensionsParserTestSuite | |
CExtensionsTestSuite | This test suite runs unit tests registered by extensions |
CLessTestSuite | |
CParserTestFileSuite | This is the suite class for running tests within a single .txt source file |
CParserTestTopLevelSuite | The UnitTest must be either a class that inherits from MediaWikiTestCase or a class that provides a public static suite() method which returns an PHPUnit_Framework_Test object |
CUploadFromUrlTestSuite | |
►CPHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter | |
CMediaWikiPHPUnitTestListener | |
CPHPVersionCheck | |
CPhpXmlBugTester | Test for PHP+libxml2 bug which breaks XML input subtly with certain versions |
CPingback | Send information about this MediaWiki instance to MediaWiki.org |
CPNGMetadataExtractor | PNG frame counter |
CPoem | This class handles formatting poems in WikiText, specifically anything within <poem></poem> tags |
►CPoolCounter | When you have many workers (threads/servers) giving service, and a cached item expensive to produce expires, you may get several workers doing the job at the same time |
CPoolCounterAbstractMock | |
CPoolCounterRedis | Version of PoolCounter that uses Redis |
CPoolCounter_Stub | |
►CPoolCounterWork | Class for dealing with PoolCounters using class members |
CPoolCounterWorkViaCallback | Convenience class for dealing with PoolCounters using callbacks |
CPoolWorkArticleView | |
►CPPDPart | |
CPPDPart_Hash | |
►CPPDStack | Stack class to help Preprocessor::preprocessToObj() |
CPPDStack_Hash | Stack class to help Preprocessor::preprocessToObj() |
►CPPDStackElement | |
CPPDStackElement_Hash | |
►CPPFrame | |
►CPPFrame_DOM | An expansion frame, used as a context to expand the result of preprocessToObj() |
CPPCustomFrame_DOM | Expansion frame with custom arguments |
CPPTemplateFrame_DOM | Expansion frame with template arguments |
►CPPFrame_Hash | An expansion frame, used as a context to expand the result of preprocessToObj() |
CPPCustomFrame_Hash | Expansion frame with custom arguments |
CPPTemplateFrame_Hash | Expansion frame with template arguments |
CPPFuzzTest | |
CPPFuzzTester | |
►CPPNode | There are three types of nodes: |
CPPNode_DOM | |
CPPNode_Hash_Array | |
CPPNode_Hash_Attr | |
CPPNode_Hash_Text | |
CPPNode_Hash_Tree | |
CPreferences | We're now using the HTMLForm object with some customisation to generate the Preferences form |
►CPrefixSearch | Handles searching prefixes of titles and finding any page names that match |
CStringPrefixSearch | Performs prefix search, returning strings |
CTitlePrefixSearch | Performs prefix search, returning Title objects |
CMediaWiki\Edit\PreparedEdit | Represents information returned by WikiPage::prepareContentForEdit() |
►CPreprocessor | |
CPreprocessor_DOM | |
CPreprocessor_Hash | Differences from DOM schema: |
►CProcessCacheLRU | Handles per process caching of items |
CProcessCacheLRUTestable | Overrides some ProcessCacheLRU methods and properties accessibility |
►CProcessor | Processors read associated arrays and register whatever is required |
►CExtensionProcessor | |
CMockExtensionProcessor | Allow overriding the default value of $this->globals so we can test merging |
Cprofile_point | |
►CProfiler | Profiler base class that defines the interface and some trivial functionality |
CProfilerSectionOnly | Profiler that only tracks explicit profiling sections |
CProfilerStub | Stub profiler that does nothing |
CProfilerXhprof | Profiler wrapper for XHProf extension |
►CProfilerOutput | Base class for profiling output |
CProfilerOutputDb | Logs profiling data into the local DB |
CProfilerOutputDump | Profiler dumping output in xhprof dump file |
CProfilerOutputStats | ProfilerOutput class that flushes profiling data to the profiling context's stats buffer |
CProfilerOutputText | The least sophisticated profiler output class possible, view your source! :) |
CProfileSection | Class for handling function-scope profiling |
CProtectionForm | Handles the page protection UI and backend |
CProxyLookup | |
CPurgeJobUtils | |
CQuickArrayReader | Quickie parser class that can happily read the subset of PHP we need for our localization arrays safely |
►CQuickTemplate | Generic wrapper for template functions, with interface compatible with what we use of PHPTAL 0.7 |
►CBaseTemplate | New base template for a skin's template extended from QuickTemplate this class features helper methods that provide common ways of interacting with the data stored in the QuickTemplate |
CCologneBlueTemplate | |
CFakeAuthTemplate | B/C class to try handling login/signup template modifications even though login/signup does not actually happen through a template anymore |
►CMonoBookTemplate | |
CModernTemplate | |
CSkinApiTemplate | BaseTemplate class for the 'apioutput' skin |
CSkinFallbackTemplate | BaseTemplate class for the fallback skin |
CVectorTemplate | QuickTemplate class for Vector skin |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RaggettWrapper | Class used to hide mw:editsection tokens from Tidy so that it doesn't break them or break on them |
CRandomImageGenerator | RandomImageGenerator: does what it says on the tin |
CRangeDifference | Alternative representation of a set of changes, by the index ranges that are changed |
CRCCacheEntryFactory | |
►CRCFeed | |
►CFormattedRCFeed | Base class for RC feed engines that send messages in a freely configurable format to a uri-addressed engine set in $wgRCEngines |
►CRCFeedEngine | Backward-compatibility alias |
CRedisPubSubFeedEngine | Send recent change notifications via Redis Pub/Sub |
CUDPRCFeedEngine | Send recent change notifications in a UDP packet |
►CRCFeedFormatter | Interface for RC feed formatters |
CIRCColourfulRCFeedFormatter | Generates a colourful notification intended for humans on IRC |
►CMachineReadableRCFeedFormatter | Abstract class so there can be multiple formatters outputting the same data |
CJSONRCFeedFormatter | Formats a notification into the JSON format (http://www.json.org) |
CXMLRCFeedFormatter | |
►CLocalisationUpdate\Reader | Interface for file readers |
CLocalisationUpdate\JSONReader | Reads MediaWiki JSON i18n files |
CLocalisationUpdate\ReaderFactory | Constructs readers for files based on the names |
CReadOnlyMode | A service class for fetching the wiki's current read-only mode |
CReCaptchaResponse | A ReCaptchaResponse is returned from recaptcha_check_answer() |
►CRecentChange | Utility class for creating new RC entries |
CRCCacheEntry | |
CRecompressTracked | Maintenance script that moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process |
►CRecursiveIterator | |
CBatchRowIterator | |
CNotRecursiveIterator | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RemexMungerData | |
CRenameuserHooks | |
CRenameuserSQL | Class which performs the actual renaming of users |
CReplacementArray | Wrapper around strtr() that holds replacements |
►CReplacer | Base class for "replacers", objects used in preg_replace_callback() and StringUtils::delimiterReplaceCallback() |
CDoubleReplacer | Class to perform secondary replacement within each replacement string |
CHashtableReplacer | Class to perform replacement based on a simple hashtable lookup |
CRegexlikeReplacer | Class to replace regex matches with a string similar to that used in preg_replace() |
CRepoGroup | Prioritized list of file repositories |
CRepoGroupTestHelper | Quick helper class to use as a mock callback for RepoGroup::singleton()->forEachForeignRepo |
CResourceLoaderClientHtml | Bootstrap a ResourceLoader client on an HTML page |
CResourceLoaderFilePath | An object to represent a path to a JavaScript/CSS file, along with a remote and local base path, for use with ResourceLoaderFileModule |
►CResourceLoaderImage | Class encapsulating an image used in a ResourceLoaderImageModule |
CResourceLoaderImageTestable | |
CMediaWiki\Shell\Result | Returned by MediaWiki\Shell\Command::execute() |
CResultAugmentor | Augment search results |
►CResultSetAugmentor | Augment search results |
CAugmentPageProps | Augment search result set with values of certain page props |
CPerRowAugmentor | Perform augmentation of each row and return composite result, indexed by ID |
CRevisionDeleter | General controller for RevDel, used by both SpecialRevisiondelete and ApiRevisionDelete |
CRevisionDeleteUser | Backend functions for suppressing and unsuppressing all references to a given user, used when blocking with HideUser enabled |
►CRevisionItemBase | Abstract base class for revision items |
CChangeTagsLogItem | Item class for a logging table row with its associated change tags |
►CRevDelItem | Abstract base class for deletable items |
►CRevDelFileItem | Item class for an oldimage table row |
CRevDelArchivedFileItem | Item class for a filearchive table row |
CRevDelLogItem | Item class for a logging table row |
►CRevDelRevisionItem | Item class for a live revision table row |
►CRevDelArchiveItem | Item class for a archive table row |
CRevDelArchivedRevisionItem | Item class for a archive table row by ar_rev_id – actually used via RevDelRevisionList |
►CRevisionItem | Item class for a live revision table row |
CChangeTagsRevisionItem | Item class for a live revision table row with its associated change tags |
CRiffExtractor | |
CRowUpdateGenerator | |
►CMediaWiki\Services\SalvageableService | SalvageableService defines an interface for services that are able to salvage state from a previous instance of the same class |
CConfigFactory | Factory class to create Config objects |
CSanitizer | HTML sanitizer for MediaWiki |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\SavepointPostgres | Manage savepoints within a transaction |
►CWikimedia\ScopedCallback | |
CScopedCallback | |
CScopedLock | Self-releasing locks |
►CScribunto_LuaLibraryBase | |
CScribunto_LuaParserFunctionsLibrary | |
CScribunto_LuaTitleBlacklistLibrary | |
►CSearchEngine | Contain a class for special pages |
CMockSearch | |
►CSearchDatabase | Base search engine base class for database-backed searches |
CSearchMssql | Search engine hook base class for Mssql (ConText) |
CSearchMySQL | Search engine hook for MySQL 4+ |
CSearchOracle | Search engine hook base class for Oracle (ConText) |
CSearchPostgres | Search engine hook base class for Postgres |
CSearchSqlite | Search engine hook for SQLite |
CSearchEngineDummy | Dummy class to be used when non-supported Database engine is present |
CSearchEngineConfig | Configuration handling class for SearchEngine |
CSearchEngineFactory | Factory class for SearchEngine |
CSearchExactMatchRescorer | An utility class to rescore search results by looking for an exact match in the db and add the page found to the first position |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\SearchFormWidget | |
CSearchHighlighter | Highlight bits of wikitext |
►CSearchIndexField | Definition of a mapping for the search index field |
CNullIndexField | Null index field - means search engine does not implement this field |
►CSearchIndexFieldDefinition | Basic infrastructure of the field definition |
CDummySearchIndexFieldDefinition | Dummy implementation of SearchIndexFieldDefinition for testing purposes |
CSearchNearMatcher | Implementation of near match title search |
CSearchResult | |
►CSearchResultSet | |
CSearchNearMatchResultSet | A SearchResultSet wrapper for SearchNearMatcher |
CSpecialSearchTestMockResultSet | |
CSqlSearchResultSet | This class is used for different SQL-based search engines shipped with MediaWiki |
►CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\SearchResultSetWidget | Renders a set of search results to HTML |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\InterwikiSearchResultSetWidget | Renders one or more SearchResultSets into a sidebar grouped by interwiki prefix |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\SimpleSearchResultSetWidget | Renders one or more SearchResultSets into a sidebar grouped by interwiki prefix |
►CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\SearchResultWidget | Renders a single search result to HTML |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\FullSearchResultWidget | Renders a 'full' multi-line search result with metadata |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\InterwikiSearchResultWidget | Renders an enhanced interwiki result |
CMediaWiki\Widget\Search\SimpleSearchResultWidget | Renders a simple one-line result |
CSearchSuggestion | Search suggestion |
CSearchSuggestionSet | Search suggestion sets |
CSectionProfiler | Custom PHP profiler for parser/DB type section names that xhprof/xdebug can't handle |
►CSerializable | |
CMessage | Methods which fulfil two basic services: |
►CSite | |
CMediaWikiSite | Class representing a MediaWiki site |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionBackend | This is the actual workhorse for Session |
►CSessionHandlerInterface | |
CMediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler | Adapter for PHP's session handling |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionId | Value object holding the session ID in a manner that can be globally updated |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionInfo | Value object returned by SessionProvider |
►CMediaWiki\Session\SessionProviderInterface | This exists to make IDEs happy, so they don't see the internal-but-required-to-be-public methods on SessionProvider |
►CMediaWiki\Session\SessionProvider | A SessionProvider provides SessionInfo and support for Session |
CDummySessionProvider | Dummy session provider |
CInstallerSessionProvider | |
CMediaWiki\Session\CookieSessionProvider | A CookieSessionProvider persists sessions using cookies |
►CMediaWiki\Session\ImmutableSessionProviderWithCookie | An ImmutableSessionProviderWithCookie doesn't persist the user, but optionally can use a cookie to support multiple IDs per session |
CMediaWiki\Session\BotPasswordSessionProvider | Session provider for bot passwords |
CSevenZipStream | Stream wrapper around 7za filter program |
CMediaWiki\Shell\Shell | Executes shell commands |
►CSimpleCaptcha | Demo CAPTCHA (not for production usage) and base class for real CAPTCHAs |
CFancyCaptcha | FancyCaptcha for displaying captchas precomputed by captcha.py |
CMathCaptcha | |
CQuestyCaptcha | |
CReCaptcha | |
CReCaptchaNoCaptcha | |
CSiteConfiguration | This is a class for holding configuration settings, particularly for multi-wiki sites |
CSiteExporter | |
CSiteImporter | |
►CSiteLookup | |
CFileBasedSiteLookup | Provides a file-based cache of a SiteStore |
►CSiteStore | |
CCachingSiteStore | |
CDBSiteStore | |
CHashSiteStore | In-memory SiteStore implementation, storing sites in an associative array |
CSitesCacheFileBuilder | |
CSiteSQLStore | |
CSiteStats | Static accessor class for site_stats and related things |
CSiteStatsInit | Class designed for counting of stats |
CSkinFactory | Factory class to create Skin objects |
CSpamBlacklistHooks | Hooks for the spam blacklist extension |
CSpamRegexBatch | Utility class for working with blacklists |
CSpecialPageExecutor | |
CSpecialPageFactory | Factory for handling the special page list and generating SpecialPage objects |
CSpecialPageTestHelper | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
►CMediaWiki\Logger\Spi | Service provider interface for \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation libraries |
CMediaWiki\Logger\ConsoleSpi | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\LegacySpi | LoggerFactory service provider that creates LegacyLogger instances |
CMediaWiki\Logger\MonologSpi | LoggerFactory service provider that creates loggers implemented by Monolog |
CMediaWiki\Logger\NullSpi | LoggerFactory service provider that creates \Psr\Log\NullLogger instances |
CSqlite | This class contains code common to different SQLite-related maintenance scripts |
CSquidPurgeClient | An HTTP 1.0 client built for the purposes of purging Squid and Varnish |
CSquidPurgeClientPool | |
►CStatsdAwareInterface | Describes a Statsd aware interface |
CWatchedItemStore | Storage layer class for WatchedItems |
►CStatsOutput | A general output object |
CCsvStatsOutput | Csv output |
CTextStatsOutput | Output text |
CWikiStatsOutput | Outputs WikiText |
►CStatusValue | Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value |
►CStatus | Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value |
CFileRepoStatus | Generic operation result class for FileRepo-related operations |
CStreamFile | Functions related to the output of file content |
CStringUtils | A collection of static methods to play with strings |
CStripState | |
►CStubObject | Class to implement stub globals, which are globals that delay loading the their associated module code by deferring initialisation until the first method call |
CDeprecatedGlobal | Class to allow throwing wfDeprecated warnings when people use globals that we do not want them to |
CStubUserLang | Stub object for the user language |
►CSuppressor | |
CCheckStyleSuppressor | |
CNoopSuppressor | |
CTextSuppressor | |
CSVGMetadataExtractor | |
CSVGReader | |
CSyntaxHighlight | |
CSyntaxHighlightAce | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CSyntaxHighlightGeSHiCompat | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CTemplatesOnThisPageFormatter | Handles formatting for the "templates used on this page" lists |
CTestAutoloadedCamlClass | |
CTestAutoloadedClass | |
CTestAutoloadedLocalClass | |
CTestAutoloadedSerializedClass | |
CTestFileEditor | |
CTestFileReader | |
CTestRecentChangesHelper | Helper for generating test recent changes entries |
►CTestRecorder | Interface to record parser test results |
CDbTestPreviewer | |
CDbTestRecorder | |
CMultiTestRecorder | This is a TestRecorder representing a collection of other TestRecorders |
CParserTestPrinter | This is a TestRecorder responsible for printing information about progress, success and failure to the console |
CPhpunitTestRecorder | |
CTestSetup | Common code for test environment initialisation and teardown |
CTestSites | |
CTestUser | Wraps the user object, so we can also retain full access to properties like password if we log in via the API |
CTestUserRegistry | |
CMediaWiki\Session\TestUtils | Utility functions for Session unit tests |
►COOUI\TextInputWidget | |
CMediaWiki\Widget\DateInputWidget | Date input widget |
►CMediaWiki\Widget\TitleInputWidget | Title input widget |
CMediaWiki\Widget\SearchInputWidget | Search input widget |
CMediaWiki\Widget\UserInputWidget | User input widget |
►CMediaWiki\Tidy\TidyDriverBase | Base class for HTML cleanup utilities |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\Html5Depurate | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\Html5Internal | |
►CMediaWiki\Tidy\RaggettBase | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RaggettExternal | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RaggettInternalHHVM | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RaggettInternalPHP | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RemexDriver | |
CTidySupport | Initialize and detect the tidy support |
CTitleBlacklist | Implements a title blacklist for MediaWiki |
CTitleBlacklistEntry | Represents a title blacklist entry |
CTitleBlacklistHooks | Hooks for the TitleBlacklist class |
►CTitleFormatter | A title formatter service for MediaWiki |
CMediaWikiTitleCodec | A codec for MediaWiki page titles |
►CTitleParser | A title parser service for MediaWiki |
CMediaWikiTitleCodec | A codec for MediaWiki page titles |
►CMediaWiki\Session\Token | Value object representing a CSRF token |
CLoggedOutEditToken | Value object representing a logged-out user's edit token |
CTrackBlobs | |
CTrackingCategories | This class performs some operations related to tracking categories, such as creating a list of all such categories |
CUcdXmlReader | |
CUDPTransport | A generic class to send a message over UDP |
CUIDGenerator | Class for getting statistically unique IDs |
CUpdateLogging | Maintenance script that upgrade for log_id/log_deleted fields in a replication-safe way |
CLocalisationUpdate\Updater | Executes the localisation update |
►CUploadBase | UploadBase and subclasses are the backend of MediaWiki's file uploads |
►CUploadFromFile | Implements regular file uploads |
CUploadFromChunks | Implements uploading from chunks |
CUploadFromStash | Implements uploading from previously stored file |
CUploadFromUrl | Implements uploading from a HTTP resource |
CUploadTestHandler | |
CUploadSourceAdapter | This is a horrible hack used to keep source compatibility |
CUploadStash | UploadStash is intended to accomplish a few things: |
CUserCache | |
CUserDupes | Look for duplicate user table entries and optionally prune them |
CUserGroupMembership | Represents a "user group membership" – a specific instance of a user belonging to a group |
CMediaWiki\Session\UserInfo | Object holding data about a session's user |
CUserMailer | Collection of static functions for sending mail |
CUserNamePrefixSearch | Handles searching prefixes of user names |
CUserOptions | |
CUserPasswordPolicy | Check if a user's password complies with any password policies that apply to that user, based on the user's group membership |
CUserRightsProxy | Cut-down copy of User interface for local-interwiki-database user rights manipulation |
CUserWrapper | |
CUtfNormal | Unicode normalization routines for working with UTF-8 strings |
CVectorHooks | Hooks.php |
CVersionChecker | Provides functions to check a set of extensions with dependencies against a set of loaded extensions and given version information |
►CVirtualRESTService | Virtual HTTP service instance that can be mounted on to a VirtualRESTService |
CParsoidVirtualRESTService | Virtual HTTP service client for Parsoid |
CRestbaseVirtualRESTService | Virtual HTTP service client for RESTBase |
CSwiftVirtualRESTService | Example virtual rest service for OpenStack Swift @TODO: caching support (APC/memcached) |
CVirtualRESTServiceClient | Virtual HTTP service client loosely styled after a Virtual File System |
CWatchedItem | Representation of a pair of user and title for watchlist entries |
CWatchedItemQueryService | |
CWatchedItemQueryServiceExtension | |
CWebInstallerOutput | Output class modelled on OutputPage |
►CWebInstallerPage | Abstract class to define pages for the web installer |
CWebInstallerComplete | |
CWebInstallerDBConnect | |
CWebInstallerDBSettings | |
►CWebInstallerDocument | |
CWebInstallerCopying | |
CWebInstallerReadme | |
CWebInstallerReleaseNotes | |
CWebInstallerUpgradeDoc | |
CWebInstallerExistingWiki | |
CWebInstallerInstall | |
CWebInstallerLanguage | |
CWebInstallerName | |
CWebInstallerOptions | |
CWebInstallerRestart | |
CWebInstallerUpgrade | |
CWebInstallerWelcome | |
►CWebRequest | Encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping illegal input characters and normalizing Unicode sequences |
►CFauxRequest | WebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array |
CDerivativeRequest | Similar to FauxRequest, but only fakes URL parameters and method (POST or GET) and use the base request for the remaining stuff (cookies, session and headers) |
CMockWebRequest | A mock WebRequest |
CWebRequestUpload | Object to access the $_FILES array |
►CWebResponse | Allow programs to request this object from WebRequest::response() and handle all outputting (or lack of outputting) via it |
CFauxResponse | |
►COOUI\Widget | |
CMediaWiki\Widget\ComplexNamespaceInputWidget | Namespace input widget |
CMediaWiki\Widget\ComplexTitleInputWidget | Complex title input widget |
CMediaWiki\Widget\SelectWithInputWidget | Select and input widget |
CMediaWiki\Widget\UsersMultiselectWidget | Widget to select multiple users |
CWikiEditorHooks | |
CWikiExporter | |
CWikiImporter | XML file reader for the page data importer |
CWikiMap | Helper tools for dealing with other locally-hosted wikis |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\WikiProcessor | Annotate log records with request-global metadata, such as the hostname, wiki / request ID, and MediaWiki version |
CWikiReference | Reference to a locally-hosted wiki |
CWikiRevision | Represents a revision, log entry or upload during the import process |
CWikiTextStructure | Class allowing to explore structure of parsed wikitext |
►CMediaWiki\Diff\WordAccumulator | Stores, escapes and formats the results of word-level diff |
CHWLDFWordAccumulator | |
CXhprof | Convenience class for working with XHProf https://github.com/phacility/xhprof |
CXhprofData | Convenience class for working with XHProf profiling data https://github.com/phacility/xhprof |
CXml | Module of static functions for generating XML |
CXmlDumpWriter | |
CXmlJsCode | A wrapper class which causes Xml::encodeJsVar() and Xml::encodeJsCall() to interpret a given string as being a JavaScript expression, instead of string data |
CXmlSelect | Class for generating HTML <select> or <datalist> elements |
CXmlTypeCheck | |
CXMPInfo | This class is just a container for a big array used by XMPReader to determine which XMP items to extract |
CMediaWiki\Languages\Data\ZhConversion | |
CZipDirectoryReader | A class for reading ZIP file directories, for the purposes of upload verification |
►CAbstractLogger | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\ConsoleLogger | A logger which writes to the terminal |
CMediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLogger | PSR-3 logger that mimics the historic implementation of MediaWiki's wfErrorLog logging implementation |
►CAbstractProcessingHandler | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\KafkaHandler | Log handler sends log events to a kafka server |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LegacyHandler | Log handler that replicates the behavior of MediaWiki's wfErrorLog() logging service |
►CConfig | |
CEtcdConfig | Interface for configuration instances |
►CConvertibleTimestamp | |
CMWTimestamp | Library for creating and parsing MW-style timestamps |
►CException | |
CConfigException | Exceptions for config failures |
CEtcdConfigParseError | |
CExtensionJsonValidationError | |
CFileBackendError | File backend exception for checked exceptions (e.g |
CLocalizedException | Basic localized exception |
►CMWException | MediaWiki exception |
CErrorPageError | An error page which can definitely be safely rendered using the OutputPage |
CFatalError | Exception class which takes an HTML error message, and does not produce a backtrace |
CHTMLFormFieldRequiredOptionsException | |
CHttpError | Show an error that looks like an HTTP server error |
►CJobQueueError | |
CJobQueueConnectionError | |
CJobQueueReadOnlyError | |
CMWContentSerializationException | Exception representing a failure to serialize or unserialize a content object |
CMWUnknownContentModelException | Exception thrown when an unregistered content model is requested |
CMediaTransformInvalidParametersException | MediaWiki exception thrown by some methods when the transform parameter array is invalid |
CPasswordError | Show an error when any operation involving passwords fails to run |
CSkinException | Exceptions for skin-related failures |
CSpecialUploadStashTooLargeException | |
CUploadChunkFileException | |
CUploadChunkVerificationException | |
CUploadChunkZeroLengthFileException | |
►CUploadStashException | |
CUploadStashBadPathException | |
CUploadStashFileException | |
CUploadStashFileNotFoundException | |
CUploadStashNoSuchKeyException | |
CUploadStashNotLoggedInException | |
CUploadStashWrongOwnerException | |
CUploadStashZeroLengthFileException | |
►CUsageException | This exception will be thrown when dieUsage is called to stop module execution |
CApiUsageException | Exception used to abort API execution with an error |
CMalformedTitleException | MalformedTitleException is thrown when a TitleParser is unable to parse a title string |
CZipDirectoryReaderError | Internal exception class |
►CException | |
CExprError | |
CMediaWiki\Diff\ComplexityException | |
CMediaWiki\ProcOpenError | |
CMediaWiki\ShellDisabledError | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBError | Database error base class |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBExpectedError | Base class for the more common types of database errors |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBUnexpectedError | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\DBAccessError | Exception class for attempted DB access |
►CFormatterInterface | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\AvroFormatter | Log message formatter that uses the apache Avro format |
►CHtmlFormatter | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RemexCompatFormatter | |
►CIterator | |
CExplodeIterator | An iterator which works exactly like: |
►CFSFileBackendList | Wrapper around RecursiveDirectoryIterator/DirectoryIterator that catches exception or does any custom behavoir that we may want |
CFSFileBackendDirList | |
CFSFileBackendFileList | |
►CIteratorDecorator | |
CNotRecursiveIterator | |
CMediaWiki\Session\Session | Manages data for an an authenticated session |
CReverseArrayIterator | Convenience class for iterating over an array in reverse order |
CRevisionListBase | List for revision table items for a single page |
►CSwiftFileBackendList | SwiftFileBackend helper class to page through listings |
CSwiftFileBackendDirList | Iterator for listing directories |
CSwiftFileBackendFileList | Iterator for listing regular files |
►CTitleArray | Only exists to provide the newFromResult method at pre- sent |
CTitleArrayFromResult | |
►CUserArray | |
CUserArrayFromResult | |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\IResultWrapper | Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\ResultWrapper | Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\FakeResultWrapper | Overloads the relevant methods of the real ResultsWrapper so it doesn't go anywhere near an actual database |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\MssqlResultWrapper | |
►CIteratorAggregate | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceStack | The "stack of open elements" as defined in the HTML5 tree builder spec |
►CLoggerAwareInterface | |
CBagOStuff | Interface is intended to be more or less compatible with the PHP memcached client |
CEtcdConfig | Interface for configuration instances |
►CEventRelayer | Base class for reliable event relays |
CEventRelayerKafka | Event relayer for Apache Kafka |
CEventRelayerNull | No-op class for publishing messages into a PubSub system |
►CFileBackend | Base class for all file backend classes (including multi-write backends) |
CFileBackendDBRepoWrapper | Proxy backend that manages file layout rewriting for FileRepo |
CFileBackendMultiWrite | Proxy backend that mirrors writes to several internal backends |
►CFileBackendStore | Base class for all backends using particular storage medium |
CFSFileBackend | Class for a file system (FS) based file backend |
►CMemoryFileBackend | Simulation of a backend storage in memory |
CMockFileBackend | Class simulating a backend store |
CSwiftFileBackend | Class for an OpenStack Swift (or Ceph RGW) based file backend |
CJobRunner | Job queue runner utility methods |
►CMWHttpRequest | This wrapper class will call out to curl (if available) or fallback to regular PHP if necessary for handling internal HTTP requests |
►CCurlHttpRequest | MWHttpRequest implemented using internal curl compiled into PHP |
CCurlHttpRequestTester | |
CMWHttpRequestTester | Class to let us overwrite MWHttpRequest respHeaders variable |
►CPhpHttpRequest | |
CPhpHttpRequestTester | |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager | This serves as the entry point to the authentication system |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationProvider | An AuthenticationProvider is used by AuthManager when authenticating users |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractAuthenticationProvider | A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for an AuthenticationProvider |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider | A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for a PreAuthenticationProvider |
CCaptchaPreAuthenticationProvider | |
CMediaWiki\Auth\LegacyHookPreAuthenticationProvider | A pre-authentication provider to call some legacy hooks |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ThrottlePreAuthenticationProvider | A pre-authentication provider to throttle authentication actions |
CSpamBlacklistPreAuthenticationProvider | |
CTitleBlacklistPreAuthenticationProvider | |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider | A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider | Basic framework for a primary authentication provider that uses passwords |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AuthPluginPrimaryAuthenticationProvider | Primary authentication provider wrapper for AuthPlugin |
CMediaWiki\Auth\LocalPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider | A primary authentication provider that uses the password field in the 'user' table |
CMediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider | A primary authentication provider that uses the temporary password field in the 'user' table |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractSecondaryAuthenticationProvider | A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for a SecondaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\CheckBlocksSecondaryAuthenticationProvider | Check if the user is blocked, and prevent authentication if so |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ConfirmLinkSecondaryAuthenticationProvider | Links third-party authentication to the user's account |
CMediaWiki\Auth\EmailNotificationSecondaryAuthenticationProvider | Handles email notification / email address confirmation for account creation |
CMediaWiki\Auth\ResetPasswordSecondaryAuthenticationProvider | Reset the local password, if signalled via $this->manager->setAuthenticationSessionData() |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\PreAuthenticationProvider | A pre-authentication provider can prevent authentication early on |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPreAuthenticationProvider | A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for a PreAuthenticationProvider |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\PrimaryAuthenticationProvider | A primary authentication provider is responsible for associating the submitted authentication data with a MediaWiki account |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider | A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider |
►CMediaWiki\Auth\SecondaryAuthenticationProvider | A secondary provider mostly acts when the submitted authentication data has already been associated to a MediaWiki user account |
CMediaWiki\Auth\AbstractSecondaryAuthenticationProvider | A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for a SecondaryAuthenticationProvider |
CMediaWiki\Auth\Throttler | |
►CMediaWiki\Session\SessionManagerInterface | This exists to make IDEs happy, so they don't see the internal-but-required-to-be-public methods on SessionManager |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionManager | This serves as the entry point to the MediaWiki session handling system |
CMediaWiki\Session\SessionProvider | A SessionProvider provides SessionInfo and support for Session |
►CMessageBlobStore | This class generates message blobs for use by ResourceLoader modules |
CNullMessageBlobStore | MessageBlobStore that doesn't do anything |
CMultiHttpClient | Class to handle concurrent HTTP requests |
CPasswordReset | Helper class for the password reset functionality shared by the web UI and the API |
CRedisConnRef | Helper class to handle automatically marking connectons as reusable (via RAII pattern) |
CRedisConnectionPool | Helper class to manage Redis connections |
►CResourceLoader | Dynamic JavaScript and CSS resource loading system |
CEmptyResourceLoader | |
►CResourceLoaderModule | Abstraction for ResourceLoader modules, with name registration and maxage functionality |
CCiteDataModule | |
►CResourceLoaderFileModule | ResourceLoader module based on local JavaScript/CSS files |
CCiteCSSFileModule | |
CResourceLoaderEditToolbarModule | ResourceLoader module for the edit toolbar |
CResourceLoaderFileModuleTestModule | |
CResourceLoaderFileTestModule | |
CResourceLoaderForeignApiModule | ResourceLoader module for mediawiki.ForeignApi and its generated data |
CResourceLoaderJqueryMsgModule | ResourceLoader module for mediawiki.jqueryMsg and its generated data |
CResourceLoaderMediaWikiUtilModule | ResourceLoader module for mediawiki.util |
CResourceLoaderOOUIFileModule | ResourceLoaderFileModule which magically loads the right skinScripts and skinStyles for every skin, using the specified OOUI theme for each |
CResourceLoaderRawFileModule | |
CResourceLoaderSkinModule | |
CResourceLoaderSyntaxHighlightVisualEditorModule | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version |
CVector\ResourceLoaderLessModule | ResourceLoader module for print styles |
►CResourceLoaderImageModule | ResourceLoader module for generated and embedded images |
CResourceLoaderImageModuleTestable | |
CResourceLoaderOOUIImageModule | Secret special sauce |
CResourceLoaderLanguageDataModule | ResourceLoader module for populating language specific data |
CResourceLoaderLanguageNamesModule | ResourceLoader module for populating language specific data |
CResourceLoaderSpecialCharacterDataModule | ResourceLoader module for populating special characters data for some editing extensions to use |
CResourceLoaderStartUpModule | |
CResourceLoaderTestModule | |
CResourceLoaderUploadDialogModule | ResourceLoader module for the upload dialog configuration data |
CResourceLoaderUserDefaultsModule | Module for default user preferences |
CResourceLoaderUserOptionsModule | Module for user preference customizations |
CResourceLoaderUserTokensModule | Module for user tokens |
►CResourceLoaderWikiModule | Abstraction for ResourceLoader modules which pull from wiki pages |
CGadgetResourceLoaderModule | Class representing a list of resources for one gadget, basically a wrapper around the Gadget class |
CResourceLoaderSiteModule | Module for site customizations |
CResourceLoaderSiteStylesModule | Module for site style customizations |
CResourceLoaderUserModule | Module for user customizations scripts |
CResourceLoaderUserStylesModule | Module for user customizations styles |
CTestResourceLoaderWikiModule | |
CTiming | An interface to help developers measure the performance of their applications |
CWANObjectCache | Multi-datacenter aware caching interface |
CWANObjectCacheReaper | Class for scanning through chronological, log-structured data or change logs and locally purging cache keys related to entities that appear in this data |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\ChronologyProtector | Class for ensuring a consistent ordering of events as seen by the user, despite replication |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\Database | Relational database abstraction object |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\ILoadMonitor | An interface for database load monitoring |
►CWikimedia\Rdbms\LoadMonitor | Basic DB load monitor with no external dependencies Uses memcached to cache the replication lag for a short time |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\LoadMonitorMySQL | Basic MySQL load monitor with no external dependencies Uses memcached to cache the replication lag for a short time |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\LoadMonitorNull | |
CWikimedia\Rdbms\TransactionProfiler | Helper class that detects high-contention DB queries via profiling calls |
CXMPReader | Class for reading xmp data containing properties relevant to images, and spitting out an array that FormatMetadata accepts |
CXMPValidate | This contains some static methods for validating XMP properties |
►CMimeAnalyzer | |
CMimeMagic | |
►CNormalizerFormatter | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LegacyFormatter | Log message formatter that mimics the legacy log message formatting of wfDebug , wfDebugLog , wfLogDBError and wfErrorLog global functions by delegating the formatting to \MediaWiki\Logger\LegacyLogger |
►CRuntimeException | |
CMediaWiki\Services\CannotReplaceActiveServiceException | Exception thrown when trying to replace an already active service |
CMediaWiki\Services\ContainerDisabledException | Exception thrown when trying to access a service on a disabled container or factory |
CMediaWiki\Services\NoSuchServiceException | Exception thrown when the requested service is not known |
CMediaWiki\Services\ServiceAlreadyDefinedException | Exception thrown when a service was already defined, but the caller expected it to not exist |
CMediaWiki\Services\ServiceDisabledException | Exception thrown when trying to access a disabled service |
►CScopedCallback | |
CSectionProfileCallback | Subclass ScopedCallback to avoid call_user_func_array(), which is slow |
►CStatsdClient | |
CSamplingStatsdClient | A statsd client that applies the sampling rate to the data items before sending them |
►CStatsdDataFactory | |
CBufferingStatsdDataFactory | A factory for application metric data |
►CStatsdDataFactoryInterface | |
►CIBufferingStatsdDataFactory | MediaWiki adaptation of StatsdDataFactory that provides buffering functionality |
CBufferingStatsdDataFactory | A factory for application metric data |
CNullStatsdDataFactory | |
►CSyslogUdpHandler | |
CMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\SyslogHandler | Log handler that supports sending log events to a syslog server using RFC 3164 formatted UDP packets |
►CTreeHandler | |
CMediaWiki\Tidy\RemexCompatMunger | |
►CUnexpectedValueException | |
CMediaWiki\Session\MetadataMergeException | Subclass of UnexpectedValueException that can be annotated with additional data for debug logging |