MediaWiki REL1_31
Go to the documentation of this file.
30abstract class PrefixSearch {
41 public static function titleSearch( $search, $limit, $namespaces = [], $offset = 0 ) {
42 $prefixSearch = new StringPrefixSearch;
43 return $prefixSearch->search( $search, $limit, $namespaces, $offset );
44 }
55 public function search( $search, $limit, $namespaces = [], $offset = 0 ) {
56 $search = trim( $search );
57 if ( $search == '' ) {
58 return []; // Return empty result
59 }
61 $hasNamespace = $this->extractNamespace( $search );
62 if ( $hasNamespace ) {
63 list( $namespace, $search ) = $hasNamespace;
64 $namespaces = [ $namespace ];
65 } else {
67 Hooks::run( 'PrefixSearchExtractNamespace', [ &$namespaces, &$search ] );
68 }
70 return $this->searchBackend( $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset );
71 }
79 protected function extractNamespace( $input ) {
80 if ( strpos( $input, ':' ) === false ) {
81 return false;
82 }
84 // Namespace prefix only
85 $title = Title::newFromText( $input . 'Dummy' );
86 if (
87 $title &&
88 $title->getText() === 'Dummy' &&
89 !$title->inNamespace( NS_MAIN ) &&
90 !$title->isExternal()
91 ) {
92 return [ $title->getNamespace(), '' ];
93 }
95 // Namespace prefix with additional input
96 $title = Title::newFromText( $input );
97 if (
98 $title &&
99 !$title->inNamespace( NS_MAIN ) &&
100 !$title->isExternal()
101 ) {
102 // getText provides correct capitalization
103 return [ $title->getNamespace(), $title->getText() ];
104 }
106 return false;
107 }
118 public function searchWithVariants( $search, $limit, array $namespaces, $offset = 0 ) {
119 $searches = $this->search( $search, $limit, $namespaces, $offset );
121 // if the content language has variants, try to retrieve fallback results
122 $fallbackLimit = $limit - count( $searches );
123 if ( $fallbackLimit > 0 ) {
124 global $wgContLang;
126 $fallbackSearches = $wgContLang->autoConvertToAllVariants( $search );
127 $fallbackSearches = array_diff( array_unique( $fallbackSearches ), [ $search ] );
129 foreach ( $fallbackSearches as $fbs ) {
130 $fallbackSearchResult = $this->search( $fbs, $fallbackLimit, $namespaces );
131 $searches = array_merge( $searches, $fallbackSearchResult );
132 $fallbackLimit -= count( $fallbackSearchResult );
134 if ( $fallbackLimit == 0 ) {
135 break;
136 }
137 }
138 }
139 return $searches;
140 }
149 abstract protected function titles( array $titles );
159 abstract protected function strings( array $strings );
169 protected function searchBackend( $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset ) {
170 if ( count( $namespaces ) == 1 ) {
171 $ns = $namespaces[0];
172 if ( $ns == NS_MEDIA ) {
173 $namespaces = [ NS_FILE ];
174 } elseif ( $ns == NS_SPECIAL ) {
175 return $this->titles( $this->specialSearch( $search, $limit, $offset ) );
176 }
177 }
178 $srchres = [];
179 if ( Hooks::run(
180 'PrefixSearchBackend',
181 [ $namespaces, $search, $limit, &$srchres, $offset ]
182 ) ) {
183 return $this->titles( $this->defaultSearchBackend( $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset ) );
184 }
185 return $this->strings(
186 $this->handleResultFromHook( $srchres, $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset ) );
187 }
189 private function handleResultFromHook( $srchres, $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset ) {
190 if ( $offset === 0 ) {
191 // Only perform exact db match if offset === 0
192 // This is still far from perfect but at least we avoid returning the
193 // same title afain and again when the user is scrolling with a query
194 // that matches a title in the db.
195 $rescorer = new SearchExactMatchRescorer();
196 $srchres = $rescorer->rescore( $search, $namespaces, $srchres, $limit );
197 }
198 return $srchres;
199 }
209 protected function specialSearch( $search, $limit, $offset ) {
210 global $wgContLang;
212 $searchParts = explode( '/', $search, 2 );
213 $searchKey = $searchParts[0];
214 $subpageSearch = isset( $searchParts[1] ) ? $searchParts[1] : null;
216 // Handle subpage search separately.
217 if ( $subpageSearch !== null ) {
218 // Try matching the full search string as a page name
219 $specialTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_SPECIAL, $searchKey );
220 if ( !$specialTitle ) {
221 return [];
222 }
223 $special = SpecialPageFactory::getPage( $specialTitle->getText() );
224 if ( $special ) {
225 $subpages = $special->prefixSearchSubpages( $subpageSearch, $limit, $offset );
226 return array_map( function ( $sub ) use ( $specialTitle ) {
227 return $specialTitle->getSubpage( $sub );
228 }, $subpages );
229 } else {
230 return [];
231 }
232 }
234 # normalize searchKey, so aliases with spaces can be found - T27675
235 $searchKey = str_replace( ' ', '_', $searchKey );
236 $searchKey = $wgContLang->caseFold( $searchKey );
238 // Unlike SpecialPage itself, we want the canonical forms of both
239 // canonical and alias title forms...
240 $keys = [];
241 foreach ( SpecialPageFactory::getNames() as $page ) {
242 $keys[$wgContLang->caseFold( $page )] = [ 'page' => $page, 'rank' => 0 ];
243 }
245 foreach ( $wgContLang->getSpecialPageAliases() as $page => $aliases ) {
246 if ( !in_array( $page, SpecialPageFactory::getNames() ) ) {# T22885
247 continue;
248 }
250 foreach ( $aliases as $key => $alias ) {
251 $keys[$wgContLang->caseFold( $alias )] = [ 'page' => $alias, 'rank' => $key ];
252 }
253 }
254 ksort( $keys );
256 $matches = [];
257 foreach ( $keys as $pageKey => $page ) {
258 if ( $searchKey === '' || strpos( $pageKey, $searchKey ) === 0 ) {
259 // T29671: Don't use SpecialPage::getTitleFor() here because it
260 // localizes its input leading to searches for e.g. Special:All
261 // returning Spezial:MediaWiki-Systemnachrichten and returning
262 // Spezial:Alle_Seiten twice when $wgLanguageCode == 'de'
263 $matches[$page['rank']][] = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_SPECIAL, $page['page'] );
265 if ( isset( $matches[0] ) && count( $matches[0] ) >= $limit + $offset ) {
266 // We have enough items in primary rank, no use to continue
267 break;
268 }
269 }
271 }
273 // Ensure keys are in order
274 ksort( $matches );
275 // Flatten the array
276 $matches = array_reduce( $matches, 'array_merge', [] );
278 return array_slice( $matches, $offset, $limit );
279 }
293 public function defaultSearchBackend( $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset ) {
294 // Backwards compatability with old code. Default to NS_MAIN if no namespaces provided.
295 if ( $namespaces === null ) {
296 $namespaces = [];
297 }
298 if ( !$namespaces ) {
300 }
302 // Construct suitable prefix for each namespace. They differ in cases where
303 // some namespaces always capitalize and some don't.
304 $prefixes = [];
305 foreach ( $namespaces as $namespace ) {
306 // For now, if special is included, ignore the other namespaces
307 if ( $namespace == NS_SPECIAL ) {
308 return $this->specialSearch( $search, $limit, $offset );
309 }
311 $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $namespace, $search );
312 // Why does the prefix default to empty?
313 $prefix = $title ? $title->getDBkey() : '';
314 $prefixes[$prefix][] = $namespace;
315 }
318 // Often there is only one prefix that applies to all requested namespaces,
319 // but sometimes there are two if some namespaces do not always capitalize.
320 $conds = [];
321 foreach ( $prefixes as $prefix => $namespaces ) {
322 $condition = [
323 'page_namespace' => $namespaces,
324 'page_title' . $dbr->buildLike( $prefix, $dbr->anyString() ),
325 ];
326 $conds[] = $dbr->makeList( $condition, LIST_AND );
327 }
329 $table = 'page';
330 $fields = [ 'page_id', 'page_namespace', 'page_title' ];
331 $conds = $dbr->makeList( $conds, LIST_OR );
332 $options = [
333 'LIMIT' => $limit,
334 'ORDER BY' => [ 'page_title', 'page_namespace' ],
335 'OFFSET' => $offset
336 ];
338 $res = $dbr->select( $table, $fields, $conds, __METHOD__, $options );
340 return iterator_to_array( TitleArray::newFromResult( $res ) );
341 }
349 protected function validateNamespaces( $namespaces ) {
350 global $wgContLang;
352 // We will look at each given namespace against wgContLang namespaces
353 $validNamespaces = $wgContLang->getNamespaces();
354 if ( is_array( $namespaces ) && count( $namespaces ) > 0 ) {
355 $valid = [];
356 foreach ( $namespaces as $ns ) {
357 if ( is_numeric( $ns ) && array_key_exists( $ns, $validNamespaces ) ) {
358 $valid[] = $ns;
359 }
360 }
361 if ( count( $valid ) > 0 ) {
362 return $valid;
363 }
364 }
366 return [ NS_MAIN ];
367 }
377 protected function titles( array $titles ) {
378 return $titles;
379 }
381 protected function strings( array $strings ) {
382 $titles = array_map( 'Title::newFromText', $strings );
383 $lb = new LinkBatch( $titles );
384 $lb->setCaller( __METHOD__ );
385 $lb->execute();
386 return $titles;
387 }
397 protected function titles( array $titles ) {
398 return array_map( function ( Title $t ) {
399 return $t->getPrefixedText();
400 }, $titles );
401 }
403 protected function strings( array $strings ) {
404 return $strings;
405 }
wfGetDB( $db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
Class representing a list of titles The execute() method checks them all for existence and adds them ...
Definition LinkBatch.php:34
Handles searching prefixes of titles and finding any page names that match.
searchWithVariants( $search, $limit, array $namespaces, $offset=0)
Do a prefix search for all possible variants of the prefix.
search( $search, $limit, $namespaces=[], $offset=0)
Do a prefix search of titles and return a list of matching page names.
specialSearch( $search, $limit, $offset)
Prefix search special-case for Special: namespace.
validateNamespaces( $namespaces)
Validate an array of numerical namespace indexes.
titles(array $titles)
When implemented in a descendant class, receives an array of Title objects and returns either an unmo...
extractNamespace( $input)
Figure out if given input contains an explicit namespace.
defaultSearchBackend( $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset)
Unless overridden by PrefixSearchBackend hook... This is case-sensitive (First character may be autom...
static titleSearch( $search, $limit, $namespaces=[], $offset=0)
Do a prefix search of titles and return a list of matching page names.
strings(array $strings)
When implemented in a descendant class, receives an array of titles as strings and returns either an ...
handleResultFromHook( $srchres, $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset)
searchBackend( $namespaces, $search, $limit, $offset)
Do a prefix search of titles and return a list of matching page names.
An utility class to rescore search results by looking for an exact match in the db and add the page f...
static getPage( $name)
Find the object with a given name and return it (or NULL)
static getNames()
Returns a list of canonical special page names.
Performs prefix search, returning strings.
strings(array $strings)
When implemented in a descendant class, receives an array of titles as strings and returns either an ...
titles(array $titles)
When implemented in a descendant class, receives an array of Title objects and returns either an unmo...
static newFromResult( $res)
Performs prefix search, returning Title objects.
titles(array $titles)
When implemented in a descendant class, receives an array of Title objects and returns either an unmo...
strings(array $strings)
When implemented in a descendant class, receives an array of titles as strings and returns either an ...
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:39
Definition database.txt:21
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition deferred.txt:11
this class mediates it Skin Encapsulates a look and feel for the wiki All of the functions that render HTML and make choices about how to render it are here and are called from various other places when and is meant to be subclassed with other skins that may override some of its functions The User object contains a reference to a and so rather than having a global skin object we just rely on the global User and get the skin with $wgUser and also has some character encoding functions and other locale stuff The current user interface language is instantiated as and the local content language as $wgContLang
Definition design.txt:57
it sets a lot of them automatically from query strings
Definition design.txt:93
namespace and then decline to actually register it & $namespaces
Definition hooks.txt:934
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped & $options
Definition hooks.txt:2001
const NS_FILE
Definition Defines.php:80
const NS_MAIN
Definition Defines.php:74
Definition Defines.php:63
const LIST_OR
Definition Defines.php:56
const NS_MEDIA
Definition Defines.php:62
const LIST_AND
Definition Defines.php:53
linkcache txt The LinkCache class maintains a list of article titles and the information about whether or not the article exists in the database This is used to mark up links when displaying a page If the same link appears more than once on any page then it only has to be looked up once In most cases link lookups are done in batches with the LinkBatch class or the equivalent in so the link cache is mostly useful for short snippets of parsed and for links in the navigation areas of the skin The link cache was formerly used to track links used in a document for the purposes of updating the link tables This application is now deprecated To create a you can use the following $titles
Definition linkcache.txt:17
if(is_array($mode)) switch( $mode) $input
Definition defines.php:25