MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
36class DatabaseOracle extends Database {
38 protected $mLastResult = null;
41 protected $mAffectedRows;
44 private $ignoreDupValOnIndex = false;
47 private $sequenceData = null;
50 private $defaultCharset = 'AL32UTF8';
53 private $mFieldInfoCache = [];
55 function __construct( array $p ) {
56 $p['tablePrefix'] = strtoupper( $p['tablePrefix'] );
57 parent::__construct( $p );
58 Hooks::run( 'DatabaseOraclePostInit', [ $this ] );
59 }
61 function __destruct() {
62 if ( $this->opened ) {
63 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
64 $this->close();
65 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
66 }
67 }
69 function getType() {
70 return 'oracle';
71 }
73 function implicitGroupby() {
74 return false;
75 }
77 function implicitOrderby() {
78 return false;
79 }
81 protected function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $schema, $tablePrefix ) {
82 global $wgDBOracleDRCP;
84 if ( !function_exists( 'oci_connect' ) ) {
85 throw new DBConnectionError(
86 $this,
87 "Oracle functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-oci8 option?\n " .
88 "(Note: if you recently installed PHP, you may need to restart your webserver\n " .
89 "and database)\n" );
90 }
92 $this->close();
93 $this->user = $user;
94 $this->password = $password;
95 if ( !$server ) {
96 // Backward compatibility (server used to be null and TNS was supplied in dbname)
97 $this->server = $dbName;
98 $realDatabase = $user;
99 } else {
100 // $server now holds the TNS endpoint
101 $this->server = $server;
102 // $dbName is schema name if different from username
103 $realDatabase = $dbName ?: $user;
104 }
106 if ( !strlen( $user ) ) { # e.g. the class is being loaded
107 return null;
108 }
110 if ( $wgDBOracleDRCP ) {
111 $this->setFlag( DBO_PERSISTENT );
112 }
114 $session_mode = ( $this->flags & DBO_SYSDBA ) ? OCI_SYSDBA : OCI_DEFAULT;
116 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
117 if ( $this->flags & DBO_PERSISTENT ) {
118 $this->conn = oci_pconnect(
119 $this->user,
120 $this->password,
121 $this->server,
122 $this->defaultCharset,
123 $session_mode
124 );
125 } elseif ( $this->flags & DBO_DEFAULT ) {
126 $this->conn = oci_new_connect(
127 $this->user,
128 $this->password,
129 $this->server,
130 $this->defaultCharset,
131 $session_mode
132 );
133 } else {
134 $this->conn = oci_connect(
135 $this->user,
136 $this->password,
137 $this->server,
138 $this->defaultCharset,
139 $session_mode
140 );
141 }
142 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
144 if ( $this->user != $realDatabase ) {
145 // change current schema in session
146 $this->selectDB( $realDatabase );
147 } else {
148 $this->currentDomain = new DatabaseDomain(
149 $realDatabase,
150 null,
151 $tablePrefix
152 );
153 }
155 if ( !$this->conn ) {
156 throw new DBConnectionError( $this, $this->lastError() );
157 }
159 $this->opened = true;
161 # removed putenv calls because they interfere with the system globaly
164 $this->doQuery( 'ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=\'.,\'' );
166 return (bool)$this->conn;
167 }
174 protected function closeConnection() {
175 return oci_close( $this->conn );
176 }
178 function execFlags() {
179 return $this->trxLevel ? OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS;
180 }
186 protected function doQuery( $sql ) {
187 wfDebug( "SQL: [$sql]\n" );
188 if ( !StringUtils::isUtf8( $sql ) ) {
189 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "SQL encoding is invalid\n$sql" );
190 }
192 // handle some oracle specifics
193 // remove AS column/table/subquery namings
194 if ( !$this->getFlag( DBO_DDLMODE ) ) {
195 $sql = preg_replace( '/ as /i', ' ', $sql );
196 }
198 // Oracle has issues with UNION clause if the statement includes LOB fields
199 // So we do a UNION ALL and then filter the results array with array_unique
200 $union_unique = ( preg_match( '/\/\* UNION_UNIQUE \*\/ /', $sql ) != 0 );
201 // EXPLAIN syntax in Oracle is EXPLAIN PLAN FOR and it return nothing
202 // you have to select data from plan table after explain
203 $explain_id = MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance()->format( 'dmYHis' );
205 $sql = preg_replace(
206 '/^EXPLAIN /',
207 'EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = \'' . $explain_id . '\' FOR',
208 $sql,
209 1,
210 $explain_count
211 );
213 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
215 $this->mLastResult = $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql );
216 if ( $stmt === false ) {
217 $e = oci_error( $this->conn );
218 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
220 return false;
221 }
223 if ( !oci_execute( $stmt, $this->execFlags() ) ) {
224 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
225 if ( !$this->ignoreDupValOnIndex || $e['code'] != '1' ) {
226 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
228 return false;
229 }
230 }
232 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
234 if ( $explain_count > 0 ) {
235 return $this->doQuery( 'SELECT id, cardinality "ROWS" FROM plan_table ' .
236 'WHERE statement_id = \'' . $explain_id . '\'' );
237 } elseif ( oci_statement_type( $stmt ) == 'SELECT' ) {
238 return new ORAResult( $this, $stmt, $union_unique );
239 } else {
240 $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt );
242 return true;
243 }
244 }
246 function queryIgnore( $sql, $fname = '' ) {
247 return $this->query( $sql, $fname, true );
248 }
254 function freeResult( $res ) {
255 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
256 $res = $res->result;
257 }
259 $res->free();
260 }
266 function fetchObject( $res ) {
267 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
268 $res = $res->result;
269 }
271 return $res->fetchObject();
272 }
278 function fetchRow( $res ) {
279 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
280 $res = $res->result;
281 }
283 return $res->fetchRow();
284 }
290 function numRows( $res ) {
291 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
292 $res = $res->result;
293 }
295 return $res->numRows();
296 }
302 function numFields( $res ) {
303 if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
304 $res = $res->result;
305 }
307 return $res->numFields();
308 }
310 function fieldName( $stmt, $n ) {
311 return oci_field_name( $stmt, $n );
312 }
314 function insertId() {
315 $res = $this->query( "SELECT lastval_pkg.getLastval FROM dual" );
316 $row = $this->fetchRow( $res );
317 return is_null( $row[0] ) ? null : (int)$row[0];
318 }
324 function dataSeek( $res, $row ) {
325 if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) {
326 $res->seek( $row );
327 } else {
328 $res->result->seek( $row );
329 }
330 }
332 function lastError() {
333 if ( $this->conn === false ) {
334 $e = oci_error();
335 } else {
336 $e = oci_error( $this->conn );
337 }
339 return $e['message'];
340 }
342 function lastErrno() {
343 if ( $this->conn === false ) {
344 $e = oci_error();
345 } else {
346 $e = oci_error( $this->conn );
347 }
349 return $e['code'];
350 }
352 protected function fetchAffectedRowCount() {
353 return $this->mAffectedRows;
354 }
364 function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
365 return false;
366 }
368 function indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
369 return false;
370 }
372 function insert( $table, $a, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) {
373 if ( !count( $a ) ) {
374 return true;
375 }
377 if ( !is_array( $options ) ) {
378 $options = [ $options ];
379 }
381 if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ) ) {
382 $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = true;
383 }
385 if ( !is_array( reset( $a ) ) ) {
386 $a = [ $a ];
387 }
389 foreach ( $a as &$row ) {
390 $this->insertOneRow( $table, $row, $fname );
391 }
393 if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ) ) {
394 $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = false;
395 }
397 return true;
398 }
400 private function fieldBindStatement( $table, $col, &$val, $includeCol = false ) {
401 $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col );
402 $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT';
404 $bind = '';
405 if ( is_numeric( $col ) ) {
406 $bind = $val;
407 $val = null;
409 return $bind;
410 } elseif ( $includeCol ) {
411 $bind = "$col = ";
412 }
414 if ( $val == '' && $val !== 0 && $col_type != 'BLOB' && $col_type != 'CLOB' ) {
415 $val = null;
416 }
418 if ( $val === 'NULL' ) {
419 $val = null;
420 }
422 if ( $val === null ) {
423 if ( $col_info != false && $col_info->isNullable() == 0 && $col_info->defaultValue() != null ) {
424 $bind .= 'DEFAULT';
425 } else {
426 $bind .= 'NULL';
427 }
428 } else {
429 $bind .= ':' . $col;
430 }
432 return $bind;
433 }
442 private function insertOneRow( $table, $row, $fname ) {
443 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
444 // "INSERT INTO tables (a, b, c)"
445 $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $row ) ) . ')';
446 $sql .= " VALUES (";
448 // for each value, append ":key"
449 $first = true;
450 foreach ( $row as $col => &$val ) {
451 if ( !$first ) {
452 $sql .= ', ';
453 } else {
454 $first = false;
455 }
456 if ( $this->isQuotedIdentifier( $val ) ) {
457 $sql .= $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $val );
458 unset( $row[$col] );
459 } else {
460 $sql .= $this->fieldBindStatement( $table, $col, $val );
461 }
462 }
463 $sql .= ')';
465 $this->mLastResult = $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql );
466 if ( $stmt === false ) {
467 $e = oci_error( $this->conn );
468 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
470 return false;
471 }
472 foreach ( $row as $col => &$val ) {
473 $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col );
474 $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT';
476 if ( $val === null ) {
477 // do nothing ... null was inserted in statement creation
478 } elseif ( $col_type != 'BLOB' && $col_type != 'CLOB' ) {
479 if ( is_object( $val ) ) {
480 $val = $val->fetch();
481 }
483 // backward compatibility
484 if ( preg_match( '/^timestamp.*/i', $col_type ) == 1 && strtolower( $val ) == 'infinity' ) {
485 $val = $this->getInfinity();
486 }
488 $val = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->
489 checkTitleEncoding( $val );
490 if ( oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $val, -1, SQLT_CHR ) === false ) {
491 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
492 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
494 return false;
495 }
496 } else {
498 $lob[$col] = oci_new_descriptor( $this->conn, OCI_D_LOB );
499 if ( $lob[$col] === false ) {
500 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
501 throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot create LOB descriptor: " . $e['message'] );
502 }
504 if ( is_object( $val ) ) {
505 $val = $val->fetch();
506 }
508 if ( $col_type == 'BLOB' ) {
509 $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val, OCI_TEMP_BLOB );
510 oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, OCI_B_BLOB );
511 } else {
512 $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val, OCI_TEMP_CLOB );
513 oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, OCI_B_CLOB );
514 }
515 }
516 }
518 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
520 if ( oci_execute( $stmt, $this->execFlags() ) === false ) {
521 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
522 if ( !$this->ignoreDupValOnIndex || $e['code'] != '1' ) {
523 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
525 return false;
526 } else {
527 $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt );
528 }
529 } else {
530 $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt );
531 }
533 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
535 if ( isset( $lob ) ) {
536 foreach ( $lob as $lob_v ) {
537 $lob_v->free();
538 }
539 }
541 if ( !$this->trxLevel ) {
542 oci_commit( $this->conn );
543 }
545 return oci_free_statement( $stmt );
546 }
548 function nativeInsertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__,
549 $insertOptions = [], $selectOptions = [], $selectJoinConds = []
550 ) {
551 $destTable = $this->tableName( $destTable );
553 $sequenceData = $this->getSequenceData( $destTable );
554 if ( $sequenceData !== false &&
555 !isset( $varMap[$sequenceData['column']] )
556 ) {
557 $varMap[$sequenceData['column']] = 'GET_SEQUENCE_VALUE(\'' . $sequenceData['sequence'] . '\')';
558 }
560 // count-alias subselect fields to avoid abigious definition errors
561 $i = 0;
562 foreach ( $varMap as &$val ) {
563 $val .= ' field' . $i;
564 $i++;
565 }
567 $selectSql = $this->selectSQLText(
568 $srcTable,
569 array_values( $varMap ),
570 $conds,
571 $fname,
572 $selectOptions,
573 $selectJoinConds
574 );
576 $sql = "INSERT INTO $destTable (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $varMap ) ) . ') ' . $selectSql;
578 if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ) {
579 $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = true;
580 }
582 $this->query( $sql, $fname );
584 if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ) {
585 $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = false;
586 }
587 }
589 public function upsert( $table, array $rows, $uniqueIndexes, array $set,
590 $fname = __METHOD__
591 ) {
592 if ( $rows === [] ) {
593 return true; // nothing to do
594 }
596 if ( !is_array( reset( $rows ) ) ) {
597 $rows = [ $rows ];
598 }
600 $sequenceData = $this->getSequenceData( $table );
601 if ( $sequenceData !== false ) {
602 // add sequence column to each list of columns, when not set
603 foreach ( $rows as &$row ) {
604 if ( !isset( $row[$sequenceData['column']] ) ) {
605 $row[$sequenceData['column']] =
606 $this->addIdentifierQuotes( 'GET_SEQUENCE_VALUE(\'' .
607 $sequenceData['sequence'] . '\')' );
608 }
609 }
610 }
612 return parent::upsert( $table, $rows, $uniqueIndexes, $set, $fname );
613 }
615 function tableName( $name, $format = 'quoted' ) {
616 /*
617 Replace reserved words with better ones
618 Using uppercase because that's the only way Oracle can handle
619 quoted tablenames
620 */
621 switch ( $name ) {
622 case 'user':
623 $name = 'MWUSER';
624 break;
625 case 'text':
626 $name = 'PAGECONTENT';
627 break;
628 }
630 return strtoupper( parent::tableName( $name, $format ) );
631 }
633 function tableNameInternal( $name ) {
634 $name = $this->tableName( $name );
636 return preg_replace( '/.*\.(.*)/', '$1', $name );
637 }
645 private function getSequenceData( $table ) {
646 if ( $this->sequenceData == null ) {
647 $result = $this->doQuery( "SELECT lower(asq.sequence_name),
648 lower(atc.table_name),
649 lower(atc.column_name)
650 FROM all_sequences asq, all_tab_columns atc
651 WHERE decode(
652 atc.table_name,
653 '{$this->tablePrefix}MWUSER',
654 '{$this->tablePrefix}USER',
655 atc.table_name
656 ) || '_' ||
657 atc.column_name || '_SEQ' = '{$this->tablePrefix}' || asq.sequence_name
658 AND asq.sequence_owner = upper('{$this->getDBname()}')
659 AND atc.owner = upper('{$this->getDBname()}')" );
661 while ( ( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) !== false ) {
662 $this->sequenceData[$row[1]] = [
663 'sequence' => $row[0],
664 'column' => $row[2]
665 ];
666 }
667 }
668 $table = strtolower( $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $this->tableName( $table ) ) );
670 return $this->sequenceData[$table] ?? false;
671 }
680 function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) {
681 $fieldInfoData = $this->fieldInfo( $table, $field );
683 return $fieldInfoData->maxLength();
684 }
686 function limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset = false ) {
687 if ( $offset === false ) {
688 $offset = 0;
689 }
691 return "SELECT * FROM ($sql) WHERE rownum >= (1 + $offset) AND rownum < (1 + $limit + $offset)";
692 }
694 function encodeBlob( $b ) {
695 return new Blob( $b );
696 }
698 function unionQueries( $sqls, $all ) {
699 $glue = ' UNION ALL ';
701 return 'SELECT * ' . ( $all ? '' : '/* UNION_UNIQUE */ ' ) .
702 'FROM (' . implode( $glue, $sqls ) . ')';
703 }
705 function wasDeadlock() {
706 return $this->lastErrno() == 'OCI-00060';
707 }
709 function duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false,
710 $fname = __METHOD__
711 ) {
712 $temporary = $temporary ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
714 $newName = strtoupper( $newName );
715 $oldName = strtoupper( $oldName );
717 $tabName = substr( $newName, strlen( $this->tablePrefix ) );
718 $oldPrefix = substr( $oldName, 0, strlen( $oldName ) - strlen( $tabName ) );
719 $newPrefix = strtoupper( $this->tablePrefix );
721 return $this->doQuery( "BEGIN DUPLICATE_TABLE( '$tabName', " .
722 "'$oldPrefix', '$newPrefix', $temporary ); END;" );
723 }
725 function listTables( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
726 $listWhere = '';
727 if ( !empty( $prefix ) ) {
728 $listWhere = ' AND table_name LIKE \'' . strtoupper( $prefix ) . '%\'';
729 }
731 $owner = strtoupper( $this->getDBname() );
732 $result = $this->doQuery( "SELECT table_name FROM all_tables " .
733 "WHERE owner='$owner' AND table_name NOT LIKE '%!_IDX\$_' ESCAPE '!' $listWhere" );
735 // dirty code ... i know
736 $endArray = [];
737 $endArray[] = strtoupper( $prefix . 'MWUSER' );
738 $endArray[] = strtoupper( $prefix . 'PAGE' );
739 $endArray[] = strtoupper( $prefix . 'IMAGE' );
740 $fixedOrderTabs = $endArray;
741 while ( ( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) !== false ) {
742 if ( !in_array( $row['table_name'], $fixedOrderTabs ) ) {
743 $endArray[] = $row['table_name'];
744 }
745 }
747 return $endArray;
748 }
750 public function dropTable( $tableName, $fName = __METHOD__ ) {
751 $tableName = $this->tableName( $tableName );
752 if ( !$this->tableExists( $tableName ) ) {
753 return false;
754 }
756 return $this->doQuery( "DROP TABLE $tableName CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE" );
757 }
759 function timestamp( $ts = 0 ) {
760 return wfTimestamp( TS_ORACLE, $ts );
761 }
770 public function aggregateValue( $valuedata, $valuename = 'value' ) {
771 return $valuedata;
772 }
777 public function getSoftwareLink() {
778 return '[{{int:version-db-oracle-url}} Oracle]';
779 }
784 function getServerVersion() {
785 // better version number, fallback on driver
786 $rset = $this->doQuery(
787 'SELECT version FROM product_component_version ' .
789 );
790 $row = $rset->fetchRow();
791 if ( !$row ) {
792 return oci_server_version( $this->conn );
793 }
795 return $row['version'];
796 }
805 function indexExists( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
806 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
807 $table = strtoupper( $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $table ) );
808 $index = strtoupper( $index );
809 $owner = strtoupper( $this->getDBname() );
810 $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM all_indexes WHERE owner='$owner' AND index_name='{$table}_{$index}'";
811 $res = $this->doQuery( $sql );
812 if ( $res ) {
813 $count = $res->numRows();
814 $res->free();
815 } else {
816 $count = 0;
817 }
819 return $count != 0;
820 }
828 function tableExists( $table, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
829 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
830 $table = $this->addQuotes( strtoupper( $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $table ) ) );
831 $owner = $this->addQuotes( strtoupper( $this->getDBname() ) );
832 $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM all_tables WHERE owner=$owner AND table_name=$table";
833 $res = $this->doQuery( $sql );
834 if ( $res && $res->numRows() > 0 ) {
835 $exists = true;
836 } else {
837 $exists = false;
838 }
840 $res->free();
842 return $exists;
843 }
855 private function fieldInfoMulti( $table, $field ) {
856 $field = strtoupper( $field );
857 if ( is_array( $table ) ) {
858 $table = array_map( [ $this, 'tableNameInternal' ], $table );
859 $tableWhere = 'IN (';
860 foreach ( $table as &$singleTable ) {
861 $singleTable = $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $singleTable );
862 if ( isset( $this->mFieldInfoCache["$singleTable.$field"] ) ) {
863 return $this->mFieldInfoCache["$singleTable.$field"];
864 }
865 $tableWhere .= '\'' . $singleTable . '\',';
866 }
867 $tableWhere = rtrim( $tableWhere, ',' ) . ')';
868 } else {
869 $table = $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $this->tableNameInternal( $table ) );
870 if ( isset( $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"] ) ) {
871 return $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"];
872 }
873 $tableWhere = '= \'' . $table . '\'';
874 }
876 $fieldInfoStmt = oci_parse(
877 $this->conn,
878 'SELECT * FROM wiki_field_info_full WHERE table_name ' .
879 $tableWhere . ' and column_name = \'' . $field . '\''
880 );
881 if ( oci_execute( $fieldInfoStmt, $this->execFlags() ) === false ) {
882 $e = oci_error( $fieldInfoStmt );
883 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], 'fieldInfo QUERY', __METHOD__ );
885 return false;
886 }
887 $res = new ORAResult( $this, $fieldInfoStmt );
888 if ( $res->numRows() == 0 ) {
889 if ( is_array( $table ) ) {
890 foreach ( $table as &$singleTable ) {
891 $this->mFieldInfoCache["$singleTable.$field"] = false;
892 }
893 } else {
894 $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"] = false;
895 }
896 $fieldInfoTemp = null;
897 } else {
898 $fieldInfoTemp = new ORAField( $res->fetchRow() );
899 $table = $fieldInfoTemp->tableName();
900 $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"] = $fieldInfoTemp;
901 }
902 $res->free();
904 return $fieldInfoTemp;
905 }
913 function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) {
914 if ( is_array( $table ) ) {
915 throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'DatabaseOracle::fieldInfo called with table array!' );
916 }
918 return $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $field );
919 }
921 protected function doBegin( $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
922 $this->trxLevel = 1;
923 $this->doQuery( 'SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED' );
924 }
926 protected function doCommit( $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
927 if ( $this->trxLevel ) {
928 $ret = oci_commit( $this->conn );
929 if ( !$ret ) {
930 throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $this->lastError() );
931 }
932 $this->trxLevel = 0;
933 $this->doQuery( 'SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE' );
934 }
935 }
937 protected function doRollback( $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
938 if ( $this->trxLevel ) {
939 oci_rollback( $this->conn );
940 $this->trxLevel = 0;
941 $this->doQuery( 'SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE' );
942 }
943 }
945 function sourceStream(
946 $fp,
947 callable $lineCallback = null,
948 callable $resultCallback = null,
949 $fname = __METHOD__, callable $inputCallback = null
950 ) {
951 $cmd = '';
952 $done = false;
953 $dollarquote = false;
955 $replacements = [];
956 // Defines must comply with ^define\s*([^\s=]*)\s*=\s?'\{\$([^\}]*)\}';
957 while ( !feof( $fp ) ) {
958 if ( $lineCallback ) {
959 $lineCallback();
960 }
961 $line = trim( fgets( $fp, 1024 ) );
962 $sl = strlen( $line ) - 1;
964 if ( $sl < 0 ) {
965 continue;
966 }
967 if ( $line[0] == '-' && $line[1] == '-' ) {
968 continue;
969 }
971 // Allow dollar quoting for function declarations
972 if ( substr( $line, 0, 8 ) == '/*$mw$*/' ) {
973 if ( $dollarquote ) {
974 $dollarquote = false;
975 $line = str_replace( '/*$mw$*/', '', $line ); // remove dollarquotes
976 $done = true;
977 } else {
978 $dollarquote = true;
979 }
980 } elseif ( !$dollarquote ) {
981 if ( $line[$sl] == ';' && ( $sl < 2 || $line[$sl - 1] != ';' ) ) {
982 $done = true;
983 $line = substr( $line, 0, $sl );
984 }
985 }
987 if ( $cmd != '' ) {
988 $cmd .= ' ';
989 }
990 $cmd .= "$line\n";
992 if ( $done ) {
993 $cmd = str_replace( ';;', ";", $cmd );
994 if ( strtolower( substr( $cmd, 0, 6 ) ) == 'define' ) {
995 if ( preg_match( '/^define\s*([^\s=]*)\s*=\s*\'\{\$([^\}]*)\}\'/', $cmd, $defines ) ) {
996 $replacements[$defines[2]] = $defines[1];
997 }
998 } else {
999 foreach ( $replacements as $mwVar => $scVar ) {
1000 $cmd = str_replace( '&' . $scVar . '.', '`{$' . $mwVar . '}`', $cmd );
1001 }
1003 $cmd = $this->replaceVars( $cmd );
1004 if ( $inputCallback ) {
1005 $inputCallback( $cmd );
1006 }
1007 $res = $this->doQuery( $cmd );
1008 if ( $resultCallback ) {
1009 call_user_func( $resultCallback, $res, $this );
1010 }
1012 if ( $res === false ) {
1013 $err = $this->lastError();
1015 return "Query \"{$cmd}\" failed with error code \"$err\".\n";
1016 }
1017 }
1019 $cmd = '';
1020 $done = false;
1021 }
1022 }
1024 return true;
1025 }
1027 protected function doSelectDomain( DatabaseDomain $domain ) {
1028 if ( $domain->getSchema() !== null ) {
1029 // We use the *database* aspect of $domain for schema, not the domain schema
1030 throw new DBExpectedError( $this, __CLASS__ . ": domain schemas are not supported." );
1031 }
1033 $database = $domain->getDatabase();
1034 if ( $database === null || $database === $this->user ) {
1035 // Backward compatibility
1036 $this->currentDomain = $domain;
1038 return true;
1039 }
1041 //
1042 $encDatabase = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( strtoupper( $database ) );
1043 $sql = "ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=$encDatabase";
1044 $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql );
1045 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
1046 $success = oci_execute( $stmt );
1047 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
1048 if ( $success ) {
1049 // Update that domain fields on success (no exception thrown)
1050 $this->currentDomain = $domain;
1051 } else {
1052 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
1053 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
1054 }
1056 return true;
1057 }
1059 function strencode( $s ) {
1060 return str_replace( "'", "''", $s );
1061 }
1063 function addQuotes( $s ) {
1064 $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage();
1065 if ( isset( $contLang->mLoaded ) && $contLang->mLoaded ) {
1066 $s = $contLang->checkTitleEncoding( $s );
1067 }
1069 return "'" . $this->strencode( $s ) . "'";
1070 }
1072 public function addIdentifierQuotes( $s ) {
1073 if ( !$this->getFlag( DBO_DDLMODE ) ) {
1074 $s = '/*Q*/' . $s;
1075 }
1077 return $s;
1078 }
1080 public function removeIdentifierQuotes( $s ) {
1081 return strpos( $s, '/*Q*/' ) === false ? $s : substr( $s, 5 );
1082 }
1084 public function isQuotedIdentifier( $s ) {
1085 return strpos( $s, '/*Q*/' ) !== false;
1086 }
1088 private function wrapFieldForWhere( $table, &$col, &$val ) {
1089 $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col );
1090 $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT';
1091 if ( $col_type == 'CLOB' ) {
1092 $col = 'TO_CHAR(' . $col . ')';
1093 $val =
1094 MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->checkTitleEncoding( $val );
1095 } elseif ( $col_type == 'VARCHAR2' ) {
1096 $val =
1097 MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->checkTitleEncoding( $val );
1098 }
1099 }
1101 private function wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds, $parentCol = null ) {
1102 $conds2 = [];
1103 foreach ( $conds as $col => $val ) {
1104 if ( is_array( $val ) ) {
1105 $conds2[$col] = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $val, $col );
1106 } else {
1107 if ( is_numeric( $col ) && $parentCol != null ) {
1108 $this->wrapFieldForWhere( $table, $parentCol, $val );
1109 } else {
1110 $this->wrapFieldForWhere( $table, $col, $val );
1111 }
1112 $conds2[$col] = $val;
1113 }
1114 }
1116 return $conds2;
1117 }
1119 function selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__,
1120 $options = [], $join_conds = []
1121 ) {
1122 if ( is_array( $conds ) ) {
1123 $conds = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds );
1124 }
1126 return parent::selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds );
1127 }
1138 $preLimitTail = $postLimitTail = '';
1139 $startOpts = '';
1141 $noKeyOptions = [];
1142 foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) {
1143 if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) {
1144 $noKeyOptions[$option] = true;
1145 }
1146 }
1148 $preLimitTail .= $this->makeGroupByWithHaving( $options );
1150 $preLimitTail .= $this->makeOrderBy( $options );
1152 if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) {
1153 $postLimitTail .= ' FOR UPDATE';
1154 }
1156 if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCT'] ) || isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCTROW'] ) ) {
1157 $startOpts .= 'DISTINCT';
1158 }
1160 if ( isset( $options['USE INDEX'] ) && !is_array( $options['USE INDEX'] ) ) {
1161 $useIndex = $this->useIndexClause( $options['USE INDEX'] );
1162 } else {
1163 $useIndex = '';
1164 }
1166 if ( isset( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) && !is_array( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) ) {
1167 $ignoreIndex = $this->ignoreIndexClause( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] );
1168 } else {
1169 $ignoreIndex = '';
1170 }
1172 return [ $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail, $ignoreIndex ];
1173 }
1175 public function delete( $table, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
1178 if ( is_array( $conds ) ) {
1179 $conds = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds );
1180 }
1181 // a hack for deleting pages, users and images (which have non-nullable FKs)
1182 // all deletions on these tables have transactions so final failure rollbacks these updates
1183 // @todo: Normalize the schema to match MySQL, no special FKs and such
1184 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
1185 if ( $table == $this->tableName( 'user' ) &&
1186 ( $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage & SCHEMA_COMPAT_WRITE_OLD )
1187 ) {
1188 $this->update( 'archive', [ 'ar_user' => 0 ],
1189 [ 'ar_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1190 $this->update( 'ipblocks', [ 'ipb_user' => 0 ],
1191 [ 'ipb_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1192 $this->update( 'image', [ 'img_user' => 0 ],
1193 [ 'img_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1194 $this->update( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_user' => 0 ],
1195 [ 'oi_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1196 $this->update( 'filearchive', [ 'fa_deleted_user' => 0 ],
1197 [ 'fa_deleted_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1198 $this->update( 'filearchive', [ 'fa_user' => 0 ],
1199 [ 'fa_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1200 $this->update( 'uploadstash', [ 'us_user' => 0 ],
1201 [ 'us_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1202 $this->update( 'recentchanges', [ 'rc_user' => 0 ],
1203 [ 'rc_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1204 $this->update( 'logging', [ 'log_user' => 0 ],
1205 [ 'log_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname );
1206 } elseif ( $table == $this->tableName( 'image' ) ) {
1207 $this->update( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_name' => 0 ],
1208 [ 'oi_name' => $conds['img_name'] ], $fname );
1209 }
1211 return parent::delete( $table, $conds, $fname );
1212 }
1223 function update( $table, $values, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) {
1224 $table = $this->tableName( $table );
1225 $opts = $this->makeUpdateOptions( $options );
1226 $sql = "UPDATE $opts $table SET ";
1228 $first = true;
1229 foreach ( $values as $col => &$val ) {
1230 $sqlSet = $this->fieldBindStatement( $table, $col, $val, true );
1232 if ( !$first ) {
1233 $sqlSet = ', ' . $sqlSet;
1234 } else {
1235 $first = false;
1236 }
1237 $sql .= $sqlSet;
1238 }
1240 if ( $conds !== [] && $conds !== '*' ) {
1241 $conds = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds );
1242 $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, LIST_AND );
1243 }
1245 $this->mLastResult = $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql );
1246 if ( $stmt === false ) {
1247 $e = oci_error( $this->conn );
1248 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
1250 return false;
1251 }
1252 foreach ( $values as $col => &$val ) {
1253 $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col );
1254 $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT';
1256 if ( $val === null ) {
1257 // do nothing ... null was inserted in statement creation
1258 } elseif ( $col_type != 'BLOB' && $col_type != 'CLOB' ) {
1259 if ( is_object( $val ) ) {
1260 $val = $val->getData();
1261 }
1263 if ( preg_match( '/^timestamp.*/i', $col_type ) == 1 && strtolower( $val ) == 'infinity' ) {
1264 $val = '31-12-2030 12:00:00.000000';
1265 }
1267 $val = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->
1268 checkTitleEncoding( $val );
1269 if ( oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $val ) === false ) {
1270 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
1271 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
1273 return false;
1274 }
1275 } else {
1277 $lob[$col] = oci_new_descriptor( $this->conn, OCI_D_LOB );
1278 if ( $lob[$col] === false ) {
1279 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
1280 throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot create LOB descriptor: " . $e['message'] );
1281 }
1283 if ( is_object( $val ) ) {
1284 $val = $val->getData();
1285 }
1287 if ( $col_type == 'BLOB' ) {
1288 $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val );
1289 oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, SQLT_BLOB );
1290 } else {
1291 $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val );
1292 oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, OCI_B_CLOB );
1293 }
1294 }
1295 }
1297 Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();
1299 if ( oci_execute( $stmt, $this->execFlags() ) === false ) {
1300 $e = oci_error( $stmt );
1301 if ( !$this->ignoreDupValOnIndex || $e['code'] != '1' ) {
1302 $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ );
1304 return false;
1305 } else {
1306 $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt );
1307 }
1308 } else {
1309 $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt );
1310 }
1312 Wikimedia\restoreWarnings();
1314 if ( isset( $lob ) ) {
1315 foreach ( $lob as $lob_v ) {
1316 $lob_v->free();
1317 }
1318 }
1320 if ( !$this->trxLevel ) {
1321 oci_commit( $this->conn );
1322 }
1324 return oci_free_statement( $stmt );
1325 }
1327 function bitNot( $field ) {
1328 // expecting bit-fields smaller than 4bytes
1329 return 'BITNOT(' . $field . ')';
1330 }
1332 function bitAnd( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight ) {
1333 return 'BITAND(' . $fieldLeft . ', ' . $fieldRight . ')';
1334 }
1336 function bitOr( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight ) {
1337 return 'BITOR(' . $fieldLeft . ', ' . $fieldRight . ')';
1338 }
1340 public function buildGroupConcatField(
1341 $delim, $table, $field, $conds = '', $join_conds = []
1342 ) {
1343 $fld = "LISTAGG($field," . $this->addQuotes( $delim ) . ") WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY $field)";
1345 return '(' . $this->selectSQLText( $table, $fld, $conds, null, [], $join_conds ) . ')';
1346 }
1348 public function buildSubstring( $input, $startPosition, $length = null ) {
1349 $this->assertBuildSubstringParams( $startPosition, $length );
1350 $params = [ $input, $startPosition ];
1351 if ( $length !== null ) {
1352 $params[] = $length;
1353 }
1354 return 'SUBSTR(' . implode( ',', $params ) . ')';
1355 }
1362 public function buildStringCast( $field ) {
1363 return 'CAST ( ' . $field . ' AS VARCHAR2 )';
1364 }
1366 public function getInfinity() {
1367 return '31-12-2030 12:00:00.000000';
1368 }
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
Set true to enable Oracle DCRP (supported from 11gR1 onward)
int $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage
Actor table schema migration stage.
wfDebug( $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
wfTimestamp( $outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
if(defined( 'MW_SETUP_CALLBACK')) $fname
Customization point after all loading (constants, functions, classes, DefaultSettings,...
Definition Setup.php:123
Definition cdb.php:59
duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary=false, $fname=__METHOD__)
Creates a new table with structure copied from existing table.
doBegin( $fname=__METHOD__)
Issues the BEGIN command to the database server.
Get the last error number.
addIdentifierQuotes( $s)
Quotes an identifier, in order to make user controlled input safe.
bitAnd( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight)
wrapFieldForWhere( $table, &$col, &$val)
indexExists( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__)
Query whether a given index exists.
indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__)
Returns information about an index If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure.
bitOr( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight)
buildGroupConcatField( $delim, $table, $field, $conds='', $join_conds=[])
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query.
Get the type of the DBMS, as it appears in $wgDBtype.
open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $schema, $tablePrefix)
Open a new connection to the database (closing any existing one)
doRollback( $fname=__METHOD__)
Issues the ROLLBACK command to the database server.
strencode( $s)
Wrapper for addslashes()
resource $mLastResult
listTables( $prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__)
List all tables on the database.
makeSelectOptions( $options)
Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a string to go at the end of the quer...
fieldInfoMulti( $table, $field)
Function translates mysql_fetch_field() functionality on ORACLE.
fieldInfo( $table, $field)
textFieldSize( $table, $field)
Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited".
buildSubstring( $input, $startPosition, $length=null)
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SEL...
encodeBlob( $b)
Some DBMSs have a special format for inserting into blob fields, they don't allow simple quoted strin...
int $mAffectedRows
The number of rows affected as an integer.
addQuotes( $s)
Adds quotes and backslashes.
doCommit( $fname=__METHOD__)
Issues the COMMIT command to the database server.
queryIgnore( $sql, $fname='')
getSequenceData( $table)
Return sequence_name if table has a sequence.
Get a description of the last error.
bool array $sequenceData
insertOneRow( $table, $row, $fname)
string $defaultCharset
Character set for Oracle database.
Run a few simple sanity checks and close dangling connections.
dropTable( $tableName, $fName=__METHOD__)
Delete a table.
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY.
Get the inserted value of an auto-increment row.
Closes a database connection, if it is open Returns success, true if already closed.
doSelectDomain(DatabaseDomain $domain)
limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset=false)
Construct a LIMIT query with optional offset.
sourceStream( $fp, callable $lineCallback=null, callable $resultCallback=null, $fname=__METHOD__, callable $inputCallback=null)
Read and execute commands from an open file handle.
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock.
tableExists( $table, $fname=__METHOD__)
Query whether a given table exists (in the given schema, or the default mw one if not given)
dataSeek( $res, $row)
tableNameInternal( $name)
update( $table, $values, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__)
fieldBindStatement( $table, $col, &$val, $includeCol=false)
insert( $table, $a, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table.
timestamp( $ts=0)
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting ...
selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Single row SELECT wrapper.
wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds, $parentCol=null)
fieldName( $stmt, $n)
Get a field name in a result object.
freeResult( $res)
Frees resources associated with the LOB descriptor.
__construct(array $p)
unionQueries( $sqls, $all)
Construct a UNION query This is used for providing overload point for other DB abstractions not compa...
aggregateValue( $valuedata, $valuename='value')
Return aggregated value function call.
nativeInsertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $insertOptions=[], $selectOptions=[], $selectJoinConds=[])
Native server-side implementation of insertSelect() for situations where we don't want to select ever...
isQuotedIdentifier( $s)
Returns if the given identifier looks quoted or not according to the database convention for quoting ...
Find out when 'infinity' is.
MediaWikiServices is the service locator for the application scope of MediaWiki.
The oci8 extension is fairly weak and doesn't support oci_num_rows, among other things.
Definition ORAResult.php:11
static isUtf8( $value)
Test whether a string is valid UTF-8.
Base class for the more common types of database errors.
Class to handle database/prefix specification for IDatabase domains.
Relational database abstraction object.
Definition Database.php:49
object resource null $conn
Database connection.
Definition Database.php:109
selectDB( $db)
Change the current database.
string $user
User that this instance is currently connected under the name of.
Definition Database.php:84
Gets the current transaction level.
Definition Database.php:591
setFlag( $flag, $remember=self::REMEMBER_NOTHING)
Set a flag for this connection.
Definition Database.php:805
string $password
Password used to establish the current connection.
Definition Database.php:86
string $server
Server that this instance is currently connected to.
Definition Database.php:82
getFlag( $flag)
Returns a boolean whether the flag $flag is set for this connection.
Definition Database.php:840
Close the database connection.
Definition Database.php:943
Result wrapper for grabbing data queried from an IDatabase object.
Definition database.txt:21
For a write query
Definition database.txt:26
We use the convention $dbr for read and $dbw for write to help you keep track of whether the database object is a the world will explode Or to be a subsequent write query which succeeded on the master may fail when replicated to the slave due to a unique key collision Replication on the slave will stop and it may take hours to repair the database and get it back online Setting read_only in my cnf on the slave will avoid this but given the dire we prefer to have as many checks as possible We provide a but the wrapper functions like please read the documentation for tableName() and addQuotes(). You will need both of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic query optimisation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MediaWiki developers who need to write DB queries should have some understanding of databases and the performance issues associated with them. Patches containing unacceptably slow features will not be accepted. Unindexed queries are generally not welcome in MediaWiki
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same so they can t rely on Unix and must forbid reads to even standard directories like tmp lest users read each others files We cannot assume that the user has the ability to install or run any programs not written as web accessible PHP scripts Since anything that works on cheap shared hosting will work if you have shell or root access MediaWiki s design is based around catering to the lowest common denominator Although we support higher end setups as the way many things work by default is tailored toward shared hosting These defaults are unconventional from the point of view of and they certainly aren t ideal for someone who s installing MediaWiki as MediaWiki does not conform to normal Unix filesystem layout Hopefully we ll offer direct support for standard layouts in the but for now *any change to the location of files is unsupported *Moving things and leaving symlinks will *probably *not break but it is *strongly *advised not to try any more intrusive changes to get MediaWiki to conform more closely to your filesystem hierarchy Any such attempt will almost certainly result in unnecessary bugs The standard recommended location to install relative to the web is it should be possible to enable the appropriate rewrite rules by if you can reconfigure the web server
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same user
Wikitext formatted, in the key only.
return[0=> 'ـ', 1=> ' ', 2=> '`', 3=> '´', 4=> '˜', 5=> '^', 6=> '¯', 7=> '‾', 8=> '˘', 9=> '˙', 10=> '¨', 11=> '˚', 12=> '˝', 13=> '᾽', 14=> '῝', 15=> '¸', 16=> '˛', 17=> '_', 18=> '‗', 19=> '῀', 20=> '﮲', 21=> '﮳', 22=> '﮴', 23=> '﮵', 24=> '﮶', 25=> '﮷', 26=> '﮸', 27=> '﮹', 28=> '﮺', 29=> '﮻', 30=> '﮼', 31=> '﮽', 32=> '﮾', 33=> '﮿', 34=> '﯀', 35=> '﯁', 36=> '゛', 37=> '゜', 38=> '-', 39=> '֊', 40=> '᐀', 41=> '᭠', 42=> '᠆', 43=> '᠇', 44=> '‐', 45=> '‒', 46=> '–', 47=> '—', 48=> '―', 49=> '⁓', 50=> '⸗', 51=> '゠', 52=> '・', 53=> ',', 54=> '՝', 55=> '،', 56=> '؍', 57=> '٫', 58=> '٬', 59=> '߸', 60=> '᠂', 61=> '᠈', 62=> '꓾', 63=> '꘍', 64=> '꛵', 65=> '︑', 66=> ';', 67=> '؛', 68=> '⁏', 69=> '꛶', 70=> ':', 71=> '։', 72=> '؞', 73=> '܃', 74=> '܄', 75=> '܅', 76=> '܆', 77=> '܇', 78=> '܈', 79=> '࠰', 80=> '࠱', 81=> '࠲', 82=> '࠳', 83=> '࠴', 84=> '࠵', 85=> '࠶', 86=> '࠷', 87=> '࠸', 88=> '࠹', 89=> '࠺', 90=> '࠻', 91=> '࠼', 92=> '࠽', 93=> '࠾', 94=> '፡', 95=> '፣', 96=> '፤', 97=> '፥', 98=> '፦', 99=> '᠄', 100=> '᠅', 101=> '༔', 102=> '៖', 103=> '᭝', 104=> '꧇', 105=> '᛫', 106=> '᛬', 107=> '᛭', 108=> '꛴', 109=> '!', 110=> '¡', 111=> '՜', 112=> '߹', 113=> '᥄', 114=> '?', 115=> '¿', 116=> '⸮', 117=> '՞', 118=> '؟', 119=> '܉', 120=> '፧', 121=> '᥅', 122=> '⳺', 123=> '⳻', 124=> '꘏', 125=> '꛷', 126=> '‽', 127=> '⸘', 128=> '.', 129=> '᠁', 130=> '۔', 131=> '܁', 132=> '܂', 133=> '።', 134=> '᠃', 135=> '᠉', 136=> '᙮', 137=> '᭜', 138=> '⳹', 139=> '⳾', 140=> '⸰', 141=> '꓿', 142=> '꘎', 143=> '꛳', 144=> '︒', 145=> '·', 146=> '⸱', 147=> '।', 148=> '॥', 149=> '꣎', 150=> '꣏', 151=> '᰻', 152=> '᰼', 153=> '꡶', 154=> '꡷', 155=> '᜵', 156=> '᜶', 157=> '꤯', 158=> '၊', 159=> '။', 160=> '។', 161=> '៕', 162=> '᪨', 163=> '᪩', 164=> '᪪', 165=> '᪫', 166=> '᭞', 167=> '᭟', 168=> '꧈', 169=> '꧉', 170=> '꩝', 171=> '꩞', 172=> '꩟', 173=> '꯫', 174=> '𐩖', 175=> '𐩗', 176=> '𑁇', 177=> '𑁈', 178=> '𑃀', 179=> '𑃁', 180=> '᱾', 181=> '᱿', 182=> '܀', 183=> '߷', 184=> '჻', 185=> '፠', 186=> '፨', 187=> '᨞', 188=> '᨟', 189=> '᭚', 190=> '᭛', 191=> '꧁', 192=> '꧂', 193=> '꧃', 194=> '꧄', 195=> '꧅', 196=> '꧆', 197=> '꧊', 198=> '꧋', 199=> '꧌', 200=> '꧍', 201=> '꛲', 202=> '꥟', 203=> '𐡗', 204=> '𐬺', 205=> '𐬻', 206=> '𐬼', 207=> '𐬽', 208=> '𐬾', 209=> '𐬿', 210=> '𑂾', 211=> '𑂿', 212=> '⁕', 213=> '⁖', 214=> '⁘', 215=> '⁙', 216=> '⁚', 217=> '⁛', 218=> '⁜', 219=> '⁝', 220=> '⁞', 221=> '⸪', 222=> '⸫', 223=> '⸬', 224=> '⸭', 225=> '⳼', 226=> '⳿', 227=> '⸙', 228=> '𐤿', 229=> '𐄀', 230=> '𐄁', 231=> '𐄂', 232=> '𐎟', 233=> '𐏐', 234=> '𐤟', 235=> '𒑰', 236=> '𒑱', 237=> '𒑲', 238=> '𒑳', 239=> '\'', 240=> '‘', 241=> '’', 242=> '‚', 243=> '‛', 244=> '‹', 245=> '›', 246=> '"', 247 => '“', 248 => '”', 249 => '„', 250 => '‟', 251 => '«', 252 => '»', 253 => '(', 254 => ')', 255 => '[', 256 => ']', 257 => '{', 258 => '}', 259 => '༺', 260 => '༻', 261 => '༼', 262 => '༽', 263 => '᚛', 264 => '᚜', 265 => '⁅', 266 => '⁆', 267 => '⧼', 268 => '⧽', 269 => '⦃', 270 => '⦄', 271 => '⦅', 272 => '⦆', 273 => '⦇', 274 => '⦈', 275 => '⦉', 276 => '⦊', 277 => '⦋', 278 => '⦌', 279 => '⦍', 280 => '⦎', 281 => '⦏', 282 => '⦐', 283 => '⦑', 284 => '⦒', 285 => '⦓', 286 => '⦔', 287 => '⦕', 288 => '⦖', 289 => '⦗', 290 => '⦘', 291 => '⟬', 292 => '⟭', 293 => '⟮', 294 => '⟯', 295 => '⸂', 296 => '⸃', 297 => '⸄', 298 => '⸅', 299 => '⸉', 300 => '⸊', 301 => '⸌', 302 => '⸍', 303 => '⸜', 304 => '⸝', 305 => '⸠', 306 => '⸡', 307 => '⸢', 308 => '⸣', 309 => '⸤', 310 => '⸥', 311 => '⸦', 312 => '⸧', 313 => '⸨', 314 => '⸩', 315 => '〈', 316 => '〉', 317 => '「', 318 => '」', 319 => '﹝', 320 => '﹞', 321 => '︗', 322 => '︘', 323 => '﴾', 324 => '﴿', 325 => '§', 326 => '¶', 327 => '⁋', 328 => '©', 329 => '®', 330 => '@', 331 => '*', 332 => '⁎', 333 => '⁑', 334 => '٭', 335 => '꙳', 336 => '/', 337 => '⁄', 338 => '\\', 339 => '&', 340 => '⅋', 341 => '⁊', 342 => '#', 343 => '%', 344 => '٪', 345 => '‰', 346 => '؉', 347 => '‱', 348 => '؊', 349 => '⁒', 350 => '†', 351 => '‡', 352 => '•', 353 => '‣', 354 => '‧', 355 => '⁃', 356 => '⁌', 357 => '⁍', 358 => '′', 359 => '‵', 360 => '‸', 361 => '※', 362 => '‿', 363 => '⁔', 364 => '⁀', 365 => '⁐', 366 => '⁁', 367 => '⁂', 368 => '⸀', 369 => '⸁', 370 => '⸆', 371 => '⸇', 372 => '⸈', 373 => '⸋', 374 => '⸎', 375 => '⸏', 376 => '⸐', 377 => '⸑', 378 => '⸒', 379 => '⸓', 380 => '⸔', 381 => '⸕', 382 => '⸖', 383 => '⸚', 384 => '⸛', 385 => '⸞', 386 => '⸟', 387 => '꙾', 388 => '՚', 389 => '՛', 390 => '՟', 391 => '־', 392 => '׀', 393 => '׃', 394 => '׆', 395 => '׳', 396 => '״', 397 => '܊', 398 => '܋', 399 => '܌', 400 => '܍', 401 => '࡞', 402 => '᠀', 403 => '॰', 404 => '꣸', 405 => '꣹', 406 => '꣺', 407 => '෴', 408 => '๚', 409 => '๛', 410 => '꫞', 411 => '꫟', 412 => '༄', 413 => '༅', 414 => '༆', 415 => '༇', 416 => '༈', 417 => '༉', 418 => '༊', 419 => '࿐', 420 => '࿑', 421 => '་', 422 => '།', 423 => '༎', 424 => '༏', 425 => '༐', 426 => '༑', 427 => '༒', 428 => '྅', 429 => '࿒', 430 => '࿓', 431 => '࿔', 432 => '࿙', 433 => '࿚', 434 => '᰽', 435 => '᰾', 436 => '᰿', 437 => '᥀', 438 => '၌', 439 => '၍', 440 => '၎', 441 => '၏', 442 => '႞', 443 => '႟', 444 => '꩷', 445 => '꩸', 446 => '꩹', 447 => 'ៗ', 448 => '៘', 449 => '៙', 450 => '៚', 451 => '᪠', 452 => '᪡', 453 => '᪢', 454 => '᪣', 455 => '᪤', 456 => '᪥', 457 => '᪦', 458 => '᪬', 459 => '᪭', 460 => '᙭', 461 => '⵰', 462 => '꡴', 463 => '꡵', 464 => '᯼', 465 => '᯽', 466 => '᯾', 467 => '᯿', 468 => '꤮', 469 => '꧞', 470 => '꧟', 471 => '꩜', 472 => '𑁉', 473 => '𑁊', 474 => '𑁋', 475 => '𑁌', 476 => '𑁍', 477 => '𐩐', 478 => '𐩑', 479 => '𐩒', 480 => '𐩓', 481 => '𐩔', 482 => '𐩕', 483 => '𐩘', 484 => '𐬹', 485 => '𑂻', 486 => '𑂼', 487 => 'ʹ', 488 => '͵', 489 => 'ʺ', 490 => '˂', 491 => '˃', 492 => '˄', 493 => '˅', 494 => 'ˆ', 495 => 'ˇ', 496 => 'ˈ', 497 => 'ˉ', 498 => 'ˊ', 499 => 'ˋ', 500 => 'ˌ', 501 => 'ˍ', 502 => 'ˎ', 503 => 'ˏ', 504 => '˒', 505 => '˓', 506 => '˔', 507 => '˕', 508 => '˖', 509 => '˗', 510 => '˞', 511 => '˟', 512 => '˥', 513 => '˦', 514 => '˧', 515 => '˨', 516 => '˩', 517 => '˪', 518 => '˫', 519 => 'ˬ', 520 => '˭', 521 => '˯', 522 => '˰', 523 => '˱', 524 => '˲', 525 => '˳', 526 => '˴', 527 => '˵', 528 => '˶', 529 => '˷', 530 => '˸', 531 => '˹', 532 => '˺', 533 => '˻', 534 => '˼', 535 => '˽', 536 => '˾', 537 => '˿', 538 => '᎐', 539 => '᎑', 540 => '᎒', 541 => '᎓', 542 => '᎔', 543 => '᎕', 544 => '᎖', 545 => '᎗', 546 => '᎘', 547 => '᎙', 548 => '꜀', 549 => '꜁', 550 => '꜂', 551 => '꜃', 552 => '꜄', 553 => '꜅', 554 => '꜆', 555 => '꜇', 556 => '꜈', 557 => '꜉', 558 => '꜊', 559 => '꜋', 560 => '꜌', 561 => '꜍', 562 => '꜎', 563 => '꜏', 564 => '꜐', 565 => '꜑', 566 => '꜒', 567 => '꜓', 568 => '꜔', 569 => '꜕', 570 => '꜖', 571 => 'ꜗ', 572 => 'ꜘ', 573 => 'ꜙ', 574 => 'ꜚ', 575 => 'ꜛ', 576 => 'ꜜ', 577 => 'ꜝ', 578 => 'ꜞ', 579 => 'ꜟ', 580 => '꜠', 581 => '꜡', 582 => 'ꞈ', 583 => '꞉', 584 => '꞊', 585 => '°', 586 => '҂', 587 => '؈', 588 => '؎', 589 => '؏', 590 => '۞', 591 => '۩', 592 => '﷽', 593 => '߶', 594 => '৺', 595 => '୰', 596 => '௳', 597 => '௴', 598 => '௵', 599 => '௶', 600 => '௷', 601 => '௸', 602 => '௺', 603 => '౿', 604 => '൹', 605 => '꠨', 606 => '꠩', 607 => '꠪', 608 => '꠫', 609 => '꠶', 610 => '꠷', 611 => '꠹', 612 => '๏', 613 => '༁', 614 => '༂', 615 => '༃', 616 => '༓', 617 => '༕', 618 => '༖', 619 => '༗', 620 => '༚', 621 => '༛', 622 => '༜', 623 => '༝', 624 => '༞', 625 => '༟', 626 => '༴', 627 => '༶', 628 => '༸', 629 => '྾', 630 => '྿', 631 => '࿀', 632 => '࿁', 633 => '࿂', 634 => '࿃', 635 => '࿄', 636 => '࿅', 637 => '࿇', 638 => '࿈', 639 => '࿉', 640 => '࿊', 641 => '࿋', 642 => '࿌', 643 => '࿎', 644 => '࿏', 645 => '࿕', 646 => '࿖', 647 => '࿗', 648 => '࿘', 649 => '᧠', 650 => '᧡', 651 => '᧢', 652 => '᧣', 653 => '᧤', 654 => '᧥', 655 => '᧦', 656 => '᧧', 657 => '᧨', 658 => '᧩', 659 => '᧪', 660 => '᧫', 661 => '᧬', 662 => '᧭', 663 => '᧮', 664 => '᧯', 665 => '᧰', 666 => '᧱', 667 => '᧲', 668 => '᧳', 669 => '᧴', 670 => '᧵', 671 => '᧶', 672 => '᧷', 673 => '᧸', 674 => '᧹', 675 => '᧺', 676 => '᧻', 677 => '᧼', 678 => '᧽', 679 => '᧾', 680 => '᧿', 681 => '᭡', 682 => '᭢', 683 => '᭣', 684 => '᭤', 685 => '᭥', 686 => '᭦', 687 => '᭧', 688 => '᭨', 689 => '᭩', 690 => '᭪', 691 => '᭴', 692 => '᭵', 693 => '᭶', 694 => '᭷', 695 => '᭸', 696 => '᭹', 697 => '᭺', 698 => '᭻', 699 => '᭼', 700 => '℄', 701 => '℈', 702 => '℔', 703 => '℗', 704 => '℘', 705 => '℞', 706 => '℟', 707 => '℣', 708 => '℥', 709 => '℧', 710 => '℩', 711 => '℮', 712 => '℺', 713 => '⅁', 714 => '⅂', 715 => '⅃', 716 => '⅄', 717 => '⅊', 718 => '⅌', 719 => '⅍', 720 => '⅏', 721 => '←', 722 => '→', 723 => '↑', 724 => '↓', 725 => '↔', 726 => '↕', 727 => '↖', 728 => '↗', 729 => '↘', 730 => '↙', 731 => '↜', 732 => '↝', 733 => '↞', 734 => '↟', 735 => '↠', 736 => '↡', 737 => '↢', 738 => '↣', 739 => '↤', 740 => '↥', 741 => '↦', 742 => '↧', 743 => '↨', 744 => '↩', 745 => '↪', 746 => '↫', 747 => '↬', 748 => '↭', 749 => '↯', 750 => '↰', 751 => '↱', 752 => '↲', 753 => '↳', 754 => '↴', 755 => '↵', 756 => '↶', 757 => '↷', 758 => '↸', 759 => '↹', 760 => '↺', 761 => '↻', 762 => '↼', 763 => '↽', 764 => '↾', 765 => '↿', 766 => '⇀', 767 => '⇁', 768 => '⇂', 769 => '⇃', 770 => '⇄', 771 => '⇅', 772 => '⇆', 773 => '⇇', 774 => '⇈', 775 => '⇉', 776 => '⇊', 777 => '⇋', 778 => '⇌', 779 => '⇐', 780 => '⇑', 781 => '⇒', 782 => '⇓', 783 => '⇔', 784 => '⇕', 785 => '⇖', 786 => '⇗', 787 => '⇘', 788 => '⇙', 789 => '⇚', 790 => '⇛', 791 => '⇜', 792 => '⇝', 793 => '⇞', 794 => '⇟', 795 => '⇠', 796 => '⇡', 797 => '⇢', 798 => '⇣', 799 => '⇤', 800 => '⇥', 801 => '⇦', 802 => '⇧', 803 => '⇨', 804 => '⇩', 805 => '⇪', 806 => '⇫', 807 => '⇬', 808 => '⇭', 809 => '⇮', 810 => '⇯', 811 => '⇰', 812 => '⇱', 813 => '⇲', 814 => '⇳', 815 => '⇴', 816 => '⇵', 817 => '⇶', 818 => '⇷', 819 => '⇸', 820 => '⇹', 821 => '⇺', 822 => '⇻', 823 => '⇼', 824 => '⇽', 825 => '⇾', 826 => '⇿', 827 => '∀', 828 => '∁', 829 => '∂', 830 => '∃', 831 => '∅', 832 => '∆', 833 => '∇', 834 => '∈', 835 => '∊', 836 => '∋', 837 => '∍', 838 => '϶', 839 => '∎', 840 => '∏', 841 => '∐', 842 => '∑', 843 => '+', 844 => '±', 845 => '÷', 846 => '×', 847 => '<', 848 => '=', 849 => '>', 850 => '¬', 851 => '|', 852 => '¦', 853 => '‖', 854 => '~', 855 => '−', 856 => '∓', 857 => '∔', 858 => '∕', 859 => '∖', 860 => '∗', 861 => '∘', 862 => '∙', 863 => '√', 864 => '∛', 865 => '؆', 866 => '∜', 867 => '؇', 868 => '∝', 869 => '∞', 870 => '∟', 871 => '∠', 872 => '∡', 873 => '∢', 874 => '∣', 875 => '∥', 876 => '∧', 877 => '∨', 878 => '∩', 879 => '∪', 880 => '∫', 881 => '∮', 882 => '∱', 883 => '∲', 884 => '∳', 885 => '∴', 886 => '∵', 887 => '∶', 888 => '∷', 889 => '∸', 890 => '∹', 891 => '∺', 892 => '∻', 893 => '∼', 894 => '∽', 895 => '∾', 896 => '∿', 897 => '≀', 898 => '≂', 899 => '≃', 900 => '≅', 901 => '≆', 902 => '≈', 903 => '≊', 904 => '≋', 905 => '≌', 906 => '≍', 907 => '≎', 908 => '≏', 909 => '≐', 910 => '≑', 911 => '≒', 912 => '≓', 913 => '≔', 914 => '≕', 915 => '≖', 916 => '≗', 917 => '≘', 918 => '≙', 919 => '≚', 920 => '≛', 921 => '≜', 922 => '≝', 923 => '≞', 924 => '≟', 925 => '≡', 926 => '≣', 927 => '≤', 928 => '≥', 929 => '≦', 930 => '≧', 931 => '≨', 932 => '≩', 933 => '≪', 934 => '≫', 935 => '≬', 936 => '≲', 937 => '≳', 938 => '≶', 939 => '≷', 940 => '≺', 941 => '≻', 942 => '≼', 943 => '≽', 944 => '≾', 945 => '≿', 946 => '⊂', 947 => '⊃', 948 => '⊆', 949 => '⊇', 950 => '⊊', 951 => '⊋', 952 => '⊌', 953 => '⊍', 954 => '⊎', 955 => '⊏', 956 => '⊐', 957 => '⊑', 958 => '⊒', 959 => '⊓', 960 => '⊔', 961 => '⊕', 962 => '⊖', 963 => '⊗', 964 => '⊘', 965 => '⊙', 966 => '⊚', 967 => '⊛', 968 => '⊜', 969 => '⊝', 970 => '⊞', 971 => '⊟', 972 => '⊠', 973 => '⊡', 974 => '⊢', 975 => '⊣', 976 => '⊤', 977 => '⊥', 978 => '⊦', 979 => '⊧', 980 => '⊨', 981 => '⊩', 982 => '⊪', 983 => '⊫', 984 => '⊰', 985 => '⊱', 986 => '⊲', 987 => '⊳', 988 => '⊴', 989 => '⊵', 990 => '⊶', 991 => '⊷', 992 => '⊸', 993 => '⊹', 994 => '⊺', 995 => '⊻', 996 => '⊼', 997 => '⊽', 998 => '⊾', 999 => '⊿', 1000 => '⋀', 1001 => '⋁', 1002 => '⋂', 1003 => '⋃', 1004 => '⋄', 1005 => '⋅', 1006 => '⋆', 1007 => '⋇', 1008 => '⋈', 1009 => '⋉', 1010 => '⋊', 1011 => '⋋', 1012 => '⋌', 1013 => '⋍', 1014 => '⋎', 1015 => '⋏', 1016 => '⋐', 1017 => '⋑', 1018 => '⋒', 1019 => '⋓', 1020 => '⋔', 1021 => '⋕', 1022 => '⋖', 1023 => '⋗', 1024 => '⋘', 1025 => '⋙', 1026 => '⋚', 1027 => '⋛', 1028 => '⋜', 1029 => '⋝', 1030 => '⋞', 1031 => '⋟', 1032 => '⋤', 1033 => '⋥', 1034 => '⋦', 1035 => '⋧', 1036 => '⋨', 1037 => '⋩', 1038 => '⋮', 1039 => '⋯', 1040 => '⋰', 1041 => '⋱', 1042 => '⋲', 1043 => '⋳', 1044 => '⋴', 1045 => '⋵', 1046 => '⋶', 1047 => '⋷', 1048 => '⋸', 1049 => '⋹', 1050 => '⋺', 1051 => '⋻', 1052 => '⋼', 1053 => '⋽', 1054 => '⋾', 1055 => '⋿', 1056 => '⌀', 1057 => '⌁', 1058 => '⌂', 1059 => '⌃', 1060 => '⌄', 1061 => '⌅', 1062 => '⌆', 1063 => '⌇', 1064 => '⌈', 1065 => '⌉', 1066 => '⌊', 1067 => '⌋', 1068 => '⌌', 1069 => '⌍', 1070 => '⌎', 1071 => '⌏', 1072 => '⌐', 1073 => '⌑', 1074 => '⌒', 1075 => '⌓', 1076 => '⌔', 1077 => '⌕', 1078 => '⌖', 1079 => '⌗', 1080 => '⌘', 1081 => '⌙', 1082 => '⌚', 1083 => '⌛', 1084 => '⌜', 1085 => '⌝', 1086 => '⌞', 1087 => '⌟', 1088 => '⌠', 1089 => '⌡', 1090 => '⌢', 1091 => '⌣', 1092 => '⌤', 1093 => '⌥', 1094 => '⌦', 1095 => '⌧', 1096 => '⌨', 1097 => '⌫', 1098 => '⌬', 1099 => '⌭', 1100 => '⌮', 1101 => '⌯', 1102 => '⌰', 1103 => '⌱', 1104 => '⌲', 1105 => '⌳', 1106 => '⌴', 1107 => '⌵', 1108 => '⌶', 1109 => '⌷', 1110 => '⌸', 1111 => '⌹', 1112 => '⌺', 1113 => '⌻', 1114 => '⌼', 1115 => '⌽', 1116 => '⌾', 1117 => '⌿', 1118 => '⍀', 1119 => '⍁', 1120 => '⍂', 1121 => '⍃', 1122 => '⍄', 1123 => '⍅', 1124 => '⍆', 1125 => '⍇', 1126 => '⍈', 1127 => '⍉', 1128 => '⍊', 1129 => '⍋', 1130 => '⍌', 1131 => '⍍', 1132 => '⍎', 1133 => '⍏', 1134 => '⍐', 1135 => '⍑', 1136 => '⍒', 1137 => '⍓', 1138 => '⍔', 1139 => '⍕', 1140 => '⍖', 1141 => '⍗', 1142 => '⍘', 1143 => '⍙', 1144 => '⍚', 1145 => '⍛', 1146 => '⍜', 1147 => '⍝', 1148 => '⍞', 1149 => '⍟', 1150 => '⍠', 1151 => '⍡', 1152 => '⍢', 1153 => '⍣', 1154 => '⍤', 1155 => '⍥', 1156 => '⍦', 1157 => '⍧', 1158 => '⍨', 1159 => '⍩', 1160 => '⍪', 1161 => '⍫', 1162 => '⍬', 1163 => '⍭', 1164 => '⍮', 1165 => '⍯', 1166 => '⍰', 1167 => '⍱', 1168 => '⍲', 1169 => '⍳', 1170 => '⍴', 1171 => '⍵', 1172 => '⍶', 1173 => '⍷', 1174 => '⍸', 1175 => '⍹', 1176 => '⍺', 1177 => '⍻', 1178 => '⍼', 1179 => '⍽', 1180 => '⍾', 1181 => '⍿', 1182 => '⎀', 1183 => '⎁', 1184 => '⎂', 1185 => '⎃', 1186 => '⎄', 1187 => '⎅', 1188 => '⎆', 1189 => '⎇', 1190 => '⎈', 1191 => '⎉', 1192 => '⎊', 1193 => '⎋', 1194 => '⎌', 1195 => '⎍', 1196 => '⎎', 1197 => '⎏', 1198 => '⎐', 1199 => '⎑', 1200 => '⎒', 1201 => '⎓', 1202 => '⎔', 1203 => '⎕', 1204 => '⎖', 1205 => '⎗', 1206 => '⎘', 1207 => '⎙', 1208 => '⎚', 1209 => '⎛', 1210 => '⎜', 1211 => '⎝', 1212 => '⎞', 1213 => '⎟', 1214 => '⎠', 1215 => '⎡', 1216 => '⎢', 1217 => '⎣', 1218 => '⎤', 1219 => '⎥', 1220 => '⎦', 1221 => '⎧', 1222 => '⎨', 1223 => '⎩', 1224 => '⎪', 1225 => '⎫', 1226 => '⎬', 1227 => '⎭', 1228 => '⎮', 1229 => '⎯', 1230 => '⎰', 1231 => '⎱', 1232 => '⎲', 1233 => '⎳', 1234 => '⎴', 1235 => '⎵', 1236 => '⎶', 1237 => '⎷', 1238 => '⎸', 1239 => '⎹', 1240 => '⎺', 1241 => '⎻', 1242 => '⎼', 1243 => '⎽', 1244 => '⎾', 1245 => '⎿', 1246 => '⏀', 1247 => '⏁', 1248 => '⏂', 1249 => '⏃', 1250 => '⏄', 1251 => '⏅', 1252 => '⏆', 1253 => '⏇', 1254 => '⏈', 1255 => '⏉', 1256 => '⏊', 1257 => '⏋', 1258 => '⏌', 1259 => '⏍', 1260 => '⏎', 1261 => '⏏', 1262 => '⏐', 1263 => '⏑', 1264 => '⏒', 1265 => '⏓', 1266 => '⏔', 1267 => '⏕', 1268 => '⏖', 1269 => '⏗', 1270 => '⏘', 1271 => '⏙', 1272 => '⏚', 1273 => '⏛', 1274 => '⏜', 1275 => '⏝', 1276 => '⏞', 1277 => '⏟', 1278 => '⏠', 1279 => '⏡', 1280 => '⏢', 1281 => '⏣', 1282 => '⏤', 1283 => '⏥', 1284 => '⏦', 1285 => '⏧', 1286 => '⏨', 1287 => '⏩', 1288 => '⏪', 1289 => '⏫', 1290 => '⏬', 1291 => '⏭', 1292 => '⏮', 1293 => '⏯', 1294 => '⏰', 1295 => '⏱', 1296 => '⏲', 1297 => '⏳', 1298 => '␀', 1299 => '␁', 1300 => '␂', 1301 => '␃', 1302 => '␄', 1303 => '␅', 1304 => '␆', 1305 => '␇', 1306 => '␈', 1307 => '␉', 1308 => '␊', 1309 => '␋', 1310 => '␌', 1311 => '␍', 1312 => '␎', 1313 => '␏', 1314 => '␐', 1315 => '␑', 1316 => '␒', 1317 => '␓', 1318 => '␔', 1319 => '␕', 1320 => '␖', 1321 => '␗', 1322 => '␘', 1323 => '␙', 1324 => '␚', 1325 => '␛', 1326 => '␜', 1327 => '␝', 1328 => '␞', 1329 => '␟', 1330 => '␠', 1331 => '␡', 1332 => '␢', 1333 => '␣', 1334 => '␤', 1335 => '␥', 1336 => '␦', 1337 => '⑀', 1338 => '⑁', 1339 => '⑂', 1340 => '⑃', 1341 => '⑄', 1342 => '⑅', 1343 => '⑆', 1344 => '⑇', 1345 => '⑈', 1346 => '⑉', 1347 => '⑊', 1348 => '─', 1349 => '━', 1350 => '│', 1351 => '┃', 1352 => '┄', 1353 => '┅', 1354 => '┆', 1355 => '┇', 1356 => '┈', 1357 => '┉', 1358 => '┊', 1359 => '┋', 1360 => '┌', 1361 => '┍', 1362 => '┎', 1363 => '┏', 1364 => '┐', 1365 => '┑', 1366 => '┒', 1367 => '┓', 1368 => '└', 1369 => '┕', 1370 => '┖', 1371 => '┗', 1372 => '┘', 1373 => '┙', 1374 => '┚', 1375 => '┛', 1376 => '├', 1377 => '┝', 1378 => '┞', 1379 => '┟', 1380 => '┠', 1381 => '┡', 1382 => '┢', 1383 => '┣', 1384 => '┤', 1385 => '┥', 1386 => '┦', 1387 => '┧', 1388 => '┨', 1389 => '┩', 1390 => '┪', 1391 => '┫', 1392 => '┬', 1393 => '┭', 1394 => '┮', 1395 => '┯', 1396 => '┰', 1397 => '┱', 1398 => '┲', 1399 => '┳', 1400 => '┴', 1401 => '┵', 1402 => '┶', 1403 => '┷', 1404 => '┸', 1405 => '┹', 1406 => '┺', 1407 => '┻', 1408 => '┼', 1409 => '┽', 1410 => '┾', 1411 => 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'⛑', 1797 => '⛒', 1798 => '⛓', 1799 => '⛔', 1800 => '⛕', 1801 => '⛖', 1802 => '⛗', 1803 => '⛘', 1804 => '⛙', 1805 => '⛚', 1806 => '⛛', 1807 => '⛜', 1808 => '⛝', 1809 => '⛞', 1810 => '⛟', 1811 => '⛠', 1812 => '⛡', 1813 => '⛢', 1814 => '⛣', 1815 => '⛤', 1816 => '⛥', 1817 => '⛦', 1818 => '⛧', 1819 => '⛨', 1820 => '⛩', 1821 => '⛪', 1822 => '⛫', 1823 => '⛬', 1824 => '⛭', 1825 => '⛮', 1826 => '⛯', 1827 => '⛰', 1828 => '⛱', 1829 => '⛲', 1830 => '⛳', 1831 => '⛴', 1832 => '⛵', 1833 => '⛶', 1834 => '⛷', 1835 => '⛸', 1836 => '⛹', 1837 => '⛺', 1838 => '⛻', 1839 => '⛼', 1840 => '⛽', 1841 => '⛾', 1842 => '⛿', 1843 => '✁', 1844 => '✂', 1845 => '✃', 1846 => '✄', 1847 => '✅', 1848 => '✆', 1849 => '✇', 1850 => '✈', 1851 => '✉', 1852 => '✊', 1853 => '✋', 1854 => '✌', 1855 => '✍', 1856 => '✎', 1857 => '✏', 1858 => '✐', 1859 => '✑', 1860 => '✒', 1861 => '✓', 1862 => '✔', 1863 => '✕', 1864 => '✖', 1865 => '✗', 1866 => '✘', 1867 => '✙', 1868 => '✚', 1869 => '✛', 1870 => '✜', 1871 => '✝', 1872 => '✞', 1873 => '✟', 1874 => '✠', 1875 => '✡', 1876 => '✢', 1877 => '✣', 1878 => '✤', 1879 => '✥', 1880 => '✦', 1881 => '✧', 1882 => '✨', 1883 => '✩', 1884 => '✪', 1885 => '✫', 1886 => '✬', 1887 => '✭', 1888 => '✮', 1889 => '✯', 1890 => '✰', 1891 => '✱', 1892 => '✲', 1893 => '✳', 1894 => '✴', 1895 => '✵', 1896 => '✶', 1897 => '✷', 1898 => '✸', 1899 => '✹', 1900 => '✺', 1901 => '✻', 1902 => '✼', 1903 => '✽', 1904 => '✾', 1905 => '✿', 1906 => '❀', 1907 => '❁', 1908 => '❂', 1909 => '❃', 1910 => '❄', 1911 => '❅', 1912 => '❆', 1913 => '❇', 1914 => '❈', 1915 => '❉', 1916 => '❊', 1917 => '❋', 1918 => '❌', 1919 => '❍', 1920 => '❎', 1921 => '❏', 1922 => '❐', 1923 => '❑', 1924 => '❒', 1925 => '❓', 1926 => '❔', 1927 => '❕', 1928 => '❖', 1929 => '❗', 1930 => '❘', 1931 => '❙', 1932 => '❚', 1933 => '❛', 1934 => '❜', 1935 => '❝', 1936 => '❞', 1937 => '❟', 1938 => '❠', 1939 => '❡', 1940 => '❢', 1941 => '❣', 1942 => '❤', 1943 => '❥', 1944 => '❦', 1945 => '❧', 1946 => '❨', 1947 => '❩', 1948 => '❪', 1949 => '❫', 1950 => '❬', 1951 => '❭', 1952 => '❮', 1953 => '❯', 1954 => '❰', 1955 => '❱', 1956 => '❲', 1957 => '❳', 1958 => '❴', 1959 => '❵', 1960 => '➔', 1961 => '➕', 1962 => '➖', 1963 => '➗', 1964 => '➘', 1965 => '➙', 1966 => '➚', 1967 => '➛', 1968 => '➜', 1969 => '➝', 1970 => '➞', 1971 => '➟', 1972 => '➠', 1973 => '➡', 1974 => '➢', 1975 => '➣', 1976 => '➤', 1977 => '➥', 1978 => '➦', 1979 => '➧', 1980 => '➨', 1981 => '➩', 1982 => '➪', 1983 => '➫', 1984 => '➬', 1985 => '➭', 1986 => '➮', 1987 => '➯', 1988 => '➰', 1989 => '➱', 1990 => '➲', 1991 => '➳', 1992 => '➴', 1993 => '➵', 1994 => '➶', 1995 => '➷', 1996 => '➸', 1997 => '➹', 1998 => '➺', 1999 => '➻', 2000 => '➼', 2001 => '➽', 2002 => '➾', 2003 => '➿', 2004 => '⟀', 2005 => '⟁', 2006 => '⟂', 2007 => '⟃', 2008 => '⟄', 2009 => '⟅', 2010 => '⟆', 2011 => '⟇', 2012 => '⟈', 2013 => '⟉', 2014 => '⟊', 2015 => '⟌', 2016 => '⟎', 2017 => '⟏', 2018 => '⟐', 2019 => '⟑', 2020 => '⟒', 2021 => '⟓', 2022 => '⟔', 2023 => '⟕', 2024 => '⟖', 2025 => '⟗', 2026 => '⟘', 2027 => '⟙', 2028 => '⟚', 2029 => '⟛', 2030 => '⟜', 2031 => '⟝', 2032 => '⟞', 2033 => '⟟', 2034 => '⟠', 2035 => '⟡', 2036 => '⟢', 2037 => '⟣', 2038 => '⟤', 2039 => '⟥', 2040 => '⟦', 2041 => '⟧', 2042 => '⟨', 2043 => '⟩', 2044 => '⟪', 2045 => '⟫', 2046 => '⟰', 2047 => '⟱', 2048 => '⟲', 2049 => '⟳', 2050 => '⟴', 2051 => '⟵', 2052 => '⟶', 2053 => '⟷', 2054 => '⟸', 2055 => '⟹', 2056 => '⟺', 2057 => '⟻', 2058 => '⟼', 2059 => '⟽', 2060 => '⟾', 2061 => '⟿', 2062 => '⤀', 2063 => '⤁', 2064 => '⤂', 2065 => '⤃', 2066 => '⤄', 2067 => '⤅', 2068 => '⤆', 2069 => '⤇', 2070 => '⤈', 2071 => '⤉', 2072 => '⤊', 2073 => '⤋', 2074 => '⤌', 2075 => '⤍', 2076 => '⤎', 2077 => '⤏', 2078 => '⤐', 2079 => '⤑', 2080 => '⤒', 2081 => '⤓', 2082 => '⤔', 2083 => '⤕', 2084 => '⤖', 2085 => '⤗', 2086 => '⤘', 2087 => '⤙', 2088 => '⤚', 2089 => '⤛', 2090 => '⤜', 2091 => '⤝', 2092 => '⤞', 2093 => '⤟', 2094 => '⤠', 2095 => '⤡', 2096 => '⤢', 2097 => '⤣', 2098 => '⤤', 2099 => '⤥', 2100 => '⤦', 2101 => '⤧', 2102 => '⤨', 2103 => '⤩', 2104 => '⤪', 2105 => '⤫', 2106 => '⤬', 2107 => '⤭', 2108 => '⤮', 2109 => '⤯', 2110 => '⤰', 2111 => '⤱', 2112 => '⤲', 2113 => '⤳', 2114 => '⤴', 2115 => '⤵', 2116 => '⤶', 2117 => '⤷', 2118 => '⤸', 2119 => '⤹', 2120 => '⤺', 2121 => '⤻', 2122 => '⤼', 2123 => '⤽', 2124 => '⤾', 2125 => '⤿', 2126 => '⥀', 2127 => '⥁', 2128 => '⥂', 2129 => '⥃', 2130 => '⥄', 2131 => '⥅', 2132 => '⥆', 2133 => '⥇', 2134 => '⥈', 2135 => '⥉', 2136 => '⥊', 2137 => '⥋', 2138 => '⥌', 2139 => '⥍', 2140 => '⥎', 2141 => '⥏', 2142 => '⥐', 2143 => '⥑', 2144 => '⥒', 2145 => '⥓', 2146 => '⥔', 2147 => '⥕', 2148 => '⥖', 2149 => '⥗', 2150 => '⥘', 2151 => '⥙', 2152 => '⥚', 2153 => '⥛', 2154 => '⥜', 2155 => '⥝', 2156 => '⥞', 2157 => '⥟', 2158 => '⥠', 2159 => '⥡', 2160 => '⥢', 2161 => '⥣', 2162 => '⥤', 2163 => '⥥', 2164 => '⥦', 2165 => '⥧', 2166 => '⥨', 2167 => '⥩', 2168 => '⥪', 2169 => '⥫', 2170 => '⥬', 2171 => '⥭', 2172 => '⥮', 2173 => '⥯', 2174 => '⥰', 2175 => '⥱', 2176 => '⥲', 2177 => '⥳', 2178 => '⥴', 2179 => '⥵', 2180 => '⥶', 2181 => '⥷', 2182 => '⥸', 2183 => '⥹', 2184 => '⥺', 2185 => '⥻', 2186 => '⥼', 2187 => '⥽', 2188 => '⥾', 2189 => '⥿', 2190 => '⦀', 2191 => '⦁', 2192 => '⦂', 2193 => '⦙', 2194 => '⦚', 2195 => '⦛', 2196 => '⦜', 2197 => '⦝', 2198 => '⦞', 2199 => '⦟', 2200 => '⦠', 2201 => '⦡', 2202 => '⦢', 2203 => '⦣', 2204 => '⦤', 2205 => '⦥', 2206 => '⦦', 2207 => '⦧', 2208 => '⦨', 2209 => '⦩', 2210 => '⦪', 2211 => '⦫', 2212 => '⦬', 2213 => '⦭', 2214 => '⦮', 2215 => '⦯', 2216 => '⦰', 2217 => '⦱', 2218 => '⦲', 2219 => '⦳', 2220 => '⦴', 2221 => '⦵', 2222 => '⦶', 2223 => '⦷', 2224 => '⦸', 2225 => '⦹', 2226 => '⦺', 2227 => '⦻', 2228 => '⦼', 2229 => '⦽', 2230 => '⦾', 2231 => '⦿', 2232 => '⧀', 2233 => '⧁', 2234 => '⧂', 2235 => '⧃', 2236 => '⧄', 2237 => '⧅', 2238 => '⧆', 2239 => '⧇', 2240 => '⧈', 2241 => '⧉', 2242 => '⧊', 2243 => '⧋', 2244 => '⧌', 2245 => '⧍', 2246 => '⧎', 2247 => '⧏', 2248 => '⧐', 2249 => '⧑', 2250 => '⧒', 2251 => '⧓', 2252 => '⧔', 2253 => '⧕', 2254 => '⧖', 2255 => '⧗', 2256 => '⧘', 2257 => '⧙', 2258 => '⧚', 2259 => '⧛', 2260 => '⧜', 2261 => '⧝', 2262 => '⧞', 2263 => '⧟', 2264 => '⧠', 2265 => '⧡', 2266 => '⧢', 2267 => '⧣', 2268 => '⧤', 2269 => '⧥', 2270 => '⧦', 2271 => '⧧', 2272 => '⧨', 2273 => '⧩', 2274 => '⧪', 2275 => '⧫', 2276 => '⧬', 2277 => '⧭', 2278 => '⧮', 2279 => '⧯', 2280 => '⧰', 2281 => '⧱', 2282 => '⧲', 2283 => '⧳', 2284 => '⧴', 2285 => '⧵', 2286 => '⧶', 2287 => '⧷', 2288 => '⧸', 2289 => '⧹', 2290 => '⧺', 2291 => '⧻', 2292 => '⧾', 2293 => '⧿', 2294 => '⨀', 2295 => '⨁', 2296 => '⨂', 2297 => '⨃', 2298 => '⨄', 2299 => '⨅', 2300 => '⨆', 2301 => '⨇', 2302 => '⨈', 2303 => '⨉', 2304 => '⨊', 2305 => '⨋', 2306 => '⨍', 2307 => '⨎', 2308 => '⨏', 2309 => '⨐', 2310 => '⨑', 2311 => '⨒', 2312 => '⨓', 2313 => '⨔', 2314 => '⨕', 2315 => '⨖', 2316 => '⨗', 2317 => '⨘', 2318 => '⨙', 2319 => '⨚', 2320 => '⨛', 2321 => '⨜', 2322 => '⨝', 2323 => '⨞', 2324 => '⨟', 2325 => '⨠', 2326 => '⨡', 2327 => '⨢', 2328 => '⨣', 2329 => '⨤', 2330 => '⨥', 2331 => '⨦', 2332 => '⨧', 2333 => '⨨', 2334 => '⨩', 2335 => '⨪', 2336 => '⨫', 2337 => '⨬', 2338 => '⨭', 2339 => '⨮', 2340 => '⨯', 2341 => '⨰', 2342 => '⨱', 2343 => '⨲', 2344 => '⨳', 2345 => '⨴', 2346 => '⨵', 2347 => '⨶', 2348 => '⨷', 2349 => '⨸', 2350 => '⨹', 2351 => '⨺', 2352 => '⨻', 2353 => '⨼', 2354 => '⨽', 2355 => '⨾', 2356 => '⨿', 2357 => '⩀', 2358 => '⩁', 2359 => '⩂', 2360 => '⩃', 2361 => '⩄', 2362 => '⩅', 2363 => '⩆', 2364 => '⩇', 2365 => '⩈', 2366 => '⩉', 2367 => '⩊', 2368 => '⩋', 2369 => '⩌', 2370 => '⩍', 2371 => '⩎', 2372 => '⩏', 2373 => '⩐', 2374 => '⩑', 2375 => '⩒', 2376 => '⩓', 2377 => '⩔', 2378 => '⩕', 2379 => '⩖', 2380 => '⩗', 2381 => '⩘', 2382 => '⩙', 2383 => '⩚', 2384 => '⩛', 2385 => '⩜', 2386 => '⩝', 2387 => '⩞', 2388 => '⩟', 2389 => '⩠', 2390 => '⩡', 2391 => '⩢', 2392 => '⩣', 2393 => '⩤', 2394 => '⩥', 2395 => '⩦', 2396 => '⩧', 2397 => '⩨', 2398 => '⩩', 2399 => '⩪', 2400 => '⩫', 2401 => '⩬', 2402 => '⩭', 2403 => '⩮', 2404 => '⩯', 2405 => '⩰', 2406 => '⩱', 2407 => '⩲', 2408 => '⩳', 2409 => '⩷', 2410 => '⩸', 2411 => '⩹', 2412 => '⩺', 2413 => '⩻', 2414 => '⩼', 2415 => '⩽', 2416 => '⩾', 2417 => '⩿', 2418 => '⪀', 2419 => '⪁', 2420 => '⪂', 2421 => '⪃', 2422 => '⪄', 2423 => '⪅', 2424 => '⪆', 2425 => '⪇', 2426 => '⪈', 2427 => '⪉', 2428 => '⪊', 2429 => '⪋', 2430 => '⪌', 2431 => '⪍', 2432 => '⪎', 2433 => '⪏', 2434 => '⪐', 2435 => '⪑', 2436 => '⪒', 2437 => '⪓', 2438 => '⪔', 2439 => '⪕', 2440 => '⪖', 2441 => '⪗', 2442 => '⪘', 2443 => '⪙', 2444 => '⪚', 2445 => '⪛', 2446 => '⪜', 2447 => '⪝', 2448 => '⪞', 2449 => '⪟', 2450 => '⪠', 2451 => '⪡', 2452 => '⪢', 2453 => '⪣', 2454 => '⪤', 2455 => '⪥', 2456 => '⪦', 2457 => '⪧', 2458 => '⪨', 2459 => '⪩', 2460 => '⪪', 2461 => '⪫', 2462 => '⪬', 2463 => '⪭', 2464 => '⪮', 2465 => '⪯', 2466 => '⪰', 2467 => '⪱', 2468 => '⪲', 2469 => '⪳', 2470 => '⪴', 2471 => '⪵', 2472 => '⪶', 2473 => '⪷', 2474 => '⪸', 2475 => '⪹', 2476 => '⪺', 2477 => '⪻', 2478 => '⪼', 2479 => '⪽', 2480 => '⪾', 2481 => '⪿', 2482 => '⫀', 2483 => '⫁', 2484 => '⫂', 2485 => '⫃', 2486 => '⫄', 2487 => '⫅', 2488 => '⫆', 2489 => '⫇', 2490 => '⫈', 2491 => '⫉', 2492 => '⫊', 2493 => '⫋', 2494 => '⫌', 2495 => '⫍', 2496 => '⫎', 2497 => '⫏', 2498 => '⫐', 2499 => '⫑', 2500 => '⫒', 2501 => '⫓', 2502 => '⫔', 2503 => '⫕', 2504 => '⫖', 2505 => '⫗', 2506 => '⫘', 2507 => '⫙', 2508 => '⫚', 2509 => '⫛', 2510 => '⫝', 2511 => '⫞', 2512 => '⫟', 2513 => '⫠', 2514 => '⫡', 2515 => '⫢', 2516 => '⫣', 2517 => '⫤', 2518 => '⫥', 2519 => '⫦', 2520 => '⫧', 2521 => '⫨', 2522 => '⫩', 2523 => '⫪', 2524 => '⫫', 2525 => '⫬', 2526 => '⫭', 2527 => '⫮', 2528 => '⫯', 2529 => '⫰', 2530 => '⫱', 2531 => '⫲', 2532 => '⫳', 2533 => '⫴', 2534 => '⫵', 2535 => '⫶', 2536 => '⫷', 2537 => '⫸', 2538 => '⫹', 2539 => '⫺', 2540 => '⫻', 2541 => '⫼', 2542 => '⫽', 2543 => '⫾', 2544 => '⫿', 2545 => '⬀', 2546 => '⬁', 2547 => '⬂', 2548 => '⬃', 2549 => '⬄', 2550 => '⬅', 2551 => '⬆', 2552 => '⬇', 2553 => '⬈', 2554 => '⬉', 2555 => '⬊', 2556 => '⬋', 2557 => '⬌', 2558 => '⬍', 2559 => '⬎', 2560 => '⬏', 2561 => '⬐', 2562 => '⬑', 2563 => '⬒', 2564 => '⬓', 2565 => '⬔', 2566 => '⬕', 2567 => '⬖', 2568 => '⬗', 2569 => '⬘', 2570 => '⬙', 2571 => '⬚', 2572 => '⬛', 2573 => '⬜', 2574 => '⬝', 2575 => '⬞', 2576 => '⬟', 2577 => '⬠', 2578 => '⬡', 2579 => '⬢', 2580 => '⬣', 2581 => '⬤', 2582 => '⬥', 2583 => '⬦', 2584 => '⬧', 2585 => '⬨', 2586 => '⬩', 2587 => '⬪', 2588 => '⬫', 2589 => '⬬', 2590 => '⬭', 2591 => '⬮', 2592 => '⬯', 2593 => '⬰', 2594 => '⬱', 2595 => '⬲', 2596 => '⬳', 2597 => '⬴', 2598 => '⬵', 2599 => '⬶', 2600 => '⬷', 2601 => '⬸', 2602 => '⬹', 2603 => '⬺', 2604 => '⬻', 2605 => '⬼', 2606 => '⬽', 2607 => '⬾', 2608 => '⬿', 2609 => '⭀', 2610 => '⭁', 2611 => '⭂', 2612 => '⭃', 2613 => '⭄', 2614 => '⭅', 2615 => '⭆', 2616 => '⭇', 2617 => '⭈', 2618 => '⭉', 2619 => '⭊', 2620 => '⭋', 2621 => '⭌', 2622 => '⭐', 2623 => '⭑', 2624 => '⭒', 2625 => '⭓', 2626 => '⭔', 2627 => '⭕', 2628 => '⭖', 2629 => '⭗', 2630 => '⭘', 2631 => '⭙', 2632 => '⳥', 2633 => '⳦', 2634 => '⳧', 2635 => '⳨', 2636 => '⳩', 2637 => '⳪', 2638 => '⠀', 2639 => '⠁', 2640 => '⠂', 2641 => '⠃', 2642 => '⠄', 2643 => '⠅', 2644 => '⠆', 2645 => '⠇', 2646 => '⠈', 2647 => '⠉', 2648 => '⠊', 2649 => '⠋', 2650 => '⠌', 2651 => '⠍', 2652 => '⠎', 2653 => '⠏', 2654 => '⠐', 2655 => '⠑', 2656 => '⠒', 2657 => '⠓', 2658 => '⠔', 2659 => '⠕', 2660 => '⠖', 2661 => '⠗', 2662 => '⠘', 2663 => '⠙', 2664 => '⠚', 2665 => '⠛', 2666 => '⠜', 2667 => '⠝', 2668 => '⠞', 2669 => '⠟', 2670 => '⠠', 2671 => '⠡', 2672 => '⠢', 2673 => '⠣', 2674 => '⠤', 2675 => '⠥', 2676 => '⠦', 2677 => '⠧', 2678 => '⠨', 2679 => '⠩', 2680 => '⠪', 2681 => '⠫', 2682 => '⠬', 2683 => '⠭', 2684 => '⠮', 2685 => '⠯', 2686 => '⠰', 2687 => '⠱', 2688 => '⠲', 2689 => '⠳', 2690 => '⠴', 2691 => '⠵', 2692 => '⠶', 2693 => '⠷', 2694 => '⠸', 2695 => '⠹', 2696 => '⠺', 2697 => '⠻', 2698 => '⠼', 2699 => '⠽', 2700 => '⠾', 2701 => '⠿', 2702 => '⡀', 2703 => '⡁', 2704 => '⡂', 2705 => '⡃', 2706 => '⡄', 2707 => '⡅', 2708 => '⡆', 2709 => '⡇', 2710 => '⡈', 2711 => '⡉', 2712 => '⡊', 2713 => '⡋', 2714 => '⡌', 2715 => '⡍', 2716 => '⡎', 2717 => '⡏', 2718 => '⡐', 2719 => '⡑', 2720 => '⡒', 2721 => '⡓', 2722 => '⡔', 2723 => '⡕', 2724 => '⡖', 2725 => '⡗', 2726 => '⡘', 2727 => '⡙', 2728 => '⡚', 2729 => '⡛', 2730 => '⡜', 2731 => '⡝', 2732 => '⡞', 2733 => '⡟', 2734 => '⡠', 2735 => '⡡', 2736 => '⡢', 2737 => '⡣', 2738 => '⡤', 2739 => '⡥', 2740 => '⡦', 2741 => '⡧', 2742 => '⡨', 2743 => '⡩', 2744 => '⡪', 2745 => '⡫', 2746 => '⡬', 2747 => '⡭', 2748 => '⡮', 2749 => '⡯', 2750 => '⡰', 2751 => '⡱', 2752 => '⡲', 2753 => '⡳', 2754 => '⡴', 2755 => '⡵', 2756 => '⡶', 2757 => '⡷', 2758 => '⡸', 2759 => '⡹', 2760 => '⡺', 2761 => '⡻', 2762 => '⡼', 2763 => '⡽', 2764 => '⡾', 2765 => '⡿', 2766 => '⢀', 2767 => '⢁', 2768 => '⢂', 2769 => '⢃', 2770 => '⢄', 2771 => '⢅', 2772 => '⢆', 2773 => '⢇', 2774 => '⢈', 2775 => '⢉', 2776 => '⢊', 2777 => '⢋', 2778 => '⢌', 2779 => '⢍', 2780 => '⢎', 2781 => '⢏', 2782 => '⢐', 2783 => '⢑', 2784 => '⢒', 2785 => '⢓', 2786 => '⢔', 2787 => '⢕', 2788 => '⢖', 2789 => '⢗', 2790 => '⢘', 2791 => '⢙', 2792 => '⢚', 2793 => '⢛', 2794 => '⢜', 2795 => '⢝', 2796 => '⢞', 2797 => '⢟', 2798 => '⢠', 2799 => '⢡', 2800 => '⢢', 2801 => '⢣', 2802 => '⢤', 2803 => '⢥', 2804 => '⢦', 2805 => '⢧', 2806 => '⢨', 2807 => '⢩', 2808 => '⢪', 2809 => '⢫', 2810 => '⢬', 2811 => '⢭', 2812 => '⢮', 2813 => '⢯', 2814 => '⢰', 2815 => '⢱', 2816 => '⢲', 2817 => '⢳', 2818 => '⢴', 2819 => '⢵', 2820 => '⢶', 2821 => '⢷', 2822 => '⢸', 2823 => '⢹', 2824 => '⢺', 2825 => '⢻', 2826 => '⢼', 2827 => '⢽', 2828 => '⢾', 2829 => '⢿', 2830 => '⣀', 2831 => '⣁', 2832 => '⣂', 2833 => '⣃', 2834 => '⣄', 2835 => '⣅', 2836 => '⣆', 2837 => '⣇', 2838 => '⣈', 2839 => '⣉', 2840 => '⣊', 2841 => '⣋', 2842 => '⣌', 2843 => '⣍', 2844 => '⣎', 2845 => '⣏', 2846 => '⣐', 2847 => '⣑', 2848 => '⣒', 2849 => '⣓', 2850 => '⣔', 2851 => '⣕', 2852 => '⣖', 2853 => '⣗', 2854 => '⣘', 2855 => '⣙', 2856 => '⣚', 2857 => '⣛', 2858 => '⣜', 2859 => '⣝', 2860 => '⣞', 2861 => '⣟', 2862 => '⣠', 2863 => '⣡', 2864 => '⣢', 2865 => '⣣', 2866 => '⣤', 2867 => '⣥', 2868 => '⣦', 2869 => '⣧', 2870 => '⣨', 2871 => '⣩', 2872 => '⣪', 2873 => '⣫', 2874 => '⣬', 2875 => '⣭', 2876 => '⣮', 2877 => '⣯', 2878 => '⣰', 2879 => '⣱', 2880 => '⣲', 2881 => '⣳', 2882 => '⣴', 2883 => '⣵', 2884 => '⣶', 2885 => '⣷', 2886 => '⣸', 2887 => '⣹', 2888 => '⣺', 2889 => '⣻', 2890 => '⣼', 2891 => '⣽', 2892 => '⣾', 2893 => '⣿', 2894 => '⚊', 2895 => '⚋', 2896 => '⚌', 2897 => '⚍', 2898 => '⚎', 2899 => '⚏', 2900 => '☰', 2901 => '☱', 2902 => '☲', 2903 => '☳', 2904 => '☴', 2905 => '☵', 2906 => '☶', 2907 => '☷', 2908 => '䷀', 2909 => '䷁', 2910 => '䷂', 2911 => '䷃', 2912 => '䷄', 2913 => '䷅', 2914 => '䷆', 2915 => '䷇', 2916 => '䷈', 2917 => '䷉', 2918 => '䷊', 2919 => '䷋', 2920 => '䷌', 2921 => '䷍', 2922 => '䷎', 2923 => '䷏', 2924 => '䷐', 2925 => '䷑', 2926 => '䷒', 2927 => '䷓', 2928 => '䷔', 2929 => '䷕', 2930 => '䷖', 2931 => '䷗', 2932 => '䷘', 2933 => '䷙', 2934 => '䷚', 2935 => '䷛', 2936 => '䷜', 2937 => '䷝', 2938 => '䷞', 2939 => '䷟', 2940 => '䷠', 2941 => '䷡', 2942 => '䷢', 2943 => '䷣', 2944 => '䷤', 2945 => '䷥', 2946 => '䷦', 2947 => '䷧', 2948 => '䷨', 2949 => '䷩', 2950 => '䷪', 2951 => '䷫', 2952 => '䷬', 2953 => '䷭', 2954 => '䷮', 2955 => '䷯', 2956 => '䷰', 2957 => '䷱', 2958 => '䷲', 2959 => '䷳', 2960 => '䷴', 2961 => '䷵', 2962 => '䷶', 2963 => '䷷', 2964 => '䷸', 2965 => '䷹', 2966 => '䷺', 2967 => '䷻', 2968 => '䷼', 2969 => '䷽', 2970 => '䷾', 2971 => '䷿', 2972 => '𝌀', 2973 => '𝌁', 2974 => '𝌂', 2975 => '𝌃', 2976 => '𝌄', 2977 => '𝌅', 2978 => '𝌆', 2979 => '𝌇', 2980 => '𝌈', 2981 => '𝌉', 2982 => '𝌊', 2983 => '𝌋', 2984 => '𝌌', 2985 => '𝌍', 2986 => '𝌎', 2987 => '𝌏', 2988 => '𝌐', 2989 => '𝌑', 2990 => '𝌒', 2991 => '𝌓', 2992 => '𝌔', 2993 => '𝌕', 2994 => '𝌖', 2995 => '𝌗', 2996 => '𝌘', 2997 => '𝌙', 2998 => '𝌚', 2999 => '𝌛', 3000 => '𝌜', 3001 => '𝌝', 3002 => '𝌞', 3003 => '𝌟', 3004 => '𝌠', 3005 => '𝌡', 3006 => '𝌢', 3007 => '𝌣', 3008 => '𝌤', 3009 => '𝌥', 3010 => '𝌦', 3011 => '𝌧', 3012 => '𝌨', 3013 => '𝌩', 3014 => '𝌪', 3015 => '𝌫', 3016 => '𝌬', 3017 => '𝌭', 3018 => '𝌮', 3019 => '𝌯', 3020 => '𝌰', 3021 => '𝌱', 3022 => '𝌲', 3023 => '𝌳', 3024 => '𝌴', 3025 => '𝌵', 3026 => '𝌶', 3027 => '𝌷', 3028 => '𝌸', 3029 => '𝌹', 3030 => '𝌺', 3031 => '𝌻', 3032 => '𝌼', 3033 => '𝌽', 3034 => '𝌾', 3035 => '𝌿', 3036 => '𝍀', 3037 => '𝍁', 3038 => '𝍂', 3039 => '𝍃', 3040 => '𝍄', 3041 => '𝍅', 3042 => '𝍆', 3043 => '𝍇', 3044 => '𝍈', 3045 => '𝍉', 3046 => '𝍊', 3047 => '𝍋', 3048 => '𝍌', 3049 => '𝍍', 3050 => '𝍎', 3051 => '𝍏', 3052 => '𝍐', 3053 => '𝍑', 3054 => '𝍒', 3055 => '𝍓', 3056 => '𝍔', 3057 => '𝍕', 3058 => '𝍖', 3059 => '꒐', 3060 => '꒑', 3061 => '꒒', 3062 => '꒓', 3063 => '꒔', 3064 => '꒕', 3065 => '꒖', 3066 => '꒗', 3067 => '꒘', 3068 => '꒙', 3069 => '꒚', 3070 => '꒛', 3071 => '꒜', 3072 => '꒝', 3073 => '꒞', 3074 => '꒟', 3075 => '꒠', 3076 => '꒡', 3077 => '꒢', 3078 => '꒣', 3079 => '꒤', 3080 => '꒥', 3081 => '꒦', 3082 => '꒧', 3083 => '꒨', 3084 => '꒩', 3085 => '꒪', 3086 => '꒫', 3087 => '꒬', 3088 => '꒭', 3089 => '꒮', 3090 => '꒯', 3091 => '꒰', 3092 => '꒱', 3093 => '꒲', 3094 => '꒳', 3095 => '꒴', 3096 => '꒵', 3097 => '꒶', 3098 => '꒷', 3099 => '꒸', 3100 => '꒹', 3101 => '꒺', 3102 => '꒻', 3103 => '꒼', 3104 => '꒽', 3105 => '꒾', 3106 => '꒿', 3107 => '꓀', 3108 => '꓁', 3109 => '꓂', 3110 => '꓃', 3111 => '꓄', 3112 => '꓅', 3113 => '꓆', 3114 => '𐄷', 3115 => '𐄸', 3116 => '𐄹', 3117 => '𐄺', 3118 => '𐄻', 3119 => '𐄼', 3120 => '𐄽', 3121 => '𐄾', 3122 => '𐄿', 3123 => '𐅹', 3124 => '𐅺', 3125 => '𐅻', 3126 => '𐅼', 3127 => '𐅽', 3128 => '𐅾', 3129 => '𐅿', 3130 => '𐆀', 3131 => '𐆁', 3132 => '𐆂', 3133 => '𐆃', 3134 => '𐆄', 3135 => '𐆅', 3136 => '𐆆', 3137 => '𐆇', 3138 => '𐆈', 3139 => '𐆉', 3140 => '𐆐', 3141 => '𐆑', 3142 => '𐆒', 3143 => '𐆓', 3144 => '𐆔', 3145 => '𐆕', 3146 => '𐆖', 3147 => '𐆗', 3148 => '𐆘', 3149 => '𐆙', 3150 => '𐆚', 3151 => '𐆛', 3152 => '𐇐', 3153 => '𐇑', 3154 => '𐇒', 3155 => '𐇓', 3156 => '𐇔', 3157 => '𐇕', 3158 => '𐇖', 3159 => '𐇗', 3160 => '𐇘', 3161 => '𐇙', 3162 => '𐇚', 3163 => '𐇛', 3164 => '𐇜', 3165 => '𐇝', 3166 => '𐇞', 3167 => '𐇟', 3168 => '𐇠', 3169 => '𐇡', 3170 => '𐇢', 3171 => '𐇣', 3172 => '𐇤', 3173 => '𐇥', 3174 => '𐇦', 3175 => '𐇧', 3176 => '𐇨', 3177 => '𐇩', 3178 => '𐇪', 3179 => '𐇫', 3180 => '𐇬', 3181 => '𐇭', 3182 => '𐇮', 3183 => '𐇯', 3184 => '𐇰', 3185 => '𐇱', 3186 => '𐇲', 3187 => '𐇳', 3188 => '𐇴', 3189 => '𐇵', 3190 => '𐇶', 3191 => '𐇷', 3192 => '𐇸', 3193 => '𐇹', 3194 => '𐇺', 3195 => '𐇻', 3196 => '𐇼', 3197 => '𝀀', 3198 => '𝀁', 3199 => '𝀂', 3200 => '𝀃', 3201 => '𝀄', 3202 => '𝀅', 3203 => '𝀆', 3204 => '𝀇', 3205 => '𝀈', 3206 => '𝀉', 3207 => '𝀊', 3208 => '𝀋', 3209 => '𝀌', 3210 => '𝀍', 3211 => '𝀎', 3212 => '𝀏', 3213 => '𝀐', 3214 => '𝀑', 3215 => '𝀒', 3216 => '𝀓', 3217 => '𝀔', 3218 => '𝀕', 3219 => '𝀖', 3220 => '𝀗', 3221 => '𝀘', 3222 => '𝀙', 3223 => '𝀚', 3224 => '𝀛', 3225 => '𝀜', 3226 => '𝀝', 3227 => '𝀞', 3228 => '𝀟', 3229 => '𝀠', 3230 => '𝀡', 3231 => '𝀢', 3232 => '𝀣', 3233 => '𝀤', 3234 => '𝀥', 3235 => '𝀦', 3236 => '𝀧', 3237 => '𝀨', 3238 => '𝀩', 3239 => '𝀪', 3240 => '𝀫', 3241 => '𝀬', 3242 => '𝀭', 3243 => '𝀮', 3244 => '𝀯', 3245 => '𝀰', 3246 => '𝀱', 3247 => '𝀲', 3248 => '𝀳', 3249 => '𝀴', 3250 => '𝀵', 3251 => '𝀶', 3252 => '𝀷', 3253 => '𝀸', 3254 => '𝀹', 3255 => '𝀺', 3256 => '𝀻', 3257 => '𝀼', 3258 => '𝀽', 3259 => '𝀾', 3260 => '𝀿', 3261 => '𝁀', 3262 => '𝁁', 3263 => '𝁂', 3264 => '𝁃', 3265 => '𝁄', 3266 => '𝁅', 3267 => '𝁆', 3268 => '𝁇', 3269 => '𝁈', 3270 => '𝁉', 3271 => '𝁊', 3272 => '𝁋', 3273 => '𝁌', 3274 => '𝁍', 3275 => '𝁎', 3276 => '𝁏', 3277 => '𝁐', 3278 => '𝁑', 3279 => '𝁒', 3280 => '𝁓', 3281 => '𝁔', 3282 => '𝁕', 3283 => '𝁖', 3284 => '𝁗', 3285 => '𝁘', 3286 => '𝁙', 3287 => '𝁚', 3288 => '𝁛', 3289 => '𝁜', 3290 => '𝁝', 3291 => '𝁞', 3292 => '𝁟', 3293 => '𝁠', 3294 => '𝁡', 3295 => '𝁢', 3296 => '𝁣', 3297 => '𝁤', 3298 => '𝁥', 3299 => '𝁦', 3300 => '𝁧', 3301 => '𝁨', 3302 => '𝁩', 3303 => '𝁪', 3304 => '𝁫', 3305 => '𝁬', 3306 => '𝁭', 3307 => '𝁮', 3308 => '𝁯', 3309 => '𝁰', 3310 => '𝁱', 3311 => '𝁲', 3312 => '𝁳', 3313 => '𝁴', 3314 => '𝁵', 3315 => '𝁶', 3316 => '𝁷', 3317 => '𝁸', 3318 => '𝁹', 3319 => '𝁺', 3320 => '𝁻', 3321 => '𝁼', 3322 => '𝁽', 3323 => '𝁾', 3324 => '𝁿', 3325 => '𝂀', 3326 => '𝂁', 3327 => '𝂂', 3328 => '𝂃', 3329 => '𝂄', 3330 => '𝂅', 3331 => '𝂆', 3332 => '𝂇', 3333 => '𝂈', 3334 => '𝂉', 3335 => '𝂊', 3336 => '𝂋', 3337 => '𝂌', 3338 => '𝂍', 3339 => '𝂎', 3340 => '𝂏', 3341 => '𝂐', 3342 => '𝂑', 3343 => '𝂒', 3344 => '𝂓', 3345 => '𝂔', 3346 => '𝂕', 3347 => '𝂖', 3348 => '𝂗', 3349 => '𝂘', 3350 => '𝂙', 3351 => '𝂚', 3352 => '𝂛', 3353 => '𝂜', 3354 => '𝂝', 3355 => '𝂞', 3356 => '𝂟', 3357 => '𝂠', 3358 => '𝂡', 3359 => '𝂢', 3360 => '𝂣', 3361 => '𝂤', 3362 => '𝂥', 3363 => '𝂦', 3364 => '𝂧', 3365 => '𝂨', 3366 => '𝂩', 3367 => '𝂪', 3368 => '𝂫', 3369 => '𝂬', 3370 => '𝂭', 3371 => '𝂮', 3372 => '𝂯', 3373 => '𝂰', 3374 => '𝂱', 3375 => '𝂲', 3376 => '𝂳', 3377 => '𝂴', 3378 => '𝂵', 3379 => '𝂶', 3380 => '𝂷', 3381 => '𝂸', 3382 => '𝂹', 3383 => '𝂺', 3384 => '𝂻', 3385 => '𝂼', 3386 => '𝂽', 3387 => '𝂾', 3388 => '𝂿', 3389 => '𝃀', 3390 => '𝃁', 3391 => '𝃂', 3392 => '𝃃', 3393 => '𝃄', 3394 => '𝃅', 3395 => '𝃆', 3396 => '𝃇', 3397 => '𝃈', 3398 => '𝃉', 3399 => '𝃊', 3400 => '𝃋', 3401 => '𝃌', 3402 => '𝃍', 3403 => '𝃎', 3404 => '𝃏', 3405 => '𝃐', 3406 => '𝃑', 3407 => '𝃒', 3408 => '𝃓', 3409 => '𝃔', 3410 => '𝃕', 3411 => '𝃖', 3412 => '𝃗', 3413 => '𝃘', 3414 => '𝃙', 3415 => '𝃚', 3416 => '𝃛', 3417 => '𝃜', 3418 => '𝃝', 3419 => '𝃞', 3420 => '𝃟', 3421 => '𝃠', 3422 => '𝃡', 3423 => '𝃢', 3424 => '𝃣', 3425 => '𝃤', 3426 => '𝃥', 3427 => '𝃦', 3428 => '𝃧', 3429 => '𝃨', 3430 => '𝃩', 3431 => '𝃪', 3432 => '𝃫', 3433 => '𝃬', 3434 => '𝃭', 3435 => '𝃮', 3436 => '𝃯', 3437 => '𝃰', 3438 => '𝃱', 3439 => '𝃲', 3440 => '𝃳', 3441 => '𝃴', 3442 => '𝃵', 3443 => '𝄀', 3444 => '𝄁', 3445 => '𝄂', 3446 => '𝄃', 3447 => '𝄄', 3448 => '𝄅', 3449 => '𝄆', 3450 => '𝄇', 3451 => '𝄈', 3452 => '𝄉', 3453 => '𝄊', 3454 => '𝄋', 3455 => '𝄌', 3456 => '𝄍', 3457 => '𝄎', 3458 => '𝄏', 3459 => '𝄐', 3460 => '𝄑', 3461 => '𝄒', 3462 => '𝄓', 3463 => '𝄔', 3464 => '𝄕', 3465 => '𝄖', 3466 => '𝄗', 3467 => '𝄘', 3468 => '𝄙', 3469 => '𝄚', 3470 => '𝄛', 3471 => '𝄜', 3472 => '𝄝', 3473 => '𝄞', 3474 => '𝄟', 3475 => '𝄠', 3476 => '𝄡', 3477 => '𝄢', 3478 => '𝄣', 3479 => '𝄤', 3480 => '𝄥', 3481 => '𝄦', 3482 => '♭', 3483 => '♮', 3484 => '♯', 3485 => '𝄪', 3486 => '𝄫', 3487 => '𝄬', 3488 => '𝄭', 3489 => '𝄮', 3490 => '𝄯', 3491 => '𝄰', 3492 => '𝄱', 3493 => '𝄲', 3494 => '𝄳', 3495 => '𝄴', 3496 => '𝄵', 3497 => '𝄶', 3498 => '𝄷', 3499 => '𝄸', 3500 => '𝄹', 3501 => '𝄩', 3502 => '𝄺', 3503 => '𝄻', 3504 => '𝄼', 3505 => '𝄽', 3506 => '𝄾', 3507 => '𝄿', 3508 => '𝅀', 3509 => '𝅁', 3510 => '𝅂', 3511 => '𝅃', 3512 => '𝅄', 3513 => '𝅅', 3514 => '𝅆', 3515 => '𝅇', 3516 => '𝅈', 3517 => '𝅉', 3518 => '𝅊', 3519 => '𝅋', 3520 => '𝅌', 3521 => '𝅍', 3522 => '𝅎', 3523 => '𝅏', 3524 => '𝅐', 3525 => '𝅑', 3526 => '𝅒', 3527 => '𝅓', 3528 => '𝅔', 3529 => '𝅕', 3530 => '𝅖', 3531 => '𝅗', 3532 => '𝅘', 3533 => '𝅙', 3534 => '𝅚', 3535 => '𝅛', 3536 => '𝅜', 3537 => '𝅝', 3538 => '𝅪', 3539 => '𝅫', 3540 => '𝅬', 3541 => '𝆃', 3542 => '𝆄', 3543 => '𝆌', 3544 => '𝆍', 3545 => '𝆎', 3546 => '𝆏', 3547 => '𝆐', 3548 => '𝆑', 3549 => '𝆒', 3550 => '𝆓', 3551 => '𝆔', 3552 => '𝆕', 3553 => '𝆖', 3554 => '𝆗', 3555 => '𝆘', 3556 => '𝆙', 3557 => '𝆚', 3558 => '𝆛', 3559 => '𝆜', 3560 => '𝆝', 3561 => '𝆞', 3562 => '𝆟', 3563 => '𝆠', 3564 => '𝆡', 3565 => '𝆢', 3566 => '𝆣', 3567 => '𝆤', 3568 => '𝆥', 3569 => '𝆦', 3570 => '𝆧', 3571 => '𝆨', 3572 => '𝆩', 3573 => '𝆮', 3574 => '𝆯', 3575 => '𝆰', 3576 => '𝆱', 3577 => '𝆲', 3578 => '𝆳', 3579 => '𝆴', 3580 => '𝆵', 3581 => '𝆶', 3582 => '𝆷', 3583 => '𝆸', 3584 => '𝆹', 3585 => '𝆺', 3586 => '𝇁', 3587 => '𝇂', 3588 => '𝇃', 3589 => '𝇄', 3590 => '𝇅', 3591 => '𝇆', 3592 => '𝇇', 3593 => '𝇈', 3594 => '𝇉', 3595 => '𝇊', 3596 => '𝇋', 3597 => '𝇌', 3598 => '𝇍', 3599 => '𝇎', 3600 => '𝇏', 3601 => '𝇐', 3602 => '𝇑', 3603 => '𝇒', 3604 => '𝇓', 3605 => '𝇔', 3606 => '𝇕', 3607 => '𝇖', 3608 => '𝇗', 3609 => '𝇘', 3610 => '𝇙', 3611 => '𝇚', 3612 => '𝇛', 3613 => '𝇜', 3614 => '𝇝', 3615 => '𝈀', 3616 => '𝈁', 3617 => '𝈂', 3618 => '𝈃', 3619 => '𝈄', 3620 => '𝈅', 3621 => '𝈆', 3622 => '𝈇', 3623 => '𝈈', 3624 => '𝈉', 3625 => '𝈊', 3626 => '𝈋', 3627 => '𝈌', 3628 => '𝈍', 3629 => '𝈎', 3630 => '𝈏', 3631 => '𝈐', 3632 => '𝈑', 3633 => '𝈒', 3634 => '𝈓', 3635 => '𝈔', 3636 => '𝈕', 3637 => '𝈖', 3638 => '𝈗', 3639 => '𝈘', 3640 => '𝈙', 3641 => '𝈚', 3642 => '𝈛', 3643 => '𝈜', 3644 => '𝈝', 3645 => '𝈞', 3646 => '𝈟', 3647 => '𝈠', 3648 => '𝈡', 3649 => '𝈢', 3650 => '𝈣', 3651 => '𝈤', 3652 => '𝈥', 3653 => '𝈦', 3654 => '𝈧', 3655 => '𝈨', 3656 => '𝈩', 3657 => '𝈪', 3658 => '𝈫', 3659 => '𝈬', 3660 => '𝈭', 3661 => '𝈮', 3662 => '𝈯', 3663 => '𝈰', 3664 => '𝈱', 3665 => '𝈲', 3666 => '𝈳', 3667 => '𝈴', 3668 => '𝈵', 3669 => '𝈶', 3670 => '𝈷', 3671 => '𝈸', 3672 => '𝈹', 3673 => '𝈺', 3674 => '𝈻', 3675 => '𝈼', 3676 => '𝈽', 3677 => '𝈾', 3678 => '𝈿', 3679 => '𝉀', 3680 => '𝉁', 3681 => '𝉅', 3682 => '🀀', 3683 => '🀁', 3684 => '🀂', 3685 => '🀃', 3686 => '🀄', 3687 => '🀅', 3688 => '🀆', 3689 => '🀇', 3690 => '🀈', 3691 => '🀉', 3692 => '🀊', 3693 => '🀋', 3694 => '🀌', 3695 => '🀍', 3696 => '🀎', 3697 => '🀏', 3698 => '🀐', 3699 => '🀑', 3700 => '🀒', 3701 => '🀓', 3702 => '🀔', 3703 => '🀕', 3704 => '🀖', 3705 => '🀗', 3706 => '🀘', 3707 => '🀙', 3708 => '🀚', 3709 => '🀛', 3710 => '🀜', 3711 => '🀝', 3712 => '🀞', 3713 => '🀟', 3714 => '🀠', 3715 => '🀡', 3716 => '🀢', 3717 => '🀣', 3718 => '🀤', 3719 => '🀥', 3720 => '🀦', 3721 => '🀧', 3722 => '🀨', 3723 => '🀩', 3724 => '🀪', 3725 => '🀫', 3726 => '🀰', 3727 => '🀱', 3728 => '🀲', 3729 => '🀳', 3730 => '🀴', 3731 => '🀵', 3732 => '🀶', 3733 => '🀷', 3734 => '🀸', 3735 => '🀹', 3736 => '🀺', 3737 => '🀻', 3738 => '🀼', 3739 => '🀽', 3740 => '🀾', 3741 => '🀿', 3742 => '🁀', 3743 => '🁁', 3744 => '🁂', 3745 => '🁃', 3746 => '🁄', 3747 => '🁅', 3748 => '🁆', 3749 => '🁇', 3750 => '🁈', 3751 => '🁉', 3752 => '🁊', 3753 => '🁋', 3754 => '🁌', 3755 => '🁍', 3756 => '🁎', 3757 => '🁏', 3758 => '🁐', 3759 => '🁑', 3760 => '🁒', 3761 => '🁓', 3762 => '🁔', 3763 => '🁕', 3764 => '🁖', 3765 => '🁗', 3766 => '🁘', 3767 => '🁙', 3768 => '🁚', 3769 => '🁛', 3770 => '🁜', 3771 => '🁝', 3772 => '🁞', 3773 => '🁟', 3774 => '🁠', 3775 => '🁡', 3776 => '🁢', 3777 => '🁣', 3778 => '🁤', 3779 => '🁥', 3780 => '🁦', 3781 => '🁧', 3782 => '🁨', 3783 => '🁩', 3784 => '🁪', 3785 => '🁫', 3786 => '🁬', 3787 => '🁭', 3788 => '🁮', 3789 => '🁯', 3790 => '🁰', 3791 => '🁱', 3792 => '🁲', 3793 => '🁳', 3794 => '🁴', 3795 => '🁵', 3796 => '🁶', 3797 => '🁷', 3798 => '🁸', 3799 => '🁹', 3800 => '🁺', 3801 => '🁻', 3802 => '🁼', 3803 => '🁽', 3804 => '🁾', 3805 => '🁿', 3806 => '🂀', 3807 => '🂁', 3808 => '🂂', 3809 => '🂃', 3810 => '🂄', 3811 => '🂅', 3812 => '🂆', 3813 => '🂇', 3814 => '🂈', 3815 => '🂉', 3816 => '🂊', 3817 => '🂋', 3818 => '🂌', 3819 => '🂍', 3820 => '🂎', 3821 => '🂏', 3822 => '🂐', 3823 => '🂑', 3824 => '🂒', 3825 => '🂓', 3826 => '🂠', 3827 => '🂡', 3828 => '🂢', 3829 => '🂣', 3830 => '🂤', 3831 => '🂥', 3832 => '🂦', 3833 => '🂧', 3834 => '🂨', 3835 => '🂩', 3836 => '🂪', 3837 => '🂫', 3838 => '🂬', 3839 => '🂭', 3840 => '🂮', 3841 => '🂱', 3842 => '🂲', 3843 => '🂳', 3844 => '🂴', 3845 => '🂵', 3846 => '🂶', 3847 => '🂷', 3848 => '🂸', 3849 => '🂹', 3850 => '🂺', 3851 => '🂻', 3852 => '🂼', 3853 => '🂽', 3854 => '🂾', 3855 => '🃁', 3856 => '🃂', 3857 => '🃃', 3858 => '🃄', 3859 => '🃅', 3860 => '🃆', 3861 => '🃇', 3862 => '🃈', 3863 => '🃉', 3864 => '🃊', 3865 => '🃋', 3866 => '🃌', 3867 => '🃍', 3868 => '🃎', 3869 => '🃏', 3870 => '🃑', 3871 => '🃒', 3872 => '🃓', 3873 => '🃔', 3874 => '🃕', 3875 => '🃖', 3876 => '🃗', 3877 => '🃘', 3878 => '🃙', 3879 => '🃚', 3880 => '🃛', 3881 => '🃜', 3882 => '🃝', 3883 => '🃞', 3884 => '🃟', 3885 => '🌀', 3886 => '🌁', 3887 => '🌂', 3888 => '🌃', 3889 => '🌄', 3890 => '🌅', 3891 => '🌆', 3892 => '🌇', 3893 => '🌈', 3894 => '🌉', 3895 => '🌊', 3896 => '🌋', 3897 => '🌌', 3898 => '🌍', 3899 => '🌎', 3900 => '🌏', 3901 => '🌐', 3902 => '🌑', 3903 => '🌒', 3904 => '🌓', 3905 => '🌔', 3906 => '🌕', 3907 => '🌖', 3908 => '🌗', 3909 => '🌘', 3910 => '🌙', 3911 => '🌚', 3912 => '🌛', 3913 => '🌜', 3914 => '🌝', 3915 => '🌞', 3916 => '🌟', 3917 => '🌠', 3918 => '🌰', 3919 => '🌱', 3920 => '🌲', 3921 => '🌳', 3922 => '🌴', 3923 => '🌵', 3924 => '🌷', 3925 => '🌸', 3926 => '🌹', 3927 => '🌺', 3928 => '🌻', 3929 => '🌼', 3930 => '🌽', 3931 => '🌾', 3932 => '🌿', 3933 => '🍀', 3934 => '🍁', 3935 => '🍂', 3936 => '🍃', 3937 => '🍄', 3938 => '🍅', 3939 => '🍆', 3940 => '🍇', 3941 => '🍈', 3942 => '🍉', 3943 => '🍊', 3944 => '🍋', 3945 => '🍌', 3946 => '🍍', 3947 => '🍎', 3948 => '🍏', 3949 => '🍐', 3950 => '🍑', 3951 => '🍒', 3952 => '🍓', 3953 => '🍔', 3954 => '🍕', 3955 => '🍖', 3956 => '🍗', 3957 => '🍘', 3958 => '🍙', 3959 => '🍚', 3960 => '🍛', 3961 => '🍜', 3962 => '🍝', 3963 => '🍞', 3964 => '🍟', 3965 => '🍠', 3966 => '🍡', 3967 => '🍢', 3968 => '🍣', 3969 => '🍤', 3970 => '🍥', 3971 => '🍦', 3972 => '🍧', 3973 => '🍨', 3974 => '🍩', 3975 => '🍪', 3976 => '🍫', 3977 => '🍬', 3978 => '🍭', 3979 => '🍮', 3980 => '🍯', 3981 => '🍰', 3982 => '🍱', 3983 => '🍲', 3984 => '🍳', 3985 => '🍴', 3986 => '🍵', 3987 => '🍶', 3988 => '🍷', 3989 => '🍸', 3990 => '🍹', 3991 => '🍺', 3992 => '🍻', 3993 => '🍼', 3994 => '🎀', 3995 => '🎁', 3996 => '🎂', 3997 => '🎃', 3998 => '🎄', 3999 => '🎅', 4000 => '🎆', 4001 => '🎇', 4002 => '🎈', 4003 => '🎉', 4004 => '🎊', 4005 => '🎋', 4006 => '🎌', 4007 => '🎍', 4008 => '🎎', 4009 => '🎏', 4010 => '🎐', 4011 => '🎑', 4012 => '🎒', 4013 => '🎓', 4014 => '🎠', 4015 => '🎡', 4016 => '🎢', 4017 => '🎣', 4018 => '🎤', 4019 => '🎥', 4020 => '🎦', 4021 => '🎧', 4022 => '🎨', 4023 => '🎩', 4024 => '🎪', 4025 => '🎫', 4026 => '🎬', 4027 => '🎭', 4028 => '🎮', 4029 => '🎯', 4030 => '🎰', 4031 => '🎱', 4032 => '🎲', 4033 => '🎳', 4034 => '🎴', 4035 => '🎵', 4036 => '🎶', 4037 => '🎷', 4038 => '🎸', 4039 => '🎹', 4040 => '🎺', 4041 => '🎻', 4042 => '🎼', 4043 => '🎽', 4044 => '🎾', 4045 => '🎿', 4046 => '🏀', 4047 => '🏁', 4048 => '🏂', 4049 => '🏃', 4050 => '🏄', 4051 => '🏆', 4052 => '🏇', 4053 => '🏈', 4054 => '🏉', 4055 => '🏊', 4056 => '🏠', 4057 => '🏡', 4058 => '🏢', 4059 => '🏣', 4060 => '🏤', 4061 => '🏥', 4062 => '🏦', 4063 => '🏧', 4064 => '🏨', 4065 => '🏩', 4066 => '🏪', 4067 => '🏫', 4068 => '🏬', 4069 => '🏭', 4070 => '🏮', 4071 => '🏯', 4072 => '🏰', 4073 => '🐀', 4074 => '🐁', 4075 => '🐂', 4076 => '🐃', 4077 => '🐄', 4078 => '🐅', 4079 => '🐆', 4080 => '🐇', 4081 => '🐈', 4082 => '🐉', 4083 => '🐊', 4084 => '🐋', 4085 => '🐌', 4086 => '🐍', 4087 => '🐎', 4088 => '🐏', 4089 => '🐐', 4090 => '🐑', 4091 => '🐒', 4092 => '🐓', 4093 => '🐔', 4094 => '🐕', 4095 => '🐖', 4096 => '🐗', 4097 => '🐘', 4098 => '🐙', 4099 => '🐚', 4100 => '🐛', 4101 => '🐜', 4102 => '🐝', 4103 => '🐞', 4104 => '🐟', 4105 => '🐠', 4106 => '🐡', 4107 => '🐢', 4108 => '🐣', 4109 => '🐤', 4110 => '🐥', 4111 => '🐦', 4112 => '🐧', 4113 => '🐨', 4114 => '🐩', 4115 => '🐪', 4116 => '🐫', 4117 => '🐬', 4118 => '🐭', 4119 => '🐮', 4120 => '🐯', 4121 => '🐰', 4122 => '🐱', 4123 => '🐲', 4124 => '🐳', 4125 => '🐴', 4126 => '🐵', 4127 => '🐶', 4128 => '🐷', 4129 => '🐸', 4130 => '🐹', 4131 => '🐺', 4132 => '🐻', 4133 => '🐼', 4134 => '🐽', 4135 => '🐾', 4136 => '👀', 4137 => '👂', 4138 => '👃', 4139 => '👄', 4140 => '👅', 4141 => '👆', 4142 => '👇', 4143 => '👈', 4144 => '👉', 4145 => '👊', 4146 => '👋', 4147 => '👌', 4148 => '👍', 4149 => '👎', 4150 => '👏', 4151 => '👐', 4152 => '👑', 4153 => '👒', 4154 => '👓', 4155 => '👔', 4156 => '👕', 4157 => '👖', 4158 => '👗', 4159 => '👘', 4160 => '👙', 4161 => '👚', 4162 => '👛', 4163 => '👜', 4164 => '👝', 4165 => '👞', 4166 => '👟', 4167 => '👠', 4168 => '👡', 4169 => '👢', 4170 => '👣', 4171 => '👤', 4172 => '👥', 4173 => '👦', 4174 => '👧', 4175 => '👨', 4176 => '👩', 4177 => '👪', 4178 => '👫', 4179 => '👬', 4180 => '👭', 4181 => '👮', 4182 => '👯', 4183 => '👰', 4184 => '👱', 4185 => '👲', 4186 => '👳', 4187 => '👴', 4188 => '👵', 4189 => '👶', 4190 => '👷', 4191 => '👸', 4192 => '👹', 4193 => '👺', 4194 => '👻', 4195 => '👼', 4196 => '👽', 4197 => '👾', 4198 => '👿', 4199 => '💀', 4200 => '💁', 4201 => '💂', 4202 => '💃', 4203 => '💄', 4204 => '💅', 4205 => '💆', 4206 => '💇', 4207 => '💈', 4208 => '💉', 4209 => '💊', 4210 => '💋', 4211 => '💌', 4212 => '💍', 4213 => '💎', 4214 => '💏', 4215 => '💐', 4216 => '💑', 4217 => '💒', 4218 => '💓', 4219 => '💔', 4220 => '💕', 4221 => '💖', 4222 => '💗', 4223 => '💘', 4224 => '💙', 4225 => '💚', 4226 => '💛', 4227 => '💜', 4228 => '💝', 4229 => '💞', 4230 => '💟', 4231 => '💠', 4232 => '💡', 4233 => '💢', 4234 => '💣', 4235 => '💤', 4236 => '💥', 4237 => '💦', 4238 => '💧', 4239 => '💨', 4240 => '💩', 4241 => '💪', 4242 => '💫', 4243 => '💬', 4244 => '💭', 4245 => '💮', 4246 => '💯', 4247 => '💰', 4248 => '💱', 4249 => '💲', 4250 => '💳', 4251 => '💴', 4252 => '💵', 4253 => '💶', 4254 => '💷', 4255 => '💸', 4256 => '💹', 4257 => '💺', 4258 => '💻', 4259 => '💼', 4260 => '💽', 4261 => '💾', 4262 => '💿', 4263 => '📀', 4264 => '📁', 4265 => '📂', 4266 => '📃', 4267 => '📄', 4268 => '📅', 4269 => '📆', 4270 => '📇', 4271 => '📈', 4272 => '📉', 4273 => '📊', 4274 => '📋', 4275 => '📌', 4276 => '📍', 4277 => '📎', 4278 => '📏', 4279 => '📐', 4280 => '📑', 4281 => '📒', 4282 => '📓', 4283 => '📔', 4284 => '📕', 4285 => '📖', 4286 => '📗', 4287 => '📘', 4288 => '📙', 4289 => '📚', 4290 => '📛', 4291 => '📜', 4292 => '📝', 4293 => '📞', 4294 => '📟', 4295 => '📠', 4296 => '📡', 4297 => '📢', 4298 => '📣', 4299 => '📤', 4300 => '📥', 4301 => '📦', 4302 => '📧', 4303 => '📨', 4304 => '📩', 4305 => '📪', 4306 => '📫', 4307 => '📬', 4308 => '📭', 4309 => '📮', 4310 => '📯', 4311 => '📰', 4312 => '📱', 4313 => '📲', 4314 => '📳', 4315 => '📴', 4316 => '📵', 4317 => '📶', 4318 => '📷', 4319 => '📹', 4320 => '📺', 4321 => '📻', 4322 => '📼', 4323 => '🔀', 4324 => '🔁', 4325 => '🔂', 4326 => '🔃', 4327 => '🔄', 4328 => '🔅', 4329 => '🔆', 4330 => '🔇', 4331 => '🔈', 4332 => '🔉', 4333 => '🔊', 4334 => '🔋', 4335 => '🔌', 4336 => '🔍', 4337 => '🔎', 4338 => '🔏', 4339 => '🔐', 4340 => '🔑', 4341 => '🔒', 4342 => '🔓', 4343 => '🔔', 4344 => '🔕', 4345 => '🔖', 4346 => '🔗', 4347 => '🔘', 4348 => '🔙', 4349 => '🔚', 4350 => '🔛', 4351 => '🔜', 4352 => '🔝', 4353 => '🔞', 4354 => '🔟', 4355 => '🔠', 4356 => '🔡', 4357 => '🔢', 4358 => '🔣', 4359 => '🔤', 4360 => '🔥', 4361 => '🔦', 4362 => '🔧', 4363 => '🔨', 4364 => '🔩', 4365 => '🔪', 4366 => '🔫', 4367 => '🔬', 4368 => '🔭', 4369 => '🔮', 4370 => '🔯', 4371 => '🔰', 4372 => '🔱', 4373 => '🔲', 4374 => '🔳', 4375 => '🔴', 4376 => '🔵', 4377 => '🔶', 4378 => '🔷', 4379 => '🔸', 4380 => '🔹', 4381 => '🔺', 4382 => '🔻', 4383 => '🔼', 4384 => '🔽', 4385 => '🕐', 4386 => '🕑', 4387 => '🕒', 4388 => '🕓', 4389 => '🕔', 4390 => '🕕', 4391 => '🕖', 4392 => '🕗', 4393 => '🕘', 4394 => '🕙', 4395 => '🕚', 4396 => '🕛', 4397 => '🕜', 4398 => '🕝', 4399 => '🕞', 4400 => '🕟', 4401 => '🕠', 4402 => '🕡', 4403 => '🕢', 4404 => '🕣', 4405 => '🕤', 4406 => '🕥', 4407 => '🕦', 4408 => '🕧', 4409 => '🗻', 4410 => '🗼', 4411 => '🗽', 4412 => '🗾', 4413 => '🗿', 4414 => '😁', 4415 => '😂', 4416 => '😃', 4417 => '😄', 4418 => '😅', 4419 => '😆', 4420 => '😇', 4421 => '😈', 4422 => '😉', 4423 => '😊', 4424 => '😋', 4425 => '😌', 4426 => '😍', 4427 => '😎', 4428 => '😏', 4429 => '😐', 4430 => '😒', 4431 => '😓', 4432 => '😔', 4433 => '😖', 4434 => '😘', 4435 => '😚', 4436 => '😜', 4437 => '😝', 4438 => '😞', 4439 => '😠', 4440 => '😡', 4441 => '😢', 4442 => '😣', 4443 => '😤', 4444 => '😥', 4445 => '😨', 4446 => '😩', 4447 => '😪', 4448 => '😫', 4449 => '😭', 4450 => '😰', 4451 => '😱', 4452 => '😲', 4453 => '😳', 4454 => '😵', 4455 => '😶', 4456 => '😷', 4457 => '😸', 4458 => '😹', 4459 => '😺', 4460 => '😻', 4461 => '😼', 4462 => '😽', 4463 => '😾', 4464 => '😿', 4465 => '🙀', 4466 => '🙅', 4467 => '🙆', 4468 => '🙇', 4469 => '🙈', 4470 => '🙉', 4471 => '🙊', 4472 => '🙋', 4473 => '🙌', 4474 => '🙍', 4475 => '🙎', 4476 => '🙏', 4477 => '🚀', 4478 => '🚁', 4479 => '🚂', 4480 => '🚃', 4481 => '🚄', 4482 => '🚅', 4483 => '🚆', 4484 => '🚇', 4485 => '🚈', 4486 => '🚉', 4487 => '🚊', 4488 => '🚋', 4489 => '🚌', 4490 => '🚍', 4491 => '🚎', 4492 => '🚏', 4493 => '🚐', 4494 => '🚑', 4495 => '🚒', 4496 => '🚓', 4497 => '🚔', 4498 => '🚕', 4499 => '🚖', 4500 => '🚗', 4501 => '🚘', 4502 => '🚙', 4503 => '🚚', 4504 => '🚛', 4505 => '🚜', 4506 => '🚝', 4507 => '🚞', 4508 => '🚟', 4509 => '🚠', 4510 => '🚡', 4511 => '🚢', 4512 => '🚣', 4513 => '🚤', 4514 => '🚥', 4515 => '🚦', 4516 => '🚧', 4517 => '🚨', 4518 => '🚩', 4519 => '🚪', 4520 => '🚫', 4521 => '🚬', 4522 => '🚭', 4523 => '🚮', 4524 => '🚯', 4525 => '🚰', 4526 => '🚱', 4527 => '🚲', 4528 => '🚳', 4529 => '🚴', 4530 => '🚵', 4531 => '🚶', 4532 => '🚷', 4533 => '🚸', 4534 => '🚹', 4535 => '🚺', 4536 => '🚻', 4537 => '🚼', 4538 => '🚽', 4539 => '🚾', 4540 => '🚿', 4541 => '🛀', 4542 => '🛁', 4543 => '🛂', 4544 => '🛃', 4545 => '🛄', 4546 => '🛅', 4547 => '🜀', 4548 => '🜁', 4549 => '🜂', 4550 => '🜃', 4551 => '🜄', 4552 => '🜅', 4553 => '🜆', 4554 => '🜇', 4555 => '🜈', 4556 => '🜉', 4557 => '🜊', 4558 => '🜋', 4559 => '🜌', 4560 => '🜍', 4561 => '🜎', 4562 => '🜏', 4563 => '🜐', 4564 => '🜑', 4565 => '🜒', 4566 => '🜓', 4567 => '🜔', 4568 => '🜕', 4569 => '🜖', 4570 => '🜗', 4571 => '🜘', 4572 => '🜙', 4573 => '🜚', 4574 => '🜛', 4575 => '🜜', 4576 => '🜝', 4577 => '🜞', 4578 => '🜟', 4579 => '🜠', 4580 => '🜡', 4581 => '🜢', 4582 => '🜣', 4583 => '🜤', 4584 => '🜥', 4585 => '🜦', 4586 => '🜧', 4587 => '🜨', 4588 => '🜩', 4589 => '🜪', 4590 => '🜫', 4591 => '🜬', 4592 => '🜭', 4593 => '🜮', 4594 => '🜯', 4595 => '🜰', 4596 => '🜱', 4597 => '🜲', 4598 => '🜳', 4599 => '🜴', 4600 => '🜵', 4601 => '🜶', 4602 => '🜷', 4603 => '🜸', 4604 => '🜹', 4605 => '🜺', 4606 => '🜻', 4607 => '🜼', 4608 => '🜽', 4609 => '🜾', 4610 => '🜿', 4611 => '🝀', 4612 => '🝁', 4613 => '🝂', 4614 => '🝃', 4615 => '🝄', 4616 => '🝅', 4617 => '🝆', 4618 => '🝇', 4619 => '🝈', 4620 => '🝉', 4621 => '🝊', 4622 => '🝋', 4623 => '🝌', 4624 => '🝍', 4625 => '🝎', 4626 => '🝏', 4627 => '🝐', 4628 => '🝑', 4629 => '🝒', 4630 => '🝓', 4631 => '🝔', 4632 => '🝕', 4633 => '🝖', 4634 => '🝗', 4635 => '🝘', 4636 => '🝙', 4637 => '🝚', 4638 => '🝛', 4639 => '🝜', 4640 => '🝝', 4641 => '🝞', 4642 => '🝟', 4643 => '🝠', 4644 => '🝡', 4645 => '🝢', 4646 => '🝣', 4647 => '🝤', 4648 => '🝥', 4649 => '🝦', 4650 => '🝧', 4651 => '🝨', 4652 => '🝩', 4653 => '🝪', 4654 => '🝫', 4655 => '🝬', 4656 => '🝭', 4657 => '🝮', 4658 => '🝯', 4659 => '🝰', 4660 => '🝱', 4661 => '🝲', 4662 => '🝳', 4663 => '㆐', 4664 => '㆑', 4665 => '', 4666 => '�', 4667 => '৴', 4668 => '৵', 4669 => '৶', 4670 => '৷', 4671 => '৸', 4672 => '৹', 4673 => '୲', 4674 => '୳', 4675 => '୴', 4676 => '୵', 4677 => '୶', 4678 => '୷', 4679 => '꠰', 4680 => '꠱', 4681 => '꠲', 4682 => '꠳', 4683 => '꠴', 4684 => '꠵', 4685 => '௰', 4686 => '௱', 4687 => '௲', 4688 => '൰', 4689 => '൱', 4690 => '൲', 4691 => '൳', 4692 => '൴', 4693 => '൵', 4694 => '፲', 4695 => '፳', 4696 => '፴', 4697 => '፵', 4698 => '፶', 4699 => '፷', 4700 => '፸', 4701 => '፹', 4702 => '፺', 4703 => '፻', 4704 => '፼', 4705 => 'ↀ', 4706 => 'ↁ', 4707 => 'ↂ', 4708 => 'ↆ', 4709 => 'ↇ', 4710 => 'ↈ', 4711 => '𐹩', 4712 => '𐹪', 4713 => '𐹫', 4714 => '𐹬', 4715 => '𐹭', 4716 => '𐹮', 4717 => '𐹯', 4718 => '𐹰', 4719 => '𐹱', 4720 => '𐹲', 4721 => '𐹳', 4722 => '𐹴', 4723 => '𐹵', 4724 => '𐹶', 4725 => '𐹷', 4726 => '𐹸', 4727 => '𐹹', 4728 => '𐹺', 4729 => '𐹻', 4730 => '𐹼', 4731 => '𐹽', 4732 => '𐹾', 4733 => '⳽', 4734 => '𐌢', 4735 => '𐌣', 4736 => '𐄐', 4737 => '𐄑', 4738 => '𐄒', 4739 => '𐄓', 4740 => '𐄔', 4741 => '𐄕', 4742 => '𐄖', 4743 => '𐄗', 4744 => '𐄘', 4745 => '𐄙', 4746 => '𐄚', 4747 => '𐄛', 4748 => '𐄜', 4749 => '𐄝', 4750 => '𐄞', 4751 => '𐄟', 4752 => '𐄠', 4753 => '𐄡', 4754 => '𐄢', 4755 => '𐄣', 4756 => '𐄤', 4757 => '𐄥', 4758 => '𐄦', 4759 => '𐄧', 4760 => '𐄨', 4761 => '𐄩', 4762 => '𐄪', 4763 => '𐄫', 4764 => '𐄬', 4765 => '𐄭', 4766 => '𐄮', 4767 => '𐄯', 4768 => '𐄰', 4769 => '𐄱', 4770 => '𐄲', 4771 => '𐄳', 4772 => '𐅀', 4773 => '𐅁', 4774 => '𐅄', 4775 => '𐅅', 4776 => '𐅆', 4777 => '𐅇', 4778 => '𐅉', 4779 => '𐅊', 4780 => '𐅋', 4781 => '𐅌', 4782 => '𐅍', 4783 => '𐅎', 4784 => '𐅐', 4785 => '𐅑', 4786 => '𐅒', 4787 => '𐅓', 4788 => '𐅔', 4789 => '𐅕', 4790 => '𐅖', 4791 => '𐅗', 4792 => '𐅠', 4793 => '𐅡', 4794 => '𐅢', 4795 => '𐅣', 4796 => '𐅤', 4797 => '𐅥', 4798 => '𐅦', 4799 => '𐅧', 4800 => '𐅨', 4801 => '𐅩', 4802 => '𐅪', 4803 => '𐅫', 4804 => '𐅬', 4805 => '𐅭', 4806 => '𐅮', 4807 => '𐅯', 4808 => '𐅰', 4809 => '𐅱', 4810 => '𐅲', 4811 => '𐅴', 4812 => '𐅵', 4813 => '𐅶', 4814 => '𐅷', 4815 => '𐅸', 4816 => '𐏓', 4817 => '𐏔', 4818 => '𐏕', 4819 => '𐩾', 4820 => '𐩿', 4821 => '𐤗', 4822 => '𐤘', 4823 => '𐤙', 4824 => '𐡛', 4825 => '𐡜', 4826 => '𐡝', 4827 => '𐡞', 4828 => '𐡟', 4829 => '𐭜', 4830 => '𐭝', 4831 => '𐭞', 4832 => '𐭟', 4833 => '𐭼', 4834 => '𐭽', 4835 => '𐭾', 4836 => '𐭿', 4837 => '𑁛', 4838 => '𑁜', 4839 => '𑁝', 4840 => '𑁞', 4841 => '𑁟', 4842 => '𑁠', 4843 => '𑁡', 4844 => '𑁢', 4845 => '𑁣', 4846 => '𑁤', 4847 => '𑁥', 4848 => '𐩄', 4849 => '𐩅', 4850 => '𐩆', 4851 => '𐩇', 4852 => '𒐲', 4853 => '𒐳', 4854 => '𒑖', 4855 => '𒑗', 4856 => '𒑚', 4857 => '𒑛', 4858 => '𒑜', 4859 => '𒑝', 4860 => '𒑞', 4861 => '𒑟', 4862 => '𒑠', 4863 => '𒑡', 4864 => '𒑢', 4865 => '𝍩', 4866 => '𝍪', 4867 => '𝍫', 4868 => '𝍬', 4869 => '𝍭', 4870 => '𝍮', 4871 => '𝍯', 4872 => '𝍰', 4873 => '𝍱', 4874 => 'ː', 4875 => 'ˑ', 4876 => 'ॱ', 4877 => 'ๆ', 4878 => 'ໆ', 4879 => 'ᪧ', 4880 => 'ꧏ', 4881 => 'ꩰ', 4882 => 'ꫝ', 4883 => 'ゝ', 4884 => 'ー', 4885 => 'ヽ', 4886 => '¤', 4887 => '¢', 4888 => '$', 4889 => '£', 4890 => '¥', 4891 => '؋', 4892 => '৲', 4893 => '৳', 4894 => '৻', 4895 => '૱', 4896 => '꠸', 4897 => '௹', 4898 => '฿', 4899 => '៛', 4900 => '₠', 4901 => '₡', 4902 => '₢', 4903 => '₣', 4904 => '₤', 4905 => '₥', 4906 => '₦', 4907 => '₧', 4908 => '₩', 4909 => '₪', 4910 => '₫', 4911 => '€', 4912 => '₭', 4913 => '₮', 4914 => '₯', 4915 => '₰', 4916 => '₱', 4917 => '₲', 4918 => '₳', 4919 => '₴', 4920 => '₵', 4921 => '₶', 4922 => '₷', 4923 => '₸', 4924 => '₹', 4925 => '0', 4926 => '1', 4927 => '2', 4928 => '3', 4929 => '4', 4930 => '5', 4931 => '6', 4932 => '7', 4933 => '8', 4934 => '9', 4935 => 'A', 4936 => 'ᴀ', 4937 => 'Ⱥ', 4938 => 'ᶏ', 4939 => 'ᴁ', 4940 => 'ᴂ', 4941 => 'Ɐ', 4942 => 'Ɑ', 4943 => 'ᶐ', 4944 => 'Ɒ', 4945 => 'B', 4946 => 'ʙ', 4947 => 'Ƀ', 4948 => 'ᴯ', 4949 => 'ᴃ', 4950 => 'ᵬ', 4951 => 'ᶀ', 4952 => 'Ɓ', 4953 => 'Ƃ', 4954 => 'C', 4955 => 'ᴄ', 4956 => 'Ȼ', 4957 => 'Ƈ', 4958 => 'ɕ', 4959 => 'Ↄ', 4960 => 'Ꜿ', 4961 => 'D', 4962 => 'ᴅ', 4963 => 'ᴆ', 4964 => 'ᵭ', 4965 => 'ᶁ', 4966 => 'Ɖ', 4967 => 'Ɗ', 4968 => 'ᶑ', 4969 => 'Ƌ', 4970 => 'ȡ', 4971 => 'ꝱ', 4972 => 'ẟ', 4973 => 'E', 4974 => 'ᴇ', 4975 => 'Ɇ', 4976 => 'ᶒ', 4977 => 'ⱸ', 4978 => 'Ǝ', 4979 => 'ⱻ', 4980 => 'Ə', 4981 => 'ᶕ', 4982 => 'Ɛ', 4983 => 'ᶓ', 4984 => 'ɘ', 4985 => 'ɚ', 4986 => 'ɜ', 4987 => 'ᶔ', 4988 => 'ᴈ', 4989 => 'ɝ', 4990 => 'ɞ', 4991 => 'ʚ', 4992 => 'ɤ', 4993 => 'F', 4994 => 'ꜰ', 4995 => 'ᵮ', 4996 => 'ᶂ', 4997 => 'Ƒ', 4998 => 'Ⅎ', 4999 => 'ꟻ', 5000 => 'G', 5001 => 'ɡ', 5002 => 'ɢ', 5003 => 'Ǥ', 5004 => 'ᶃ', 5005 => 'Ɠ', 5006 => 'ʛ', 5007 => 'ᵷ', 5008 => 'Ꝿ', 5009 => 'Ɣ', 5010 => 'Ƣ', 5011 => 'H', 5012 => 'ʜ', 5013 => 'Ƕ', 5014 => 'ɦ', 5015 => 'Ⱨ', 5016 => 'Ⱶ', 5017 => 'Ꜧ', 5018 => 'ɧ', 5019 => 'ʻ', 5020 => 'ʽ', 5021 => 'I', 5022 => 'ı', 5023 => 'ɪ', 5024 => 'ꟾ', 5025 => 'ᴉ', 5026 => 'Ɨ', 5027 => 'ᵻ', 5028 => 'ᶖ', 5029 => 'Ɩ', 5030 => 'ᵼ', 5031 => 'J', 5032 => 'ȷ', 5033 => 'ᴊ', 5034 => 'Ɉ', 5035 => 'ʝ', 5036 => 'ɟ', 5037 => 'ʄ', 5038 => 'K', 5039 => 'ᴋ', 5040 => 'ᶄ', 5041 => 'Ƙ', 5042 => 'Ⱪ', 5043 => 'Ꝁ', 5044 => 'Ꝃ', 5045 => 'Ꝅ', 5046 => 'ʞ', 5047 => 'L', 5048 => 'ʟ', 5049 => 'Ꝇ', 5050 => 'ᴌ', 5051 => 'Ꝉ', 5052 => 'Ƚ', 5053 => 'Ⱡ', 5054 => 'Ɫ', 5055 => 'ɬ', 5056 => 'ᶅ', 5057 => 'ɭ', 5058 => 'ꞎ', 5059 => 'ȴ', 5060 => 'ꝲ', 5061 => 'ɮ', 5062 => 'Ꞁ', 5063 => 'ƛ', 5064 => 'ʎ', 5065 => 'M', 5066 => 'ᴍ', 5067 => 'ᵯ', 5068 => 'ᶆ', 5069 => 'Ɱ', 5070 => 'ꟽ', 5071 => 'ꟿ', 5072 => 'ꝳ', 5073 => 'N', 5074 => 'ɴ', 5075 => 'ᴻ', 5076 => 'ᴎ', 5077 => 'ᵰ', 5078 => 'Ɲ', 5079 => 'Ƞ', 5080 => 'Ꞑ', 5081 => 'ᶇ', 5082 => 'ɳ', 5083 => 'ȵ', 5084 => 'ꝴ', 5085 => 'Ŋ', 5086 => 'O', 5087 => 'ᴏ', 5088 => 'ᴑ', 5089 => 'ɶ', 5090 => 'ᴔ', 5091 => 'ᴓ', 5092 => 'Ɔ', 5093 => 'ᴐ', 5094 => 'ᴒ', 5095 => 'ᶗ', 5096 => 'Ꝍ', 5097 => 'ᴖ', 5098 => 'ᴗ', 5099 => 'ⱺ', 5100 => 'Ɵ', 5101 => 'Ꝋ', 5102 => 'ɷ', 5103 => 'Ȣ', 5104 => 'ᴕ', 5105 => 'P', 5106 => 'ᴘ', 5107 => 'Ᵽ', 5108 => 'Ꝑ', 5109 => 'ᵱ', 5110 => 'ᶈ', 5111 => 'Ƥ', 5112 => 'Ꝓ', 5113 => 'Ꝕ', 5114 => 'ꟼ', 5115 => 'ɸ', 5116 => 'ⱷ', 5117 => 'Q', 5118 => 'Ꝗ', 5119 => 'Ꝙ', 5120 => 'ʠ', 5121 => 'Ɋ', 5122 => 'ĸ', 5123 => 'R', 5124 => 'Ʀ', 5125 => 'Ꝛ', 5126 => 'ᴙ', 5127 => 'Ɍ', 5128 => 'ᵲ', 5129 => 'ɹ', 5130 => 'ᴚ', 5131 => 'ɺ', 5132 => 'ᶉ', 5133 => 'ɻ', 5134 => 'ⱹ', 5135 => 'ɼ', 5136 => 'Ɽ', 5137 => 'ɾ', 5138 => 'ᵳ', 5139 => 'ɿ', 5140 => 'ʁ', 5141 => 'ꝵ', 5142 => 'ꝶ', 5143 => 'Ꝝ', 5144 => 'S', 5145 => 'ꜱ', 5146 => 'ᵴ', 5147 => 'ᶊ', 5148 => 'ʂ', 5149 => 'Ȿ', 5150 => 'ẜ', 5151 => 'ẝ', 5152 => 'Ʃ', 5153 => 'ᶋ', 5154 => 'ƪ', 5155 => 'ʅ', 5156 => 'ᶘ', 5157 => 'ʆ', 5158 => 'T', 5159 => 'ᴛ', 5160 => 'Ŧ', 5161 => 'Ⱦ', 5162 => 'ᵵ', 5163 => 'ƫ', 5164 => 'Ƭ', 5165 => 'Ʈ', 5166 => 'ȶ', 5167 => 'ꝷ', 5168 => 'ʇ', 5169 => 'U', 5170 => 'ᴜ', 5171 => 'ᴝ', 5172 => 'ᴞ', 5173 => 'ᵫ', 5174 => 'Ʉ', 5175 => 'ᵾ', 5176 => 'ᶙ', 5177 => 'Ɥ', 5178 => 'ʮ', 5179 => 'ʯ', 5180 => 'Ɯ', 5181 => 'ꟺ', 5182 => 'ᴟ', 5183 => 'ɰ', 5184 => 'Ʊ', 5185 => 'ᵿ', 5186 => 'V', 5187 => 'ᴠ', 5188 => 'Ꝟ', 5189 => 'ᶌ', 5190 => 'Ʋ', 5191 => 'ⱱ', 5192 => 'ⱴ', 5193 => 'Ỽ', 5194 => 'Ʌ', 5195 => 'W', 5196 => 'ᴡ', 5197 => 'Ⱳ', 5198 => 'ʍ', 5199 => 'X', 5200 => 'ᶍ', 5201 => 'Y', 5202 => 'ʏ', 5203 => 'Ɏ', 5204 => 'Ƴ', 5205 => 'Ỿ', 5206 => 'Z', 5207 => 'ᴢ', 5208 => 'Ƶ', 5209 => 'ᵶ', 5210 => 'ᶎ', 5211 => 'Ȥ', 5212 => 'ʐ', 5213 => 'ʑ', 5214 => 'Ɀ', 5215 => 'Ⱬ', 5216 => 'Ꝣ', 5217 => 'Ʒ', 5218 => 'ᴣ', 5219 => 'Ƹ', 5220 => 'ᶚ', 5221 => 'ƺ', 5222 => 'ʓ', 5223 => 'Ȝ', 5224 => 'Þ', 5225 => 'Ꝥ', 5226 => 'Ꝧ', 5227 => 'Ƿ', 5228 => 'Ꝩ', 5229 => 'Ꝫ', 5230 => 'Ꝭ', 5231 => 'Ꝯ', 5232 => 'ꝸ', 5233 => 'ƻ', 5234 => 'Ꜫ', 5235 => 'Ꜭ', 5236 => 'Ꜯ', 5237 => 'Ƨ', 5238 => 'Ƽ', 5239 => 'Ƅ', 5240 => 'ʔ', 5241 => 'Ɂ', 5242 => 'ˀ', 5243 => 'ʼ', 5244 => 'ˮ', 5245 => 'ʾ', 5246 => 'Ꜣ', 5247 => 'Ꞌ', 5248 => 'ʕ', 5249 => 'ʿ', 5250 => 'ˁ', 5251 => 'ᴤ', 5252 => 'ᴥ', 5253 => 'Ꜥ', 5254 => 'ʡ', 5255 => 'ʢ', 5256 => 'ʖ', 5257 => 'ǀ', 5258 => 'ǁ', 5259 => 'ǂ', 5260 => 'ǃ', 5261 => 'ʗ', 5262 => 'ʘ', 5263 => 'ʬ', 5264 => 'ʭ', 5265 => 'Α', 5266 => 'Β', 5267 => 'Γ', 5268 => 'ᴦ', 5269 => 'Δ', 5270 => 'Ε', 5271 => 'Ϝ', 5272 => 'Ͷ', 5273 => 'Ϛ', 5274 => 'Ζ', 5275 => 'Ͱ', 5276 => 'Η', 5277 => 'Θ', 5278 => 'Ι', 5279 => 'ϳ', 5280 => 'Κ', 5281 => 'Λ', 5282 => 'ᴧ', 5283 => 'Μ', 5284 => 'Ν', 5285 => 'Ξ', 5286 => 'Ο', 5287 => 'Π', 5288 => 'ᴨ', 5289 => 'Ϻ', 5290 => 'Ϟ', 5291 => 'Ϙ', 5292 => 'Ρ', 5293 => 'ᴩ', 5294 => 'ϼ', 5295 => 'Σ', 5296 => 'Ͼ', 5297 => 'Ͻ', 5298 => 'Ͽ', 5299 => 'Τ', 5300 => 'Υ', 5301 => 'Φ', 5302 => 'Χ', 5303 => 'Ψ', 5304 => 'ᴪ', 5305 => 'Ω', 5306 => 'Ϡ', 5307 => 'Ͳ', 5308 => 'Ϸ', 5309 => 'Ⲁ', 5310 => 'Ⲃ', 5311 => 'Ⲅ', 5312 => 'Ⲇ', 5313 => 'Ⲉ', 5314 => 'Ⲷ', 5315 => 'Ⲋ', 5316 => 'Ⲍ', 5317 => 'Ⲏ', 5318 => 'Ⲑ', 5319 => 'Ⲓ', 5320 => 'Ⲕ', 5321 => 'Ⲹ', 5322 => 'Ⲗ', 5323 => 'Ⲙ', 5324 => 'Ⲛ', 5325 => 'Ⲻ', 5326 => 'Ⲽ', 5327 => 'Ⲝ', 5328 => 'Ⲟ', 5329 => 'Ⲡ', 5330 => 'Ⲣ', 5331 => 'Ⲥ', 5332 => 'Ⲧ', 5333 => 'Ⲩ', 5334 => 'Ⲫ', 5335 => 'Ⲭ', 5336 => 'Ⲯ', 5337 => 'Ⲱ', 5338 => 'Ⲿ', 5339 => 'Ⳁ', 5340 => 'Ϣ', 5341 => 'Ⳬ', 5342 => 'Ⳃ', 5343 => 'Ⳅ', 5344 => 'Ⳇ', 5345 => 'Ϥ', 5346 => 'Ϧ', 5347 => 'Ⳉ', 5348 => 'Ϩ', 5349 => 'Ⳋ', 5350 => 'Ⳍ', 5351 => 'Ⳏ', 5352 => 'Ⳑ', 5353 => 'Ⳓ', 5354 => 'Ⳕ', 5355 => 'Ϫ', 5356 => 'Ⳮ', 5357 => 'Ⳗ', 5358 => 'Ϭ', 5359 => 'Ⳙ', 5360 => 'Ⳛ', 5361 => 'Ⳝ', 5362 => 'Ϯ', 5363 => 'Ⲳ', 5364 => 'Ⲵ', 5365 => 'Ⳟ', 5366 => 'Ⳡ', 5367 => 'Ⳣ', 5368 => 'А', 5369 => 'Ӑ', 5370 => 'Ӓ', 5371 => 'Ә', 5372 => 'Ӛ', 5373 => 'Ӕ', 5374 => 'Б', 5375 => 'В', 5376 => 'Г', 5377 => 'Ғ', 5378 => 'Ӻ', 5379 => 'Ҕ', 5380 => 'Ӷ', 5381 => 'Д', 5382 => 'Ԁ', 5383 => 'Ꚁ', 5384 => 'Ђ', 5385 => 'Ꙣ', 5386 => 'Ԃ', 5387 => 'Ѓ', 5388 => 'Ҙ', 5389 => 'Е', 5390 => 'Ӗ', 5391 => 'Є', 5392 => 'Ж', 5393 => 'Ꚅ', 5394 => 'Ӝ', 5395 => 'Җ', 5396 => 'З', 5397 => 'Ꙁ', 5398 => 'Ԅ', 5399 => 'Ԑ', 5400 => 'Ӟ', 5401 => 'Ꙃ', 5402 => 'Ѕ', 5403 => 'Ꙅ', 5404 => 'Ӡ', 5405 => 'Ꚉ', 5406 => 'Ԇ', 5407 => 'Ꚃ', 5408 => 'И', 5409 => 'Ҋ', 5410 => 'Ӥ', 5411 => 'І', 5412 => 'Ꙇ', 5413 => 'Ї', 5414 => 'Й', 5415 => 'Ј', 5416 => 'Ꙉ', 5417 => 'К', 5418 => 'Қ', 5419 => 'Ӄ', 5420 => 'Ҡ', 5421 => 'Ҟ', 5422 => 'Ҝ', 5423 => 'Ԟ', 5424 => 'Ԛ', 5425 => 'Л', 5426 => 'ᴫ', 5427 => 'Ӆ', 5428 => 'Ԓ', 5429 => 'Ԡ', 5430 => 'Љ', 5431 => 'Ꙥ', 5432 => 'Ԉ', 5433 => 'Ԕ', 5434 => 'М', 5435 => 'Ӎ', 5436 => 'Ꙧ', 5437 => 'Н', 5438 => 'Ӊ', 5439 => 'Ң', 5440 => 'Ӈ', 5441 => 'Ԣ', 5442 => 'Ҥ', 5443 => 'Њ', 5444 => 'Ԋ', 5445 => 'О', 5446 => 'Ӧ', 5447 => 'Ө', 5448 => 'Ӫ', 5449 => 'П', 5450 => 'Ԥ', 5451 => 'Ҧ', 5452 => 'Ҁ', 5453 => 'Р', 5454 => 'Ҏ', 5455 => 'Ԗ', 5456 => 'С', 5457 => 'Ԍ', 5458 => 'Ҫ', 5459 => 'Т', 5460 => 'Ꚍ', 5461 => 'Ԏ', 5462 => 'Ҭ', 5463 => 'Ꚋ', 5464 => 'Ћ', 5465 => 'Ќ', 5466 => 'У', 5467 => 'Ў', 5468 => 'Ӱ', 5469 => 'Ӳ', 5470 => 'Ү', 5471 => 'Ұ', 5472 => 'Ꙋ', 5473 => 'Ѹ', 5474 => 'Ф', 5475 => 'Х', 5476 => 'Ӽ', 5477 => 'Ӿ', 5478 => 'Ҳ', 5479 => 'Һ', 5480 => 'Ԧ', 5481 => 'Ꚕ', 5482 => 'Ѡ', 5483 => 'Ѿ', 5484 => 'Ꙍ', 5485 => 'Ѽ', 5486 => 'Ѻ', 5487 => 'Ц', 5488 => 'Ꙡ', 5489 => 'Ꚏ', 5490 => 'Ҵ', 5491 => 'Ꚑ', 5492 => 'Ч', 5493 => 'Ꚓ', 5494 => 'Ӵ', 5495 => 'Ҷ', 5496 => 'Ӌ', 5497 => 'Ҹ', 5498 => 'Ꚇ', 5499 => 'Ҽ', 5500 => 'Ҿ', 5501 => 'Џ', 5502 => 'Ш', 5503 => 'Ꚗ', 5504 => 'Щ', 5505 => 'Ꙏ', 5506 => 'ⸯ', 5507 => 'ꙿ', 5508 => 'Ъ', 5509 => 'Ꙑ', 5510 => 'Ы', 5511 => 'Ӹ', 5512 => 'Ь', 5513 => 'Ҍ', 5514 => 'Ѣ', 5515 => 'Ꙓ', 5516 => 'Э', 5517 => 'Ӭ', 5518 => 'Ю', 5519 => 'Ꙕ', 5520 => 'Ꙗ', 5521 => 'Я', 5522 => 'Ԙ', 5523 => 'Ѥ', 5524 => 'Ѧ', 5525 => 'Ꙙ', 5526 => 'Ѫ', 5527 => 'Ꙛ', 5528 => 'Ѩ', 5529 => 'Ꙝ', 5530 => 'Ѭ', 5531 => 'Ѯ', 5532 => 'Ѱ', 5533 => 'Ѳ', 5534 => 'Ѵ', 5535 => 'Ѷ', 5536 => 'Ꙟ', 5537 => 'Ҩ', 5538 => 'Ԝ', 5539 => 'Ӏ', 5540 => 'Ⰰ', 5541 => 'Ⰱ', 5542 => 'Ⰲ', 5543 => 'Ⰳ', 5544 => 'Ⰴ', 5545 => 'Ⰵ', 5546 => 'Ⰶ', 5547 => 'Ⰷ', 5548 => 'Ⰸ', 5549 => 'Ⰹ', 5550 => 'Ⰺ', 5551 => 'Ⰻ', 5552 => 'Ⰼ', 5553 => 'Ⰽ', 5554 => 'Ⰾ', 5555 => 'Ⰿ', 5556 => 'Ⱀ', 5557 => 'Ⱁ', 5558 => 'Ⱂ', 5559 => 'Ⱃ', 5560 => 'Ⱄ', 5561 => 'Ⱅ', 5562 => 'Ⱆ', 5563 => 'Ⱇ', 5564 => 'Ⱈ', 5565 => 'Ⱉ', 5566 => 'Ⱊ', 5567 => 'Ⱋ', 5568 => 'Ⱌ', 5569 => 'Ⱍ', 5570 => 'Ⱎ', 5571 => 'Ⱏ', 5572 => 'Ⱐ', 5573 => 'Ⱑ', 5574 => 'Ⱒ', 5575 => 'Ⱓ', 5576 => 'Ⱔ', 5577 => 'Ⱕ', 5578 => 'Ⱖ', 5579 => 'Ⱗ', 5580 => 'Ⱘ', 5581 => 'Ⱙ', 5582 => 'Ⱚ', 5583 => 'Ⱛ', 5584 => 'Ⱜ', 5585 => 'Ⱝ', 5586 => 'Ⱞ', 5587 => 'ა', 5588 => 'Ⴀ', 5589 => 'ბ', 5590 => 'Ⴁ', 5591 => 'გ', 5592 => 'Ⴂ', 5593 => 'დ', 5594 => 'Ⴃ', 5595 => 'ე', 5596 => 'Ⴄ', 5597 => 'ვ', 5598 => 'Ⴅ', 5599 => 'ზ', 5600 => 'Ⴆ', 5601 => 'ჱ', 5602 => 'Ⴡ', 5603 => 'თ', 5604 => 'Ⴇ', 5605 => 'ი', 5606 => 'Ⴈ', 5607 => 'კ', 5608 => 'Ⴉ', 5609 => 'ლ', 5610 => 'Ⴊ', 5611 => 'მ', 5612 => 'Ⴋ', 5613 => 'ნ', 5614 => 'Ⴌ', 5615 => 'ჲ', 5616 => 'Ⴢ', 5617 => 'ო', 5618 => 'Ⴍ', 5619 => 'პ', 5620 => 'Ⴎ', 5621 => 'ჟ', 5622 => 'Ⴏ', 5623 => 'რ', 5624 => 'Ⴐ', 5625 => 'ს', 5626 => 'Ⴑ', 5627 => 'ტ', 5628 => 'Ⴒ', 5629 => 'ჳ', 5630 => 'Ⴣ', 5631 => 'უ', 5632 => 'Ⴓ', 5633 => 'ფ', 5634 => 'Ⴔ', 5635 => 'ქ', 5636 => 'Ⴕ', 5637 => 'ღ', 5638 => 'Ⴖ', 5639 => 'ყ', 5640 => 'Ⴗ', 5641 => 'შ', 5642 => 'Ⴘ', 5643 => 'ჩ', 5644 => 'Ⴙ', 5645 => 'ც', 5646 => 'Ⴚ', 5647 => 'ძ', 5648 => 'Ⴛ', 5649 => 'წ', 5650 => 'Ⴜ', 5651 => 'ჭ', 5652 => 'Ⴝ', 5653 => 'ხ', 5654 => 'Ⴞ', 5655 => 'ჴ', 5656 => 'Ⴤ', 5657 => 'ჯ', 5658 => 'Ⴟ', 5659 => 'ჰ', 5660 => 'Ⴠ', 5661 => 'ჵ', 5662 => 'Ⴥ', 5663 => 'ჶ', 5664 => 'ჷ', 5665 => 'ჸ', 5666 => 'ჹ', 5667 => 'ჺ', 5668 => 'Ա', 5669 => 'Բ', 5670 => 'Գ', 5671 => 'Դ', 5672 => 'Ե', 5673 => 'Զ', 5674 => 'Է', 5675 => 'Ը', 5676 => 'Թ', 5677 => 'Ժ', 5678 => 'Ի', 5679 => 'Լ', 5680 => 'Խ', 5681 => 'Ծ', 5682 => 'Կ', 5683 => 'Հ', 5684 => 'Ձ', 5685 => 'Ղ', 5686 => 'Ճ', 5687 => 'Մ', 5688 => 'Յ', 5689 => 'Ն', 5690 => 'Շ', 5691 => 'Ո', 5692 => 'Չ', 5693 => 'Պ', 5694 => 'Ջ', 5695 => 'Ռ', 5696 => 'Ս', 5697 => 'Վ', 5698 => 'Տ', 5699 => 'Ր', 5700 => 'Ց', 5701 => 'Ւ', 5702 => 'Փ', 5703 => 'Ք', 5704 => 'Օ', 5705 => 'Ֆ', 5706 => 'ՙ', 5707 => 'א', 5708 => 'ב', 5709 => 'ג', 5710 => 'ד', 5711 => 'ה', 5712 => 'ו', 5713 => 'ז', 5714 => 'ח', 5715 => 'ט', 5716 => 'י', 5717 => 'ך', 5718 => 'ל', 5719 => 'ם', 5720 => 'ן', 5721 => 'ס', 5722 => 'ע', 5723 => 'ף', 5724 => 'ץ', 5725 => 'ק', 5726 => 'ר', 5727 => 'ש', 5728 => 'ת', 5729 => '𐤀', 5730 => '𐤁', 5731 => '𐤂', 5732 => '𐤃', 5733 => '𐤄', 5734 => '𐤅', 5735 => '𐤆', 5736 => '𐤇', 5737 => '𐤈', 5738 => '𐤉', 5739 => '𐤊', 5740 => '𐤋', 5741 => '𐤌', 5742 => '𐤍', 5743 => '𐤎', 5744 => '𐤏', 5745 => '𐤐', 5746 => '𐤑', 5747 => '𐤒', 5748 => '𐤓', 5749 => '𐤔', 5750 => '𐤕', 5751 => 'ࠀ', 5752 => 'ࠁ', 5753 => 'ࠂ', 5754 => 'ࠃ', 5755 => 'ࠄ', 5756 => 'ࠅ', 5757 => 'ࠆ', 5758 => 'ࠇ', 5759 => 'ࠈ', 5760 => 'ࠉ', 5761 => 'ࠊ', 5762 => 'ࠋ', 5763 => 'ࠌ', 5764 => 'ࠍ', 5765 => 'ࠎ', 5766 => 'ࠏ', 5767 => 'ࠐ', 5768 => 'ࠑ', 5769 => 'ࠒ', 5770 => 'ࠓ', 5771 => 'ࠔ', 5772 => 'ࠕ', 5773 => 'ࠚ', 5774 => 'ء', 5775 => 'آ', 5776 => 'أ', 5777 => 'ٲ', 5778 => 'ٱ', 5779 => 'ؤ', 5780 => 'إ', 5781 => 'ٳ', 5782 => 'ݳ', 5783 => 'ݴ', 5784 => 'ئ', 5785 => 'ا', 5786 => 'ٮ', 5787 => 'ب', 5788 => 'ٻ', 5789 => 'پ', 5790 => 'ڀ', 5791 => 'ݐ', 5792 => 'ݑ', 5793 => 'ݒ', 5794 => 'ݓ', 5795 => 'ݔ', 5796 => 'ݕ', 5797 => 'ݖ', 5798 => 'ة', 5799 => 'ت', 5800 => 'ث', 5801 => 'ٹ', 5802 => 'ٺ', 5803 => 'ټ', 5804 => 'ٽ', 5805 => 'ٿ', 5806 => 'ج', 5807 => 'ڃ', 5808 => 'ڄ', 5809 => 'چ', 5810 => 'ڿ', 5811 => 'ڇ', 5812 => 'ح', 5813 => 'خ', 5814 => 'ځ', 5815 => 'ڂ', 5816 => 'څ', 5817 => 'ݗ', 5818 => 'ݘ', 5819 => 'ݮ', 5820 => 'ݯ', 5821 => 'ݲ', 5822 => 'ݼ', 5823 => 'د', 5824 => 'ذ', 5825 => 'ڈ', 5826 => 'ډ', 5827 => 'ڊ', 5828 => 'ڋ', 5829 => 'ڌ', 5830 => 'ڍ', 5831 => 'ڎ', 5832 => 'ڏ', 5833 => 'ڐ', 5834 => 'ۮ', 5835 => 'ݙ', 5836 => 'ݚ', 5837 => 'ر', 5838 => 'ز', 5839 => 'ڑ', 5840 => 'ڒ', 5841 => 'ړ', 5842 => 'ڔ', 5843 => 'ڕ', 5844 => 'ږ', 5845 => 'ڗ', 5846 => 'ژ', 5847 => 'ڙ', 5848 => 'ۯ', 5849 => 'ݛ', 5850 => 'ݫ', 5851 => 'ݬ', 5852 => 'ݱ', 5853 => 'س', 5854 => 'ش', 5855 => 'ښ', 5856 => 'ڛ', 5857 => 'ڜ', 5858 => 'ۺ', 5859 => 'ݜ', 5860 => 'ݭ', 5861 => 'ݰ', 5862 => 'ݽ', 5863 => 'ݾ', 5864 => 'ص', 5865 => 'ض', 5866 => 'ڝ', 5867 => 'ڞ', 5868 => 'ۻ', 5869 => 'ط', 5870 => 'ظ', 5871 => 'ڟ', 5872 => 'ع', 5873 => 'غ', 5874 => 'ڠ', 5875 => 'ۼ', 5876 => 'ݝ', 5877 => 'ݞ', 5878 => 'ݟ', 5879 => 'ف', 5880 => 'ڡ', 5881 => 'ڢ', 5882 => 'ڣ', 5883 => 'ڤ', 5884 => 'ڥ', 5885 => 'ڦ', 5886 => 'ݠ', 5887 => 'ݡ', 5888 => 'ٯ', 5889 => 'ق', 5890 => 'ڧ', 5891 => 'ڨ', 5892 => 'ك', 5893 => 'ک', 5894 => 'ڪ', 5895 => 'ګ', 5896 => 'ڬ', 5897 => 'ݿ', 5898 => 'ڭ', 5899 => 'ڮ', 5900 => 'گ', 5901 => 'ڰ', 5902 => 'ڱ', 5903 => 'ڲ', 5904 => 'ڳ', 5905 => 'ڴ', 5906 => 'ݢ', 5907 => 'ػ', 5908 => 'ؼ', 5909 => 'ݣ', 5910 => 'ݤ', 5911 => 'ل', 5912 => 'ڵ', 5913 => 'ڶ', 5914 => 'ڷ', 5915 => 'ڸ', 5916 => 'ݪ', 5917 => 'م', 5918 => 'ݥ', 5919 => 'ݦ', 5920 => 'ن', 5921 => 'ں', 5922 => 'ڻ', 5923 => 'ڼ', 5924 => 'ڽ', 5925 => 'ڹ', 5926 => 'ݧ', 5927 => 'ݨ', 5928 => 'ݩ', 5929 => 'ه', 5930 => 'ھ', 5931 => 'ہ', 5932 => 'ۃ', 5933 => 'ۿ', 5934 => 'ە', 5935 => 'و', 5936 => 'ۄ', 5937 => 'ۅ', 5938 => 'ۆ', 5939 => 'ۇ', 5940 => 'ۈ', 5941 => 'ۉ', 5942 => 'ۊ', 5943 => 'ۋ', 5944 => 'ۏ', 5945 => 'ݸ', 5946 => 'ݹ', 5947 => 'ى', 5948 => 'ي', 5949 => 'ی', 5950 => 'ۍ', 5951 => 'ێ', 5952 => 'ې', 5953 => 'ۑ', 5954 => 'ؽ', 5955 => 'ؾ', 5956 => 'ؿ', 5957 => 'ؠ', 5958 => 'ݵ', 5959 => 'ݶ', 5960 => 'ݷ', 5961 => 'ے', 5962 => 'ݺ', 5963 => 'ݻ', 5964 => 'ܐ', 5965 => 'ܒ', 5966 => 'ܓ', 5967 => 'ܖ', 5968 => 'ܕ', 5969 => 'ܗ', 5970 => 'ܘ', 5971 => 'ܙ', 5972 => 'ݍ', 5973 => 'ܚ', 5974 => 'ܛ', 5975 => 'ܝ', 5976 => 'ܞ', 5977 => 'ܟ', 5978 => 'ݎ', 5979 => 'ܠ', 5980 => 'ܡ', 5981 => 'ܢ', 5982 => 'ܣ', 5983 => 'ܥ', 5984 => 'ܦ', 5985 => 'ݏ', 5986 => 'ܨ', 5987 => 'ܩ', 5988 => 'ܪ', 5989 => 'ܫ', 5990 => 'ܬ', 5991 => 'ࡀ', 5992 => 'ࡁ', 5993 => 'ࡂ', 5994 => 'ࡃ', 5995 => 'ࡄ', 5996 => 'ࡅ', 5997 => 'ࡆ', 5998 => 'ࡇ', 5999 => 'ࡈ', 6000 => 'ࡉ', 6001 => 'ࡊ', 6002 => 'ࡋ', 6003 => 'ࡌ', 6004 => 'ࡍ', 6005 => 'ࡎ', 6006 => 'ࡏ', 6007 => 'ࡐ', 6008 => 'ࡑ', 6009 => 'ࡒ', 6010 => 'ࡓ', 6011 => 'ࡔ', 6012 => 'ࡕ', 6013 => 'ࡖ', 6014 => 'ࡗ', 6015 => 'ࡘ', 6016 => 'ހ', 6017 => 'ޙ', 6018 => 'ޚ', 6019 => 'ށ', 6020 => 'ނ', 6021 => 'ރ', 6022 => 'ޜ', 6023 => 'ބ', 6024 => 'ޅ', 6025 => 'ކ', 6026 => 'އ', 6027 => 'ޢ', 6028 => 'ޣ', 6029 => 'ވ', 6030 => 'ޥ', 6031 => 'މ', 6032 => 'ފ', 6033 => 'ދ', 6034 => 'ޛ', 6035 => 'ތ', 6036 => 'ޘ', 6037 => 'ޠ', 6038 => 'ޡ', 6039 => 'ލ', 6040 => 'ގ', 6041 => 'ޤ', 6042 => 'ޏ', 6043 => 'ސ', 6044 => 'ޝ', 6045 => 'ޞ', 6046 => 'ޟ', 6047 => 'ޑ', 6048 => 'ޒ', 6049 => 'ޓ', 6050 => 'ޔ', 6051 => 'ޕ', 6052 => 'ޖ', 6053 => 'ޗ', 6054 => 'ޱ', 6055 => 'ߊ', 6056 => 'ߋ', 6057 => 'ߌ', 6058 => 'ߍ', 6059 => 'ߎ', 6060 => 'ߏ', 6061 => 'ߐ', 6062 => 'ߑ', 6063 => 'ߒ', 6064 => 'ߓ', 6065 => 'ߔ', 6066 => 'ߕ', 6067 => 'ߖ', 6068 => 'ߗ', 6069 => 'ߘ', 6070 => 'ߙ', 6071 => 'ߚ', 6072 => 'ߛ', 6073 => 'ߜ', 6074 => 'ߝ', 6075 => 'ߞ', 6076 => 'ߟ', 6077 => 'ߠ', 6078 => 'ߡ', 6079 => 'ߢ', 6080 => 'ߣ', 6081 => 'ߤ', 6082 => 'ߥ', 6083 => 'ߦ', 6084 => 'ߧ', 6085 => 'ߴ', 6086 => 'ߵ', 6087 => 'ⴰ', 6088 => 'ⴱ', 6089 => 'ⴲ', 6090 => 'ⴳ', 6091 => 'ⴴ', 6092 => 'ⴵ', 6093 => 'ⴶ', 6094 => 'ⴷ', 6095 => 'ⴸ', 6096 => 'ⴹ', 6097 => 'ⴺ', 6098 => 'ⴻ', 6099 => 'ⴼ', 6100 => 'ⴽ', 6101 => 'ⴾ', 6102 => 'ⴿ', 6103 => 'ⵀ', 6104 => 'ⵁ', 6105 => 'ⵂ', 6106 => 'ⵃ', 6107 => 'ⵄ', 6108 => 'ⵅ', 6109 => 'ⵆ', 6110 => 'ⵇ', 6111 => 'ⵈ', 6112 => 'ⵉ', 6113 => 'ⵊ', 6114 => 'ⵋ', 6115 => 'ⵌ', 6116 => 'ⵍ', 6117 => 'ⵎ', 6118 => 'ⵏ', 6119 => 'ⵐ', 6120 => 'ⵑ', 6121 => 'ⵒ', 6122 => 'ⵓ', 6123 => 'ⵔ', 6124 => 'ⵕ', 6125 => 'ⵖ', 6126 => 'ⵗ', 6127 => 'ⵘ', 6128 => 'ⵙ', 6129 => 'ⵚ', 6130 => 'ⵛ', 6131 => 'ⵜ', 6132 => 'ⵝ', 6133 => 'ⵞ', 6134 => 'ⵟ', 6135 => 'ⵠ', 6136 => 'ⵡ', 6137 => 'ⵢ', 6138 => 'ⵣ', 6139 => 'ⵤ', 6140 => 'ⵥ', 6141 => 'ⵯ', 6142 => 'ሀ', 6143 => 'ሁ', 6144 => 'ሂ', 6145 => 'ሃ', 6146 => 'ሄ', 6147 => 'ህ', 6148 => 'ሆ', 6149 => 'ሇ', 6150 => 'ለ', 6151 => 'ሉ', 6152 => 'ሊ', 6153 => 'ላ', 6154 => 'ሌ', 6155 => 'ል', 6156 => 'ሎ', 6157 => 'ሏ', 6158 => 'ⶀ', 6159 => 'ሐ', 6160 => 'ሑ', 6161 => 'ሒ', 6162 => 'ሓ', 6163 => 'ሔ', 6164 => 'ሕ', 6165 => 'ሖ', 6166 => 'ሗ', 6167 => 'መ', 6168 => 'ሙ', 6169 => 'ሚ', 6170 => 'ማ', 6171 => 'ሜ', 6172 => 'ም', 6173 => 'ሞ', 6174 => 'ሟ', 6175 => 'ᎀ', 6176 => 'ᎁ', 6177 => 'ᎂ', 6178 => 'ᎃ', 6179 => 'ⶁ', 6180 => 'ሠ', 6181 => 'ሡ', 6182 => 'ሢ', 6183 => 'ሣ', 6184 => 'ሤ', 6185 => 'ሥ', 6186 => 'ሦ', 6187 => 'ሧ', 6188 => 'ረ', 6189 => 'ሩ', 6190 => 'ሪ', 6191 => 'ራ', 6192 => 'ሬ', 6193 => 'ር', 6194 => 'ሮ', 6195 => 'ሯ', 6196 => 'ⶂ', 6197 => 'ሰ', 6198 => 'ሱ', 6199 => 'ሲ', 6200 => 'ሳ', 6201 => 'ሴ', 6202 => 'ስ', 6203 => 'ሶ', 6204 => 'ሷ', 6205 => 'ⶃ', 6206 => 'ꬁ', 6207 => 'ꬂ', 6208 => 'ꬃ', 6209 => 'ꬄ', 6210 => 'ꬅ', 6211 => 'ꬆ', 6212 => 'ሸ', 6213 => 'ሹ', 6214 => 'ሺ', 6215 => 'ሻ', 6216 => 'ሼ', 6217 => 'ሽ', 6218 => 'ሾ', 6219 => 'ሿ', 6220 => 'ⶄ', 6221 => 'ቀ', 6222 => 'ቁ', 6223 => 'ቂ', 6224 => 'ቃ', 6225 => 'ቄ', 6226 => 'ቅ', 6227 => 'ቆ', 6228 => 'ቇ', 6229 => 'ቈ', 6230 => 'ቊ', 6231 => 'ቋ', 6232 => 'ቌ', 6233 => 'ቍ', 6234 => 'ቐ', 6235 => 'ቑ', 6236 => 'ቒ', 6237 => 'ቓ', 6238 => 'ቔ', 6239 => 'ቕ', 6240 => 'ቖ', 6241 => 'ቘ', 6242 => 'ቚ', 6243 => 'ቛ', 6244 => 'ቜ', 6245 => 'ቝ', 6246 => 'በ', 6247 => 'ቡ', 6248 => 'ቢ', 6249 => 'ባ', 6250 => 'ቤ', 6251 => 'ብ', 6252 => 'ቦ', 6253 => 'ቧ', 6254 => 'ᎄ', 6255 => 'ᎅ', 6256 => 'ᎆ', 6257 => 'ᎇ', 6258 => 'ⶅ', 6259 => 'ቨ', 6260 => 'ቩ', 6261 => 'ቪ', 6262 => 'ቫ', 6263 => 'ቬ', 6264 => 'ቭ', 6265 => 'ቮ', 6266 => 'ቯ', 6267 => 'ተ', 6268 => 'ቱ', 6269 => 'ቲ', 6270 => 'ታ', 6271 => 'ቴ', 6272 => 'ት', 6273 => 'ቶ', 6274 => 'ቷ', 6275 => 'ⶆ', 6276 => 'ቸ', 6277 => 'ቹ', 6278 => 'ቺ', 6279 => 'ቻ', 6280 => 'ቼ', 6281 => 'ች', 6282 => 'ቾ', 6283 => 'ቿ', 6284 => 'ⶇ', 6285 => 'ኀ', 6286 => 'ኁ', 6287 => 'ኂ', 6288 => 'ኃ', 6289 => 'ኄ', 6290 => 'ኅ', 6291 => 'ኆ', 6292 => 'ኇ', 6293 => 'ኈ', 6294 => 'ኊ', 6295 => 'ኋ', 6296 => 'ኌ', 6297 => 'ኍ', 6298 => 'ነ', 6299 => 'ኑ', 6300 => 'ኒ', 6301 => 'ና', 6302 => 'ኔ', 6303 => 'ን', 6304 => 'ኖ', 6305 => 'ኗ', 6306 => 'ⶈ', 6307 => 'ኘ', 6308 => 'ኙ', 6309 => 'ኚ', 6310 => 'ኛ', 6311 => 'ኜ', 6312 => 'ኝ', 6313 => 'ኞ', 6314 => 'ኟ', 6315 => 'ⶉ', 6316 => 'አ', 6317 => 'ኡ', 6318 => 'ኢ', 6319 => 'ኣ', 6320 => 'ኤ', 6321 => 'እ', 6322 => 'ኦ', 6323 => 'ኧ', 6324 => 'ⶊ', 6325 => 'ከ', 6326 => 'ኩ', 6327 => 'ኪ', 6328 => 'ካ', 6329 => 'ኬ', 6330 => 'ክ', 6331 => 'ኮ', 6332 => 'ኯ', 6333 => 'ኰ', 6334 => 'ኲ', 6335 => 'ኳ', 6336 => 'ኴ', 6337 => 'ኵ', 6338 => 'ኸ', 6339 => 'ኹ', 6340 => 'ኺ', 6341 => 'ኻ', 6342 => 'ኼ', 6343 => 'ኽ', 6344 => 'ኾ', 6345 => 'ዀ', 6346 => 'ዂ', 6347 => 'ዃ', 6348 => 'ዄ', 6349 => 'ዅ', 6350 => 'ወ', 6351 => 'ዉ', 6352 => 'ዊ', 6353 => 'ዋ', 6354 => 'ዌ', 6355 => 'ው', 6356 => 'ዎ', 6357 => 'ዏ', 6358 => 'ዐ', 6359 => 'ዑ', 6360 => 'ዒ', 6361 => 'ዓ', 6362 => 'ዔ', 6363 => 'ዕ', 6364 => 'ዖ', 6365 => 'ዘ', 6366 => 'ዙ', 6367 => 'ዚ', 6368 => 'ዛ', 6369 => 'ዜ', 6370 => 'ዝ', 6371 => 'ዞ', 6372 => 'ዟ', 6373 => 'ⶋ', 6374 => 'ꬑ', 6375 => 'ꬒ', 6376 => 'ꬓ', 6377 => 'ꬔ', 6378 => 'ꬕ', 6379 => 'ꬖ', 6380 => 'ዠ', 6381 => 'ዡ', 6382 => 'ዢ', 6383 => 'ዣ', 6384 => 'ዤ', 6385 => 'ዥ', 6386 => 'ዦ', 6387 => 'ዧ', 6388 => 'የ', 6389 => 'ዩ', 6390 => 'ዪ', 6391 => 'ያ', 6392 => 'ዬ', 6393 => 'ይ', 6394 => 'ዮ', 6395 => 'ዯ', 6396 => 'ደ', 6397 => 'ዱ', 6398 => 'ዲ', 6399 => 'ዳ', 6400 => 'ዴ', 6401 => 'ድ', 6402 => 'ዶ', 6403 => 'ዷ', 6404 => 'ⶌ', 6405 => 'ꬉ', 6406 => 'ꬊ', 6407 => 'ꬋ', 6408 => 'ꬌ', 6409 => 'ꬍ', 6410 => 'ꬎ', 6411 => 'ዸ', 6412 => 'ዹ', 6413 => 'ዺ', 6414 => 'ዻ', 6415 => 'ዼ', 6416 => 'ዽ', 6417 => 'ዾ', 6418 => 'ዿ', 6419 => 'ⶍ', 6420 => 'ጀ', 6421 => 'ጁ', 6422 => 'ጂ', 6423 => 'ጃ', 6424 => 'ጄ', 6425 => 'ጅ', 6426 => 'ጆ', 6427 => 'ጇ', 6428 => 'ⶎ', 6429 => 'ገ', 6430 => 'ጉ', 6431 => 'ጊ', 6432 => 'ጋ', 6433 => 'ጌ', 6434 => 'ግ', 6435 => 'ጎ', 6436 => 'ጏ', 6437 => 'ጐ', 6438 => 'ጒ', 6439 => 'ጓ', 6440 => 'ጔ', 6441 => 'ጕ', 6442 => 'ጘ', 6443 => 'ጙ', 6444 => 'ጚ', 6445 => 'ጛ', 6446 => 'ጜ', 6447 => 'ጝ', 6448 => 'ጞ', 6449 => 'ጟ', 6450 => 'ⶓ', 6451 => 'ⶔ', 6452 => 'ⶕ', 6453 => 'ⶖ', 6454 => 'ጠ', 6455 => 'ጡ', 6456 => 'ጢ', 6457 => 'ጣ', 6458 => 'ጤ', 6459 => 'ጥ', 6460 => 'ጦ', 6461 => 'ጧ', 6462 => 'ⶏ', 6463 => 'ጨ', 6464 => 'ጩ', 6465 => 'ጪ', 6466 => 'ጫ', 6467 => 'ጬ', 6468 => 'ጭ', 6469 => 'ጮ', 6470 => 'ጯ', 6471 => 'ⶐ', 6472 => 'ꬠ', 6473 => 'ꬡ', 6474 => 'ꬢ', 6475 => 'ꬣ', 6476 => 'ꬤ', 6477 => 'ꬥ', 6478 => 'ꬦ', 6479 => 'ጰ', 6480 => 'ጱ', 6481 => 'ጲ', 6482 => 'ጳ', 6483 => 'ጴ', 6484 => 'ጵ', 6485 => 'ጶ', 6486 => 'ጷ', 6487 => 'ⶑ', 6488 => 'ጸ', 6489 => 'ጹ', 6490 => 'ጺ', 6491 => 'ጻ', 6492 => 'ጼ', 6493 => 'ጽ', 6494 => 'ጾ', 6495 => 'ጿ', 6496 => 'ꬨ', 6497 => 'ꬩ', 6498 => 'ꬪ', 6499 => 'ꬫ', 6500 => 'ꬬ', 6501 => 'ꬭ', 6502 => 'ꬮ', 6503 => 'ፀ', 6504 => 'ፁ', 6505 => 'ፂ', 6506 => 'ፃ', 6507 => 'ፄ', 6508 => 'ፅ', 6509 => 'ፆ', 6510 => 'ፇ', 6511 => 'ፈ', 6512 => 'ፉ', 6513 => 'ፊ', 6514 => 'ፋ', 6515 => 'ፌ', 6516 => 'ፍ', 6517 => 'ፎ', 6518 => 'ፏ', 6519 => 'ᎈ', 6520 => 'ᎉ', 6521 => 'ᎊ', 6522 => 'ᎋ', 6523 => 'ፐ', 6524 => 'ፑ', 6525 => 'ፒ', 6526 => 'ፓ', 6527 => 'ፔ', 6528 => 'ፕ', 6529 => 'ፖ', 6530 => 'ፗ', 6531 => 'ᎌ', 6532 => 'ᎍ', 6533 => 'ᎎ', 6534 => 'ᎏ', 6535 => 'ⶒ', 6536 => 'ፘ', 6537 => 'ፙ', 6538 => 'ፚ', 6539 => 'ⶠ', 6540 => 'ⶡ', 6541 => 'ⶢ', 6542 => 'ⶣ', 6543 => 'ⶤ', 6544 => 'ⶥ', 6545 => 'ⶦ', 6546 => 'ⶨ', 6547 => 'ⶩ', 6548 => 'ⶪ', 6549 => 'ⶫ', 6550 => 'ⶬ', 6551 => 'ⶭ', 6552 => 'ⶮ', 6553 => 'ⶰ', 6554 => 'ⶱ', 6555 => 'ⶲ', 6556 => 'ⶳ', 6557 => 'ⶴ', 6558 => 'ⶵ', 6559 => 'ⶶ', 6560 => 'ⶸ', 6561 => 'ⶹ', 6562 => 'ⶺ', 6563 => 'ⶻ', 6564 => 'ⶼ', 6565 => 'ⶽ', 6566 => 'ⶾ', 6567 => 'ⷀ', 6568 => 'ⷁ', 6569 => 'ⷂ', 6570 => 'ⷃ', 6571 => 'ⷄ', 6572 => 'ⷅ', 6573 => 'ⷆ', 6574 => 'ⷈ', 6575 => 'ⷉ', 6576 => 'ⷊ', 6577 => 'ⷋ', 6578 => 'ⷌ', 6579 => 'ⷍ', 6580 => 'ⷎ', 6581 => 'ⷐ', 6582 => 'ⷑ', 6583 => 'ⷒ', 6584 => 'ⷓ', 6585 => 'ⷔ', 6586 => 'ⷕ', 6587 => 'ⷖ', 6588 => 'ⷘ', 6589 => 'ⷙ', 6590 => 'ⷚ', 6591 => 'ⷛ', 6592 => 'ⷜ', 6593 => 'ⷝ', 6594 => 'ⷞ', 6595 => 'ॐ', 6596 => 'ॲ', 6597 => 'ऄ', 6598 => 'अ', 6599 => 'आ', 6600 => 'ॳ', 6601 => 'ॴ', 6602 => 'ॵ', 6603 => 'ॶ', 6604 => 'ॷ', 6605 => 'इ', 6606 => 'ई', 6607 => 'उ', 6608 => 'ऊ', 6609 => 'ऋ', 6610 => 'ॠ', 6611 => 'ऌ', 6612 => 'ॡ', 6613 => 'ऍ', 6614 => 'ऎ', 6615 => 'ए', 6616 => 'ऐ', 6617 => 'ऑ', 6618 => 'ऒ', 6619 => 'ओ', 6620 => 'औ', 6621 => 'क', 6622 => 'ख', 6623 => 'ग', 6624 => 'ॻ', 6625 => 'घ', 6626 => 'ङ', 6627 => 'च', 6628 => 'छ', 6629 => 'ज', 6630 => 'ॹ', 6631 => 'ॼ', 6632 => 'झ', 6633 => 'ञ', 6634 => 'ट', 6635 => 'ठ', 6636 => 'ड', 6637 => 'ॾ', 6638 => 'ढ', 6639 => 'ण', 6640 => 'त', 6641 => 'थ', 6642 => 'द', 6643 => 'ध', 6644 => 'न', 6645 => 'प', 6646 => 'फ', 6647 => 'ब', 6648 => 'ॿ', 6649 => 'भ', 6650 => 'म', 6651 => 'य', 6652 => 'ॺ', 6653 => 'र', 6654 => 'ल', 6655 => 'ळ', 6656 => 'व', 6657 => 'श', 6658 => 'ष', 6659 => 'स', 6660 => 'ह', 6661 => 'ऽ', 6662 => 'ॽ', 6663 => 'ᳩ', 6664 => 'ꣲ', 6665 => 'ꣻ', 6666 => 'অ', 6667 => 'আ', 6668 => 'ই', 6669 => 'ঈ', 6670 => 'উ', 6671 => 'ঊ', 6672 => 'ঋ', 6673 => 'ৠ', 6674 => 'ঌ', 6675 => 'ৡ', 6676 => 'এ', 6677 => 'ঐ', 6678 => 'ও', 6679 => 'ঔ', 6680 => 'ক', 6681 => 'খ', 6682 => 'গ', 6683 => 'ঘ', 6684 => 'ঙ', 6685 => 'চ', 6686 => 'ছ', 6687 => 'জ', 6688 => 'ঝ', 6689 => 'ঞ', 6690 => 'ট', 6691 => 'ঠ', 6692 => 'ড', 6693 => 'ঢ', 6694 => 'ণ', 6695 => 'ত', 6696 => 'থ', 6697 => 'দ', 6698 => 'ধ', 6699 => 'ন', 6700 => 'প', 6701 => 'ফ', 6702 => 'ব', 6703 => 'ভ', 6704 => 'ম', 6705 => 'য', 6706 => 'র', 6707 => 'ৰ', 6708 => 'ল', 6709 => 'ৱ', 6710 => 'শ', 6711 => 'ষ', 6712 => 'স', 6713 => 'হ', 6714 => 'ঽ', 6715 => 'ੴ', 6716 => 'ੳ', 6717 => 'ਉ', 6718 => 'ਊ', 6719 => 'ਓ', 6720 => 'ਅ', 6721 => 'ਆ', 6722 => 'ਐ', 6723 => 'ਔ', 6724 => 'ੲ', 6725 => 'ਇ', 6726 => 'ਈ', 6727 => 'ਏ', 6728 => 'ਸ', 6729 => 'ਹ', 6730 => 'ਕ', 6731 => 'ਖ', 6732 => 'ਗ', 6733 => 'ਘ', 6734 => 'ਙ', 6735 => 'ਚ', 6736 => 'ਛ', 6737 => 'ਜ', 6738 => 'ਝ', 6739 => 'ਞ', 6740 => 'ਟ', 6741 => 'ਠ', 6742 => 'ਡ', 6743 => 'ਢ', 6744 => 'ਣ', 6745 => 'ਤ', 6746 => 'ਥ', 6747 => 'ਦ', 6748 => 'ਧ', 6749 => 'ਨ', 6750 => 'ਪ', 6751 => 'ਫ', 6752 => 'ਬ', 6753 => 'ਭ', 6754 => 'ਮ', 6755 => 'ਯ', 6756 => 'ਰ', 6757 => 'ਲ', 6758 => 'ਵ', 6759 => 'ੜ', 6760 => 'ૐ', 6761 => 'અ', 6762 => 'આ', 6763 => 'ઇ', 6764 => 'ઈ', 6765 => 'ઉ', 6766 => 'ઊ', 6767 => 'ઋ', 6768 => 'ૠ', 6769 => 'ઌ', 6770 => 'ૡ', 6771 => 'ઍ', 6772 => 'એ', 6773 => 'ઐ', 6774 => 'ઑ', 6775 => 'ઓ', 6776 => 'ઔ', 6777 => 'ક', 6778 => 'ખ', 6779 => 'ગ', 6780 => 'ઘ', 6781 => 'ઙ', 6782 => 'ચ', 6783 => 'છ', 6784 => 'જ', 6785 => 'ઝ', 6786 => 'ઞ', 6787 => 'ટ', 6788 => 'ઠ', 6789 => 'ડ', 6790 => 'ઢ', 6791 => 'ણ', 6792 => 'ત', 6793 => 'થ', 6794 => 'દ', 6795 => 'ધ', 6796 => 'ન', 6797 => 'પ', 6798 => 'ફ', 6799 => 'બ', 6800 => 'ભ', 6801 => 'મ', 6802 => 'ય', 6803 => 'ર', 6804 => 'લ', 6805 => 'વ', 6806 => 'શ', 6807 => 'ષ', 6808 => 'સ', 6809 => 'હ', 6810 => 'ળ', 6811 => 'ઽ', 6812 => 'ଅ', 6813 => 'ଆ', 6814 => 'ଇ', 6815 => 'ଈ', 6816 => 'ଉ', 6817 => 'ଊ', 6818 => 'ଋ', 6819 => 'ୠ', 6820 => 'ଌ', 6821 => 'ୡ', 6822 => 'ଏ', 6823 => 'ଐ', 6824 => 'ଓ', 6825 => 'ଔ', 6826 => 'କ', 6827 => 'ଖ', 6828 => 'ଗ', 6829 => 'ଘ', 6830 => 'ଙ', 6831 => 'ଚ', 6832 => 'ଛ', 6833 => 'ଜ', 6834 => 'ଝ', 6835 => 'ଞ', 6836 => 'ଟ', 6837 => 'ଠ', 6838 => 'ଡ', 6839 => 'ଢ', 6840 => 'ଣ', 6841 => 'ତ', 6842 => 'ଥ', 6843 => 'ଦ', 6844 => 'ଧ', 6845 => 'ନ', 6846 => 'ପ', 6847 => 'ଫ', 6848 => 'ବ', 6849 => 'ଭ', 6850 => 'ମ', 6851 => 'ଯ', 6852 => 'ୟ', 6853 => 'ର', 6854 => 'ଲ', 6855 => 'ଳ', 6856 => 'ଵ', 6857 => 'ୱ', 6858 => 'ଶ', 6859 => 'ଷ', 6860 => 'ସ', 6861 => 'ହ', 6862 => 'ଽ', 6863 => 'ௐ', 6864 => 'அ', 6865 => 'ஆ', 6866 => 'இ', 6867 => 'ஈ', 6868 => 'உ', 6869 => 'ஊ', 6870 => 'எ', 6871 => 'ஏ', 6872 => 'ஐ', 6873 => 'ஒ', 6874 => 'ஓ', 6875 => 'ஔ', 6876 => 'ஃ', 6877 => 'க', 6878 => 'ங', 6879 => 'ச', 6880 => 'ஞ', 6881 => 'ட', 6882 => 'ண', 6883 => 'த', 6884 => 'ந', 6885 => 'ப', 6886 => 'ம', 6887 => 'ய', 6888 => 'ர', 6889 => 'ல', 6890 => 'வ', 6891 => 'ழ', 6892 => 'ள', 6893 => 'ற', 6894 => 'ன', 6895 => 'ஜ', 6896 => 'ஶ', 6897 => 'ஷ', 6898 => 'ஸ', 6899 => 'ஹ', 6900 => 'అ', 6901 => 'ఆ', 6902 => 'ఇ', 6903 => 'ఈ', 6904 => 'ఉ', 6905 => 'ఊ', 6906 => 'ఋ', 6907 => 'ౠ', 6908 => 'ఌ', 6909 => 'ౡ', 6910 => 'ఎ', 6911 => 'ఏ', 6912 => 'ఐ', 6913 => 'ఒ', 6914 => 'ఓ', 6915 => 'ఔ', 6916 => 'క', 6917 => 'ఖ', 6918 => 'గ', 6919 => 'ఘ', 6920 => 'ఙ', 6921 => 'చ', 6922 => 'ౘ', 6923 => 'ఛ', 6924 => 'జ', 6925 => 'ౙ', 6926 => 'ఝ', 6927 => 'ఞ', 6928 => 'ట', 6929 => 'ఠ', 6930 => 'డ', 6931 => 'ఢ', 6932 => 'ణ', 6933 => 'త', 6934 => 'థ', 6935 => 'ద', 6936 => 'ధ', 6937 => 'న', 6938 => 'ప', 6939 => 'ఫ', 6940 => 'బ', 6941 => 'భ', 6942 => 'మ', 6943 => 'య', 6944 => 'ర', 6945 => 'ఱ', 6946 => 'ల', 6947 => 'వ', 6948 => 'శ', 6949 => 'ష', 6950 => 'స', 6951 => 'హ', 6952 => 'ళ', 6953 => 'ఽ', 6954 => 'ಅ', 6955 => 'ಆ', 6956 => 'ಇ', 6957 => 'ಈ', 6958 => 'ಉ', 6959 => 'ಊ', 6960 => 'ಋ', 6961 => 'ೠ', 6962 => 'ಌ', 6963 => 'ೡ', 6964 => 'ಎ', 6965 => 'ಏ', 6966 => 'ಐ', 6967 => 'ಒ', 6968 => 'ಓ', 6969 => 'ಔ', 6970 => 'ಕ', 6971 => 'ಖ', 6972 => 'ಗ', 6973 => 'ಘ', 6974 => 'ಙ', 6975 => 'ಚ', 6976 => 'ಛ', 6977 => 'ಜ', 6978 => 'ಝ', 6979 => 'ಞ', 6980 => 'ಟ', 6981 => 'ಠ', 6982 => 'ಡ', 6983 => 'ಢ', 6984 => 'ಣ', 6985 => 'ತ', 6986 => 'ಥ', 6987 => 'ದ', 6988 => 'ಧ', 6989 => 'ನ', 6990 => 'ಪ', 6991 => 'ಫ', 6992 => 'ಬ', 6993 => 'ಭ', 6994 => 'ಮ', 6995 => 'ಯ', 6996 => 'ರ', 6997 => 'ಱ', 6998 => 'ಲ', 6999 => 'ವ', 7000 => 'ಶ', 7001 => 'ಷ', 7002 => 'ಸ', 7003 => 'ಹ', 7004 => 'ಳ', 7005 => 'ೞ', 7006 => 'ಽ', 7007 => 'ೱ', 7008 => 'ೲ', 7009 => 'അ', 7010 => 'ആ', 7011 => 'ഇ', 7012 => 'ഈ', 7013 => 'ഉ', 7014 => 'ഊ', 7015 => 'ഋ', 7016 => 'ൠ', 7017 => 'ഌ', 7018 => 'ൡ', 7019 => 'എ', 7020 => 'ഏ', 7021 => 'ഐ', 7022 => 'ഒ', 7023 => 'ഓ', 7024 => 'ഔ', 7025 => 'ക', 7026 => 'ഖ', 7027 => 'ഗ', 7028 => 'ഘ', 7029 => 'ങ', 7030 => 'ച', 7031 => 'ഛ', 7032 => 'ജ', 7033 => 'ഝ', 7034 => 'ഞ', 7035 => 'ട', 7036 => 'ഠ', 7037 => 'ഡ', 7038 => 'ഢ', 7039 => 'ണ', 7040 => 'ത', 7041 => 'ഥ', 7042 => 'ദ', 7043 => 'ധ', 7044 => 'ന', 7045 => 'ഩ', 7046 => 'പ', 7047 => 'ഫ', 7048 => 'ബ', 7049 => 'ഭ', 7050 => 'മ', 7051 => 'യ', 7052 => 'ര', 7053 => 'ല', 7054 => 'വ', 7055 => 'ശ', 7056 => 'ഷ', 7057 => 'സ', 7058 => 'ഹ', 7059 => 'ള', 7060 => 'ഴ', 7061 => 'റ', 7062 => 'ഺ', 7063 => 'ഽ', 7064 => 'අ', 7065 => 'ආ', 7066 => 'ඇ', 7067 => 'ඈ', 7068 => 'ඉ', 7069 => 'ඊ', 7070 => 'උ', 7071 => 'ඌ', 7072 => 'ඍ', 7073 => 'ඎ', 7074 => 'ඏ', 7075 => 'ඐ', 7076 => 'එ', 7077 => 'ඒ', 7078 => 'ඓ', 7079 => 'ඔ', 7080 => 'ඕ', 7081 => 'ඖ', 7082 => 'ක', 7083 => 'ඛ', 7084 => 'ග', 7085 => 'ඝ', 7086 => 'ඞ', 7087 => 'ඟ', 7088 => 'ච', 7089 => 'ඡ', 7090 => 'ජ', 7091 => 'ඣ', 7092 => 'ඤ', 7093 => 'ඥ', 7094 => 'ඦ', 7095 => 'ට', 7096 => 'ඨ', 7097 => 'ඩ', 7098 => 'ඪ', 7099 => 'ණ', 7100 => 'ඬ', 7101 => 'ත', 7102 => 'ථ', 7103 => 'ද', 7104 => 'ධ', 7105 => 'න', 7106 => 'ඳ', 7107 => 'ප', 7108 => 'ඵ', 7109 => 'බ', 7110 => 'භ', 7111 => 'ම', 7112 => 'ඹ', 7113 => 'ය', 7114 => 'ර', 7115 => 'ල', 7116 => 'ව', 7117 => 'ශ', 7118 => 'ෂ', 7119 => 'ස', 7120 => 'හ', 7121 => 'ළ', 7122 => 'ෆ', 7123 => 'ꯀ', 7124 => 'ꯁ', 7125 => 'ꯂ', 7126 => 'ꯃ', 7127 => 'ꯄ', 7128 => 'ꯅ', 7129 => 'ꯆ', 7130 => 'ꯇ', 7131 => 'ꯈ', 7132 => 'ꯉ', 7133 => 'ꯊ', 7134 => 'ꯋ', 7135 => 'ꯌ', 7136 => 'ꯍ', 7137 => 'ꯎ', 7138 => 'ꯏ', 7139 => 'ꯐ', 7140 => 'ꯑ', 7141 => 'ꯒ', 7142 => 'ꯓ', 7143 => 'ꯔ', 7144 => 'ꯕ', 7145 => 'ꯖ', 7146 => 'ꯗ', 7147 => 'ꯘ', 7148 => 'ꯙ', 7149 => 'ꯚ', 7150 => 'ꯛ', 7151 => 'ꯜ', 7152 => 'ꯝ', 7153 => 'ꯞ', 7154 => 'ꯟ', 7155 => 'ꯠ', 7156 => 'ꯡ', 7157 => 'ꯢ', 7158 => 'ꠀ', 7159 => 'ꠁ', 7160 => 'ꠃ', 7161 => 'ꠄ', 7162 => 'ꠅ', 7163 => 'ꠇ', 7164 => 'ꠈ', 7165 => 'ꠉ', 7166 => 'ꠊ', 7167 => 'ꠌ', 7168 => 'ꠍ', 7169 => 'ꠎ', 7170 => 'ꠏ', 7171 => 'ꠐ', 7172 => 'ꠑ', 7173 => 'ꠒ', 7174 => 'ꠓ', 7175 => 'ꠔ', 7176 => 'ꠕ', 7177 => 'ꠖ', 7178 => 'ꠗ', 7179 => 'ꠘ', 7180 => 'ꠙ', 7181 => 'ꠚ', 7182 => 'ꠛ', 7183 => 'ꠜ', 7184 => 'ꠝ', 7185 => 'ꠞ', 7186 => 'ꠟ', 7187 => 'ꠠ', 7188 => 'ꠡ', 7189 => 'ꠢ', 7190 => 'ꢂ', 7191 => 'ꢃ', 7192 => 'ꢄ', 7193 => 'ꢅ', 7194 => 'ꢆ', 7195 => 'ꢇ', 7196 => 'ꢈ', 7197 => 'ꢉ', 7198 => 'ꢊ', 7199 => 'ꢋ', 7200 => 'ꢌ', 7201 => 'ꢍ', 7202 => 'ꢎ', 7203 => 'ꢏ', 7204 => 'ꢐ', 7205 => 'ꢑ', 7206 => 'ꢒ', 7207 => 'ꢓ', 7208 => 'ꢔ', 7209 => 'ꢕ', 7210 => 'ꢖ', 7211 => 'ꢗ', 7212 => 'ꢘ', 7213 => 'ꢙ', 7214 => 'ꢚ', 7215 => 'ꢛ', 7216 => 'ꢜ', 7217 => 'ꢝ', 7218 => 'ꢞ', 7219 => 'ꢟ', 7220 => 'ꢠ', 7221 => 'ꢡ', 7222 => 'ꢢ', 7223 => 'ꢣ', 7224 => 'ꢤ', 7225 => 'ꢥ', 7226 => 'ꢦ', 7227 => 'ꢧ', 7228 => 'ꢨ', 7229 => 'ꢩ', 7230 => 'ꢪ', 7231 => 'ꢫ', 7232 => 'ꢬ', 7233 => 'ꢭ', 7234 => 'ꢮ', 7235 => 'ꢯ', 7236 => 'ꢰ', 7237 => 'ꢱ', 7238 => 'ꢲ', 7239 => 'ꢳ', 7240 => '𑂃', 7241 => '𑂄', 7242 => '𑂅', 7243 => '𑂆', 7244 => '𑂇', 7245 => '𑂈', 7246 => '𑂉', 7247 => '𑂊', 7248 => '𑂋', 7249 => '𑂌', 7250 => '𑂍', 7251 => '𑂎', 7252 => '𑂏', 7253 => '𑂐', 7254 => '𑂑', 7255 => '𑂒', 7256 => '𑂓', 7257 => '𑂔', 7258 => '𑂕', 7259 => '𑂖', 7260 => '𑂗', 7261 => '𑂘', 7262 => '𑂙', 7263 => '𑂛', 7264 => '𑂝', 7265 => '𑂞', 7266 => '𑂟', 7267 => '𑂠', 7268 => '𑂡', 7269 => '𑂢', 7270 => '𑂣', 7271 => '𑂤', 7272 => '𑂥', 7273 => '𑂦', 7274 => '𑂧', 7275 => '𑂨', 7276 => '𑂩', 7277 => '𑂪', 7278 => '𑂬', 7279 => '𑂭', 7280 => '𑂮', 7281 => '𑂯', 7282 => 'ᮃ', 7283 => 'ᮄ', 7284 => 'ᮅ', 7285 => 'ᮆ', 7286 => 'ᮇ', 7287 => 'ᮈ', 7288 => 'ᮉ', 7289 => 'ᮊ', 7290 => 'ᮮ', 7291 => 'ᮋ', 7292 => 'ᮌ', 7293 => 'ᮍ', 7294 => 'ᮎ', 7295 => 'ᮏ', 7296 => 'ᮐ', 7297 => 'ᮑ', 7298 => 'ᮒ', 7299 => 'ᮓ', 7300 => 'ᮔ', 7301 => 'ᮕ', 7302 => 'ᮖ', 7303 => 'ᮗ', 7304 => 'ᮘ', 7305 => 'ᮙ', 7306 => 'ᮚ', 7307 => 'ᮛ', 7308 => 'ᮜ', 7309 => 'ᮝ', 7310 => 'ᮞ', 7311 => 'ᮟ', 7312 => 'ᮯ', 7313 => 'ᮠ', 7314 => '𑀅', 7315 => '𑀆', 7316 => '𑀇', 7317 => '𑀈', 7318 => '𑀉', 7319 => '𑀊', 7320 => '𑀋', 7321 => '𑀌', 7322 => '𑀍', 7323 => '𑀎', 7324 => '𑀏', 7325 => '𑀐', 7326 => '𑀑', 7327 => '𑀒', 7328 => '𑀓', 7329 => '𑀔', 7330 => '𑀕', 7331 => '𑀖', 7332 => '𑀗', 7333 => '𑀘', 7334 => '𑀙', 7335 => '𑀚', 7336 => '𑀛', 7337 => '𑀜', 7338 => '𑀝', 7339 => '𑀞', 7340 => '𑀟', 7341 => '𑀠', 7342 => '𑀡', 7343 => '𑀢', 7344 => '𑀣', 7345 => '𑀤', 7346 => '𑀥', 7347 => '𑀦', 7348 => '𑀧', 7349 => '𑀨', 7350 => '𑀩', 7351 => '𑀪', 7352 => '𑀫', 7353 => '𑀬', 7354 => '𑀭', 7355 => '𑀮', 7356 => '𑀯', 7357 => '𑀰', 7358 => '𑀱', 7359 => '𑀲', 7360 => '𑀳', 7361 => '𑀃', 7362 => '𑀄', 7363 => '𑀴', 7364 => '𑀵', 7365 => '𑀶', 7366 => '𑀷', 7367 => '𐨀', 7368 => '𐨐', 7369 => '𐨑', 7370 => '𐨒', 7371 => '𐨓', 7372 => '𐨕', 7373 => '𐨖', 7374 => '𐨗', 7375 => '𐨙', 7376 => '𐨚', 7377 => '𐨛', 7378 => '𐨜', 7379 => '𐨝', 7380 => '𐨞', 7381 => '𐨟', 7382 => '𐨠', 7383 => '𐨡', 7384 => '𐨢', 7385 => '𐨣', 7386 => '𐨤', 7387 => '𐨥', 7388 => '𐨦', 7389 => '𐨧', 7390 => '𐨨', 7391 => '𐨩', 7392 => '𐨪', 7393 => '𐨫', 7394 => '𐨬', 7395 => '𐨭', 7396 => '𐨮', 7397 => '𐨯', 7398 => '𐨰', 7399 => '𐨱', 7400 => '𐨲', 7401 => '𐨳', 7402 => 'ก', 7403 => 'ข', 7404 => 'ฃ', 7405 => 'ค', 7406 => 'ฅ', 7407 => 'ฆ', 7408 => 'ง', 7409 => 'จ', 7410 => 'ฉ', 7411 => 'ช', 7412 => 'ซ', 7413 => 'ฌ', 7414 => 'ญ', 7415 => 'ฎ', 7416 => 'ฏ', 7417 => 'ฐ', 7418 => 'ฑ', 7419 => 'ฒ', 7420 => 'ณ', 7421 => 'ด', 7422 => 'ต', 7423 => 'ถ', 7424 => 'ท', 7425 => 'ธ', 7426 => 'น', 7427 => 'บ', 7428 => 'ป', 7429 => 'ผ', 7430 => 'ฝ', 7431 => 'พ', 7432 => 'ฟ', 7433 => 'ภ', 7434 => 'ม', 7435 => 'ย', 7436 => 'ร', 7437 => 'ฤ', 7438 => 'ล', 7439 => 'ฦ', 7440 => 'ว', 7441 => 'ศ', 7442 => 'ษ', 7443 => 'ส', 7444 => 'ห', 7445 => 'ฬ', 7446 => 'อ', 7447 => 'ฮ', 7448 => 'ฯ', 7449 => 'ะ', 7450 => 'า', 7451 => 'ำ', 7452 => 'เ', 7453 => 'แ', 7454 => 'โ', 7455 => 'ใ', 7456 => 'ไ', 7457 => 'ๅ', 7458 => 'ກ', 7459 => 'ຂ', 7460 => 'ຄ', 7461 => 'ງ', 7462 => 'ຈ', 7463 => 'ສ', 7464 => 'ຊ', 7465 => 'ຍ', 7466 => 'ດ', 7467 => 'ຕ', 7468 => 'ຖ', 7469 => 'ທ', 7470 => 'ນ', 7471 => 'ບ', 7472 => 'ປ', 7473 => 'ຜ', 7474 => 'ຝ', 7475 => 'ພ', 7476 => 'ຟ', 7477 => 'ມ', 7478 => 'ຢ', 7479 => 'ຣ', 7480 => 'ລ', 7481 => 'ວ', 7482 => 'ຫ', 7483 => 'ອ', 7484 => 'ຮ', 7485 => 'ຯ', 7486 => 'ະ', 7487 => 'າ', 7488 => 'ຳ', 7489 => 'ຽ', 7490 => 'ເ', 7491 => 'ແ', 7492 => 'ໂ', 7493 => 'ໃ', 7494 => 'ໄ', 7495 => 'ꪀ', 7496 => 'ꪁ', 7497 => 'ꪂ', 7498 => 'ꪃ', 7499 => 'ꪄ', 7500 => 'ꪅ', 7501 => 'ꪆ', 7502 => 'ꪇ', 7503 => 'ꪈ', 7504 => 'ꪉ', 7505 => 'ꪊ', 7506 => 'ꪋ', 7507 => 'ꪌ', 7508 => 'ꪍ', 7509 => 'ꪎ', 7510 => 'ꪏ', 7511 => 'ꪐ', 7512 => 'ꪑ', 7513 => 'ꪒ', 7514 => 'ꪓ', 7515 => 'ꪔ', 7516 => 'ꪕ', 7517 => 'ꪖ', 7518 => 'ꪗ', 7519 => 'ꪘ', 7520 => 'ꪙ', 7521 => 'ꪚ', 7522 => 'ꪛ', 7523 => 'ꪜ', 7524 => 'ꪝ', 7525 => 'ꪞ', 7526 => 'ꪟ', 7527 => 'ꪠ', 7528 => 'ꪡ', 7529 => 'ꪢ', 7530 => 'ꪣ', 7531 => 'ꪤ', 7532 => 'ꪥ', 7533 => 'ꪦ', 7534 => 'ꪧ', 7535 => 'ꪨ', 7536 => 'ꪩ', 7537 => 'ꪪ', 7538 => 'ꪫ', 7539 => 'ꪬ', 7540 => 'ꪭ', 7541 => 'ꪮ', 7542 => 'ꪯ', 7543 => 'ꪱ', 7544 => 'ꪵ', 7545 => 'ꪶ', 7546 => 'ꪹ', 7547 => 'ꪺ', 7548 => 'ꪻ', 7549 => 'ꪼ', 7550 => 'ꪽ', 7551 => 'ꫀ', 7552 => 'ꫂ', 7553 => 'ꫛ', 7554 => 'ꫜ', 7555 => 'ཀ', 7556 => 'ཫ', 7557 => 'ཁ', 7558 => 'ག', 7559 => 'ང', 7560 => 'ཅ', 7561 => 'ཆ', 7562 => 'ཇ', 7563 => 'ཉ', 7564 => 'ཊ', 7565 => 'ཋ', 7566 => 'ཌ', 7567 => 'ཎ', 7568 => 'ཏ', 7569 => 'ཐ', 7570 => 'ད', 7571 => 'ན', 7572 => 'པ', 7573 => 'ཕ', 7574 => 'བ', 7575 => 'མ', 7576 => 'ཙ', 7577 => 'ཚ', 7578 => 'ཛ', 7579 => 'ཝ', 7580 => 'ཞ', 7581 => 'ཟ', 7582 => 'འ', 7583 => 'ཡ', 7584 => 'ར', 7585 => 'ཬ', 7586 => 'ལ', 7587 => 'ཤ', 7588 => 'ཥ', 7589 => 'ས', 7590 => 'ཧ', 7591 => 'ཨ', 7592 => 'ྈ', 7593 => 'ྉ', 7594 => 'ྌ', 7595 => 'ྊ', 7596 => 'ྋ', 7597 => 'ᰀ', 7598 => 'ᰁ', 7599 => 'ᰂ', 7600 => 'ᰃ', 7601 => 'ᰄ', 7602 => 'ᰅ', 7603 => 'ᰆ', 7604 => 'ᰇ', 7605 => 'ᰈ', 7606 => 'ᰉ', 7607 => 'ᱍ', 7608 => 'ᱎ', 7609 => 'ᱏ', 7610 => 'ᰊ', 7611 => 'ᰋ', 7612 => 'ᰌ', 7613 => 'ᰍ', 7614 => 'ᰎ', 7615 => 'ᰏ', 7616 => 'ᰐ', 7617 => 'ᰑ', 7618 => 'ᰒ', 7619 => 'ᰓ', 7620 => 'ᰔ', 7621 => 'ᰕ', 7622 => 'ᰖ', 7623 => 'ᰗ', 7624 => 'ᰘ', 7625 => 'ᰙ', 7626 => 'ᰚ', 7627 => 'ᰛ', 7628 => 'ᰜ', 7629 => 'ᰝ', 7630 => 'ᰞ', 7631 => 'ᰟ', 7632 => 'ᰠ', 7633 => 'ᰡ', 7634 => 'ᰢ', 7635 => 'ᰣ', 7636 => 'ꡀ', 7637 => 'ꡁ', 7638 => 'ꡂ', 7639 => 'ꡃ', 7640 => 'ꡄ', 7641 => 'ꡅ', 7642 => 'ꡆ', 7643 => 'ꡇ', 7644 => 'ꡩ', 7645 => 'ꡪ', 7646 => 'ꡫ', 7647 => 'ꡬ', 7648 => 'ꡈ', 7649 => 'ꡉ', 7650 => 'ꡊ', 7651 => 'ꡋ', 7652 => 'ꡌ', 7653 => 'ꡍ', 7654 => 'ꡎ', 7655 => 'ꡏ', 7656 => 'ꡐ', 7657 => 'ꡑ', 7658 => 'ꡒ', 7659 => 'ꡓ', 7660 => 'ꡧ', 7661 => 'ꡔ', 7662 => 'ꡕ', 7663 => 'ꡖ', 7664 => 'ꡗ', 7665 => 'ꡨ', 7666 => 'ꡭ', 7667 => 'ꡘ', 7668 => 'ꡱ', 7669 => 'ꡲ', 7670 => 'ꡙ', 7671 => 'ꡚ', 7672 => 'ꡮ', 7673 => 'ꡛ', 7674 => 'ꡜ', 7675 => 'ꡯ', 7676 => 'ꡰ', 7677 => 'ꡝ', 7678 => 'ꡢ', 7679 => 'ꡣ', 7680 => 'ꡤ', 7681 => 'ꡥ', 7682 => 'ꡞ', 7683 => 'ꡟ', 7684 => 'ꡠ', 7685 => 'ꡡ', 7686 => 'ꡦ', 7687 => 'ꡳ', 7688 => 'ᤀ', 7689 => 'ᤁ', 7690 => 'ᤂ', 7691 => 'ᤃ', 7692 => 'ᤄ', 7693 => 'ᤅ', 7694 => 'ᤆ', 7695 => 'ᤇ', 7696 => 'ᤈ', 7697 => 'ᤉ', 7698 => 'ᤊ', 7699 => 'ᤋ', 7700 => 'ᤌ', 7701 => 'ᤍ', 7702 => 'ᤎ', 7703 => 'ᤏ', 7704 => 'ᤐ', 7705 => 'ᤑ', 7706 => 'ᤒ', 7707 => 'ᤓ', 7708 => 'ᤔ', 7709 => 'ᤕ', 7710 => 'ᤖ', 7711 => 'ᤗ', 7712 => 'ᤘ', 7713 => 'ᤙ', 7714 => 'ᤚ', 7715 => 'ᤛ', 7716 => 'ᤜ', 7717 => 'ᜀ', 7718 => 'ᜁ', 7719 => 'ᜂ', 7720 => 'ᜃ', 7721 => 'ᜄ', 7722 => 'ᜅ', 7723 => 'ᜆ', 7724 => 'ᜇ', 7725 => 'ᜈ', 7726 => 'ᜉ', 7727 => 'ᜊ', 7728 => 'ᜋ', 7729 => 'ᜌ', 7730 => 'ᜎ', 7731 => 'ᜏ', 7732 => 'ᜐ', 7733 => 'ᜑ', 7734 => 'ᜠ', 7735 => 'ᜡ', 7736 => 'ᜢ', 7737 => 'ᜣ', 7738 => 'ᜤ', 7739 => 'ᜥ', 7740 => 'ᜦ', 7741 => 'ᜧ', 7742 => 'ᜨ', 7743 => 'ᜩ', 7744 => 'ᜪ', 7745 => 'ᜫ', 7746 => 'ᜬ', 7747 => 'ᜭ', 7748 => 'ᜮ', 7749 => 'ᜯ', 7750 => 'ᜰ', 7751 => 'ᜱ', 7752 => 'ᝀ', 7753 => 'ᝁ', 7754 => 'ᝂ', 7755 => 'ᝃ', 7756 => 'ᝄ', 7757 => 'ᝅ', 7758 => 'ᝆ', 7759 => 'ᝇ', 7760 => 'ᝈ', 7761 => 'ᝉ', 7762 => 'ᝊ', 7763 => 'ᝋ', 7764 => 'ᝌ', 7765 => 'ᝍ', 7766 => 'ᝎ', 7767 => 'ᝏ', 7768 => 'ᝐ', 7769 => 'ᝑ', 7770 => 'ᝠ', 7771 => 'ᝡ', 7772 => 'ᝢ', 7773 => 'ᝣ', 7774 => 'ᝤ', 7775 => 'ᝥ', 7776 => 'ᝦ', 7777 => 'ᝧ', 7778 => 'ᝨ', 7779 => 'ᝩ', 7780 => 'ᝪ', 7781 => 'ᝫ', 7782 => 'ᝬ', 7783 => 'ᝮ', 7784 => 'ᝯ', 7785 => 'ᝰ', 7786 => 'ᨀ', 7787 => 'ᨁ', 7788 => 'ᨂ', 7789 => 'ᨃ', 7790 => 'ᨄ', 7791 => 'ᨅ', 7792 => 'ᨆ', 7793 => 'ᨇ', 7794 => 'ᨈ', 7795 => 'ᨉ', 7796 => 'ᨊ', 7797 => 'ᨋ', 7798 => 'ᨌ', 7799 => 'ᨍ', 7800 => 'ᨎ', 7801 => 'ᨏ', 7802 => 'ᨐ', 7803 => 'ᨑ', 7804 => 'ᨒ', 7805 => 'ᨓ', 7806 => 'ᨔ', 7807 => 'ᨕ', 7808 => 'ᨖ', 7809 => 'ᯀ', 7810 => 'ᯂ', 7811 => 'ᯅ', 7812 => 'ᯇ', 7813 => 'ᯉ', 7814 => 'ᯋ', 7815 => 'ᯎ', 7816 => 'ᯐ', 7817 => 'ᯑ', 7818 => 'ᯒ', 7819 => 'ᯔ', 7820 => 'ᯖ', 7821 => 'ᯘ', 7822 => 'ᯛ', 7823 => 'ᯝ', 7824 => 'ᯞ', 7825 => 'ᯠ', 7826 => 'ᯡ', 7827 => 'ᯢ', 7828 => 'ᯣ', 7829 => 'ᯤ', 7830 => 'ᯥ', 7831 => 'ꤰ', 7832 => 'ꤱ', 7833 => 'ꤲ', 7834 => 'ꤳ', 7835 => 'ꤴ', 7836 => 'ꤵ', 7837 => 'ꤶ', 7838 => 'ꤷ', 7839 => 'ꤸ', 7840 => 'ꤹ', 7841 => 'ꤺ', 7842 => 'ꤻ', 7843 => 'ꤼ', 7844 => 'ꤽ', 7845 => 'ꤾ', 7846 => 'ꤿ', 7847 => 'ꥀ', 7848 => 'ꥁ', 7849 => 'ꥂ', 7850 => 'ꥃ', 7851 => 'ꥄ', 7852 => 'ꥅ', 7853 => 'ꥆ', 7854 => 'ꤊ', 7855 => 'ꤋ', 7856 => 'ꤌ', 7857 => 'ꤍ', 7858 => 'ꤎ', 7859 => 'ꤏ', 7860 => 'ꤐ', 7861 => 'ꤑ', 7862 => 'ꤒ', 7863 => 'ꤓ', 7864 => 'ꤔ', 7865 => 'ꤕ', 7866 => 'ꤖ', 7867 => 'ꤗ', 7868 => 'ꤘ', 7869 => 'ꤙ', 7870 => 'ꤚ', 7871 => 'ꤛ', 7872 => 'ꤜ', 7873 => 'ꤝ', 7874 => 'ꤞ', 7875 => 'ꤟ', 7876 => 'ꤠ', 7877 => 'ꤡ', 7878 => 'ꤢ', 7879 => 'ꤣ', 7880 => 'ꤤ', 7881 => 'ꤥ', 7882 => 'က', 7883 => 'ၵ', 7884 => 'ခ', 7885 => 'ၶ', 7886 => 'ဂ', 7887 => 'ၷ', 7888 => 'ꩠ', 7889 => 'ဃ', 7890 => 'င', 7891 => 'ၚ', 7892 => 'စ', 7893 => 'ၸ', 7894 => 'ꩡ', 7895 => 'ဆ', 7896 => 'ꩢ', 7897 => 'ဇ', 7898 => 'ꩣ', 7899 => 'ၹ', 7900 => 'ꩲ', 7901 => 'ဈ', 7902 => 'ၛ', 7903 => 'ꩤ', 7904 => 'ၡ', 7905 => 'ဉ', 7906 => 'ၺ', 7907 => 'ꩥ', 7908 => 'ည', 7909 => 'ဋ', 7910 => 'ꩦ', 7911 => 'ဌ', 7912 => 'ꩧ', 7913 => 'ဍ', 7914 => 'ꩨ', 7915 => 'ဎ', 7916 => 'ꩩ', 7917 => 'ဏ', 7918 => 'ၮ', 7919 => 'တ', 7920 => 'ထ', 7921 => 'ဒ', 7922 => 'ၻ', 7923 => 'ဓ', 7924 => 'ꩪ', 7925 => 'န', 7926 => 'ၼ', 7927 => 'ꩫ', 7928 => 'ပ', 7929 => 'ဖ', 7930 => 'ၽ', 7931 => 'ၾ', 7932 => 'ꩯ', 7933 => 'ႎ', 7934 => 'ဗ', 7935 => 'ၿ', 7936 => 'ဘ', 7937 => 'မ', 7938 => 'ယ', 7939 => 'ရ', 7940 => 'ꩳ', 7941 => 'ꩺ', 7942 => 'လ', 7943 => 'ဝ', 7944 => 'ႀ', 7945 => 'ၐ', 7946 => 'ၑ', 7947 => 'ၥ', 7948 => 'သ', 7949 => 'ꩬ', 7950 => 'ဟ', 7951 => 'ႁ', 7952 => 'ꩭ', 7953 => 'ꩮ', 7954 => 'ꩱ', 7955 => 'ဠ', 7956 => 'ၜ', 7957 => 'ၝ', 7958 => 'ၯ', 7959 => 'ၰ', 7960 => 'ၦ', 7961 => 'အ', 7962 => 'ဢ', 7963 => 'ဣ', 7964 => 'ဤ', 7965 => 'ဥ', 7966 => 'ဦ', 7967 => 'ၒ', 7968 => 'ၓ', 7969 => 'ၔ', 7970 => 'ၕ', 7971 => 'ဧ', 7972 => 'ဨ', 7973 => 'ဩ', 7974 => 'ဪ', 7975 => 'ꩴ', 7976 => 'ꩵ', 7977 => 'ꩶ', 7978 => 'ក', 7979 => 'ខ', 7980 => 'គ', 7981 => 'ឃ', 7982 => 'ង', 7983 => 'ច', 7984 => 'ឆ', 7985 => 'ជ', 7986 => 'ឈ', 7987 => 'ញ', 7988 => 'ដ', 7989 => 'ឋ', 7990 => 'ឌ', 7991 => 'ឍ', 7992 => 'ណ', 7993 => 'ត', 7994 => 'ថ', 7995 => 'ទ', 7996 => 'ធ', 7997 => 'ន', 7998 => 'ប', 7999 => 'ផ', 8000 => 'ព', 8001 => 'ភ', 8002 => 'ម', 8003 => 'យ', 8004 => 'រ', 8005 => 'ល', 8006 => 'វ', 8007 => 'ឝ', 8008 => 'ឞ', 8009 => 'ស', 8010 => 'ហ', 8011 => 'ឡ', 8012 => 'អ', 8013 => 'ៜ', 8014 => 'ឣ', 8015 => 'ឤ', 8016 => 'ឥ', 8017 => 'ឦ', 8018 => 'ឧ', 8019 => 'ឨ', 8020 => 'ឩ', 8021 => 'ឪ', 8022 => 'ឫ', 8023 => 'ឬ', 8024 => 'ឭ', 8025 => 'ឮ', 8026 => 'ឯ', 8027 => 'ឰ', 8028 => 'ឱ', 8029 => 'ឲ', 8030 => 'ឳ', 8031 => 'ᥐ', 8032 => 'ᥑ', 8033 => 'ᥒ', 8034 => 'ᥓ', 8035 => 'ᥔ', 8036 => 'ᥕ', 8037 => 'ᥖ', 8038 => 'ᥗ', 8039 => 'ᥘ', 8040 => 'ᥙ', 8041 => 'ᥚ', 8042 => 'ᥛ', 8043 => 'ᥜ', 8044 => 'ᥝ', 8045 => 'ᥞ', 8046 => 'ᥟ', 8047 => 'ᥠ', 8048 => 'ᥡ', 8049 => 'ᥢ', 8050 => 'ᥣ', 8051 => 'ᥤ', 8052 => 'ᥥ', 8053 => 'ᥦ', 8054 => 'ᥧ', 8055 => 'ᥨ', 8056 => 'ᥩ', 8057 => 'ᥪ', 8058 => 'ᥫ', 8059 => 'ᥬ', 8060 => 'ᥭ', 8061 => 'ᥰ', 8062 => 'ᥱ', 8063 => 'ᥲ', 8064 => 'ᥳ', 8065 => 'ᥴ', 8066 => 'ᦀ', 8067 => 'ᦁ', 8068 => 'ᦂ', 8069 => 'ᦃ', 8070 => 'ᦄ', 8071 => 'ᦅ', 8072 => 'ᦆ', 8073 => 'ᦇ', 8074 => 'ᦈ', 8075 => 'ᦉ', 8076 => 'ᦊ', 8077 => 'ᦋ', 8078 => 'ᦌ', 8079 => 'ᦍ', 8080 => 'ᦎ', 8081 => 'ᦏ', 8082 => 'ᦐ', 8083 => 'ᦑ', 8084 => 'ᦒ', 8085 => 'ᦓ', 8086 => 'ᦔ', 8087 => 'ᦕ', 8088 => 'ᦖ', 8089 => 'ᦗ', 8090 => 'ᦘ', 8091 => 'ᦙ', 8092 => 'ᦚ', 8093 => 'ᦛ', 8094 => 'ᦜ', 8095 => 'ᦝ', 8096 => 'ᦞ', 8097 => 'ᦟ', 8098 => 'ᦠ', 8099 => 'ᦡ', 8100 => 'ᦢ', 8101 => 'ᦣ', 8102 => 'ᦤ', 8103 => 'ᦥ', 8104 => 'ᦦ', 8105 => 'ᦧ', 8106 => 'ᦨ', 8107 => 'ᦩ', 8108 => 'ᦪ', 8109 => 'ᦫ', 8110 => 'ᧁ', 8111 => 'ᧂ', 8112 => 'ᧃ', 8113 => 'ᧄ', 8114 => 'ᧅ', 8115 => 'ᧆ', 8116 => 'ᧇ', 8117 => 'ᨠ', 8118 => 'ᨡ', 8119 => 'ᨢ', 8120 => 'ᨣ', 8121 => 'ᨤ', 8122 => 'ᨥ', 8123 => 'ᨦ', 8124 => 'ᨧ', 8125 => 'ᨨ', 8126 => 'ᨩ', 8127 => 'ᨪ', 8128 => 'ᨫ', 8129 => 'ᨬ', 8130 => 'ᨭ', 8131 => 'ᨮ', 8132 => 'ᨯ', 8133 => 'ᨰ', 8134 => 'ᨱ', 8135 => 'ᨲ', 8136 => 'ᨳ', 8137 => 'ᨴ', 8138 => 'ᨵ', 8139 => 'ᨶ', 8140 => 'ᨷ', 8141 => 'ᨸ', 8142 => 'ᨹ', 8143 => 'ᨺ', 8144 => 'ᨻ', 8145 => 'ᨼ', 8146 => 'ᨽ', 8147 => 'ᨾ', 8148 => 'ᨿ', 8149 => 'ᩀ', 8150 => 'ᩁ', 8151 => 'ᩂ', 8152 => 'ᩃ', 8153 => 'ᩄ', 8154 => 'ᩅ', 8155 => 'ᩆ', 8156 => 'ᩇ', 8157 => 'ᩈ', 8158 => 'ᩉ', 8159 => 'ᩊ', 8160 => 'ᩋ', 8161 => 'ᩌ', 8162 => 'ᩓ', 8163 => 'ᩍ', 8164 => 'ᩎ', 8165 => 'ᩏ', 8166 => 'ᩐ', 8167 => 'ᩑ', 8168 => 'ᩒ', 8169 => 'ꨀ', 8170 => 'ꨁ', 8171 => 'ꨂ', 8172 => 'ꨃ', 8173 => 'ꨄ', 8174 => 'ꨅ', 8175 => 'ꨆ', 8176 => 'ꨇ', 8177 => 'ꨈ', 8178 => 'ꨉ', 8179 => 'ꨊ', 8180 => 'ꨋ', 8181 => 'ꨌ', 8182 => 'ꨍ', 8183 => 'ꨎ', 8184 => 'ꨏ', 8185 => 'ꨐ', 8186 => 'ꨑ', 8187 => 'ꨒ', 8188 => 'ꨓ', 8189 => 'ꨔ', 8190 => 'ꨕ', 8191 => 'ꨖ', 8192 => 'ꨗ', 8193 => 'ꨘ', 8194 => 'ꨙ', 8195 => 'ꨚ', 8196 => 'ꨛ', 8197 => 'ꨜ', 8198 => 'ꨝ', 8199 => 'ꨞ', 8200 => 'ꨟ', 8201 => 'ꨠ', 8202 => 'ꨡ', 8203 => 'ꨢ', 8204 => 'ꨣ', 8205 => 'ꨤ', 8206 => 'ꨥ', 8207 => 'ꨦ', 8208 => 'ꨧ', 8209 => 'ꨨ', 8210 => 'ꩀ', 8211 => 'ꩁ', 8212 => 'ꩂ', 8213 => 'ꩄ', 8214 => 'ꩅ', 8215 => 'ꩆ', 8216 => 'ꩇ', 8217 => 'ꩈ', 8218 => 'ꩉ', 8219 => 'ꩊ', 8220 => 'ꩋ', 8221 => 'ᬅ', 8222 => 'ᬆ', 8223 => 'ᬇ', 8224 => 'ᬈ', 8225 => 'ᬉ', 8226 => 'ᬊ', 8227 => 'ᬋ', 8228 => 'ᬌ', 8229 => 'ᬍ', 8230 => 'ᬎ', 8231 => 'ᬏ', 8232 => 'ᬐ', 8233 => 'ᬑ', 8234 => 'ᬒ', 8235 => 'ᬓ', 8236 => 'ᭅ', 8237 => 'ᭆ', 8238 => 'ᬔ', 8239 => 'ᬕ', 8240 => 'ᬖ', 8241 => 'ᬗ', 8242 => 'ᬘ', 8243 => 'ᬙ', 8244 => 'ᬚ', 8245 => 'ᬛ', 8246 => 'ᬜ', 8247 => 'ᬝ', 8248 => 'ᬞ', 8249 => 'ᬟ', 8250 => 'ᬠ', 8251 => 'ᬡ', 8252 => 'ᬢ', 8253 => 'ᭇ', 8254 => 'ᬣ', 8255 => 'ᬤ', 8256 => 'ᬥ', 8257 => 'ᬦ', 8258 => 'ᬧ', 8259 => 'ᭈ', 8260 => 'ᬨ', 8261 => 'ᬩ', 8262 => 'ᬪ', 8263 => 'ᬫ', 8264 => 'ᬬ', 8265 => 'ᬭ', 8266 => 'ᬮ', 8267 => 'ᬯ', 8268 => 'ᭉ', 8269 => 'ᬰ', 8270 => 'ᬱ', 8271 => 'ᬲ', 8272 => 'ᭊ', 8273 => 'ᭋ', 8274 => 'ᬳ', 8275 => 'ꦄ', 8276 => 'ꦅ', 8277 => 'ꦆ', 8278 => 'ꦇ', 8279 => 'ꦈ', 8280 => 'ꦉ', 8281 => 'ꦊ', 8282 => 'ꦋ', 8283 => 'ꦌ', 8284 => 'ꦍ', 8285 => 'ꦎ', 8286 => 'ꦏ', 8287 => 'ꦐ', 8288 => 'ꦑ', 8289 => 'ꦒ', 8290 => 'ꦓ', 8291 => 'ꦔ', 8292 => 'ꦕ', 8293 => 'ꦖ', 8294 => 'ꦗ', 8295 => 'ꦘ', 8296 => 'ꦙ', 8297 => 'ꦚ', 8298 => 'ꦛ', 8299 => 'ꦜ', 8300 => 'ꦝ', 8301 => 'ꦞ', 8302 => 'ꦟ', 8303 => 'ꦠ', 8304 => 'ꦡ', 8305 => 'ꦢ', 8306 => 'ꦣ', 8307 => 'ꦤ', 8308 => 'ꦥ', 8309 => 'ꦦ', 8310 => 'ꦧ', 8311 => 'ꦨ', 8312 => 'ꦩ', 8313 => 'ꦪ', 8314 => 'ꦫ', 8315 => 'ꦭ', 8316 => 'ꦮ', 8317 => 'ꦯ', 8318 => 'ꦰ', 8319 => 'ꦱ', 8320 => 'ꦲ', 8321 => 'ᢀ', 8322 => 'ᢁ', 8323 => 'ᢂ', 8324 => 'ᢃ', 8325 => 'ᢄ', 8326 => 'ᢅ', 8327 => 'ᢆ', 8328 => 'ᡃ', 8329 => 'ᠠ', 8330 => 'ᢇ', 8331 => 'ᠡ', 8332 => 'ᡄ', 8333 => 'ᡝ', 8334 => 'ᠢ', 8335 => 'ᡅ', 8336 => 'ᡞ', 8337 => 'ᡳ', 8338 => 'ᢈ', 8339 => 'ᡟ', 8340 => 'ᠣ', 8341 => 'ᡆ', 8342 => 'ᠤ', 8343 => 'ᡇ', 8344 => 'ᡡ', 8345 => 'ᠥ', 8346 => 'ᡈ', 8347 => 'ᠦ', 8348 => 'ᡉ', 8349 => 'ᡠ', 8350 => 'ᠧ', 8351 => 'ᠨ', 8352 => 'ᠩ', 8353 => 'ᡊ', 8354 => 'ᡢ', 8355 => 'ᢊ', 8356 => 'ᢛ', 8357 => 'ᠪ', 8358 => 'ᡋ', 8359 => 'ᠫ', 8360 => 'ᡌ', 8361 => 'ᡦ', 8362 => 'ᠬ', 8363 => 'ᡍ', 8364 => 'ᠭ', 8365 => 'ᡎ', 8366 => 'ᡤ', 8367 => 'ᢚ', 8368 => 'ᡥ', 8369 => 'ᠮ', 8370 => 'ᡏ', 8371 => 'ᠯ', 8372 => 'ᠰ', 8373 => 'ᠱ', 8374 => 'ᡧ', 8375 => 'ᢜ', 8376 => 'ᢝ', 8377 => 'ᢢ', 8378 => 'ᢤ', 8379 => 'ᢥ', 8380 => 'ᠲ', 8381 => 'ᡐ', 8382 => 'ᡨ', 8383 => 'ᠳ', 8384 => 'ᡑ', 8385 => 'ᡩ', 8386 => 'ᠴ', 8387 => 'ᡒ', 8388 => 'ᡱ', 8389 => 'ᡜ', 8390 => 'ᢋ', 8391 => 'ᠵ', 8392 => 'ᡓ', 8393 => 'ᡪ', 8394 => 'ᡷ', 8395 => 'ᠶ', 8396 => 'ᡕ', 8397 => 'ᡲ', 8398 => 'ᠷ', 8399 => 'ᡵ', 8400 => 'ᠸ', 8401 => 'ᡖ', 8402 => 'ᠹ', 8403 => 'ᡫ', 8404 => 'ᡶ', 8405 => 'ᠺ', 8406 => 'ᡗ', 8407 => 'ᡣ', 8408 => 'ᡴ', 8409 => 'ᢉ', 8410 => 'ᠻ', 8411 => 'ᠼ', 8412 => 'ᡔ', 8413 => 'ᡮ', 8414 => 'ᠽ', 8415 => 'ᡯ', 8416 => 'ᡘ', 8417 => 'ᡬ', 8418 => 'ᠾ', 8419 => 'ᡙ', 8420 => 'ᡭ', 8421 => 'ᠿ', 8422 => 'ᡀ', 8423 => 'ᡁ', 8424 => 'ᡂ', 8425 => 'ᡚ', 8426 => 'ᡛ', 8427 => 'ᡰ', 8428 => 'ᢌ', 8429 => 'ᢞ', 8430 => 'ᢍ', 8431 => 'ᢎ', 8432 => 'ᢟ', 8433 => 'ᢏ', 8434 => 'ᢐ', 8435 => 'ᢘ', 8436 => 'ᢠ', 8437 => 'ᢑ', 8438 => 'ᢡ', 8439 => 'ᢒ', 8440 => 'ᢓ', 8441 => 'ᢨ', 8442 => 'ᢔ', 8443 => 'ᢣ', 8444 => 'ᢕ', 8445 => 'ᢙ', 8446 => 'ᢖ', 8447 => 'ᢗ', 8448 => 'ᢦ', 8449 => 'ᢧ', 8450 => 'ᢪ', 8451 => 'ᱚ', 8452 => 'ᱛ', 8453 => 'ᱜ', 8454 => 'ᱝ', 8455 => 'ᱞ', 8456 => 'ᱟ', 8457 => 'ᱠ', 8458 => 'ᱡ', 8459 => 'ᱢ', 8460 => 'ᱣ', 8461 => 'ᱤ', 8462 => 'ᱥ', 8463 => 'ᱦ', 8464 => 'ᱧ', 8465 => 'ᱨ', 8466 => 'ᱩ', 8467 => 'ᱪ', 8468 => 'ᱫ', 8469 => 'ᱬ', 8470 => 'ᱭ', 8471 => 'ᱮ', 8472 => 'ᱯ', 8473 => 'ᱰ', 8474 => 'ᱱ', 8475 => 'ᱲ', 8476 => 'ᱳ', 8477 => 'ᱴ', 8478 => 'ᱵ', 8479 => 'ᱶ', 8480 => 'ᱷ', 8481 => 'ᱸ', 8482 => 'ᱹ', 8483 => 'ᱺ', 8484 => 'ᱻ', 8485 => 'ᱼ', 8486 => 'ᱽ', 8487 => 'Ꭰ', 8488 => 'Ꭱ', 8489 => 'Ꭲ', 8490 => 'Ꭳ', 8491 => 'Ꭴ', 8492 => 'Ꭵ', 8493 => 'Ꭶ', 8494 => 'Ꭷ', 8495 => 'Ꭸ', 8496 => 'Ꭹ', 8497 => 'Ꭺ', 8498 => 'Ꭻ', 8499 => 'Ꭼ', 8500 => 'Ꭽ', 8501 => 'Ꭾ', 8502 => 'Ꭿ', 8503 => 'Ꮀ', 8504 => 'Ꮁ', 8505 => 'Ꮂ', 8506 => 'Ꮃ', 8507 => 'Ꮄ', 8508 => 'Ꮅ', 8509 => 'Ꮆ', 8510 => 'Ꮇ', 8511 => 'Ꮈ', 8512 => 'Ꮉ', 8513 => 'Ꮊ', 8514 => 'Ꮋ', 8515 => 'Ꮌ', 8516 => 'Ꮍ', 8517 => 'Ꮎ', 8518 => 'Ꮏ', 8519 => 'Ꮐ', 8520 => 'Ꮑ', 8521 => 'Ꮒ', 8522 => 'Ꮓ', 8523 => 'Ꮔ', 8524 => 'Ꮕ', 8525 => 'Ꮖ', 8526 => 'Ꮗ', 8527 => 'Ꮘ', 8528 => 'Ꮙ', 8529 => 'Ꮚ', 8530 => 'Ꮛ', 8531 => 'Ꮜ', 8532 => 'Ꮝ', 8533 => 'Ꮞ', 8534 => 'Ꮟ', 8535 => 'Ꮠ', 8536 => 'Ꮡ', 8537 => 'Ꮢ', 8538 => 'Ꮣ', 8539 => 'Ꮤ', 8540 => 'Ꮥ', 8541 => 'Ꮦ', 8542 => 'Ꮧ', 8543 => 'Ꮨ', 8544 => 'Ꮩ', 8545 => 'Ꮪ', 8546 => 'Ꮫ', 8547 => 'Ꮬ', 8548 => 'Ꮭ', 8549 => 'Ꮮ', 8550 => 'Ꮯ', 8551 => 'Ꮰ', 8552 => 'Ꮱ', 8553 => 'Ꮲ', 8554 => 'Ꮳ', 8555 => 'Ꮴ', 8556 => 'Ꮵ', 8557 => 'Ꮶ', 8558 => 'Ꮷ', 8559 => 'Ꮸ', 8560 => 'Ꮹ', 8561 => 'Ꮺ', 8562 => 'Ꮻ', 8563 => 'Ꮼ', 8564 => 'Ꮽ', 8565 => 'Ꮾ', 8566 => 'Ꮿ', 8567 => 'Ᏸ', 8568 => 'Ᏹ', 8569 => 'Ᏺ', 8570 => 'Ᏻ', 8571 => 'Ᏼ', 8572 => 'ᐁ', 8573 => 'ᐂ', 8574 => 'ᐃ', 8575 => 'ᐄ', 8576 => 'ᐅ', 8577 => 'ᐆ', 8578 => 'ᐇ', 8579 => 'ᐈ', 8580 => 'ᐉ', 8581 => 'ᐊ', 8582 => 'ᐋ', 8583 => 'ᐌ', 8584 => 'ᐍ', 8585 => 'ᐎ', 8586 => 'ᐏ', 8587 => 'ᐐ', 8588 => 'ᐑ', 8589 => 'ᐒ', 8590 => 'ᐓ', 8591 => 'ᐔ', 8592 => 'ᐕ', 8593 => 'ᐖ', 8594 => 'ᐗ', 8595 => 'ᐘ', 8596 => 'ᐙ', 8597 => 'ᐚ', 8598 => 'ᐛ', 8599 => 'ᐜ', 8600 => 'ᐝ', 8601 => 'ᐞ', 8602 => 'ᐟ', 8603 => 'ᐠ', 8604 => 'ᐡ', 8605 => 'ᐢ', 8606 => 'ᐣ', 8607 => 'ᐤ', 8608 => 'ᐥ', 8609 => 'ᐦ', 8610 => 'ᐧ', 8611 => 'ᐨ', 8612 => 'ᐩ', 8613 => 'ᐪ', 8614 => 'ᐫ', 8615 => 'ᐬ', 8616 => 'ᐭ', 8617 => 'ᐮ', 8618 => 'ᐯ', 8619 => 'ᐰ', 8620 => 'ᐱ', 8621 => 'ᐲ', 8622 => 'ᐳ', 8623 => 'ᐴ', 8624 => 'ᐵ', 8625 => 'ᐶ', 8626 => 'ᐷ', 8627 => 'ᐸ', 8628 => 'ᐹ', 8629 => 'ᐺ', 8630 => 'ᐻ', 8631 => 'ᐼ', 8632 => 'ᐽ', 8633 => 'ᐾ', 8634 => 'ᐿ', 8635 => 'ᑀ', 8636 => 'ᑁ', 8637 => 'ᑂ', 8638 => 'ᑃ', 8639 => 'ᑄ', 8640 => 'ᑅ', 8641 => 'ᑆ', 8642 => 'ᑇ', 8643 => 'ᑈ', 8644 => 'ᑉ', 8645 => 'ᑊ', 8646 => 'ᑋ', 8647 => 'ᑌ', 8648 => 'ᑍ', 8649 => 'ᑎ', 8650 => 'ᑏ', 8651 => 'ᑐ', 8652 => 'ᑑ', 8653 => 'ᑒ', 8654 => 'ᑓ', 8655 => 'ᑔ', 8656 => 'ᑕ', 8657 => 'ᑖ', 8658 => 'ᑗ', 8659 => 'ᑘ', 8660 => 'ᑙ', 8661 => 'ᑚ', 8662 => 'ᑛ', 8663 => 'ᑜ', 8664 => 'ᑝ', 8665 => 'ᑞ', 8666 => 'ᑟ', 8667 => 'ᑠ', 8668 => 'ᑡ', 8669 => 'ᑢ', 8670 => 'ᑣ', 8671 => 'ᑤ', 8672 => 'ᑥ', 8673 => 'ᑦ', 8674 => 'ᑧ', 8675 => 'ᑨ', 8676 => 'ᑩ', 8677 => 'ᑪ', 8678 => 'ᑫ', 8679 => 'ᑬ', 8680 => 'ᑭ', 8681 => 'ᑮ', 8682 => 'ᑯ', 8683 => 'ᑰ', 8684 => 'ᑱ', 8685 => 'ᑲ', 8686 => 'ᑳ', 8687 => 'ᑴ', 8688 => 'ᑵ', 8689 => 'ᑶ', 8690 => 'ᑷ', 8691 => 'ᑸ', 8692 => 'ᑹ', 8693 => 'ᑺ', 8694 => 'ᑻ', 8695 => 'ᑼ', 8696 => 'ᑽ', 8697 => 'ᑾ', 8698 => 'ᑿ', 8699 => 'ᒀ', 8700 => 'ᒁ', 8701 => 'ᒂ', 8702 => 'ᒃ', 8703 => 'ᒄ', 8704 => 'ᒅ', 8705 => 'ᒆ', 8706 => 'ᒇ', 8707 => 'ᒈ', 8708 => 'ᒉ', 8709 => 'ᒊ', 8710 => 'ᒋ', 8711 => 'ᒌ', 8712 => 'ᒍ', 8713 => 'ᒎ', 8714 => 'ᒏ', 8715 => 'ᒐ', 8716 => 'ᒑ', 8717 => 'ᒒ', 8718 => 'ᒓ', 8719 => 'ᒔ', 8720 => 'ᒕ', 8721 => 'ᒖ', 8722 => 'ᒗ', 8723 => 'ᒘ', 8724 => 'ᒙ', 8725 => 'ᒚ', 8726 => 'ᒛ', 8727 => 'ᒜ', 8728 => 'ᒝ', 8729 => 'ᒞ', 8730 => 'ᒟ', 8731 => 'ᒠ', 8732 => 'ᒡ', 8733 => 'ᒢ', 8734 => 'ᒣ', 8735 => 'ᒤ', 8736 => 'ᒥ', 8737 => 'ᒦ', 8738 => 'ᒧ', 8739 => 'ᒨ', 8740 => 'ᒩ', 8741 => 'ᒪ', 8742 => 'ᒫ', 8743 => 'ᒬ', 8744 => 'ᒭ', 8745 => 'ᒮ', 8746 => 'ᒯ', 8747 => 'ᒰ', 8748 => 'ᒱ', 8749 => 'ᒲ', 8750 => 'ᒳ', 8751 => 'ᒴ', 8752 => 'ᒵ', 8753 => 'ᒶ', 8754 => 'ᒷ', 8755 => 'ᒸ', 8756 => 'ᒹ', 8757 => 'ᒺ', 8758 => 'ᒻ', 8759 => 'ᒼ', 8760 => 'ᒽ', 8761 => 'ᒾ', 8762 => 'ᒿ', 8763 => 'ᓀ', 8764 => 'ᓁ', 8765 => 'ᓂ', 8766 => 'ᓃ', 8767 => 'ᓄ', 8768 => 'ᓅ', 8769 => 'ᓆ', 8770 => 'ᓇ', 8771 => 'ᓈ', 8772 => 'ᓉ', 8773 => 'ᓊ', 8774 => 'ᓋ', 8775 => 'ᓌ', 8776 => 'ᓍ', 8777 => 'ᓎ', 8778 => 'ᓏ', 8779 => 'ᓐ', 8780 => 'ᓑ', 8781 => 'ᓒ', 8782 => 'ᓓ', 8783 => 'ᓔ', 8784 => 'ᓕ', 8785 => 'ᓖ', 8786 => 'ᓗ', 8787 => 'ᓘ', 8788 => 'ᓙ', 8789 => 'ᓚ', 8790 => 'ᓛ', 8791 => 'ᓜ', 8792 => 'ᓝ', 8793 => 'ᓞ', 8794 => 'ᓟ', 8795 => 'ᓠ', 8796 => 'ᓡ', 8797 => 'ᓢ', 8798 => 'ᓣ', 8799 => 'ᓤ', 8800 => 'ᓥ', 8801 => 'ᓦ', 8802 => 'ᓧ', 8803 => 'ᓨ', 8804 => 'ᓩ', 8805 => 'ᓪ', 8806 => 'ᓫ', 8807 => 'ᓬ', 8808 => 'ᓭ', 8809 => 'ᓮ', 8810 => 'ᓯ', 8811 => 'ᓰ', 8812 => 'ᓱ', 8813 => 'ᓲ', 8814 => 'ᓳ', 8815 => 'ᓴ', 8816 => 'ᓵ', 8817 => 'ᓶ', 8818 => 'ᓷ', 8819 => 'ᓸ', 8820 => 'ᓹ', 8821 => 'ᓺ', 8822 => 'ᓻ', 8823 => 'ᓼ', 8824 => 'ᓽ', 8825 => 'ᓾ', 8826 => 'ᓿ', 8827 => 'ᔀ', 8828 => 'ᔁ', 8829 => 'ᔂ', 8830 => 'ᔃ', 8831 => 'ᔄ', 8832 => 'ᔅ', 8833 => 'ᔆ', 8834 => 'ᔇ', 8835 => 'ᔈ', 8836 => 'ᔉ', 8837 => 'ᔊ', 8838 => 'ᔋ', 8839 => 'ᔌ', 8840 => 'ᔍ', 8841 => 'ᔎ', 8842 => 'ᔏ', 8843 => 'ᔐ', 8844 => 'ᔑ', 8845 => 'ᔒ', 8846 => 'ᔓ', 8847 => 'ᔔ', 8848 => 'ᔕ', 8849 => 'ᔖ', 8850 => 'ᔗ', 8851 => 'ᔘ', 8852 => 'ᔙ', 8853 => 'ᔚ', 8854 => 'ᔛ', 8855 => 'ᔜ', 8856 => 'ᔝ', 8857 => 'ᔞ', 8858 => 'ᔟ', 8859 => 'ᔠ', 8860 => 'ᔡ', 8861 => 'ᔢ', 8862 => 'ᔣ', 8863 => 'ᔤ', 8864 => 'ᔥ', 8865 => 'ᔦ', 8866 => 'ᔧ', 8867 => 'ᔨ', 8868 => 'ᔩ', 8869 => 'ᔪ', 8870 => 'ᔫ', 8871 => 'ᔬ', 8872 => 'ᔭ', 8873 => 'ᔮ', 8874 => 'ᔯ', 8875 => 'ᔰ', 8876 => 'ᔱ', 8877 => 'ᔲ', 8878 => 'ᔳ', 8879 => 'ᔴ', 8880 => 'ᔵ', 8881 => 'ᔶ', 8882 => 'ᔷ', 8883 => 'ᔸ', 8884 => 'ᔹ', 8885 => 'ᔺ', 8886 => 'ᔻ', 8887 => 'ᔼ', 8888 => 'ᔽ', 8889 => 'ᔾ', 8890 => 'ᔿ', 8891 => 'ᕀ', 8892 => 'ᕁ', 8893 => 'ᕂ', 8894 => 'ᕃ', 8895 => 'ᕄ', 8896 => 'ᕅ', 8897 => 'ᕆ', 8898 => 'ᕇ', 8899 => 'ᕈ', 8900 => 'ᕉ', 8901 => 'ᕊ', 8902 => 'ᕋ', 8903 => 'ᕌ', 8904 => 'ᕍ', 8905 => 'ᕎ', 8906 => 'ᕏ', 8907 => 'ᕐ', 8908 => 'ᕑ', 8909 => 'ᕒ', 8910 => 'ᕓ', 8911 => 'ᕔ', 8912 => 'ᕕ', 8913 => 'ᕖ', 8914 => 'ᕗ', 8915 => 'ᕘ', 8916 => 'ᕙ', 8917 => 'ᕚ', 8918 => 'ᕛ', 8919 => 'ᕜ', 8920 => 'ᕝ', 8921 => 'ᕞ', 8922 => 'ᕟ', 8923 => 'ᕠ', 8924 => 'ᕡ', 8925 => 'ᕢ', 8926 => 'ᕣ', 8927 => 'ᕤ', 8928 => 'ᕥ', 8929 => 'ᕦ', 8930 => 'ᕧ', 8931 => 'ᕨ', 8932 => 'ᕩ', 8933 => 'ᕪ', 8934 => 'ᕫ', 8935 => 'ᕬ', 8936 => 'ᕭ', 8937 => 'ᕮ', 8938 => 'ᕯ', 8939 => 'ᕰ', 8940 => 'ᕱ', 8941 => 'ᕲ', 8942 => 'ᕳ', 8943 => 'ᕴ', 8944 => 'ᕵ', 8945 => 'ᕶ', 8946 => 'ᕷ', 8947 => 'ᕸ', 8948 => 'ᕹ', 8949 => 'ᕺ', 8950 => 'ᕻ', 8951 => 'ᕽ', 8952 => 'ᙯ', 8953 => 'ᕾ', 8954 => 'ᕿ', 8955 => 'ᖀ', 8956 => 'ᖁ', 8957 => 'ᖂ', 8958 => 'ᖃ', 8959 => 'ᖄ', 8960 => 'ᖅ', 8961 => 'ᖆ', 8962 => 'ᖇ', 8963 => 'ᖈ', 8964 => 'ᖉ', 8965 => 'ᖊ', 8966 => 'ᖋ', 8967 => 'ᖌ', 8968 => 'ᖍ', 8969 => 'ᙰ', 8970 => 'ᖎ', 8971 => 'ᖏ', 8972 => 'ᖐ', 8973 => 'ᖑ', 8974 => 'ᖒ', 8975 => 'ᖓ', 8976 => 'ᖔ', 8977 => 'ᖕ', 8978 => 'ᙱ', 8979 => 'ᙲ', 8980 => 'ᙳ', 8981 => 'ᙴ', 8982 => 'ᙵ', 8983 => 'ᙶ', 8984 => 'ᖖ', 8985 => 'ᖗ', 8986 => 'ᖘ', 8987 => 'ᖙ', 8988 => 'ᖚ', 8989 => 'ᖛ', 8990 => 'ᖜ', 8991 => 'ᖝ', 8992 => 'ᖞ', 8993 => 'ᖟ', 8994 => 'ᖠ', 8995 => 'ᖡ', 8996 => 'ᖢ', 8997 => 'ᖣ', 8998 => 'ᖤ', 8999 => 'ᖥ', 9000 => 'ᖦ', 9001 => 'ᕼ', 9002 => 'ᖧ', 9003 => 'ᖨ', 9004 => 'ᖩ', 9005 => 'ᖪ', 9006 => 'ᖫ', 9007 => 'ᖬ', 9008 => 'ᖭ', 9009 => 'ᖮ', 9010 => 'ᖯ', 9011 => 'ᖰ', 9012 => 'ᖱ', 9013 => 'ᖲ', 9014 => 'ᖳ', 9015 => 'ᖴ', 9016 => 'ᖵ', 9017 => 'ᖶ', 9018 => 'ᖷ', 9019 => 'ᖸ', 9020 => 'ᖹ', 9021 => 'ᖺ', 9022 => 'ᖻ', 9023 => 'ᖼ', 9024 => 'ᖽ', 9025 => 'ᖾ', 9026 => 'ᖿ', 9027 => 'ᗀ', 9028 => 'ᗁ', 9029 => 'ᗂ', 9030 => 'ᗃ', 9031 => 'ᗄ', 9032 => 'ᗅ', 9033 => 'ᗆ', 9034 => 'ᗇ', 9035 => 'ᗈ', 9036 => 'ᗉ', 9037 => 'ᗊ', 9038 => 'ᗋ', 9039 => 'ᗌ', 9040 => 'ᗍ', 9041 => 'ᗎ', 9042 => 'ᗏ', 9043 => 'ᗐ', 9044 => 'ᗑ', 9045 => 'ᗒ', 9046 => 'ᗓ', 9047 => 'ᗔ', 9048 => 'ᗕ', 9049 => 'ᗖ', 9050 => 'ᗗ', 9051 => 'ᗘ', 9052 => 'ᗙ', 9053 => 'ᗚ', 9054 => 'ᗛ', 9055 => 'ᗜ', 9056 => 'ᗝ', 9057 => 'ᗞ', 9058 => 'ᗟ', 9059 => 'ᗠ', 9060 => 'ᗡ', 9061 => 'ᗢ', 9062 => 'ᗣ', 9063 => 'ᗤ', 9064 => 'ᗥ', 9065 => 'ᗦ', 9066 => 'ᗧ', 9067 => 'ᗨ', 9068 => 'ᗩ', 9069 => 'ᗪ', 9070 => 'ᗫ', 9071 => 'ᗬ', 9072 => 'ᗭ', 9073 => 'ᗮ', 9074 => 'ᗯ', 9075 => 'ᗰ', 9076 => 'ᗱ', 9077 => 'ᗲ', 9078 => 'ᗳ', 9079 => 'ᗴ', 9080 => 'ᗵ', 9081 => 'ᗶ', 9082 => 'ᗷ', 9083 => 'ᗸ', 9084 => 'ᗹ', 9085 => 'ᗺ', 9086 => 'ᗻ', 9087 => 'ᗼ', 9088 => 'ᗽ', 9089 => 'ᗾ', 9090 => 'ᗿ', 9091 => 'ᘀ', 9092 => 'ᘁ', 9093 => 'ᘂ', 9094 => 'ᘃ', 9095 => 'ᘄ', 9096 => 'ᘅ', 9097 => 'ᘆ', 9098 => 'ᘇ', 9099 => 'ᘈ', 9100 => 'ᘉ', 9101 => 'ᘊ', 9102 => 'ᘋ', 9103 => 'ᘌ', 9104 => 'ᘍ', 9105 => 'ᘎ', 9106 => 'ᘏ', 9107 => 'ᘐ', 9108 => 'ᘑ', 9109 => 'ᘒ', 9110 => 'ᘓ', 9111 => 'ᘔ', 9112 => 'ᘕ', 9113 => 'ᘖ', 9114 => 'ᘗ', 9115 => 'ᘘ', 9116 => 'ᘙ', 9117 => 'ᘚ', 9118 => 'ᘛ', 9119 => 'ᘜ', 9120 => 'ᘝ', 9121 => 'ᘞ', 9122 => 'ᘟ', 9123 => 'ᘠ', 9124 => 'ᘡ', 9125 => 'ᘢ', 9126 => 'ᘣ', 9127 => 'ᘤ', 9128 => 'ᘥ', 9129 => 'ᘦ', 9130 => 'ᘧ', 9131 => 'ᘨ', 9132 => 'ᘩ', 9133 => 'ᘪ', 9134 => 'ᘫ', 9135 => 'ᘬ', 9136 => 'ᘭ', 9137 => 'ᘮ', 9138 => 'ᘯ', 9139 => 'ᘰ', 9140 => 'ᘱ', 9141 => 'ᘲ', 9142 => 'ᘳ', 9143 => 'ᘴ', 9144 => 'ᘵ', 9145 => 'ᘶ', 9146 => 'ᘷ', 9147 => 'ᘸ', 9148 => 'ᘹ', 9149 => 'ᘺ', 9150 => 'ᘻ', 9151 => 'ᘼ', 9152 => 'ᘽ', 9153 => 'ᘾ', 9154 => 'ᘿ', 9155 => 'ᙀ', 9156 => 'ᙁ', 9157 => 'ᙂ', 9158 => 'ᙃ', 9159 => 'ᙄ', 9160 => 'ᙅ', 9161 => 'ᙆ', 9162 => 'ᙇ', 9163 => 'ᙈ', 9164 => 'ᙉ', 9165 => 'ᙊ', 9166 => 'ᙋ', 9167 => 'ᙌ', 9168 => 'ᙍ', 9169 => 'ᙎ', 9170 => 'ᙏ', 9171 => 'ᙐ', 9172 => 'ᙑ', 9173 => 'ᙒ', 9174 => 'ᙓ', 9175 => 'ᙔ', 9176 => 'ᙕ', 9177 => 'ᙖ', 9178 => 'ᙗ', 9179 => 'ᙘ', 9180 => 'ᙙ', 9181 => 'ᙚ', 9182 => 'ᙛ', 9183 => 'ᙜ', 9184 => 'ᙝ', 9185 => 'ᙞ', 9186 => 'ᙟ', 9187 => 'ᙠ', 9188 => 'ᙡ', 9189 => 'ᙢ', 9190 => 'ᙣ', 9191 => 'ᙤ', 9192 => 'ᙥ', 9193 => 'ᙦ', 9194 => 'ᙧ', 9195 => 'ᙨ', 9196 => 'ᙩ', 9197 => 'ᙪ', 9198 => 'ᙫ', 9199 => 'ᙬ', 9200 => 'ᙷ', 9201 => 'ᙸ', 9202 => 'ᙹ', 9203 => 'ᙺ', 9204 => 'ᙻ', 9205 => 'ᙼ', 9206 => 'ᙽ', 9207 => 'ᙾ', 9208 => 'ᙿ', 9209 => 'ᢰ', 9210 => 'ᢱ', 9211 => 'ᢲ', 9212 => 'ᢳ', 9213 => 'ᢴ', 9214 => 'ᢵ', 9215 => 'ᢶ', 9216 => 'ᢷ', 9217 => 'ᢸ', 9218 => 'ᢹ', 9219 => 'ᢺ', 9220 => 'ᢻ', 9221 => 'ᢼ', 9222 => 'ᢽ', 9223 => 'ᢾ', 9224 => 'ᢿ', 9225 => 'ᣀ', 9226 => 'ᣁ', 9227 => 'ᣂ', 9228 => 'ᣃ', 9229 => 'ᣄ', 9230 => 'ᣅ', 9231 => 'ᣆ', 9232 => 'ᣇ', 9233 => 'ᣈ', 9234 => 'ᣉ', 9235 => 'ᣊ', 9236 => 'ᣋ', 9237 => 'ᣌ', 9238 => 'ᣍ', 9239 => 'ᣎ', 9240 => 'ᣏ', 9241 => 'ᣐ', 9242 => 'ᣑ', 9243 => 'ᣒ', 9244 => 'ᣓ', 9245 => 'ᣔ', 9246 => 'ᣕ', 9247 => 'ᣖ', 9248 => 'ᣗ', 9249 => 'ᣘ', 9250 => 'ᣙ', 9251 => 'ᣚ', 9252 => 'ᣛ', 9253 => 'ᣜ', 9254 => 'ᣝ', 9255 => 'ᣞ', 9256 => 'ᣟ', 9257 => 'ᣠ', 9258 => 'ᣡ', 9259 => 'ᣢ', 9260 => 'ᣣ', 9261 => 'ᣤ', 9262 => 'ᣥ', 9263 => 'ᣦ', 9264 => 'ᣧ', 9265 => 'ᣨ', 9266 => 'ᣩ', 9267 => 'ᣪ', 9268 => 'ᣫ', 9269 => 'ᣬ', 9270 => 'ᣭ', 9271 => 'ᣮ', 9272 => 'ᣯ', 9273 => 'ᣰ', 9274 => 'ᣱ', 9275 => 'ᣲ', 9276 => 'ᣳ', 9277 => 'ᣴ', 9278 => 'ᣵ', 9279 => 'ᚁ', 9280 => 'ᚂ', 9281 => 'ᚃ', 9282 => 'ᚄ', 9283 => 'ᚅ', 9284 => 'ᚆ', 9285 => 'ᚇ', 9286 => 'ᚈ', 9287 => 'ᚉ', 9288 => 'ᚊ', 9289 => 'ᚋ', 9290 => 'ᚌ', 9291 => 'ᚍ', 9292 => 'ᚎ', 9293 => 'ᚏ', 9294 => 'ᚐ', 9295 => 'ᚑ', 9296 => 'ᚒ', 9297 => 'ᚓ', 9298 => 'ᚔ', 9299 => 'ᚕ', 9300 => 'ᚖ', 9301 => 'ᚗ', 9302 => 'ᚘ', 9303 => 'ᚙ', 9304 => 'ᚚ', 9305 => 'ᚠ', 9306 => 'ᚢ', 9307 => 'ᚦ', 9308 => 'ᚨ', 9309 => 'ᚯ', 9310 => 'ᚰ', 9311 => 'ᚱ', 9312 => 'ᚲ', 9313 => 'ᚷ', 9314 => 'ᚹ', 9315 => 'ᚺ', 9316 => 'ᚾ', 9317 => 'ᛁ', 9318 => 'ᛃ', 9319 => 'ᛅ', 9320 => 'ᛇ', 9321 => 'ᛈ', 9322 => 'ᛉ', 9323 => 'ᛊ', 9324 => 'ᛏ', 9325 => 'ᛒ', 9326 => 'ᛖ', 9327 => 'ᛗ', 9328 => 'ᛚ', 9329 => 'ᛜ', 9330 => 'ᛞ', 9331 => 'ᛟ', 9332 => 'ᚪ', 9333 => 'ᚫ', 9334 => 'ᚣ', 9335 => 'ᛠ', 9336 => 'ᛣ', 9337 => 'ᚸ', 9338 => 'ᛤ', 9339 => 'ᛡ', 9340 => 'ᛢ', 9341 => 'ᛥ', 9342 => 'ᛦ', 9343 => '𐰀', 9344 => '𐰂', 9345 => '𐰃', 9346 => '𐰅', 9347 => '𐰆', 9348 => '𐰇', 9349 => '𐰉', 9350 => '𐰋', 9351 => '𐰍', 9352 => '𐰏', 9353 => '𐰑', 9354 => '𐰓', 9355 => '𐰔', 9356 => '𐰖', 9357 => '𐰘', 9358 => '𐰚', 9359 => '𐰜', 9360 => '𐰞', 9361 => '𐰠', 9362 => '𐰡', 9363 => '𐰢', 9364 => '𐰣', 9365 => '𐰤', 9366 => '𐰦', 9367 => '𐰨', 9368 => '𐰪', 9369 => '𐰬', 9370 => '𐰭', 9371 => '𐰯', 9372 => '𐰰', 9373 => '𐰱', 9374 => '𐰲', 9375 => '𐰴', 9376 => '𐰶', 9377 => '𐰸', 9378 => '𐰺', 9379 => '𐰼', 9380 => '𐰽', 9381 => '𐰾', 9382 => '𐰿', 9383 => '𐱁', 9384 => '𐱃', 9385 => '𐱅', 9386 => '𐱇', 9387 => '𐱈', 9388 => 'ꔀ', 9389 => 'ꔁ', 9390 => 'ꔂ', 9391 => 'ꔃ', 9392 => 'ꔄ', 9393 => 'ꔅ', 9394 => 'ꔆ', 9395 => 'ꔇ', 9396 => 'ꔈ', 9397 => 'ꔉ', 9398 => 'ꔊ', 9399 => 'ꔋ', 9400 => 'ꔌ', 9401 => 'ꔍ', 9402 => 'ꔎ', 9403 => 'ꔏ', 9404 => 'ꔐ', 9405 => 'ꔑ', 9406 => 'ꔒ', 9407 => 'ꔓ', 9408 => 'ꔔ', 9409 => 'ꔕ', 9410 => 'ꔖ', 9411 => 'ꔗ', 9412 => 'ꔘ', 9413 => 'ꔙ', 9414 => 'ꔚ', 9415 => 'ꔛ', 9416 => 'ꔜ', 9417 => 'ꔝ', 9418 => 'ꔞ', 9419 => 'ꔟ', 9420 => 'ꔠ', 9421 => 'ꔡ', 9422 => 'ꔢ', 9423 => 'ꔣ', 9424 => 'ꔤ', 9425 => 'ꔥ', 9426 => 'ꔦ', 9427 => 'ꔧ', 9428 => 'ꔨ', 9429 => 'ꔩ', 9430 => 'ꔪ', 9431 => 'ꔫ', 9432 => 'ꔬ', 9433 => 'ꔭ', 9434 => 'ꔮ', 9435 => 'ꔯ', 9436 => 'ꔰ', 9437 => 'ꔱ', 9438 => 'ꔲ', 9439 => 'ꔳ', 9440 => 'ꔴ', 9441 => 'ꔵ', 9442 => 'ꔶ', 9443 => 'ꔷ', 9444 => 'ꔸ', 9445 => 'ꔹ', 9446 => 'ꔺ', 9447 => 'ꔻ', 9448 => 'ꔼ', 9449 => 'ꔽ', 9450 => 'ꔾ', 9451 => 'ꔿ', 9452 => 'ꕀ', 9453 => 'ꕁ', 9454 => 'ꕂ', 9455 => 'ꕃ', 9456 => 'ꕄ', 9457 => 'ꕅ', 9458 => 'ꕆ', 9459 => 'ꕇ', 9460 => 'ꕈ', 9461 => 'ꕉ', 9462 => 'ꕊ', 9463 => 'ꕋ', 9464 => 'ꕌ', 9465 => 'ꕍ', 9466 => 'ꕎ', 9467 => 'ꕏ', 9468 => 'ꕐ', 9469 => 'ꕑ', 9470 => 'ꕒ', 9471 => 'ꕓ', 9472 => 'ꕔ', 9473 => 'ꕕ', 9474 => 'ꕖ', 9475 => 'ꕗ', 9476 => 'ꕘ', 9477 => 'ꕙ', 9478 => 'ꕚ', 9479 => 'ꕛ', 9480 => 'ꕜ', 9481 => 'ꕝ', 9482 => 'ꕞ', 9483 => 'ꕟ', 9484 => 'ꕠ', 9485 => 'ꕡ', 9486 => 'ꕢ', 9487 => 'ꕣ', 9488 => 'ꕤ', 9489 => 'ꕥ', 9490 => 'ꕦ', 9491 => 'ꕧ', 9492 => 'ꕨ', 9493 => 'ꕩ', 9494 => 'ꕪ', 9495 => 'ꕫ', 9496 => 'ꕬ', 9497 => 'ꕭ', 9498 => 'ꕮ', 9499 => 'ꕯ', 9500 => 'ꕰ', 9501 => 'ꕱ', 9502 => 'ꕲ', 9503 => 'ꕳ', 9504 => 'ꕴ', 9505 => 'ꕵ', 9506 => 'ꕶ', 9507 => 'ꕷ', 9508 => 'ꕸ', 9509 => 'ꕹ', 9510 => 'ꕺ', 9511 => 'ꕻ', 9512 => 'ꕼ', 9513 => 'ꕽ', 9514 => 'ꕾ', 9515 => 'ꕿ', 9516 => 'ꖀ', 9517 => 'ꖁ', 9518 => 'ꖂ', 9519 => 'ꖃ', 9520 => 'ꖄ', 9521 => 'ꖅ', 9522 => 'ꖆ', 9523 => 'ꖇ', 9524 => 'ꖈ', 9525 => 'ꖉ', 9526 => 'ꖊ', 9527 => 'ꖋ', 9528 => 'ꖌ', 9529 => 'ꖍ', 9530 => 'ꖎ', 9531 => 'ꖏ', 9532 => 'ꖐ', 9533 => 'ꖑ', 9534 => 'ꖒ', 9535 => 'ꖓ', 9536 => 'ꖔ', 9537 => 'ꖕ', 9538 => 'ꖖ', 9539 => 'ꖗ', 9540 => 'ꖘ', 9541 => 'ꖙ', 9542 => 'ꖚ', 9543 => 'ꖛ', 9544 => 'ꖜ', 9545 => 'ꖝ', 9546 => 'ꖞ', 9547 => 'ꖟ', 9548 => 'ꖠ', 9549 => 'ꖡ', 9550 => 'ꖢ', 9551 => 'ꖣ', 9552 => 'ꖤ', 9553 => 'ꖥ', 9554 => 'ꖦ', 9555 => 'ꖧ', 9556 => 'ꖨ', 9557 => 'ꖩ', 9558 => 'ꖪ', 9559 => 'ꖫ', 9560 => 'ꖬ', 9561 => 'ꖭ', 9562 => 'ꖮ', 9563 => 'ꖯ', 9564 => 'ꖰ', 9565 => 'ꖱ', 9566 => 'ꖲ', 9567 => 'ꖳ', 9568 => 'ꖴ', 9569 => 'ꖵ', 9570 => 'ꖶ', 9571 => 'ꖷ', 9572 => 'ꖸ', 9573 => 'ꖹ', 9574 => 'ꖺ', 9575 => 'ꖻ', 9576 => 'ꖼ', 9577 => 'ꖽ', 9578 => 'ꖾ', 9579 => 'ꖿ', 9580 => 'ꗀ', 9581 => 'ꗁ', 9582 => 'ꗂ', 9583 => 'ꗃ', 9584 => 'ꗄ', 9585 => 'ꗅ', 9586 => 'ꗆ', 9587 => 'ꗇ', 9588 => 'ꗈ', 9589 => 'ꗉ', 9590 => 'ꗊ', 9591 => 'ꗋ', 9592 => 'ꗌ', 9593 => 'ꗍ', 9594 => 'ꗎ', 9595 => 'ꗏ', 9596 => 'ꗐ', 9597 => 'ꗑ', 9598 => 'ꗒ', 9599 => 'ꗓ', 9600 => 'ꗔ', 9601 => 'ꗕ', 9602 => 'ꗖ', 9603 => 'ꗗ', 9604 => 'ꗘ', 9605 => 'ꗙ', 9606 => 'ꗚ', 9607 => 'ꗛ', 9608 => 'ꗜ', 9609 => 'ꗝ', 9610 => 'ꗞ', 9611 => 'ꗟ', 9612 => 'ꗠ', 9613 => 'ꗡ', 9614 => 'ꗢ', 9615 => 'ꗣ', 9616 => 'ꗤ', 9617 => 'ꗥ', 9618 => 'ꗦ', 9619 => 'ꗧ', 9620 => 'ꗨ', 9621 => 'ꗩ', 9622 => 'ꗪ', 9623 => 'ꗫ', 9624 => 'ꗬ', 9625 => 'ꗭ', 9626 => 'ꗮ', 9627 => 'ꗯ', 9628 => 'ꗰ', 9629 => 'ꗱ', 9630 => 'ꗲ', 9631 => 'ꗳ', 9632 => 'ꗴ', 9633 => 'ꗵ', 9634 => 'ꗶ', 9635 => 'ꗷ', 9636 => 'ꗸ', 9637 => 'ꗹ', 9638 => 'ꗺ', 9639 => 'ꗻ', 9640 => 'ꗼ', 9641 => 'ꗽ', 9642 => 'ꗾ', 9643 => 'ꗿ', 9644 => 'ꘀ', 9645 => 'ꘁ', 9646 => 'ꘂ', 9647 => 'ꘃ', 9648 => 'ꘄ', 9649 => 'ꘅ', 9650 => 'ꘆ', 9651 => 'ꘇ', 9652 => 'ꘈ', 9653 => 'ꘉ', 9654 => 'ꘊ', 9655 => 'ꘋ', 9656 => 'ꘌ', 9657 => 'ꚠ', 9658 => 'ꚡ', 9659 => 'ꚢ', 9660 => 'ꚣ', 9661 => 'ꚤ', 9662 => 'ꚥ', 9663 => 'ꚦ', 9664 => 'ꚧ', 9665 => 'ꚨ', 9666 => 'ꚩ', 9667 => 'ꚪ', 9668 => 'ꚫ', 9669 => 'ꚬ', 9670 => 'ꚭ', 9671 => 'ꚮ', 9672 => 'ꚯ', 9673 => 'ꚰ', 9674 => 'ꚱ', 9675 => 'ꚲ', 9676 => 'ꚳ', 9677 => 'ꚴ', 9678 => 'ꚵ', 9679 => 'ꚶ', 9680 => 'ꚷ', 9681 => 'ꚸ', 9682 => 'ꚹ', 9683 => 'ꚺ', 9684 => 'ꚻ', 9685 => 'ꚼ', 9686 => 'ꚽ', 9687 => 'ꚾ', 9688 => 'ꚿ', 9689 => 'ꛀ', 9690 => 'ꛁ', 9691 => 'ꛂ', 9692 => 'ꛃ', 9693 => 'ꛄ', 9694 => 'ꛅ', 9695 => 'ꛆ', 9696 => 'ꛇ', 9697 => 'ꛈ', 9698 => 'ꛉ', 9699 => 'ꛊ', 9700 => 'ꛋ', 9701 => 'ꛌ', 9702 => 'ꛍ', 9703 => 'ꛎ', 9704 => 'ꛏ', 9705 => 'ꛐ', 9706 => 'ꛑ', 9707 => 'ꛒ', 9708 => 'ꛓ', 9709 => 'ꛔ', 9710 => 'ꛕ', 9711 => 'ꛖ', 9712 => 'ꛗ', 9713 => 'ꛘ', 9714 => 'ꛙ', 9715 => 'ꛚ', 9716 => 'ꛛ', 9717 => 'ꛜ', 9718 => 'ꛝ', 9719 => 'ꛞ', 9720 => 'ꛟ', 9721 => 'ꛠ', 9722 => 'ꛡ', 9723 => 'ꛢ', 9724 => 'ꛣ', 9725 => 'ꛤ', 9726 => 'ꛥ', 9727 => 'ꛦ', 9728 => 'ꛧ', 9729 => 'ꛨ', 9730 => 'ꛩ', 9731 => 'ꛪ', 9732 => 'ꛫ', 9733 => 'ꛬ', 9734 => 'ꛭ', 9735 => 'ꛮ', 9736 => 'ꛯ', 9737 => '𖠀', 9738 => '𖠁', 9739 => '𖠂', 9740 => '𖠃', 9741 => '𖠄', 9742 => '𖠅', 9743 => '𖠆', 9744 => '𖠇', 9745 => '𖠈', 9746 => '𖠉', 9747 => '𖠊', 9748 => '𖠋', 9749 => '𖠌', 9750 => '𖠍', 9751 => '𖠎', 9752 => '𖠏', 9753 => '𖠐', 9754 => '𖠑', 9755 => '𖠒', 9756 => '𖠓', 9757 => '𖠔', 9758 => '𖠕', 9759 => '𖠖', 9760 => '𖠗', 9761 => '𖠘', 9762 => '𖠙', 9763 => '𖠚', 9764 => '𖠛', 9765 => '𖠜', 9766 => '𖠝', 9767 => '𖠞', 9768 => '𖠟', 9769 => '𖠠', 9770 => '𖠡', 9771 => '𖠢', 9772 => '𖠣', 9773 => '𖠤', 9774 => '𖠥', 9775 => '𖠦', 9776 => '𖠧', 9777 => '𖠨', 9778 => '𖠩', 9779 => '𖠪', 9780 => '𖠫', 9781 => '𖠬', 9782 => '𖠭', 9783 => '𖠮', 9784 => '𖠯', 9785 => '𖠰', 9786 => '𖠱', 9787 => '𖠲', 9788 => '𖠳', 9789 => '𖠴', 9790 => '𖠵', 9791 => '𖠶', 9792 => '𖠷', 9793 => '𖠸', 9794 => '𖠹', 9795 => '𖠺', 9796 => '𖠻', 9797 => '𖠼', 9798 => '𖠽', 9799 => '𖠾', 9800 => '𖠿', 9801 => '𖡀', 9802 => '𖡁', 9803 => '𖡂', 9804 => '𖡃', 9805 => '𖡄', 9806 => '𖡅', 9807 => '𖡆', 9808 => '𖡇', 9809 => '𖡈', 9810 => '𖡉', 9811 => '𖡊', 9812 => '𖡋', 9813 => '𖡌', 9814 => '𖡍', 9815 => '𖡎', 9816 => '𖡏', 9817 => '𖡐', 9818 => '𖡑', 9819 => '𖡒', 9820 => '𖡓', 9821 => '𖡔', 9822 => '𖡕', 9823 => '𖡖', 9824 => '𖡗', 9825 => '𖡘', 9826 => '𖡙', 9827 => '𖡚', 9828 => '𖡛', 9829 => '𖡜', 9830 => '𖡝', 9831 => '𖡞', 9832 => '𖡟', 9833 => '𖡠', 9834 => '𖡡', 9835 => '𖡢', 9836 => '𖡣', 9837 => '𖡤', 9838 => '𖡥', 9839 => '𖡦', 9840 => '𖡧', 9841 => '𖡨', 9842 => '𖡩', 9843 => '𖡪', 9844 => '𖡫', 9845 => '𖡬', 9846 => '𖡭', 9847 => '𖡮', 9848 => '𖡯', 9849 => '𖡰', 9850 => '𖡱', 9851 => '𖡲', 9852 => '𖡳', 9853 => '𖡴', 9854 => '𖡵', 9855 => '𖡶', 9856 => '𖡷', 9857 => '𖡸', 9858 => '𖡹', 9859 => '𖡺', 9860 => '𖡻', 9861 => '𖡼', 9862 => '𖡽', 9863 => '𖡾', 9864 => '𖡿', 9865 => '𖢀', 9866 => '𖢁', 9867 => '𖢂', 9868 => '𖢃', 9869 => '𖢄', 9870 => '𖢅', 9871 => '𖢆', 9872 => '𖢇', 9873 => '𖢈', 9874 => '𖢉', 9875 => '𖢊', 9876 => '𖢋', 9877 => '𖢌', 9878 => '𖢍', 9879 => '𖢎', 9880 => '𖢏', 9881 => '𖢐', 9882 => '𖢑', 9883 => '𖢒', 9884 => '𖢓', 9885 => '𖢔', 9886 => '𖢕', 9887 => '𖢖', 9888 => '𖢗', 9889 => '𖢘', 9890 => '𖢙', 9891 => '𖢚', 9892 => '𖢛', 9893 => '𖢜', 9894 => '𖢝', 9895 => '𖢞', 9896 => '𖢟', 9897 => '𖢠', 9898 => '𖢡', 9899 => '𖢢', 9900 => '𖢣', 9901 => '𖢤', 9902 => '𖢥', 9903 => '𖢦', 9904 => '𖢧', 9905 => '𖢨', 9906 => '𖢩', 9907 => '𖢪', 9908 => '𖢫', 9909 => '𖢬', 9910 => '𖢭', 9911 => '𖢮', 9912 => '𖢯', 9913 => '𖢰', 9914 => '𖢱', 9915 => '𖢲', 9916 => '𖢳', 9917 => '𖢴', 9918 => '𖢵', 9919 => '𖢶', 9920 => '𖢷', 9921 => '𖢸', 9922 => '𖢹', 9923 => '𖢺', 9924 => '𖢻', 9925 => '𖢼', 9926 => '𖢽', 9927 => '𖢾', 9928 => '𖢿', 9929 => '𖣀', 9930 => '𖣁', 9931 => '𖣂', 9932 => '𖣃', 9933 => '𖣄', 9934 => '𖣅', 9935 => '𖣆', 9936 => '𖣇', 9937 => '𖣈', 9938 => '𖣉', 9939 => '𖣊', 9940 => '𖣋', 9941 => '𖣌', 9942 => '𖣍', 9943 => '𖣎', 9944 => '𖣏', 9945 => '𖣐', 9946 => '𖣑', 9947 => '𖣒', 9948 => '𖣓', 9949 => '𖣔', 9950 => '𖣕', 9951 => '𖣖', 9952 => '𖣗', 9953 => '𖣘', 9954 => '𖣙', 9955 => '𖣚', 9956 => '𖣛', 9957 => '𖣜', 9958 => '𖣝', 9959 => '𖣞', 9960 => '𖣟', 9961 => '𖣠', 9962 => '𖣡', 9963 => '𖣢', 9964 => '𖣣', 9965 => '𖣤', 9966 => '𖣥', 9967 => '𖣦', 9968 => '𖣧', 9969 => '𖣨', 9970 => '𖣩', 9971 => '𖣪', 9972 => '𖣫', 9973 => '𖣬', 9974 => '𖣭', 9975 => '𖣮', 9976 => '𖣯', 9977 => '𖣰', 9978 => '𖣱', 9979 => '𖣲', 9980 => '𖣳', 9981 => '𖣴', 9982 => '𖣵', 9983 => '𖣶', 9984 => '𖣷', 9985 => '𖣸', 9986 => '𖣹', 9987 => '𖣺', 9988 => '𖣻', 9989 => '𖣼', 9990 => '𖣽', 9991 => '𖣾', 9992 => '𖣿', 9993 => '𖤀', 9994 => '𖤁', 9995 => '𖤂', 9996 => '𖤃', 9997 => '𖤄', 9998 => '𖤅', 9999 => '𖤆', 10000 => '𖤇', 10001 => '𖤈', 10002 => '𖤉', 10003 => '𖤊', 10004 => '𖤋', 10005 => '𖤌', 10006 => '𖤍', 10007 => '𖤎', 10008 => '𖤏', 10009 => '𖤐', 10010 => '𖤑', 10011 => '𖤒', 10012 => '𖤓', 10013 => '𖤔', 10014 => '𖤕', 10015 => '𖤖', 10016 => '𖤗', 10017 => '𖤘', 10018 => '𖤙', 10019 => '𖤚', 10020 => '𖤛', 10021 => '𖤜', 10022 => '𖤝', 10023 => '𖤞', 10024 => '𖤟', 10025 => '𖤠', 10026 => '𖤡', 10027 => '𖤢', 10028 => '𖤣', 10029 => '𖤤', 10030 => '𖤥', 10031 => '𖤦', 10032 => '𖤧', 10033 => '𖤨', 10034 => '𖤩', 10035 => '𖤪', 10036 => '𖤫', 10037 => '𖤬', 10038 => '𖤭', 10039 => '𖤮', 10040 => '𖤯', 10041 => '𖤰', 10042 => '𖤱', 10043 => '𖤲', 10044 => '𖤳', 10045 => '𖤴', 10046 => '𖤵', 10047 => '𖤶', 10048 => '𖤷', 10049 => '𖤸', 10050 => '𖤹', 10051 => '𖤺', 10052 => '𖤻', 10053 => '𖤼', 10054 => '𖤽', 10055 => '𖤾', 10056 => '𖤿', 10057 => '𖥀', 10058 => '𖥁', 10059 => '𖥂', 10060 => '𖥃', 10061 => '𖥄', 10062 => '𖥅', 10063 => '𖥆', 10064 => '𖥇', 10065 => '𖥈', 10066 => '𖥉', 10067 => '𖥊', 10068 => '𖥋', 10069 => '𖥌', 10070 => '𖥍', 10071 => '𖥎', 10072 => '𖥏', 10073 => '𖥐', 10074 => '𖥑', 10075 => '𖥒', 10076 => '𖥓', 10077 => '𖥔', 10078 => '𖥕', 10079 => '𖥖', 10080 => '𖥗', 10081 => '𖥘', 10082 => '𖥙', 10083 => '𖥚', 10084 => '𖥛', 10085 => '𖥜', 10086 => '𖥝', 10087 => '𖥞', 10088 => '𖥟', 10089 => '𖥠', 10090 => '𖥡', 10091 => '𖥢', 10092 => '𖥣', 10093 => '𖥤', 10094 => '𖥥', 10095 => '𖥦', 10096 => '𖥧', 10097 => '𖥨', 10098 => '𖥩', 10099 => '𖥪', 10100 => '𖥫', 10101 => '𖥬', 10102 => '𖥭', 10103 => '𖥮', 10104 => '𖥯', 10105 => '𖥰', 10106 => '𖥱', 10107 => '𖥲', 10108 => '𖥳', 10109 => '𖥴', 10110 => '𖥵', 10111 => '𖥶', 10112 => '𖥷', 10113 => '𖥸', 10114 => '𖥹', 10115 => '𖥺', 10116 => '𖥻', 10117 => '𖥼', 10118 => '𖥽', 10119 => '𖥾', 10120 => '𖥿', 10121 => '𖦀', 10122 => '𖦁', 10123 => '𖦂', 10124 => '𖦃', 10125 => '𖦄', 10126 => '𖦅', 10127 => '𖦆', 10128 => '𖦇', 10129 => '𖦈', 10130 => '𖦉', 10131 => '𖦊', 10132 => '𖦋', 10133 => '𖦌', 10134 => '𖦍', 10135 => '𖦎', 10136 => '𖦏', 10137 => '𖦐', 10138 => '𖦑', 10139 => '𖦒', 10140 => '𖦓', 10141 => '𖦔', 10142 => '𖦕', 10143 => '𖦖', 10144 => '𖦗', 10145 => '𖦘', 10146 => '𖦙', 10147 => '𖦚', 10148 => '𖦛', 10149 => '𖦜', 10150 => '𖦝', 10151 => '𖦞', 10152 => '𖦟', 10153 => '𖦠', 10154 => '𖦡', 10155 => '𖦢', 10156 => '𖦣', 10157 => '𖦤', 10158 => '𖦥', 10159 => '𖦦', 10160 => '𖦧', 10161 => '𖦨', 10162 => '𖦩', 10163 => '𖦪', 10164 => '𖦫', 10165 => '𖦬', 10166 => '𖦭', 10167 => '𖦮', 10168 => '𖦯', 10169 => '𖦰', 10170 => '𖦱', 10171 => '𖦲', 10172 => '𖦳', 10173 => '𖦴', 10174 => '𖦵', 10175 => '𖦶', 10176 => '𖦷', 10177 => '𖦸', 10178 => '𖦹', 10179 => '𖦺', 10180 => '𖦻', 10181 => '𖦼', 10182 => '𖦽', 10183 => '𖦾', 10184 => '𖦿', 10185 => '𖧀', 10186 => '𖧁', 10187 => '𖧂', 10188 => '𖧃', 10189 => '𖧄', 10190 => '𖧅', 10191 => '𖧆', 10192 => '𖧇', 10193 => '𖧈', 10194 => '𖧉', 10195 => '𖧊', 10196 => '𖧋', 10197 => '𖧌', 10198 => '𖧍', 10199 => '𖧎', 10200 => '𖧏', 10201 => '𖧐', 10202 => '𖧑', 10203 => '𖧒', 10204 => '𖧓', 10205 => '𖧔', 10206 => '𖧕', 10207 => '𖧖', 10208 => '𖧗', 10209 => '𖧘', 10210 => '𖧙', 10211 => '𖧚', 10212 => '𖧛', 10213 => '𖧜', 10214 => '𖧝', 10215 => '𖧞', 10216 => '𖧟', 10217 => '𖧠', 10218 => '𖧡', 10219 => '𖧢', 10220 => '𖧣', 10221 => '𖧤', 10222 => '𖧥', 10223 => '𖧦', 10224 => '𖧧', 10225 => '𖧨', 10226 => '𖧩', 10227 => '𖧪', 10228 => '𖧫', 10229 => '𖧬', 10230 => '𖧭', 10231 => '𖧮', 10232 => '𖧯', 10233 => '𖧰', 10234 => '𖧱', 10235 => '𖧲', 10236 => '𖧳', 10237 => '𖧴', 10238 => '𖧵', 10239 => '𖧶', 10240 => '𖧷', 10241 => '𖧸', 10242 => '𖧹', 10243 => '𖧺', 10244 => '𖧻', 10245 => '𖧼', 10246 => '𖧽', 10247 => '𖧾', 10248 => '𖧿', 10249 => '𖨀', 10250 => '𖨁', 10251 => '𖨂', 10252 => '𖨃', 10253 => '𖨄', 10254 => '𖨅', 10255 => '𖨆', 10256 => '𖨇', 10257 => '𖨈', 10258 => '𖨉', 10259 => '𖨊', 10260 => '𖨋', 10261 => '𖨌', 10262 => '𖨍', 10263 => '𖨎', 10264 => '𖨏', 10265 => '𖨐', 10266 => '𖨑', 10267 => '𖨒', 10268 => '𖨓', 10269 => '𖨔', 10270 => '𖨕', 10271 => '𖨖', 10272 => '𖨗', 10273 => '𖨘', 10274 => '𖨙', 10275 => '𖨚', 10276 => '𖨛', 10277 => '𖨜', 10278 => '𖨝', 10279 => '𖨞', 10280 => '𖨟', 10281 => '𖨠', 10282 => '𖨡', 10283 => '𖨢', 10284 => '𖨣', 10285 => '𖨤', 10286 => '𖨥', 10287 => '𖨦', 10288 => '𖨧', 10289 => '𖨨', 10290 => '𖨩', 10291 => '𖨪', 10292 => '𖨫', 10293 => '𖨬', 10294 => '𖨭', 10295 => '𖨮', 10296 => '𖨯', 10297 => '𖨰', 10298 => '𖨱', 10299 => '𖨲', 10300 => '𖨳', 10301 => '𖨴', 10302 => '𖨵', 10303 => '𖨶', 10304 => '𖨷', 10305 => '𖨸', 10306 => 'ᄀ', 10307 => 'ᄁ', 10308 => 'ᄂ', 10309 => 'ᄃ', 10310 => 'ᄄ', 10311 => 'ᄅ', 10312 => 'ᄆ', 10313 => 'ᄇ', 10314 => 'ᄈ', 10315 => 'ᄉ', 10316 => 'ᄊ', 10317 => 'ᄋ', 10318 => 'ᄌ', 10319 => 'ᄍ', 10320 => 'ᄎ', 10321 => 'ᄏ', 10322 => 'ᄐ', 10323 => 'ᄑ', 10324 => 'ᄒ', 10325 => 'ᄓ', 10326 => 'ᄔ', 10327 => 'ᄕ', 10328 => 'ᄖ', 10329 => 'ᄗ', 10330 => 'ᄘ', 10331 => 'ᄙ', 10332 => 'ᄚ', 10333 => 'ᄛ', 10334 => 'ᄜ', 10335 => 'ᄝ', 10336 => 'ᄞ', 10337 => 'ᄟ', 10338 => 'ᄠ', 10339 => 'ᄡ', 10340 => 'ᄢ', 10341 => 'ᄣ', 10342 => 'ᄤ', 10343 => 'ᄥ', 10344 => 'ᄦ', 10345 => 'ᄧ', 10346 => 'ᄨ', 10347 => 'ᄩ', 10348 => 'ᄪ', 10349 => 'ᄫ', 10350 => 'ᄬ', 10351 => 'ᄭ', 10352 => 'ᄮ', 10353 => 'ᄯ', 10354 => 'ᄰ', 10355 => 'ᄱ', 10356 => 'ᄲ', 10357 => 'ᄳ', 10358 => 'ᄴ', 10359 => 'ᄵ', 10360 => 'ᄶ', 10361 => 'ᄷ', 10362 => 'ᄸ', 10363 => 'ᄹ', 10364 => 'ᄺ', 10365 => 'ᄻ', 10366 => 'ᄼ', 10367 => 'ᄽ', 10368 => 'ᄾ', 10369 => 'ᄿ', 10370 => 'ᅀ', 10371 => 'ᅁ', 10372 => 'ᅂ', 10373 => 'ᅃ', 10374 => 'ᅄ', 10375 => 'ᅅ', 10376 => 'ᅆ', 10377 => 'ᅇ', 10378 => 'ᅈ', 10379 => 'ᅉ', 10380 => 'ᅊ', 10381 => 'ᅋ', 10382 => 'ᅌ', 10383 => 'ᅍ', 10384 => 'ᅎ', 10385 => 'ᅏ', 10386 => 'ᅐ', 10387 => 'ᅑ', 10388 => 'ᅒ', 10389 => 'ᅓ', 10390 => 'ᅔ', 10391 => 'ᅕ', 10392 => 'ᅖ', 10393 => 'ᅗ', 10394 => 'ᅘ', 10395 => 'ᅙ', 10396 => 'ᅚ', 10397 => 'ᅛ', 10398 => 'ᅜ', 10399 => 'ᅝ', 10400 => 'ᅞ', 10401 => 'ꥠ', 10402 => 'ꥡ', 10403 => 'ꥢ', 10404 => 'ꥣ', 10405 => 'ꥤ', 10406 => 'ꥥ', 10407 => 'ꥦ', 10408 => 'ꥧ', 10409 => 'ꥨ', 10410 => 'ꥩ', 10411 => 'ꥪ', 10412 => 'ꥫ', 10413 => 'ꥬ', 10414 => 'ꥭ', 10415 => 'ꥮ', 10416 => 'ꥯ', 10417 => 'ꥰ', 10418 => 'ꥱ', 10419 => 'ꥲ', 10420 => 'ꥳ', 10421 => 'ꥴ', 10422 => 'ꥵ', 10423 => 'ꥶ', 10424 => 'ꥷ', 10425 => 'ꥸ', 10426 => 'ꥹ', 10427 => 'ꥺ', 10428 => 'ꥻ', 10429 => 'ꥼ', 10430 => 'ᅟ', 10431 => 'ᅠ', 10432 => 'ᅡ', 10433 => 'ᅢ', 10434 => 'ᅣ', 10435 => 'ᅤ', 10436 => 'ᅥ', 10437 => 'ᅦ', 10438 => 'ᅧ', 10439 => 'ᅨ', 10440 => 'ᅩ', 10441 => 'ᅪ', 10442 => 'ᅫ', 10443 => 'ᅬ', 10444 => 'ᅭ', 10445 => 'ᅮ', 10446 => 'ᅯ', 10447 => 'ᅰ', 10448 => 'ᅱ', 10449 => 'ᅲ', 10450 => 'ᅳ', 10451 => 'ᅴ', 10452 => 'ᅵ', 10453 => 'ᅶ', 10454 => 'ᅷ', 10455 => 'ᅸ', 10456 => 'ᅹ', 10457 => 'ᅺ', 10458 => 'ᅻ', 10459 => 'ᅼ', 10460 => 'ᅽ', 10461 => 'ᅾ', 10462 => 'ᅿ', 10463 => 'ᆀ', 10464 => 'ᆁ', 10465 => 'ᆂ', 10466 => 'ᆃ', 10467 => 'ᆄ', 10468 => 'ᆅ', 10469 => 'ᆆ', 10470 => 'ᆇ', 10471 => 'ᆈ', 10472 => 'ᆉ', 10473 => 'ᆊ', 10474 => 'ᆋ', 10475 => 'ᆌ', 10476 => 'ᆍ', 10477 => 'ᆎ', 10478 => 'ᆏ', 10479 => 'ᆐ', 10480 => 'ᆑ', 10481 => 'ᆒ', 10482 => 'ᆓ', 10483 => 'ᆔ', 10484 => 'ᆕ', 10485 => 'ᆖ', 10486 => 'ᆗ', 10487 => 'ᆘ', 10488 => 'ᆙ', 10489 => 'ᆚ', 10490 => 'ᆛ', 10491 => 'ᆜ', 10492 => 'ᆝ', 10493 => 'ᆞ', 10494 => 'ᆟ', 10495 => 'ᆠ', 10496 => 'ᆡ', 10497 => 'ᆢ', 10498 => 'ᆣ', 10499 => 'ᆤ', 10500 => 'ᆥ', 10501 => 'ᆦ', 10502 => 'ᆧ', 10503 => 'ힰ', 10504 => 'ힱ', 10505 => 'ힲ', 10506 => 'ힳ', 10507 => 'ힴ', 10508 => 'ힵ', 10509 => 'ힶ', 10510 => 'ힷ', 10511 => 'ힸ', 10512 => 'ힹ', 10513 => 'ힺ', 10514 => 'ힻ', 10515 => 'ힼ', 10516 => 'ힽ', 10517 => 'ힾ', 10518 => 'ힿ', 10519 => 'ퟀ', 10520 => 'ퟁ', 10521 => 'ퟂ', 10522 => 'ퟃ', 10523 => 'ퟄ', 10524 => 'ퟅ', 10525 => 'ퟆ', 10526 => 'ᆨ', 10527 => 'ᆩ', 10528 => 'ᆪ', 10529 => 'ᆫ', 10530 => 'ᆬ', 10531 => 'ᆭ', 10532 => 'ᆮ', 10533 => 'ᆯ', 10534 => 'ᆰ', 10535 => 'ᆱ', 10536 => 'ᆲ', 10537 => 'ᆳ', 10538 => 'ᆴ', 10539 => 'ᆵ', 10540 => 'ᆶ', 10541 => 'ᆷ', 10542 => 'ᆸ', 10543 => 'ᆹ', 10544 => 'ᆺ', 10545 => 'ᆻ', 10546 => 'ᆼ', 10547 => 'ᆽ', 10548 => 'ᆾ', 10549 => 'ᆿ', 10550 => 'ᇀ', 10551 => 'ᇁ', 10552 => 'ᇂ', 10553 => 'ᇃ', 10554 => 'ᇄ', 10555 => 'ᇅ', 10556 => 'ᇆ', 10557 => 'ᇇ', 10558 => 'ᇈ', 10559 => 'ᇉ', 10560 => 'ᇊ', 10561 => 'ᇋ', 10562 => 'ᇌ', 10563 => 'ᇍ', 10564 => 'ᇎ', 10565 => 'ᇏ', 10566 => 'ᇐ', 10567 => 'ᇑ', 10568 => 'ᇒ', 10569 => 'ᇓ', 10570 => 'ᇔ', 10571 => 'ᇕ', 10572 => 'ᇖ', 10573 => 'ᇗ', 10574 => 'ᇘ', 10575 => 'ᇙ', 10576 => 'ᇚ', 10577 => 'ᇛ', 10578 => 'ᇜ', 10579 => 'ᇝ', 10580 => 'ᇞ', 10581 => 'ᇟ', 10582 => 'ᇠ', 10583 => 'ᇡ', 10584 => 'ᇢ', 10585 => 'ᇣ', 10586 => 'ᇤ', 10587 => 'ᇥ', 10588 => 'ᇦ', 10589 => 'ᇧ', 10590 => 'ᇨ', 10591 => 'ᇩ', 10592 => 'ᇪ', 10593 => 'ᇫ', 10594 => 'ᇬ', 10595 => 'ᇭ', 10596 => 'ᇮ', 10597 => 'ᇯ', 10598 => 'ᇰ', 10599 => 'ᇱ', 10600 => 'ᇲ', 10601 => 'ᇳ', 10602 => 'ᇴ', 10603 => 'ᇵ', 10604 => 'ᇶ', 10605 => 'ᇷ', 10606 => 'ᇸ', 10607 => 'ᇹ', 10608 => 'ᇺ', 10609 => 'ᇻ', 10610 => 'ᇼ', 10611 => 'ᇽ', 10612 => 'ᇾ', 10613 => 'ᇿ', 10614 => 'ퟋ', 10615 => 'ퟌ', 10616 => 'ퟍ', 10617 => 'ퟎ', 10618 => 'ퟏ', 10619 => 'ퟐ', 10620 => 'ퟑ', 10621 => 'ퟒ', 10622 => 'ퟓ', 10623 => 'ퟔ', 10624 => 'ퟕ', 10625 => 'ퟖ', 10626 => 'ퟗ', 10627 => 'ퟘ', 10628 => 'ퟙ', 10629 => 'ퟚ', 10630 => 'ퟛ', 10631 => 'ퟜ', 10632 => 'ퟝ', 10633 => 'ퟞ', 10634 => 'ퟟ', 10635 => 'ퟠ', 10636 => 'ퟡ', 10637 => 'ퟢ', 10638 => 'ퟣ', 10639 => 'ퟤ', 10640 => 'ퟥ', 10641 => 'ퟦ', 10642 => 'ퟧ', 10643 => 'ퟨ', 10644 => 'ퟩ', 10645 => 'ퟪ', 10646 => 'ퟫ', 10647 => 'ퟬ', 10648 => 'ퟭ', 10649 => 'ퟮ', 10650 => 'ퟯ', 10651 => 'ퟰ', 10652 => 'ퟱ', 10653 => 'ퟲ', 10654 => 'ퟳ', 10655 => 'ퟴ', 10656 => 'ퟵ', 10657 => 'ퟶ', 10658 => 'ퟷ', 10659 => 'ퟸ', 10660 => 'ퟹ', 10661 => 'ퟺ', 10662 => 'ퟻ', 10663 => 'あ', 10664 => 'い', 10665 => 'う', 10666 => '𛀀', 10667 => 'え', 10668 => 'お', 10669 => 'か', 10670 => 'き', 10671 => 'く', 10672 => 'け', 10673 => 'こ', 10674 => 'さ', 10675 => 'し', 10676 => 'す', 10677 => 'せ', 10678 => 'そ', 10679 => 'た', 10680 => 'ち', 10681 => 'つ', 10682 => 'て', 10683 => 'と', 10684 => 'な', 10685 => 'に', 10686 => 'ぬ', 10687 => 'ね', 10688 => 'の', 10689 => 'は', 10690 => 'ひ', 10691 => 'ふ', 10692 => 'へ', 10693 => 'ほ', 10694 => 'ま', 10695 => 'み', 10696 => 'む', 10697 => 'め', 10698 => 'も', 10699 => 'や', 10700 => 'ゆ', 10701 => '𛀁', 10702 => 'よ', 10703 => 'ら', 10704 => 'り', 10705 => 'る', 10706 => 'れ', 10707 => 'ろ', 10708 => 'わ', 10709 => 'ゐ', 10710 => 'ゑ', 10711 => 'を', 10712 => 'ん', 10713 => 'ㄅ', 10714 => 'ㄆ', 10715 => 'ㄇ', 10716 => 'ㄈ', 10717 => 'ㄪ', 10718 => 'ㄉ', 10719 => 'ㄊ', 10720 => 'ㄋ', 10721 => 'ㄌ', 10722 => 'ㄍ', 10723 => 'ㄎ', 10724 => 'ㄫ', 10725 => 'ㆭ', 10726 => 'ㄏ', 10727 => 'ㄐ', 10728 => 'ㄑ', 10729 => 'ㄒ', 10730 => 'ㄬ', 10731 => 'ㄓ', 10732 => 'ㄔ', 10733 => 'ㄕ', 10734 => 'ㄖ', 10735 => 'ㄗ', 10736 => 'ㄘ', 10737 => 'ㄙ', 10738 => 'ㆸ', 10739 => 'ㆹ', 10740 => 'ㆺ', 10741 => 'ㄚ', 10742 => 'ㄛ', 10743 => 'ㆦ', 10744 => 'ㄜ', 10745 => 'ㄝ', 10746 => 'ㆤ', 10747 => 'ㄞ', 10748 => 'ㄟ', 10749 => 'ㄠ', 10750 => 'ㄡ', 10751 => 'ㄢ', 10752 => 'ㄣ', 10753 => 'ㄤ', 10754 => 'ㆲ', 10755 => 'ㄥ', 10756 => 'ㆰ', 10757 => 'ㆱ', 10758 => 'ㆬ', 10759 => 'ㄦ', 10760 => 'ㄧ', 10761 => 'ㄨ', 10762 => 'ㄩ', 10763 => 'ㄭ', 10764 => 'ꀀ', 10765 => 'ꀁ', 10766 => 'ꀂ', 10767 => 'ꀃ', 10768 => 'ꀄ', 10769 => 'ꀅ', 10770 => 'ꀆ', 10771 => 'ꀇ', 10772 => 'ꀈ', 10773 => 'ꀉ', 10774 => 'ꀊ', 10775 => 'ꀋ', 10776 => 'ꀌ', 10777 => 'ꀍ', 10778 => 'ꀎ', 10779 => 'ꀏ', 10780 => 'ꀐ', 10781 => 'ꀑ', 10782 => 'ꀒ', 10783 => 'ꀓ', 10784 => 'ꀔ', 10785 => 'ꀕ', 10786 => 'ꀖ', 10787 => 'ꀗ', 10788 => 'ꀘ', 10789 => 'ꀙ', 10790 => 'ꀚ', 10791 => 'ꀛ', 10792 => 'ꀜ', 10793 => 'ꀝ', 10794 => 'ꀞ', 10795 => 'ꀟ', 10796 => 'ꀠ', 10797 => 'ꀡ', 10798 => 'ꀢ', 10799 => 'ꀣ', 10800 => 'ꀤ', 10801 => 'ꀥ', 10802 => 'ꀦ', 10803 => 'ꀧ', 10804 => 'ꀨ', 10805 => 'ꀩ', 10806 => 'ꀪ', 10807 => 'ꀫ', 10808 => 'ꀬ', 10809 => 'ꀭ', 10810 => 'ꀮ', 10811 => 'ꀯ', 10812 => 'ꀰ', 10813 => 'ꀱ', 10814 => 'ꀲ', 10815 => 'ꀳ', 10816 => 'ꀴ', 10817 => 'ꀵ', 10818 => 'ꀶ', 10819 => 'ꀷ', 10820 => 'ꀸ', 10821 => 'ꀹ', 10822 => 'ꀺ', 10823 => 'ꀻ', 10824 => 'ꀼ', 10825 => 'ꀽ', 10826 => 'ꀾ', 10827 => 'ꀿ', 10828 => 'ꁀ', 10829 => 'ꁁ', 10830 => 'ꁂ', 10831 => 'ꁃ', 10832 => 'ꁄ', 10833 => 'ꁅ', 10834 => 'ꁆ', 10835 => 'ꁇ', 10836 => 'ꁈ', 10837 => 'ꁉ', 10838 => 'ꁊ', 10839 => 'ꁋ', 10840 => 'ꁌ', 10841 => 'ꁍ', 10842 => 'ꁎ', 10843 => 'ꁏ', 10844 => 'ꁐ', 10845 => 'ꁑ', 10846 => 'ꁒ', 10847 => 'ꁓ', 10848 => 'ꁔ', 10849 => 'ꁕ', 10850 => 'ꁖ', 10851 => 'ꁗ', 10852 => 'ꁘ', 10853 => 'ꁙ', 10854 => 'ꁚ', 10855 => 'ꁛ', 10856 => 'ꁜ', 10857 => 'ꁝ', 10858 => 'ꁞ', 10859 => 'ꁟ', 10860 => 'ꁠ', 10861 => 'ꁡ', 10862 => 'ꁢ', 10863 => 'ꁣ', 10864 => 'ꁤ', 10865 => 'ꁥ', 10866 => 'ꁦ', 10867 => 'ꁧ', 10868 => 'ꁨ', 10869 => 'ꁩ', 10870 => 'ꁪ', 10871 => 'ꁫ', 10872 => 'ꁬ', 10873 => 'ꁭ', 10874 => 'ꁮ', 10875 => 'ꁯ', 10876 => 'ꁰ', 10877 => 'ꁱ', 10878 => 'ꁲ', 10879 => 'ꁳ', 10880 => 'ꁴ', 10881 => 'ꁵ', 10882 => 'ꁶ', 10883 => 'ꁷ', 10884 => 'ꁸ', 10885 => 'ꁹ', 10886 => 'ꁺ', 10887 => 'ꁻ', 10888 => 'ꁼ', 10889 => 'ꁽ', 10890 => 'ꁾ', 10891 => 'ꁿ', 10892 => 'ꂀ', 10893 => 'ꂁ', 10894 => 'ꂂ', 10895 => 'ꂃ', 10896 => 'ꂄ', 10897 => 'ꂅ', 10898 => 'ꂆ', 10899 => 'ꂇ', 10900 => 'ꂈ', 10901 => 'ꂉ', 10902 => 'ꂊ', 10903 => 'ꂋ', 10904 => 'ꂌ', 10905 => 'ꂍ', 10906 => 'ꂎ', 10907 => 'ꂏ', 10908 => 'ꂐ', 10909 => 'ꂑ', 10910 => 'ꂒ', 10911 => 'ꂓ', 10912 => 'ꂔ', 10913 => 'ꂕ', 10914 => 'ꂖ', 10915 => 'ꂗ', 10916 => 'ꂘ', 10917 => 'ꂙ', 10918 => 'ꂚ', 10919 => 'ꂛ', 10920 => 'ꂜ', 10921 => 'ꂝ', 10922 => 'ꂞ', 10923 => 'ꂟ', 10924 => 'ꂠ', 10925 => 'ꂡ', 10926 => 'ꂢ', 10927 => 'ꂣ', 10928 => 'ꂤ', 10929 => 'ꂥ', 10930 => 'ꂦ', 10931 => 'ꂧ', 10932 => 'ꂨ', 10933 => 'ꂩ', 10934 => 'ꂪ', 10935 => 'ꂫ', 10936 => 'ꂬ', 10937 => 'ꂭ', 10938 => 'ꂮ', 10939 => 'ꂯ', 10940 => 'ꂰ', 10941 => 'ꂱ', 10942 => 'ꂲ', 10943 => 'ꂳ', 10944 => 'ꂴ', 10945 => 'ꂵ', 10946 => 'ꂶ', 10947 => 'ꂷ', 10948 => 'ꂸ', 10949 => 'ꂹ', 10950 => 'ꂺ', 10951 => 'ꂻ', 10952 => 'ꂼ', 10953 => 'ꂽ', 10954 => 'ꂾ', 10955 => 'ꂿ', 10956 => 'ꃀ', 10957 => 'ꃁ', 10958 => 'ꃂ', 10959 => 'ꃃ', 10960 => 'ꃄ', 10961 => 'ꃅ', 10962 => 'ꃆ', 10963 => 'ꃇ', 10964 => 'ꃈ', 10965 => 'ꃉ', 10966 => 'ꃊ', 10967 => 'ꃋ', 10968 => 'ꃌ', 10969 => 'ꃍ', 10970 => 'ꃎ', 10971 => 'ꃏ', 10972 => 'ꃐ', 10973 => 'ꃑ', 10974 => 'ꃒ', 10975 => 'ꃓ', 10976 => 'ꃔ', 10977 => 'ꃕ', 10978 => 'ꃖ', 10979 => 'ꃗ', 10980 => 'ꃘ', 10981 => 'ꃙ', 10982 => 'ꃚ', 10983 => 'ꃛ', 10984 => 'ꃜ', 10985 => 'ꃝ', 10986 => 'ꃞ', 10987 => 'ꃟ', 10988 => 'ꃠ', 10989 => 'ꃡ', 10990 => 'ꃢ', 10991 => 'ꃣ', 10992 => 'ꃤ', 10993 => 'ꃥ', 10994 => 'ꃦ', 10995 => 'ꃧ', 10996 => 'ꃨ', 10997 => 'ꃩ', 10998 => 'ꃪ', 10999 => 'ꃫ', 11000 => 'ꃬ', 11001 => 'ꃭ', 11002 => 'ꃮ', 11003 => 'ꃯ', 11004 => 'ꃰ', 11005 => 'ꃱ', 11006 => 'ꃲ', 11007 => 'ꃳ', 11008 => 'ꃴ', 11009 => 'ꃵ', 11010 => 'ꃶ', 11011 => 'ꃷ', 11012 => 'ꃸ', 11013 => 'ꃹ', 11014 => 'ꃺ', 11015 => 'ꃻ', 11016 => 'ꃼ', 11017 => 'ꃽ', 11018 => 'ꃾ', 11019 => 'ꃿ', 11020 => 'ꄀ', 11021 => 'ꄁ', 11022 => 'ꄂ', 11023 => 'ꄃ', 11024 => 'ꄄ', 11025 => 'ꄅ', 11026 => 'ꄆ', 11027 => 'ꄇ', 11028 => 'ꄈ', 11029 => 'ꄉ', 11030 => 'ꄊ', 11031 => 'ꄋ', 11032 => 'ꄌ', 11033 => 'ꄍ', 11034 => 'ꄎ', 11035 => 'ꄏ', 11036 => 'ꄐ', 11037 => 'ꄑ', 11038 => 'ꄒ', 11039 => 'ꄓ', 11040 => 'ꄔ', 11041 => 'ꄕ', 11042 => 'ꄖ', 11043 => 'ꄗ', 11044 => 'ꄘ', 11045 => 'ꄙ', 11046 => 'ꄚ', 11047 => 'ꄛ', 11048 => 'ꄜ', 11049 => 'ꄝ', 11050 => 'ꄞ', 11051 => 'ꄟ', 11052 => 'ꄠ', 11053 => 'ꄡ', 11054 => 'ꄢ', 11055 => 'ꄣ', 11056 => 'ꄤ', 11057 => 'ꄥ', 11058 => 'ꄦ', 11059 => 'ꄧ', 11060 => 'ꄨ', 11061 => 'ꄩ', 11062 => 'ꄪ', 11063 => 'ꄫ', 11064 => 'ꄬ', 11065 => 'ꄭ', 11066 => 'ꄮ', 11067 => 'ꄯ', 11068 => 'ꄰ', 11069 => 'ꄱ', 11070 => 'ꄲ', 11071 => 'ꄳ', 11072 => 'ꄴ', 11073 => 'ꄵ', 11074 => 'ꄶ', 11075 => 'ꄷ', 11076 => 'ꄸ', 11077 => 'ꄹ', 11078 => 'ꄺ', 11079 => 'ꄻ', 11080 => 'ꄼ', 11081 => 'ꄽ', 11082 => 'ꄾ', 11083 => 'ꄿ', 11084 => 'ꅀ', 11085 => 'ꅁ', 11086 => 'ꅂ', 11087 => 'ꅃ', 11088 => 'ꅄ', 11089 => 'ꅅ', 11090 => 'ꅆ', 11091 => 'ꅇ', 11092 => 'ꅈ', 11093 => 'ꅉ', 11094 => 'ꅊ', 11095 => 'ꅋ', 11096 => 'ꅌ', 11097 => 'ꅍ', 11098 => 'ꅎ', 11099 => 'ꅏ', 11100 => 'ꅐ', 11101 => 'ꅑ', 11102 => 'ꅒ', 11103 => 'ꅓ', 11104 => 'ꅔ', 11105 => 'ꅕ', 11106 => 'ꅖ', 11107 => 'ꅗ', 11108 => 'ꅘ', 11109 => 'ꅙ', 11110 => 'ꅚ', 11111 => 'ꅛ', 11112 => 'ꅜ', 11113 => 'ꅝ', 11114 => 'ꅞ', 11115 => 'ꅟ', 11116 => 'ꅠ', 11117 => 'ꅡ', 11118 => 'ꅢ', 11119 => 'ꅣ', 11120 => 'ꅤ', 11121 => 'ꅥ', 11122 => 'ꅦ', 11123 => 'ꅧ', 11124 => 'ꅨ', 11125 => 'ꅩ', 11126 => 'ꅪ', 11127 => 'ꅫ', 11128 => 'ꅬ', 11129 => 'ꅭ', 11130 => 'ꅮ', 11131 => 'ꅯ', 11132 => 'ꅰ', 11133 => 'ꅱ', 11134 => 'ꅲ', 11135 => 'ꅳ', 11136 => 'ꅴ', 11137 => 'ꅵ', 11138 => 'ꅶ', 11139 => 'ꅷ', 11140 => 'ꅸ', 11141 => 'ꅹ', 11142 => 'ꅺ', 11143 => 'ꅻ', 11144 => 'ꅼ', 11145 => 'ꅽ', 11146 => 'ꅾ', 11147 => 'ꅿ', 11148 => 'ꆀ', 11149 => 'ꆁ', 11150 => 'ꆂ', 11151 => 'ꆃ', 11152 => 'ꆄ', 11153 => 'ꆅ', 11154 => 'ꆆ', 11155 => 'ꆇ', 11156 => 'ꆈ', 11157 => 'ꆉ', 11158 => 'ꆊ', 11159 => 'ꆋ', 11160 => 'ꆌ', 11161 => 'ꆍ', 11162 => 'ꆎ', 11163 => 'ꆏ', 11164 => 'ꆐ', 11165 => 'ꆑ', 11166 => 'ꆒ', 11167 => 'ꆓ', 11168 => 'ꆔ', 11169 => 'ꆕ', 11170 => 'ꆖ', 11171 => 'ꆗ', 11172 => 'ꆘ', 11173 => 'ꆙ', 11174 => 'ꆚ', 11175 => 'ꆛ', 11176 => 'ꆜ', 11177 => 'ꆝ', 11178 => 'ꆞ', 11179 => 'ꆟ', 11180 => 'ꆠ', 11181 => 'ꆡ', 11182 => 'ꆢ', 11183 => 'ꆣ', 11184 => 'ꆤ', 11185 => 'ꆥ', 11186 => 'ꆦ', 11187 => 'ꆧ', 11188 => 'ꆨ', 11189 => 'ꆩ', 11190 => 'ꆪ', 11191 => 'ꆫ', 11192 => 'ꆬ', 11193 => 'ꆭ', 11194 => 'ꆮ', 11195 => 'ꆯ', 11196 => 'ꆰ', 11197 => 'ꆱ', 11198 => 'ꆲ', 11199 => 'ꆳ', 11200 => 'ꆴ', 11201 => 'ꆵ', 11202 => 'ꆶ', 11203 => 'ꆷ', 11204 => 'ꆸ', 11205 => 'ꆹ', 11206 => 'ꆺ', 11207 => 'ꆻ', 11208 => 'ꆼ', 11209 => 'ꆽ', 11210 => 'ꆾ', 11211 => 'ꆿ', 11212 => 'ꇀ', 11213 => 'ꇁ', 11214 => 'ꇂ', 11215 => 'ꇃ', 11216 => 'ꇄ', 11217 => 'ꇅ', 11218 => 'ꇆ', 11219 => 'ꇇ', 11220 => 'ꇈ', 11221 => 'ꇉ', 11222 => 'ꇊ', 11223 => 'ꇋ', 11224 => 'ꇌ', 11225 => 'ꇍ', 11226 => 'ꇎ', 11227 => 'ꇏ', 11228 => 'ꇐ', 11229 => 'ꇑ', 11230 => 'ꇒ', 11231 => 'ꇓ', 11232 => 'ꇔ', 11233 => 'ꇕ', 11234 => 'ꇖ', 11235 => 'ꇗ', 11236 => 'ꇘ', 11237 => 'ꇙ', 11238 => 'ꇚ', 11239 => 'ꇛ', 11240 => 'ꇜ', 11241 => 'ꇝ', 11242 => 'ꇞ', 11243 => 'ꇟ', 11244 => 'ꇠ', 11245 => 'ꇡ', 11246 => 'ꇢ', 11247 => 'ꇣ', 11248 => 'ꇤ', 11249 => 'ꇥ', 11250 => 'ꇦ', 11251 => 'ꇧ', 11252 => 'ꇨ', 11253 => 'ꇩ', 11254 => 'ꇪ', 11255 => 'ꇫ', 11256 => 'ꇬ', 11257 => 'ꇭ', 11258 => 'ꇮ', 11259 => 'ꇯ', 11260 => 'ꇰ', 11261 => 'ꇱ', 11262 => 'ꇲ', 11263 => 'ꇳ', 11264 => 'ꇴ', 11265 => 'ꇵ', 11266 => 'ꇶ', 11267 => 'ꇷ', 11268 => 'ꇸ', 11269 => 'ꇹ', 11270 => 'ꇺ', 11271 => 'ꇻ', 11272 => 'ꇼ', 11273 => 'ꇽ', 11274 => 'ꇾ', 11275 => 'ꇿ', 11276 => 'ꈀ', 11277 => 'ꈁ', 11278 => 'ꈂ', 11279 => 'ꈃ', 11280 => 'ꈄ', 11281 => 'ꈅ', 11282 => 'ꈆ', 11283 => 'ꈇ', 11284 => 'ꈈ', 11285 => 'ꈉ', 11286 => 'ꈊ', 11287 => 'ꈋ', 11288 => 'ꈌ', 11289 => 'ꈍ', 11290 => 'ꈎ', 11291 => 'ꈏ', 11292 => 'ꈐ', 11293 => 'ꈑ', 11294 => 'ꈒ', 11295 => 'ꈓ', 11296 => 'ꈔ', 11297 => 'ꈕ', 11298 => 'ꈖ', 11299 => 'ꈗ', 11300 => 'ꈘ', 11301 => 'ꈙ', 11302 => 'ꈚ', 11303 => 'ꈛ', 11304 => 'ꈜ', 11305 => 'ꈝ', 11306 => 'ꈞ', 11307 => 'ꈟ', 11308 => 'ꈠ', 11309 => 'ꈡ', 11310 => 'ꈢ', 11311 => 'ꈣ', 11312 => 'ꈤ', 11313 => 'ꈥ', 11314 => 'ꈦ', 11315 => 'ꈧ', 11316 => 'ꈨ', 11317 => 'ꈩ', 11318 => 'ꈪ', 11319 => 'ꈫ', 11320 => 'ꈬ', 11321 => 'ꈭ', 11322 => 'ꈮ', 11323 => 'ꈯ', 11324 => 'ꈰ', 11325 => 'ꈱ', 11326 => 'ꈲ', 11327 => 'ꈳ', 11328 => 'ꈴ', 11329 => 'ꈵ', 11330 => 'ꈶ', 11331 => 'ꈷ', 11332 => 'ꈸ', 11333 => 'ꈹ', 11334 => 'ꈺ', 11335 => 'ꈻ', 11336 => 'ꈼ', 11337 => 'ꈽ', 11338 => 'ꈾ', 11339 => 'ꈿ', 11340 => 'ꉀ', 11341 => 'ꉁ', 11342 => 'ꉂ', 11343 => 'ꉃ', 11344 => 'ꉄ', 11345 => 'ꉅ', 11346 => 'ꉆ', 11347 => 'ꉇ', 11348 => 'ꉈ', 11349 => 'ꉉ', 11350 => 'ꉊ', 11351 => 'ꉋ', 11352 => 'ꉌ', 11353 => 'ꉍ', 11354 => 'ꉎ', 11355 => 'ꉏ', 11356 => 'ꉐ', 11357 => 'ꉑ', 11358 => 'ꉒ', 11359 => 'ꉓ', 11360 => 'ꉔ', 11361 => 'ꉕ', 11362 => 'ꉖ', 11363 => 'ꉗ', 11364 => 'ꉘ', 11365 => 'ꉙ', 11366 => 'ꉚ', 11367 => 'ꉛ', 11368 => 'ꉜ', 11369 => 'ꉝ', 11370 => 'ꉞ', 11371 => 'ꉟ', 11372 => 'ꉠ', 11373 => 'ꉡ', 11374 => 'ꉢ', 11375 => 'ꉣ', 11376 => 'ꉤ', 11377 => 'ꉥ', 11378 => 'ꉦ', 11379 => 'ꉧ', 11380 => 'ꉨ', 11381 => 'ꉩ', 11382 => 'ꉪ', 11383 => 'ꉫ', 11384 => 'ꉬ', 11385 => 'ꉭ', 11386 => 'ꉮ', 11387 => 'ꉯ', 11388 => 'ꉰ', 11389 => 'ꉱ', 11390 => 'ꉲ', 11391 => 'ꉳ', 11392 => 'ꉴ', 11393 => 'ꉵ', 11394 => 'ꉶ', 11395 => 'ꉷ', 11396 => 'ꉸ', 11397 => 'ꉹ', 11398 => 'ꉺ', 11399 => 'ꉻ', 11400 => 'ꉼ', 11401 => 'ꉽ', 11402 => 'ꉾ', 11403 => 'ꉿ', 11404 => 'ꊀ', 11405 => 'ꊁ', 11406 => 'ꊂ', 11407 => 'ꊃ', 11408 => 'ꊄ', 11409 => 'ꊅ', 11410 => 'ꊆ', 11411 => 'ꊇ', 11412 => 'ꊈ', 11413 => 'ꊉ', 11414 => 'ꊊ', 11415 => 'ꊋ', 11416 => 'ꊌ', 11417 => 'ꊍ', 11418 => 'ꊎ', 11419 => 'ꊏ', 11420 => 'ꊐ', 11421 => 'ꊑ', 11422 => 'ꊒ', 11423 => 'ꊓ', 11424 => 'ꊔ', 11425 => 'ꊕ', 11426 => 'ꊖ', 11427 => 'ꊗ', 11428 => 'ꊘ', 11429 => 'ꊙ', 11430 => 'ꊚ', 11431 => 'ꊛ', 11432 => 'ꊜ', 11433 => 'ꊝ', 11434 => 'ꊞ', 11435 => 'ꊟ', 11436 => 'ꊠ', 11437 => 'ꊡ', 11438 => 'ꊢ', 11439 => 'ꊣ', 11440 => 'ꊤ', 11441 => 'ꊥ', 11442 => 'ꊦ', 11443 => 'ꊧ', 11444 => 'ꊨ', 11445 => 'ꊩ', 11446 => 'ꊪ', 11447 => 'ꊫ', 11448 => 'ꊬ', 11449 => 'ꊭ', 11450 => 'ꊮ', 11451 => 'ꊯ', 11452 => 'ꊰ', 11453 => 'ꊱ', 11454 => 'ꊲ', 11455 => 'ꊳ', 11456 => 'ꊴ', 11457 => 'ꊵ', 11458 => 'ꊶ', 11459 => 'ꊷ', 11460 => 'ꊸ', 11461 => 'ꊹ', 11462 => 'ꊺ', 11463 => 'ꊻ', 11464 => 'ꊼ', 11465 => 'ꊽ', 11466 => 'ꊾ', 11467 => 'ꊿ', 11468 => 'ꋀ', 11469 => 'ꋁ', 11470 => 'ꋂ', 11471 => 'ꋃ', 11472 => 'ꋄ', 11473 => 'ꋅ', 11474 => 'ꋆ', 11475 => 'ꋇ', 11476 => 'ꋈ', 11477 => 'ꋉ', 11478 => 'ꋊ', 11479 => 'ꋋ', 11480 => 'ꋌ', 11481 => 'ꋍ', 11482 => 'ꋎ', 11483 => 'ꋏ', 11484 => 'ꋐ', 11485 => 'ꋑ', 11486 => 'ꋒ', 11487 => 'ꋓ', 11488 => 'ꋔ', 11489 => 'ꋕ', 11490 => 'ꋖ', 11491 => 'ꋗ', 11492 => 'ꋘ', 11493 => 'ꋙ', 11494 => 'ꋚ', 11495 => 'ꋛ', 11496 => 'ꋜ', 11497 => 'ꋝ', 11498 => 'ꋞ', 11499 => 'ꋟ', 11500 => 'ꋠ', 11501 => 'ꋡ', 11502 => 'ꋢ', 11503 => 'ꋣ', 11504 => 'ꋤ', 11505 => 'ꋥ', 11506 => 'ꋦ', 11507 => 'ꋧ', 11508 => 'ꋨ', 11509 => 'ꋩ', 11510 => 'ꋪ', 11511 => 'ꋫ', 11512 => 'ꋬ', 11513 => 'ꋭ', 11514 => 'ꋮ', 11515 => 'ꋯ', 11516 => 'ꋰ', 11517 => 'ꋱ', 11518 => 'ꋲ', 11519 => 'ꋳ', 11520 => 'ꋴ', 11521 => 'ꋵ', 11522 => 'ꋶ', 11523 => 'ꋷ', 11524 => 'ꋸ', 11525 => 'ꋹ', 11526 => 'ꋺ', 11527 => 'ꋻ', 11528 => 'ꋼ', 11529 => 'ꋽ', 11530 => 'ꋾ', 11531 => 'ꋿ', 11532 => 'ꌀ', 11533 => 'ꌁ', 11534 => 'ꌂ', 11535 => 'ꌃ', 11536 => 'ꌄ', 11537 => 'ꌅ', 11538 => 'ꌆ', 11539 => 'ꌇ', 11540 => 'ꌈ', 11541 => 'ꌉ', 11542 => 'ꌊ', 11543 => 'ꌋ', 11544 => 'ꌌ', 11545 => 'ꌍ', 11546 => 'ꌎ', 11547 => 'ꌏ', 11548 => 'ꌐ', 11549 => 'ꌑ', 11550 => 'ꌒ', 11551 => 'ꌓ', 11552 => 'ꌔ', 11553 => 'ꌕ', 11554 => 'ꌖ', 11555 => 'ꌗ', 11556 => 'ꌘ', 11557 => 'ꌙ', 11558 => 'ꌚ', 11559 => 'ꌛ', 11560 => 'ꌜ', 11561 => 'ꌝ', 11562 => 'ꌞ', 11563 => 'ꌟ', 11564 => 'ꌠ', 11565 => 'ꌡ', 11566 => 'ꌢ', 11567 => 'ꌣ', 11568 => 'ꌤ', 11569 => 'ꌥ', 11570 => 'ꌦ', 11571 => 'ꌧ', 11572 => 'ꌨ', 11573 => 'ꌩ', 11574 => 'ꌪ', 11575 => 'ꌫ', 11576 => 'ꌬ', 11577 => 'ꌭ', 11578 => 'ꌮ', 11579 => 'ꌯ', 11580 => 'ꌰ', 11581 => 'ꌱ', 11582 => 'ꌲ', 11583 => 'ꌳ', 11584 => 'ꌴ', 11585 => 'ꌵ', 11586 => 'ꌶ', 11587 => 'ꌷ', 11588 => 'ꌸ', 11589 => 'ꌹ', 11590 => 'ꌺ', 11591 => 'ꌻ', 11592 => 'ꌼ', 11593 => 'ꌽ', 11594 => 'ꌾ', 11595 => 'ꌿ', 11596 => 'ꍀ', 11597 => 'ꍁ', 11598 => 'ꍂ', 11599 => 'ꍃ', 11600 => 'ꍄ', 11601 => 'ꍅ', 11602 => 'ꍆ', 11603 => 'ꍇ', 11604 => 'ꍈ', 11605 => 'ꍉ', 11606 => 'ꍊ', 11607 => 'ꍋ', 11608 => 'ꍌ', 11609 => 'ꍍ', 11610 => 'ꍎ', 11611 => 'ꍏ', 11612 => 'ꍐ', 11613 => 'ꍑ', 11614 => 'ꍒ', 11615 => 'ꍓ', 11616 => 'ꍔ', 11617 => 'ꍕ', 11618 => 'ꍖ', 11619 => 'ꍗ', 11620 => 'ꍘ', 11621 => 'ꍙ', 11622 => 'ꍚ', 11623 => 'ꍛ', 11624 => 'ꍜ', 11625 => 'ꍝ', 11626 => 'ꍞ', 11627 => 'ꍟ', 11628 => 'ꍠ', 11629 => 'ꍡ', 11630 => 'ꍢ', 11631 => 'ꍣ', 11632 => 'ꍤ', 11633 => 'ꍥ', 11634 => 'ꍦ', 11635 => 'ꍧ', 11636 => 'ꍨ', 11637 => 'ꍩ', 11638 => 'ꍪ', 11639 => 'ꍫ', 11640 => 'ꍬ', 11641 => 'ꍭ', 11642 => 'ꍮ', 11643 => 'ꍯ', 11644 => 'ꍰ', 11645 => 'ꍱ', 11646 => 'ꍲ', 11647 => 'ꍳ', 11648 => 'ꍴ', 11649 => 'ꍵ', 11650 => 'ꍶ', 11651 => 'ꍷ', 11652 => 'ꍸ', 11653 => 'ꍹ', 11654 => 'ꍺ', 11655 => 'ꍻ', 11656 => 'ꍼ', 11657 => 'ꍽ', 11658 => 'ꍾ', 11659 => 'ꍿ', 11660 => 'ꎀ', 11661 => 'ꎁ', 11662 => 'ꎂ', 11663 => 'ꎃ', 11664 => 'ꎄ', 11665 => 'ꎅ', 11666 => 'ꎆ', 11667 => 'ꎇ', 11668 => 'ꎈ', 11669 => 'ꎉ', 11670 => 'ꎊ', 11671 => 'ꎋ', 11672 => 'ꎌ', 11673 => 'ꎍ', 11674 => 'ꎎ', 11675 => 'ꎏ', 11676 => 'ꎐ', 11677 => 'ꎑ', 11678 => 'ꎒ', 11679 => 'ꎓ', 11680 => 'ꎔ', 11681 => 'ꎕ', 11682 => 'ꎖ', 11683 => 'ꎗ', 11684 => 'ꎘ', 11685 => 'ꎙ', 11686 => 'ꎚ', 11687 => 'ꎛ', 11688 => 'ꎜ', 11689 => 'ꎝ', 11690 => 'ꎞ', 11691 => 'ꎟ', 11692 => 'ꎠ', 11693 => 'ꎡ', 11694 => 'ꎢ', 11695 => 'ꎣ', 11696 => 'ꎤ', 11697 => 'ꎥ', 11698 => 'ꎦ', 11699 => 'ꎧ', 11700 => 'ꎨ', 11701 => 'ꎩ', 11702 => 'ꎪ', 11703 => 'ꎫ', 11704 => 'ꎬ', 11705 => 'ꎭ', 11706 => 'ꎮ', 11707 => 'ꎯ', 11708 => 'ꎰ', 11709 => 'ꎱ', 11710 => 'ꎲ', 11711 => 'ꎳ', 11712 => 'ꎴ', 11713 => 'ꎵ', 11714 => 'ꎶ', 11715 => 'ꎷ', 11716 => 'ꎸ', 11717 => 'ꎹ', 11718 => 'ꎺ', 11719 => 'ꎻ', 11720 => 'ꎼ', 11721 => 'ꎽ', 11722 => 'ꎾ', 11723 => 'ꎿ', 11724 => 'ꏀ', 11725 => 'ꏁ', 11726 => 'ꏂ', 11727 => 'ꏃ', 11728 => 'ꏄ', 11729 => 'ꏅ', 11730 => 'ꏆ', 11731 => 'ꏇ', 11732 => 'ꏈ', 11733 => 'ꏉ', 11734 => 'ꏊ', 11735 => 'ꏋ', 11736 => 'ꏌ', 11737 => 'ꏍ', 11738 => 'ꏎ', 11739 => 'ꏏ', 11740 => 'ꏐ', 11741 => 'ꏑ', 11742 => 'ꏒ', 11743 => 'ꏓ', 11744 => 'ꏔ', 11745 => 'ꏕ', 11746 => 'ꏖ', 11747 => 'ꏗ', 11748 => 'ꏘ', 11749 => 'ꏙ', 11750 => 'ꏚ', 11751 => 'ꏛ', 11752 => 'ꏜ', 11753 => 'ꏝ', 11754 => 'ꏞ', 11755 => 'ꏟ', 11756 => 'ꏠ', 11757 => 'ꏡ', 11758 => 'ꏢ', 11759 => 'ꏣ', 11760 => 'ꏤ', 11761 => 'ꏥ', 11762 => 'ꏦ', 11763 => 'ꏧ', 11764 => 'ꏨ', 11765 => 'ꏩ', 11766 => 'ꏪ', 11767 => 'ꏫ', 11768 => 'ꏬ', 11769 => 'ꏭ', 11770 => 'ꏮ', 11771 => 'ꏯ', 11772 => 'ꏰ', 11773 => 'ꏱ', 11774 => 'ꏲ', 11775 => 'ꏳ', 11776 => 'ꏴ', 11777 => 'ꏵ', 11778 => 'ꏶ', 11779 => 'ꏷ', 11780 => 'ꏸ', 11781 => 'ꏹ', 11782 => 'ꏺ', 11783 => 'ꏻ', 11784 => 'ꏼ', 11785 => 'ꏽ', 11786 => 'ꏾ', 11787 => 'ꏿ', 11788 => 'ꐀ', 11789 => 'ꐁ', 11790 => 'ꐂ', 11791 => 'ꐃ', 11792 => 'ꐄ', 11793 => 'ꐅ', 11794 => 'ꐆ', 11795 => 'ꐇ', 11796 => 'ꐈ', 11797 => 'ꐉ', 11798 => 'ꐊ', 11799 => 'ꐋ', 11800 => 'ꐌ', 11801 => 'ꐍ', 11802 => 'ꐎ', 11803 => 'ꐏ', 11804 => 'ꐐ', 11805 => 'ꐑ', 11806 => 'ꐒ', 11807 => 'ꐓ', 11808 => 'ꐔ', 11809 => 'ꐕ', 11810 => 'ꐖ', 11811 => 'ꐗ', 11812 => 'ꐘ', 11813 => 'ꐙ', 11814 => 'ꐚ', 11815 => 'ꐛ', 11816 => 'ꐜ', 11817 => 'ꐝ', 11818 => 'ꐞ', 11819 => 'ꐟ', 11820 => 'ꐠ', 11821 => 'ꐡ', 11822 => 'ꐢ', 11823 => 'ꐣ', 11824 => 'ꐤ', 11825 => 'ꐥ', 11826 => 'ꐦ', 11827 => 'ꐧ', 11828 => 'ꐨ', 11829 => 'ꐩ', 11830 => 'ꐪ', 11831 => 'ꐫ', 11832 => 'ꐬ', 11833 => 'ꐭ', 11834 => 'ꐮ', 11835 => 'ꐯ', 11836 => 'ꐰ', 11837 => 'ꐱ', 11838 => 'ꐲ', 11839 => 'ꐳ', 11840 => 'ꐴ', 11841 => 'ꐵ', 11842 => 'ꐶ', 11843 => 'ꐷ', 11844 => 'ꐸ', 11845 => 'ꐹ', 11846 => 'ꐺ', 11847 => 'ꐻ', 11848 => 'ꐼ', 11849 => 'ꐽ', 11850 => 'ꐾ', 11851 => 'ꐿ', 11852 => 'ꑀ', 11853 => 'ꑁ', 11854 => 'ꑂ', 11855 => 'ꑃ', 11856 => 'ꑄ', 11857 => 'ꑅ', 11858 => 'ꑆ', 11859 => 'ꑇ', 11860 => 'ꑈ', 11861 => 'ꑉ', 11862 => 'ꑊ', 11863 => 'ꑋ', 11864 => 'ꑌ', 11865 => 'ꑍ', 11866 => 'ꑎ', 11867 => 'ꑏ', 11868 => 'ꑐ', 11869 => 'ꑑ', 11870 => 'ꑒ', 11871 => 'ꑓ', 11872 => 'ꑔ', 11873 => 'ꑕ', 11874 => 'ꑖ', 11875 => 'ꑗ', 11876 => 'ꑘ', 11877 => 'ꑙ', 11878 => 'ꑚ', 11879 => 'ꑛ', 11880 => 'ꑜ', 11881 => 'ꑝ', 11882 => 'ꑞ', 11883 => 'ꑟ', 11884 => 'ꑠ', 11885 => 'ꑡ', 11886 => 'ꑢ', 11887 => 'ꑣ', 11888 => 'ꑤ', 11889 => 'ꑥ', 11890 => 'ꑦ', 11891 => 'ꑧ', 11892 => 'ꑨ', 11893 => 'ꑩ', 11894 => 'ꑪ', 11895 => 'ꑫ', 11896 => 'ꑬ', 11897 => 'ꑭ', 11898 => 'ꑮ', 11899 => 'ꑯ', 11900 => 'ꑰ', 11901 => 'ꑱ', 11902 => 'ꑲ', 11903 => 'ꑳ', 11904 => 'ꑴ', 11905 => 'ꑵ', 11906 => 'ꑶ', 11907 => 'ꑷ', 11908 => 'ꑸ', 11909 => 'ꑹ', 11910 => 'ꑺ', 11911 => 'ꑻ', 11912 => 'ꑼ', 11913 => 'ꑽ', 11914 => 'ꑾ', 11915 => 'ꑿ', 11916 => 'ꒀ', 11917 => 'ꒁ', 11918 => 'ꒂ', 11919 => 'ꒃ', 11920 => 'ꒄ', 11921 => 'ꒅ', 11922 => 'ꒆ', 11923 => 'ꒇ', 11924 => 'ꒈ', 11925 => 'ꒉ', 11926 => 'ꒊ', 11927 => 'ꒋ', 11928 => 'ꒌ', 11929 => 'ꓸ', 11930 => 'ꓹ', 11931 => 'ꓺ', 11932 => 'ꓻ', 11933 => 'ꓽ', 11934 => 'ꓼ', 11935 => 'ꓐ', 11936 => 'ꓑ', 11937 => 'ꓒ', 11938 => 'ꓓ', 11939 => 'ꓔ', 11940 => 'ꓕ', 11941 => 'ꓖ', 11942 => 'ꓗ', 11943 => 'ꓘ', 11944 => 'ꓙ', 11945 => 'ꓚ', 11946 => 'ꓛ', 11947 => 'ꓜ', 11948 => 'ꓝ', 11949 => 'ꓞ', 11950 => 'ꓟ', 11951 => 'ꓠ', 11952 => 'ꓡ', 11953 => 'ꓢ', 11954 => 'ꓣ', 11955 => 'ꓤ', 11956 => 'ꓥ', 11957 => 'ꓦ', 11958 => 'ꓧ', 11959 => 'ꓨ', 11960 => 'ꓩ', 11961 => 'ꓫ', 11962 => 'ꓭ', 11963 => 'ꓪ', 11964 => 'ꓬ', 11965 => 'ꓮ', 11966 => 'ꓯ', 11967 => 'ꓰ', 11968 => 'ꓱ', 11969 => 'ꓲ', 11970 => 'ꓳ', 11971 => 'ꓴ', 11972 => 'ꓵ', 11973 => 'ꓶ', 11974 => 'ꓷ', 11975 => '𐊀', 11976 => '𐊁', 11977 => '𐊂', 11978 => '𐊃', 11979 => '𐊄', 11980 => '𐊅', 11981 => '𐊆', 11982 => '𐊇', 11983 => '𐊈', 11984 => '𐊉', 11985 => '𐊊', 11986 => '𐊋', 11987 => '𐊌', 11988 => '𐊍', 11989 => '𐊎', 11990 => '𐊏', 11991 => '𐊐', 11992 => '𐊑', 11993 => '𐊒', 11994 => '𐊓', 11995 => '𐊔', 11996 => '𐊕', 11997 => '𐊖', 11998 => '𐊗', 11999 => '𐊘', 12000 => '𐊙', 12001 => '𐊚', 12002 => '𐊛', 12003 => '𐊜', 12004 => '𐊠', 12005 => '𐊡', 12006 => '𐊢', 12007 => '𐊣', 12008 => '𐊤', 12009 => '𐊥', 12010 => '𐊦', 12011 => '𐊧', 12012 => '𐊨', 12013 => '𐊩', 12014 => '𐊪', 12015 => '𐊫', 12016 => '𐊬', 12017 => '𐊭', 12018 => '𐊮', 12019 => '𐊯', 12020 => '𐊰', 12021 => '𐊱', 12022 => '𐊲', 12023 => '𐊳', 12024 => '𐊴', 12025 => '𐊵', 12026 => '𐊶', 12027 => '𐊷', 12028 => '𐊸', 12029 => '𐊹', 12030 => '𐊺', 12031 => '𐊻', 12032 => '𐊼', 12033 => '𐊽', 12034 => '𐊾', 12035 => '𐊿', 12036 => '𐋀', 12037 => '𐋁', 12038 => '𐋂', 12039 => '𐋃', 12040 => '𐋄', 12041 => '𐋅', 12042 => '𐋆', 12043 => '𐋇', 12044 => '𐋈', 12045 => '𐋉', 12046 => '𐋊', 12047 => '𐋋', 12048 => '𐋌', 12049 => '𐋍', 12050 => '𐋎', 12051 => '𐋏', 12052 => '𐋐', 12053 => '𐤠', 12054 => '𐤡', 12055 => '𐤢', 12056 => '𐤣', 12057 => '𐤤', 12058 => '𐤥', 12059 => '𐤦', 12060 => '𐤧', 12061 => '𐤨', 12062 => '𐤩', 12063 => '𐤪', 12064 => '𐤫', 12065 => '𐤬', 12066 => '𐤭', 12067 => '𐤮', 12068 => '𐤯', 12069 => '𐤰', 12070 => '𐤱', 12071 => '𐤲', 12072 => '𐤳', 12073 => '𐤴', 12074 => '𐤵', 12075 => '𐤶', 12076 => '𐤷', 12077 => '𐤸', 12078 => '𐤹', 12079 => '𐌀', 12080 => '𐌁', 12081 => '𐌂', 12082 => '𐌃', 12083 => '𐌄', 12084 => '𐌅', 12085 => '𐌆', 12086 => '𐌇', 12087 => '𐌈', 12088 => '𐌉', 12089 => '𐌊', 12090 => '𐌋', 12091 => '𐌌', 12092 => '𐌍', 12093 => '𐌎', 12094 => '𐌏', 12095 => '𐌐', 12096 => '𐌑', 12097 => '𐌒', 12098 => '𐌓', 12099 => '𐌔', 12100 => '𐌕', 12101 => '𐌖', 12102 => '𐌗', 12103 => '𐌘', 12104 => '𐌙', 12105 => '𐌚', 12106 => '𐌛', 12107 => '𐌜', 12108 => '𐌝', 12109 => '𐌞', 12110 => '𐌰', 12111 => '𐌱', 12112 => '𐌲', 12113 => '𐌳', 12114 => '𐌴', 12115 => '𐌵', 12116 => '𐌶', 12117 => '𐌷', 12118 => '𐌸', 12119 => '𐌹', 12120 => '𐌺', 12121 => '𐌻', 12122 => '𐌼', 12123 => '𐌽', 12124 => '𐌾', 12125 => '𐌿', 12126 => '𐍀', 12127 => '𐍁', 12128 => '𐍂', 12129 => '𐍃', 12130 => '𐍄', 12131 => '𐍅', 12132 => '𐍆', 12133 => '𐍇', 12134 => '𐍈', 12135 => '𐍉', 12136 => '𐍊', 12137 => '𐐀', 12138 => '𐐁', 12139 => '𐐂', 12140 => '𐐃', 12141 => '𐐄', 12142 => '𐐅', 12143 => '𐐆', 12144 => '𐐇', 12145 => '𐐈', 12146 => '𐐉', 12147 => '𐐊', 12148 => '𐐋', 12149 => '𐐌', 12150 => '𐐍', 12151 => '𐐎', 12152 => '𐐏', 12153 => '𐐐', 12154 => '𐐑', 12155 => '𐐒', 12156 => '𐐓', 12157 => '𐐔', 12158 => '𐐕', 12159 => '𐐖', 12160 => '𐐗', 12161 => '𐐘', 12162 => '𐐙', 12163 => '𐐚', 12164 => '𐐛', 12165 => '𐐜', 12166 => '𐐝', 12167 => '𐐞', 12168 => '𐐟', 12169 => '𐐠', 12170 => '𐐡', 12171 => '𐐢', 12172 => '𐐣', 12173 => '𐐤', 12174 => '𐐥', 12175 => '𐐦', 12176 => '𐐧', 12177 => '𐑐', 12178 => '𐑑', 12179 => '𐑒', 12180 => '𐑓', 12181 => '𐑔', 12182 => '𐑕', 12183 => '𐑖', 12184 => '𐑗', 12185 => '𐑘', 12186 => '𐑙', 12187 => '𐑚', 12188 => '𐑛', 12189 => '𐑜', 12190 => '𐑝', 12191 => '𐑞', 12192 => '𐑟', 12193 => '𐑠', 12194 => '𐑡', 12195 => '𐑢', 12196 => '𐑣', 12197 => '𐑤', 12198 => '𐑥', 12199 => '𐑦', 12200 => '𐑧', 12201 => '𐑨', 12202 => '𐑩', 12203 => '𐑪', 12204 => '𐑫', 12205 => '𐑬', 12206 => '𐑭', 12207 => '𐑮', 12208 => '𐑯', 12209 => '𐑰', 12210 => '𐑱', 12211 => '𐑲', 12212 => '𐑳', 12213 => '𐑴', 12214 => '𐑵', 12215 => '𐑶', 12216 => '𐑷', 12217 => '𐑸', 12218 => '𐑹', 12219 => '𐑺', 12220 => '𐑻', 12221 => '𐑼', 12222 => '𐑽', 12223 => '𐑾', 12224 => '𐑿', 12225 => '𐒀', 12226 => '𐒁', 12227 => '𐒂', 12228 => '𐒃', 12229 => '𐒄', 12230 => '𐒅', 12231 => '𐒆', 12232 => '𐒇', 12233 => '𐒈', 12234 => '𐒉', 12235 => '𐒊', 12236 => '𐒋', 12237 => '𐒌', 12238 => '𐒍', 12239 => '𐒎', 12240 => '𐒏', 12241 => '𐒐', 12242 => '𐒑', 12243 => '𐒒', 12244 => '𐒓', 12245 => '𐒔', 12246 => '𐒕', 12247 => '𐒖', 12248 => '𐒗', 12249 => '𐒘', 12250 => '𐒙', 12251 => '𐒚', 12252 => '𐒛', 12253 => '𐒜', 12254 => '𐒝', 12255 => '𐀀', 12256 => '𐀁', 12257 => '𐀂', 12258 => '𐀃', 12259 => '𐀄', 12260 => '𐀅', 12261 => '𐀆', 12262 => '𐀇', 12263 => '𐀈', 12264 => '𐀉', 12265 => '𐀊', 12266 => '𐀋', 12267 => '𐀍', 12268 => '𐀎', 12269 => '𐀏', 12270 => '𐀐', 12271 => '𐀑', 12272 => '𐀒', 12273 => '𐀓', 12274 => '𐀔', 12275 => '𐀕', 12276 => '𐀖', 12277 => '𐀗', 12278 => '𐀘', 12279 => '𐀙', 12280 => '𐀚', 12281 => '𐀛', 12282 => '𐀜', 12283 => '𐀝', 12284 => '𐀞', 12285 => '𐀟', 12286 => '𐀠', 12287 => '𐀡', 12288 => '𐀢', 12289 => '𐀣', 12290 => '𐀤', 12291 => '𐀥', 12292 => '𐀦', 12293 => '𐀨', 12294 => '𐀩', 12295 => '𐀪', 12296 => '𐀫', 12297 => '𐀬', 12298 => '𐀭', 12299 => '𐀮', 12300 => '𐀯', 12301 => '𐀰', 12302 => '𐀱', 12303 => '𐀲', 12304 => '𐀳', 12305 => '𐀴', 12306 => '𐀵', 12307 => '𐀶', 12308 => '𐀷', 12309 => '𐀸', 12310 => '𐀹', 12311 => '𐀺', 12312 => '𐀼', 12313 => '𐀽', 12314 => '𐀿', 12315 => '𐁀', 12316 => '𐁁', 12317 => '𐁂', 12318 => '𐁃', 12319 => '𐁄', 12320 => '𐁅', 12321 => '𐁆', 12322 => '𐁇', 12323 => '𐁈', 12324 => '𐁉', 12325 => '𐁊', 12326 => '𐁋', 12327 => '𐁌', 12328 => '𐁍', 12329 => '𐁐', 12330 => '𐁑', 12331 => '𐁒', 12332 => '𐁓', 12333 => '𐁔', 12334 => '𐁕', 12335 => '𐁖', 12336 => '𐁗', 12337 => '𐁘', 12338 => '𐁙', 12339 => '𐁚', 12340 => '𐁛', 12341 => '𐁜', 12342 => '𐁝', 12343 => '𐂀', 12344 => '𐂁', 12345 => '𐂂', 12346 => '𐂃', 12347 => '𐂄', 12348 => '𐂅', 12349 => '𐂆', 12350 => '𐂇', 12351 => '𐂈', 12352 => '𐂉', 12353 => '𐂊', 12354 => '𐂋', 12355 => '𐂌', 12356 => '𐂍', 12357 => '𐂎', 12358 => '𐂏', 12359 => '𐂐', 12360 => '𐂑', 12361 => '𐂒', 12362 => '𐂓', 12363 => '𐂔', 12364 => '𐂕', 12365 => '𐂖', 12366 => '𐂗', 12367 => '𐂘', 12368 => '𐂙', 12369 => '𐂚', 12370 => '𐂛', 12371 => '𐂜', 12372 => '𐂝', 12373 => '𐂞', 12374 => '𐂟', 12375 => '𐂠', 12376 => '𐂡', 12377 => '𐂢', 12378 => '𐂣', 12379 => '𐂤', 12380 => '𐂥', 12381 => '𐂦', 12382 => '𐂧', 12383 => '𐂨', 12384 => '𐂩', 12385 => '𐂪', 12386 => '𐂫', 12387 => '𐂬', 12388 => '𐂭', 12389 => '𐂮', 12390 => '𐂯', 12391 => '𐂰', 12392 => '𐂱', 12393 => '𐂲', 12394 => '𐂳', 12395 => '𐂴', 12396 => '𐂵', 12397 => '𐂶', 12398 => '𐂷', 12399 => '𐂸', 12400 => '𐂹', 12401 => '𐂺', 12402 => '𐂻', 12403 => '𐂼', 12404 => '𐂽', 12405 => '𐂾', 12406 => '𐂿', 12407 => '𐃀', 12408 => '𐃁', 12409 => '𐃂', 12410 => '𐃃', 12411 => '𐃄', 12412 => '𐃅', 12413 => '𐃆', 12414 => '𐃇', 12415 => '𐃈', 12416 => '𐃉', 12417 => '𐃊', 12418 => '𐃋', 12419 => '𐃌', 12420 => '𐃍', 12421 => '𐃎', 12422 => '𐃏', 12423 => '𐃐', 12424 => '𐃑', 12425 => '𐃒', 12426 => '𐃓', 12427 => '𐃔', 12428 => '𐃕', 12429 => '𐃖', 12430 => '𐃗', 12431 => '𐃘', 12432 => '𐃙', 12433 => '𐃚', 12434 => '𐃛', 12435 => '𐃜', 12436 => '𐃝', 12437 => '𐃞', 12438 => '𐃟', 12439 => '𐃠', 12440 => '𐃡', 12441 => '𐃢', 12442 => '𐃣', 12443 => '𐃤', 12444 => '𐃥', 12445 => '𐃦', 12446 => '𐃧', 12447 => '𐃨', 12448 => '𐃩', 12449 => '𐃪', 12450 => '𐃫', 12451 => '𐃬', 12452 => '𐃭', 12453 => '𐃮', 12454 => '𐃯', 12455 => '𐃰', 12456 => '𐃱', 12457 => '𐃲', 12458 => '𐃳', 12459 => '𐃴', 12460 => '𐃵', 12461 => '𐃶', 12462 => '𐃷', 12463 => '𐃸', 12464 => '𐃹', 12465 => '𐃺', 12466 => '𐠀', 12467 => '𐠁', 12468 => '𐠂', 12469 => '𐠃', 12470 => '𐠄', 12471 => '𐠅', 12472 => '𐠈', 12473 => '𐠊', 12474 => '𐠋', 12475 => '𐠌', 12476 => '𐠍', 12477 => '𐠎', 12478 => '𐠏', 12479 => '𐠐', 12480 => '𐠑', 12481 => '𐠒', 12482 => '𐠓', 12483 => '𐠔', 12484 => '𐠕', 12485 => '𐠖', 12486 => '𐠗', 12487 => '𐠘', 12488 => '𐠙', 12489 => '𐠚', 12490 => '𐠛', 12491 => '𐠜', 12492 => '𐠝', 12493 => '𐠞', 12494 => '𐠟', 12495 => '𐠠', 12496 => '𐠡', 12497 => '𐠢', 12498 => '𐠣', 12499 => '𐠤', 12500 => '𐠥', 12501 => '𐠦', 12502 => '𐠧', 12503 => '𐠨', 12504 => '𐠩', 12505 => '𐠪', 12506 => '𐠫', 12507 => '𐠬', 12508 => '𐠭', 12509 => '𐠮', 12510 => '𐠯', 12511 => '𐠰', 12512 => '𐠱', 12513 => '𐠲', 12514 => '𐠳', 12515 => '𐠴', 12516 => '𐠵', 12517 => '𐠷', 12518 => '𐠸', 12519 => '𐠼', 12520 => '𐠿', 12521 => '𐩠', 12522 => '𐩡', 12523 => '𐩢', 12524 => '𐩣', 12525 => '𐩤', 12526 => '𐩥', 12527 => '𐩦', 12528 => '𐩧', 12529 => '𐩨', 12530 => '𐩩', 12531 => '𐩪', 12532 => '𐩫', 12533 => '𐩬', 12534 => '𐩭', 12535 => '𐩮', 12536 => '𐩯', 12537 => '𐩰', 12538 => '𐩱', 12539 => '𐩲', 12540 => '𐩳', 12541 => '𐩴', 12542 => '𐩵', 12543 => '𐩶', 12544 => '𐩷', 12545 => '𐩸', 12546 => '𐩹', 12547 => '𐩺', 12548 => '𐩻', 12549 => '𐩼', 12550 => '𐬀', 12551 => '𐬁', 12552 => '𐬂', 12553 => '𐬃', 12554 => '𐬄', 12555 => '𐬅', 12556 => '𐬆', 12557 => '𐬇', 12558 => '𐬈', 12559 => '𐬉', 12560 => '𐬊', 12561 => '𐬋', 12562 => '𐬌', 12563 => '𐬍', 12564 => '𐬎', 12565 => '𐬏', 12566 => '𐬐', 12567 => '𐬑', 12568 => '𐬒', 12569 => '𐬓', 12570 => '𐬔', 12571 => '𐬕', 12572 => '𐬖', 12573 => '𐬗', 12574 => '𐬘', 12575 => '𐬙', 12576 => '𐬚', 12577 => '𐬛', 12578 => '𐬜', 12579 => '𐬝', 12580 => '𐬞', 12581 => '𐬟', 12582 => '𐬠', 12583 => '𐬡', 12584 => '𐬢', 12585 => '𐬣', 12586 => '𐬤', 12587 => '𐬥', 12588 => '𐬦', 12589 => '𐬧', 12590 => '𐬨', 12591 => '𐬩', 12592 => '𐬪', 12593 => '𐬫', 12594 => '𐬬', 12595 => '𐬭', 12596 => '𐬯', 12597 => '𐬰', 12598 => '𐬱', 12599 => '𐬲', 12600 => '𐬳', 12601 => '𐬴', 12602 => '𐬵', 12603 => '𐡀', 12604 => '𐡁', 12605 => '𐡂', 12606 => '𐡃', 12607 => '𐡄', 12608 => '𐡅', 12609 => '𐡆', 12610 => '𐡇', 12611 => '𐡈', 12612 => '𐡉', 12613 => '𐡊', 12614 => '𐡋', 12615 => '𐡌', 12616 => '𐡍', 12617 => '𐡎', 12618 => '𐡏', 12619 => '𐡐', 12620 => '𐡑', 12621 => '𐡒', 12622 => '𐡓', 12623 => '𐡔', 12624 => '𐡕', 12625 => '𐭀', 12626 => '𐭁', 12627 => '𐭂', 12628 => '𐭃', 12629 => '𐭄', 12630 => '𐭅', 12631 => '𐭆', 12632 => '𐭇', 12633 => '𐭈', 12634 => '𐭉', 12635 => '𐭊', 12636 => '𐭋', 12637 => '𐭌', 12638 => '𐭍', 12639 => '𐭎', 12640 => '𐭏', 12641 => '𐭐', 12642 => '𐭑', 12643 => '𐭒', 12644 => '𐭓', 12645 => '𐭔', 12646 => '𐭕', 12647 => '𐭠', 12648 => '𐭡', 12649 => '𐭢', 12650 => '𐭣', 12651 => '𐭤', 12652 => '𐭥', 12653 => '𐭦', 12654 => '𐭧', 12655 => '𐭨', 12656 => '𐭩', 12657 => '𐭪', 12658 => '𐭫', 12659 => '𐭬', 12660 => '𐭭', 12661 => '𐭮', 12662 => '𐭯', 12663 => '𐭰', 12664 => '𐭱', 12665 => '𐭲', 12666 => '𐎀', 12667 => '𐎁', 12668 => '𐎂', 12669 => '𐎃', 12670 => '𐎄', 12671 => '𐎅', 12672 => '𐎆', 12673 => '𐎇', 12674 => '𐎈', 12675 => '𐎉', 12676 => '𐎊', 12677 => '𐎋', 12678 => '𐎌', 12679 => '𐎍', 12680 => '𐎎', 12681 => '𐎏', 12682 => '𐎐', 12683 => '𐎑', 12684 => '𐎒', 12685 => '𐎓', 12686 => '𐎔', 12687 => '𐎕', 12688 => '𐎖', 12689 => '𐎗', 12690 => '𐎘', 12691 => '𐎙', 12692 => '𐎚', 12693 => '𐎛', 12694 => '𐎜', 12695 => '𐎝', 12696 => '𐎠', 12697 => '𐎡', 12698 => '𐎢', 12699 => '𐎣', 12700 => '𐎤', 12701 => '𐎥', 12702 => '𐎦', 12703 => '𐎧', 12704 => '𐎨', 12705 => '𐎩', 12706 => '𐎪', 12707 => '𐎫', 12708 => '𐎬', 12709 => '𐎭', 12710 => '𐎮', 12711 => '𐎯', 12712 => '𐎰', 12713 => '𐎱', 12714 => '𐎲', 12715 => '𐎳', 12716 => '𐎴', 12717 => '𐎵', 12718 => '𐎶', 12719 => '𐎷', 12720 => '𐎸', 12721 => '𐎹', 12722 => '𐎺', 12723 => '𐎻', 12724 => '𐎼', 12725 => '𐎽', 12726 => '𐎾', 12727 => '𐎿', 12728 => '𐏀', 12729 => '𐏁', 12730 => '𐏂', 12731 => '𐏃', 12732 => '𐏈', 12733 => '𐏉', 12734 => '𐏊', 12735 => '𐏋', 12736 => '𐏌', 12737 => '𐏍', 12738 => '𐏎', 12739 => '𐏏', 12740 => '𒀀', 12741 => '𒀁', 12742 => '𒀂', 12743 => '𒀃', 12744 => '𒀄', 12745 => '𒀅', 12746 => '𒀆', 12747 => '𒀇', 12748 => '𒀈', 12749 => '𒀉', 12750 => '𒀊', 12751 => '𒀋', 12752 => '𒀌', 12753 => '𒀍', 12754 => '𒀎', 12755 => '𒀏', 12756 => '𒀐', 12757 => '𒀑', 12758 => '𒀒', 12759 => '𒀓', 12760 => '𒀔', 12761 => '𒀕', 12762 => '𒀖', 12763 => '𒀗', 12764 => '𒀘', 12765 => '𒀙', 12766 => '𒀚', 12767 => '𒀛', 12768 => '𒀜', 12769 => '𒀝', 12770 => '𒀞', 12771 => '𒀟', 12772 => '𒀠', 12773 => '𒀡', 12774 => '𒀢', 12775 => '𒀣', 12776 => '𒀤', 12777 => '𒀥', 12778 => '𒀦', 12779 => '𒀧', 12780 => '𒀨', 12781 => '𒀩', 12782 => '𒀪', 12783 => '𒀫', 12784 => '𒀬', 12785 => '𒀭', 12786 => '𒀮', 12787 => '𒀯', 12788 => '𒀰', 12789 => '𒀱', 12790 => '𒀲', 12791 => '𒀳', 12792 => '𒀴', 12793 => '𒀵', 12794 => '𒀶', 12795 => '𒀷', 12796 => '𒀸', 12797 => '𒀹', 12798 => '𒀺', 12799 => '𒀻', 12800 => '𒀼', 12801 => '𒀽', 12802 => '𒀾', 12803 => '𒀿', 12804 => '𒁀', 12805 => '𒁁', 12806 => '𒁂', 12807 => '𒁃', 12808 => '𒁄', 12809 => '𒁅', 12810 => '𒁆', 12811 => '𒁇', 12812 => '𒁈', 12813 => '𒁉', 12814 => '𒁊', 12815 => '𒁋', 12816 => '𒁌', 12817 => '𒁍', 12818 => '𒁎', 12819 => '𒁏', 12820 => '𒁐', 12821 => '𒁑', 12822 => '𒁒', 12823 => '𒁓', 12824 => '𒁔', 12825 => '𒁕', 12826 => '𒁖', 12827 => '𒁗', 12828 => '𒁘', 12829 => '𒁙', 12830 => '𒁚', 12831 => '𒁛', 12832 => '𒁜', 12833 => '𒁝', 12834 => '𒁞', 12835 => '𒁟', 12836 => '𒁠', 12837 => '𒁡', 12838 => '𒁢', 12839 => '𒁣', 12840 => '𒁤', 12841 => '𒁥', 12842 => '𒁦', 12843 => '𒁧', 12844 => '𒁨', 12845 => '𒁩', 12846 => '𒁪', 12847 => '𒁫', 12848 => '𒁬', 12849 => '𒁭', 12850 => '𒁮', 12851 => '𒁯', 12852 => '𒁰', 12853 => '𒁱', 12854 => '𒁲', 12855 => '𒁳', 12856 => '𒁴', 12857 => '𒁵', 12858 => '𒁶', 12859 => '𒁷', 12860 => '𒁸', 12861 => '𒁹', 12862 => '𒁺', 12863 => '𒁻', 12864 => '𒁼', 12865 => '𒁽', 12866 => '𒁾', 12867 => '𒁿', 12868 => '𒂀', 12869 => '𒂁', 12870 => '𒂂', 12871 => '𒂃', 12872 => '𒂄', 12873 => '𒂅', 12874 => '𒂆', 12875 => '𒂇', 12876 => '𒂈', 12877 => '𒂉', 12878 => '𒂊', 12879 => '𒂋', 12880 => '𒂌', 12881 => '𒂍', 12882 => '𒂎', 12883 => '𒂏', 12884 => '𒂐', 12885 => '𒂑', 12886 => '𒂒', 12887 => '𒂓', 12888 => '𒂔', 12889 => '𒂕', 12890 => '𒂖', 12891 => '𒂗', 12892 => '𒂘', 12893 => '𒂙', 12894 => '𒂚', 12895 => '𒂛', 12896 => '𒂜', 12897 => '𒂝', 12898 => '𒂞', 12899 => '𒂟', 12900 => '𒂠', 12901 => '𒂡', 12902 => '𒂢', 12903 => '𒂣', 12904 => '𒂤', 12905 => '𒂥', 12906 => '𒂦', 12907 => '𒂧', 12908 => '𒂨', 12909 => '𒂩', 12910 => '𒂪', 12911 => '𒂫', 12912 => '𒂬', 12913 => '𒂭', 12914 => '𒂮', 12915 => '𒂯', 12916 => '𒂰', 12917 => '𒂱', 12918 => '𒂲', 12919 => '𒂳', 12920 => '𒂴', 12921 => '𒂵', 12922 => '𒂶', 12923 => '𒂷', 12924 => '𒂸', 12925 => '𒂹', 12926 => '𒂺', 12927 => '𒂻', 12928 => '𒂼', 12929 => '𒂽', 12930 => '𒂾', 12931 => '𒂿', 12932 => '𒃀', 12933 => '𒃁', 12934 => '𒃂', 12935 => '𒃃', 12936 => '𒃄', 12937 => '𒃅', 12938 => '𒃆', 12939 => '𒃇', 12940 => '𒃈', 12941 => '𒃉', 12942 => '𒃊', 12943 => '𒃋', 12944 => '𒃌', 12945 => '𒃍', 12946 => '𒃎', 12947 => '𒃏', 12948 => '𒃐', 12949 => '𒃑', 12950 => '𒃒', 12951 => '𒃓', 12952 => '𒃔', 12953 => '𒃕', 12954 => '𒃖', 12955 => '𒃗', 12956 => '𒃘', 12957 => '𒃙', 12958 => '𒃚', 12959 => '𒃛', 12960 => '𒃜', 12961 => '𒃝', 12962 => '𒃞', 12963 => '𒃟', 12964 => '𒃠', 12965 => '𒃡', 12966 => '𒃢', 12967 => '𒃣', 12968 => '𒃤', 12969 => '𒃥', 12970 => '𒃦', 12971 => '𒃧', 12972 => '𒃨', 12973 => '𒃩', 12974 => '𒃪', 12975 => '𒃫', 12976 => '𒃬', 12977 => '𒃭', 12978 => '𒃮', 12979 => '𒃯', 12980 => '𒃰', 12981 => '𒃱', 12982 => '𒃲', 12983 => '𒃳', 12984 => '𒃴', 12985 => '𒃵', 12986 => '𒃶', 12987 => '𒃷', 12988 => '𒃸', 12989 => '𒃹', 12990 => '𒃺', 12991 => '𒃻', 12992 => '𒃼', 12993 => '𒃽', 12994 => '𒃾', 12995 => '𒃿', 12996 => '𒄀', 12997 => '𒄁', 12998 => '𒄂', 12999 => '𒄃', 13000 => '𒄄', 13001 => '𒄅', 13002 => '𒄆', 13003 => '𒄇', 13004 => '𒄈', 13005 => '𒄉', 13006 => '𒄊', 13007 => '𒄋', 13008 => '𒄌', 13009 => '𒄍', 13010 => '𒄎', 13011 => '𒄏', 13012 => '𒄐', 13013 => '𒄑', 13014 => '𒄒', 13015 => '𒄓', 13016 => '𒄔', 13017 => '𒄕', 13018 => '𒄖', 13019 => '𒄗', 13020 => '𒄘', 13021 => '𒄙', 13022 => '𒄚', 13023 => '𒄛', 13024 => '𒄜', 13025 => '𒄝', 13026 => '𒄞', 13027 => '𒄟', 13028 => '𒄠', 13029 => '𒄡', 13030 => '𒄢', 13031 => '𒄣', 13032 => '𒄤', 13033 => '𒄥', 13034 => '𒄦', 13035 => '𒄧', 13036 => '𒄨', 13037 => '𒄩', 13038 => '𒄪', 13039 => '𒄫', 13040 => '𒄬', 13041 => '𒄭', 13042 => '𒄮', 13043 => '𒄯', 13044 => '𒄰', 13045 => '𒄱', 13046 => '𒄲', 13047 => '𒄳', 13048 => '𒄴', 13049 => '𒄵', 13050 => '𒄶', 13051 => '𒄷', 13052 => '𒄸', 13053 => '𒄹', 13054 => '𒄺', 13055 => '𒄻', 13056 => '𒄼', 13057 => '𒄽', 13058 => '𒄾', 13059 => '𒄿', 13060 => '𒅀', 13061 => '𒅁', 13062 => '𒅂', 13063 => '𒅃', 13064 => '𒅄', 13065 => '𒅅', 13066 => '𒅆', 13067 => '𒅇', 13068 => '𒅈', 13069 => '𒅉', 13070 => '𒅊', 13071 => '𒅋', 13072 => '𒅌', 13073 => '𒅍', 13074 => '𒅎', 13075 => '𒅏', 13076 => '𒅐', 13077 => '𒅑', 13078 => '𒅒', 13079 => '𒅓', 13080 => '𒅔', 13081 => '𒅕', 13082 => '𒅖', 13083 => '𒅗', 13084 => '𒅘', 13085 => '𒅙', 13086 => '𒅚', 13087 => '𒅛', 13088 => '𒅜', 13089 => '𒅝', 13090 => '𒅞', 13091 => '𒅟', 13092 => '𒅠', 13093 => '𒅡', 13094 => '𒅢', 13095 => '𒅣', 13096 => '𒅤', 13097 => '𒅥', 13098 => '𒅦', 13099 => '𒅧', 13100 => '𒅨', 13101 => '𒅩', 13102 => '𒅪', 13103 => '𒅫', 13104 => '𒅬', 13105 => '𒅭', 13106 => '𒅮', 13107 => '𒅯', 13108 => '𒅰', 13109 => '𒅱', 13110 => '𒅲', 13111 => '𒅳', 13112 => '𒅴', 13113 => '𒅵', 13114 => '𒅶', 13115 => '𒅷', 13116 => '𒅸', 13117 => '𒅹', 13118 => '𒅺', 13119 => '𒅻', 13120 => '𒅼', 13121 => '𒅽', 13122 => '𒅾', 13123 => '𒅿', 13124 => '𒆀', 13125 => '𒆁', 13126 => '𒆂', 13127 => '𒆃', 13128 => '𒆄', 13129 => '𒆅', 13130 => '𒆆', 13131 => '𒆇', 13132 => '𒆈', 13133 => '𒆉', 13134 => '𒆊', 13135 => '𒆋', 13136 => '𒆌', 13137 => '𒆍', 13138 => '𒆎', 13139 => '𒆏', 13140 => '𒆐', 13141 => '𒆑', 13142 => '𒆒', 13143 => '𒆓', 13144 => '𒆔', 13145 => '𒆕', 13146 => '𒆖', 13147 => '𒆗', 13148 => '𒆘', 13149 => '𒆙', 13150 => '𒆚', 13151 => '𒆛', 13152 => '𒆜', 13153 => '𒆝', 13154 => '𒆞', 13155 => '𒆟', 13156 => '𒆠', 13157 => '𒆡', 13158 => '𒆢', 13159 => '𒆣', 13160 => '𒆤', 13161 => '𒆥', 13162 => '𒆦', 13163 => '𒆧', 13164 => '𒆨', 13165 => '𒆩', 13166 => '𒆪', 13167 => '𒆫', 13168 => '𒆬', 13169 => '𒆭', 13170 => '𒆮', 13171 => '𒆯', 13172 => '𒆰', 13173 => '𒆱', 13174 => '𒆲', 13175 => '𒆳', 13176 => '𒆴', 13177 => '𒆵', 13178 => '𒆶', 13179 => '𒆷', 13180 => '𒆸', 13181 => '𒆹', 13182 => '𒆺', 13183 => '𒆻', 13184 => '𒆼', 13185 => '𒆽', 13186 => '𒆾', 13187 => '𒆿', 13188 => '𒇀', 13189 => '𒇁', 13190 => '𒇂', 13191 => '𒇃', 13192 => '𒇄', 13193 => '𒇅', 13194 => '𒇆', 13195 => '𒇇', 13196 => '𒇈', 13197 => '𒇉', 13198 => '𒇊', 13199 => '𒇋', 13200 => '𒇌', 13201 => '𒇍', 13202 => '𒇎', 13203 => '𒇏', 13204 => '𒇐', 13205 => '𒇑', 13206 => '𒇒', 13207 => '𒇓', 13208 => '𒇔', 13209 => '𒇕', 13210 => '𒇖', 13211 => '𒇗', 13212 => '𒇘', 13213 => '𒇙', 13214 => '𒇚', 13215 => '𒇛', 13216 => '𒇜', 13217 => '𒇝', 13218 => '𒇞', 13219 => '𒇟', 13220 => '𒇠', 13221 => '𒇡', 13222 => '𒇢', 13223 => '𒇣', 13224 => '𒇤', 13225 => '𒇥', 13226 => '𒇦', 13227 => '𒇧', 13228 => '𒇨', 13229 => '𒇩', 13230 => '𒇪', 13231 => '𒇫', 13232 => '𒇬', 13233 => '𒇭', 13234 => '𒇮', 13235 => '𒇯', 13236 => '𒇰', 13237 => '𒇱', 13238 => '𒇲', 13239 => '𒇳', 13240 => '𒇴', 13241 => '𒇵', 13242 => '𒇶', 13243 => '𒇷', 13244 => '𒇸', 13245 => '𒇹', 13246 => '𒇺', 13247 => '𒇻', 13248 => '𒇼', 13249 => '𒇽', 13250 => '𒇾', 13251 => '𒇿', 13252 => '𒈀', 13253 => '𒈁', 13254 => '𒈂', 13255 => '𒈃', 13256 => '𒈄', 13257 => '𒈅', 13258 => '𒈆', 13259 => '𒈇', 13260 => '𒈈', 13261 => '𒈉', 13262 => '𒈊', 13263 => '𒈋', 13264 => '𒈌', 13265 => '𒈍', 13266 => '𒈎', 13267 => '𒈏', 13268 => '𒈐', 13269 => '𒈑', 13270 => '𒈒', 13271 => '𒈓', 13272 => '𒈔', 13273 => '𒈕', 13274 => '𒈖', 13275 => '𒈗', 13276 => '𒈘', 13277 => '𒈙', 13278 => '𒈚', 13279 => '𒈛', 13280 => '𒈜', 13281 => '𒈝', 13282 => '𒈞', 13283 => '𒈟', 13284 => '𒈠', 13285 => '𒈡', 13286 => '𒈢', 13287 => '𒈣', 13288 => '𒈤', 13289 => '𒈥', 13290 => '𒈦', 13291 => '𒈧', 13292 => '𒈨', 13293 => '𒈩', 13294 => '𒈪', 13295 => '𒈫', 13296 => '𒈬', 13297 => '𒈭', 13298 => '𒈮', 13299 => '𒈯', 13300 => '𒈰', 13301 => '𒈱', 13302 => '𒈲', 13303 => '𒈳', 13304 => '𒈴', 13305 => '𒈵', 13306 => '𒈶', 13307 => '𒈷', 13308 => '𒈸', 13309 => '𒈹', 13310 => '𒈺', 13311 => '𒈻', 13312 => '𒈼', 13313 => '𒈽', 13314 => '𒈾', 13315 => '𒈿', 13316 => '𒉀', 13317 => '𒉁', 13318 => '𒉂', 13319 => '𒉃', 13320 => '𒉄', 13321 => '𒉅', 13322 => '𒉆', 13323 => '𒉇', 13324 => '𒉈', 13325 => '𒉉', 13326 => '𒉊', 13327 => '𒉋', 13328 => '𒉌', 13329 => '𒉍', 13330 => '𒉎', 13331 => '𒉏', 13332 => '𒉐', 13333 => '𒉑', 13334 => '𒉒', 13335 => '𒉓', 13336 => '𒉔', 13337 => '𒉕', 13338 => '𒉖', 13339 => '𒉗', 13340 => '𒉘', 13341 => '𒉙', 13342 => '𒉚', 13343 => '𒉛', 13344 => '𒉜', 13345 => '𒉝', 13346 => '𒉞', 13347 => '𒉟', 13348 => '𒉠', 13349 => '𒉡', 13350 => '𒉢', 13351 => '𒉣', 13352 => '𒉤', 13353 => '𒉥', 13354 => '𒉦', 13355 => '𒉧', 13356 => '𒉨', 13357 => '𒉩', 13358 => '𒉪', 13359 => '𒉫', 13360 => '𒉬', 13361 => '𒉭', 13362 => '𒉮', 13363 => '𒉯', 13364 => '𒉰', 13365 => '𒉱', 13366 => '𒉲', 13367 => '𒉳', 13368 => '𒉴', 13369 => '𒉵', 13370 => '𒉶', 13371 => '𒉷', 13372 => '𒉸', 13373 => '𒉹', 13374 => '𒉺', 13375 => '𒉻', 13376 => '𒉼', 13377 => '𒉽', 13378 => '𒉾', 13379 => '𒉿', 13380 => '𒊀', 13381 => '𒊁', 13382 => '𒊂', 13383 => '𒊃', 13384 => '𒊄', 13385 => '𒊅', 13386 => '𒊆', 13387 => '𒊇', 13388 => '𒊈', 13389 => '𒊉', 13390 => '𒊊', 13391 => '𒊋', 13392 => '𒊌', 13393 => '𒊍', 13394 => '𒊎', 13395 => '𒊏', 13396 => '𒊐', 13397 => '𒊑', 13398 => '𒊒', 13399 => '𒊓', 13400 => '𒊔', 13401 => '𒊕', 13402 => '𒊖', 13403 => '𒊗', 13404 => '𒊘', 13405 => '𒊙', 13406 => '𒊚', 13407 => '𒊛', 13408 => '𒊜', 13409 => '𒊝', 13410 => '𒊞', 13411 => '𒊟', 13412 => '𒊠', 13413 => '𒊡', 13414 => '𒊢', 13415 => '𒊣', 13416 => '𒊤', 13417 => '𒊥', 13418 => '𒊦', 13419 => '𒊧', 13420 => '𒊨', 13421 => '𒊩', 13422 => '𒊪', 13423 => '𒊫', 13424 => '𒊬', 13425 => '𒊭', 13426 => '𒊮', 13427 => '𒊯', 13428 => '𒊰', 13429 => '𒊱', 13430 => '𒊲', 13431 => '𒊳', 13432 => '𒊴', 13433 => '𒊵', 13434 => '𒊶', 13435 => '𒊷', 13436 => '𒊸', 13437 => '𒊹', 13438 => '𒊺', 13439 => '𒊻', 13440 => '𒊼', 13441 => '𒊽', 13442 => '𒊾', 13443 => '𒊿', 13444 => '𒋀', 13445 => '𒋁', 13446 => '𒋂', 13447 => '𒋃', 13448 => '𒋄', 13449 => '𒋅', 13450 => '𒋆', 13451 => '𒋇', 13452 => '𒋈', 13453 => '𒋉', 13454 => '𒋊', 13455 => '𒋋', 13456 => '𒋌', 13457 => '𒋍', 13458 => '𒋎', 13459 => '𒋏', 13460 => '𒋐', 13461 => '𒋑', 13462 => '𒋒', 13463 => '𒋓', 13464 => '𒋔', 13465 => '𒋕', 13466 => '𒋖', 13467 => '𒋗', 13468 => '𒋘', 13469 => '𒋙', 13470 => '𒋚', 13471 => '𒋛', 13472 => '𒋜', 13473 => '𒋝', 13474 => '𒋞', 13475 => '𒋟', 13476 => '𒋠', 13477 => '𒋡', 13478 => '𒋢', 13479 => '𒋣', 13480 => '𒋤', 13481 => '𒋥', 13482 => '𒋦', 13483 => '𒋧', 13484 => '𒋨', 13485 => '𒋩', 13486 => '𒋪', 13487 => '𒋫', 13488 => '𒋬', 13489 => '𒋭', 13490 => '𒋮', 13491 => '𒋯', 13492 => '𒋰', 13493 => '𒋱', 13494 => '𒋲', 13495 => '𒋳', 13496 => '𒋴', 13497 => '𒋵', 13498 => '𒋶', 13499 => '𒋷', 13500 => '𒋸', 13501 => '𒋹', 13502 => '𒋺', 13503 => '𒋻', 13504 => '𒋼', 13505 => '𒋽', 13506 => '𒋾', 13507 => '𒋿', 13508 => '𒌀', 13509 => '𒌁', 13510 => '𒌂', 13511 => '𒌃', 13512 => '𒌄', 13513 => '𒌅', 13514 => '𒌆', 13515 => '𒌇', 13516 => '𒌈', 13517 => '𒌉', 13518 => '𒌊', 13519 => '𒌋', 13520 => '𒌌', 13521 => '𒌍', 13522 => '𒌎', 13523 => '𒌏', 13524 => '𒌐', 13525 => '𒌑', 13526 => '𒌒', 13527 => '𒌓', 13528 => '𒌔', 13529 => '𒌕', 13530 => '𒌖', 13531 => '𒌗', 13532 => '𒌘', 13533 => '𒌙', 13534 => '𒌚', 13535 => '𒌛', 13536 => '𒌜', 13537 => '𒌝', 13538 => '𒌞', 13539 => '𒌟', 13540 => '𒌠', 13541 => '𒌡', 13542 => '𒌢', 13543 => '𒌣', 13544 => '𒌤', 13545 => '𒌥', 13546 => '𒌦', 13547 => '𒌧', 13548 => '𒌨', 13549 => '𒌩', 13550 => '𒌪', 13551 => '𒌫', 13552 => '𒌬', 13553 => '𒌭', 13554 => '𒌮', 13555 => '𒌯', 13556 => '𒌰', 13557 => '𒌱', 13558 => '𒌲', 13559 => '𒌳', 13560 => '𒌴', 13561 => '𒌵', 13562 => '𒌶', 13563 => '𒌷', 13564 => '𒌸', 13565 => '𒌹', 13566 => '𒌺', 13567 => '𒌻', 13568 => '𒌼', 13569 => '𒌽', 13570 => '𒌾', 13571 => '𒌿', 13572 => '𒍀', 13573 => '𒍁', 13574 => '𒍂', 13575 => '𒍃', 13576 => '𒍄', 13577 => '𒍅', 13578 => '𒍆', 13579 => '𒍇', 13580 => '𒍈', 13581 => '𒍉', 13582 => '𒍊', 13583 => '𒍋', 13584 => '𒍌', 13585 => '𒍍', 13586 => '𒍎', 13587 => '𒍏', 13588 => '𒍐', 13589 => '𒍑', 13590 => '𒍒', 13591 => '𒍓', 13592 => '𒍔', 13593 => '𒍕', 13594 => '𒍖', 13595 => '𒍗', 13596 => '𒍘', 13597 => '𒍙', 13598 => '𒍚', 13599 => '𒍛', 13600 => '𒍜', 13601 => '𒍝', 13602 => '𒍞', 13603 => '𒍟', 13604 => '𒍠', 13605 => '𒍡', 13606 => '𒍢', 13607 => '𒍣', 13608 => '𒍤', 13609 => '𒍥', 13610 => '𒍦', 13611 => '𒍧', 13612 => '𒍨', 13613 => '𒍩', 13614 => '𒍪', 13615 => '𒍫', 13616 => '𒍬', 13617 => '𒍭', 13618 => '𒍮', 13619 => '𓀀', 13620 => '𓀁', 13621 => '𓀂', 13622 => '𓀃', 13623 => '𓀄', 13624 => '𓀅', 13625 => '𓀆', 13626 => '𓀇', 13627 => '𓀈', 13628 => '𓀉', 13629 => '𓀊', 13630 => '𓀋', 13631 => '𓀌', 13632 => '𓀍', 13633 => '𓀎', 13634 => '𓀏', 13635 => '𓀐', 13636 => '𓀑', 13637 => '𓀒', 13638 => '𓀓', 13639 => '𓀔', 13640 => '𓀕', 13641 => '𓀖', 13642 => '𓀗', 13643 => '𓀘', 13644 => '𓀙', 13645 => '𓀚', 13646 => '𓀛', 13647 => '𓀜', 13648 => '𓀝', 13649 => '𓀞', 13650 => '𓀟', 13651 => '𓀠', 13652 => '𓀡', 13653 => '𓀢', 13654 => '𓀣', 13655 => '𓀤', 13656 => '𓀥', 13657 => '𓀦', 13658 => '𓀧', 13659 => '𓀨', 13660 => '𓀩', 13661 => '𓀪', 13662 => '𓀫', 13663 => '𓀬', 13664 => '𓀭', 13665 => '𓀮', 13666 => '𓀯', 13667 => '𓀰', 13668 => '𓀱', 13669 => '𓀲', 13670 => '𓀳', 13671 => '𓀴', 13672 => '𓀵', 13673 => '𓀶', 13674 => '𓀷', 13675 => '𓀸', 13676 => '𓀹', 13677 => '𓀺', 13678 => '𓀻', 13679 => '𓀼', 13680 => '𓀽', 13681 => '𓀾', 13682 => '𓀿', 13683 => '𓁀', 13684 => '𓁁', 13685 => '𓁂', 13686 => '𓁃', 13687 => '𓁄', 13688 => '𓁅', 13689 => '𓁆', 13690 => '𓁇', 13691 => '𓁈', 13692 => '𓁉', 13693 => '𓁊', 13694 => '𓁋', 13695 => '𓁌', 13696 => '𓁍', 13697 => '𓁎', 13698 => '𓁏', 13699 => '𓁐', 13700 => '𓁑', 13701 => '𓁒', 13702 => '𓁓', 13703 => '𓁔', 13704 => '𓁕', 13705 => '𓁖', 13706 => '𓁗', 13707 => '𓁘', 13708 => '𓁙', 13709 => '𓁚', 13710 => '𓁛', 13711 => '𓁜', 13712 => '𓁝', 13713 => '𓁞', 13714 => '𓁟', 13715 => '𓁠', 13716 => '𓁡', 13717 => '𓁢', 13718 => '𓁣', 13719 => '𓁤', 13720 => '𓁥', 13721 => '𓁦', 13722 => '𓁧', 13723 => '𓁨', 13724 => '𓁩', 13725 => '𓁪', 13726 => '𓁫', 13727 => '𓁬', 13728 => '𓁭', 13729 => '𓁮', 13730 => '𓁯', 13731 => '𓁰', 13732 => '𓁱', 13733 => '𓁲', 13734 => '𓁳', 13735 => '𓁴', 13736 => '𓁵', 13737 => '𓁶', 13738 => '𓁷', 13739 => '𓁸', 13740 => '𓁹', 13741 => '𓁺', 13742 => '𓁻', 13743 => '𓁼', 13744 => '𓁽', 13745 => '𓁾', 13746 => '𓁿', 13747 => '𓂀', 13748 => '𓂁', 13749 => '𓂂', 13750 => '𓂃', 13751 => '𓂄', 13752 => '𓂅', 13753 => '𓂆', 13754 => '𓂇', 13755 => '𓂈', 13756 => '𓂉', 13757 => '𓂊', 13758 => '𓂋', 13759 => '𓂌', 13760 => '𓂍', 13761 => '𓂎', 13762 => '𓂏', 13763 => '𓂐', 13764 => '𓂑', 13765 => '𓂒', 13766 => '𓂓', 13767 => '𓂔', 13768 => '𓂕', 13769 => '𓂖', 13770 => '𓂗', 13771 => '𓂘', 13772 => '𓂙', 13773 => '𓂚', 13774 => '𓂛', 13775 => '𓂜', 13776 => '𓂝', 13777 => '𓂞', 13778 => '𓂟', 13779 => '𓂠', 13780 => '𓂡', 13781 => '𓂢', 13782 => '𓂣', 13783 => '𓂤', 13784 => '𓂥', 13785 => '𓂦', 13786 => '𓂧', 13787 => '𓂨', 13788 => '𓂩', 13789 => '𓂪', 13790 => '𓂫', 13791 => '𓂬', 13792 => '𓂭', 13793 => '𓂮', 13794 => '𓂯', 13795 => '𓂰', 13796 => '𓂱', 13797 => '𓂲', 13798 => '𓂳', 13799 => '𓂴', 13800 => '𓂵', 13801 => '𓂶', 13802 => '𓂷', 13803 => '𓂸', 13804 => '𓂹', 13805 => '𓂺', 13806 => '𓂻', 13807 => '𓂼', 13808 => '𓂽', 13809 => '𓂾', 13810 => '𓂿', 13811 => '𓃀', 13812 => '𓃁', 13813 => '𓃂', 13814 => '𓃃', 13815 => '𓃄', 13816 => '𓃅', 13817 => '𓃆', 13818 => '𓃇', 13819 => '𓃈', 13820 => '𓃉', 13821 => '𓃊', 13822 => '𓃋', 13823 => '𓃌', 13824 => '𓃍', 13825 => '𓃎', 13826 => '𓃏', 13827 => '𓃐', 13828 => '𓃑', 13829 => '𓃒', 13830 => '𓃓', 13831 => '𓃔', 13832 => '𓃕', 13833 => '𓃖', 13834 => '𓃗', 13835 => '𓃘', 13836 => '𓃙', 13837 => '𓃚', 13838 => '𓃛', 13839 => '𓃜', 13840 => '𓃝', 13841 => '𓃞', 13842 => '𓃟', 13843 => '𓃠', 13844 => '𓃡', 13845 => '𓃢', 13846 => '𓃣', 13847 => '𓃤', 13848 => '𓃥', 13849 => '𓃦', 13850 => '𓃧', 13851 => '𓃨', 13852 => '𓃩', 13853 => '𓃪', 13854 => '𓃫', 13855 => '𓃬', 13856 => '𓃭', 13857 => '𓃮', 13858 => '𓃯', 13859 => '𓃰', 13860 => '𓃱', 13861 => '𓃲', 13862 => '𓃳', 13863 => '𓃴', 13864 => '𓃵', 13865 => '𓃶', 13866 => '𓃷', 13867 => '𓃸', 13868 => '𓃹', 13869 => '𓃺', 13870 => '𓃻', 13871 => '𓃼', 13872 => '𓃽', 13873 => '𓃾', 13874 => '𓃿', 13875 => '𓄀', 13876 => '𓄁', 13877 => '𓄂', 13878 => '𓄃', 13879 => '𓄄', 13880 => '𓄅', 13881 => '𓄆', 13882 => '𓄇', 13883 => '𓄈', 13884 => '𓄉', 13885 => '𓄊', 13886 => '𓄋', 13887 => '𓄌', 13888 => '𓄍', 13889 => '𓄎', 13890 => '𓄏', 13891 => '𓄐', 13892 => '𓄑', 13893 => '𓄒', 13894 => '𓄓', 13895 => '𓄔', 13896 => '𓄕', 13897 => '𓄖', 13898 => '𓄗', 13899 => '𓄘', 13900 => '𓄙', 13901 => '𓄚', 13902 => '𓄛', 13903 => '𓄜', 13904 => '𓄝', 13905 => '𓄞', 13906 => '𓄟', 13907 => '𓄠', 13908 => '𓄡', 13909 => '𓄢', 13910 => '𓄣', 13911 => '𓄤', 13912 => '𓄥', 13913 => '𓄦', 13914 => '𓄧', 13915 => '𓄨', 13916 => '𓄩', 13917 => '𓄪', 13918 => '𓄫', 13919 => '𓄬', 13920 => '𓄭', 13921 => '𓄮', 13922 => '𓄯', 13923 => '𓄰', 13924 => '𓄱', 13925 => '𓄲', 13926 => '𓄳', 13927 => '𓄴', 13928 => '𓄵', 13929 => '𓄶', 13930 => '𓄷', 13931 => '𓄸', 13932 => '𓄹', 13933 => '𓄺', 13934 => '𓄻', 13935 => '𓄼', 13936 => '𓄽', 13937 => '𓄾', 13938 => '𓄿', 13939 => '𓅀', 13940 => '𓅁', 13941 => '𓅂', 13942 => '𓅃', 13943 => '𓅄', 13944 => '𓅅', 13945 => '𓅆', 13946 => '𓅇', 13947 => '𓅈', 13948 => '𓅉', 13949 => '𓅊', 13950 => '𓅋', 13951 => '𓅌', 13952 => '𓅍', 13953 => '𓅎', 13954 => '𓅏', 13955 => '𓅐', 13956 => '𓅑', 13957 => '𓅒', 13958 => '𓅓', 13959 => '𓅔', 13960 => '𓅕', 13961 => '𓅖', 13962 => '𓅗', 13963 => '𓅘', 13964 => '𓅙', 13965 => '𓅚', 13966 => '𓅛', 13967 => '𓅜', 13968 => '𓅝', 13969 => '𓅞', 13970 => '𓅟', 13971 => '𓅠', 13972 => '𓅡', 13973 => '𓅢', 13974 => '𓅣', 13975 => '𓅤', 13976 => '𓅥', 13977 => '𓅦', 13978 => '𓅧', 13979 => '𓅨', 13980 => '𓅩', 13981 => '𓅪', 13982 => '𓅫', 13983 => '𓅬', 13984 => '𓅭', 13985 => '𓅮', 13986 => '𓅯', 13987 => '𓅰', 13988 => '𓅱', 13989 => '𓅲', 13990 => '𓅳', 13991 => '𓅴', 13992 => '𓅵', 13993 => '𓅶', 13994 => '𓅷', 13995 => '𓅸', 13996 => '𓅹', 13997 => '𓅺', 13998 => '𓅻', 13999 => '𓅼', 14000 => '𓅽', 14001 => '𓅾', 14002 => '𓅿', 14003 => '𓆀', 14004 => '𓆁', 14005 => '𓆂', 14006 => '𓆃', 14007 => '𓆄', 14008 => '𓆅', 14009 => '𓆆', 14010 => '𓆇', 14011 => '𓆈', 14012 => '𓆉', 14013 => '𓆊', 14014 => '𓆋', 14015 => '𓆌', 14016 => '𓆍', 14017 => '𓆎', 14018 => '𓆏', 14019 => '𓆐', 14020 => '𓆑', 14021 => '𓆒', 14022 => '𓆓', 14023 => '𓆔', 14024 => '𓆕', 14025 => '𓆖', 14026 => '𓆗', 14027 => '𓆘', 14028 => '𓆙', 14029 => '𓆚', 14030 => '𓆛', 14031 => '𓆜', 14032 => '𓆝', 14033 => '𓆞', 14034 => '𓆟', 14035 => '𓆠', 14036 => '𓆡', 14037 => '𓆢', 14038 => '𓆣', 14039 => '𓆤', 14040 => '𓆥', 14041 => '𓆦', 14042 => '𓆧', 14043 => '𓆨', 14044 => '𓆩', 14045 => '𓆪', 14046 => '𓆫', 14047 => '𓆬', 14048 => '𓆭', 14049 => '𓆮', 14050 => '𓆯', 14051 => '𓆰', 14052 => '𓆱', 14053 => '𓆲', 14054 => '𓆳', 14055 => '𓆴', 14056 => '𓆵', 14057 => '𓆶', 14058 => '𓆷', 14059 => '𓆸', 14060 => '𓆹', 14061 => '𓆺', 14062 => '𓆻', 14063 => '𓆼', 14064 => '𓆽', 14065 => '𓆾', 14066 => '𓆿', 14067 => '𓇀', 14068 => '𓇁', 14069 => '𓇂', 14070 => '𓇃', 14071 => '𓇄', 14072 => '𓇅', 14073 => '𓇆', 14074 => '𓇇', 14075 => '𓇈', 14076 => '𓇉', 14077 => '𓇊', 14078 => '𓇋', 14079 => '𓇌', 14080 => '𓇍', 14081 => '𓇎', 14082 => '𓇏', 14083 => '𓇐', 14084 => '𓇑', 14085 => '𓇒', 14086 => '𓇓', 14087 => '𓇔', 14088 => '𓇕', 14089 => '𓇖', 14090 => '𓇗', 14091 => '𓇘', 14092 => '𓇙', 14093 => '𓇚', 14094 => '𓇛', 14095 => '𓇜', 14096 => '𓇝', 14097 => '𓇞', 14098 => '𓇟', 14099 => '𓇠', 14100 => '𓇡', 14101 => '𓇢', 14102 => '𓇣', 14103 => '𓇤', 14104 => '𓇥', 14105 => '𓇦', 14106 => '𓇧', 14107 => '𓇨', 14108 => '𓇩', 14109 => '𓇪', 14110 => '𓇫', 14111 => '𓇬', 14112 => '𓇭', 14113 => '𓇮', 14114 => '𓇯', 14115 => '𓇰', 14116 => '𓇱', 14117 => '𓇲', 14118 => '𓇳', 14119 => '𓇴', 14120 => '𓇵', 14121 => '𓇶', 14122 => '𓇷', 14123 => '𓇸', 14124 => '𓇹', 14125 => '𓇺', 14126 => '𓇻', 14127 => '𓇼', 14128 => '𓇽', 14129 => '𓇾', 14130 => '𓇿', 14131 => '𓈀', 14132 => '𓈁', 14133 => '𓈂', 14134 => '𓈃', 14135 => '𓈄', 14136 => '𓈅', 14137 => '𓈆', 14138 => '𓈇', 14139 => '𓈈', 14140 => '𓈉', 14141 => '𓈊', 14142 => '𓈋', 14143 => '𓈌', 14144 => '𓈍', 14145 => '𓈎', 14146 => '𓈏', 14147 => '𓈐', 14148 => '𓈑', 14149 => '𓈒', 14150 => '𓈓', 14151 => '𓈔', 14152 => '𓈕', 14153 => '𓈖', 14154 => '𓈗', 14155 => '𓈘', 14156 => '𓈙', 14157 => '𓈚', 14158 => '𓈛', 14159 => '𓈜', 14160 => '𓈝', 14161 => '𓈞', 14162 => '𓈟', 14163 => '𓈠', 14164 => '𓈡', 14165 => '𓈢', 14166 => '𓈣', 14167 => '𓈤', 14168 => '𓈥', 14169 => '𓈦', 14170 => '𓈧', 14171 => '𓈨', 14172 => '𓈩', 14173 => '𓈪', 14174 => '𓈫', 14175 => '𓈬', 14176 => '𓈭', 14177 => '𓈮', 14178 => '𓈯', 14179 => '𓈰', 14180 => '𓈱', 14181 => '𓈲', 14182 => '𓈳', 14183 => '𓈴', 14184 => '𓈵', 14185 => '𓈶', 14186 => '𓈷', 14187 => '𓈸', 14188 => '𓈹', 14189 => '𓈺', 14190 => '𓈻', 14191 => '𓈼', 14192 => '𓈽', 14193 => '𓈾', 14194 => '𓈿', 14195 => '𓉀', 14196 => '𓉁', 14197 => '𓉂', 14198 => '𓉃', 14199 => '𓉄', 14200 => '𓉅', 14201 => '𓉆', 14202 => '𓉇', 14203 => '𓉈', 14204 => '𓉉', 14205 => '𓉊', 14206 => '𓉋', 14207 => '𓉌', 14208 => '𓉍', 14209 => '𓉎', 14210 => '𓉏', 14211 => '𓉐', 14212 => '𓉑', 14213 => '𓉒', 14214 => '𓉓', 14215 => '𓉔', 14216 => '𓉕', 14217 => '𓉖', 14218 => '𓉗', 14219 => '𓉘', 14220 => '𓉙', 14221 => '𓉚', 14222 => '𓉛', 14223 => '𓉜', 14224 => '𓉝', 14225 => '𓉞', 14226 => '𓉟', 14227 => '𓉠', 14228 => '𓉡', 14229 => '𓉢', 14230 => '𓉣', 14231 => '𓉤', 14232 => '𓉥', 14233 => '𓉦', 14234 => '𓉧', 14235 => '𓉨', 14236 => '𓉩', 14237 => '𓉪', 14238 => '𓉫', 14239 => '𓉬', 14240 => '𓉭', 14241 => '𓉮', 14242 => '𓉯', 14243 => '𓉰', 14244 => '𓉱', 14245 => '𓉲', 14246 => '𓉳', 14247 => '𓉴', 14248 => '𓉵', 14249 => '𓉶', 14250 => '𓉷', 14251 => '𓉸', 14252 => '𓉹', 14253 => '𓉺', 14254 => '𓉻', 14255 => '𓉼', 14256 => '𓉽', 14257 => '𓉾', 14258 => '𓉿', 14259 => '𓊀', 14260 => '𓊁', 14261 => '𓊂', 14262 => '𓊃', 14263 => '𓊄', 14264 => '𓊅', 14265 => '𓊆', 14266 => '𓊇', 14267 => '𓊈', 14268 => '𓊉', 14269 => '𓊊', 14270 => '𓊋', 14271 => '𓊌', 14272 => '𓊍', 14273 => '𓊎', 14274 => '𓊏', 14275 => '𓊐', 14276 => '𓊑', 14277 => '𓊒', 14278 => '𓊓', 14279 => '𓊔', 14280 => '𓊕', 14281 => '𓊖', 14282 => '𓊗', 14283 => '𓊘', 14284 => '𓊙', 14285 => '𓊚', 14286 => '𓊛', 14287 => '𓊜', 14288 => '𓊝', 14289 => '𓊞', 14290 => '𓊟', 14291 => '𓊠', 14292 => '𓊡', 14293 => '𓊢', 14294 => '𓊣', 14295 => '𓊤', 14296 => '𓊥', 14297 => '𓊦', 14298 => '𓊧', 14299 => '𓊨', 14300 => '𓊩', 14301 => '𓊪', 14302 => '𓊫', 14303 => '𓊬', 14304 => '𓊭', 14305 => '𓊮', 14306 => '𓊯', 14307 => '𓊰', 14308 => '𓊱', 14309 => '𓊲', 14310 => '𓊳', 14311 => '𓊴', 14312 => '𓊵', 14313 => '𓊶', 14314 => '𓊷', 14315 => '𓊸', 14316 => '𓊹', 14317 => '𓊺', 14318 => '𓊻', 14319 => '𓊼', 14320 => '𓊽', 14321 => '𓊾', 14322 => '𓊿', 14323 => '𓋀', 14324 => '𓋁', 14325 => '𓋂', 14326 => '𓋃', 14327 => '𓋄', 14328 => '𓋅', 14329 => '𓋆', 14330 => '𓋇', 14331 => '𓋈', 14332 => '𓋉', 14333 => '𓋊', 14334 => '𓋋', 14335 => '𓋌', 14336 => '𓋍', 14337 => '𓋎', 14338 => '𓋏', 14339 => '𓋐', 14340 => '𓋑', 14341 => '𓋒', 14342 => '𓋓', 14343 => '𓋔', 14344 => '𓋕', 14345 => '𓋖', 14346 => '𓋗', 14347 => '𓋘', 14348 => '𓋙', 14349 => '𓋚', 14350 => '𓋛', 14351 => '𓋜', 14352 => '𓋝', 14353 => '𓋞', 14354 => '𓋟', 14355 => '𓋠', 14356 => '𓋡', 14357 => '𓋢', 14358 => '𓋣', 14359 => '𓋤', 14360 => '𓋥', 14361 => '𓋦', 14362 => '𓋧', 14363 => '𓋨', 14364 => '𓋩', 14365 => '𓋪', 14366 => '𓋫', 14367 => '𓋬', 14368 => '𓋭', 14369 => '𓋮', 14370 => '𓋯', 14371 => '𓋰', 14372 => '𓋱', 14373 => '𓋲', 14374 => '𓋳', 14375 => '𓋴', 14376 => '𓋵', 14377 => '𓋶', 14378 => '𓋷', 14379 => '𓋸', 14380 => '𓋹', 14381 => '𓋺', 14382 => '𓋻', 14383 => '𓋼', 14384 => '𓋽', 14385 => '𓋾', 14386 => '𓋿', 14387 => '𓌀', 14388 => '𓌁', 14389 => '𓌂', 14390 => '𓌃', 14391 => '𓌄', 14392 => '𓌅', 14393 => '𓌆', 14394 => '𓌇', 14395 => '𓌈', 14396 => '𓌉', 14397 => '𓌊', 14398 => '𓌋', 14399 => '𓌌', 14400 => '𓌍', 14401 => '𓌎', 14402 => '𓌏', 14403 => '𓌐', 14404 => '𓌑', 14405 => '𓌒', 14406 => '𓌓', 14407 => '𓌔', 14408 => '𓌕', 14409 => '𓌖', 14410 => '𓌗', 14411 => '𓌘', 14412 => '𓌙', 14413 => '𓌚', 14414 => '𓌛', 14415 => '𓌜', 14416 => '𓌝', 14417 => '𓌞', 14418 => '𓌟', 14419 => '𓌠', 14420 => '𓌡', 14421 => '𓌢', 14422 => '𓌣', 14423 => '𓌤', 14424 => '𓌥', 14425 => '𓌦', 14426 => '𓌧', 14427 => '𓌨', 14428 => '𓌩', 14429 => '𓌪', 14430 => '𓌫', 14431 => '𓌬', 14432 => '𓌭', 14433 => '𓌮', 14434 => '𓌯', 14435 => '𓌰', 14436 => '𓌱', 14437 => '𓌲', 14438 => '𓌳', 14439 => '𓌴', 14440 => '𓌵', 14441 => '𓌶', 14442 => '𓌷', 14443 => '𓌸', 14444 => '𓌹', 14445 => '𓌺', 14446 => '𓌻', 14447 => '𓌼', 14448 => '𓌽', 14449 => '𓌾', 14450 => '𓌿', 14451 => '𓍀', 14452 => '𓍁', 14453 => '𓍂', 14454 => '𓍃', 14455 => '𓍄', 14456 => '𓍅', 14457 => '𓍆', 14458 => '𓍇', 14459 => '𓍈', 14460 => '𓍉', 14461 => '𓍊', 14462 => '𓍋', 14463 => '𓍌', 14464 => '𓍍', 14465 => '𓍎', 14466 => '𓍏', 14467 => '𓍐', 14468 => '𓍑', 14469 => '𓍒', 14470 => '𓍓', 14471 => '𓍔', 14472 => '𓍕', 14473 => '𓍖', 14474 => '𓍗', 14475 => '𓍘', 14476 => '𓍙', 14477 => '𓍚', 14478 => '𓍛', 14479 => '𓍜', 14480 => '𓍝', 14481 => '𓍞', 14482 => '𓍟', 14483 => '𓍠', 14484 => '𓍡', 14485 => '𓍢', 14486 => '𓍣', 14487 => '𓍤', 14488 => '𓍥', 14489 => '𓍦', 14490 => '𓍧', 14491 => '𓍨', 14492 => '𓍩', 14493 => '𓍪', 14494 => '𓍫', 14495 => '𓍬', 14496 => '𓍭', 14497 => '𓍮', 14498 => '𓍯', 14499 => '𓍰', 14500 => '𓍱', 14501 => '𓍲', 14502 => '𓍳', 14503 => '𓍴', 14504 => '𓍵', 14505 => '𓍶', 14506 => '𓍷', 14507 => '𓍸', 14508 => '𓍹', 14509 => '𓍺', 14510 => '𓍻', 14511 => '𓍼', 14512 => '𓍽', 14513 => '𓍾', 14514 => '𓍿', 14515 => '𓎀', 14516 => '𓎁', 14517 => '𓎂', 14518 => '𓎃', 14519 => '𓎄', 14520 => '𓎅', 14521 => '𓎆', 14522 => '𓎇', 14523 => '𓎈', 14524 => '𓎉', 14525 => '𓎊', 14526 => '𓎋', 14527 => '𓎌', 14528 => '𓎍', 14529 => '𓎎', 14530 => '𓎏', 14531 => '𓎐', 14532 => '𓎑', 14533 => '𓎒', 14534 => '𓎓', 14535 => '𓎔', 14536 => '𓎕', 14537 => '𓎖', 14538 => '𓎗', 14539 => '𓎘', 14540 => '𓎙', 14541 => '𓎚', 14542 => '𓎛', 14543 => '𓎜', 14544 => '𓎝', 14545 => '𓎞', 14546 => '𓎟', 14547 => '𓎠', 14548 => '𓎡', 14549 => '𓎢', 14550 => '𓎣', 14551 => '𓎤', 14552 => '𓎥', 14553 => '𓎦', 14554 => '𓎧', 14555 => '𓎨', 14556 => '𓎩', 14557 => '𓎪', 14558 => '𓎫', 14559 => '𓎬', 14560 => '𓎭', 14561 => '𓎮', 14562 => '𓎯', 14563 => '𓎰', 14564 => '𓎱', 14565 => '𓎲', 14566 => '𓎳', 14567 => '𓎴', 14568 => '𓎵', 14569 => '𓎶', 14570 => '𓎷', 14571 => '𓎸', 14572 => '𓎹', 14573 => '𓎺', 14574 => '𓎻', 14575 => '𓎼', 14576 => '𓎽', 14577 => '𓎾', 14578 => '𓎿', 14579 => '𓏀', 14580 => '𓏁', 14581 => '𓏂', 14582 => '𓏃', 14583 => '𓏄', 14584 => '𓏅', 14585 => '𓏆', 14586 => '𓏇', 14587 => '𓏈', 14588 => '𓏉', 14589 => '𓏊', 14590 => '𓏋', 14591 => '𓏌', 14592 => '𓏍', 14593 => '𓏎', 14594 => '𓏏', 14595 => '𓏐', 14596 => '𓏑', 14597 => '𓏒', 14598 => '𓏓', 14599 => '𓏔', 14600 => '𓏕', 14601 => '𓏖', 14602 => '𓏗', 14603 => '𓏘', 14604 => '𓏙', 14605 => '𓏚', 14606 => '𓏛', 14607 => '𓏜', 14608 => '𓏝', 14609 => '𓏞', 14610 => '𓏟', 14611 => '𓏠', 14612 => '𓏡', 14613 => '𓏢', 14614 => '𓏣', 14615 => '𓏤', 14616 => '𓏥', 14617 => '𓏦', 14618 => '𓏧', 14619 => '𓏨', 14620 => '𓏩', 14621 => '𓏪', 14622 => '𓏫', 14623 => '𓏬', 14624 => '𓏭', 14625 => '𓏮', 14626 => '𓏯', 14627 => '𓏰', 14628 => '𓏱', 14629 => '𓏲', 14630 => '𓏳', 14631 => '𓏴', 14632 => '𓏵', 14633 => '𓏶', 14634 => '𓏷', 14635 => '𓏸', 14636 => '𓏹', 14637 => '𓏺', 14638 => '𓏻', 14639 => '𓏼', 14640 => '𓏽', 14641 => '𓏾', 14642 => '𓏿', 14643 => '𓐀', 14644 => '𓐁', 14645 => '𓐂', 14646 => '𓐃', 14647 => '𓐄', 14648 => '𓐅', 14649 => '𓐆', 14650 => '𓐇', 14651 => '𓐈', 14652 => '𓐉', 14653 => '𓐊', 14654 => '𓐋', 14655 => '𓐌', 14656 => '𓐍', 14657 => '𓐎', 14658 => '𓐏', 14659 => '𓐐', 14660 => '𓐑', 14661 => '𓐒', 14662 => '𓐓', 14663 => '𓐔', 14664 => '𓐕', 14665 => '𓐖', 14666 => '𓐗', 14667 => '𓐘', 14668 => '𓐙', 14669 => '𓐚', 14670 => '𓐛', 14671 => '𓐜', 14672 => '𓐝', 14673 => '𓐞', 14674 => '𓐟', 14675 => '𓐠', 14676 => '𓐡', 14677 => '𓐢', 14678 => '𓐣', 14679 => '𓐤', 14680 => '𓐥', 14681 => '𓐦', 14682 => '𓐧', 14683 => '𓐨', 14684 => '𓐩', 14685 => '𓐪', 14686 => '𓐫', 14687 => '𓐬', 14688 => '𓐭', 14689 => '𓐮', 14690 => '㆒', 14691 => '㆜', 14692 => '㆔', 14693 => '㆖', 14694 => '㆘', 14695 => '㆛', 14696 => '㆗', 14697 => '㆚', 14698 => '㆓', 14699 => '🈘', 14700 => '㆟', 14701 => '🈞', 14702 => '🈠', 14703 => '🈜', 14704 => '🈹', 14705 => '🈒', 14706 => '🉑', 14707 => '🈮', 14708 => '🈴', 14709 => '🈥', 14710 => '🈺', 14711 => '㆕', 14712 => '㆞', 14713 => '🈤', 14714 => '🈕', 14715 => '㆝', 14716 => '🈑', 14717 => '🈬', 14718 => '🈝', 14719 => '🉐', 14720 => '🈐', 14721 => '🈱', 14722 => '🈧', 14723 => '🈯', 14724 => '🈨', 14725 => '🈛', 14726 => '🈟', 14727 => '🈙', 14728 => '🈷', 14729 => '🈶', 14730 => '🈵', 14731 => '🈦', 14732 => '🈚', 14733 => '🈢', 14734 => '㆙', 14735 => '🈸', 14736 => '🈲', 14737 => '🈳', 14738 => '🈡', 14739 => '🈖', 14740 => '🈣', 14741 => '🈰', 14742 => '🈫',]
Definition Defines.php:293
const LIST_AND
Definition Defines.php:52
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead & $vars
Definition hooks.txt:2228
in this case you re responsible for computing and outputting the entire conflict i e
Definition hooks.txt:1423
The index of the header message $result[1]=The index of the body text message $result[2 through n]=Parameters passed to body text message. Please note the header message cannot receive/use parameters. 'ImgAuthModifyHeaders':Executed just before a file is streamed to a user via img_auth.php, allowing headers to be modified beforehand. $title:LinkTarget object & $headers:HTTP headers(name=> value, names are case insensitive). Two headers get special handling:If-Modified-Since(value must be a valid HTTP date) and Range(must be of the form "bytes=(\d*-\d*)") will be honored when streaming the file. 'ImportHandleLogItemXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a log item. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $logInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandlePageXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object & $pageInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandleRevisionXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page revision. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $pageInfo:Array of page information $revisionInfo:Array of revision information 'ImportHandleToplevelXMLTag':When parsing a top level XML tag. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object 'ImportHandleUnknownUser':When a user doesn 't exist locally, this hook is called to give extensions an opportunity to auto-create it. If the auto-creation is successful, return false. $name:User name 'ImportHandleUploadXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a file upload. Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $revisionInfo:Array of information 'ImportLogInterwikiLink':Hook to change the interwiki link used in log entries and edit summaries for transwiki imports. & $fullInterwikiPrefix:Interwiki prefix, may contain colons. & $pageTitle:String that contains page title. 'ImportSources':Called when reading from the $wgImportSources configuration variable. Can be used to lazy-load the import sources list. & $importSources:The value of $wgImportSources. Modify as necessary. See the comment in DefaultSettings.php for the detail of how to structure this array. 'InfoAction':When building information to display on the action=info page. $context:IContextSource object & $pageInfo:Array of information 'InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect':MediaWiki check to see if title is a redirect. & $title:Title object for the current page & $request:WebRequest & $ignoreRedirect:boolean to skip redirect check & $target:Title/string of redirect target & $article:Article object 'InternalParseBeforeLinks':during Parser 's internalParse method before links but after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InternalParseBeforeSanitize':during Parser 's internalParse method just before the parser removes unwanted/dangerous HTML tags and after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings. Ideal for syntax-extensions after template/parser function execution which respect nowiki and HTML-comments. & $parser:Parser object & $text:string containing partially parsed text & $stripState:Parser 's internal StripState object 'InterwikiLoadPrefix':When resolving if a given prefix is an interwiki or not. Return true without providing an interwiki to continue interwiki search. $prefix:interwiki prefix we are looking for. & $iwData:output array describing the interwiki with keys iw_url, iw_local, iw_trans and optionally iw_api and iw_wikiid. 'InvalidateEmailComplete':Called after a user 's email has been invalidated successfully. $user:user(object) whose email is being invalidated 'IRCLineURL':When constructing the URL to use in an IRC notification. Callee may modify $url and $query, URL will be constructed as $url . $query & $url:URL to index.php & $query:Query string $rc:RecentChange object that triggered url generation 'IsFileCacheable':Override the result of Article::isFileCacheable()(if true) & $article:article(object) being checked 'IsTrustedProxy':Override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() & $ip:IP being check & $result:Change this value to override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() 'IsUploadAllowedFromUrl':Override the result of UploadFromUrl::isAllowedUrl() $url:URL used to upload from & $allowed:Boolean indicating if uploading is allowed for given URL 'isValidEmailAddr':Override the result of Sanitizer::validateEmail(), for instance to return false if the domain name doesn 't match your organization. $addr:The e-mail address entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks 'isValidPassword':Override the result of User::isValidPassword() $password:The password entered by the user & $result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks $user:User the password is being validated for 'Language::getMessagesFileName':$code:The language code or the language we 're looking for a messages file for & $file:The messages file path, you can override this to change the location. 'LanguageGetNamespaces':Provide custom ordering for namespaces or remove namespaces. Do not use this hook to add namespaces. Use CanonicalNamespaces for that. & $namespaces:Array of namespaces indexed by their numbers 'LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames':Provide translated language names. & $names:array of language code=> language name $code:language of the preferred translations 'LanguageLinks':Manipulate a page 's language links. This is called in various places to allow extensions to define the effective language links for a page. $title:The page 's Title. & $links:Array with elements of the form "language:title" in the order that they will be output. & $linkFlags:Associative array mapping prefixed links to arrays of flags. Currently unused, but planned to provide support for marking individual language links in the UI, e.g. for featured articles. 'LanguageSelector':Hook to change the language selector available on a page. $out:The output page. $cssClassName:CSS class name of the language selector. 'LinkBegin':DEPRECATED since 1.28! Use HtmlPageLinkRendererBegin instead. Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(), before processing starts. Return false to skip default processing and return $ret. See documentation for Linker::link() for details on the expected meanings of parameters. $skin:the Skin object $target:the Title that the link is pointing to & $html:the contents that the< a > tag should have(raw HTML) $result
Definition hooks.txt:1991
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped & $options
Definition hooks.txt:1999
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that When $user is not null
Definition hooks.txt:783
and how to run hooks for an and one after Each event has a preferably in CamelCase For ArticleDelete hook A clump of code and data that should be run when an event happens This can be either a function and a chunk of or an object and a method hook function The function part of a third party developers and local administrators to define code that will be run at certain points in the mainline code
Definition hooks.txt:28
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses & $ret
Definition hooks.txt:2003
either a unescaped string or a HtmlArmor object after in associative array form externallinks including delete and has completed for all link tables whether this was an auto creation use $formDescriptor instead default is conds Array Extra conditions for the No matching items in log is displayed if loglist is empty msgKey Array If you want a nice box with a message
Definition hooks.txt:2162
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition hooks.txt:271
returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition hooks.txt:2175
as see the revision history and available at free of to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal in the Software without including without limitation the rights to and or sell copies of the and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do subject to the following WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR ARISING FROM
Definition LICENSE.txt:24
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
This document provides an overview of the usage of PageUpdater and that is
This document describes the state of Postgres support in and is fairly well maintained The main code is very well while extensions are very hit and miss it is probably the most supported database after MySQL Much of the work in making MediaWiki database agnostic came about through the work of creating Postgres but without copying over all the usage comments General notes on the but these can almost always be programmed around *Although Postgres has a true BOOLEAN boolean columns are always mapped to as the code does not always treat the column as a and VARBINARY columns should simply be TEXT The only exception is when VARBINARY is used to store true binary such as the math_inputhash column
Definition postgres.txt:38
if(is_array($mode)) switch( $mode) $input
Definition defines.php:16
Definition defines.php:15
Definition defines.php:13
Definition defines.php:14