MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
39class HashRing implements Serializable {
41 protected $algo;
48 protected $baseRing;
50 protected $liveRing;
53 const RING_SIZE = 4294967296.0; // 2^32
55 const HASHES_PER_LOCATION = 40;
57 const SECTORS_PER_HASH = 4;
59 const KEY_POS = 0;
60 const KEY_LOCATION = 1;
63 const RING_ALL = 0;
65 const RING_LIVE = 1;
75 public function __construct( array $map, $algo = 'sha1', array $ejections = [] ) {
76 $this->init( $map, $algo, $ejections );
77 }
84 protected function init( array $map, $algo, array $ejections ) {
85 if ( !in_array( $algo, hash_algos(), true ) ) {
86 throw new RuntimeException( __METHOD__ . ": unsupported '$algo' hash algorithm." );
87 }
89 $weightByLocation = array_filter( $map );
90 if ( $weightByLocation === [] ) {
91 throw new UnexpectedValueException( "No locations with non-zero weight." );
92 } elseif ( min( $map ) < 0 ) {
93 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Location weight cannot be negative." );
94 }
96 $this->algo = $algo;
97 $this->weightByLocation = $weightByLocation;
98 $this->ejectExpiryByLocation = $ejections;
99 $this->baseRing = $this->buildLocationRing( $this->weightByLocation, $this->algo );
100 }
109 final public function getLocation( $item ) {
110 return $this->getLocations( $item, 1 )[0];
111 }
122 public function getLocations( $item, $limit, $from = self::RING_ALL ) {
123 if ( $from === self::RING_ALL ) {
124 $ring = $this->baseRing;
125 } elseif ( $from === self::RING_LIVE ) {
126 $ring = $this->getLiveRing();
127 } else {
128 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid ring source specified." );
129 }
131 // Locate this item's position on the hash ring
132 $position = $this->getItemPosition( $item );
133 $itemNodeIndex = $this->findNodeIndexForPosition( $position, $ring );
135 $locations = [];
136 $currentIndex = $itemNodeIndex;
137 while ( count( $locations ) < $limit ) {
138 $nodeLocation = $ring[$currentIndex][self::KEY_LOCATION];
139 if ( !in_array( $nodeLocation, $locations, true ) ) {
140 // Ignore other nodes for the same locations already added
141 $locations[] = $nodeLocation;
142 }
143 $currentIndex = $this->getNextClockwiseNodeIndex( $currentIndex, $ring );
144 if ( $currentIndex === $itemNodeIndex ) {
145 break; // all nodes visited
146 }
147 }
149 return $locations;
150 }
157 private function findNodeIndexForPosition( $position, $ring ) {
158 $count = count( $ring );
159 if ( $count === 0 ) {
160 return null;
161 }
162 $lowPos = 0;
163 $highPos = $count;
164 while ( true ) {
165 $midPos = intval( ( $lowPos + $highPos ) / 2 );
166 if ( $midPos === $count ) {
167 return 0;
168 }
169 $midVal = $ring[$midPos][self::KEY_POS];
170 $midMinusOneVal = $midPos === 0 ? 0 : $ring[$midPos - 1][self::KEY_POS];
172 if ( $position <= $midVal && $position > $midMinusOneVal ) {
173 return $midPos;
174 }
176 if ( $midVal < $position ) {
177 $lowPos = $midPos + 1;
178 } else {
179 $highPos = $midPos - 1;
180 }
182 if ( $lowPos > $highPos ) {
183 return 0;
184 }
185 }
186 }
193 public function getLocationWeights() {
195 }
205 public function ejectFromLiveRing( $location, $ttl ) {
206 if ( !isset( $this->weightByLocation[$location] ) ) {
207 throw new UnexpectedValueException( "No location '$location' in the ring." );
208 }
210 $expiry = $this->getCurrentTime() + $ttl;
211 $this->ejectExpiryByLocation[$location] = $expiry;
213 $this->liveRing = null; // invalidate ring cache
215 return ( count( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) < count( $this->weightByLocation ) );
216 }
225 final public function getLiveLocation( $item ) {
226 return $this->getLocations( $item, 1, self::RING_LIVE )[0];
227 }
237 final public function getLiveLocations( $item, $limit ) {
238 return $this->getLocations( $item, $limit, self::RING_LIVE );
239 }
247 public function getLiveLocationWeights() {
248 $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
250 return array_diff_key(
251 $this->weightByLocation,
252 array_filter(
253 $this->ejectExpiryByLocation,
254 function ( $expiry ) use ( $now ) {
255 return ( $expiry > $now );
256 }
257 )
258 );
259 }
267 $locationCount = count( $weightByLocation );
268 $totalWeight = array_sum( $weightByLocation );
270 $ring = [];
271 // Assign nodes to all locations based on location weight
272 $claimed = []; // (position as string => (node, index))
273 foreach ( $weightByLocation as $location => $weight ) {
274 $ratio = $weight / $totalWeight;
275 // There $locationCount * (HASHES_PER_LOCATION * 4) nodes available;
276 // assign a few groups of nodes to this location based on its weight.
277 $nodesQuartets = intval( $ratio * self::HASHES_PER_LOCATION * $locationCount );
278 for ( $qi = 0; $qi < $nodesQuartets; ++$qi ) {
279 // For efficiency, get 4 points per hash call and 4X node count.
280 // If $algo is MD5, then this matches that of with libketama.
281 // See
282 $positions = $this->getNodePositionQuartet( "{$location}-{$qi}" );
283 foreach ( $positions as $gi => $position ) {
284 $node = ( $qi * self::SECTORS_PER_HASH + $gi ) . "@$location";
285 $posKey = (string)$position; // large integer
286 if ( isset( $claimed[$posKey] ) ) {
287 // Disallow duplicates for sanity (name decides precedence)
288 if ( $claimed[$posKey]['node'] > $node ) {
289 continue;
290 } else {
291 unset( $ring[$claimed[$posKey]['index']] );
292 }
293 }
294 $ring[] = [
295 self::KEY_POS => $position,
296 self::KEY_LOCATION => $location
297 ];
298 $claimed[$posKey] = [ 'node' => $node, 'index' => count( $ring ) - 1 ];
299 }
300 }
301 }
302 // Sort the locations into clockwise order based on the hash ring position
303 usort( $ring, function ( $a, $b ) {
304 if ( $a[self::KEY_POS] === $b[self::KEY_POS] ) {
305 throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Duplicate node positions.' );
306 }
308 return ( $a[self::KEY_POS] < $b[self::KEY_POS] ? -1 : 1 );
309 } );
311 return $ring;
312 }
318 private function getItemPosition( $item ) {
319 // If $algo is MD5, then this matches that of with libketama.
320 // See
321 $octets = substr( hash( $this->algo, (string)$item, true ), 0, 4 );
322 if ( strlen( $octets ) != 4 ) {
323 throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": {$this->algo} is < 32 bits." );
324 }
326 return (float)sprintf( '%u', unpack( 'V', $octets )[1] );
327 }
333 private function getNodePositionQuartet( $nodeGroupName ) {
334 $octets = substr( hash( $this->algo, (string)$nodeGroupName, true ), 0, 16 );
335 if ( strlen( $octets ) != 16 ) {
336 throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": {$this->algo} is < 128 bits." );
337 }
339 $positions = [];
340 foreach ( unpack( 'V4', $octets ) as $signed ) {
341 $positions[] = (float)sprintf( '%u', $signed );
342 }
344 return $positions;
345 }
352 private function getNextClockwiseNodeIndex( $i, $ring ) {
353 if ( !isset( $ring[$i] ) ) {
354 throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": reference index is invalid." );
355 }
357 $next = $i + 1;
359 return ( $next < count( $ring ) ) ? $next : 0;
360 }
368 protected function getLiveRing() {
369 if ( !$this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) {
370 return $this->baseRing; // nothing ejected
371 }
373 $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
375 if ( $this->liveRing === null || min( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) <= $now ) {
376 // Live ring needs to be regerenated...
377 $this->ejectExpiryByLocation = array_filter(
378 $this->ejectExpiryByLocation,
379 function ( $expiry ) use ( $now ) {
380 return ( $expiry > $now );
381 }
382 );
384 if ( count( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) ) {
385 // Some locations are still ejected from the ring
386 $liveRing = [];
387 foreach ( $this->baseRing as $i => $nodeInfo ) {
388 $location = $nodeInfo[self::KEY_LOCATION];
389 if ( !isset( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation[$location] ) ) {
390 $liveRing[] = $nodeInfo;
391 }
392 }
393 } else {
395 }
397 $this->liveRing = $liveRing;
398 }
400 if ( !$this->liveRing ) {
401 throw new UnexpectedValueException( "The live ring is currently empty." );
402 }
404 return $this->liveRing;
405 }
410 protected function getCurrentTime() {
411 return time();
412 }
414 public function serialize() {
415 return serialize( [
416 'algorithm' => $this->algo,
417 'locations' => $this->weightByLocation,
418 'ejections' => $this->ejectExpiryByLocation
419 ] );
420 }
422 public function unserialize( $serialized ) {
424 if ( is_array( $data ) ) {
425 $this->init( $data['locations'], $data['algorithm'], $data['ejections'] );
426 } else {
427 throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": unable to decode JSON." );
428 }
429 }
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
Convenience class for weighted consistent hash rings.
Definition HashRing.php:39
getLiveLocations( $item, $limit)
Get the location of an item on the "live" ring, as well as the next locations.
Definition HashRing.php:237
int[] $ejectExpiryByLocation
Map of (location => UNIX timestamp)
Definition HashRing.php:45
Definition HashRing.php:60
Get the map of "live" locations to weight (does not include zero weight items)
Definition HashRing.php:247
array[] $baseRing
Non-empty list of (float, node name, location name)
Definition HashRing.php:48
init(array $map, $algo, array $ejections)
Definition HashRing.php:84
getLiveLocation( $item)
Get the location of an item on the "live" ring.
Definition HashRing.php:225
int[] $weightByLocation
Non-empty (location => integer weight)
Definition HashRing.php:43
Definition HashRing.php:410
unserialize( $serialized)
Definition HashRing.php:422
getLocation( $item)
Get the location of an item on the ring.
Definition HashRing.php:109
findNodeIndexForPosition( $position, $ring)
Definition HashRing.php:157
array[] $liveRing
Non-empty list of (float, node name, location name)
Definition HashRing.php:50
getNodePositionQuartet( $nodeGroupName)
Definition HashRing.php:333
getNextClockwiseNodeIndex( $i, $ring)
Definition HashRing.php:352
getItemPosition( $item)
Definition HashRing.php:318
buildLocationRing(array $weightByLocation, $algo)
Definition HashRing.php:266
const KEY_POS
Definition HashRing.php:59
Get the map of locations to weight (does not include zero weight items)
Definition HashRing.php:193
getLocations( $item, $limit, $from=self::RING_ALL)
Get the location of an item on the ring, as well as the next locations.
Definition HashRing.php:122
Get the "live" hash ring (which does not include ejected locations)
Definition HashRing.php:368
string $algo
Hashing algorithm for hash()
Definition HashRing.php:41
__construct(array $map, $algo='sha1', array $ejections=[])
Make a consistent hash ring given a set of locations and their weight values.
Definition HashRing.php:75
ejectFromLiveRing( $location, $ttl)
Remove a location from the "live" hash ring.
Definition HashRing.php:205
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Utility to generate mapping file used in mw.Title (phpCharToUpper.json)
This code would result in ircNotify being run twice when an article is and once for brion Hooks can return three possible true was required This is the default since MediaWiki *some string
Definition hooks.txt:181
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition injection.txt:37
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
foreach( $res as $row) $serialized