MediaWiki REL1_33
Go to the documentation of this file.
50 protected $partitionRing;
52 protected $partitionQueues = [];
74 protected function __construct( array $params ) {
75 parent::__construct( $params );
76 $section = $params['sectionsByWiki'][$this->domain] ?? 'default';
77 if ( !isset( $params['partitionsBySection'][$section] ) ) {
78 throw new MWException( "No configuration for section '$section'." );
79 }
80 $this->maxPartitionsTry = $params['maxPartitionsTry'] ?? 2;
81 // Get the full partition map
82 $partitionMap = $params['partitionsBySection'][$section];
83 arsort( $partitionMap, SORT_NUMERIC );
84 // Get the config to pass to merge into each partition queue config
85 $baseConfig = $params;
86 foreach ( [ 'class', 'sectionsByWiki', 'maxPartitionsTry',
87 'partitionsBySection', 'configByPartition', ] as $o
88 ) {
89 unset( $baseConfig[$o] ); // partition queue doesn't care about this
90 }
91 // The class handles all aggregator calls already
92 unset( $baseConfig['aggregator'] );
93 // Get the partition queue objects
94 foreach ( $partitionMap as $partition => $w ) {
95 if ( !isset( $params['configByPartition'][$partition] ) ) {
96 throw new MWException( "No configuration for partition '$partition'." );
97 }
98 $this->partitionQueues[$partition] = JobQueue::factory(
99 $baseConfig + $params['configByPartition'][$partition] );
100 }
101 // Ring of all partitions
102 $this->partitionRing = new HashRing( $partitionMap );
103 }
105 protected function supportedOrders() {
106 // No FIFO due to partitioning, though "rough timestamp order" is supported
107 return [ 'undefined', 'random', 'timestamp' ];
108 }
110 protected function optimalOrder() {
111 return 'undefined'; // defer to the partitions
112 }
114 protected function supportsDelayedJobs() {
115 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
116 if ( !$queue->supportsDelayedJobs() ) {
117 return false;
118 }
119 }
121 return true;
122 }
124 protected function doIsEmpty() {
125 $empty = true;
126 $failed = 0;
127 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
128 try {
129 $empty = $empty && $queue->doIsEmpty();
130 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
131 ++$failed;
132 $this->logException( $e );
133 }
134 }
135 $this->throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $failed );
137 return $empty;
138 }
140 protected function doGetSize() {
141 return $this->getCrossPartitionSum( 'size', 'doGetSize' );
142 }
144 protected function doGetAcquiredCount() {
145 return $this->getCrossPartitionSum( 'acquiredcount', 'doGetAcquiredCount' );
146 }
148 protected function doGetDelayedCount() {
149 return $this->getCrossPartitionSum( 'delayedcount', 'doGetDelayedCount' );
150 }
152 protected function doGetAbandonedCount() {
153 return $this->getCrossPartitionSum( 'abandonedcount', 'doGetAbandonedCount' );
154 }
161 protected function getCrossPartitionSum( $type, $method ) {
162 $count = 0;
163 $failed = 0;
164 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
165 try {
166 $count += $queue->$method();
167 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
168 ++$failed;
169 $this->logException( $e );
170 }
171 }
172 $this->throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $failed );
174 return $count;
175 }
177 protected function doBatchPush( array $jobs, $flags ) {
178 // Local ring variable that may be changed to point to a new ring on failure
180 // Try to insert the jobs and update $partitionsTry on any failures.
181 // Retry to insert any remaning jobs again, ignoring the bad partitions.
182 $jobsLeft = $jobs;
183 for ( $i = $this->maxPartitionsTry; $i > 0 && count( $jobsLeft ); --$i ) {
184 try {
186 } catch ( UnexpectedValueException $e ) {
187 break; // all servers down; nothing to insert to
188 }
189 $jobsLeft = $this->tryJobInsertions( $jobsLeft, $partitionRing, $flags );
190 }
191 if ( count( $jobsLeft ) ) {
192 throw new JobQueueError(
193 "Could not insert job(s), {$this->maxPartitionsTry} partitions tried." );
194 }
195 }
204 protected function tryJobInsertions( array $jobs, HashRing &$partitionRing, $flags ) {
205 $jobsLeft = [];
207 // Because jobs are spread across partitions, per-job de-duplication needs
208 // to use a consistent hash to avoid allowing duplicate jobs per partition.
209 // When inserting a batch of de-duplicated jobs, QOS_ATOMIC is disregarded.
210 $uJobsByPartition = []; // (partition name => job list)
212 foreach ( $jobs as $key => $job ) {
213 if ( $job->ignoreDuplicates() ) {
214 $sha1 = sha1( serialize( $job->getDeduplicationInfo() ) );
215 $uJobsByPartition[$partitionRing->getLiveLocation( $sha1 )][] = $job;
216 unset( $jobs[$key] );
217 }
218 }
219 // Get the batches of jobs that are not de-duplicated
220 if ( $flags & self::QOS_ATOMIC ) {
221 $nuJobBatches = [ $jobs ]; // all or nothing
222 } else {
223 // Split the jobs into batches and spread them out over servers if there
224 // are many jobs. This helps keep the partitions even. Otherwise, send all
225 // the jobs to a single partition queue to avoids the extra connections.
226 $nuJobBatches = array_chunk( $jobs, 300 );
227 }
229 // Insert the de-duplicated jobs into the queues...
230 foreach ( $uJobsByPartition as $partition => $jobBatch ) {
232 $queue = $this->partitionQueues[$partition];
233 try {
234 $ok = true;
235 $queue->doBatchPush( $jobBatch, $flags | self::QOS_ATOMIC );
236 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
237 $ok = false;
238 $this->logException( $e );
239 }
240 if ( !$ok ) {
241 if ( !$partitionRing->ejectFromLiveRing( $partition, 5 ) ) { // blacklist
242 throw new JobQueueError( "Could not insert job(s), no partitions available." );
243 }
244 $jobsLeft = array_merge( $jobsLeft, $jobBatch ); // not inserted
245 }
246 }
248 // Insert the jobs that are not de-duplicated into the queues...
249 foreach ( $nuJobBatches as $jobBatch ) {
250 $partition = ArrayUtils::pickRandom( $partitionRing->getLiveLocationWeights() );
251 $queue = $this->partitionQueues[$partition];
252 try {
253 $ok = true;
254 $queue->doBatchPush( $jobBatch, $flags | self::QOS_ATOMIC );
255 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
256 $ok = false;
257 $this->logException( $e );
258 }
259 if ( !$ok ) {
260 if ( !$partitionRing->ejectFromLiveRing( $partition, 5 ) ) { // blacklist
261 throw new JobQueueError( "Could not insert job(s), no partitions available." );
262 }
263 $jobsLeft = array_merge( $jobsLeft, $jobBatch ); // not inserted
264 }
265 }
267 return $jobsLeft;
268 }
270 protected function doPop() {
271 $partitionsTry = $this->partitionRing->getLiveLocationWeights(); // (partition => weight)
273 $failed = 0;
274 while ( count( $partitionsTry ) ) {
275 $partition = ArrayUtils::pickRandom( $partitionsTry );
276 if ( $partition === false ) {
277 break; // all partitions at 0 weight
278 }
281 $queue = $this->partitionQueues[$partition];
282 try {
283 $job = $queue->pop();
284 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
285 ++$failed;
286 $this->logException( $e );
287 $job = false;
288 }
289 if ( $job ) {
290 $job->setMetadata( 'QueuePartition', $partition );
292 return $job;
293 } else {
294 unset( $partitionsTry[$partition] ); // blacklist partition
295 }
296 }
297 $this->throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $failed );
299 return false;
300 }
302 protected function doAck( Job $job ) {
303 $partition = $job->getMetadata( 'QueuePartition' );
304 if ( $partition === null ) {
305 throw new MWException( "The given job has no defined partition name." );
306 }
308 $this->partitionQueues[$partition]->ack( $job );
309 }
311 protected function doIsRootJobOldDuplicate( Job $job ) {
312 $signature = $job->getRootJobParams()['rootJobSignature'];
313 $partition = $this->partitionRing->getLiveLocation( $signature );
314 try {
315 return $this->partitionQueues[$partition]->doIsRootJobOldDuplicate( $job );
316 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
317 if ( $this->partitionRing->ejectFromLiveRing( $partition, 5 ) ) {
318 $partition = $this->partitionRing->getLiveLocation( $signature );
319 return $this->partitionQueues[$partition]->doIsRootJobOldDuplicate( $job );
320 }
321 }
323 return false;
324 }
327 $signature = $job->getRootJobParams()['rootJobSignature'];
328 $partition = $this->partitionRing->getLiveLocation( $signature );
329 try {
330 return $this->partitionQueues[$partition]->doDeduplicateRootJob( $job );
331 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
332 if ( $this->partitionRing->ejectFromLiveRing( $partition, 5 ) ) {
333 $partition = $this->partitionRing->getLiveLocation( $signature );
334 return $this->partitionQueues[$partition]->doDeduplicateRootJob( $job );
335 }
336 }
338 return false;
339 }
341 protected function doDelete() {
342 $failed = 0;
344 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
345 try {
346 $queue->doDelete();
347 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
348 ++$failed;
349 $this->logException( $e );
350 }
351 }
352 $this->throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $failed );
353 return true;
354 }
356 protected function doWaitForBackups() {
357 $failed = 0;
359 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
360 try {
361 $queue->waitForBackups();
362 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
363 ++$failed;
364 $this->logException( $e );
365 }
366 }
367 $this->throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $failed );
368 }
370 protected function doFlushCaches() {
372 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
373 $queue->doFlushCaches();
374 }
375 }
377 public function getAllQueuedJobs() {
378 $iterator = new AppendIterator();
381 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
382 $iterator->append( $queue->getAllQueuedJobs() );
383 }
385 return $iterator;
386 }
388 public function getAllDelayedJobs() {
389 $iterator = new AppendIterator();
392 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
393 $iterator->append( $queue->getAllDelayedJobs() );
394 }
396 return $iterator;
397 }
399 public function getAllAcquiredJobs() {
400 $iterator = new AppendIterator();
403 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
404 $iterator->append( $queue->getAllAcquiredJobs() );
405 }
407 return $iterator;
408 }
410 public function getAllAbandonedJobs() {
411 $iterator = new AppendIterator();
414 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
415 $iterator->append( $queue->getAllAbandonedJobs() );
416 }
418 return $iterator;
419 }
421 public function getCoalesceLocationInternal() {
422 return "JobQueueFederated:wiki:{$this->domain}" .
423 sha1( serialize( array_keys( $this->partitionQueues ) ) );
424 }
426 protected function doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs( array $types ) {
427 $result = [];
429 $failed = 0;
431 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
432 try {
433 $nonEmpty = $queue->doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs( $types );
434 if ( is_array( $nonEmpty ) ) {
435 $result = array_unique( array_merge( $result, $nonEmpty ) );
436 } else {
437 return null; // not supported on all partitions; bail
438 }
439 if ( count( $result ) == count( $types ) ) {
440 break; // short-circuit
441 }
442 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
443 ++$failed;
444 $this->logException( $e );
445 }
446 }
447 $this->throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $failed );
449 return array_values( $result );
450 }
452 protected function doGetSiblingQueueSizes( array $types ) {
453 $result = [];
454 $failed = 0;
456 foreach ( $this->partitionQueues as $queue ) {
457 try {
458 $sizes = $queue->doGetSiblingQueueSizes( $types );
459 if ( is_array( $sizes ) ) {
460 foreach ( $sizes as $type => $size ) {
461 $result[$type] = isset( $result[$type] ) ? $result[$type] + $size : $size;
462 }
463 } else {
464 return null; // not supported on all partitions; bail
465 }
466 } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) {
467 ++$failed;
468 $this->logException( $e );
469 }
470 }
471 $this->throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $failed );
473 return $result;
474 }
476 protected function logException( Exception $e ) {
477 wfDebugLog( 'JobQueueFederated', $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() );
478 }
487 protected function throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $down ) {
488 if ( $down >= count( $this->partitionQueues ) ) {
489 throw new JobQueueError( 'No queue partitions available.' );
490 }
491 }
and that you know you can do these things To protect your we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the or if you modify it For if you distribute copies of such a whether gratis or for a you must give the recipients all the rights that you have You must make sure that receive or can get the source code And you must show them these terms so they know their rights We protect your rights with two and(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy
wfDebugLog( $logGroup, $text, $dest='all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not.
Convenience class for weighted consistent hash rings.
Definition HashRing.php:39
Get the map of "live" locations to weight (does not include zero weight items)
Definition HashRing.php:247
getLiveLocation( $item)
Get the location of an item on the "live" ring.
Definition HashRing.php:225
ejectFromLiveRing( $location, $ttl)
Remove a location from the "live" hash ring.
Definition HashRing.php:205
Class to handle enqueueing and running of background jobs for federated queues.
Get an iterator to traverse over all delayed jobs in this queue.
doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs(array $types)
tryJobInsertions(array $jobs, HashRing &$partitionRing, $flags)
doGetSiblingQueueSizes(array $types)
Get an iterator to traverse over all claimed jobs in this queue.
Get the default queue order to use if configuration does not specify one.
doDeduplicateRootJob(IJobSpecification $job)
int $maxPartitionsTry
Maximum number of partitions to try.
doBatchPush(array $jobs, $flags)
Find out if delayed jobs are supported for configuration validation.
Do not use this function outside of JobQueue/JobQueueGroup.
JobQueue[] $partitionQueues
(partition name => JobQueue) reverse sorted by weight
throwErrorIfAllPartitionsDown( $down)
Throw an error if no partitions available.
getCrossPartitionSum( $type, $method)
Get an iterator to traverse over all abandoned jobs in this queue.
logException(Exception $e)
doIsRootJobOldDuplicate(Job $job)
Get the allowed queue orders for configuration validation.
__construct(array $params)
Get an iterator to traverse over all available jobs in this queue.
Class to handle enqueueing and running of background jobs.
Definition JobQueue.php:31
string $type
Job type.
Definition JobQueue.php:35
static factory(array $params)
Get a job queue object of the specified type.
Definition JobQueue.php:106
string $domain
DB domain ID.
Definition JobQueue.php:33
Class to both describe a background job and handle jobs.
Definition Job.php:30
MediaWiki exception.
namespace being checked & $result
Definition hooks.txt:2340
usually copyright or history_copyright This message must be in HTML not wikitext if the section is included from a template $section
Definition hooks.txt:3070
returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition hooks.txt:2175
Job queue task description interface.
The wiki should then use memcached to cache various data To use multiple just add more items to the array To increase the weight of a make its entry a array("", 2))
if(count( $args)< 1) $job